Home Where to relax Presentation on the topic Kuril Nature Reserve. Nature reserve "Kurilsky": photos and description

Presentation on the topic Kuril Nature Reserve. Nature reserve "Kurilsky": photos and description

The island's avifauna is the richest, with more than 260 species of 18 orders. The species composition of terrestrial vertebrates is not very rich. The largest representative of the fauna is the brown bear. There are also fox, sable, weasel, European mink acclimatized in the early 80s, hare, mouse-like rodents - red-gray vole, Japanese mouse, Shikotan vole, gray rat, 5 species of shrews. 7 species of bats have been recorded. Salmon species native to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk live here. In the freshwater reservoirs of the island, there are 22 species of fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, chum salmon, Sakhalin taimen, rudd, malma, catfish smelt, smallmouth smelt, stickleback, river flounder, etc.). In the coastal waters there are largo or common seal, sea lion, Kuril sea otter, northern fur seal, several species of cetaceans (killer whale, humpback whale, gray dolphin, etc.). The herpetofauna includes 4 species: 3 species of snakes and 1 species of lizard - the Far Eastern skink. There are 3 species of amphibians found on the island. The invertebrate fauna is rich, unique, original and practically unstudied. A total of 684 species of invertebrates are listed in the Nature Chronicle of the reserve, including 617 species of insects. But this is far from a complete list. Almost every research expedition of this profile finds species of invertebrates previously not recorded for the area.

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Kuril Nature ReserveThe presentation was made by a primary school teacher at MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Lyubov Nikolaevna Bespalova. In 1984, the first Kuril Nature Reserve in the Sakhalin Region was organized on Kunashir Island and the small islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge. Consists of 3 sections. Area 65,365 hectares. The territory exhibits active volcanic activity: thermal springs, hot gas outlets. There are many inactive volcanoes. On the island of Kunashir there is the Tyatya volcano, the cone of which is distinguished by its remarkable regularity of shape. Volcano Tyatya (1819 meters) is considered one of the highest on the island and most beautiful in the world in terms of beauty and regularity of form. Previously, there was a village called Tyatino in this area, but after a strong volcanic eruption in 1973, people left it.
ppt_yppt_yppt_y Boiling lake in the caldera of Golovnin volcano. It, of course, does not boil, the water in it is hot, and it gurgles from the sulfur dioxide gases released. The smell near the lake is suffocating. Then the water flows down the stream into the Hot Lake.
A stream through which water flows into Lake Goryacheye. Hot lake.
Pacific coast. Ancient lava flows with a columnar structure. Cape Stolbchaty is a unique geological formation in the form of a solid stone ledge rising on the very shore of the sea like a high sheer wall. The erupted volcanic rocks formed narrow 4-, 5- and 6-coal columns, the so-called columnar units.

Fumaroles are cracks and holes located in craters, on slopes, at the foot of volcanoes and serving as sources of hot gases. Bird Waterfall. The largest waterfall on the island (12 meters), the most beautiful object in Kunashir. It was formed at the confluence of the Ptichaya River into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Huge accumulations of fish form in the hole in front of the waterfall during the salmon spawning period.
ClimateThe climate is maritime monsoon, characterized by relatively warm winters and cool summers with many foggy days. The average monthly air temperature in the warmest month (August) reaches 15.5 degrees. The coldest (February) is -4.6 degrees. VegetationThe basis of the vegetation cover is made up of forests, which cover more than 70% of the protected area. Dark coniferous forests account for 60% of the forested area. Of the rare plant species included in the Red Book of Russia, the Kuril Nature Reserve includes cordate aralia, large-flowered and true slippers, Maksimovich birch, jagged and curly oaks, etc. Heart-shaped aralia
ppt_yppt_yppt_y Grandiflora slipper (orchid)
style.rotation Maksimovich birch Serrated and curly oak Japanese maple Rhododendron Chonossky (ornamental shrub) Fauna The largest animal is the brown bear. The sable lives in coniferous forests. Foxes and white hare are numerous. Weasel and ermine are rare. Among the insectivores, there are clawed and Far Eastern shrews. Of the 227 species of birds recorded on Kunashir Island, 107 reliably nest, the rest are migratory, migratory and wintering.
The most protected speciesThe most protected species: Birds: Japanese crane, kloktuna, curlew, small swan, mandarin duck, eagle owl, fish eagle owl, Egyptian heron. Mammals: sea otter, humpback whale, killer whale, sea lion, sable, seal. Bony fish: chum salmon, masu salmon , Sakhalin taimen. Reptiles: Japanese skink

