Home Migration registration Countries with few tourists. Amazing places on the planet where there are no tourists Countries where there are few tourists

Countries with few tourists. Amazing places on the planet where there are no tourists Countries where there are few tourists

If during your upcoming vacation you want to take a break not only from work and worries, but also from your compatriots, then we offer you a choice of several resorts where it will be almost impossible to meet your fellow countrymen.

“My endless love for travel was born in the vastness of Africa,” is how those few tourists who were lucky enough to visit Djibouti describe their unforgettable vacation. A small and by no means rich country, located between Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia, has almost lost the light touch of European civilization brought by French colonists. But neither poverty nor the underdeveloped tourism industry can deprive Djibouti of its attractiveness. In complete solitude and in unity with wild, desert nature, guests greet enchanting sunrises that illuminate one of the saltiest lakes in the world, Assal, with a light and magical light. As soon as the celestial body rises higher, they will take a trip on a high-speed yacht to the islands in the Gulf of Tadjoura - to one of the most picturesque coral reefs on the planet, where you can swim surrounded by whale sharks. And in the evening, when the sun drops below the horizon, the endless fields of black lava become indescribably beautiful, reminiscent of the landscapes of distant Mars. There are no direct flights between Russia and Djibouti, and the only major European airline flying to Djibouti operates twice-weekly flights from Paris.

The remote Pacific nation, part of the Commonwealth of Nations and comprising 83 islands in an archipelago called the New Hybrids, is ideal for a relaxing beach holiday. The capital of Vanuatu, Port Vila, and the two most tourist islands, Efate and Espiritu Santo, offer excellent diving conditions. Deep canyons cutting through the ocean floor are strewn with the remains of sunken ships, and thousands of unprecedented underwater monsters scurry in the labyrinths of coral reefs. Adrenaline maniacs and lovers of extreme recreation will enjoy a trip to the crater of the active Yasur volcano, located on the island of Tanna, and ecotourists will enjoy birdwatching and trekking along forest paths. The beaches of the island of Espiritu Santo attract with endless expanses of pink sand, and the museums of Port Vila with the largest collection of artifacts collected from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. And although Russians do not need visas to get to Vanuatu, here, unlike neighboring Fiji, you practically won’t find “Russian tourists”. After all, few people decide to spend a day on the road, making several transfers, and finding a tour operator offering a vacation in Vanuatu is not so easy.

Surrounded by the Indian Ocean, this remote island has everything you need for a great holiday: friendly natives, panoramic views and stunning beaches. And Madagascar itself is a continent in miniature. Here are high mountain peaks scratching the sky, and once-violent volcanoes, plunged into sleep, and green blankets of valleys, cut through the beds of blue rivers, and impenetrable tropical forests, and bare, almost lifeless semi-deserts. Here the melodic Malagasy language was born and an amazing civilization arose, incorporating the culture of the Indonesians, Bushmen and Pygmies. As soon as you set foot on the soil of Madagascar, you will probably find yourself in the territory of one of the national parks - the intricate limestone labyrinths of Tsingy de Bemaraha, the evergreen forests of Perine, inhabited by lemurs, or the picturesque expanses of Montagne d'Ambre, full of chameleons and rare birds. There is only one thing missing on the miracle island - luxury hotels, and, accordingly, crowds of guests from Russia. In order to get to the wonderful island, you will have to use the services of Air France flights - there are no direct flights between Madagascar and Russia.

