Home Countries of Europe Problems of tourism development in Crimea and methods for solving them. Prospects for the development of tourism in Western Crimea Events for the development of tourism in Crimea

Problems of tourism development in Crimea and methods for solving them. Prospects for the development of tourism in Western Crimea Events for the development of tourism in Crimea

Formulation of the problem. The main problem of the territory of Western Crimea is the steppe terrain, a relatively short swimming season, a lack of hotels and restaurants, a low level of service, as well as worn-out sewer networks and treatment facilities. Currently, the territory of the west coast is an underdeveloped zone, without normal infrastructure and communications.

The following researchers studied the problems of the territory of Western Crimea: G. Psarev in the draft concept of the “State Target Program for the Development of the Territory of the Western Region of Crimea for 2012–2020”, S. Braiko, D. Devyaterikov, E. Kuznetsova in the work “Development of Tourism in Western Crimea” , A. Chabanov et al.

However, at the moment the following questions remain unresolved:

Irrational and ineffective use and development of lands for health and recreational purposes and the use of natural medicinal resources of Western Crimea;
- lack of investment in cities and regions for development;
- emergency technical condition and insufficient capacity of water supply and water treatment systems, leading to environmental pollution and deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region;
- processing of solid household waste, transport communications and services.

Relevance of this topic. Western Crimea has all the necessary resources for the high-quality development of tourism in the area, which is why it should be developed to attract more tourists and investors.

Goal of the work. Explore the problems and prospects for the development of tourism in Western Crimea.

Main part. The western resort area stretches along the flat coast of Crimea from the village of Peschanoye along the Kalamitsky and Karkinitsky bays of the Black Sea. Here are such famous resorts as: Evpatoria, Saki, Peschanoye, Nikolaevka, the villages of the Tarkhankut Peninsula - Chernomorskoye, Mezhvodnoye, Olenevka - and the adjacent resort area of ​​the village of Steregushchee. The resorts of Western Crimea are, first of all, treatment and health centers. The Western region is one of the most inexpensive and accessible holiday destinations in Crimea.

Currently, the investment potential of Western Crimea is more than 200 thousand hectares. This territory is planned to be developed as a competitive, year-round, national and international resort, recreational and tourist center.

The need for development of the region is primarily related to its natural-climatic and recreational-balneological potential. The presence of a long coastline, deposits of mineral waters and medicinal mud, architectural, historical and cultural monuments makes this area one of the main recreational centers of Crimea.

The potential for tourism development in Western Crimea was studied by McKinsey and Company. They studied the experience of developing the world's best resorts, inspected the territories of Evpatoria, Saki, Chernomorsky and Razdolnensky districts, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the state of the infrastructure of the region as a whole.

According to experts, Western Crimea has all the necessary resources for the high-quality development of tourism. Thus, they noted the presence of clean sea water, long sandy beaches, the Tarkhankut nature reserve, as well as therapeutic mud. Moreover, the presence of prospects for the development of diving and kitesurfing was assessed. Among the factors of event tourism, which also provides good opportunities for the development of the region in the tourism sector, they noted the Kazantip festival. This International Music Festival, held annually in the village of Popovka, Saki region, will attract European tourists to the region, and the absence of a visa regime and language barrier will attract tourists from the CIS countries. Therefore, taking into account all the pros and cons of the area, it was proposed to build new 1-3 star hotels on the coast, develop beach and health recreation, vacations with children, and cruises. In addition, among the areas suitable for development, youth tourism, entertainment, events and “green” were named. According to the authors of the project, its implementation will help increase the number of tourists in the region to 2-3 million.

Currently, Crimean authors have developed draft concept of the “State Target Program for the Development of the Territory of the Western Region of Crimea for 2012–2020”. The program is aimed at the development of the agro-industrial complex, the processing industry, the construction of social and engineering and transport infrastructure to create full-fledged conditions for the development of the territory, raising social standards of living standards of the population, improving the image of Crimea and Ukraine, increasing the revenue side of budgets at all levels. All these factors will ensure the investment attractiveness of the region as a whole and will significantly increase the number and attendance of tourists and vacationers.

The program is designed for 2012-2020 and will be implemented in three stages.

On first stage(2012-2013) It is planned to carry out an organizational preparatory period, develop project documentation for the allocation of land for construction, carry out conciliation procedures and examination of projects, prepare investment projects and business plans for the construction of modern resort and recreational complexes, infrastructure, public catering, facilities alternative energy.

On second stage(2014-2017) It is planned to implement a number of investment projects for the comprehensive development of the territory of the Western region, reconstruct existing and begin construction of new resort industry facilities and infrastructure.

On third stage(2018-2020) Commissioning of new resort and recreational facilities, infrastructure facilities, implementation of other Program activities aimed at improving the standard of living of the population, increasing employment, increasing the capacity of budgets at all levels.

The implementation of this program will allow rational planning of the work of coastal territories, will ensure a reduction in the load on the southern coast of Crimea, an increase in the number of vacationers and tourists and the number of resort, health and medical institutions. It will also allow Western Crimea to solve the problems of irrational use of recreational lands and the agro-industrial complex. In addition, the implementation of this concept will improve the ecological state of the environment, create new jobs, and as a result, increase the level of employment and living conditions of the population, and, not least important, increase financial revenues to budgets of all levels.

Conclusions and offers. As a result of the research, the following ways to solve the problems of Western Crimea have been identified and proposed:

Creation of new tourist sites and routes;
- construction of sanatorium-resort and health-improving medical institutions with modern medical equipment, hotel complexes, with the attraction of investments;
- carrying out current and major repairs of railway tracks and station complexes;
- modernization of automobile and aviation transport infrastructure (Evpatoria, Saki, Chernomorskoye, etc.);
- organization of effective wastewater treatment systems with their maximum possible centralization, in particular the reconstruction of existing and construction of new sewerage treatment facilities;
- creation of new capacities for processing solid household waste and reconstruction of existing landfills (Cape Tarkhankut);
- construction of a network of public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens);
- attracting highly qualified personnel to work (also conducting seminars and trainings to improve their skills).

The territory of Western Crimea has rich potential for tourism development. However, to attract more tourists to the area, it is necessary to solve a number of problems that were discussed in the article. Unfortunately, at the moment the state cannot allocate a sufficient amount of budget funds for the implementation of the draft concept of the “State Target Program for the Development of the Territory of the Western Region of Crimea for 2012–2020”, in connection with the holding of EURO 2012 in Ukraine, but it is necessary to actively attract national and foreign investors.

The entry of Crimea into Russia, it seemed, should immediately solve many problems that existed on the peninsula at that time. The main problem was the further development and formation of the region. It was also clear here that, perhaps, the most promising direction for the development of Crimea is tourism. Another thing is what tourism should be like, who will go to Crimea and why? What services can be realistically provided to vacationers and what services cannot be provided.

The fact is that from the very collapse of the USSR until the reunification of Crimea and Russia, there was a “shadowing” of the tourism economy. The private sector, which cannot be controlled by the state, took first place, remaining free from accounting not only by tax structures, but also in terms of coordinating the services provided.

The sanatorium-resort aspect of Crimean tourism was mercilessly replaced by beach tourism of an unorganized nature. The decline of tourism without investment and any government support continued until the spring of 2014.

Almost immediately after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the situation began to change in a different direction: today 80% of tourists stay in hotels and sanatoriums, and only 20% in private houses. This has not happened for a long time in the history of the Crimean peninsula, and this is due to the fact that sanatorium and resort institutions have concluded agreements on sending vacationers with state and corporate institutions of the Russian Federation. This step is only the beginning of the implementation of a targeted policy for the development of Crimea, the foundations of which are set out in the Strategy for the Development of Crimea until 2020.

It is known that the socio-economic indicators of Crimea upon joining the Russian Federation did not reach the Russian average. Unfortunately, with all Russia’s desire to change the situation on the peninsula for the better, there are certain limiting factors. The main one is the instability of the socio-political situation in the border areas of Ukraine and Crimea. Therefore, there are certain risks for the development of international cooperation, weakening of international and foreign economic relations. The region is also insufficiently supplied with vital resources, sources of water, energy, food, as well as the lack of good road and rail connections with the Russian mainland.

It is clear that now these problems are being solved first. The transport accessibility of Crimea is changing due to an increase in the number of flights to Simferopol and government subsidies for paying for tickets from distant regions of the country.

So, for example, people flying on vacation from Yakutsk now spend about 12, or even 15 hours, taking into account the transfer in Moscow. In the summer, direct flights will be organized, which will be dated by the state, as a result, the average ticket price from Yakutsk will be equal to 8.5 thousand rubles, and the flight time will be reduced to 8 hours. The number of Russian major cities from which direct flights to Crimea will fly will increase.

It is worth noting that all problems must be solved comprehensively. Thus, in the transport complex, all funds are now concentrated on the construction and reconstruction of crossings across the Kerch Strait, airports and highways. They provide communication with populated areas and industrial facilities of the peninsula. And this is already producing results. You can already travel around the Crimean Peninsula quickly and relatively inexpensively. The roads have been put in order, and this work continues successfully.

In the engineering complex, funding will be directed to measures to ensure water supply, sewerage, bank protection and heat supply, as well as ensuring the management of solid household waste. The development of the social sphere involves the implementation of measures for the construction and reconstruction of healthcare and education facilities.

One more, very important aspect. Before Crimea joined Russia, the peninsula received vacationers from Ukraine. This was a deliberate policy of the authorities, who did not burden themselves with unnecessary expenses and attracting investments into dilapidated and outdated infrastructure.

