Home Permission Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region. Little-known facts, events, versions: Mysteries of the Kola Peninsula The word “sorcerer” is associated with something bad

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region. Little-known facts, events, versions: Mysteries of the Kola Peninsula The word “sorcerer” is associated with something bad

The ancient history of the Kola region has been poorly studied; there are many blank spots in it. But what we did manage to find has not yet been fully comprehended. In addition, catastrophically few expeditions were carried out here. In the late 70s they stopped coming here altogether. Moreover, most expeditions were not historical, but geological in nature. They were not looking for ancient artifacts, but for metal deposits. However, there are legends that are passed down from mouth to mouth. I was able to hear and record several of them.


For me, the Sami themselves are still a legend; I’ve heard a lot about them, but I haven’t seen them yet. Sami mythology is very similar to Finnish. They also have fairy tales (mines): for children, about Tal - a stupid cannibal, about ravok - ghouls, about chakli - dwarfs. Fairy tales and legends about natural phenomena and myths (lovta), for example, about the deer-man Myandash, are common. Sakka historical tales tell of wars, mountains and water features.

Two brothers

...from the point of view of interplanetary biology, the Sami are one of the forms of extraterrestrial civilizations that arrived from the Alpha Centauri solar system

Two Brothers are two stone seida-outcrops located right on the seashore a little away from the coastal terrace in the Zemlyannaya Bay of the Rybachy Peninsula. The remains are fascinating. Thirty-meter-tall stone sculptures resembling birds preparing to take off, with outstretched necks and heads turned anxiously towards the sea. Many legends and traditions are associated with them.

The Sami believed that the “Two Brothers” were the mighty giants of the noidas (sorcerers) Kiiperi-Ukko and Kiiperi-Akka, who ruled these lands 10 thousand years ago. They stand here as punishment for the evil they have caused. According to Sami beliefs, stone seids are the embodiment of deities and spirits. The Sami tried to appease them: they made sacrifices - meat, lard, reindeer blood or other treats. It is necessary to distinguish from seids gurias - pillars of stones placed on the sea coasts. These are navigation signs. It is curious that the Sami, who have lived in these areas since ancient times, do not consider seids to be part of their culture. Recently, even a semi-fantastic version has appeared about the seids belonging to the culture of the mysterious race of Hyperboreans.

Sami legend about the creation of the world

In the beginning there was nothing but the old man's head. There were wells on its crown. But since the head was covered with a hat, it was impossible to get to the water. One day thunder tore the hat. Then the streams from the wells rose to the sky and flooded the whole world. A duck flying over the water found a blade of grass in the middle of the ocean. Gradually, the blade of grass grew, and earth began to form around it. The bird laid five eggs on a blade of grass. From them arose plants, springs, fish, birds, animals, and, finally, man and woman. This first human couple had a son and a daughter. They went in different directions in search of their spouses. But the first people did not find anyone. They walked around the whole earth and met again. From them the human race originated.

Legend of Anikiev Island

One of the legends tells about Anika the warrior, a hero who traveled around the world and always fought alone. According to one version, he once entered into battle with Death itself, but got scared and was defeated by it. According to another version, he was defeated by the monk of the Pechenga monastery Ambrose. According to legend, on the island of Anikiev, near the Rybachy Peninsula, there is the grave of this evil hero Anika. He was often mentioned in many fairy tales and parables, he was often depicted in popular prints, the text of which was usually a summary of “The Tale of the Debate between the Belly and Death.”

The most ridiculous myths about the Sami

...that the Sami are no more.
...from the point of view of interplanetary biology, the Sami are one of the forms of extraterrestrial civilizations that arrived from the Alpha Centauri solar system. They reached such a decline here on Earth that they could not fly back.
...that the Sami are going to create their own Sami Parliament.

Interesting Facts

There is a Sami football team that won the FIFA World Cup among unrecognized national teams in 2006.
- Renee Zellweger's mother has Sami roots.
- Sami People's Day is celebrated on February 6th.
- In 2008, the film “Uprising in Kautokeino” was shot, telling about one of the tragic episodes in the history of the Sami.


The legend about the forgotten "Decembrist"

For 70 years now, the mystery of the death of the submarine D-1, which until August 21, 1934 was called “Decembrist” and was the first Soviet North Sea submarine, has remained unsolved. She disappeared from sight of two coastal posts at once on November 13, 1940 in Motovsky Bay.

Since 1997, they began to say that every new kilometer drilled in the Kola superdeep well brought misfortune to our country

On that fateful day, D-1 occupied the designated training ground to conduct a combat training course exercise. At 13.30 she plunged to a periscope depth seven miles from Cape Vyev-Navolok, 15 minutes later she was recorded at Cape Sharapov in the southeastern part of the Rybachy Peninsula, 1.5 kilometers from the coast. Then the instruments unexpectedly detected the movement of the periscope of a submarine heading towards the center of Motovsky Bay. How did the underwater “Decembrist”, following a course strictly to the west, quickly “fly” to the northern part of the bay, and why did it surface again to periscope depth? These questions still remain unanswered.

The exercise was completed successfully, but at the appointed time D-1 did not get in touch and did not return to base. Motovsky Bay was combed inside and out overnight. Only at dawn they discovered an oil slick, a lifebuoy, and small debris on Cape Sharapov. This is how the first opinion emerged, later accepted as the official version, that the submarine sank at great depths in the northern part of the bay. But the biggest surprise was the discovery in the southern part of the bay: here the ship's metal detector showed the presence of a large metal object. On the same night, another one of the same type was discovered two miles from Cape Vyev-Navolok. For unknown reasons, the search for the submarine was stopped.

They wanted to raise the submarine in April 1941, after the end of the winter storms, but the war began and they forgot about it. They wanted to start the search again in 1990, but suddenly it turned out that all information about the “Decembrist” had mysteriously disappeared. They remembered about him another 10 years later. Search work was scheduled for September 2000, but the Kursk disaster disrupted these plans. They didn’t even look for the “Decembrist” in the year of the 65th anniversary of his death. It turned out that today the Northern Fleet, as in the first post-war years, does not have the technical ability to find the D-1.

Well to Hell

The Kola superdeep well (SG-3) is the deepest borehole in the world. It is located 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny, Murmansk region. Its depth is 12,262 meters. Since about 1997, the legend of the “road to hell” began to be associated with the well. It is alleged that every new kilometer drilled in it brought misfortune to our country. According to this legend, in the very thickness of the earth, at a depth of 12 thousand meters, the microphones of scientists recorded screams and moans, and when the drillers were excavating thirteen thousand meters, the USSR collapsed.

They say that the drillers felt horror - as if something terrible, invisible, but this made it even more frightening, jumped out of the mine. Their stories were published in Finnish and Swedish newspapers - they claimed that “the Russians released a demon from hell.” Drilling work was stopped due to insufficient funding.

The Kola Peninsula was first mentioned in the 9th century in written sources of Western Europe. The King of the Anglo-Saxons, Alfred, described the inhabitants of the peninsula - the Terfinns - skilled fishermen and hunters, and called the reserved region itself a place of terrible mysteries and the domain of terrible pagan gods.

Ancient legends

For many centuries, Christian beliefs and pagan rituals of worship of the ancient gods, once powerful rulers of these lands, have happily coexisted with the indigenous population of the Kola Peninsula - the Sami and the Lapps (or Loppis).

A number of legends are associated with ancient beliefs that still exist today. Thus, the legend about the terrible giant Kuiva, who in ancient times attacked the inhabitants of the peninsula, seems very interesting. The Sami, despairing of defeating the enemy with their own strength, turned to the gods for help, who, throwing a sheaf of lightning at Kuiva, incinerated the giant. From Kuyva on Angvundaschorr - the highest peak of the Lovozero tundra - only an imprint remained, which, despite weathering and shedding of rock, has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. According to local residents, the spirit of a formidable giant sometimes descends into the valley, and at this time Kuyva’s imprint begins to glow ominously. Therefore, the valley at the peak of Angvundaschorr is considered by the Sami to be a bad place where hunters do not wander and where animals are not even found.

There is one unusual myth that is associated with the underground inhabitants of this region, the Sami and Lapps call them saivok. This mysterious people used to live on the surface of the earth, but after a strong natural disaster, the memories of which were preserved in Lapland legends, they went into underground caves, leaving behind granite megalithic structures in the north of the peninsula.

Oral folk epics describe saivok as small creatures that live deep underground. They understand human language, and their witchcraft has terrible power, capable of stopping the Sun and Moon, as well as killing people who have always been afraid of meeting them. But even today, from time to time information appears about meetings of local residents, scientists and travelers with mysterious saivok.

Mysterious encounters and unexplained deaths

In 1996, Yegor Andreev (surname changed) visited the Kola Peninsula, who, as part of a group of “black meteorites” in the Khibiny Valley, was illegally searching for the remains of a meteorite that fell in those parts during the Ice Age. From Yegor’s memories, one summer night he heard strange sounds near the tent that sounded like a magpie chattering. Looking out of the tent, Andreev suddenly saw three furry creatures that vaguely resembled beavers. But within a moment Yegor was seized with horror - the creatures, which he mistook for animals, had human faces with pointed noses, small lipless mouths, from which two long fangs protruded, and eyes glowing in the darkness with a greenish light. Taking a step towards them, Andreev suddenly realized that he was unable to move...

It was only in the evening of the next day that Egor’s comrades found him lying unconscious at a distance of three kilometers from the parking lot. Yegor could not explain what happened to Andreev after he left the tent. The circumstances of the young man’s meeting with mysterious creatures were erased from his memory...

A real tragedy occurred on the Kola Peninsula in 1999. At that time, four tourists died on one of the passes near Seydozero. No signs of violent death were found on their bodies, but horror was etched on the faces of the unfortunate people. Near the bodies, local residents noticed strange footprints that vaguely resembled human ones, but were very large. Immediately after this tragedy, they remembered a similar incident that happened in the summer of 1965, when three geologists who mysteriously disappeared from the camp died in the Lovozero tundra for an inexplicable reason. Their fox-gnawed bodies were found two months later. Then the official version was put forward, according to which the geologists were poisoned by poisonous mushrooms...

Mysteries of expeditions

The Soviet authorities knew about the strange phenomena that were observed on the Kola Peninsula back in the 20s of the last century. In 1920–1921, a geographical expedition visited those places, led by the head of the neuroenergetics laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, Alexander Varchenko. The official goal of the expedition was to study the influence of the climate of northern latitudes on the physiology of the human body. But in reality, Professor Varchenko was interested in the occult practices of the Sami shamans, as well as such a mysterious phenomenon as measuring and the associated changes in human consciousness. It was Varchenko’s expedition that first proved that measuring is a special form of zombification used by shamans, and also caused by strange granite structures, the discovery of which belongs to Alexander Varchenko. Thus, in one of the gorges of the Manpupuner ridge, scientists discovered yellowish-white columns that looked like candles, opposite which there were structures that looked like walled-up crypts. All the group’s attempts to get to the columns and further to the walled crypts were unsuccessful: either the weather suddenly began to deteriorate, or people and loaded horses were suddenly seized by causeless panic, driving them away...

Already in 1992, a Magadan expedition led by Pavel Udaltsov in those parts managed to get almost close to several small hills that were located in the tract and had a clear artificial origin: they were made of granite stones of regular shape and resembled pyramids, overgrown with moss and small stones. bush. According to the Lapp guide, in one of the hills there was supposed to be a hole - an entrance to the underworld, where in former times his fellow shamans often visited. However, the members of the expedition, who stopped a couple of hundred meters from the hills, were unable to move further: a sudden malaise that gripped the people forced them to return to the base...

Kola superdeep

The drilling of an ultra-deep well, which began in the 70s of the last century on the Kola Peninsula, caused strong discontent among the local population. Its main reason was that the elders of the Sami and Lapps feared the wrath of the disturbed underground inhabitants, rumors of whose existence constantly reached the drillers who arrived from the mainland. But at one time nothing was reported about this “secret enterprise”. So, various ridiculous rumors were floating around, such as “and the devil will jump out of there!”, which even the grandmothers at the entrances did not believe.

Special object

About thirty, forty years ago, it was almost impossible to get a job at least as someone at the Kola superdeep well. Out of hundreds of highly qualified workers, two were chosen, and one engineer. The head of the well was appointed by the Central Committee of the CPSU. Each person hired immediately received a separate apartment with furniture, special rations and a salary equal to two general’s salaries on the “mainland”. It is known that 16 research institutes were simultaneously working on the well.

Was the location for drilling a super-deep well chosen by chance? Of course not! Experts know that the Kola Peninsula is located on the so-called Baltic Shield, which is 3 billion years old.

The appearance of the Kola drilling rig can disappoint the average person. The well is not like the mine that our imagination pictures. There are no descents underground, only a drill with a diameter of a little more than 20 centimeters goes into the thickness. The section of the Kola superdeep well looks like a tiny needle piercing the earth's thickness. A drill with numerous sensors, located at the end of a needle, is raised and lowered over several days. You can’t go faster: the strongest composite cable can break under its own weight.

What is the Earth made of?

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that the Earth consisted of a crust, mantle and core. And at the same time, no one could really say where one ends and the other begins. Scientists did not even know what the layers themselves actually consisted of. Some 40 years ago they were sure that the granite layer begins at a depth of 50 meters and continues up to three kilometers, and then there are basalts. Perhaps there is no stronger stone on the planet than granite. Try to drill into a palm-thick piece of granite and you will curse it a hundred times. And we are talking about several kilometers!

The mantle was expected to be encountered at a depth of 15–18 kilometers. In reality, everything turned out to be completely different. And although school textbooks still write that the Earth consists of three layers, scientists from the Kola Superdeep Site have proven that this is not so. The well showed that almost all of our previous knowledge about the structure of the earth's crust is incorrect. It turned out that the Earth is not at all like a layer cake. From eyewitness accounts, up to four kilometers everything went according to theory, and then the end of the world began. Theorists promised that the temperature of the Baltic Shield would remain relatively low to a depth of at least 15 km. Accordingly, it will be possible to dig a well up to almost 20 kilometers, just up to the mantle.

But already at five kilometers the temperature exceeded 700 degrees Celsius, at seven - over 1200 degrees, and at a depth of 12 kilometers it was hotter than 2200 degrees - 1000 degrees higher than predicted. Kola drillers questioned the theory of the layered structure of the earth's crust - at least in the interval up to 12,262 meters.

