Home Asian countries S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Walkthrough "Stalker: Photographer" Stalker photographer portals walkthrough

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Walkthrough "Stalker: Photographer" Stalker photographer portals walkthrough

General information about Psi-zones and crystals
A new system of substance transformations has been implemented. Anomalies in the modification have not yet developed as powerful and dangerous creations of the Zone. There are no artifacts known from the original PM yet. There are (according to our version) only the beginnings of anomalous substances called “crystals”. During the course of the story, the player will have to search and study the properties and abilities of various types of crystals to transform in special anomalous psi zones, which have their own distinctive visual and sound characteristics that manifest the zone if the player has an activating crystal corresponding to this psi zone. The crystals will be divided into activator crystals (different psi zones will react differently to different types of activator-catalysts: a specific sound, a specific visual effect and the effect on the actor) and reagent crystals participating in the catalysis process. The output is absolute minerals with unusual and diverse properties. In the psi zones of the second level, the process of transforming absolute minerals into unusual minerals-Talismans with their own unique properties is possible (the process of the second level involves two different absolute minerals, one of which is an activator. Which one is not known). And finally, the third level of catalysis is the transformation of Talismans into Amulets, which have powerful protective properties) through a biological catalyst substance (mutant spare parts). Accordingly, the latest psi zones will also have their own distinctive visual and sound characteristics, which will appear if the player has an activating element corresponding to the given psi zone. But, unlike the first two, to activate these unique zones you will also need a special device, which the player will also have to obtain.


Transformation of absolutes in Psi-Zone No. 1

Transformation of absolutes in Psi-Zone No. 2

Transformation of absolutes in Psi-Zone No. 3

Transformation of absolutes in Psi-Zone No. 4

Transformation of amulets in Psi-Zone No. 1

Transformation of amulets in Psi-Zone No. 2


The “Photographer” mod requires a thoughtful, attentive and leisurely passage of the entire game. When talking with various characters, carefully read the dialogues, they may contain the information you need to further progress through the game or complete some additional task. Therefore, before the dialogue, it is advisable to make saves game, so that later you can return to this dialogue. Incoming messages are very important in the game, especially those highlighted in red. I advise you to carefully re-read all incoming messages, they contain the meaning of further progress in the game.
The game has a lot of audio dialogue. It is advisable to save before starting the audio dialogue, since after listening to the dialogue it is not saved anywhere, and they contain very important information.
In the Photographer mod, all quest items spawn randomly. Therefore, no one can tell you the exact location of the quest item. You will have to look for quest items yourself. In this regard, the implementation of additional tasks is not described in the guide. Below in this topic will be given the spawn locations of certain quest items, as well as videos on completing quests. I advise you not to type in a lot of tasks.
Many quest tasks are connected with the passage of the main plot. Therefore, before taking on a task, first read the conditions for completing it. If it is associated with a location where you do not yet have access, then it is better to wait to take it until the plot requires you to move to a location associated with the quest task. Otherwise, there is a possibility of failure to complete the task after the expiration of the given period for its completion.
I wish you all to have great fun while completing the “Photographer” mod, and the guide, I think, will be your guide while completing this mod.

Good luck and great fun!

Getting to know the exclusion zone.

Peacekeeping complex.
After a long prologue, our hero, nicknamed Photographer, woke up in the exclusion zone on the territory of the Peacekeeping Complex, at the base of the peacekeeping forces, the command of which is exercised by a certain General Smith. He doesn’t remember how our hero got to the base. All that remains in my memory is the helicopter and the fall. The Photographer gets out of bed and approaches General Smith, who is standing not far from the Photographer's bed. A dialogue with General Smith begins. In the dialogue, the Photographer learns how he got to the base. After talking with the general, the Photographer goes to the box, which lies nearby, and takes his things. While taking things, the Photographer discovered that some valuables were missing. He approaches General Smith and tells him about the missing things. The general advises contacting a certain stalker nicknamed Shaved, who will be heading towards the fallen helicopter. It is currently in the possession of Mario, the base mechanic. We go to the base mechanic and meet Shaved there. After talking with him, we head to the place where the helicopter crashed. At the crash site we take a good look at the area. We find the corpse of the stalker and find our electronic notebook with him.

We approach Brit and talk with him about the missing things. He advises contacting the local merchant Sidorovich about a camera. Let's go with Shaved to the village. In the village we speak with Sidorovich.

Sidorovich advises contacting the Brigadier. Let's go, find the Brigadier and talk to him. The foreman invites the Photographer and his guys to attack the looters, and bring the PDA they find on the looters to him. We agree, we go to the guys and together with them we find the looters and destroy them, we take a PDA into one of them, which contains data on the location of the cache. We go down into the cave, which is located next to the marauders’ camp, eliminate the remaining marauders there and find all our belongings in the stuffed pseudo dog. We return to the village to the Brigadier and give him the marauders’ PDA.

After talking with the Brigadier, we return to General Smith. You can drop by Sidorovich’s, hand over your swag and repair your ammunition. Returning to the base, we go to General Smith and talk to him. In the conversation we learn a lot about the exclusion zone. At the end of the dialogue with him, he directs the Photographer to Colonel Brown. On the way to the colonel, you can go to the mechanic Mario and take from him the task of bringing tools in exchange for the key to the Land Rover. In a dialogue with the mechanic, we will find out the approximate location of the tool.

Having found Colonel Brown, we receive from him our first task “Find and neutralize the agent,” but local informant Sidorovich should give the Photographer more detailed information on this task. We go to the village to see Sidorovich, but before that you can run to the factory for a tool for Mario Benelli and go to Sidorovich in a Land Rover. We learn from Sidorovich about a group of mercenaries who must be led into the zone by one of the local brothers. Before this, of course, if you have a desire, we take additional quests from Sidorovich, namely:
- kill the trader digger;
- find a tablet;
- drag the tail of a mutated dog;
- find an improved pistol.
In the village we go into the next basement and there we meet a stalker named Dron, he asks to bring him a black leather cloak, which can be found in the village of Bratkov.

Village of Bratkov.
In the village of Bratkov, we immediately go to Bar. They won’t let us into the Bar; we need to show a flyer to enter. The flyer is from the brothers, something like a pass. We leave the bar and about five or six meters from the Bar, there is one of the brothers in a black raincoat named Tokha the Bull.

As he passes by, he speaks in a whisper. That the flyer can be obtained from a local store merchant named Borya Serov. There is nothing to do, let's go to him. We talk to Borey, he asks to get him ten pieces of radar detector in exchange for a flyer. We go to the military base of the Ukrainian garrison. Accordingly, the Photographer is not allowed in there. We return to Colonel Brown, talk to him, he gives us a bottle of cognac and we return to the military base. This time we were allowed into the base. We head to the base commander Krasavsky. We talk to him, he directs us to the storekeeper. The storekeeper agrees to give us ten pieces of antirad, but in return asks for 2 bottles of vodka, a can of condensed milk, a can of pickles and a can of madder mushrooms. Let's go look for all this. Advice. Before purchasing goods from a merchant or before exchanging goods with the inhabitants of the Peacekeeping Complex, save, and if they do not have the required assortment of goods, simply reboot and their assortment of goods will change. And repeat this until you find the product you need. We find everything we need for the exchange and go back to the storekeeper. We get ten packs of anti-rad from him and go to the store to Boris Serov. We give him the antirads and in return we receive a flyer. We take the flyer and go to the bar.

Secret path.
In the Bar, near the counter, we meet Zhiloy, from whom we learn about Zhorik, who was very lucky. The other day they offered him to lead some group into the zone and promised to pay him well for it. We leave the Bar and go look for Zhorik. It is advisable to take a couple of bottles of beer with you.

We find Zhorik on the estate near the store, in one of the booths. He obviously feels very bad after drinking too much. We give him beer and ask him to take his clients through. Zhorik agrees, but on the condition that the Photographer stays away from him so that the clients do not notice. And we go after him. While performing this task, stay two hundred three hundred meters away from Zhorik, do not come closer. We stop near the wooden fence and wait for the message “Find the secret path” to arrive. At this time, Zhorik meets with clients and is going to lead them to the secret path. After they set off, this will be visible on the mini map in the PDA, we release them to their mark on the mini-map almost went beyond the boundaries of the PDA monitor and we begin to move after them without approaching them. The mark at the end of the mini-map is a landmark for you. As soon as they stopped, you also stop and wait. As soon as the message " Destroy the agent", then we boldly go and destroy them all. Of course, Zhorik will already be dead by that time. As soon as we have eliminated them all, we approach them, search them, take the PDA from the agent. Having taken the PDA, we go to Colonel Brown. Give it to him PDA and wait for it to be deciphered. Having waited for the message to arrive, we go and talk with Colonel Brown. He gives us the task of getting into the test site and conducting reconnaissance there, sending the coordinates of the place of transition there and back to the PDA.

Chapter II


Towards the unknown.

