Home Asian countries Dominican islands names. Saona Island - one of the pearls of the Dominican Republic

Dominican islands names. Saona Island - one of the pearls of the Dominican Republic

Hello friends!

How is your February going? Did you congratulate the defenders of the fatherland yesterday with Fahrenheit socks and a tie? Well, now spring is definitely just around the corner)). But today I decided to write another post about relaxation. I haven’t been able to get out of my ski boots lately...

I’ve probably already tired you with panoramas of mountains and views of Krasnaya Polyana. And so I decided - I’ll write about my vacation in the Dominican Republic. By the way, I was asked about this by one of the readers of my blog (yes, Marina, thank you for the question). And quite recently, this country flashed in the news feeds in connection with the emergency landing of a Boeing 777. The reason for the emergency landing of the plane 15 minutes after takeoff from Punta Cana airport was an engine failure. None of the passengers or crew members were injured.

But in general, this country does not often attract media attention. It is located quite far away, and although our tourists fly there, it is still less than to Vietnam and Thailand. Because it’s expensive, you say? Let’s try to figure it out together - what’s there, in this distant country, with hotels and other tourist infrastructure.

Dominican Republic: an island for two.

Dominican Republic - Paradise for two…

Dominican Republic...Punta Cana...Romantic flair hovers over your holiday at this wonderful resort. And it’s true: as a rule, mothers with little ones in diapers and older ones in pimples, crazy comrades from Tagil, and other restless public do not come here.

But for couples who met, fell in love and got married (or are just planning to do so), the Dominican Republic is one of the highest priority countries for a one-on-one holiday. Well, why be surprised? All the attributes of heaven on earth, such as snow-white beaches, turquoise sea, palm trees curved over the water and tropical fruits, are present. There are many good hotels. There are also places to go on excursions. So let's take a closer look at this island.

The Dominican Republic (or Dominican Republic) occupies half of the island of Haiti, which lies in the Caribbean between the continents of North and South America. The second half of the island is occupied by the Republic of Haiti, which is a poorer country compared to the Dominican Republic. This is an island for two)). The Dominican Republic also owns many small islands, including the largest - Saona, Beata, Cayo Levantado. The Dominican Republic got its name from its capital, Santo Domingo, which, in turn, was named after the Spanish saint Domingo Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order.

But I won't go into history. Because personally, when I read something about a country that interests me, I remember only what is of practical importance for my vacation. Therefore, I will write about such moments: about the weather, hotel facilities, excursions, etc. So, since I haven’t been to the Dominican Republic myself (but I really want to!), I’ll now compile a guide to this country (and then, you see, suddenly an inexpensive tour to this paradise will turn up, because you know - dreams tend to materialize...)

Climate in the Dominican Republic it is tropical, dry in winter and humid in summer. The bulk of precipitation occurs in late summer, coinciding with hurricane season. The average temperature is 24-29 degrees. The most favorable time for a holiday in the Dominican Republic is from December to April. It is at this time that tourism to this country peaks.

Territory The Dominican Republic consists mainly of mountainous terrain and coastline. The highest mountains are the Cordillera Central (Cibao Mountains) with an altitude of approximately 2400-2700 meters above sea level. In the eastern part there is a large plateau on which the capital, Santa Domingo, is located. The town is quite large, I must say, with a population of more than 2 million people.

In the Dominican Republic, in addition to road transport, railway transport is developed. transport, and also one metro line has been operating since 2008. But among tourists, one of the most common means of transportation is a motorcycle and moped; they can also be rented. ATVs are also common. The average rental cost is about $50 per day. It works out cheaper for a longer period.

Official language Republic - Spanish, but according to experts it is slightly different from the classical language, and during your holiday in the Dominican Republic you can hear many other European languages ​​- the population of the Dominican Republic consists of the French, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Spaniards and, of course, the Dominicans themselves. There are also Russians and Ukrainians. If you don’t know the language and find yourself in a not entirely familiar place far from the hotel, feel free to contact the locals. They will be happy to give you directions using gestures.

Visa for Russians it is issued upon arrival in the Dominican Republic and is issued to tourists for 30 days of stay.

The only disadvantages of a holiday in the Dominican Republic are the long flight (about 11 hours from Moscow) and the large time difference (8 hours minus from Moscow time). Previously, the most affordable flights to the Dominican Republic were with Transaero, but last minute tours to the Dominican Republic seem to have sunk into oblivion...

