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Location in Georgia. Sea in Georgia

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What not to do, what not to say and what not to mix - tips for tourists from the site.

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In one small but very proud country called Georgia, warm and hospitable people live.

Be prepared to be given wine to drink simply because you are a traveler and stopped right next to this house to ask for directions.

You will be treated to the most delicious khachapuri in the world called “Titanic”, told many wonderful legends and heartfelt toasts and will definitely be asked to drink to the bottom “for peace” and “For Georgia”.

Guests in Georgia are sacred. And in order for you to be the “proper guests” in Georgia, we have compiled a list of things that you should not do here:

1 .One of the most important and personally proven tips for tourists in Georgia is do not mix chacha with wine.

Feasts in Georgia can be long, because for Georgians, meetings at the table are communication. The main thing here is to correctly calculate your strength. After all, there are several obligatory toasts for which you simply cannot help but drink to the bottom.

If you take up wine, drink wine all evening, and if you choose chacha, do not change it for anything.

2 . If you nevertheless violated point “1”, there is still a way out - never try to overcome a hangover with the help of something other than Borjomi.

In the morning after long feasts, Georgians always improve Borjomi’s health. Four glasses of mineral water - and you can drink more.

© IDS Borjomi International

3 . Our third piece of advice is also related to the feast - never interrupt the toastmaster. The toastmaster is the main person at the feast in Georgia. He keeps order, his word is the law, and disobeying it means showing disrespect for Georgian traditions. He himself can pass on the honor of making a toast to someone else.

4 . And the last piece of advice related to the feast - do not try to sneak away from the Georgian feast. They will never just let you go. Having announced that you are going to leave, get ready to drink the obligatory toasts for at least another half hour and only after that you can say goodbye to the hosts and the toastmaster.

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5. Don't yawn on the streets in Georgia. Today Georgian cities are a complete construction site. Scaffolding on all facades, dug up roads, mountains of sand, people repairing something even at night - this is how the streets look in all cities of Georgia today.

Everywhere something is being restored or built - so on Georgian streets you need to be as careful as possible so as not to fall into a hole, get hit by a brick or run over by a car.

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6 . Don't give alms to the gypsies.

This advice relates to the feeling of compassion that is common in many people. Guided by such a noble impulse, you can succumb to the persuasion of the cute, dirty gypsy children on the streets of Tbilisi to “give a pretty penny.” But as soon as you show weakness, they will surround you and knock you down, asking for more and more.

7. Do not enter temples in shorts, with your head uncovered and your shoulders bare.

There are many ancient temples in Georgia, but, as always, there is not enough time to see everything. If you stop by on an excursion to the temple on the way from or to the beach, be prepared for the fact that you will not be allowed into the shrine.

Moreover, if you do come in, you may be kicked out with shouts. In Georgia, this is very strict, and Georgians respect their traditions - you cannot enter church with bare shoulders, in shorts, flip-flops, and girls with bare heads.

© travelgeorgia.ru

8. Georgians are open people. They love to sing loudly, have fun, and talk loudly on the streets. But what it’s better not to talk about loudly on the streets is “thieves in law.” The fact is that since 2004, Georgia has declared war on “thieves in law.” Georgian law enforcement officers took into account the fact that, according to the “thieves’ code,” a “thief in law” could not deny his title. Therefore, in Georgia they introduced the following rule: if a person publicly admitted that he was a “thief in law,” he would be sent to jail for 10 years.

9 . In Tbilisi it is better to speak Russian or the worst English, but in no case broken Georgian. By distorting this beautiful language, you risk getting into a funny situation. For example, many tourists pronounce the name of the city “Gori” so that it turns out to be “pig”. There are some nuances in pronunciation that are elusive to the traveler’s ear.

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10 . And finally, again about the feast - well, you simply cannot be in Georgia and ignore Georgian cuisine. Don't go to pizzerias or fast food restaurants.

© IDS Borjomi International

On the street or in a restaurant, be sure to try the most delicious lavash and khachapuri in the world, the original recipe for which is found in every region of Georgia. The famous Suluguni cheese, kebab with fragrant Georgian seasonings, delicious khinkali - it’s simply a sin to be in Georgia and not try all this.