At school we were taught: there are young rocks, granites, basalts, mantle and core. But the granites turned out to be three kilometers lower than expected. Next there should have been basalts. They weren't found at all. All drilling took place in the granite layer. This is a very important discovery, because all our ideas about the origin and distribution of minerals are connected with the theory of the layered structure of the Earth.

Another surprise: life on planet Earth, it turns out, arose 1.5 billion years earlier than expected. At depths where it was believed that organic matter did not exist, 14 species of fossilized microorganisms were found - the age of the deep layers exceeded 2.8 billion years. At even greater depths, where there are no longer sediments, methane appeared in huge concentrations. This completely destroyed the theory of the biological origin of oil and gas.

By the way, the French scientist, historian and writer Joseph Roni Sr. wrote back in 1961 that the Earth is older than its estimated age and that life appeared on it much earlier. Alas, without convincing argumentation. He also put forward a theory of the structure of the Earth, corresponding to the scientific data obtained when drilling a well on the Kola Peninsula.

Paranormal or coincidence?

It is not known for certain what is happening in the depths. Ambient temperature, noise and other parameters are transmitted upward with a minute delay. Nevertheless, the drillers said that even such contact with the underground can be seriously frightening. The sounds that came from below really looked like screams and howls. To this we can add a long list of accidents that plagued the Kola Superdeep when it reached a depth of 10 km.

Twice the drill was taken out melted, although the temperature at which it can melt is comparable to the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Once the cable was pulled by something from below and broke. Subsequently, when they drilled in the same place, no remains of the cable were found. What could have caused these and many other accidents still remains a mystery.

There were even louder sensations. When the Soviet automatic space station brought back 124 grams of the lunar pound to Earth in the late 1970s, researchers at the Kola Science Center found that it was exactly like samples from a depth of three kilometers! And a hypothesis arose: the Moon broke away from the Kola Peninsula. Now they are looking for where exactly. By the way, the Americans, who brought half a ton of soil from the Moon, did nothing meaningful with it. They were placed in airtight containers and left for research by future generations.

There was also mysticism in the history of the Kola Superdeep. Officially, as already mentioned, the well was stopped due to lack of funds.

Coincidence or not, but it was in 1995 that a powerful explosion of unknown origin was heard in the depths of the mine. Journalists from a Finnish newspaper broke through to the residents of Zapolyarny, and the world was shocked by stories about a demon flying out of the bowels of the planet. There were also “eyewitnesses” of the incredible phenomenon. This is where researchers of anomalous phenomena, esotericism, mysticism, etc. took their souls away! Even the “convincing to the point of hoarseness” ufological publications did not know such sophisticated details!

Quite unexpectedly for everyone, Alexei Tolstoy’s predictions from the novel “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid” were confirmed. At a depth of over 9.5 km, a real treasure trove of all kinds of minerals, in particular gold, was discovered. A real olivine layer, brilliantly predicted by the writer. The gold in it is 78 grams per ton. By the way, industrial production is possible already at a concentration of 34 grams per ton. Perhaps in the near future humanity will be able to take advantage of this wealth. For now the station is closed.

“They are afraid to dig!”, “The earth does not allow you to approach it!” - say the jokers. Is this a joke? And can we hope that in the near future (and even in the distant future!) we will find out what is really happening in the bowels of the Earth? In the meantime, in our time, every year dozens of sensation hunters come to the Kola Peninsula: some for fragments of the famous meteorite, some in search of the bones of fossil animals, and some with the goal of becoming more familiar with the mystical mysteries that abound in this ancient region.

Mystic. Journey into the unknown

On the eve of the war, under the guise of German geologists, Kola Peninsula specialists from the occult organization of the Third Reich arrived Ahnenerbe. Their goal was local shamans.

At that time, the special department of the NKVD of the USSR sent expeditions for these same shamans. And more than 70 years later, following in the footsteps of the Soviet and fascist secret services, an expedition of a professor set off to the Kola Peninsula Ernsta Muldashev.

The purpose of the expedition was to find the descendants of the mysterious founds- sorcerers and shamans of a small northern nation Sami. This turned out to be no easy task - most of the finds were destroyed during the years of Stalinist repression. What could they do that they became the target of a hunt by two powerful intelligence agencies? As it turned out during the expedition, naidas had a rare gift: with the help of a short loud cry-incantation, they simultaneously introduced a huge number of people into a state of measurement.

Measurement, known as arctic or northern psychosis, turned a person into an obedient robot. In this state, he was ready to carry out any order. The expedition studied areas of the peninsula where a large accumulation of seidov- stones similar to idols of the legendary Fr. Easter. According to legend, it was with the help of seids that naidas performed their witchcraft rituals. The largest accumulation was discovered by an expedition on the coast of the Barents Sea. According to legend, Ahnenerbe “geologists” launched their flying saucers from there. For their experiments, they tried to use the energy of spells possessed by the sorcerers of the Kola Peninsula.

The expedition members found the supposed entrance to an underground bunker, which the Germans had mined so that no one could get to the flying saucers hidden there.

With the help of the sorcerers of the North, the military hoped to develop powerful psychotropic weapons

Defeat the enemy without tanks

- What was so supernatural about the Noids?

Ernst Muldashev (hereinafter - E.M.): Neither our NKVD nor the German Ahnenerbe particularly delved into the secrets of the Sami noids. But they knew that noids could zombify people, and in large numbers. In Sami language this is called " kevve", which is synonymous with the word "measurement", when people unquestioningly carry out any commands.

It is quite understandable that new opportunities could open up in war when a noid controlled by someone could “measure” enemy troops. Yes, as it turned out during our research, the NKVD and Ahnenerbe expeditions managed to capture many noids in an attempt to force them to work for themselves under the threat of death.

One can believe that the NKVD expedition found the Noids, but it’s hard to believe that the Germans did the same on our territory...

EM.: Murmansk explorer, member of the Geographical Society of the Russian Federation Vladislav Troshchin I found documents from which it was clear that before the war Stalin allowed German geologists into our northern territories so that, after they had explored minerals, he would expel them and take advantage of the results of their work. But the Germans were not so simple, launching Ahnenerbe expeditions instead of geologists.

All attempts by both our NKVD members and the Germans were unsuccessful, because even under the threat of death, the Noidas refused to measure anyone, citing the fact that the spirits did not allow them to do this. Noids, in my opinion, know how to use the power of the incorporeal world through spells. Their secret is in memory - active memory - about the past, when a skillfully cast spell was the basis of existence, when it was even necessary to zombify a person so that he could survive, so that the approaching cold during the polar night would not consume him.


- Is the measuring technique still preserved today?

EM.: Yes, it has been preserved. But in an ugly form, called arctic, or northern, psychosis, when a person suddenly begins to repeat a phrase, grab a knife and stab a person, grab his hair, try to unscrew his head, and the like, while revealing remarkable strength.

During a survey of the local population, it was possible to establish that arctic psychosis occurs as a result sharp shout which causes fear. The old people said that in those days, when real noids were still alive, they put people into a state of measuring precisely through fear, unexpectedly and loudly shouting the required spell. At the same time, the person immediately “stunned” and turned into an obedient robot. And now, when without noids the knowledge of spells has sunk into oblivion, fear is most often caused by arctic psychosis. But even during psychosis, a person tends to repeat the movements that are shown to him.

Noida had almost a whole science of scare technology. They knew at what time of day or night to frighten and what spell should be introduced into the frightening shout in order to achieve different goals when measuring. Noids taught parents to scare their children so that for a while, after becoming zombies, they would be obedient and absorb knowledge. By zombifying the noids, they forced lazy people to work, “reconciled” enemies, and punished criminals, sometimes turning them into zombies for life. Noids could cause aggressive targeting so that people would fearlessly go into battle...

An amazing and unusual “scare technology” helped them control the lives of the Sami. The Noids themselves did not trust anyone, except, as is clear from the legends, Chakhkli- mythical humanoid creatures who came from the underworld, who taught them how to measure.

EM.: Let me remind you that noids had the ability to zombify people, or, in other words, to cheat. There is a lot of information in the literature that measuring occurs among all northern peoples, in particular among the Yakuts. There is something similar in Latin America. Recently, an Argentinean doctor of Russian origin came to us Vladislav Vasilenko, who brought a group of patients from this country. Having heard my stories about measuring, he told me that in the north of Argentina he himself had seen entire tribes of zombified people Changarines, who not only obediently carried out the commands of local sorcerers macumberos, but also acquired some kind of animal resistance to poor living conditions, without even demanding a roof over their heads. He got the impression that the Macumberos use some alternative way of adapting man to nature - animalization, that is, the transition to a lifestyle close to that of an animal.

By the way, the sorcerers of the Sami tribe also turned into animals. At first we ourselves thought that these were idle tales of the local population. However, many of the people interviewed who had absolutely sane minds said quite seriously: “ My father could turn into a wolf" or " My grandfather was a werewolf" As an example, I will give the story of one very educated and intelligent woman.

“My grandfather was a very high-level Noida. Everyone respected him. His main feature was that he could turn into a wolf, and then again into a man. It’s hard to believe, but I saw it all with my own eyes, although my grandfather always tried to do it secretly from people. One day I watched him do it. The grandfather performed the necessary ritual, reciting spells, after which he stripped naked. Suddenly his body tensed and began to become transparent until it disappeared, and in this place, first a transparent, and then a normal body of a wolf immediately appeared. The grandfather wolf looked around and ran into the tundra. He didn't notice me. The next day he came to the vezha (dwelling) and said that, having turned into a wolf, he had driven away the deer, which had scattered.”

None of the people interviewed on this topic claimed that the transformation into a wolf occurs precisely on the full moon; no one said that the wolf-man is very aggressive.

- It still looks like a fairy tale.

EM.: The Sami are divided into three clans: Sami reindeer, Sami seals And Sami crows. Local experts, such as N. E. Afanasyeva and L. P. Avdeeva, claim that in those distant times, when their people, driven out from their homes, began to die out, the Noids decided to transfer the souls of animals and birds into the human body, so that the person, having acquired animal strength, he could adapt to harsh conditions. The soul of a deer was transferred to the tundra Sami, the soul of a seal was transferred to the Sami of the Barents Sea coast, and the soul of a raven was transferred to the forest Sami. At the same time, the noids asked for help from the underworld - tunnlant. Almost all the legends and tales of the tribe talk about this, and in the local museum there is an image of a woman giving birth to a fawn. Therefore, if you believe the legends, transferring the soul of a wolf into a person and turning him into a werewolf does not look so fantastic.

- You are a doctor. From a medical point of view, can such a phenomenon have any explanation?

EM.: From the point of view of modern medicine - no. But from the point of view of Tibetan medicine, which I carefully studied during expeditions to Tibet and Buryatia, yes. According to Tibetan ideas, the basis of the existence of any living creature is the immortal spirit living in the body, which is created by the soul (consisting of five elements) in the womb or through materialization. There are descriptions that sometimes a person can have two souls - one of his own, human, the other, for example, of a wolf. If such a two-spirited person knows spells and rituals, he is able to change his bodies, dematerializing one and materializing the other, or vice versa.

Modern people do not really believe in the possibility of materialization or dematerialization. But in India there are entire schools in this direction. Our expeditionary research has shown that, apparently, there is continuity between the corporeal and incorporeal worlds, when each corporeal being has its analogue in the incorporeal world, called in religions the world of angels. Therefore, who knows, maybe the Sami noida sorcerers actually possessed the secrets of a previous civilization that lived in the world of spells, achieving the “werewolf phenomenon.”

- The word “sorcerer” is associated with something bad...

EM.: From the works of Plato and Blavatsky it is clear that the previous Atlantean civilization died 13,000 years ago due to the fact that they “bewitched each other.” Spells have enormous power, but in “clean hands.” After this catastrophe, humanity seemed to be divided into two parts. One, the majority, switched to a physical lifestyle. Another, smaller part of humanity (the Sami Lapps, the Indians of Latin America and others) remained faithful to the spells, giving their peoples to the power of noids, shamans, priests and the like. When meeting with sorcerers, the first part of people (Europeans and others) had a natural fear of the unknown. Therefore, sorcerers were banished to wild places. The physical way of life, based on material progress, has won.

- Are there any sorcerers left now?

EM.: Perhaps they are somewhere. But the Sami noids have almost disappeared. But there were still objects through which they cast magic - mysterious seids...

The Kola Peninsula, located in the north-west of the European part of Russia, in the Murmansk region, is a unique and rather mysterious place where amazing archaeological monuments are collected in one place, the purpose and origin of which is still unknown.

The most ancient pyramids in the world, located on the Kola Peninsula, and the fact that it was here that the ancestral home of man could be located, was written in the article below. But as it turns out, that’s not all that can surprise this small peninsula in the north of the country!

  • On a steep cliff, near Lake Seydozero, in the Lovozero tundra of the Kola Peninsula, you can see an image of a character from the mythology of the Lapp tribes that lived here, the legendary giant - Kuiva!

Kuyva can be seen from almost anywhere in the northern lake. The figure has the shape of a man and is 74 meters high. Its bas-relief protrudes from the wall by 3-4 meters in some places, and this is very clearly visible, especially in winter. Kuyva is called the “Dancing Lapp” - if you swim on the lake and look at him, it seems that he is moving.

In 1923, Academician A.E. Fersman, who examined the image of Kuyva, confidently stated that the giant’s figure is of natural origin. In his book, the academician wrote:

“As we saw during our expedition, the dark figure is formed by a combination of lichens, mosses and wet streaks on the rocks.”

But it’s strange, Fersman was in those places a long time ago, and 90 years have passed since then! The rocks weather and fall, but the figure of Kuyva remains.

There are many legends about how the giant ended up on the rock, and here is one of the most interesting:

“In ancient times, the giant hunter Kuyva came to the Sami lands. For a long time he instilled fear and horror in the local population. And the people were tired and prayed to the gods, asking for help. The gods heard the prayers of the people and incinerated the giant Kuyva with lightning from the waters of the sacred Seydozero. And since then, a trace of the incinerated Kuyva has remained on a steep cliff on the shore of Seydozero."

But what’s interesting is that in ancient Greek mythology there is a legend about the giant hunter Orion, who went to Hyperborea for brides and was incinerated by the lightning arrows of the goddess Artemis for offending the Hyperborean maiden.

