Home Emigration Indian flight attendant killed by terrorists. Smile and courage: flight attendants who accomplished a feat in the name of people’s lives

Indian flight attendant killed by terrorists. Smile and courage: flight attendants who accomplished a feat in the name of people’s lives

This happened on September 5, 1986 in Pakistan, in the city of Karachi. Then a group of radical Islamists hijacked a plane of the American airline Pan American. And if it weren’t for the brave flight attendant Nirjda Bhanot, hundreds of people would have died. However, this girl did not hesitate to sacrifice her life to save others.

Neerja completed her high school education and studied in Mumbai. She worked as a model for some time and represented many famous brands. In March 1985, Neerja was married by agreement between her parents, but the husband was dissatisfied with the dowry and returned his wife two months later. After a failed marriage, Neerja decided to work as a flight attendant for Pan American.

Airplane hijacking

Bhanot was the senior flight attendant on flight PA 73. When the plane, which took off from Mumbai, landed in the Pakistani city of Karachi at 05:00, four armed terrorists took the passengers and crew hostage. Neerja got her bearings instantly: she managed to warn the pilots, after which they left the plane through the emergency hatch.

First, the terrorists shot everyone who identified themselves as Americans, then demanded that the passengers hand over their passports, intending to execute the remaining US citizens, but the brave flight attendant hid the documents in the garbage chute, which is why the Islamists did not kill anyone else: they could not identify the Americans by sight.

As Pakistani police stormed the plane, Neerja took advantage of the chaos to evacuate all the passengers. She was not embarrassed by either shots or grenade explosions. Before leaving the plane, she noticed three children hiding behind the seats, afraid to get out.

The girl returned, but she was noticed - the terrorists opened fire. Neerja covered the children with her body and was mortally wounded, however, before dying, she managed to evacuate these passengers as well. And only after that she died. By the way, one of the boys she saved grew up and became a pilot.

Neerja Bhanot was posthumously awarded the Ashoka Chakra, India's highest honor for bravery in peacetime, the youngest to receive it.

She was so young and so beautiful, she was so cheerful and cheerful, and she also loved Rajesh Khanna (knew phrases from all his films). She also loved to fly, loved her job and loved people. .

Every nation has its own big and small heroes. The big ones are given annual honors, they are talked about a lot, admired and extolled. They are known throughout the world, which loves each of them in its own way with boundless, selfless, undivided love. But there are also small heroes, whose actions often do not receive due publicity and only a few know about their feat. Thousands of such people, in fact, make up our history.

Great, very realistic film With Sonam Kapoor starring. Her dad Anil Kapoor, I think to this day I am filled with pride for the work of my daughter in this film and for the role of such a heroic girl as Neerja Bhanot . I (to my shame) learned about this story only last year (when I was recording films to watch for myself, according to the filmography Sonam) although in India Neerja is a national hero, awarded the highest award for courage. And of course I started reading as much as possible about this story. And now I finally watched it. Impressions and emotions are simply overwhelming.

Sad movie, but a very wonderful story about a young, brave, strong-willed girl who accomplished a great deed and feat. Filmed very realistically and believably. Such stories must be filmed, and they must be shown (after all, they happen more and more every day, all over the world) about the exploits of people in the workplace, fulfilling their duty, even if it threatens their own lives. A film of which there are few. A film about a man of whom there are few… You should definitely watch this film and see what kind of people there are in this world and so unfairly leave it prematurely…

Filming in a confined space is always more difficult, but the director managed to correctly convey the emotions and behavior of passengers and terrorists. In general, with a limited number of actions, the atmosphere of fear, horror and panic was felt quite clearly. When I watched the film, I thought that everyone has such different destinies, but I will always admire such brave, strong, heroic people. Sometimes I think how I would behave in such a situation and I don’t even know. Of all the people I personally (to one degree or another) know today, including myself, Neerja , no one could do it. And now, remembering my feelings while watching this film (it was as if I myself was one of these hostage people), the whole essence shrinks into such a small coward, and sits somewhere deep inside, staring at the same tense faces of those around me. And if you clearly imagine one of these bearded men waving a pistol in front of your face, then your legs and arms instantly go numb, and panic begins. Terrorism is disgusting. I don’t know any creatures in nature capable of such an act of cruelty, except humans.