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One of the most popular questions that has worried people thinking about traveling to this country in recent years. It is especially relevant for Russian tourists, because diplomatic relations between the countries can hardly be called friendly. It’s worth saying right away that Georgia is not at war with anyone at the moment. The situation in the country is peaceful and any traveler will feel safe and comfortable here. As for the conflict with Russia, big politics does not in any way affect the attitude of ordinary people towards Russian tourists. Moreover, in Georgia no one cares what citizenship is on your passport - the main thing is that the person is good. Today this country is one of the five safest countries in the world. Educated and cultured people live here, who are always ready to help in difficult situations, give advice and help tourists. Particular respectful and warm attitude towards guests is a Georgian tradition, rooted deep in the historical wilds. The only thing you should be afraid of when going to Georgia is catching the “Georgian syndrome” - falling head over heels in love with this country.

What is the attitude towards Russians in Georgia?

The attitude towards Russians in Georgia is very good. What answer did you expect when asking this question? Georgians themselves are an incredibly friendly and open nation. And the hospitality of this people is even legendary. They welcome people of all nationalities on their territory. Today there is a misconception that the political conflict between Georgia and Russia has turned the warm relations between our peoples into acute hostility towards each other. Fortunately, this is not the case! People in Georgia don’t like to talk about politics; no one here puts nationality labels on their passports. These hospitable Caucasian people treat Russian tourists with warmth, and you will definitely feel it. Moreover, many Georgians speak Russian perfectly, so you can always find someone who will understand, advise and help you. In Tbilisi, on Mount Mtatsminda, there is a sculpture called “Mother Georgia”. It is she who perfectly symbolizes the character of the Georgian nation. In her left hand, Mother Georgia holds a full cup of wine for those who came to the country in peace. On the right is a sharp sword, for those who came to fight. And, if you arrived in Georgia with pure thoughts and an open heart, you will be able to fully enjoy its hospitality!

Do Russians need a visa to Georgia?

Russians do not need a visa to visit Georgia. Currently, visa-free entry into Georgia is valid for citizens of 94 countries. In addition to Russia, these include: Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, etc. In 2015, a new visa regime was introduced in the country and the list of countries whose citizens have the right to visa-free entry into Georgia. For citizens who do not need a visa, the new law provides for the possibility of staying in the country for a year for tourism purposes, and also does not establish visa restrictions on business trips and the purchase of real estate in Georgia. Thus, a Russian citizen only needs a valid international passport to cross the Georgian border. It is worth paying attention to one detail - the passport must be valid for at least another three months after the end of the trip.

Is there a language barrier for Russians?

About 400 thousand people speak Russian in Georgia. Considering that the population of this country is more than 3,700,000 inhabitants, then you will be able to speak your native language with every ninth person. And almost every third person will be able to understand you and suggest something. The older generation of Georgians speaks Russian perfectly. You can also always use your native speech in hotels, restaurants, and large stores. But for Georgian youth, Russian is no longer such a familiar language. For the most part, local young people are actively learning English. They may understand you, but they won’t be able to answer you. Therefore, if you ask a question in Russian and hear the answer in English, do not take this as a sign of protest. You may encounter a language barrier if you go traveling to the most secluded corners of the country. In small villages people speak exclusively their own language. But, believe me, Georgian hospitality is so broad that it often helps to understand each other without words!

What is the currency in Georgia and is it possible to pay in rubles?

You won’t be able to pay with Russian rubles anywhere in Georgia, but it’s easy to exchange them for local currency. But it is still recommended to travel with dollars or euros - this is a more versatile and convenient option. The national currency of Georgia is called lari. In the international designation system it can be identified as GEL. Small money that is issued in the form of coins is called tetri. One lari is equal to one hundred tetri. As for the lari, the country has banknotes in the following denominations: 5.10, 20, 50, 100, 200. Coins can be found in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 tetri. There are no problems with exchange offices in Georgia. They are located both at train stations, airports and shopping centers, and on city streets. You can also pay with a bank card almost everywhere. Don't worry about the exchange rate - it will be almost the same everywhere. The only exception is the airport. Therefore, upon arrival, it is recommended to exchange only a small amount of money at the airport, which will allow you to get to the city. If you plan to travel to small towns in Georgia, make sure you have cash in local currency with you.