Test Site.
We follow the path we have explored to the Test Site. At the Test Site, the Photographer receives a message that he needs to talk with General Voronin. Before going to the general, we take pictures from the indicated places. Let's go and meet General Voronin. General Voronin tells the Photographer how to get to the military base of the Ukrainian Peacekeeping Forces located at the Test Site. We also take additional quest tasks from him, including getting a can of gasoline, for which he will give us a Niva car for use that will help us navigate around the location. Not far from him is Professor Sakharov. After talking with General Voronin, we head to the professor. Professor Sakharov shows the Photographer his scientific achievements and asks him to find Associate Professor Lavrov in the swamps, or find out what happened to him. We agree to find Associate Professor Lavrov.

Parcel for Polishchuk.
After all this, we return to the Peacekeeping Complex and go to the Ukrainian military base. We have a pass to enter the Ukrainian military base. At the military base we speak with Captain Krasavsky, then with the Storekeeper and after that we go to look for the cook, the brother of the head of the base at the Test Site. Attention, the cook will appear only after you talk to the captain and the Storekeeper. The path to the cook runs between the shed and the hangar to the very end, where the field kitchen is located. You will see the cook there. We approach the Cook and talk to him. He asks to give the package to his brother so that the Photographer can get to the base, he gives him his pass. We take the package, the pass and go to the Test Site.
Attention! The parcel must be delivered strictly according to the list of products in it.

Boar attack.
When you appear at the Test Site, a message arrives asking you to help repel the mutant attack on the Digger village. We run to the village and help the diggers repel the attack. After all this carnage, the Photographer receives a message to talk to Edik. Edik is the eldest in the village of diggers. We approach him and talk to him. After talking with him, we go to the Ukrainian military base to Lieutenant Polishchuk. Having arrived at the base, we go into the building, go up to the second floor, find Lieutenant Polishchuk there and give him a parcel from his brother. In a dialogue with him, we learn that two deserters escaped, they caught one, and the other is hiding somewhere on the territory of the Test Site.

Having learned about the deserter, we urgently go to look for the deserter before our own colleagues find him. We find it on the territory of the old ATP. We talk and agree with him that he will write everything he knows about the laboratory, and we will help him get involved with the diggers. We go to the village to Edik and negotiate with him about the deserter. Edik is not against accepting a deserter, but asks, as an introduction, three army first aid kits. It’s clear where a deserter can get these three army first aid kits. We go to the base before Voronin and buy them from Petrenko. We bring first aid kits to Edik and immediately go to the deserter. We speak with the deserter and accompany him to the Digger village. We take the promised documents from him. After all this, we can safely go to the swamps on the instructions of Professor Sakharov.

The professor sent the coordinates for the crossing to the Photographer on the PDA. The crossing is located in the railway tunnel, located on the western side of the location, just outside the Digger village. Let's go to the transition. In the tunnel we are happily greeted by a controller with a bunch of red cockroaches. Having dealt with him and his brothers, we calmly move to the swamps. We immediately find ourselves at the base of scientists who are guarded by the military. We find Professor Vasiliev at the base and ask him about Associate Professor Lavrov. He advises us to contact the Swamp Doctor about this.

Search for Associate Professor Lavrov.
Leaving Vasiliev's, the Photographer meets his good friend Kruglov. Kruglov asks to help him in the study of anomalies, for this he will give him the first type of invented device, the “Anomaly Detector”. Well, how can you not help a friend. No, of course, you can refuse, this will not affect the further development of the plot, but then you you will not receive an anomaly detector, which will be useful to you in the future, and you will also lose the opportunity to complete one of the very interesting quests. The choice, of course, is yours. If you took this task, then you will need to find seven types of anomalies: Snowball, Electra, Funnel, Springboard, Carousel, Frying, Jelly. All these anomalies are in this location. I will also advise you to go to the top of the tunnel in which the scientists are located and take the quest from Major Shpak. The quest is easy. And during subsequent visits to the Swamps, constantly take tasks from him. This will give you the opportunity in the future to get such an interesting device as a bioradar. We go to the Swamp Doctor, along the way, if you took the quest from Kruglov, we check the anomalies. So we came to the Swamp Doctor. His house is located far from the destroyed bridge on the south side. In a dialogue with him, we learn the approximate location of Associate Professor Lavrov or what is left of him. Let's go searching. We find it in the southern part of the Swamps in an abandoned farm, under one of the barns.

We take his PDA and return to the Swamp Doctor. He gives a note for Professor Sakharov, and we return to the Test Site, having previously handed over the tasks to Kruglov to investigate the anomalies, if we have completed them. We go to Sakharov, give him Lavrov’s PDA and a note from the Swamp Doctor. A little later the ejection begins. After the release, a message comes from Sakharov asking him to come to him.

Crystal transformations.
We talk to him and take from him the task “Carry out transformations in four first-order psi zones.” From this moment we begin to collect crystals. I immediately warn everyone that carrying crystals in a backpack for a long time causes hallucinations in the GG and then a long treatment procedure will be needed. So that it is better to store them somewhere in a secluded hiding place. Having finished all the work at the Testing Ground, we head to the Peacekeeping Complex to Colonel Brown. Along the way, do not forget to complete the quest tasks we have taken. Having arrived to Colonel Brown, we report to him about the completion of the task and go to rest.

Chapter III.

Operation Mousetrap

Improvement of the Camera.
After a certain time, a message comes from General Smith. We come to him, and he directs the Photographer to the Test Site to the scientist Drozdov and ask him to modernize the camera, but before that we need to go to Colonel Brown for further action. From Brown we receive the task to talk with General Voronin. We return again to the Test Site and head straight to the residence of General Voronin. In the dialogue with him we learn a lot of useful things, and the most important thing is that a certain Charon should know the transition to the Anomalous Forest and to the Industrial Zone. After talking with the general, we immediately go to look for the scientist Drozdov. It is located in the same building. Having found Drozdov, we learn from him that he cannot upgrade the camera, but there is one digger named Lefty who can upgrade it. This digger is somewhere in Bar.

Immediately after talking with Drozdov, we go look for Charon. Attention! Don't put off searching for Charon until later, then you will never see him again, and further progression of the game will be impossible. So we immediately go and look for Charon. You should search in the following order. We go from the railway tunnel, in which there is a transition to the Swamps, over the fence towards the village. After traveling a certain distance, there will be a hole in the fence. We go into this hole and look for two wooden buildings there, one of which is in the form of a round tower. It is in this tower that Charon will be waiting for you...

Charon gives us the coordinates for the transition to the Industrial Zone, but for this the Photographer must take the container to a certain Lukash, who will give the coordinates to the forest. After talking with Charon, we head to the Peacekeeping Complex to see Colonel Brown. We receive a task from Colonel Brown, a pass to pass through the checkpoint and go to the Industrial Zone
Industrial zone.
At the Industrial Zone we are warmly greeted by its inhabitants. We quickly move to the location of Lukash, indicated on the map. Along the way, we collect crystals and, if possible, complete the taken quest tasks. Having found Lukash, we give him the container. Lukash asks to take the PDA to a certain digger named Shershen, who is located in the Hangar, and in return he will give coordinates to the forest. We take the PDA and go to the Hangar. We find Hornet there, give him the PDA and return to Lukash. Suddenly there is a strong explosion in the Hangar. We return and see that the entire Hornet group has died. We return to Lukash, and he explains everything to us and asks us to help them occupy the Hangar. We agree. We help occupy the Hangar. We speak with Lukash. He gives the coordinates to the transition to the Anomalous Forest. We are heading towards the crossing, but a message comes to help protect the factory. We help the deserters eliminate the landing party, after which we approach Max, receive a reward and head to the Forest.

Obtain the PDA of the leader of the first group of mercenaries.
Near the transition to the forest, we disguise ourselves and wait for the mercenaries. At a certain moment, when the mercenaries approach, the message “Prevent the start of Operation Mousetrap” will come. We eliminate all the mercenaries, take the PDA from the leader of the group and move into the forest.

Obtain the PDA of the leader of the second group of mercenaries.
We also find a secluded place in the forest and wait for the mercenaries. Attention! Before you take a place for an ambush, both in the Industrial Zone and in the Forest, you need to find a place where the mercenaries should come. When we find this place, you receive the message “Wait for the mercenaries to come to the crossing.” After that, we take a position. After the message, we eliminate all the mercenaries, take the PDA from the agents and go and look for the transition to the Test Site.

We find the transition and go to the contact, simultaneously completing the taken quests. The messenger is located at General Voronin's Base.

We hand over the task and the mercenaries' PDA to the contact. We immediately go to General Voronin and report to him about the transitions to the Anomalous Forest. Voronin directs us to Petrenko, saying that he really asked us to come see him. We go to Petrenko, he asks to read data from black boxes from ten fallen helicopters and gives us a device for reading information from black boxes.

Road to Bar.
After that, we head to the bar to upgrade our camera. We move on to the Peacekeeping Complex. There are two helicopters on its territory. We take data from their black boxes and go to the Industrial Zone. In the Industrial Zone we find another helicopter, take data from its black box and head to Bar. The transition to the Bar is at the other end of the location. It is guarded by a group of Bandits. By the way, the leader of the Bandits is also there, for whom we take the task from Sidorovich. We destroy the Bandits and go to the Bar location.

