Home Questions Height of Mount Matterhorn. Matterhorn mountain in switzerland

Height of Mount Matterhorn. Matterhorn mountain in switzerland

Mount Matterhorn is known to many for its unique profile. Even those who have never been to the Italian-Switzerland border recognize it from postcards and films. The profile of an almost regular triangular shape became the prototype of the Toblerone chocolate bar and some other inventions. It is not surprising that several million tourists flock to this beautiful peak every year. Some come in winter to enjoy some skiing. Others prefer the picturesque nature at the foot and hiking. Still others strive to conquer inaccessible peaks. No traveler leaves here disappointed.

Geographical features

The picturesque hill is located in the Pieniny Alps, right on the border of the two states. From the south, the slopes belong to Italy, and the northern, western and eastern sides of the mountain are located in Switzerland. The peak is located at some distance from the rest of the hills, which makes it possible to admire the mountain among the plains and lower hills. The summit of Mount Matterhorn reaches an altitude of 4,478 km. It is rocky and quite steep, which for a long time prevented climbers from conquering it.

If you look closely, you can see that the mountain has two peaks. They are located at a distance of almost 100 m from each other. Moreover, the border runs between them, which is why the peaks are called Swiss and Italian. The latter is a meter shorter than its neighbor.

The upper part of the mountain is distinguished by the proportions of an almost regular pyramid, oriented to the cardinal points. True, the southern and northern parts are somewhat wider than the others. In winter, the top is completely covered by a snow cap and glaciers, but by summer, despite the high altitude, the rocks are almost completely exposed. Under the rays of the hot sun, only a small border is preserved, which encircles the mountain from east to northwest. Due to the steep cliffs, avalanches and rockfalls often occur here.

Not far from the Matterhorn there are several villages where ski lovers can stay. On the Swiss side, the closest settlement is the village of Zermatt. The most popular Italian resort is Breuil-Cervinia, which is located at an altitude of more than 2 km. The Theodul Pass has existed between these settlements for several millennia. Ski slopes run at an altitude of up to 3.9 km, although some extreme sports enthusiasts decide to climb even higher.

Mountain in history

The chronicles mention that the first settlements in the valley, at the foot of Mount Matterhon, appeared during the Roman Empire. In the 1st century BC. Trade routes between the south and north of Europe ran through the Theodul Pass. For ancient tribes, the mountain was a terrifying place. According to legends, the Devil himself lived at its peak. Only the intervention of evil forces could explain the frequent avalanches that caused serious damage to villages.

Several centuries later, during the period of major geographical discoveries, travelers were interested not only in distant countries, but also in the mysteries of neighboring areas. English researchers with great diligence began to study the biology of the area and the geological composition of the mountain.

By the middle of the 19th century. In England, a whole movement of mountain peak conquerors arose. They flocked to the Swiss, Italian and French Alps to scale inaccessible peaks. Even Mont Blanc (4.8 km) was conquered by climbers earlier than the Matterhorn. Several times climbers gathered at its foot, but no one dared to climb to the top.

Conquest of the Matterhorn

In the summer of 1865, three groups of climbers, without saying a word, gathered in Zermatt. They were all heading towards the impregnable peak. To increase their chances of success and get ahead of their competitors, the climbers banded together and hit the road. The group consisted of 7 professional rock climbers.

The hike lasted two days. First, the travelers reached an altitude of 3.3 km along gentle slopes. The next day we continued climbing and stepped onto the glacier. After several stops, the snowy peak was conquered by such stubborn daredevils. The first conquerors climbed Mount Matterhorn on July 14, 1865.

But the ascent was only part of the journey; a difficult descent lay ahead. The team teamed up and began to slowly move up the steep slope. One of the daredevils could not resist and hung on the rope. Following him, the rest of the team began to break down. Only three climbers managed to hold on; the rest disappeared into the snowy abyss. A few days later, the bodies of the three dead were found in the glacier. The fourth traveler was never found.

Today, there are special trails for climbers on different sides of the Matterhorn, but this does not guarantee safety. Due to accidents or excessive arrogance, the list of victims of dangerous slopes is growing. To date, 600 deaths have already been recorded.

Dangers of the mountain

One of the dangers of Mount Matterhorn is the changeable weather. Clouds often cling to the peak and envelop it in dense fog. Even at a distance of a meter it is difficult to distinguish anything. Moreover, a change in weather can happen in just 10-15 minutes. In addition to fog, severe storms with thunder and snow are possible. It is very difficult to quickly find shelter from unexpected bad weather.

