Home Questions Copenhagen: photo report and urban notes - Alexander Minakov. Why living in Copenhagen is good

Copenhagen: photo report and urban notes - Alexander Minakov. Why living in Copenhagen is good

Sometimes trips are born spontaneously and unplanned...
That's what happened this time.
Outside the window there is snowfall, terrible holes, Moscow is standing (November 29).

And somehow I really wanted to fly away somewhere from all this!
I opened the Internet, did some digging - everything is expensive. for 20,000 for 2... And then suddenly I found on the Aeroflot website round-trip tickets to Copenhagen for 17t for two!
Oops! But we haven’t been to Denmark yet!
I immediately buy it for Saturday, December 1st (back on the 4th), call my wife - we’re flying!

Denmark, welcome!

Bearing in mind the traffic jams on Thursday and Friday, we decided to take the Aeroexpress to Sheremetyevo.
However, it has become more expensive - 320 rubles for one.
I haven’t been to Sheremetyevo for a very long time. We fly mainly from Domodedovo.
I was very pleased with Terminal D - modern, cozy and not very crowded (departure was around 8 pm).
Passport control and verification went very quickly.
The plane was half empty. People slept on 3 armchairs)))
The time difference with Denmark is 3 hours)) So we landed even earlier (in time) than we took off :)

Copenhagen Airport - Kastrup.

We exchanged 100 euros at the airport to get to the hotel and maybe buy something - and we made a mistake!
The exchange rate at the airport was 1 euro - 6.4 crowns. But at the same time some kind of tax was withheld and it turned out to be 5.7 crowns!!!
When you pay by card, the cash debit rate ranges from 7 to 8 CZK (depending on the “path” of the payment to the bank)! Agree, much more profitable!

They didn’t withdraw cash anymore and paid everywhere only with cards. They are even accepted at street stalls and at the Christmas market.
So my advice is to forget about cash. Not profitable (by the way, in restaurants you can also pay tips by card :)

Well, let's get back to the story.
As a child, I always liked to watch the subway driver - how he drove the train in the tunnel. I remember we wiped the holes with a coin in the paint covering
the driver's door from prying eyes and looked, imagining as if we were driving a train.

In the Copenhagen metro you can feel like a driver without any problems.
The fact is that it simply isn’t there!!
Everything is automatic.
You can sit at the very beginning of the train and enjoy the spectacle))

When we arrived, it was +3 in the city and there wasn’t even a smell of snow :)
In the morning, leaving the hotel (Richmond Hotel - I recommend. Not expensive, the rooms are good and 5-10 minutes walk from the center) we saw,
that the city has changed!

It was snowing heavily and there was already snow everywhere)
This was exactly what I wanted)))

This is a railroad. You can also quickly travel along it from the airport to the city center.

The cyclists resembled ruffled sparrows sitting on a branch during frost.

I will post photos 3 days in advance, so some will have snowfall, others will not))

Hans Christian Anderson Boulevard (H.C. Andersens Blvd.) - sounds fabulous :)
Imagine a dialogue:
- How to get to the library?
- Walk straight along Hans Christan Anderson Boulevard, turn onto the street of the steadfast tin soldier and see the library near the Ole Lukøje tower.
I would kill for such an answer :)


Another retreat.
Previously, I thought that the most cycling country in Europe was.
Horseradish! The most cycling country is Denmark. Well, or, at least, no less “cycled” :)

Bicycles are everywhere and in abundance!!!
They stand in large and small groups.
They lie on the roads, in the bushes, hanging on trees and lying at the bottom of canals - in abundance.
Absolutely all city roads, paths and paths have dedicated areas for cyclists.

All traffic lights have a separate signal for bicycles.
The intersections have their own routes, highlighted in blue.

The topic of bicycles will smoothly “slide” throughout the entire report (and it will be in 4 parts).

