Home Visa Great navigators and their discoveries. Who is the most famous navigator in the world? Famous navigators and their discoveries briefly

Great navigators and their discoveries. Who is the most famous navigator in the world? Famous navigators and their discoveries briefly

Everything that we know now was once discovered by people - pioneers. Some swam across the ocean for the first time and found a new land, some became space discoverers, some were the first to dive into the deepest cavity in the world in a bathyscaphe. Thanks to the ten pioneers below, today we know the world as it really is.

  • Leif Eriksson/Leifur Eiriksson is the first European of Icelandic origin, who, according to some scientists, was the first to visit the continent of North America. Around the 11th century, this Scandinavian sailor lost his course and landed on some shore, which he later called “Vinland”. Of course, there is no documentary evidence of which part of North America it landed in. Some archaeologists claim that they have discovered Viking settlements in Newfoundland, Canada.
  • Sacajawea, or Sakagawea/Sakakawea, Sacajawea is a girl of Indian origin, on whom Meriwether Lewis and his partner William Clark completely relied during their expedition, the path of which ran across the entire American continent. The girl walked with these researchers more than 6,473 kilometers. On top of that, the girl had a newborn baby in her arms. During this journey in 1805, Sacagawea found her lost brother. The girl is mentioned in the films "Night at the Museum" and "Night at the Museum 2".

  • Christopher Columbus is a navigator of Spanish origin who discovered America, but because he and his expedition were looking for a sea route to India, Christopher believed that the lands he discovered were Indian. In 1492, his expedition discovered the Bahamas, Cuba and a number of other Caribbean islands. Christopher set sail for the first time at the age of 13.

  • Amerigo Vespucci is the man after whom the continent of America was named. Although Columbus essentially made this discovery, it was Americo Vespucci who documented the “find”. In 1502, he explored the shores of South America, and it was then that well-deserved fame and honor came to him.

  • James Cook is a captain who managed to sail much further into southern waters than any of his contemporaries. Cook has a proven fact about the falsity of the northern route through the Arctic from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It is known that Captain James Cook made 2 expeditions around the world, mapped the islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as Australia, for which he was subsequently eaten by the aborigines. So much for gratitude.

  • William Beebe is a twentieth-century naturalist explorer. In 1934, he descended to 922 meters on a bathysphere and told people that “the world under water is no less strange than on another planet.” Although how does he know how life is on other planets?

  • Chuck Yeager is a general in the US Air Force. In 1947, the first one broke the sound barrier. In 1952, Chuck flew at twice the speed of sound. Chuck Yeager, in addition to setting speed records, was a trainer for pilots of such space programs as Apollo, Gemini and Mercury.

  • Louise Arne Boyd/Louise Boyd is also known to the world under the nickname “Ice Woman”. She received this nickname due to her explorations of Greenland. In 1955, she flew over the North Pole and was the first woman to do so in an airplane. She is also responsible for the discovery of an underwater mountain range in the Arctic Ocean.

  • Yuri Gagarin / Yuri Gagarin - April 12, 1961, the first of all people living on our planet to be in space. Its first flight lasted a whopping 108 minutes. This was a real achievement in astronautics.

  • Anousheh Ansari is the first female space tourist. She made her flight in September 2006. One can also add to her achievements that she was the first of all those who have been in orbit to blog on the Internet from space.

Christopher Columbus.

This was 500 years ago. European sailors were looking for a way to the land of fabulous wealth - India. The bravest of them set off on dangerous voyages across uncharted seas and oceans.

In the summer of 1492, Admiral Columbus gave the command to raise the sails, and the caravels "Nina", "Pinta" and "Santa Maria" sailed from Spain. The famous journey across the Atlantic Ocean - the “Sea of ​​Darkness” - began. On the seventieth day of the voyage, a sailor shouted from the mast of the Pinta caravel: “Earth! I see the earth! This is how America was discovered.

Christopher Columbus did not know that he had discovered a new part of the world. Until the end of his life, he believed that he had sailed to India.

Ferdinand Magellan.

The first trip around the world was made by a sailor from Portugal - Ferdinand Magellan. In the fall of 1519, the Spanish flotilla under the command of Magellan set off. Across the Atlantic Ocean, through a strait in South America, the ships reached the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. For four months, suffering from thirst and hunger, travelers sailed through the vast waters of the Great Ocean and finally reached unknown islands.