Another problem is rockfall. Sometimes it is provoked by the climbers themselves, but more often whole blocks are torn off under the weight of glaciers. Snow avalanches often occur along with stones. Surprisingly, numerous collapses of rock and glaciers had little effect on the appearance of the Matterhorn.

Skiing in Breuil-Cervinia

Such a picturesque area could not escape tourists and athletes. One of the most popular ski resorts in Italy is the high-mountainous Breuil-Cervinia. It is located on the southern slope of the Matterhorn. Fans of skiing, sledding or snowboarding gather here from the beginning of winter until mid-May. There is snow on the glaciers all year round, so you can treat yourself to thrills even in summer.

Steep and gentle slopes attract intermediate and beginner athletes. The organizers designed the routes very creatively, so even a long vacation among the snowdrifts will not get boring. The total length of the descents reaches 200 km. This allows you to master a new route every time. There are 37 funiculars, flat routes and steep slopes at the disposal of tourists.

Those who are tired of skiing can visit the snowboard park, freeriding area or halfpipe. Breuil-Cervinia is most popular among beginner athletes or tourists with children. Extreme lovers usually go to the Swiss side.

The border between Italy and Switzerland is quite arbitrary. By cable car you can quickly find yourself in a neighboring country. You just need to carefully monitor the time to make sure you get home before closing.

After several hours of active relaxation among the snow-covered slopes, you can relax in the SPA center, swim in the pool and have a snack in the restaurant. Breuil-Cervinia also has several gyms, boutiques, comfortable hotels and bars. For an active nightlife there are nightclubs, discos and cinemas.

How to get there

For those planning a holiday in Cervinia, it is convenient to use the airports of Turin or Milan. Most hotels offer their guests transfer from the airport to the hotel door using a convenient shuttle. Regular buses run from major cities to the foot of the mountain.

  • Location: border between Switzerland and Italy (near Zermatt)
  • Mountain Range: Pennine Alps
  • Height above sea level: 4478 m
  • First ascent: July 14, 1865

- a world-famous picturesque mountain in the Central Alps. It has no “neighbors,” so the single highest hill looks very impressive. The pyramidal shape of the mountain adds to its sophistication. The Matterhorn is the most unruly and dangerous object for mountaineering, but, nevertheless, some lucky people managed to climb to the top. Today, Mount Matterhorn is one of the superb attractions. There are many things connected with it, which we will definitely tell you about in our article.

Where is Mattehorn?

Mount Matterhorn is located on the border with Italy. It belongs to the Pennine Alps mountain range, so many operate around it. Of these, the closest to the foot are (Switzerland) and Breuil-Cervinia (Italy). They are the best ski resorts in their countries. Although these resort towns belong to different states, they are connected by the ancient Theodul Pass on the eastern side of the mountain. Therefore, moving from one resort to another is not difficult. Many are afraid to go through the path of the pass, because it is located at an altitude of 3295 meters, and the road itself is either covered with solid ice or lushly strewn with snow.

There is another pass near the mountain that connects tourist centers, it is called Furggjoch. But, despite the fact that it is located a little lower, its path is still considered dangerous and only brave climbers will dare to pass it.

Height and relief

Mount Matterhorn has two peaks that are located at a distance of about 100 m. The highest point of Mount Matterhorn is 4478 meters and is called the “Swiss Peak”. The Italian peak is located on the western side, its height is 4477 m. They received their name due to the nationality of the first conquerors, but not because of the territorial division, because both are located on the border between the two countries.

The Matterhorn has four steep slopes, which create a visually pyramidal shape. Each slope points to a certain part of the world (north, south, etc.) and received its own name. They are quite steep, so snow rarely stays on the mountain. Basically it comes down to the foot like an avalanche. This phenomenon is very dangerous, which is why many people are afraid to be near the Matterhorn when the mountain dresses up in white. Avalanches mainly occur in the spring and summer, and in winter the magnificent white Mount Matterhorn resembles a glacial obelisk, the beauty of which causes only admiration among spectators.

Great Ascents

Mount Matterhorn is indeed very dangerous for climbers. In addition to steep mountain slopes, brave conquerors will face many difficulties associated with weather conditions. In an instant, a serious snow storm can break out on the mountain at any time of the year, and one should prepare for such dangers for a long time.