And we move on.
Monument to the little bugler near Town Hall Square.
From this angle you can see that the soldier is carrying a wounded bugler...

and from this it’s as if our Siberian man is carrying his “tired” friend home from hunting and fishing :)
This is the association

Town Hall Square.
Town Hall - first on the right

there's a mailbox right there. Very stylish.

out of 12 chairs, only 4 are left. They are waiting for Ostap. At the local theater.



The cyclists were amazing. Some rode all bundled up, others in shorts and T-shirts. But it was 0 degrees.
Yes, and passers-by here and there flashed in sneakers on bare feet...

again the town hall.
Built in the 18th century, the height of the tower is 105.6 meters.


Trash fountain at the town hall.
Everything is intertwined in a ball and you can’t make out anything in this little heap :)


Bas-relief at the town hall

There are 2 more beautiful buildings on the Town Hall Square
But I couldn’t find what it is on the Internet (((

Well, the main Christmas tree is on the same square.


Since the city is by the sea, there are a lot of seagulls in it.
Here they are instead of pigeons (although there are plenty of pigeons too).

Vikings. Scandinavia after all.


Many buildings in the city center are decorated with interesting bas-reliefs.



in Copenhagen they also play KVN.



The girl was so lost in thought that she almost knocked me over. I barely jumped out from under the wheels :)

Delivery of Christmas trees to organizations


I go mushroom picking with these baskets. Exactly the same!

I came to Copenhagen for a couple of days - the best city in the world. The capital of Denmark is constantly included in all sorts of positive ratings as the best city. For example, the environment here is the best among European capitals. There are many parks in the city and residents often take walks there. Copenhagen was recognized as the friendliest place for gays, the healthiest city in the world due to the active lifestyle of its residents, and simply the best city to live. Of course, there is excellent public transport, amazing food, and most importantly - bicycles!

In Copenhagen, about 50% of the population regularly uses a bicycle to travel around the city. Almost every local resident has his own bicycle, and about 2,000 bicycle rental centers are available to tourists. The city has 400 km of bicycle paths. They use bicycles here all year round, in snow and rain.

It should also be noted that Copenhagen is a very compact city, just over a million people live in it, there are no skyscrapers, and in general you feel incredibly comfortable on the streets.

01. Here it is, simple Danish happiness, sitting on the shore with a glass of beer and greeting boats passing by, on which they also drink beer and greet you.

02. Or lie on a man under an umbrella

03. Everything in Copenhagen is good. You don't have to go somewhere special to enjoy the urban environment. There are parks, beautiful embankments, and cafes everywhere. And, of course, there are not as many people as in other cities.

04. Beauty

05. Canals, boats, colored buildings. Copenhagen is like Amsterdam, but without the crowds of crazy tourists.


07. There are almost no lampposts in Copenhagen, and they hang all the lamps on guy wires above the roads. It looks very good, although the number of wires increases.


09. A beautiful tower like from a fairy tale. You can climb it for 450 rubles.

10. The view from above is gorgeous. We will return to it later.

11. Denmark's most famous promenade

12. Now let's return to cyclists. As I already said, 50% of cyclists in Copenhagen are the most cycling city in the world.

Cyclists are the main ones here, but this situation also imposes responsibility on them. In Denmark, cyclists are fined!

For example, riding without hands, no light after sunset, two people riding on one bike, no reflectors or faulty brakes will cost you 7,000 rubles!

Running a red light, talking on a cell phone, driving against traffic - a fine of 10,000 rubles! Low-income citizens and students can request a reduction in the fine to 5,000.

13. Pedestrians are also fined If you stepped onto a bike path and caused a cyclist to fall, you could be fined 500 euros! Sometimes the sidewalks are very narrow, unlike the bike paths, but people behave according to the rules and don’t break them.

14. Bicycle markings at intersections.

15. The future belongs to electric vehicles.

16. Overpasses on the embankment

17. High. The city continues to actively build bicycle roads in the suburbs. At the end of 2011, the city's first "bike superstrada" opened. It stretches 15 km from central Copenhagen.


