Home Questions Manpupuner plateau. Mysterious places in Russia

Manpupuner plateau. Mysterious places in Russia

In the northern Urals there is a place full of beauty and mystery - the Manpupuner plateau. Here you can see weathering pillars - stone sculptures created by the greatest of creators, that is, nature itself. They are also called Mansi idiots or even very lovingly called Pupas. In the Mansi language, Man-Pupu-Ner means “small mountain with idols.” This area belongs to the Pechero-Ilychsky Nature Reserve, to visit the territory of which you must obtain a special permit.

What secrets do the pillars keep?

There are only seven of these bizarre sculptures, 30-42 meters high, created by wind, water and sun. Six stand evenly in one row, and one is slightly to the side.

The Mansi have always considered the highlands a sacred place in which a mere mortal should not be. In ancient times, walking along the Manpupuner plateau in the Urals was taboo. According to legend, seven giants once turned into pillars of weathering and decided to destroy the Vogul people. But when they saw the top of Yalping-ner from this place, their shaman threw a drum right on the spot (the top of the plateau is now called Koyp - drum), and the entire formidable seven immediately turned to stone.

Geologists have a slightly different version of the origin of the stone pillars. They believe that over millions of years of destruction of the Ural Mountains, soft rocks crumbled, while harder rocks were preserved.

These natural relics can easily be completely destroyed. But they were lucky - the nearest settlements are hundreds of kilometers away. There are two ways to see the beauty of this place with your own eyes - by helicopter or on foot. Moreover, the hiking trip will last at least two weeks through areas with cold and unpredictable weather, constant fogs, in which it is very easy to get lost.

If you get to the idols from the Sverdlovsk region, then on the way there will be that same tragically famous Dyatlov Pass, from which there is another 75 km along the ridge to the plateau.

Information for travelers:

Required documents: you must write an application addressed to the director of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve with a request to visit the Manpupuner plateau. It is necessary to indicate the dates of the trip, a complete list of the group members with their passport and contact information. In the reserve, an environmental fee is paid and passes are issued.

169436, Komi Republic, Troitsko-Pechorsky district, Yaksha village, Laninoy street, 8.

Tel. 8-82138-95-6-80, 95-6-99.

How to get there:

By train from Syktyvkar to Troitse-Pechorsk, then by bus to Yaksha, then to the upper reaches of Ilych 20 km by boat or motorboat. From the river – 38 km on foot.

The Manpupuner plateau, which is located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve on Mount Man-Pupuner in the Komi Republic, is a real natural anomaly.

200 million years ago there were impassable mountains in this place, but the scorching sun, strong winds and prolonged rainfall destroyed them day after day. Only tall stone pillars of bizarre shapes survived, which the Mansi tribes began to worship. Therefore, translated from the Mansi language, “Man-Pupu-ner” means “small mountain of idols.” The height of the pillars ranges from 30 to 42 meters.

According to one legend, these stone sculptures were once people from a tribe of giants. One of them wanted to marry the beautiful daughter of the Mansi leader, but received an open refusal. Becoming enraged, the offended giant and his relatives attacked the settlement where the beauty lived. The girl's brother arrived in time, and with the help of his enchanted weapon, received from good spirits, turned the giants into huge stones.

According to another legend, giants once lived in these parts who ate human flesh and no one could defeat them. One day the giants decided to cross the Ural Range to feast on the Mansi tribe, but the shamans called upon the spirits and turned the giants into blocks of stone.

It is also interesting that both legends feature the same mythical creatures and have the same outcome. Other sources even contain clarifications: the last giant tried to escape, but he too met a terrible fate - this explains why one of the pillars stands away from the rest.

Subsequently, the Mansi deified this place and worshiped it, but it was strictly forbidden for anyone other than shamans to climb the Manpupuner plateau.

Not everyone will be able to see the miracle of nature with their own eyes. The path to it lies along a raging river, through the remote taiga, under heavy winds and freezing rain. At some times of the year, only a helicopter can get there. A random or unprepared person will never get to Manpupuner - the stone giants reliably keep their secrets.

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“Weathering pillars on the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau, a geological monument, located in the interfluve of Ichotlyagi and Pechora, Troitsko-Pechora region, Northern Urals. Weathering pillars are one of the winners of the “Seven Wonders of Russia” competition.”

