Home international passport State policy for the development of tourism in Crimea. Crimea is moving away from beach addiction to a unique tourism product

State policy for the development of tourism in Crimea. Crimea is moving away from beach addiction to a unique tourism product

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna
Ph.D., Art. teacher
[email protected]

Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogly
Russia, Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov
[email protected]


The main purpose of the article is to search, based on ongoing research into the tourism and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea, for mechanisms to intensify the development of tourism in the region during the transition period, which, due to its characteristics, creates the prerequisites for this industry to reach a qualitatively new level. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the tourism services market in Crimea before and after joining the Russian Federation, explore the problems of state regulation of tourism activities of the Republic of Crimea during the transition period, and consider international experience in the development of the tourism industry in regions with similar tourism and recreational resources. As the main mechanisms for intensifying the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea, a methodology for the formation of tourist and recreational clusters, as well as a draft unified concept for the development of eco-tourism in the region based on the creation and implementation of green routes, are proposed.


tourist and recreational complex, Republic of Crimea, transition period, state regulation, tourist cluster, ecological tourism.

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Kosheleva Anna Igorevna, Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogly

Mechanisms for intensifying tourism development in the Republic of Crimea during the transition period// Regional economics and management: electronic scientific journal. ISSN 1999-2645. — . Article number: 4502. Publication date: 2016-02-06. Access mode: https://site/article/4502/

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer
[email protected]

Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogli
Russia, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov
[email protected]


The main purpose of the article is the search of the mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea during the transitional period, which, by its nature, creates prerequisites for entering the industry on a qualitatively new level. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the tourist market of Crimea before and after the entry into the Russian Federation, researching the problems of state regulation of tourism sector of Crimea in the transition period, consider the international experience of tourism development in regions with similar tourists -recreational resources. As the basic mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea the authors introduce the technique of formation of tourist-recreational clusters and the project of a unified concept of ecological tourism development in the region based on the creation of green routes.


tourist-recreational complex, Republic of Crimea, the transitional period, state regulation, tourism cluster, eco-tourism.

Suggested Citation

Kosheleva Anna Igorevna, Mirzoev Isa Faig-Ogli

Mechanisms of tourism development intensification in the Republic of Crimea in the transition period. Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal. . Art. #4502. Date issued: 2016-02-06. Available at: https://site/article/4502/

Introduction. After the political crisis in Ukraine at the beginning of 2014, the population of Crimea made a fateful decision - to reunite with the Russian Federation. Today this is a full-fledged region of our country, but not without serious problems. The transition period, which represents the gradual integration of new entities (the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) into the legal, economic and political spheres of Russia, is an extremely important moment for the further development of the peninsula. At the same time, among the primary tasks is solving the issue of strategic development of one of the most promising budget items of the Republic of Crimea, and now of Russia as a whole - tourism.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Over the past year, many publications have appeared in the scientific literature, which present the results of both comprehensive studies of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea, and individual aspects of the development of the tourism sector in this region. Among others, we can highlight the monograph “The Concept of Development of the Tourist and Recreational Potential of Crimea” edited by prof. Laiko M.Yu. , which presents an in-depth analysis of the infrastructural components of the hospitality and tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea and proposes scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of currently ineffective facilities. The monograph examines the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of hotel enterprises through the introduction of techniques for revenue management, segmentation, forecasting, and working with distribution channels; mechanisms are proposed for improving the transport and logistics component of the tourism and recreational sector of the Republic of Crimea based on the creation of a regional management company based on public-private partnership; the concept of sustainable development of the tourism and recreational potential of Crimea is presented.

It should be noted that scientific developments significantly contribute to increasing the efficiency of development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea. However, in view of the dynamically changing economic environment, as well as based on a study of the results of the functioning of the tourism sector of the peninsula as part of the Russian Federation, further development and research of the main problematic issues of such a strategically important economic sector for the Crimean Peninsula as tourism is necessary.

Formulation of the problem. Despite all the wealth of the region in tourist and recreational resources, a large number of problems do not allow this area of ​​the economy to develop effectively. In this regard, the search for mechanisms for intensifying tourism development in the region, based on ongoing research into the tourist and recreational complex, becomes relevant. Transition periods in the economy are considered as structures that give rise to new, previously unknown forms of social relations and activities. Significant changes in the economy of transition periods are explained by the extreme aggravation of existing socio-economic problems and increased attention from government authorities. In this regard, any transition period in the economy can become an opportunity to reach a qualitatively new level of its development, to reveal promising directions for intensifying the development of individual sectors of the economy.

Presentation of the main research material.

Comparative analysis of the tourism services market of the Republic of Crimea before and after joining the Russian Federation.

From the very collapse of the USSR until the reunification of Crimea and Russia, there was a colossal shadowing of the tourist economy: the private sector, which was not controlled by states, came to the fore, remaining free from accounting not only by tax structures, but also in terms of coordinating the quality of tourist services provided. As a result, the sanatorium-resort aspect of recreation on the peninsula was supplanted by beach tourism of an unorganized nature. The Ukrainian state was quite satisfied with this state of affairs, therefore, on their part, no steps were taken to develop and emerge from the shadow of the tourism industry in the region. A similar situation with declining tourism without investment or any government support continued until the spring of 2014 and the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation. “This year the situation is such that 80% of tourists stay in collective accommodation facilities, and 20% in private ones. This has not happened for a long time in the history of the Crimean peninsula and is due to the fact that sanatorium and resort institutions have concluded agreements on sending vacationers with state and corporate institutions of the Russian Federation,” said the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea, Elena Yurchenko, following the results of 2014. This step on the part of our state is one of the stages in implementing a targeted policy for the development of the Crimean region, the main provisions of which are set out in the Strategy for the Development of Crimea until 2020.

Before Crimea joined the Russian Federation, the lion's share of vacationers in Crimea came from Ukraine. This was a purposeful policy of the authorities, who did not burden themselves with unnecessary expenses and attraction of investments into the dilapidated and outdated infrastructure of the peninsula. Accordingly, there were almost no foreign tourists from outside the CIS countries in the region. The extremely low level of service and the lack of conditions to which they were accustomed repelled even hypothetical applicants. As a result, Crimea has turned into a resort of exclusively local importance, where mostly Ukrainians are used to vacationing. And this state of affairs continued until the 2014 season and the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation. Despite the sharp drop in the tourist flow of Ukrainian tourists (from 65% in 2013 to 5% in 2014 and their remaining insignificant number in 2015), in general, there was no serious drop in demand for Crimea from vacationers, since tourists from Russia quickly filled vacancies in hotels (in 2013 there were 26% of the total number of vacationers, and in 2014 it became 93%, in 2015 it increased slightly to 95%).

With the change in the composition of vacationers, priorities have also changed: if for Ukrainian tourists the main and only criterion of a service is its price, then for wealthier tourists from Russia the price is also important, but it is not the primary guideline. This group of vacationers is accustomed to the level of service of leading world-class resorts. They are willing to pay a higher price for a tour, but they also want a more sophisticated and professional product. This relationship also works in the opposite direction: most tourists from Russia will not be satisfied with even very cheap services of poor quality. And the faster Crimean tourism enterprises catch this new market trend, the more successful a niche they will be able to occupy in their field.

Today, the material and technical base of the hospitality infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea, the range and quality of services lag behind the world level, which reduces the competitiveness of this region in the international market. When using accommodation statistics, it is important to note that data varies depending on the source. Based on information provided by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, there are 825 sanatorium-resort and hotel establishments in the region. Among them, 467 institutions provide special sanatorium and resort services or health-improving services. The remaining 358 institutions provide accommodation services. There are also 92 health camps for children in Crimea. The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine has other information (1225 accommodation facilities is the total number, which includes 748 hotels and inns). Other figures can be found in other sources, which indicates poor knowledge of the entire composition and structure of accommodation facilities in the region.

