Home Where to rest G Nessebar Bulgaria. Old Nessebar

G Nessebar Bulgaria. Old Nessebar

A very long time ago, about three thousand years ago, on a small peninsula, a little over 800 meters long and only 300 meters wide, a fishing town was founded, which has now turned into a beautiful and interesting museum city for tourists, included in the UNESCO list, as a settlement belonging to the world cultural heritage. A winding dam 400 meters long leads to Old Nessebar, on the sides of which the gentle warm sea splashes, swans sway on the waves, and an old mill stands on the road. Tourists, entering Old Nessebar, plunge into the romance of the ancient, as if descended from the pages of fairy tales, narrow streets. Everything here is saturated with history, and the cobbled streets still keep the echo of the steps of people who walked along them in ancient times.

Old city

Behind the dam, right behind the monument to the patron saint of fishermen - St. Nicholas - parking lots for cars were built, since entry into the city protected by UNESCO is, of course, prohibited, but this circumstance should not frighten tourists, because it is not difficult to get around the peninsula, and you can have a bite to eat in cozy coffee houses or restaurants that can be found on any street. There are many small shops selling all sorts of things and street stalls in the city, you can even buy freshly caught fish in the local port. Particularly interesting are the paintings sold on the streets by local artists, which you can buy for yourself as a souvenir. To fully feel the atmosphere of this amazing city, you can rent accommodation in local houses of colorful construction, where a spacious wooden second floor is erected on the stone foundation of the first floor.


Every year, archaeologists find traces of ancient civilizations and cultures lost in the millennia on the peninsula. Once, around the end of the seventh century BC, Melsambria, a Thracian settlement, was built in these places. Centuries later, the settlement turned into a city leading a lively trade with the countries of the Black Sea and Mediterranean coast. Archaeological finds dating back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC, when Nessebar reached its peak, can be seen in the city's archaeological museum. Natural disasters that occurred in antiquity did not bypass the peninsula either, almost half of its lands were swallowed up by the sea, and today, when the sea is calm and the weather is clear, you can see the remains of the ancient port, fortress walls and towers hidden at a depth of about a hundred meters from the coast .

Old Nessebar survived both the rule of the Roman Empire and the entry into the Byzantine Empire. The ruins of limestone towers, fortress walls, temples and aqueducts remind of those times. In 1304, Byzantine rule came to an end and Nessebar was annexed to Bulgaria by the Bulgarian king Theodore Svyatoslav Terter. Unfortunately, in the fifteenth century the city fell during the devastating war against the Turks for Bulgaria. Many unique architectural monuments, churches and even fortress walls were destroyed. For a long time, Old Nessebar was a “provincial” town, where residents lived off fishing and agriculture, and only in the twentieth century the city began to develop intensively thanks to the actively developing tourism in Bulgaria.

Sights of Old Nessebar

The main sights of the city include the architecture of houses built during the Bulgarian Revival period, that is, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Roofs and balconies of white-stone buildings with wooden bay windows are decorated with reliefs and fine, skillfully executed carvings. You can get acquainted with the life of the inhabitants of this fertile era in the ethnographic museum.

The archaeological museum, opened in 1994, is very interesting in terms of its exposition, in which visitors can see gold coins and jewelry from the Thracian era and finds dating back to the era of Roman rule. This museum has a large collection of icons.

The miraculous icon of the Holy Virgin is located in the current church of the Most Holy Theotokos and believers on the eve of the holiday dedicated to the Holy Virgin come to her in the hope of being healed of their ailments. Some surviving churches have been turned into art galleries. The famous churches of Old Nessebar include the Church of St. Stephen, inside of which a carved iconostasis of the sixteenth century has been preserved. The temple acts as a museum and the entrance fee is 5 leva for adults and 2 leva for children.

The true pearl of the architecture of Old Nessebar is the Cathedral of Christ the Pantocrator.

