Home Help for tourists Standards for cleaning hotel rooms. Hotel room cleaning technology

Standards for cleaning hotel rooms. Hotel room cleaning technology

The main difference between large hotels and medium and small ones is in the technical equipment, the composition and quality of the room stock, the range of services provided and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The housekeeping department, which is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the hotel, is responsible for the quality of the room stock and cleaning.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, head of the hotel management service at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, told us about the cleaning procedure and technology.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya

Room cleaning procedure and technology

The hotel housekeeping staff includes thirteen maids and two supervisors (senior maids) who are responsible for cleaning the hotel premises and its grounds. The engineering department is responsible for maintaining order in the parking lot and engine room.

During cleaning, maids use specialized Ecolab detergents. The company provides the hotel with all cleaning equipment - from napkins to vacuum cleaners.

Types of cleaning

Daily cleaning

1. Open a window or turn on the air conditioner.

2. Collect trash.

3. Apply detergent to the bathtub and leave.

4. Make the bed.

5. Remove dust from all surfaces with a napkin.

6. Vacuum.

7. Wash the bathtub, clean up the bathroom.

8. Check the integrity of all light bulbs.

Cleaning the room after guests check out. All the same as daily cleaning, and replacement of bed linen and hygiene products.

Spring-cleaning. Once every 7-10 days, the maid washes the walls and windows from the inside, changes curtains, dry-cleans carpets and cleans all hard-to-reach places - under and behind furniture.

Easy cleaning. If the room has been empty for a long time, it is necessary to ventilate it and wipe off dust from all surfaces.

There are general rules for all types of cleaning

Cleaning begins with preparing a trolley, in which the maid puts all cleaning supplies and things that need to be replaced - towels, linen, printed materials, cosmetics.

Maid trolley Premium-Basic

The maid performs any type of cleaning in a circle from left to right or from right to left, so as not to miss a single object in the room.

“Order always comes from little things,” says Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, “so you should always pay attention to such details as the seams of the lampshade, towel labels, and the wires of electrical appliances. The guest should not see seams and labels and should not untangle the wires of the telephone and iron. The order in such little things creates the impression that the guest is the only one and welcome, that everything is just for him alone.”

Cleaning technology involves choosing the right detergent and tool.

For each surface - carpet, stone, plastic, mirror, chrome - there is a separate detergent and tool - napkin, mop, rag.

Wipes are needed to clean surfaces from dust and polish them. You can use napkins for both dry and wet cleaning, and periodically rinse the napkins or replace them with clean ones.

Rags are needed for washing floors, walls and windows.

A mop is a microfiber or cotton attachment for a flounder mop, which consists of an elongated handle and a mop holder. Mops are used for wiping floors, walls, windows and hard-to-reach places under furniture.

Extended flower handle

All detergents indicate what they are intended for, and the specific color of the mop or napkin corresponds to the cleaning area and the detergent that is used on it.

Cleaning other guest rooms

In addition to the rooms, there is a hall, lobby, restaurant, bar, conference room, elevators, toilets, stairs and corridors for guests.

Employees clean elevators, staircases and corridors during the day, when most of the guests are absent.

The hall, lobby and toilets are cleaned continuously, around the clock. As it becomes dirty, you need to wipe the floor, clean all surfaces from dust, replace chairs and lay out pillows on sofas.

The restaurant, bar and conference room are cleaned by maids at night when the premises are unoccupied.

Cleaning of office premises, territory and external walls of the hotel

In service premises and offices, maids carry out cleaning daily and in the evening, when there are no more employees.

In offices, it is necessary to wash the floors, wipe the windows, take out the trash, and clean the surfaces from dust.

The housekeeping department staff cleans the outside of the building and the hotel grounds with smoking areas daily. The outer surface of the walls is cleaned once a year by employees of cleaning companies.

Personnel training

There is a hierarchy in the housekeeping department, which is responsible for cleaning. At the very first level - maids, then - supervisors, and after them - the head of the department, Nadezhda.