At the moment, it is difficult to estimate the number of rooms in existing hotels, since hotel management at the peak of the season resorts to tricks, adding an extra bed and furniture to the rooms in order to turn double rooms into three- or even four-bed rooms. The same practice is common in children's health institutions.

Based on statistical data from various sources, the number of accommodation facilities with any category is 271, while the number of accommodation facilities without a category is 684, that is, 2.5 times less. They are distributed by category in the following order: 5 stars - 1.1%, 11.1% - 4 stars, 32.8% - 3 stars, 38% - 2 stars and 17% - 1 star.

Based on the research, we can conclude that the hotel base of Crimea has a serious advantage in the direction of low-category accommodation facilities. This was beneficial for budget Ukrainian tourists, for whom the issue of price always prevails over other indicators. Comparing with Russia, on the same length of the Sochi coast, five-star hotels there are about 2% of the entire hotel base, and there is also an acute shortage of them. Moreover, if in Sochi hotels of the 3-star class predominate, then in Crimea there are mainly hotels of the 1-2 star class and without stars.

In addition, on the territory of the peninsula there is an acute problem of seasonality, which, it should be noted, varies depending on the type and focus of accommodation facilities. For example, for hotel and similar institutions the season is three months, and for medical and health accommodation facilities - five months, and only less than 40% have a year-round nature of activity. The average seasonality coefficient in Crimea is 0.45. This indicator indicates the amount of change in sales compared to the annual average. In this case, the coefficient is less than one, which indicates a large number of months in the year with low sales figures. This value is typical for resorts with a pronounced seasonal focus.

A large imbalance is demonstrated by the distribution of health-improving facilities, which are overwhelmingly concentrated in the Yalta and Evpatoria regions. An unfavorable trend of the last twenty years is the decreasing role of medical procedures in the structure of services provided and, accordingly, the growth of entertainment and recreational activities.

According to official data, there are 38 campsites on the territory of Crimea, but most of them are tent camps, albeit on the seashore. They have a minimum set of amenities, which budget European tourists, for example, are completely unprepared for. Speaking about the needs and desires of tourists, the prevailing trend of renting a house or room (bed) in the private sector stands out.

The problems of developing transport infrastructure today are the most numerous, materially costly, but also the most important, since without carefully thought out logistics it is impossible to provide high-quality tourism services. However, positive results in this direction indicate the deep interest of the state in resolving this issue.

Currently, there are only two ways to get to Crimea without any complications: using a ferry across the Kerch Strait or by air. However, both of these transport arteries were only additional for many decades. They are not designed for a large flow of passengers, which created a transport collapse in 2014. During the first half of 2014, there was an increase in the number of tourists arriving in Crimea via ferry (2.8 times) and by air (more than 2 times). The vast majority of Ukrainian citizens themselves practically do not visit the peninsula for tourism purposes. There are three international airports in Crimea: Simferopol Airport, Kerch Airport and Belbek Airport (a mixed-type airport, military aircraft are currently based there), but in the summer of 2014 only Simferopol Airport was available for air travel.

1.1. The place of Crimea in the tourist routes of the USSR during the years of stagnation

Of course, in the Great Country that was the USSR, Crimea occupied a very modest place even in tourism issues. For example, in a reference book on tourist routes in 1967, among 150 all-Union routes, Crimea and its cities appear 8 times: route 303 “Around the Hero Cities of Ukraine” (Kiev 8 days - railway - Odessa 4 days - steamship - Sevastopol 8 days); route 21 "Crimean" - automobile (Simferopol 3 days - Alushta 7 days - Yalta 6 days - Sevastopol 4 days); route 111 “Along the partisan paths of Crimea” (Simferopol 4 days - transition 6 days - Chernaya Rechka 2 days - transition - Karabakh 8 days); route 22 "Crimean Mountain" (Simferopol 2 days - bus - Bakhchisarai 4 days - trek 2 days - Sokolinoe 3 days - trek 3 days - Karabakh 6 days); route 24 "Across the protected areas of Crimea" (Simferopol 2 days - bus - Bakhchisarai 4 days - trek 3 days - Chernaya Rechka 2 days - trek 2 days - Karabakh 7 days); route 110 "Across the mountainous Crimea" (Simferopol 4 days - trek 1 day - Chernaya Rechka 1 day - trek 3 days - Sokolinoe 4 days - trek to Ai-Petri 1 day - trek - Yalta 6 days); route 183 "Across the mountainous Crimea" (Bakhchisarai 4 days - trek 2 days - Sokolinoe 2 days - trek 1 day - Yalta 6 days); route 182 "Across the Eastern Crimea" (Simferopol 2 days - bus - Angarsk pass 3 days - hike in the Eastern Crimea 5 days - Planerskoye 4 days - bus - Feodosia 6 days). The listed 8 routes are included in the 29 routes of Ukraine.

In addition, the routes along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus included route 28 “Along the Black Sea” on the motor ships “Ukraine” and “Russia” (Sochi 3 days - Sevastopol 2 days - Odessa 2 days - Sevastopol 1 day - Yalta 2 days - Batumi 3 days - Sukhumi 2 days - Gagra 1 day - 2 days on the road). The 18 southern radial routes included route 23 "Yalta" and route 321 "Karabakh". There were also three radial routes for motorists in Crimea: 492 “Yalta”, 494 “Feodosia”, 495 “Planerskoye”. In addition to those listed among the Tourism Council routes, there were routes 164 “Sevastopol”, 493 “Alushta”, 91 “Alushta”, 390 “Evpatoria” (for parents with children).

Railway routes became widespread, allowing tourist travel around the country on special trains. These trains consisted of 10-12 docked cars and three restaurant cars. Their movement around the country was carried out mainly at night according to schedules specially developed for them, so that during the day tourists could participate in excursions at parking points or relax and swim in the sea. Therefore, out of 258 railway routes throughout the country, 28 passed through Crimea. Routes to the peninsula led from Baku and Yerevan, Ufa, Minsk and Vitebsk, Karaganda and Tselinograd, Vladimir and Kalingrad, Kaluga and Petrozavodsk, Syktyvkar and Kuibyshev, Riga and Leningrad, Moscow and Ryazan, Sverdlovsk and Stavropol, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Kramatorsk, Lugansk and Poltava.

The routes listed above operated at different times. If route 21 "Crimean" automobile had summer (from May to October) and winter (from October to May) options, then all other routes (11, 22, 24, 110, 182, 183) operated only from May to September. The duration of each of them was basically 20 days, and the cost of the trip was 65 rubles. The exception was route 183, lasting 15 days and costing 50 rubles. and 21 with a duration of 20 days, the cost in the summer version was 75 rubles. and in winter - 70 rubles. The trip "Along the Black Sea" (route 28) was designed for 18 days for the period April-June and September-November. The cost of this trip varied widely (from 130-150 rubles in 3rd category cabins to 220-240 rubles in luxury cabins).