At the moment, tours to Punta Cana hotels start from 140 thousand rubles for two people. This will be a 3-4* hotel, for 9-10 days, on an all-inclusive basis. It simply doesn’t make sense to go for fewer days (remember about the 11 hour flight?)

The quality and content of your holiday in the Dominican Republic depends entirely onchoosing a hotel. N The most expensive tours are to the beaches of Punta Cana, the least expensive are to the beaches of the northern coast.

There are a lot of hotels in the Dominican Republic, catering to different levels of comfort and wallet sizes. Here are the popular hotels in Punta Cana:

  • Barcelo Bavaro Beach 4*
  • Allegro Playa Dorada 4*
  • Carabela Bavaro 4*
  • Tropical Princess Beach Resort & Spa 4*
  • Fiesta Palace Resort & SPA 5*

In general, all hotels in the Barcelo and Grand Bahia chain can be safely recommended as worthy options. As well as hotels of the popular global chain Iberostar. You really can't go wrong.

Punta Cana is located in the province of La Altagracia, on the southeastern coast of the Dominican Republic, and is the most popular tourist area. Coral beaches and snow-white sand are the key to an unforgettable vacation in the Dominican Republic. The name of the resort is translated from Spanish as “gray sandbank.” On the territory of Punto Cana there are the famous beaches of Bavaro - the best in the Dominican Republic. Coral reefs create excellent conditions for diving. Over the past 25 years, Punta Cana has transformed from a province into a popular, prestigious resort.

Picturesque landscapes and snow-white beaches allow you to enjoy both the peace and comfort of magnificent landscapes, as well as immerse yourself in active recreation on the coast and adventures in the depths of the island. Punta Cana is preferred most by lovers of active recreation, because... It is in this part of the Dominican Republic that the majority of all kinds of sea adventures are presented: surfing, diving, sea and underwater walks, helicopter rides, parachute rides, fishing and much more.

So what is next?

OK, let's assume that in the first 3-4 days you swam in the sea until you dropped, dived until you felt dizzy - what next? And then rent the same scooter and go to explore other attractions of the island. Fortunately, there is plenty of it here. If you're afraid to drive yourself, take a tour.

A most interesting excursion is to Santa Domingo. The excursion lasts the whole day and includes a visit to: the “Los Tres Ojos” grottoes, in the depths of which there are three amazing underground lakes with salt, sulfur and fresh water; a monument containing the ashes of the legendary Christopher Columbus - “Columbus Lighthouse”; a walk through the modern streets of Santa Domingo, accompanied by a story about the modern life of Dominicans; a walk through the historical narrow and winding streets of the city; the Alcazar Palace, built by Diego, son of Christopher Columbus; The Cathedral, the National Pantheon and many other interesting things. Lunch is also expected in a cozy restaurant with Creole cuisine.

Visit to the Fun-fun Cave , one of the world's largest stalactite caves, located in the Los Haitises Nature Reserve, will turn your holiday into an unforgettable adventure. The peculiarity of this cave is the lack of lighting and paved paths. It creates a feeling of pristine nature and makes you feel like a researcher and discoverer. Professional equipment for descents and ascents is provided.

The average cost of a wedding ceremony in the Dominican Republic ranges from $850 for a minimum package of services and from $2,500 for a wedding with additional services. The standard package includes a personal photo session, decorated transport, champagne, fruits, romantic music and the like. The package is designed for the bride, groom and several people, on average 5-7. Air tickets and accommodation are not included in the price of the ceremony.

Also, after organizing a wedding, the Dominican Republic can become an excellent place for an unforgettable honeymoon.

Well, and finally: January 24, 2016 in the Dominican Republic began traditional carnival . Every Saturday until the beginning of March, bright and colorful processions will be held in all cities of the country. The main character of such a parade is always the lame devil. According to Dominican custom, if the devil hits someone with a bull bubble he is holding in his hand, that person will have good luck all year.

The festive mood, fun events and noisy parties last on the island throughout February. And the participants in the processions in the most amazing costumes and masks then go to the main carnival parade of the country - in Santo Domingo. The procession in the country's capital takes place on the last weekend of February and attracts the largest number of spectators. According to established tradition, the king and queen of the main carnival procession are selected in advance, and at the end of the carnival celebrations, the authors of the most interesting processions and carnival images are awarded prizes.