A film about perseverance, philanthropy, courage and true heroism! Well directed, great acting. The film drama was shot at the highest level there is a complete feeling that the actors playing the characters are living out their roles. A girl brave and determined beyond her years in her heroism and dedication everyone should remember such stories! I am delighted with the feat Neerji !

The actors were great. Sonam is simply amazing in this role., lived it with every part of my soul. The image created is also unforgettable Shabanoy Azmi. She's like a mother Neerji . All her tragedy, all her grief are simply indescribable, her gaze is still before my eyes, and her words ring in my head. To play so realistically the grief of a mother who has lost and is forced to bury her child (no matter what age he is) can only be played either by having experienced something like this in reality, or by being a genius. And what is depicted in this case Shabana, I don't know. I hope the latter.

Enjoyment of the film "Neerja" I didn’t get it for one simple reason: the plot was too heavy (I still have a lump of tears in my throat) about events that happened in reality, and about the heroine, who was young, beautiful, kind, caring, and who happened to be the eldest flight attendant on the ill-fated plane flight hijacked by terrorists. On September 7, the girl turned 23 years old, and on her birthday such a tragedy occurred. God forbid that anyone ever find themselves in such a situation, anywhere. The film was shot very realistically, interestingly, dramatically.. All the time, together with the passengers of the airliner, I was in terrible tension, excitement and worry for the lives of everyone, especially when one psychopathic terrorist was yelling at everyone and waving a weapon in people’s faces. And it’s no joke, there are more than three hundred and fifty people on board, and everyone is in terrible danger, and there is no one to support them except the young flight attendants who remained on the plane after the crew escaped from it, it turns out that this is how it’s supposed to be according to the instructions. Perhaps this is correct, since in this way the plans of the terrorists who hijacked the plane are broken. But on the other hand, passengers in such a situation find themselves under a more terrible threat of death due to the panicky psychosis and cruelty of the terrorists who hijacked the plane.

At the beginning of the film, we find ourselves at a celebration with songs and dances, but this is only at the very beginning, and then you will forget about whose film it is, who shot it, you will just watch and worry. I recommend watching the film even those who are skeptical about Indian-made films. This film does not look like a typical Indian film. The actors played excellently and conveyed the drama of the events well. The film is watched in one go and evokes a storm of emotions, and after viewing it leaves a bitter aftertaste. For me this is a sign of quality cinema. I love films based on real events. You can learn a lot of interesting things, things that seem to have long gone into history and been forgotten.

), which, saving the passengers of flight 73 of the company Pan Am, died at the hands of terrorists who hijacked a plane on September 5, 1986. She became the youngest person to be awarded the Ashoka Chakra Order, India's highest award for courage shown in peacetime (awarded posthumously).

Neerja Bhanot (Lado)
नीरजा भनोट

Date of Birth September 7(1963-09-07 )
Place of Birth Chandigarh, India
Date of death September 5(1986-09-05 ) (22 years old)
A place of death
  • Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
A country
Occupation stewardess
Father Harish Bhanot
Mother Rama Bhanot
Awards and prizes


Neerja Bhanot was born on September 7, 1963 in Chandigarh. Her father was Mumbai-based journalist Harisha and mother Rama Bhanot.

Neerja is a graduate of Sacred Heart High School. Then she studied in Mumbai. She worked as a model for some time. She was noticed as soon as she turned sixteen. She has been a spokesperson for many famous brands.


Nirja Bhanot was survived by two siblings - Akhil ( Akhil) and Anish ( Aneesh).

Her father, Harish Bhanot, worked as a journalist for the Hindustan Times newspaper for more than 30 years; he passed away on 1 January 2008 at the age of 86 in Chandigarh.


Neerja Bhanot's feat received international recognition. In India, she was posthumously awarded the Ashoka Chakra Order and became the youngest recipient of this order - the most prestigious of the Indian state awards, awarded for courage and heroism in peacetime.

Her devotion to the passengers of the plane who found themselves in terrible trouble will forever remain the highest manifestation of the best qualities of the human spirit.

Original text (English)

Her loyalties to the passengers of the aircraft in distress will forever be a lasting tribute to the finest qualities of the human spirit

In 2004, India Post (English) Russian issued a postage stamp in her memory

Very often, the work of a flight attendant is too romanticized: distant countries, meeting people, good mood, perfect uniform. But not everyone will think that this profession is also dangerous. And the point is not that you have to fly above the clouds. Most often, the danger comes from passengers.

