Home Permission  Standard phrases for dialogue between a check-in agent and a passenger. English words and phrases to use at the airport

Standard phrases for dialogue between a check-in agent and a passenger. English words and phrases to use at the airport

Whether for business or pleasure, we fly abroad from time to time. And here the question arises: how to behave at English-speaking airports? What questions can they ask there? What situations will arise?

In this article we will look at the most common words that may be needed at a foreign airport. Let's start with registration and end with a successful arrival at your destination.

Well, let's go!

1. How to check in at the airport

At registration (check-in/[check`in]) you will first be asked to present passport(“passport” ["pɑːspɔːt]/[p`aspot]) and ticket(“ticket” [ˈtɪkɪt]/[t`ikit]).

May I have yours passport, please?
Can I have yours? passport, Please?

May I have yours tickets?
Can I have yours? tickets?

After this you have to check a bag- ("check in luggage/bag" /[check e bag]).

Are you checking any bags?
Will you register bags?

How many bags are you checking?
How much bags/suitcases do you register?

Here you will also need the word scale- ("scales" /[scale]).

Please put your bag on the scale.
Please put bag/suitcase on the scales.

We often take with us carry-on(“carry-on luggage” [ˈkæri-ɒn]/[k`eri on]).

Do you have a carry-on bag?
Do you have any carry-on baggage?

Your carry-on is too large.
Yours manual luggage too big.

Sometimes it turns out that your bag overweight("too heavy, overweight" [ˈəʊvəweɪt]/[`owewait]).

Your baggage is overweight.
By your luggage advantage.

By how many kilos is my baggage overweight?
How many kilograms do I have? advantage luggage?

However, instead overweight simpler words can be used:

Your baggage is too heavy.
Your luggage is too heavy.

Your baggage is too large.
Your luggage is too big.

You have excess baggage.
You too much a lot of luggage

If you really have an advantage and have to pay extra, then you can ask about the price like this:

How much should I pay for excess baggage per kilo?
How much do I have to pay per kilogram of excess luggage?

If you can take something out ( take out/[take `out]) and transfer it to hand luggage right on the spot, you can report this as follows:

Let me take a few things out.
Let me take a few things out.

If your suitcase contains fragile items, you can put a sticker on it with the inscription fragile(fragile [ˈfræʤaɪl]/[fr`agile]) to inform the airport staff about this.

Sometimes for various reasons flights (flight/[flight]) delayed (delayed"detained" /[dil'aid]). You may be informed about this during registration:

Your flight has been delayed.
Your flight was detained.

If something happens canceled (chancelled[ˈkænsəld]/[k`enseld]), you may hear the following:

Your flight has been canceled.
Your flight was canceled.

! Additional questions.

In the US, you may be asked additional questions during registration for security reasons. They might look like this:

Did you pack your bags yourself?
Did you pack your own bags?

Has your luggage been in your possession at all times?
Did you have your luggage with you at all times?

Did you leave your bag unattended at any time?
Have you ever left your bag unattended for any period of time?

Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight?
Have you received any items from another person that you will have with you during the flight?

The purpose of these questions is to ensure that potential attackers could not put anything in your suitcase.

You may also be asked the following:

Are you traveling with any liquids?
Do you have any liquids with you?

Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials?
Do you have any firearms or flammable items on you?

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2. Security at the airport

On guard you will go through metal detector(“metal detector” [ˈmɛtl dɪˈtɛktə]/[m`etl di`ekte]) and pass your luggage through x-ray machine(“X-ray scanner” [ˈɛksˈreɪ məˈʃiːn]/[exr`ey mash`in]).

IN x-ray machine built in conveyor belt("conveyor" /[konv'eye bet]), on which luggage is placed. You will most likely be asked:

Put your bags on the conveyor belt, please.
Place your bags/suitcases on conveyor, Please.

When you go through a metal detector, you may be asked to remove your shoes or asked further questions about the presence of metal objects. Additional requests might look like this:

Spread your arms out please.
Please spread your arms out to the sides.

