Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation The fpk train is seated. What are the wagons

The fpk train is seated. What are the wagons

JSC FPC trains are equipped with various types of passenger carriages. They differ in the level of comfort and class of service. Depending on the duration of the trip and the budget, you can choose a compartment, a reserved seat with a berth or a bench in a shared carriage. In addition, there are carriages with seating. What are they and what do the seats look like on the Russian Railways train?

Scheme of a seated car of Russian Railways

A passenger car with seats is a car that is equipped with comfortable seating chairs. It differs from other types of carriages and looks similar to the interior of an international bus or aircraft. The seating car has two toilets with washbasins, two vestibules and a service compartment for conductors. They have comfortable chairs with armrests and plenty of legroom. You can recline the chair or use the folding table to dine on the go. Above the chair at the top is a luggage rack.

The number of seats depends on the class of the seated car. They are divided into three types:

  1. with a standard layout of seats - from 50 to 70 people;
  2. with an improved layout of seats (salon type) - up to 50 people;
  3. on the basis of a compartment car.

Also, trains with double-decker compartment cars with seats (1 and 2 classes) run on Russian railways. For example, in train No. 50 Moscow-Kazan in economy class, cars for 63 or 68 passengers are used. The business class seating car has 43 seats, while the first class car has only 10 seats.

The numbering in the seated car is simple: the even seats are at the aisle, the odd ones at the window. The location of seats in the seated carriage of Russian Railways is shown in the diagram:

Seats in a reserved seat car

The most popular type of carriage due to affordable ticket prices. Car capacity - 54 seats. It has 9 compartments with 6 beds: two upper, two lower and two side. There are no doors, all compartments are connected by a common corridor. The bottom places are marked with odd numbers, while the top places are marked with even numbers.

Seats 37 to 54 are "sides". In fact, these are two places to sit and a table that can be expanded and turned into a bed. If you are driving nearby and want to save money, you can buy a side seat.

The layout of seats in the Russian Railways reserved seat car:

Seats in a shared carriage

As a rule, a common car is a reserved seat with three seats on each lower shelf, including the lower side ones. Traveling in such a car is possible only for short distances, since the seats are not intended for long sitting: there are no armrests, a soft back, a headrest. Tickets for a common car are sold without a seat, so if you didn’t have time to take the best seat, you will not have a very pleasant trip.

The common car is the least comfortable for the trip, but the ticket for it is the cheapest.

Russian Railways comfort class: scheme of a car with seats

How comfortable you will spend your time on the road depends on the specific composition and class of the car. Seated cars at the carrier FPC JSC are divided into three classes according to:

  1. First class - "1C"

A comfortable seated carriage with folding tables, air conditioning and, as a rule, an LCD TV. Armchairs are laid out to a reclining position. Meals are included in the ticket price. Car capacity - up to 48 people.

  1. Second class - "2C"

Armchairs are located in 4 rows, there are folding tables. Air conditioning is not always available. Car capacity - up to 68 people.

  1. Third class - "3C"

The journey will pass without much comfort: there is little legroom, no air conditioning and no dry closet. But for a train ticket, pay the minimum. Car capacity - more than 68 seats.

Trains numbered 801 to 898 also use the seating classification, but are less comfortable. In double-decker trains in cars with seats, on the contrary, the level of comfort is higher: there is air conditioning, a dry closet, sockets at each seat. This does not affect the ticket price - it remains low.

High-speed sit-down trains usually have 1st and 2nd class. They are much more comfortable than seated carriages on regular trains. Each train has its own set of additional services: wi-fi, footrests, leather chairs, etc. For example, the Allegro train between St. Petersburg and Helsinki has a children's playroom.

When should I buy a ticket for a seated carriage?

It is better not to buy a ticket for a carriage with seats if you are planning a long trip - you will quickly get tired and experience discomfort. It is worth traveling in a seated car for short distances, for example, on a day express from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

The main advantage of a seated car is the affordable price for railway tickets, except for high-speed trains. Travel documents for "Sapsan" or "Strizh" are more expensive. However, these trains develop a high speed, which significantly reduces the travel time - from Moscow to St. Petersburg can be reached in 4 hours. By regular train, the journey will take 8 hours.

Tickets for high-speed trains are more expensive, but they will get you to your destination faster.

When purchasing a train ticket, passengers may have questions regarding the interpretation of the alphanumeric designation indicated on the ticket as 2K or 1C. The combination of characters can be any, as well as the information hidden behind them. Knowing what is hidden behind such a combination of numbers and letters means understanding what class of carriage is meant and what list of additional services you can count on.

We will consider the marking of wagons proposed by the Federal Passenger Company, but other carriers have the right to establish it at their discretion.

RIC cars

Such cars are inherent only in international trains, mainly in the European direction. They differ in dimensions and layout of passenger seats, 2-3 people can ride.

