Home Where to relax On what street is the hzb located? Resident Evil: Abandoned Khovrinskaya Hospital

On what street is the hzb located? Resident Evil: Abandoned Khovrinskaya Hospital

It’s also “unfinished in Khovrino” – a huge hospital building. Over 20 years, 800 people disappeared there.

Over its long existence, the hospital has acquired many legends and rumors. Some talk about ghosts, others about the corpses of Satanists on the lower levels.

The layout of the hospital is very unusual. There are 2 buildings on the territory: the main building and the ophthalmology clinic. The main building is shaped like a star. 6 wings extend from it, which are connected by 3 floor passages. The building itself is a 10-story structure, with 3 roof levels and a 2-4 level basement. The first level of the basement is partially flooded, which significantly complicates the exploration of other levels. There is an opinion that the main building and the clinic are connected by an underground tunnel.

A little history of the Khovrinskaya hospital:

Construction began in 1981 (according to other sources - in the 70th or 80th) on the site of a cemetery adjacent to the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” (the cemetery was liquidated in 1960). According to the project, the building was designed for 1300 (according to other sources 1500) beds for patients from all over the country. Officials wanted to create one of the best medical institutions in the USSR; later it was decided to make Khovrinka a district hospital. In 1985, construction stopped (and resumed in the late nineties and 2003), here are several versions of why this happened:

1) funding stopped

2) violations were discovered during the laying of the foundation, there was a threat of the building collapsing

3) the soil under the building was unstable, the building could “float”

They say that at this moment the building was almost ready, interior decoration was being carried out. The building was guarded by the military for some time, then the guards were removed and the locals took everything they could steal from the hospital. The hospital was chosen by homeless people, informals and Satanists. It was because of the Satanists that Khovrinka earned its sinister reputation. Either in the late 80s or early 90s, the building was chosen by the Nemostor sect (Nemostor club).

They say that all the people who disappeared in Khovrinka are the work of their hands. Some say that the sect set up its church in the basement of the main building, others - in the tunnel between the main building and the second building, others - meetings were held in the main building, and the “headquarters” of the sect leaders were equipped in the tunnel. According to rumors, at this time, people (especially children) and dogs began to disappear in the Khovrinka area, which were then sacrificed to Satan or simply killed. Black masses were also held. Soon our valiant police became aware of this and a raid was organized on the Satanists with the participation of riot police, police dogs and other paraphernalia. Again, there are two versions of further events - according to one, the Satanists were driven into the basement of the main building and shot, and then the basement was flooded (a lake that does not dry up can still be seen today), according to the other, the Satanists were squeezed into a tunnel between two buildings and the tunnel was flooded. They also say that the man who showed the cops the passage to the tunnel disappeared. For a short time the hospital remained empty, except for homeless people. Then the Black Cross sect began hanging out in the hospital. What happened to her is unknown. To this day, there are corpses of dogs and homeless people in the hospital and surrounding areas. But even without Satanists and sacrifices, people die in Khovrinka - some cannot stand meeting with the scum/homeless, others fall into the mines. They say that a young guy, Krai, threw himself into an elevator shaft because of unrequited love (according to another version, he died of an overdose). According to rumors, the corpses of six people were found in Khovrinka in 2004, ten in 2006, and at least one in 2007.

The Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital promised to become a large medical center, but construction was suspended, which is why the unfinished building fell into disrepair every year until it acquired an unattractive appearance. The building is located in Moscow at the address: st. Klinskaya, 2, building 1, so for those who are interested in how to get to the place, just look at the map. Over the years of its existence, the hospital has acquired notoriety, so its history is overgrown with myths and legends, sometimes quite unpleasant for human perception.

The history of the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital

The initial plan was global; the project was supposed to create the largest hospital with 1,300 beds with modern equipment and highly qualified personnel. Construction began in 1980, but by 1985 all work was abandoned. The question arises why they didn’t complete the construction, because the idea seemed promising at that time.

Two reasons are put forward. The first is due to a lack of budget, since at that time it was not easy to implement such a global project. The second reason became more significant, since only five years later it was discovered that the soil was not suitable for such a large-scale structure. Previously, a river flowed at the site of the KhZB, so the soil in this area turned out to be swampy. Over time, the building would begin to move from side to side and gradually sink underground.

