Home Where to relax How to make money by organizing a tourist center (camping). Business plan for camping "rattling" Business plan for camping

How to make money by organizing a tourist center (camping). Business plan for camping "rattling" Business plan for camping

* The calculations use average data for Russia

One of the favorite types of recreation for Russians is outdoor recreation. This could be your own summer cottage, forest, pond. The latter are most popular in the summer: what Russian doesn’t like to take a dip in cool water after an active holiday, delicious barbecue and hot and cold drinks? Rivers, lakes and ponds are simply occupied by vacationers in the summer. Despite the fact that part of the swimming season is traditionally spent at sea - at domestic or foreign resorts - this does not come at the expense of relaxation on local bodies of water.

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And here, for those who want to relax, there are two options: choose a “wild” undeveloped beach, or give preference to a paid beach. Considering the realities of the modern world around us, in the first case, we will most likely be faced with a free section of the coast, generously fertilized with organic and inorganic traces of all the tourists who have visited this place over the past decade. At the same time, no one guarantees the convenience of the site for the location of such amenities as a tent, table, barbecue, etc. Just as no one guarantees the quality of the bottom of a reservoir, its suitability for swimming. Not to mention such simple human amenities as a shower, toilet, store, etc.

The second option has only a certain disadvantage, set by the owner, for the cost of a guest’s stay on his territory. Apart from this, a paid beach has a whole range of advantages. This includes compliance with SES (Rospotrebnadzor) standards, cleanliness on the beach, prepared bottom, equipped descents into the water, and the availability of infrastructure. Infrastructure means: changing cabins, toilets and showers, sun loungers, tables, gazebos, barbecues, etc. As well as the availability of additional services for preparing food, selling drinks, renting catamarans, boats or scooters. As a matter of fact, the range of services is limited only by the imagination of the beach owner.

Let's try to calculate how profitable the business of organizing a paid beach is. The most important factor on which perhaps 80% of the success of an enterprise depends is the location of the territory. To a certain extent, the location may be determined by the positioning of the enterprise - and vice versa if the budget is relatively small. Let me explain. The beach can be developed on an area in the immediate vicinity of the city - accessible on foot or by public transport. For such a beach, although expanded infrastructure is desirable, it is not necessary due to the fact that its attractiveness will be ensured by transport accessibility. Accordingly, less investment will be required in its organization than in organizing a remote beach. Remote beaches are usually created near certain natural attractions, in protected or simply cozy corners. However, in order to attract visitors, one well-kept beach is not enough. A much wider infrastructure will be required - cafes, shops, possibly houses for overnight stays, a bathhouse, etc.

Beach areas belong to the state and are not for sale (at least according to Russian law). The beach can be rented for a long term, for which you should contact the Property Fund of the region or region. As a rule, open bidding is held for the right to lease a plot; The one who offers the highest amount wins. The initial bidding amount depends on many factors: the geographical location of the object, its area and shape, the availability of communications, demand, the presence of infrastructure or buildings on the territory, etc. Thus, it is extremely difficult to determine the cost of renting a plot. According to the Property Fund of the Rostov Region, the cost of renting land plots, depending on their location and purpose, can range from 50 to 5,000 rubles per hundred square meters. By interpolation, you can come to a result for a site suitable for organizing a beach in the immediate vicinity of the city - 2000-3000 rubles per hundred square meters.

The optimal size of the beach is from 150-200 meters in length along the coastline and at least 20-30 meters in depth; The wider the proposed range of services, the greater the depth for placing the infrastructure will be required.

Like any public place, the beach is subject to a number of requirements from various authorities, primarily from Rospotrebnadzor. The list and qualitative composition of the requirements depends on the class assigned to the beach. According to Order No. 1215 of July 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the classification of beaches is carried out on a voluntary basis. The classification is carried out by organizations accredited by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; a certificate of assignment to a certain category is issued for a period of three years, after which a repeated certification procedure is required.

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According to Order No. 1215, the classification of beaches includes an assessment for compliance with “requirements for safety, information support, the provision of additional services on the beaches and the assignment of categories to beaches provided for by this Classification Procedure.” Below are excerpts from the Order regarding the purposes and procedure of certification.

“Beaches can be independent, or united by one territory into a complex with certain boundaries, which covers a number of tourist infrastructure facilities (accommodation, food, health, entertainment, etc.).”

“Beaches must meet safety requirements confirmed by the conclusion of specialized organizations in terms of life safety, health, environmental protection, as well as the information support requirements specified in the classification of beaches (Appendix 28 to the Classification Procedure) of this Classification Procedure.”