Open your bag.
Open your bag.

Take your shoes off.
Take off your shoes.

Please, take off your jacket.
Please take off your jacket.

Take off/remove your belt.
Remove the belt.

Do you have any keys or change in your pockets?
Do you have keys or small coins in your pockets?

If you have a computer in a case with you, then you can also ask:

Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Do I need to take my laptop out of my bag?

To which you will most likely be answered “yes”.

When the inspection procedure is over, you will be wished:

Have a nice flight!
Pleasant flight!

3. Landing announcements

Each airport is divided into large parts - terminals (terminals[ˈtɜːmɪnlz]/[t`eminls]). Each terminal, in turn, has a certain amount exits (gate/[gate]), through which the landing (boarding[ˈbɔːdɪŋ]/[b`one]) on the plane. After we have passed through the security point, we should expect an announcement about the start of boarding the desired plane.

At this time we may hear the following things:

Flight ___is now boarding at gate ___.
Flight ___ lands at gate ___.

We would now like to invite all passengers to board.
We would like to invite all passengers to board.

There has been a gate change.
The boarding gate number has changed.

This is the final boarding call for ___.
This is the last call to board the plane ___.

4. Communication on board the plane

On board you can ask flightattendant("steward, stewardess" /[flight at'endant]) in addition to food and drinks, for example, pillow("pillow" [ˈpɪləʊ]/[p`ilou]), blanket(“blanket” [ˈblæŋkɪt]/[bl`enkit]), napkins(“napkins” [ˈnæpkɪnz]/[n`epkins]).

Use the following polite phrase:

Could I have a __________?

And don't forget to say "thank you".

5. How to get through customs and claim luggage

Hurray, here we are, finally! The first thing we have to go through here is customs(“customs” [ˈkʌstəmz]/[k`astemz]). Here you may be asked some general questions regarding your visit: paragraph appointments (destination[ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃən]/[destin`ation]), target (purpose[ˈpɜːpəs]/[p`epes]) visit, availability of items needed declare (declare/[dikl`ea]). Eg:

What is your final destination?
What is your final paragraph appointments?

What is the purpose of your visit?
What is target your visit?

How long are you staying in ____?
How much time do you plan to spend in ___?

Do you have anything to declare?
Do you have something that you need declare? (We are talking about weapons, medicines, a lot of money - that is, about things that may be prohibited in the country where you are flying, and for which you will have to pay taxes).

In order to pick up your suitcases, you will have to find a department called: baggage claim(“customs” [ˈbægɪʤ kleɪm]/[b`egidj stamp]) or baggage reclaim(“customs” [ˈbægɪʤ rɪˈkleɪm]/[b`egidj rikl`ame]) - that is, the baggage claim point.

It also happens that in the chaos we lose things at the airport. In this case, you can try looking for them in the lost property office ( lost property/[lost pr`opeti] in Europe and the UK or lost and found/[lost and foundation] in the USA).

If suddenly something happened to your luggage: let's say it was lost (lost/[lost]), or damaged (damaged[ˈdæmɪʤd]/[d`emijd]) or some things are missing ( missing[ˈmɪsɪŋ]/[m`isin]), then you can tell the staff about this using the following phrases:

My baggage was lost.
My luggage was lost.

My baggage was damaged.
My luggage damaged.

A few things are missing from my baggage.
From luggage gone missing some things.

That's all, I hope the article was useful and interesting! Happy travels!

The airport is, of course, a great source of joy, but there is an even greater joy: the joy that takes over you on the plane. It reaches its climax when you are sitting by the window and the plane takes off from the ground - Amelie Nothomb.

Airports are a parallel reality. Different energy. Behind the apparent chaos there is a proven scheme. In this reality, hopes soar and land every minute. Airports are noisy anthills of human destinies - Elchin Safarli.