The expedition suffered many losses. And among these losses is the death of Admiral Magellan. On the only surviving ship, the Victoria, the travelers continued sailing. On September 6, 1522, tormented by storms, the ship returned to Spain. There were only seventeen people on board. Thus ended the first voyage around the world in the history of navigation.

Willem Barents.

Dutch navigator Willem Barents was one of the first Arctic explorers. In 1596, during his third voyage in the northern seas, Barents's ship was covered in ice near the island of Novaya Zemlya. The sailors had to leave the ship and prepare for the winter. They built a house from logs and ship planks. The travelers spent a long polar winter in this dwelling. We endured both hunger and cold... The long-awaited summer has arrived. The ship was still trapped in ice. And the sailors decided to get home by boat. A chance meeting with Russian sailors - the Pomors - saved the Dutch from death. But Willem Barents was no longer among the rescued. The navigator died on the way to his homeland, in the sea, which would later be called the Barents Sea.

Vitus Bering.

On June 4, 1741, two Russian ships under the command of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov set sail across the Pacific Ocean. They were tasked with finding a sea route from Kamchatka to America.

The journey was difficult. Chirikov's ship, after many months of wandering at sea, returned to Kamchatka. Bering continued sailing alone. In July 1741, Bering reached the shores of America. On his way back he discovered many islands. Luck pleased the captain. But the ship ran out of fresh water and food. The sailors were sick. Bering himself became seriously ill with scurvy. During a storm, a ship washed ashore on an unknown island. The sailors buried the commander on this island. Now the island bears Bering's name. The sea and the strait between Asia and America through which he passed are named after the famous captain.

James Cook.

James Cook began sailing ships as a boy - a cabin boy. Time passed, and Cook became the captain of the ship. In 1768, Captain Cook set out on his first voyage around the world on the ship Endever. He returned to his homeland, England, only three years later. Soon James Cook set off on a new voyage to find the mysterious “Southland”. He never found the “South Land,” but he discovered many islands in the Pacific Ocean. Cook's ships sailed under the scorching sun of the equator, and among the ice of the polar seas. James Cook was the first to circumnavigate the Earth three times.

F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

In the summer of 1819, two sloops, “Vostok” and “Mirny”, left Kronstadt for a long voyage. The ships were commanded by outstanding sailors of the Russian fleet Thaddeus Bellingshauseni Mikhail Lazarev. Having covered a huge distance, the Russian ships entered the cold Antarctic waters. Icebergs were increasingly encountered on their way. Swimming became dangerous. If a ship collides with an icy mountain, it won’t go well. But brave captains led the ships to the goal. And then the sailors saw the shore. The shore of the mysterious “Southern Land” - Antarctica. A sixth of the world has been discovered. This was done by Russian sailors. Now the seas are named after Bellingshausen and Lazarev. Two Soviet Antarctic scientific stations bear the names of the glorious ships - “Vostok” and “Mirny”.

N.N. Miklukho Maclay.

In 1871, the corvette Vityaz delivered the traveler Miklouho-Maclay to the island of New Guinea. Here he was to live for a long time, studying the life of the inhabitants of the island - the Papuans. These dark-skinned people lived as if they were in the Stone Age. And so the ship sailed, but the Russian traveler remained on the shore. The Papuans greeted the guest with hostility. But Miklouho-Maclay, with his kindness and courage, won the trust of the Guineans and became their faithful friend. The scientist admired their hard work and honesty. He taught the Papuans to use iron tools and gave them seeds of useful plants. Miklouho-Maclay visited New Guinea more than once. The memory of the great Russian traveler is still alive on the distant island.

Thor Heyerdahl.

It happens that in our time people go on trips on ancient ships. Such trips were made by the Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl.

Ancient pyramids rise in South America. They are very similar to the Egyptian pyramids that stand on the other side of the ocean. Is this a coincidence? Maybe people swam from one continent to another 5000 years ago? Thor Heyerdahl decided to check this out. He built a boat in Egypt from a herbaceous plant - papyrus, as in ancient times, and named it “Ra”. On this boat, Heyerdahl and his friends sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. The first time he crossed half of the Pacific Ocean was on the Kon-Tiki raft. Heyerdahl recently made another amazing voyage on the reed ship Tigris. Representatives from different countries took part in all of Thor Heyerdahl's travels. Among them was the Russian scientist Yuri Senkevich.