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“In accordance with this Classification Procedure, beaches are classified into the following categories: I, II and III. The highest category of the beach is I, the lowest is III. Information about the appropriate beach category is communicated to consumers by hanging a flag. Flag colors: blue flag - for category I beach; green flag - for a beach of category II; yellow flag - for a beach of category III.”

As mentioned above, depending on the assigned category, supervisory services impose certain requirements on the beach. In fact, there are not so many global differences between the highest and lowest categories. These include, for example, the mandatory presence of medical care on the beach of category I, the presence of children's areas, walkways and other amenities for the disabled, umbrellas and sun loungers, as well as food and entertainment facilities made of lightweight structures (for beaches of category III, non-stationary trade is allowed, peddlers).

General requirements for all categories are: the presence of a rescue service, toilets, changing cabins and showers; before the start of the swimming season - cleaning the bottom from glass fragments, sharp stones and other dangerous objects, as well as conducting a study of water quality to determine whether microbiological parameters meet the requirements; equipment for children's and adult bathing areas.

Also, beaches must meet the requirements of the Fire Inspectorate. To obtain an opinion from this body, it is necessary to provide: certificates of the technical condition of fire protection, reports of measuring the insulation resistance of the electrical network and lightning protection, a contract for the maintenance of fire protection equipment or a service license, as well as a number of other acts and constituent documents.

Well, of course, registration of a business entity with the tax service and statistics service is mandatory. All the bureaucracy described above can take six months or more, so if we plan to open the beach by the beginning of the next season, we need to start preparing from the end of the current one.

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By the way, about seasonality. The beach in the generally accepted understanding is, of course, associated exclusively with summer holidays - its operating season for each region is limited by the number of months warm enough for relaxation by the water. However, with a certain infrastructure and program of events, visitors can be attracted outside the season. For example, a heated swimming pool or sauna can help with this; Many recreation centers and beaches organize mass celebrations with swimming in the ice hole on Epiphany. The list of activities is limited - again - only by the imagination of the beach owner. In general and on average, the high season here includes three summer months; during May and September you should expect average attendance, and in the remaining months - its complete absence. When calculating business profitability, we will take weekend attendance in July as 100%; weekdays in summer will be 50%; weekends in May and September – 70%; weekdays of the same months – 20%. It is not difficult to translate these data into the number of days a year with 100% attendance - we get 77 days. Let's subtract from here 10% that falls on rainy days, round it up - a total of 70 days of beach operation per year.

Daily revenue will depend on the established prices and range of services, as well as on the absolute number of visitors, which will largely depend on the area of ​​the beach. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, for freshwater beaches, there should be at least 8 sq.m. per person. useful area of ​​the beach, i.e. area unoccupied by various structures. Thus, based on the size of the beach 200x20 m, of which 30% is allocated for infrastructure, we obtain the maximum allowable number of vacationers - 350 people.

To determine the average check amount, you need to understand what you will be charged for and how much. In practice today, such vacation spots use such monetization objects as:

Entry of a car into the parking lot – 400-500 rubles;

Entrance for a holidaymaker to the territory is 200 rubles per person;

Renting a covered gazebo costs an average of 1,500 rubles per gazebo.

Optionally, you can add rental of sun loungers, sports equipment, boats and catamarans, revenue from food outlets, etc.

Let's calculate the annual revenue at a minimum, based on the fact that 20% of visitors are children, from whom no fee is charged, there are 5 gazebos on the territory, and the number of cars in the parking lot is 10% of the number of vacationers. Such a small percentage is due to the fact that the beach is within reach of public transport, and up to 5 guests can arrive on each car. Thus we get:

To service the beach we will need: lifeguards, cleaners, security guards, a master for maintenance and repair of utility networks, a beach administrator - this is the bare minimum of personnel, which does not provide a wide variety of services. This composition can be expanded by those responsible for equipment rental, food outlet sellers, cooks, animators, etc. The beach work schedule is at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week, which requires at least two shifts of workers. Since we are talking about a seasonal business, the wage fund should be calculated only for the season. Here, however, we are not talking about a conditional season of 70 days, but about its real duration, which will be approximately 150 days. At the current level of wages, labor costs with social contributions will amount to approximately 1,500,000 rubles.

Expenses for utility bills, equipment repairs and territory maintenance will be taken at the level of 100,000 rubles per month during the season.

The annual cost of renting the territory is equal to:

Gross profit for the year will be:

A very good indicator, provided that the calculation took into account a minimum set of services and a relatively small beach area. With more optimistic calculations, profits can reach 5 million rubles or more per year.

