Home Permission How to fish. Fishing: Basics for Beginners and Fisherman's Rules How to fish

How to fish. Fishing: Basics for Beginners and Fisherman's Rules How to fish

What determines success when fishing on spinning

Currently, many anglers still do not know how to fish with a spinning rod. This method is a fairly effective way to catch a predator. With it, the angler must do everything possible to outwit the object of fishing. The fisherman must convince the predator that this is not an artificial bait, but a real prey that is easy to catch and feast on.

However, do not think that this is something simple. The success of fishing with the presented tackle will entirely depend on the knowledge of some nuances, favorite places of predatory fish, time and depth of fishing, choice of bait, time of day, weather conditions suitable for fishing, type of fish, its size and other factors. Let's try together to analyze the fishing of a predator from a variety of angles, so that later you can go fishing and be confident in your own abilities.

What kind of fish can be caught with this method

This method implies that the angler will play with the bait in such a way that predatory fish will pay attention to it and begin to attack, deciding that it is an easy prey in front of it. Before we learn how to fish with this method, let's talk about exactly what types of fish can be caught using spinning. Fishing should begin with determining the features, because the choice of promising fishing spots, the method of wiring gear and the choice of lures depend on this. The following types of fish are caught using this method:

Wobblers that catch 100%:

  • Zander;
  • Perch;
  • Pike;
  • Bursh;
  • Chub;
  • Asp;
  • Burbot;
  • Trout;
  • Salmon and more

How to catch on spinning

Proper fishing is one that allows you to enjoy the catch. You need to learn and learn to follow certain rules. The main rules are: a good cast, a competent choice of place, the introduction of a spinner (other gear) and the choice of bait. True, there is one small nuance, namely: correct fishing will be a reality only if the fisherman can combine theory and practice.

As soon as you came to the reservoir, do not rush to cast. To begin with, you need to choose the most promising place for fishing and only then make a cast. All movements should be as smooth and accurate as possible, strength rarely decides everything here. It is not necessary to change the place of casting often, it is better to make 5-10 casts in each direction and, if there is no result, move to some other place. Now, you fully know how to fish on a spinning lure and can independently engage in this exciting business!

How to catch fish

fishing technique

I wanted to talk about the oldest occupation of mankind. Fishing! As you know, there are different types of fish and in order to catch them you need to know the simple secrets of professional fishermen.

First, let's talk about the depth: if you go for crucian carp, then you need to consider that it can hit both at depth and on the surface, especially if it's hot.

In general, cyprinids like to take bait on top, for example, a crust of bread, you also need to take into account that fish, when it swims on top, are more visible and fishermen should not run along the shore and wear bright clothes so as not to scare the fish away.

fishing line
also has a significant value in fishing, so you need to choose as thin a fishing line as possible; if the fishing line is thick, then the fish may be scared. If you go for a large fish, then a thin line can break, you just need experience here. You should not take a multi-colored line, it can scare the fish, the line is very translucent in the water, so you need to take as thin and invisible line as possible.

Our next point is cargo. The load should not hit one of them, several of them should hit, albeit 3-5 grams, depending on the float. The smaller the load, the less fear the fish has.

Next, let's talk about the rubber band and how to fish with it. How to fish with a rubber band? What are the advantages of a fishing rod with a rubber shock absorber (gum) over a conventional fishing rod? Now we will try to sort out these issues. To begin with, I will show you once how to assemble a fishing rod with a rubber shock absorber (gum). A fishing line 0.35-0.4 mm long, 80-100 m long, is wound on the Motowilts (reel). To prevent the fishing line from getting tangled, the end of the fishing line is tied to a swivel. An elastic band is tied to the swivel. Then, an elastic band is passed into the ear of the swivel 4-6 times, and tied into 6-7 ordinary knots, you also need to leave a 2-3 cm tail of the fishing line so that when the elastic band is pulled, the knot does not untie. When you tighten the elastic, the fishing line must be moistened with water.

Do not tie the rubber band to the load, it will break. Then we tie a rope to the elastic band, you can use a nylon cord. We make a loop on the rope and tie the elastic in the same way as on the swivel. Next, we need a load that we will tie to a rope; this can beat lead, if you throw it from a boat, it can beat a brick. A stone, a bag of sand is tied to the cargo, buoy an empty bottle. Leashes are tied in different ways, the most popular way is “loop to loop” on the fishing line, loops are made, leashes are tied to them. The fishing line together with the rubber band is wound on a winder so that the fishing line does not break, it is not necessary to wind the fishing line into tension. Fishing with a rubber band is a popular method of catching fish, the only drawback is the long process of preparing for fishing. They catch sabrefish, pike perch, pike, bream, silver bream, ide, burbot.

It is known that fishing is a whole science, and everyone who is really fond of it has many of his own tricks, rules and signs. But besides them, any fisherman must be guided by the norms of Russian legislation. We have collected the basic rules that should be followed so that the Day of the Fisherman is not overshadowed by communication with inspectors and subsequent fines.