Weathering pillars are one of the most striking sights of the Komi Republic and Russia, one of the wonders of Russia.

There are many legends surrounding the origin of these monumental stone giants, and indeed the Komi Republic itself is a land of mysteries, legends, and mystical coincidences.

In Russia, every place is a complete mystery, a world covered with a veil of understatement. Is at least one legend about the origin of mountain idols true or fiction? We will never know, but, you see, it becomes uninteresting if we accept that these are simply naturally formed rocks? Need a riddle!

According to one of the legends - a long time ago, an old shaman wanted to marry a young girl, she refused him, rebelled, he went to fight her family in order to kidnap her, but her brothers came to the girl’s defense, their sister prayed that everything they miraculously escaped in this battle, and now all of them - the girl and her brothers - turned into stone monuments, according to legend, their souls were saved, etc.

A beautiful fairy tale, isn't it? So, you walk among these blocks, you approach one, imagine that it is a person, and the other - that it is a beautiful girl...

Before moving on to a detailed story about our geological monument, it is worth first remembering what the Komi Republic is.

“The Komi Republic (Komi Komi Republic) is a republic within the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Northwestern Federal District.

The capital is the city of Syktyvkar.

Region area 416,774 km²

Population - 856,631 people,

Population density: 2.06 people/km²

The climate is temperate continental. Winters are long and cold, summers are short, warm in the south and cool in the northern regions.

Average January temperature: −20 °C (in the northern part) and −17 °C (in the southern part)

Average July temperature: +11 °C (in the northern part) and +15...+17 °C (in the southern part)

Precipitation: from 700 mm per year.

Here, depending on the region, it can be very frosty (below 50 degrees Celsius), but rarely hot, even on the busiest summer days.

There are many natural and geological monuments on the territory of the republic (as of 2009, there were 95 natural monuments), for example: “Ruins of an ancient city” on the plateau of Mount Torre Porre Iz, several caves, “Ring” on the Sharyu River, etc. The republic also has many beautiful places, virgin forests, protected rivers, national parks, nature reserves, “spirit habitats,” etc.

“In the Northern Urals, 32,800 km² are covered with virgin forests. A unique territory is the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve.

Such virgin forests, unaffected by human activity and technogenic influence, no longer exist in Europe.

In 1985, the reserve was included in the list of biosphere reserves.

Ten years later, by decision of UNESCO, the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve with protective and buffer zones and the Yugyd Va National Park, united under the general name “Virgin Komi Forests,” were included in the list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.

Yugyd Va National Park is located in the Northern and Subpolar Urals in the southeast of the Komi Republic. In the south it borders on the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve.”

Komi is a place where there are no rats, as the rural residents themselves assure. Shamans also rule here, crocodiles live and there are many manifestations of the other world (UFOs, anomalous phenomena, fireballs, etc.). The Mountain of the Dead, or the famous Dyatlov Pass, is not far from here.

NTV film. Mysterious Russia “Komi Republic. Baseextraterrestrialcivilizations?»:

The people in whose language many objects on the territory of the republic are designated - Mansi - are pagans, among them there are many shamans, mountains and places for them are not just nature, but the home of spirits and idols.

“Weathering pillars are located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve on Mount Man-Pupu-ner (in the Mansi language - “small mountain of idols”), in the interfluve of the Vychegda and Pechora rivers. Outliers - 7, height from 30 to 42 m."

The official version of the appearance of stone idols says that they were formed through natural changes from the mountains that were in this place as much as 200 million (!) years ago.

“Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains and, first of all, weak rocks. The hard sericite-quartzite shales, from which the remains are composed, were destroyed less and have survived to this day, while the soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried by water and wind into depressions of the relief.

One pillar, 34 meters high, stands somewhat apart from the others; it resembles a huge bottle turned upside down. Six others lined up at the edge of the cliff.

The pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the place of inspection, resemble either the figure of a huge man, or the head of a horse or ram. In past times, the Mansi deified grandiose stone sculptures and worshiped them, but climbing Manpupuner was the greatest sin.”

Documentary film “The Eternal Beauty of Upper Pechora” (in the second part there is a little about the Weathering Pillars):

Getting to the geological monument is not easy; it is located far from inhabited areas and you need permission from the administration. There is a fine for illegal entry into the territory of the reserve; for example, in 2014, 95 violators were caught.