The ancient town of Nessebar will enchant with its amazing history and unique beauty. Here you can enjoy delicious exotic dishes prepared from seafood, and stay at the hotels of the peninsula, which have a high level of service.

Excellent tourist infrastructure of Nessebar

Nessebar, Bulgaria is the main administrative center of the community of the same name. Today, the community includes 3 cities, 11 villages and one resort complex, which does not have the status of a settlement (Sunny Beach), with a total population of 22.348 people. At the same time, the population of Nessebar is approximately 11.366.

Currently community of Nessebar is the largest tourist conglomerate in Bulgaria: Nessebar, Sunny Beach, Elenite And Review. Oh, and let's not forget the small villages scattered around this "monster", which do nothing but serve these cities and resorts with cheap labor and agricultural products.

Tourism is the main economic sector and the main source of income for the community of Nessebar. Just imagine that for such a small population, the community has:

  • 730 hotels (mainly 2-3 stars);
  • 2.923 private apartments (only officially registered for tourism activities);
  • 155.218 beds (the number of guests that can be in the community at the same time, counting "bed-bed / 1 person);
  • 3.537 establishments of various kinds (bars, restaurants, cafes, etc.).

Plus, only in Nessebar itself are:

  • City Hall, police, post office, bus station in the "old town";
  • Three medical institutions (not counting small private offices);
  • More than 15 parking lots (including the old and new city);
  • Gas station;
  • Two parks;
  • Three large supermarkets (excluding small private shops);
  • 12 banks, ATMs and exchange offices;
  • Tourist information center.

The best prices for tours to Bulgaria

"Old" and "new" town - Nessebar, Bulgaria

An isthmus 400 meters long connects Old city with new part Nessebar

It should be noted that he Nessebar is divided into a new part and Old city"- the one that is included in the UNESCO world heritage. The new part of the city consists of two blocks and is home to half of the community's population. "Old city"- this is a kind of open-air museum, the Bulgarian "Dubrovnik", where the Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Bulgarians and Turks left various traces of their stay.

Despite this division, these two parts of the city could hardly exist one without the other. Why? The new part offers something that the old part doesn't have - a huge number of sleeping places (hotels) and fantastic beaches. "Old city" in turn, has everything that cannot be found on everything Black Sea coast of Bulgaria: 3,000 years of history and an elusive feeling when it seems that time has stopped and there is no past or future - only the present.

"Old city" Nessebar- this is a small island surrounded by the sea and connected to the land by a small isthmus, 400 m long. It is along this isthmus, on foot or by car, that you will enter the territory old town of Nessebar.

The island itself is 850 m long, and its width is only 300 m. The height at sea level is from 0 - 49 m. In the past, the isthmus was constantly flooded with water during a storm, until it was finally strengthened. And the island itself was much larger. However, many centuries ago, during one of the earthquakes, 1/3 went under water. Today, underwater evidence of the ancient old town of Nessebar, can be observed from the air or in the southern part Nessebar, near the sea pier.

Nessebar, Bulgaria - the pride of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria

Nessebar is one of the most visited tourist sites in Bulgaria. Every step along the narrow street, every old house, every fig tree and vine is a trace of the history of the 3,000 year old city.

Sometime in Nessebar there were 40 churches, however, today traces of only 23 have survived. Three millenniums of the history of this city could not be ignored by the international community. In 1982, " Old city» Nessebar, also known in antiquity as Melsambria, has been awarded and protected by UNESCO as a source of world heritage. Founded at the end of the Bronze Age, Nessebar is one of the spiritual centers of Christianity. That is why the city is so well preserved: even the invaders did not raise a hand to destroy the symbols and stronghold of religion.

Narrow streets Nessebar rather resemble an oriental bazaar, where merchants sell useless rubbish: souvenirs, spices, sweets and clothes. The market here is purely tourist-oriented, that is, all goods are nothing more than a fake under a well-known brand, or even just homemade. They sell everything at exorbitant prices, despite the modest quality of products and services.

