Home Migration registration Moonstone Lazarevskoe. What attracts tourists to the Svir Gorge? What is the Svir Gorge like?

Moonstone Lazarevskoe. What attracts tourists to the Svir Gorge? What is the Svir Gorge like?

Hello, dear reader!

I continue the story on the topic. Next up is a story about the Svir Gorge. The funny thing was that it was literally “under our noses”, and we had not heard anything about it. We took a boat ride along the coast. The wife was making small talk with a fellow traveler and found out that you can walk to a beautiful gorge with waterfalls. The woman expressed her delight at what she saw very emotionally and, of course, “infected” us. We decided that we will go tomorrow!

Svir Gorge

The preparations were short-lived. Having received a couple of instructions, we realized that since we were going to the mountains, we needed appropriate shoes. You understand, we didn’t prepare much, we put on the strongest “shoes” that were available. Swimming suits, photo and video equipment were also taken.

Finding the road to the gorge in Lazarevskoye is not difficult at all. Ask for the Minutka cafe on Pobeda Street. It is behind this building that the path to the gorge begins. 15-20 minutes and we approached the entrance. The cost of visiting is only 100 rubles per person.

Immediately after the entrance there is the first dolmen (stone table). I won’t describe in detail what it is. In a nutshell, these are very ancient funeral and religious structures made of stone.

Since there are no particular dangers along the route, the entire excursion is self-guided and consists of five attractions:

  1. Svirsky waterfall
  2. Waterfall "Mother-in-Law's Tears"
  3. Dolmen
  4. Waterfall "Adam and Eve"
  5. Moon rock

There is a route map and signs.

We decided not to go high, and to be honest, we were advised to look at the first two places with waterfalls. Above there is another dolmen and some kind of “moon stone”, which is 4 km uphill.

We walked along picturesque paths and bridges to the first fork, where there are wooden gazebos for travelers. A short smoke break with a photo shoot, and some 300-400 meters remain until the first waterfall.

Svirsky waterfall

We walk this distance almost exclusively along bridges that are attached to the walls of a gradually narrowing small gorge.

The dense crowns of trees growing above hide the sunlight and add mystery to this place. The closer we get to the waterfall, the higher the gorge becomes.

The colors are, of course, unusual, I would say, even gloomy. The walls are covered with moss, the poisonous greenery from the hanging vines and the grayness of the stones give the place a fabulous feel. It reminded me of the entrance to troll country, or something like that.

The crowning achievement of the path to the Svirsky waterfall was an almost closed cave, where a stream flows through a stone chute carved by water. Of course, you can’t call it a waterfall, but still.

The temperature here is much lower, the coolness and dampness are refreshing after the scorching sun. A few pictures inside the cave, we rinsed our hands and washed ourselves. Once again we carefully examined everything around us, remembering and storing in our memory what we saw with greedy delight.

We return back along the same fabulous bridges of the Svirsky waterfall to the fork.

Waterfall "Mother-in-Law's Tears"

To get to this place it was necessary to walk uphill along a stone path, and sometimes along the flat open terrain of the gorge. This path was about 2 km.

Before the last climb, we once again cross the Svirka River, it often crosses the trail. A short stop with a smoke break.

Having overcome the last climb, we find ourselves in the forest, where the “Mother-in-Law’s Tears” waterfall is located. In fact, it looks like a large ravine overgrown with trees, and at the very bottom there is a river among stones.

The rather steep descent makes it a certain difficulty, but together we can do everything!

The most unusual and beautiful is the stone bowl into which “Mother-in-Law’s Tears” flow. Here you can swim and take pictures, or just enjoy the beautiful view.

The water is cool and invigorating. No wonder, it’s a mountain stream.

The way back was much easier. Firstly, we are going downhill, and secondly, we received such vivid and unforgettable impressions.

Waterfalls of the Svir Gorge in Lazarevskoye

The Mamedovo and Svirskoye gorges are important natural attractions for tourists in Lazarevsky and Sochi. The latter differs from the others in its magnificent panorama of ancient mountains, cliffs and valleys. It is definitely worth a visit during your holiday at sea.

Where is the Svir Gorge located on the map?