Isn't it true that the legend about the giant hunter Kuiva is very similar to the ancient Greek legend about the giant hunter Orion? And the ancient drawing of the constellation Orion by the Muslim astronomer Al-Zufi is almost identical to the image of Kuyva. And here’s another interesting fact: many researchers suggest that the mythical northern country of Hyperborea could be located anywhere other than on the Kola Peninsula!

  • Another unusual prehistoric monument, which is found in Russia - in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in Scandinavia, is called seids

Seids are stone structures of natural and man-made origin ranging in size from tens of centimeters to six meters in diameter, weighing from tens of kilograms to tens of tons.

Stone seids are found singly, but are often grouped into large clusters numbering tens and hundreds of objects. Thus, the largest concentration of seids are located on the islands of Nemetsky and Russky Kuzov, 30 km east of the city of Kem - Karelia. Several hundred accumulations of stones have been discovered here, although usually single seids are found in the areas inhabited by Lapp tribes.

The choice of location for the seida is also of interest - as a rule, they are all located in geologically active points, in obligatory proximity to some body of water.

In some places of the Kola Peninsula, seids are a kind of lighthouses, indicating an unknown road - if you go from seid to seid, then each one offers a view of the next one.

But the main canon of the seid is its instability - boulders are partially raised or placed in an unstable position at an angle of up to 45 degrees. And as a rule, three “stone legs” serve as a stand for boulders.

Scientists have not come to a consensus on the purpose of seids.

1. Some consider them to be household gods, patronizing either a family or a person.

  • There are versions that seids were patrons of the clan, giving commercial happiness to the sacrificer, in this case, buildings similar to animals were patrons of crafts, and those similar to humans served for the worship of ancestors

3. Another possible purpose of seids is to serve as directional road signs and demarcation “border signs”.

4. There are also versions about the magical purpose of the buildings.

3) The culture of labyrinths also originates in the North. It was from here that they spread across all continents.

Mysterious and expressive objects - labyrinths - are often called the legendary "Northern Babylons". These are complex spiral formations of stones and peat, creating paths leading to the center of the structure, which has a diameter of 5 to 30 m.

And despite the fact that the design is called a “labyrinth,” the creators of the “Babylons” did not leave any exits in it.

The configurations of the labyrinths differ from each other. Their shape can be horseshoe-shaped, round-spiral, kidney-shaped or concentrically circular. The “classic type” includes horseshoe-shaped labyrinths. It is precisely such labyrinths, as well as concentrically circular and kidney-shaped ones, that can most often be found on the Kola Peninsula. The age of the labyrinths dates back to the 2nd - 1st millennium BC.

Labyrinths are located on the islands and shores of the White, Barents and Baltic Seas, and are also found in the continental regions of Southern Finland. More than 600 such structures have been discovered in northern Europe. It is only unknown when and what people left them and what their exact purpose was. Here are some versions:

  • Models of fishing traps
  • Altars, giant altars. Entrances to the otherworldly realm
  • A place of purification and redemption
  • Monument to historical events
  • Ancient symbol of Peace
  • Calendar - 360 stones
  • Model of our solar system
  • Projection of the wandering Sun across the polar sky
  • Movement of planets across the sky

The Far North - the lands of the legendary Arctida and Hyperborea, the land of the eternal polar day, the land at the very edge of the world!
The menacing seas that wash the Kola Peninsula, harsh nature, stones and mysteries of ancient peoples that have not yet been solved.
Seids, shamans, flights of unknown bodies, flashes of the polar lights!
All this and much more - Murmansk region!
Some of the most interesting places to travel and explore:
Sorcerer Island;
Lake Svetloe;

Flying stone.

Seids on Setnoy Island

Hyperboreans on the Kola Peninsula
Stone mysteries of the Russian Land
The path lay on the Kola Peninsula. Once upon a time, a couple of centuries ago, the Russian Pomors who came here called it Tersky, and in memory of this, the Tersky Coast still remains in the southeast of the peninsula.
And it would be most correct to call him Rybachy, because the Sami “kul” is very close to “kola” and it means “fish”. Some interpreters stubbornly defend the version that the name of the peninsula is based on the Sami “kol” - “gold”.

The large group of Muscovites included a variety of specialists - geologists, historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, philosophers and even ufologists. And they called their scientific search team “Hyperborea-98”. For they were going to find traces of the ancient and mysterious country of Hyperborea in the area of ​​Mount Ninchurt...

At first, traveling across the Murmansk land did not present any difficulties. From the window of a railway carriage or from the back of a passing car one could admire the hilly landscape (Khibiny means “hills”), dense pine forest, calm surface of lakes, and the soft blue of the North. It’s not for nothing that one of the travelers called these regions Polar Palmyra. But it was necessary to make our way to Mount Ninchurt, and a moment came when the roads and trails ended.

We had to overcome the dangerous Lovozero on motorboats. It raged to force five, and the fragile boats began to be overwhelmed by the waves. Stories about the brave souls who sank here involuntarily came to mind... The expedition members energetically worked with scoops. Thank God, the engines did not stall... The soaked travelers landed on the isthmus between Seydozero and Lovozero. The temperature dropped to zero. After drying off by the fire and resting a bit, we decided to move towards the foot. We overcame the difficult taiga. It was hard when the swamp squelched underfoot and torrential rain poured down from above. It seemed that the warnings that some mysterious forces were inflicting “tests” on travelers entering this energy zone were justified. Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

Not without effort we crossed the last mountain river. Finally, the long-awaited Ninchurt appeared. The mountain is like a mountain, with gentle slopes, a smoothed dome, not very high, not exceeding the main peak of the Chasna-chorr peninsula, located on the same central hill, where the Ponoy, Voronya and other local rivers originate. We put up tents and set up camp. The rain did not stop in the following days. But the expeditioners did not become despondent. The main thing is that they are on target. They jokingly called themselves Hyperboreans.

Either with humor or in serious debates, they inclined this ghostly-mythical Hyperborea in every possible way. Maybe for successful upcoming work it was worth honoring the ancient Greek god Boreas - the son of the starry sky and the morning dawn - he was responsible for the north wind, which, to put it mildly, carried travelers to places from which there was no return... And the Hyperboreans, according to According to the mythical ideas of the Hellenes, they lived in the Far North, “beyond Boreas,” in an ideal country, where Apollo himself visited from time to time, taking a break from the summer heat.

People from this country taught people wisdom, arts, and construction. And according to their stories, there, beyond Boreas, the tribesmen, as they say, knew how to live happily ever after, in prosperity and joy, with feasts, music, dancing and songs. And even when death came, they, having experienced all the pleasures, perceived it as deliverance from the satiety of life, and ended it by immersion in the sea. It was not for nothing that Hercules headed there, to the Hyperborean land, for magic apples. The Hyperboreans also took part in the Argonauts' journey for the Golden Fleece. But myths are myths, and Homer, Aristotle, Plato, Herodotus and many other ancient authors considered it necessary to mention this mysterious country. After some oblivion, researchers at the beginning of the 20th century returned to this topic. Among others, the works of the famous historian Academician B. A. Rybakov deserved attention. Based on archaeological data, he was able to determine the geographical boundaries of this mysterious country - he placed it in the northeast of Europe. The far north of the Eurasian continent - the so-called Arctida - and according to paleoclimatology, in ancient times was not distinguished by cold weather: the temperature even in January did not drop below zero. Coniferous and broad-leaved forests grew there. The climate in these places changed only by the 4th millennium BC.

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region Raven Stone near Murmansk

All participants in “Hyperborea-98” were worried about one obsessive question: will they be able to find any traces?
Special concerns worried the archaeologist Alexander Prokhorov. There was neither time nor opportunity to conduct excavations. But if you look closely, scrape off the top layer, there was something to notice. On one of the slopes of the mountain, Prokhorov discovered a poorly preserved but powerful masonry wall. Here they dug up the foundation of the building and a fence for a small reservoir. On the isthmus between Lovozero and Seydozero, in one of the most inaccessible places, we came across a very ancient seid. It seems nothing special; there are quite a lot of similar seids in the mountains. But on top of this large stone of a very regular geometric shape there was a kind of bath, a cavity, and in it at the very bottom there were coals. Are these traces of a ritual associated with fire?

In another place, Prokhorov took a closer look at an inconspicuous stone. It reminded him of something... The next day, antique stone anchors that he had seen in Black Sea museums surfaced in his memory. Based on the photograph, fellow archaeologists confirmed that this anchor can date back to the 4th millennium BC.

Another find on the slopes of Ninchurt. On one of the tiers, the archaeologist was struck by saw cuts, up to a dozen in a row. These are kind of windows. In Central Asia, Mesopotamia, and partly in Egypt, a very characteristic style was widespread - “blind windows,” niches located at a distance of 5-6 m from each other along the walls. The homes of the supreme nobility were decorated in this way. Only if in the East they were built in mud bricks, here on Ninchurt they were built in stone. Moreover, the block in which the “blind windows” were cut out was a rectangle of a strictly geometric shape. Perhaps it was a fragment of a wall.

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

There were not many finds, but, as they say, they were thought-provoking. We remembered ancient maps that depicted the ancient continent and this blessed Hyperborea... Among the few that have reached us are copies of the maps of Gerardus Mercator, who lived in the 16th century. One of them reproduced the outlines of the Northern Land most fully, with Arctida in the center. Are these not traces of the events of the X-XII centuries? BC, described in the Avesta?

The expedition to the foot of Ninchurt was led by V.N. Demin, Doctor of Philosophy. Disputes about Hyperborea fascinated him so much that he left all his office and classroom studies and rushed to the mountains. (Philosophers can be romantics!) Having summarized the research materials, he wrote a book on this topic. “A whole cultural center,” he noted, “eroded, half-buried by rock and ironed by ice and avalanches. Cyclopean ruins, giant hewn slabs of regular geometric shape; steps leading to nowhere (in fact, we just don’t yet know where they led twenty thousand years ago); walls with clearly man-made cuts; blocks drilled by an unknown drill, a ritual well, a page of a stone manuscript with a trident sign and a flower resembling a lotus...”

And perhaps one of the most exciting finds near the mysterious Seydozero and Mount Ninchurt is nothing less than the remains of an ancient observatory, a structure in the form of a 15-meter trench with two sights.

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

In structure, design and possible functions, the structure resembled a large sextant sunk into the ground - an instrument of the famous Ulugbek observatory near Samarkand... The history of Hyperborea, according to V.N. Demin, can be defined as the period from the 1st millennium BC.

“All these facts,” the scientist writes, “confirm the concept of a number of Russian and foreign scientists about the northern origin of the entire world civilization and the fact that ethnic groups in the distant past - several tens of thousands of years ago - came out of the North, and a natural disaster forced them to this migration . And our Kola Peninsula is one of the centers of Hyperborean culture.”

It was impossible not to remember another expedition to these places, in 1922. The team of researchers was led by a remarkable person - scientist and science fiction writer Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko. Having received a good education for those times at the classical gymnasium of St. Petersburg and at the medical faculties of Kazan and Yuryev (Tartu) universities, he got a job in the Ministry of Finance, but soon took up literary creativity. While still a biology student, he was interested in studying human paranormal abilities and mystical teachings. Experiments in telepathy, public lectures, and science fiction novels brought him popularity. He worked since 1915 at the Institute of the Brain and Higher Nervous Activity, studying mediums, psychics, and the mysteries of the human psyche. At the same time, I had to see it in Black Sea museums. Based on the photograph, fellow archaeologists confirmed: this anchor can date back to the GU millennium BC.

Another find on the slopes of Ninchurt.
On one of the tiers, the archaeologist was struck by saw cuts, up to a dozen in a row. These are kind of windows. In Central Asia, Mesopotamia, and partly in Egypt, a very characteristic style was widespread - “blind windows,” niches located at a distance of 5-6 m from each other along the walls. Thus, the homes of the supreme nobility were decorated. Only if in the East they were built in mud bricks, here on Ninchurt they were built in stone. Moreover, the block in which the “blind windows” were cut out was a rectangle of a strictly geometric shape. Perhaps it was a fragment of a wall.

remains of an ornament on a stone that is more than 8 thousand years old

There were not many finds, but, as they say, they were thought-provoking. We remembered ancient maps that depicted the ancient continent and this blessed Hyperborea... Among the few that have reached us are copies of the maps of Gerardus Mercator, who lived in the 16th century. One of them reproduced the outlines of the Northern Land most fully, with Arctida in the center. Are these not traces of the events of the X-XII centuries? BC, described in the Avesta?

The expedition to the foot of Ninchurt was led by V.N. Demin, Doctor of Philosophy Disputes about Hyperborea fascinated him so much that he left all his office and classroom studies and rushed to the mountains. (Philosophers can be romantics!) Having summarized the research materials, he wrote a book on this topic. “A whole cultural center,” he noted, “eroded, half-buried by rock and ironed by ice and avalanches. Cyclopean ruins, giant hewn slabs of regular geometric shape; steps leading to nowhere (in fact, we just don’t yet know where they led twenty thousand years ago); walls with clearly man-made cuts; blocks drilled by an unknown drill, a ritual well, a page of a stone manuscript with a trident sign and a flower resembling a lotus...”

And perhaps one of the most exciting finds near the mysterious Seydozero and Mount Ninchurt is nothing less than the remains of an ancient observatory, a structure in the form of a 15-meter trench with two sights. In structure, design and possible functions, the structure resembled a large sextant sunk into the ground - an instrument of the famous Ulugbek observatory near Samarkand... The history of Hyperborea, according to V.N. Demin, can be defined as the period from the 1st millennium BC.

“All these facts,” writes the scientist, “confirm the concept of a number of Russian and foreign scientists about the northern origin of the entire world civilization and “that ethnic groups in the distant past - several tens of thousands of years ago - came out of the North, and natural forces forced them to this migration catastrophe. And our Kola Peninsula is one of the centers of Hyperborean culture.”

It was impossible not to remember another expedition to these places, in 1922. The team of researchers was led by a remarkable person - scientist and science fiction writer Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko. Having received a good education for those times at the classical gymnasium of St. Petersburg and at the medical faculties of Kazan and Yuryev (Tartu) universities, he got a job in the Ministry of Finance, but soon took up literary creativity. While still a biology student, he was interested in studying human paranormal abilities and mystical teachings. Experiments in telepathy, public lectures, and science fiction novels brought him popularity. He worked since 1915 at the Institute of the Brain and Higher Nervous Activity, studying mediums, psychics, and the mysteries of the human psyche. At the same time, Barchenko wrote works on parapsychology and palmistry. It is clear that such a person could not help but interest the OPTU. On the initiative of Felix Dzerzhinsky himself, the researcher was hired to work in a special department headed by Gleb Bokiy, an old-school revolutionary who was at the origins of the Gulag system. Looking ahead a little, it should be noted that in 1925, a neuroenergetics laboratory was created at the Optical Technical University under the leadership of Barchenko. The work of this institution would be useful to the security officers both for “facilitating” the extraction of secret information and for influencing people’s consciousness. But in 1937, the laboratory was closed, and its employees were repressed or shot for company with “enemies of the people.” But this is in a “shock” decade.