Unusual design that has become a magnet for stalkers

According to the architects' idea, the hospital was built in the form of a star with three rays, each of which branched at the ends. When viewed from above, the building looks like a sign from the game "Resident Evil". That is why stalkers nicknamed the Khovrinsk abandoned hospital - Umbrella, because that is the name of the symbol of the popular game.

Extreme youth often visit the passages of an abandoned hospital, overcoming dilapidated obstacles and organizing dangerous games. Such entertainment can end very badly, because some floors are not fully completed, there are no windows in the building, and the stairs are out of order. But experienced ruin explorers know how to get to the most inaccessible places, which is why they are regulars here.

Myths and legends surrounding the building

It is believed that previously on the site of the hospital there was a temple with rare relics, as well as a small cemetery. Many claim that ghosts roam the floors of the abandoned building in search of shelter. These are a kind of spirits that protect the holy place from large crowds of people.

In fact, there have never been any buildings on this site, because a river used to flow here. Due to improper drainage, when the main part of the building was built, the hospital began to flood. There is always water in the basement, and the first floor is already partially buried in the soil. So mysticism has nothing to do with it, just another old children's horror story.

There are stories among people that people who want to commit suicide are drawn to the HZB. This would not be surprising, since the building is deserted and depressing, but in fact, only one accident has happened here in all this time. Alexey Krayushkin could not survive the breakup with his girlfriend, stood on the edge of the roof and jumped from the hospital. His friends organized a memorial on the second floor, where the walls are painted with poems and graffiti-style pictures are painted everywhere. Young people still make excursions to the hospital, bring flowers and admire the philosophical inscriptions.

The whole truth about the abandoned hospital

But some still had to say goodbye to life here, because the abandoned place was chosen by Satanists. At first, stray animals were deprived of their lives, but impunity allowed fanatics to take a different look at the possibilities of this place. There are stories of people disappearing, but this information has not been officially confirmed.

It is worth mentioning that the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is in bad standing with the police, since every year people are found here who have passed on to another world. According to official data, the average number of such cases per year reaches 15, but the figures may be significantly underestimated. Photos of these people are accumulated in the unsolved cases of the local police station, but it is not possible to change the situation.

It was here that the girl said goodbye to life forever in 1990, but it was never possible to find out who did it and why. It is believed that representatives of various criminal groups often come here at night to deal with their enemies or competitors.

Does the hospital have a future?

Many people wonder why the abandoned building, which is a magnet for criminal outrage and poses a potential danger to everyone who decides to enter these properties, is not demolished. The question of who owns the hospital and when the useless building will be demolished has been raised more than once, but only now the authorities have come to a consensus. Demolition is tentatively expected at the end of summer 2016, but due to constant schedule delays, it remains to be seen how long the site will remain standing.

At the moment, the area is closed and guarded so that the things that happened here do not happen again. However, there are always visitors who are looking for ways to get inside the hospital. For those who don’t yet know where the hospital is located, you can get off at the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station and look at it. Reviews of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital spread throughout the country, from the Koverninsky district to the Far East, which is why it became known as a kind of abode of evil in our country.

The famous Khovrinskaya hospital, as befits any abandoned long-term construction project, has long become a place of notoriety. Residents of the northern outskirts of the capital are unlikely to forget about the gloomy and mysterious building even after demolition. The hospital will be dismantled, as Moscow Deputy Mayor for Construction Marat Khusnullin recently said, for the fall of this year. "WORLD 24" tells what myths and facts are associated with this gloomy and mysterious place.

Construction of the Khovrinskaya hospital began in 1980. Then there was no doubt that this ambitious project would create the best hospital in Moscow with 1,400 beds, which would have no analogues in the entire USSR. However, five years later construction was suspended, and in 1992 it was finally frozen. The fact is that during construction, groundwater began to flood the foundation and basements of the building. The hospital began to slowly sink into the ground and literally fall underground. The designers assumed that this could happen, but there was no money for drainage. The bed of the Likhoborka River, hidden in a pipe, quickly made itself felt. In 2009, the abandoned Khovrinka became a protected area and was surrounded by a fence with barbed wire.

Deadly virus

From above, the building is shaped like a triangular cross with branches and resembles an international biohazard sign. There was nothing mystical or frightening about it until the film “Resident Evil” became a cult classic. The fact is that a similar symbol appears in the film with Milla Jovovich and the computer game of the same name (it’s called Umbrella). Today, fans of the legendary film saga like to exaggerate and say that the building was actually built to carry out secret development of a terrible virus that could destroy humanity. They are silent about the medical personnel who turned into zombies in the cult horror film. Are you afraid to prophesy?