MANDARINKA small duck, weighs 0.4-0.7 kg. Remarkable for its coloring. Swims well. She rarely dives, only when wounded. It takes off easily, sometimes almost straight up. Unlike most ducks, the mandarin duck can often be seen sitting on tree branches or on coastal rocks (semi-arboreal lifestyle). The female has a more modest coloration. They feed on seeds, mainly acorns, and aquatic plants. JAPANESE CRANE Perhaps the most beautiful of the cranes: snow-white, with a velvet-black head and neck. He is also one of the largest cranes: height is just over 150 cm, weight of males is 10-12 kg. The Japanese crane feeds on mixed food, but among our cranes it is the most animal-eating. The food is based on fish, frogs and aquatic invertebrates - crustaceans, mollusks, larvae of aquatic beetles. The eagle owl has a total length of 62-72 cm, with a wingspan of 150-180 cm, with a wing length of 41-52 cm, and weighs 2.1-3.2 kg. Females are noticeably larger than males. The eagle owl is a nocturnal and crepuscular bird, but in the north it also hunts during the day. The eagle owl feeds on mammals - from hares to small mouse-like and insectivores. Rodents constitute the preferred food. Occasionally, eagle owls also attack larger animals (female roe deer, young mountain goats). Birds also occupy a large place in the eagle owl's diet. Occasionally, eagle owls feed on frogs and even fish. Otter Otter is entirely a sea animal. The sea otter (Kamchatka beaver) is a large animal: its length is 136 cm, its tail length is 30-36 cm and its weight is up to 40 kg. Sea otter fur is so valuable that this animal was mercilessly exterminated in the past. Catherine II had a fur coat made from a sea otter. Fur can last up to 300 years. The skin of the sea otter is extraordinary: it seems to “sit” freely on it. The sea otter's fur is black-brown, with gray hair, extremely dense, warm, and durable. In the water, the sea otter is in its native element, swims quickly (up to 12-16 km/h), dives deeply, and frolics.
The sea otter feeds mainly on sea urchins, all kinds of mollusks, fish, starfish, crabs, and algae. It grabs prey with its teeth and front paws, presses it to its chest, and when it emerges, it lies on its back and places food in the folds of its skin. From here he takes out one hedgehog after another, breaks off the needles with his paws and teeth, gnaws through the shell and eats away the soft tissue.
JAPANESE SKINK Young lizards of this species are blackish-brown above with five light longitudinal stripes that disappear on the tail. In adult skinks, these stripes disappear, and they acquire a single-color olive-gray color, against which only more or less wide dark stripes on the sides of the body stand out. The length of the Japanese skink does not exceed 18-20 cm. SAKHALIN TAIMEN Sakhalin taimen reaches more than 1 m in length and 25-30 kg of weight. Its meat is very tasty and fatty. In the sea, the color of taimen is silvery; in the river, the body acquires a reddish tint, like that of an ordinary taimen, and 5-8 light crimson transverse stripes are formed on the sides. Like other taimen, it feeds mainly on small fish. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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    Kuril Nature Reserve

    Location: The Kurilsky Nature Reserve is located in the South Kuril region of the Sakhalin region on the island of Kunashir and the adjacent islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge (Demina, Oskolki (Foxes, Shishki; rocks Peshernaya, Parus, Svecha, Kira)) Kunashir Island is the southernmost island of the Bolshoi Island Kuril ridge, separated from Japan by a narrow strait. The island stretches from southwest to northeast for 123 km. In the northern part, the island expands to 30 km, and in some places narrows to 4 km. The total area of ​​the reserve is 65,365 hectares, the area of ​​protective zones is 41,465 (excluding marine waters). The central estate of the reserve is located in the village. Yuzhno-Kurilsk (administrative center of the Yuzhno-Kuril region). The Kurilsky Nature Reserve consists of three separate sections: section No. 1 Northern Kunashirsky, area 49,899 hectares; site No. 2 South Kunashirsky, area 15366 hectares; section of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, area 100 hectares.