There were only about ten attempts to climb the Matterhorn. Brave climbers gathered in large groups and equipped themselves with everything they needed, but only a few managed to climb the Matterhorn peak. In July 1865, an Italian group of climbers, consisting of seven people, set out to conquer the peak. Its members included: Edward Whymper, Lord Francis Douglas, Charles Hudson, Charles Hadow and three unknown guides. All of them had previously made attempts to conquer the peaks of the Matterhorn, but did not achieve the desired results. Although the heights to which they managed to climb were also achieved by them for the first time (3350 m, 4003 m and 4120 m). On July 14, 1865 at 13.45 they were able to reach the top of the Matterhorn and became its first conquerors.

Such a victory soon turned into tragedy. When the climbers were descending from the height, a snow storm began. All members of the group were tied together and the very last one slipped, knocking down the next three. Those who were able to stay on their feet grabbed the mouth of the mountain, but the rope of the bundle broke and four climbers fell into the abyss. Two guides and Edward Whymper returned from the expedition.

A total of 600 people died on the slopes of Mount Matterhorn. These terrifying facts have stopped many brave climbers. The Matterhorn was the last mountain to be conquered in the Alps in Switzerland.

How to get to the mountain?

Climbing the mountain is dangerous, and not every climber, even an experienced one, will dare to do it, but it’s definitely worth a look at one of the main attractions of Switzerland. The best place to do this is from the town of Zermatt, closest to the mountain. You can get to it using public transport. There are absolutely no cars here, but there is still an option to get there on the famous Glacier Express train, which we love so much. Stunning scenery with a view of the mountain is guaranteed to you!

Mount Matterhorn is one of the most recognizable peaks in the world. If you have never been lucky enough to visit the border of Switzerland and Italy, you will still easily recognize the characteristic outlines of the mountain in the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid. The Matterhorn peak annually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists who come just to look at it and about 3 thousand climbers who want to conquer the peak. However, Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland is not only beautiful, but also dangerous. People regularly die here, so before the trip you need to carefully prepare and assess your strength. In any case, no tourist will be disappointed.

General information

South Face of the Matterhorn

Let's start with information - where Mount Matterhorn is located. The attraction is located in the Pieniny Alps and passes between two countries - Switzerland and Italy. The slope in the south is located on Italian territory, the other three sides belong to Switzerland.

The Italian name of the mountain - Monte Cervino - comes from the French Mons Servinus and means “forest mountain”, and from German the name “Matterhorn” is translated as “meadow” (Matte) and “peak” (Horn)

Interesting fact! The peak is located at a distance from other peaks of the Alps, this makes it possible to see the mountain and feel its magnetism.

The height of the Matterhorn is almost 4.48 km (4478 m to be exact). Behind the visual appeal lies steep slopes and rockiness. That is why for a long time the landmark in Switzerland was not conquered by climbers.

The mountain profile clearly shows two peaks located one hundred meters from each other. The state border runs directly between the peaks, respectively, one is called Italian, and the second – Swiss.

Good to know! The height of the Italian peak is only 1 m lower than the Swiss one.

The mountain in the Alps is notable for its strict, geometric proportions. Outwardly, it resembles an irregularly shaped pyramid, the edges of which are located in the cardinal directions.

During the cold season, the mountain is completely covered with glaciers and snow. However, in summer the sun melts the snow, a small amount remains only on the eastern and northeastern sides.

Good to know! The mountain in the Alps has steep slopes, for this reason rockfalls and avalanches often occur here.

Practical information


Tourists stop in one of the villages:

  • in Switzerland - the town of Zermatt;
  • on the territory of Italy - the settlement of Breuil-Cervinia.

The villages are separated by the Theodul Pass. The ski slopes are laid at an altitude of 4 km, but real extreme sports enthusiasts and professionals prefer to climb higher into the Alps.

Historical facts

At the foot of the Matterhorn in the Alps, the first people settled during the Roman Empire. In the 1st century BC. Theodul Pass was used for trade communications between the north and south of Europe.

Interesting to know! Ancient tribes did not dare to settle on the slopes because they believed that this was the habitat of the devil. Most likely, the belief arose due to the terrifying appearance of the mountain and frequent avalanches.

In the 19th century, a movement of like-minded people appeared in England who wanted to conquer the most dangerous slopes. Groups of climbers went to all the slopes of the Alps, but even Mont Blanc conquered people faster than the Matterhorn peak. Those who wanted to reach the peak gathered at the foot many times, but did not dare to climb.