For those who are attracted by mysterious lands, there is no better place than Laos. Life in the sleepy kingdom, lost in the depths of Indochina and once friends with the Soviet Union, flows slowly. Here everyone lives by the rule “The lotus is not broken, the water is not disturbed, and the fish are caught”: buses are delayed for several hours, and even revolutions take place surprisingly calmly. There are almost no tourists or crime in Laos, and peace-loving Buddhist monks living on donations easily get along with drug dealers. Laotian lands are full of wonderful places that are rarely seen even in photographs. At the exotic market on the “island” of Don Sao (the territory of Laos, where there is a visa-free regime), you can buy real curiosities, for example, a snake preserved in a bottle. The strange Buddha Park near Wentian, built by the local enlightened Bunlya Sulilat, hides hordes of stone monsters and a thousand faces of the Great Sage. The Mekong River, which separates the country from Myanmar and Thailand, is surrounded by photogenic rice fields, and the UNESCO-listed city of Luang Prabang is adorned by a temple complex. You can only get to Laos from other countries in Southeast Asia: Cambodia, China, Thailand and Vietnam.

Photo: belka2-5.livejournal.com

Television programs telling about Northern Cyprus scare potential tourists with scary stories. They say that in the Turkish Republic, unrecognized by the world, you can perish in broad daylight, without hoping for help. In fact, this “black hole” has a relaxed Mediterranean spirit. Any guests are welcome here, and complete isolation from civilization exists only on screens. Prices for services in completely European hotels are much lower than in Southern Cyprus, popular among tourists, and the coasts are so clean that they are worthy of the Blue Flag. Sea turtles lay their eggs on Alagadi Beach, and Escape Beach is popular with clubbers. On the territory of Northern Cyprus there are also many architectural monuments: the castle of St. Hilarion, which served as a medieval military base, the Abbey of Bellapais, founded by the first ruler of Cyprus, and the old city of Salamis, where the Apostle Mark preached. Shops abound with airy lace from Lefkara, striped mats from Famagusta, local raki vodka and the freshest sheep's hellim cheese. Although there are no direct flights from Russia to Northern Cyprus, you can get here by plane from Istanbul if you have a Turkish visa.

The most enjoyable holiday at sea

Summer is getting closer, it's time to think about where to spend it. It was on the eve of the summer season that we compiled a rating of the best places for a beach holiday in Europe, Russia and exotic countries. Don't know where to go? Meet us!

Where should you not go?

  • Leave aside the European resorts that offer holidays on the Black Sea. The service there, of course, is higher than domestic, but the sea is the same, and the pricing policy can easily be compared with the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea or the Indian Ocean.
  • You should not go to those countries that seem unsafe to you: Thailand, India, Bangladesh. And if you decide to go there, choose your location and hotel carefully.
  • To resorts where there is at least a hint of an unfriendly attitude towards Russians. Your holiday could turn into a nightmare, so read reviews carefully.
  • To countries where you will have to overpay. Prefer Montenegro to holidays in Croatia, choose the Philippines instead of Thailand, and prefer Grenada to the Bahamas. There you will find everything the same, but much cheaper.

Rating of the best places for a beach holiday

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete

Photo: www.turboz.ru

Crete is the most popular place in Greece, where our tourists prefer to go on vacation. If you travel on your own, you can easily spend a modest amount and have a great time both on the beach and on excursions.

  • clear sea, sandy beach;
  • excellent European service, friendly staff;
  • The rich history of Greece will not let you get bored during your vacation.


  • you need to get a visa.

Advice: if you don’t want to go to Crete in the very heat, choose either June or September for your vacation.
Reviews from vacationers on Crete:
“Greece is an ideal place, I went there for the third time! Satisfied!
“This year we vacationed near Heraklion and toured the eastern part of Crete. I’m really tempted to return to Crete and see the west (they say it’s even better!).”

Montenegro, Budva

Photo: merealty.ru

Those who decide to relax at sea abroad for the first time are advised to go to Montenegro. The price-quality ratio is obvious here, and there are many advantages to vacationing in distant countries. Also, many people prefer Montenegro to Bulgaria due to the fact that the Adriatic Sea is here, not the Black Sea.


  • prices for almost everything are acceptable, Bulgaria and Croatia are much more expensive;
  • similar mentality, there is no language and cultural barrier;
  • no visa required;
  • The beach is both small pebble and sandy.



  • It’s better to stay not in Budva itself, but in nearby villages, for example, in the village. Language There are fewer people on the beach and prices are even lower;
  • The best time for a holiday is June.

