Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation The largest submarines. Nine-story “Shark”: the story of the legend of the Soviet navy Displacement of the shark

The largest submarines. Nine-story “Shark”: the story of the legend of the Soviet navy Displacement of the shark

The largest submarine, the Akula, produced in the Soviet Union, was the pride of the Navy and the horror of its opponents. However, the end of the Cold War and the signing of a number of agreements led to the fact that most of the ships received a tragic continuation of their history.

At the moment, the storm of the underwater world is left alone.

History of creation

The legend of the world's underwater shipbuilding was first launched in Severodvinsk in 1981. While on land, a shark's grin wrapped around a trident was painted on its hull in the front part. After launching, the image disappeared and was never seen again, but the car had already received its name, which later became official.

Subsequent modifications made under this class were called the same, and the crew received a sleeve patch with a painted predator. Foreign journalists dubbed the boat with the code name “Typhoon”, and a few years later it began to be called that in the Union.

It was ordered to begin work on the creation of the first submarine with the ability to carry several modern solid-fuel three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles R-39, superior to the Trident (US missile) in the amount of explosives and flight range.

The weight of the missiles reached 100 tons, and the number required to be placed on the ship was 24 units. Because of this, the length of Soviet ships was almost 2 times longer than their foreign counterparts.

Work on creating the submarine began in the summer of 1976, under the control of general designer Sergei Nikitich Kovalev. After completing the first design documentation, the dimensions of the “Shark” were determined: the length is almost 2 football fields and the height of a 9-story building.

The first official information about the creation of a new project was made at the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, held in the spring of 1981. Leonid Ilyich deliberately named the car “Typhoon” in order to discourage and confuse his rivals in the Cold War, which began almost immediately after the USSR’s victory in the Second World War. Prior to this, all information regarding the latest development remained classified.

Design of the submarine "Shark"

The location of the energy unit on the Akula submarine is based on a unique design: it is installed in a durable hull with an automated fire extinguishing system and power shutdown.

This process takes place under the supervision of pulsed equipment designed to monitor the operation and condition of nuclear reactors.

The technical characteristics and design of the machine were created in such a way that the ship had an amazing reserve of buoyancy for that time - more than 40%, since after immersion in water, 50% of the displacement was accounted for by water used as ballast.

Because of this, many called the submarine a “water carrier.”

Such characteristics regarding the buoyancy reserve and the presence of a wheelhouse assembled from a special alloy make it possible for the first time to use the ship for combat duty under the ice of the Arctic Ocean. The ship is capable of breaking through blocks more than 250 cm thick without causing any damage to the hull.


One of the main features of the Shark 941 project is a multi-layer hull, distinguished by its unique strength. It contains 5 habitable chambers with a diameter of 10 m, placed parallel to each other. The bow accommodates missile silos, which were built for the first time forward of the deckhouse.

Next to it are 3 more compartments:

  1. Torpedo.
  2. Modular, on which the central post is located.
  3. Stern mechanical.

The layout of the internal compartments made it possible to reduce the fire hazard and increase the survivability of the ship.

According to designer Kovalev: “The accident that happened with the Kursk cannot be repeated on the Akula.” Even if a torpedo explodes inside the submarine, due to the fact that it is located inside a separate module, serious destruction of the bow and death of the entire crew will not occur.”

In total, the Shark has 19 waterproof and 2 rescue chambers designed to evacuate the entire crew. They are located under the base of the command post, next to the fence of the retractable device.

Power propulsion system

The movement of a multi-ton submarine occurs using a nuclear energy complex designed on a block principle.

It and a number of other units, connected by the designers into one whole, make the “Shark” mobile:

  1. Pressurized water reactor, capacity 190 MW – 2 pcs.
  2. Steam turbine system available in each building - 2 pcs.
  3. Two-stage installation – 1 pc.
  4. Seven-bladed propeller with a fixed pitch with installed ring fairings (fenestrons) – 2 pcs.

In addition, there are 2 reserve engines of 190 kW each, they can ensure continuous operation of the submarine in the event of a shutdown of the main units for several hours.

To carry out maneuvers in a closed space, there are 2 separately located 750 kW motors installed in a thruster mechanism with its own rotary propeller located on each side of the ship.


The Akula submarine is equipped with primary and secondary weapons, which are designed to destroy enemy targets located in line of sight or at a distance of more than 8,000 km.


This submarine has a D-19 installation with ballistic missiles having a launch weight of 90 tons and a length of 17 m. The combat flight range is 8,300 km with a detachable part for 10 warheads of 100 kilotons each.

In the entire history of the use of such weapons, the Project 941 submarine and its subsequent modifications were its only carrier; there are no other analogues capable of taking on such an amount of explosive.

The launch of a full load of ammunition is carried out with a single shot or successive salvos, both on the surface and from a submerged state. The maximum diving depth at the start of the D-19 reaches 56 m, without restrictions on weather conditions.

In total, the Akula submarine has 20 units of such missiles on board, although initially Kovalev planned to install 24 units, but the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S.G. Gorshkov decided to stop at 20.