Railroad routes had different durations and depended largely on the length of the chosen path. This also left an imprint on the cost of the trip. They all covered different periods throughout the year. So, from Baku to Sevastopol the trip was designed for 20 days, with stops in Kyiv, Lvov, Uzhgorod, Odessa (route 304, June). The cost of the tour is 160 rubles. We came from Yerevan to Sevastopol in May, having previously visited Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, and Odessa. The entire trip took 22 days, the ticket cost 185 rubles. From Ufa to Crimea via Kyiv and Odessa, and after Crimea via Volgograd you could travel in 18 days for 150 rubles. in October. We came from Minsk to Crimea in May through Transcarpathia, Chisinau, Odessa, and back through Kyiv, spending 18 days and 130 rubles. From Belarus to Crimea we came through Minsk, Kyiv and Odessa, spending only 10 days in October and 70 rubles for the entire trip. for a trip. By the way, only 79 rubles. in 10 days it cost a trip from Leningrad to Crimea (Sevastopol) in January and May with a stop in Kiev, Odessa and on the way back to Volgograd and Moscow (for comparison, let us recall that in 1998 only travel by train Simferopol - Kiev - Simferopol costs this much the same amount in hryvnias). The cheapest trip, per one day of travel, was from Riga to Crimea in June via Kiev and Odessa, with a stop on the way back to the Caucasus and Moscow (for 20 days - 118 rubles). The most expensive trip to Ukraine and Crimea was in October from Tselinograd (200 rubles for 25 days).

During the period of decline of stagnation, the structure of tourist routes related to Crimea changed somewhat, and prices for vouchers increased. Thus, on route 22 “Across the mountainous Crimea”, 20 days of rest began to cost 85 rubles, 18 days of stay on the “Crimean Bus” route cost 95 rubles. (gasoline prices have risen in these years). But as before, the salary of the majority of workers significantly exceeded the cost of vouchers, and the value of pensions was also generally higher. The ordinary population of the country could freely afford to vacation on tourist packages for their salary or pension during the entire period of stagnation, without even resorting to the help of trade unions. The biggest increase in price occurred for tours on route 390 to Evpatoria for parents with children from 70 rubles. for 20 days in 1967 up to 135 rub. in 1982 A vacation of this type in Crimea did not cost more than this amount. By the way, a walk along the Kiev Sea by boat for 12 hours with a stop on Olginsky Island cost 114 rubles, and an 11-hour trip on the Meteor along the Tarasov Paths route was priced at 300 rubles. (for a group of 30 people).

Through the thickness of 30 years, these travel prices now seem fabulously low. Indeed, at that time, the pensions of the majority of former workers were from 80 to 120 rubles, and the minimum wage was about 70 rubles, the salary of an associate professor was 280-320 rubles, a professor - 450 rubles, miners - 400 rubles, dump truck drivers in mountain cuts -500-600 rub.

1.2. The current state of tourist bases in Crimea

The development of recreation has always been associated with the political and economic situation in the region and country. Radical changes in recent years in politics, economics and social sphere have directly affected the current state and future development of recreation in Crimea. This applies both to the needs and demand of the population for recreation in Crimea, and to the real recreational activities of the population, the types and forms of its organization.

Thanks to the natural combination and favorable location of recreational resources, large resort areas have formed on the Crimean Peninsula. These are the cities of Alushta, Yalta, Sevastopol, Sudak, Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai, Gurzuf, etc.

Evpatoria is located on the shore of the shallow Kalamitsky Bay. This is a first-class climatic and balneological resort. The combination of natural resort resources is truly unique: hot sun, warm sea, beautiful sandy beaches, healing mud and brine of Lake Manai, terminal springs of mineral waters and healing air. The largest children's health centers operate successfully here, hardening healthy children, treating those suffering from rickets, osteoarticular tuberculosis, polio, rheumatic carditis, etc. Adults with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological, nervous system and upper respiratory tract are also successfully treated here. The city also has an ancient historical past.

Sudak is located on the southeastern coast of Crimea, in the Sudak Valley, surrounded by mountains. The mild climate, sandy beaches, the best on the entire South Coast, clean sea and extraordinary air are attractive to tourists all year round. This is a very ancient land, keeping traces of settlements of people of the Stone and Bronze Ages, Byzantines, Greeks, Genoese and Ottoman Turks. The centuries-old history is personified by the stone bulk of the Sudak fortress. This is an architectural monument of world significance. Nearby are the New World with its famous Golitsin wine cellars and the Kara-Dag massif, glorified by poets. The favorable climate and low air humidity make it possible to recommend the resort for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system and nervous system.

The small town of Bakhchisarai is known far beyond the borders of our country. To a large extent, his name was created by the Great poet A.S. Pushkin with his poem "The Bakhchisarai Fountain". But the city is attractive not only for the famous Bakhchisarai Palace, but also for the mysterious cave cities - the picturesque nature of the surrounding area. Bakhchisarai arose in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The capital of the Crimean Khanate was moved here from Old Crimea. The city and the palace were created at the same time, this connection is visible in the name itself. Translated, “Bakhchisaray” means “palace-garden”, a palace surrounded by gardens." The old districts of Bakhchisaray are located in the Churuk-Su gorge, they are very original and colorful. The Palace-Museum of the Crimean Khans is a unique historical and archaeological monument. The Fountain of Tears is especially famous , created by the Iranian master Omer. In the vicinity of the city there is one of the most famous cave cities of Chufut-Kale, the currently operating Assumption Monastery, carved into the rocks, and the famous multi-layered site of ancient people Tash-Air.

Yalta is the recognized resort capital of Crimea. It is located on the southern coast of Crimea in the valley of the mountain rivers Uchan-Su and Guva. From the north, west and east, the city is bordered by the high Yayla mountain range, which protects from the penetration of cold winds. This location gives Yalta excellent climatic conditions. Low humidity, mild Mediterranean-type climate, and clean air allow Yalta to deservedly be called a world-famous resort. The city is famous for its abundance of greenery and seems like a continuous park. The names of A. Griboyedov, A. Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, A. Chekhov and many other famous people are associated with Yalta. Big Yalta is famous for its palaces, museums, park ensembles and healing climate. The resort is recommended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system.

Gurzuf. His fame is very great. This place has an ancient and amazing history. The Gurzuf fortress - Dzhenevez-Kaya - was mentioned in the treatises of Procopius of Caesarea in the 6th century, and in the 15th century. Afanasy Nikitin wrote about her. Gurzuf is located on the South Coast, in a valley that is bounded on the west by Cape Martyan and the famous Ayu-Dag on the east. Amazing landscapes of the valley. There are majestic stone screes and centuries-old pine and beech forests, and higher in the mountains there are lavender plantations and vineyards. It is here that he shows his most valuable qualities. The famous Pinot Gris and white Muscat of the Red Stone wines are made from these grapes. Old Gurzuf has preserved the layout inherited from past centuries: terraced streets connected by winding passages and picturesque staircases - a real open-air museum! There is a very beautiful park here with more than 110 species of plants. The favorable microclimate of Gurzuf makes it a valuable resort, recommended for the treatment of the respiratory system and nervous system, as well as diseases of a general therapeutic nature.

The city of Alushta is located on the southern coast of Crimea. It inherited its name from the medieval Aluston fortress, built in the 6th century AD. In the center of the old city there are still remains of the fortress's defensive tower. Alushta is distinguished from other cities on the South Coast by its unusual space and breadth of views. The beaches of Alushta are some of the best on the coast, and the summer heat, more than anywhere else on the South Coast, is moderated by breezes. The climate of Alushta is favorable for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. Alushta is a very picturesque city and deserves to wander through its streets and alleys. There are also many interesting places in the vicinity of Alushta - these are the medieval settlements of Funa, Ai-Iori, Seraus, etc.