Before a new maid starts work, she must undergo training - theoretical and practical. Training takes place in small groups under the guidance of a supervisor, who brings the maids into the room and himself cleans in the correct order. Next, the maids themselves try to clean up.

The duration of training for maids depends on the availability of work experience and its duration. As stated in hotel standards, a maid can undergo re-training with a supervisor if she feels insecure.

Despite the length of service and experience, each maid has in her cart this diagram, which prescribes the correct plan of action.

“Each hotel complex has its own cleaning standards. Thanks to our standards, which I described, the cleanliness level for the past year is 88%,” which means that 88% of guests noted in their reviews that their room was perfectly clean.

Hotel room cleaning technology (sequence of room cleaning, types of room cleaning, stages in the room cleaning process)

Most hotels adhere to the following sequence for cleaning rooms.

  • 1. Rooms are cleaned with a sign posted on the door “Please make up that room.”
  • 2. Cleaning in vacant, reserved, waiting rooms, as well as in rooms that are temporarily not in use for any reason (under renovation).
  • 3. Cleaning the room after clients check out.
  • 4. Cleaning rooms occupied by guests.

This order in cleaning rooms is not accidental and was adopted for a number of reasons. It is clear that in the first case, the client’s desire is the law for hotel employees, so it is logical that the maids, first of all, clean the rooms with a sign "Please remove my number." It is advisable to clean such a room as soon as possible (no more than 20 minutes), since guests often post such a sign when leaving the room for a short time (for example, going to breakfast) and returning, they want to see their room already tidied. It is rational to entrust the cleaning of such a room to two maids in order to speed up the work and not create inconvenience to the residents.

Next, it is advisable to clean vacant, booked rooms “on arrival”, because cleaning residential rooms from 7.00 to 9.00 is too early. At this time, guests are just waking up, getting ready, having breakfast, preparing to leave for work, etc., and they should not be disturbed. It is better to devote this time to monitoring the condition of the rooms awaiting guests, especially since guests will be checking into them in the near future. In vacant rooms, the maid must daily: ventilate, wipe dust, check the serviceability of all appliances. In addition, the maid’s duties include flushing all plumbing fixtures and then wiping them dry. Water is drained so that the rubber and plastic parts of plumbing fixtures do not dry out or crack, thus extending the life of the plumbing fixtures.

The condition of the room prepared for check-in must be monitored by a supervisor. “Control, control and once again control!” - this is the motto under which the LHS of a good hotel operates. It's better to check again than to make a big mistake. A guest checking into an uncleaned room is considered a very serious mistake, in fact an emergency that is fraught with serious consequences for those who made such a mistake. Almost the same work is being done in the rooms being renovated. Particular attention is paid to the reason why the number is not in use. If the defect is eliminated, then it is necessary to change the status of the room and report the readiness of the room for occupancy to the reception service. Booked rooms must be cleaned before 12.00.

Then the maids begin cleaning the rooms vacated at night, earlier in the morning and at the current moment. It is advisable that rooms are cleaned as soon as they are vacated. Information about the readiness of rooms for occupancy must be promptly received by the reception service. This allows you to avoid idle numbers and gives a greater field of activity for the administrator when choosing the required number, which ultimately significantly increases sales.

When the guests have gone on business and left the rooms, the maids begin cleaning the residential rooms. Residential rooms must be cleaned by 16.00. The sequence of room cleaning depends on the nature of the occupancy of the room stock, the specifics of a particular working day, unforeseen situations, etc. and may change due to various circumstances.

Types of room cleaning.

  • 1. Routine cleaning of residential rooms.
  • 2. Cleaning rooms after guests check out.
  • 3. Intermediate cleaning of rooms (evening service; cleaning in rooms occupied by VIPs; additional cleaning at the request of clients).
  • 4. General cleaning.
Routine cleaning of residential rooms

Maids clean rooms in the absence of residents, except when there is a sick person in the room or with the personal permission of the resident in his presence at a time convenient for him. Previously, the absence of a client in the room was evidenced by the room key he handed over to Reception. Currently, upscale hotels do not require customers to hand over electronic key cards when leaving the hotel. If Reception does not have the key to the corresponding room, it is difficult to judge whether the client is in the room or whether he took the key with him. For the convenience of guests and staff, hotels have special signs ( Door Signs): "Please, remove my number" or "Please clean my room now" and correspondingly "Please do not disturb", which are hung by residents on the door handle of the room on the corridor side. The text of the plates must be understandable to representatives of different countries and expressed in several languages ​​(Fig. 3.6).