    General information. Relief: The mountainous nature of the relief is determined by volcanic structures. The basis of the Tyatinsky section of the reserve is the unique volcanic Dokuchaev ridge (peaks 900 - 1180 m above sea level), in its highest part ending in the north with the Ruruy volcano (1486 m). The highest point of the island is the Tyatya volcano (1819 m). This is the second largest volcano of the Kuril Islands. North of the Tyatya volcano is the Lovtsova Peninsula. It is separated from the main part of the island by the low Kruglovsky Isthmus. The relief of the peninsula is hilly. The basis of the Alekhinsky section of the reserve is the caldera of the Golovnin volcano (541 m) with the Sernovodsky isthmus adjacent to it from the north, most of which is occupied by lake. Sandy. The relief of this part of the island is smoother, with soft outlines of the slopes of low hills.

    Climate: The climate is maritime monsoon, characterized by relatively warm winters and cool summers with many foggy days. The average monthly air temperature in the warmest month (August) reaches 15.5 degrees. C, the coldest (February) -4.6 degrees. C. The average annual precipitation over the last decade was 1294.4 mm. The wind regime is characterized by a well-defined seasonal circulation, with the winter, spring and autumn monsoons being more pronounced than the summer monsoon. In winter (December - March) north-west winds prevail. In spring, the frequency of winds in northwestern, northeastern and southern directions is high. In summer the prevailing winds are northeast, east, southeast and south. In autumn the winds change. An increase in northwestern winds is observed. The average wind speed for the year is 4.8 m/s. The windiest period is autumn. At the same time, so-called typhoons (tropical cyclones) are frequent, characterized by hurricane-force winds of 25 - 30 m/s and large amounts of precipitation. A significant difference in microclimatic conditions is observed on the Pacific (washed by a cold current) and Okhotsk (washed by a wandering branch of a warm current) coasts of the island. Conditions also differ on mountain ranges and volcanoes - due to the manifestation of an altitudinal gradient.

    Flora: 838 species of vascular plants belonging to 414 genera and 125 families have been recorded. The basis of the vegetation cover in the reserve is made up of forests, which cover more than 70% of its territory. Dark coniferous forests account for 60% of the forested area. Broad-leaved forests occupy small areas. Forests are characterized by a large participation of woody trees, lianas, and shrubs. The vertical zonation of vegetation is well expressed on the Tyatya and Ruruy volcanoes. At the foot of the volcanoes, broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests grow; fir-spruce forests are noted up to an absolute height of 600 - 700 m. The sea coast is characterized by thickets of rose hips Rosa rugosa, confined to sandy shafts.

    Volcano Tyatya:

    Ruruy Volcano

    Fauna: The island's avifauna is the richest, with more than 260 species of 18 orders. The species composition of terrestrial vertebrates is not very rich. The largest representative of the fauna is the brown bear. There are also fox, sable, weasel, European mink acclimatized in the early 80s, hare, mouse-like rodents - red-gray vole, Japanese mouse, Shikotan vole, gray rat, 5 species of shrews. 7 species of bats have been recorded. Salmon species native to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk live here. In the freshwater reservoirs of the island, there are 22 species of fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, masu salmon, Sakhalin taimen, rudd, malma, catfish smelt, smallmouth smelt, stickleback, river flounder, etc.). In the coastal waters there are spotted larga or common seal, sea lion, Kuril sea otter, northern fur seal, several species of cetaceans (killer whale, humpback whale, gray dolphin, etc.). The herpetofauna includes 4 species: 3 species of snakes and 1 species of lizard - the Far Eastern skink. There are 3 species of amphibians found on the island. The invertebrate fauna is rich, unique, original and practically unstudied. A total of 684 species of invertebrates are listed in the Nature Chronicle of the reserve, including 617 species of insects. But this is far from a complete list. Almost every research expedition of this profile finds species of invertebrates previously not recorded for the area.

    Kuril guillemot:

    Brown bear:

    End. The presentation was made by 8th grade student “A” Dovgaya Anna. 2013

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    Location and history of the creation of the Kuril Nature Reserve

    The Kurilsky Nature Reserve is located in the South Kuril region of the Sakhalin region on the island of Kunashir and the adjacent islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge (Demina, Oskolki (Foxes, Shishki; rocks Peshernaya, Parus, Svecha, Kira)) Kunashir Island is the southernmost island of the Greater Kuril ridge , separated from Japan by a narrow strait. The island stretches from southwest to northeast for 123 km. In the northern part, the island expands to 30 km, and in some places narrows to 4 km. The total area of ​​the reserve is 65,365 hectares, the area of ​​protective zones is 41,465 (excluding marine waters). The central estate of the reserve is located in the village. Yuzhno-Kurilsk (administrative center of the Yuzhno-Kuril region). The Kurilsky Nature Reserve consists of three separate sections: section No. 1 Northern Kunashirsky, area 49,899 hectares; site No. 2 South Kunashirsky, area 15366 hectares; section of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, area 100 hectares.