In addition to strategic weapons, the submarine missile carrier has on board a minefield installation system, 6 torpedo cycle devices with a 533mm barrel, used for fire support for missile torpedoes, 8 Igla 1 MANPADS and a whole range of electronic weapons:

  1. "Omnibus", a militarized information management complex.
  2. "Skat-KS", hydroacoustics system.
  3. "Harp MG-519", a hydroacoustic unit for searching for mines.
  4. "Sever MG-518", an echo sounder for measuring ice thickness.
  5. "BuranMRKP-58", radar device.
  6. "Symphony", navigation block.
  7. "Molniya L-1", a radio communication device equipped with the Tsunami satellite system.
  8. MTK-100, TV block.
  9. 2 antennas - buoys, which, when the boat is at a depth of more than 150 m, float up and receive radio signals and information from the satellite.

Began after the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. The cold war, which continued as a long arms race between the two world powers, ended thanks to the partial contribution of the Akula series submarines.

The impressive size of the ship and the huge arsenal on board, allowing it to launch a salvo of 20 missiles at any time anywhere in the world, contributed to the long-term confrontation and ended it with the signing of a peace agreement.

Performance characteristics

As the Head of the Northern Fleet Directorate put it, having visited the Akula for the first time: “By placing it on public display as a monument, you can be sure that humanity who sees it will forever get rid of the idea of ​​​​developing wars.”

This is explained not even by the presence of enormous potential and modern weapons hidden from prying eyes, but by the appearance of the ship and its terrifying dimensions.

You can familiarize yourself with them in the performance characteristics table below:

Name of criterionMagnitude
Vessel typeTRPKSN
Surface speed, knot13
Diving speed, knot26
Displacement (above water), t23 100
Displacement (underwater), t49 000
Length, m172,9
Width, m23,4
Height, m23,4
Recommended immersion depth, m400
Maximum immersion depth, m500
Crew/officers160/ 52
Duration of autonomous navigation, days180


As mentioned earlier, the first Akula submarine was launched to the surface of the water in December 1981.

Initially, the plans were to assemble 7 similar ships, but due to an agreement to reduce the number of strategic weapons, the Soviet Union limited itself to 6 copies.

Work on the 7th model TK-210 was stopped, and the frame was dismantled for recycling.

The modifications collected and used are presented below:

  • TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy", construction began on June 17, 1976, launched into the water 4 years later. In 2002 it was withdrawn from service for subsequent modernization. To date, it has been converted for a new type of weapon, “Bulava”.
  • TK-202, launched into the water in 1982, introduced into the Navy 1 year later, only in 1983. After 22 years of operation, it was cut into scrap metal.
  • TK-12 "Simbirsk" used from 1983 to 1998, then decommissioned. In 2005, the ship was delivered to Severodvinsk and disposed of together with the Americans.
  • TK-13, adopted for service in 1985, was used until 2007. Only after its decommissioning work began on its disposal. At the moment, it has been completely disassembled and reprocessed, and the nuclear reactor has been moved to the Arctic for long-term storage.
  • TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" and TK-20 "Severstal" in 2006 they were withdrawn from the Russian Navy. The decision on their future fate has not yet been determined.

Almost all subsequent modifications of the Akula created by the Soviet Union are lost. At the moment, there are only 2 copies left, which are in question and 1 active. All others have been dismantled. The main reason was the results of negotiations on the reduction of nuclear weapons and the end of the Cold War. At the moment, all the ammunition of the D-19 ballistic missiles has been disposed of, and there is no basis or motivation for the production of subsequent ones.

The superficial opinion that Project 971 submarines belong to the Akula is erroneous. This model is an individual development of general designers Chernyshev and Farafontov and their colleagues.

The development was labeled based on early work on . At the same time, NATO called it the successor of the Soviet giant and assigned the markings to the submarine “Akula” (Acula).

In addition, there are a number of interesting nuances associated with the submarine:

  1. The technical characteristics of the 941 are so impressive that no analogues have been created to date.
  2. The length of the ship exceeds the size of the largest by exactly 2 times.
  3. A new workshop had to be built in Severodvinsk, which became the largest production facility in the world.
  4. Crew members of one of the modifications say that after the first exit into warm waters, an interesting incident occurred. At the moment the engines started, a real shark hovered next to the control room. After the submarine's engines had fully gained power, the boat and the shark began to move simultaneously. After this, the submariners were confident that the name of their ship was correct.

The beginning of the history of the construction of such ships stopped suddenly just as it began. As of today, out of 7 submarine models, only the Dmitry Donskoy remains in service.

The ship was modernized and underwent a major overhaul that lasted several years, as a result of which it remains in the country's Navy until at least 2020.


The Soviet Union and the United States maintained nuclear parity with each other until the early 70s. Neither side had an overwhelming superiority over each other in the number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles. In the USSR, they relied on silo installations of nuclear intercontinental missiles and a nuclear submarine fleet. Strategic aviation was small in number and did not have the qualities that would provide it with air superiority over the enemy. In the United States, on the contrary, at that time there already existed a nuclear triad, in which the main emphasis was on strategic aviation and silo launchers of ICBMs.

However, even such a large number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles, capable of repeatedly destroying all life on the planet, could not satisfy either the Soviet or the American side. Both countries were looking for a way to create a first strike advantage. The rapidly developing arms race in this direction led to the emergence of the largest submarines in the history of mankind, the Soviet Project 941 Akula-class nuclear submarines.