The city of Sevastopol is located on the southwestern coast of Crimea in a beautiful hilly area replete with convenient bays. Sevastopol is a very beautiful city, practically rebuilt after the war. Translated from Greek, Sevastopol means “majestic”. And the city seems to confirm this name. This is the city of the glory of the Russian fleet, heroism and steadfastness in two legendary defenses. Its official age is two centuries, there are traces of Taurian settlements, and the ruins of the city-state of Taurian Chersonesos still impress with their grandeur and high skill of the builders. The Count's pier, the monument to sunken ships, the Vladimir Cathedral, the Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855", the Diarama "Storm of Sapun Mountain", the Malakhov Kurgan and many other historical monuments are widely known. As a resort, Sevastopol is recommended for the treatment and prevention of the upper respiratory tract and general therapeutic areas.

In all these cities, tourists are served by Krymtour JSC. These are the hotels "Horizon" (Sudak), "Voskhod", "Chaika" (Alushta), "Crimea" (Sevastopol), "Evpatoria" (Evpatoria); tourist centers - "Halt" (Bakhchisarai), "Magnolia" (Yalta), "Coral" (Gurzuf) and many others. The subsidiaries of Krymtour JSC - 16 travel and excursion agencies - have accumulated a wealth of experience in developing and conducting excursions on various topics. Four large buildings with 500 seats were reconstructed. Now people have the opportunity to relax in modern hotel rooms with a full range of amenities in tourist hotels and bases named after. Mokrousov in Sevastopol, "Primorye" (Koktebel), "Gavan" (Chernomorskoe), "Magnolia" (Yalta). Landscaping of territories and beaches is underway. The list of additional services is expanding, world-class tennis courts are being built. This allows for high-level sports team gatherings and competitions. Modern conference rooms have been prepared for conferences and meetings in the tourist hotels and bases "Palace", "Magnolia" (Yalta), "Primorye", "Chaika" (Alushta) and a number of others. "Krymtour" is also developing active recreation: this year, for the first time in several years, walking routes have been organized from the "Eagle Zalet" tourist center. Tourists make a seven-day trek with overnight stays at equipped campsites. Excursions into the forest are being carried out from camp sites and hotels in Sevastopol, Alushta, Koktebel. The parking lot in the forest from the tourist hotel "Gorozont" in Sudak is very popular. Weekend and off-season tourism is practiced.

The tourism industry in Crimea lives and will live, and Krymtour JSC contributes to this, despite the ineffective tax policy of the state, the lifting of licensing for domestic tourism and other equally important problems.

2. Expanding training in international tourism in Crimea

As you know, Crimea is a unique place on planet Earth in terms of its climatic conditions. That is why many peoples of the world passed through Crimea, exploring it in ancient times. These peoples left priceless historical architectural and archaeological monuments. The "placers" of these monuments extend from west to east, and from north to south. They contain traces of life of long-vanished peoples and those now existing. This is also the capital of the late Scythian state of Naples-Scythian, which passed the capital baton to Simferopol - the current capital center of Crimea. Here are the remains of Chersonese, founded by immigrants from Heraclea from the southern shores of the Black Sea and constantly patronized by the Greeks of Byzantium, peacefully adjacent to the modern residential areas of the well-known Sevastopol. On the site of modern Kerch back in the 6th century BC. Panticapaeum was founded - the centuries-old capital of the Bosporan kingdom, located on both banks of the Kerch Strait, connecting the Azov and Black Seas. The ancestors of today's Italians from Genoa in Crimea left several monuments, the best of which is the Genoese fortress in Sudak. In the former capitals of the Crimean Ulus of the Golden Horde and the Crimean Tatar Khanate - Old Crimea, Chufut-Kale, Bakhchisarai, there are still many historical monuments left, among which the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai and the cave city in Chufut-Kale stand out. The period of Crimea's subordination to the Ottoman Empire is characterized by the further development of Crimean settlements, and in some cases their destruction. This fate befell the capital of the principality of Theodoro - Mangup, one of the cities of enormous tourist importance for the Crimea, in 1475. The period after the liberation of Crimea by Russia from Turkey in 1783 is characterized by its development as a resort, the development of its territories by Russian landowners and industrialists, German colonists, which is represented by numerous historical and architectural monuments.

All these events of bygone days and historical monuments - witnesses of these events, constantly attract tourists from many countries of the world to Crimea.

The advanced countries of the world, which have similar potential to the potential of Crimea, have long been exploiting it as the main system-forming potential for their regions. What is meant by the phrase “system-forming potential”? This is when the existing potential can take on the functions of organizing targeted development in the region, where this function manifests itself as a core process of economic activity, to which almost all other areas of activity are subordinated. The main task of society is to meet the needs of the population. This is usually what is sought in the development management systems of those regions where there is a clearly defined system-forming economic complex.

Such a complex exists in Crimea. Before considering the question of how regional management should be structured, it is necessary to assess to what extent the recreational complex is system-forming in Crimea, to what extent it today underlies the improvement of the well-being of the population, to what extent it solves the main task in the region - meeting the constantly changing needs of the population, and to what extent the effective use of the region’s natural resources is ensured by the activities of the management apparatus, which has taken upon itself the task of managing the socio-economic development of the region. In various countries of the world there are positive results of a systematic approach to using the capabilities of the priority complex in the region, in particular such as recreation. It is known that the recreational complex in these countries is very important for budget formation. After such important budget-generating areas of activity as automobile manufacturing and oil production comes the recreational complex and tourism. Currently, Ukraine does not yet have positive results in this direction, having such unique regions as Crimea, the Black Sea coast in the south of Ukraine, and the Carpathians. Tourism today does not make the same contribution as in other countries in the formation of gross domestic product, budget and national income from the activities of this important industry. The low performance of this area of ​​management largely depends on the lack of trained personnel to solve this problem. Ukrainian universities and science are called upon to solve this problem, where the problems of training executive level personnel and senior personnel are solved. These personnel can serve as a guarantor of the strategic formation of the country's future. The combination of training of medical, forestry and geological specialists actually constitutes the backbone of specialists who contain recreational potential in a form attractive for human use in order to restore health. Specialists of a specific profile are also trained, for example, those supporting recreation infrastructure: specialists responsible for road construction, communications, communications, specialists maintaining cleanliness in household infrastructure, waste processing and disposal, i.e. specialists who directly shape the processes of using potentials. The specialists of the recreational complex include managers and economists working in specific areas of economic activity. The task they solve is quite responsible and complex, because... The practice of recent decades has shown that every industry has its reserves for improvement, which are poorly used due to the lack, first of all, of:

Highly qualified managers, economists;
- lack of a developed system of their activities;
- reliable methods of processing information that they use in their activities;
- justified organizational structures for managing all these processes;
- structures that allow for this coordination;
- modern methods that allow the use of objectively existing biological and environmental laws;
- levers of economic, legal and social nature.

In this regard, an important economic task is to find ways to train specialists in this profile who could navigate all this complex interrelation of the components listed above and use them effectively.

Against the backdrop of recognition of the importance of the recreational complex for the economy of Crimea, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that in reality the economy of Crimea in recent decades has developed virtually without taking into account the capabilities of this complex. All economic development followed the path of multi-purpose integrated development, as was customary in the 60-70s. At that time, they tried to develop almost all areas of economic activity equally. This approach to the formation of the regional economy in all possible areas of development led to the formation of economic sectors in Crimea that had results that were economically important for the country as a whole, but had no other than negative significance for the economy of Crimea.