Accordingly, the entire service of the peninsula was extremely low and unprofitable. There were no foreign tourists there either. All this makes itself felt even now. So, when you go to have a snack of local dumplings, you can see flies flying above them. In response to your indignation, you may hear the familiar Ukrainian: “Let it be so.” By the way, the service personnel in hotels and cafes are still Ukrainian. The low level of service and lack of conditions repelled all hypothetical tourists from vacationing in Crimea.

Although today tourists from Russia have already filled vacancies in hotels, in 2013 they were 26% of the total number of vacationers, but in 2014 they became 93%. In 2015, the figure increased to 95% and is approaching 100%.

As the composition of vacationers changes, their priorities also change. If for Ukrainians the main and main criterion was the price, then for wealthy tourists from Russia, perhaps, the level of service and service will be an important argument for a holiday in Crimea. The reality is that Russians, having vacationed in Turkey and Egypt for many years, have become accustomed to the world level of service. They are willing to pay a high price for a tour and receive a higher quality and professionally designed product.

There is also a problem that tourists from Russia will not be satisfied with even very cheap services of poor quality. The faster tourism enterprises and private firms catch this trend, the more successful a niche they will be able to occupy.

Today, the range and quality of services provided in Crimea lags significantly behind the world level. This reduces the competitiveness of the region in the international tourism market.

The main problem for the peninsula is the seasonality of tourism. For hotels and similar institutions, the season is only three months, and for medical and health centers five months. Only less than 40% have year-round activities. There is also an imbalance in the distribution of healthcare facilities in Yalta and Evpatoria. All this points to an unfavorable environment in the health sector. Changing this situation may just solve the issue of seasonality in Crimea.

There is also such a direction of tourism in Crimea as extreme travel and tent tourism. On the territory of Crimea there are about 38 campsites, which are essentially tent cities. They have a minimal set of amenities, which budget European tourists are also not prepared for.

There is another problem in Russian Crimea - the labor force. Most tourism-related businesses cannot maintain staff all year round. Previously, Ukrainian seasonal workers were invited to work in Crimea during their holidays. Now political difficulties have practically closed this opportunity for them.

Today in Russia there is a specific Tourism Development Strategy for the period until 2020. Its main provisions are:

  • Increasing the independence of the Federal Tourism Agency; You can note the emphasis on the marketing component. It is also necessary to strengthen the presence of Russian travel companies in the international market. The state wants to provide large tourism businesses operating in the domestic market with maximum support, for example, in the form of a more loyal tax policy;

  • Closer interaction between the ministries of culture, education and foreign affairs through the unification of representatives of these departments into the interministerial committee on tourism. Within this structure, it is proposed to create working groups capable of solving emerging difficulties as effectively as possible;

  • Close interaction with business and the entrepreneurial environment through the creation of the Tourism Sector Association. This structure, in a bilateral discussion between representatives of the Federal Agency for Tourism and major entrepreneurs in the field of tourism on an annual basis, will be able to coordinate each other’s activities, making proposals and sharing opinions;

  • Emphasize continuous market research, tourism trends and recent developments. For this purpose, a large research organization must be created - the Institute of Tourism Research on the basis of the Federal Office of Tourism, which will supply government agencies with the most up-to-date information.

The development of eco-tourism in the region deserves special attention. It is necessary to develop a unified concept for the creation and implementation of green routes, including a certain set of measures:

  • Development of a network of green routes on the territory of natural reserves with the presence of basic and accompanying infrastructure that meets the principles of the “green economy”.

  • Promoting the development of cooperation between tourism business entities and specialized public organizations in organizing environmental tours and expeditions.

  • Introduction of a monitoring system to ensure the quality and environmental friendliness of tourist, recreational and hotel services.

  • Creation of a network of tourist information centers on the territory of natural reserve facilities to perform the functions of environmental education.

It should also be noted that the problems of tourism development in Crimea are not unique and difficult to overcome. There is a wide international experience that needs to be studied and implemented, adapting it to local realities.

The program is published with abbreviations (indicated by .....), for the purpose of research and methodological work of university teaching staff, and educational work of students. The full text is published in pdf format on the official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea mtur.rk.gov.ru

to the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated December 09, 2014 No. 501
(as amended by the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated June 29, 2015 No. 358)


  1. Program passport


Sources of financing of the State Program: funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, funds from the federal budget in the amounts determined by the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”

Total amount of financing of the State program (thousand roubles.)

For 2015 - 2017 8,243,110.0

Federal budget 8,105,400.0

budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan 137,550.0

local budgets 160.0

Extrabudgetary funds are not provided.

Expected results of the implementation of the State Program

Ensuring comprehensive sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment:

  • ensuring the development of resorts and health-improving areas with the protection and rational use of available natural healing resources, arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;
  • ensuring innovative development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of public-private partnership;
  • modernization (reconstruction) of the existing potential of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea;
  • development of development concepts and the corresponding investment portfolio for the development of tourist destinations of the Republic of Crimea;
  • diversification of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea, focused on various segments of the tourism market;
  • expanding the scope of the active period of the tourist season, increasing the volume of sales of the Crimean tourist product;
  • creation of a unified information base of the Crimean tourist network (including route);
  • development of tourism products focused on the needs of the modern tourist;
  • improving the quality of tourism services, the efficiency of the activities of Crimean subjects of the tourism industry;
  • formation of a modern, competitive, transparent structure of the tourism business;
  • creation of a new system of methodological staffing for the tourism industry that meets the needs of the modern Crimean tourist;
  • bringing the professional training of state civil servants and municipal employees of the Republic of Crimea, structural units responsible for the development of the resort and tourism sector, into compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
  • bringing the quality of service in line with international standards;
  • promotion of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea in the international and domestic tourism markets;
  • development of types of tourism aimed at ensuring a year-round tourist season, including medical and recreational, cultural and educational, event, active, business and social;
  • formation of a recognizable tourist brand of the Republic of Crimea and its promotion;
  • development of scientific business concepts that describe the mechanisms for the development of the resort and tourism sector, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the tourism business.

2 . Current status and development prospectsresorttourism sector of the Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is a unique region of the Russian Federation, which combines powerful natural-climatic and historical-cultural potential, which is the basis for the development of the resort and tourism sector.

The favorable geographical position of the peninsula, diverse landscape, favorable climate, natural resources (Black and Azov Seas, water, forest resources), rich historical and cultural heritage ( the total number of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Crimea is about 11,500 objects ), available recreational potential ( 100 mineral water springs , 14 deposits of therapeutic mud ), historical experience - determine the main directions of tourism development on the Crimean Peninsula.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 salt lakes , the bottom sediments of which are formed by mud deposits. As promising deposits for use 6 objects can be considered in sanatorium-resort treatment(lakes Saki, Chokrak, Uzunlar, Koyash, Tobechik, Dzharylgach ), the total reserves of medicinal mud are 28.0 million cubic meters. Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the only developed deposit of medicinal mud is Saki healing lake.

The resort resources of Crimea, along with favorable climatic conditions and healing mud, also include mineral waters.

More than 100 mineral springs are known: chloride, calcium-sodium, thermal sodium chloride and others. Currently, about 20 mineral water sources are exploited on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, including in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria, Yalta, and the Bakhchisarai region.

The existing deposits of mineral waters are underutilized, mainly for internal and external use in health resort institutions. Mineral water pump rooms are equipped in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria and Yalta. For industrial bottling, only the well of the Saki mineral water deposit, located on the territory of JSC Beer and Soft Drink Plant Crimea (mineral water is known as Crimea), is currently used.

The effective functioning of the health resort industry remains one of the priority areas for the development of the Republic of Crimea.

It is based on the use of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, beaches, climatic and landscape resources, sea and mountain air.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there is 770 collective accommodation facilities(sanatorium-resort and hotel institutions) total capacity 158.2 thousand seats, of which 144 institutions provide spa treatment, 216 facilities provide health services, the rest 410 institutions – temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of accommodation facilities providing treatment and rehabilitation services is 361 an object.

For year-round functioning are intended 139 sanatorium-resort (including 73 means of placing the state form of ownership of the Republic of Crimea) and 162 hotel establishments.

The number of year-round collective accommodation facilities is not enough to realize the potential of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, the work of tourist and recreational clusters, and the permanent employment of the population.

It's hard to resist commenting here. Let's limit ourselves to interjection ugh. No sane investor will build hotels in Crimea. For the sake of 2 months of the season?

To implement the strategic goal of developing the resort and tourism sector, infrastructural restructuring, modernization (reconstruction) of the facilities of the sanatorium and resort complex, primarily the state (republican) form of ownership, is necessary.

There is a high level of depreciation of fixed assets (most of them are worn out by 70-90%) and medical equipment of health resorts. At the same time, the unique experience and traditions of sanatorium treatment and improvement of citizens have been preserved.

As a result of the transition to a year-round operating cycle of collective accommodation facilities, the number of organized tourists may reach an additional 2 million people annually (an increase of 60%).

From the perspective of tourism development, the category of health resorts that provide sanatorium-resort treatment is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities:

  • sanatoriums – 93,
  • children's sanatoriums, medical centers – 31,
  • boarding houses with treatment – ​​16,
  • hotels with treatment – ​​4.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the urban district of Yalta. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the urban district of Yevpatoria.

  • boarding houses – 130,
  • children's health camps – 77,
  • sports and recreation complexes – 8,
  • educational and health center - 1, where primary consultation with a doctor, SPA services, dietary nutrition programs are provided, there is a beach, swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In particular SPA services in the Republic of Crimea are provided by 42 institutions .

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services, and about 14 thousand apartment renters.