Are they Orthodox there?

Yes, 80% of the inhabitants of modern Georgia consider themselves Orthodox. And, by the way, it was this people that was one of the first in the world to accept Christianity. Many historians agree that this happened in 319 - more than six centuries before the baptism of Rus'. Georgia adopted Christianity after Armenia. The establishment of the Christian faith on the territory of this country is associated with the name of Saint Nina, who came here from Jerusalem in order, as legends say, to fulfill the will of the Mother of God. On the initiative of the saint, a temple was built in honor of the great martyr St. George the Victorious. Today, religion plays a huge role in the life of society. An amazing trend - the number of Orthodox believers in Georgia is growing. Georgians themselves are very devout - they regularly visit churches and observe church traditions. At the same time, other religions are tolerated in this country. On the territory of Georgia there is a huge number of Orthodox shrines that attract pilgrims from all over the world. And this is not surprising, because we are talking about one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. There are more than 250 monasteries in Georgia alone!

Is it true that wild people live in Georgia?

If wild people live in Georgia, then in Moscow there are bears walking the streets playing balalaikas. Oh, these myths and stereotypes! If this Caucasian country is called the most hospitable in the world, then can its inhabitants be savages?! Of course not! The people of Georgia are sincere, friendly and very cheerful people. The national character traits of Georgians include: incredible friendliness, resourcefulness, respect for others and, of course, hospitality. Yes, the Georgian people are often credited with being hot-tempered and impatient. And this is not surprising, because even the Spaniards can envy the emotionality of Georgians. But the inhabitants of this country are also characterized by tolerance and tact towards other nations. A guest or a tourist will never be offended here; rather, on the contrary, they will do everything possible so that you discover this amazing country with its history, culture and unique traditions from the best side. And, in order to finally debunk all doubts about the “savagery” of the Georgian people, let us cite one fact: in 2016, Georgia was included in the list of the safest countries in the world (Crime Index for Country), taking 3rd place in the ranking.

Why does a flow of tourists from all over the world pour into Georgia?

Over the past five years, a real tourism boom has been observed on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. Thanks to the peaceful situation within the state (disagreements with Russia are a thing of the past), travelers from all over the world have a chance to discover this unique country. However, the Georgians themselves have done a lot to make tourists feel comfortable - huge amounts of money have been invested in the development of tourism. The result is obvious - Georgia today is a fashionable tourist destination. But the creation of infrastructure for tourists and the development of services is just a small push, which became a catalyst for the snowball to start rolling on its own. After all, it is simply impossible to return from Georgia without falling in love with it. There is a legend that God gave the Georgians the land that he had saved for himself, amazed by their sincerity and friendliness. The country is located on the Black Sea coast among the most picturesque Caucasus Mountains. It has an excellent climate, an incredible number of attractions created both by nature and by human hands, as well as amazing cultural traditions. And we haven’t yet mentioned Georgian cuisine and wine! Aren't there enough reasons to understand why tourists love this country so much?!

Why is vacation in Georgia cheaper, but better quality than in Crimea and Sochi?

It is impossible to find an answer to the question why holidays in Georgia are cheaper than in Crimea and Sochi. You just need to accept this as a fact or make guesses. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that Georgia has recently become a popular destination among tourists. The tourism infrastructure there is now actively developing, but prices still remain much more favorable than at well-known Russian resorts. And this applies to rental housing, transportation, food, and entertainment. At the same time, a Russian tourist does not need a visa to cross the Georgian border, and he can stay in the country for at least a whole year. Comparing holidays in Georgia with Crimea and Sochi, most tourists note that this is that rare case when the price is lower and the quality is higher. And not the least role here was played by the famous Georgian hospitality. In this country you will feel like a welcome and valued guest. Georgian cuisine is a special item that will delight real gourmets. And, of course, Georgian wine. In this country you will have a “tasty” and fun holiday - this can definitely be guaranteed. Georgia is significantly ahead of its opponents in the number of shrines and attractions. There are more than 250 monasteries here! Fans of both pilgrimage and tourism will be delighted.

2 Freedom Square, Tbilisi, Georgia

About Georgia

Should I go or not to Georgia? Definitely yes! At least once.