Currently Nessebar- pride Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The city, of course, suffers greatly from this. The crowds of vacationers and the commercialization of the old city have been repeatedly criticized by international institutions. Today, stalls and various establishments in Nessebar have the highest density per square meter in all of Bulgaria.

The popularity of the city makes prices inexorably creep up. So, for lunch at a restaurant, a cup of coffee in a local cafe or some souvenir, you will pay two or even three times more than anywhere else in Bulgaria. The "price-quality" ratio is the best demonstrated in old town of Nessebar, in a negative sense naturally. small area old city serves as an excellent factor from its further development and commercialization. Because there is simply nowhere to build and expand.

Coast old Nessebar smells like seaweed. Many will say that this is a disadvantage, and they will be right. However, the following fact has been scientifically proven - algae in the water appear where (usually in ports) where the water is heavily polluted. Seagrass is nature's answer to clean up the sea. So do not worry - the sea water on the coast around Nessebar is safe for marine procedures.

So let's recap...

Nessebar, Bulgaria - advantages:

  • Geographical position - only 25 - 40 minutes from the international Burgas airport;
  • Perfectly developed infrastructure of the city: healthcare, transport, tourist services, etc.;
  • History of Nessebar: monuments of architecture, religion and nature;
  • A huge selection of entertainment, as well as hotels, restaurants, beaches, etc.

Nessebar, Bulgaria - disadvantages:

  • Universal commercialization under the motto "the more the better";
  • High prices in old town for products and services;
  • The obsession of merchants, restaurant barkers, and sometimes gypsies;
  • Crowds of tourists and heat in the high season can ruin your vacation.

Being prepared and knowing some of the nuances of the city can save not only your time, but also money. We have prepared answers to the most popular questions about holidays in Nessebar, as well as our tips and recommendations.

01 Entry to "Old city" prohibited. If you decide to visit Nessebar by car, use paid parking immediately before entering the isthmus on the right side, or when passing the isthmus turn left, along the pier. There is another, just a huge paid parking lot. How much is parking? 2 leva per hour;

02 Keep in mind that all toilets in old town paid. The cost of going to the toilet, depending on the location - 1 lev. If the toilet is paid, this does not mean that it is clean, unfortunately;

03 At the entrance to Old city, at the main gate, as well as near other popular attractions, gypsies usually "operate". They are quite stubborn and arrogant, so do not give in! In the most harmless situations, gypsies try to hang some kind of bracelet on your hand, the red price of which is no more than 0.50 stotinki. In turn, they will try to sell it to you for a fantastic price, say 10 - 20 leva. Pass by and ignore. Many tourists who are unfamiliar with the gypsy "culture" succumb to provocations and only in order to get rid of obsessive gypsies buy the most expensive trinket in their lives;

04 Every restaurant in Nessebar called her. And since the restaurants in old town are located at almost every step, it gets boring very quickly. Barkers have some percentage of your account, so they act confidently and quickly. Before you have time to change your mind, you will find yourself in one of the restaurants. Even though no one was going to have dinner?!

05 Food facilities in old town purely tourist oriented. Do not rely on variety - the menu does not vary much from restaurant to restaurant. What about prices? Twice as high as in new Nessebar or in the same Sunny Beach and 3 times more expensive than in other settlements on Bulgarian coast;

06 The quality of cooked food also leaves much to be desired. Especially for such a price! In each restaurant you will be offered fresh fish. This is a wonderful and very tasty product, but you will have to pay for such a pleasure from 20 leva per person. Incredible price by Bulgarian standards. But what you should never buy in Nessebar restaurants is any breaded seafood and grilled vegetables;

07 How to choose the right restaurant in Nessebar? This rule applies not only to Nessebar, but also to other sea resorts. Take a closer look....where do the local Bulgarians eat? Or do you think they can afford dinner for 30 leva? In Nessebar, these are restaurants along the port, just behind the bus stop, on the right side of the main gate. And tasty and cheap, and the sea views are no worse than in the most expensive restaurants in the city;

08 Illegal money changers. Yes, they even meet here. They crowd mainly near exchange offices, offering passers-by and customers a more favorable exchange rate. As we ourselves know, no one has yet won on this, while losing some part or all of their money;

09 Paying with a card in Nessebar, as well as in Bulgaria as a whole, is still not accepted (there are no possibilities). Local ATMs will help you withdraw cash.