Fishing in our country is free and free if you do it on public waters and during the periods when fishing is not prohibited. However, there is a rather extensive list of restrictions, which includes places, terms, methods and tools for fishing, as well as types of fish, and violation of the prohibitions turns any law-abiding amateur fisherman into a poacher.

First of all, fishing is prohibited in reserves, at fish breeding enterprises, as well as at a distance of less than 500 meters from bridges, locks, dams and other hydraulic structures. On private property, permission from the owner is required. Also, regional authorities may impose restrictions on fishing in specific water bodies.

If we talk about tools, then amateur fishermen have the right to use spinning rods and float rods, feeders, vents and mugs, bottom rods, but not more than five units per person at a time. Other gear is allowed, provided that the number of hooks on them does not exceed 10 pieces.

At the same time, any nets, traps (except for crayfish), trawls, bottom seines, traps, piercing tools for fishing, fishing rods and spinning rods of any type with more than 10 hooks, and a number of other means are prohibited. Keep in mind that even if you have these items, if you are near a body of water, it may be a reason for proceedings and administrative liability.

Also outlawed in fishing are electric fishing rods and stun guns, firearms and pneumatic weapons, explosives and toxic substances. Fishing by boat is not allowed everywhere - each region may have its own rules in this respect, which are best clarified in advance.

In some regions of the Far East, Siberia and the North of Russia, the use of the net is allowed, but for this it is necessary to obtain a license from the Federal Agency for Fisheries. At the same time, each network is marked with data about the owner.

A license will also be required if your goal is salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon and others) or different types of crabs. This name permit determines for how long, where and how many fish you can catch. The document will cost 200 rubles, and you will also have to pay for each fish caught: from 35 rubles for pink salmon to 300 rubles for salmon.

But the holder of such a permit is not subject to restrictions on the daily catch. For everyone else, the norm is 5 kilograms per person per day. There is only one exception: if the weight of one fish exceeds the norm. Low-value fish species - bleak, minnows and ruffs - can be caught without restrictions.

By the way, attention should be paid not only to weight, but also to the size of the catch. Some types of fish can only be caught when they grow to a certain size, and if the length of the caught fish is less than allowed, it should be released back, trying to cause as little damage as possible. For example, pike perch must be at least 38 centimeters long, carp - 24 centimeters, and trout and herring - at least 15 centimeters.

Fishing is possible throughout the year, with the exception of the spawning season. It is different for all fish and may depend on the weather and other conditions, so the exact dates of the bans are set by regional authorities on an individual basis and change every year depending on the situation.

Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited, and violation of this rule is punishable by a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles. Punishments for other offenses are not so great: from 300 to 5000 rubles, although if the actions of the fisherman caused major damage, criminal liability is also provided.

It is also worth remembering that the powers of the inspectors of the Federal Agency for Fisheries allow not only to check documents, but also to inspect vehicles and personal belongings of citizens and seize catches and harvesting tools from violators.

But, of course, if you approach the issue, guided by common sense, and do not set a goal to catch all the fish in the surrounding waters, then no difficulties and problems should arise. The spawning season has already ended this summer, and nothing prevents you from taking a fishing rod and going to the water to celebrate Fisherman's Day.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

This article contains all the useful information for both experienced anglers and beginners. Contains useful tips on feeding, time and place for successful fishing.



  • What to fish for in January. The most productive in January will be fishing for mormyshka. Or on a piece of a smaller fish, planted on a hook. The heavier the bait, the more unshakable the float will be. Due to this, the fish completely swallows the hook and it is easier to hook it. It will be relevant to take large baubles or baubles with you for fishing.
  • How fish bite in January. January is not an easy month for fishing. After severe frosts, when the thaw comes, there are great chances to catch good fish. The rest of the time, biting is not active.
  • What kind of fish to catch in January. The best time to catch burbot. It spawns in January, so the chances of catching a large catch increase significantly. A stable temperature makes it possible to catch roach and bream. Not infrequently caught on a hook - pike perch. Also during this period, mainly during the day, you can catch pike or perch.
  • When is the best time to fish in January? The first days of the month are ideal for burbot fishing. In general, for fishing in January, preference should be given to either early morning or late night. At the same time choosing cloudy, quiet days.
  • Where is the best fishing in January. When choosing a reservoir, you can stop at the reservoirs, where at a depth of 4-7 meters there is an active zander fishing. Particular attention should be paid to rivers with changing water levels.