Rice. 3.6.

The signs contain hotel logos and are shaped so that they can be hung on the door. In some hotels, these signs are made with double-sided printing, i.e. on one side it says " Please, take my number away" and on the other - "Please do not disturb". But it’s better when there is a "My dear, he's dead."

The maid's task is to clean all the rooms marked in her personal task. If there is a sign on the door handle "Please do not disturb" you should not knock on this room, it should be cleaned later. Near this room you should not make noise under any circumstances and it is advisable not to vacuum. Red light (corresponding to the category " Please do not disturb"), which lights up when the key card is swiped across the magnetic reader slot of the lock in the room door, means that the guest has locked the door from the inside and does not want to be disturbed.

As for the cleaning of rooms, on the door handles of which there is a sign " Please do not disturb", there are several different approaches. In some hotels, such rooms are not cleaned until 14:00. If by this time the sign has not been removed, then the supervisor is obliged.

  • 1. Call the number.
  • 2. If the client picks up the phone in the room, greet the guest; call him by name, after checking his name in the Housekeeping Report or on the computer; introduce yourself.
  • 3. Ask about a convenient time for cleaning the room.
  • 4. Wait for an answer, thank the guest.

Guest answers may vary, for example:

  • refusal to clean;
  • please remove now;
  • a desire to clean later or at a specific hour.

Depending on the answer, the number will be removed during the day shift or the supervisor will transfer this task to the evening shift.

Other hotels do things differently. The supervisor does not call the guest in the room, but posts a sign on the room door handle at approximately 2 p.m. "Please do not disturb" another sign (most often with a yellow color) with text approximately as follows.

Dear Guest!

Due to your request not to be disturbed, we could not remove your number. If you don't mind us doing the cleaning, please call the maid any time before 22:00. Thank you.

This text must be present on the sign in other most common languages.

Due to your wish for privacy we were not able to make up your room. If you would like us to do so, please contact the housekeeper any time before 10 p.m. Thank you.

da Sie uns gebeten haben, Sie nicht zu storen, konnten wir Jhr Zimmer nicht herrichten. Wenn Sie diesen Service in Anspruch nchmen mochten, wenden Sie sich bitte bis 22:00 Uhr an die Hausdame. Vielen Dank.

Cher client / cher cliente!

A cause de votre priere de ne pas deranger, nous n"avons pas fait votre chambre. Veuillez vous adresser a la gouvernante, au plus tard jusqu a 10 heures du soir si vous desiriez que nous fassions votre chambre. Merci.

The meaning of this address to the guest can be expressed in other words.

Dear Guest!

We came to clean the room (remake the bed), but according to your wishes, we did not bother you. Please call Housekeeping if you would like us to clean at a time that is more convenient for you. Thank you.

Such a sign can be placed on the door of the guest's room. If more than a day (24 hours) the sign "Please do not disturb" continues to hang on the door handle of the guest's room, this should alert the floor staff. In this case, you must contact Reception. The reception manager is required to call the room and find out the situation. If the guest does not answer the phone, the Receptionist, together with the Housekeeping Manager or his deputy, should knock on the door as instructed and enter to find out what is happening. Further actions depend on the circumstances.

To a room without a sign on the door handle "Please do not disturb", you need to gently knock 2-3 times. Then you should say loudly and clearly "Housemaid" or " Housekeeping"(the latter is more typical for hotels with a Western management model), after 15–20 seconds you can repeat your actions. If there is no answer, the maid can open the room and start cleaning. If the guest simply responds from the depths of the room, it is better to move on to cleaning the next room .