Traditionally, in collective accommodation facilities over the past

for several years, an average of 1.2 million people were accommodated, or 1,454 people per

one collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which

indicates that the available collective resources are underutilized


The total length of the coastline of the Republic of Crimea, suitable

for organizing a beach holiday is 452 km. For mass recreation

There are 560 beaches for people on the water. Length of coastline

The number of equipped beaches in the Republic of Crimea is 103 km.

There are 354 subjects of tourism activities, of which:

88 tour operators (included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators) and

266 travel agents (notified Rospotrebnadzor about the start of travel agency


2015 the provision of public services is carried out

“Certification of tour guides (guides), guides-interpreters and instructors-

conductors operating on the territory of the Republic

9 instructor-guides and 594 tour guides (guides, guides-


In 6 regions of the Republic of Crimea there are 9 tourism

information centers (municipalities: urban district

Evpatoria, Saki urban district, Sudak urban district, urban district

Feodosia, Chernomorsky district and Leninsky district). Besides, in

In the city of Evpatoria, activities are carried out by 3 tourist information

The Republic of Crimea has all the resources necessary for

development of the following types of tourism:

medical and health care (in the territory of the Republic of Crimea

144 institutions provide tourists with specialized sanatorium-

spa treatment);

cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 15 state museums and more than 300 museums operating on

public principles. The funds of state museums contain about 800 thousand exhibits);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually -

musical, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical,

cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become

traditional for the Republic of Crimea are the “War and Peace” festivals,

“Genoese Helmet”, “Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word",

"Bosporan agony");

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea there are

84 tourist sites, 26 places of public recreation, 193 tourist

cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads

creates conditions for cycling. Most varied for

mountain cycling tourism in the southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools,

children's camps with scuba diving training);

equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more

20 equestrian clubs that have developed one- and multi-day routes

horseback riding for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives live in the Republic of Crimea

115 nationalities, 92 ethnographic sites are located, based on

for which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

sports (international hang gliding competitions

sports, hot-air ballooning and others);

cruise (acceptance of cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea can

operate 4 seaports located in the urban districts of Yalta,

Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria).

Despite the presence of many prerequisites for the development of various

types of tourism, currently there are a number of common problems,

hindering the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Political instability in Ukraine.

Previously, out of 6 million tourists annually visiting the Republic of Crimea,

the bulk of tourists (65%) were citizens of Ukraine. IN

Currently, a reorientation of tourist flow is being carried out - since 2014

the main tourists are citizens of the Russian Federation.

To develop domestic tourism, it is necessary to carry out

large-scale work to form an objective image of the Republic

Crimea as a popular safe tourist destination.

  1. Unsatisfactory state of infrastructure on the territory

tourist regions of the Republic of Crimea.

To ensure the comprehensive development of the resort and tourism sector

The Republic of Crimea has developed 6 tourism and recreational clusters,

which are included in the Federal Target Program “Social

economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.”

Creation and operation of new tourist and recreational

clusters will allow you to create the necessary objects providing

infrastructures that correspond to current and future

requirements and needs of regions as tourist territories,

intensify investment and tourism activities in Crimea.

The formation of clusters is carried out locally throughout the territory

Republic of Crimea.

Clusters will be implemented starting from 2015, with their financing

more than 22.5 billion rubles were allocated. from the federal budget. Planned

develop clusters for all resort regions, taking into account their characteristics

development and implementation of the task of year-round operation of enterprises,

institutions (organizations) of the resort and tourism sector.

  1. The problem of transport accessibility of the Republic of Crimea.

This year marks a structural reorientation

passenger traffic to the Republic of Crimea – from priority previously

railway transport to air transport and road transport.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limiting throughput thresholds

abilities of transport hubs and communications of the Republic of Crimea in

direction to other regions of Russia. Based on these restrictions,

we can conclude that the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea in

able to receive no more than 4 million tourists from Russia per season for a period of up to

2017, i.e. until completion of key development activities

transport complex.

The Republic of Crimea has all modern types

transport, but the placement and structure of transport communications,

transport infrastructure as a whole does not meet the necessary

internal and external transport and economic relations and needs

significant improvement.

In addition, a number of problematic issues in

tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Seasonality of the tourism industry.

Seasonal fluctuations in tourist flow to Crimea are reflected in changes

trends in job generation in the service sector, intensity

loading of means of transportation, accommodation, restaurants and attractions. In high

season there is an overload of tourist centers, prices rise,

Reservations for services for this period must be made in advance. B low

the season is the other way around.

In order to overcome the seasonality factor, it is necessary to develop and

promote new types of tourism products that are not subject to seasonal

fluctuations. This is, first of all, the development of medical and recreational,

cultural-cognitive, eventful, active, business and

social types of tourism.

Gradual modernization of the accommodation sector is also necessary.

  1. High level of depreciation of fixed assets and medical facilities

collective accommodation facilities. First of all, this concerns objects

sanatorium-resort complex located in the state

property, fixed assets and medical bases of which are worn out

70-90%, but at the same time maintaining the unique experience and traditions of the sanatorium

treatment and recovery.

Of the 188 collective accommodation facilities owned by the Russian Federation and state property

Republic of Crimea, need modernization and reconstruction of at least 107

health resorts The amount of investment in the reconstruction or modernization of one

object ranges from 85 to 200 million rubles. Estimated total cost

works on reconstruction and modernization of hotel rooms and medical

the base of these objects is from 18 billion rubles.

Reconstruction (modernization) of sanatorium and resort facilities

complex of the Republic of Crimea on a public-private basis

partnership as the most promising way to join forces

authorities and private business will ensure the main transition to

year-round operating cycle of industry enterprises, which in the future, with

strategically built development policy will entail an increase

number of domestic and foreign tourists, number of jobs,

volume of sales of services by both tourism enterprises and

enterprises operating in related industries

(transport, agriculture, trade, service sector, etc.).

  1. High level of “shadowization” of the service provision market

accommodation for tourists.

More than 4.5 thousand operate on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

households providing temporary accommodation services, and

about 14 thousand apartment landlords (private sector in recent years

received over 80 percent of the total tourist flow - about 4 million.

tourists per year), while the key problem of this sector is

high level of “shadowing” - private households are not subject to

taxation, state statistical data do not apply to them

reporting, they are charged as private households in all

municipal services.

Over the past 20 years, the problem of resolving

activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourism

the industry did not dare.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop a system

identification of “shadow” subjects of the tourism industry, control systems for

activities of identified “shadow” entities in the tourism industry, as well as

one of the tools is to classify funds


Formation of a modern, competitive, transparent

structure of the tourism business will increase tax revenues in

budgets of all levels, create comfortable and understandable working conditions for

all participants in the tourism services market.

  1. Uneven development of the Republic's tourism potential

Today the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic

Crimea is characterized by uneven development, which is manifested in

increased load on accommodation facilities and infrastructure in the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea and, accordingly, minimal load on

east and west of the peninsula (more than 60% of tourists prefer the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea, while Evpatoria and Saki health resorts

not inferior to Alushta and Yalta).

The task of further development of the sanatorium-resort and

tourist complex and the Republic of Crimea as a whole is the development

Territory development plan with definition of their specialization, further

development of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, taking into account

existing tourism resources, infrastructure, types and volumes

services provided to tourists, market capacity with calculation

forecasted demand.

First of all, this concerns the development of development concepts

tourist territories of the Republic of Crimea. Lack of concepts

allows for comprehensive development of tourism for the long term

perspective, disrupts the coordination and actions of tourism participants

The development of concepts for the development of tourist areas will allow:

— assess the potential of the territories of the Republic of Crimea (including its

competitiveness) in general in the provision of tourism services;

— clarify the parameters of territories (including borders,

infrastructure support, etc.);

— identify priority types of tourism that have the greatest

potential and competitiveness;

— identify potential territories favorable for location

(or reconstruction) of tourism infrastructure;

— identify priority areas for tourism development;

— prepare indicative plans (business plans) for development

individual territories;

— investment passports of territories.

Realization of the clear tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea

specific target groups of tourists, ensuring the development of tourism in

based on public-private partnership will allow to attract more

financial flows not only to tourism, but also to other industries

economy of the republic, which will affect the increase in direct effect

development of tourism in the form of tax revenues to budgets of all levels.

According to the UN World Tourism Organization

(UNWTO) currently the volume of sales of tourism services is equal to or

even surpasses the export of oil, food or cars.

Tourism has become a major player in international trade and

represents one of the main sources of income for many

developing countries.

Thus, the development of tourism taking into account the synergistic effect

will be an incentive for the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea as a whole and will allow the Republic of Crimea to be withdrawn from the subsidized territory into

  1. 3 . Priorities, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators),

results, stages and timing of the implementation of the State Program

In the Republic of Crimea, the development of sanatorium-resort and tourism

complex is a priority direction for economic development

Republic of Crimea.


National priorities in the field of tourism, which should

be guided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, currently

established by the following regulatory legal acts:

tourism activities in the Russian Federation";

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to

2020, approved by resolution of the Government of the Russian

Federal target program “Development of internal and entry

tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, approved

2011 No. 644;

State program of the Russian Federation “Development

culture and tourism" for 2013-2020, approved by order

“On tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea”;

“About resorts, natural healing resources and health-improving

localities of the Republic of Crimea";

Federal target program “Socio-economic development

of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, approved

2014 No. 790;

Action plan for the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in

of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11

2014 No. 2246-r.



Pershina Anna Vasilievna 1, Keppl Olga Ivanovna 1
1 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University" named after. IN AND. Vernadsky, Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (branch) in Yalta Institute of Economics and Management

The article discusses the main problems and prospects for the development of tourism in Russia and Crimea, as well as ways to achieve competitiveness in the tourism market.