Read on in the review about the heroic flight attendants who managed not to get confused in a difficult situation and fulfill their duty to the end, even at the cost of their own lives.

Nirya Bganot

Nirya (Neerja) Bganot - Indian air hostess who saved 360 passengers.

23-year-old Indian flight attendant Nirja (Neerja) Bganot sacrificed her life to save 360 ​​passengers. This happened in the Pakistani city of Karachi. The PAN AM 73 plane was hijacked by radical Islamists. The flight attendant was not taken aback and managed to immediately warn the pilots. They evacuated through the escape hatch so that the plane could not be lifted into the air.

Nirya herself remained in the cabin of the plane. The terrorists demanded to bring the passports of all passengers in order to execute the Americans. The brave flight attendant hid the documents of people who had US citizenship in the garbage chute and under the seats. Thanks to this, they remained alive.

When the Pakistani police began the assault, and the terrorists began to fire back, Nirya managed to independently evacuate the passengers from the plane. She already wanted to get out herself, but at the last moment she saw three more children in the cabin, hiding under the seats. While the flight attendant was taking the children out, the Islamists noticed them and started shooting. The girl covered the kids with herself and received mortal wounds. With the last of her strength, she got the children out of the plane and then died.

Nadezhda Kurchenko

Nadezhda Kurchenko is a Soviet flight attendant who died in a battle with terrorists.

On October 15, 1970, 19-year-old flight attendant Nadezhda Kurchenko paid with her life while trying to prevent terrorists from hijacking a plane. The An-24 plane, in which Nadezhda was, was en route from Batumi to Sukhumi. The entire flight was supposed to take only half an hour. At the 5th minute after takeoff, one of the passengers called the flight attendant to his place, put an envelope in her hand and demanded that she take it to the commander. Either Nadya looked at him with hostility, or the man did not have enough restraint, but after a couple of seconds he rushed after her. The girl realized that something was wrong and immediately slammed the door to the pilots' cabin, blocking the way.

The terrorist did not expect such a rebuff and tried to push the young conductor away, but she began to desperately resist. At the same time, the commander realized that there was a fight going on behind the door and began to sharply turn the plane left, right, up, hoping to knock the criminal off his feet (the passengers were still wearing seat belts at that time). The terrorist resisted and shot Nadezhda in the thigh, but the fragile girl continued to resist. Then he shot point blank.

Telegram of condolences addressed to Nadezhda Kurchenko’s mother Henrietta Ivanovna.

Victoria Zilberstein

Victoria Zilberstein is a flight attendant who saved passengers during a plane crash.

Victoria Zilberstein, like many girls, dreamed of working as a flight attendant. She was attracted by distant countries and beautiful uniforms. Her wish came true. At the time of the disaster, the girl had already been working as a flight attendant for two years. That day, Victoria was on a plane en route to Irkutsk. Before boarding, everything happened as usual, standard phrases were heard: “Dear passengers, please fasten your seat belts and take an upright position.”

When taxiing began (maneuvering an airliner moving around the airfield using engine thrust), Victoria noticed that the plane did not stop for a long time. Suddenly she felt a jolt, the lights went out in the cabin and smoke appeared. At that moment, the flight attendant had only one thought: she needed to save the passengers. Victoria immediately remembered the words of the instructor: “Girls, in case of an accident, the main thing is to make a hole in the plane.” The flight attendant pulled the emergency exit lever and opened the hatch. People got out, sliding down the tilted wing, Victoria let them go ahead, choking on the acrid smoke. Then she finally came out on her own.

The flight attendant was in shock. Only later in the Victoria hospital they said that she had a concussion, the plane exploded, and only thanks to the flight attendant were most of the passengers able to escape.

Sheila Frederick

Sheila Frederick, who managed to save a girl from sexual slavery.

That flight began as usual: passengers were seated and flight attendants carried out their duties. But one couple caught Sheila's attention again and again. It seemed that the man was flying with his daughter, only he looked quite decent, and the girl’s clothes looked like rags. And that frightened look too.

Sheila invited the girl to take her to the toilet. There she left a note asking if the passenger needed help. She answered in the affirmative. When the plane came in to land, the police were already waiting at the ramp. It turned out that the girl was indeed taken against her will to be sent into sexual slavery.