Officially, Barchenko was listed as an employee of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Economic Council, which was headed by “Iron Felix”. But in fact, he gave lectures on the occult to Lubyanka workers and was engaged in research in this area

Significant funds were allocated for Barchenko’s research, and virtually unlimited access to archival information was provided... The scientist was to discover evidence that the basis of our civilization is a universal cosmic intelligence. According to Barchenko's hypothesis, humanity originated in the North during the era of the so-called Golden Age, that is, approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. The Flood forced the Aryan tribes living there to leave the area of ​​the present Kola Peninsula and move south.

Alexander Vasilyevich organized expeditions to areas where anomalous phenomena were observed - he hoped that he would find confirmation of his theory. The people who sent him there were interested in questions of a practical nature - in particular, the impact of anomalous radiation characteristic of sacred zones on humans.

In 1921, allegedly on instructions from the Institute for Brain Research, Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary Hyperborea. He was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization - they knew the secret of atomic energy, they knew how to build and fly aircraft... The researcher gleaned information about this from Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the carriers of ancient knowledge about Hyperborea were the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula.

Local residents said that at the foot of Ninchurt there are holes that lead to the dungeon. But those who try to penetrate deeper are “stupefied.” Members of Barchenko’s detachment found one of these manholes and even took pictures at the entrance, but did not check the “stupefaction”. Although they say that Barchenko himself, having tried to penetrate the mysterious dungeon, experienced strange sensations... He came to the conclusion that this place was under the influence of unknown mystical forces... One could make all sorts of assumptions - about underground tunnels, about ground movements, about traces existing here all the same Hyperborea...

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

But Barchenko’s expedition did not have the opportunity to linger. The main task was, as with other expeditions of that time, to search for minerals. Geologists discovered rare earth and uranium ores in these places. And in 1922, in the taiga near the famous Seydozero, at the intersection of water streams, they found hills that resembled pyramids! The Sami, who used these structures for ritual purposes, said that they were built a long time ago, in ancient times... According to the scientist, all this could serve as evidence of the existence of Hyperborea.

Here the researcher tried to find the mythical stone from Orion (or, as members of Western secret societies called it, the Grail stone). According to legend, this stone had the ability to accumulate and transmit psychic energy over distances, to come into contact with the cosmic mind...

Shaman seids (high columns made of stones) were also found there. Those present near these structures noticed weakness, dizziness, and some experienced hallucinations; they experienced a decrease or increase in body weight. Here, when communicating with shaman-noids, and then in their absence, I had to become acquainted with the so-called merchant (emeric). During this phenomenon, similar to mass hypnosis, people repeated each other’s movements, spoke in incomprehensible languages, prophesied... Did some forces of this unique occult place influence the people’s psyche? After all, shamans knew how to turn mere mortals into obedient puppets...

The Kola Peninsula has long attracted the attention of travelers and tourists. And the descriptions of A.E. Fersman and MI. Prishvin, memories of the search for Barchenko, and popular rumor only fueled this interest. A pilgrimage began to the mysterious Seydozero and Ninchurt Mountain in the 80-90s of the last century. Dreamers and romantics, most of them St. Petersburg and Muscovites, flocked in droves... The places are truly remarkable in their natural landscapes. All around is swampy tundra, and here are marvelous lakes, picturesque rocks, luxurious trees... Well, and the main thing, as it has become fashionable to say now, is energy... It’s not for nothing that shamans from various countries have been gathering here for joint rituals lately.

Seers, contactees, and psychics flocked here to their “gatherings.” Some build pyramids from stones - power generators and meditate near them, comprehend eternal life and connection with the Cosmos. Others look for higher rocks and contact the Higher Mind there. Still others look for traces of UFO landings and an alien base underground. And there are those who follow a simpler path - they organize prayers and round dances in what their mother gave birth to... In this they are helped by a local shaman, who took this title from his grandfather. In his tent, he willingly receives guests and “enlightens” them about witchcraft places, tells them about the “bigfoot” - the leshak.

ancient man-made pyramids

The city of Kavdory is located in the southwest of the Kola Peninsula, near the mouth of a volcano that erupted 450 million years ago. Once upon a time, a mysterious Sami tribe lived here.

According to legend, all Sami had supernatural abilities, as they descended from the solar tribe of gods. Their descendants still live in these places. Many children are born with psychic gifts. A variety of anomalous phenomena are not uncommon here. It is not for nothing that the mysterious Divo Mountain is located next to Cawdor, where all sorts of miracles happen.

Teacher Valentina Yuryevna Popova heads a children's environmental organization. The children study local history, study local ethnographic features, folklore, and organize hikes along rivers and lakes.

One day, their group discovered stonework of clearly artificial origin, apparently a burial. In the 1920s, there was a Sami settlement on this site. The stones were laid out in a circle, some of them were already split, destroyed by time.

Immediately, one of the boys, Seryozha, had an incomprehensible premonition. He suddenly stopped perceiving the surrounding reality, and pictures appeared before his eyes: first, some kind of rhombus with four rays extending from it, then a man standing on the shore of the lake and carefully looking at Seryozha.

The girl Oksana saw a small hut and a woman in clothes from an ancient era coming out. Then a vision of a “flying saucer” in the shape of a hat appeared...

“Hallucinations” also visited Valentina Yurievna. A stone fence on the shore of the lake, a burning fire appeared in front of her...
Researchers measured the radiation coming from the burial. It turned out that the stones have a negative charge.

The age of the masonry was determined to be approximately 3000 years. The stones were laid out in such a way that they resembled a map of the starry sky. The “drawing” reflected all astronomical patterns, even the dates of the equinox. The earth's poles were clearly marked on it.

By the way, the name of this area translated from Sami means “Sorcerer”. They said that in the old days shamans gathered here for council. Wasn't a great shaman buried thousands of years ago under these stones? One of the girls clearly felt the presence of an unknown dark force near the burial...

The Sami legend says that a person can turn into stone and his soul talks to people. So, the teacher and the children had a strong feeling that someone was trying to convey some information to them.

seids and noidas of the Kola Peninsula

Later, on the banks of the Iona River, in a place revered by the Sami as sacred, the teenagers came across a rock with drawings clearly made by the hand of a person who lived in ancient times: a hunter with a spear, a woman, some kind of deity... The drawings were outlined in chalk to make them easier later was found. Imagine Valentina Yuryevna’s surprise when, six months later, she returned to this rock and discovered that one of the elements of the image had disappeared! Who could “erase” a design carved on stone thousands of years ago?

Once several guys told Valentina Yuryevna that they “see” strange signs. Soon they came to a rock on which were exactly the same writings.

V.Yu. Popova and her students have no doubt that the secret of the mysterious stones, inscriptions, drawings and visions is connected with the Cosmos. Perhaps it was from there that the ancestors of the Sami came to Earth. And it is possible that the aliens still continue to visit their distant descendants - local residents often observe “flying saucers” in the sky.

But recently, mysterious disappearances of individual pilgrims and even entire groups have begun in these parts. Whether they go into dungeons or drown in lakes and swamps - neither the shamans nor the police can explain anything. The media sounded the alarm. In 2000, local authorities were forced to take such a reasonable step - to invite scientists from Moscow (four doctors of science - geological, biological, technical and military!). One of them gave the following explanation incognito:

“I admit, I am a dreamer myself and would really like to see traces of proto-civilization. When I came out to the isthmus between Lovozero and Seydozero and through the gold of birches I saw a road made of huge slabs, the remains of some cyclopean structures, mysterious arches of underground passages, I was shocked. Well, where, pray tell, did all this come from in a remote and deserted place? For a while I believed - yes, these could really be the remains of an ancient civilization! But, alas, despite all our efforts, we did not even find signs of Hyperborea.

Upon careful examination of the area, it immediately became clear how the road was formed from huge slabs. The fact is that the mountain range here is made of graphite slate. In time immemorial, the rocks eroded, water got into the cracks, and flat geometric blocks gradually broke out and slid down the slope. These blocks, creeping one on top of the other, slid down to the bottom of the lake and formed a “road”. If you look closely at the rocky slope, you can see traces of the “movement” of these blocks.”

Remembering the expedition of V. Demin, the question arises: were four doctors of science and one advanced philosopher unable to figure out whether this road was artificial or natural?

Pundits visited various “witchcraft” places near Ninchurt. Regarding the death of visiting pilgrims and frivolous tourists, such an assumption took shape. There really are tunnels here, but their origin is not at all Hyperborean. During the war in the 40s, prisoners from the Revda Gulag camps worked on the slopes of the mountain. They mined uranium ore according to the Beria program. They say they came across both gold and platinum. The adits were made by miners from the caves. The developments were closed, the prisoners were taken out, and the entrances to the tunnels were blown up. And even though these places are overgrown with bushes and moss, traces can be seen.

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

Among the “Hyperboreans” there are not only “archaeologists”, but also gold hunters. They clear the rubble and enter the adits. And the supports are rotten... Those who cross Lovozero in kayaks also die, without any mysticism. The weather here can change in a few minutes, the waves sometimes rise up to five meters. Local residents, whether believing or not believing in the witchcraft danger, prefer to steer a course close to the coast. Give visiting romantics some space. Fragile kayaks cannot withstand storms, and even an inflatable vest will not help in icy water.

But, while debunking shamanism and mysticism, the invited researchers still recognize the peculiarities of these places.

“Staying here for a long time really has a negative impact on people. Some people simply have a headache, others lose consciousness, and others hear chants and voices. And the reason is that there are so-called geopathogenic zones here. According to the tectonic map, in the Seydozero area there are faults in the earth's crust, and active release of radon occurs. Here the intensity, structure and relationships of geophysical fields change (primarily magnetic and gravitational fields - hence the change in a person’s weight). Changes in these fields can also be caused by cosmic reasons (oscillation of the Earth's poles, the influence of explosions on the Sun and the movement of planets).

All this together influences biological rhythms, the psyche and instincts of a person. He assesses reality inadequately, suddenly falls into euphoria or depression, and as a result commits strange acts. On the Kola Peninsula this condition is called whirling. People fall into this state because the exposure to the Earth’s natural energy field in geopathogenic zones exceeds the “digestibility” of an ordinary person. Mother Nature has gone too far with her energy here. By the way, it was no coincidence that shamans placed their seids precisely at the intersection of water streams. The flows trace faults in the earth’s crust, and the highest energy is observed at the places where they intersect.”

Among local residents, such local zones have the reputation of being evil, witchcraft places, and they, as a rule, try not to go there or build anything. Don’t feed the “Hyperboreans”, lovers of adventure and admirers of the muse of wanderings with honey, but give them similar zones.

Doctors of science pointed to another factor, perhaps not entirely scientific, but quite noticeable. As for the visions that “Hyperboreans” visit, the “report” says, during meditation in places chosen by shamans, then, according to the authoritative statement of the aborigines who supply visitors with alcoholic drinks, after three bottles of vodka they may not dream of such things. The only thing not specified is how many people there are three bottles.

And then the positive manifestation of the geopathogenic zone at the foot of Ninchurt is noted much more seriously. There, they say, there are so-called geovitagenic (useful) places. Since ancient times, women have been treated there for infertility.

Lovozero, a lake that ranks fourth in size in the Murmansk region, is one of the most famous anomalous zones in Russia. What is not attributed to this object: distortion of space and time, fluctuations in the gravitational background, a healing effect on the human body... In addition, near Lovozero you can meet the Yeti - Bigfoot.

Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

An expedition in 1920, led by A.V., was devoted to the study of this anomaly. Barchenko, head of the Murmansk Maritime Institute of Local History. The purpose of the expedition was to study the most common phenomenon in the Lovozero region - “measuring” - a mysterious mental illness that is spreading like an epidemic. “Measuring” acts like a mass psychosis, depriving people of their will and forcing them to senselessly repeat various movements one after another or indiscriminately carry out other people’s commands. The effect lasts from several hours to a day and can be repeated. The Yakuts explain “measuring” by saying that an evil spirit enters the patient’s body. But just in case, it is better to buy weapons for self-defense on the website zveroboy.ru.

The expedition constantly encountered unexplained phenomena. Many ritual objects and buildings remained from the ancient Lapp culture were also discovered. It is not known whether the expedition managed to lift the veil of secrecy and understand what causes the “measurement”...

Lovozero remains the object of special attention of scientists to this day. Expeditions headed by V.N. were sent here from 1997 to 1999. Demina. Their goal was to search for the mysterious country of Hyperborea. And in 2000, V. Chernobrov and his group of researchers recorded many testimonies from local residents that Bigfoot lives in the Lovozero area.


Koldun Island (Magic Island) is a small, mysterious island on Lovozero on the Kola Peninsula, where a number of mysterious phenomena occur. The island is crescent-shaped, and the shore in this crescent is covered with surprisingly clean and high-quality sand. Bigfoot was observed several times on the Sorcerer, a poltergeist was “registered” in one hut, and other inexplicable events were observed. There is probably also an anomalous zone on the island. Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region

One of the eyewitnesses who encountered the inexplicable on the island was doctor V. Strukov, who, after graduating from the academy in 1975, went to serve in the air unit in Severomorsk. In the winter of 1976/77, he and his friends and colleagues went fishing. This is how he describes the story that happened: “I had to witness very strange, almost tragic events on Lovozero, on the sacred island of the Sorcerer. We had to swim about 40 kilometers to the island. We went on 4 boats, but one engine immediately broke down, and the mechanic specialist For some reason I couldn’t fix the problem. We replaced the engine with a new one, but after 5-10 kilometers another one breaks down... They said, take a local Lapp and his engine with you. I performed the duties of a doctor, then sat next to our guide and very often, at his request (when the engine began to stall), poured him pure alcohol. For this, he told me the legend about this island and the lake. According to him, the island serves all the local residents. a refuge and saves you from starvation: huge pine trees grow there, a lot of mushrooms, berries and fish (there’s even trout). You won’t die of hunger and cold here - but you can’t take anything with you from there...