Spontaneous memorial

It is believed that if you managed to get past the security forces, their evil dogs, and not be afraid of barbed wire and sharp reinforcement, then you absolutely need to honor the memory of Krayushkin. “This hospital is a land of miracles, I entered it and disappeared there” - this message is emblazoned on the wall of the memorial. Fans of creepy photos will definitely not pass by.

Shelter for homeless people and Satanists

You can find stray dogs and cats in the HZB all year round. Having received mortal wounds in fights, they look for a secluded place and find it in the unpleasant walls of a gloomy “abandoned place.” However, not everyone who is brought into the HZB by a difficult situation is ready to meet the icy (in winter) or foul-smelling (in summer) corpses of unfortunate animals. The terrible sight instills fear even in homeless people who are fleeing the severe frosts in a gloomy building.

But not all animals end up in an abandoned hospital of their own free will. Residents of Khovrino can confirm this with the story of an elderly woman who lost her dog in the area several years ago. When it became clear that police raids were not yielding results, the pensioner decided to go looking for the dog herself. She looked with horror at the paws of her beloved pet, which were tightly tied. The remains of other animals lay nearby. According to unofficial data, a few weeks later the woman herself was found dead in the elevator shaft. She probably stumbled in the dark or simply did not notice the abyss under her feet. It is believed that over the entire dark history of the existence of the KhZB, about 800 people died here.

Basement sect

The majority of Khovrino residents are inclined to consider the Nemostor Satanist sect, which lived in the hospital building in the mid-90s, to be the culprits of the violent deaths of animals. At first, its adherents killed only cats and dogs, but then, apparently, they felt impunity and switched to people. Law enforcement agencies did not immediately learn that ritual killings were taking place on the hospital premises every day. For living, Satanists chose basements where sunlight did not penetrate. Until now, the walls of the fifth floor of the main building of the hospital are abundantly painted with satanic symbols, and overly impressionable residents of Khovrino say that inside the KhZB you can hear children crying and the voices of restless souls.

Expert opinion:

As he says Moscow expert, guide of the walking tour club “Walking around Moscow” Denis Drozdov, Khovrinskaya Hospital is one of the creepiest sights in Moscow. “From the point of view of history and architecture, this building is not of particular value. In the biography of the Khovrinskaya hospital, metaphysical, mystical and esoteric components come to the fore - that is, what is difficult to prove with historical science. The concept of “memory of place” is applicable here: they say that the Khovrinsky hospital was built on a cemetery. With this, someone is trying to explain all the hardships and even horrors associated (in reality or in urban legends) with this gloomy structure: from unfinished construction to satanic cults,” says the guide.

“The image of the Khovrinskaya hospital is a real vinaigrette of truth and fiction, real history and urban legends. The unfinished building is not even forty years old, and there are enough chilling stories associated with it to fill a whole book. This is the icy lake in the basement, which freezes even in summer, and the shape of a six-pointed star, giving rise to the symbolism of different cultures and peoples, and the special black energy of the hospital, and its recognition as the “Mecca” of all the mentally ill, as well as people prone to suicide or making bloody sacrifices . There is hardly another building like this in Moscow,” the expert concluded.

In the north of Moscow, on the highway to St. Petersburg, there is a large unfinished building, terrifying local residents. The Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital, whose history goes back more than 30 years, is known throughout the country: it surrounds it too much. Our article contains 5 main myths associated with the unusual history of this building.

How did it all begin?

In 1980, an ambitious and global project began to be implemented in the USSR - the construction of the largest hospital in Moscow with 1,300 beds. This unique institution, according to various sources, 9-11 floors, with several entrances for ambulances and even a helicopter pad, was predicted to become a legend of Moscow healthcare. There was no medical institution in the Khovrino area, so the new building on Klinskaya Street was supposed to be a joyful event in the life of ordinary citizens.

However, already in 1985 construction stopped. No official reason was announced. According to the population’s assumptions, there are three prerequisites for the “freezing” of the project:

  1. Ground movement, since the building was built on a site where a river once flowed.
  2. The lack of funding during the perestroika period played a role.
  3. Mystical version: the hospital was built on the site of an old cemetery.

The building remained ownerless; no one began to dismantle the building: the project to demolish the failed hospital was too expensive. Therefore, to this day it stands and, like a magnet, attracts homeless people and people who are interested in the secrets of the other world.