Mor Levy and Nitzan Rabinovich

Flight attendants can help even when they are on the ground and not in the air. Israeli flight attendants Nitzan Rabinovich and Mor Levi saved an 80-year-old man from death. That day the girls were at Beijing airport. They were already heading to their plane when Nitzan suddenly noticed that she had lost her phone. She asked her friend to return to the metro station and look for him.

When the flight attendants returned to the station, they saw a woman screaming over an unconscious man. Nitzan and Mor tried to feel for a pulse, but there was none. Immediately, the flight attendants began to perform artificial respiration on the person lying down, as they were taught in first aid courses. Mor ordered people to run to the airport and bring a defibrillator, and she called an ambulance. The girls made it on time. They started the Chinese man’s heart, and by the time the doctors arrived, the man even opened his eyes.

It took the flight attendants 30 minutes to save the Chinese. They rushed to their flight, were on time and, as if nothing had happened, smiled and seated the passengers in their seats. Only after takeoff did the girls allow themselves to cry. By the way, the phone was also found.

Dead Wounded

more than 150 people

Aircraft Model Aircraft name

Clipper Empress of the Seas

Airline Departure point Stops along the way Destination Flight Board number Date of issue


Boeing 747-121 with serial number 20351 and serial 127 was released in 1971 and made its first flight on May 21. Its four turbofan engines were Pratt & Whitney JT9D-3A models. On June 18, the aircraft arrived at the American airline Pan American World Airways, where it received registration number N656PA and the name Clipper Live Yankee, was subsequently renamed Clipper Empress of the Seas

Crew and passengers

Nationality Passengers Crew Total
Algeria Algeria 3 - 3
Belgium Belgium 2 - 2
UK UK 15 4 19
Denmark Denmark 8 - 8
Germany Germany 81 3 84
India 91 8 99
Ireland 5 - 5
Italy Italy 50 2 52
Canada Canada 30 - 30
Mexico Mexico 8 - 8
Pakistan Pakistan 44 - 44
USA USA 18 1 19
France France 4 1 5
Sweden Sweden 2 - 2
Total 361 19 380

Chronology of events


The hijackers were detained in Pakistan, convicted and sentenced to death in 1988, which was later commuted to life imprisonment.

However, one of them, Zaid Hassan Abd Al-Latif Masoud Al Safarini ( Zayd Hassan Abd Al-Latif Masud Al Safarini), who shot at plane passengers, was released from a Pakistani prison in 2001 - but was soon captured by FBI agents in Bangkok and taken to the United States, where he was sentenced to 160 years in prison in Colorado. The remaining four terrorists were released from the central prison (English)Russian the city of Rawalpindi in January 2008; The FBI offered a $5 million reward for their heads.

According to Pakistani intelligence officials, in January 2010, one of the freed hijackers, Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim, was killed in a drone attack in the tribal region of North Waziristan. Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim). But his death has not been confirmed, and he remains on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list.

Cultural aspects

The hijacking of Flight 73 is mentioned in the story by Maxim Shakhov Russian colonel.

The film Neerja depicts the heroic fate of a young air hostess Neerja Bhanot.

see also

Write a review on the article "Hijacking of a Boeing 747 in Karachi"