Pershina Anna Vasilevna 1, Kepple Olga Ivanovna 1
1 Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky, Humanitarian-pedagogical University (branch) in Yalta Institute of Economics and management

The article describes the main problems and prospects of tourism development in Russia and Crimea, as well as achieving competitiveness in the tourist market.

The development of tourism plays one of the most important roles in economic development for most countries of the world, including Russia, which has enormous potential for tourism development. However, Russian tour operators are experiencing some problems with serving tourists. According to Rostourism, the main problems are the high cost of tours (this is due to the high cost of transport services), as well as an insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure.

But, despite this, tourism in Russia has great prospects. An important factor in the effective development of tourism in Russia can be considered the holding of major sporting events, such as the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, as well as the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup. These events not only help strengthen Russia’s image in the international arena, but also create an impetus for the development of tourism infrastructure in general, which will serve for many years, attracting new tourist flows to the region. According to Rostourism, Russia will be able to enter the international market through the development of domestic tourism. This is facilitated by the fact that Russia has unique healing resources, which made it possible to create a system of sanatorium and resort treatment of various types in the country.

The country's tourism potential is the key to its long-term competitiveness. Each tourist destination in Russia requires the development of a promotion strategy, which involves the following actions:

1) ensuring the effective functioning of the tourism and recreational sector;

2) improving the quality of service and developing tourism infrastructure;

3) expanding the range of tourism services and developing new types of tourism;

4) carrying out measures to smooth out the seasonality of tourist flow;

5) application of innovations in tourism activities.

Thus, despite the positive trends in the development of tourism in Russia, the country’s huge tourism potential is still at the initial stage of its development. Most of the problems of tourism development are complex. According to the author of the book “Marketing in Tourism” A.P. Durovich, to create a competitive tourism industry, effective government policy in this area is important, including strategic goals and objectives, established mechanisms and tools for their solutions, selection of qualified personnel for their implementation, etc. .

An important segment of the Russian tourism market is Crimea, annexed to Russia in 2014. Crimea is a profitable region for the Russian economy, and the tourism and resort industry is one of the most attractive in the country. However, despite the great opportunities, a number of problems have been identified in Crimea, which include:

1) difficult transport links with Russia;

2) unsatisfactory condition of a significant part of the roads;

3) discrepancy between the level of service and generally accepted standards;

4) lack of service infrastructure on the beaches, their pollution;

5) underdevelopment of the tourism and entertainment industry.

Since Crimea is a profitable region for the Russian economy, the issue of tourism development here is relevant and requires the adoption of certain measures to achieve competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

The modern structure of the tourist region of Crimea is characterized by an insufficient level of expansion of services, but has a positive trend in updating the types of tourist and recreational activities. At the same time, the trend for the development of sanatorium-resort treatment and health-improving beach recreation continues here. The level of innovation in the tourism industry of Crimea is insufficient to create positive conditions for entrepreneurial activity in the tourism sector. The region lacks comprehensive innovative programs for the development of resorts and tourism that take into account trends in the global services market and emphasize the competitive tourism potential of Crimea.

To create competitive tourist advantages of Crimea and ensure a comfortable holiday on the peninsula, it is necessary to develop, first of all, the transport infrastructure connecting the peninsula with the Russian mainland. Internal transport in Crimea also requires development, expansion of the vehicle fleet and an increase in the number of flights during the holiday season, improving the quality of the road surface, etc.

A big disadvantage in the development of tourism in Crimea is that a significant part of the territory of the Crimean beaches is inaccessible to local residents and resort guests, is owned by sanatoriums or is private property; The area of ​​public beaches is extremely small compared to the scale of the number of vacationers. It is necessary to solve this problem and ensure access for local residents and tourists to the coastal strip in order to ensure a comfortable stay.

In Crimea, it is necessary to develop various types of tourism, such as hiking trips, sea cruises, educational excursion trips to the historical and cultural centers of Crimea, etc. To promote sanatorium and resort services as the main factor in increasing demand for Crimean tourism products, the following measures must be taken:

1) improve the tourism infrastructure on the peninsula;

2) ensure systematic promotion of sanatorium and resort services in Crimea, with an emphasis on the uniqueness of natural and climatic conditions;

3) provide the opportunity to receive spa treatment at low prices outside the peak “high season” (April-May and September-October);

4) organize the purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums in Crimea at optimal prices for distribution to employees of government organizations;

5) implement and constantly develop an effective advertising campaign to create a competitive brand of Crimea.

In order to effectively develop Crimea as a competitive tourist region, it is necessary to conduct an image advertising campaign for the region following the example of such developed tourist centers as Egypt, Cyprus, Bulgaria, etc. The campaign should be preceded by the development of a tourist brand of Crimea in order to increase its effectiveness.

To summarize, it is necessary to focus on the need to develop sanatorium-resort treatment and the market for SPA services in Crimea, as well as to increase the number of entertainment facilities for recreation (for example, water parks, shopping centers with developed entertainment infrastructure, clubs for various types of interests, etc. .).

In general, Crimea has enormous tourism potential, and if the proposed measures are implemented in the near future, the tourism industry in Crimea will flourish and bring great profits to the budget of the Republic and Russia as a whole.

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Tourism as one of the most popular types of active recreation is becoming an integral part of human life with its natural desire to discover and learn about new lands, natural monuments, history and culture, customs and traditions of various peoples. The organization of active, meaningful recreation has become an important social task, and tourism has become a large service sector for the population. In terms of demand, tourism has taken first place among all types of recreation. It is an important factor in improving a person’s health, increasing his creative activity, and broadening his horizons.

I chose Crimea because it is the most vibrant and interesting tourist destination, and especially because I vacationed there. All types of tourism are developed in Crimea. The giant ridges of Karagach, Khoba-Tepe, Magnitny, Kok-Kaya, Holy Mountain; cliffs: “Ivan the Robber”, “Lion”, “Golden Gate” - all in the Karadag Nature Reserve, one of the landscape monuments of our republic. Exotic plants can be seen in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, founded back in 1812. Now his “bouquet” includes more than 28,000 representatives of the flora. Alupka and Masandra parks have valuable collections of unique plants. In the steppes, mountains, and on the coast there are many places where a tourist or vacationer can encounter ancient traces of human habitation (for example, the sites of Kiik-Koba, Staroselye), monuments of the late Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, Early Iron Ages... Travel to the ancient times times can be accomplished by visiting the Chersonesos Historical and Archaeological Reserve. Its exhibitions introduce ancient and medieval Chersonesos and the monuments of the ancient settlement. The stone "archive" of the reserve contains over 500 units of Greek and Latin inscriptions. The pages of the centuries-old history of Crimea are revealed to visitors of the Bakhchisaray historical and archaeological reserve-museum and the cave cities of Chufut-Kale and Eski-Kermen.

The remains of Genoese fortresses in Sudak and Feodosia remind us of the events of “bygone days.”

Crimea offers its guests to explore almost 3.5 thousand historical and cultural monuments, historical and local history, art and literary memorial museums.

Everyone who has once seen Crimea seeks to meet it again and again. And if you never have a chance to visit here again, the delight and warmth of a single meeting will warm your heart all your life.

Many types of tourism in Russia - walking, horseback riding, bus tourism, caving tourism and sport climbing - originated in Crimea, and the first official tourist organization in Russia, although it was created in Odessa (1890), was called the "Crimean Mountain Club", later " Crimean-Caucasian".

Tourism as an active recreation and sport has received general recognition and has become widespread and accessible, and Crimea has turned into a resort and tourist center. This is favored by the very geographical location and conditions of Crimea.

Crimea today is the blessed land of the Crimean Peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov Seas. In the north there is a plain, in the south - the Crimean Mountains with a necklace near the coastal strip of seaside resort towns: Yalta, Miskhor, Alupka, Simeiz, Gurzuf, Alushta, Feodosia, Evpatoria and seaports - Kerch, Sevastopol. Map of Crimea Appendix 1

Crimea is located within 44°23" (Cape Sarych) and 46°15" (Perekopsky Ditch) northern latitude, 32°30" (Cape Karamrun) and 36°40" (Cape Fonar) eastern longitude. The area of ​​the Crimean Peninsula is 26.0 thousand km, the maximum distance from north to south is 205 km, from west to east – 325 km.

A narrow eight-kilometer strip of land to the north (Perekop Isthmus) connects Crimea with the mainland, 4-5 km - the width of the Kerch Strait to the east (the length of the strait is about 41 km) - separates it from the Taman Peninsula.

The total length of the borders of Crimea exceeds 2,500 km (taking into account the extreme tortuosity of the coastline of the northeast). In general, the coasts of Crimea are little indented; the Black Sea forms three large bays: Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky and Feodosiya; The Sea of ​​Azov also formed three bays: Kazantipsky, Arabatsky and Sivashsky.

The physical and geographical position of Crimea as a whole is distinguished by the following most characteristic features. Firstly, the location of the peninsula at 45° north latitude determines its equidistance from the equator and the North Pole, which is associated with a fairly large amount of incoming solar energy and a large number of hours of sunshine. Secondly, Crimea is almost an island. This is associated, on the one hand, with a large number of endemics (plant species that are not found anywhere except in a given area) and endemics (similar animal species); on the other hand, this explains the significant impoverishment of the Crimean fauna; In addition, the climate and other components of nature are significantly influenced by the marine environment.

