Home Emigration Dear little cheat read. Joanna Lindsay is a cute little cheat

Dear little cheat read. Joanna Lindsay is a cute little cheat

1818 London

Georgina Anderson grabbed a radish from her plate, put it in a spoon and fired it like a catapult. True, she failed to hit the huge cockroach, but the radish hit very close to it. The cockroach thought it best to hide in the nearest crevice. That's what was required. While Georgina does not see these annoying creatures, she can pretend that they are not found in her home.

Georgina turned to her half-eaten breakfast, looked at the plate and pushed it away with a grimace of disgust. She would give a lot now for any dish prepared by Hannah. Over twelve years of work, Hannah learned to accurately guess what to please each member of the family, and Georgina constantly yearned for her cooking throughout the entire voyage on the ship. Since they arrived in England five days ago, Georgina had only had one good meal. This was on the day of arrival. They stayed at the Albany Hotel and Mac took her to a fancy restaurant. But they left the hotel the very next day and settled in much more modest rooms. What could they do if, upon returning to the hotel, they discovered that all the money had been stolen from their suitcases?

In truth, Georgie, as her loved ones affectionately called her, did not have sufficient grounds to blame the hotel for the loss of money. Most likely they were stolen while the suitcases were traveling from the docks in the East End to the West End, where the prestigious Albany Hotel was located in Piccadilly Circus. While the suitcases, under the supervision of the driver and his partner, moved on the carriage to the hotel, Georgina and Mac carefreely took in the sights of London.

If we talk about bad luck, it started much earlier. Arriving in England, they learned that their ship could not enter the port and that they would not be able to receive their luggage for at least three months. It’s good that at least the passengers themselves were allowed to go ashore. True, not immediately, but after a few days.

However, this should not have been surprising. Georgina was aware of congestion on the Thames, especially at this time of year when ship traffic is affected by unpredictable winds. Their ship was one of a dozen that arrived simultaneously from America. In addition, hundreds of others have gathered here, from all over the world. Such congestion was one of the reasons why members of their trading family excluded London from their routes even before the war. In fact, not a single Skylark Line ship has appeared in London since 1807, when England began blockading almost half of Europe during its war with France. For the Skylark Line, trade with the Far East and West Indies was no less profitable and much less troublesome.

Even after her country settled its disputes with England and signed a treaty at the very end of 1814, the Skylark Line refrained from trading with England, since warehousing remained a very serious problem. Often perishable goods had to be left right on the pier. They became easy prey for thieves, and then the damage reached half a million pounds a year. If for any reason the thieves spared the goods, they would perish under a thick layer of coal dust and soot.

In other words, it was more expensive to trade with England. It was for this reason that Georgina had not sailed to London on the Skylark Line, and for the same reason she could not return home now. The problem was that he and Mac only had twenty-five American dollars left - it was this money that did not become the prey of thieves, since it was with them and not in a suitcase. And now, as a result of all the misadventures, Georgina found herself in this little room located above a tavern in Southwark.

Tavern! If her brothers found out... yes, they are capable of killing her if somehow she manages to return home, because she went on a trip without their knowledge when they were on trade business in different parts of the world. Or, in any case, they won’t give her any money, they’ll put her under lock and key for several years, and even give her a good beating.

True, to be honest, most likely the matter would have been limited to the fact that her brothers would have scolded her badly. However, when you imagine five angry older brothers justifiably unleashing their anger on you, you feel uneasy. Unfortunately, this did not stop Georgina at the time, and she went on a trip accompanied by Ian MacDonell, who had nothing to do with their family. Sometimes the thought occurred to her: had God deprived her entire family of common sense by the time she was due to be born?

Before Georgina had time to get up from the table, there was a knock on the door. She was about to say, “Come in,” because she had become accustomed throughout her life that if someone knocked on the door, it was either the servants or one of the family members. In her twenty-two years, she had slept only in her own bed in her own room in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and, for the last month, in a hanging bunk on a boat. Of course, no one can enter a room if the door is locked, no matter how many times it says “Enter.” Mac repeatedly and persistently reminded her to lock the door. However, this uncomfortable, neglected room itself constantly reminded Georgina that she was far from home, that she should not trust anyone in this inhospitable, criminal-infested city.

A phrase was heard from behind the door, spoken in an expressive Scottish accent, and Georgina recognized Ian MacDonell. She opened the door. A tall, large man came in, making the room seem very small.

Any good news? Sitting down on the chair where Georgina had just been sitting, he snorted:

Depends on how you look at it.

Again we need to look for who knows who?

Yes, but I guess it's better than a complete dead end.

Of course,” she agreed without much enthusiasm.

There was no particular reason to count on more. Some time ago, Mr. Kimball, one of the sailors on the ship Portunus, which belonged to her brother Thomas, stated that he was absolutely sure that he saw her long-lost fiancé Malcolm Cameron among the crew of the merchant ship Pogrom, when the Portunus and The “pogrom” met at one of the sea crossroads. Thomas had no way of verifying Mr. Kimball's claim because he only learned of it after the Pogrom was out of sight. It could be said with certainty that the Pogrom was on its way to Europe, most likely to its home port in England, although it could not be ruled out that it would visit other ports before then.

In any case, this was the first news of Malcolm for six years after he was forcibly recruited as a sailor before the outbreak of war in June 1812.

The forced recruitment of American sailors by the British Navy was one of the causes of the war. Malcolm was terribly unlucky: he was taken away during his first voyage, and the reason for this was his Cornish accent, since he lived the first half of his life in Cornwall, one of the counties of England. However, by then he was already an American; his parents, now deceased, settled in Bridgeport in 1806 and had no intention of returning to England. However, the English officer did not want to believe this, and Warren, Georgina’s brother and owner of the ship Nereus, where the forced recruitment took place, still wears a scar on his cheek, indicating the determination of the English side to recruit Malcolm.

Georgina heard that the ship where Malcolm was taken was decommissioned, and its crew was distributed among several ships. She knew nothing more. It didn't matter what Malcolm did on the English merchant ship now that the war was over, but at least Georgina had the opportunity to track him down.

Sweet little cheat Joanna Lindsay

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Title: Sweet Cheat

About the book "Sweet Cheat" by Joanna Lindsay

Joanne Lindsay is a novelist whose career began quite by accident. She loved novels and read them, escaping reality into a world where there were no barriers to a wonderful feeling. Being a housewife and mother of three sons, the author decided to write her first book. It was called "The Kidnapped Bride". The work was published in 1977 and gave the woman success. Many people liked the unusual plot, many interesting lines and special storytelling style. Joanne is now a sought-after author who has written over 127 novels. The writer's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and have often become bestsellers. Many are attracted by the love stories that came from Lindsay’s pen, and they gladly buy her works, plunging, like Joanne herself, into a world of dreams. Many believe that the book “Sweet Cheat” is one of the author’s best works. It has a lot of intrigue, colorful characters, well-written villains and lots of great jokes. Thanks to these components, many spend their evenings reading the work of this wonderful writer.

Joanne Lindsay's book Pretty Little Cheat tells the story of Georgina Anderson. This is a sweet girl with a charming smile and an open heart. She is in love and is getting married. But when the wedding day arrived, the groom did not show up to the church. He deceived her and abandoned her. After this, life ceased to seem kind and affectionate to the heroine.

However, the girl did not feel sorry for herself forever. The heroine of the work “Dear Cheat” decided to commit an unusual act. She disguised herself as a young man and entered service on the ship as a cabin boy. Georgina decided that such a trip would help her heal the wounds of her heart, and she dreamed of plunging into the whirlwind of travel. Soon the heroine meets the captain of the ship. Lord James Malory turned out to be a handsome man and a heartthrob. He cleverly seduced women and abandoned them. However, they rushed into his arms again and again. The heroine also could not resist and fell in love with the proud sailor. But how can she, under the guise of a yoongi, win his heart? What will happen if her deception is revealed? How will she justify herself to her beloved?

Joanne Lindsay described an amazing love story in her book “Sweet Cheat.” The heroine turned out to be brave, beautiful and determined. She can handle everything, but she has no luck with love, but perhaps with the captain she will find long-awaited happiness.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Sweet Cheat” by Joanna Lindsay in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Malory Family - 3

Natasha Kealanoheaakealoha Howard

Georgina turned to her half-eaten breakfast, looked at the plate and pushed it away with a grimace of disgust. She would give a lot now for any dish prepared by Hannah. Over twelve years of work, Hannah learned to accurately guess what to please each member of the family, and Georgina constantly yearned for her cooking throughout the entire voyage on the ship. Since they arrived in England five days ago, Georgina had only had one good meal. This was on the day of arrival. They stayed at the Albany Hotel and Mac took her to a fancy restaurant. But they left the hotel the very next day and settled in much more modest rooms. What could they do if, upon returning to the hotel, they discovered that all the money had been stolen from their suitcases?

In truth, Georgie, as her loved ones affectionately called her, did not have sufficient grounds to blame the hotel for the loss of money. Most likely they were stolen while the suitcases were traveling from the docks in the East End to the West End, where the prestigious Albany Hotel was located in Piccadilly Circus. While the suitcases, under the supervision of the driver and his partner, moved on the carriage to the hotel, Georgina and Mac carefreely took in the sights of London.

If we talk about bad luck, it started much earlier. Arriving in England, they learned that their ship could not enter the port and that they would not be able to receive their luggage for at least three months. It’s good that at least the passengers themselves were allowed to go ashore. True, not immediately, but after a few days.

However, this should not have been surprising. Georgina was aware of congestion on the Thames, especially at this time of year when ship traffic is affected by unpredictable winds. Their ship was one of a dozen that arrived simultaneously from America. In addition, hundreds of others have gathered here, from all over the world. Such congestion was one of the reasons why members of their trading family excluded London from their routes even before the war. In fact, not a single Skylark Line ship has appeared in London since 1807, when England began blockading almost half of Europe during its war with France. For the Skylark Line, trade with the Far East and West Indies was no less profitable and much less troublesome.

Even after her country settled its disputes with England and signed a treaty at the very end of 1814, the Skylark Line refrained from trading with England, since warehousing remained a very serious problem. Often perishable goods had to be left right on the pier. They became easy prey for thieves, and then the damage reached half a million pounds a year. If for any reason the thieves spared the goods, they would perish under a thick layer of coal dust and soot.

In other words, it was more expensive to trade with England. It was for this reason that Georgina had not sailed to London on the Skylark Line, and for the same reason she could not return home now. The problem was that he and Mac had only twenty-five American dollars left - it was this money that did not become the prey of thieves, since it was with them and not in a suitcase. And now, as a result of all the misadventures, Georgina found herself in this little room located above a tavern in Southwark.

Tavern! If her brothers found out... yes, they are capable of killing her if somehow she manages to return home, because she went on a trip without their knowledge when they were on trade business in different parts of the world. Or, in any case, they won’t give her any money, they’ll put her under lock and key for several years, and even give her a good beating.

True, to be honest, most likely the matter would have been limited to the fact that her brothers would have scolded her badly. However, when you imagine five angry older brothers justifiably unleashing their anger on you, you feel uneasy.

Joanna Lindsay

Sweet little cheat

To my daughter-in-law Laurie and her new joy

Natasha Kealanoheaakealoha Howard

1818 London

Georgina Anderson grabbed a radish from her plate, put it in a spoon and fired it like a catapult. True, she failed to hit the huge cockroach, but the radish hit very close to it. The cockroach thought it best to hide in the nearest crevice. That's what was required. While Georgina does not see these annoying creatures, she can pretend that they are not found in her home.

Georgina turned to her half-eaten breakfast, looked at the plate and pushed it away with a grimace of disgust. She would give a lot now for any dish prepared by Hannah. Over twelve years of work, Hannah learned to accurately guess what to please each member of the family, and Georgina constantly yearned for her cooking throughout the entire voyage on the ship. Since they arrived in England five days ago, Georgina had only had one good meal. This was on the day of arrival. They stayed at the Albany Hotel and Mac took her to a fancy restaurant. But they left the hotel the very next day and settled in much more modest rooms. What could they do if, upon returning to the hotel, they discovered that all the money had been stolen from their suitcases?

In truth, Georgie, as her loved ones affectionately called her, did not have sufficient grounds to blame the hotel for the loss of money. Most likely they were stolen while the suitcases were traveling from the docks in the East End to the West End, where the prestigious Albany Hotel was located in Piccadilly Circus. While the suitcases, under the supervision of the driver and his partner, moved on the carriage to the hotel, Georgina and Mac carefreely took in the sights of London.

If we talk about bad luck, it started much earlier. Arriving in England, they learned that their ship could not enter the port and that they would not be able to receive their luggage for at least three months. It’s good that at least the passengers themselves were allowed to go ashore. True, not immediately, but after a few days.

However, this should not have been surprising. Georgina was aware of congestion on the Thames, especially at this time of year when ship traffic is affected by unpredictable winds. Their ship was one of a dozen that arrived simultaneously from America. In addition, hundreds of others have gathered here, from all over the world. Such congestion was one of the reasons why members of their trading family excluded London from their routes even before the war. In fact, not a single Skylark Line ship has appeared in London since 1807, when England began blockading almost half of Europe during its war with France. For the Skylark Line, trade with the Far East and West Indies was no less profitable and much less troublesome.

Even after her country settled its disputes with England and signed a treaty at the very end of 1814, the Skylark Line refrained from trading with England, since warehousing remained a very serious problem. Often perishable goods had to be left right on the pier. They became easy prey for thieves, and then the damage reached half a million pounds a year. If for any reason the thieves spared the goods, they would perish under a thick layer of coal dust and soot.

In other words, it was more expensive to trade with England. It was for this reason that Georgina had not sailed to London on the Skylark Line, and for the same reason she could not return home now. The problem was that he and Mac only had twenty-five American dollars left - it was this money that did not become the prey of thieves, since it was with them and not in a suitcase. And now, as a result of all the misadventures, Georgina found herself in this little room located above a tavern in Southwark.

Tavern! If her brothers found out... yes, they are capable of killing her if somehow she manages to return home, because she went on a trip without their knowledge when they were on trade business in different parts of the world. Or, in any case, they won’t give her any money, they’ll put her under lock and key for several years, and even give her a good beating.