Cleaning up the Bar.
We go towards the Bar. On the way we meet a group of Diggers led by Lefty. We speak with Lefty. He asks the Photographer to help drive mutants out of the Bar. We help them, after which we talk to Lefty again. Lefty gives the task to find the decoder from the door that leads to the basements of the Bar and get the Diggers out of there. We are looking for a decoder. The principle of the search is this: let’s go and search throughout the entire territory of Bar. As soon as you hear that the Photographer said, “I feel in my gut that he is somewhere here,” we begin to search carefully in this area. The decoder is definitely there somewhere, but hidden well. We find the decoder and immediately go to the dungeon. There we talk with Brom and take him and his brigade out of the basements. We go to Lefty, talk to him. The task “Capture the Bar” is accepted.

Upgrading the camera.
We give him the camera. Lefty asks to bring him two crystals for upgrading. Let's go look for these two crystals. As soon as we find these crystals, we immediately bring them and give them to Lefty. Lefties need time to modernize. We are waiting for a message from Lefty to arrive. At this time, you can complete Petrenko’s task and find a helicopter on the territory of Bar and remove information from its black box. We go to the bar and meet Uncle Misha, who is the bartender at the Bar. In dialogue with him, we offer our services.

Radio center.
He asks to get him an amplifier to repair the radio unit, which can be found at the Test Site from Professor Kaimanov. We agree and go from the Bar to the Industrial Zone. In the Industrial Zone, if you took the quest from the Pied Piper, you can stuff bats. It is advisable to get not 13 mice, but 26. This will come in handy in the future. It is better to catch bats with the F-1 grenade. From the Industrial Zone we head to the Test Site through the Anomalous Forest. In the Forest, we take information from the black box of the helicopter, which lies near a cave littered with boulders in the northern part of the location. At the Test Site we go to the scientist Cayman, who is located in the residence of General Voronov. We ask him for an amplifier for the radio center in Bar.

Documents for Cayman.
It turns out that he has an amplifier, but it is very outdated. To improve it, we need diagrams that are in the archive at the Ukrainian military base. We go to the Ukrainian military base, go up to the third floor, find the archive keeper there and talk to him. He agrees to find the diagrams, but in return the Photographer must find his letters, which are in the possession of the sergeant, who is currently in the Dead City. We agree. Immediately, on the territory of the base we find a walkie-talkie for Lefty, of course, if you took this quest from Lefty. Also, don’t forget to collect crystals and transform them in psi zones. As soon as you find all four psi-zones, go to Sakharov and hand in this task, but take the next one, “Identify two anomalous psi-zones of the second order.” After a certain time, a message comes from Lefty that the Camera is ready. We go to the Bar, pick up the camera , we turn in the quest by radio, if completed, and return to the Peacekeeping Complex to General Smith. We report to him about the completion of the task. At this point, the task “Upgrade the camera” is completed.

General Smith's mission.
General Smith gives the task to get to the center of the zone and along the way photograph several key points in the zone. At this time a message arrives from the messenger. The photographer needs to arrive in the forest at the forester’s house to meet him.

Meeting in the Forest.
We are heading to the Forest. Along the way, completing secondary tasks, we find crystals and convert them into absolutes. In the forest we find the Forester's hut, but there is only one Forester in it. We talk to him, he asks us to get him two bottles of tincture, which is produced by one of the residents in the village of Bratkov on the territory of the Peacekeeping Complex. If you already have a tincture from the Pied Piper, then immediately give it to him and immediately complete the task. After some time, a messenger arrives. We talk to him and receive from him a task from Colonel Brown “Try to help German scientists and special forces get out of the Dead City, and also find out what kind of Mercenaries they met.” The path to the Dead City can be found out from the hunters who are located here in the forest. Let's go to the hunters.

Finding the way to the Dead City.
We approach their eldest, nicknamed Slouchy, and ask him where we can find a guide to the Dead City. He agrees to tell us where we can find a guide, but for this the Photographer must work for him. We agree, he gives the task to find the hunter and bring his container. We go to the lake located on the left side of the hunters’ camp. The entrance to the cave is in the center of the lake. We get into the cave, find a hunter there, take the container from him and take it to Sutulom. He tells us that the guide is now in Bar, and his name is Owl. Let's go to the Bar. In the Bar we find a digger named Brom, he is in the same place as Lefty, and he tells where to find Owl. The Owl agrees to show the way to the Dead City, but in return the Photographer must bring him two bottles of wine, which can be obtained in the Swamps. Let's go to the Swamps. We are approaching Lazarev. He directs us to the downed helicopter, saying that there is definitely wine there. We go to the helicopter, find wine and something useful for us and head to the bar. We give the wine to Owl and get the coordinates for the transition to the Dead City. From Owl we go to Brom, as we promised him, and we take from him the task of searching for the Red Tent of the Gladiator, in which we need to pick up the “Liquidator” artifact. We take pictures from certain points. Having finished all our business, we go to the Dead City.

Dead city.
The Dead City and its surroundings are teeming with zombies and various mutants. They greet us joyfully, trying to pinch off at least a piece of something from us. But since we are already seasoned wolves, we anticipate their pranks and move forward, fulfilling the tasks given to us. A little advice, it’s good to destroy zombies with a knife. This will save ammo.

Filin's device.
We go to the city center and find German special forces there, led by their commander Heinrich. We talk to him and ask him about the device that their former guide Filin gave them. He directs his assistant Jaeger to the nearby City Committee building. Jaeger says that the device is now with the chief scientist Gertrude. We go up to the roof of the city committee and take pictures from the indicated place. We are heading to Gertrude. In exchange for the device, she asks the Photographer to find Dr. Wolf and take the case with scientific data from him.

Search for Dr. Wolf.
We go down to Heinrich, talk to him and go look for Dr. Wolf. You can also generally wander around the city and its outskirts, completing the assigned tasks. Wandering around the territory of the Dead City, you can find many good and useful things. Behind the fence of the location borders we find a red tent and in it the “Liquidator” artifact. This is in the south-eastern part of the location. In the northern part of the location, behind the fence there is a helicopter from which you need to remove information from the black boxes. To get to them, you can In some places it’s easy to jump over the fence, but you can also find a passage in the fence if you go from north to south along the fence on the east side.We do all this while searching for Dr. Wolf.

Sergeant Zubarev.
In one of the houses, on the hills, not far from the city, on the south-eastern side, we meet our fugitive Sergeant Zubarev, who has incriminating documents. We start a dialogue with him and during the dialogue someone kills him. In pursuit of him, I don’t recommend shooting at him; he runs to the sewer and hides. We continue to look for Dr. Wolf. And finally, we find the body of Dr. Wolf. It is located on the southwestern side of the location, in the bushes near the fence between two houses located on the hill. We take his case and quickly go to Gertrude.

Transition from the Dead City.
We give her the case, take the device and go look for a way out of the dead city. We find a way out and return to Heinrich. We take the entire group out of the Dead City.

At this point, the task “Help German scientists and special forces get out of the Dead City” is completed.

An unexpected encounter.

Unseen circumstances.
But then it turns out that we are the ones who cannot go through this transition; we are constantly thrown back.
After thinking a little, we remember that we found a piece of newspaper and some kind of note from Dr. Wolf. After reading them carefully, we learn about a certain physicist A.S. Medvedko. Well, we have to go look for this A.S. Medvedko. Having thought well, we decide to go look for the physicist in the five-story buildings, since in the fragment there was a mention of a five-story building somewhere near the Lenin monument. We go around all the five-story buildings, and at the same time look at the mini map. As soon as a yellow dot appears on the mini map in any house, we immediately go there. But getting there is not so easy. You'll have to follow the wires from the neighboring house. We find A.S. Medvedko and in a dialogue with him, he asks us to bring him some kind of purple ball.

Purple ball.
There's nothing to be done, we have to go look, but before that we'll talk to his wife. We go to the southwest of the location and cross or jump over the fence to the other side. We go along the fence to the very bottom corner of the location. On one of the hills we will see a single house and near the entrance to the house we find a purple ball, take it, look in the backpack, if it is there, go back to A.S. Medvedko. We give him the ball.

Then we talk to his wife and find out the reason why we could not go through the transition. We give her this damned device, the so-called router, because of which we could not get through the transition and go to the exit from the Dead City. After the Dead City we find ourselves in the Anomalous Forest. We pick up the transmitter there, with the help of which we left the Dead City and go to Bar. In Bar we give the transmitter to Owl and go to Brom. We give him the “Liquidator” artifact. After completing this quest, the “Anomaly Liquidator” artifact can be found on the territory of the Industrial Zone, of course, if you need it. In the Bar we find a contact, report to him about the work done, and get the task of infiltrating the laboratory of X- 18 and get the communications diagram. We go to the Test Site to the archive guard. We tell him about what happened. The guard advises to talk to Uncle Misha.

Misha Stikhoplet.
We return to the Bar again and talk to Uncle Misha. After talking with him, we leave the bar and suddenly we hear someone whispering “here, here.” We follow the whisper. Then, of course, we get a good slap in the face with a butt, and we see Misha Stikhoplet standing in front of us. After some offensive phrases, a dialogue with him begins . We carefully read the entire dialogue with him. After talking with him, we go to look for the teleport. If you carefully read the entire dialogue, then it is not difficult to find it. We find the teleport and forward, completing the tasks taken along the way.