    The federal biological reserve "Lesser Kuriles", administratively subordinate to the "Kurilsky" reserve, was established by order of the Chief Hunting Directorate of the RSFSR dated May 13, 1983. No. 163. The "Lesser Kuriles" reserve is located within the South Kuril region of the Sakhalin region on the islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge: Shikotan, Zeleny, Yuri, Tanfilyeva, Anuchina with adjacent rocks, beams, reefs and a one-mile area of ​​territorial waters of our country. The total area of ​​the reserve is 45,000 hectares, of which 19,800 hectares are land plots, and the water area is 25,200 hectares. The central estate is located on the island of Shikotan in the village. Krabozavodskoe.

    Nature of the Kuril Nature Reserve

    The caldera of the Golovnin volcano is unique from various points of view: from a scientific point of view - manifestations of modern volcanism, the originality of vegetation, rare entomofauna (relict species), the originality of soils, geological structure, geothermal manifestations; From an aesthetic point of view, the most beautiful natural object in the southern part of Kunashir is a huge volcanic basin with the mirror-like Lake Goryacheye and the muddy, milky Lake Boiling, separated from each other by domes of magma squeezed out during the last eruption.

    Volcano Tyatya. On the slopes of the volcano (1819m) the altitudinal zonation of vegetation is most clearly represented. From an aesthetic point of view, this is the most beautiful natural site in the northern part of Kunashir. Volcano Tyatya is considered one of the most beautiful in the world in terms of beauty and regularity of form. Using the example of the side crater Otvazhny, which was formed as a result of the last volcanic eruption in 1973, the central crater at the top, and the maars on the northern slope of the volcano, the possibility of scientific study of the entire complex of manifestations of modern volcanism is presented.

    Bird Waterfall. The largest waterfall on the island (12 m), the most beautiful object in Kunashir. It was formed at the confluence of the Ptichaya River into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Huge accumulations of fish form in the hole in front of the waterfall during the salmon spawning season. The Ptichya River, despite its extreme inaccessibility, from the point of view of ecotourism is an extremely promising object of the reserve. Ptichya is the second largest river in Kunashir; along its entire length it is a series of waterfalls. The color of the water changes from blue to completely transparent. Apparently, there are mineral springs in the upper reaches of Ptichaya.

    The group of spawning rivers Tyatina, Saratovka, Nochka are of particular value as the core of salmon spawning in the Tyatinsky forestry of the reserve. Most of the natural spawning areas of the island are concentrated in this area of ​​Kunashir. In addition, this is the habitat of a unique population of brown bear, the density of which here reaches 1-2 individuals. per 1 sq. km. Here you can observe such rare birds as the fish owl, great piebald kingfisher, and white-tailed eagle.

    Biotopic complex of broad-leaved forests in the Alyokhino region. It is of interest in terms of studying rare species of plants and animals (entomo- and avifauna). In addition, there are hydrothermal outlets (on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk) and the largest fumarole on Kunashir Island. In the Alyokhino area there were sites of primitive people, Ainu and Japanese settlements, that is, this place is also of interest from an archaeological and historical point of view.

    The biotopic complexes of mixed forests in the Vodopadnaya-Svetlaya river region are of interest as the habitat for most species of forest plants found on the island. In addition, this is the only place in Kunashir where Chinese lemongrass bears fruit en masse.

    Cape Stolbchaty is a unique geological formation in the form of a solid stone ledge rising on the very shore of the sea like a high sheer wall. The erupted volcanic rocks formed narrow 4-, 5- and 6-coal columns, the so-called columnar units. At the foot of the columnar wall, polished bars lie in disarray, like sawed-off firewood. The coastal platform, leveled by sea waves, creates the illusion of a paved parquet, and the single pillars that have been preserved from destruction look like the remains of a broken fence.

    On the territory of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve and its protective zones there are archaeological and ethnographic monuments (sites of ancient man, Ainu settlements). In addition, on the territory of the reserve and its protective zones there are a number of thermal water outlets: Lake Boiling, in the caldera of Volk. Golovnina. The lake water is carbonic acid, strongly acidic, slightly mineralized, sulfate-chloride, calcium-sodium. The lake water has an increased content of biologically active components: silicic acid, iron, hydrogen sulfide, phosphorus; complex of thermal springs "Nekuchenskie" at the foot of the volcano. Ruruy. The waters of the sources are slightly mineralized, sulfate-hydrocarbonate with different cationic composition; thermal springs "Stolbovskie" in the Stolbchaty metro area, security zone. The springs belong to slightly acidic, medium-mineralized, sulfate-chloride, sodium thermal baths.