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  • General Marine List Part VI. The reign of Paul I and the reign of Alexander I. A-G, Suvorov, The sixth part of the directory of naval ranks includes service records of officers of the Russian Imperial Navy who began service during the reign of Paul I, arranged in alphabetical order.… Series: Publisher:

The time of discoverers of new lands for Europeans was the end of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The most inquisitive and restless people were grouped into three countries: Portugal, Spain and Russia.

The most important discoveries of two centuries

At the end of the eighties of the fifteenth century, great sailors from Portugal had already scoured both the western and southern coasts of distant Africa, in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed to the Bahamas and Lesser Antilles and discovered America, and 1497 also became important for geographical discoveries: Vasco da Gama discovered a sea route to India, rounding the African continent. And in 1498, Columbus, Vespucci and Omeja became the discoverers of South America, which they studied for five years, as well as Central America.

Russian great navigators explored mainly the Arctic Ocean. They walked around the entire vast northern Asia, discovered Taimyr, and proved that America is not a continuation of Asia, leaving the Arctic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait. This expedition was led by the great Russian navigator S. Dezhnev, as well as F. Popov. Since 1735, Khariton and Dmitry Laptev traveled through the Siberian seas, one of which was later named after them. The names of great navigators are usually present on the map they compiled.

The Dutchman W. Barents walked around Novaya Zemlya and Spitsbergen. The Englishman G. Hudson and his associates discovered Greenland, Baffin Island, the Labrador Peninsula, the Frenchman S. Champilen discovered the northern Appalachians, and all five North American The Spaniard visited New Guinea. The Dutch W. Janszoon and A. Tasman mapped Australia, Tasmania and the islands of New Zealand.

Something about Columbus

He remained a mysterious man for posterity. Photos, of course, had not yet been invented. But the portraits remained. In them we see a man with a wise look and, it would seem, far from any adventurism. The whole personality and the troubled fate of Christopher Columbus are ambiguous, vague, you could write an epic novel about this, and even there it would not be possible to contain all the vicissitudes of his life’s path.

According to one of the many versions, he was born on the island of Corsica in 1451. Fierce scientific disputes are still ongoing on this topic: six cities in Italy and Spain swear that this is where Columbus was born.

His whole life is a legend. One thing is clear - he lived in Lisbon, and before that he sailed a lot on ships in the Mediterranean Sea. From there, from Portugal, Columbus’s most important voyages began, which the world’s greatest navigators had not yet completed.

Cuba Island and others

In 1492 he set foot on the island of Cuba. There, Columbus found one of the most cultural peoples of Latin America, who built huge buildings, sculpted beautiful statues, grew cotton, already familiar to Europe, and completely unknown potatoes and tobacco, which later conquered the whole world. To this day, the birthday of Christopher Columbus is a national holiday on this island.

The pioneer of the tropical strip of the Atlantic, the first to penetrate the Caribbean Sea, discover South America and the isthmuses of Central, map the Bahamas archipelago, the Lesser and Greater Antilles of the Caribbean Sea, the island of Trinidad - this is all Christopher Columbus. The photo reveals a handsome man calmly looking out from the portrait, without the slightest trace of anxiety on his face.

Let Europeans claim that the path to North America before Columbus was paved by the Vikings from Iceland in the eleventh century. In the Middle Ages, going by sea across the ocean for the tenth time was incredibly difficult and dangerous. And in any case, there are too many lands on the two American continents that no one discovered before Columbus.

From ship messengers to great navigators

Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in northern Portugal and was orphaned at the age of ten. In search of a piece of bread, he got a job at the royal court - as a messenger. And he went to sea for the first time at twenty-five, although he adored the sea since childhood. It was not in vain that Magellan dreamed of great navigators and their discoveries. He managed to get into the team of F. de Almeido, who for the first time moved ships under the flag of Spain to the East.

Magellan turned out to be a very capable student and quickly mastered maritime affairs in all professions. Staying in India, living in Mozambique, he finally became a captain. It was possible to return to their homeland.