Thirdly, the position of the peninsula relative to the general circulation of the Earth’s atmosphere is especially important, leading to the predominance of westerly winds in Crimea. Crimea occupies a border position between the temperate and subtropical geographical zones.

The peculiarities of the transport and geographical position of Crimea in the past determined the nature of the population of the peninsula and the specifics of its economy. In the Middle Ages, Crimea was a kind of dead end on the path of many nomadic tribes. Many settled here and adopted the local languages, culture and religion.

The maritime environment of Crimea determined not only the peculiarities of external economic relations, but also the development of coastal recreation. Through the Danube and Dnieper rivers, Crimea has access to the ports of Central Europe, the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, and through the Don and the canal system of European Russia - to the Baltic and White Seas, the Caspian states.

A favorable feature of the economic and geographical position of Crimea is its proximity to the economically developed Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine and the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation.

The nature of Crimea is called a natural museum. There are few places in the world where diverse, comfortable and picturesque landscapes are combined in such an original way. They are largely due to the unique geographical location, geological structure, relief, and climate of the peninsula. The Crimean mountains divide the peninsula into two unequal parts. The large one - the northern one - is located in the extreme south of the temperate zone, the southern one - the Crimean sub-Mediterranean - belongs to the northern edge of the subtropical zone.

The flora of Crimea is especially rich and interesting. Wild higher plants alone account for more than 65% of the flora of the entire European part of the Commonwealth countries. Along with this, about 1000 species of foreign plants are cultivated here. Almost the entire flora of Crimea is concentrated in its southern mountainous part. This is truly a museum richness of flora.

The climate of most of Crimea is a temperate climate: mild steppe - in the flat part; more humid, characteristic of deciduous forests - in the mountains. The southern coast of Crimea is characterized by a sub-Mediterranean climate of dry forests and bushes.

Crimea, especially its mountainous part, thanks to its comfortable climate, rich clean air, toned with phytoncides, sea salts, and the pleasant aroma of plants, also has great healing powers. The depths of the earth also contain healing mud and mineral waters.

The Crimean peninsula is provided with a large amount of heat not only in summer, but also in winter. In December and January, 8-10 times more heat per unit of earth's surface per day is received here than, for example, in St. Petersburg. Crimea receives the greatest amount of solar heat in the summer, especially in July. Spring here is cooler than autumn. And autumn is the best season of the year. The weather is calm, sunny and moderately warm.

True, sharp fluctuations in pressure during the day aggravate cardiovascular diseases in people who are not completely healthy. In Crimea, which is well supplied with heat, the biological productivity of plants, including agricultural crops, and the resistance of landscapes to stress largely depend on the amount of moisture. And the need for water is constantly increasing both among the local population and the national economy, primarily in agriculture and resorts. So water in Crimea is the true engine of life and culture.

A relatively small amount of precipitation, a long dry summer, and the spread of karst rocks in the mountains have caused the Crimea to be poor in surface water.

Crimea is divided into two parts: a flat steppe with a very small number of surface watercourses and a mountain forest with a relatively dense river network. There are no large fresh lakes here. In the coastal strip of the Crimean plain there are about 50 estuary lakes with a total area of ​​5.3 thousand km^2.

In Crimea there are 1657 rivers and temporary watercourses with a total length of 5996 km.

Of these, about 150 rivers are dwarf rivers up to 10 km in length. The Salgi River alone is more than 200 km long. The river network is developed extremely unevenly on the peninsula.

Depending on the direction of surface water flow, it is customary to divide the rivers of Crimea into three groups: rivers on the northwestern slopes of the Crimean Mountains, rivers on the southern coast of Crimea, and rivers on the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains.

The population of Crimea is distributed unevenly across the territory. 50% of the republic's population lives on the coast. In 1991, 69% lived in cities, 31% of the population lived in rural areas. 43% of the Crimean population lives in four large cities: Sevastopol (371.4 thousand people in 1991), Simferopol (357 thousand people), Kerch (189.5 thousand people) and Evpatoria (113.3 thousand people). The recreational sector is one of the leading sectors of the republic. From Latin, recreation is translated as “restoration”, meaning the restoration of a person’s physical and psychophysiological conditions. The recreational sector includes: sanatoriums, boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, tourist hotels and tourist centers, campsites, children's camps. The recreational sector operates on beach, balneological and climatic resources, therapeutic mud, sea water, and landscape resources.

The sectors of Crimea's social infrastructure - public utilities, consumer services, public education, public catering, trade, healthcare, social security, culture, physical education, lending and insurance, science and scientific services - are distinguished by a high level of development.

The main axis of Crimean roads is the Moscow-Simferopol highway. The leading ones include the Simferopol - Sevastopol highways; Simferopol - Alushta - Sudak - Feodosia; Simferopol - Feodosia - Kerch; Simferopol - Evpatoria; Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta - Sevastopol.

The main highways of regional importance on the territory of Crimea are the roads Simferopol - Krasnoperekopsk - Armyansk and then to Kherson - Nikolaev - Odessa. The role of this road especially increased after the construction of a highway bridge across the Dnieper River in the Kherson region.

Intraregional passenger and freight transportation is provided along the following roads: Krasnoperekopsk - Dzhankoy - Nizhnegorsk; Evpatoria - Black Sea and others.

The local road network connects Simferopol with all regional centers, which in turn are connected by local roads to almost all urban-type settlements, as well as villages - centers of rural councils and farms.

Railway transport occupies a leading position in the transportation of raw materials, fuel, construction materials and other bulk cargo, as well as passengers in interregional exchange. The Crimean branch of the Dnieper Railway is one of the most heavily loaded highways due to its access to ice-free warm seas and the Caucasus.

The Crimean branch of the Dnieper Railway has 75 separate points-stations. The main sections of the Crimean railways; Simferopol - Dzhankoy (91 km), Simferopol - Sevastopol (77 km), Dzhankoy - Vladislavovka (101 km), Vladislavovka - Port Crimea (108 km), Simferopol - Ostryakovo - Evpatoria (82 km).

Leading transport hubs - Sevastopol, Feodosia, Kerch and Evpatoria - transship cargo from sea transport to road, rail and vice versa.

Among the railway stations of the Crimean branch, the largest in terms of freight turnover are Arshintsevo, Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Yevpatoriya - cargo arrival stations, as well as Krasnoperekopsk, Kerch, Saki, Zolotaya Balka - cargo departure stations.

The most traditional mode of transport in Crimea, providing both intraregional and interstate transportation, is sea.

Sea transport of Crimea is carried out through the main seaports: Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia, Yalta, Evpatoria. Kerch, the largest cargo port in Crimea, has well-established connections with railway transport and ensures the transshipment of goods to cars. Sevastopol is a leading fishing port, the base of the fishing fleet and fish processing. Feodosia, in comparison with other ports of Crimea, has its own specific features. First of all, it is a large transport hub, combining the work of the port and the Ayvazovskaya and Feodosiya railway stations.

Yalta stands out among other ports in the region for serving cruise tourists, including foreigners. Unlike other ports, the main activity is the transportation of passengers (more than 5 million people per year), as well as the transshipment of cargo only by road transport. The Yalta seaport annually serves as many passengers as all other ports of Crimea combined.

Evpatoria is a port providing transport services for the entire western coast of Crimea.

Air transport is quite well developed in Crimea. Simferopol is not only the only major air hub in the region, but also one of the largest airports in Ukraine, slightly inferior in traffic volume to Kiev, as well as the famous airports of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Transport has an extremely important influence on the geography and intensity of economic relations of Crimea, which are characterized by such indicators as the volume, composition and structure of transported goods, as well as the transport balance of intra- and inter-district transport. Currently, about 80% of the total volume of transport work in the region is aimed at providing inter-district transportation, which is carried out with almost all administrative regions of Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries.

A sufficient number of studies have been published on the development of tourism in Crimea. The greatest contribution to the study of this problem was made by A. Brazhnik and E. Shemraev, L. Voronkova, P. Garmash, G. Dolzhenko, V. Zinchenko, A. Malgin, A. Nepomnyashchiy, A. Slepokurov and V. Fedorchenko.

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of organizing tourism in Kurym.

The purpose of the course work: to identify the features of tourism organization in Crimea.

Accordingly, for this purpose of work, we set ourselves the following tasks to solve:

1. Analyze the conditions and facts of tourism development in Crimea;

2. Collect and systematize factual material on the development of tourism in Crimea;

3. Identify the main tourist areas in Crimea;

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used, and an appendix.

1. Prerequisites for the development of tourism in Crimea

1.1 The origin of Crimean tourism (XIX - first quarter of the XX centuries)

The history of tourist and excursion activities in Crimea goes back more than 100 years. At the end of the 80s of the XIX century. In Yalta, on the initiative of local teachers, doctors, and engineers, the “Circle of Nature Lovers and Mountain Sports of the Crimean Mountains” was created. The circle became the basis of the Crimean Mining Club (its Yalta branch) organized in 1890.

The activities of the Club were associated with the names of such famous doctors and scientists as V.N. Dmitriev, S.P. Botkin, F.T. Shtangeev, A.A. Lebedintsev, A.L. Berthier-Delagarde, E.V. Wulf and etc.

It was on the initiative of doctors at the end of the 19th century. On the South Coast, mountain recreational walking routes are being developed - health paths ("paths for measured walking"). The Botkinskaya (from the Glade of Fairy Tales to the top of Mount Stavrikaya) and Shtangeevskaya (from the Uchan-Su waterfall to the top of Mount Stavrikaya) trails in the vicinity of Yalta are still popular. The 6.5-kilometer Tsar's (Sunny) trail stretches from Livadia to Gaspra.

