Home Help for a tourist Japan has a restaurant for cannibals. 'Cannibal restaurant' opens in Berlin with human organs on menu

Japan has a restaurant for cannibals. 'Cannibal restaurant' opens in Berlin with human organs on menu

Something always happens to me. Here, for example, one incident that happened a month ago ... Only to anyone - not a word, no, no!

Do you know about Silence of the Lambs? A masterpiece for cannibals! I don't mean a book by Thomas Harris or a famous movie, but a dish of young lamb.
A month ago, I went for a walk around Moscow with the guys. Suddenly, we came across a restaurant with the enticing name "At the Cannibal". We took it as a good joke and went inside - to see what kind of restaurant, and at the same time, if the prices are not very "bite", and have lunch. The restaurant was in soft twilight, velvet curtains wrapped around the windows, the lamps were dimmed, the tables were covered with burgundy velvet tablecloths. In general, a suitable atmosphere for us. Suddenly Vitya drew our attention to a series of portraits that hung on the walls: "It's Anthony Hopkins!"

An elderly man with a bald head and a carnivorous light in his twinkling eyes looked at us from the portrait closest to us. A long time ago I watched The Silence of the Lambs, the famous thriller starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. To be honest, I didn’t really like it: it’s not very pleasant to watch how some people are happy to absorb others with a garnish of peas to the music, it seems, of Vivaldi. I forgot the film, but I remembered the main cannibal with a carnivorous spark in his eyes. And now I recognize him. And in other portraits there were unfamiliar men, there was even one fat Negro dressed in native clothes, that is, sorry, naked. Galya asked a passing waiter:

What are these portraits?

Ah, these are our cannibals.

But Hopkins is not a cannibal.

So what? Played a cannibal? Played! Why shouldn't he take pride of place on the wall?

The waiter smiled. His teeth were sharp and white.

We sat at a table next to the portrait, under which hung the sign "Edward Guyn". The man was wearing a cap and lop-eared. He was unknown to us.

Olya said:

Guys, I wonder who was the designer of this institution? Looks very interesting. And it attracts a lot of visitors.

Indeed, almost all the tables were occupied.

They brought us the menu. The menu was in velvet binding, and had someone's signature. The waiter said it was Anthony Hopkins' signature as Hannibal Lecter. I admired:

The case is well put here. Intriguing and alluring. And the atmosphere is right.
There were various dishes on the menu, all were relatively inexpensive, which completely captivated us. Galya terribly liked the name of the main dish “Silence of the Lambs”. Vitya rightly assumed that this was the meat of a young lamb. Olya said in a tragic voice:

A young lamb who is silent because he was slaughtered.
We all giggled. The atmosphere somehow excited us. Galya stated:

I want to see the owner of the restaurant! He is a genius! This is the most interesting restaurant I have ever seen in my entire life!

In addition to The Silence of the Lambs, the menu includes Favorite Ear, Fingers, Charmer's Leg with Minced Meat, Nymphet Breast with Aspic, Peach Skin with Apple Cream, Liver Pate with Onions, Baby Kidneys and so on. In general: "overeating for cannibals." When I listed all this, laughter did not stop at the table for a long time.

We unanimously ordered “Silence of the Lambs”, Galya took another “Ear”, I - “Peach Skin with Apple Cream”, Vitya - “Chest ...” (he was always a womanizer), Olya - “Fingers”. And for dessert we ordered some sweet peas to try. Everyone except me took a martini, and I took red wine.
We didn't have to wait long for the order, everything came surprisingly quickly.

"Peach Skin" was surprisingly soft and really felt like a peach. "Chest ..." was very similar to a real female breast, inside it was jelly with lingonberry jam. We were all amazed at the art of the chefs.
Vitya said:

In my opinion, these dishes should cost sky-high money.

We were just lucky that we stumbled upon this place,” Olya said. “And let's not puzzle over why it's cheap here.

I hope we don’t get poisoned ... - Galya said, making a grimace.
Everyone shushed her.

And it tasted incredible. I ate my Peach Skin in a jiffy. And still licked.

After a hearty dinner, Galya stretched:

Too bad it wasn't real human meat. I would like to try.
When we left this restaurant we liked so much, Anthony Hopkins looked at us with his unblinking eyes, a sly grin played on his lips. Vitya said:

Well, it was a great evening.