“Only trained tourists can get to the pillars. To do this, you need to obtain a pass from the administration of the reserve. From the side of the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm Territory there is a walking route, from the side of the Komi Republic there is a mixed route - road, water, walking route.”

However, as the information on the reserve’s website states, in 2016 the reserve is closed to visits on foot, it is impossible to get into it on foot, and movement by vehicle is also prohibited. Helicopter excursions have become an alternative, and the helipad is being prepared.

When walking routes were opened, tourists first got to Syktyvkar, then by train or car to Troitsko-Pechorsk, then to the village of Yaksha, from Yaksha 200 km by motor boat, then on foot 40 km...

Video guide for a helicopter expedition to the plateau of Mansi stone idols Man-Pupu-Ner. "Northern Urals. Manpupuner. Small Mountain of Idols. Man-Pupu-Ner":

Manpupuner is a hard-to-reach, uninhabited natural object, but combined with its unforgettable beauty - its remoteness from infrastructure creates an extraordinary egregor around the stone boulders.

The virgin forests surrounding the reserve, the legends in the air that the pillars are idols and the habitat of various spirits, leave a truly fabulous, inexplicable impression of the greatness of this place. Time stops here, there is no fuss, as if these 200 million years are frozen in an eternal pause.

“The Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is called the Ural Stonehenge. And indeed, seeing the pillars of weathering, this is the word that comes to mind. There are beliefs that the plateau is a refuge for spirits.

Who knows whether this is true or not, but a special energy is felt at the top. Many who have visited Man-Pupu-Ner say that at the top, consciousness becomes clearer, and you don’t want to eat or drink. Perhaps it’s all the clean mountain air and impressions of what he saw, or perhaps this place really has some kind of power...

Such a unique place has acquired its own myths and legends. One of these stories tells about seven giants who walked across the plateau with the goal of destroying the Vogul people. But when they reached the top of Man-Pupu-Nera, they saw in front of them the sacred Vogul mountain Yalping-ner.

The sight of her horrified the giants, and they turned to stone. There are about a dozen similar stories. The main motive in them is the obligatory presence of bloodthirsty giants.”

Tourist impressions:

«.. I was on the plateau and saw the pillars. impressions overshadowed the bad road, even when the snow didn’t start right away, it didn’t lead to panic. Nuno to see the pillars and become the chosen person who visited the plateau. This is not available to everyone.

I can't tell you about the stones, you have to see them, touch and if good weather is your traveling companion, what you see will return you to this place again and you will find money for the journey, accumulate patience to touch these stones.”

« For a long time since we set foot on the plateau, the feeling of something powerful has not left us., it’s not for nothing that stone pillars in Komi are called “places of power.” There is definitely a certain energy here.

The closer you get to the stone pillars, the more unusual they seem. One of them looks like an upside-down bottle, and the remaining six are located on the edge of a cliff. It is not surprising that the Mansi people deified giant statues and worshiped them. However, climbing the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau was considered the greatest sin.”

Weathering pillars have a special energy. Alexander Borovinskikh, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic:

“The energy there is somehow not simple, you leave there and understand how small you, a person, are in this world...”

Mikhail Popov, surgeon, tourist:

“The closer we got to these idiots, the more horror and fear gripped us, especially since we had read a lot of legends of the Komi and Mansi peoples...”

Of course, Manpupuner is not a place for those who are pampered by a glamorous life and are looking forward to exciting entertainment and trips to restaurants. Even at a time when hiking routes were allowed, tourists lived in tents, and they had to take impressive supplies of something edible with them.

Today excursions are prohibited, according to the administration - people have already violated the integrity of the territory and left a lot of garbage. Even those who love such places, admire the stone idols, as we see, behave very piggishly, in connection with this, those who know how to preserve nature are temporarily deprived of communication with this place.

This is a very beautiful natural monument, definitely worth a visit.

Few people know that the well-known Baikal and Elbrus are not all the wonders located on the territory of multifaceted Russia. Today, a special list of seven wonders of Russia is offered to tourists as a must-visit, in which a worthy fourth place is occupied by the mysterious Weathering Pillars, or as they are also called - Manpupuner plateau. This is the same attraction that has not yet managed to make a big name for itself, but really deserves your visit.