In 1893, in Chatyrdag, the Crimean Mountain Club rented a small plot of land, where they organized security and excursion displays of the Suuk (Cold) and Binbash (Thousand-Headed) caves, built a house for tourists, and laid out tourist routes. In 1912, more than 15 thousand excursionists and tourists visited the mountainous Crimea.

Crimea began from Simferopol. This is how it is described in M. Sosnogorova’s Guidebook of 1880: “No matter how picturesquely Simferopol is drawn from a distance when you enter it, but once you enter its wide straight streets, along which houses of the most ordinary architecture stretch, you are convinced that the main city of Taurida is nothing no different from our insignificant provincial towns. The only place that can occupy a traveler who has come to Crimea for the first time and is not familiar with the east is the market square on market day.”

At the end of the 19th century. from Simferopol it was possible to go to various areas

Crimea. A noteworthy place on the road from Simferopol to Alushta was and remains the Kizil-Koba cave. It was quite visited: “Once upon a time, many names of visitors were carved on one of the stalactite columns. Between them we noticed the name of the famous poet A.S. Griboyedov, with the designation of 1823 under it.” Unfortunately, this column has not survived to this day.

Rest among the ancestors was combined with health improvement, obligatory grape treatment with kumiss. A bottle of kumiss cost from 40 to 60 kopecks, but in terms of its quality, Yalta kumiss was inferior to Simferopol. Kumis is now almost forgotten, but this drink was the first remedy for weak bronchi and lungs. Grape therapy also enjoyed constant popularity. Good grapes were expensive (18-25 kopecks per pound), as they are now.

Well, and above all, the South Coast attracted with its sea swimming. The Guide says this: “Sea bathing begins in the second half of May and continues until October. There are three baths: one in the old city, the other opposite the Rossiya Hotel, the third behind the Livadia Bridge. Price without linen is 7 kopecks, with linen - 10 kopecks; for a hundred tickets purchased at a time, the price is relatively cheaper.” I must admit that we now do not quite understand this wholesale of 100 tickets, unless hotels or large summer cottages bought tickets for guests, having their own profit.

Alupka became a fashionable resort at that time. The parks of Alupka, in terms of the luxury of vegetation, size and taste with which they are arranged, had no equal on the South Coast. By the beginning of the 20th century. the influx of vacationers to Alupka has increased sharply; in 1893 the “congress” amounted to 1,450 people, and in 1904 - up to 6,000 people.

Mountain Crimea has always been a favorite place for naturalists and adventure-seeking youth. At the end of the 19th century, horseback riding with guides was offered for one or several days with overnight stays in Tatar villages. At the beginning of the 20th century. Traveling with a guide was still recommended. When undertaking an excursion, appropriate preparations were made, the excursion plan was discussed and a map and compass were used.

Weak and sick visitors were invited to the healing mud of the Saki resort and to Evpatoria.

Turning southeast on the way from Simferopol from the Sevastopol road, a 19th century traveler. ended up in the rural city of Bakhchisarai, the former capital of the Crimean Khanate, a stronghold of oriental exoticism, a town inhabited exclusively by Tatars, Karaites, gypsies and a small number of Greeks. The town had 32 mosques, many fountains, a large number of coffee shops and a dozen caravanserais. The Khan's Palace was also located here - perhaps the first specially guarded excursion site in Russia. Pushkin found the palace in disrepair in 1820, but 5 years later, in 1825, it was restored by the architect Elson. Here, in a special outbuilding, there were furnished rooms for travelers. The travelers examined first of all the vast palace complex, without passing by the Bakhchisarai fountain, glorified by Pushkin, and the famous Khan’s necropolis.

In the vicinity of Bakhchisaray we visited, first of all, the Assumption Monastery and Chufut-Kale. To do this, we drove through Salachik, a suburb of Bakhchisarai, inhabited by gypsies who lived in caves and were a completely wild sight. However, these Bakhchisarai gypsies were perhaps the first who began to feed themselves exclusively from tourists in Crimea: they begged for alms or accompanied visitors to the Assumption Monastery and Chufut-Kale by playing musical instruments, which led other travelers to despair.

From Bakhchisarai we went to explore other cave cities and abandoned rock monasteries - Tepe-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, etc.

Thus, tourism in Crimea began to develop in the second half of the 19th century.

Its prerequisites were: a huge number of interesting natural and historical monuments in Crimea, the healing properties of the peninsula, as well as tourist routes combining pedestrian, land and sea modes of transport, which were developed at the beginning of the 20th century.

1.2 Development of tourism in Crimea during the USSR period

During the period of the Soviet Union, massive development of tourism was observed in Crimea.

Along with this, elite tourism is also developing. This period marks the peak of tourist activity in Crimea, which was due to several reasons:

* the rise in living standards of the population in the USSR, the emergence of fashion for tourist trips (with a general increase in the role of the service economy system in the world);

* the achievement by the Crimean service economy of a level that met the requirements imposed by a significant mass of the population of the USSR;

* difficulties in leaving people from the USSR on tourist trips to other countries (difficulties in obtaining a visa, various kinds of restrictions on travel, including ideological ones, etc.).

Crimea becomes the main summer vacation spot for top officials of the USSR.

The General Secretaries of the CPSU(b)/CPSU have their residences on the southern coast of Crimea. Major international meetings are regularly held in Crimea. As a rule, these are visits by representatives of friendly states or meetings to resolve sensitive international issues.

From the 1920s to 1991, Crimea was a popular holiday and treatment destination for the USSR state elite.

A very large Soviet creative intelligentsia appears. She actively uses the benefits provided to her by the state. Free holidays in Crimea are becoming one of these privileges. Numerous health resorts are being created aimed at “creative” workers. They are clearly separated from those intended for the state elite. The vertical social hierarchy here is very rigid. New places are being developed for “creative” health resorts, mainly on the South Coast.

The state is investing heavily in the development of tuberculosis treatment in Crimea. The matter has been brought to an unprecedented level. New health resorts are being built with a focus on serving the population of the entire USSR. Alupka was chosen as the main place for treating tuberculosis, where the bulk of sanatoriums for this profile are concentrated. Tuberculosis treatment is available to everyone, regardless of the patient’s income: everything is paid for by the state. Prevention is excellent; treatment is provided at the highest global level.

The state invests heavily in the development of mud therapy in Crimea. It has been put on stream, and an unprecedented peak in mass treatment has been achieved. The state pays all expenses of those being treated. The infrastructure of mud baths is expanding. To develop mud therapy, western Crimea is being intensively populated. Evpatoria and Saki are the main centers of mud therapy, focused on serving the population of the entire USSR. They become centers of attraction for a large number of labor resources from various regions of the country. Mud is a panacea for many diseases, and Crimea is becoming a unique center for mud therapy.

The preventive health direction is receiving enormous development.

A network of health resorts focused specifically on health improvement is being created. Many departmental health institutions (boarding houses, holiday homes) are being built. They have created unprecedented (by USSR standards) conditions for relaxation and, consequently, some recovery. The direction exists on powerful state subsidies.

Sports tourism is also receiving enormous development in Crimea. There are more than 30 tourist routes in the region, serving tens of thousands of tourists. A well-thought-out and perfectly functioning service system has been created. Qualified personnel are being trained for mass sports tourism.

In the second half of the 20th century. The number of tourists and vacationers is sharply increasing. The flow of holidaymakers to Crimea has increased 100-fold over the last seventy years! In 1989, the maximum number of vacationers was registered - about 10 million people. By that time, 44 tourist and excursion institutions operated in Crimea, including 18 tourist centers and hotels, 11 travel and excursion bureaus. 7 all-Union pedestrian, 3 bus, about 50 radial tourist and almost 700 transport travel routes, 787 excursions were developed.

The Crimea Tour network of walking routes across the mountainous Crimea included 1,047 km of trails, 24 equipped tourist sites, ready to accommodate more than 1,000 people at a time. Experienced instructors accompanied groups of tourists from all over the Soviet Union. According to research from the Mountain-Forest Experimental Station (Alushta), in the early 90s, due to unsatisfactory environmental conditions, it was necessary to close all pedestrian routes.

However, the collapse of the USSR occurred, and the flow of tourists decreased by more than 10 times. The system of pedestrian routes fell apart on its own. The cleaning and improvement of trails and tourist sites, natural and historical monuments, and the training of highly qualified instructors are practically a thing of the past.

hiking tourism, promotion of environmental knowledge on routes. The transition from mass, mostly organized, tourism to small, but unorganized “wild” tourism has further worsened the ecological condition of natural complexes in parking areas and hiking trails.

1.3 Problems and prospects for the development of Crimean tourism in modern Ukraine

In the 90s of the 20th century there was a decrease in the number of tourists. This is due to a decrease in the standard of living of the population, the emergence of the possibility of freer travel abroad, and a deterioration in resort services (lack of water, power outages, etc.).

In the USSR, a certain stereotype of summer holidays developed, when a significant part of the population considered it necessary to spend a summer holiday on the seashore with sunbathing. To a large extent, this option for spending summer holidays was dictated by the rather harsh climatic conditions over a large part of the country: doctors recommended sun and sea baths as compensation for the lack of ultraviolet radiation in places where people lived.

After the collapse of the USSR, Crimea found itself within Ukraine, whose climate is characterized by higher temperatures, and therefore the need for sunbathing is not as strong as before. That is, within the USSR, Crimea acted as an “order on the chest of the planet”; within Ukraine, this thesis is not supported by the central government, which determines some decline in the popularity of Crimea.

The destruction of the economy in the 90s and the decline in living standards of the population after the collapse of the USSR led to a decrease in the number of people in the CIS able to pay for tourism expenses. This problem can be solved by finding a mutually beneficial option for the cost of tourism services and receiving money for the budget.