Reasons explaining the appearance of the steel monster

The huge steel monster, the size of a 9-story building, was a response to the appearance of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine in the US Navy. This submarine could carry 24 intercontinental missiles. Not a single submarine in the USSR possessed such firepower. The presence of such submarines by the enemy negated the existing balance in delivery means, which had been achieved with such difficulty by that time. Project 941, developed in the Soviet Union, could not only deprive the Americans of superiority in the naval component of the nuclear triad, but also provide a certain advantage.

This is what caused the next round of the naval arms race. Work began to boil in Soviet design bureaus and overseas. Each country tried to be the first to create a strategic submarine missile carrier.

The reasons for the appearance of a ship of this size are explained by the technical side of the issue. The thing is that the Soviet nuclear submarine was created with the expectation of being ahead of the Americans in terms of the power of its missile salvo. The Project 941 nuclear submarine was supposed to carry on board the new R-39 intercontinental ballistic missiles, which were superior to the American Trident-1 intercontinental missiles deployed on the Ohio-class missile submarines. The Soviet nuclear baton could carry 10 nuclear warheads, instead of the 8 on the American missile, and the R-39 missile flew much further than its American counterpart. The new Soviet rocket had three stages and, according to the project, was supposed to weigh up to 70 tons. Having such technical characteristics of the main weapon, Soviet designers had to solve a difficult task - to create an appropriate launch platform.

In addition, it was planned to immediately install 20 such missiles on the new nuclear submarine missile carrier. The commissioning of new Soviet nuclear-powered ships was supposed to cool the militant ardor of overseas strategists. As foreign sources noted, the Soviet Typhoon-class Shark submarine, according to NATO classification, could wipe out the entire West Coast of the United States with one salvo. The presence of 3-4 missile carriers of this type by the Soviets would threaten the entire territory of the United States, not to mention the vulnerability of the territories of NATO allies.

The enormous destructive power akin to a typhoon strike, which the Soviet submarine possessed, became the reason for it to be given the appropriate name “Typhoon” in the West. According to the classification, Project 941 boats had the code “Typhoon”.

For reference: According to the NATO classification, “Akula” submarines were Soviet multi-purpose submarines of the “Shchuka-B” type of Project 971, built already in the mid-80s. The NATO code “Akula” was assigned to these ships after the name of the lead ship of the K-284 “Akula” nuclear submarine project, which entered service with the Pacific Fleet in 1984.

Birth of a record holder

In the Soviet Union, there have already been cases of creating record-breaking equipment. This includes the world's largest transport aircraft, the AN-22 Antey, and the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker, Lenin. In military terms, the USSR also caused a lot of trouble for the American military, creating excellent military equipment. The latest generation of Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles caused terror overseas. The navy did not lag behind in this regard, so the world's largest nuclear submarine, the Akula, did not come as a surprise to the Soviet country.

The Soviet ship, built in the early 80s of the 20th century, remains to this day an unsurpassed achievement of design thought. In many technical respects, the new nuclear submarine is rightfully considered the most ambitious Soviet military project. The technical dimensions of the ship alone are amazing, not to mention the cost of building a ship of such scale. The length of the ship is 173 meters, and the width of the hull is 23 meters. The hull of the boat is a steel cigar the size of a 9-story building. Only the draft of the boat was 12 meters. These dimensions also corresponded to the huge displacement. The Soviet submarine missile carrier had the displacement of a World War II battleship - 50 thousand tons.

In terms of displacement, the Akula nuclear submarine was three times larger than its opponent, the Ohio-class submarine. If we talk about the name of the ship, the Soviet version is of folk origin. Even on the slipways, the boat began to be called a shark. This comparison was so successful that it subsequently took root in military and political circles. For the first time in the general public, the new nuclear-powered missile cruiser was called “Shark” by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev.

For reference: In the domestic fleet, the first submarine, called “Shark,” was created back in 1909. The designer of the submarine was Ivan Bubnov. The boat was lost during the First World War during a military campaign.

The designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Equipment, the flagship of the Soviet shipbuilding industry, handled the task of developing a project for a Soviet underwater super-cruiser perfectly. In 1972, Leningraders received technical assignments for the development of a project for a third-generation strategic nuclear submarine. The design work was headed by the talented Soviet designer S.N. Kovalev, who already had completed and successful projects behind him. His offspring roamed the seas and oceans, remaining a reliable shield of the Soviet state. Since 1973, after the decision of the Soviet government, work on the creation of the project began within the walls of the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

The place where new ships of this size were built was the Sevmash enterprise. For the construction of new ships, a new boathouse of enormous size was specially erected on the shipyard territory. Dredging work was carried out in the water area of ​​the shipyard to allow the passage of ships of such a large displacement.

Three years later, the first lead submarine of Project 941 was laid down on the Sevmash stocks. The ship received the factory index TK-208 (heavy cruiser - 208). In total, it was planned to build 7 ships under this project over the next 10-15 years. It should be noted that Soviet designers managed to overtake their American colleagues by earlier creating a ready-made project for a new submarine missile carrier. The launch of a new Soviet submarine of colossal size in September 1980 came as a real shock to the Americans. The first Ohio-class boat launched in December 1981, when the Soviet missile carrier entered the active fleet.

Over the course of 8 years, from 1981 to 1989, 6 vessels of the same type were built in the Soviet Union. The seventh ship planned for construction remained on the stocks, even taking into account the fact that the main hull structures for the submarine were ready. The construction of Soviet nuclear missile carriers of Project 941 was provided by more than 1000 related enterprises. At the Sevmash shipyard alone, 1,200 people worked on the construction of the ship.