And after a week or more, I opened the morning paper at breakfast. And everything went cold. The second page said that the police had raided Cannibal's Restaurant, suspecting it of heroin possession, but instead found a huge refrigerator filled with expertly flayed human corpses that were missing many parts. One can only guess where these pieces of meat went.

Thus, I accidentally became a cannibal.

And I don't know what to do with this fact. Today I watched The Silence of the Lambs again. Tomorrow I will watch Hannibal. And for some reason it seems to me that cannibalism has its own charm ...

"World of the Deaf"

Polina Sineva

Unique publications of our first visitors.

A restaurant that cooks human flesh has opened in Japan. Recently, the country officially joined the countries where cannibalism is allowed.

The first restaurant in the country has opened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, where you can taste dishes made from human meat. It is known that eating people in the land of cherry blossoms is officially allowed.

Human meat dishes are not cheap by financial standards, the price for an unusual “delicacy” for one can be from 100 to 1000 euros. Representatives of the restaurant, whose name is translated into Russian as "Edible Brother", reported that the food is prepared from the meat of an already deceased person, who before his death agreed to such a procedure.

Of course, the chef of the Tokyo establishment will not reveal all the culinary subtleties to anyone, but it is known that the meat undergoes special medical treatment, which brings its quality to consumer standards. Also, representatives of the “Edible Brother” noted that after the entire process of preparing the product for consumption, its taste qualities increase several times.

Like to eat brothers on the planet and the inhabitants of the Congo. The peak of cannibalism in this country came in the late 90s and early 2000s. The last act of eating a person was recorded in 2012, that is, not so long ago. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the Congo are confident that the eaten heart of the enemy will bring courage and vitality to a person.

People also ate in western Africa. A group of cannibals called "Leopard" hunted their enemies in animal skins and with animal fangs. Gnawed human remains ceased to be found in these places only in the late 80s.

Cannibalism still thrives in Brazil. It all started with the Wari tribe in the 1960s of the last century. Representatives of this nationality ate the bodies of the dead pious sages. However, later, due to the prohibitive level of poverty of the local population, ordinary people who were not particularly pious began to disappear. But killing a person for food is not always associated only with hunger. Some of the lovers of human flesh say that before attacking the victim, voices sound in their heads that order them to eat one or another fellow tribesman.

Surprisingly, in the 21st century people are also eaten in Papua New Guinea. The Korowai tribe regularly eat human meat dishes in order to protect themselves from the effects of the effects of sorcerers. It is known that when a nation unexpectedly dies for no apparent reason, the tribesmen eat the deceased, because they are sure that an evil sorcerer killed him. Korowai are also famous for having eaten a white man who was the son of the governor of New York City in 1961. A young man named Michael Rockefeller went to study the people, but never returned from the expedition.

The inhabitants of Cambodia also love dishes from non-traditional meat for the majority of the population of the Earth. It is known that during the active hostilities in Southeast Asia in 1960-1970, cannibalism actively flourished. The Cambodian military believed that the eaten liver of the enemy would give them the strength of a dead person and give them courage.

In India, the religious sect Aghori, whose representatives live in cemeteries, considers human meat the best elixir of youth. Sectarians eat those who bequeathed their bodies to them after death, and make jewelry out of human bones and skulls. It is also known that aghori willingly feast on corpses caught from the sacred river Ganges.

Many sites have written that the newly opened restaurant "Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin" in Tokyo is the first restaurant in the world that legally offers diners to taste dishes from human meat. The news is fake and was made up by La Voz Popular magazine (a satirical publication in Spanish).

Original news: "In Japan, the city of Tokyo opened the first cannibal restaurant where you can taste human meat legally." This news is 100% false. It is unfortunate that many sites published this news without verification. And it is even more unfortunate that many readers believed in it.

In November 2017, many netizens came across multiple-posted versions of an article announcing that a restaurant called Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin (which literally means "edible brother" in Japanese) had recently opened in Tokyo City, offering diners a chance to try food made from human flesh.

Original article:

A restaurant for cannibals has opened in Japan? How far the ambitions and perversions of the Japanese have gone can be judged by their desire to eat their neighbor. The city of Tokyo, Japan has opened the first restaurant in the world that legally offers human meat as a dish.

The scary restaurant, called "The Resoto ototo no shoku ryohin", which means "edible brother", opened its doors to guests from all over the world. He offers his customers a varied menu, where prices range from 100 to 1000 euros, that is, a dish with human flesh will cost a little more than 1193 US dollars.