Reviews from vacationers in Budva:
“Great big beach in the village. Language There are small pebbles on one side and sand on the other. In Budva itself, on the beach, it’s terrible, there are tons of people, so we really chose the best option for us.”
“As for the food, I’ll say that we spent lunch and dinner on the embankment. We took shawarma for 3 euros (they have such huge portions), personally it lasted me until 9 pm. Beer - 1.5 euros, chicken in pita bread - 3 euros, expensive tea - 3 euros, ice cream - 1.5 euros (also a large portion). There is also a small one - 0.5 cents.”

Spain, Mallorca

Photo: kervansaraymarmaris.com

The popular resort island in the Mediterranean Sea is chosen by people with above-average incomes. Spain is a rather expensive country, so a holiday here will cost a pretty penny.

  • excellent European service;
  • beaches for every taste: sandy and rocky, clear sea;
  • the richest culture of Spain.


  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Mallorca:
“We were vacationing in the Cala D’or area - this is the southern part of the island, a few tens of kilometers from the capital Palma de Mallorca, in my opinion - a good place for a relaxing, family holiday, in contrast to areas located near Palma.”
“The island resembles a miniature Spain. Here you can find a beach for every taste and color... You can also decide on the issue of privacy: you can go to very noisy beaches or visit a secluded beach where there are very few people.”

Italy, Calabria

Photo: www.putevoditel.nakurorte.ru

Calabria, which is located on the “toe” of the Italian boot, is perfect for beach lovers. There are not many attractions here, but low prices, beautiful beaches and clear seas.


  • inexpensive hotels and life in general;
  • clean sea, sandy beaches;
  • excellent infrastructure and European service.


  • basically nothing to see;
  • need a visa.

Reviews from vacationers in Calabria:
“If the beach, the sea, or just relaxation are more important, it’s better in Calabria. There are quite long and wide sandy beaches, a good clean sea... Not many people. And prices in hotels and restaurants are lower there.”
“Calabria in the Tropea region (there is a very beautiful sea and good and relatively inexpensive hotels with their own beaches) is more suitable for a relaxing beach holiday.”

The best beach holidays in exotic countries

India, Goa

Photo: fionatravel.com.ua

Goa evokes conflicting impressions among different people: some say that their holiday in Goa was unforgettable, while others remember it as a boring time spent surrounded by cows and dirty water. If you are used to Turkish all-inclusive, a holiday in Goa is not for you.


  • exoticism that will be remembered for a long time;
  • low prices (if you do not take 5* hotels);
  • rich culture of India.


  • the sea can be dirty depending on the season;
  • long flight (non-stop - 7-8 hours).


  • It is better to vacation in Goa from December to March;
  • choose your hotel carefully, as in any exotic country;
  • refrain from holidaying in Goa with children. Many tourists take children with them, but it is not safe.

Reviews from vacationers in Goa:
“Unique nature, excellent climate. We were there at the end of December. The weather was about +30, +32, but it was not stuffy. And the water was always equally warm!”
“When counting the money spent on food, it turned out that food, just food, for two of us for 9 days, including lunches and dinners, cost us 6,000 rubles. for two. I think it’s not expensive at all, provided that you eat what you want, when you want and in any quantities.”

Cuba, o. Cayo Largo

Photo: dsc.invia.sk

The island of Cayo Largo is famous for its gorgeous beaches and clear sea. Russians are treated very well here, unlike the Dominican Republic, so you can safely plan your trip.


  • excellent sandy beach and crystal clear water;
  • friendly attitude of hotel staff;
  • no visa required.

Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: It’s better to go to Cuba in the spring, i.e. from March to May (sometimes June).

Reviews from vacationers on the island. Cayo Largo:
"We liked. The weather is very comfortable, there is always a breeze, so it is not hot. The sea, the beach, the sand are just some cartoonish color, everything is somehow unreal.”
“This is a wonderful place, simply fabulous! The sea - it is impossible to describe its beauty! Sand - it is impossible to describe its whiteness! Palm trees are tall! Dolphins are friendly!”