True, to be honest, most likely the matter would have been limited to the fact that her brothers would have scolded her badly. However, when you imagine five angry older brothers justifiably unleashing their anger on you, you feel uneasy. Unfortunately, this did not stop Georgina at the time, and she went on a trip accompanied by Ian MacDonell, who had nothing to do with their family. Sometimes the thought occurred to her: had God deprived her entire family of common sense by the time she was due to be born?

Before Georgina had time to get up from the table, there was a knock on the door. She was about to say, “Come in,” because she had become accustomed throughout her life that if someone knocked on the door, it was either the servants or one of the family members. In her twenty-two years, she had slept only in her own bed in her own room in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and, for the last month, in a hanging bunk on a boat. Of course, no one can enter a room if the door is locked, no matter how many times it says “Enter.” Mac repeatedly and persistently reminded her to lock the door. However, this uncomfortable, neglected room itself constantly reminded Georgina that she was far from home, that she should not trust anyone in this inhospitable, criminal-infested city.

A phrase was heard from behind the door, spoken in an expressive Scottish accent, and Georgina recognized Ian MacDonell. She opened the door. A tall, large man came in, making the room seem very small.

Any good news? Sitting down on the chair where Georgina had just been sitting, he snorted:

Depends on how you look at it.

Again we need to look for who knows who?

Yes, but I guess it's better than a complete dead end.

Of course,” she agreed without much enthusiasm.

There was no particular reason to count on more. Some time ago, Mr. Kimball, one of the sailors on the ship Portunus, which belonged to her brother Thomas, stated that he was absolutely sure that he saw her long-lost fiancé Malcolm Cameron among the crew of the merchant ship Pogrom, when the Portunus and The “pogrom” met at one of the sea crossroads. Thomas had no way of verifying Mr. Kimball's claim because he only learned of it after the Pogrom was out of sight. It could be said with certainty that the Pogrom was on its way to Europe, most likely to its home port in England, although it could not be ruled out that it would visit other ports before then.

In any case, this was the first news of Malcolm for six years after he was forcibly recruited as a sailor before the outbreak of war in June 1812.

The forced recruitment of American sailors by the British Navy was one of the causes of the war. Malcolm was terribly unlucky: he was taken away during his first voyage, and the reason for this was his Cornish accent, since he lived the first half of his life in Cornwall, one of the counties of England. However, by then he was already an American; his parents, now deceased, settled in Bridgeport in 1806 and had no intention of returning to England. However, the English officer did not want to believe this, and Warren, Georgina’s brother and owner of the ship Nereus, where the forced recruitment took place, still wears a scar on his cheek, indicating the determination of the English side to recruit Malcolm.

Georgina heard that the ship where Malcolm was taken was decommissioned, and its crew was distributed among several ships. She knew nothing more. It didn't matter what Malcolm did on the English merchant ship now that the war was over, but at least Georgina had the opportunity to track him down.

Who and what told you this time? - Georgina asked with a sigh. - Again, some stranger who knows someone who knows someone who might know something about him?

Mac chuckled.

Darling, you say that as if we have been going around in circles for an eternity to no avail. We have been searching for only four days. You could use at least a little of the patience that Thomas has.

Don't talk to me about Thomas! I'm angry at him for still not doing anything to find Malcolm.

He would find...

In six months! He wanted me to wait another six months for him to return from the West Indies! How many months will it take to sail here, find Malcolm and return with him? I already waited for six whole years!

Four years,” Mac corrected her. No one would let you marry this guy until you were eighteen.

This is not relevant. If any of the other brothers had been at home, he would certainly have gone here immediately. Alas, only the overly optimistic Thomas, who also has the patience of a saint, was in place with his ship. That's how unlucky I am! Do you know how he laughed when I said that if I grew any more old, Malcolm would give up on me?

Mac had a hard time holding back a smile when he heard such a frank and simple-minded question. It is not surprising that at one time such reasoning of the girl caused laughter from her older brother.

Although so many years have passed, the girl did not heed her brothers’ advice to forget about Malcolm Cameron. The war has already ended, and the guy; it seemed like he had to return home. But he never returned, and she still waited. This fact alone might have told Thomas that she would not wait for her brother to return from the West Indies. They were members of the same family, and all of them were equally adventurous, but Georgina, unlike Thomas, did not have patience.

Of course, to some extent, Thomas can be forgiven for not pursuing Malcolm. Brother Drew's ship was to return before the end of the summer and remain at home for several months until the next voyage. And Drew could not refuse anything to his only sister. But the girl did not wait for Drew to return, but booked a ticket on a ship that departed three days after Thomas sailed, and somehow persuaded Mac to accompany her. True, he still could not understand how she managed to present the matter as if it was not her idea, but his.

Okay, Georgie, given that London has more people than all of Connecticut, it's not a bad idea to paint things in a gloomy light. The man I'm about to meet seems to know our Malcolm very well. The one I spoke to today said that Malcolm got off the ship with this Mr. Willcox. He may shed some light on where to look for a guy.

“It sounds very encouraging,” Georgina agreed. “Maybe this Mr. Willcox guy will even take you straight to Malcolm, so... I think I should go with you.”

You won't go! - Mac snapped, frowning angrily. - I'm meeting him at the tavern!

So what?

God knows what else you'll do!

But Mac...

Don’t even ask, girl,” he said sternly. However, after catching her glance, Mac realized that she would not back down. He knew very well that if Georgina decided to do something, it would be almost impossible to dissuade her. And the proof of this is that she is now in London, and not at home, as her brothers believe.

In the elite West End, which is located on the other side of the river, near a fashionable house in Piccadilly, a carriage stopped, from which Sir Anthony Malory got out. Previously, this was his bachelor residence, which can no longer be called such, for he was returning with his young wife Lady Roslin.

James Malory, Anthony's brother, who lived in the house during his visits to London, hearing the carriage approaching at such a late hour, came out into the hall at the moment when Anthony carried the newlywed over the threshold in his arms. Since James was not yet aware of who she was, he said carefully:

I guess I shouldn't have seen it.

“I thought you wouldn’t see,” Anthony replied, walking around his brother and heading towards the stairs with his burden. - But since you saw it soon, you should know that I married this girl.

So I believed you!

He really got married! - The girl smiled a dazzling smile. - Do you really think that I will allow the first person I meet to carry me in his arms over the threshold?

Anthony stopped for a moment, catching his brother's incredulous gaze.

Lord, James, I've probably been waiting all my life for this moment when you don't have anything to say. But I hope you'll forgive me if I don't wait for you to come to your senses?

And Anthony disappeared.

In amazement, James did not immediately close his mouth, but, however, immediately opened it again to drain the glass of brandy he was holding in his hands. Incredible! Anthony has shackled himself! The most famous rake in London! True, this fame passed to him after James himself left Europe ten years ago. And what made his brother take such a desperate step?

Undoubtedly, the lady was amazingly beautiful, but Anthony could have gotten her in some other way. It so happened that James learned that Anthony had already seduced her last night. In that case, what made him marry her? She had no family, there was no one to insist on marriage. There was hardly anyone who could advise him to marry, except perhaps his elder brother Jason, Marquess of Haverston and head of the family. But, however, even Jason could not force Anthony to marry. Hadn't Jason tried to get him to marry him over the years?

No one put a gun to Anthony's head and forced him to do such stupidity. And in general, Anthony, unlike Viscount Nicholas Eden, could always resist pressure from his elders. Nikolaev Eden was forced to marry their niece Regan, or Reggie, as everyone called her. To be honest, James still regrets that he was deprived of the opportunity to tell Nicholas what he thought of him. At that time, the family did not yet know that he had returned to England and felt a desire to give the Viscount a thorough beating, which, in his opinion, he deserved for a completely different reason.

Shaking his head, James walked into the living room and picked up a decanter of brandy, deciding that a couple of extra sips would help him understand the reason for his brother's marriage. He immediately discounted love. Since Anthony did not succumb to this feeling at the age of seventeen, when he first knew the sweetness of the fair sex, it follows that he is immune to this disease in the same way as James himself.

There is no need to take into account the need to have an heir, since all the titles of the family have already been distributed. Jason, the older brother, has a grown-up son, Derek, who is catching up in years with his younger uncles. Edward, the second eldest of the Malory family, has five children, all of whom, except Amy, have reached marriageable age. Even James had a son, Jeremy, though he was illegitimate, whose existence he learned about six years ago. Before this, he had no idea whose son was raised by a woman working in a tavern. The son continued to work there after his mother’s death. Now he was seventeen, and he followed in his father's footsteps as part of the fair sex. Anthony, the fourth son, did not need to worry about perpetuating the family - the three eldest Malorys had already taken care of this.

James sank down onto the sofa with a decanter of brandy in his hand. Sir Malory was well built, although he was less than six feet tall. He thought again about the newlyweds and asked himself what they could be doing now. His beautifully contoured, sensual lips formed a smile. But he never found an answer to the question of why Anthony got married. James himself would never make such a mistake. But he is ready to admit that if Anthony was destined to fall into the trap, then such a beauty as Roslyn Chadwick should have slammed it ... however, now she was already Malory;

James himself was thinking about hitting on her, although Anthony had already expressed his interest in Roslyn. When they were very young, they often began to court the same woman out of sporting interest. The winner was the one on whom the woman had previously fixed her gaze. Anthony had a reputation among women as devilishly handsome and irresistible, and James considered himself as such.

Nevertheless, outwardly the brothers were strikingly different from each other. Anthony was taller and slimmer, and had inherited his grandmother's black hair and dark blue eyes. Regan, Amy, and, annoyingly enough, James's own son Jeremy, who, even more annoyingly, looked more like Anthony than his father, were of the same color. James had blond hair, greenish eyes, and a strongly built figure, quite typical of all Malories. “Big, blond and incredibly beautiful,” Regan used to say.

James chuckled, remembering his sweet niece. His only sister, Melissa, died when her daughter was only two years old, so the girl was raised and raised by all the brothers. They loved her like a daughter. But now she was married to that scoundrel Eden, and James had no choice but to tolerate this guy. However, Nicholas Eden has already managed to establish himself as an exemplary husband.

Again as a husband. But Eden had a reason. He adored Regan. As for Anthony, he adored everyone women. In this, Anthony and James were the same. And although James is now thirty-six years old, no woman has yet been born who could lure him into the marital network. To love women and leave them on time - this was his credo, which he adhered to for many years and did not intend to change in the future.

Ian McDonell was a second-generation American, but his Scottish roots showed through his red, carrot-colored hair and burry r. But he was completely devoid of the Scottish temperament: he looked reserved and calm, which, in fact, he was all forty-seven years of his life. However, the night before and during the first half of this day, he truly revealed his temperament.

As a neighbor of the Andersons, Mack had known the family all his life. He sailed on their ships for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of seven as a cabin boy with Anderson Sr. and rising to first mate on the Neptune, owned by Clinton Anderson. At least ten times he refused the rank of captain. Like Boyd, Georgina's younger brother, he did not like to take on responsibility. (However, young Boyd will inevitably have to do this.)

Five years ago, Mack said goodbye to the sea, but remained with the ships; Now it was his responsibility to check the serviceability of every Skylark Line ship that returned to port.

When old Anderson died fifteen years ago, and his wife a few years later, Mac voluntarily took charge of the children, although he was only seven years older than Clinton. He oversaw their upbringing, did not skimp on advice and taught the boys, and, to be honest, Georgina, everything he knew about ships. Unlike their father, who was at home no more than one or two months between voyages, Mac could spend up to six months a year on shore before the wind of wanderings called him on the road again.

As is usually the case when a person is more devoted to the sea than to his own family, the birth of each child among the Andersons was celebrated by the father setting sail. Clinton was the firstborn and is now forty. The father traveled for four years in the Far East, after which Warren was born, who was six years younger than Clinton, and Thomas was separated from Warren by four years, and exactly the same number of years separated Drew from Thomas. Drew was the only one of the children whose birth coincided with his father being at home. This was explained by the fact that a severe storm had battered his ship and forced him to return to port. The ensuing troubles delayed the sailing for almost a year, and Anderson witnessed the birth of Drew and conceived Boyd, who was born eleven months after his brother.

And four years later, the youngest child was born - the only daughter. Unlike the boys, who raved about the sea since childhood and set sail early, Georgina stayed at home and greeted every returning ship. It is therefore not surprising that Mac was so attached to the girl, for he spent more time with her than with any of her brothers. He knew very well her habits and the tricks that Georgina used to get her way, and, of course, he should have been adamant when she came up with this unheard-of idea. And yet now Georgina was next to him, in the bar of one of the most unpresentable taverns in the port.

Mac would be very happy if the girl realized that her whims had taken her too far. She looked around nervously, like a puppy, and even the cutlass hidden in her sleeve did not add confidence and calm to her. However, stubbornness did not allow her to leave until she saw Mr. Willcox. Fortunately, she had the foresight to dress in such a way that it was difficult to suspect her of being a woman.

Her thin, fragile hands were hidden by huge, sloppy gloves that Mac had never seen before. They were so large that she could hardly lift the mug of ale that Mac had ordered for her. The picture was completed with patched trousers and a sweater. The clothes, borrowed from a junk dealer, were catastrophically too big for her, but did not make it possible to detect any suspicious bulges unless the girl raised her hands. On her feet were a pair of her own boots that were no longer repairable. Her brown hair was carefully tucked under a wool cap pulled so low that it almost covered her eyes.

Georgina in this outfit was a very pitiful sight, but she was in harmony with the surroundings much more than Mac, dressed in his own clothes, although not very sophisticated, but nevertheless noticeably superior in quality to the clothes of the sailors in the tavern. At least until two gentlemen appeared at the door.

It's amazing how quickly a noisy, bustling tavern can be silenced. In the instant silence that followed, all that could be heard was heavy snoring and Georgina’s whisper.

What does it mean?

Mac did not answer, motioning for her to remain silent, at least while the visitors tried to determine the intentions and mood of those entering. Apparently they simply decided to ignore them. The tables were noisy again. Mac looked at Georgina: she was sitting with her eyes downcast.

These are not the people we are waiting for, but, judging by the appearance, they are gentlemen. People like this don't come here often, as far as I understand.