We caught red fish there - brown trout, trout, whitefish, picked mushrooms and berries and had a friendly dinner. It was a pleasant, clear, warm evening. We got ready to head back. This is where it all started. A real hurricane has arisen, you can’t see a thing. One engine stalled. They began to sink, the wave was already covering the side. We moved from a stalled boat, it turned out to be overloaded - even worse. I had already decided that no one would survive. And then our Lapp ordered everything caught and collected to be thrown overboard. We carried out the order, but the hurricane kept getting stronger. We tried to bail out water with empty containers, but it was practically useless: the wave was too high. There was no point in rowing either - you can’t see anything two meters away... Here the Lapp says that not everything was thrown away, so look. One colonel found in his pocket a pebble the size of a pigeon's egg, transparent, beautiful, smooth - he picked it up on the shore, put it in his pocket and forgot. This pebble was immediately thrown overboard. We all expected a miracle from this stone - and literally after 10-15 seconds everything became quiet, there was absolute calm, the sky began to shine, and we sat wet to the skin in half-submerged boats and were afraid to look each other in the eyes... ["Science and Religion" " 1998, No. 8, p. 39].


In the very center of the Lovozero mountain range, bordered on three sides by rocks and mountain peaks, lies Lake Seydozero. This name indicates that the lake is the residence of the sacred spirit. Sometimes evil, sometimes good. When the Sami come to the lake, the first thing they do is appease the spirit, so that there will be fishing and everyone will remain healthy.

Seydozero has an absolute elevation of +189 m above sea level. The length of Seydozero is 8 km, width from 1.5 km in the narrow part to 2.5 km in the wide one. From the west, the mountain river Elmorajok flows into the lake, in the east Seydyavryok flows out and flows into Lake Lovozero. The mountains covering the lake valley from the northern winds created their own special microclimate on Seydozero, so the nature here is somewhat different from the usual circumpolar one. Some plants are found only here.

Many legends are associated with this lake. For example, about the villain Kuyva, whose image can be seen on a rock near Seydozero. The image is gigantic in size - about 70 meters high and 30 meters wide. And the Lapps (indigenous population) tell the legend like this:

It was a long time ago, long ago, when I was not yet there. Strangers found our land, they said - shvets, but we were like burdocks - naked, without weapons, even without shotguns, and not everyone had knives. And we didn’t want to fight. But the Shvets began to take away the bulls and females, took our fishing places, built pens and lemmas - there was nowhere for the Lopi to go. And so the old people gathered and began to think about how to drive out Shvet, and he was so strong - big, with firearms. We consulted, argued and decided to go together against him, take away our deer and again sit on Seityavr and Umbozero.

And they went to a real war - some with a shotgun, some just with a knife, they all went against the Shvets, and the Shvet was strong and was not afraid of the burst. First, he lured our lop to Seityavr by cunning and began to chop it there. It will strike to the right - so ten of ours were missing, and all the mountains, tundra and khibiny were splattered with drops of blood; will strike to the left - so again ten of ours were missing, and again drops of Lop’s blood were splashed across the tundra.

But our old people became angry when they saw that the shvet began to crumble them, they hid in the vest, gathered their strength and immediately surrounded everyone on all sides of the shvet; he goes here, there - there is no way for him to go anywhere: neither to go down to Seityavr, nor to climb out onto the tundra; So he froze on the rock that hangs over the lake. When you are on Seityavr, you yourself will see the giant Kuyva - this is the shvet that our Sami, our old people, sprawled on the stone when they went to war against him. So he stayed there, damned Kuyva, and our old men again took possession of the bulls and important women, again sat down on the fishing grounds and began to hunt. . .

Only petrified drops of Sami blood remained in the tundra; our old people shed a lot of them while they overpowered Kuyva. Nowadays, a red stone is often found in the mountains - eudialyte, this is Sami blood.

Even in modern times, Seydozero continues to present surprises. So, several years ago, a scientific expedition discovered traces of ancient buildings at the bottom of the lake. Presumably these are buildings from the time of the Hyperborean civilization. An ancient stonehedge-type observatory oriented by the stars was discovered on Seydozero. Also, meter-long hieroglyphs were discovered on the rocks, which were partially translated using the ancient Indian language. Hyperborea is considered the ancestral home of all humanity, and the fact that it could be located on the Kola Peninsula is indicated by some local names that have common roots with Indian words.

The territory of Seydozero was a natural reserve for some time, but unfortunately no protection was carried out. And now, when the flow of tourists to the lake has increased, you can meet thugs who, for the sake of a moment’s entertainment, can cut down a live spruce, and even sign for what they have done. Maybe set up posts and check the brains of the “travelers”?

flying stone

According to Sami legend, this stone came from somewhere in Scandinavia. He searched for a long time for a calm and fertile place, falling to the ground in many places in Lapland, and did not find it.
Either he didn’t like the mountains, or the waters and winds, or people treated him without due respect. And so he found his place here, on Lake Vuliyavr, on a high mountain covered with gray lichens. He sat down on his future bed, as if he had not yet finally decided to stay here.
He turned his face to the vast Ponoy swamp with the holy hidden lake Seydyavr and he liked this land. So since then it has rested here, while this corner of nature still remains untouched, while people still treat it with due respect. Anomalous zones and places of power in the Murmansk region


Arctida (Hyperborea) is a hypothetical ancient continent or large island that existed in the north of the Earth, near the North Pole, and was inhabited by a once powerful civilization.
The name should be understood as follows: Hyperborea is what is located in the far north, “beyond the north wind Boreas,” in the Arctic. Until now, the fact of the existence of Arctida-Hyperborea had no confirmation, except for ancient Greek legends and the image of this landmass in old engravings, for example, on the map of Gerardus MERCATOR, published by his son Rudolf in 1595. This map depicts the legendary continent of Arctida in the center, surrounded by the coast of the Northern Ocean with easily recognizable modern islands and rivers

By the way, this map itself raised many questions among researchers. For example, in the area near the mouth of the Ob River the inscription “Golden Woman” is placed on this map. Is this really the same legendary miraculous statue, a symbol of knowledge and power that has been sought throughout Siberia for centuries? Its exact reference to the area is also given here - go and find it

According to the descriptions of the same ancient Greek chroniclers, Arctida supposedly had a favorable climate, where 4 large rivers flowed out of the central sea (lake) and flowed into the ocean, thanks to which on the map Arctida looks like a “round shield with a cross.” The Hyperboreans, inhabitants of Arctida, which was ideal in its structure, were especially loved by the god Apollo (his priests and servants existed in Arctida). According to some ancient schedule, Apollo appeared in these lands every time exactly 19 years. In general, the Hyperboreans were no less, and perhaps more, close to the gods than the “God-loved” Ethiopians, Phaeacians and Lotophagi. By the way, many Greek gods, the same Apollo, as well as the well-known Hercules, Perseus and other less famous heroes, had a common epithet - Hyperborean..

Perhaps this is also why life in happy Arctida, along with reverent prayers, was accompanied by songs, dances, feasts and general never-ending fun. In Arctida, even death occurred only from fatigue and satiety with life, more precisely from suicide - having experienced all types of pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans usually threw themselves into the sea

The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced at that time. It was the people from these places, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristaeus (considered both servants and a hypostasis of Apollo), who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns, and for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built... These teachers, as the chronicles reported, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, including the arrow, raven, laurel with miraculous powers

The following legend has been preserved about Arctida: once its inhabitants presented the first harvest grown in these places to Apollo himself on Delos. But the girls sent with gifts were forcibly left on Delos, and some were even raped. After this, faced with the savagery of other peoples, the cultural Hyperboreans no longer went far from their land, but deposited gifts on the border with a neighboring country, and then to Apollo the gifts were delivered to other peoples for a fee

The historian of the Ancient World Pliny the Elder took the description of an unknown country very seriously. From his records the location of the little-known country is almost unambiguously traced. Getting to Arctida, according to Pliny, was difficult (for people, but not for the Hyperboreans, who could fly), but not so impossible, you just had to jump over some northern Hyperborean mountains: “Behind these mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, happy people... who are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends... The Sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the Sun does not hide... from the spring equinox to the autumn, the luminaries only rise there once a year at the summer solstice, and they set only at the winter solstice... This country is entirely in the sun, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life... One cannot doubt the existence of this people...

There is another indirect evidence of the former existence of a highly developed polar civilization. Seven years before Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world, the Turk Piri Reis compiled a map of the world, which showed not only America and the Strait of Magellan, but also Antarctica, which Russian navigators were to discover only 300 years later... The coastline and some details of the relief are presented on it with such precision that can only be achieved with aerial photography, or even shooting from space. The southernmost continent of the planet on the Piri Reis map is devoid of ice cover! It has rivers and mountains. The distances between the continents have been slightly changed, which confirms the fact of their drift

A short entry in the diaries of Piri Reis suggests that he compiled his map based on materials from the era of Alexander the Great. How did they know about Antarctica in the 4th century BC? e.? An interesting fact: in the 1970s, a Soviet Antarctic expedition established that the ice shell covering the continent is at least 20 thousand years old, it turns out that the age of the real primary source of information is at least 200 centuries. And if so, the conclusion arises that when the map was compiled, perhaps there was a developed civilization on Earth that, in such ancient times, was able to achieve such colossal successes in cartography? The best contender for the best cartographers of that time could be the Hyperboreans, fortunately they also lived at the pole, only not at the south, but at the north, which, let us recall, were both free from ice and cold at that time. The ability to fly, which the Hyperboreans had, made flights from pole to pole possible. Perhaps this explains the mystery of why the original map was drawn up as if the observer were in Earth orbit.

But soon, as we already know, the polar cartographers died or disappeared, and the polar regions were covered with ice... Where do their further traces lead? It is believed that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants in the form of the Aryans, and they, in turn, the Slavs and Russians..

The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that a part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia. However, some interpretations (this is our own private opinion) suggest that Atlantis and Hyperborea are generally one and the same continent... Whether this is true or not, to some extent future expeditions should come to the solution to the great mystery. In the north of Russia, numerous geological parties have repeatedly encountered traces of the activity of the ancients, but none of them purposefully set as their goal the search for the Hyperboreans

In 1922, in the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero in the Murmansk region, an expedition led by Barchenko and Kondiain took place, which was engaged in ethnographic, psychophysical and simply geographical research. By chance or not, the search engines came across an unusual manhole going underground. The scientists were unable to penetrate inside - a strange, unaccountable fear, an almost tangible horror, literally bursting out from the black throat, prevented it. One local resident said that “it felt like you were being skinned alive!” A collective photograph has been preserved [published in NG-nauka, 1997, October], in which 13 members of the expedition were photographed next to the mystical hole

After returning to Moscow, the materials of the expedition were very carefully studied, including at Lubyanka. It’s hard to believe, but A. Barchenko’s expedition was personally supported by Felix DZERZHINSKY even at the preparation stage. And this was during the most hungry years for Soviet Russia, immediately after the end of the civil war! This can be interpreted in such a way that not all the goals of the expedition are known to us reliably. It is now difficult to figure out what exactly Barchenko went to Seydozero for, the leader was repressed and shot, the materials he obtained were never published

In the 1990s, Doctor of Philosophy Valery Nikitich DEMIN drew attention to the very scant memories that have reached us about Barchenko’s finds, and when he studied local legends in detail and compared them with Greek ones, he came to the conclusion that we must look here

The places are truly amazing; Seydozero still evokes awe or at least respect among local residents. Just a century or two ago, its southern shore was the most honorable place for burial in a stone grave for shamans and other respected members of the Sami people. For them, the name Seydozer and the afterlife paradise were simply one and the same. Here, even fishing was allowed only one day a year... In Soviet times, the area north of the lake was considered a strategic raw material base; large reserves of rare earth metals were discovered here. Now Seydozero and Lovozero are famous for the frequent occurrence of various anomalous phenomena, and even... a small tribe of snow people that has become extremely rampant in the local taiga...

In 1997-1999, in the same place, under the leadership of V. Demin, searches were again undertaken, only this time for the remains of the ancient civilization of Arctida. And the news was not long in coming. So far, during the expeditions “Hyperborea-97” and “Hyperborea-98” the following were found: several destroyed ancient buildings, including a stone “observatory” on Mount Ninchurt, a stone “road”, “staircase”, “Etruscan anchor”, a well under Mount Kuamdespahk; some items were selected that testify to the existence of art and crafts in these places (for example, a repairman from Revda, Alexander FEDOTOV, found a strange metal “matryoshka doll” in the Chivruay gorge); Several images of the “trident”, “lotus” were studied, as well as the giant (70 m) rock cross-shaped image of a man known to all local old-timers, “old man Koivu” (according to legends, the defeated “alien” Swedish god was defeated and embedded in the rock south of Karnasurta). .

However, as it turned out, “old man Koivu” is made of blackened stones, along which water has been oozing from the rock for centuries. With other finds, things are not so simple either. Professional geologists and archaeologists are skeptical about the above finds, considering all of them to be nothing more than a play of nature, constructions of the Sami up to several centuries ago, and remnants of the activities of Soviet geologists in the 1920s and 30s

However, when studying the arguments for and against, one cannot fail to take into account the fact that it is always easier to criticize than to obtain evidence. There have been many cases in the history of science when researchers who were criticized to smithereens eventually got their way. A classic example is the “non-professional” Heinrich SCHLIEMANN, who discovered Troy where it “should not be.” To repeat such success, you need to at least be passionate. All of Professor Demin’s opponents call him “over-enthusiastic.” So, we can say that there is some hope for the success of the search

It is necessary to search, since we are talking not just about the traces of one of the ancient peoples, but about a very highly developed civilization, perhaps, as V. Demin believes, the ancestral homeland of the Aryan Slavic people - the place “where the peoples came from.” Could this actually happen in our inhospitably cold, mosquito-ridden North? Do not rush to answer, because once upon a time the climate of the current Russian North was much more favorable. As Lomonosov wrote, “in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heatwaves, where elephants could be born and reproduce... it was possible.” Perhaps the sharp cooling occurred as a result of some kind of cataclysm or as a result of a slight displacement of the earth's axis (according to the calculations of ancient Babylonian astronomers and Egyptian priests, this happened 399 thousand years ago).