Next - either you will love this country with all your heart, or you will not understand. This is not sleek Türkiye, this is not combed Mediterranean. Georgia is hospitality, it is sea and mountains, it is gentle sun, it is architecture, traditions, it is…. breathtaking! Ours are distinguished by high-quality service and reasonable prices.

Georgia is, first of all, people. Adequate, hospitable, welcoming.

Come and discover this amazing country!

General information and interesting facts about Georgia

The capital is Tbilisi. The total population is about 4.5 million. The capital is home to about 1.5 million people. National groups - Georgians (83.7%), Azerbaijanis (6.5%), Armenians (5.7%), Russians (1.5%), Ossetians (0.9%), Kurds and Yezidis (0.5 %), Greeks (0.3%), Chechens and Kists (0.2%), Ukrainians (0.2%), Assyrians, Avars, Abkhazians and others.


The official state language is Georgian. People over 30 understand and speak Russian almost everything. Young people speak Russian less well, but speak English fluently. If you speak even a little Russian and English, you will not be lost. But just in case, use the short one.


Georgians profess Orthodox Christianity. Georgia is one of the first countries to accept Christianity in general. Georgians are quite religious in general, but not fanatical. In Tbilisi there is a square, which is also called the square of five churches - on one heel there is an Orthodox temple, an Armenian church, a Catholic cathedral, a synagogue and a mosque.

Georgians treat other religions with respect. There are quite a lot of Muslims here. Some Abkhazians, as well as Georgians in the southern and southwestern regions (Adjara, etc.) profess Sunni Islam. Azerbaijanis, Assyrians and Kurds are also Muslims. Armenians, Greeks and Russians have their own Orthodox churches. There is also a small number of Catholics in Georgia.

About money in Georgia

The official currency of Georgia is Lari (GEL) = 100 tetri.

1 GEL = $0.37 in 2018

Currency can be changed at a bank (on weekdays from 9-00 to 18-00) or at currency exchange offices. There are many of them and most of them are 24/7. You should not exchange currency by hand.

In hotels, most shops and cafes you can pay by card. But it’s still worth having cash with you.


Georgia is a mountainous country, located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia. The area of ​​Georgia is 69,700 km². The state borders on Russia in the north, Azerbaijan in the east, and Armenia and Turkey in the south.

The Black Sea coast of Georgia has a length of 308 km and is devoid of any significant bays, islands or peninsulas. In the north of Georgia there is the Greater Caucasus Range (the highest points are the city of Shkhara, 5068 m; the city of Kazbek - 5033 m). In the south is the Lesser Caucasus ridge, between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus ridges are the Colchis Lowland and the Kartli Plain, and in the east is the Alazani Plain.

The main rivers are Kura, Rioni; lakes - Paleostomi, Aletkel, Paravani. About 2/5 of the territory is occupied by forests.

Climate of Georgia

In the west - subtropical, in the east - transitional from subtropical to temperate. The average temperature in January is from +3 to +9 C, but in mountainous areas it can drop to -16-20 C. During the long summer the weather is mostly hot, and the average temperature in August is +23 C - +26 C almost throughout the entire territory Georgia.

There is much more precipitation in Western Georgia than in Eastern Georgia. Snow falls mainly in mountainous areas in November and does not melt until the end of spring. The climate of Georgia is favorable for year-round recreation and treatment; nature pampers with a constant abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, which is especially important for visiting residents of the northern regions and areas with poor ecology.

Helpful information

Georgians are very hospitable and always ready to help. If you have any questions, feel free to ask passers-by. But there are some that are worth considering.

Smoking is not prohibited - almost everyone smokes everywhere in Georgia. In the summer of 2017, a law restricting smoking in public places came into force.

They don't follow traffic rules - cross the road carefully. There are practically no accidents.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of why tourists seek to spend their seaside holidays in Georgia. Some of them are attracted by the hospitality of the local residents, others are delighted with the national cuisine, and still others are able to endlessly admire the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains. In this article we want to tell you about Georgia’s seaside resorts, prices for holidays and a little about the features of life in this country.