  • What to fish for in February. For larger fish, baubles are suitable. But the float fishing rod is in great demand and popularity. Not large pieces of fresh fish or small tails are planted on it. In some cases, you can take a worm or meat if you go for trout.
  • How the fish bite in February. In the first half of the month, you should not count on a big bite. The fish "wakes up" only closer to the 20th. Although compared to January, the chances are much higher. And by the end of the month, it can be said, there is a live bait fishing.
  • What kind of fish to catch in February. February is the most favorable month for and ruff. They are almost flawless on the hook. The bite of roach and silver bream, large perch, pike and zander is also improving.
  • When is the best time to fish in February? On the rivers and lakes in the first half of the month, you can catch a pike with a sheer lure. In almost all ice-free rivers, starting from the second half of February, the bite of almost all types of fish increases. By the end of the month, perch can be easily caught in the burrowed places.
  • Where is the best fishing in February. The best biting in February on non-freezing waters. Mostly fish wintering in the lowlands, goes to the shallows, getting closer to the fairway of the rivers.


  • What to fish for in March The beginning of spring is characterized by spinning fishing. Gear for this season must be chosen better and stronger than for winter. Since the fish after the winter is more energetic, and the water is muddy and clogged. Lure fishing in March is not relevant, it would be more successful to take worms or bloodworms. Bark beetle larvae are also very popular.
  • How the fish bite in March. Already in early March, the fish becomes active, it can peck almost the entire daylight hours. It is worth choosing warm, sunny weather, during this period you can even do without top dressing.
  • What kind of fish to catch in March. In March, pike spawning begins. Therefore, catching it is not difficult, the same can be said about perch. It actively feeds near the shore (10-15m.). Great activity is shown by perch and roach, straying into a joint.
  • When is the best time to fish in March? March is a great time for fishing. Especially if you go out in the morning and sit until noon. But even in case of worsening weather conditions, burbot fishing remains relevant.
  • Where is the best fishing in March. Reservoirs, large lakes are the best suited for fishing in March. This is explained by the fact that flocks of roaches or perches stand on coastal cracks and do not move until the channel is clear of ice. It has also been noticed that on the border of light and muddy water there is often an excellent bite.


  • What to fish for in April. In April, as a rule, the water is still cloudy, therefore, more flavored foods should be chosen. This makes it easier for the fish to find the bait. Both worms and larvae are perfect. This month you can catch almost any bait. But preference is given to a light rod, as frequent recasting can quickly tire your hands.
  • How the fish bite in April. Fish activity decreases in April. She is no longer looking for food, but simply picks up what she gets. Therefore, it is so important to lure her and, most importantly, not to frighten her away.
  • What kind of fish to catch in April. There is an opportunity to catch fish such as silver bream and ruff. Chub and carp in some reservoirs. Fishing for burbot, pike and perch remains relevant. Fishing for crucian carp is also very popular during this period.
  • When is the best time to fish in April? The best time for fishing is the beginning of April. The ice has just melted, the fish are active, and there is an opportunity to fish in the wiring. The current is usually weak and the water is quite clear. This is the perfect time to go for a great catch. True, this period lasts only a few days.
  • Where is the best fishing in April. Rivers and small lakes are a great place to fish in April. As a rule, there is still ice there, but it is already possible to fish in open water. It will be important to remember that during this period the use of almost all devices and gear for fishing is prohibited. The exception is the float rod.


  • What to fish for in May An excellent bait is a metal lure or. You can also use small dead fish. During this period, fishing becomes the most interesting, since you can catch both from the shore and from a boat. Using at the same time spinning and float bait tackle.
  • How the fish bite in May. For some fish, May means the end of spawning, for others, the beginning. In any case, the fish begin to actively feed, easily pick up almost everything that smells and glitters.
  • . The ideal moment for pike fishing, as with the flowering of dandelions, the so-called "pike zhor" begins. Also during this period, large specimens of zander and perch are not uncommon. Bream along with roach in mid-May begin to peck actively. Toward the end of May, there is fishing for carp and.
  • When is the best time to fish in May? May is one of the best months for fishing. The water warms up, the vegetation begins to run amok. All this actively affects the bite. You can fish from morning to night, as most of the fish have either finished spawning or are just starting.
  • Where is the best fishing in May. Large rivers or large lakes are ideal for boat fishing. And for catching tench, from the shore, shallow reservoirs will be needed. Pike can be found in narrow channels or small bays.


  • What to fish for in June By the way, an ordinary float rod is suitable for fishing. An excellent bait would be bread crumb, millet or wheat grains. Slow spinners are also suitable, in the case of catching catfish, you can use bird giblets.
  • How the fish bite in June. As the air temperature rises, the fish in the water become lethargic. By the end of June, pike biting is significantly deteriorating. In general, all larger fish prefer to stay at the bottom.
  • What kind of fish to catch in June. In June, pike perch and bersh are excellent. Catfish and carp are also well caught. When the water is already quite warm, tench and rudd come out to spawn. Fishing for ide and catfish is very popular with fishermen this month.
  • When is the best time to fish in June? An important point to note is that just in the second half of June, the reproduction of the mayfly (one-day moth) begins. Insects actively fly over the water, allowing non-predatory fish to eat plenty. Therefore, these days it makes no sense to catch her.
  • Where is the best fishing in June. It is better to catch during this period in warm places. Most of the fish stay closer to the grass, and large specimens settle in cluttered places and thickets. And when it gets hot, the fish rush into the flooded stream beds, underwater pits.