Manpupuner Plateau: description, photo, video

The Weathering Pillars or “Mountain of Stone Idols” are seven majestic rocks, shaped by strong winds and bitter frost. The formerly high Ural Mountains gave way to time and natural conditions, thereby turning into what we can see now. Agree, maintaining your original appearance after 200 million years is not an easy task.

The rocks rise 30-42 meters above the ground, which inevitably takes your breath away. The structure of the rocks, like any rocky surface, is rugged and relief. Thanks to this, in the winter season, snow covers only certain parts and the top of the pillars, leaving the rest of the space with frost.

All seven “giants” are unique. The relief and shape are individual and not repeated, but from different angles they resemble human figures, animal heads and other possible idols. After all, stories and legends play an important role in the perception of this natural miracle.

Panorama of the Manpupuner plateau

According to one of these legends, the name of the plateau is translated from Mansi as “Mountain of Small Idols.” It must be admitted that this place is truly imbued with the spirit of paganism and nationality. Despite the passing of time, the Rocks majestically carry this atmosphere through time, resisting wind, rain and snow.

Where is the Manpupuner plateau located?

Geographically, the Manpupuner Plateau is located in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the vast Komi Republic, on the territory of the amazing Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve - in the interfluve of the unusually beautiful rivers - Ichotlyaga and Pechora. Address: Berezovsky district, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Manpupuner plateau on the map

Coordinates of the Manpupuner plateau on the map:

  • Latitude – 62.320636
  • Longitude — 59.627279

How to get to the Manpupuner plateau

Before you set off on an adventure in the vastness of the Komi Republic, you should carefully consider your route. And it will not be easy. However, there is no need to be scared. After all, thanks to the increased popularity of this place, you will not have to be pioneers, and such difficulties will not arise. The main thing is desire and belief in your strength.

One way to get to the designated place is by helicopter. This transport is not cheap (according to the latest data, a trip per person will cost about 30,000 rubles), but it is the fastest and most practical. The fact is that the flight will take you less time than walking, and there will be much more opportunities for a comfortable stay near the attraction. But there is no need to despair, because no one will feel the atmosphere of this wonderful place more than travelers who choose to get there on their own, the route for which will be as follows:

  • The starting point is the city of Syktyvkar.
  • Next, either by train or by car we get to Troitsko-Pechorsk.
  • From there we go to the village of Yaksha.
  • Having arrived at the place, we change transport to water and now cover about 200 km by boat.
  • Once again on land, we finish the journey with a walk of approximately 40 km to the final point - the Manpupuner plateau.

When is the best time to visit the Manpupuner plateau?

There are several points of view about the optimal time to visit Manpupuner. Some believe that winter provides ideal conditions for a comfortable trip: no mosquitoes, no midges, or any other annoying insects; the opportunity to use skis and breathtaking starry nights. However, do not forget about the climate, which at this time ranges from -40ºС to -30ºС.

While others actively convince that it is in the summer that your trip will be most memorable. Adherents of the summer option prefer August for travel: there are fewer insects, water in the rivers decreases, and nature dresses in a palette of autumn colors. The August landscapes of Manpupuner are truly unforgettable.


However, visiting the Manpupuner plateau is not so easy. Documents from a travel agency and verbal confirmation that you came with good intentions will not be enough. That is why it is worth visiting the official website of the Manpupunera Plateau, where you can:

  • get acquainted with all types of trips;
  • carefully review the necessary documentation and confirmations from customs.

Speaking about the types of trips, it is worth noting that there is an option for everyone. The variety of trips offered ranges from one-day helicopter excursions to week-long hikes (such as “Shchebenka”, “Otorten”, “House in the Mountains”, “Dyatlov Pass”, etc.). There is also an option for particularly interested tourists - “Extreme Tour”, which lasts from August 4 to 18 and involves a trip for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to prove it to themselves.

Do not forget about simple but very important truths when visiting such places where fishing and hunting are prohibited; presence of dogs; lighting fires in order to preserve the natural heritage in the form in which we managed to capture it. The staff working on the territory of the boarding house try to carefully protect what we inherited from nature, so please be understanding of the environment and people.