Well, how? Do you already want to go to the Dominican Republic? Yes, for me.

See you on the blog, friends!

Dominican Republic... What is the sea like there? What is the best time to rest? What airport is in the Dominican Republic? What kind of money, sockets, language and much more are further in the article

Dominican Republic

We should have started everything with this article, but it so happened that it did not become the first in our useful article. However, it had to happen. In this material I will try to cover the most popular questions about the Dominican Republic and briefly answer them. Let's start, perhaps, from the very beginning...

The Dominican Republic is a presidential republic located on the island of Haiti, which also contains the Republic of Haiti of the same name. Santo Domingo is the capital and also said to be the first city in Latin America. “Have you been to Santo Domingo? So I’ve been all over Latin America.” The current president is Danilo Medina. The official language is Spanish. The state religion is Catholicism. Population: 10 million. The national currency is the Dominican Peso. In the past, the country came under the influence of Spain, France, Great Britain and the United States, and finally came under the influence of the Republic of Haiti. In 1844, the Dominican Republic became independent.

What airport is in the Dominican Republic?

There are as many as 8 international airports in the republic, 2 of which are located in the capital - Santo Domingo. However, the busiest ones are those through which tourist destinations are directed: Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, La Romana, Samana and the less popular Santiago and Barahona.

What time is it in the Dominican Republic?

Time zone Moscow - St. Petersburg - Krasnodar GMT+3, and in the Dominican Republic GMT-4. Accordingly, our time is 7 hours ahead of the Dominican.


If it’s 9 a.m. here, then it’s 2 a.m. there.

When it’s 5 p.m., it’s 10 a.m. there, etc.

What is the language in the Dominican Republic?

The vast majority of the local population speaks Spanish. Of course, it has Latin American overtones and is not entirely pure, but it is Spanish. The reason for this lies deep in history; back in 1492, the great navigator Columbus found this island and named it Hispaniola. Subsequently, the name changed to Santo Domingo and the current Dominican Republic.

The island came under the influence of Spain, Great Britain, France and the USA. However, it was Spain that occupied the territories most of the time and made certain contributions. That is why Spanish has taken root in the Dominican Republic.

What is the currency/money in the Dominican Republic?

The republic has its own money of the same name - Dominican pesos. The back of the bills is decorated with famous places, while the front features famous figures. The peso exchange rate is very stable and has remained around 40-50 Dominican pesos per dollar in recent years.

What currency should I take to the Dominican Republic? Due to its proximity to America, naturally the dollar is the most valued here.

Dominican Republic on the map

Where is this paradise country located? Between two Americas - North and South. However, it applies specifically to North America. It is part of the Antilles, which are washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea.

What is the sea like in the Dominican Republic?

The island is washed by two great bodies of water, one is the sea and the other is the ocean. Everyone knows their names: the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Based on this, you can dispel the pleasant, but not entirely true, myth that by going to the Dominican Republic, you are going to the Caribbean Sea. Not quite so... If you are going to visit the south of the country, then you will probably end up by the sea. However, going north or east, you will find yourself on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Including the popular hotel area in Punta Cana and Bavaro, it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find clear boundaries where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. However, I came across a couple of interesting photographs from the island of Eleuthera, Bahamas.

What are the beaches in the Dominican Republic?

The beaches here are wonderful! Moreover, there are excellent beaches on the shores of the Atlantic and in the Caribbean Sea.


In the article, I looked at the most popular coastlines on the southeast coast. First of all, it has golden sand and very tall palm trees, also the private beach of Amor (other names: Cabeza del Torro, Coast of Love) with white sand and well-groomed territory. I would also like to mention Bavaro Beach, popular among tourists.

If you move closer to the south, it is worth noting the beaches of the elite Cap Cana complex, such as Juaniyo, which is included in the 30 best beaches in the world. Further south is the legendary Bounty Island with its stunning paradise landscapes.


Here tourism is a little less developed and there are not many beaches designed for guests of the island. The most famous and popular places for swimming are the beaches of the Samana Peninsula. By the way, this is where those who want to see the incredible spectacle of humpback whales come.

You can also note the cozy Arriba beach, located near the village of Miches, El Valle beach, which is located a little further to the north of Samana, as well as the wild coastal beaches near Las Terrenas.