This city is rightfully considered the main Black Sea resort of the country and thousands of tourists come here every summer. You can stay here in one of the many family-type hotels, where you will receive a minimum set of amenities as a reward for a small fee. If you prefer to live in style, there are several five-star hotels at your disposal. All of them will not only provide you with a roof over your head, but will also help brighten up your leisure time. The cost of a room in such a hotel will vary from four to nine thousand rubles, and a room in an unassuming double room will cost about three thousand. You can have fun in this city. The sea will be waiting for you in the central one. In summer, this is the most popular place in the city and it is almost impossible to find free space on the beach. Beach discos, walks along the central half-kilometer boulevard, sightseeing and a rich excursion program await you. In addition, here you can try Adjarian cuisine and fine southern wine.

Georgia. Tbilisi

This diverse city is not only the political or economic, but also the cultural center of the country. Founded on hot springs, Tbilisi is still famous for the sulfur baths of Abanotubani. In this area, you can not only improve your health, but also get simple spa services: massage and bathing. You can have lunch and relax after the procedures in one of the many restaurants or cafes. Experts recommend that tourists order the classic combination of “khinkali plus khachapuri” and, of course, a bottle of Georgian wine. The average lunch costs $12-14 for a sizeable portion. known throughout the world for its rich cultural heritage. Therefore, if you find yourself in this city, do not miss the opportunity to visit its cathedrals, churches, museums and centers of folk crafts.

Summer in Georgia by the sea. Kobuleti

This Black Sea resort is located just 20 km from Batumi on the Black Sea coast. Thanks to its unique microclimate and clean air, Kobuleti is considered one of the best Caucasian health resorts. Doctors recommend people suffering from kidney and liver problems to relax here. Tourists come here not only on vouchers, but also in the old fashioned way, as “savages”. Fortunately, there are no problems with housing here, since not only expensive hotels, but also homeowners in the private sector are ready to accommodate travelers. The cost of a room at this resort is not much different from the cost of a room in Batumi. For example, hotel accommodation for a day with three meals a day will cost 50 to 110 USD. Do not forget that you will have the opportunity to undergo treatment at the nearest hospital, where the cost of the procedure varies from seven to twenty USD.


This small and quiet village is considered one of the best resorts in Adjara. It is located near the Turkish border near Batumi. The Black Sea in Georgia is found in Kvariati with long and wide beaches. Despite the apparent modesty of this settlement, tourists can get everything they need here: there are umbrellas with sun loungers on the beaches, there are inflatable mattresses for children, and for adults, however, the main charm of this small resort is the first and so far only diving center in the country. To tell you the truth, you won't find fabulously beautiful reefs or fish locally. However, diving will be able to entertain you, which means you should not refuse this opportunity. If you get bored here, you can easily take a regular bus to Batumi and spend your time as you want. This small resort has not very developed infrastructure, and therefore there are few good hotels. Therefore, tourists often rent housing in the private sector: a bed for a day can be bought for seven dollars, and a room - from 35.

By the river

If you are determined to spend your holiday under the hot sun and visit the sea in Georgia, then you should pay attention to this resort. It is famous for its beaches with black magnetic sand, which has no analogues in the whole world. Along the five-kilometer beach area there are many hotels, small bungalows, sanatoriums, as well as restaurants and cafes. Families with small children come here with pleasure, since the entrance to the water is almost everywhere flat, and the sea is not too deep. If you move 200 or even 300 meters from the shore, you will remain standing waist-deep in water. The resort's fresh and clean air is provided by a forest belt of eucalyptus and pine trees that runs along the entire coast.

Cape Verde

This wonderful resort is popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. It is located near Batumi, just nine kilometers away. Not far from the village there is the world famous Botanical Garden, which vacationers enjoy visiting almost every day. Many rare plants grow here, which thousands of tourists come to admire every day. In Cape Verde you can stay either in a specialized hotel or in the private sector. Guests of the village claim that they are always greeted with open arms, and the warmth of the owners remains beyond praise.


A seaside holiday in Georgia always leaves tourists with a lot of impressions. Many people fall in love with this country so much that they come here year after year. And this is not surprising, since you want to admire the unique sea and mountain landscapes again and again, get acquainted with the culture of the local population, explore famous sights, architectural monuments and, of course, enjoy national cuisine.