In the RIC double carriages, the markings and travel conditions correspond to the luxury class.

Triple carriages belong to class 2I. At the disposal of passengers there is a chair and a washbasin, the shelves are arranged vertically.

Shared wagon

3O - on the lower shelf, three passengers can be seated at once. Dry closet and air conditioning may not be provided. Small animals are allowed.

3B - boarding is the same as in 3O, but passengers choose their own seats.

seated wagon

For the convenience of travel, special chairs are installed. The level of comfort and service varies from train to train.

1C, 2C, 3C - this marking is presented in many trains (both in fast passenger and suburban high-speed trains), each type of train has its own characteristics of such cars. Most often, air conditioners are provided in 1C and 2C, in 3C it does not always happen. The remaining nuances depend on the specific composition.

1P - a seated double-decker intercity carriage. From the service, passengers can count on food, newspapers, a blanket, and a hygienic travel kit.

1B - the same service as class 1P, the only difference is that 1B provides for individual accommodation of passengers.

2P - class of increased comfort, there is a modern dry closet and air conditioning, passengers receive a lunch box during the journey.

2B, 3G - soft seats. No additional service is included in the price. But unlike higher travel classes, pets are allowed in 2B and 3G.

2E - passenger car with seats and air conditioning. A modern bathroom is a rarity in this class.

reserved seat

There are up to 54 seats in these cars, where passengers ride on recumbent seats. Typically, such passenger cars are classified as third class.

3E - the presence of a modern bathroom and air conditioning.

3T - the toilet may be old, but there is always air conditioning.

3D - the same conditions as in 3T, but travel with pets is allowed.

3U - reserved seat with permission for the presence of pets, but there may not be an air conditioner in it.

3L - standard reserved seat car. There is no air conditioning, the bathroom is old.

The carrier company CJSC TKS has modern dry closets and air-conditioning systems installed in 3U-marked cars. Each compartment has sockets, video surveillance is carried out for security purposes. At the beginning of the journey, passengers receive bedding and a hygiene kit. The transport of animals is prohibited.

It differs from the reserved seat in that 4 recumbent shelves are combined into closed sections. Passenger capacity - up to 40 people. Such travel conditions belong to the second class of comfort. Bedding is always paid for when buying a ticket.

2E is a luxury compartment car with closed compartments for 4 passengers each, air conditioning and a modern dry closet. Meals, newspapers, road hygiene are also paid for with the purchase of a travel ticket.

2E - this marking, assigned to double-decker compartment cars, implies the same travel conditions as in a regular 2E, but passengers are not given a hygiene kit and press.

2B - travel conditions correspond to 2E, but often passengers have to use an old-style bathroom.

2K - travel with pets is allowed, there is air conditioning and a dry closet. Only bedding is included in the ticket price.

2U - similar travel conditions with 2K, but there may not be a dry closet.

2L - there is no air conditioning and dry closet, pets are allowed.

CJSC TKS also has a 2T marking, which indicates that passengers can count on food, drinks, a travel hygiene kit, newspapers, bed linen, and disposable slippers. Shower, air conditioning system, sockets, monitors in each compartment make travel even more comfortable. In some sections, among other things, there is a safe. Coupes are divided into general, male and female.

1B - travel conditions are equated to business class. During the journey, the passenger can count on a whole range of services: the issuance of food and drinks, hygiene items and the press. The whole compartment is redeemed. Small pets are allowed.

1E - travel features are the same as in 1B, but you can even buy one seat in the compartment.

1U - the same conditions of travel as in class 1B, but additional services are not paid upon purchase.

1L - the same as 1U, but there may not be a dry closet.

CJSC "TKS" provided the same conditions in class 1B cars as in the corresponding class described above. But among other things, the sections have sockets, a safe and a TV for each seat. These carriages have a shower, dry closet and air conditioning.

soft wagon

1A - in addition to four compartments, there is also a saloon-bar in the carriage. Shower, washbasin, dry closet and armchair are located in each passenger compartment. Seats for passengers are located one above the other: the top shelf has standard dimensions, the bottom seat when unfolded is wide - 120 cm. The ticket price includes drinks, food and printed publications. It is possible to redeem only the entire coupe, two adults and one child under ten years old can ride. The presence of pets is allowed.

1I - the same conditions as 1A, but there is no bar in the car, instead of it there is one more compartment.

1M - there are already 6 compartments in cars of this category, the conditions are similar to the previous classes.

1G - these are cars of classes 1A, 1I or 1M, but in interstate trains. There are up to 6 compartments in the carriage, each of which can accommodate up to three people - two adults and a child or an adult and 2 children.

It differs from first-class carriages in more comfortable and spacious compartments, the total number of passengers in which does not exceed 12.