Via teleports for letters.
Attention! After each teleportation to another location, we are sure to find a backpack with a hint. Usually it happens where you see the teleport from which you came, that is, you turn back and under the teleport, which glows for a few more seconds, there will be a backpack with a hint. If anyone has carefully read the dialogue with Stikhoplet, he will understand without this hint. After several teleportations, we find ourselves in the Dead City, the teleport there is located near the refrigerator, which is located in the northern part of the location, where we took information from the black box of the helicopter only in the location near the swamp. We find ourselves in X10, where, in addition to the next teleport, we also need to find the door code, which we will really need in our further journey. The code can be written on anything, for example on a broken door, on a wall, etc. So everything needs to be examined carefully. (code 51273). Once on the territory of the Peacekeeping Complex, you need to look for the teleport near a broken tractor, which is located near the village where Sidorovich trades. In the Anomalous Forest, there is a teleport in the quarry near the excavator. He may not appear right away, go around the excavator and he will appear. We find ourselves in a cave. There is darkness all around. Neither the light nor the night light help. We walk strictly straight and lo and behold, standing in front of us is a frozen Greta, the Bartender’s assistant, and next to her is some kind of artifact. We take this artifact and Greta wakes up. We talk to her about the letters, she gives a note, and after that we go to the Test Site to the keeper of the archive, Lieutenant Minchukov. We give him a note from Greta. He reads it, and after that gives us the promised documents. At this point, the task “Find Minchuk’s missing letters” is completed. We speak again with Minchukov and he says that the artifact that we found in the cave was sought by a certain warrant officer Shepelman, who is currently located on the floor above. We rise to warrant officer Shepelman, offer him the artifact, he asks to step back five or six steps and leave him. We do so. At this time, three ghosts appear, and the ensign commits suicide.

Unexpected turn of events.

The Mystery of X-18.
We go down the stairs and go to the exit from the building. Leaving the building, we hear the howl of a siren signaling an alarm. The message “Help protect the military base from attack” arrives. After repelling the attack on the base, the task is completed. We go to Lieutenant Polishchuk and talk to him. Polishchuk intends to kill the Photographer. A shot is fired, and Lieutenant Polishchuk falls dead. We turn around and see Colonel Brown , our savior. We talk with the Colonel and learn a lot of new things. The Colonel gives the Photographer the task “Disable the protective barrier.” We get a protective suit from him and go to X-18. But first, we’ll take the received documents to Dr. Kaimanov. At this point, the task “Get Kaimanov the necessary documents”, completed.

Now we are heading to X-18. On the way, a ghost meets us in the tunnels and asks us to give him weapons and ammunition. Give your best without hesitation. In the future you will understand everything. We go down to X-18, find Professor Ploymer there and convey to him Colonel Brown's proposals. The Professor, a smart head, immediately agrees, turns off the barrier and the ubersoldiers and goes with the Photographer to the surface. We come to Colonel Brown and leave them alone. After some time, a message comes from Brown to come to him.
Arriving at Brown's, Paul

The game begins in the corridor of a house in the town of the dressing room, here it is called the peacekeeping corps. Everything is clear from the messages that appear. There is a destination point on the mini map.
We talk with the colonel, we need to find the fallen helicopter on which we arrived. The colonel tells who to contact and where to find him. We go and find a stalker named Shaven, we talk, Shaven accompanies us to the fallen helicopter. We examine it, we find our notebook in the looter’s corpse, but there is no camera, the looters stole it. We talk with the shaved man again, he takes us to the merchant Sidorich. We say that Sidor is sending him to the foreman. We go to the foreman, the place is marked on the minimap, we talk, he asks in return to bring the leader’s PDA. Let's go, destroy it, take the PDA, return to the foreman and he says where our camera can be hidden. Let's go and get him. We return to Brown and report to him.
Brown again sends to Sidor. Sidor says that in the bar of the brothers, in the village over the hill, there is a guide who can help with solving our problem. Along the way, in another basement there is a stalker named Drone and asks to find him a leather cloak. The cloak appears randomly, so you will need to inspect all the houses and attics in the village, opposite the bar and on the hill near the bar. We go to a bar, there is a bandit at the entrance and he won’t let you into the bar without a flyer, it’s like a pass. We turn around and leave. Behind the gate of the bar on the right, near the bush, a brother stands and tells you where you can get this flyer pass. We go to the store, there is a merchant in charge there, he looks like a hog, he asks for a pass to bring him 10 antirads. Radar detectors can be obtained at the Ukrainian peacekeepers' base, right here on the mountain where there was a helipad. We will still need a pass to this base in the future.
We bring anti-rad to the merchant and he gives us a flyer pass. We go to the bar again, show the brother our pass and go downstairs. We try to talk to everyone, and we exchange two bottles of vodka from one of the brothers, who is standing at the table facing the bartender, for photos of naked girls. Now we approach the person who is standing near the bartender’s counter. We have a drink with him and he tells us about the guide Zhorik and says that Zhorik is hungover and needs to bring him beer. We immediately buy beer from the bartender and go to look for the guide Zhorik. Zhorik is sleeping in a booth on a hill to the left of the store. We find him, treat him with beer, and for this he agrees to show us a secret path along which he will lead the mercenaries and the informant. We follow Zhorik, don’t approach him, you can’t let the customers see you, we reach the wooden fence and let him go ahead. We are waiting for the message “to find the secret path” to arrive, which means Zhorik has met with the customers and will now lead them along the secret path.
In general, I walked on the other side of the fence and as soon as I reached the wooden fence, maybe a little further, I stopped and waited for a message. As soon as the message came, I ran to the cliff, where the entrance is a tunnel, and moved to the right towards the fence, again you can’t get close to the fence, they’ll notice. As soon as Zhorik’s mark appeared on the minimap, he stopped and waited, Zhorik’s mark begins to move, which means Zhorik leads them to the border of the location and then leads them along the border of the location to the grid, there is a hole in the grid and Zhorik leads the mercenaries to it. We also begin to move along the cliff to the left, to the tunnel and further to the houses. We stop at the ruins of the first house and don’t go close to the grid. Through binoculars we observe how the group passes through the net and walks along the cliff towards the swamp. We follow them without getting closer. We wait for the message “Destroy the informant” to arrive, we destroy them all, Zhorik is already dead by then, we search them, and we take the PDA from the informant. We go to Dron and give him the cloak, Dron reports that some foreigner wanted to see me. I didn’t talk to this foreigner, the quest is minor. Sidor has a line of dialogue about work.
We go and report to Brown about the completion of the task and give him the informant's PDA. Brown asks to wait. We wait, a message arrives, we go and talk with Brown. He gives us the task of getting to the test site and indicates the place of passage there and back.

After the transition, a message comes that you need to talk with Voronin. First, we go to the points marked on the large map and take pictures. Let's go to Voronin and talk. He explains how to get to the Ukrainian base at the testing site. Sakharov is standing right there in another room, we talk to him, he shows an experiment with crystals and asks us to find his employee Lavrov in the PDA swamps. We agree to find it. We go back to MK and go to the Ukrainian base. There we need to find a cook, the brother of the head of the Ukrainian base on the IP, we already have a pass so the gate is open. We go behind the hangar, where there is a sign for stops, there is a cook standing on a hillock to the side of the fire, that’s what the cook is called. If he’s not there, then we need to look behind the boxes, go to the booth and talk to the authorities, go to the storekeeper and talk too, here’s the cook and will appear in its place. We talk with the cook, take the package and go to the IP. When entering the location, a message comes with a request to help repel the attack of wild boars on the digger village, we make sure to respond to this call and if everything goes well, then a message will come to talk to Edik, this is the eldest in the digger village. After that we go to the Ukrainian base. The cook gave us a pass, so they let us through. We go into the building and on the second floor we find Lieutenant Polishchuk. We talk with him, carefully read the dialogue. He talks about a deserter, which means our task is to find this deserter before the warriors. We find this deserter in the ruins of the ATP, opposite the digger village. We talk to him and make him an offer. After that, we go to Edik in the village and negotiate with him about the deserter. Edik will ask for three army first aid kits as a contribution. First aid kits must be purchased in advance or run to MK and buy from Sidor or somewhere else. We give the first aid kits to Edik, go to the deserter and bring him to the village. We take the document from him.
After this, you can go to the swamp to see Vasiliev. Vasiliev advises talking to the swamp doctor.
Friend Kruglov is standing here. From a conversation with him we learn that he needs to investigate anomalies, we can take this task, or we don’t have to take it. If you took it, you will need to find 7 anomalies: Electra, Snowball, Funnel, Jelly, Frying, Carousel, Springboard.
We find the doctor in his house not far from the destroyed bridge. We talk with him, carefully read the dialogue. We are looking for Lavrov’s body, we come again to the swamp doctor, the doctor gives a note for Sakharov. We go to Sakharov and give him the PDA and the note. Now you can take the task of transforming crystals from Sakharov, or you don’t have to take it.
We go to Brown and report on the completion of the task. Brown says that we should rest and then General Smith will call us. After some time, a message comes from Smith. Let's go to him. We're talking. Smith reports that the photographs did not turn out well and that the camera needs to be upgraded. Smith gives the main task to eliminate two groups of mercenaries and sends us to the industrial zone, the Buildovsky landfill, and the anomalous forest, but there is no transition there, Smith suggests going to Voronin and talking with him about moving to the industrial zone and the anomalous forest, but about upgrading the camera we need talk to scientist Drozdov, he is in the same building as Voronin.
We go to the IP at the base, find Drozdov and ask him to upgrade the camera, Drozdov cannot and sends him to the bar to Lefty. The passage to the bar is also through the industrial zone. We go to Voronin, he also does not know where the crossing is, but he hints at a certain hermit Charon. Let's go look for Charon, if we don't find him right away, then he leaves and doesn't appear again and we won't have a transition to the industrial zone. We go beyond the village of diggers to the fence. There is a passage in the fence, we go into it and immediately go to the left. We will see an openwork tall structure, there is Charon there. We talk with him, he agrees to show the passage, but we need to hand over the parcel to Lukash at the industrial zone. Lukash can also show the passage to the anomalous forest, we agree to take the parcel and receive a passage to the industrial zone.
We go and report to Brown, he gives us a pass to the checkpoint, we go show our pass and they let us through further.