At the same time, the population (at least that part of it that has average incomes) now has the opportunity to choose a holiday destination, including in the Mediterranean. This became possible thanks to the destruction of the state monopoly on organizing tourist trips.

According to the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, as of April 1, 1998, there were 536 tourist and excursion activities operating on the peninsula that received the appropriate license. The number of workers performing tourist and excursion services in Crimea was about 6.5 people from a variety of professions. In 1997, they served 305 thousand tourists and 683 thousand excursionists. The tourist and excursion potential of Crimea, according to the same ministry, includes 3,150 natural and anthropogenic objects. 54% is concentrated in the South Coast zone, 18% in the Central zone (Simferopol, Bakhchisaray and Belogorsky districts). There are 17 state museums with 26 branches, as well as 300 public and departmental museums on the territory of Crimea. The efficiency of using tourist and excursion resources is currently low.

Of the 10.5 thousand historical, cultural and architectural monuments, only 20% are used as tourist educational objects, of the 158 natural monuments - 50%, and of the 300 museums, no more than ten are at maximum capacity. Some improvement began in the early years of the 21st century.

Modern requirements for compliance with environmental standards, the quality and variety of services provided, the desire of recreationists to satisfy their spiritual, cultural and aesthetic needs - all this requires a radical change in the tourism infrastructure and the management system of tourism and recreational activities as a whole. The work of units of subjects of tourist and excursion activities meets the above requirements.

2. Organization of tourism in Crimea

2.1 General classification of types of tourism

Today, the development of the Crimean economy is largely determined by the level of development of tourism activities. Consequently, it is necessary to look for new ways, since the created tourism industry was focused exclusively on the domestic consumer, on his needs for hospitality services (accommodation and food).

Along with the existing and widespread types of tourism in the region, less developed ones have emerged, but with long-standing traditions. These types include sports, educational, scientific, fishing tourism, etc. Crimea has all the necessary conditions and factors for organizing non-traditional types of tourism, which could, on the one hand, smooth out the seasonality of Crimean tourism, serve the development of less recreationally loaded territories, and, on the other hand, to partially solve the problems of employment of the population in general and in the off-season. This is ethnic tourism, religious, military-historical, rural green tourism. An analysis of the works of a number of authors allows us to propose the following classification of types of eco-tourism that are advisable to develop in Crimea:

1. Sports tourism:

* pedestrian sports and fitness center;

* speleotourism;

* rock climbing;

* bicycle tourism;

* sailing;

* hang gliding, parachuting and aeronautics;

* underwater sports;

* championship tourism associated with other sports;

* horse tourism.

2. Automotive;

* informative;

* sporty.

3. Excursion and educational tourism:

* architectural and historical tourism in the cities of Crimea;

* natural-cognitive;

* technological-cognitive;

* historical and archaeological educational;

* military-historical educational;

* ethnographic;

* religious.

4. Educational tourism:

* education, training, advanced training of foreign citizens in universities

Crimea on a commercial basis:

* conducting field training, training and production practices;

* educational, educational and educational excursions (school tourism).

5. Scientific tourism:

* conferences, symposia, meetings;

* scientific expeditions (natural science);

* archaeological expeditions;

* conducting scientific research in laboratories and scientific centers of Crimea.

6. Rural (green) tourism:

* seaside resort and health rural tourism;

* rural (village) tourism.

7. Fishing tourism:

* spearfishing;

* fishing;

* collection of medicinal herbs, nuts, fruits and berries.

8. Photo tourism.

9. Festival.

10. Trade fair.

11. Business tourism.

13. Religious.

14. Ethnographic.

15. Agro-recreational.

16. Tasting (wine and culinary).

17. Ecological

This classification is not entirely logical, since there are violations of the principle of the basis of division. Thus, automobile tourism can often be considered sports tourism at the same time, and rural tourism can be considered commercial tourism.

A special place in the development of recreational and tourism business in Crimea belongs to the entertainment and service sector (festivals, competitions, fairs, bazaars, etc.) The volume of financial receipts from these types of activities is comparable to the amount of financial receipts from the provision of tourist and excursion services themselves: show business, festivals, sporting events, summer fairs, attractions, etc.

Tourism activities are characterized by seasonality. Seasonal fluctuations in the flow during long-term tourist travel depend on natural and climatic conditions, on the types and purposes of travel, the socio-demographic and age composition of tourists. The tourist season is established in each individual case, taking into account natural and climatic conditions and ranges from 3 to 6 months.

Seasonal fluctuations in the flow of weekend tourists are more smoothed out and amount to 50 - 60% during the tourist season and 40 - 50% during the rest of the year, which is explained by the demand for this type of tourism mainly during the non-vacation period.

In Crimea, the seasonality factor manifests itself very clearly, mainly due to the fact that there is a sharp intra-annual climatic contrast.

Therefore, tourism activity is widespread in the summer (dry and hot), and the cold period of the year (the longest of all Mediterranean countries) is the “dead” season. Naturally, smoothing out seasonality is the primary task of reorganizing tourism activities in Crimea. Eliminating seasonality has two goals: environmental and economic. The environmental goal is that partial smoothing of seasonal fluctuations in the number of tourists will reduce the load on the PTC, water resources, etc. during the period of mass recreation.

The economic goal is primarily to attract additional funds to the tourism sector, increase the economic efficiency of the complex of tourism enterprises, and smooth out the problem of employment of the population in areas of tourist and recreational activities in the off-season.

2.2 Development of sports and automobile tourism

Sports tourism is one of the most promising types of tourism for Crimea. It has long-standing (from the end of the last - beginning of this century) traditions of development in Crimea. Such types of tourism as walking, horseback riding, caving, sport climbing, scuba diving and underwater orienteering, spearfishing, orienteering, gliding, were first born in the country in Crimea, which makes Crimea attractive from the point of view of the history of the development of various types of tourism.

The development of certain types of tourism left its mark on the appearance of individual settlements and entire regions of Crimea and contributed to the formation of their image outside of Crimea. In addition to the well-recognized coastal southern coastal settlements, here we can name such regions as the coast of Tarkhankut and Kazantip - centers for the development of tourism associated with underwater sports (scuba diving, scuba diving, underwater orienteering, underwater hunting, underwater photography).

No less interesting and recognizable are the areas of the foothills of Crimea. These are the Krasnolesye region - the venue for rallies and orienteering competitions; Angarsk Pass and its surroundings are a center for the development of ski tourism; Krasnokamenka, Batiliman, the vicinity of Sudak are centers for the development of rock climbing. Karst massifs; Chatyrdag, Karabi, Dolgorukovskaya yayla, Aypetrinskaya yayla are areas for the development of caving tourism. The settlements of these areas are potentially places of settlement for tourists and athletes.

Uzun-Syrt plateau in the vicinity of the village. Koktebel, a center of gliding and parachuting, may in the future become a center for the development of aeronautical vehicles (given the proximity of Feodosia to the Institute of Aeroelastic Systems and one of the most popular and visited resorts in Crimea - Koktebel). The resettlement of athletes and tourists can be carried out in the village of Nanikovo, partially relieving Koktebel.

The environs of Bakhchisarai and Belogorsk have already become a generally recognized Mecca for walking sports tourists. We are talking primarily about the cave cities of the Bakhchisarai region and White Rock in the vicinity of Belogorsk.

At one time, 56 all-Union and republican pedestrian and bus routes and more than 400 excursion routes were laid along the mountainous part of Crimea and the southern coast of Crimea. In the pre-perestroika period, about 300,000 people a year regularly walked along sports walking routes and about 50,000 more people as part of amateur sports groups.

About 8 million people a year received excursion services. These figures reflect the potential capabilities of the sports, tourism and excursion infrastructure and can act as indicative indicators of its initial (initial) capacity.

One of the characteristic features of sports tourism is that it is less susceptible to seasonality. The peak of this type of tourism in Crimea was mid-May - late September. But with appropriate organization of business, it can cover the off-season periods (autumn - spring), as well as winter.

The traditional time for holding most rallies and competitions in tourism in Crimea was the period from April 28 to May 11 (15 days), the end of September from September 20 to 30 (10 days) and the time of the November holidays, coinciding with children's holidays from November 1 to 10 . These periods of intensification of sports tourism made it possible to extend the tourist season by another month due to autumn and spring.

A particularly interesting period, from the point of view of extending the sports and tourist season, is the period from the end of February to the beginning of March (February 23 - March 8) and the end of March - the beginning of April (spring holidays): traditionally during these periods, Crimea is visited in an unorganized manner thousands of tourists come from central Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg to make hikes of the first and second categories of difficulty; speleotourists, rock climbers, etc. This activity is explained, on the one hand, by the desire to “warm up” in the conditions of the early Crimean spring, and on the other hand, to use the opportunities for conducting qualifying and sports training hikes, ascents and other events in holding a large summer sports and tourism season.

According to some estimates, during this period up to 5,000 athletes from all regions of the CIS arrive in Crimea in an unorganized manner.

Caves of four karst massifs: Aypetrinskaya yayla, Chatyrdag, Karabi, Dolgorukovskaya yayla. Within each of these karst massifs, there are currently mountain speleological bases and sites: on the Ainetri Yayla - the Ai-Petri shelter, Uzundzha, and Karadag Forest; on Chatyrdag in the area of ​​the Marble Cave, the Badger Glade shelter; on Dolgorukovskaya Yaila there are parking lots and a base in the area of ​​the Kizil-Koba cave, on Karabi Yaila there is a speleological base on the former territory of the weather station.