In response, Georgina whispered:

Haven't I always said that these Englishmen have so much arrogance that they don't know what to do with it?

Always? - Mac chuckled. - As far as I remember, you started saying this when you were sixteen.

Only because I didn’t know about it before,” Georgina objected in a dissatisfied tone.

She disliked the British because they forcibly took away her fiancé; this irritation had not subsided since the end of the war and was unlikely to go away before she got the guy back. However, Georgina did not openly show her hostility, or so Mac believed. Here are her brothers, they did not hesitate to send curses to the British in vain long before the start of the war, when the blockade of European ports, begun by England, created great obstacles to trade. If anyone really had a grudge against the British, it was the Anderson brothers.

For ten years in a row, the girl constantly heard that the British were arrogant degenerates, and although at that time it did not particularly affect her, she could listen and nod sympathetically to her brothers. However, when English tyranny affected her personally, everything changed. True, she still did not speak out on this matter as ardently as her brothers. However, no one could doubt what contempt and what antipathy she felt for everything English. She was simply expressing her feelings in a polite manner.

Georgina felt Mac's surprise without even seeing his surprised smile. Her legs were shaking nervously, she was afraid to raise her head and look at this noisy crowd, and Mac found a reason to be surprised at something. She was tempted to look at the gentlemen who had entered, who were probably dressed like dandies. Finally she said:

Willcox, Mac. Do you remember him? This is what we came here for. Maybe we should...

Well, well, don’t fuss, calm down,” Mack interrupted her gently.

Georgina sighed:

Sorry. I just wish this guy would come sooner, if he's going to show up here at all. Are you sure he's not here yet?

He has several warts on his cheeks and nose and even more on his lower lip. He is a short, stocky, yellow-haired guy of about twenty-five. With such signs we will not miss him.

If only the appearance is described accurately,” Georgina noted.

Mac shrugged.

This is all we have, at least it’s better than nothing... I’m not going to go around all the tables and ask everyone... My God, your hair is falling out, girl...

Shh! - Georgina shushed, not allowing him to utter the dangerous word to the end and at the same time raising her hand to tuck in the treacherous curl.

At the same time, the sweater hugged her chest, revealing that she was female. Georgina quickly lowered her hand, but her movement did not escape the gaze of one of the two gentlemen, whose appearance in the tavern a few minutes ago had caused an unusual reaction from those present.

James Malory was interested in Georgina, although it was impossible to tell from his appearance. Today, together with Anthony, they have already visited eight taverns in search of Geordie Cameron, Roslyn’s cousin, a Scotsman by birth. This morning Anthony heard the story of how Cameron tried to force Roslyn to marry him, even kidnapping her, but she managed to escape. For this reason, in order to protect the girl from his vile and vulgar cousin, as Anthony put it, he married her. In addition, Anthony was determined to find the guy, give him a thorough beating, educate him about the fact that Roslyn was married, and send him back to Scotland, telling him that he should leave his cousin alone. Did Anthony just want to protect his bride, or were there some personal interests behind this?

Whatever Anthony's motives, when he saw the red-haired man in the bar, he decided that he had found the one he was looking for. That is why they positioned themselves so close to the bar, hoping to glean additional information from the man’s conversation with his interlocutor. All they knew about Geordie Cameron was that he was tall, blue-eyed, had red hair and a strong Scottish accent. The latter fact was revealed immediately when the man raised his voice slightly. James could have sworn the man was scolding his friend. Anthony first of all noted his Scottish accent.

What I heard is quite enough for me,” said Anthony, abruptly getting up from the table.

James was better acquainted with the taverns of the port than his brother; he knew what a fight could lead to. Almost everyone in the room can join her. And although Anthony was a first-class boxer (as, indeed, was James), sports rules did not apply here: while you fight with one, you may well get hit in the back by another.

Anticipating the likelihood of such a turn of events, James grabbed his brother's hand and hissed:

You haven't heard anything yet. Be reasonable, Tony. It is unknown how many friends drink here at his expense. It's better to wait until he rolls out of here.

- You you can wait as long as you like. And I have a young wife at home, and I can’t wait any longer.

But before his brother moved, James decided it would be prudent to call out to the man sitting, hoping that there would be no answer and that would be the end of it.


The answer followed, and how energetic it was. Hearing the familiar name, Georgina and Mac turned sharply towards James. The girl understood that by doing so she was exposing her face to the entire tavern, but she was so hoping to see Malcolm! Perhaps this gentleman called out to him just now. As for Mac, seeing how the tall, black-haired aristocrat decisively waved away the warning gesture of his blond friend, in whose gaze hostility was clearly visible, he instantly tensed and prepared to defend himself. In the blink of an eye, the brunette covered the distance separating them.

Throwing aside all caution, Georgina stared in fascination at the tall brunette - the most handsome blue-eyed devil she had ever seen. It flashed into her mind that he was apparently one of those gentlemen Mac had tried to tell her about earlier, and that he was significantly different from those of whom she had formed her own idea. There was nothing of a dandy or a veil in this gentleman. Undoubtedly, his suit was made of expensive material, but at the same time there were no frills in it. If it weren't for the overly fashionable tie, it would have been possible I would say that he dresses like any of her brothers when he wants to look a little more elegant than usual.

All this flashed through Georgina’s head, but she did not feel any calmer, because the gentleman’s intentions did not at all look friendly. It was felt that he was possessed by barely restrained anger, directed for some reason exclusively at Mac...

Cameron? - the man asked quietly, turning to Mac.

My name is McDonell, buddy. Ian McDonell.

You are lying!

Georgina was taken aback to hear such an accusation. She gasped as the man grabbed Mac by the lapels of his jacket and lifted him out of his chair. Both faces were a few inches apart, their gazes crossed; Mac's gray eyes sparkled with indignation. Georgina couldn't let them start a fight. Perhaps Mack, like every sailor, enjoys a fight with a scandal, but damn it, that’s not what they’re here for! And there’s no point in attracting everyone’s attention to yourself.

There was no time to think about further actions, and Georgina pulled a knife from her sleeve. She had no intention of using him at all, but only wanted to intimidate the elegant gentleman and make him retreat. But before she could take the knife with her huge gloves, it was knocked out of her hands.

After that, Georgina became truly frightened, remembering too late that the man who attacked Mac was not alone. She didn’t know why these people chose just two of them, although the hall was full and she could have fun with someone else. But she had heard that arrogant gentlemen like to demonstrate their strength and power and scare people from the lower classes. However, Georgina was not going to silently allow them to swagger over her. No way! It completely slipped my mind that she needed to remain unnoticed. An injustice similar to the one that had caused her to lose Malcolm had been committed.

Turning around, the girl desperately rushed to attack, gathering together all the indignation and anger that she felt towards the British, and especially towards the aristocrats. She punched and kicked the man, but only her fists and toes suffered. It felt like she was hitting a stone wall. However, this only inflamed her. “Don’t get your hopes up,” she said mentally. “I will not retreat from you, Stone Wall.”

This could have gone on forever if Stonewall hadn't decided it was time to end it. Suddenly Georgina felt herself fly away like a feather, and - oh horror! - the man’s hand lay on her chest.

But it didn't end there. The brunette holding Mac suddenly exclaimed loudly:

My God, it turns out he’s a woman!

“I know,” Stonewall replied.

Mac made an attempt to strike the black-haired gentleman, but the latter's fist knocked his hand off and pinned him to the bar counter.

There’s no need for that, MacDonell,” the brunette said. - I made a mistake. Wrong eye color. I apologize.

Mac was disheartened by how easily he was outplayed. He was as tall as the Englishman, but he could not pull his fist out from under his hand. And even if he could, he felt that nothing good would come of it.

He nodded sensibly, indicating that he accepted the apology, and then felt his hand free. However, Georgina continued to be held tightly by the blonde, whom Mac instinctively recognized as a more dangerous scoundrel.

Let her go, buddy, if you don't want any trouble.

Calm down, MacDonell,” the brunette said in an admonishing tone. - He won't harm the girl. Maybe you can take us to the exit?

Not necessary…

“Look around, dear friend,” the blond interrupted him. “It seems there is a need after my brother made such a mistake.”

Mac turned his head and cursed. The eyes of everyone present in the hall were fixed on the girl, who was held in an iron grip by a strong gentleman, moving with her to the doors. But here's a miracle: she didn't scream or complain about the rough treatment. In any case, Mac didn't notice anything of the kind, since her attempts to express indignation died down after a strong hand squeezed her ribs. Mac also wisely fell silent and followed them, realizing that if it weren’t for this formidable friend carrying Georgina away, he and the girl would not have been able to get far from the tavern.

Georgina was also aware that she could get into serious trouble if she didn't get out of here as quickly as possible. And it's all her own fault. All this forced her to humble her anger.

Suddenly their path was blocked by a pretty girl who worked in a tavern. She unceremoniously touched the unoccupied arm of the man carrying Georgina.

Will you come back here? Are you gone for good? Georgina pushed back her hat to see how beautiful this girl was, and heard Stonewall's voice:

I'll be back later, baby.

The girl's face brightened. She did not even consider it necessary to look at Georgina, who suddenly realized with amazement that she was eager to be in the company of this caveman. What amazing tastes people have!

“I finish at two,” she clarified.

So at two.

Two girls for one is, I think, too much.

These words were spoken by a burly sailor who rose from the table and blocked the path to the door.

Georgina went cold. The sailor was clearly one of those who likes to bully and is good with his fists. And he surpassed the Stone Wall in height and size. True, she forgot about the other gentleman, whom he called brother and who came up and stood next to her. Sighing, he said:

I don't think you need to put her down and get involved in this, James.

Get out of here, buddy,” the sailor warned his brother. “He has no right to come here and take away not one, but two of our women at once.”

Two? Is this little ragamuffin your woman? - The brother looked into the face of Georgina, who met him with a murderous look. Perhaps for this reason he asked only after some hesitation: “Are you his woman, dear?”

Oh, how she wanted to say “yes!” If only she was sure that she would have time to escape while the sailor was destroying these two. But she had no such confidence. She could have been as angry as she wanted at both gentlemen, and especially at the one named James who had grabbed her so indelicately, but she had to hide her anger and shake her head.

“I believe the answer is exhaustive,” the brother said in a tone that did not allow any objections. - Now don’t be a fool and move out of the way.

But the sailor insisted:

He won't take her out of here!

“Damn you,” the gentleman said in a tired tone, and his fist came into contact with the sailor’s jaw, after which the sailor landed a few feet away and remained motionless. A man rose from the table where he had previously been sitting with a menacing roar. There was a short straight blow, and the man plopped down on a chair, covering his nose with his hand. Blood flowed from under his hand and down his chin.

The gentleman slowly looked around at those sitting at the tables, arching a black eyebrow questioningly. - Are there anyone else interested?

Behind him, Mac grinned, realizing only now how lucky he was that he didn't get into a fight with the Englishman. No one else in the hall accepted the call. The denouement happened instantly. Everyone realized that in front of them was a first-class boxer.

Well done, my boy,” James congratulated his brother. - I hope we can leave here now?

Anthony bowed and stretched his lips into a smile:

After you, old man.

Leaving the tavern, James lowered the girl to the ground. By the light of the lantern above the front door, she finally had the opportunity to really look at him for the first time. After a moment's hesitation, she kicked him in the shin and started running down the street. Cursing loudly, he started to rush after her, but after a few steps he stopped, realizing the futility of the chase. The street was dark, and Georgina was already out of sight.

He turned back and cursed again when he discovered that McDonell had also disappeared.

Where did that damn Scotsman go? Anthony laughed.

For this we need to thank you. I wanted to ask him why they both turned when they heard Cameron's name.

“To hell with Cameron,” James snapped. - Another thing is how can I find her if I don’t even know her name?

Find her? - Anthony chuckled again. - My God, you just don’t feel sorry for yourself! Why do you need this brawler if a beauty no worse is waiting for you now?

However, for some reason, James suddenly lost interest in the beauty from the tavern.

“She interested me,” James suddenly admitted and shrugged. - But perhaps you're right. That tavern babe can comfort me, even though she spent as much time on your lap as she did on mine.

But, having said this, he still took a long look at the dark street and, sighing, headed towards the carriage waiting for him.

Georgina sat shaking in the basement under the stairs. Not even a ray of light penetrated where she was hiding. It was quiet and dark all around, as was the street.

You couldn't say she was cold. After all, it was summer and the weather was much like New England. She was most likely shaking from shock. Obviously, this was a belated reaction to the experience. But who would have thought that Stonewall could look at her like that?

She still saw his aristocratic face, his piercing gaze - curious, crystal clear, greenish, clear eyes. She was frightened by a word that suddenly came to her mind, although she did not understand the reason. These were eyes that could cause fear not only in a woman, but also in a man. Direct, fearless, merciless gaze. Georgina began to tremble again.

She gave free rein to her imagination. Was there simple curiosity in his eyes when he looked at her? No, not only. There was something more to them that she was not yet familiar with and that she could not put into words. But this something worried and excited. So what is it?

However, does it really matter? And why is she doing this nonsense, trying to analyze him? She had never seen him before - thank God! And as soon as his toes stopped hurting (she had kicked him very hard the last time), Georgina would stop thinking about him altogether.

Is James a first or last name? What's the difference? And his shoulders - God, what broad shoulders he has. Stone Wall... Quite an appropriate nickname. A sort of mighty stone wall... made of beautiful stones. Of the beautiful ones? Georgina giggled. Well. The bricks are beautiful, even very beautiful. Oh no, no! What is she thinking about? He's just a big monkey with handsome features, that's all. And then he is an Englishman, too old for her, and even an aristocrat, whom she hates. He's probably rich, he can buy whatever he wants. Laws mean nothing to this person. Wasn't he acting outrageously towards her? Lecher, slut...


The whisper came to her from afar. She didn't answer right away:

I'm here, Mac.

A few seconds later she heard Mac's footsteps and saw a shadow fall at the top of the stairs.

You can come out, girl. There's no one on the street.

“I hear there’s no one,” Georgina grumbled, going up the stairs. -Where have you been for so long? I hope they weren't the ones who detained you?

No, I just waited outside the tavern so they wouldn't follow me. I was afraid that the yellowhead would run to catch up with you, but his brother besieged him.