For five years he convinced the Portuguese ruler of all the benefits of eastern expeditions, but things did not go well, and in 1517 Magellan entered the service of King Charles, for now the first and Spanish, but in the future - the emperor of the Roman Empire.

Trip around the world

In 1493, the Pope issued a bull stating that the new lands being discovered to the east were Portuguese, and to the west - Spanish. Magellan led an expedition to the west to bring back evidence that the spice islands belonged to Spain.

And this journey, which had such a small and mercantile goal, turned into the world's first trip around the world. The great navigators and their discoveries, which called Magellan in childhood dreams, are far behind. No one had ever undertaken such a voyage, especially since not all travelers assumed at that time that the earth was round.

Magellan did not have time to present the world with evidence of his assumptions; he died on this expedition - in the Philippines. Nevertheless, he died confident that he was right. The remnants of the team returned to Spain only in 1522.

Cossack chieftain

Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev - Arctic sailor, Cossack ataman, explorer and discoverer of many geographical objects, was born into a Pomeranian family, on Pinega, in 1605. He began his Cossack service as a private in Tobolsk, then he was transferred to Yeniseisk, and even later to Yakutia. Everywhere he explored new lands, rivers, and even crossed the East Siberian Sea on a homemade koch from the mouth of the Indigirka to Alazeya. From there, with his comrades, he moved to the East on two homemade ships.

In the Kolyma delta they went up the river and founded the city of Srednekolymsk. A few years later, the expedition to the east continued - to the Bering Strait, which would not be the Bering Strait for about eighty years: Dezhnev passed the strait first. The easternmost point of the mainland is a cape named after the discoverer Dezhnev. In addition, the island, bay, peninsula and village bear his name. There is a monument to him in the center of the Vologda region. He was a reliable man. Honest and hardworking. Hardy. Strong. Fought. Of the thirteen wounds, three were serious. But he always strived for peace in everything.

Southern mainland

By the seventeenth century, Europeans saw the main outlines of planet Earth. the unexplored areas were vast. The most cunning colonialists sought to explore these territories. Historians have never found out how an ordinary Dutch villager became a sailor, but his travels brought invaluable discoveries to the world.

Aristotle, even before our era, was confident in the existence of an unknown southern land. “Terra Australis incognita” (“Unknown Southern Land”), he wrote in his notes. It was this land that the navigator Tasman set out to look for on the sailing ship Zehaan. In the southern latitudes, nature is inhospitable. Icy wind and almost never sun. The south and southwest send monstrous storms. Such waves do not happen near the mainland, which means that the Southern Land is somewhere not here. And Tasman, on reflection, changed the previously laid course. There was complete uncertainty ahead.

Right choice

After changing course, nature had mercy on the sailors - the clouds remained aside, and the sun quickly warmed the ship. Soon the ground appeared. It so happened that Tasman landed on an island that would be named after him, much south of the mainland. He simply missed Australia itself. Tasmania was surveyed and mapped. Then there will be a city here. And at that time there was nothing more to do there - the climate was unpleasant, the rocks were gloomy, the nature was wild, the local population had nothing to offer.

Tasman moved on. He was incredibly lucky to discover the islands. New Zealand was next. True, the local Maori greeted Tasman, like all subsequent travelers, unfriendly. Rather, even hostile. While attempting to explore the new land, several crew members were killed. Therefore, Tasman left this work to his descendants, and “Zehaan” immediately went home. He did not find a shortcut to Chile. But he proved that Australia exists.

four-month stay in the ocean.

The launched "Gypsy Mot IV" turned out to be insufficiently stable, it was necessary

add one and a half tons of ballast.

Despite all the improvements made before the start of the voyage, the handling of the yacht

in strong winds it required considerable effort. During the storm, Chichester had to

rest your back against the cockpit wall and press down on the tiller with both feet to

keep the yacht on the desired course. "Gypsy-Mot IV", which cost the syndicate so much

expensive, was formally leased to Chichester for a symbolic sum of one

Rose decided to set off three weeks before Chichester.