North and South

In the north and south there are less touristic places and I will omit these areas, I will only say that in the south there is an incredible place - Eagle Bay, there are wonderful beaches on the Caribbean Sea.

What outlets are there in the Dominican Republic?

A question that exists, but is lost in a pile of more important tasks. This is often forgotten by newly arrived guests of Latin America, or more precisely the Dominican Republic. However, our essential phones and tablets require charging! Therefore, let's get to the point.

The difference between outlets in the Dominican Republic and Russia is expressed in two things:

  • Voltage
  • Fork shape

The voltage here is half that of ours. The network supports only 110 volts, instead of the usual 220. Adapters can be bought at any store with goods of a similar theme. They can also be purchased at the hotels themselves. Such a necessary thing will cost 1-3 dollars.

If you take care of this issue earlier, you can look for an adapter-transformer that converts Dominican 110 volts to 220. Why is such a low voltage worse than ours? Because charging electrical appliances will be an order of magnitude slower. Therefore, when planning your day, make allowances for a longer charge.

Dominican Republic now

It cannot be said that this country has an incredible pace of development, however, new highways are being built, immigration is growing, and the business sector is developing rapidly. In any case, there is movement here, although not so fast. Of course, many locals continue to dance and have fun, but on the other hand, why not? After all, the ultimate goal of our wanderings is to find happiness, and it is definitely there. By the way, if you are interested in the Dominican Republic, then go to the VKontakte group -

(Caribbean Sea) and on offshore islands. The area is 48,730 km2. Population - 9,650,054 people. (as of 2009). The official language is Spanish. The capital is Santo Domingo. The currency is the Dominican Peso.

In the west there is a single land border - with Haiti (border length 275 km). From the south the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea, from the north by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east the Mona Strait separates the island of Haiti from the island. The length of the coastline is 1,288 km. The landscape of the country is dominated by mountainous hills and mountains, only in the east of the country are there plains. The western and central parts are several almost parallel mountain ranges, separated by river valleys. The main mountain range is the Cordillera Central with its highest point Mount Duarte (3,175 m). In the southwest of the country is the salt lake Enriquillo, the surface of which is 46 m below sea level. The Northern and Southern Yaque and Artibonite rivers flow through the country.

The climate is marine tropical, trade wind with slight seasonal temperature fluctuations. Average monthly temperatures are +25+27°C. Precipitation is 1,000-2,000 mm per year. Tropical hurricanes are frequent.


And before the arrival of Europeans, it was turbulent here: the tribes of the Arawak Indians, the first known inhabitants of the island, at the beginning of the 7th century. The Taino Indians supplanted them, and those in turn, about 1100 years ago, were supplanted by the Caribs. The Arawaks, Tainos, and Caribs were constantly at war with each other. When Christopher Columbus landed in Haiti on December 5, 1492, they secretly saw Europeans as supernatural beings who brought them news of long-awaited peace and prosperity. And Columbus and his companions in the land they discovered are part of, or, to which they, in fact, were going. This is how the Native Americans became Indians. The island itself was named Hispaniola. Secret hopes for prosperity with the newcomers were not destined to come true: the Europeans exported to the New World not only the adventurism, energy and culture of their world, but also diseases for which the Indians had no immunity, and in a short time hundreds of thousands of Tainos died from them. That did not stop the Spaniards from continuing to explore the island. In 1496, Columbus's brother Bartolomeo founded the city of Santo Domingo on the southern coast of the island. In 1503, slaves from Africa began to be delivered to Hispaniola. And today 84% of the population of the island of Haiti is considered their descendants.

But the French also had their own views of the tropics of the Caribbean. This figuratively muddy water was ruled by pirates, who founded their state on the island of Tortuga in 1629. And from there, playing the pirate card, she captured the western part of Hispaniola. In 1697, under the terms of the Peace of Ryswick, she was forced to officially recognize this. The Spanish part of the island began to be called Santo Domingo, the French - San Domingo.