The airport topic has always been difficult for me. In general, at airports I always suffer from spatial idiocy and rush like a rabbit from one check-in counter to another and frantically think: Where to go next? Oh God, passport control, oh God customs.

The airport for me is a huge city that opens doors to a new world for me. I always worry when I go to the airport. I'm excited when I take off. I also admire the “flying swallows” who work on board and with whom I had the honor of working to improve my English.

So, let's look at a typical airport dialogue.

Agent: What is your final destination?

Dan: Los Angeles.

Agent: May I have your passport, please?

Dan: Here you go.

Agent: Are you checking any bags?

Dan: Just this one.

Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.

Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there?

Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding passes - your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is 26E.

final destination- final destination.

checking- here it means to register, to put under control.

on the scale- on the scales

stopover- stop, transfer before the final destination.

go straight through- when you are told that luggage “go straight through” it means that it will go to its final destination.

boarding passes- tickets

begin boarding- begin landing

seat number- seat number on the plane

gate - boarding gate.

Conversational phrases.

  • “Where are you flying today?” Where are you flying today?
  • What's your final destination? What is your final destination?
  • C heck your bags - means to check in luggage.
  • Carry-on bags are hand luggage that we take with us and are checked through the rays.
  • Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in desk?“Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in counter?
  • Where is terminal 4? “Where is terminal 4?
  • Where is gate 36?” Where is passage 36?
  • “How many bags can I check?” How much baggage can I check in?
  • “Will my luggage go straight through, or do I need to pick it up in?” Will my luggage go all the way or will I have to intercept it in Chicago?
  • “How much is the fee?” If your luggage exceeds the limit, you will have to pay a fee depending on the excess weight.
    Please mark this bags “fragile”. Please mark your luggage as "fragile". Marked when fragile items are carried in luggage.
    “Is the flight on time?” Departure on time?
    There’s a 20-minute delay". Delay 20 minutes.
  • Has your luggage been in your possession at all times? Was your luggage with you the whole time? Possession (possession).
  • Are you aware of the regulations regarding liquids in your carry-on? Are you aware of the rules for transporting liquids and hand luggage?
  • Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials? Are you transporting weapons or explosive materials?
  • Have you left your luggage unattended at any time? Have you left your luggage unattended?
  • Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight? Has anyone given you anything to take on the plane?

Let's passthroughservicesecurity.

X-ray machine- X-ray machine that checks luggage.

metal detector- metal detector

conveyorbelt - baggage belt .

bins- boxes for transporting things

Conversation at customs.

Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt , and use the bins for small objects.

Dan: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?

Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.

take off - take off.

Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change?

Dan: I don't think so. Let me try taking off my belt.

Agent: Okay, come on through.

come on through - come through

Agent: You're all set!

Have a nice flight.youreall set

” - everything is fine, come in.

  • Announcements at the gate. T
    here has been a gate change.”
  • « Boarding gate number has been changed. Flight 880 to Miami is now boarding
  • " Flight number 880 to Miami is open for boarding. Please have your boarding pass for boarding
  • “Please have your boarding ticket. We would like to invite our first and business class passengers to board
  • " We would like to invite first and business class passengers to board. We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding
  • " We are now inviting passengers with small children and passengers who require special assistance to board. We would now like to invite all passengers to board.
  • “We invite all passengers to board..”
    This is the final boarding call for the flight 880 to Miami
  • Last boarding call for flight 880 to Miami..”
  • “Passenger John Smith, please proceed to the gate 12

Passenger John Smith please take Gate 12

In airplane. flight attendants.

- stewards, flight attendants. Flight attendant:

Dan: Chicken or pasta?

- stewards, flight attendants. Sorry?

Dan: Would you like chicken or pasta?

- stewards, flight attendants. I'll have the chicken.

Dan: Anything to drink?

- stewards, flight attendants. What kind of soda do you have?

Dan: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Orange, and Dr. Pepper.

- stewards, flight attendants. Here you go.

Dan: A Diet Coke, no ice, please.