Investment costs also cannot be unambiguously determined, because the need for preparatory work, such as uprooting trees, cleaning the area, planning it, filling it with sand, installing fences, cleaning the bottom of the reservoir within the length of the beach - all this is calculated based on the characteristics of a particular site. Nevertheless, in order to navigate the numbers, let’s take data from open sources as a basis - about 2,000,000 rubles for excavation work and the supply of sand, 500,000 for equipping the territory with gazebos, changing cabins, umbrellas and other things. At least 500,000 rubles should be allocated for other engineering work, in particular for the installation of communications. Well, keeping in mind where and at what time we live, we should be prepared for the fact that when bidding for the right to lease a plot there will be a corruption component, because municipal property, and especially land, are the object of special financial interest both from entrepreneurs and from officials. Thus, the initial costs will be from 3 million rubles. If the work is done correctly, these investments will pay off by the middle of the second year of operation of the beach.

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Advantages of Camping for tourists

Camping literally translates from English as “living in a camp.” The camping is a summer camp for tourists with prepared places for setting up tents, installed light houses and parking areas. The camping area is landscaped, toilets are installed, electricity is supplied, in general, maximum conditions are created for people who love active recreation in nature. At the same time, the camping format, unlike expensive recreation centers and sanatoriums, allows you to get maximum conditions for living in nature, away from the bustle of the city, at minimal cost.

In Europe, camping primarily means an area with motor homes, located somewhere in a picturesque corner of nature, where there are also shops, cafes, swimming pools, sports and children's playgrounds, places for recreation - rivers, lakes, the sea coast.

This area is very developed in European countries. If you look at the statistics, every third European resident spends their holidays in a mobile home every year. At the same time, there are more than a million mobile houses throughout the European Union.

An affordable type of recreation for any category of vacationers

Unlike Western Europe, the culture of free movement in Russia has not yet been developed. And the main reason for this is the lack of tourism infrastructure. Although we have plenty of attractions and natural beauties. It is not without reason that for several years now the tourism business in our country has been one of the priority areas in the state policy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, entrepreneurs who apply for government support to open a campsite will be given priority attention.

Moreover, the incomes of many Russian residents do not allow them to vacation in expensive hotel complexes and hotels. For such people, camping will be an excellent alternative to outdoor recreation at a relatively low price. For many, this is an ideal option for budget tourism in the summer.

How to choose a place for a camping town

There is no specific recipe for a successful campsite location. Ultimately, everything depends on the tourist attractiveness of the territory, the presence of natural beauty and the target audience of tourists. Basically, campsites are located in resort areas, on the outskirts of cities, near reservoirs and picturesque places.

The camping area is being landscaped and landscaped, cleared of garbage, and a beach is being built. As a service, electricity and water are supplied to the camping area (well drilling), shops, cafes, sanitary blocks, a dance floor, and swimming pools are installed.

How much money do you need to start a tourism business?

An approximate list of starting costs for organizing a campsite for 100 places on a land plot of 0.5-1 hectares (according to experts):

  1. Project development, communications - 300,000 rubles;
  2. Preparation of a land plot (leveling, landscaping, fencing, etc.) - 100,000 rubles;
  3. Construction of summer houses, purchase of tents (yurts), sleeping bags - 600,000 rubles;
  4. Inventory (tables, chairs, dishes) - 100,000 rubles;
  5. Sanitary blocks - 150,000 rubles;
  6. Construction of an administrative building, store, cafe - 600,000 rubles;
  7. Advertising - 40,000 rubles;
  8. Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Total investment - 1,990,000 rubles.

At the same time, according to experienced businessmen, at the initial stage you can save money by using cheap natural materials, for example, using willow for fences, straw mats for fencing, dry trees for gazebos and benches, and using easily assembled structures.

Considering the instability of demand for this type of service, at the beginning, it is worth installing summer houses, providing places for tents and trailers, installing sanitary units and equipment rental points. And as the number of visitors increases, build a dining room, cafe, store, sports ground, etc.

How much can you earn by opening a campsite for tourists?

Camping organizers receive income from providing the following services:

  1. Rent of camping houses for a day/week/month. The cost of renting a tent is on average $10/day;
  2. They provide a parking space for the caravan. Trailer placement fee - $25 per day;
  3. They sell food, drinking water, barbecue, firewood and charcoal for ignition;
  4. They rent out boats, catamarans, bicycles, and sports equipment. Even gas stoves are available for rental.

Estimated income of a campsite for 100 places, subject to 30% occupancy and an average cost of accommodation of $15 per person, per month:

  1. Rent of houses and tents - 405,000 rubles;
  2. Income of the store and cafe - 350,000 rubles;
  3. Other income (equipment rental) - 100,000 rubles.