Climbing to the top of the Matterhorn

Considering the peculiarities of the geographical location of the mountain - in Switzerland and Italy - there are two ways to travel - from the territory of each state.

Thanks to its unusual shape - an almost equilateral pyramid - the mountain has attracted climbers for many centuries and has a rich history with extraordinary and tragic facts. The hiking route along the slopes requires:

  • rope skills;
  • skills of movement on rocky terrain;
  • ability to organize insurance;
  • compliance with safety rules.

Before climbing, you must take a training course, and on the way, use the help of a guide.

It is important! From the Swiss side, the route is as simple as possible, ropes are attached in the most dangerous places, insurance is organized, huts for rest are equipped; if tourists are caught in bad weather during the ascent, they can wait it out in an emergency shelter.

The height of the mountain in the Alps is about 4.48 km, so the issue of preparing to conquer the Matterhorn peak in Switzerland should be worked out in advance and make sure that you have enough strength and endurance for this difficult test. You should also pay attention to acclimatization in the mountains. In good weather, you can meet dozens of tourists on narrow sections of the climbing routes, so guides recommend using maximum caution and attention.

What to watch out for

The main danger of Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland is unpredictable weather. The clouds here are low and envelop the peaks, forming a persistent, thick fog. Sometimes you can’t see anything at a distance of one meter. The weather can change within a quarter of an hour. In addition to fog, climbers are faced with storms and snowfalls. Given the speed at which the weather changes, finding shelter from the elements can be difficult.

The greatest danger in the Alps is rockfalls. In some cases, they are provoked by tourists, and sometimes the stones are torn off under the weight of glaciers. Experts call this fact surprising - despite numerous avalanches and rock collapses, the mountain has not changed its appearance over the centuries.

What you need to climb

If you wish, you can take a camera or video camera.

Climbing history

The Alps have always attracted travelers; today all the slopes have been conquered by man, but Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland is the last on this list. For a long time, beginning climbers experienced a superstitious fear of a mountain in the Alps.

First successful ascent

A significant event was recorded in 1865, when Whymper developed and implemented a new plan for climbing the southern slope of the mountain. An attempt to climb to the peak on June 21 was unsuccessful - the path was blocked by a strong rockfall. Another attempt - on June 14 - was crowned with success, but was marred by the death of climbers.

The ascent in Switzerland was made by: Edward Whymper, the Scotsman Lord Francis Dushlas, Charles Hudson, Robert Douglas Hadow, father Peter Togwalders, his son and Michel Crozat.

The group began climbing the Hörnli slope; Whymper noted in his notes that the route turned out to be easier than the route along the Italian slope. However, as we moved towards the top, the mountain became steeper and more dangerous. The first to reach the target were Edward Whymper and Michel Croze. A tragic incident happened when the group was descending - Hadow, Croz, Hudson and Douglas fell and crashed. Only three climbers were buried because Douglas' body was not found on the glacier. The bodies of the other three men are buried in Zermatt.

Jean-Antoine Carrel

Who else managed to climb:

  • July 1865 – Jean-Antoine Carrel;
  • in 1871 - Lucy Walker;
  • August 1931 – Franz Schmid and Tony Schmid.

Rising to the top today

Today, routes of varying levels of difficulty have been laid to the Matterhorn peak in the Alps, but all of them are designed for trained climbers familiar with climbing techniques. It is possible to climb at any time of the year, but it will not be an easy walk.

In the warm season, it is best to climb the Hörnli ridge; the route has a difficulty rating of AD. Safety ropes are installed throughout the entire ascent. From Zermatt to Lake Schwarzsee. From here you will have to walk to the Hörnli hut, where climbers spend the night. The next day, the further journey must begin no later than 3-30 in the morning, only in this case you can have time to descend before dusk.

Good to know! If an emergency arises on the road, the Solvay Hut is available to tourists.

Other routes:

Lion's Ridge
  • Leo Ridge – difficulty AD;
  • Zmutt ridge – difficulty D;
  • the northern part of the mountain - in the Alps this part is considered the most difficult and has a difficulty level of TD+.

Statistics: 70% of climbers climb the Hörnli route, 25% along the Lyon ridge. The remaining routes account for no more than 5% of all ascents.

Tragic cases

Despite the fact that safety ladders are laid along the entire route, climbers die on the Matterhorn every year. Main reasons:

  • lack of preparedness of tourists;
  • choosing a difficult route;
  • a large influx of people wanting to climb the peak;
  • natural disasters - convergence of glaciers and rockfalls.