Bali, Tanjung Benoa

Photo: nsk-1001tur.ru

Bali has places for both quiet and noisy holidays. In Tanjung Benoa, the holiday is just measured, calm, which is suitable for married couples who prefer to bask on the beach.


  • exotic atmosphere for those who want something unusual;
  • friendly hotel staff;
  • you can live quite cheaply;
  • rich culture of local people;
  • The visa is issued upon arrival at the airport.


  • beaches are not always clean;
  • lack of attractions.


  • Don't go to Bali if you care about clean sand and crystal water. But if you want to bring exoticism into your life, go there;
  • From November to the end of March in Bali is the rainy season, it is better to choose a different time for your vacation.

Reviews from vacationers in Tanjung Benoa:
“Bali did not disappoint one bit. This is a very special place, with a very special atmosphere and nature. You want to go back there again and again, or even better, not to leave there at all... This place needs to be felt, felt, lived, with its not always clean ocean, beaches not with white sand, lack of architecture...”
“We lived in Novotel Benoa 4* (Tanjung Benoa): a quiet place, along the street there are small (and inexpensive) restaurants - we chose one of them and had dinner there every evening.”

Malaysia, o. Borneo

Photo: www.sunplanet.ru

Malaysia is preferred by those who like to lie on the beach and sunbathe. However, there are also many interesting sights, the inspection of which will diversify your holiday.


  • a large island, you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also get acquainted with local life;
  • clean sea and sandy beaches;
  • you can go diving;
  • no visa required.

Flaws: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Advice: it’s better to go to o. Borneo from April to October.

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There are so many amazing places in our world that almost no one knows about, where there are no tourists and where it is not easy to get to. Islands with azure waters, flower fields and waterfalls. Well, doesn't this look like a fairy tale?

website will literally tell you in secret about 15 places on our planet that few people know about.

Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Blagaj is a small village where small white houses stand among small waterfalls and azure waters under a steep cliff, and a monastery rises in the middle. This is a holy place for dervishes and Sufis, who built a village in this paradise.

Huacachina, Peru

Huacachina is an oasis city in the middle of a vast desert, the road to which takes about 5 hours south from the capital of Peru, Lima. The population there is only about 200 people, so when you get there, you can fully feel cut off from the whole world. You can also go sandboarding on the sandy Peruvian hills.

Lake Hillier, Australia

Just imagine white sand surrounded by eucalyptus forest by the pinkest lake in the world. Lake Hillier is located in southwestern Australia, on Middle Island, and was discovered back in 1802. It is remarkable in that it is pink in color and does not change its color for a whole year. It was assumed that special algae and microorganisms gave it its pink color, but subsequent studies did not confirm this. Therefore, no one still knows why the reservoir has such an unusual color. The only real way to get to Hillier is by air.

Marieta Island, "Hidden Beach", Mexico

“Hidden Beach” (Playa de Amor) is a secret beach with crystal clear waters and an abundance of a wide variety of birds. This secluded paradise can only be reached by boat. After a few minutes of swimming through the labyrinths of underwater caves, you will discover a wonderful view of a beach lost in the depths of the island.

Silfra Cleft, Iceland

The Silfra Rift is located in Iceland in the Thingvellir National Park. This amazing place is a favorite among divers and adventure lovers. Swimming here, it is easy to lose the sense of depth, since the purest cold drinking water is so clear that visibility in it is up to 300 meters.

Isola Bella, Italy

There is no doubt that the Italian island of Isola Bella on Lake Lago Maggiore is one of the most beautiful in the world. Almost the entirety of this tiny piece of land is occupied by the luxurious Borromeo Palace and a multi-level flowering garden with grottoes, terraces and fountains. A harmonious addition to all this splendor are the royal birds - white peacocks - slowly wandering around the garden.