  • What to fish for in July. Spinning is required for fishing in July. Most actively, the fish bites on maggot, bloodworm and dung worm. Small fish and steamed wheat are also suitable. Boilies are also popular, mainly in carp fishing. They have a rounded shape and a specific smell.
  • How fish bite in July. Hot weather forces many fish to seek coolness in the lower layers of water. Because of this, the bite in July is not great.
  • What kind of fish to catch in July. July is famous for the big biting of bream. Also, without much difficulty, you can catch a roach, as a rule, it is found in large volumes. and carp are caught almost all year round. Catching pike this month is more difficult, but quite possible.
  • When is the best time to fish in July? Fishing will bring great results on the cool days of the month. When it's cloudy and it's raining, the fish floats closer to the surface. Or you need to choose an earlier time for fishing, for example, from 4:00 to 10:00.
  • Where is the best fishing in July. When it's hot, you need to choose deep-sea reservoirs. This will increase the chances of a catch. But for crucian and carp, in rainy weather, not deep open places will come down, mainly with a muddy bottom. Greater preference should be given to areas in the shade, under bridges or piles.


  • What to fish for in August. August is the best time for bait fishing. You can choose anything from baits: spinners, poppers, worms and flies, small fish and spindles, bread crumb and boiled peas.
  • How the fish bite in August. Fish in August begins to gradually revive. Insects disappear. But this moment falls for the most part at the end of the month. Based on this, the bite in July and the first half of August do not differ significantly.
  • What kind of fish to catch in August. You can safely expect that this month you will be able to catch asp and pike perch, chub and ide. Silver carp, bream and silver bream on the line are also not uncommon. In a certain area, you can catch grass carp, trout and bersh.
  • When is the best time to fish in August? August allows you to "hunt" both predators and peaceful fish. The most fruitful fishing is at the end of August. It is also better to fish during the day, with the exception of burbot and catfish, they bite better at night.
  • Where is the best fishing in August. It is best to fish in the rivers. Since in the second half of the month in the "stagnant waters" a bloom of water is formed. This phenomenon causes discomfort to the fish by restricting light and oxygen supply.


  • What to fish for in September In September, you need to stock up on a worm, not a large fry, and a bloodworm. An excellent bait for a chub will be a gudgeon. As a rule, in September they catch on spinning, but a float fishing rod will also be relevant. If the river is not big, mormyshka fishing can give a good catch.
  • How the fish bite in September. Biting increases when the weather is cool, replaced by warm days. In September, this is not a rare occurrence, so it is better to go fishing during the so-called "Indian summer".
  • What kind of fish to catch in September. Under a layer of leaves, perches and scavengers like to stand in small flocks. The easiest way, perhaps, is to catch roach during this period. Toward the end of the month, the biting of carp and bream almost completely stops. However, in September there are great chances to catch chub, pike and catfish.
  • When is the best time to fish in September? Warm, fine days are ideal for fishing. With the exception of fishing for burbot, in this case it will be more effective to go out at the end of the month, in rainy, cloudy weather.
  • Where is the best fishing in September. In September, fish begin to move away from the shore, so it would be better to fish from a boat. Small lakes and ponds are ideal for pike fishing. In warm weather, it is good to fish in shallow water, and in cold weather to go deeper.


  • What to fish for in October One of the most effective fishing methods in October is a feeder. You can fish with float rods near deep shores. Complementary foods during this period should be chosen with a less pronounced odor. Maggot is perfect in combination with fodder bloodworms, bone meal.
  • How the fish bite in October. Fish activity decreases during this period. The water gradually becomes clearer and the fish behave more cautiously. Biting during this period is not stable.
  • What kind of fish to catch in October. In the first half of the month, you can still successfully catch silver bream and crucian carp. The second half of October is the time for catching predatory fish. During this period, you can catch pike perch and asp, perch and bersh. The pike also starts to actively peck.
  • When is the best time to fish in October? Fishing in October is characterized by later rises. The best bite starts at 9:00 and lasts approximately until sunset.
  • Where is the best fishing in October. It is more efficient to fish further from the shore. Or near pools and dams. Fishing on the river will be more productive if you stick to the concave banks.