That’s how he would have caught me, the big guy,” Georgina snorted.

“Be glad he didn’t chase you,” Mac said, going out with Georgina into the street. - Maybe next time you’ll listen to me...

If you say it's all my fault, I won't talk to you for a week.

Maybe this will be for the better.

Okay, I was wrong. I admit it. Do you forgive me?

Okay... These two gentlemen mistook me for someone else, so you have nothing to do with it.

But they were looking for Cameron. What if Malcolm?

How is this possible? They thought Cameron was me. Let me ask you: do I look like him?

Georgina laughed, somewhat relieved. Really. What common? Malcolm was a rangy eighteen-year-old when he proposed to her. Of course, he's grown into a man now, probably gaining weight and growing a little taller. But his hair color remained the same as that of the arrogant Englishman - a brunette with blue eyes, and he was more than twenty years younger than Mac.

“Whoever this Cameron is, I can only sympathize with the poor thing,” said Georgina.

What, did he scare you? - Mac chuckled.

He? But there were two of them.

Yes, but as I noticed, you only want to deal with one thing.

Georgina wasn't going to argue about this.

They're kind of... different, aren't they, Mac? That is, they seem to be similar, but different. Probably brothers, although you can't tell by looking at them. And there is something special about this James... However, all this is probably nonsense. I'm not sure about this myself.

It's amazing that you felt this, my dear.

What exactly?

Which of the two is he more dangerous? One had only to look at him when he entered... And how he looked everyone in the eyes... How he joked with these thugs from the tavern... He was dressed elegantly, and felt at home among the crowd.

Is that what you determined as soon as you looked at him?

Yes, girl. Intuition and experience... Yes, you felt it too. It's good that you're a great runner.

What do you want to say? That he didn't want to let us go?

He doesn’t need me, but he didn’t want to lose you.

If he hadn't held me, I would have broken his nose.

As far as I remember, you tried to do this, but without much success.

“You’re making fun of me,” Georgina sighed.

Your brothers haven’t laughed like that before,” Mac chuckled.

“It was a long time ago, back in childhood,” the girl objected.

I remember how you were ready to tear Boyd to shreds and chased him around the house. This happened quite recently - last winter.

He is still, one might say, a child and also a terrible mischief-maker.

But he is older than Malcolm.

Fi! - Georgina passed Mac. -You are the same as many others. Ian McDonell!

“If you want someone to sympathize with you, then say so,” he shouted, trying to hold back his laughter.

They rode to Hendon, a village seven miles northwest of London, on two old nags hired by Mac. The journey was pleasant, Georgina admitted as much, although she continued to despise everything English. Picturesque forests gave way to valleys and hills, from which magnificent landscapes opened; here and there hedgerows of blooming hawthorn, rosehip and honeysuckle were visible, and bluebells gleamed along the roadsides.

In Hendon there were several dozen pretty cottages, a relatively recently built estate and even a charity house - a vast red brick building. There was also a small hotel located in the courtyard of which there was such activity that Mac chose not to stop near it, but to go to an old church covered with ivy with a high stone tower. There he hoped to find out where Malcolm's cottage was.

The fact that Malcolm did not live in London was a complete surprise to Mac and Georgina. It took three whole weeks to find Mr. Willcox, Malcolm's supposed friend, who, as it turned out, was not such at all. However, he gave a new tip, and finally they, or rather Mac, got lucky and found a person who knew where Malcolm was.

While Mac worked half a day every day to earn money for travel and the search for Malcolm, Georgina, at his insistence, spent all three weeks locked in her room, reading and re-reading the only book brought from overseas. In the end, she got so tired of the book that she threw it out the window, hitting one of the tavern regulars and almost losing her room because of it. This was the only acute sensation that she experienced all the time, and she sometimes wanted to climb the wall or throw something else out of the window in order to somehow enliven the monotonous days. And finally, the night before, Mac had appeared with the news that Malcolm was living in Hendon, and in a matter of minutes she would meet him.

Her excitement reached its limit. In the morning she had been preparing for this moment longer than it took to get here, although she usually paid little attention to her appearance. Georgina put on her best outfit, which she had brought with her - a yellow dress and a short, matching jacket. It's a pity that the dress was slightly wrinkled during the ride. She carefully tucked her thick brown hair under a silk hat, also yellow, although a few curls fell on her cheeks and forehead. Her face flushed, her lips turned cherry color.

Sitting impressively on the old nag, Georgina looked around, attracting Hampstead's attention. However, she did not notice any of this, being busy with thoughts and memories of Malcolm. Although there were not so many episodes related to him, they were very dear to her.

She met Malcolm Cameron the day she jumped into the water from Warren's ship because she was tired of her brother's teachings, and six dock workers rushed to save her. Half of them were no better swimmers than she, and Malcolm was on the dock next to his father, and he wanted to look like a hero. As a result, Georgina got out of the water herself, and Malcolm had to be rescued. But his action made a strong impression on her. He was fourteen then, she was twelve years old, and she decided that he was the most beautiful, most amazing boy in the world.

These feelings did not change much in the following years, although she had to be reminded of who she was the next time she and Malcolm met. And then there was the evening at Mary Ann's, where Georgina asked Malcolm to dance and stepped on his feet several times. Malcolm was sixteen, he had matured during this time, and although he remembered Georgina, he seemed to be more interested in his peer Mary Ann.

Of course, Georgina did not intend to appropriate him for the whole evening and did not give out a single hint that her sympathy had grown into love. Another year passed before she decided to take some steps, and acted in a very prudent manner. Malcolm continued to be the best boy in town, but his prospects were not the brightest. Georgina learned that Malcolm dreamed of becoming the captain of his own ship. To do this, he needed to work a lot and hard. She, like all her brothers, had an excellent dowry - her own ship upon reaching the age of eighteen. True, she could not, following the example of her brothers, become the captain of this ship, but her husband could take this place, and she made sure that Malcolm knew about this.

The move was very accurately calculated, and she even felt some remorse, especially when the plan worked. Malcolm began courting her a few months before her sixteenth birthday, and proposed on her birthday. She is sixteen, she is in love and incredibly happy! It is not surprising that Georgina was able to quickly forget about the underlying feeling of guilt due to the fact that she bought herself a husband. In the end, no one twisted Malcolm's arms. He got what he wanted, just like she did. And then, she was sure that he had certain feelings for her and that they would develop and eventually equal in strength to her feelings. So everything was going fine, if not for the British, damn them.

Her brothers attempted to intervene. She learned that they had accommodated her and allowed her to get engaged at the age of sixteen, hoping that she would change her mind ten times before she turned eighteen. However, Georgina outwitted them. After the end of the war, the brothers repeatedly tried to persuade her to forget Malcolm and find another husband, especially since there was no shortage of offers. After all, she had a significant dowry. However, she remained faithful to her only love, despite the fact that it became increasingly difficult to explain and justify the fact that Malcolm had not returned to her, although four years had passed since the end of the war. But surely Malcolm had a good reason for this, and today she would finally recognize it and get married before leaving England.

It should be here, girl. Georgina fixed her gaze on a small cozy cottage with whitewashed walls and well-tended flower beds with roses growing in them. She shrugged her shoulders nervously and didn't even move when Mac held out his hands to help her dismount.

Maybe he's not at home?

Mac said nothing, standing patiently with his hands outstretched. There was smoke coming from the chimney of the house, and both of them could see it clearly. There was clearly someone in the cottage. Georgina bit her lip nervously, then squared her shoulders. After all, why should she be nervous? She looked great, much better than the last time Malcolm saw her. And he, of course, will be glad that she found him.

Georgina allowed Mac to take her off the horse and followed him to the door along the red brick path. It would be nice to rest for a few seconds to let his heart calm down, but Mac didn't care about such little things. He knocked vigorously on the door and then opened it. And at the same moment, Georgina saw Malcolm Cameron in the doorway. She had managed to forget his face, but now she remembered it, especially since it had practically not changed, only a few wrinkles typical of a sailor appeared under the eyes. He seemed to remain the same age; in any case, he looked younger than twenty-four, although he had grown noticeably. Malcolm was at least six feet, about the same height as James. Lord, why did she suddenly drag James here? But stretching upward, he did not expand in width, remaining slender, even somewhat lanky. Georgina never liked her too broad chest and knobby, muscular arms.

Malcolm looked graceful, even more than graceful. He remained as beautiful as ever. Georgina did not immediately notice a blond, gray-eyed girl of about two years old in his arms. Georgina's gaze was fixed on Malcolm, who was also looking at her and did not seem to recognize her. But he must recognize her. After all, she hasn't changed that much. Of course, he was surprised, but this is quite natural. The last thing he could have expected was Georgina to appear on the threshold of his cottage.

She should have said something, but her head was not working well. Malcolm looked over at Mac. His expression quickly changed and a friendly smile appeared, indicating that he recognized Mac. This offended the girl who had made such a long journey to find him.

Ian McDonell? Is it really you?

Yes , guy, it's me, in person.

In England? - Malcolm shook his head in disbelief, then chuckled. - I can not believe it! Come on in! Damn it, what a surprise!

Yes, surprise. And for all of us, I think so,” Mac said dully, looking at Georgina. - Do you have anything to say, girl?

Yes. - Georgina entered the small hall and took a quick glance at it. Then her eyes fell on the groom again, after which she asked bluntly: “Whose child is this, Malcolm?”

Mac coughed and looked up at the ceiling, as if unplaned logs were of the greatest interest to him. Malcolm furrowed his brows and lowered the girl to the floor.

Do I know you, miss?

You really don't recognize me? - Georgina asked with great relief.

Should I recognize you? - Malcolm said even more puzzled.

Mac coughed again. Or did he choke this time? Georgina glanced in his direction with disapproval, after which she put on perhaps the most affectionate and gentle smile of her life.

Yes, I should, but I forgive you for not recognizing me. After all, it was so long ago, and I was told that I had changed a lot since then. Now I really believe it. - She laughed nervously. “I’m a little embarrassed that I have to introduce myself to you.” I'm Georgina Anderson, Malcolm, your fiancee.

Little Georgie? - Malcolm laughed, but his laugh sounded muffled and unnaturally dull. - Can't be. Georgie?

I assure you…

But this can’t be true! - he exclaimed, but in his words there was not doubt, but horror. - Such a beauty! After all, she wasn’t... that is, she didn’t look like that... But no one can change to that extent.

“I can’t agree with you,” Georgina said rather harshly. - This did not happen overnight, as you understand. If you had seen me constantly, you would have seen a gradual change... but you were not there... Clinton, who had been away for three years, was amazed at the change, but still recognized me.

But he's your brother! - Malcolm objected.

And you are my fiance! - she retorted.

Oh my God, I hope you're not thinking... That was what... five or six years ago? I couldn’t even think that you were waiting for me... And then this war... It changed everything, don’t you understand?

No, I don't understand. You were on an English ship when the war began, but through no fault of your own. You remained an American.

That's the thing... I never considered myself an American. It was my parents who wanted to settle in America, not me.

What do you mean, Malcolm?

That I am English and always have been. That's what I said when they recruited me, and they believed that I was not a deserter. They allowed me to hire myself as a sailor on the ship, which I gladly did. I didn't care who I swam with. Gradually I made a career. Now I am the second assistant on...

“We know the name of your ship,” Georgina interrupted him. “Thanks to this, we found you, although it took us a whole month.” Your accounting and registration are very poorly done; here the Americans are vastly superior to you. My brothers always know where to find any crew member when he's on shore... Well, that's just a saying. So you sided with the British! Four of my brothers were privateers during the war, and you could have killed any of them!

Calm down, girl,” Mac intervened. - You know that he was forced to fight against us.

Yes, but he did it voluntarily! After all, he is a real traitor!

No, he talks about love for the country where he was born. You can't blame a person for this.

Yes, it’s impossible, no matter how much she wants it. Damn English! How she hated them! Not only did they steal Malcolm, but they completely remade him. He was now an Englishman and, apparently, proud of it. But he was also her fiancé. But the war was already over.

Malcolm's face was flushed - either from embarrassment, or from annoyance at the contempt that sounded in Georgina's words. Georgina's cheeks were also flushed. Yes, this is not how she imagined meeting her groom.

Mac is right, Malcolm. I regret that I took something so close to my heart that... well, it no longer matters. Nothing changed. My feelings remain the same. And the proof is that I'm here.

Why did you come here? Georgina looked at him silently for a few seconds, then her eyes narrowed to slits.

Why? But the answer is obvious! The question is: why did I need to come here? However, only you can answer this. Why didn't you come back to Bridgeport after the war, Malcolm?

There was no reason for this.

There was no reason? - She choked with anger. - I beg to differ. There was such a trifle - we were going to get married... Or did you prefer to forget about it?

Malcolm could hardly meet her gaze.

I haven't forgotten. But I didn't think you were still waiting for me, since I became an Englishman and all that...

You just didn't want me anymore because I was American? - Georgina asked the question point blank.

That’s not the point,” he objected. - To be honest, I didn’t think you were waiting for me. My ship has crashed. I thought that you considered me dead.

Everyone in my family is sailors, Malcolm. The information we receive is usually accurate. Yes, your ship was wrecked, but there were no deaths. We knew about this. We just didn’t know what happened to you after... how recently we saw you on Pogrom. I am ready to admit that you could be hesitant about whether the bride is waiting for you or not. But in that case, it would be right to find out. If you didn't want to come, you could write. Now ties between the countries have resumed. You can always see one or two English ships in our port.

She felt like she was being overly sarcastic, but she couldn't control herself. Just think how many more years she could have waited for this man who had no intention of returning to her! She was wounded, did not want to listen to his explanations, and he did not even have the strength to look at her.

I wrote you a letter.

Georgina understood that this was a lie, an attempt to soothe her wounded pride, a cowardly way to somehow get out of an unpleasant situation. Malcolm didn't know that she had long ago given up her pride when she decided to buy it. His apology does nothing to improve matters.

There was no anger in her, she was just terribly disappointed in him. Therefore, he was not perfect, not considerate, or even truly honest. She drove him into a corner, and he tried to lie, sparing, as it seemed to him, her pride. But this can hardly be attributed to its merits.