The map shows us it in the northern part, with the constantly babbling Svirka River flowing nearby.

General description and geography

The calling card of the village of Lazarevskoye is the Svirskoye Gorge, named after the river flowing next to it, which was named after a mechanical technician. His house in the 19th century was located on the river bank. The trip is suitable for independent travelers, since organized groups of tourists are not brought here. The route leading to the tract is not at all difficult, but you will have to make some effort - the terrain is rocky.

The gorge was created many years ago by the efforts of the small – only six kilometers long, but powerful Svirka River. Its bed made its way between thick rocks, resulting in the formation of a canyon, several cascade waterfalls and pools. This valley boasts an abundance of mountains and rocks, rich vegetation and clean air. Its total length is three kilometers.

The Svir Gorge has the following unique natural monuments:

  • waterfalls Svirsky, Adam and Eve, Mother-in-law's tears;
  • dolmen “Glory”;
  • Moonstone.

What to see in the Svir Canyon?

The tourist route begins from the entrance and ticket office in the village. Lazarevskoe. The Svir Gorge is located almost next to it, so the path to it should not cause any particular difficulties. Since it is part of the Sochi National Park, you will have to pay for a ticket. At the very entrance there is a small pond with beautiful lotuses - a great start to the hike.

For the convenience of resort visitors, the road to the gorge is marked with red arrows and signs, so it is impossible to get lost here. It runs along the river bank. Travelers can, if they wish, either wade through it - the water level here is ankle-deep - or across specially built bridges. For safe passage, the rocky path is equipped with railings and wooden flooring.

The beginning of the adventure

After about 300 m, the trail will lead you to a clearing equipped for a picnic and rest, where you can safely rest before the next stage of the journey. From the parking lot, turn right: here, again along the river, and after several fords, the trail will lead to the colorful canyon where the Svirsky waterfall is located. It falls from a 7-meter height directly into a natural bowl with a diameter of about 50 m and a depth of 2 m. The temperature in it does not rise above +14 degrees, so it is better to refrain from swimming. Locals believe in a legend associated with this reservoir: according to legend, a person who plunges into its waters washes away all his sins, so this place is considered holy.

It is worth noting that almost no rays of the sun fall into the gorge, so everything here is shrouded in mysterious twilight. According to reviews from travelers, it is always cool here, as a result, a trip here will be especially pleasant on a hot summer day.

To continue the path, you need to return to the green meadow at the entrance to the Svir Valley and take the next path leading to the fork. Turning right, visitors will reach the Slava dolmen after half a kilometer. The exact date of construction of this structure is not known: scientists suggest that it appeared approximately three to two thousand years BC. It is hollowed out in sandstone in a round shape, its burial chamber is covered with earth to the very top, and the lid is cracked in half, with one of its parts going into the grave compartment, and a young tree has sprouted in the center of the second. Touching the walls of the ancient remnant, you can feel raised, incomprehensible symbols with your hand.

Romantic nature

From the dolmen the trail goes to the next tourist attraction - the Adam and Eve waterfall. It is a quiet place surrounded by an incredible mountain landscape, where you can feel at one with yourself and nature. It is hidden from prying eyes, and streams of water flow over huge boulders. The part of the cascade named Adam is 6 m high, and Eve is 10 m high.

The road from the pair of waterfalls will again lead to a fork, where you will need to turn right - this way the path will lead to the mysterious Moonstone, which is under state protection. This is a huge block of sandstone, the height of which is 5 m, and the perimeter is as much as 10 m. Another belief is associated with this mysterious corner: on the full moon you need to touch the surface of the boulder and make a wish, which must then come true. Many tourists claim that white clothes near the stone begin to glow.

The last attraction of the Svir Gorge is the Mother-in-law’s Tears waterfall. It is stormy and wide, about 5 m high, cascading into a crystal clear lake, where, as legend says, every mother-in-law needs to swim in order to wash away negative energy.

How to get there from Lazarevskoye on your own?

Coordinates: 43.933138, 39.320931.
  • Ticket prices: 100 rubles.
  • This is where the hike to the Svir Gorge ends. Its photos do not reflect the grandeur of the mountain ranges, waterfalls and creeks, therefore, if you find yourself in Sochi or other villages nearby, you definitely need to visit this place. Only here you can relax your soul and fully enjoy the virgin nature of Kuban. In conclusion, we offer a short video review of it, enjoy watching.