The following caves are of sports, educational and educational interest:

Ai-Petrinsky massif: Vodyanaya, Vesennyaya, Vdovichenko, Druzhba, Kamnepadnaya, KE-31, Kaskadnaya, Kaskadnaya-2, Maksimovicha, Nadezhda, Pastushya, Sevastopolskaya, Skelskaya, Syuryu, Uzundzha, Uralskaya, Empiricheskaya; Chatyrdag massif: Azimuthnaya, Bottomless Well, Bull, Gugerdzhin, Oak, Obvalnaya, Tagerrik-Alan-Khasar, Three-Eyes, Three-Storey, Uchunzhur-Khasar, Knight's Move, Emine-Bair-Koba, Butterfly, Khar-Khasar, Engineering, Olenya-2 , Golubinaya, Yubileynaya, Crack, KE-63, KE-86, KE-80, KE-30;

Dolgorukovsky massif: Enisala-3, Proval, Krasnaya (Kizil-Koba), Aleshina Voda, Du-Khasar; Karabiyaylinsky massif: Bolshoy Buzluk, Venta, Vizovsky, Gvozdetsky, Hebe, Druzhok, Kar-Agach-Tutkel, Kara-Murza, Krubera, Krymskaya, KE-126, Molodezhnaya, Monastery-Chokrak, Trade Union, Resonance, Soldatskaya, Tissovaya, KE- 53, Veal, Dublyanskogo, Mira, Nakhimovskaya, Pastukhovaya, Snezhnaya, Student, Tripod, Skazka, Komsomolskaya, Boychuk, Uzkaya, etc.

Until recently, Crimea had an extensive network of planned tourist routes with many equipped tourist sites and shelters, as well as a network of tourist centers and tourist hotels throughout Crimea. The sports routes ran throughout the mountainous and forested part of Crimea, with the exception of the territory of the Crimean State Reserve (territories of the Yalta, Alushta Teresovet and Bakhchisaray district).

To receive and accommodate tourists, it is proposed to organize the Greater Tauride Ring on the periphery of the Mountainous Crimea as a service system for autotourists arriving in Crimea.

The route of the tourist route - the innovation center "Big Tauride Ring" - is an active highway of republican significance. It is necessary to equip it with service facilities - hotels, campsites and parking lots, where tourists can relax, leave their car during walking trips, as well as other facilities that are attractive to foreign tourists. Such objects include: household yards with national crafts, rituals, tournaments, cuisines of the peoples who historically inhabited the Crimea (for example, Crimean Tatar, Armenian and Karaite - in Bakhchisarai; Bulgarian - in the village of Krasny Mak; Russian - in the village of Dobroye ; German - in the village of Lozovoye; Crimean - in the city of Simferopol; Greek - in the village of Opolznevoye; Ukrainian - in the village of Novopavlovka, etc.), exhibition-arena of Crimean minerals, religious buildings (churches, mosques, kenassas), facilities for summer sports (golf courses, tennis courts, Formula 1 track, aqua pools, etc.).

The development of such a project will make it possible to attract a large number of private investors for its implementation by creating small firms, enterprises and other structures, and will contribute to the development of small businesses outside the urban sphere.

2.3 Development of excursion, educational and scientific tourism

The potential of excursion resources is their maximum ability to accommodate the maximum number of tourists. From an analysis of the density of objects, I.F. Kartashevskaya (1995) proposes to identify five functional types of areas of excursion and resource potential.

The first type (Yalta, Simferopol Appendix 2) is characterized by an average density of excursion objects, the predominance of architectural resources, a high degree of localization, and the maximum total inspection time.

The second type (Bakhchisarai, Alushta, Sudak, Feodosia, Simferopol, Belogorsk, Black Sea Appendix 3) has an average density of excursion objects and an average degree of localization, a predominance of museums, and a high total time for viewing objects.

The third type (Evpatoriya, Kerch, Krasnoperekopsky, Saki districts Appendix 4): high density of excursion objects, high degree of localization, predominance of museums, average level of total inspection time, almost complete absence of natural excursion resources.

The fourth type (Kirovsky, Leninsky districts Appendix 5): maximum density of excursion objects, predominance of historical and cultural monuments, low degree of localization, low total time for inspection of objects.

Fifth type (Razdolnensky, Pervomaisky, Krasnogvardeysky, Dzhankoysky, Sovetsky districts Appendix 6): low density, low degree of localization of excursion objects, predominance of museums, absence of historical, cultural, architectural, and natural monuments as excursion resources.

According to I.F. Kartashevskaya, four functional areas with potential market opportunities for excursion services can be distinguished.

I (Yalta, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Alushta): maximum diversity of market segments for excursion services, high demand for city excursions, year-round use of labor.

II (Bakhchisarai, Feodosia, Sudak, Kerch, Leninsky, Saki districts): average density of diversity of excursion services market segments, high demand for city excursions, seasonal use of labor.

III (Belogorsky, Kirovsky, Razdolnensky, Chernomorsky districts): segments of the excursion market of services consist of seasonal vacationers, local residents, the demand for out-of-town excursions and seasonal use of labor prevails.

IV (Dzhankoysky, Krasnoperekopsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Nizhnegorsky, Pervomaisky, Sovetsky districts): the market for excursion services is represented only by local residents, the predominance of demand for out-of-town excursions, occasional use of labor.

The author of this classification proposes to identify six types of promising excursion service areas. The main evaluation criterion will be the degree of capital expenditure to obtain maximum efficiency in optimizing the process of managing excursion activities. The most promising regions of the first type are the Yalta and Alushta regions, which are most favorable for excursion services for foreign guests, not only living in hotels and health resorts, but also staying on cruise ships.

Evpatoria, Feodosia, Sudak districts are of the second type, they only require the expansion of excursion roads, and the construction of winter swimming pools helps smooth out the seasonal load of health resorts.

Sevastopol, Simferopol, Kerch districts are of the third type, they have all the infrastructure necessary for excursion services, but do not have a sufficient number of hotels.

Bakhchisarai and Belogorsk districts (type IV) require significant capital costs associated with the construction of access roads to excursion sites and restoration work.

Saki, Chernomorsky, Leninsky districts (type V) can be proposed for the construction of new types of museums, entertainment and entertainment venues, as they have a high density of excursion facilities and sufficient market potential for excursion services.

The remaining group of districts classified as type VI (Kirovsky, Razdolnensky,

Krasnoperekopsky, Pervomaisky, Sovetsky, Dzhankoysky, Krasnogvardeysky districts) cannot be considered in the near future as regions capable of providing an economic benefit from excursion services.

Crimea has long been a venue for scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums and meetings. They are usually confined to the warm half of the year. But in recent years, more and more conferences have begun to be held in the cold season. This time shift is due, firstly, to changing tastes: in the summer, crowds of people interfere with systematic scientific discussion of problems and there are many distractions. Secondly, financial difficulties force conference organizers to prefer the cold season due to the lower cost of services.

Over the past 50 years, several international and all-Union scientific excursions dedicated to congresses, conferences, and forums have been held in Crimea.

Archaeological expeditions are the most common type of scientific tourism in Crimea. The peninsula has a huge number of archaeological sites.

In Crimea there are unique scientific laboratories where research is carried out that has no analogues in Ukraine, the CIS or even in the world. Therefore, many specialists from various regions of Ukraine and other countries strive to visit there and participate in scientific experiments. In some cases, these visits are informational in nature.

Here is an incomplete list of scientific institutions in Crimea: Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (CrAO), State Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimean Republican Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment and Medical Climatology named after Sechenov, Karadag Nature Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas named after A. .O.Kovalevsky, Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) (institute in Sevastopol, department of hydroacoustics of MHI NASU in Odessa, experimental department of MHI NASU in the village of Katsiveli (Simeiz), special design and technological bureau of MHI in Sevastopol, scientific and technical center use of natural resources of the MHI shelf in Sevastopol (STC "Shelf"), research and production center "Ecosy-Gidrophysics", research and production enterprise MHI "Marine Technologies"), Southern Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (YugNIRO), Crimean State Agrarian University, Ukrainian State Institute of Mineral Resources.

2.4 Development of agricultural and industrial tourism

Promising for Crimea is the development of rural tourism or receiving guests in the homes of rural residents. Today this species is widely developed in Central Europe. As a rule, people who use this type of holiday take their holidays in parts and spend one part of their holiday in the countryside.

This form of holiday provides unique values. In Europe, a “rooted” rural host who has settled in a given area is recognized as valuable, that is, the person who informs his guest about his personal impressions and the stories of his fathers and grandfathers. Indeed, such everyday things as fresh air, public safety, hospitality, natural and cultural attractions and various types of outdoor activities, such as participation in agricultural work, turn into values. Crimea tourism

As practice shows, the international community has a serious interest in this type of specific recreation. It is noteworthy that today in Western Europe there are approximately the same number of beds for holidaymakers in rural areas in the owners' homes as in hotels.

The development of tourism leads to the dynamization of the village and its life, as local resources, all local opportunities, locally grown products, and products of local craftsmen are attracted.

In Ukraine, two possible directions for the development of rural tourism are being considered:

1. The possibility of using the existing potential of rural regions, the housing stock of rural residents, information and organizational infrastructure, historical and ethnographic routes, etc.

2. Creation of new rural premises through the refurbishment of existing housing stock in the village and new construction, taking into account the needs of family, youth, cultural, children's, hunting tourism, etc.

It is attractive that rural tourism is practically the only industry that at the initial stage does not require investment or large capital investments, but can bring great benefits to many citizens of the state, primarily because it expands the market for domestic goods and services, creates new jobs and promotes inflow of foreign currency.

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