Apparently, Malcolm, your letter was never meant to reach me. “She listened to Malcolm sniffle, and she wanted to kick him. - You must have written that you remained alive and well after the war?

And that you became a patriot of another country, unlike me?

Yes exactly.

And with this in mind, you release me from the obligations that the engagement imposes.

Or did you express the hope that you would still unite with me?

Well, of course I...

And then you decided that I wouldn't marry you when you didn't hear back from me?

Exactly. Georgina sighed:

What a pity that the letter did not arrive. So much time wasted.

What do you want to say?

Why are you so surprised, Malcolm? I'm still going to marry you. That's why I'm here. But just don’t expect me to live in England, I won’t do this even for your sake. But you can come here as much as you like. As captain of my ship Amphitrite, you can trade exclusively with England if you wish.

I... I... God, Georgie... I...

Malcolm! - A young woman appeared at the door. - Why don’t you tell me that we have guests? “Turning to Georgina with a friendly smile, she introduced herself: “I’m Meg Cameron, madam.” Are you from the estate? Apparently they're having a party again?

Georgina looked at the woman for a while, then at a boy of about five peeking out from behind her skirt, who had black hair like Malcolm, blue eyes like Malcolm, and a handsome face like Malcolm. She then turned her gaze to the boy's father, who stood with a martyr's expression on his face.

Your sister, Malcolm? - Georgina asked in the most pleasant tone.

No. - I also think not.

Without saying goodbye, without expressing any wishes, and without even telling her groom to go to hell, Georgina turned and left the small white cottage, parting forever with her hopes and girlish dreams. She heard Mac speak, apparently apologizing to Meg Cameron for Georgina's impoliteness. Then he caught up with her and helped her onto the horse.

Mac didn't say anything to Georgina until they left the village. Georgina tried to squeeze at least some speed out of the poor animal, but in vain. Mac had time to carefully examine Georgina's calm face. He had a nasty habit of saying directly what he thought, even when such directness was inappropriate.

Why don't you cry, girl?

She wanted to ignore his words and if she had decided that way, Mac would never have gotten anything out of her. However, what was bubbling inside her required a way out.

I'm too angry right now. This pathetic bastard apparently got married in the first port, long before the end of the war. It is not surprising that he became a patriot of England. It's all about his marriage!

Yes, it's possible. Although it could have been different.

What's the difference now? While I was sitting at home grieving for him, he got married, had children and was having a great time. Mac coughed.

Of course, you lost time, that's true, but you weren't sad.

Georgina snorted indignantly, annoyed that she was not understood.

I loved him, Mac.

You loved your dream that he would be yours. He's a handsome guy. It was your childhood fantasy. You should have broken up with her a long time ago. If you weren’t so stubborn, everything would have been resolved long ago.

Is not…

Do not interrupt me! If you truly loved him, you would cry now, and then get angry later, and not vice versa.

“I’m crying inside,” she said sternly. - You just can't see it.

Thank you for sparing me. I can't stand women's tears.

Georgina gave him a withering look.

The men are all on the same page. You have feelings like… a stone wall!

If you're looking for my sympathy, you won't get it, girl. Remember that four years ago I advised you to forget this man. Didn't I tell you that you would regret it if you came here? That's your stubbornness! So what's the result?

Disappointment, humiliation, heartache...

And deception.

Why are you making the pill even more bitter? - Georgina exploded.

For self-preservation, my dear. I told you I can't stand crying. And while you're yelling at me, you won't cry on my shoulder... Oh, for God's sake, don't do that, Georgie! - Mac was alarmed when he saw how her face wrinkled. Tears flowed in a powerful stream, and Mac was forced to stop the horses and hold out his hands to Georgina.

She moved over to Mac and buried her head in his shoulder. However, it was not enough for her to simply cry. The anger bursting out of her burst out in sobs and screams.

These beautiful children were meant to be mine, Mac!

You will have your own, a whole brood!

Will not! I'm too old!

This is at twenty-two years old? “Suddenly he nodded and, holding back a smile, said: “Actually, of course, she’s old.”

Georgina raised her head:

Well, we found something to agree with! Mac's red eyebrows rose in mock surprise.

Did I agree?

Georgina snorted and began to wail again:

Well, why didn’t this woman show up a couple of minutes earlier, before I had made a fool of myself and told this dog that I still wanted to marry him?

Are you saying he's a male?

The most vile and most disgusting!

Well, now you've said everything you wanted to tell him. You took revenge, if only you wanted revenge.

This is some kind of male logic that the female mind is unable to understand! I didn't take revenge on him! I felt humiliated!

No, you showed him what he lost in your face. He lost a girl he didn't recognize because she became a beauty. I lost the ship that I could command, and therefore, I lost my dream. Yes, he is probably biting his elbows now and cursing himself with the last words!

Well, he may have lost the ship. As for me... He has a job that he is proud of, beautiful children, a nice wife...

Pleasant, true, but not Georgina Anderson, owner of Amphitrite, one of the co-owners of the Skylark Line company. Even though she does not take part in management, she has the same share income as everyone else. And again, everyone considers her the most beautiful girl on the entire east coast.

And it's all?

Isn't that enough for you?

No. The girl may be beautiful now, but she wasn't always like this. And then, what good would it do if she wasted her best years? - Mac tried to object, but she didn’t let him get a word in. “And even though she has her own money, and a fairly tidy sum, now she doesn’t even have enough to buy a ticket home.” And no matter how she looks, the fact remains: she is an ordinary gullible fool, she doesn’t understand people at all, and she doesn’t have a penny of intelligence.

You're already repeating yourself. Stupid, not worth a damn...

Don't interrupt me.

How can I not interrupt you if you are talking absolute nonsense! Well, you've stopped shedding tears, and now try to see the bright side in all this.

Yes, they simply don’t exist!

You're in vain! Think for yourself: would you be happy with such a disgusting... male?

Georgina tried to smile, but her lips trembled and the smile did not come out.

I am very grateful. Mac, for trying to console me now, but it’s unlikely to help. I now want only one thing - to be home as soon as possible, and God grant that I never again meet a single Englishman with his disgusting correct speech, with his vaunted self-control and his treacherous sons.

Sadly, my dear, you can find treacherous sons in any country.

Each country has its own Stone Wall, but I do not intend to marry this wall.

Married to the wall? You're talking nonsense again. What kind of stone wall is this?

Oh, Mac, send me home as soon as possible! Find a ship quickly... Any one! Not necessarily American, as long as it goes to America, and quickly. You can pawn my ring to buy a ticket.

Are you out of your mind, girl? Your father gave it to you. He brought it from...

So what? - Georgie objected obstinately. - Do you intend to engage in robbery? We have no other way to get money for tickets. I'm not going to stay here until they can be earned. And then, the ring can always be bought back when we get home.

You decided to come here too quickly. We must learn from mistakes and not repeat them.

There is no need to encourage me to be patient. I endured for six whole years, and this was precisely my biggest mistake. From now on I will be impatient in everything.

Georgie,” Mac began.

Why are you arguing with me? Until we set sail, there will be a constantly sobbing woman next to you! It seemed to me that you can’t stand women’s tears!

“Women’s stubbornness is even worse,” Mac thought.

Well, if that’s how you put the question,” he said with a sigh.

The forest of masts without sails against the sky in the port of London did not at all serve as a guarantee that out of this huge number of ships at least one would head for America in the near future. Of course, one can assume that such a ship will exist; one can even bet on it. But Georgina would have lost the bet if she had decided to keep it.

Most of the ships that arrived last month, one of which Georgina arrived on, have already left port. If we discounted those ships that did not take passengers, then there were only a few American ships that were not supposed to set sail until next year, which could not suit the impatient Georgina. There was a ship in port bound for New York, which is very close to Bridgeport, but, according to the first mate, it was unlikely to go to sea any time soon. The captain of the ship was besieging an English maiden and swore that he would not set sail until he married her. Hearing about this, Georgina tore her two dresses and threw the chamber pot out the window.

She desperately wanted to leave England immediately and was ready to agree to an eight- or even ten-month voyage on any of the American ships, as long as it went to sea no later than a week. When she told Mac about this on the third day, a few hours later he named three English ships that would go to sea the following week. Previously, he had hesitated to name them to Georgina, believing that she would immediately reject them for the simple reason that they were English and were staffed by an English team, and her dislike of everything English was no less strong than her desire to get home as quickly as possible. Therefore, even now, Georgina resolutely and sharply refused to deal with the English courts. After this, not without hesitation, Mack announced an alternative option.

There is one ship that goes out to sea in the morning during high tide. The captain doesn’t take passengers, but they need a boatswain and... a cabin boy.

There was a twinkle in Georgina's eyes, indicating that she was interested.

Do you think that you can quickly get home with it?

Of course, the journey will take a month or a little more, but it’s still better than hanging out at sea for six months with a girl for whom the main principle in life is to be impatient.

At this, Mac rolled his eyes so expressively that Georgina giggled. It was the first time since Malcolm's betrayal that she found anything funny.

Maybe I won't be so impatient if we're on our way home... You know, Mac, I think it's a great idea! - she said with unexpected enthusiasm. - Is this an American ship? He is big? Where is he going?

Take your time, girl. This is not at all the ship you imagine. This is the Virgin Anne from the West Indies, a fast three-masted schooner. A real beauty! And it looks like a warship, although it belongs to a private person.

It would be useful for a merchant ship from the West Indies to have weapons on board; they would probably have encounters with pirates. In the Caribbean Sea, Skylark Line ships are constantly being attacked.

That's true,” Mac agreed. - But the Virgin Anna is not a merchant ship, at least on this voyage. There will be no weight on it. Only ballast.

What kind of captain is this who doesn't care about profit at all? - Georgina asked, wanting to tease Mac, who had been sailing on a merchant ship for thirty-five years.

Mac snorted impatiently.

He is one of those people who swim where their soul takes them. So said one of his team members.

So he is the owner of the ship and therefore rich if he can keep it for his own pleasure?

“It seems so,” Mac agreed.

What difference does it make to us whether the schooner is sailing with or without cargo? The main thing is that she gets us home.

Yes, but there is a catch here. The ship is heading to Jamaica, not America.

To Jamaica? - Georgina asked disappointedly. But after a moment she joyfully exclaimed: “But there are Skylark Line offices in Jamaica!” After all, this is one of the ports where Thomas calls. We may be there at the same time as him. And if we don’t have time and he’s no longer there, there will be other Skylark Line ships - for example, Bond’s, Drew’s ships, not to mention mine. - Georgina smiled again. “This will delay us for a few weeks at most.” But not for six months! After all, it’s better than staying here for at least one more day.

I don't know, girl... The more I think about this possibility, the more I regret telling you about it.

But I’m the opposite: the more I think about it, the more I like this idea. You can't think of a better way out.

But you have to work,” Mac reminded her. - You will have to be the captain’s liaison, serve food, clean the cabin and carry out any of his instructions. You will be busy all the time.

So what? Or do you want to say that I am not able to carry out basic instructions? After all, I scrubbed the deck, cleaned the guns, climbed the ropes...

It was so many years ago, girl! Then you were not such a lady as you are now. Your father and brothers, when they returned to port, allowed you to do whatever you wanted on the ship. They even demanded that you learn to do jobs on the ship that you weren't supposed to do. But here it will be your responsibility, and you will be among strangers. This is not a job for a girl, you will have to forget that you are a girl if you decide to do it.

I understood everything perfectly. Poppy. I need to throw out the dresses and put on pants. And when you put on trousers... Dress a boy in a woman's dress, and you will see an ugly girl in front of you. And the girl in trousers looks like a cute boy. Apparently, I tore my dresses yesterday very opportunely.

“You just have to open your mouth or look into someone’s eyes, and your masquerade will immediately be revealed,” Mac reminded sternly.

Yes, but that time I tried to pass myself off as a man, which was very stupid with my face. Wait a minute! - Georgina stopped Mac's possible objections. - There is no need to complicate and confuse everything! Here the situation is different, and you understand it. Yunga is a boy, and a boy can have subtle facial features. It happens often. And in terms of her height, figure, timbre of voice and... - She glanced at her chest. - If I bandage it tightly here, I can pass for a boy of about ten years old.

What gives you away is that you are too smart to be ten years old! - Mac objected.

Well, okay, let me become a twelve-year-old smart boy with retarded physical development! “And she added very firmly: “I can do it, Mac.” And if you yourself did not believe in this, you would not have started telling me about such a possibility.

I did a big stupid thing, now I don’t doubt it at all. And who do you think is responsible for this?

Well, well, calm down! - Georgina smiled. - Tomorrow I will become a little guy, and you will look at everything from a different perspective. And besides, the faster I get home, the faster you will be free of me.

Mac grunted.

It is not that simple. You will have to play this role for a month or more. The problem will be to find a place to relieve oneself when there are men around.

Poppy! - Georgina blushed. Being in constant communication with five brothers, who sometimes forgot about her presence, she sometimes came across things that were not intended for the eyes and ears of a girl. “I’m not saying there won’t be difficulties, but I’m smart enough to overcome them.” Unlike most girls, I know the ship like the back of my hand, and I also know the places that sailors try to avoid. I won't be afraid of a hold that is infested with rats. And then, even if the deception is revealed... Well, what could happen? Do you really think that they will throw me overboard in the middle of the ocean? May they not do this! Most likely they will lock me in a cabin, and when the ship calls at some port, they will simply put me ashore. Well, that's what I need if I fail to play my role well.

They argued for quite a long time, but in the end Mac gave in and said with a sigh:

Okay, have it your way, I’ll try to negotiate with the captain to work as a boatswain for free, but on the condition that I take my brother with me.

Georgina's eyebrows rose, then she burst out laughing.

Brother? No Scottish accent?

Well, maybe a half-brother,” Mac corrected himself, “who grew up away from me. This removes all questions, including those about the age difference.

But I realized that they need a cabin boy! They may insist on this. I know my brothers never sailed without a cabin boy.

I said I'll try. They still have half a day to find the other boy. .

I hope they don’t agree,” Georgina replied. And she wanted it from the bottom of her heart. - For me, it’s better to work than to sit back... Especially if I pretend to be a boy. And I obviously shouldn’t call myself your sister, because in this case they may not take you as a boatswain and we will lose any opportunity to be on board this ship. We need to decide everything now.