1P - coupe-negotiation room, it is impossible to redeem only a part of the seats. The service here will be of the highest standard: soft and hot drinks, conditions for holding business meetings, leather seats - all this will ensure maximum comfort for passengers.

1B - seat of the first class of the Sapsan train. Service at the same highest level as in the 1R car, but without a call center.

1C - implies business class conditions. Convenient boarding accommodation with sockets, the ability to put things in the closet, drinks and hot meals.

2C - suitable for economical and unpretentious passengers. There are options for seating at the table and without it. There are hangers for outerwear, headphones next to each chair.

2B - class of wagons "Economic +" (10th and 20th wagons). It differs from 2C in wide aisles, a socket at each chair, and access to wireless Internet. Passengers receive lunch during the journey.

2E - a bistro car that provides a passenger with food in the amount of up to 2000 rubles. A ticket for carriages of this class can be purchased online no earlier than 1 day before departure.

The whole structure is air conditioned.

1E - CB (VIP). Separate compartment for one or two people traveling together. It is possible to raise the upper shelf, and transform the lower one into 2 comfortable chairs. Passengers have at their disposal a bathroom with a shower, several sockets, a TV, and a safe. Hot meals and bedding are already included in the ticket price. Pets are allowed.

1E - the same as 1E, but seats can be purchased separately without the obligation to buy the entire compartment.

1P - seats in first class carriages. Wide aisles, plush seating, food, prints and a travel kit.

2C - slightly less wide aisles and lack of service.

All passengers of this train receive clean water for drinking, air conditioners, individual sockets, dry closets work. Security guards keep order.

Our glorious Russian Railways JSC constantly takes care of us - ordinary citizens, making it possible to move around the country not only with convenience and comfort, but also cheaply.

Seated car Samara - Moscow

For example, consider train number 55 "Samara - Moscow" and a similar one going in the opposite direction. The prices on the page are taken from the official website of Russian Railways and are current as of March 26, 2012. This is indicated by the fact that Russian Railways annually introduce seasonal adjustment factors to the cost of tickets, due to which ticket prices can fluctuate significantly both in one direction and in the other. Here we will consider only this option, but it should be borne in mind that there are a great many trains with seated cars running around Russia, so if you want to choose the right option, it will not be difficult.

Sit-down car - prices

So, the cost of a seat in the compartment car of the specified train from Samara to Moscow is: 2737 rubles 40 kopecks.

A reserved seat will cost 1077 rubles 30 kopecks.

A seat in a seated car is the cheapest, 595 rubles 90 kopecks.

RUB 1077.3 - 595.9 rubles. = 481.4 rubles for a reserved seat car, which is much less compared to a compartment, but still quite significant.

Now about the route: the train leaves Samara at 12-33, arrival at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow at 06-03, the total travel time in this way is 17 hours 30 minutes.


Stations in bold are marked at which the train stops for 10 minutes or more, you can get out and stretch your legs.

Seated car - layout of seats

Now, actually, about the car. The seated car should not be confused with the common car. The common car is a regular reserved seat car, the lower shelves of which have seats. 3 places per lower shelf, including side ones. From the point of view of convenience, it is very tiring to ride the three of us on the same ledge. Well, if good conductors come across and are allowed to occupy the free upper shelves, then some of the passengers will go lying down, and together on the same shelf of a reserved seat car you can sit quite comfortably.

Seated car layout of seats. Black rectangles toilets.

But this is not always the case, mattresses are usually located on the second shelves, and the conductor is different for the conductor.

Outwardly, a seated car is no different from a reserved seat or compartment car, at least for a non-specialist.

A sitting car is a car with seats on both sides of the aisle, similar to a bus. The seats are soft, recline, the body can take a reclining position.
For those who purchase tickets via the Internet, I want to immediately warn you that the layout of seats for this type of car, which was provided by Russian Railways on its website, does not always correspond to reality. Several modifications of carriages run along the route, so if you buy a seat allegedly at the end of the carriage, you may even end up at the beginning. The only thing you need to remember: odd places are always by the window, even ones are by the aisle. Therefore, if you are a smoker, prefer an even seat at the aisle so as not to disturb your neighbor, this is especially important at night, when most passengers are sleeping.
All photos were taken with a mobile phone camera in poor lighting conditions. The image quality leaves much to be desired, for which I apologize. If you want to see it better, please enlarge the photo.

Classic sitting car. The survey was made from the center of the car.

Passengers are on the ground, the train has started! Please note that luggage racks are provided at the top above the rows of seats. The baggage allowance is the same as for a reserved seat car. You can carry 36 kilograms per passenger free of charge.