An interesting detail: of the 6 ships built according to the project, the very first one turned out to be the longest-lived. The KT-208 submarine, launched back in 1981, continues to be in service today. Now this is the TPRKSN (heavy strategic missile submarine cruiser) “Dmitry Donskoy”, KT-208 boat of Project 941.

Design features of the Project 941 submarine missile carrier

For the uninitiated, the boat is a huge whale-shaped steel cigar. However, for specialists, special attention is drawn not so much to the size of the ship as to its layout. The submarine has a double-hull design. Behind the outer shell of a lightweight steel body is a dual main robust body. In other words, inside the boat there are two separate hulls located parallel to each other according to the catamaran design. Durable cases are made of titanium alloy. The torpedo compartment, central post and aft mechanical compartments on the ship are placed in closed compartments, capsules.

The space between the two durable hulls is filled with 20 silo launchers. The conning tower is shifted to the rear of the boat. The entire front deck is one big launch pad. This arrangement of launchers implies the possibility of simultaneous launching of all ammunition. In this case, the missiles should be launched with a minimum time interval. The Soviet missile carrier is capable of launching missiles from surface and submerged positions. The working immersion depth for launch is 55 meters.

The ship has 19 compartments, each of which communicates with the others. Horizontal rudders are installed in the light hull of the bow of the boat. The conning tower has a reinforced structure, specially designed for the emergency ascent of the ship in conditions of the presence of a continuous ice sheet on the surface. Increased strength is the main distinguishing feature of Soviet III generation missile carriers. While American Ohio-class nuclear submarines were built to patrol the clear waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Soviet submarines mainly operated in the Arctic Ocean, so the ship’s design was created with a safety margin capable of overcoming the resistance of a 2-meter thick ice shell .

On the outside, the boat has a special anti-radar and soundproof coating, the total weight of which is 800 tons. Another feature of the ship's design is the presence of life support systems in each individual compartment. The internal layout of the boat is planned and equipped in such a way as to ensure the survival of the ship's crew in the most unforeseen situations.

The heart of the nuclear-powered ship is two OK-650VV nuclear reactors with a total power of 380 MW. The submarine is set in motion through the operation of two turbines with a capacity of 45-50 thousand l/s each. Such a huge ship also had propellers of the appropriate size - 5.5 m in diameter. Two 800W diesel generators were installed on the boat as backup engines.

The nuclear-powered missile carrier on the surface could reach a speed of 12 knots. Underwater, a submarine with a displacement of 50 thousand tons could move at a speed of 25 knots. The working diving depth was 400 m. At the same time, the boat had a certain reserve of critical diving depth, amounting to an additional 100 m.

A ship of such large size and with such performance characteristics was controlled by a crew of 160 people. A third of this number were officers. The interior living quarters on the submarine were equipped with everything necessary for a long and comfortable stay. Officers and midshipmen lived in comfortable 2- and 4-berth cabins. The sailors and petty officers lived in specially equipped cubicles. All living areas on the boat were served by an air conditioning system. During long cruises, the ship's crew, free from combat shifts, could spend time in the gym, visit the cinema and library. It should be noted that the ship’s autonomy exceeded all standards existing before that time - 180 days.

Main comparative characteristics of the Project 941 ship

The Soviet nuclear-powered ship, which entered service in 1981, had a significant superiority in comparison with other foreign-built ships of the same type. The likely opponents of the Soviet III generation missile carrier were:

  • American Ohio-class nuclear submarine with 24 Trident ICBMs on board, 18 units built;
  • English nuclear submarine "Vangard" with 16 Trident ICBMs, 4 units built;
  • French nuclear submarine Triumphant with 16 M45 ICBMs, 4 ships were also built.

The Soviet nuclear submarine was three times larger than all the listed ships in terms of displacement. It had a total weight of 51 tons for a salvo of 20 R-39 ICBMs. British and French submarines were significantly inferior to the Soviet missile carrier in this parameter. British and French nuclear submarines could fire warheads weighing a total of 44 tons at the enemy. Only American Ohio-class submarines, of which less than two dozen were launched, could compete with the Soviet underwater giants.

No other ship, domestic missile carriers of projects 667BDRM and 955, could compare in displacement and combat power with Akula-class submarines. Soviet nuclear submarines, launched in the 80s of the last century, formed the basis of the nuclear missile power of the USSR and became the basis for the nuclear naval component of modern Russia.

The nuclear-powered icebreaker KT-208 “Dmitry Donskoy” remains the only operational ship of this class in the Russian Navy. Two vessels, KT-17 Arkhangelsk and KT-20 Severstal, were put into reserve in 2006 and 2004. respectively. The final decision on the fate of these two legendary ships has not yet been made. The nuclear submarine KT-208 received a new name in 2002 - KT-208 “Dmitry Donskoy”. The boat is the only one of all ships of this type that has retained its technological resource. This, in turn, made it possible to carry out on the ship in 1999-2002. modernization according to project 941M. The purpose of the modernization was to re-equip the ship for the new Bulava SLBM.

There are no plans to equip the ship with new ballistic missiles. The submarine is used as a self-propelled floating test complex for new types of missile technology. The decision of the high government commission was to extend the life of the vessel until 2020. The nuclear-powered missile carrier is based at the Zapadnaya Litsa naval base and is part of the Russian Northern Fleet.