HZB, Umbrella, Unfinished Construction, Nemostor - this ominous place has so many different names. Viewed from above, the hospital resembles a three-pointed star with branches. This makes it look like the famous building from the movie “Resident Evil”. That’s why Khovrinsk Hospital is often called Umbrella. This symbol from a world-famous secret pharmaceutical laboratory indicates a biological hazard. The origins of the symbol itself are in the cross of the Order of Malta.

The design of the three-story hospital included a large basement. Today, due to the partial collapse of the building, it is flooded with water: in winter and summer.

After construction was frozen, the building was guarded for another year. After the security was removed, looters began to steal government property. Then homeless people, alcoholics and young people who were thirsty for new sensations began to visit the territory. However, terrible events soon began to occur, which gave the hospital the reputation of one of the most terrible places in Moscow. What legends does this place conceal, and why are ordinary people afraid to go there?

In the dashing 90s, the Nemostor sect of Satanists firmly established itself on the territory of the hospital. According to the police, it was she who was responsible for the brutal murders in the Khovrino area.

The sect included people from different social strata, among whom there were, indeed, Satanists and spiritual practitioners. Blood rituals were often carried out in the basement. It was decided to seize and neutralize the organized group. Then during the operation it was necessary to detonate a grenade, and the fallen ceilings blocked the exit for the criminals. The situation was complicated by a large amount of water that flooded the basement where they were located. According to rumors, the souls of these Satanists still walk around the hospital grounds, instilling horror in its visitors.

Legend No. 2. Cemetery and temple

In addition to the fact that the KhZB building itself was built on the site of a former cemetery, there is another assumption that has not been documented in any way. On the territory of the churchyard there was a small church with the relics of the saint and an icon recognized as miraculous. During the formation of Soviet power, the temple was blown up and the place was cleared.

Legend No. 3. Animal death

Khovrinskaya hospital is a disastrous place for animals. Dogs and cats disappear here without a trace. In the corridors you can often find bags with the corpses of unfortunate creatures. There is a legend according to which one old woman, having lost her dog, found him on the hospital grounds with broken paws. Having complained to the police, she wanted to find the killer, but as a result, no one was found. The old woman disappeared and was found a few days later with broken legs.

According to one legend, on the lower floors of the hospital they met a dog-man whose appearance resembles an animal. But it is known for sure that stray dogs live in the basement and can harm uninvited guests.

Legend No. 4. Umbrella is one big trap

Due to cracks in the walls, collapses of the floor and ceiling, CWD poses a danger to humans. Therefore, people often received some kind of injury or injury in the building. Umbrella attracts people who try to commit suicide. Over the course of 37 years, more than a dozen people were found murdered and hanged.

Criminals who kill and rob people lure their victims to the hospital. Every year, corpses are found on the hospital grounds, and the local police department is always filled with reports of missing men and women.

Stalkers (people who explore dangerous and little-studied places on the planet) in Moscow know the address of the Khovrinskaya hospital. They are attracted by the mysteries and legends of this place. Representatives of stalking note strange sounds in dark corridors and children crying.

Correspondents and reporters who visited the abandoned hospital note an unusual cold, as well as strange spots in the air that are recorded by cameras. It is believed that the hospital building is guarded by a certain spirit - Raf. He is recognized as the patron saint of lost people and saves human lives from the clutches of death, leading people out of tangled corridors.

All this only increases the glory of the HZB as a place of dark power and misfortune.

Special places on the hospital grounds

Stalkers who come to the KhZB building from all over Moscow note several unusual places, especially memorable to local residents:

  • Memorial to suicide Alexey Krayushkin. He jumped into an elevator shaft out of unrequited love. The teenager was just over 16 years old when he decided to take his own life. The memorial site is located in one of the hospital buildings on the 2nd floor.
  • Nemostor. The legendary satanic sect, whose symbols are depicted in the basement of the main building, still attracts curious people, although none of its representatives are no longer alive. Perhaps there wasn't even one.
  • 5th floor of the main building. It is believed that somewhere among the corridors there is a secret, sliding wall. What is behind it is unknown, but everyone is trying to find it. Still no results.
  • The famous inscription: “This hospital is a land of miracles, I went into it and disappeared there.”

Almost all deaths on hospital grounds are accidents that occurred due to stupidity or negligence.

The hospital is being destroyed, but developing a project to demolish this building costs more than a million rubles. By 2015, the building had settled, the walls and ceilings had collapsed, and its height had decreased by 12 meters due to the movement of swampy soil.