Total - 855,000 rubles.

Additional costs for maintaining a campsite

  1. Wage. A minimum of 10 people will be required to maintain a campsite with 100 beds. Key personnel include administrators, security guards, cooks, salespeople, cleaners, accountants and medical staff. The approximate payment fund is 200,000 rubles;
  2. Insurance deductions - 70,000 rubles;
  3. Utilities - 30,000 rubles;
  4. Rent of land - 25,000 rubles;
  5. Taxes - 25,000 rubles;
  6. Other expenses - 60,000 rubles.

Total - 410,000 rubles.

The monthly profit of the camping town is 445,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project should pay for itself in one season.

Camping organizers make good profits when major sporting events take place in close proximity, which can last for several weeks and attract millions of tourists from all over the world. For example, European football championships, Olympic games, hockey tournaments and so on.

Where to start a business to open a camping town

To rent a plot of land for camping, you must contact the local administration. According to Russian law, you will have to participate in bidding for the right to rent the selected plot for a period of more than 6 months (such bidding is won in 99.9% of cases). Before this, you still need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and choose a taxation system.

What are the disadvantages of this business? Perhaps the most important drawback is the seasonality factor. And the further north the region is, the more significant it is. It is clear that it is more profitable to organize camping in the southern regions, for example on the Black Sea coast. In such places, camping will operate for at least 6 months. The same cannot be said about the central part of Russia, where the campsite operates for 3-4 months at most. But this does not mean that camping in the northern regions is not profitable. Here, as in any business, a competent and creative approach to business is required, and profit will not be long in coming.

What documents are needed to open a campsite for tourists?

First of all, you will need permission to use the land from the local administration. The company must be registered like any other. You can choose individual entrepreneurship, since this form is most suitable for opening a campsite. Basic OKVED code 55.3 - Activities for the provision of places for temporary accommodation in campsites, caravans and tourist trailers. Simplified taxation system or UTII. It is necessary to obtain permits to conduct business. There are many State Standards, SANPIN and State Fire Inspectorate requirements that must be observed when opening a campsite. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the general requirements for specialized accommodation facilities (GOST R55319-2012).

What equipment to choose for camping

This is suitable for those who love nature, outdoor recreation, tourism. Almost all people love nature and want to relax in nature. But not everyone has the necessary equipment, skills, or knowledge for this. You can help them for some reward.

How to make money?

For the organization of tent camps. You need to choose a popular tourist spot. For example, Lake Baikal, Altai, the Black Sea coast. The place should be very famous, then it will be easier to sell. Or rather, then there will be no need to sell it at all, it sells itself. It is enough just to inform the person who wants to relax that you can organize it.

In the field of tourism and recreation, of course, the most popular are all-inclusive packages with accommodation in hotels and recreation centers. But there is a small layer of people who want to be closer to nature, and they enjoy living in tents. Among them there are people who are able to organize such a vacation for themselves. They are useless to us. But that small part of people who are interested in such semi-extreme recreation, but who cannot take care of themselves - these are our camping clients.

Once, while working as a campground caretaker, I was very surprised - among the visitors there were people who were not able to make a fire on their own! What if they hadn't found me? What if the campground closed (they just came up on the last 2 days of it being open)? Would they have remained hungry and cold? And it was on Lake Baikal in September, it was already cold there at that time.

In general, the point is that there are people who want more gritty romance, but are not able to fully provide for their livelihoods.

How to organize your business

Choose a region for your camping, find a beautiful place there where you can set up 10-20 tents. Purchase all the necessary equipment (a sample list is given below), find a cook and administrator among the locals. Start selling tickets to your camp in another city. Definitely something else. And the further it goes, the better. It won’t be of much interest to the locals; they won’t pay for it. By the way, you can also make money by transferring people to the camp location. Both airlines and Russian Railways provide group discounts that you can safely put in your pocket and give customers tickets at the regular price. Or, better yet, turn this into another benefit of your services - “we book tickets at low prices.”

What services to provide?

Firstly, rental of personal equipment: tents, sleeping bags, camping mats, dishes. Secondly, the general arrangement of the camp: you need to organize a field kitchen, shower, bathhouse, washbasin, toilet. Thirdly, meals and transfer in both directions. Additionally: various entertainments, rental of bicycles, boats, catamarans, various excursions - here, for the first time, it is best to attract partners who already work in those places. They will certainly be happy to provide their *business* services to your vacationers.