Project 941 Akula submarines are known all over the world, as they are the largest nuclear submarines and submarines in general. Many of you have probably heard about these “sea whales,” but few people actually imagine the size of such vessels.

And so that you understand, we want to demonstrate several illustrative examples of comparisons of the Project 941 submarine with other impressive objects.

The length of such a submarine is as much as 173 meters! Just imagine a 50-story building floating underwater!

To make it even easier for you to use your imagination, here are a few examples:

This is a football field used for international matches. The average length of such a platform is about 105 meters.

And here’s what this field would look like against the backdrop of the Akula submarine. Isn't that impressive?

This photo shows the largest aircraft in the world - AN-225.

But even he “doesn’t take off” compared to this submarine. The 84-meter AN is almost half the size of the “sea predator”.

Russia has a lot of submarines, and most of them are of impressive size. However, they failed to get around the Shark.

In the photo above you can see what the submarine looks like next to our other submarines.

Pay attention to the part highlighted with a red arrow. These small dark fragments are the propellers of the Akula Project submarine protruding above the water.

Here's what this shot looks like up close. They are not that small...

Everything on board the boat looks just as impressive. The photo shows special compartments designed for R-39 ballistic missiles.

The weight of one such projectile is 90 tons, the height is more than 17 meters.

There are as many as 20 of these missile silos on the submarine!

Typically, most of the submarine is hidden from our eyes. Usually the submarine is submerged in water up to the white mark on the hull (see photo above).

In other words, that block of steel and titanium that we see above the water is only 1/3 of the entire ship.

The width of the Akula project submarine is 23 meters, and its height is 25 meters. This is an entire 8-story building!

Now pay attention to the picture of these people...

This is what they look like from afar!

Well, now you understand how big this boat is?

MOSCOW, January 19 – RIA Novosti. The world's most powerful heavy strategic missile submarines, the Akula, are too early to be sent for disposal: they can be upgraded to carry new ballistic or cruise missiles, according to Russian admirals interviewed by RIA Novosti on Friday.

As a source in the shipbuilding industry previously reported to RIA Novosti, two nuclear submarines of Project 941 (code "Akula") - Arkhangelsk and Severstal - will be dismantled by Rosatom after 2020. Their further operation was considered unprofitable and they have already been removed from the Russian Navy, the source said.

Upgrade to "Bulava"

“I can only express my personal regret. These submarines are the most powerful in the world, the most high-tech in production. One Akula carried 20 missiles with ten warheads each. I went to sea on them, being the first deputy commander of the Northern Fleet "They are easy to operate. I have never experienced greater delight," said former commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov.

In his opinion, “we are acting barbarically with our brainchild, sending the Sharks to be cut to pieces.” The Russian shipbuilding industry, for economic reasons, is no longer able to build such a submarine, the admiral believes.

According to him, these nuclear submarine cruisers can be modernized for the intercontinental ballistic Bulava or modern cruise missiles - following the example of the Americans who modernized the Ohio submarines.

Komoyedov emphasized that “it is not so easy to dismantle such a submarine.” “I would like to express the hope that the decision to dismantle the two submarine cruisers has not yet been made, and if accepted, it will be reviewed. I would even develop a modernization plan,” the admiral said.

He categorically disagreed that the further operation of the Sharks was unprofitable: “In general, maintaining combat-ready armed forces is a costly business. But these submarines are worth the cost.”

"Bulava" in action: how the ballistic missile was launched from a submarine cruiserThe Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile was launched from the missile submarine cruiser Yuri Dolgoruky in the Barents Sea. Watch footage of combat training shooting.

Work for "Star"

Former First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Igor Kasatonov, also spoke out against cutting up Arkhangelsk and Severstal for metal. As a forced positive aspect, he noted that “recycling will bring money to the budget and provide jobs.”

Most likely, the hulls of the cruisers will be dismantled at the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center in Severodvinsk, the agency’s interlocutor noted.

Departing giants

Project 941 TRKSN are the world's largest nuclear submarines. The ship's total displacement is 49.8 thousand tons, length - 172 meters, width - 23.3 meters. A total of six cruisers of the project were built. "Dmitry Donskoy" - the lead ship in the series - was laid down on June 30, 1976, accepted into service with the Northern Fleet in 1981.

In 1996-1997, due to a lack of funds, three Project 941 nuclear submarines (TK-12, TK-202 and TK-13), which had served only 12-13 years, were withdrawn from service in the Russian Navy.

The cruiser TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" underwent repairs, modernization and re-equipment at Sevmash for more than ten years to test the Bulava missile system. Currently, this Project 941U ship remains the last "Akula" in the Russian Navy.

The most famous warships and submarines of Russia

/ "Yuri Dolgoruky" is a nuclear submarine with new generation ballistic missiles. It is the first submarine produced by Russia since the Soviet era. It was built by the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk for the Russian Navy. The groundbreaking took place in 1996. The first sea trials of the vessel took place in the summer of 2009.

1 out of 10

"Yuri Dolgoruky" is a nuclear submarine with new generation ballistic missiles. It is the first submarine produced by Russia since the Soviet era. It was built by the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk for the Russian Navy. The groundbreaking took place in 1996. The first sea trials of the vessel took place in the summer of 2009.