To sail around the world from Great Britain, you had to travel almost 30 thousand

Large sailing ships were heading from England to the southwest. Using the trade winds, they

passed several hundred miles off the coast of Europe and Africa, south of Cape

Good Hope, and then passed into the area of ​​the “roaring forties”. So figuratively

sailors call the southern zones of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, where

stormy westerly winds prevail. Thanks to these winds, the path in the south

Hemisphere sailing around the globe is the fastest.

a shipyard worker came running with incredible news: at low tide "Shalunya"

fell off the mooring lines. An accident occurred which resulted in the fragmentation of

several frames and a number of other damages were caused.

Sailing to Australia and competing with Chichester became impossible. Rose

I had to postpone the flight for a whole year. He had no choice,

How to wish a friend a happy trip around the world.

dangerous Bay of Biscay. At the end of the first week he noticed Madeira - behind

He won't see any more sushi for the next 12 weeks. On the 21st day of the journey he

celebrated his birthday.



After 37 days of sailing across the Atlantic Ocean at 25 degrees south latitude

Chichester changed course to the east and on the fiftieth day of the journey found itself in

several hundred miles from the Cape of Good Hope.

Most of the Indian Ocean was already behind us when the yacht took a turn for the worse

automatic steering device. It was impossible to repair it, and since then

It took Chichester the next 27 days to keep the Gypsy on course

fit a small jib by connecting its sheets to the tiller. Australian

The navigator saw the coast on the 97th day of the journey, but a storm in Bassovo

voyage, Chichester dropped anchor in the port of Sydney. He failed to meet 100

days, that is, the time that on average high-speed clippers spent on

way from Europe to Australia.

However, he became the first person to circumnavigate the world solo. IN

In May of the following year, for his feat he was made the Queen of Great Britain

Knighted by Elizabeth II with the title "Sir". The queen at the same time

used the same sword and stood in approximately the same place as her

predecessor Elizabeth I, when she knighted the famous pirate and

traveler Sir Francis Drake.

"Gypsy Mot IV" has become a museum exhibit and is in dry dock next to the world

the famous clipper "Cutty Sark" and Nelson's flagship "Victoria", and

Francis Chichester turned 69 in September 1970. It seemed now

you can rest on your laurels, babysit your grandchildren and be an honorary judge in sailing races

the highest rank. But peace was not Chichester's lot. At your own expense

he built (at a cost of about £30,000) the Gypsy Motor V, a yacht

your dreams to go on another independent flight and set on

The average daily mileage on the transatlantic route is about 200 miles.

"Gypsy-Mot V" was slightly larger than its predecessor. Its length is

the waterline was 12.8 meters, windage was 214 square meters. In theory

"Gypsy" could reach a speed of about 200-217 miles per day. Of course, in

ideal sailing conditions and under the control of a top class yachtsman.

To implement the plan, Chichester chose the most advantageous route from

Portuguese Guinea on the west coast of Africa to the port of San Juan del Norte in

Republic of Nicaragua.

The orthodrome distance from the port of Bissau to San Juan del Norte is exactly

4000 miles. With an average daily speed of a yacht of 200 miles to overcome the route

it took 20 days, which Chichester declared as its sporting goal. Having received

of the year. However

navigation conditions at the mouth of the Geba River and between the Biagos Islands turned out to be very

difficult. Only on the third day did Gypsy-Mot V manage to move away from the African

coast and reach the trade winds area, where its speed increased significantly, and

The Southern Trade Wind Current shortened her journey by 15-20 miles every day. Despite

with all efforts and maximum use of sails and weather conditions, the yacht entered

orthodrome is exactly 4000 miles. Instead of the expected 20 days, the voyage lasted 36

hours longer, instead of 200 miles, Chichester traveled only 186 miles per day.

Thus, his average speed along the entire route was 7.75 knots. And yet this

was a magnificent achievement for a yacht sailed by a 70-year-old solo sailor.



This man can be attributed to the newest generation of seafarers and

explorers of marine spaces. By the end of the 20th century, almost all

all corners of the globe, with the help of satellites all reefs and atolls are mapped

and islets. And yet the sea has not ceased to attract man; he enters

single combat with him on the most exotic ships.

Tim Severin was not the first navigator to set off on the

exotic ship of past eras. At the end of the last century, young Norwegians

An exact copy of the Norman longship reached the shores of North America. For the anniversary

Columba set off and a copy of the Santa Maria, but set sail on a leather

In the Irish epic there are sagas telling about ocean voyages, about

discovery of new lands. Thus, the famous Irish poet Aid the Light, who lived in X

century, composed the saga of the sailing in the Atlantic Ocean of the navigator Mail-Duin.

