Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation Miniature railways. Railway in miniature Railway in miniature schedule

Miniature railways. Railway in miniature Railway in miniature schedule

Start of a project to assemble your own model of an operating railway.

The series started in August 2014. We will gradually collect in the collection: 6 INTERCHANGEABLE CARS WITH AUTOMATIC COUPLE. 6 ready-made cars for coupling with locomotives: 4 freight, 2 passenger.

The locomotive and control panel are sold SEPARATELY, not as part of the series. The issues include carriages, rails, houses, trees, lanterns, cars and people, landscape details. However, the base itself needs to be purchased, it is large, you will need a slab (for example, plywood) measuring 174x105 cm. And the marking map for this base will be gradually included in the series numbers. The first two parts are already in the second issue.

Number 1: passenger car + straight section of track.

Number 1: passenger car about 25 cm long + straight section of track.

Number 2: turnout and switch + lantern (ready to use) + first 2 parts of the layout plan.

The new collection contains everything you need to create a working model railway: two different track circuits with arrows, a traffic light and a crossing with a barrier, a station, a platform, a tunnel in the mountain, all the necessary control systems for the simultaneous movement of two trains in a circle.

The magazines of the series contain the history of trains, detailed descriptions of train models and their structure, the history of stations, and a lot of other interesting information on this topic.

Release schedule:

  • In issue 6 there is a railway crossing.
  • In issue 7 there is a bag of miniature grass and part of a tank car.

In issue 9 there will be the first part of the platform, in issue 10 - the second part of the platform.

Miniature railway- This is a tiny copy of the real thing, so it is distinguished by the utmost verisimilitude. The set includes a radial canvas, a train of a locomotive and cars of a classic design. Made of lightweight plastic in natural colors.

  • Designed for children from 3 years old, there are models for toddlers. Wind-up toys run on batteries. Equipment.
  • The set includes rails from which a closed ring of the railway, a locomotive, wagons, and a set of batteries are assembled. The train parts and tracks are made of lightweight modern plastic and do not create unnecessary stress on the child. Age.
  • Play sets are designed for children over 3 years old. Complex models, complemented by special effects, may be of interest to younger students. Some of the simplest options without small parts are intended for a nursery group. Design.
  • The miniature railway has a realistic design and gives the best idea of ​​how modern trains look and operate. All parts are painted in traditional transport colors and are marked in the form of inscriptions and signs. How to play.
  • A model railroad is a multifunctional toy that allows you to use different aspects of a child’s personality. When assembling rails, he learns to design, find matches, set a goal and act to achieve it. During the game, the child controls the car and tries out various professional roles.

Price. In terms of cost, miniature railways can be classified at the very bottom of the average price category. Many parents are able to buy such a toy for their child, providing him with employment and a sea of ​​positive emotions. To save on your purchase without losing quality, choose the appropriate model in the online store..

Hello readers! My son received a gift from his grandmother on September 1st. The gift turned out to be a collector's edition"Railway in Miniature"

Manufacturer: 12+

: Eaglemoss collections.


The set included: 2 magazines, several advertising brochures, a model train carriage, and a fragment of railway rails.

The first magazine is entirely dedicated to the collection.

Information from the manufacturer's website:

“In March 1883, Europe’s long-standing great railway dream was realized - the Orient Express, the first high-speed passenger train of the interstate European level.”

The train car looks like a real one. Inside the seat. Doors and windows do not open. The model is made of plastic, but there are metal elements.

I would like to note that a school-age child cannot assemble this railway model on his own. Help from dad (or another adult) is needed. You need to have tools (drill, screwdrivers, etc.). Some parts need to be purchased additionally. For example, the base itself, where the railway track and everything else will be attached (you need to prepare plywood or a wooden board measuring 105 x 174 cm)

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