Nessebar (Nesebar in Bulgarian) is a beautiful town on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Excursions to Nessebar are offered to tourists of all Bulgarian resorts, and rightly so: the city is worth seeing. Reviews about Nessebar are always enthusiastic.
The city is divided into two parts: old Nessebar is located on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow road. New Nessebar is located on the coast - it is a resort town, in which, in addition to hotels, there are also ordinary residential buildings. However, people also live in old Nessebar.

History of Nessebar

Archaeological excavations in Nessebar continue The first finds on the territory of old Nessebar belong to the XII-XI centuries BC. It is believed that the city was founded by the Thracians, or rather, a certain Mena, in whose honor the settlement was named Menebria. Later the city became a Greek and then a Roman colony (Mesembria), then it was included in the Byzantine Empire, then - in the Bulgarian state.
During the Ottoman yoke, the city was gradually destroyed and ruined. First of all, this concerned Christian churches, of which there are many in the territory of the old city. During the Bulgarian renaissance, the town was built up with houses in a characteristic style: a stone ground floor with small windows and a wooden second floor protruding above it.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the city began to develop as a resort. In 1934, Nessebar was returned to its Bulgarian name - Nessebar (the Turks used the name Mesemvria). In the 50s, the mainland part of the city began to develop - the so-called. New Nessebar. And the Old City was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. Today, archaeological excavations and restoration work are being carried out there. At every step there are picturesque ruins, both ancient masonry and a remake, stylized as antiquity.

Nessebar tourist

An idle mill is a symbol of Nessebar Today, there are 42 churches on the territory of Old Nessebar, which is quite a lot for a small, in general, peninsula. Only one of these churches is active.
The Archaeological Museum, the churches of Sveti Stefan and Sveti Spas, as well as the ethnographic house are part of the Museum "Old Nessebar". Other famous sights of the city are the remains of the fortress wall and the old mill, located on the isthmus, which connects the old part of the city with the mainland. This mill does not work, but is a kind of symbol of the city.
There are paid parking lots on both sides of the peninsula. You can park your car for free on the mainland. You can walk along the Old Nessebar only on foot.
Souvenirs in Nessebar are for every taste, but the production is mainly Chinese. The city center almost entirely consists of souvenir shops, some of which are open even out of season. The choice of souvenirs is quite large, but many of them are made in China, so if you buy, for example, Trojan ceramics or some other practical souvenir, be careful when buying so as not to get a fake.
It is also full of restaurants, the prices of which depend on the distance from the sea. The closer to the sea, and the more beautiful the view, the more expensive. And the views of the coast are beautiful everywhere. Whichever way you look - boundless sea expanses. Coastal resorts are visible from the peninsula - including,.


From Old Nessebar there is a beautiful view of Sunny Beach, Sveti Vlas, Elenite and the mountains. The peninsula is small - less than a kilometer in length, only 300 m wide. Once the city was larger, but long ago, during an earthquake, almost half of it went under water. In good weather, they say, this underwater part can be seen. You can explore the city in a couple of hours, but it’s better to allocate more time to visit the peninsula. Still, a tour in the style of "galloping through Europe" with an ever-hurrying guide does not allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the ancient city, feel the charm of its narrow streets, breathe in the sea air and admire the magical views. An independent walk allows you to get to know Nessebar better.
Getting to the city is not difficult - buses go here from all nearby resorts. You can also get there.
New Nessebar is located on the mainland Despite the fact that the old Nessebar has the status of a museum city, people live in it and hotels function. There are many hotels in New Nessebar - by the way, they are cheaper than those located directly on the peninsula, but you still have to pay for touching the old days. By the way, in New Nessebar it is better (in the Old Town - sand and small pebbles, in the New - only sand).
To visit Bulgaria (especially in the southern part of the country) and not visit Nessebar is a big mistake. It is also easy to get here from the northern part of the coast, but the road through the mountain pass seems somewhat tiring to us personally. Although it is certainly worth to suffer once for the sake of touching the beauty of this place. A little advice: it is better to visit Nessebar not in the season when the city is full of tourists, but, say, in spring or in the middle of autumn. We were there for the first time at the end of October, and, I must say, there were still a lot of tourists.
But in the summer there is more entertainment besides walking along the streets. For example, you can go to, which, contrary to its name, is located at some distance from the city.