  • Thanks.“Can I have a pillow?”
  • May I have a pillow? “Can I have a blanket?”
  • May I have a blanket?“Can I have a pair of headphones?”/ “Could I have a headset?”
  • Can I have a pair of headphones? “Could I have some water/coffee/tea?”
  • Can I have water, coffee, tea? “Could I have some extra napkins?”

Can I have some more napkins?

My favorite idioms.Just in case Just in case.

“I don’t know if it will rain today, but I will bring an umbrella just in case.” I don't know if it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella. Everyday phrases in English for tourists

- this is the necessary knowledge if you are going abroad. You will feel quite comfortable abroad if you have and can understand your interlocutor. But what about those who speak English from scratch?

I love commuting between languages ​​just like I love commuting between cultures and cities.

I love switching between languages ​​just as much as I love traveling between cultures and cities.

In this article, we have collected the most necessary and basic phrases and expressions in English with translation into Russian, which you must know abroad. will be able to help you explain your wishes and needs, and also help you formulate a question.

Basic Everyday Expressions in English

Being friendly and polite is one of the basic rules of a tourist.

Are you a tourist who loves to travel? Are you going on a short vacation of a few days? Or are you planning to travel to different countries within a month?

If you want to ask or inquire about something, it is advisable to start your dialogue with a greeting, use polite words and do not forget to say goodbye.


Right now you can sign up for the first course at our online school to improve your English in two weeks.

Ways of greeting, farewell and politeness in English

Always be polite when communicating on English language. Certain phrases will help you start a conversation, say hello, express refusal or agreement.

How to better understand your interlocutor and be understood yourself in English

It would also be a good idea to try your luck and ask whether your interlocutor speaks the required languages ​​and explain what problem worries you. It is important in this situation to be understood and to understand your interlocutor yourself.

Phrase Translation
Do you speak English (Russian)? Do you speak English (Russian)
I don't understand I don't understand
What is your name? What is your name?
My name is... My name is...
I am from Russia I am from Russia (name any country)
Can you help me, please? Can you help me?
Can you speak slowly? Can you speak more slowly?
Can you repeat it, please? Can you repeat it please?
How do you call this? How does is called?
Write it down, please Please write it down
What time is it? What time is it now?
Who (What) is it? Who (What) is this?
I'm hungry (thirsty, cold, hot) I'm hungry (drinking, I'm cold, hot)
I feel bad I feel bad
Let’s go to… (café, theater, museum) Let's go to... (cafe, theater, museum)
Now Now
Later Later

Phrases for communicating in English at the airport

All signs, announcements and schedules at international airports are in English

We all know that upon arrival in any other country you may often be faced with the need to ask a question, since neither the terrain, nor the situation, nor other details may be unknown to you.


English language- a recognized international language spoken by 1,100,000,000 inhabitants of our planet, for 400 million of them it is their native language.

Having a certain vocabulary and being even in the USA, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, Great Britain, Japan or China, you have a much greater opportunity to enjoy the trip, explain yourself or ask for help from strangers.

Phrases in English at the airport

Naturally, before you get to the resort, you will need to go through the airport and customs. In this section, pay attention to everything the most important phrases at the airport and suggestions that you will need when flying or leaving a foreign country!

Below is a table of phrases with translation to help you!

Phrase Translation
I want to book/cancel a ticket I want to book/return a ticket
My flight itinerary My flight route
When is the next flight to… (London, Berlin)? When is the next plane to... ...(London, Berlin)?
When does the plane arrive in…(London, Berlin)? When is arrival to...(London, Berlin)?
Will food be served? Will there be food on the plane?
Is the flight direct/ nonstop? Is this a direct/non-stop flight?
May I carry this on board? Can I take this on board?
Luggage / baggage reclaim Receipt of baggage
Hand luggage Hand luggage
Check-in counter/desk Reseption
Delay Delay
Custom Customs
Immigration control Immigration control
Departures Departure
Aisle/Window seat Aisle/window seat (on airplane)
Departure lounge Waiting room (before departure)
Which gate does my flight leave from? Which gate do I board my flight from?
Here is my boarding pass Here's my boarding pass

Frequently asked questions at airport customs in English.