Areas of activity developed that were not based on local raw materials and the results of which were not a necessary condition for the existence of the population of Crimea. The region of Krasnoperekopsk and Armyansk developed mainly in this direction. Today the Sivash SEZ has been formed there. The results of its activities should be discussed separately. The activities of the population in this area were mainly based on imported raw materials, that is, the factories built in that industrial hub mainly depended not on the resources of the Crimea, but on imported ones, and the products were also mainly exported outside this region. It was considered a positive thing that the population was involved in production processes, i.e. had the opportunity to work. The consequences of these industrial activities had negative environmental implications: these activities in the identified industrial node consume large amounts of water, which must be discharged after use. Typically, used industrial water is discharged into nearby water bodies. Some lakes and Sivash turned out to be such reservoirs in this industrial zone. All these discharges led to the fact that a number of lakes and part of Sivash, adjacent to this zone, became unviable and very polluted. In the last decade, these problems have been discussed more and more often. As part of the USSR, these problems were insoluble, since the interests of industrial management prevailed over the interests of the population living in this region. After the collapse of the country, ties between its former republics were broken, many of the enterprises were suspended, and the question arose about the need to find new approaches to the problems of employment and problems of economic restructuring. These problems have not yet been resolved and should be considered separately. We can only emphasize that the attractiveness of these places for tourists is reduced to zero; they can only be shown how nature has been destroyed by man. This, to some extent, can serve as an incentive to visit those places, but not for long and most likely only specialized tourism can develop in this area for specialists related to environmental protection, the processes of restoring lost natural resources and who solve the problems of cleaning up contaminated water, soil. You can also name other anthropogenic impacts that are negative for recreational potential.

At the same time, the practice of many countries around the world shows that all is not lost. So, for example, let's take France. This country also had many quarries for the extraction of natural resources, and later vineyards were placed in their place. In the immediate vicinity of these quarries, wineries have been turned into wine museums and have an undiminished flow of tourists. Tourists get acquainted with the process of making wine, they are shown vineyards where there used to be quarries. By the way, in the Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk regions of Ukraine there is also positive experience in landscaping waste heaps (Donetsk) and quarries (Ordzhonikidze), which can serve as an example for Crimea. In Crimea, it is obvious that real steps can also be taken in this direction, which would make it possible for tourists to come here.

Over the years of the existence of the USSR, Crimea received the unofficial status of the country's universal center for treatment and recreation. At the same time, the level of variety and quality of medical services was quite high, and recreational services were low. The managers of sanatoriums and boarding houses that predominated in the recreational complex of Crimea were medical workers.

In the system of managing the development of Crimea in the early 90s? years, a vision of the importance of the recreational complex for the entire economy of Crimea was formed. There were many developments carried out on instructions from the Crimean government by various research and development organizations in the country, then the USSR. All of them allowed us to draw conclusions about the need for more targeted development of the recreational complex of Crimea in order to obtain greater returns? the economy of both Crimea and the entire country.

Due to the collapse of the USSR, the severance of economic ties between its former republics and the decline in their economies, there was a significant decline in the influx of tourists to Crimea. It took a search for new ways to revive tourism in Crimea. In connection with the formation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the emergence of its own Government, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism was created. This ministry assumed the functions of coordinating the processes of tourism development in Crimea. Its employees developed a concept for the development of a recreational complex. To implement this concept, new personnel were required. Since 1993, Simferopol State University began training specialists in tourism management. An ideology was developed to increase the efficiency of the recreational complex in Crimea and a methodology for assessing this efficiency. One of the components of this ideology was the expansion of the range of tourist services and their constant updating. This required consideration of many specialized types of tourism activities, a departure from traditional tourism training. Traditionally, the suppliers of personnel for tourism as tour guides were the geographical and historical departments of the university, but many tourists are interested not only in exotic geographical and historical monuments, ethnographic features of the local population, but also in active recreation among this exotica.

Let us consider the features of the formation of the tourism or recreational industry in Crimea. It is the recreational complex and its component - tourism - that is a priority for Crimea. The recreational complex serves as the basis for the development of a specific direction on its resources - tourism activities. Training for work in this industry is carried out by various educational institutions, each of which specializes in the field of activity of this complex. This means that the recreational complex is based on the climatic characteristics of Crimea. The climatic features are permeated with natural resources of a recreational nature. The main resource components that form the natural features of Crimea are the sea, mountains, and forest. They allow, in combination with climatic features (temperature conditions, number of sunny days per year, etc.), to create conditions for the realization of the full recreational potential in the restoration and human potential, its performance.

The training of specialists to work within this potential is carried out by medical institutes - doctors and other medical workers who monitor the health of visitors, restoring their health or maintaining it. Since the natural potential of Crimea includes green spaces, they also attract visitors. For example, the mountains in the New World region have natural forest cover in the form of relict juniper, which has certain medicinal properties and many tourists strive to visit there.

Crimea has conditions for such active recreation. Gliding has been cultivated here for many decades (the Museum of Gliding is located on the premises of the Primorye tourist base in Koktebel). Gliding has received a new development in hang gliders, paragliders, and hot air balloons produced in Feodosia near Koktebel.

Crimea has unique opportunities for caving tourism. Its caves are constantly visited by speleotourists.

Traditional seaside holidays have long expanded the range of services, complementing inflatable mattresses, water bicycles and rowing boats with yachts, windsurfing, gliders, water skis, towed parachutes, and hydro hang gliders.

The winter months are also increasingly used for holidays in Crimea. On Mount Ai-Petri and on the Angarsk Pass, rope tows are installed for skiers, who from December to March ski there on slalom slopes (of course, not as difficult as in the Caucasus, the Alps and even the Carpathians).
However, this entire range of services for active recreation of tourists in Crimea is not yet sufficiently provided with technical equipment and personnel. Simferopol State University is gradually solving the second part of the problem. Educational and methodological materials are being prepared to expand the specialization of tourism managers, contacts are being established with foreign universities that have experience in solving educational problems in the context of such specialization (Nice, Perpignan, Grenoble, Genoa), attempts are being made to attract new opportunities in the preparation of tour guides for the early stage of training managers.

In recent years, specialists in tourism management have been trained at the Faculty of Economics and Management, and specialists in hotel management and international tourism have been trained at the Simferopol Economic Institute as part of the university. These specialties are most susceptible to the requirements of the tourism market. Students of these specialties, under the guidance of university teachers, began to form an information base on the computers of the departments of management and marketing and information systems about the most popular tourist sites in Crimea.

In the future, it is planned to use multi-media tools to create sounded video-computer films on the most interesting objects, and through the Internet - to give the opportunity to travel companies around the world to get acquainted with these attractions. On the basis of the university, classes are conducted in experimental classes of a general education school. Pupils of these classes are trained to work on modern computers, communicate via e-mail and the Internet. And since it is known that it is best to learn by playing, teachers and university students are today discussing the problems of how to make exciting computer games from information about the Bosporan kingdom, Chersonesus, Scythia, the Genoese and German colonies, how to organize international school and student conferences on these and others via the Internet tourist sites.

Considering the insufficient local experience in solving these issues, university teachers and students propose to study as much as possible similar experience at universities in France (Perpegnan, Nice, Grenoble), Italy (Genoa) and other countries.

JSC "Krymtur" has a training center that trains personnel for its system and has the opportunity to provide its training base for other companies. The system's subsidiaries employ more than 2,000 people in about 100 professions year-round. This obliges us to carry out high-quality training and retraining of personnel: guides, organizers, tourism instructors, group leaders, maids, cooks and others. Course training programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and consist of lectures, seminars and practical classes, educational excursions, hikes, demonstrations, studying best practices using the wide capabilities of the center’s branches and the material base of Krymtour JSC in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Yalta, Gurzuf. Moreover, after successfully passing the exams and receiving a certificate, the most worthy of them can get a job in the Krymtour JSC system.