Nessebar- a small, very cozy town in Bulgaria. It is located on a rocky island connected to the coast by a narrow strip of land (300 meters long). Nessebar is located south of Varna, northeast of Burgas and south of Sunny Beach (only 3 km).

This wonderful town belongs to the oldest cities in Europe, and in 1983 it was included in the UNESCO list. Nessebar is a maritime city, since the water washes it from all sides, only a thin strip of the coast connects it with the mainland.

A very interesting fact is that until the 9th century Nessebar was the ancient Thracian city of Mesembria, then it was renamed. To date, it has been declared a city-museum - its cultural heritage is very large and significant for the entire world community.

hallmark Bulgaria is that traditions, the history of the state and modernity coexist very succinctly in it. However, the state policy of the country is aimed primarily at preserving the architectural integrity of the city. This imposes very strict requirements on modern construction, and even on the process of reconstructing ancient objects. Therefore, most likely, the amazing atmosphere of the past will be preserved here for many years.

Stories of tourists about Nessebar.

While on a business trip in Varna back in 2011, I happened to visit several resort towns in Bulgaria off-season. Despite the half-empty streets of the city, Nessebar won my heart forever. As expected, I threw a coin into the sea on the peninsula and decided to return here in the summer. People say "if you really want it, it will certainly come true", and if you also make efforts, the goal will definitely be achieved. Despite being busy at work, I thoroughly approached the preparation of the trip (I was looking for information on how to open a visa on my own, cheap air tickets, sights (which you should definitely see)). And when you have everything in your hands, force majeure happens: the husband and the family of the godfather could not go. She was terribly upset, well, not to betray her dream, persuaded her friend and drove away with her together. She is like a lifesaver for me, she is always ready to go with me instead of someone)

The vacation was a success, we rested in Nessebar for 3 years in a row, and all this time I wanted to show my beloved man ... read more

Nessebar can truly be called the pearl of Bulgaria! This beautiful city is considered one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is located on a small (850 m long and 300 m wide) rocky peninsula, 37 km north of Burgas. Local residents divide the city into two parts: Old and New Nessebar. There are many sights and monuments of history and architecture in the Old Town; it is not for nothing that the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The whole administrative life is concentrated in the New City: modern buildings, hotels, resort complex "Sunny Beach".

In both parts of the city there are a large number of cafes, restaurants and confectioneries (sweet shops) offering their visitors to enjoy national and European cuisine. All the cafes and restaurants we visited were pleasant to one degree or another. Here are a few places I especially liked, the food is very tasty and, most importantly, budget-friendly!

Very cozy restaurant in ethnic style "Aquamarine". Located ... read more

Stories about Nessebar

Latest reviews of Nessebar hotels.

The most unpleasant thing that awaited our family on vacation in Bulgaria was that the hotel smokes too much, however, as throughout the country. But on the other hand, the hotel is located in a very good location - it takes only five minutes to walk to the beach, and if you leave the hotel and go in the opposite direction, you can walk along the embankment in just fifteen minutes to Old Nessebar.

On the beach, as it seemed to me personally, there are too many paid zones. In my opinion, an umbrella and a deck chair each for ten leva is a bit expensive though. Moreover, the nimble caretakers of these very zones strive to grab a piece of territory from the free zone, which is actually tiny.