In peace (until 1791) for the island of the 18th century. the population of Santo Domingo grew 20 times over 50 years, reaching 125 thousand people, half of whom were slaves. But soon a fierce struggle for the island began between Spain and France, which turned geography into history, dividing the island into two hostile worlds. In 1804, the independence of Saint-Domingue was proclaimed, the island was returned to its Indian name - Haiti, and Saint-Domingue became the Republic of Haiti. In 1822, this state also captured the eastern part of the island. In 1844, Santo Domingo managed to separate from Haiti. This is how the Dominican Republic appeared on the world map. Its first president was Pedro Santana (1801-1864). He opened the list of dictator presidents. This type of power, like a knife that easily cuts through butter, cut the history of the country into segments that differed from each other only by the name of the dictator. To understand what it was, at least approximately, it is enough to look at the period from 1848 to 1858. First, Santana was replaced as president by Jimenez, and a year later by Baez. But already in 1853 Santana became president for the second time. In 1856, he surrendered part of the Samana Peninsula, which caused discontent in the country. Here the exiled Baez took power into his own hands and immediately pulled off a major financial scam. The Dominicans decided that Santana was better, and in 1858 he became president of the country for the third time. Between these presidents there were others who ruled for only a short time.

Sights of the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo- the oldest (founded in 1496) and largest city in the Antilles, which grew up on the site of Hurricane Isabella, the first Spanish city on the island. There are a huge number of historical monuments located here, many of which are the first buildings of Europeans in the New World, which is why Santo Domingo was declared a “patrimony of humanity” by UNESCO.

Famous Bavaro beaches, Arena, Cortecito, Cabeza de Torro and Punta Cana- this is 32 km of pearl-white sand and a whole series of new tourist centers located on the coast itself, but no less than 60 meters from the shore (according to local laws, it is prohibited to disturb the natural landscape). Many public beaches transform into lively sports fields and picnic areas on weekends. Stretching along the entire coast, the resort towns of Boca Chica, Juan Dolio, San Pedro de Macoris, San Cristobal, La Romana, Punta Palenque, the famous Casa de Campo and others are the most modern recreational areas of the country.

Behind the ridges of the Northern Cordillera, lies one of the most popular tourist areas of the country - Costa del Ambar("Amber Coast"). This area got its name because of the huge deposits of amber, as well as because of the wonderful beaches of the region, stretching from Puerto Plata to Manzanillo Bay.

The main city of the region is Puerto Plata(San Felipe de Puerto Plata). In the very west of the coast, almost at the border with Haiti, is the town of Monte Cristi, famous for its luxurious bay with a fleet of Spanish galleons resting at the bottom, the salt lakes of Lago Enriquio and many old colonial houses. Just beyond the coral reefs enclosing the bay lies the island group of Siete Hermanos (Seven Brothers), on whose gray sand beaches large sea turtles lay their eggs from November to February.

Los Haitises National Park covers part of the northeastern region and the largest peninsula of the Dominican Republic - Samana, including the famous bay where humpback whales swim every year from January to March. Coral islands with mangroves, many small bays, rocky terrain with coconut palms off the Atlantic coast, and a little deeper in the mountains, real rain forests with hundred-year-old plants create conditions for the habitat of endemic species of animals and birds.

Another attraction of this park are several dozen caves of unusual beauty. Several stalactite caves are closed to scientific research. In them were found utensils, accessories and pictographs on the walls left by the first inhabitants of the island - the Taino Indians.

The southern and southwestern coast of the country, which has so far been relatively little developed by tourists, is a charming mixture of quiet towns, luxurious landscapes, lush greenery and deserted coasts. The city of Barahona is interesting here, Cabral Lagoon and an amazing phenomenon" magnetic mountain"(10 km from Cabral), fresh Lake Las Marias with surprisingly clear water, the National Reserve of Lake Enriquillo, the “capital of Dominican turquoise” - the city of Baoruco, the Jaragua Nature Reserve, the Oviedo Lagoon (where large sea turtles breed), Beata Island and, of course, tens of kilometers of excellent beaches, many of which are completely wild and deserted.

Cuisine of the Dominican Republic

Dominican cuisine, also known as Creole, is very tasty and rich in Spanish, African and Caribbean culinary traditions.

Each national dish of the Dominican Republic is an original combination of vegetables, meat and spices. Almost all national cuisine recipes contain legumes, a large number of different vegetables and fruits, and green “platano” bananas, which are very hard and, as a rule, are not eaten raw.

In the Dominican Republic they also use spices, which at first glance seem to be a lot, but in fact everything is used in moderation, and the taste of the dish is not drowned out by seasonings.