Statistics! Between 1981 and 2012, 223 climbers died on the slopes of the Matterhorn, of which 203 fell and crashed. In total, the mountain claimed the lives of more than 500 people. This peak is officially recognized as the deadliest among the peaks in the Alps.

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Now you know where the Matterhorn peak is located, how to organize a trip and climb to your cherished goal. The trip will surely become one of the most unforgettable and emotionally intense in your life.

For those who like to tickle their nerves, watch this short video.

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Switzerland: Matterhorn August 5th, 2014

And now it’s time for the final story about Switzerland :)

Yes, I didn’t see that much there. And I didn’t photograph everything I saw. After all, impressions are not only in photographs :)

Well, it would be logical to end the story the most important thing in Switzerland is the Matterhorn mountain.

This story is about her. And how I tried to see her by climbing the neighboring peaks. It's not that simple :)

Usually, to enjoy the view of the Matterhorn and a huge number of other mountains, above 3 and 4 thousand meters c - climb to the peak adjacent to the Matterhorn - Gornergrat (3089 meters).

Those who are lazier take a special train, the branch of which (“Gornergratbahn”) goes exactly from Zermatt to the top of Gornergrat.


This railway is a cog railway. The train has a special gear in the center and clings to a special gear rail. This way the train can climb steeper grades than a regular train.

And, by the way, this is the second highest railway in Europe ( the first and third are also in Switzerland). And one of Zermatt's main tourist attractions.

A trip along this road, according to its steepness, costs 4,000 rubles there and back. (*Yes, it’s also possible for free))) but don’t ask me how))) they can also be fined. I only rode back, from the top down... but they could have caught it))) probably... :))


If you are a budget athlete like me))), then you go to the top of the mountain, like me - on foot!

Which, however, gives you + agility, strength, endurance, health and + the ability to ooh and ahh at beautiful views;)


To begin with, a simple route was mastered to the peak adjacent to Gornergrat - 2-3 hours one way and 1-2 hours back.


But the weather was only right at the beginning, and the Matterhorn was shyly hiding all the time...


I had to study his habits so that he would still appear in all his glory :)

Matterhorn is a pyramidal mountain located on the border of Italy and Switzerland, 10 kilometers from the village of Zermatt. It reaches a height of 4,478 meters and has two peaks 100 meters apart.

Although the mountain belongs to the Central Alps, the Matterhorn stands alone, without close proximity. That is why the mountain looks so magnificent from all sides and is so picturesque.

Some have aptly described the Matterhorn by comparing it to an obelisk. It is located with its faces on the four cardinal directions, each face is clearly separated by a ridge. Which also makes it interesting for many climbers - there are many climbing routes.

But don't underestimate this mountain...trying to climb it - about 600 people died! Now, of course, such cases rarely occur, but still...


I still couldn’t resist and wanted to embrace the immensity :)


Of course, you need to start your routes as early as possible. 5am ​​is ideal. But you can also do it at 7-7:30, right after breakfast.

When we were just going up, someone was already going down. This shouldn't happen, of course. :)



It seems that the clear sky will be clear all the time... but the Matterhorn is so unpredictable... :)


On the way up you will be greeted by many cafes and restaurants :)


And, of course, the main plant of the mountains and their symbol is edelweiss:


Perfect view of the Matterhorn:)


As you can see, it was sunny, but it became cloudy and it started raining :) In half an hour, everything changed dramatically. That's just how mountains are...


By the way, here even high in the mountains you can rent a hotel room or even a whole house :)

And it’s not surprising, because an incredible number of tourists come here, and the number of walking routes for them here is simply off the charts. And on each route, somewhere in the middle, there will be a cafe or mini-hotel.



You can admire the Matterhorn from such comfortable places :)


Well, since the weather completely deteriorated, I had to go early the next morning... Which, however, didn’t help much either)))

As usual, it was perfect at first :)



In some places, it was better not to step to the side...


There is a special charm to climbing on foot - you can always slowly evaluate your achievements in climbing :)

View of Zermatt:


And this was the last glimpse of blue sky, alas :)))



However, out of sporting interest, I had to get there already :)

Zermatt remained somewhere down there, and this is in the mountains - a 4* hotel:


In some places, the trails were very fantastic:



But I would prefer not a cloud, for I've already seen the fantasy of clouds... thanks, that's enough)))


I don't know if you'll believe it, but I was standing in the same spot from which the photo below was taken (and a minute before that), but I couldn't see the lake at all! At all! It simply did not exist:(And then the cloud moved slightly for 5 minutes... Visibility of 15-20 meters in the mountains is not at all encouraging, because it’s not that beauty is hidden, but you can’t even see what’s under your nose.