You don't have boy's clothes.

We can buy on the way.

We need to get rid of your things.

You can give them to the owner.

What about your hair?

I'll cut them off.

Do not dare! Yes, your brothers will kill me! She rummaged through her suitcase and pulled out the wool cap she had worn at the tavern.

Here! - She waved her cap in front of Mac’s nose. - Stop inventing all sorts of fears! Let's go to the captain of the ship this very minute!

Just don't be so impatient again! - Mac said grumpily.

Georgina laughed and, opening the door, said:

We haven't gone to sea yet, Mac. Tomorrow I won't be like this. I promise!

Sir Malory motioned for the waiter to bring him a second bottle of port, leaned back in his chair and looked at his elder brother.

You know, James, I honestly will miss you. You had to first settle all your affairs in the Caribbean, and only then return home. And now you wouldn’t have to start this journey.

How was I supposed to know that the transfer of real estate would be so easy? - James objected. - Don’t forget, I came home only to settle scores with Eden. How did I know that he was going to marry and enter our family clan and that the old people intended to restore my rights when I was done with past affairs?

The old people received another nephew as a gift, this decided the matter. They are damn sentimental when it comes to family.

Are you not? Anthony chuckled:

Me too. But you won’t keep yourself waiting long, I hope? And then everything will go just like the good old days when you were here.

But indeed then, in our young years, there were glorious times.

Do you remember how we were attracted to the same women? - Anthony smiled.

And both received the same scoldings from the old men...

The brothers wished us well. Jason and Eddie took on responsibility from a young age. They had no time to frolic.

There is no need to protect them, brother,” James replied. - I hope you don’t think I have a grudge against them? Frankly, I judged myself as much as you judged me.

“I never judged you,” Anthony protested.

Have a drink, my boy,” James said briefly. “Perhaps this will help refresh your memory.”

I assure you, my memory is fine. I was furious when you disappeared that summer with Reggie. This was eight years ago. After all, you were hanging out on your damn pirate ship for three whole months, and the girl was only twelve years old at the time! But after you came back with her and I gave you a good beating, which you clearly deserved, I forgot about it. And you, by the way, took the beating without indignation, and I still don’t understand why. Maybe you can at least explain?

James raised an eyebrow.

Do you think that I could do something alone against three? You have given me more confidence than I deserved, my boy.

But you didn't even try to fight that day. Jason and Edward may not have noticed it, but I've spent too many rounds with you in the boxing ring not to feel it.

James just shrugged.

I understood that I deserved condemnation. I used to think it was just a funny joke to steal her away from under her older brother's nose. I was angry at Jackson because he denied me even the opportunity to see Regan after I...

"Reggie," Anthony corrected mechanically.

Regan,” James repeated stubbornly, renewing an old dispute with his brothers regarding his niece’s diminutive name. The fact is that James always strived to do things differently, to go his own way and follow his own rules. Now they both remembered this and smiled.

Okay, let her be Regan today. James smacked his hand over his ear.

It seemed to me that there was something wrong with my hearing...

“Damn you,” Anthony grumbled, unable, however, to contain his smile. - Continue telling your story before I fall asleep. Wait a minute, there's another bottle here.

Do you want to make me a fool again?

“I never even thought of this,” said Anthony, filling his glasses to the brim.

I believe what you told me last time we were at the Whites'. But as I recall, your friend Amherst had to drag us both home. By the way, what did your wife tell you about this?

So, nothing, nothing interesting,” Anthony said rather sourly.

James burst out laughing, which attracted the attention of many visitors.

I honestly cannot understand where your sophistication has gone, my boy. You lost the lady's favor already on the second day after your marriage... And only because you could not convince her that the girl from the tavern, who fidgeted a little on your lap, did not belong to you that evening.

Of course, it’s damn unlucky that the beauty left a long hair on the lapel of your jacket, and your wife managed to find it. But why didn’t you explain to Roslyn that it was because of her that you ended up in the tavern, because you were looking for her ill-fated cousin Cameron?

I told.

Didn't you say that this girl was mine and not yours?

Anthony shook his head stubbornly.

I haven't said so and I don't intend to. What I said is enough. I explained that nothing of the kind had happened, that there was an offer on her part, but I rejected it. It's a matter of trust... but don't worry about my privacy. My Scottish wife will understand. I am doing work in this regard.

So let's get back to what you wanted to confess.

James reached for his glass.

Like I said, I was angry at Jason for not letting me see Regan.

Could he really allow it? You've been piracy for two years now.

I could be anything I wanted on the high seas, but at heart I was the same, Tony. However, he refused to trust me precisely because of my love of the sea, said that I was a disgrace to the family, although no one either in England or abroad knew that Captain Hawke and James Malory, Viscount of Riding, were one and the same person. Jason stood his ground and wasn't going to budge, so what could I do? Not seeing her at all? Regan is like a daughter to me. We all raised and educated her.

“You could have given up piracy,” Anthony said reasonably.

James smiled slowly.

Submit to Jason's dictates? No way! Besides, I had a hell of a lot of fun playing pirates. There was risk, danger, and most importantly, I was again introduced to discipline, which had a beneficial effect on my health. After all, before leaving London I led a very careless lifestyle. Yes, we had fun, but the whole point was whether we could get under the woman’s skirt. And when you had already climbed there, then the interest disappeared, Anthony laughed.

You know, old man, I just feel sympathy for you, listening to this story. James poured another glass of port.

Drink, you fool. Your sympathies increase in proportion to what you drink.

I never get drunk. I tried to explain this to my wife, but she didn’t believe me... So, you went to sea and led a clean, healthy life as a pirate.

“A gentleman pirate,” James clarified. Anthony nodded.

Absolutely right. I would just like to find out what the difference is here.

I never sank ships or deprived them of the opportunity to resist. By giving the ships a chance to leave, I missed out on a lot of tidbits because of this. I never pretended to be a successful pirate; I can only be called persistent.

Damn you, James! It was just a game for you. Why did you make Jason think you were robbing people and feeding them to sharks?

Why not? Yes, he will feel unhappy if he has no one to condemn. It’s better that he judges me than you, because I don’t really care about this, and you take everything to heart.

Well, you took a position! - Anthony said sarcastically.

Do you think? - James grinned and emptied his glass. Anthony immediately hurried to fill it again. - I don’t see anything unusual.

“That’s for sure,” Anthony had to agree. - For as long as I can remember, you have always challenged Jason and provoked him.

James shrugged.

Otherwise life would be too boring.

You seem to be amused when Jason loses his temper.

He's just great in moments like this, don't you think?

Anthony laughed.

Okay, now it doesn't matter anymore. You have been forgiven and welcomed back into the fold of the family. But you still haven't answered my question about the thrashing I gave you.

James raised his golden eyebrow again.

Really? Probably because you interrupted me.

So what do you say?

Well, judge for yourself, Tony. Just put yourself in my place, and the answer will be immediately clear to you. I wanted my beloved niece to see the world, and she saw it. But at the same time, I realized the stupidity of what I had done even before I brought her home. It's not even that I couldn't be a pirate in front of her. The fact is that the sea does not give guarantees. Storms, other pirates, enemies I made, you never know! Although the risk was minimal, it still existed. And if something had happened to Regan...

Lord, does the incorrigible James Malory really feel guilty? That’s why I couldn’t understand you then,” Anthony laughed.

James cast a disapproving glance at his brother.

What did I say? - Anthony asked innocently. - Don't attach any importance. Let's have a drink instead. “He poured another glass from the bottle and said thoughtfully: “You see, it’s one thing when I take our dear girl to my place and introduce her to my friends, and another thing when she finds herself among a team of thugs...”

Who adore her and are the epitome of politeness when she's on board.

Yes, with our help she received a good upbringing.

But how did it happen that she got involved with such a scoundrel as Eden?

But the baby loves him.

I see this myself.

Okay, James, calm down. You don't like him because he's so much like us. Neither of us would be suitable for Reggie.

Let me disagree with this. This You you don't love him for this. As for me, I disliked him when he insulted me. He sailed away after damaging my schooner at sea.

But you were the first to attack him,” noted Anthony, who had heard something about that naval battle. He even knew that James' son was wounded in this battle, and this was the reason why James ended piracy.

“It doesn’t matter,” James said stubbornly. - On top of everything else, he brought me to jail last year.

After you painted his face. We must give him credit for the fact that if you had not been arrested by his grace, you would not have been able to so reliably organize Hawk’s “demise” and burn the bridges behind you. And now you can calmly walk along the streets of London and not look around.

What was said deserved another glass.

Since when did you become protective of this young rooster?

Lord, am I really protecting him? - Anthony exclaimed, showing horror on his face. - Forgive me, my older brother! It won't happen again, you can rely on my word. Yes, he is a complete nonentity!

And he pays Regan for it at face value! - James burst into a smile.


If Regan suddenly finds out that he started an argument with one of us, she sends him to sleep on the sofa.

What are you saying?

Honestly! She told me herself. You should visit this couple more often while I'm at sea.

I'll drink to that! - Anthony laughed. - Ideas on the sofa... Great!

The situation is no more funny than the one you have with your own wife.

Let's not talk about this.

We will not. But I hope everything works out when I come back in a few months, because then I'll take Jeremy away and you won't have any more buffer. You will be left alone with your Scottish baby.

Anthony smiled a confident and slightly vicious smile.

I hope you won't stay long?

The whole family came to see James off: Jason and Derek, Edward and his entire brood, Anthony and his Scottish woman, who looked somewhat haggard, which was understandable, since she had recently told Anthony that he would become a father. Jeremiah the Young Man was in a cheerful mood, despite the fact that for the first time in six years, since he was found, he was facing separation from James. Perhaps he was glad that now only Uncle Tony would look after him. True, he will soon realize that Jason and Eddie will also not take their eyes off him and will keep him in greater strictness than in the days when he was in the care of James and his assistant Conrad.

The tide put an end to the goodbyes. James had a headache after yesterday and he blamed it on Anthony. He almost forgot about the note he had prepared for the Scotch child, an explanation regarding the beauty from the tavern, because of whom she accused her husband of infidelity. James called Jeremy over and handed him a note.

Tell this to Aunt Roslyn, but be sure to not have Tony around.

Jeremy put the note in his pocket.

What is this, a love letter?

Love letter? - James growled. - Oh, you puppy! Yes I...

I know I know! - Jeremy raised his hands up. - I'll do everything right.

He ran downstairs, without waiting for them to scold him for his insolence. James watched him go, turned and came face to face with Conrad, the first mate and his best friend.

What's the matter?

James shrugged, realizing that Conrad had seen him hand Jeremy the note.

I decided to help him.

“I thought you were going to interfere in their affairs,” Connie said.

After all, isn't he my brother? Although it was not worth caring about him after he intoxicated me to such an extent. - Seeing Connie’s raised eyebrow questioningly, James, overcoming his headache, smiled. - So that I suffer like this during the sailing. What a beast!

But you didn't mind, did you?

No, of course... In a word, Connie, you will have to raise the anchor yourself. I'll be in the cabin. Let me know when we go to sea.

An hour later, Connie entered the captain's cabin, poured himself a whiskey and joined James sitting at the desk.

Well, are you going to miss your boy?

For this scoundrel? - James shook his head and closed his eyes against the headache, then took a sip of the tonic that Connie had brought him earlier. - Tony will make sure Jeremy doesn't get into any trouble. If anyone will miss him, it will be you.

Perhaps so.

Report how many people are on board.

Eighteen. There were no problems with replenishing the team. Only there was a hitch with the boatswain, as I already told you.

So we left without the boatswain? You're going to have a heavy load on you, Connie.

Yes, it would have been so, but I managed to find a person at the last moment. More precisely, he volunteered himself. He wanted to be taken as a passenger. Him and his brother. When I explained to him that the Virgin Anna did not take passengers, he offered himself as a boatswain for the duration of the voyage. I have never seen a more persistent Scot.

Scot again? There are too many of them lately. I'm damn happy your Scottish roots are so deep you don't remember them, Connie. I still remember well the hunt for Lady Roslin's cousin and this little witch with the Scotsman accompanying her.

I thought you'd already forgotten about it. Instead of answering, James shot an angry look at Connie.

By the way, does this Scot even know anything about sails?

I checked and I must say that he actually knows. He said that he sailed as a quartermaster, ship carpenter and boatswain.

Okay, if that's the case. Very well. Anything else?

Johnny got married.

Johnny? My cabin boy Johnny? - Angry sparks flashed in James's eyes. - Dear God, he’s only fifteen years old! Does he realize what he's done?

Connie shrugged.

He says that he fell in love and cannot leave his baby wife.

Baby wife? - James repeated mockingly. - Yes, this sucker needs a mother, not a wife. - His head started pounding painfully again, and he took another sip of tonic.

I found you another cabin boy. McDonell's brother.

The tonic splashed onto the table.

Lord, what's wrong with you?

Did you say "McDonell"? Isn't his name Ian by any chance?

Exactly, Ian. - Connie's eyes suddenly widened. - My God, isn’t this the Scotsman from the tavern? James ignored Connie's question.

Did you get a good look at his brother?

Yes, to be honest, not very much. Such a small, quiet boy was hiding behind his older brother. I had no choice because Johnny had only announced two days ago that he was staying on shore. Do you think that...

Think! - James suddenly burst out laughing. - Oh my God, Connie, amazing! I was knocked off my feet, chasing this little witch, but they both disappeared into thin air. And now on you - she herself fell into my lap.

Connie chuckled:

Well, I see you're in for a pleasant trip.

“You can be sure of that,” James grinned wolfishly. “But we won’t expose her right away.” First I want to play with her.

You may be wrong. What if she turns out to be a boy after all?

I doubt. But I will find out as soon as she begins her duties.

When Connie left, James sat comfortably in an easy chair. He continued to smile, still not daring to believe such a coincidence.

Connie said that at first they wanted to pay for the passage, so they had money. Why didn't they go on another ship? James knew that at least two English ships were soon leaving for the West Indies, one of them equipped with accommodation for passengers. Why do you need to dress up a girl and put her at risk when this masquerade could be revealed at any moment? Is she really in disguise? Damn it, the last time he saw her, she was also wearing a man's suit. It seems that this is familiar to her... although no, then she was very angry when Tony said that it was not a man, but a woman. She hid her gender then and plans - or hopes - to hide it now.