However, the option of turning the axis does not work - after all, according to the ancient Greek chronicles, a highly developed civilization existed in Hyperborea only a few thousand years ago, and it was at or near the NORTH POLE (this is clearly seen from the descriptions, and these descriptions should be trusted, because it is impossible to invent and describe the polar day in such a way that it is visible only at the pole, and nowhere else)

If you ask about the specific location of Arctida, there is no clear answer, because at first glance there are not even islands near the North Pole. But... there is a powerful underwater ridge, named after the discoverer, the Lomonosov Ridge, and nearby is the Mendeleev Ridge. They really sank to the bottom of the ocean relatively recently - according to geological concepts. If so, then the possible inhabitants of this hypothetical Arctida, at least some of them, would have had time to move to the current continent in the area of ​​the Canadian Arctic Archipelago or the Kola and Taimyr Peninsulas, and most likely in Russia - east of the Lena delta (exactly where the ancients advised to look for the famous “Golden Woman”)

If Arctida-Hyperborea is not a myth, then how to explain the warm climate in the large circumpolar territory? Powerful geothermal heat? A small country may well be warmed by the warmth of gushing geysers (like Iceland), but this will not save you from the onset of winter. And in the messages of the ancient Greeks there is no mention of thick plumes of steam (it was impossible not to notice them). However, who knows, maybe this hypothesis has a right to exist: volcanoes and geysers warmed Hyperborea, and then one fine day they destroyed it... Hypothesis two: perhaps the cause of the heat is the warm Gulf Stream current? But now its heat is not enough to heat a large area (any resident of the Murmansk region, where the “warm” Gulf Stream ends its course, will tell you this). Maybe the current was more powerful before? It may well be. Otherwise, we will be forced to assume that the heat in Hyperborea was generally of artificial origin! If, according to the same Greek historians, there, in this heavenly place of God, the problems of longevity, rational land use, free flight in the atmosphere and many others were solved, then why shouldn’t the Hyperboreans “at the same time” solve the problem of climate control!

Directions to the search site for Arctida on Seydozero:

1) by train or by train to Olenegorsk, Murmansk region (from Moscow 1.5 days by train); by passing or by bus to Revda; then walk or take a shift bus to the mine about 10 km; walk about 15 km along the path through the pass strictly south to Seydozero; walk about 10 km along the path along the lake shore to the only surviving hut on the shore of Lake Seid..

2) from Revda by bus to the village of Lovozero; go to the southern outskirts of the village; walk along the power line leading to the south (but not the one leading to the west-southwest!), along a path and clearing (sometimes swamps) along the shore of Lovozero about 30 km to Motka (a hut on the shore of Lovozero) and the road, leading to the west; along it about 2 km to the hut on Seydozero..

3) from Lovozero, rent a motor boat from local residents, which will take you 1 hour to Motka and the road to Seydozero; follow it to reach the hut


This amazing story happened during an expedition to the Kola Peninsula aimed at finding traces of ancient Hyperborea. The expedition was organized by a group of researchers from different parts of the country. All experienced pathfinders had extensive experience traveling around the Kola Peninsula. The group was led by X. On September 13, the group headed to the Teriberka area, left their cars there and headed towards Lake X on foot with a local guide.
At 14.30 the leader of the group got in touch and said that he had discovered a pyramid that clearly belonged to the culture of the ancient Hyperboreans and whose approximate dating is at least 25 thousand years before the birth of Christ. And at the base of this pyramid, a group of brave researchers discovered the entrance to a cave. After that, I was able to receive four photos on my phone and a short message from the manager - we are going inside...
The group did not get in touch again until yesterday. The group leader picked up the phone after my hundredth call to him and said that he was already in Moscow. Fear and anxiety were heard in his voice, and he told me that an ancient city had been discovered under the pyramid, but he flatly refused to talk about what was found in that city and advised me never to approach this mysterious pyramid, never in my life or this trip may be my last.
p.S. What kind of secrets does this ancient pyramid keep? This question has been haunting me for two days now... but I will not give up and will continue my research, no matter what the cost. The light of knowledge is worth life!

Scientists have found fragments of a meteorite that flew over the Kola Peninsula in April, reports the E1 portal.
Particles of a celestial body were discovered in Finland. It turned out that the iron content in this fragment is greater than in similar pieces of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.
As the Polit74 agency previously reported, on April 19, residents of the Kola Peninsula could observe the fall of a celestial body similar to the Chelyabinsk meteorite. A bright flash lit up the sky at about two o'clock in the morning, but no shock or sound wave followed it. There were no complaints from residents of the region about the destruction, and no casualties were registered.

The astronomical phenomenon was seen and recorded by residents of Murmansk, Severomorsk, Apatity, Kirovsk and Koashva. They saw a bright mark in the sky, then a flash from the explosion. Drivers of some cars with DVRs were able to capture the event on video.

At the end of May, a group of scientists from Russia, the Czech Republic and Finland found the first fragment of a meteorite in Finland. The 120-gram piece was found by Nikolai Kruglikov, associate professor at UrFU and employee of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The largest part of the celestial body is still in swamps.

The meteorite that fell on the Kola Peninsula has already been named Annamsky after the Annam River, which flows a hundred kilometers from Murmansk. Scientists managed to establish the nature of this celestial body. This is the outer shell of an asteroid that collided with a fellow asteroid. Because of this, part of it broke off and flew to Earth. The study of fragments of the Annam meteorite continues.

And residents of the Chelyabinsk region have recently often been able to observe unusual natural phenomena associated with the arrival of celestial bodies. In addition to the sensational meteorite that fell on February 15, 2013, on the eve of Cosmonautics Day, a UFO was spotted in the sky over Miass.

The Internet, newspapers and media often mention sounds from hell, which were allegedly recorded on a tape recorder at depths of about 12 km in the Kola superdeep well in the Murmansk region.

In fact:

The news about sounds from hell was invented by April 1 in one of the Russian publications, but after the message was rewritten by the American media, the information spread around the world and returned to Russia again in 1997, now as a scientific fact. By that time, drilling at the well had not been carried out for 5 years (since 1992), so it was impossible for journalists to verify this “fact”.

In 2012, an audio recording of “sounds from hell” was analyzed. It turned out that the recording was made with two microphones in the studio (it is impossible to put 2 microphones into the well at once). The sounds are completely synthesized, artificial, i.e. computer generated. A professional sound engineer managed to find the original source of this recording in the archives of sound recordings; it is an American horror film from 1972.

An old stone ball with a diameter of 35-40 cm was found among the rocks of the Nemetsky Kuzov island in the White Sea; Lyudmila Lapushkina writes to Cosmopoisk: “The ball was found quite recently, it seems, this year, on an island in a crevice of rocks, which also look man-made in many places, it is impossible to get it, at least just like that, but it’s possible to climb through and touch it , although it’s very difficult and not for everyone. “The ball is absolutely smooth!”

exactly 29 years ago,
September 7, 1984
A rocket taking off over the Kola Peninsula triggered UFO sightings across much of the northwestern part of the USSR, including from flying passenger planes.
These observations of the UFO (launch effect) later served as the reason for the publication of the sensational article “Exactly at 4.10”, which was widely quoted around the world and actually became a milestone in the history of ufology.

A UFO was seen in the Murmansk region
An acquaintance recently told me that in the village of Ponoy he saw a ball shimmering with a soft blue light. As if the ball quickly flew over the village, it was noticed by several builders who were reconstructing houses there. Three bright white lights moved ahead of the ball, and when it disappeared beyond the mouth of the Ponoy River, a small glow remained. Maybe it's a UFO?
“Yes, we were informed about this object,” confirmed the head of the ufological section of the Murmansk astronomy and geodesy club “Orion” Andrey RYAZANTSEV. - Where the ball came from is still unknown. Perhaps people saw the launch of a rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, but the time difference between the launch and the appearance of the ball is several days, so we need to look for another explanation. In addition, in Murmansk itself, last winter another object was observed - a “pear” flying with its sharp end downwards. At first it hung motionless, and then began to slowly descend until it disappeared behind the houses. Presumably it was a gas cylinder from a weather balloon. Now we are looking for other observers who saw this “pear”.

“The Nazis in the Far North tested flying saucers that were capable of overcoming Earth's gravity. Sami shamans took part in their creation. Later, these carriers of secret knowledge were shot in the Mauthausen concentration camp. The Germans were simply afraid that the shamans might fall into the hands of the NKVD and tell secrets. But the creator of the plates, Viktor Schauberger, remained alive. After the war, the Americans invited him and asked him to start making plates again. The scientist even refused big bucks, so it is impossible to recreate this technology. Would you say this is an excerpt from a science fiction novel? No, this topic was discussed quite seriously the other day at a meeting of the regional club of local historians in the scientific library.
We were talking about the openings of the 2010 field season in the Arctic. In a strange way, they were interspersed with stories about the secret plant of Nazi Germany under the Ahnenerbe project. A member of the Russian Geographical Society, Vladislav Troshin, tried to convince the audience that German troops did not want to capture Murmansk because of the freezing port...
“The Nazis in the Liinakhamari area had a secret factory that produced a new weapon - a UFO, with its help Hitler wanted to conquer the world,” Vladislav Troshin is sure. “The start of mass production was planned for the beginning of the forty-fifth year.”

The supposed “test sites for Nazi UFOs” are in fact nothing more than the remains of those same coastal batteries of the Atlantic Wall, which I already spoke about at the XL Siegel Readings and once mentioned in “Anomaly”. This can be stated unequivocally, since the Germans of the forties of the last century turned out to be much more punctual than a number of local historians from modern Russia.

However, a number of authors had doubts even about the competence of the engineers at Krupp plants: “...In 2009, the expedition of Academician Muldashev arrived at Pechenga Bay,” recalls Yuri. - He just came there to study the history of Nazi “UFOs”, the first site of which was literally 100 meters from the house where I live when I work there on orders. And three more - a little further away. I heard that there are versions that these are not platforms for launching aircraft, but gun installations. I strongly doubt this, since they have nothing in common with guns.
...For which installation tools with a diameter of more than 20 meters? If you place a proportionate weapon on such a “puck”, then after the first shot it will safely collapse - it will not withstand the load! And it’s impossible to install a gun barrel on such a “puck”, and it’s impossible to camouflage a gun on the top of a hill - everything is open all around.

1981 UFO crash in the Murmansk region?
“In December 1981, in the region of Kandalaksha, Murmansk region, flights of devices of an unknown design were observed,” wrote senior researcher at the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve, candidate of biological sciences, member of the Geographical Society A. B. Georgievsky. “For example, on the morning of December 21 (8 -9 o'clock) many residents of the city observed the flight of the device at a low altitude, leaving a bright greenish, slowly melting trail in the sky. After that, it was possible to fly over the top of Krestovaya (290 m above sea level), about 3 km from the city, until 10 am. observe (I watched it myself) a bright round blue glow. Then it began to expand, swirling purple stripes appeared in it and it faded away. This glow was probably not directly related to the flight of the device, but it was not the northern lights, which we often observed. , we are used to, and which is always visible very high in the sky, just like the passage of artificial satellites at sunsets and sunrises.

On December 27, I personally had the opportunity to see the flight of this device. On this day I was 10 km outside the city hunting. At 17.30 I noticed a glow from behind the top of one of the mountains (Kurtyazhnaya, 506 m). It was completely dark and initially it seemed to me that the Moon was rising (I forgot that there was a new moon only on December 26). Then I saw a small round orange-red body fly over the top (or from the top) from B to 3 towards the city of Kandalaksha. A narrow bluish stream emerged from the body, which quickly expanded into a wide bluish trail. The flight speed was low, the same as that of a helicopter. When the device flew closer (about 700 m), I saw that it was somewhat elongated and seemed to be surrounded by a blue shell (of gases?) flowing backwards. The device flew horizontally (later determined from the map) 2 km and suddenly stopped in place. Approximately 15 - 30 s after stopping, a cone of blue light with an angle of 45 lit up from it vertically downward, which, however, did not reach the surface of the Earth, but seemed to melt into space. After hanging in this position for about 5 minutes, the device, without turning off the light, began to smoothly rise upward and gradually rose above the clouds (it was weak - the stars were shining through). For some time a bluish spot was visible from it in the sky, which then completely disappeared.

The trail from the horizontal flight in the quiet frosty air was visible for about half an hour. While skiing along the road, I turned around and looked at him more than once. I must admit, I was surprised and somewhat frightened by the fact that the jet-powered vehicle flew completely silently (the silence was such that the noise of cars could be heard many kilometers away), and its ability to hang motionless in the air. This is not the first time I have observed such a sequence of flight stages.

In 1979, also in winter (December-January), I was skiing on the outskirts of the city and saw a luminous body fly up towards the city from behind a mountain from the east at an altitude of 400 - 600 m. Having covered a short horizontal section of the path, it stopped in flight. Then a cone of light lit up. Hanging in the air, the body began to rise vertically upward and completely disappeared. I was also surprised then that all this happened completely silently, but then I did not attach much importance to it.

Exactly the same sequence of flight stages was observed on December 21 over the city. The workers of our reserve told me that a similar flight was seen in the summer, but then (it was light) the body did not glow, but had a gray-blue color. While flying over the city, he was accompanied by two planes. Outside the city it fell and the glow from the fire glowed from behind the mountains for 1 - 1.5 days. I have not seen these phenomena and do not fully believe them.

I sketched the phenomenon I saw on December 27 and, if necessary, I can send the drawing. In April I expect to be in Leningrad on a scientific trip and can provide additional details" (Archive of V. I. Golts)

The fact that Georgievsky described the triggering effects extremely clearly, so that they cost nothing to identify, does credit to his observation and gives confidence to his

Panova V. The Lost Place of the Kola Peninsula
There is a legend that in ancient times the giant Kuiva attacked the local Sami people. The Sami bravely fought the evil monster, but could not defeat him. And then they turned to their gods for help. Those, seeing Kuiva's outrages, threw a sheaf of lightning at him. The freak was incinerated. The imprint of his body remained on the Ang-vundaschorr rock, the highest peak of the Lovozero tundra. It’s amazing: the rock weathers and crumbles, but the giant’s imprint is not destroyed! From this ancient legend, bad rumors began about the valley.