The most traditional dishes are soup with meat, rice and vegetables, stew with meat and vegetables baked in banana leaves or made from beans, rice and cold cuts, and fried banana salad, which can replace most dishes.

As for meat dishes, whole pork carcass braised in a pit is very popular, or pork with bananas is grilled; chicken is also often prepared, which is most often stewed with vegetables.

Rice, red beans, wild banana puree, and various salads are most often served as a side dish for many dishes. There is also always a dish on the table with flatbreads, which are made with or without filling, and in addition to them, fried slices of bananas are placed.

Despite the fact that the country has a lot of fish and seafood in national cuisine, they are practically never found. Only occasionally do the menus of restaurants and cafes serve fish fried on a grill or spit, or seafood in a sauce made with coconut milk.

As for fruits, they are also consumed here in large quantities, since the Dominican Republic is a country with a tropical climate, and a large number of different exotic fruits grow on its territory. Many fruits, such as bananas, coconuts, mangoes, avocados, green lemons, guava, are used to make salads, fruit smoothies, freshly squeezed juices and many other dishes, and they are also simply eaten raw.

Dishes worth trying include: sancocho (meat cooked with yucca, potatoes, bananas, coriander and other spices), el locrio (rice with seafood), tostones (fried green banana pieces with salt and garlic), la bandera (white rice with red beans and meat, vegetables and fried plantains) and el moro (beans with rice and stew, and often served with cod).

As for desserts, there is a very popular light dish made from corn, coconut milk, sugar, vanillin and cinnamon majarete and many other dishes prepared on the basis of coconuts and milk. As well as coffee, which is prepared throughout the Dominican Republic, but the Santo Domingo variety has a special taste.

Dominican Republic on the map

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The Dominican Republic is a year-round holiday destination

With the onset of autumn it is much more difficult to choose a country for a holiday. Somewhere the rains are already in full control, somewhere the sea has become cold. The Dominican Republic is a country where you can safely go throughout the year to experience warm weather and a non-cold sea.

Country location

The Dominican Republic, as the Dominican Republic is abbreviated, is located on the island of Haiti. The country borders the Atlantic Ocean as well as the Caribbean Sea. In the Dominican Republic's topography, high hills give way to deep valleys. The coastline is more than 1000 km. The tropical climate zone, in which the Dominican Republic is located, practically guarantees the absence of sub-zero temperatures all year round. Basically, the average annual temperature across the country ranges from 21 to 28 C.

Do you need a visa?

Russians do not need a visa to enter the Dominican Republic. But there is still a limitation. You can stay in the country for no more than a month, and then you must leave the hospitable republic. This is one of the most visited countries where, with a minimum set of documents, you can have a great time in winter.

This point is very attractive for tourists. If you decide to extend your vacation, you should contact your local police station and extend your stay. The service costs only two euros.

Documents required to cross the border:

  1. Valid passport. The minimum expiration time for a passport must be at least six months in order to avoid unnecessary questions when passing the border.
  2. Find out how to fill out a tourist card correctly so as not to make mistakes on it. You can view the template at the consulate.
  3. You need to have thirty dollars or euros in cash. You will pay ten to fill out the card, and twenty will be needed to obtain departure permission.
  4. It is advisable to purchase return tickets. This will guarantee that you will not decide to stay in the republic, but will leave it in good faith and in a timely manner.
  5. Fill out the migration card, which can also be written on the plane. You can easily get the template from the flight attendant.
  6. It is not necessary, but it is advisable to bring a travel voucher or paper confirming your reservation at the selected hotel.


In general, the weather is divided into dry season and rainy season. The first of them comes in the period December-April. During this period there is almost no rain, the air temperature is 22-27 degrees above zero, and there are northeastern trade winds that bring a feeling of freshness. The rainy season begins in May and ends in November. It is characterized by high rainfall and high daytime temperatures.

High humidity at 30 degrees in the shade can become a problem for many people with health problems. However, this does not prevent millions of tourists from going on vacation to the Dominican Republic during the calendar summer. The reasons are simple and understandable: significant discounts, fewer vacationers and quickly ending tropical downpours.