Jung... However, you can’t deny her courage. James shook his head and chuckled.

It's interesting to see how she thinks about doing all this. It's one thing to be in a poorly lit tavern, but another thing to be constantly here on a ship on clear, sunny days. However, it seems she managed to deceive Connie. Maybe James wouldn't have noticed anything if he hadn't met her before. But he met her and did not at all forget this meeting, he even remembered her very well... her miniature back and tender breasts under his hand. She had delicate features, pretty cheeks, a piquant nose, and plump, sensual lips. He didn’t notice her eyebrows or hair, but when he carried her out of the tavern, the girl glanced at him, and he remembered that her eyes were brown.

For a whole month, James made repeated attempts to find her. Now he understood why his search was unsuccessful. Nobody knew anything because Ian and this girl didn't live in London and had never been here before. You can bet they are from the West Indies and are now returning home. MacDonell may be Scottish, but this witch is clearly not Scottish. James couldn't place her accent, but he was willing to bet she wasn't from England.

There was some kind of mystery in it that he intends to unravel. However, first he was going to have fun and see the expression on her face when he said that the cabin boy should sleep in his cabin. He'd have to pretend he didn't recognize her, or let her think he didn't remember anything about the incident at the tavern. Of course, there was a possibility that she herself didn’t remember about the tavern, but that didn’t matter. For the rest of the trip, she will share more than just a cabin with him. She will share his bed.

The galley was not the best place to hide, especially since it was summer and the ocean breezes were still a long way off. It would be cooler on the open sea, but now, with the huge brick stoves breathing heat and steam rising from the cauldrons in which dinner was being prepared, it was stuffy here, like hell.

The cook and his two assistants took off most of their clothes. Every now and then, one or two of the crew members ran into the galley to have a quick snack, since sailing hours on a ship are always tense and responsible. For some time Georgina watched as food supplies and equipment were loaded. But this was not new to her and did not cause much interest. Moreover, she was already fed up with England.

She sat quietly in a corner in the galley. From here she could see the corner where barrels of alcohol, large barrels, and bags of grain and flour were loaded. When there was no room left in the galley, supplies began to be carried into the hold.

If it weren't for the sweltering heat, Georgina would have even liked it here, especially since she had never seen such a clean galley in her life. And in general the whole ship looked as if it had just left the slipway. She had already been told that it had recently been completely renovated.

The space between the furnaces was occupied by a deep bunker filled to the brim with coal. In the center there was a long, almost completely new table and on it a meat cutting board. Like every galley, there were pots, lockers, and kitchen utensils securely attached to the floor, walls or ceiling.

The owner of all these riches was a black-haired Irishman named Sean O'Sean. He mistook Georgina for a guy and did not suspect anything. Sean was a friendly guy of about twenty-five. With his lively green eyes, he lovingly looked around his possessions every now and then. He allowed Georgina to stay on galley, but warned that he might overload her with work. Georgina did not mind, and she was constantly assigned to do something because the assistant cooks were busy. Sean was one of those who did not mind talking. He was ready to answer on any questions, but, being new to the ship myself, I could not tell much about the schooner or the captain.

Georgina has been able to see few of the crew so far, although she spent the night on board with Mac. At the same time, she was not so much sleeping as pretending to be asleep. The tipsy sailors returning from the shore made noise all night on the forecastle, trying to find their bunks in the darkness. What a dream it could have been!

As far as Georgina understood, the crew consisted of people of various nationalities, which is not surprising for a ship that scours all seas and oceans, leaving and recruiting sailors in different yurts around the world. Of course, there may be Englishmen among them. And they really were.

One of them is first mate Conrad Sharp, Connie, as the captain called him. Conrad spoke with a characteristic accent, with restraint, almost like an aristocrat. He was tall and lean, with red hair, somewhat darker than Mac's, and many freckles on his arms, and, apparently, not only on his arms. However, they were not visible at all on his tanned face. When for the first time he looked at Georgina with his light brown eyes, she thought with a sinking heart that her masquerade had failed. Nevertheless, he took her on board as a cabin boy. He immediately ruled out the possibility of any trading. You either swim like crew members or you don't swim at all, he told Mac. Georgina was quite happy with this, but Mac agreed with it reluctantly.

She did not find any disadvantages in Sharpe, at least not yet, but continued to dislike him solely out of principle. Of course, this was unfair, but it excludes any justice towards the English, whom she ranked among rats, snakes and other disgusting creatures. However, she kept all these feelings to herself. There is no point in making an extra enemy for yourself. And you should take a closer look at your enemies. In the meantime, she tried her best to avoid him and any other Englishmen on board.

She had not yet seen Captain Malory, because he had not appeared in the galley. Georgina understood that she should find him, introduce herself, find out if she had any special duties beyond those usually assigned to a cabin boy. In the end, captains are different. Drew, for example, demanded that he have a bath waiting for him in his cabin every day, even if it was salt water. Clinton had to be served fresh milk before going to bed, and the cabin boy was responsible for caring for the cow. The cabin boy on Warren's ship only had to keep the cabin clean, since Warren always ate with the crew. Mr. Sharp has listed the cabin boy's duties, but only the captain can say what else is required of him.

The captain was busy all the time, and she could not muster the courage to introduce herself to him. But in the end, her main task is to play a successful role in front of him, because he will see her more often than anyone else, and the first impression is the most important, since it is etched in the memory and influences subsequent judgments. And if everything goes smoothly at the first meeting, she may relax somewhat.

Time passed, and Georgina was in no hurry to start searching for the captain. There were all sorts of “buts” that kept her in the hot galley. Clothes began to stick to her body, her hair, tucked under a thick stocking and then hidden under a woolen cap, became wet. If the captain doesn't suspect anything unusual about her, everything will be fine. But what if he turns out to be too insightful? If he discovered the deception before they reached the English Channel, she might simply be put ashore. It’s even worse if she ends up alone on the shore. After all, a boatswain is more needed on a ship than a cabin boy. And if the captain did not allow Mac to go with her, or delayed him until he could do so, things would be very bad for her.

So as long as Georgina continued to sit in the galley, she was mistaken for Georgie MacDonell. Shawn interrupted her thoughts by placing a heavy tray of food on her lap. Seeing the silver cutlery, she realized that the food was not intended for her.

Is he in his cabin? Already arrived?

What, boy, did you fall from the sky? Yes, he was at his place all the time, as soon as he got on board. They say he has a terrible headache.

Damn it, why didn't anyone tell her about this? What if he was already looking for her and was angry that no one was serving him? This could be a good start!

Then I'd better... yes, I guess.

Of course, and quickly. Oh my God, be careful with that tray! Is he too heavy for you? No? Well, go ahead. Just make sure you have time to dodge if he throws it all at you.

The dishes clanked on the tray as Georgina began to walk through the door.

And why... Lord, why would he throw it at me?

Sean shrugged and smiled widely.

How should I know? I haven’t even seen the captain yet. But when a person has a headache, you can expect anything from him. So keep that in mind, boy, and don't forget my advice.

Fabulous! Making a newbie more nervous than he was before. Georgina at that moment had no idea that Mr. Sean O'Sean had a subtle sense of humor, and, damn him, he was simply joking.

The path to the captain's cabin seemed terribly painful, especially since England was still visible on the starboard side. Georgina tried not to look towards the shore, but tried to find Mac with her eyes, hoping that if she exchanged a few words with him, she would feel more confident. However, he was nowhere to be seen, and the tray became heavier with every step, so she gave up trying to find Mac. In addition, any delay threatened to result in trouble. Cold food is unlikely to bring joy to a gloomy, headache-ridden man.

Georgina stopped in front of the captain's cabin door and tried to shift the weight of the tray onto one hand so she could free the other and knock on the door. She felt how fear pinned her to the ground, how her hands and knees were shaking and the tray was vibrating in time with them.

She shouldn't be so nervous. If the worst happens, it won't be the end of the world. She would be resourceful enough to get home some other way... even alone.

Devilishness, why didn’t she bother to find out anything more about the captain besides his name? She had no idea whether he was young or old, stern or good-natured, whether he was loved or simply respected... or maybe hated. She had heard of captains who behaved like real tyrants. She should have asked someone else if Mr. O'Sean couldn't answer her questions. However, it's not too late. Stay just a few minutes, exchange a few words with anyone she meets, and maybe she'll find out that Captain Malory was a kind-hearted old man and it was a pleasure to sail under his command, and then her legs would stop trembling, and she would forget about her doubts.

But as soon as Georgina turned to carry out her plan, the door to the captain's cabin creaked and opened.

Georgina's heart sank. The tray of food almost did the same thing as she spun around to see the captain of the Virgin Anne for the first time. But it was not the captain who stood in the doorway, but the first mate, who, it seemed to her, managed to look her up and down, although the gaze of his light brown eyes was very short-lived.

Yeah, are you that same guy? It's surprising that I didn't notice you when I hired you.

Probably because you were sitting... The words got stuck in her throat as the first mate took her chin and turned her face towards the light. Georgina turned pale with fear, although he apparently did not notice.

“Not the slightest fuzz on his face,” he said in what she thought was a dismissive tone.

When Georgina finally regained her breath, she expressed indignation on behalf of the cabin boy.

“I’m only twelve years old, sir,” she replied.

However, at twelve years old boys are even larger. I swear this tray is almost as tall as you. - He squeezed her forearm with his hands. -Where are your muscles?

“I’m still growing,” Georgina muttered, becoming furious at such an examination. Her fears suddenly disappeared somewhere. - In six months you won't recognize me. “She spoke the real truth, because by then all this masquerade will be over.”

Is everyone in your family like this? Georgina became wary.

What do you have in mind?

Your height, guy. What else can I mean? Of course, not your appearance, because you and your brother have nothing in common. - And he suddenly laughed loudly.

I don't see what's funny about this. We just have different mothers.

That's how it is, but I thought you were different in some other ways. Different mothers, you say? Is that why you don't have a Scottish accent?

I didn't think I had to tell the whole life story of getting hired.

Why are you so prickly, guy?

Stop it, Connie,” Georgina heard someone’s low voice. - We don't want to scare the guy away, do we?

Scare away from what? - the first assistant chuckled.

Georgina narrowed her eyes. Did she really think that she didn’t like this red-haired Englishman simply on principle, simply because he was English?

The food is getting cold, Mr. Sharp,” she said in a stern tone.

Well, come in, although I believe that the captain is not at all interested in food.

And suddenly Georgina became nervous again. After all, she had just heard the captain’s voice. How could she forget that he was waiting for her? Worse, the captain probably heard everything she said, how impudently she answered the first mate. Of course, her insolence was forced, but hardly excusable. After all, she was just a cabin boy here, and she answered him as if she were his equal, as if she were Georgina Anderson and not George MacDonell. A couple more of these mistakes and she could take off her cap and unbandage her breasts.

After the cryptic last words, the first mate motioned for her to come in and left. It took her a lot of effort to move, but when she did, she almost flew through the door and could only stop at the large oak dining table in the center of the room, at which at least half a dozen team members could comfortably sit.

Georgina did not look up from the tray even when she placed it on the table. Behind the table, against the wall, against the backdrop of stained glass windows, a figure loomed. Georgina did not see, but rather guessed this figure, realizing that this was the captain.

Yesterday, when she was allowed to get acquainted with the ship, she was delighted with these windows. The interior was truly royal. Georgina had never seen anything like this on any Skylark Line ship.

The furniture was amazingly luxurious. At the head of the long table was a single chair in the style of the first French Empire, combining bronze, mahogany and colorful embroidery on a white background of the back and sides. In addition to the chair, there were five chairs around the table. Another object that was striking in its magnificence was a desk resting not on legs, but on massive oval pedestals painted with classical patterns. The bed, covered with a white silk bedspread, could be called a true masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance. The high carved stands and even higher headboard were striking.

Instead of the usual sea locker, the cabin had a tall teak cabinet, similar to the one her father had given her mother immediately after their wedding, upon returning from the Far East. The cabinet was decorated with jade, mother-of-pearl and lapis lazuli. Nearby was a walnut chest of drawers on high legs. And in the wall between them hung a modern clock, the case of which was trimmed with ebonite and bronze. There were no separate shelves on the walls, but there was a towering cabinet decorated with gilding and carvings, the eight shelves of which were filled with books. And behind a sliding screen decorated with English landscapes, at the far end of the room one could see an enamel bathtub, apparently made to a special order - long and wide and, fortunately, not very deep, since Georgina would most likely have to carry water into it.

The impression of disorder was created by the marine instruments laid out on the desk and next to it. There was a bronze statue about two feet high on the floor, and a copper teapot behind a screen near the washbasin. The lamps, all completely different, were either attached to the furniture or hung on hooks on the walls and ceiling.

If we add to this that the cabin was decorated with paintings and carpets hanging on the walls, then it became clear that such a room would be more logical to imagine in the governor’s palace, and not on a ship. But all this splendor told Georgina little about Captain Malory, except that he was somewhat eccentric and liked to surround himself with beautiful things without being embarrassed by a mishmash of styles.

Georgina didn't know whether the captain was looking at her or out the window. She did not yet dare to raise her eyes to him, but the silence was becoming more and more unbearable. It would be good to leave quietly and unnoticed now, if, of course, he had not yet paid attention to her. But why doesn't he say anything? After all, he knows that he is in the cabin and is ready to carry out all his orders.

Your food, captain... sir.

Why are you speaking in a whisper?

I was told that you... that is, I heard that you have a headache after yesterday's fight... - Georgina coughed and quickly corrected herself: - You have a headache, sir. My brother Drew gets irritated by loud noises the night before... when he has a headache, sir.

I thought your brother's name was Ian.

I have other brothers.

One of my brothers tried to get me drunk yesterday. He would have been very amused if I had not been able to set sail in the morning.