  • What to fish for in November For fishing in November, both winter and summer gear are suitable. The fish is not bad for circles and trolling. But the leadership remains with spinning. Lures should be larger, you can use spinners. The use of bright silicone fish will be effective.
  • How the fish bite in November. November is the peak for catching predatory fish. In some species, autumn zhor begins, which can only be compared with the spawning period.
  • What kind of fish to catch in November. It's time for pike hunting. Great results will be brought by perch fishing, having huddled in flocks, they are actively looking for food. In November, it is not uncommon for zander and small roach to catch the bait. At great depths, you can still catch bream.
  • When is the best time to fish in November? It is better to start fishing after the sun has risen. Closer to 14:00, small fish stray closer and closer to the shore. During the whole day you can catch roach. But night fishing will not bring great results.
  • Where is the best fishing in November. In November, it is already customary to fish on the first ice. Large rivers and large reservoirs are ideal. Large fish can be caught in the bays. For pike fishing, the channels between the reeds are suitable. In small rivers with a small current, it is easy to get roach.


  • What to fish for in December It is best to use large baubles and baubles. If you use winter float rods, then you need to have bait. For her, a bloodworm or a small mormyshka is suitable. Bran is actively used in combination with cake.
  • How the fish bite in December. Fishing in December is not particularly productive, this is due to the winter stupor, which some species of fish fall into. Activity depends largely on the reservoir and weather conditions.
  • What kind of fish to catch in December. Carp, catfish and tench are among those fish species that fall into a stupor. Pike, perch, are excellently caught during this period. In shallow water, you can catch ruff, roach and rudd. Burbot in December pecks at almost any profit.
  • When is the best time to fish in December? Active biting can please fishing on the first ice. Fish usually stand in the same places near the bottom. In early December, especially on calm days, fishing is more productive.
  • Where is the best fishing in December. In shallow reservoirs, with a large amount of vegetation, due to insufficient oxygen, a good bite lasts no more than a few days. The most productive fishing in flowing lakes. Not bad results are obtained by fishing in frozen shallow waters.
Based on this, we can conclude that with sufficient preparation, armed with knowledge about the place, time and nature of the behavior of fish, a good catch is provided all year round. Good luck and successful fishing!

Sergei Admiralov

The Serious Fishermen's Club Fisher Info has collected the top rules for fishing and the basics for beginner fishermen. It will be useful to get acquainted with them both for an amateur to get out with a fishing rod, and for an experienced fish hunter with full equipment.

Fishing technique

Fishing in a serious sense includes a set of techniques.

There are several techniques for catching fish:

  • Baiting;
  • Jigging;
  • casting;
  • Spinning;
  • Trolling;
  • Fly fishing.

Baiting is a method of fishing with natural, live bait. In her role can be a small fish. The technique is performed in a boat standing still or a boat moving at a minimum speed under a motor.

Jigging is a method of vertical spinning technique using a jigging lure weighing from 100 to 500 grams. The bait is exhausted in high-speed mode, allowing you to catch huge halibut or toothy greenlings.

Casting is used in a competitive, tournament type of fishing for distance and casting accuracy.

Spinning is a favorite way to catch fish by casting deep into or along the surface of the water surface.

Trolling is used to catch prey on the waves while moving under a motor from a boat or boat. The bait is cast according to a special scheme, taking into account the speed of movement and the resulting waves.

Fly fishing is an aerobatics in the technique of catching fish, where a weightless artificial fly is thrown into the water from the air.

Learning how to cast is one of the steps in mastering how to fish. However, catching is the mastery of one or more techniques that requires practice and combines several factors. For example, you need to learn how to make fishing knots, which involve threading the fishing line through the eye of the hook and wrapping the extra length into a special loop. In addition, you need to attach the bait to the hook to lure the fish. And it is important to set the resistance with the calculation of 25% of the weight of the fishing line.

In fishing, there are various types of fishing knots, hooks and lures to choose from, which serve their specific purposes and work only in the intended situations. Many items from them are designed to help novice fishermen. For example, live bait is especially beneficial for beginners as it moves on its own and helps attract fish.

Every step in fishing technique is learned and practiced from easy and simple, requiring minimal equipment and costs, to complex and serious, forcing a professional approach to this matter.

How to fish. Fishing Rules

There are the following rules for catching fish:

  1. Set up your fishing rod. The fishing rod should be light, with a flexible end, smooth, with straightened fishing line. The bait on the hook should be fresh in size.
  2. Choose the right weather and time to catch. The ideal option is early morning or evening at sunset.
  3. Individually approach the choice of reservoir. Specific fish bite in the right place and under certain conditions.
  4. Try not to make noise. Use electric trolling motors or 4-stroke engines when spinning from a boat.
  5. Throw right on target. Master your casting skills so you don't carry your bait in the water and risk hooking your line.
  6. Do not rush to check the bait, so as not to scare the big fish.
  7. Observe the measure in the installation of fishing rods in order to have time to hook. The ideal option is two fishing rods.
  8. Take a look at fish habits. Not every fish immediately swallows the bait, some just check, take away the float.
  9. Cut the fish with a jerk in the opposite direction from its course. For small fish, do not overdo it with the pull, so as not to tear her lip.
  10. Put the rod on the flyer. Do not leave fishing gear on grass or sand.
  11. Keep the line visible above the water to avoid snagging.
  12. Large fish need to tire before pulling out. If the fish lies on its side and splashes over the water, then it's time to take it out.
  13. Use a net for large fish.
  14. For entangled fish, it is necessary to loosen the fishing line and wait for an independent swim to a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir.
  15. In the hot months, the fish goes into the shade or to the bottom. In cold weather, it rises closer to the sun, to the surface.
  16. Before throwing a fishing rod, wish "No tail, no scales!".