    Good afternoon friends!

    If you are vacationing in Lazarevskoye or somewhere nearby, then the Svir Gorge will be the best option for a nature walk among the forest, waterfalls and other natural beauties of the Caucasus. Moreover, all this splendor is located almost within the city limits!

    The Svir Gorge in Lazarevskoye, as well as Mamedovo Gorge or - these are the places that any tourist should visit who is vacationing in the vicinity of Lazarevskoye and does not want to devote his entire vacation just to warming his belly under the gentle sun of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

    For me, as an ardent admirer of outdoor recreation and a lover of waterfalls, a walk along the Svirsky Gorge was a must! So I got up early and headed there. But first things first…

    Svir Gorge, how to get there?

    It's actually very simple! In Lazarevskoye there is Svirskaya Street, which runs from the beach itself and deep into the village. So, you need to get to this street, and then drive along it (or walk 800 meters) to the very end. Where the street ends is where the entrance to the Svir Gorge actually begins. You can easily find your way around using numerous signs.

    Entrance fee for adults is 100 rubles. However, there are no fences or gates here. So if you arrive early before the ticket office opens, you can save money. I won’t say exactly what time the cash register opens. I arrived at 6:45 and calmly walked in for free.

    Closed ticket office at the entrance to the Svir Gorge:

    The route along the Svirsky Gorge is not extreme, but still not suitable for everyone. Its length is about 4.5 kilometers - this is if you go straight all the time to the end of the route to the Adam and Eve waterfall. However, if you examine all the beauties of the gorge, you can add another 500 meters. These are, of course, little things, but pensioners and tourists with small children should think about whether they should go to the very end. Moreover, in some places the trail will go quite steeply uphill. By the way, don't forget to bring comfortable shoes!

    The beginning of the trail looks like an easy walk:

    Albeit with very beautiful views:

    After walking only 400 meters, you come out into a clearing for rest. Here you can sit, relax, and also fry a shish kebab with cognac. For all this, there are recreation areas with benches and tables. The main thing is not to leave trash behind!

    Here in the clearing you can see a sign for the further route:

    To the right of the main route is the Svirsky waterfall. In my opinion, this is the most stunningly beautiful waterfall among all in the vicinity of Lazarevsky!

    The road to the waterfall passes along a bridge across a narrow gorge:

    The photo cannot convey all the splendor of nature that surrounds you in this place! This must be seen and felt!

    The waterfall is located in a narrow gorge in an atmosphere of twilight. Unfortunately, the photo turned out not so exciting:

    You can swim in the cool water, which is great in the heat!

    Having enjoyed the beauty of the Svirsky waterfall, I returned to the main trail.

    To get to the waterfall, you need to turn off the main path again. In order not to go astray, follow the red marks on the stones and trees, especially since the road to the waterfall in some places passes through the following thickets:

    The waterfall itself is certainly not as impressive as Svirsky, but it’s still beautiful!

    We return to the main path and the next interesting thing on our way is the “Glory” dolmen:

    The plaque contains detailed information about dolmens:

    Beauty all around!

    Almost at the finish of the route, the trail bifurcates again. On the left is the so-called “Moonstone”:

    This is a stone structure about five meters high, which was erected several centuries ago. Who did it and for what purposes, historians know practically nothing.

    If you go to the right, you will reach the end of the route. A few more tens of meters through large boulders...

    And here it is, a small, but in its own way very beautiful waterfall “Adam and Eve”:

    Against the backdrop of the waterfall, I made a short video where I told about the entire route of the Svir Gorge:

    On the way back I came across these cute boletus mushrooms:

    Here in the Urals in mid-June this is rare. And in the Caucasus it’s already mushroom season!

    In conclusion, I would like to advise everyone to visit the Svir Gorge, like me, early in the morning. And the point here is not even about saving 100 rubles. It’s just that at this time you can really fully enjoy the beauty of nature without extraneous tourists, who become more and more numerous here after ten o’clock.