Popeye Village, Malta

Popeye village is a collection of wooden cabins originally built for the filming of the Popeye musical in the 1980s. Now it is a resort area with an amusement park, bay cruises and stunning views. In some houses, the furnishings have been preserved from the time of filming and are related to the film.

Red Lands of Dongchuan, China

Dongchuan Red Soil is a mountain valley southwest of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province. Due to its remoteness from infrastructure, this place is not on the tourist map of China. It was opened in the mid-1990s. The undulating landscapes, like a patchwork quilt, have brownish-red hues due to the high content of minerals and fossils.

Flores Island, Portugal

Flores island is not in vain on the UNESCO list, because there is a national park with unique flora and fauna here. It is located at the westernmost point of the Azores off the coast of Portugal. Translated from Portuguese, this is “Cape of Flowers”, because almost its entire territory is dotted with flowers of various colors and types. There are also natural hot springs and lagoons, rice fields, unique villages, lakes, as well as volcanoes and world-famous caves.

Darvaza “Door to the Underworld”, Turkmenistan

Darvaza is a giant burning crater about 60 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep. Locals call this place “the gates of hell.” Once upon a time, geologists accidentally found a cave here that had huge reserves of natural gas. The gas was set on fire to avoid harmful effects on people and livestock. But the fire, which was supposed to go out in a few days, has been burning for 45 years. This is a unique and fascinating spectacle that people from all over the world come to see.

Lencois Maranhenses, Brazil

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is located off the Atlantic coast in northeastern Brazil. During the rainy season it is simply an unforgettable sight. Every year at this time, thousands of lagoons with turquoise water and living creatures form among the sand dunes. It remains a mystery how fish and crabs get here after a drought, but the scale of such a spectacle simply cannot help but amaze. The best time to visit Lencois Maranhenses is from July to September, when the pools are at full capacity.

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When we think about our trip and look at sunny photographs of popular places, we completely forget that in life they look completely different. High prices and a huge number of tourists are what really catches your eye.

We are in website We found 11 places that are in no way inferior to popular attractions. However, there are many fewer tourists there, and prices are much lower.

1. Versailles, France / Herrenchiemsee, Germany

Anyone who doesn’t visit palaces much can say that they are all similar to each other. Of course, this is not so, but there are examples when you can’t immediately guess which palace is in front of you. Herrenchiemsee, the country residence of the Bavarian king, exactly replicates the interior of Versailles. Louis II built it to pay tribute to his idol - the French king Louis XIV. Few people know about the twin palace; moreover, the entrance ticket price is only € 8, while a ticket to Versailles will cost no less than € 18.

2. Amsterdam, Netherlands / Hamburg, Germany

Many people dream of visiting Amsterdam - last year the city with a population of 850 thousand people received about 17 million tourists. If you are interested in architecture, picturesque houses and canals , then you should pay attention to Hamburg. Its old town is very similar to Amsterdam, and the cultural life there is no less vibrant than in the capital of the Netherlands. It will also be interesting to look at the Philharmonic in a futuristic building.

3. Capri, Italy / Aeolian Islands, Italy

The famous resort island of Capri is crowded during the season . In addition, for a few days of staying there you will have to shell out a round sum - for 4 days it will cost at least € 320 for accommodation.

If that's not your thing, it's worth taking a closer look at the Aeolian Islands. They are close to Capri, but have clean beaches and low prices. For example, accommodation can be 4 times cheaper than at a popular resort. And as an added bonus, there are small active volcanoes, since all the islands are of volcanic origin.

4. Geirangerfjord, Norway / Königssee, Germany

The beauty of the Geirangerfjord is known far beyond its borders, but getting to it is not so easy. In addition, Norway is the cheapest country, even travel on public transport costs about € 4. An excellent alternative would be to visit the German lake Königssee. Like the fjord, the lake stretches between high mountains, and you can thoroughly enjoy traveling along it. Getting to Germany will be much easier, and prices for most things, including travel, which costs € 1.7, will be half as much.