International news sources have reported that a tourist from Argentina has become the first person to taste a dish of human flesh at the new restaurant. He commented on his idiosyncratic dinner: "It seems like you are eating pork, in this restaurant they cook meat with spices, so the taste remains uncertain."

In Japan, a law was passed in 2014 that allows the consumption of human flesh, while maintaining conditions such as sanitary standards and provenance permitted by law. However, there is no doubt that approximately 99% of the people in the world will not agree with this state of affairs.

And the most important question is "Where do they get human meat?"

Before death, people enter into an agreement with a restaurant, according to which they transfer their bodies to the disposal of the restaurant, the transaction amount is approximately 30 thousand euros or 35,799 dollars, they can dispose of this money as they wish (for example, bequeath it to their relatives or donate to charity).

This contract is made only with young people, and before the transfer of their body, they must follow a special diet in order to make their meat suitable for consumption.

Would you be willing to sell your body for food?

The poor structuring of the article and its style suggest that this "article", to put it mildly, is most likely a truncated copy of something originally published in a language other than English. Indeed, the original was published on July 12, 2016 in La Voz Popular (a satirical publication published in Spanish).

An article published in La Voz Popular combines information from an April Fool's joke (in which the Japanese government approved the opening of the first cannibal noodle shop) and photos of props created to promote the video game Resident Evil 6 to make the fabricated story more like the truth .

The Mexican news site Verne wrote back in November 2017 about the hoax.

There is no restaurant serving human meat on the outskirts of Tokyo, and there is no law in Japan that allows cannibalism. Some media publish this fictitious information on their websites.

In this fictitious news story, the restaurant is called Resu ototo no shokuryohin. It is also noted that it has been legal in Japan to consume human flesh since 2014 and that the families of people who decide to sell their bodies for this purpose can receive up to 30,000 euros.

The information does not have a reliable source. The only source cited in most publications is an Argentine traveler who chose not to reveal his identity. La Voz Popular can be considered the primary source; similar news was published on the publication’s website in July 2016; this publication claims in its legal notice that it is a “satirical newspaper”.

A Verne employee consulted with a representative of the Japanese embassy in Mexico, who was unaware that the information was being circulated online, and described it as "absolutely absurd." He also denied that Japanese law allows cannibalism.

A cannibal restaurant opens in Berlin. According to the owners, volunteers who wish to donate their organs will supply food to it, writes the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.

An advertising campaign launched by the restaurant offers to give any parts of the body for it. The institution also needs a "surgeon without prejudice." Politicians have already condemned this action as tasteless PR. While the location of the restaurant is not disclosed. But, according to him, the opening will take place in Berlin on September 8th.

Those wishing to donate their organs to the restaurant kitchen are invited to fill out a questionnaire. It includes questions about the state of health, body weight, physical activity, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medications, surgery, pregnancy, etc.

The creators of the restaurant were inspired by the customs of the Brazilian Warikaka tribe. "We consider eating food to be a spiritual act, during which the spirit and power of the being eaten is transferred to those who eat it," the owners of the restaurant, whose names are also kept secret, explain. In the Warikaka tribe, it was customary to eat their loved ones after their death in order to strengthen the spiritual connection with them and alleviate the grief caused by their death.

The menu lists meat dishes with various side dishes, but there is no indication of what kind of meat is eaten, The Guardian newspaper notes.

Berlin politician Michael Braun said he was receiving complaints from his constituents about this restaurant. According to the deputy head of the capital's Christian Democrats, this is most likely a joke, but painfully indecent. Especially because a Berliner was recently killed by a cannibal, Brown recalled.

Brown was apparently referring to cannibal Armin Meiwes, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 for killing and eating a Berliner who volunteered for the mission.

Spoiler: More about Armin Meiwes

Armin Meiwes, a 42-year-old computer specialist from Rothenburg, confirmed that he stabbed and ate a man in March 2001. He also told the court that from the age of 8 he dreamed of becoming a cannibal.

According to investigators, in early 2001, a 42-year-old cannibal posted an ad on the Internet that he was looking for a "well-fed candidate to be devoured."

In the spring, Bernd-Jürgen Brandes, a 43-year-old resident of Berlin, a Siemens programmer, responded to his call. For two weeks, the cannibal and the victim communicated with each other. On March 10, 2001, Brandes arrived from Berlin at Meiwes' house in Rothenburg. Before coming to the stranger, Bernd-Jürgen sold his personal car and took a leave of absence from work "to solve personal problems."