But still... In the end!

The height of 3100 meters was conquered entirely on foot :) Hooray:)

True, what was visible from this height were mostly gorgeous white clouds... enveloping them in a thick white veil)))


Already on the way back, lazily descending by train))), the lower part of the views seemed a little to us...


There are a lot of glaciers there... but in July they are not so easy to see:


One of the rack railway stations:


And here, of course, is a cable car station for skiers :) I’m captain of the obvious, of course, but I haven’t seen them in the summer yet :)



Well, that's all...see the railway winding through the mountains? Well, I'm off!


Where have you ever encountered inclement weather on the way to your dream? :)

So as not to miss my next stories about traveling around Europe - Press

Matterhorn Peak (Matterhorn) is a very beautiful mountain located on the border of and. In Switzerland it is located in the village of Zermatt (Zermatt), in the south of the canton of Valais (Valais). Its height is 4478 meters. This is one of the most recognizable and picturesque mountains in the world, as well as the symbol of the famous chocolate brand - Toblerone. (Toblerone). Although it is not the highest mountain in Switzerland, it is the most popular. It seems fantastic and fabulous, and always looks different depending on the lighting, thanks to its pyramid-shaped shape. Many compare it to a sharp mountain “tooth” or to a cobra that is ready to attack. She always surprises with her unusualness both visitors and those who see her every day.

Matterhorn Peak: How to get there

Airplane. The nearest airports to Zermatt (and to the resort town of Täsch (Täsch)) are located at (Zurich Airport) and (Geneva Airport). They are located at a distance of about 265 km (from Zurich) and 255 km (from Geneva). At the airport you can rent a car or take a taxi. Also, on the websites you can find travel agency services. More information about schedules and prices can be found on the official website of Zurich Airport and on the official website of Geneva Airport.

Train. Both from Zurich and from Geneva to Zermatt, or to Tesch, can be reached by train in about 3-4 hours with a transfer in the city of Visp (Visp). Prices range from 60 to 75 EUR for an individual ticket. More information can be found on the official website of the Swiss Federal Railways. It is worth noting that the train journey will be quite interesting, as it passes through beautiful Swiss cities, then passes through the deepest mountain gorge in Switzerland, and gives the opportunity to see the highest peaks.

Automobile. If you want to travel to Zermatt by car, you should keep in mind that in Zermatt itself, car transport is prohibited. Therefore, you will need to get to the town of Tesch, which is located about 5 kilometers from Zermatt. From Zurich you can get there in 4 hours by following routes A1 and A9, which is about 346 kilometers. From Geneva the journey will take about 3 hours along the A9 route, about 231 kilometers.

Further, in the town of Täsch you need to leave your car in the parking lot of the Matterhorn terminal (Matterhorn Terminal Tasch). It provides over 2,000 parking spaces, and parking for a week can cost around 100 EUR. Then take the train to Zermatt, which leaves every 20 minutes and will take you to the center of Zermatt in just 10-15 minutes. It will cost about 8-10 EUR.

Matterhorn Peak: Lifehacks

To get a good look at Matterhorn Peak there are several options. Take the Gornergrat mountain railway (Gornergrat Bahn). This is a great opportunity to view the Matterhorn ice mass and admire the nature around. Ticket costs from 47 EUR. To find out more, use the website, which also includes contact information.

Take the funicular to Rothorn Peak (Rothorn), which will take you to an altitude of about 3100 meters. It will offer one of the best views of Mount Matterhorn, which is reminiscent of a picture from Toblerone chocolate. Ticket price – from 34 EUR.

The highest cable car "Ice Paradise Matterhorn" (Matterhorn Glacier Paradise) is a way to fully enjoy the Swiss, French and Italian Alps, as well as see the highest peak in Europe - Mt. (Mont Blanc)(4810 meters). Ticket price – from 58 EUR.

Matterhorn Museum (Matterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis) is an opportunity to explore the history of the town of Zermatt. This is an underground museum that contains original huts, multimedia rooms, and objects from the first ascent of the Matterhorn. The museum will tell you the story of how Zermatt transformed from an ordinary farming town into a world-famous alpine resort. The entrance ticket price starts from 10 EUR.

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