There were several attempts to resume construction, but something always got in the way.

In 2012, it was planned to demolish individual buildings and still build a hospital by constructing a new building. But by the end of the year, this project was again revised, and KhZB was sold at auction to the Moscow authorities. They, in turn, resold this building to a private individual in 2015. The main condition is the demolition of the entire building, since this hospital cannot be repaired, restored or renewed.

The deadline announced by the city authorities for the building to be demolished is the end of 2017. They plan to build a multifunctional modern housing complex on the site of the KhZB, so that nothing will resemble ominous events and terrible stories.

To prevent misfortunes, since 2009, police officers have been conducting raids to detect and remove persons who enter the hospital premises. The building is surrounded by a fence and is guarded 24 hours a day by private security guards.

Many teenagers, stalkers and lovers of everything unusual are attracted to the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital, which contains many secrets and mysteries, and even more - unconfirmed rumors and gossip. But it is worth recalling that none of this has received documentary evidence. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth risking your life in vain in a dilapidated building.

The abandoned Khovrinsky hospital in Moscow is called Resident Evil and the Twilight Zone. Even if we discard all the emotions and terrible legends that abound in this gloomy place, we can still only admit that it is truly creepy here. How did this anomaly appear on the map of the metropolis?


The story began with a bright and joyful page - in the 80s it was decided to build the best hospital in Moscow with 1,300 beds. But a few years later it turned out that this was impossible. Several reasons were voiced, including a lack of funds and nearby groundwater, threatening the building with collapse.

If you look at the abandoned Khovrinsky hospital from a bird's eye view, you can clearly see that it has the appearance of an original cross with branches and resembles the logo of the game “Resident Evil.” This place has a bad reputation, and for good reason. In addition to the criminal crimes that are common in abandoned places, incomprehensible “devilish things” are happening here. Over the years of its gloomy existence, the hospital received a lot of nicknames: Khovrinka, Unfinished, Overlooked, Umbrella. Many representatives of the strangest public have visited here; the police have accumulated volumes of cases about people who disappeared on the territory of the hospital and about murders that happened here.


They say that the abandoned Khovrinsky hospital was built on the site of an old cemetery, and that once there was a church with a miraculous icon. In reality, everything is much more prosaic: there used to be a landfill and a swamp here, which was unprofessionally drained. Regarding the second building of the hospital, they say that there was a particularly secret crematorium and morgue, which was guarded by the military. This is also fiction - nothing like this has ever happened here, and the building was guarded by ordinary guards, but with the collapse of the USSR, they too left.

But the dark stories about ritual sacrifices actually have a basis in reality. During the perestroika period, a sect of Satanists settled in the abandoned Khovrinsk hospital. Its main adherents were not only mentally ill people, drug addicts, alcoholics, but also real fanatics. They set up an altar for sacrifices in the basement. At first, homeless animals were victims for black masses, and then, feeling impunity, the Satanists began to target people.

The police have accumulated several dozen reports of missing persons here. The way riot police arrived at the hospital, how the police threw flash grenades and detained several dozen gloomy subjects - all this is true. But no one blew up the tunnels or flooded the basement, as rumor has it. For a while, the unfinished area became calmer, and then the Satanists returned and made a new altar on the fifth floor.

The abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital was not without an influx of criminal elements. Gangs would lure or force their victims here so they could rob and kill them in peace. Every year in this area the police found from 6 to 17 bodies who died violent deaths. These are figures from dry police statistics. But the rumors that this place makes people want to commit suicide, and that many suicides died here are a legend. In fact, in all the years of the existence of this building, only one person decided to take his own life - Alexey Krayushkin. This sixteen-year-old teenager jumped into an elevator shaft because of unhappy love. There is a memorial here that was built by his young friends. On the second floor of the building, an entire wall is painted with graffiti, mournful poems and farewell words.

Even without legends, mysticism, drug addicts and bandits, the abandoned Khovrinsky hospital is a dangerous object, similar to a fantastic exclusion zone. In the most unexpected places, there are gaping holes in the floor, concrete structures have been weakened by time, steel reinforcement bars are sticking out, stairs without railings - not every stalker will overcome such a distance without injury. And it is better for unprepared tourists not to come here unaccompanied. Now the territory is guarded by several law enforcement officers with dogs. The Moscow authorities plan to demolish the gloomy ruins in the near future and build modern hospital buildings on this site.

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