The May holidays and summer vacation season are approaching in Russia. The Caucasian Knot has compiled some advice for Russians who are thinking about traveling to Georgia.

1. Do I need a visa to visit Georgia?

Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Georgia for up to 360 days. All you need is a passport valid for the entire duration of your stay in the country.

Entry into Georgia through South Ossetia and Abkhazia is prohibited.

Moreover, Georgian authorities may refuse entry if you have notes in your passport that you have visited Abkhazia or South Ossetia before. Most likely, such problems will not arise, since Abkhaz and South Ossetian border guards usually do not put any marks on passports. But in any case, the fact that you visited Abkhazia or South Ossetia should not be advertised. According to Georgian law, this is considered a criminal offense, for which you can go to prison or receive a large fine.

If you want to visit Abkhazia or South Ossetia, detailed advice on organizing your trip can be found in the special information from the Caucasian Knot.

2. Is it better to go to Georgia in summer or winter?

In winter, it is best to spend time at the ski resorts, which in Georgia are usually open from November to May.

3. Is it worth going to Georgia by car?

In Georgia, the main tourist attractions are located compactly, and traveling around the country by car is quite convenient. In addition, if you decide to travel to Georgia from Russia by car, your path will lie along the picturesque Georgian Military Road.

The downside is that for crossing the border by land you will have only one option - the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint, which is located 38 km from Vladikavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia. There is a risk of standing in line at the border for many hours, especially during high season. You can find out what the current situation is at the checkpoint by looking at the picture from the web cameras.

The road is also sometimes closed due to bad weather and the danger of avalanches. When this happens, the Caucasian Knot always reports about it.

If you don’t want to spend time in queues at the border and risk getting stuck on the way due to bad weather, you can rent a car directly in Georgia. The technical condition of rental cars often leaves much to be desired. But there is an opportunity to find very cheap options for cars with high mileage, produced 10-15 years ago.

4. Where is the best place to stay?

Well-known international hotel chains operate in Georgia, but if you want to feel what real Georgian hospitality is, we recommend taking a closer look at small family hotels. The Caucasian Knot talked about them in a special article.

5. Is it necessary to bargain?

In Georgia, by haggling, you can almost always bring down the price in markets, in souvenir shops and especially in taxis. If the taxi does not have a meter (and it almost never does), be sure to agree on the price of the trip right away.

6. Where to buy souvenirs?

Souvenirs will be much cheaper if you buy them away from popular tourist areas. In Tbilisi, you can buy something cheaper at the flea market near the Dry Bridge. But it’s worth bargaining there too.

For those who want to learn more about holidays in Georgia, the “Caucasian Knot” has collected information on its pages about Georgian attractions: about colorful Batumi with its cozy coffee shops, about the ski resort of Gudauri, about the tiny town of Signaki in Kakheti and, of course, about the hospitable Tbilisi.

7. Where is the best place to eat?

Although there are McDonald’s and other well-known fast food chain restaurants in Georgia, the Caucasian Knot definitely does not recommend stuffing yourself with hamburgers. Better try the local cuisine. Khinkali, pkhali, khachapuri and other national dishes are what you came to Georgia for.

8. Where to buy churchkhela?

If you want to be sure of quality, it is better to buy the Georgian national delicacy in a supermarket, where it is sold in vacuum packaging. You can also buy churchkhela at the market, but then you should be more careful.

9. To smoke or not to smoke?

Georgia still remains a paradise for suicides who poison themselves and their neighbors with nicotine. They smoke everywhere. If your choice of travel destination is related to your bad habit, feel free to head to Georgia. True, then you should hurry. Georgia is rapidly integrating into Europe, and authorities are already discussing a new law to restrict smoking in public places. The next expected date for introducing the innovation was set for May 1, 2018.

10. How much wine can you bring from Georgia?

The export of wine from Georgia is not limited, but, according to Russian customs rules, each adult can bring no more than 5 liters of alcohol with them from a trip. Of these, 3 liters can be imported without paying any fees, and another 2 liters - by paying a fee of 10 euros per liter.

Although Georgia is a great place to travel, the country has had turbulent periods in the last 25 years due to wars and revolutions. When planning your trip, keep an eye on

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