And to be honest, it was quite difficult to find a place on the beach where someone’s heels would not rest against your face and smoke cigarettes. Therefore, the children and I were mostly at sea, and on the shore we only put things together.

The hotel has a very nice multi-level swimming pool. There is also a zone for kids and an average depth and a deeper place. There is also an indoor pool and also with different depths. Around there is a terrace with sun loungers from where a stunningly beautiful view of the entire Sunny Beach opens.

We were fed on the "all inclusive" system plentifully and very tasty. There were a lot of different vegetables and fruits, there were a lot of different meats, there were buckwheat and rice, and for some reason pasta was always undercooked. And, of course, lots of sweets.

The animators are great guys, they entertained people all day long with great success. First, in the evenings, there was a mini disco for children, and then all sorts of entertainment for adults began. In the daytime there was a children's room for kids. There, a very nice Russian-speaking girl worked with them. There is also a brand new wonderful playground.

When we were at the hotel, few Russians rested, mostly Germans, Poles, Czechs, Croats, Scandinavians and French. The staff at the hotel is very correct and almost everyone speaks Russian. Our room was large and bright, they cleaned and changed towels every day.

When we arrived at the hotel, the first thing we did not like was that we were settled half an hour later than expected. I must say right away that the owners of the hotel, and this is a husband and wife, are apparently very greedy people. This is noticeable because the hotel has very few staff. Therefore, the rooms here are practically not cleaned and they really do not have time to cook for everyone.

You had to stand in line for food, because if you come last, you won’t get any variety. And you must admit that while on vacation, you don’t want to stand in line, but nevertheless, instead of lying and sunbathing on the beach, we had to come to the reception an hour before dinner and wait for the dishes to be served.

Several times it happened that the tables for lunch and dinner were set half an hour late, since the hostess is alone and sets the tables and cooks, and even settles people at the same time. And, of course, nothing really works. Therefore, the food is scarce and not very tasty, and there are few fruits at all.

And the owner at this time stands and looks who puts how much food on the plates. I wanted to eat ordinary semolina porridge in the morning, but it turned out to be impossible - only for children under 10 years old. Some kind of paradox. Tea or coffee was given only for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner, beer, red or white wine, and some water was still sweet. As for wine, again, the owner looks at who drank how much. The hostess gives out sweets and fruits personally and exactly as many as there are people in the family, no one cares if the child suddenly wants to eat another cake.

On the first day, we were never given a single towel, they promised the next day, then the next day, and so we waited for them for a week. It's good that we took it with us from home just in case. On all sites it is written that this is a two-star hotel, but at the reception there is a certificate that the hotel has only one star.

Let's talk about the city of Bulgaria, which was included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list - Nessebar. It is also called the city of 40 churches, the remains of some can still be found today in this ancient city with its unforgettable atmosphere. The old part of Nessebar is an open-air museum, where the ruins of centuries ago are open to visitors. The town is located near the resort "Sunny Beach" and 17 km from Burgas. Nessebar is a small cozy town, which combines the ruins of ancient buildings, wooden buildings of the 19th century, white rocks and blue sea.

Opinions about the resort of Nessebar

They write that: Nessebar is the pearl of Bulgaria, a real masterpiece of architecture that has survived to our times. Narrow cobbled streets, medieval churches, rocks and the sea create an amazing atmosphere of calm, comfort and harmony.

They write that: Nessebar is a fantastically beautiful and one of the most ancient cities on the Black Sea coast, and throughout Europe. Located on the Nessebar Peninsula, 3 km south of the Sunny Beach resort and 17 km from the city of Burgas. Gentle sea, whimsical white cliffs, unique hills of golden sand, in the north and south of the city there are wide sandy beaches, bordered by natural sand dunes 7-8 meters high from the land side. All this creates an unforgettable landscape and a fabulous atmosphere. At the very entrance to the city, you will be greeted by a charming old mill. Nessebar is divided into two parts: the old town and the new town.