We go to the industrial zone and go look for Lukash. Lukash is standing in a trailer opposite the hangar. He agrees to show the crossing point, but we need to carry out his instructions, we need to take the PDA to the diggers in the hangar. We relate. We report to Lukash, accompany him to the hangar until they clear the territory. Lukash will not talk, we stand below and wait for the deserters to finish clearing, a message arrives, we go talk to Lukash, he marks the crossing point on the map, a red dot appears on the map. We go to this point, at the exit from the hangar a military landing party appears, we help destroy it. We arrive at the marked place, but the crossing is still closed. We must wait for the first group of mercenaries to arrive, we must hide so that they do not discover us, I was hiding on the right behind a hillock, as soon as the mercenary says that they have arrived at the place, a passage into the forest will open, we kill all the mercenaries, search and take away the PDA. We go into the forest, look at the map, there is also a dot there. We go to this point, a message comes. We were hiding so that the mercenaries would not notice us before the time, I hid behind a tree. We wait, and when the mercenaries stop near the crossing and start talking, we destroy them, search them and take away the PDA. Now we need to leave the forest on the IP to Voronin. We look at the map again, there is a red dot on the border of the location, we go to it. We switch to IP and go to the base to the courier, give him the PDA of both mercenaries. We go to Voronin and report on the transitions. Voronin says that Petrenko really asked to come in. We find Petrenko, he asks to bring data from black boxes from ten fallen helicopters, we take on this task. Now you can go to the bar to upgrade your camera. On the MK we find 2 helicopters and take data from the black boxes. We go to the industrial zone, there we find another helicopter and also take data. Let's go to the bar.

Lefty is standing at the entrance. He asks for help in destroying the mutants who have taken over the bar. Let's go and clear the bar of mutants, we need to go forward and clear the area while Lefty and his team catch up. Especially the bunker, and the area where Voronin stood in the original. After clearing, a message comes to talk to Lefty. We go to the bunker and talk. Lefty asks to find the decoder from the dungeon door, we find the decoder in the barn in the far left corner, go free the diggers and talk with Lefty about upgrading the camera. Lefty asks to bring him 2 crystals for work. We bring it, give it away and wait until it’s ready, until we can go look for a helicopter. We go to the bar and talk to the bartender, Uncle Misha, he asks to find some kind of amplifier and says that it can be found at Professor Kaimanov’s IP. We go to the IP through the forest, along the way we find a helicopter and take readings from the black box, go to the base and look for Kaymanov there. Kaimanov is sent to the archives at the Ukrainian base. There we talk with the archive guard, he asks for documents to bring him letters from MG.
Let's go to the bar, Lefty hasn't made a camera yet, we're waiting. A message arrives from Lefty. We talk, take the camera and go to General Smith to report. Smith sends to take several pictures at different locations. A message arrives from Brown's contact. We go into the forest, to the forester’s hut. In the hut we talk with the forester and a little later the messenger comes up. The messenger conveyed a request from Brown to go to the MG and help the German expedition get out of there, and the guide from Sutuly’s group knew the way there. We go to Sutulom and fulfill his request. Slouchy says that the conductor approached the diggers in the bar. We go to the bar to Lefty, he sends us to talk to someone else. Brom is sitting right there, we talk to him, he says that the guide’s name is eagle owl and he is standing in the annex where Petrenko originally stood. The owl asks to bring 2 bottles of wine, we go, find it, and bring it to the owl.
We give it back and he shows the transition to the main stage and explains how to return from there. Before going to the MG, we go into Brom’s bunker. After the conversation we go to the MG.

In MG, as soon as we appear, we immediately go to the right along the fence, behind the fence we see the red tent that Brom spoke about, we find Zuborev in one of the houses on the hills. We talk with him and during the conversation he is killed, this is how it should be. We go to the road, turn back and walk along the fence. We find a passage in the fence, go through and go left to the bridge, cross it and go right along the top of the cliff, find a red tent and pick up an artifact for Brom from the corpse. We return to the bridge and pass further, behind a small swamp, in the lowland, there will be a helicopter from which we need to take readings. Now we go to the square and in the building to the right of the monument we find the main German, Heinrich. Heinrich directs us to the house opposite Jagger. Jagger sends us back to Gertrude. Gertrude demands to find the missing scientist and take his documents. We go to the place where we appeared and again walk along the fence, but in the other direction and in the bushes we find the corpse of a scientist. We take all the papers from him and go to Gertrude. We take the device and go look for a crossing in the eastern part of the city. The transition appears as soon as you approach the desired place. We need to make sure everyone leaves the city. As soon as the last person leaves, the task to bring out the scientists is counted, but it is impossible to approach the transition, it is thrown back. Here you need to remember about Wulf’s note and go look for this physicist, it seems that only he can help in this situation. We begin to have trouble understanding that a physicist can only be in some kind of house, most likely in a five-story building, and there aren’t that many such houses here. We go around all the houses and look at the minimap, as soon as we see a yellow dot, we run there. We find physicist Sergei Andreevich Medvedko. We talk with him and agree to his proposal. We talk with the physicist’s wife, let’s go look for what the physicist asked for. We go back into the hole and go to the southwestern area of ​​the location along the fence, lower left corner on the map. On one of the hills near the house we find a purple ball, take it, it should appear in the backpack, go back and give this ball to the physicist. Then we talk with the physicist’s wife and leave the dead city. At the location there is a forest, in a cave among the boulders we find a receiver and go to the bar.

In the bar we give the receiver to Owl, we give the liquidator artifact to Brom. We find a contact. We receive a task to penetrate X18 and obtain a communications diagram, but it is not clear how to get there.
We go to the individual entrepreneur at the Ukrainian base, talk to the archive keeper, he advises to talk to the bartender at the bar. Let's go and tell him everything. We leave the bar, hear whispers, go behind the bar, meet the poet, talk to him. Let's go look for the first teleport. The first teleport is not far from the transition to the landfill; you need to go next to the cliff.

After each teleportation, next to the appearance, there is a backpack with a hint to the next teleport; the teleporter remains above the backpack for some time. After several jumps we find ourselves in a dead city, there we need to find a refrigerator, the refrigerator must be looked for in the northern part of the location near the swamp. In X10, in addition to the teleport itself, you also need to find the door code; we carefully examine everything in the area where the teleport appears that it can be written on (code 51273). On the peacekeeping building you need to find a tractor broken into pieces; the remains of the tractor lie near the path in the bushes. In the forest near the found excavator, you need to jump at the right caterpillar on the side of the bucket; sometimes the teleport may not appear immediately. Once in the cave, do not be scared or panic, but calmly move forward, towards the anomalies visible on the mini map.

After completing the entire path, we go to Petrenko and give him the results of scanning the helicopters. Then we go to the Ukrainian base and give the archive guard a note from Greta. We talk with the ensign and leave him a strange object found in the cave, help protect the Ukrainian base, talk with Poleshukov and meet with Colonel Brown. Brown sends him to the secret part of the x18 laboratory. Let's go, you will meet a ghost in the tunnel and ask you to give him a barrel and a pack of cartridges. We give him a fully loaded barrel, preferably our own, and throw in a pack of cartridges; for some reason he didn’t take the cartridges from me. We go further, in the laboratory we find Professor Ploymer, we talk with him, he agrees to cooperate, we accompany him upstairs and report to Brown. After this, we receive a task in the dungeons of the agricultural industry to find a laptop with information and an antiviral drug. Major Shpak from the scientist guard in the swamp knows the way to the agro underground. The major is lying drunk at the top of the tunnel. We talk with him, you can agree to his request, or you can disagree, he will indicate the transition in any case.