5. Geysers of Haukadalur, Iceland / Valley of Geysers of Rotorua, New Zealand

Geysers are always associated with antiquity and power, and many people come to see them as a miracle of nature. However, will you experience similar feelings in a crowd of tourists with cameras? An excellent alternative to Iceland is the Valley of Geysers in New Zealand, which is not inferior in either power or beauty. In the center of the valley rises an active volcano, to the top of which a cable car leads. You can also find pools with mud and thermal water, and the largest geyser, Pohutu, throws out a fountain of water up to 30 meters high. Yes, it will be more difficult to get there, but there will be an order of magnitude fewer tourists there.

6. Stonehenge, UK / Manpupuner, Russia

If you see a trip to Stonehenge as an opportunity to touch something mystical, then you should reconsider your plans. Only in photographs the famous British monument is depicted without tourists; in fact, 1.5 million people visited it in 2017. An excellent option would be Manpupuner. It will be difficult to get to, but you definitely won’t be disturbed by excursion groups there, and the mystical atmosphere will leave an impression on you for years to come. The weathering pillars are an important object of Mansi culture, and the monument itself became one of the 7 wonders of Russia.

7. Vineyards of Bordeaux, France / Vineyards of Kakheti, Georgia

If you like wine tourism, then you shouldn’t focus on France. No less interesting will be a trip to Kakheti, a historical region in eastern Georgia. Like Bordeaux, it is famous for its wineries, but prices for tastings will be several times lower - a one-day wine tour to Kakheti can be found for € 28 per person, while a similar tour to Bordeaux, with transport and museums, will cost no less than € 150 .

In the variety of grape varieties, the Georgian wine-growing region is also not inferior to the French: if Bordeaux is famous for “cabernet sauvignon”, “merlot”, “sauvignon blanc”, then in Kakheti varieties such as “saperavi”, “rkatsiteli”, “khikhvi” grow. And do not forget that Georgian hospitality is known throughout the world.

8. Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt / Meroe, Sudan

Traveling to the famous pyramids is only possible in combination with crowded buses, incredible heat and the highest prices for everything, including entrance ($9) and drinking water. More comfortable and less hackneyed (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) will be a trip to Meroe. The city is not too far from the famous burial grounds, and it also has pyramids and all the flavor of the desert. There are many times fewer tourists there, which means that prices for everything vitally necessary are also not so high.

9. Colosseum, Italy / El Jem Amphitheater, Tunisia

Even when arriving in Rome, few manage to get into the Colosseum; not everyone can withstand the test of huge queues. However, do not be upset - if you remember the size and power of the Roman Empire, you can guess that much more than one amphitheater was built. For example, there is a similar building in Tunisia. Admission will cost about $6, which is quite inexpensive. It's also better preserved than the Colosseum, which was where the movie Gladiator was filmed, although that seems a bit unfair to Rome's main attraction.

While France, the USA, Spain, China and Italy are the most favorite destinations among tourists, where they flock in the millions every year, there are no less worthy places for relaxation in the world.

At the same time, it is not crowded, which is a big plus. The UN World Tourism Organization named ten such places that were visited by tens of thousands of people at best last year.

10. Palau (Pacific Ocean). Tourists in 2013 - 105,000

Last year, 105 thousand tourists visited the archipelago, arriving here via Seoul, Taipei and Guam.

The Republic of Palau is an island state (associated with the United States) located in the Philippine Sea, 800 km east of the Philippines and north of Indonesia. It consists of 328 islands.

These stone monoliths on Babeldaob, one of Palau's 250 islands, date back to 161 AD. e. almost Stonehenge.

Palau is famous for its coral reefs, shipwrecks, and underwater caves where divers are greeted by amazing tropical fish and giant clams. And on land there are exotic birds, orchids, crocodiles and very friendly locals.

9. Moldova.Tourists in 2013 - 96,000

The stone cross in Old Orhei is a historical and archaeological complex located 60 km northeast of Chisinau.