Upon arrival, you will also need a specific list of questions and phrases. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, the data phrases at the airport will help you feel more confident and at ease.

And remember, if you don’t know a particular word, it’s okay! Explain yourself as best you can, use synonyms and gestures.

English in a hotel or inn

In any hotel abroad you will be asked to fill out a hotel check-in form in English

One of the highlights of the trip is the place where you will relax after the eventful and amazing events of the past day. You always want to find something decent and affordable during your travels.

Phrases in English at the hotel

In this section you will become familiar with English phrases in the hotel. They relate to hotel check-in, room reservation, stay and departure.

Phrase Translation
I need a suite/another room
(a soap, towels, a pillow, a blanket)
I need a suite / another room
(soap, towels, pillow, blanket)
I have a reservation for a single/ double room I booked a single/double room
I'd like to check in/ out I would like to check in
Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Does the hotel have a restaurant?
When is breakfast served? When is breakfast served?
Is there an air conditioning in the room?
(heating, bathroom, shower, TV, hot water, Wi-Fi)
Is there air conditioning in the room?
(heating, bathroom, shower, hot water, internet)
I like it / I don’t like it I like / I don't like
Where is the reception?
(bar, restaurant, elevator, beauty parlor, pool)
Where is the registration?
(bar, restaurant, elevator, beauty salon, swimming pool)
How can I get there? How do I get there?
All inclusive All inclusive
Please wake me up at 8 o’clock Please wake me up at 8
Don't disturb Do not disturb

Useful phrases in English for tourists in the city

Sometimes a map is not enough and you need to ask the locals for directions in English.

Agree, sometimes it can be difficult to navigate even in small cities. Traveling by public transport is almost inevitable and it is very important to choose the right direction of travel so as not to go in the wrong direction. Sometimes it’s even important not only to ask for directions, but even to give directions (if you know your way around the area well).

Remember that you can order a transfer around the city without leaving your home, and you will know in advance the prices for the carrier’s services, which will be just another bonus for you.

Phrases on how to find out directions in English

The following questions and phrases will help you start a dialogue in the city and get to the right place.

Phrase Translation
How do I get to the..?
(shop, bus stop, museum, embassy, ​​hotel, square…)
How do I get to…?
(shop, bus stop, museum, embassy, ​​square)
Where can I find a… ?
(cafe, souvenir shop,)
Where can I find … ?
(cafe, souvenir shop)
How long will it take to get there? How long does it take to get there?
Where does this bus / train go? Where is this bus going?
How far is the...?
(airport, train station, bus station, subway)
How far …?
(airport, railway station, bus station, metro)
Turn right/left Turn right/left
Go straight ahead/ pass/ across/ into/ out of … Go straight/past/through/in/out...
This / that way Along this/that road
What street is it? What street is this?

Basic signs and signs in English

It is also important to follow the signs. The table shows the most basic signs and signs abroad.

Phrases in English for communication in a store or cafe.

You can haggle and bring down the price if you know phrases in English in the store.

We are all alive and love something tasty or beautiful. The need to buy something never goes away. These could be souvenirs or, finally, ordinary products, so it will not be superfluous to know how to ask about the cost of a particular product and how you can pay for it.


As a rule, it is advisable not to carry cash in large amounts with you, and the problem of withdrawing cash may arise by itself if you do not remember how to say “ATM” in English.

In contact with

Are you going on vacation/work/study abroad? Then you will definitely need English at the airport! It wouldn't hurt to repeat a couple of phrases.

So, you are going abroad and you know for sure that you will have a dialogue in English at the airport. Don’t worry, the procedure is standard, very familiar to everyone, and all we need to do to make our trips even more comfortable is to learn or repeat the basic one.