Georgina almost smiled. How many times had her brothers done the same thing to each other? However, she also got it from her brothers: instead of hot chocolate, she found rum in her cup, then the ribbons of her cap turned out to be tied in some unthinkable knot, then her trousers fluttered on a weather vane or, worse, on the mast of another brother’s ship, so that it was impossible was to find the culprit of the prank. It seems that mischievous brothers existed everywhere, not just in Connecticut.

I sympathize with you, captain. Brothers can be so obnoxious.

She heard an ironic note in his voice, as if he thought her remark was pretentious, which it generally was for a twelve-year-old boy. She needs to think carefully about everything she is going to say. In no case should we forget for a minute that her behavior should correspond to the behavior of a boy. But it was so difficult to constantly remember this, especially when she finally came to the conclusion that the captain spoke with an English accent. This is a very sad fact. She may avoid communication with the other Englishmen on board, but it is not in her will to avoid communication with the captain.

End of free trial.

To my daughter-in-law Laurie and her new joy

Natasha Kealanoheaakealoha Howard

1818 London

Georgina Anderson grabbed a radish from her plate, put it in a spoon and fired it like a catapult. True, she failed to hit the huge cockroach, but the radish hit very close to it. The cockroach thought it best to hide in the nearest crevice. That's what was required. While Georgina does not see these annoying creatures, she can pretend that they are not found in her home.

Georgina turned to her half-eaten breakfast, looked at the plate and pushed it away with a grimace of disgust. She would give a lot now for any dish prepared by Hannah. Over twelve years of work, Hannah learned to accurately guess what to please each member of the family, and Georgina constantly yearned for her cooking throughout the entire voyage on the ship. Since they arrived in England five days ago, Georgina had only had one good meal. This was on the day of arrival. They stayed at the Albany Hotel and Mac took her to a fancy restaurant. But they left the hotel the very next day and settled in much more modest rooms. What could they do if, upon returning to the hotel, they discovered that all the money had been stolen from their suitcases?

In truth, Georgie, as her loved ones affectionately called her, did not have sufficient grounds to blame the hotel for the loss of money. Most likely they were stolen while the suitcases were traveling from the docks in the East End to the West End, where the prestigious Albany Hotel was located in Piccadilly Circus. While the suitcases, under the supervision of the driver and his partner, moved on the carriage to the hotel, Georgina and Mac carefreely took in the sights of London.

If we talk about bad luck, it started much earlier. Arriving in England, they learned that their ship could not enter the port and that they would not be able to receive their luggage for at least three months. It’s good that at least the passengers themselves were allowed to go ashore. True, not immediately, but after a few days.

However, this should not have been surprising. Georgina was aware of congestion on the Thames, especially at this time of year when ship traffic is affected by unpredictable winds. Their ship was one of a dozen that arrived simultaneously from America. In addition, hundreds of others have gathered here, from all over the world. Such congestion was one of the reasons why members of their trading family excluded London from their routes even before the war. In fact, not a single Skylark Line ship has appeared in London since 1807, when England began blockading almost half of Europe during its war with France. For the Skylark Line, trade with the Far East and West Indies was no less profitable and much less troublesome.

Even after her country settled its disputes with England and signed a treaty at the very end of 1814, the Skylark Line refrained from trading with England, since warehousing remained a very serious problem. Often perishable goods had to be left right on the pier. They became easy prey for thieves, and then the damage reached half a million pounds a year. If for any reason the thieves spared the goods, they would perish under a thick layer of coal dust and soot.

In other words, it was more expensive to trade with England. It was for this reason that Georgina had not sailed to London on the Skylark Line, and for the same reason she could not return home now. The problem was that he and Mac only had twenty-five American dollars left - it was this money that did not become the prey of thieves, since it was with them and not in a suitcase. And now, as a result of all the misadventures, Georgina found herself in this little room located above a tavern in Southwark.

Tavern! If her brothers found out... yes, they are capable of killing her if somehow she manages to return home, because she went on a trip without their knowledge when they were on trade business in different parts of the world. Or, in any case, they won’t give her any money, they’ll put her under lock and key for several years, and even give her a good beating.

True, to be honest, most likely the matter would have been limited to the fact that her brothers would have scolded her badly. However, when you imagine five angry older brothers justifiably unleashing their anger on you, you feel uneasy. Unfortunately, this did not stop Georgina at the time, and she went on a trip accompanied by Ian MacDonell, who had nothing to do with their family. Sometimes the thought occurred to her: had God deprived her entire family of common sense by the time she was due to be born?

Before Georgina had time to get up from the table, there was a knock on the door. She was about to say, “Come in,” because she had become accustomed throughout her life that if someone knocked on the door, it was either the servants or one of the family members. In her twenty-two years, she had slept only in her own bed in her own room in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and, for the last month, in a hanging bunk on a boat. Of course, no one can enter a room if the door is locked, no matter how many times it says “Enter.” Mac repeatedly and persistently reminded her to lock the door. However, this uncomfortable, neglected room itself constantly reminded Georgina that she was far from home, that she should not trust anyone in this inhospitable, criminal-infested city.

A phrase was heard from behind the door, spoken in an expressive Scottish accent, and Georgina recognized Ian MacDonell. She opened the door. A tall, large man came in, making the room seem very small.

Any good news? Sitting down on the chair where Georgina had just been sitting, he snorted:

Depends on how you look at it.

Again we need to look for who knows who?

Yes, but I guess it's better than a complete dead end.

Of course,” she agreed without much enthusiasm.

There was no particular reason to count on more. Some time ago, Mr. Kimball, one of the sailors on the ship Portunus, which belonged to her brother Thomas, stated that he was absolutely sure that he saw her long-lost fiancé Malcolm Cameron among the crew of the merchant ship Pogrom, when the Portunus and The “pogrom” met at one of the sea crossroads. Thomas had no way of verifying Mr. Kimball's claim because he only learned of it after the Pogrom was out of sight. It could be said with certainty that the Pogrom was on its way to Europe, most likely to its home port in England, although it could not be ruled out that it would visit other ports before then.

In any case, this was the first news of Malcolm for six years after he was forcibly recruited as a sailor before the outbreak of war in June 1812.

The forced recruitment of American sailors by the British Navy was one of the causes of the war. Malcolm was terribly unlucky: he was taken away during his first voyage, and the reason for this was his Cornish accent, since he lived the first half of his life in Cornwall, one of the counties of England. However, by then he was already an American; his parents, now deceased, settled in Bridgeport in 1806 and had no intention of returning to England. However, the English officer did not want to believe this, and Warren, Georgina’s brother and owner of the ship Nereus, where the forced recruitment took place, still wears a scar on his cheek, indicating the determination of the English side to recruit Malcolm.

Georgina heard that the ship where Malcolm was taken was decommissioned, and its crew was distributed among several ships. She knew nothing more. It didn't matter what Malcolm did on the English merchant ship now that the war was over, but at least Georgina had the opportunity to track him down.

Who and what told you this time? - Georgina asked with a sigh. - Again, some stranger who knows someone who knows someone who might know something about him?

Mac chuckled.

Darling, you say that as if we have been going around in circles for an eternity to no avail. We have been searching for only four days. You could use at least a little of the patience that Thomas has.

Don't talk to me about Thomas! I'm angry at him for still not doing anything to find Malcolm.

He would find...

In six months! He wanted me to wait another six months for him to return from the West Indies! How many months will it take to sail here, find Malcolm and return with him? I already waited for six whole years!

Four years,” Mac corrected her. No one would let you marry this guy until you were eighteen.

This is not relevant. If any of the other brothers had been at home, he would certainly have gone here immediately. Alas, only the overly optimistic Thomas, who also has the patience of a saint, was in place with his ship. That's how unlucky I am! Do you know how he laughed when I said that if I grew any more old, Malcolm would give up on me?

Mac had a hard time holding back a smile when he heard such a frank and simple-minded question. It is not surprising that at one time such reasoning of the girl caused laughter from her older brother.

Although so many years have passed, the girl did not heed her brothers’ advice to forget about Malcolm Cameron. The war has already ended, and the guy; it seemed like he had to return home. But he never returned, and she still waited. This fact alone might have told Thomas that she would not wait for her brother to return from the West Indies. They were members of the same family, and all of them were equally adventurous, but Georgina, unlike Thomas, did not have patience.

Of course, to some extent, Thomas can be forgiven for not pursuing Malcolm. Brother Drew's ship was to return before the end of the summer and remain at home for several months until the next voyage. And Drew could not refuse anything to his only sister. But the girl did not wait for Drew to return, but booked a ticket on a ship that departed three days after Thomas sailed, and somehow persuaded Mac to accompany her. True, he still could not understand how she managed to present the matter as if it was not her idea, but his.

Okay, Georgie, given that London has more people than all of Connecticut, it's not a bad idea to paint things in a gloomy light. The man I'm about to meet seems to know our Malcolm very well. The one I spoke to today said that Malcolm got off the ship with this Mr. Willcox. He may shed some light on where to look for a guy.

“It sounds very encouraging,” Georgina agreed. “Maybe this Mr. Willcox guy will even take you straight to Malcolm, so... I think I should go with you.”

You won't go! - Mac snapped, frowning angrily. - I'm meeting him at the tavern!

So what?

God knows what else you'll do!

But Mac...

Don’t even ask, girl,” he said sternly. However, after catching her glance, Mac realized that she would not back down. He knew very well that if Georgina decided to do something, it would be almost impossible to dissuade her. And the proof of this is that she is now in London, and not at home, as her brothers believe.

In the elite West End, which is located on the other side of the river, near a fashionable house in Piccadilly, a carriage stopped, from which Sir Anthony Malory got out. Previously, this was his bachelor residence, which can no longer be called such, for he was returning with his young wife Lady Roslin.

James Malory, Anthony's brother, who lived in the house during his visits to London, hearing the carriage approaching at such a late hour, came out into the hall at the moment when Anthony carried the newlywed over the threshold in his arms. Since James was not yet aware of who she was, he said carefully:

I guess I shouldn't have seen it.

“I thought you wouldn’t see,” Anthony replied, walking around his brother and heading towards the stairs with his burden. - But since you saw it soon, you should know that I married this girl.

So I believed you!

He really got married! - The girl smiled a dazzling smile. - Do you really think that I will allow the first person I meet to carry me in his arms over the threshold?

Anthony stopped for a moment, catching his brother's incredulous gaze.

Lord, James, I've probably been waiting all my life for this moment when you don't have anything to say. But I hope you'll forgive me if I don't wait for you to come to your senses?

And Anthony disappeared.

In amazement, James did not immediately close his mouth, but, however, immediately opened it again to drain the glass of brandy he was holding in his hands. Incredible! Anthony has shackled himself! The most famous rake in London! True, this fame passed to him after James himself left Europe ten years ago. And what made his brother take such a desperate step?

Undoubtedly, the lady was amazingly beautiful, but Anthony could have gotten her in some other way. It so happened that James learned that Anthony had already seduced her last night. In that case, what made him marry her? She had no family, there was no one to insist on marriage. There was hardly anyone who could advise him to marry, except perhaps his elder brother Jason, Marquess of Haverston and head of the family. But, however, even Jason could not force Anthony to marry. Hadn't Jason tried to get him to marry him over the years?

No one put a gun to Anthony's head and forced him to do such stupidity. And in general, Anthony, unlike Viscount Nicholas Eden, could always resist pressure from his elders. Nikolaev Eden was forced to marry their niece Regan, or Reggie, as everyone called her. To be honest, James still regrets that he was deprived of the opportunity to tell Nicholas what he thought of him. At that time, the family did not yet know that he had returned to England and felt a desire to give the Viscount a thorough beating, which, in his opinion, he deserved for a completely different reason.

Shaking his head, James walked into the living room and picked up a decanter of brandy, deciding that a couple of extra sips would help him understand the reason for his brother's marriage. He immediately discounted love. Since Anthony did not succumb to this feeling at the age of seventeen, when he first knew the sweetness of the fair sex, it follows that he is immune to this disease in the same way as James himself.

There is no need to take into account the need to have an heir, since all the titles of the family have already been distributed. Jason, the older brother, has a grown-up son, Derek, who is catching up in years with his younger uncles. Edward, the second eldest of the Malory family, has five children, all of whom, except Amy, have reached marriageable age. Even James had a son, Jeremy, though he was illegitimate, whose existence he learned about six years ago. Before this, he had no idea whose son was raised by a woman working in a tavern. The son continued to work there after his mother’s death. Now he was seventeen, and he followed in his father's footsteps as part of the fair sex. Anthony, the fourth son, did not need to worry about perpetuating the family - the three eldest Malorys had already taken care of this.

James sank down onto the sofa with a decanter of brandy in his hand. Sir Malory was well built, although he was less than six feet tall. He thought again about the newlyweds and asked himself what they could be doing now. His beautifully contoured, sensual lips formed a smile. But he never found an answer to the question of why Anthony got married. James himself would never make such a mistake. But he is ready to admit that if Anthony was destined to fall into the trap, then such a beauty as Roslyn Chadwick should have slammed it ... however, now she was already Malory;

James himself was thinking about hitting on her, although Anthony had already expressed his interest in Roslyn. When they were very young, they often began to court the same woman out of sporting interest. The winner was the one on whom the woman had previously fixed her gaze. Anthony had a reputation among women as devilishly handsome and irresistible, and James considered himself as such.

Nevertheless, outwardly the brothers were strikingly different from each other. Anthony was taller and slimmer, and had inherited his grandmother's black hair and dark blue eyes. Regan, Amy, and, annoyingly enough, James's own son Jeremy, who, even more annoyingly, looked more like Anthony than his father, were of the same color. James had blond hair, greenish eyes, and a strongly built figure, quite typical of all Malories. “Big, blond and incredibly beautiful,” Regan used to say.

James chuckled, remembering his sweet niece. His only sister, Melissa, died when her daughter was only two years old, so the girl was raised and raised by all the brothers. They loved her like a daughter. But now she was married to that scoundrel Eden, and James had no choice but to tolerate this guy. However, Nicholas Eden has already managed to establish himself as an exemplary husband.

Again as a husband. But Eden had a reason. He adored Regan. As for Anthony, he adored everyone women. In this, Anthony and James were the same. And although James is now thirty-six years old, no woman has yet been born who could lure him into the marital network. To love women and leave them on time - this was his credo, which he adhered to for many years and did not intend to change in the future.

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