The fear of local residents of the Lovozero tundra was so great that at the dawn of Soviet power, one of the Murmansk newspapers devoted an entire page to this issue. The Murmansk Bolsheviks published revealing articles about the dangers of superstition in the newspaper. However, the printed word did not help here, since the Sami did not know how to read. The Lovozero tundra continued to inspire fear in hunters and reindeer herders. It especially intensified after the story of the elder of one of the camps, Nikolai Dukhi, who claimed that he saw how a hairy creature of enormous stature killed a deer with one blow and, throwing the carcass on its back, disappeared with it into the tundra. "Kuiva is back!" - the shamans decided and beat the echoing tambourines, asking for protection from their gods.

In 1921, a scientific expedition of Alexander Barchenko visited the valley, studying the phenomenon of mass psychosis among local residents. True, the scientist allegedly worked for state security agencies and was searching for a rare source of thermal energy hidden in the Lovozero tundra region, and the study of reindeer herding psychoses only served as a cover for the true goals of the expedition. In 1938, professor

Barchenko was arrested by the NKVD as a saboteur and was soon shot. Other research participants suffered the same fate.

At the end of the 50s, the first mountaineering and tourist groups appeared in the Khibiny Mountains, whose routes also ran through the Lovozero tundra. Climbers were attracted by the peak of Angwun-daschorr, but no one managed to conquer it. Moreover, one of the ascents ended in the death of two experienced climbers. The comrades of the victims fled from the valley, leaving their corpses and all their equipment there. They could not clearly explain the shameful act. They talked about the feeling of wild horror that suddenly gripped them, about the silhouette of some creature flashing in a crevice of the rock... Tourists were attracted to the Lovozero tundra by its amazing nature. In fact, it was very tempting to come across a place beyond the Arctic Circle where, instead of gnarled and sparse vegetation, there are slender birch and aspen trees, large strawberries, currants and boletus mushrooms with huge caps grow.

No less attractive was the Sacred Lake, on the shores of which the ancient Sami prayed to their gods. According to legend, there was a huge tent here, where rich gifts, including gold nuggets, were brought from all the camps. During the conquest of local tribes by the Norwegian king Hakon the Old, the tent was destroyed and burned by the conquerors. However, the shamans managed to drown the treasures stored in it in the deep waters of the Sacred Lake.

In the summer of 1965, the first inexplicable death of tourists occurred in the Lovozero tundra. A group of four people went to the valley and did not return at the appointed time. The search for the missing was long and ended with autumn frosts. First, we managed to find the last tourist camp, where a tent, backpacks and eight pairs of torn boots were lying around. Then the remains of the owners of the things were found, gnawed by foxes. The cause of death remained unclear.

Another tragedy occurred a few years later. This time 11 people died. The official investigation concluded that there was mass mushroom poisoning. All mountaineering and tourist routes along the Lovozero tundra were closed. However, despite the prohibitions, groups of “wild” tourists flocked here every season. Today they have been joined by “black” paleontologists and “meteorites”. The first ones look for ancient fossils. The latter are busy searching for fragments of a carbonaceous meteorite that fell here during the Ice Age. It is worth noting that paleontological material and meteorite fragments are highly valued on the “black” collection market. Many collectors are willing to pay $100 per gram of weight for a rare meteorite!

According to official data, over the past decade alone, about a hundred people have mysteriously died or gone missing in the valley. “In the valley, the threat is felt at every step, but where it comes from is impossible to determine,” experts assure.

mysterious seids

What is happening in the Lovozero tundra? There are many different opinions on this matter. The most famous remains the version about the mysterious source of thermal energy that A. Barchenko’s expedition was looking for. It is followed by a significant percentage of those who have been to the valley. Although they find it difficult to name the exact nature of the source, they are sure that its effect on the human body can cause hallucinations, an excited state, and the like.

According to another version, the cause of death and disappearance of people is the yeti, or “Bigfoot,” living in the Lovozero tundra. The famous cryptozoologist Evgeny Frumkin has collected a lot of evidence on this matter. He is convinced that the legend of Kuiva is one of the first mentions of the existence of a “Bigfoot” in the valley.

“I had to hear his scream and feel the gaze of this creature on me. A very unpleasant feeling, just a chill on the skin,” says the cryptozoologist. “Once I even came across a trace of his foot. It was a terrible sight. Such a huge foot, just a nightmare!”

Frumkin is absolutely sure that yetis are forced to be aggressive | tourists who, with their incorrect behavior, provoke him to attack. The scientist’s cherished dream is to track down and photograph “Bigfoot.” But this can only be done with the help of local residents, experienced hunters and trackers.

And one more version. It appeared relatively recently thanks to the active work of the so-called “meteorites.” Its essence is this: during the Ice Age, a huge meteorite exploded in the immediate vicinity of the Earth. One of its fragments fell in the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula. Apparently, the scale of this disaster was significant. Its trace is the Lovozero tundra - a crater from a fallen meteorite. And since its composition was carbonaceous and melancholy, there is good reason to believe that some cosmic microorganisms came to us in its pores. The Earth's climate turned out to be favorable for them, and they began to develop. A special analysis of meteorite fragments and the soil of the valley indirectly confirms this version. As a result of the activity of extraterrestrial microorganisms, a large amount of heat is released, sufficient to change the climate in the Lovozero tundra...

Mysterious shamans of the Kola Peninsula
On the eve of the war, under the guise of German geologists, specialists from the occult organization of the Third Reich Ahnenerbe arrived on the Kola Peninsula. Their target was local shamans
At that time, the special department of the NKVD of the USSR sent expeditions for these same shamans. And more than 70 years later, following in the footsteps of the Soviet and fascist intelligence services, the expedition of Professor Ernst Muldashev set off to the Kola Peninsula.
The purpose of the expedition was to find the descendants of the mysterious naids - sorcerers and shamans of the small northern Sami people. This turned out to be no easy task - most of the finds were destroyed during the years of Stalinist repression. What could they do that they became the target of a hunt by two powerful intelligence agencies? As it turned out during the expedition, naidas had a rare gift: with the help of a short loud cry-incantation, they simultaneously introduced a huge number of people into a state of measurement.
Measurement, known as arctic or northern psychosis, turned a person into an obedient robot. In this state, he was ready to carry out any order. The expedition studied areas of the peninsula where a large accumulation of seids remained - stones similar to idols of the legendary Fr. Easter. According to legend, it was with the help of seids that naidas performed their witchcraft rituals. The largest accumulation was discovered by an expedition on the coast of the Barents Sea. According to legend, Ahnenerbe “geologists” launched their flying saucers from there. For their experiments, they tried to use the energy of spells possessed by the sorcerers of the Kola Peninsula.
The expedition members found the supposed entrance to an underground bunker, which the Germans had mined so that no one could get to the flying saucers hidden there.

remains of unknown German structures

Ancient legends

For many centuries, the indigenous population of the Kola Peninsula - the Sami, or Lapps (or Loppi) - have happily coexisted Christian beliefs and pagan rituals of worship of the ancient gods, the once powerful rulers of their land.
A number of legends are associated with ancient beliefs that still exist today. Thus, the legend about the terrible giant Kuiva, who in time immemorial attacked the inhabitants of the peninsula, seems very interesting. The Sami, desperate to defeat the enemy on their own, turned to the gods for help, who, throwing a sheaf of lightning at Kuiva, incinerated the giant. From Kuyva on Angvundaschorr - the highest peak of the Lovozero tundra - only an imprint remained, which, despite weathering and shedding of rock, has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. According to local residents, the spirit of a formidable giant sometimes descends into the valley, and then Kuyva’s imprint begins to glow ominously. For this reason, the valley near the peak of Angvundaschorr is considered by the Sami to be a bad place where hunters do not wander and where animals are not even found.
Another unusual legend is associated with the underground inhabitants of this region, whom the Sami call saivok. This mysterious people once lived on the surface of the earth, but after a strong natural disaster, the memories of which were preserved in Lapland legends, they went into underground caves, leaving behind granite megalithic structures in the north of the peninsula.
Oral folk epics describe saivok as small creatures living deep underground. They understand human language, and their witchcraft has terrible power, capable of stopping the sun and moon, as well as killing a person who has always been afraid of meeting them. However, even today, information appears from time to time about encounters between local residents, scientists and travelers with mysterious saivok.

Mysterious encounters and unexplained deaths

In 1996, Egor Andreev (last name changed) had a chance to visit the Kola Peninsula, who, as part of a group of “black meteorites” in the Khibiny Valley, was illegally searching for fragments of a meteorite that fell in those parts during the Ice Age. According to Yegor’s recollections, on one summer night he heard strange sounds near the tent, similar to the chirping of a magpie. Andreev looked out of the tent and suddenly saw three furry creatures that vaguely resembled beavers. And after a moment, Yegor was seized with horror - the creatures he took for animals had human faces with pointed noses, small lipless mouths, from which two long fangs protruded, and eyes that glowed in the dark with a greenish light. Andreev took a step towards them and suddenly realized that he could not move...
Only in the evening of the next day did comrades discover Yegor lying unconscious three kilometers from the parking lot. The young man could not explain what happened to Andreev after he left the tent.
The circumstances of Yegor's meeting with mysterious creatures were erased from his memory...
And in 1999, a real tragedy occurred on the Kola Peninsula. Then, on one of the passes near Seydozero, four tourists died.
No signs of violent death were found on their bodies, but horror was etched on the faces of the unfortunate people. Near the bodies, local residents noticed strange footprints that vaguely resembled human ones, but were very large in size. Immediately after this tragedy, they remembered a similar incident that happened in the summer of 1965, when three geologists who mysteriously disappeared from the camp died in the Lovozero tundra for an inexplicable reason. Their fox-gnawed bodies were found two months later. Then the official version was put forward, according to which the geologists were poisoned by poisonous mushrooms...

Kola superdeep

The drilling of an ultra-deep well, which began in the seventies of the last century on the Kola Peninsula, caused strong discontent among the local population. Its main reason was that the elders of the Lapps feared the wrath of the disturbed underground inhabitants, rumors of whose existence constantly reached the drillers who arrived from the mainland.
However, the first kilometers were surprisingly easy for the miners. It was only when the depth of the well reached ten kilometers that serious problems began. Accidents at the rig followed one after another. The cable broke several times, as if some incredible force was pulling it down, dragging it into the seething and unknown depths.
Twice a particularly strong drill was pulled to the surface, melted, and was able to withstand temperatures comparable to the temperature on the surface of the Sun.
Sometimes the sounds escaping from the mouth of the well sounded like the groans and howls of thousands of people, causing the drillers, accustomed to everything, to experience an almost mystical fear.
And soon misfortunes began to occur at the rig. In 1982, one of the workers was crushed by a suddenly falling metal structure. In 1984, the head of a drilling shift was torn off by a broken mechanism. Three years later, a team of ten people was sent by helicopter to Murmansk with symptoms of a mysterious disease: the workers' bodies suddenly became swollen and blood began to ooze from their pores. But as soon as the drillers were in the hospital, without any treatment, the strange disease disappeared without a trace.
When one of the workers, who was a local resident, found out about what had happened, he immediately stated that it was the saivok’s way of punishing people who had invaded their property, after which he wrote a letter of resignation...
Nowadays, every year dozens of people eager for sensations come to the Kola Peninsula: some for fragments of the famous meteorite, some in search of the bones of fossil animals, and some with the aim of getting to know the mystical mysteries that abound in this ancient region.

Atomic and psychotronic weapons of the ancients

- Alexander Borisovich, who organized this expedition and for what purpose?

According to the information I gleaned from many open sources, in September 1922, a special (cipher) department of the Cheka sent a unique expedition to the center of the Kola Peninsula, in the area of ​​the Luyavrurt mountain range. It was led by Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko, a versatile educated person: biologist, geographer, geologist, historian and writer. Alexander Alexandrovich Kondiain, an astrologer and astronomer, a translator from several languages, including Indian, Chinese and Japanese, was appointed deputy leader of the expedition for scientific affairs. Most likely, Barchenko was given the task: to discover the repository of “ancient knowledge” and find in it information about the technologies for the production of atomic and psychotronic weapons.

Did you manage to solve this problem?

Nobody knows for sure, because all the participants and organizers of the expedition were shot in the thirties, and the archives, both expeditionary and personal, ended up in the special storage facility of the NKVD. The curtain on the mystery of that journey was lifted by an article by Moscow State University professor Valery Demin, published in 1997 in the journal Science and Religion.

Saved entries
- So, the expedition is formed in Petrograd and in 1921 goes to Murmansk. It takes a year to prepare: purchasing equipment, instruments, products, selecting participants and guides.

The official cover for the expedition was the Murmansk Gubekoso (provincial economic meeting), which issued Barchenko accompanying papers for an environmental survey of the area adjacent to the Lovozero churchyard. At the beginning of September 1922, researchers, having traveled 65 kilometers by boat on Lake Luyavr (Lovozero), landed on the shore of Motka-Guba Bay. The base camp is also set up here, from which radial routes are made.

If all the participants were shot and the archives were classified, where did the information about the expedition routes come from?

They became known from the remains of Alexander Kondiain’s notes, part of his field diary, which he managed to give to his relative from Perm on the eve of his arrest. And, nevertheless, today it is difficult to judge the exact routes of the expedition in the Luyavrurt area, about the finds and discoveries.

All attempts by V.N. Demin’s request for permission to familiarize himself with Barchenko’s archive and, in particular, with the expedition materials was rejected.

Lotus flower

Nicholas Roerich visited Luyavrurt and found there a walled-up entrance with a stone castle in the shape of a lotus flower.

The events associated with the expedition to “Northern Shambhala” had to be reconstructed literally bit by bit. Particularly valuable information was obtained from the works of A.P. Tomashevsky, a direct participant in Roerich’s campaign in the Himalayas, Major General of the People’s Commissariat G.I. Sinegubova, L.M. Vyatkin - lieutenant colonel of polar aviation, now a historian and writer... The works of the German historian Arnold Schotz and the Finnish researcher Christina Lehmus helped, precisely answering the question why Barchenko, in search of the knowledge of ancient people, went to a specific place, and did not explore the entire Kola Peninsula meter by meter. Shotz found the diaries of Nicholas Roerich in the library of the University of Lapland. They describe his stay in Karelia in the period from 1917 to 1918; it was also mentioned that Roerich also visited Luyavrurt and found there a walled-up entrance with a stone castle in the shape of a lotus flower.

But what does Barchenko and his expedition have to do with it?