    That's all I have for today. See you!

    Excursions usually don’t take you here, but you can get there on your own. Take bus No. 66, 75 or 76 to the “Minutka” stop on Pobeda Street. Then turn onto Svirskaya street and walk about 800 meters along the Svirsky stream. The ticket office and parking for private cars are located here. The total length of the route is about 3 km.
    If you go by car, then you need to go to the very end of Svirskaya Street (turn from Pobeda Street near the Minutka cafe). All the time straight, on the road (from one big one there are three small ones) - in the middle. It's useful to look at the inscriptions on fences! :)
    Parking - N43 55.982 E039 19.223
    Fork in the paths - N43 56.135 E039 19.411
    Waterfall in the canyon - N43 56.222 E039 19.576 (well, very approximately)
    Mother-in-law's tears - N43 56.681 E039 19.725
    Ozertso - N43 56.889 E039 19.789
    Moonstone - N43 56.965 E039 19.969

    The Svir Gorge is a picturesque valley with a panorama of mountains and rocks, water bowls and waterfalls Svirsky, Adam and Eve, Mother-in-Law's Tears. There is also a dolmen “Glory” in the gorge - an ancient structure made of stone slabs from the Bronze Age (III-II thousand years BC).
    The road for tourists in the gorge is marked with paint - on boulders, pebbles, trees, so making a mistake and getting lost is quite difficult, despite the truly virgin forest. Neat crossings, strong bridges and staircases with railings make movement easier, and you can cool off in the waterfalls.

    On the vast expanses of the Internet, we found a very useful site “Across the Caucasus with GPS” (http://heading.narod.ru), from where we borrowed the following description (I hope the author of this resource will not be offended):

    Svirka is a tiny river in the village of Lazarevskoye, only 6 km long, but, like most mountain rivers, it can be treacherous and capricious. It’s hard to believe that this stream, overflowing its banks several years ago, caused a powerful torrential torrent from Svirskaya Street. Its strength was such that the streams of water carried cars parked at the top of the street down to the sea...
    The route to the Svirskoye Gorge starts from the village of Lazarevskoye, going towards the mountains along Svirskaya Street. We pass by the roadside sign "Svir Gorge", a little further along the road on the left side there is a private hotel. Half a kilometer from the hotel, on the next bridge we cross the Svir River again, leaving a high rock with screes on the left side and we come up against the cordon of the Sochi National Park.
    Immediately after the cordon, the road somehow imperceptibly turns into a dirt road, and then into a path, winding from one side of the river to the other several times. Everything is marked with red arrows and circles, so you don’t get lost.
    In the area of ​​the next ford on a sandstone slab we read the inscription: “I waterfall - 250 m, II waterfall - 850 m.” Having crossed the river again, we see an equipped toilet to the left of the road, and a popular picnic spot to the right. From here, from the picnic clearing, we turn right towards the river along the path, then a few more fords. The path is rocky, with occasional muddy clay or dirt sections. Very soon we enter the Svir Canyon, intricately created by the river bed.
    To get to the waterfall, we need to overcome one of the most difficult sections, going around the rocky limestone ledge on the left side of the canyon. Just a couple of years ago there was some kind of boardwalk here, which made it possible to pass through this place at any time of the year and in any weather without any particular difficulties. Now the bridges have been washed away by the flood, but the depth of the river here is very small, ankle-deep. Walking along the canyon we approach the first Svir waterfall. Its height is a little more than 7 meters, at the foot there is a small bowl, up to 2 meters deep, in which you can swim, although the water is quite cool....
    After the first waterfall, we can carefully climb the canyon walls, using layered rocks like steps, and take a walk further along the Svirka canyon, with its small baths and picturesque river rapids. Or go back a little from the first waterfall to go around the waterfall along the upper path.
    We go, admiring the Svir Canyon, where there is never direct sunlight and the shore is always in a mysterious twilight. We go out to another clearing equipped for recreation, opposite which, on the other side of the river, is a small rock, 70 meters high. A dirt road leads up from here. We overcome a short but steep climb and walk for some time under power lines along the right bank of the Svir River. After half a kilometer we cross the river, and another 150 meters of steep ascent. At the end of the climb there is a fork with a sign: to the II waterfall, dolmen and Moonstone. At the fork we go to the right - to the dolmen, along a dirt road that rises along the traverse of the ridge on the left bank of the river. Svir. After another 200 meters there is a fork again, the road goes down to the Moonstone, and to the right up to the dolmen. Continuing to walk up the dirt road, after about 1.5 km, winding through the forest, we come out to a dolmen, half covered with earth. Taking a closer look at the dolmen and stroking its rough walls with your hand, you can find some ancient convex “magic” signs - a cross in a circle, and something else... Having touched the dolmen - an ancient place of power, we return back to the fork, to the Moonstone and now we go along the lower path. Five minutes of easy descent, and the dirt road leads through the clearings directly to the second waterfall - “Mother-in-Law's Tears”. Let's stop and admire Mother-in-Law's tears rolling from a height of 10 meters into a small bath, then we cross the river and along a dirt path we go out under the power line. Then we follow the tourist markings - red arrows and circles, about 1.5 kilometers to the stone. Leaving a small lake on the left, we cross a ravine along a log bridge and go out along a paved path that rises steeply to an unusually shaped stone - a block of sandstone. It is not clear what kind of stone it is, there is only an inscription stating that the block is a natural monument and is protected. And we return the same way to the second waterfall, next to which, 20 meters up the river on the right bank of the river there is another cozy place for a picnic... From here we can go a little further, upstream the Svir. We pass several small water slides straight along the riverbed, then in the river lies a huge block of stone - an outlier, then the riverbed is littered with the traditional windfall of fallen trees. Even further, the channel flattens out and the Svirka is a modest stream, of which there are many in the Caucasian Black Sea region.
    After walking a little more, you can come to a forest road, which (if we follow it to the left) will lead, bypassing the garden plots, to the Mamedovo Gorge