This Eastern European state, located between Romania and Ukraine, is not the most prosperous in the region from an economic point of view, but it does have a lot of cultural and historical charm, impressive cave monasteries and a developed wine tour industry. Moldova was visited by 96 thousand tourists last year.

8. East Timor.

A state in Southeast Asia occupying the eastern half of the island of Timor, as well as a small exclave in the western half of the same island and the small islands of Atauru and Jacu.

This former Portuguese colony declared independence from Indonesia in 2002. The sun, sea and mountains are ideal for hiking and cycling. In 2013, 78 thousand tourists visited East Timor.

7. Dominica. Tourists in 2013 - 78,000

A state on the volcanic island of the same name from the Lesser Antilles group in the Caribbean Sea.

An uncrowded Caribbean paradise with sulfur springs and excellent snorkeling. Dominica should not be confused with the Dominican Republic (Greater Antilles). In 2013, 78 thousand tourists visited Dominica.

6. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.Tourists in 2013 - 72,000

A state in the Caribbean Sea, the territory of which consists of the inhabited island of Saint Vincent and 32 more deserted small islands of the Grenadines group (in the Lesser Antilles archipelago).

The white sands and blue sea inspired film producers to film Pirates of the Caribbean here. Last year, 72 thousand tourists visited this banana paradise.

5. Anguilla.Tourists in 2013 - 69,000

A self-governing British overseas territory in the Caribbean. It includes the island of Anguilla itself, which stretches in an arc for 26 km (for which the Spaniards called it anguileea - eel), as well as small adjacent islands and coral reefs that do not have a permanent population.

These are the northernmost islands in the Windward Islands group of the West Indies. Considered a less luxurious alternative to the island of Saint Barthélemy, popular with yachtsmen. Anguilla was visited by 69 thousand tourists last year.

4. Liechtenstein.Tourists in 2013 - 60,000

One of the smallest states in the world with the largest GDP per capita (after Qatar).

Sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria, the principality is the only state entirely located in the Alps, with amazing nature and picturesque small mountain villages. Hiking, cycling and skiing here are absolutely unforgettable. Last year, 60 thousand tourists visited Liechtenstein.

3. Niue (Pacific Ocean).Tourists in 2013 - 7,000

The island and the self-governing state entity of the same name, which is part of the Kingdom of New Zealand. It is located in Polynesia and borders the territorial waters of American Samoa, the Cook Islands and Tonga.

The word niue is derived from the noun niu and is translated as “here is a coconut tree.” Less than one and a half thousand people live on Niue. 20% of the island is primary forest in the Huvalu Forest Conservation Area. There is also free Internet here: Niue became the first state in the world to open free WiFi access in 2003. In 2013, 7,000 tourists visited the amazing island.

2. Montserrat.Tourists in 2013 - 7,000

Another Caribbean territory of Great Britain, located on the island of the same name as part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago.

It was once a very popular resort, but in 1989 Hurricane Hugo destroyed 90% of the buildings, and then in 1995 a new blow was brought by the eruption of the awakened Soufriere Hills volcano. However, there are still excellent beaches and a relaxed atmosphere, the British newspaper assures. In 2013, 7,000 tourists visited Montserrat.

1. Kiribati (Pacific Ocean).Tourists in 2013 - 6,000

An equatorial Pacific country located in Micronesia and Polynesia. The Republic of Kiribati includes 33 small atolls, 20 of which are uninhabited.

Independence from Great Britain was declared in 1979. In 1983, a treaty of friendship between the United States and Kiribati came into force, under which the United States renounced claims to 14 islands in the Line and Phoenix archipelagos, recognizing them as part of Kiribati.

Here and there you can find the remains of military weapons from the time of the terrible Pacific battles of World War II. But overall, traces of Western presence in Kiribati (with the exception of Tarawa Atoll) are minimal. But there are plenty of majestic turquoise lagoons that you can explore by biking or boating along the shore. Last year, only 6 thousand tourists were able to enjoy these views.

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