/ The famous cruiser "Aurora", which is permanently moored near the Petrogradskaya embankment in St. Petersburg, is an object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. The first-rank cruiser of the Baltic Fleet is famous for its role in the October Revolution of 1917. It was laid down in 1897 at the New Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg. The cruiser was named after the sailing frigate "Aurora", which became famous during the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky during the Crimean War.

2 out of 10

The famous cruiser "Aurora", which is permanently moored near the Petrogradskaya embankment in St. Petersburg, is an object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. The first-rank cruiser of the Baltic Fleet is famous for its role in the October Revolution of 1917. It was laid down in 1897 at the New Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg. The cruiser was named after the sailing frigate "Aurora", which became famous during the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky during the Crimean War.

© Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationThe aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the only one in its class in the Russian Navy. The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser is designed to destroy large surface targets and defend naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy. Built at the Black Sea Shipyard in Nikolaev in the early 80s of the last century. The cruiser was named in honor of Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. Previous names of the vessel in order of assignment: “Soviet Union” (project), “Riga” (laying), “Leonid Brezhnev” (launching), “Tbilisi” (tests).

3 out of 10

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the only one in its class in the Russian Navy. The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser is designed to destroy large surface targets and defend naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy. Built at the Black Sea Shipyard in Nikolaev in the early 80s of the last century. The cruiser was named in honor of Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. Previous names of the vessel in order of assignment: “Soviet Union” (project), “Riga” (laying), “Leonid Brezhnev” (launching), “Tbilisi” (tests).

/ The patrol ship "Admiral Grigorovich" was named in honor of Admiral Ivan Konstantinovich Grigorovich, Russian Minister of Navy in 1911-1917. The ship was laid down in December 2010 at the Yantar shipyard in Kaliningrad and launched in March 2014.

4 out of 10

The patrol ship "Admiral Grigorovich" was named in honor of Admiral Ivan Konstantinovich Grigorovich, Russian Minister of Navy in 1911-1917. The ship was laid down in December 2010 at the Yantar shipyard in Kaliningrad and launched in March 2014.

/ "Igor Belousov" is a rescue ship built for the Russian Navy at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg. The ship was launched in 2012. The vessel is designed to provide assistance to the crews of emergency submarines lying on the ground or on the surface, supplying air, electricity and life-saving equipment to submarines and surface ships. In addition, the ship can search and inspect emergency objects.

6 out of 10

"Igor Belousov" is a rescue ship built for the Russian Navy at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg. The ship was launched in 2012. The vessel is designed to provide assistance to the crews of emergency submarines lying on the ground or on the surface, supplying air, electricity and life-saving equipment to submarines and surface ships. In addition, the ship can search and inspect emergency objects.

/ B-261 "Novorossiysk" is a diesel-electric submarine of Project 636.3 "Varshavyanka". The vessel is designed to combat enemy submarines and ships, for the defense of naval bases, coastal and sea communications, reconnaissance and patrol activities on enemy communications. The submarine was laid down in August 2010, launched in November 2013, and accepted into the fleet in August 2014.

7 out of 10

B-261 "Novorossiysk" is a diesel-electric submarine of Project 636.3 "Varshavyanka". The vessel is designed to combat enemy submarines and ships, for the defense of naval bases, coastal and sea communications, reconnaissance and patrol activities on enemy communications. The submarine was laid down in August 2010, launched in November 2013, and accepted into the fleet in August 2014.

/ TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" is a heavy nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine of Project 941 "Akula", the first ship in the series. The ship is equipped with a Bulava missile system with 6 hypersonic nuclear warheads. The boat was laid down in June 1976 at Sevmashpredpriyatiya, entered service with the Navy in 1981, and became part of the Northern Fleet in 1982. Today, the TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" is the largest submarine in the world.

8 out of 10

TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" is a heavy nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine of Project 941 "Akula", the first ship in the series. The ship is equipped with a Bulava missile system with 6 hypersonic nuclear warheads. The boat was laid down in June 1976 at Sevmashpredpriyatiya, entered service with the Navy in 1981, and became part of the Northern Fleet in 1982. Today, the TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" is the largest submarine in the world.

/ "Peter the Great" is the fourth and only heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser of the third generation of Project 1144 "Orlan" in service. The main purpose of the vessel is to destroy enemy aircraft carrier groups. The cruiser was laid down in 1986 on the slipway of the Baltic Shipyard. She was launched in 1989 and entered the fleet in 1988.

9 out of 10

"Peter the Great" is the fourth and only heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser of the third generation of Project 1144 "Orlan" in service. The main purpose of the vessel is to destroy enemy aircraft carrier groups. The cruiser was laid down in 1986 on the slipway of the Baltic Shipyard. She was launched in 1989 and entered the fleet in 1988.

© Photo: press service of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation/Oleg KuleshovK-560 "Severodvinsk" is a Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine with 4th generation cruise missiles, the lead ship of Project 885 "Yasen". For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, torpedo tubes were located behind the central post compartment. The Severodvinsk submarine was laid down at the Sevmash defense shipyard in 1993. The ship was launched in 2010.

Submarines (submarines) have shown their effectiveness in the struggle for supremacy at sea. The key feature of these ships is stealth, which allows them to deliver powerful strikes against the most vulnerable enemy targets.