    Not far from Sochi there is a stunningly beautiful gorge, which is ideal for those who adore nature and love hiking.
    The miraculous landmark is incredibly popular among tourists, because here you can not only enjoy the amazing landscapes, but also touch history.

    How to get there, where it is:
    How to get to this natural masterpiece? A magical place, whose wonderful views make you forget about everything, will help a person restore energy and give positive emotions.
    Where is the Svir Gorge, which is considered the most beautiful pearl of the Sochi National Park?
    It is located on the outskirts of the Lazarevsky district, higher up the Svirsky stream. Getting there on your own will not be a problem - signs will point you in the right direction. Vacationers in the village of Lazarevskoye walk along Pobedy Street towards Tuapse, cross the small Svirka River, turn right, and then follow the information signs installed specifically for tourists.
    You can get to the Minutka cafe by city buses, from there turn onto Svirskaya Street and walk along the stream for no more than 800 meters.
    As experienced travelers say, there is only one road leading into the canyon, so it is simply impossible to get lost.

    The cost of visiting this unique creation of nature is one hundred rubles. At the checkout you can also purchase a map on which the route for hikers heading to the Svir Gorge is marked.
    There is a special parking lot for motorists, the distance from which to the valley is no more than 500 meters.

    Waterfall "Svirsky"
    So, from the green meadow, intended for relaxation and equipped with places for preparing barbecue, tourists set off along the path leading to the Svir Gorge, where everyone is greeted by a majestic waterfall about seven meters high. This wonderful place will give you many pleasant moments, and no one wants to leave here quickly.
    The water temperature in the lake does not exceed 14 degrees, but there are no fewer people wanting to swim in the natural bowl. Tourists feel a real surge of strength and are charged with energy that they lack.
    The purest water washes away all of a person’s fears and sins, which is why local residents have long considered the Svir Gorge (Lazarevskoye) a sacred corner with a special atmosphere.
    After viewing the waterfall, those who wish can take a walk along the canyon of the Svirka River and admire the picturesque rocky rapids.

    Moon rock
    Charging with positive emotions, the Svir Gorge (Lazarevskoye) is famous for its unique artifact, about which scientists know little. Here is a mysterious moonstone of a peculiar shape, about five meters high - a structure erected several centuries ago and is under state protection.
    Ancient legends say that on a full moon, a huge block gains strength, and if you touch it, the stone will fulfill your most cherished desire.