    There are 1215 species of vascular plants growing in the Southern Kuril Islands. There are 1055 species in the flora of Kunashir Island. Among the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, the greatest diversity of species is noted on the largest of them, Shikotan Island - 668 species. In the flora of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve and its protective zones, there are 835 species of vascular plants belonging to 443 genera and 126 families, which is 78% of the total number of species in the flora of Kunashir Island and about 60% in the flora of the Kuril Islands as a whole. Including 467 species found in the Tyatinsky forestry, 713 in the Alekhinsky forestry, and 41 species in the Malokurilsky area (Demina Islands).

    In the flora of protected natural areas of the southern Kuril Islands, which include the Kurilsky Nature Reserve and the Small Kuriles Nature Reserve, 891 species were identified, or 64% of the total species composition of the Kuril flora. The flora of the protected part of Kunashir Island is characterized by the greatest taxonomic richness. In the South Kuril region there are “southern” species with an East Asian habitat and “northern” species, characteristic of zones with a harsh climate. There are 24 species of vascular plants listed in the IUCN Red Book; they are globally rare and on the verge of extinction. In addition, 44 species of plants and mushrooms listed in the Red Book of Russia grow on the territory of the reserve and sanctuary. One of the characteristic features of the flora of Kunashir is the extremely small number of endemics, compared to other islands quite distant from the mainland. Another characteristic feature is the rare occurrence of most species. Among the background landscape species, we should highlight bamboo, dwarf cedar, Sakhalin fir, Ayan spruce, stone birch, rugose rose hips, Sakhalin mountaineer (Sakhalin knotweed), and Kamchatka meadowsweet. In general, according to the nature of the vegetation cover and the distribution of individual species, Kunashir Island belongs to the South Kuril region of the South Kuril-Hokkaido district of the Sakhalin-Hokkaido province of the East Asian floristic region. The flora of Kunashir is basically a derivative of two floristic centers - Beringian and Japanese. This is an area of ​​dark coniferous and mixed forests with a large number of southern elements and two subdistricts: a subdistrict of broad-leaved forests - the southern part of the island - Alekhinskoye forestry, a subdistrict of dark coniferous forests - the rest of Kunashir - Tyatinskoye forestry. Here lies the northern border of the distribution of magnolia obovate, dentate oak, Maksimovich birch, Glen spruce, Amur lilac, Chonos rhododendron, Manchurian ash, actinidia argut, etc.

    Animals of the Kuril Nature Reserve

    The island's avifauna is the richest, with more than 260 species of 18 orders. The species composition of terrestrial vertebrates is not very rich. The largest representative of the fauna is the brown bear. There are also fox, sable, weasel, European mink acclimatized in the early 80s, hare, mouse-like rodents - red-gray vole, Japanese mouse, Shikotan vole, gray rat, 5 species of shrews. 7 species of bats have been recorded. Salmon species native to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk live here. In the freshwater reservoirs of the island, there are 22 species of fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, masu salmon, Sakhalin taimen, rudd, malma, catfish smelt, smallmouth smelt, stickleback, river flounder, etc.).

    In the coastal waters there are spotted larga or common seal, sea lion, Kuril sea otter, northern fur seal, several species of cetaceans (killer whale, humpback whale, gray dolphin, etc.).

    The herpetofauna includes 4 species: 3 species of snakes and 1 species of lizard - the Far Eastern skink. There are 3 species of amphibians found on the island. The invertebrate fauna is rich, unique, original and practically unstudied. A total of 684 species of invertebrates are listed in the Nature Chronicle of the reserve, including 617 species of insects. But this is far from a complete list. Almost every research expedition of this profile finds species of invertebrates previously not recorded for the area.

    The most protected species:

    Birds: Japanese crane, kloktun, curlew, small swan, mandarin duck, eagle owl, fish eagle owl, Egyptian heron

    Mammals: sea ​​otter, humpback whale, killer whale, sea lion, sable, seal

    Bony fish: chum salmon, sima, Sakhalin taimen

    Reptiles or reptiles: Japanese skink

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