A gust of wind blew the boat away from the Irish coast. Driven by the wind, we sailed

Mail-Duin and his companions from island to island, inhabited by fantastic

creatures, such as ants the size of a foal. True, among those born

imagination of creatures and phenomena in the saga there are also details associated with real

events and observations. Thus, the sea route was shown to the travelers.

a bird common to Irish coastal waters.

Undoubtedly, Irish sailors, observing the behavior of seabirds, knew that

some of them, hunting in the open ocean, returned to land in the evening. IN

Irish epic has an earlier

a legend that specifically corresponds to reality. This is a Latin text

"Navigazio Sancti Brendan, Abbes" ("The Voyage of Saint Brendan, the Abbot"),

telling about a voyage to a distant western overseas country.

Some historians and geographers believed that the text refers to

transatlantic voyage, led by Brendan, to the shores of the New World in

VI century AD e. Other experts considered this version to be pure fiction.

Perhaps the question of ancient Irish voyages to the New World would have remained

unsolved, if the Irish geographer and writer Tim Severin did not take up it.

Analyzing the text about Brendan, he saw in it a reflection of reality, and

specific geographical descriptions brought the text closer to the sailing directions. It was said in detail

there and about the progress of the voyage, the time and distance traveled were indicated. Tim Severin also

I found out that Abbot Brendan is a historical figure. Conviction in the reality of events

happened almost one and a half thousand years ago, gave rise to a daring plan: to repeat

on a replica of an antique leather Irish boat, the voyage of St. Brendan and

his companions. This would be the first link, without which it would be difficult in the future

build a hypothesis about ancient Irish contacts between the Old and New Worlds.

Tim Severin found all the information that allowed him to reproduce the model of the ships,

existing in Brendan's time.

It was not easy to resolve the issue of leather covering the boat. Even specialists

leather workers doubted the strength and durability of bovine leathers when

constant contact with sea water. I was in a similar position

the famous Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, when he was told that logs

The balsa will become saturated with water and the Kon-Tiki, made from them, will sink. How many

there were disputes about the fragility and fragility of the “Ra” and “Ra-N” papyrus, as well as reeds

"Tigris". But both Thor Heyerdahl and Tim Severin were deeply convinced that

unreliable, from the point of view of modern man, materials are not in vain

used by ancient shipbuilders, who had centuries of experience behind them

swimming in the ocean.

And yet the lining is made of cowhide, treated, as in the old days, with oak

extract and lubricated with animal wax, Severina did not disappoint,

guided by the technological recipes contained in the text about


Also in accordance with this text, a “stepped route” was laid through

The Atlantic Ocean in the harsh fifties and sixties latitudes of the North


This route, although with stops in the Faroe Islands and Iceland,

seems to be a route of the highest difficulty for well-


full modern sports yachts with steel hulls, and even for open

a leather boat with two straight sails and even more so. Suffice it to say that this

water area along the entire length of the Atlantic Ocean is considered the most

prone to storms. During them, waves were recorded off the coast of Ireland

height of 18.5 meters, and the highest wave height measured southwest of

Iceland is 14 meters. How much courage, composure and resourcefulness

it took Tim Severin and his comrades to prove themselves!

How many critical situations did the sailors encounter along the way?

Of course, hydrometeorological conditions during Brendan's time were more

lighter than modern ones. Science has established that in the early Middle Ages, when

Irish voyages took place, the climate in the North Atlantic was warmer. So,

the air temperature in southern Greenland was 2-4° higher than now, and the ice

the situation is much better. Floating sea pack ice ancient

Irish sailors encountered virtually nothing on their route during the summer months.

Irish sailors completed the “stepped route” in seven years. Waiting it out

bad weather, they settled on the islands and set off on their further journey only in

good weather. It’s a completely different matter when, ignoring bad weather, the crew

"Brendana" sought to travel this path as quickly as possible. This is for them

it only took two summers.