    Dolmen "Glory"
    All history buffs who find themselves in the Svir Gorge will be attracted by the unique “Glory” dolmen, which belongs to the structures of the prehistoric era. It is a trough-shaped structure covered with earth. If you touch the rough walls of a dolmen, you can feel the convex signs carved by distant ancestors.

    The roof of the structure cracked in half over time, and a tree grew in the very center of the ancient slab. Residents call the stone monolith a place of power, and tourists touch a unique object, the true purpose of which is still unknown.
    It is believed that dolmens served as tombs for primitive people, from where the souls of the dead began their journey to another life. Perhaps these are structures through which communication with space was carried out, but so far none of the versions has been confirmed.

    "Adam and Eve"
    The natural masterpiece, whose total length is three kilometers, ends in a secluded place crowned with the Adam and Eve waterfall. This is a corner hidden from prying eyes, where you can feel like the only people on Earth.

    Not a single guest of the Krasnodar region remains disappointed with a trip to the Svir Gorge. Reviews from tourists are full of positive emotions, and one of the easiest routes in the village of Lazarevskoye is deservedly popular.
    The gorge is almost everywhere equipped with strong bridges and stairs with railings, which greatly facilitate movement around the local attraction. Tourists note the care taken for the guests, because there are not many interesting corners equipped with special places to relax, where you can have a snack, take a breath and enjoy the amazing views of the nature of the Caucasus.
    Travelers who have already visited the canyon recommend stocking up on comfortable sports shoes and swimwear, which will definitely come in handy. The Svir Gorge is a stunning place that delights with its unusual beauty and special atmosphere. An attraction charging with positive emotions, created by nature and not by human hands, awaits tourists who will never be able to forget the delights they saw.

    At the very beginning of the gorge there are several information signs stating that you cannot collect Red Book plants, that this place can only be visited in sports shoes, and that pigging in nature is not good. 300 meters from the entrance there is a picnic area with benches. When a tourist finds himself in this clearing, he feels like an epic hero, because there are two roads in front of him. Left and right. Which option is better? So, where will you go, left or right?
    Great choice. If you go to the right from the clearing, you can get to the most interesting place in the gorge - the Svirsky waterfall. It’s not far to go and there’s nothing else in this direction
    A small seven-meter waterfall, for example, is of the same height in the Prokhladny canyon, and the Sochi Polikarya, 10 times higher, carries its waters to a lake with blue water. In summer, the natural bowl warms up to a maximum of 14 degrees, but there are still plenty of people wanting to swim here. Many residents of Lazarevskoye consider this particular waterfall to be special. There is something calming about this place.
    The choice of brave people. The fact is that you have to walk about 3 km to get to really interesting places, sometimes through streams and not very convenient passages. This is where our sports shoes come in handy. But a real hero will go, because this is where you can see those very Mother-in-Law’s Tears. In addition to Tears, the river Adam and Eve live here, as well as the Moon Stone and the Slava dolmen.

    According to statistics, married men reach this place 27% faster than unmarried men. Mother-in-law's tears are a fairly high waterfall of an unusual shape. It flows into a small lake, where you can also swim. It is “Mother-in-Law’s Tears” that will be the first to meet us on the way
    If the Svir Gorge begins with Mother-in-Law's Tears, it will end with the Adam and Eve waterfall. It is called that because few people reach it, and those who reach it can feel like the last (as well as the first) people on earth, because there is no one around.
    Somewhere between the two waterfalls there is a pointed five-meter stone. It is only known that it has been here for at least several centuries, but scientists have studied little of it. The stone is protected by the state.
    The structure of the prehistoric era is similar in shape to a trough, with a hole. There are either writings or just some signs engraved on the dolmen. Scientists have not established the purpose of the dolmen, but there are assumptions that it either has a religious purpose or is an ancient tomb. Scientists could not prove any of the assumptions. Time has not been kind to the dolmen and its top slab has cracked and now a tree is growing through it. Now let's check if you answered the question correctly whether it is better to go left or right. The correct answer is: first in one direction, and then in the other. But keep in mind that if you go left first, you’ll hardly want to go anywhere later

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