According to the materials of the investigation, before killing the man, Armin Meiwes cut off Brandes' penis, fried it, and they ate this dish together. Brandes then begged Meiwes for ten hours to "cut him something else" and eventually kill him. As a result, a programmer from Berlin lost consciousness from severe blood loss, and the hospitable host finished him off with an 18-centimeter kitchen knife. According to experts, Brandes died as a result of several blows to the neck. The scene of the murder and subsequent eating was recorded by the cannibal on a video camera, which was then attached to the materials of the criminal case.

After the murder, Meiwes kissed the corpse, asked for forgiveness, and then dismembered Brandeis's body and stored its parts in a freezer, labeling them "tenderloin," "fillet," and "steak."

He also left Brandes' skull in the freezer. “Every time I got meat, I thought about it,” the cannibal later told investigators. Over the next few months, Meiwes ate about 20 kg of meat from his victim. Maniac was arrested only in December 2002. The cannibal was reportedly arrested thanks to an Austrian student who stumbled upon messages Meiwes was leaving on an online conference.

During a search of the suspect's house, the police found a room equipped with all the equipment necessary for butchering carcasses.

The first trial of Meiwes began on December 3, 2003. Court sessions were held in the city court of Kassel. The psychiatric commission found some violations in the mental activity of Meiwes, but recognized him as fully sane. Commission member psychiatrist Wilmer stated at the trial that Meiwes "thought more of himself while performing this act."

As the doctor put it, the cannibal was simply "fulfilling his dream."

The psychiatrist also stated that Meiwes started eating human flesh, most likely to stimulate his emotions.

The defendants of the defendant, in turn, insisted on the version according to which the main motive for the murder committed by Meiwes was the desire to satisfy the perverse request of the victim. Under German law, such an act could correspond to illegal euthanasia, for which a term of three to five years in prison was set. Prosecutors countered that Meiwes committed the murder out of his own unbridled desires. But the state prosecution simply could not demand the highest measure of punishment for Armin Meiwes - life imprisonment, since the investigation established that the victim herself wanted to be killed and eaten.

Meiwes himself pretended to repent of his deed, but calmly spoke about the shocking details of the murder.

As a result, in January 2004, Armin Meiwes was sentenced to only eight and a half years in prison.

Meanwhile, earlier around a restaurant in Arizona, a scandal erupted over lion meat. So, few people liked the decision of the restaurant to include lion meat in the menu: animal rights activists launched protests, and journalists claim that instead of a lion, visitors are being sold game.

The other day, many Russian media wrote that the first restaurant for cannibals opened in Japan. According to them, cannibalism is not prohibited in the country, and you can bequeath your body to cooks for a lot of money. It turned out that this story is already a month old. And it didn't start in Japan at all.

A number of Russian publications told the strange news. Allegedly, Japan has opened the first restaurant where you can taste human meat. Ura.ru, REN TV, Novye Izvestia and others wrote about this. The articles say that a restaurant called "Edible Brother" offers a taste of human meat for $ 1,000, and some tourists have already been lucky.

The publications explain that cannibalism was allegedly legalized in Japan in 2014. For example, Ura.ru writes:

It is not known where the restaurant owners get raw materials for dishes, however, according to Japanese law, every citizen of the country before death can sell his body to the restaurant. His family in this case is entitled to up to 35 thousand euros. More valued young "copies"

This is only partly true. The fact is that in Japan cannibalism is indeed not prohibited by law. That is, if you want to cut off and eat your leg, you will not be put in jail for this.

However, cooking human flesh is still considered unethical. In 2012, a Japanese artist cooked his own genitals and fed them in public to five guests for 100,000 yen. Then it caused a big scandal, but the police just started checking on the fact of sanitary standards during a shocking banquet, writes Kotaku.

As for the “Edible Brother” restaurant, allegedly opened in Tokyo, it turned out to be a fake, which, by the way, was believed not only by Russian publications.

In early December, the West also wrote about a Japanese restaurant for cannibals. After that, the news began to disperse on social networks.

But in fact, there is no restaurant for cannibals in Japan. They wrote about him for the first time not in Japan, but in Spain.

This was done by the satirical magazine La Voz Popular, which celebrated April Fool's Day in this way back in 2016. Moreover, as illustrations for the article, journalists used props to promote the game Resident Evil 6.

By the way, this prop has already been used for such a hoax. It said that restaurants around the world began to find human meat, and then the “duck” was also quickly picked up by other publications, writes

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