  • on YouTube - board N656PA 2 years before the hijacking

Excerpt describing the Boeing 747 hijacking in Karachi

– Voila un veritable ami! - said the beaming Helen, once again touching Bilibip’s sleeve with her hand. – Mais c"est que j"aime l"un et l"autre, je ne voudrais pas leur faire de chagrin. Je donnerais ma vie pour leur bonheur a tous deux, [Here is a true friend! But I love both of them and I wouldn’t want to upset anyone. For the happiness of both, I would be ready to sacrifice my life.] - she said.
Bilibin shrugged his shoulders, expressing that even he could no longer help such grief.
“Une maitresse femme! Voila ce qui s"appelle poser carrement la question. Elle voudrait epouser tous les trois a la fois", ["Well done woman! That's what is called firmly asking the question. She would like to be the wife of all three at the same time."] - thought Bilibin.
- But tell me, how will your husband look at this matter? - he said, due to the strength of his reputation, not afraid to undermine himself with such a naive question. – Will he agree?
- Ah! “Il m"aime tant! - said Helen, who for some reason thought that Pierre loved her too. - Il fera tout pour moi. [Ah! he loves me so much! He is ready for anything for me.]
Bilibin picked up the skin to represent the mot being prepared.
“Meme le divorce, [Even for a divorce.],” he said.
Helen laughed.
Among the people who allowed themselves to doubt the legality of the marriage being undertaken was Helen’s mother, Princess Kuragina. She was constantly tormented by envy of her daughter, and now, when the object of envy was closest to the princess’s heart, she could not come to terms with this thought. She consulted with a Russian priest about the extent to which divorce and marriage was possible while her husband was alive, and the priest told her that this was impossible, and, to her joy, pointed her to the Gospel text, which (it seemed to the priest) directly rejected the possibility of marriage from a living husband.
Armed with these arguments, which seemed irrefutable to her, the princess went to see her daughter early in the morning, in order to find her alone.
After listening to her mother's objections, Helen smiled meekly and mockingly.
“But it’s directly said: whoever marries a divorced wife...” said the old princess.
- Ah, maman, ne dites pas de betises. Vous ne comprenez rien. Dans ma position j"ai des devoirs, [Ah, mamma, don’t talk nonsense. You don’t understand anything. My position has responsibilities.] - Helen spoke, translating the conversation into French from Russian, in which she always seemed to have some kind of ambiguity in her case.
- But, my friend...
– Ah, maman, comment est ce que vous ne comprenez pas que le Saint Pere, qui a le droit de donner des dispenses... [Ah, mamma, how don’t you understand that the Holy Father, who has the power of absolution...]
At this time, the lady companion who lived with Helen came in to report to her that His Highness was in the hall and wanted to see her.
- Non, dites lui que je ne veux pas le voir, que je suis furieuse contre lui, parce qu"il m"a manque parole. [No, tell him that I don’t want to see him, that I’m furious against him because he didn’t keep his word to me.]
“Comtesse a tout peche misericorde, [Countess, mercy for every sin.],” said a young blond man with a long face and nose as he entered.
The old princess stood up respectfully and sat down. The young man who entered did not pay attention to her. The princess nodded her head to her daughter and floated towards the door.
“No, she’s right,” thought the old princess, all her convictions were destroyed before the appearance of His Highness. - She is right; but how is it that we didn’t know this in our irrevocable youth? And it was so simple,” the old princess thought as she got into the carriage.

At the beginning of August, Helen's matter was completely determined, and she wrote a letter to her husband (who loved her very much, as she thought) in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she had joined the one true religion and that she asks him to complete all the formalities necessary for divorce, which the bearer of this letter will convey to him.
“Sur ce je prie Dieu, mon ami, de vous avoir sous sa sainte et puissante garde. Votre amie Helene.”
[“Then I pray to God that you, my friend, will be under his holy, strong protection. Your friend Elena"]
This letter was brought to Pierre's house while he was on the Borodino field.

The second time, already at the end of the Battle of Borodino, having escaped from Raevsky’s battery, Pierre with crowds of soldiers headed along the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing station and, seeing blood and hearing screams and groans, hastily moved on, getting mixed up in the crowds of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre now wanted with all the strength of his soul was to quickly get out of those terrible impressions in which he lived that day, return to normal living conditions and fall asleep peacefully in his room on his bed. Only under ordinary living conditions did he feel that he would be able to understand himself and all that he had seen and experienced. But these ordinary living conditions were nowhere to be found.
Although cannonballs and bullets did not whistle here along the road along which he walked, on all sides there was the same thing that was there on the battlefield. There were the same suffering, exhausted and sometimes strangely indifferent faces, the same blood, the same soldiers' greatcoats, the same sounds of shooting, although distant, but still terrifying; In addition, it was stuffy and dusty.
Having walked about three miles along the big Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat down on the edge of it.
Dusk fell on the ground, and the roar of the guns died down. Pierre, leaning on his arm, lay down and lay there for a long time, looking at the shadows moving past him in the darkness. It constantly seemed to him that a cannonball was flying at him with a terrible whistle; he shuddered and stood up. He didn't remember how long he had been here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, having brought branches, placed themselves next to him and began to make a fire.
The soldiers, looking sideways at Pierre, lit a fire, put a pot on it, crumbled crackers into it and put lard in it. The pleasant smell of edible and fatty food merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre stood up and sighed. The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.

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