A short video on the topic:

Arrival at the airport

So, to fly anywhere, we first need to get to airport(airport). At the airport, look at your travel itinerary(route sheet), which terminal(terminal) you need. If we fly abroad, then we need airport international(international Airport), domestic flights- These are flights within the country. We'll probably take heavy ones with us. bags and suitcases(bags and suitcases), so in order not to carry luggage/baggage(luggage), let's look trolley(cart).

Our luggage and trolley


Now we need to find the passenger check-in counter - check-in counter.

Most likely they will tell you:

  • « Your ticket and passport, please " - Your ticket and passport, please.
  • « Did you pack your suitcase yourself? “Did you pack your suitcase yourself?
  • « Do you have any liquids or sharp objects in your hand luggage (carry on)? » - Do you have liquids or sharp objects in your hand luggage?
  • « There’s an excess baggage “You have an advantage.
  • « Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? » - Would you like a seat by the window or by the aisle?
  • « Here's your boarding pass. Enjoy your flight. " - Here is your boarding pass. Pleasant flight.

Search area

Then you will need to go through security check- inspection area. Here they won’t leave you alone either:

  • « Could you take off your shoes, please? " - Could you take off your shoes?
  • « Could you put it into the tray, please? » - Could you put this on the tray?

If you have liquid or sharp objects with you, during the inspection you may be told: “ I'm afraid you can't take that through. “I'm afraid you can't carry this.

In the end, they will still tell you: “ Walk through" - Come on in!

Waiting to board

After all the checks and inspections, you can finally go into departure lounge(departure hall). Pay attention to departure board- departure board. You need to know your flight number(flight number), gate(boarding gate) boarding time(landing time). If your flight does not appear on the board at the scheduled time, listen carefully to the announcements. Sometimes flights are delayed or canceled(flights are delayed or cancelled).

In airplane

So, you are on the plane, you have safely found your seat and are sitting quietly, not disturbing anyone. And here it comes flight attendant(on board conductor) and wants something from you: “ Put your hand luggage (carry on) in the overhead locker or under your seat. » (Place your carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment or under the seat.)

Then you listen to the announcements, you are asked: " Turn off your mobile phones and other electronic devices » (turn off mobile phones and other electronic devices) when the aircraft take off(takes off) and land(landing), and then they begin to tell various safety instructions safety instructions. When loss of cabin pressure(in case of cabin depressurization), oxygen masks will drop down(oxygen masks will fall out), and in case water landing(water landing) life vests are under the seats(life jackets are located under the seats).

Smoking is not allowed - no smoking! - and a sign with a crossed out cigarette lights up. You are told to position seats in upright position(seats in upright position) and fasten seatbelts(Fasten belts). " Please, stay in your seats until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill “Please remain in your seats until the plane comes to a complete stop.

I congratulate you, you have arrived safely. Don't forget your luggage to celebrate, go to baggage claim- baggage claim.

Sign to baggage claim and storage area

Left fill out Customs and Immigration form(fill out the customs and immigration form) and quickly explain yourself to the strict customs officer, what purpose of you visit(purpose of your visit).

Come in arrival hall(arrival hall) and welcome to another country!

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The English language can help you not only feel confident in any English-speaking country, but also, without much difficulty, buy a ticket for the required flight at the airport, check in and fly wherever your heart desires from any country in the world. English at airports is one of the most common languages ​​of international communication.

That is why you should learn a few mandatory phrases in English for communication at the airport if you do not want to constantly go abroad only as part of a tourist group led by a guide. You can get the feeling of freedom of movement and real relaxation by traveling on your own, without intermediaries when communicating with foreigners. In order to have a great time abroad, it is also worth knowing and.

To fully communicate at an airport abroad, you only need to remember a few phrases.

Phrases for booking airline tickets

Here are some examples of phrases that will help you book a ticket.

I’d like to make an airline reservation - I want to book a plane ticket.