It is known for sure that Roerich knew Barchenko through literary activity, since they published in the same St. Petersburg magazine and constantly corresponded. Perhaps it was Roerich who told Barchenko in a letter the exact location of the entrance to the vault. Roerich, according to Christina Lehmus, while in Karelia, visited the University of Helsinki and there, in the historical archive of strictly limited access, he discovered a brief report on the expedition of the university professors under the leadership of ornithologist Johann Palm to Luyavrurt in the summer of 1897.

Secret base

How many Shambhalas are there in the world?
"Northern Shambhala" - unknown land
One of the finds is an altar stone

Calculations by scientists who have studied this topic indicate that there are seven such places on Earth, one on each continent. To date, five places for the approximate location of Shambhala are known: in Tibet (50 kilometers from Lhasa), in Egypt (area of ​​the Aswan hydroelectric power station), on the Kola Peninsula (Luyavrurt), in Antarctica (area of ​​the Lazarevskaya station) and, finally, in Peru (area Lake Titicaca). As for “Northern Shambhala,” it was officially calculated by the German archaeologist and geographer Hermann Wirth, the founder of the famous Ahnenerbe occult society, only in the 1930s. Germany began preparations for its capture with the development of a bridgehead on the Kola Peninsula, in the Zapadnaya Litsa Bay, in 1939, and with the establishment of a secret base for submarines called “Basi Nord”. General Karl Haushofer, one of the most competent specialists in the “knowledge of the ancients,” was appointed head of the base. The same one who organized and conducted a number of both official and secret expeditions to Tibet. A transport cable car was built across the territory of Norway and then along the shore of the Kola Peninsula. Thus, “Basis Nord” received equipment, equipment, and food supplies to fully supply the base garrison. With the outbreak of war in 1941, the Germans moved towards Luyavrurt, but were stopped.

Luyavrurt and Seydozero - the path to the unknown

Translated from the Sami language, “lu” means “stormy,” “yavr” means “lake,” and “urt” means “mountain.” All together - “a mountain by a stormy lake.” This is a volcano that died out 300 million years ago and is now severely destroyed. The total area at the base of the lava cone is 550 square kilometers. The massif rises above the tundra, its height is up to 1000 kilometers, and on the outside it is completely eaten away by mountain cirques.

Inside the massif lies a basin with an area of ​​40 square kilometers, filled with the waters of Seydozero (in Sami Seydyavvr: “seid” - “sacred”, “yavr” - “lake”, all together - “sacred lake”). 12 rivers and streams flow into the lake, which do not freeze even in the polar night.

The entire mountain range is cut through by deep gorges. The northwestern part of the lake is limited by a steep cliff, on which the black silhouette of the statue of the Sami giant Kuiva, 74 meters high, is clearly visible. According to Sami legend, a long time ago a “foreign monster” attacked the Sami, but the chief shaman, with his spell, nailed the “foreign monster” to the wall or infused its spirit into a stone. Perhaps the name of Lake Seydyavvr arose on the basis of this legend. The Sami are afraid of this place, avoid it, and tourists are not recommended to take photographs.

"Northern Shambhala" - unknown land
Luyavrurt mountain range

So, maybe somewhere near the figure on the rock it’s worth looking for the entrance to the dungeons of earthly civilization?

I agree, because it was this black figure that Johann Palm, Roerich and the deputy leader of the Barchenko expedition for scientific affairs, Alexander Kondiain, reported in their diaries...

The strangeness of the Kuyva bas-relief also lies in the fact that it is not destroyed by atmospheric erosion, unlike the rock on which the bas-relief itself hangs...

But the main feature of Luyavrurt is its frozen magma trunk with a diameter of six kilometers. Geologists have established that Luyavrurt is formed by ultra-alkaline lava, which pours onto the surface of the earth without explosions or ash, like a cream squeezed out of a tube. Therefore there should not be any craters there. At the same time, the composition of the lava indicates that cracks form during compression during cooling, and this suggests the possibility of the existence in the frozen magnetic trunk of Luyavrurt of large internal faults up to 30 meters high and an area of ​​more than one square kilometer - huge natural halls...

History of an abandoned house

I have long wanted to buy a house in the village. It took me a long time to choose: either I didn’t like the area, or the housing itself, or the seller didn’t inspire confidence. But whoever seeks finds. I came across what I needed. The house was good to everyone: well-kept and strong. I also liked the place where he was. Land was also included with the dwelling, and in large quantities. This was all fine with me. All that remains is to deal with the formalities: draw up an agreement and register it.

At the appointed hour, I arrived at the owner of the house to discuss some nuances and finally sign the cherished papers. Granny was very good-natured, she was willing to make contact. Despite her advanced age and life lived in the village, the old woman easily delved into all the details of the transaction, which, in general, was surprising.

Entering the house, I saw neatly folded things. The shelves and cabinets were empty, and a large shopping bag, tightly stuffed, stood near the sofa.

Come on in, I’ve already packed all my things, now it’s just a matter of small things. My daughter is in a hurry. She can't wait for me to move in with her already. Tomorrow my son-in-law will come for me. Now I will live in the city. There is nowhere to take the furniture, let it remain; if you don’t want it, throw it away,” said grandma.

It’s good when you have relatives who are ready to take care of you,” I answered. - Well, let's all discuss what's left. Re-read the contract for now.

By the way, it was summer and it was incredibly hot. I had to wait quite a while for the owner to read and sign everything before going outside and once again inspecting the surroundings near my future home.

Don't worry, the neighbors here are good. There the Frolovs live, and across the street - Ivanovich - a handy man who can make a motorcycle out of a clothespin. Well, and further away there is a family from Ukraine, they have been living together for three years. And they like everything, they get along with everyone.

Indeed, all the houses around were well-kept, some after major renovations, judging by their appearance. It seemed that the neighbors were traveling people, hard-working, and non-drinkers. And the village itself turned out to be very developed. There were several shops and even a small cafe, as well as a school, kindergarten and other “conveniences” that attracted young people here. There were practically no abandoned dilapidated houses here, except for those that were on the outskirts, and there was one such not far from my future home. It's all overgrown and warped. It seemed that life had long left these walls, and they were about to collapse under the weight of the burden of the past years. Major repairs will not help such housing; it will only be suitable for demolition.

Does this house have owners, and where are they? - I asked my grandmother.

She sighed, then was silent for a long time, looking into the distance. I even thought that she had not heard me and wanted to repeat the question.

I didn’t want to tell you, well, since you’re going to be the mistress here now, you should know everything. My advice to you: don't poke your nose in there for no reason. One family lived there. When the mistress died, I was the same age as you. I didn't really communicate with her. But shortly before her death, Anna called me and told me her secret. Apparently, I didn’t want to die with her. Let's go into the house, the story is long, and I'm no longer young - I get tired of standing quickly.

Anna Petrovna got married early. In her marriage, she had two children: girls Irishka and Marishka. Anya’s husband died when her eldest daughter was five years old - an industrial accident. The woman had to raise the children alone. Things weren't so bad for them. At that time Anna worked as a teacher in a rural school. Everyone loved the girls. They were always cleanly dressed, shod, and fed. They studied well, got along with everyone, and the sisters had good relationships with each other.

When the eldest Irishka turned seventeen, a young guy came to their village, his name was Anton. Tall, handsome, he immediately fell into the girl’s soul. Irina also had a striking appearance: a high forehead, bright blue eyes, a piercing, childishly naive look that did not leave Anton indifferent. They became friends, and after a short time their relationship grew into love. Irina was a kind, dreamy girl, she believed that if a guy loves, then he must marry. Therefore, without thinking twice, she brought him home to introduce him to her family. She already imagined herself in a white dress, standing next to her lover, and willingly shared these thoughts with loved ones.

But, as often happens in life, not all our dreams come true. Irina began to notice that her boyfriend was showing signs of attention to his younger sister, and Marinka also did not miss the opportunity to exchange a few glances with Anton. Naturally, gradually the sisters' relationship began to deteriorate. And then Irinka stopped communicating with the youngest altogether. Anna Petrovna could not ignore the changes in her daughters' relationships. That evening at family dinner she asked Marina:

Tell me why you are offended by Irina, I see: everything was different with you before.

In general, Irka torments everyone with his jealousy. “She’s already tired of both me and Anton,” the younger sister answered with her eyes downcast.

What kind of jealousy are you talking about?! “I love Anton, we will get married soon,” Irina blurted out.

Anna Petrovna was embarrassed by such haste:

You’ve only been talking for four months, what kind of wedding are we talking about? You wanted to go to college, Ira?

Mom, calm down, she won’t have any wedding,” Marinka grinned, “Anton will never marry her, he will marry me.” I'm pregnant with his child, already in my second month. Anton was getting ready to leave soon, and I would go with him as his wife.

After this there was silence, which was replaced by a big scandal with tears, threats, and screams. Anna Petrovna tried to reason with her youngest daughter, persuading her to get rid of the child, because Marina was only fifteen, this year she had to go to the regional center to enter a technical school. But her daughter didn’t seem to hear her. Moreover, Marina stopped communicating with her mother altogether. She rarely spent the night at home now. And Irina broke off relations with Anton and was about to leave.

It happens that people, trying to fix something, make things even worse than they were. Anna Petrovna was a person raised in a family with strict morals. She was definitely indignant at what was happening. She believed that Marina treated her sister unfairly. She wanted to punish her youngest daughter so that she would not commit such acts in the future. In general, be that as it may, the woman met Anton. He really was soon planning to leave for another region to work on the construction of a hydroelectric power station. There they promised to allocate him a place in a room in a dormitory. And if he gets married, then a whole room. He knew about Marina’s pregnancy and was going to legitimize his relationship with her. At least before I talked to Anna. It is unknown how, but she managed to convince the guy that the child was not his. In addition, at the local clinic, Anna Petrovna had a doctor friend who agreed to say that the gestational age was much longer than Marina said.

Events after this began to develop rapidly. Anton left ahead of schedule. Irina didn’t stay long either. According to Anna, she went to Murmansk, the girl never returned home, and no one saw her. Marina was found on the river bank; she drowned herself two months after her sister left. At that time, the girl was in her fifth month. Anna herself began to fade every day. She quit her job, stopped communicating with people, and withdrew into herself. Seven years later, she had a stroke, and the woman was bedridden for almost a year. Neighbors took turns coming to her, feeding her, washing her. One morning she was found lifeless. Anna Petrovna was buried next to her daughter Marina.

Nobody looked after the house: everyone had their own household. So it has stood abandoned since then for thirty years. And people avoid this place. Many people say that children’s screams can be heard from there - it’s Marinka’s child crying. It also happens that at night the windows glow there. When dogs run past, they begin to bark, although there is no one in that house.

So,” the granny finished her story, “if you don’t want to bring trouble or fear, don’t go into that house.” The time will come, it will collapse and be leveled to the ground. This is a damned place.

The hostess's story impressed me, but I did not attach much importance to it. It was already getting dark outside, we had to return to the city. I went out, got into the car and drove off. An old house was reflected in the rearview mirror. For a second it seemed to me that someone was looking out of his window, but it was only for a second.

A little strange from the forest...

So, case one. Gray and I 8 years ago at the beginning of August, on the second day of walking through the forest, after sleeping in the morning, we got up, had breakfast and continued moving towards the border (i.e., away from civilization). Over the previous day, we had gone 30-40 kilometers from the nearest Murmansk-Nickel highway. We walked slowly, I feasted on berries, from time to time lounging in the moss, Gray either chased small animals, or lay nearby at rest (tongue over shoulder, it was too hot for our climate).
Well, by lunchtime we came to the shore of a large lake, we have plenty of them. The marshy shore is 10-20 centimeters above the water, Gray sat down to drink, I also sat down to get a flask and washed myself a little. There are three minutes of silence, only Serenky laps up the water noisily. And suddenly, 20-30 meters from us, a column of water, as if hit by a shell, and ripples - something was floating under the water, the ripple was two meters wide, moving straight towards us. A second of stupor, the dog raised my scruff with a growl, I groped for the backpack, picked it up - and took off. We also ran about 20 meters away from the shore, I looked at the water - silence. We sat and waited for half an hour - nothing. I’ll tell you right away, I didn’t see tails, fins or anything else. There are no such large fish in our lakes. A person, too, cannot be involved in these events in any way, well, only on the verge of fantasy and with a huge stretch.

Case two. Again, Gray and I were already walking out of the forest a kilometer from the highway; the end of August, judging by nature, was, in my memory, even the same year when the first story happened, or a year later. So, it’s evening, twilight, but we know the places like the back of our hands, there were frequent entry and exit points. Then the dog got worried, turned up his nose, and then, you know, the feeling - a gaze at his back... It became so unpleasant, and I saw that the fur on the back of Gray’s neck was standing up. So, it’s clear, I turn 180, I even grabbed the knife, I still remember, I don’t know why. Usually not the cowardly type, first you need to look around, and then immediately - for the knife. And I didn’t immediately realize what was wrong in the picture. There was no active movement, then I looked at the boulder about 300 meters from us and the little guy was stunned. The slight movement of the limbs and shoulders of this carcass gave away, there is no other way to say it. I will briefly describe: a human figure (humanoid), brown or dark gray fur (neither black nor light), something is clamped in one upper limb (it’s hard to tell by the shape - either a piece of wood, or maybe the leg of some animal) , stands very straight, a bear cannot stand for so long. And the shape of the head (muzzle) is not elongated, the curls of the fur are visible, but the pug is flatter than that of a bear, more human, or something...
In general, it’s a stupor. We look at each other in silence, trying to figure out if I’m imagining all this. I estimate the size of the boulder, and then an inexplicable fear, even some kind of horror, came over me, and Gray rushed ahead of me, they ran all the way to the highway, for the first time in my life, in my opinion, the hair on the back of my neck stood up like a dog’s.
You will say that they are some kind of cowards - like a dog, like a master. I told you about the dog above, Gray comrade. I also met bears in the forest, and once had to play eye-to-eye with a wolf from two meters, and once a wolverine followed me with a forester for a couple of days. Wounded three times - once by a bullet, two by a knife... I never felt such fear, horror. And then I read about the yeti, it turns out that many eyewitnesses talk about an incomprehensible animal horror, I did not know this fact before.
We spent the night nearby at the training ground near the guards, in the morning I went to that place to look for traces. I didn’t find any traces of giant legs or paws, the boulder is about half a meter taller than me, I’m 1.80 m, this crap towered from the belly to the top of the head above it, which means about 3.5-4 m. Something like this ...


Team Nomads
Encyclopedia of anomalous zones of Russia (V. Chernobrov).
Wikipedia website.

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