In the context of the observed economic downturn in Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, there was a decline in the tourism business of Crimea. The creation of a new information base about the tourist sites of ancient and medieval Crimea will attract not only tourists, but also investors who understand the profitability and win-win nature of the revival of the “hoary antiquity” for tourism. Understanding the international significance of such a revival, new specialties are required to study at least two European languages, teach special courses in these languages, and even defend a graduation thesis in one of the European foreign languages. Fulfillment of the above-mentioned conditions for training tourism managers at Simferopol State University will create the necessary basis for them to reach international standards of specialists.

3. Development of the recreational complex in Crimea

The recreational complex of Crimea is a representative sector of its national economy. Therefore, when considering any aspects of the socio-economic development of Crimea, one cannot do without appropriate references to the place and role of this complex both in strategic decisions and in the current situation. At the same time, in real politics, in real processes of governing Crimea, the priority of the recreational complex has disappeared.

The problems of centralization and decentralization of management, the unresolved nature of their rational relationship, also negatively affect management processes and the efficiency of development of the recreational complex. This largely depends on the vagueness of the concept of socio-economic development of Crimea.

In order to create equal conditions for assessing the impact of the activities of all economic sectors on recreational potential, and eliminating the negative impact on it, appropriate motivation is necessary. Solving the most complex problems of motivation requires the involvement of a wide range of economic and legal levers and a new approach to their use.

In addition to measures to stop the activities of economic sectors that are destroying the recreational potential of the region, it is important for the region to ensure the effective development of the organizations themselves of this priority recreational complex. This requires the development of a target management system for the integrated development of the entire resort economy of Crimea. Below are the main provisions for creating such a system.

Goals of creating the system:

1) increasing the efficiency of the resort industry in the direction of achieving the world level of its development in market conditions;
2) increasing the interest of local authorities, enterprises, organizations, the population and staff of health resorts in expanding the resort network and the efficiency of resort development;
3) increasing the interest of vacationers in the effective development of sanatoriums and resorts;
4) maximum satisfaction of the population’s needs for a range of recreation and treatment services;
5) ensuring that the price of the voucher corresponds to the totality of the services provided for recreation and treatment.

Basic principles of system formation:

1) compliance of indicators and criteria for assessing the condition and development of the resort with the goals of creating the system;
2) subordination to the goals of creating a system of all components of resort development;
3) equal economic responsibility of all operating enterprises and organizations, any person living or vacationing on the resort territory for environmental cleanliness and resource conservation in their activities;
4) subordination of the structure for managing the development of resorts to the composition and content of the goals of creating the system and the tasks solved to achieve them;
5) economic responsibility of all levels of resort management for the state and degree of achievement of the system’s goals.

Composition of tasks to be solved to achieve the goals of the system:

Satisfying the needs of the maximum population of our country and foreign guests for treatment and recreation in accordance with their interests and material (financial) capabilities;
- organization of recreation and treatment services in accordance with the constantly increasing and changing material, social and spiritual needs of a person;
- ensuring high quality of all types of services (services) for recreation and treatment, taking into account their labor intensity;
- ensuring environmental cleanliness of all types of treatment and recreation services;
- organization of waste-free provision of all types of services (rational or complete use of initial material and fuel and energy resources);
- ensuring maximum use of fixed assets, production capacities, capital and financial investments of resorts, assigned territory;
- organization of rational and efficient use of labor resources of the resort economy;
- ensuring social protection of resort service workers;
- ensuring the comprehensive harmonious development of the resort area and resort services, covering all of the above tasks, based on stimulating residents and staff to maximally satisfy the needs of vacationers for treatment and recreation.

Structure of the developed system:

Methodology for assessing the level of development of resort activities and resort services, taking into account the solution of the above-mentioned problems of the system (development of general methodological provisions for assessing the level of development;
- development of a classification of factors that determine the level of development of resorts and health resorts according to groups of system tasks;
- development of reference standards for development factors of resorts and health resorts;
- formation of an information base for assessing and comparing the level of development of health resorts with the best and worst conditions for their functioning;
- a test example of the implementation of a methodology for assessing the level of development of health resorts taken for analysis);
- methodology for calculating the price of resort vouchers depending on the level of development of resort activities and resort services (general provisions on the methodology for the adequacy of the price of a resort voucher to the level of the proposed resort services in extreme and normal conditions of social development;
- methods for choosing a reference price for a resort package for the highest level of resort service;
- methods for choosing the lower limit of the price for a resort package; a test example of calculating the price of resort vouchers for the analyzed health resorts;
- a test example of calculating the volume of financial revenue from the sale of vouchers for the analyzed health resorts);
- methodology for organizing territorial commercial self-financing of resorts based on the implementation of the principles of system formation (methods for determining the dependence of the economic incentive funds of health resorts (including the wage fund for their personnel) on the commercial results of their activities;
- determination of commercial income of health resorts, taken as an example, taking into account mandatory payments to the budget; determination of the values ​​of economic incentive funds for health resorts, taken as an example;
- simulation modeling of the process of establishing mutual interest of vacationers and health resort staff in improving resort services and increasing the commercial income of health resorts);
- functions for managing the efficiency of resorts based on the developed methods listed above in the system hierarchy.

SIMFEROPOL, February 19 - RIA Novosti. Crimea is preparing to host the VI International Tourism Forum "Open Crimea", designed to identify priority points for growth and further development of the peninsula's tourism industry.

Checkpoint for Crimea

The forum will be held from February 20 to 21 as part of the “Tourism Week in Crimea” and will start for the first time in Simferopol with the opening of a tourism exhibition.

“Crimea definitely needs two milestones, two checkpoints: before the start of the high season and before the start of the health season, that is, the autumn-winter season, which is more dedicated to health, cultural and educational tourism, and gastronomy. The Open Crimea Forum is designed to become a powerful and serious unifying professional platform. This will be a good start, followed by a good season,” Vadim Volchenko, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, told reporters.

On the first day, leading Russian experts will discuss measures to legalize tourist accommodation and reduce the cost of air travel. For the first time there will be a presentation of the new tourist route “Wine Road of Crimea” and the republic’s event calendar.

The second day of the forum will expand its geography. An additional site will open in Yalta. It will be dedicated to government support of tourism. Meanwhile, in the Crimean capital, at the “Beach World” strategic session, methodological recommendations for users of beach areas will be presented and issues of preparing beaches for the upcoming holiday season will be considered.

Questions with a federal accent

Minister Volchenko said that the forum will raise a number of key issues in which the peninsula is counting on federal assistance.

“There are a number of purely Crimean issues and problems. These are the cleanliness of beaches, the cleanliness of resort towns and villages, issues of internal transport logistics, the development of embankments and park areas, the accessibility of display objects. This is something that we are already seriously working on. But there are a number of issues at the federal level that go beyond the Crimea. Firstly, the cost of domestic air travel. It is quite high and for tourist destinations this is a problem. It is difficult to compete with other tourist destinations if it is quite expensive to get to us. Secondly, the issues of soft legalization of hotels, so that it would be interesting for business to work not in the shadows, but, as they say, to work in the light - to pay taxes, live in peace and see how tax revenues are spent,” Volchenko said.

It is expected that the forum will be attended by the heads of four leading tour operators in Russia.

“We hope that we will be able to consolidate the hotel, sanatorium and resort business, because tour operators are interested in the year-round occupancy of Crimea. One of the main points is pricing in the direction of its reduction,” the minister emphasized.

Red carpet for the tourist Oscars

At the end of the forum, the annual “Recognition of the Year” event will take place.

“We will reward the winners. This event is our Crimean tourism Oscar. There will be a red carpet. More than 2 million rubles were spent on gifts for the winners through partnerships and sponsorships,” Alexey, head of the Crimean parliament’s committee on health resorts and tourism, told reporters Chernyak.