Submarines became widespread during World War II, and means of combating them also developed. In the post-war period, only two cases of combat use of submarines against surface ships are officially known. However, they remain in service with 33 countries around the world, becoming an integral part of the fleet.

Project 941 "Shark" (in NATO classification - SSBN "Typhoon", "Typhoon") - nuclear-powered heavy strategic missile submarines (APRK, SSBN). Developed in the USSR, they were adopted by the Russian fleet. Submarines of this type are considered the largest in the world.

History of creation and start date of work on the project

The terms of reference for the development of Project 941 were issued in 1972. The focus was on competition with the United States, where development was underway on the Ohio nuclear submarine. As a result, the first ships of both projects were laid down almost simultaneously in 1976.

Etc. 941 was originally developed for R-39 intercontinental ballistic missiles. This aspect required the carrier boat to have significant dimensions. The launch of the first underwater heavy cruiser TK-208 took place on September 29, 1980. The submarine entered service on December 12, 1981.

Initially, the development plan focused on the production of 12 submarines. Later this number was reduced to 10 submarines. Between 1981 and 1989, 6 such ships were laid down and launched. The rest were never made.

Three of the submarines that entered service were dismantled in the mid-2000s as part of cooperation with the United States. TK-208 “Dmitry Donskoy”, after the death of chief designer S. N. Kovalev, was modernized for the new Bulava missiles. How long he will remain in service is unknown.

The two remaining boats TK-17 and TK-20 were subject to disposal, but in the summer of 2019 it was announced that they would be converted to cruise missiles. Approximate quantity - 200 pieces.

Main goals and tasks

Project 941 Akula submarines are classified as strategic nuclear cruisers. In addition to basic weapons, they carry intercontinental solid-fuel ballistic missiles on board. The mobility of such installations allows you to escape from enemy attack and reach the desired firing point.

This guarantees a retaliatory nuclear strike in the event of the use of atomic weapons. In combination with other deterrent factors, the presence of such submarines in the arsenal of leading powers provides a certain military parity.

The tactical tasks of this nuclear submarine (NPS) included patrolling, participation in exercises, and testing of new weapons. Due to its size, the submarine is not designed for active participation in naval battles as part of fleets.

Structural specifics of the body

Housing layout

The overall design of Project 941 Akula submarines is divided into five separate pressure hulls, united by one outer one. Two of them are considered key, the diameter in some places reaches 10 m. In the front part, between them there are missile silos.

The main hulls have transitions at the front, center and rear of the boat. There are a total of 19 waterproof compartments. At the base of the cabin there are two pop-up chambers designed for the evacuation of the entire crew.

In addition to the two main buildings, there are three additional ones - a torpedo compartment, a control module and a mechanical one. All of them are isolated from each other, which increases the fire safety and survivability of the submarine in emergency situations.

The outer lightweight casing is made of steel and has a non-resonant soundproofing and anti-location rubber coating. The casing of the durable cases is made of titanium alloys. Particular attention is paid to cutting - the upper fences make it possible to break through polar ice up to 2.5 m thick.

The stern tail of the submarine is cruciform and has horizontal rudders behind the propellers. The front horizontal rudders are retractable.

Comfortable accommodation conditions are provided for the crew. There is a lounge for relaxation, a gym, a swimming pool 4x2x2 m, a solarium, a sauna, a “living” corner, two wardrooms for officers and sailors. Privates are housed in small cockpits, officers - in two- and four-berth cabins with washbasins, TVs and air conditioning.

Reactor and turbine compartments

The reactor and turbine compartments are located aft in two main buildings. Between the turbines there is a separate aft sluice house.

Three bow compartments

The two bow compartments of the main hulls are hydroacoustic. Between them in an insulated housing there is a torpedo compartment. The adjacent compartments of the main part are missile compartments.

Three adjacent to the main command post

Three compartments adjacent to the central post ensure the survivability of the boat. Pop-up evacuation cameras are also located here.

Reliably insulated bow hull of the torpedo compartment

The torpedo compartment is isolated from the main hulls by durable casing. According to the statement of chief designer S.N. Kovalev, the situation that occurred with the Kursk nuclear submarine after the torpedo explosion would not have had such catastrophic consequences on the Sharks.

Housing for housing the main control unit and radio equipment

The main command post (MCP) is located in the central part, in the wheelhouse. It has a housing isolated from other compartments. All radio equipment that provides control of the boat is also located here.

Aft transitional building with a total length of 30 meters

The aft transition body contains technical compartments, from the reactor to the turbine compartment. It does not have separate insulation from the common compartments, but there is a hermetically sealed closure.


The armament of Project 941 submarines is divided into three categories:

  • ballistic missiles;
  • torpedoes;
  • radio-electronic systems.

D-19 ballistic missile systems are the strategic armament of the submarine. For firing torpedoes (53-65K, SET-65, SAET-60M, USET-80) and missile-torpedoes (“Shkval”, “Waterfall”), 6 launchers are provided, caliber - 533 mm. It is also possible to install minefields through them. The boat's air defense is provided by eight Igla-1 MANPADS.

Ballistic missile system D-19 class R-39 "Option"

The D-19 complex was developed specifically for Project 941 submarines. It consists of 20 R-39 Variant three-stage ballistic missiles. Considering the size and weight of these projectiles, the Akula is the only type of submarine capable of carrying them on board.