How to throw spinning

Learning the basics of casting should start with a practical, step-by-step guide.

Steps for a successful spinning casting:

  1. Take the rod in your dominant hand and make sure no one is around.
  2. Press the release button on the top of the spool, which will allow the line to come off the spool.
  3. Start swinging from the back, pointing the rod above your head.
  4. Move the rod forward and aim in the direction of your target.
  5. At the end, let the bait splash in the water, this will be the signal for a correct cast.

It is worth remembering that the size of the fish you intend to catch will depend on the choice of a particular reel. This is important when you need to cast your spinning reel to fish that need less bait. Or in the case when the fish needs more bait, it is necessary to contrive to cast using reels with a bait-caster.

How to cut correctly

The drag mechanism of a fishing reel is a special system that creates drag on the reel. The easiest way to learn how to properly set up a hook or drag is to set it up for the breaking load of the line you are using. As a general rule, drag should be chosen at 25% of the weight of the line. However, the process of hooking a fish may vary depending on the weight of each piece.

Tips for hooking fish properly:

  • Generate up to 20% drag at line breaking load up to 20 pounds (Lb);
  • Set drag to 25% considering line breaking load of 30 to 50 pounds (Lb);
  • Increase resistance to 30% at line breaking load of 80 to 130 pounds (Lb).

It is best to set the resistance before the first cast into the water, as it is undesirable to adjust the reel after the line has been cast into the water. If you are unsure of the correct resistance setting, the rule of thumb is that less is more. Because choosing a strong resistance will cause the line to break.

How to choose fishing bait

The decision on how to choose a fishing lure depends on the level of theory and practice of the fisherman, as well as on the fish that is planned to be caught.

For example, live bait should be securely attached to the hook. It is better to give preference to a circular hook or an octopus hook. It is important in choosing a bait to be guided by color, shape, size. Considering all the nuances that are used in the choice of artificial bait, many fishermen prefer live baits. And for novice fishermen, the last option, due to the peculiarity of the live bait, moving on the hook is the most attractive.

A guide to choosing a bait will help you decide in this matter:

  • What color is the bait use, prompt the state of the water. For muddy water, bright colors are chosen, and for a clear pond, neutral colors are used.
  • What size bait use depends on the size and characteristics of the hook. Choose baits taking into account reliable fastening and the shape of the hook.
  • Which fish is suitable for bait set from the target of the catch. Predatory fish prefer live bait. Catfish are susceptible to the smell of bait, but trout are attracted by bright colors.

How to attach bait

Learning how to properly attach the bait is to ensure that it fits securely on the hook so that the fish is caught immediately after entering the mouth. To reliably camouflage a fishhook, the bait must be the right size with it.

GOOD TO KNOW! When using a worm as live bait, you should hook it along its length, passing most of the body through the hook.

Artificial lures are much easier to use as they come with a pre-made hook. In this way, the serious fisherman does not have to master the casting technique without worrying that the artificial bait will slip off the hook.

How to tie a fishing knot

In simple terms, tying fishing knots usually involves using a rope, fishing line to form loops, and then passing the end of the rope through the loops. Nodes are specific. Each of the knotting techniques is applied to a specific fishing situation, and also depends on the type of fishing line and type of hook. Consider how to tie fishing knots for beginners.

Knot Palomar

The Palomar knot is considered one of the most powerful and strong fishing knots that are used to attach the hook to the fishing line. The technology is used to catch large or heavy fish. This knot is easy to form and can be used with a variety of line types, but is best paired with braided line.

Palomar node technology:

  1. Take a fishing line with a grip of 5 to 15 cm and thread it through the eye of the hook.
  2. The hook should hang down and a knot will form at the top which involves forming a loop and passing one end of the line through the loop in the double line you just formed.
  3. To pass the hook, there must be free space in the knot, and the line must not be twisted.
  4. Pull the end of the loop down and through the entire hook or lure.
  5. Before tightening the knot, moisten the fishing line, and pull on opposite ends.
  6. Cut off excess line if necessary.

Surgical node

One of the practical and useful fishing knots is the surgeon's knot, which forms two fishing lines of equal diameter together. Compared to other technologies, the surgical knot increases the strength of the bait. It is used to catch large fish and ensure that the line does not come off the hook.

Surgical Fishing Knot Technology:

  1. Bend the lead line, forming an auxiliary line parallel to the overlap by 15 cm.
  2. Tie the two lines together in a loose knot and pull the guide line through the loop.
  3. Without closing the loop, make another knot, again drawing the loop into the knot through the hole.
  4. Moisten the fishing line and tighten the knot formed.