19. A simple and beautiful solution - a sports wall on the embankment.

20. Bicycle overpass in one of the city districts. Pedestrians are not allowed! Fine 130 euros.

21. People relax and walk below, and ride bicycles above.

22. Beauty!

23. Special ramps are made on the stairs for descending bicycles.

24. City

25. Public spaces

26. There are beautiful tables on the streets, people are sitting and relaxing.

27. And no one piles up any extensions to their restaurants, like ours. Just tables. The city becomes lively and friendly.

28. Nice walk

29. There is a branded shop in Copenhagen. She's everywhere here!

30. Even at the airport, in the baggage claim area, there are such benches!

31. Power plant

32. View of the center


34. Modern architecture fits very organically into the historical environment.

35. Copenhagen, by the way, is the greenest city in the world! It has been ranked first for several years in a row. It is followed by Amsterdam, Stockholm, Vancouver and London. There are no Moscow and Omsk.

36. New areas


38. How cute!

39. Surprisingly, no one glazes balconies. Please note that all sidewalks are paved with paving stones, and in the center there are two strips of smooth slabs so that you can carry a stroller without shaking.

40. Parking

41. Modern architecture and swimming pool


43. The city is actively being built


45. New residential buildings.

46. ​​Copenhagen is very nice


48. Instead of clasps, baby pacifiers are attached to bridges. By the way, this year in Copenhagen it was forbidden to hang locks due to the threat of bridge railings collapsing. But the nipples remain. There is such a tradition in Denmark - when a child turns three years old, he is given a ritual of farewell to the pacifier. Parents take their child to the park and tie a pacifier to the branches of a tree. At the same time, the baby is prepared for this ritual - before the third birthday, they are taken to the tree to watch how other children say goodbye to their favorite pacifier, and to get used to the idea that they too will have to go through this. But someone changes the ancient tradition a little and hangs pacifiers not on a tree, but on bridges.

49. By the way! Copenhagen has its own DriveNow car sharing (short-term rental, when you can take a car at one point in the city and leave it in another). The city purchased 400 BMW i3 electric vehicles. Electric cars are synchronized with public transport in Copenhagen: to save time, the system can suggest transferring from the car to public transport, and will also indicate a free parking space.

Continue tomorrow!

01. I’ll tell you the main thing right away - it’s difficult to take a photo in the city without a bicycle. Well, the cycling infrastructure in the city is being maintained and developed. At first I thought about making a separate post about it, but then I thought it would be unnecessary, after all, just recently I posted a local design guide (). So just a few photos:

02. Bike counter:



05. By the way, it’s strange, but the typical parking in Copenhagen is wheel-mounted. Not the most convenient option, but this is everywhere here:

06. Yard:

07. Street:

08. By the way, it’s a good idea to arrange bicycle parking in the visibility zone of the arrival - it doesn’t interfere with the view, and space isn’t wasted:


10. Local boor:


12. Flea market:

13. There is a bike rental in the city. Electric. Some 250 rubles per hour and you are on wheels with a battery:

14. Each has a tablet with navigation, feedback, and so on:

15. The motor helps you reach a speed of 25 km/h, after which it turns off. It does this smoothly, without any complaints. The screen, by the way, is locked while driving so as not to distract:

16. Why exactly 25 km/h? Because cycling green waves are tuned exactly to this speed:

17. But they don’t write that they will charge you 250 rubles per hour, even if you drove for 15 minutes. There was an unpleasant surprise when I drove for half an hour, but they charged me for the whole hour, and they also took an advance payment of 2000 rubles, although there was not a word about it...

18. In general, they love electric transport here - I have never seen so many electric cars in my entire life as here. Although the bicycles are dominated by the most ordinary ones.