The favorites of the peninsula's tourism industry for the past year will be named in 16 categories: "best sanatorium", "best children's health resort", "best health institution", "best hotel complex", "best small accommodation facility", "best tourist enterprise", " best beach", "best doctor in the sanatorium-resort sector", "best mid-level medical worker in the sanatorium-resort sector", "best reception worker", "best maid", "best cook", "best waiter", " best tour guide", "best employee of local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea in the field of resorts and tourism" and "special nomination".

In addition, as part of the "Tourism Week in Crimea" study tours will be organized for subjects of the tourism industry and trade union organizations of Russian regions.

For most countries of the world, including the Russian Federation, which has great potential for the growth of this industry.

However, Russian tour operators are experiencing some problems that have arisen when serving tourists: the high cost of tours (due to the high cost of road transport services), as well as an insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure. In January-August 2015, 2 million 303 thousand tourists vacationed in Crimea.

Of the total number of vacationers arriving in Crimea in January-August 2015: 47% arrived by air, 42% by ferry; 11% arrived by other means of transport. During the same period in 2016, 4 million 264 thousand tourists vacationed in Crimea, which is 54% higher than the level of 2015. Of the total number of vacationers arriving in Crimea in January-August 2016: 45% arrived by air, 41% by ferry; 14% - arrived by other means of transport. Most tourists since the beginning of the year have vacationed on the Southern Coast of Crimea - 41% of the total number of tourists who have vacationed in Crimea since the beginning of the year as a whole, on the Western Coast of Crimea - 37%, on the Eastern Coast of Crimea - 18%, in other regions - 4% . In January-August 2016, 10 million 2 thousand tourists rested in collective accommodation facilities in Crimea. The peninsula has all the resources necessary for the development of the following types of tourism: - medical and health (on the territory of Crimea, 144 organizations provide tourists with special sanatorium and resort treatment); - cultural and educational (15 municipal and over 300 operating museums); - event-based (music, wine, military, stage, cinema, and sports festivals are held every year); - pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the peninsula there are 84 tourist sites, 26 areas for public entertainment for residents, 193 tourist trails); - cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads creates conditions for cycling);

Underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools, children's camps with scuba diving training); - equestrian (more than 20 equestrian clubs with horseback riding routes for tourists); - ethnological (about 115 nationalities live on the peninsula, 92 ethnographic sites are located, based on this, cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed); - sports (hang gliding tournaments; yachting, receiving yachts in Crimea can be carried out by 4 seaports located in the following cities: Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria). It follows from this that the prospects for the development of tourism in Crimea are associated with the further development of infrastructure, the accelerated development of tourist centers with a specific, in contrast to swimming and beach holidays, tourist product: diving and water sports (Tarkhankut, Mezhvodnoye), hang gliding and parachuting ( Koktebel), rock climbing, scientific, ethnic, agrotourism, etc. One of the exciting and promising trends in the development of tourism in Crimea is wine tourism.

This type of tourism implies: acquaintance with the creation, consumption traditions, tasting and purchasing of alcoholic beverages directly from the manufacturer in a given region. Wine tourism includes: - familiarization of tourists with grape plantations, agricultural wine-making organizations, tasting of local grape varieties; - familiarization with the technology of producing alcoholic beverages directly during production; - acquaintance with the history of winemaking, national consumption customs, visiting specialized museums and exhibitions; - visiting tasting rooms and cellars; - visiting restaurants offering wine tasting services; - participation in wine festivals and themed holidays, which are already held in the squares and vineyards of Sevastopol; - participation in specialized exhibitions, forums, conferences, competitions, auctions, master classes, etc.

There is no place in the Russian Federation like Crimea, which has all the conditions for growing various varieties of grapes from which world-class wine and champagne can be made. Elite Crimean wines, in particular Red Stone White Muscat, have repeatedly won the most prestigious competitions in the world. The territories where grapes are grown, from which elite wines are produced, are considered extremely significant throughout Russia. In the near future, the state will begin to stimulate wine producers not through direct investment, but by reducing the tax burden, providing preferential credit, and ensuring dignity over foreign wine merchants in domestic retail chains, which is why individual capital investments from continental Russian firms may follow in the industry.

Despite all the positive aspects in the development of tourism in Crimea, a number of problems can be identified that significantly affect this industry: - The state of infrastructure - low level of development of the material base, outdated hotel stock, sanatoriums, holiday homes, poor transport availability, remoteness or isolation from the main transport network, low level of development of tourist infrastructure. - Social reasons - low level of income of the population, lack of real investment. - Political, scientific and technical conditions, as well as travel safety factors. All problems not only significantly impede the development of this area of ​​activity, but also contribute to the massive outflow of income that tourism institutions bring to the state.

life and organization.

To change the situation in this area of ​​Crimea towards positive development trends it is necessary:

1) modernization of management of the use of coastal zone resources, i.e. to give the coastal territories of the Crimean region the status of resort territories of state and local significance, as well as the restoration of recreational territories;

2) ensuring continuity in the use of the tourist and recreational potential of the Republic of Crimea, which consists in equalizing the demand for resources of the coastal zone (will reduce tension on the most popular recreational territories and facilities and create the provision of additional resources for the development of the Republic of Crimea); 3) the formation of a competitive tourism product that meets international quality standards, which will make it possible to avoid a gradual decrease in the competitiveness of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex;

4) increasing the duration of the active holiday season, which will increase the effectiveness of using the recreational potential of the territory and reduce seasonal fluctuations in income levels, employment, and workload. Thus, the Crimean peninsula has great tourism potential, and if the proposed measures are implemented soon, the tourism industry in Crimea will begin to develop and bring significant revenue to the state budget of the Republic and Russia as a whole, which will make it possible to increase the duration of the tourist season in the region and increase the tourist image Crimea.

List of sources used: 1. Official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://mtur.rk.gov.ru/rus/info.php?id=608306. 2. Kharitonov D. Nikolskaya E.Yu. Current problems of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea / D. Kharitonov, E.Yu. Nikolskaya // journal Innovative Science - 2015 - No. 121. - P.187-191 3. Novikov V.S. N731 Organization of tourist activities: textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / V.S. Novikov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 336 p. - (Ser. Bachelor's degree)

Gnilitskaya T.I., Shcherbakova D.A., Abramova L.S.


Pershina Anna Vasilievna 1, Stolyarenko Alena Vladimirovna 1
1 Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

This article discusses the main problems and prospects for the effective development of tourism in Crimea and Russia at the present stage. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that tourism in the 21st century is one of the most developed sectors of the national economy and its effective development can positively influence the development of the national economy. And Crimea, as a new subject of the Russian Federation, needs to develop the economy and increase competitiveness, since during the years of Crimea’s stay as part of Ukraine, investments in the development of tourism were practically absent. And, despite the fact that Crimea has enormous potential, tourism has practically not developed here.
That is why it is very important to highlight all existing opportunities for the effective development of tourism on the peninsula and in practice to translate these opportunities into the competitive advantages of Crimea in the state and world markets of tourism services.