We go down into the agro dungeon, shoot all the zombies, but when we try to get to the upper level, we are thrown into the shooter’s hiding place and there a gangster we know speaks to us, he takes away all the ammunition. We are trying to find a way out, after a while a ghost appears, the same one that we met in the tunnel at the Ukrainian base, and now we ask him to give us a gun, the ghost gives us back our gun, which we gave him. We leave the prison and go to the upper level, there we destroy all the brothers and the traitor-scientist. From the corpses we take the laptop and the vaccine against the virus, but there is only one tablet of the vaccine left and it must be brought to Professor Ploymer. There we find our property in the box.
Let's go report to Brown. Brown sends us to scout the passages between the laboratories, we complete this task, find the decoder from the coded door in x18 and find ourselves in the part of the x18 laboratory where we talked with Dr. Ploymer. We go out into the tunnel of the Ukrainian base and go to report to Brown.
Brown asks to find a land route to the collective farm Chervono Dyshlo, and for this you need to talk with Voronin, Voronin sends him to Sakharov and at the same time asks to drive the car from the forest. Sakharov says that we need to go into the forest to the hunters.

We go into the forest, find Slouchy there and ask him to help. He agrees for money and gives him a guide dog. We run after the dog, protect it from monsters, but mercenaries kill it on the path. We kill all the mercenaries and search them, we take the PDA from one of them, a transition to the collective farm appears

After the transition we receive a task from Sakharov. We go to the cemetery, simultaneously destroying little animals, monsters and zombies. In the village near the cemetery we exterminate the brothers. Behind the village we find two hanging islands, we approach them, a dialogue with Sakharov appears and a new task appears. We run to the helicopter and save scientist Ortmont. Let's go with the scientist to the flying islands. Near the islands, after talking with the scientist, you need to have time to neutralize the snipers. We shoot two snipers, they appear from behind, thank God, not at the same time, and talk with Ormont again. After the conversation, a third island appears, the corpse of Academician Ioffe falls from it, sometimes the corpse does not fall out, then we go to the anomaly under the large island and get to the top of this island, on another island we see the corpse of an academician, we jump onto the island and take the flash drive from him, give the flash drive to Ormont . After the conversation, Ormont gives the transition back to the forest. There are two ways here - you can go report to Brown, or again we go to the anomaly under the large flying island, we get into the teleport and we are again thrown to the top of this island. We jump onto a small island and are transported to a nook of one of the farm’s hangars. We eavesdrop on the brothers' conversation about the super exoskeleton and the possibility of finding it, after the end of the conversation we go out and destroy the brothers, an internal monologue should sound that I, supposedly, know where to look. We run to the transition to the forest, find a field for Voronin, drive it to the test site to the gate of the base, report to Voronin, after that we find the Iroquois at the IP and buy the controller’s skin from him, return to the MK.
We go to the cave where we originally found our camera, before entering we put on the controller’s skin and go into the cave.
In the room with the stuffed owl, the door behind the stuffed owl is blocked by a seated controller. When approaching him, he must stand up and wave away the GG. There are two people standing near the second door. When approaching them, there is a pause of a few seconds, like a dress code, and then they move apart. This is where the opportunity to open doors arises. We go down. There is a door to a small room where Iron and the main controller sit. There is one at the door and another controller near it, again there is a pause like a dress code, in total there should be 6 controllers and an Iron in the cave. We go inside and approach the Iron. The door closes and locks. Iron mutters information about where he hid the exoskeleton. This means that you will have to somehow go out and find her (if you want to). After listening to Iron, we approach the controller and hear an offer to finish off Iron. We take out a knife and quickly stab the controller, the door opens and you can leave the cave. You can fight and kill all the controllers, this does not affect further events.
Next, we either go to the landfill to look for Iron’s cache, or we go to Brown at the IP and report on the completion of the task of finding a ground crossing in the drawbar.
If you decide to look for the exoskeleton of the Iron, then, as the iron whispered, it is hidden somewhere near the bridge, and the one in the fence under the container standing on the supports is the exoskeleton of the rat catcher, and after finding and taking it, three controllers appear and the GG dies. So you can’t take this copy.
If you decide not to look for Iron’s exoskeleton, then go to Brown. Brown says that there is an agreement with Voronin on the liberation of the collective farm Chervone Drawbar, but first it is necessary to coordinate actions with Voronin. Voronin gives the task to help Plichko seize the factory on the collective farm Chervone Dyshlo. We go again through the forest to the collective farm and there we meet Plichko. We talk with Plichko and run to liberate the factory, we don’t get ahead, otherwise we’ll fail the mission, we help shoot the mercenaries. We wait for Plichko to come, if he is not there, we go to meet him and accompany him to the place. We talk to him again. We are waiting for the release. After the ejection, we talk with Plichko again. Plichko asks to find the escaped leader and take the PDA with information from him. We go to the village, find the leader and take the PDA from him. We are waiting for Voronin to arrive.
We go around all the buildings at the factory and find Voronin, Petrenko is also there, there are green melancholy on the mini map. We give Voronin the PDA of the leader of the mercenaries.

After talking with Voronin, we go look for Brown in the dungeons. We find him half-dead at x10, the ghost of Shubin appears nearby, we talk to him.
Shubin promises to save Brown, but we must help him find a human form, and to do this we need to find 4 pentagrams and activate them by throwing everything that is required at them. To decipher what is written in the pentagrams, Shubin gives a piece of paper from a book, this is nothing more than an alphabet.
We find the pentagrams, activate them and go talk to Shubin. We give him a dead bat and a dead crow, Shubin makes medicine and cures Brown.
We accompany Brown to the Ukrainian base. We follow him up to the second floor and talk to him. He says that Shubin is waiting for us in a cave under the stones in the anomalous forest.

We go into the forest and find Shubin in the cave. He says that it is necessary to free the souls of the dead, 11 souls in total. These are: peacekeeping building - 3 souls, swamps - 1 soul, forest - 1 soul, industrial zone - 3 souls and bar - 3 souls.
On MK we go to the cemetery where the mercenaries killed Zhorik, there we find three crosses with gas masks. When approaching one of them, a sound begins to sound and a spark appears above the cross, here we start blowing Shubin’s pipe, a large sphere should appear and then it will shrink to a small ball and fall to the ground, we blow the pipe until the sphere appears, sometimes you have to blow 2-3 times. We pick up a ball from the ground, insert it into the first slot and shoot it into the sky, watching as the soul flies away. After the soul flies away a sound will be heard. We go to the second cross and repeat the same thing, then we approach the third cross. If no sound appears when approaching the cross, we move further away and then approach the cross again.
We freed three souls and now we are going to the swamp. In the swamp, the cross is located near the fence opposite the house, where there is a transition to the agricultural industry underground. We carry out all the actions to free the soul. Now we go to the anomalous forest. In the forest, the cross is located behind the trailer where Stulyy stands, a little to the south, under a large tree. We free our souls and go to the industrial zone.
In the industrial zone there are 1 crosses. Near the Tunnel, Houses and 2 large Towers. From the House into the passage between the towers across the Road near the cliff. 2. From the transition to MK, look for the Furu, behind it near the cliff. 3. When you go to the passage to the bar, you will pass the trailers (where Lukash was) and go right to the cliff, you won’t miss.
We freed all 3 souls and now we go to the bar.
In the bar there are crosses - 1. on the left, as you cross the ditch with stakes, by the fence. 2. immediately after the containers on the right of the road in front of the southern checkpoint. 3. as you go towards the transition to the MG on the left behind the building behind the Christmas tree.
After that, we go to Shubin in the cave under the stones and report to the front. Shubin, as a reward, says that he himself does not know where the passage to the secret cave is, but the former nuclear power plant engineer Pashka, who is hiding in various basements of destroyed buildings in Pripyat, knows.
We go to the forester, he asks to bring 2 bottles of tincture, we remember that the tincture is made by the rat catcher, after that we go to the MK and go to the rat catcher. An SMS arrives from Smith, we follow the instructions in the SMS. Smith says who should have information about the transition to Pripyat. We go to the indicated place, find Razuvaev, take the PDA from him, a passage to Pripyat appears.

After receiving the transition, we go there, you need to have 1 can of condensed milk with you to talk with Pashka (the rest will then need to be found in a cache in Pripyat). First, we find a cache with door codes in a secret cave and condensed milk for Pashka. The cache can appear in one of four places:
1. At the stadium - the northern stand, between the left benches.
2. Eastern part of the stadium, on the ground near the fence.
3. A grocery store near the bus station in the nook where the mailboxes are.
4. Near the entrance to the basement in the grocery store near the bus station..
We find the cache and take the PDA with codes and condensed milk for Pashka.
Let's go look for Pashka, find him in the basement of the club, give him the condensed milk and get passage to a secret cave.

After the transition, we find ourselves on the upper level, in Solyanka it is a labyrinth, we go to the second level, where the coded door is located. We open this door using the code found in the cache in Pripyat. We take the ammunition in the box and go to the next level. At the first level, use the code to open the first door of the bunker and move on, go higher, open the second door, go higher again, in the last room we find a box with a map, take it and then a message appears about going to the sarcophagus. We open the third door and go outside, Charon is waiting for us there, he speaks to us and disappears. We look at the map and go to the lower level into the labyrinth. We first find the teleport, it transfers to another level of the labyrinth, and then the transition to the sarcophagus. Everything in the sarcophagus is like the original.