Resorts worth visiting

Despite all the vagaries of nature, the resorts of the Dominican Republic are never empty, welcoming tourists from France and Germany, as well as Russian tourists and guests from other countries. What resorts are worth visiting? Not all, but the most favorite among tourists and pleasant for relaxation:

Juan Dolio.

The resort is located on the Caribbean coast, has beautiful beaches and open-air restaurants.
Puerto Plata.

The favorite resort of Russian tourists, combining the small resorts of Playa Dorada, Cabarete and Sosua. Each has beautiful beaches, plenty of restaurants and plenty of entertainment.
Punta Cana.

A great place to connect with nature. Pristine beaches at a considerable distance from the hotels and untouched wild jungle. Quiet, calm and peaceful.
La Romana.

This resort houses a huge hotel complex with an area of ​​more than 7,000 hectares. There are a lot of water activities, including scuba diving, boat trips, and fish hunting.


Everything has been sorted out with the resorts. What is the situation with excursions to the sights of the country? Of course it is possible. You can go on a similar excursion from any hotel.
What is there to see in the Dominican Republic? You should definitely visit the following places and attractions:

Columbus Palace, Santo Domingo
Captain's Palace, Santo Domingo
Manati Park Bavaro, Punta Cana
Fort San Felipe, Puerto Plateau
Church of Saint Barbara, Santo Domingo
Ruins of the Hospital of St. Nicholas of Bari, Santo Domingo

This is not a complete list of all the monuments of antiquity and history of the Dominican Republic. And a week of vacation is not enough to visit all the interesting places. But this time will definitely be enough to get to know the locals and national cuisine better.

Cash or credit card?

Tourists who plan to vacation in large cities will not experience any inconvenience with service. Almost all hotels, shops, restaurants, car rentals accept credit cards. The service, naturally, is at a fairly high level. But many travelers like to get further into the heart of the Dominican Republic, and there various dangers may await them.

  1. If you plan to stay not only in large cities, but also to visit places that are not particularly popular among tourists, then you need to have a sufficient amount of cash with you. Of course, ATMs are quite common in the country, but not all of them work . Fraud is also highly developed here, due to which you risk losing not only the cards, but also the money on them. You need to be very vigilant, as thieves do not sleep, but watch the rogue tourists.
  1. Both pesos (the local currency) and dollars are readily accepted here. But do not forget that you may not receive change from a large bill. So it’s better to change money in advance and pay with small denomination banknotes.
  2. If you decide to book any excursion, then take it completely seriously. Discuss the cost of travel and the places you want to see in advance. The fact is that locals really like to make money from tourists and quite often deceive them in providing this service. It is best to contact famous tour guides. It would also be a good idea to ask which insurance company works with them, and who will pay the money in the event of an insured event. If this is not provided, then it is better to avoid such an excursion, since the responsibility for life and health will rest only with you.
  1. Under no circumstances keep all your money in one place. Keep some on the card, and divide the cash into lots and put it in different pockets. Fraud and pickpocketing are rampant here. This way, you will at least slightly protect your money from theft.

If you purchased a ticket and are vacationing centrally, then you can take about two thousand dollars with you. This amount is more than enough to visit all excursions, attractions, shops and buy souvenirs.

The locals are quite calm, but with their own quirks. From the outside they may seem inattentive or absent-minded, but it is likely that they are so. The majority of the population is Catholic, however, does not let go of the feeling of free morals. A calm attitude towards the characteristics of another people is the key to good relations.

It’s up to you to decide whether to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic or not. And only your decision will be a repeat trip. The country is unusual in different seasons of the year. For some people, 24 degrees in winter in the Dominican Republic is not enough, and he goes on vacation in the summer. And some people don’t like rain and downpours; they will be more comfortable in winter. But the most important thing is that you have a pleasant and interesting holiday!

They scare you with saucers, they say, the vile ones fly,
Either their dogs are barking, or their ruins are talking....))

Although the Dominican Republic is located very close to the Bermuda Triangle, this is unlikely to affect the life of the country)) Like everywhere else in the world, in the Dominican Republic significant sums sometimes go missing at the state level, and sometimes people notice UFOs flying in the skies. With the first one it is clear - the Dominican justice is treating the financial anomaly)) But with UFOs it can be more mysterious...