It should be borne in mind that accommodation in your camp should be cheaper than at economy class recreation centers. Last year, accommodation in an economy class room for one person was approximately 500 rubles and meals were approximately 700 rubles. Then for a tent camp an acceptable price would be 300 and 500 rubles, respectively.

What equipment will you need for your business?

An approximate list of what you will need to organize a camp:

  • awning (stretch over the table, make a covered dining room)
  • large camping tent (for field kitchen)
  • tents for two and three people
  • sleeping bags
  • travel mats (foam)
  • gas burners or stoves
  • gas cylinder
  • camp shower
  • camp washbasin
  • camp sauna
  • tables and benches (it’s better to buy timber and build them on site)
  • tableware: cauldrons, plates, mugs, spoons, cutting boards, etc.

All this for 20 people, if purchased in bulk, will cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. With an accommodation price of 300 rubles per person (rental of personal equipment and use of shared equipment), it pays for itself in 10-20 days. And the tourist season is on average 60-90 days. Thus, in one season, such a business can bring 240 - 480 tr. This is only from equipment. Calculate the profit from feeding vacationers minus the cost of food and the chef’s salary. And don’t forget about the partners who provide excursions and other entertainment, they usually give 10%.

Start your own business without start-up capital

The most correct thing would be to first find those willing and take an advance payment from them. Then the question of starting capital disappears. It seems to me that it is unlikely that you will be able to advertise yourself using only free methods: advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, social networks, etc. There is one way out - direct sales. You need to focus on groups. Who might be interested in this? Sports sections, fitness clubs doing yoga and meditation. Their trainers have a problem - in the summer, clients go on vacation, because of this, some even stop conducting their classes, the groups do not pay off, there are too few people. What if you offer them to combine their activity program with a summer vacation? You will take care of everything regarding the organization of the transfer and camp, they will disseminate information among their regular clients.

Thus, it is better to start the implementation of a business idea from the end. Go to sports sections, fitness clubs, talk to their trainers about how things are going with their clients in the summer, and find out if they would be interested in going on vacation with their students. And only then, seeing interest, offer your services. It’s winter now, so you can still find clients, have time to raise money, purchase everything you need, find suitable airlines, or complete all the documents to receive group discounts from Russian Railways. In a word, do everything described above.

The idea of ​​opening a campsite is perfect for owners of summer cottages and private country houses with a fairly large adjacent territory that is not occupied by plantings.

Nowadays, for urban residents, rest outside the city, in the fresh air, is very valuable. After all, after the intense pace of city life, you really want to breathe in clean, healthy air, sit by the river or by the fire. Not everyone can afford to buy expensive suburban real estate, especially since to get out of town, you often cannot do without an all-terrain vehicle. It is not advisable to buy such a car for a person who lives in the city - it will consume a lot of fuel and is inconvenient to park.

Necessary resources for opening a mini-camping:

    • Prepared area
    • Tents, sleeping bags, rugs, blankets, mattresses, barbecues, folding furniture, etc.

People who are not familiar with tent camping will most likely choose a comfortable, equipped campsite located quite close to the city. Also, your clients may be those who want to spend an unforgettable and eventful weekend in the fresh air, but do not have their own dacha or house in the countryside.

If your campsite is located not far from an intercity highway, your potential clients will include travelers who will need rest during the trip.

You can earn additional income from selling fresh vegetables, fruits and berries grown in your own garden

If campers have already come on vacation with their tents, then they will probably want to take advantage of an organized place with an outdoor shower, a comfortable bathroom, a barbecue, a place for making a fire, drinking water and other necessities for a comfortable pastime.
You can earn additional income from selling fresh vegetables, fruits and berries grown in your own garden. If you also raise pets, offer settlers fresh meat and eggs.

Before opening a mini-campsite, it is necessary to carefully carry out all the preparatory work on the site - remove unnecessary trees and shrubs, but leave fruit-bearing trees that provide shade. The ground on the site should be flat, covered with a lawn - roll or real. Completely equip the toilet, outdoor shower, washbasin, electricity and water supply, also do not forget about a reliable gate, fence and gate. Provide part of the area for parking customers' cars. Children will often come to such events, so think about recreational facilities for the little ones. For example, set up a children's sandbox or rope swing. Take care of a first aid kit, towels, dishes and utensils, and basins for washing clothes.

When purchasing tents, keep in mind that they will be required in different sizes - both double ones and for entire families with children.

To advertise your mini-campsite, place advertisements on the Internet, on forums where lovers of such recreation communicate, and also post advertisements with your contacts in cities nearby the campsite. If you expect customers to drive along the highway, place large signs along the highway with signs and attractive images of your campsite.

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