Usually on the back of the chair in front there is a folding table for eating.
In the reclined position, it always has a horizontal position, regardless of whether the front seat is upright or reclined.
There are, of course, unpleasant moments when a table is missing due to a breakdown, or is not provided structurally (for example, near the central partition or in places where the seats are facing each other, there is such a modification of the car).
But this does not create much inconvenience.
The photo shows a folding table near the central partition of one of the modifications of the seated car.

Tables are not available in all carriages.

Sitting car - toilet

The toilet in the car makes a favorable impression. Toilet paper and paper towels are always available. Most of the carriages have dry closets, so the toilet does not close at stops. The general impression is that the toilet in a seated car at the end of the journey is cleaner and less polluted than the toilet in a reserved seat car. It's amazing, but it's true.

In the toilet there is a large mirror, soap, toilet paper, paper towels are always available. The toilet area is larger than in a reserved seat car (at least that's the impression).

Sitting car - the impression of the trip

Now for the trip itself. What to keep in mind. When departing from Samara (at 12-33), the car is never filled to capacity. Moreover, given that Russian Railways LLC always keeps a reservation for free tickets almost until the very departure, empty seats inevitably appear in second-class and compartment cars.

The conductors offer passengers of seated cars, for an additional fee, to move to higher-class cars and some of the passengers move, freeing up their purchased seat (and when there is free space nearby that no one occupies, it's nice). Further on the road, some of the passengers get off, another comes in, but the car is completely filled only in Ruzaevka (at 20-09) and further up to Moscow (06-03) it goes almost completely filled.

When departing from Moscow (departure at 14-08), the situation is diametrically opposite.
The car leaves full and goes like this to Ruzaevka.
In Ruzaevka (at 11:57 p.m.) most of the passengers get off, almost half and then the car goes half empty, and the absence of a neighbor creates additional convenience for the remaining passengers.
The train arrives in Samara at 07-48, which is very convenient, the morning has just begun, all public transport is working.

Train from Moscow.We passed Ruzaevka. Half of the passengers got out. Deep night. People is resting

Sit-down car - safety

Some citizens are afraid to ride in a seated car for fear of brawlers and hooligans. I want to reassure people about this. There are no more such cases than in the reserved seat. Firstly, the same passengers as you are traveling next to you, who just want to calmly get to their destination. Secondly, the train is patrolled by a traffic police squad, which is always ready to restore order, but even without it, the conductors easily control the situation on their territory.

So I'm sure the trip will be enjoyable!

And when you come to Samara, you can buy very cheap for yourself and your loved ones

Each section of the car is equipped with ventilation, hangers for clothes and bags, a radio point, as well as places for things that are located under the lower and above the upper shelf. On the wall there are small nets for newspapers and towels.

Side seats

Side seats start from 37 places. Due to them, installed instead of doors in a compartment, passengers can fit several times more than in a compartment car.

There are 18 side shelves in the car, they go along the aisle, perpendicular to the shelves in the compartment.

Just like the compartments, the side seats are equipped with two shelves for passengers to rest - upper and lower, and one more shelf for storing luggage and a blanket with a pillow. The bottom shelf folds out into a table and two seats.

You can learn more about the location of the side seats, as well as see how they look in the photo.

Car at night: lighting mode and how you can isolate yourself from neighbors

At night, the lights in the carriages are dimmed so that passengers can rest comfortably. Safety rules do not allow turning off the light completely. The reserved seat does not make it possible to adjust the lighting individually for each passenger, therefore, from 22:00 to 06:00, the conductor makes sure that the incandescent lamps are only half lit. At this time, the radios are also turned off.

Often, passengers in second-class carriages sleep not only at night, but also during the daytime, especially on long-distance trains. The owner of the top shelf can use the bottom one if he wants to eat at a common table. However, he cannot claim a seat below, if the owner of the lower shelf is against it.

Reference. You can get bed linen from the conductor not only at night, but also during the day.

Nuances in the long-distance Demidov Express

In the reserved seat, especially in hot summers, it can be crowded and not very comfortable. More comfortable are reserved seats in branded trains, in which, as a rule, conductors monitor the cleanliness in the car and especially in the restroom, there is air conditioning,.

One of these branded trains is the Demidov Express. It follows the route Yekaterinburg-St. Petersburg and is rightfully considered a luxury train. In addition to the usual equipment and equipment, there is:

The guides spread and make the beds themselves. Each car in such a train is equipped with dry closets with cold and hot water, as well as a board that shows the time, temperature and occupancy of the toilet.

Passengers can turn to the conductor to get fiction, newspapers, and even clothing and shoe care products. In addition, guides can provide special sleep belts for those who are afraid of falling in their sleep.

Traveling in second-class carriages can be not only cheap, but also comfortable, especially in new-style trains. In order for the trip to leave a pleasant impression, it is important to be careful when buying a ticket, choosing according to your taste.

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