Tim Severin's goal was not only to prove that Old Irish leather

the boats had high seaworthiness, but also resembled the ancient ones

to seafarers. In particular, do without modern seafaring tools. Quite

it is possible that the ancient Irish sailors had some kind of equipment

for orientation in the open ocean, but we know nothing about this now. Was

It’s not entirely clear how they navigated without a magnetic compass.

However, several decades ago, Danish archaeologists discovered during

excavations of the Greenlandic Norman monastery, part of the solar compass that replaced

Vikings magnetic. It is possible that the ancient Irish sailors had

something similar.

At the same time, it is known that, for example, ancient Polynesian sailors could

navigate the center of the Pacific Ocean by the starry sky, wave direction and

currents. They also knew about the behavior of sea animals and birds.

Why not assume that the Irish sailors were also quite versed in

astronomy; after all, even in ancient times in the British Isles the Celts were

observatories were built.

Soon after the completion of the expedition on the Brendan, Tim Severin took possession of

a new idea related to medieval Arab navigation. In the 7th-14th centuries

Arab sea trade routes covered


large part of the Indian Ocean. Already in the 8th century, Arab merchants appeared in

China, Java, the east coast of Africa, Madagascar A little later

in parallel with the famous overland "Silk Road" connecting the Middle and

Far East, the Arabs also built a maritime “Silk Road” from the Persian

Gulf to South China.

Historians believe that voyages along this second “Silk Road” found

reflections in the Arabian tales of the Thousand and One Nights, an integral part of which

are the tales of the seven voyages of Sinbad.

"The Voyages of Sinbad", based on the stories of Arab sailors and merchants,

existed independently before they became part of One Thousand and One Nights

Academician I.Yu. Krachkovsky notes that considering "The Travels of Sinbad"

only as a fairy tale, the action of which develops outside of time and

space, now it’s impossible. Sharing this opinion, Tim Severin conducted

geographical analysis of this tale found deep connections with real events,

happened a thousand years ago. He laid out his route in the footsteps

Sinbad the Sailor from the shores of Arabia through India, Ceylon, Sumatra and Malaysia.

The completion of the route was scheduled for Guangzhou, at the mouth of the Xijiang River. Having studied

ancient manuscripts containing drawings and descriptions of Arabian ships from thousands of years ago

years ago, Tim Severin began building the sailing ship "Sohar", named in

honor of the once bustling ancient Arab port on the Arabian coast

peninsula, where medieval merchants hired ship carpenters. Nowadays

Sohar is part of Oman, a sultanate at the southern tip of the peninsula.

To find the right material for the hull and masts of a sailboat, Severin

goes to India, to the southwestern state of Kerala. There, deep in the jungle,

The loggers felled several trunks for him and carried him on elephants to the coast.

Massive hewn logs were loaded onto a ship bound for an Oman port

Sur, didn’t forget to take bamboo, from which Arab shipbuilders

made ship nails.

In November 1981, "Sohar" with sails sewn in the old style, was ready for

sailing The bulk of the Sohar's crew were Omani sailors. On board the Arabic

The sailboat also included several scientists from European countries.

Swimming in the "monsoon sea", as the northern part of the Indian Ocean is figuratively called

ocean, if not for the suffocating heat, it was incomparably more favorable than in

North Atlantic.

It happened that "Sohar" went out onto busy sea routes and met with

supertankers, liners, ore carriers. I had to keep a constant watch to

avoid getting hit by the keel of a giant ship. In my


queue, navigators and watchmen of passing ships from the height of the wheelhouse with

looked in amazement at the triangular sails of the boat from the Arabian Nights

The planned route was changed only once, and then only slightly: Sohar did not

go to Sumatra itself, limiting yourself to nearby Singapore. Seven s

The Sohar's voyage took half a month.

From Arab sources it follows that medieval Arab merchants passed the route

for three years. But that’s why they are merchants, because in every port city they were engaged in


Severin's last venture was to travel on a replica

ancient Greek ship along the route of the ancient Argonauts. The ship "Argo" with

international crew showed excellent seaworthiness and achieved

the shores of ancient Colchis, the coast of modern Georgia. This visit turned into

a real holiday for the entire Georgian land.

Tim Severin, explorer and geographer dedicated to the reconstruction of ancient

sea ​​routes of various peoples and in different parts of the world, again took up the pen.

Where will he go next time?


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