REFERENCE: Bermuda Triangle or the Devil's Triangle - an area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where ships mysteriously disappear and planes crash. Conditionally limited to the coordinates of Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. The area is objectively difficult to navigate (many shallows and frequent cyclones with storms). Science has accepted a number of hypotheses Bermuda disasters. Methane release hypothesis - the ocean gives birth to huge methane bubbles, in which ships lose buoyancy and immediately sink. Rising methane can also cause aircraft engines to stop... There is a hypothesis of wandering dangerous waves. And in relation to ships abandoned by the crew - that the ocean sometimes generates infrasound, causing people to panic... Among the Bermuda hypotheses there is the curvature of space and magnetic fog... Disappearances here are so inexplicable that Bermuda is also called the Gateway to another dimension...

Almost everyone believes in the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Absolutely does not recognize the Bermuda anomaly only insurance market Lloyd))

(View of the Bermuda Triangle. The island in the shape of a lizard is Cuba. And the plump island to the right is the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is here in projection, the dark one in front is neighboring Haiti at night).

A The Bermuda Triangle opened in May 2015! Not far from the Dominican Republic - or rather, in the coastal waters of the Caribbean Sea near Cuba, there was missing person found... in 1925 the ship SS Cotopaxi. During the inspection of the ship, the captain's diary and no traces of the crew were found. At the beginning of the last century, the ship sailed from Carolina to Havana. According to experts, the logbook is genuine. Records of the daily life of the ship in it end on December 1, 1925 (the date of disappearance)... What happened 90 years ago is not established... Now we are waiting for the appearance of the Flying Dutchmen in the Dominican Republic. Russians in the Dominican Republic are amused by the proximity of the Bermuda Triangle, they send greetings to Russia: The Triangle will be drunk! Even if it were a parallelepiped...))

UFO (UFO) in the Dominican Republic.

REFERENCE: UFOs in the Dominican Republic are often called UFO(English: Unidentified Flying Object - unidentified flying object. Therefore, UFO researchers are also called ufologists). And in Spanish, the UFO sounds like Desconocido Objeto Volador (Spanish: Desconocido Objeto Volador).

So what about UFOs in the Dominican Republic? Yes, everything is fine. As an everywhere - There's a UFO here. This is not to say that they fly in flocks over Dominican houses, but they are seen (and these messages end up on the Internet). The year 2011 was especially rich in flying objects in the Dominican Republic))

(2011. Dominican Republic. Here a man photographed his wife and son in his house in the mountains in Constanta, Spain Constanza. Far to the left of them, a strange flying object was recorded...))

We also saw a UFO, but a year earlier. Two burning torches moved in parallel across the quiet evening sky. At some point, they froze for 10 seconds, and then sharply accelerated, made a zigzag and instantly disappeared from sight. We didn’t have anything at hand to shoot... A little later we learned about a devastating earthquake... that day in Haiti. In the Dominican Republic (we were on the Atlantic coast at the time) it was not felt...

Nowadays there is much less talk about UFOs in the Dominican Republic. Probably one of the reasons is that many flying Drones have appeared here. A story with photographs for you.

But here you can watch documentaries video UFO in the Dominican Republic.

Enthusiasts also live in the Dominican Republic - ufologists)) In the Dominican city of Sosua, the German Rolf Schulz, at his own expense, built an amazing Museum dedicated, among other things, to UFO with aliens)) This is the story.

Land for sale in the Dominican Republic.

Here you can find out how to buy summer land in the Dominican Republic. Right there for you Site reservation map land. Large plots of land for construction at a good price, and even close to the beautiful Beach of the always warm Atlantic Ocean - are waiting for you))

(The shore of the warm Dominican Atlantic also has many coves with small sandy beaches. In some places you can swim in nude style)) The green tree is the healing Noni. A story for you).

If you are seriously interested in the Dominican Republic, look HERE.

If you are deciding where to go and where to live, you probably need to go to the Dominican Republic)) This is an easy country where it’s easy to adapt. Emigration from Russia sending a child here is no more difficult than taking a child to a dacha in Russia in the summer)) In the Dominican Republic, summer is all year round, a large selection of schools, laws and population friendly to foreigners. To obtain citizenship of the Dominican Republic(Residence permit, permanent residence) - you will not even be asked to know Spanish)) The peaceful Dominican Republic for Russians, Ukrainians and citizens of the former CIS is a convenient alternate airfield. Land in the Dominican Republic, there are all conditions here, we will be glad to see you))

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