Psi zones for crystal transformation:
There are crystals in almost any location. They appear after Sakharov’s task to search for Professor Lazarev in the swamp and subsequent submission of the task to Sakharov and taking from him the task of transforming the crystals. At the same time, a description of the transformations appears in the log.
The backpack must have a full set of 24 crystals, then when it enters the psi zone, it begins to respond with sound to the necessary crystals, so to speak, to sing. After that, you start throwing them out in pairs, for example 1 and 13, 2 and 14, etc. until the transformation occurs. Then you repeat all this in another psi zone that reacts with sound to the remaining crystals.
When all the crystals are in the backpack, the similarity of the pairs will be noticeable, for example, 1 and 13 are of the same shape, and so are the other pairs.
To transform you need crystals:
In zone No. 1 10-22,
in zone No. 2 07-19,
in zone No. 3 04-16,
in zone No. 4 03-15

If you took the task from Max, in the hangar at the dump, to search for a backpack in the basements, then you won’t just get there, all obvious passages are closed. We go around the hangar from the street along the perimeter; there are holes in the asphalt with bars. We look for one without bars and jump into it, they say that there is still one somewhere in the bushes.
We find a backpack. After taking the backpack, you need to go into the passage that comes in waves, wait until you are thrown out - a curtain appears, remember, we go to the gap, also try to exit - it throws you out and a curtain appears, remember, we go to the double exit and go through the left one, which leads onto the street - he throws it out and a curtain appears, remember, we go to the passage that leads to Screw in the hangar, the same actions, a curtain appears and then we go into the passage with the stairs and go out into the courtyard of the Hangar. All!)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - PHOTOGRAPHER. a stranger among his own


Another masterpiece from modders
It’s simply amazing that a game that’s already nine years old is still captivating, and you constantly find new ideas, gameplay opportunities and original solutions in it, of course we’re not talking about the original game (since it’s been played through and through so many times), but about numerous modifications for this series of games.

It’s very sad that since the last part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. no one makes shooters of this level.

I advise you to immediately install a fix on the boxes (I downloaded the mod from a torrent, not from the official website) and although the latest patch was added there), the game still crashed when wooden boxes were broken.
And be sure to fix the mute crows, since their cawing got to me after just an hour of playing.

It just so happened that this mod somehow passed me by and I tried it only now, I’m just surprised how I didn’t notice it before.
I didn’t choose this name for the blog by chance, there are two reasons, let’s start with the fact that GG is not really who he claims to be, but the most important reason is that this mod differs from most others in its gameplay.

I’ll say right away that fans of action and a lot of shooting are unlikely to like this mod, since there are several times less shootings here than even in the original, not to mention other modifications in which there is much more action.
Basically, here you only have to kill mutants, and there are very few NPCs as enemies here, this is the concept of the mod, even the military and bandits are not your enemies, with rare exceptions.

The mod has a completely new plot, new quests, new locations, characters, although some characters are also in the original TC, this is almost a new game with all its components.
As you can understand from the title, we will play as a photographer, a correspondent (such is the legend of the GG) and the camera will be an integral part of the gameplay, you will need to photograph various objects, people, at some point you will have to upgrade the camera so that pictures can be taken in the zone with its abnormal activity were obtained without distortion.
You can only take photographs during the day, at night you won’t be able to do anything, and naturally you will do this for a reason, but you will receive a reward for it and, no less important, you can also earn money from this by taking on a certain quest.

It is quite difficult to make money in this mod, especially at the beginning, when compared with other mods.
Exoskeletons and Vintorez are not lying around on the road, they can only be obtained as a quest reward, just like many other guns and armor.

As I already wrote above, you will have to shoot at NPCs very rarely here, quests are built on the fact that the GG will solve any problem peacefully, negotiate, act secretly, and often you will need to quietly follow the NPC.

Here you will have to read every dialogue very carefully, listen to what the NPCs say, and constantly watch the PDA, since often what exactly needs to be done in a particular quest in the PDA is indicated in general terms and very often the quest marker is simply missing, and sometimes the quest it doesn’t weigh in the PDA, you get all the information and tasks from the dialogues, and quite often you will have to rack your brains about what to do next to advance the quest.

It's no secret that one of the key special games in this series is the search and collection of artifacts, so in this mod there are no artifacts in the usual sense, a very interesting gameplay feature was invented, it was done in a very original way and can take a very large part of the time if you lean on it, but To do this you will have to figure it all out, it’s done in a rather confusing way.
No one specifically forces you to do this, with the exception of a couple of quests in the plot where you still have to find a couple of crystals (that’s what the first stage of artifacts is called here), i.e. you can complete the game without this, but it will be more difficult, especially if you play on a master, because artifacts add protection from various anomalies, radiation, needs and damage, make the game easier, and then you will miss a very interesting part of the gameplay.

I wanted to write this paragraph as briefly as possible, but it doesn’t work.
If we briefly describe the entire gameplay associated with artifacts, then you will have to make artifacts yourself from several parts of crystals, and in the future, when cooking the most powerful type, you will also need to use certain parts of monsters (very important, you can do this only after completing a certain stage of the plot and the first emission will pass, the most powerful artifacts are called amulets, you will also be able to cook only after completing a certain quest and receiving a special detector of psi-zones of the highest order). Crystals spawn in any location in certain places, usually these are ravines and lowlands.
The essence of cooking crystals is that each crystal has a double and it differs only in color, but has the same shape. Having found a suitable pair of crystals, you will need to find a psi zone of a certain type in the location (they are in every location) when you get into such a zone on the screen a corresponding inscription will appear (you can’t stay in this zone for a very long time, otherwise the GG will simply die) and if you have crystals of the appropriate type, then when you get into the desired psi zone there will also be various visual and sound effects, you need to throw away the same pair of crystals and they will be cooked into a more advanced form - absolutely, before cooking the crystals it is better to save as this process does not always go smoothly, there is a chance that the crystals will not be cooked and you will only have one left.

The crystals that you find do not have any properties, when you weld two crystals it will turn into an absolute, the next stage of artifacts, but it will have many negative effects and few positive ones, so you are unlikely to wear it. When you have paired absolutes, you You can also cook them, as a result you will get a talisman, it has fewer negative properties and more positive ones. And the last stage of cooking artifacts is from the talisman, you can cook a talisman, as I wrote above, in order to cook a talisman you need to go through a certain quest from Sakharov (this scientist who is located at the testing ground location) and get a special psi zone detector, hang it on your belt, without it you won’t be able to weld amulets, you will also need a certain part of the monsters.

When you brew the first absolute in the PDA, a recipe and description of this absolute will appear, as well as a hint in which psi zone it should be brewed, moreover, marks of the psi zone in which you welded a crystal remain on the map.
When you have welded a crystal, the psi zone needs time to recharge (that is, you cannot weld several pieces at once), the higher the level of the psi zone, the longer it takes to recharge, the first level is one hour and the last one is where you brew amulets are three hours.
As I already wrote above, apart from a couple of quests, you won’t have to do all of this, but firstly, it’s quite interesting and secondly, it will make it easier for you to complete the game; it’s felt quite well on the master.

Another key feature associated with crystals is that as they are collected and cooked in psi zones, the GG will have hallucinations, and the more you wear these crystals, absolutes, amulets in your inventory and on your belt, the stronger the hallucinations will become.
At first it will just be different sound effects, then various effects will appear on the screen, in total this can actually make you commit treason and you will put down bricks more than once (of course, then you get used to it), for example, a pseudo-dog growls from behind the GG, you turn around and there there is no one, or a grenade explodes in front of you or an anomaly appears, not to mention that the screen will shimmer in different colors, the GG will have double vision and in general there will be various negative effects, in general, all this is not too bad. But even this is not the worst thing As one might think, at the very last stage of these hallucinations the camera will behave unpredictably, i.e. she will randomly turn in different directions at some point, and even this is not the end of all the troubles, it will come to the point that the GG will teleport from one location point to another, sometimes it was so that I went to one location for a very long time because I was constantly teleported to the place from where I came.
Below in the view you can check out these same hallucinations.

You can get rid of all these hallucinations by putting all the artifacts out of your backpack and taking an injection that Sakharov gives, but in the end, if you carry artifacts again and cook, it will start again, the only way to get rid of hallucinations forever is to cook the amulet, i.e. When you brew your first amulet, the hallucinations will disappear forever.

In general, the negative state of the GG in the game is done very well, in addition to the hallucinations I described, there are several other interesting features in the game.
Food and water play a significant role in the game, food is not so important, to be honest, I didn’t even understand what the negative effect of hunger is, although I usually didn’t bring the indicator to red, but water in the game is very important if the GG is thirsty stamina drops very much, I’ll say right away that you definitely need to carry several bottles of water with you. If you click this moment, it may turn out that the GG will have difficulty breathing, he will constantly run out of breath, in the end, in order to get at least to some settlement or stalker sites from which you can buy water, you will spend a lot of time because... you will have to wait almost every second for the GG’s stamina to be restored.