19. Part of the city is located on islands, so, naturally, there is nowhere without bridges. But they are made primarily for pedestrians and cyclists, and only last but not least for personal transport:

20. Almost all of them are adjustable (as in the title photo):

21. A new bicycle and pedestrian bridge, which was opened a couple of days after my visit. It does not rise, but moves together like two forks:


23. Streets have three levels: sidewalk, bike path and roadway. The exits are often made simply from asphalt:

24. Bicycle fascism

25. By the way, fun fact, once upon a time there were Copenhagen and Frederiksberg - two different cities that eventually merged. But de jure the communes are still different, but it is very problematic to understand where one is and where the other is, they are so integrated into each other. But there are two differences. First of all, in Fredericksburg the bike paths are not blue, but reddish. The photo shows the transition from one city to another:

26. Secondly, if in Copenhagen payment for parking is carried out electronically, then his neighbor still has a parking clock:

27. Let's walk around the city. The pavement is always covered with two strips of smooth slabs to allow the stroller to pass:

28. Quite often, if width allows, in Copenhagen they make part of the sidewalk from crumbs (I don’t know, granite or what else). It looks cool, you can safely run on this surface, plus it conducts water well into the ground:

29. Sports ground:

30. Another site, with a street projector (although some gifted person ruined the screen wall):

31. In general, public spaces here are decorated quite well: modern, restrained, functional:


33. Street as a public space:

34. Living City:

35. In Copenhagen, outdoor barbecue culture is very common; in some places the tables have a special metal insert:

36. Disposable barbecues with coal cost about 400 rubles. But there are also just street ones:

37. Street tables, as a place for communication, are a typical feature of the city:

38. Embankment:

39. There once was a port with warehouses:


41. And now it’s forbidden to make kebabs here:



44. There’s a beach right there:

45. Have I gone down the passages in the city? No. Are there off-street crossings here? Yes:

46. ​​There are still hatches in the city:

47. And all the hydrants are closed with clamps:

48. Some of the drainpipes are properly removed into the storm drain, and some simply water the feet of pedestrians. Strange.

49. Regular school:

50. The Danes have very good modern architecture, there will be a separate post about this:


52. Schoolyard, isn’t it cool?

53. And under the hill there is a utility warehouse:

And yes, there is free access everywhere.

54. And behind the wall of the school... a cemetery:

55. At least walk along it and study the history - tombstones from the 17th century to the present day. Here they planted trees near the grave, and over the course of a couple of hundred years they grew slightly. Soon, I suppose, the slab will be swallowed up:

56. This is Copenhagen.


On a scale of ten, Copenhagen deserves a visit out of 10. Unfortunately, it’s just expensive.

What is Copenhagen associated with? For me personally, first of all, with the sculpture of the Little Mermaid, which recently celebrated its centenary. However, I already saw the monument during my last trip, so this time I decided to walk around the center and take a closer look at the city itself...

The Nyhavn waterfront is famous for its colorful houses from the 17th century. The oldest of them is more than 300 years old. Andersen lived here:


Now it is a completely tourist area with a pedestrian area and all sorts of restaurants and shops. The atmosphere is very democratic: you can sit down and have a snack right on the pier:


The central square in front of the Town Hall, from here comes the main pedestrian street of the city:


The Danes have an interesting way of holding rallies and protests. In order not to waste time standing in the protesting crowd, people simply pushed the posters and went off to smoke bamboo:


In the city center there are the same old colorful houses:


There are plastic cartoon sailors standing around:


People walking:





People ride on boats:


Winding streets lead from the water into the city:


A store for gay people. For some reason, there are stickers on the windows prohibiting bicycles:


Cafe, morning, sun - beauty:


We watched for about five minutes as people stubbornly tried to cram in something that couldn’t be shoved in. They wanted to help, but then they decided that with our participation this process would drag out even more:


Double red traffic lights like in Oslo (for colorblind people):


The Church of the Savior with its spiral staircase on the spire looks incredible. Despite all Varlamov’s protests, I forced him to stand in line and walk upstairs:


First you go up the regular stairs, then the spiral staircase begins:



The higher you rise, the more the passage narrows, until it simply disappears at the last turn. There are no platforms or final point provided, you feel a slight disappointment:


The only consolation is the views of the city that open from the spire:





Cool idea with football fields. It is not clear, however, what will happen if the ball flies into the neighboring field during the game:


Tivoli Amusement Park. They say that Walt Disney was so inspired by this park that he decided to make his own Disneyland:



Despite the fact that the park is old, all the infrastructure is modern. Ticket sales are automated, however, you must pay for a separate ticket for each attraction:


Large children's playground:


Animators working:


Castle in oriental style. The machine in the foreground is an automatic lawn mower. She drives through the grass like a smart vacuum cleaner and trims the grass:


Radisson Blu Hotel. Last time I stayed in this hotel:


Instead of the traditional long counter, the reception is made in the form of hotel tables. Above them are designer lamps that look like cedar cones:


In general, Denmark is famous for its good furniture and accessories. For example, one of the most famous Danish designs is the Arne Jacobsen egg chair. The chair was designed for the SAS Royal Hotel in Copenhagen 55 years ago. And today Radisson Blu is holding a competition for the most original upholstery design, in which you can win a free hotel stay.


Electric bikes with a built-in tablet with navigation. Very cool:


The railway passes through the city. The tracks are slightly sunk into the ground, so the noise from the trains does not interfere:


Construction of the metro. The construction site is not closed, but on the contrary, an observation deck has been created so that city residents are aware of what is happening. Here are construction statistics and infographics about what prospects the new station opens up:



Park with swans:


Floating pools and diving tower:


Finally, I propose to compare the breakfast of a healthy person and Varlamov’s breakfast:


In the next post I’ll tell you what brought us to Denmark! Stay Tuned!

Today I will show you how a block of one of the residential areas of Copenhagen works. This is the so-called "social housing". The main difference from our residential areas is the lack of cars. All cars are either in intercept parking lots at the border of the block or underground. All space inside the block is only for people. Unfortunately, we were unlucky with the weather. There was a nasty drizzling rain all day and there were no people on the street. Of course, in summer and in different weather it all looks much better and more fun.

01. Parallel parking along the road. Nearby there is a bike path and a sidewalk paved with granite slabs. No one parks on the sidewalk or bike paths, although there are no fences or posts. Also note that there are no wires.

02. Border of a residential area. There is bicycle parking in front of each entrance. Cars are prohibited from entering the residential area.

03. Red - bike path. Black boxes are trash cans. There are carts near the trash cans, like in a supermarket, to make it convenient to deliver garbage to them.

04. Large bicycle parking in front of the house. There are driveways around the house, but ordinary cars cannot enter here. They are needed for access by special equipment or emergency services.

05. Residents of the first floors have small terraces.

06. There are drawings on the roads.

07. On the right you can see the terrace of one of the residents. Its own small plot compensates for the disadvantages of living on the ground floor. Typically, such apartments are even more expensive than regular ones.

08. Mailboxes on the street. Please note that the ground floor level is at ground level. We still have outdated standards with basement floors. There is no need to make steps on the ground floor in the European part of Russia.


10. All houses are different. This is ordinary inexpensive housing on the outskirts, but there are no standard projects here. Each house has a unique facade.



13. On the large field between the houses there are playgrounds, table tennis tables, exercise equipment, slides, etc.


15. All houses are different.

16. Because of the rain there was no one on the street.

17. Pay attention to the lawn. It is special so that you can walk on it and sit on it.



20. Garbage cans, lanterns. Please note that the lawns are either level with or just below the pavilions. Because of this, the earth and dirt from them do not end up on the roads like ours.

21. All yards have trash cans for dog poop. There are disposable gloves everywhere for dog lovers so they can clean up after their pets.

22. An example of organizing space under one of the houses. We would have cars parked here.

23. Another children's playground.

24. Kindergartens here are small and are usually located on the first floors of residential buildings. This is the playground of one of the kindergartens. Behind the glass of the games room.

25. Another children's playground.

26. The yard of one of the houses. There is a huge grill.

Cities should be for people.

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