A phrase with which you can start communication with airport employees. You immediately communicate your goal, the same phrase can be said differently, adding various details:

  • Please reserve the next flight to London – Please reserve your ticket for the next flight to London.
  • I’d like to make a reservation on the Boston flight – I would like to book a ticket on the Boston flight.
  • I’d like to make a reservation on the 9:25 morning flight from New York to Moscow – I would like to reserve a ticket for a flight from New York to Moscow at 9:25 am.
Having memorized just a few of the most frequently used words, you will already have a fairly good understanding of English vocabulary that is suitable for communication at the airport.
  • I’d like to book a seat to New-York – I would like to book a ticket/seat to New York.
If you suddenly change your mind about flying to warmer climes, the following phrases will help you:
  • I’d like to cancel my reservation – a phrase for canceling an order.
  • I’d like to change my reservation – a phrase for making changes to an order.

If you want to find out about the availability of tickets for the flight you need:

  • Is there a flight to London? – Is there a flight to London?
  • Where is the next flight to London? – When is the next flight to London?

Organizational matters

You can and should ask questions to airport staff: they will help you understand how long and comfortable your flight will be. These phrases can help you eliminate all inaccuracies when boarding a flight, find out the necessary information and simplify the check-in and flight process.

Phrase Translation
Just nine simple questions will help you solve most organizational issues at the airport:
  1. How long does the flight take?
  2. Is it a non-stop flight?
  3. Where is the airport terminal?
  4. Where do I check in?
More specific questions that will help clarify all the details:
  1. When is boarding time?
  2. Will this flight leave on time?
  3. I’d like to check-in my luggage
  4. What’s the charge for each excess kilo?
  5. What time do we arrive?
  1. When do I need to register?
  2. Is that a nonstop flight?
  3. Where is the airport building?
  4. Where do I check in?
  1. When is the landing?
  2. Will this flight depart as scheduled, on time?
  3. I would like to check my luggage
  4. How much do you need to pay for each kilogram of luggage that exceeds the allowance?
  5. What time do we arrive?

Inscriptions on the scoreboard

The inscriptions on the board will help you find your way around the airport and find out as much information about your flight as possible. Remember, there are two displays with the information you need: for arriving flights and for departing flights. Try not to confuse them:

  • Arrivals – arrival board
  • Departures – departure board

Departure board

In the column Destination or To the board indicates the direction of the flight, which will not be difficult for you to read (this is the name of the city and, in some cases, the name of the airport).

You will see the flight number in the column Flight.

One of the important columns of the scoreboard: Status/Remarks. Thanks to this column you can find out that:

  • Boarding (boarding in progress)
  • Canceled or Diverted (flight cancelled)
  • Check-in or Counter open – registration has begun (the check-in counter number may be indicated next to it)
  • Scheduled or On time – the plane will take off according to the schedule
  • Delayed – the flight is delayed (the time may be indicated here)
  • Take off – the plane is preparing for takeoff (has already left the departure gate)
  • Departed or Airborne – the plane took off
  • Gate open or Go to gate – the boarding gate is open, the gate number for boarding appears immediately
  • Gate closing or Last call (Final Call) – registration is coming to an end, you have a few minutes left
  • Gate closed – check-in for the flight is completed

Arrival board

It looks like a departure board, so they can be confused. There are three main columns on the board: Destination (destination), Scheduled (scheduled arrival time), Actual (actual arrival time). At different airports, the inscriptions on the display may differ from each other.

If unforeseen circumstances arise

These phrases will please few. We all really don’t like anyone changing our plans, and yet, it’s better to know a few phrases that will help find a way out of their problematic situation and resolve a possible conflict.

  • My luggage hasn’t arrived – My luggage has not yet arrived.
  • Here is my claim tag – This is my baggage receipt.
  • I didn’t receive the claim tag when I checked in – I was not given a baggage check at check-in.
  • My baggage is broken, and some things are missing - My baggage was damaged, some things are missing.

You can remember the words you need at the airport thanks to.

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