They write that: Nessebar is one of the most visited places on the Bulgarian coast. This cozy and somewhat fabulous town north of Bourgas is located on a rocky island 850 m long and 300 m wide, connected to the coast by a narrow strip of land. At the entrance to Nessebar, guests are greeted by a charming old mill. Cobbled streets, well-preserved medieval churches and wooden buildings from the 19th century. give Nessebar a special charm. Today Nessebar is included in the list of world cultural heritage. It has been under the auspices of UNESCO since 1983, and in 1956 Nessebar was declared a city-museum.

They write that: Nessebar is a fabulous city located on a rocky peninsula, in the south of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. One of the oldest cities in Europe with a population of about 10 thousand people. Of interest are the original architecture of houses and the remains of numerous picturesque churches located in the old part of the city, an exceptionally beautiful place that has preserved the history of the Thracians, ancient Greeks and Romans.

They write that: today Nessebar offers its guests a harmonious mixture of a rich past and a rapidly developing present. You can spend hours wandering the streets of the old city, looking at the products of local artisans and craftsmen for sale, relaxing in cafes or bars. The modern city is interesting for a large selection of entertainment for every taste and for its 4 km beach, located in the southern part of the city.

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Reviews about the resort Nessebar

We often visit historical Nessebar. Very beautiful!!! We always eat there in different restaurants. In June 2015 visited restaurant "VEGA". Since we were with children, we were flattered by the fact that they allegedly have a mini-zoo (turtle, rabbit, parrots). It immediately caught my eye that the waiters (men) were sloppyly dressed, and sometimes even in dirty, worn clothes. The menu is in Russian with photographs. We decided to order "Sach" (it costs 22 leva in the menu), but the waiter explained to us right away that only meat will be fried on a clay plate and if we want to order this dish, we will have to pay an extra 8 lev for roasting vegetables! ( In eight years of visiting Bulgaria, we met such a performance of this national dish for the first time!) We ordered a shish kebab (in the photo there are 2 small shish kebab sticks), they brought 1 stick, with explanations that our menu is different from what we bring. In general, there are no special comments on food. But the most important thing is the calculation! The waiter brings us a calculation on a piece of paper with his scribbles (and this despite the fact that in Bulgaria cash receipts are already issued everywhere !!!) where nothing is clear at all, only the amount is clear - 97 lev. Having counted in my head the amount of what we ate, I realized that the bill was overpriced by 20 lev. It turned out that not only had I been shortchanged, but they had written in their own remuneration - 10 percent. To be honest, I have not seen this for a long time! It is impossible to agree with them on the return of my money! Guys, bypass this restaurant, don't spoil your impression of this beautiful town!
Denis, 41, Moscow

We were at the restaurant Vega, Old Nessebar, listened to the "barker", decided to have lunch there. I agree with the previous review - sloppy, dusty. When calculating the price of the dish, it is doubled - it turns out that although the menu shows 2 pieces of meat, the price is for one. Fine? When calculating here is such a surprise. Tourists at the next table found a shortfall in the check, found out and cursed. Bad place. We left with a sense of disgust. I DO NOT RECOMMEND RESTAURANT VEGA!!!

We went to Bulgaria in July. We rested in Nessebar in the Julia hotel. Cozy hotel with a sea view. On an excursion. went to the Bulgarian village. And we visited the water park, which is in Nessebar (you can get there by a free minibus). My husband and I really liked it, my daughter (5 years old) was delighted. I was especially struck by the Tsunami hill. My daughter asked for more on it, but we didn’t take the risk anymore. Nearby is Old Nessebar, a very beautiful historical town, but buying things there is expensive, better in New Nessebar away from the beach. I liked the south beach more, there is an open sea, there are fewer people. We went to the supermarket "Janet" and "Penny" for shopping, everything is noticeably cheaper there. We will go again with pleasure!!!
Tatiana. 28 years old Peter

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