Pershina Anna Vasilivna 1 , Stolyarenko Alyona Vladimirovna 1
1 Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky

This article describes the main problems and prospects of effective development of tourism in Crimea and Russia at the present stage. The relevance of the chosen theme lies in the fact that tourism in the 21st century is one of the most developed sectors of the national economy and its effective development can positively influence the development of the economy of gosudarstv. And the Crimea as a new subject of the Russian Federation needs to develop the economy and improve competitiveness as the years of stay of Crimea in composition of Ukraine investment in tourism almost otstutstvii. And, despite the fact that the Crimea has huge potential in tourism here has not been developed.
It is therefore very important to identify all opportunities for effective development of tourism on the Peninsula and in practice to translate these opportunities into a competitive advantage of the Crimea on the state and world markets of tourist services.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Pershina A.V., Stolyarenko A.V. Opportunities for the development of the tourism market in Russia and Crimea // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2015. No. 12 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

The effective development of tourism is of great importance for most countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. According to Rostourism data, today a lot of work has been done in the country in the field of tourism development and now such promising tourist destinations as the Far East, Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, the Urals, etc. have become more accessible to tourists.

There is also an effective development of tourism thanks to the active and competent promotion of Russia as a tourist region in the international tourism market.

However, Russian tour operators experience some problems when serving foreign tourists. One of the main problems hindering the effective development of tourism in Russia is the high price of tours to Russia. Unfortunately, this problem is an obstacle to the development of domestic tourism in the country. The high cost of tours in Russia is mainly due to the high cost of transport services.

Another problem of the Russian tourist market is the poor development of tourism infrastructure, which is inferior to the developed resorts of Europe and Western countries, which is manifested in the absence in many tourist destinations of high-quality accommodation facilities (or the high cost of living in these accommodation facilities), high-quality and affordable food and entertainment establishments, etc. .

But, despite this, tourism in Russia has great prospects. An important factor in the effective development of tourism in Russia can be considered the holding of large-scale sporting events, such as the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi. In the future, Russia will have to host no less significant events - the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. Event tourism can not only strengthen the country’s image on the international stage, but can also create an impetus for the development of the tourism business as a whole, which will attract more and more tourists to the region.

According to Rostourism, Russia will be able to enter the international tourism services market only through the development of domestic tourism. This is facilitated by the fact that Russia has a huge amount of unique healing resources. This contributed to the creation in the country of a developed system of sanatorium-resort treatment, which today numbers about two thousand sanatorium-resort institutions with almost 450 thousand beds.

However, at present, the problem of organizing tourism at various territorial levels remains relevant, which requires the development of new tourism development strategies. One such strategy is the cluster approach.

Tourist and recreational zones, on the territory of which tourist destinations are beginning to form, are the Central part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring of Russia), the resorts of the Black Sea (the coast of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea), Lake Baikal, as well as regions of Western Siberia.

The country's tourism potential is an important tool that creates competitive advantages. Each tourist destination in Russia requires the development of a promotion strategy for the domestic and international tourist markets, which involves the following actions:

1) ensuring the effective development and functioning of the tourism and recreational sector;

2) development and improvement of the quality of service and tourism infrastructure;

3) creating and maintaining a positive image of tourist destinations;.

4) expanding the range of tourist services;

5) carrying out measures to smooth out the seasonality of tourist flow;

6) application of innovations in tourism activities.

Despite the existing opportunities for the development of tourism in Russia, the country’s huge tourism potential has not yet been realized. Basically, this problem is systemic in nature, and its solution depends on all subjects of the tourism market: government bodies, tourism businesses, public organizations, etc., whose activities should be interconnected and aimed at achieving the effective development of tourism.

An important segment of the Russian tourism market is the Republic of Crimea, annexed to Russia in 2014. Crimea is a fairly profitable region for the Russian economy, and the tourism and resort industry is one of the most attractive destinations in the country.

However, despite the great tourism opportunities, a number of problems have been identified in the Republic of Crimea. The main ones include:

1) difficulties of transport accessibility;

2) unsatisfactory condition of most of the roads;

3) low level of service;

4) poor development of services and infrastructure on the beaches, their pollution;

5) lack of qualified personnel;

6) underdevelopment of the tourism and entertainment industry.

Taking into account the fact that Crimea is a profitable region for the Russian economy, the issue of developing the tourism market of the Republic of Crimea is very relevant and requires the adoption of certain measures to achieve competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

The modern structure of the tourist region of Crimea is characterized by an insufficient level of expansion of tourist services, however, in Crimea there are still prospects for the development of sanatorium-resort treatment in Yalta, Evpatoria, Saki, Alushta and Feodosia, as well as health beach recreation on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas. Regions of the mountainous Crimea that provide hiking, rock climbing, cycling, horseback riding, ecological, extreme and adventure tourism are becoming competitive Crimean destinations. Every year the demand for water tourism, such as cruise, yachting, diving, etc., is growing.

The level of innovation in the tourism industry of Crimea is assessed as low and is insufficient to create positive conditions for entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism. In Crimea, there are no comprehensive innovative programs for the development of resorts and tourism that take into account trends in the global services market and emphasize the competitive tourism potential of Crimea.

To create competitive tourist advantages of Crimea and ensure a comfortable holiday on the peninsula, the development of, first of all, transport infrastructure is required. Before the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait in 2018, tourists will get to the peninsula either by air or by rail (which is very inconvenient, since you have to go around Ukraine and it takes more than 40 hours), or by road via a ferry crossing (waiting time for crossing in August 2015 was up to 28 hours). Also, the internal transport of Crimea requires modernization, expansion of the vehicle fleet and an increase in the number of flights during the high holiday season, improving the quality of the road surface, developing water transport as a regular service, expanding the use of helicopter transport and the construction of funiculars.

A big disadvantage in the development of the tourism industry in Crimea is that a significant part of the territory of the Crimean beaches is inaccessible to local residents and resort guests, since it is owned by sanatoriums or is private property (the coastal strip is blocked by fences, the area of ​​public beaches is extremely small compared to scale of the number of vacationers). It is necessary to solve this problem and ensure access for local residents and tourists to the coastal strip in order to ensure a comfortable stay.

In Crimea, it is necessary to develop various types of tourism, such as hiking trips, sea cruises, educational excursion trips to the historical and cultural centers of Crimea, etc. The priority types of recreation and tourism in the Republic of Crimea, according to Rostourism, are: sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation; excursion tourism; ecological tourism; active types of mountain and water tourism; business tourism; event tourism.

To promote sanatorium and resort services as the main factor in increasing demand for Crimean tourism products, the following measures must be taken:

1) develop and implement a competitive tourism infrastructure on the peninsula;

2) ensure effective promotion of sanatorium and resort services in Crimea, with an emphasis on the unique climatic conditions, as well as the availability of appropriate infrastructure;

3) provide the opportunity to receive sanatorium-resort treatment at low prices outside the peak of the “high season” (April-May and September-October) in order to develop domestic tourism aimed at Russians;

4) organize the purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums in Crimea at optimal prices for distribution to employees of government organizations;

5) implement and constantly develop an effective advertising campaign to create a competitive brand of Crimea.

An effective advertising campaign is very important to create a positive image of a tourist destination. In order to effectively develop Crimea as a competitive tourist region, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign to create a favorable image of Crimea following the example of such developed tourist centers as Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Bulgaria, etc.

To summarize, it is necessary to place emphasis on the development of sanatorium-resort treatment and the market for SPA services in Crimea, as well as on increasing the number of entertainment facilities for family and individual recreation (for example, water parks, shopping centers with developed entertainment infrastructure, clubs for various types of interests, etc. .d.).

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  • Official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://mtur.rk.gov.ru/
  • Official website of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.russiatourism.ru/
  • Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.gks.ru/
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities of the Russian Federation” (as amended on May 3, 2012 No. 47-FZ).
  • Chudnovsky A.D., Korolev N.V. Tourism management: textbook / A.D. Chudnovsky, N.V. Korolev. – M.: Federal Agency for Tourism, 2014. – 576 p.
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