What to see in the area

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there is not a single settlement or settlement within a radius of 100-150 km from the Manpupuner plateau. The only thing the surrounding area has is the amazing “Virgin Forests of Komi”, which in turn are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Even though the path to Manpupuner plateau The route is not easy, but it is worth seeing at the end of the journey. Large-scale boulders reaching into the sky will forever be remembered as a corner of nature, untouched by man, but seen by you personally. The beauty and mystery of the Weathering Pillars will stay with you for a long time, because you most likely will not see anything like it unless you go on this trip again.

Whatever they call this beautiful and mysterious place Northern Urals: Manpupuner, Man-Pupyg-Ner, Bolvano-Iz, Mansi idiots... Tourists usually call them briefly - "Navel". Weathering pillars Manpupuner are considered one of seven wonders of Russia.

Origin and legend of the name

Translated from the Mansi language "manpupuner" means "Small Mountain of Idols". And indeed, there are seven of these remains in total. Six pillars are lined up on a flat plateau, and one stands slightly to the side. Their height is from 30 to 42 meters. They all have bizarre shapes.

For Mansi This place has long been considered holy; they forbade going here. According to one legend, the stone pillars were in ancient times seven Samoyed giants who walked through the mountains with the goal of destroying the Vogul people. But, having risen to the plateau, their leader-shaman saw in front of him the sacred Vogul Mount Yalping-ner. In horror, he threw his drum to the top (it is now called Koip - “drum”) and all seven giants were petrified with horror. Since then they have stood on this mountain plateau.

How were they formed?

Being here, it is truly difficult to believe that these mysterious pillars were formed simply due to the destruction of the mountains. Nevertheless, it is so. The pillars were formed over many millions of years as a result of weathering. The weak rocks surrounding them collapsed, but these, which turned out to be harder rocks, survived and formed this miracle of nature. Plateau pillars Manpupuner in 2008 were recognized one of the seven wonders of Russia. During the voting, more than one and a half million votes were collected for them!

The virgin beauty of this place has been preserved due to its remoteness and inaccessibility. There are no populated areas within a radius of hundreds of kilometers. For this reason, random people prone to vandalism, fortunately, do not come here. Hike to Manpupuner for unprepared people, it is only available during pick-up and drop-off by helicopter. In case of hiking, it is accessible only to experienced, well-prepared tourists. The walking route usually takes about two weeks.

Author of the photo: Yuri Ilyenko

Pass, weather and clothing

The weather in these northern mountains is very cold and unpredictable. There are frequent fogs in which it is difficult to see the weathering columns and it is easy to get lost. The weathering pillars themselves are located on the territory Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve and to visit them, in order to avoid problems, you need to obtain permission from his administration.

To do this, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the reserve. The application must indicate the expected duration of the trip, a list of group members, passport information and contact information. The reserve will issue you a pass and charge an environmental fee for it.

Author of the photo: Yuri Ilyenko

Northern Urals- a harsh region, and therefore, when going on a winter trip to Mansi idiots, first of all, you need to take care of protecting yourself from extremely cold temperatures and wind, which can be very strong here. Particular attention should be paid to a windproof (storm suit), warm expedition jacket and shoes, which should be warm enough and protected from snow getting inside.

How to get there?

Geographically, weathering pillars Manpupuner are situated in Trinity-Pechora region of the Komi Republic, in the interfluve Pechora rivers And Ichotlyaga. It is very difficult to get to them, since they are located in remote, inaccessible areas. Those with a lot of money can book a helicopter tour (however, the weather is not always favorable to tourists). The rest will have to walk for a long time.

For hikers there are two route options - from the side Komi Republic and from the side Sverdlovsk region. IN Komi Republic you must first get to the regional center Trinity-Pechorsk. There is a train from Syktyvkar. Then by car to Yaksha village, where to agree on a transfer up the Ilych by motor boat (almost 200 kilometers). After this, you have to walk another 38 kilometers. Assistance in transferring to Yaksha village can be obtained from the administration Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve.

Author of the photo: Yuri Ilyenko

Hike to Manpupuner from the outside Sverdlovsk region much longer and heavier. First you need to get to city ​​of Ivdel(you can get there by bus or train from Ekaterinburg). IN Ivdel on the basis of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you can agree on a transfer in an all-terrain vehicle up to Auspiya River. Having arrived, you need to walk along Auspiya River to the west about 20 kilometers, then climb the infamous

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