Uni-Knot (Hangman's Knot)

The fishing uni-knot or hangman's knot is considered the most versatile technique in fishing. The single knot is one of the strongest and is great for catching heavy fish. The uni knot is most effective when paired with monofilament line and terminal rigging. Also, this fishing knot can be used in combination with other equipment.

Technology of fishing uni-knot or hangman's knot:

  1. Thread about 15 cm of line through the eye of the hook.
  2. Double the line by creating a loop.
  3. Wrap the end of the line around the loop five or six times.
  4. Pull the end of the line through the open loop.
  5. Wet and pull to form a knot.
  6. Tighten the main line to move the knot towards the eye of the hook.

Improved Clinch Knot

For lures, serious fishermen recommend using a clinch knot or an improved knot. The improved clinch fishing knot is a technology used by beginner fishermen to secure artificial lures, flies or spinners on the hook. The knot is considered to be strong and hardy, it is used for catching medium and large fish.

Fishing Advanced Clinch Knot Technology:

  1. Thread 15 cm of line through the eye of the hook.
  2. Pull back and wrap the end around the main line five times, leaving a small space between the hook and the lure.
  3. Pass the remaining fishing line into the hole formed between the eye of the hook and the bait.
  4. Take the same end of the line and thread it through the big loop you just made.
  5. Slowly pull the lead line and the end of the tag away from the hook, making sure that the resulting windings do not overlap each other.
  6. Moisten the line and tie the knot tighter.
  7. Pull the line while standing until the knot is secured to the top of the bait or hook.

Knot Snell

The Snell fishing knot is used to strengthen the line and increase the fish catch rate. Snelling's technique is to create a knot a little further away from the eye of the hook. This gives more hold between line and bait.

This is a versatile fishing knot for big game fishing. However, it is worth remembering that the Snell knot requires a good fishing line with high stability, load breaking.

Snell knot technology:

  1. Hold the hook up and pull the end of the line through the eye twice, forming a loop that runs along the back of the hook and has a fold parallel to the tail of the hook.
  2. Wrap the excess loop line around the hook tail five or ten times depending on the size of the hook tail.
  3. In the last wrapping cycle, thread the end of the line through the looped lead line so that this end faces the hook barb.
  4. Pull the resulting ends opposite to each other.
  5. Slide the knot up until it is flush with the eye of the hook.
  6. Use pliers to pull out the end of the line and fully tighten the knot, then cut off the excess.

How to properly attach a fishing hook

In order to properly attach a fishing hook to a line, slack needs to be eliminated and tension created between the line and the bait. The tension created will make the line feel sensitive and will help you tell the difference between a big pull and a light pull. Also setting the hook on the rod requires the desired fish target to be reached. When the fish takes the bait, it is necessary to turn the reel so that the prey can swallow the hook.

How to remove a hook from a fish

You can remove or remove the hook from the fish using a hook or extractor. The best way to unhook a fish is to keep it in the water while the hook is being pulled out. First of all, keep the fish horizontal and grab the hook at the point of its curvature. Click on the hook to loosen it. Finally, when the hook is loosened, it can be easily removed from the fish.

Retrieving a hook varies in difficulty depending on the type of hook used.
If the catch of fish is professional and occurs with the release of the catch, then the use of triple hooks is not recommended. Such hooks are considered difficult and dangerous, as they damage the gills, throat and respiratory organs of the fish. Use jig hooks or circle hooks to catch and release fish.

The video shows how to use the extractor correctly.

How to get a fish out of the water

Retrieving fish is an important part of successful fishing. It is important to learn how to properly pull the fish out of the water so as not to be left without prey and not spoil the impression of catching.

First of all, reel the fish in as close to the line as possible and wait for the fish to loosen up. Only after that, start the process of extracting from the water. To determine that the fish is tired, you can by the way it moves. She begins to roll over on her side and swim closer to the surface. In this case, you can use a net or take out the fish with your hands.

Use a net to pull large fish out of the water. If you plan to release fish into the water, then the net should be rubber. Such material is safe for protective fish slime.

How to release a fish

If you are wondering how to properly release the fish into the water, then you need to know that the fish are very sensitive.

You can catch and release fish, guided by the following recommendations:

  • do not touch the fish with dry hands;
  • remove the hook from the end of the fishing line;
  • keep fingers away from fish gills and eyes;
  • try not to keep the fish caught for too long and release them into the water as soon as possible;
  • if conditions do not allow releasing the fish immediately, then prepare a bucket for it with water from your native reservoir.

Compression tools and de-hockers will help release the fish. They painlessly remove hooks and injure fish organs less.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Use rubber nets to catch fish for vacation.

Tissue nets injure the mucous membrane of the fish and cause infection.