There is an alternative option to overcome long distances, the game has transport and sometimes it helps a lot, because very often you will have to run back and forth (I will say right away that its control leaves much to be desired), but the danger is that there are a lot of anomalies on the way, their It’s quite hard to notice, and you have to drive very carefully, otherwise it will all end very quickly.

Naturally, the GG game requires sleep, for this you have a sleeping bag, there’s basically nothing special here, if the hero really wants to sleep, he will also have various effects on the screen, for example, he will become cloudy and see double. But sleep is also needed for example, to wait out the night, since walking around locations at night is not the best idea, even with NVGs it’s quite dark, or for example, you can only take photographs during the day, or some specific time is required to complete a quest, sleep helps a lot in this regard .
But there is one more feature related to sleep, if you often use energy drinks (this is an endurance regenerator if anyone doesn’t know), so if you abuse it, the GG simply will not be able to sleep for quite a long time, i.e. You will also have to walk around the locations at night, so be careful.

Another of the negative features that the game has is a virus that can be picked up in various underground laboratories, negative effects will also consist of various effects on the screen, twitching of the camera while the GG will constantly cough, and the more the virus progresses, the stronger it will become these effects, an indicator of biological infection will appear and it will be green at first, but as the virus progresses, it will turn red, I think that the GG will eventually die, I really have never brought it to this state.

So, in order not to catch the virus, according to the plot you will receive a special spacesuit, without it the first time you simply will not be able to get into the laboratories (in the future you will be able to walk through them without a spacesuit, but you will immediately catch the virus). Moreover, even this spacesuit will not be able to save you if it is seriously damaged. There are a lot of zombies and other evil in the laboratories, I think there is no need to remind that the spacesuit is primarily a protection for various negative effects and not from bullets, accordingly, if you are not very careful until it is quickly turned into a sieve.
According to the plot, you will find a vaccine, and then scientists will further improve it, when you take it you will also need to drink water, but there is an easier way to overcome the virus, this is to take two or three scientific first aid kits.

It would be unforgivable not to mention another interesting feature of the game.
Everyone knows that in the games of the stalker series, swag plays a significant role, it is collected, carried around, sold, it is not only the basis of the stalker’s equipment, his weapons and various auxiliary gadgets, cartridges, ammunition, armor, etc., but this is not yet With poor earnings, you can make good money by selling all this.

But our GG is still not an elephant and cannot carry all this on himself, so it must be stored somewhere, the game naturally has boxes in certain places, hiding places, and there is even the opportunity to buy backpacks and make caches yourself anywhere, and even putting GPS beacons there so that you can immediately see on the PDA map what is in a particular hiding place, this is very convenient.

So there is one interesting character in the game who will clean out your hiding places.
In the end, everything that was acquired through hard work, well, in general, you understand, and the fatter your stash is, the greater the likelihood that it will be robbed, the principle of not putting all your eggs in one basket works here.
As soon as some cache is cleared, you will receive a message that a cache has been cleared at such and such a location, during the day you can come to this location and, with due observation, find the thief, the only problem is that you will never get your things back, and if If you kill this thief, the situation will only get worse.
Meet Grandfather Zapadlo

This is the comrade who will clean out your hiding places, but let’s go back to killing him, so if you kill him, his granddaughter will appear who will clean out your hiding places with much greater persistence and now you will never be able to find her, choose the lesser of two evils.

All this is really annoying and more than once will be a reason for your butt to burn when you receive another message that the cache with your artifacts that you have been collecting and cooking for so long has been cleared, there is little good, so how to solve this problem, it’s simple.

You will need to complete a certain quest, namely to catch grandfather Zapadlo stealing caches, after two thefts you will need to find him, i.e. you receive a message that a cache in such and such a location has been robbed, you rush headlong to this location and look for the thief, as a result, he has a branch in the dialogue to save his granddaughter, but keep in mind that you can save her only after the story quest in the dead city.

The game also has the opportunity to sell (swag, art, etc. to NPCs), but what is equally important is to exchange, for example, you can exchange a damaged body armor for a new one, of course, an NPC will not exchange a bandit kurta for an army body armor, the exchange should be equal. For some NPCs, mainly merchants, can exchange unique weapons and ammunition for a certain number of different items or mutant parts.

I guess I’ll stop here, anyone who wants to play a really interesting game, I definitely recommend installing this mod; it’s a must-install for fans of the series.

There are a lot of really unique and interesting quests in the game that you will have to puzzle over.

I described the most interesting features of the game, you can see a complete list of all the features below.

Completely new plot, old plot completely cut out.
New quests with several parallel quest lines intertwined with the main storyline.
A parallel research-type quest line has been implemented, aimed at finding and transforming crystals, amulets, absolute minerals and talismans.
A completely new system for issuing secondary quests, the number of which amounts to about 60. There will be six characters in the game who will give out these quests; the quests will be given out as you progress through the story.
The game includes 15 populated locations, which are all involved in the plot and are logically connected to each other.
Transitions between locations will be available to the player immediately after completing story missions.
Newly designed loading screens and game menus.
A system of hallucinations has appeared that will manifest themselves when the main character comes into contact with certain minerals or crystals.
The main character began to feel thirsty, and the actor was susceptible to viral infection.
A huge amount of work has been done to rework the entire sound component of the game, using our own dubbing of characters, various sounds, the main character’s remarks depending on the completion of various quests and around the events taking place, as well as musical content.
There are many Easter eggs in the game, so if you play carefully and leisurely, you can find many interesting gameplay innovations.
The principle of the Photographer mod involves moving the main character to the origins of studying the Zone. Thanks to this, the name of various phenomena, anomalies and mutants will be given by the GG itself. Therefore, in order to find out about the above-listed zone objects in your PDA, you must first conduct research.
The PDA will have two sections, the first is the Journal - information received from various characters that you will meet as you progress through the plot will be recorded in it. The second section is the Photographer's Notes - information about the Zone found by the main character himself will be collected there.
To maximize the graphics, a texture pack was added to the game.
The game includes such mutants as the Fire Chimera and the Iron Claw, who are quite dangerous opponents.
There will be no artifacts in the game as such, due to the fact that the actions taking place in the plot involve the Exclusion Zone at the time of its inception and initial stage of development. Therefore, instead of artifacts in the game there will be so-called crystals, the properties of which will have to be studied. In this regard, a system for obtaining recipes and anomalous transformations has been introduced into the game. To activate some anomalous zones, a special device will be needed.
You should not expect ready-made recipes; you will have to learn them yourself by comparing and selecting ingredients to obtain the necessary beneficial properties. For receiving recipes, GG will receive serious rewards. All information about successful modifications and the conditions under which this transformation became successful will be recorded in a special section of your PDA.

New events are occurring in the contaminated area that must be captured. Now you need to get used to the new image. You will play as a military journalist who must find out what really happened in the contaminated zone, and then he will have to transfer the information to government headquarters. You will play over vast territories. Now at locations you can not only capture events, but also find very valuable items and equipment for your main character. In the game Stalker Photographer, the torrent of which you can download for free on our game portal, you can enjoy new spectacular moments.

Plot features fashion Photographer

This time, new enemies are trying to get into the exclusion zone for you. There is an energy source in the center of the zone. A huge amount of energy will allow your player to gain new opportunities to improve the gaming experience. This energy source will reduce the radiation level in the anomalous zone. Only now new groups and guides in the playing area will try in every possible way to destroy your hero. You are a war reporter who must find secret information, capture it on camera and transfer it to headquarters. But the mutants haunt you; they constantly roam the locations, trying to destroy your main character.

Game mechanics mod

Not only free mercenary fighters went in search of a mysterious source of energy, but also terrorist groups, the military, and corrupt officials rushed to grab themselves a tasty morsel in the game. You can download Stalker Photographer via torrent from Mechanics right now from our free gaming portal. You will have new opponents in the game, but you, as a journalist and reporter, must capture new events in the game. Your camera, your mental abilities, your ingenuity - all this will help you successfully complete all game missions. You can control your main character in training mode. There will be maps that you should pay attention to in order to accurately know all the locations of your opponents.

You will have to devote more time to research activities. Exploration, extraction of valuable information - you will go through all this in the game. But the main thing is to film it and show your bosses what is really going on in the exclusion zone.

Features of Stalker Photographer

  • Recruited a hero. Your main character must complete mysterious missions. Initially, you will have an ordinary camera at your disposal, but you need to get weapons. The recruitment of your hero was a success, so carefully complete all the tasks assigned to you.
  • Graphics and sound. Graphic characteristics have undergone significant changes. Now your game war correspondent will be able to move around locations even faster. And one more feature - the camera angle can be changed at your own discretion.
  • Exploration of the territory. You are not only a military journalist, you are also an intelligence officer who must not only make a photo report about the events taking place in the anomalous zone, but also find out about hidden locations where valuable game artifacts are hidden.
  • Character equipment. Keep track of your player's equipment. Armor, protective masks and gas masks - all this must be obtained in order to successfully complete the main missions of this mod.
  • You can always download the game Stalker Photographer via torrent on our new game portal. But the main thing is to successfully leave the contaminated zone, taking with you a good report. An excellent addition, many interesting twists, and in general you will see a new unique plot.

On this page, using the button below, you can download Stalker Photographer via torrent for free.

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