The missile's destruction range is 8,300 km, the warhead is divided into 10 warheads, each with its own guidance. The mass of the rocket at launch is 90 tons, the weight of each warhead in TNT equivalent is 100 kilotons.

All missiles can be launched in one salvo, with a short interval between individual launches. Firing is allowed from the surface, as well as from a depth of up to 55 m. Weather conditions do not affect launches. The shock-absorbing rocket launch system reduces the interval between launches and the level of noise produced.

D-19U missile system with 20 R-39UTTH "Bark" ballistic missiles

In 1986, the Akula submarine missile system was planned to be upgraded to the R-39UTTH Bark missiles. These projectiles were supposed to cover a distance of up to 10 thousand km, and also pass through ice. The re-equipment was supposed to take place in 2003, when the service life of the R-39 was ending. However, in 1998, after unsuccessful tests, it was decided to curtail the project and develop a new solid-fuel ballistic missile, the Bulava.


The technical characteristics of Project 941 submarines are the most outstanding in the world. Its gigantic size, combined with a safe layout and firepower, makes each such cruiser a reliable tool for nuclear deterrence.

190 MW pressurized water nuclear reactor

The nuclear power plant is made of a block type. Consists of two pressurized water reactors OK-650 thermal neutrons. The thermal power of each is 190 MW, the total shaft power is 2x50,000 liters. With.


The Akula submarine has two steam turbine units. Each is located in the aft compartments of the main hulls, which increased the survivability of the submarine. Due to two-stage rubber-cord shock absorption and a block arrangement, vibration insulation of the units is ensured, which reduces overall noise.


"Shark" has two low-speed seven-bladed propellers with a fixed pitch. To reduce the noise produced, the propellers are located in ring fairings (fenestrons).

Reserve means of propulsion

The reserve means of propulsion for Project 941 submarines include two ASDG-800 800 kW diesel generators, two 190 kW DC electric motors and a lead-acid battery. For maneuvering in confined spaces, two thrusters with 750 kW engines and rotary propellers are provided. They are located in the bow and stern.

Electronic equipment

Electronic equipment and weapons are represented by the following systems:

  • information and control combat system "Omnibus";
  • hydroacoustic complex "Skat-KS", on TK-208 replaced by "Skat-3";
  • hydroacoustic mine search station MG-519 “Harp”;
  • echometer MG-518 “Sever”;
  • radar complex MRKP-58 "Buran";
  • navigation system "Symphony";
  • radio communication complex "Molniya-L1" and satellite communication system "Tsunami";
  • television complex MTK-100.

There are also two buoy-type pop-up antennas. They allow you to receive signals, messages and target designations at a depth of 150 m, as well as when under ice.

Characteristics of full speed and displacement

The speed characteristics of Akula submarines have the following indicators:

  • surface speed - 12 knots;
  • underwater - 25 knots (46.3 km/h);
  • navigation autonomy - up to 6 months.

The surface displacement is 23,200 tons, the underwater displacement is 48,000 tons. These submarines are jokingly called water carriers, since when submerged, half of their weight is ballast water.

Dive depths

Project 941 submarines are capable of diving up to 500 m. The operating depth is 400 m, radio communication is provided at 150 m, and launching ballistic missiles is up to 55 m.


The dimensions of the Project 941 submarine are as follows:

  • waterline length - 172.8 m;
  • hull width - 23.3 m;
  • waterline draft - 11.2 m.

Thanks to these parameters, the Akula is the largest submarine in the world, created specifically to carry R-39 missiles. The crew number is 160 people, including 52 officers.

Advantages and disadvantages

With the advent of high-precision strategic ballistic missiles, stationary launch silos began to lose ground in the matter of delivering a guaranteed retaliatory strike. Project 941 nuclear submarines were created to restore this potential.

The advantages of the Akula submarines are represented by three key aspects:

  • the possibility of serving in the Arctic, including sub-ice shelves;
  • heavy R-39s, which have no analogues among portable strategic missiles;
  • increased safety and survivability of the crew and the submarine due to the structural layout.

The appearance of such cruisers in service with the Soviet fleet prompted the United States to sign the SALT-2 treaty. It was these boats that ensured the parity of world powers in the Cold War; their photos still inspire respect and fear of a possible nuclear war.

The shortcomings of Project 941 are controversial. There are complaints about the size caused by the low quality of solid fuel of the R-39, the running properties and controllability of the submarine, noise, and high cost. In modern analytics, there is an opinion that for the USSR it was more important to show scale and power than practical efficiency and expediency.

However, a comparison of performance characteristics with foreign and domestic analogues shows that most of these claims have no significant basis. Certain noise and cost issues do exist, but they are within acceptable limits when adjusted for development time and proportionality.

Submarine sizes in comparison

The main competitor to Project 941 is the Ohio-class submarines, a series of ships in the United States designed to carry strategic missiles. Both projects were developed around the same time.

In terms of dimensions, the Ohio submarine is not much inferior in comparison to the Shark - 170.7 m long, 12.8 m wide and 11.1 draft. The displacement differs more significantly - the American submarine weighs 16,746 and 18,750 tons in the surface and submerged state, respectively.

Despite its smaller size, the American submarine carries 24 Trident II D5 ballistic missiles. Its key advantage is the modular system of individual units, which facilitates the gradual modernization of the submarine.

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