How to properly store fish

Fish caught for food must be prepared for proper storage. The process of properly storing fish requires keeping the fish alive until it is ready to be cleaned, cooled and filleted for storage.

If the fish died on its own, then keep it in the freezer.

GOOD TO KNOW! Fish will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months.

For proper storage, it is necessary to prepare the fish:

  1. Wash the fish under cold water.
  2. Wipe dry with a clean paper towel.
  3. Wrap the fish in foil or plastic wrap.
  4. Put in the freezer in the place reserved for fish.

How to choose the right place for fishing

Having studied the tips on how to choose the right place for fishing, you can determine which region of the catch will be suitable.

To do this, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of fish caught. Predatory and large fish are not found in all water bodies, while common perch can be found in almost every body of water.
  • Type of fishing. Will it be fishing from the shore, from a boat or spearfishing.
  • Purpose of fishing. In addition to catching fish, many go on a picnic, walk or commercial hunting.
  • Rules for catching fish. Fishing should only be done in the designated area without the use of prohibited poaching items.
  • Season. Depending on the winter-summer season, the equipment of the fisherman and the fish caught will depend.
  • Duration of fishing and experience. Don't forget to take a navigator and an echo sounder when you go out on the water. For fishing from the shore there will be enough quality tackle. Winter night fishing is not acceptable without a tent and means of heating.
  • fishing technique. Hand casting is the most common among most anglers. Trawl fishing is more common among the inhabitants of the ocean coast.

What shoes to choose for fishing

Buying special shoes for fishing is a guarantee of the safety of the fisherman, especially for fishing from a boat. Fishing shoes protect against falling when walking on slippery surfaces. Fisherman's shoes are waterproof and wear-resistant when in contact with water.

Today, the fishing market provides men's, women's, children's waders, rubber and PVC boots and boots.

How to choose fishing equipment

The success of fishing depends not only on the place, but also on the equipment that will instantly raise any beginner to the rank of the best angler. But before heading to the online store for shopping, you should find out what equipment is suitable for your purpose.

For example, for spearfishing, one gun is not enough, since it is necessary to master the technique of swimming and diving.

So for fishing from the shore, there is no need to purchase a boat motor and choose a boat.

For summer fishing you will need:

  • Boat (rowing or motorized);
  • Outboard motor (gasoline or electric motor);
  • Fishing suit;
  • Shoes;
  • Headdress;
  • Fishing vest;
  • thermal underwear;
  • Gloves;
  • Bucket for food and water;
  • Spinning or fishing box;
  • Backpack for things;
  • Thermos;
  • Tackle;
  • Cases and protection for gear;
  • Net;
  • Mormyshka box;
  • Pliers;
  • Extractor;
  • Chair;
  • Sunglasses;
  • Spray from mosquitoes;
  • Means of communication;
  • echo sounder;
  • Fishing video camera;
  • Navigator.

For winter fishing you will need:

  • Ice drill and accessories to it;
  • Gaff;
  • Zherlitsa;
  • Fishing box;
  • Box for jig;
  • knee pads;
  • Lifeguards with a whistle;
  • Scoop;
  • Pick;
  • Winter suit;
  • Winter footwear;
  • Headdress;
  • Gloves;
  • Backpack;
  • Tent;
  • Heating medium;
  • Sled-sled;
  • Motorized towing vehicle or snowmobile;
  • Flashlight;
  • Means of communication;
  • echo sounder;
  • Navigator.

What to take with you for fishing

However, whatever the purpose of fishing, there is a mandatory list of items in the equipment of a fisherman:

  • Water – drink water while fishing to stay hydrated;
  • Food - Provide yourself with snacks if the duration of fishing will be more than 4 hours;
  • Lures are the key to a rich catch;
  • Chair - will be useful for fishing from a boat and shore;
  • Ice cooler - will help keep the fish fresh;
  • Bucket - necessary for storing fish and cleaning it when carrying it home;
  • Fishing box - will allow you to store tackle and personal items, replace a chair;
  • Fishing vest - will put all the necessary gear within close reach when you need to roam the water;
  • Landing net - will help out when catching large fish and safely removing it to the shore or into the boat;
  • Echo sounder fish finder - will show where the fish is found, in what quantity and at what depth.

Fishing safety for children

When you go fishing with your family, take care of the safety of children.

Fishing safety tips for kids:

  1. Do not allow children to attach the hooks themselves. Most of the hooks are very sharp and can cut a baby's fragile skin.
  2. Don't let your child cast the line. A hook in the air can injure a young fisherman's face and ears. Practice casting with a safe dummy.
  3. Do not let children remove the hook from the fish by themselves. Fish scales are very sharp for children's skin. Use protective gloves.
  4. Be sure to wear life jackets for children, even when fishing on the shore. A curious young fisherman may slip near the water and choke on the coastal waters. When fishing from a boat, a life jacket will protect the child from drowning in case of an overkill.


The video shows tips for beginner fishermen.

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