In the event that a guest is in the room and opens the door himself, the maid should greet him and ask whether he wants his room to be cleaned now or later: " Housekeeping, Good morning (daytime), Mr./Mrs./Ms.Smith, May I enter your room (May I come in)? / Would you like your room cleaned now? Or should / come hack later? (May l continue or shell I come later?)".

If the guest does not object to cleaning, the maid gets to work. If a guest requests cleaning later, the maid will move on to cleaning another room. If the maid sees that the guest is sleeping, she should leave the room. If a guest returns while the maid is working, the maid should ask if she would rather return to work later.

Maids should be properly trained to clean residential rooms. Currently, the personal tasks of maids in domestic hotels reflect only the status of the rooms and some features, the specifics of cleaning a particular room. Apparently, the remnants of Soviet times are still strongly affecting, when contacts between staff and guests living in the hotel were extremely unwelcome, when they tried to isolate employees from clients as much as possible.

It is advisable to provide staff with as much information as possible about clients in order to achieve individual, personalized service. The maid needs to know the names, nationality, gender of the residents of the rooms she serves. Staff should be prepared to say the guest's name, if necessary, and greet the guest in a language they understand. Often families with one or more children stay in hotels. This requires the organization of additional beds in the room. A good hotel has:

  • for every 25 rooms – 1 additional folding bed;
  • for every 50 rooms - 1 baby cot (cradle) with appropriate baby accessories.

With clients who have small children, it is necessary to coordinate cleaning times so as not to interfere with the children’s sleep and rest.

Guests with pets often come to the hotel. The maid must be instructed on the specifics of cleaning rooms occupied by guests with their pets.

Room cleaning process

When cleaning a residential room, maids are advised to position the work cart in such a way as to block the passage into the room. This is done in order to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the room. Since the guest’s personal belongings, sometimes very valuable, are in the room, the maid must protect the room from possible thefts at a time when she is in the back of the room and does not see, and because the vacuum cleaner is on, does not hear anyone entering. It is often said that fences are only for honest people. In our case, such a technique, of course, is not a 100% guarantee of the safety of the residents’ personal belongings, but at the same time it still serves as some kind of screen or barrier for intruders.

Theft from a room is a big blow to the hotel's reputation. Guests who experience such a misfortune will most likely not only never return again, but will also tell about this incident to a large number of people who could possibly become potential clients of the hotel. Modern hotel thieves are very smart, professional, sophisticated and masterful in their work. They are very difficult to distinguish from ordinary hotel guests, they look great, know foreign languages, pretend to be foreign guests and are very inventive. There were cases when, under the guise of living guests, they completely openly and calmly entered the room where the maid was cleaning, exchanged polite phrases with her in a foreign language, dulling her vigilance, took away valuables and left without hindrance. Experienced thieves only need an unlocked door and just a few seconds to commit a theft. Apparently, because of this, the service standards of many leading hotel companies require cleaning the room with the door closed. At the same time, the maid hangs a sign outside on the door handle of the room being cleaned. "Maid in the room" or “The room is being cleaned” (“Tidying up”, “Doing ir”, “Employee in the room”, “Cleaning”) and closes the door. It is clear to the guest returning to their room that their room is being cleaned. In this case, the trolley is located at the door of the room, as close to the room as possible. Under no circumstances should the trolley block the passage of hotel guests and employees. The maid must take the necessary cleaning items into the room. You can use a small basket for this. Every time the maid needs to take something from the cart again, she must open and immediately close the door behind her. This is not very convenient, and often maids, making their lives easier, break the established rule by leaving the door slightly open. Experienced supervisors can always prove to gullible maids that theft can happen in a matter of seconds. In practice, for training purposes, a supervisor or housekeeping manager may sneak into a room through a door left open by the maid, take valuables from the room, and then ask the maid, “How could this happen?” As a rule, there is no answer, but the punishment of the maid in the form of deprivation of a bonus in the amount of 100% will most likely follow. To avoid such unpleasant episodes, it is necessary to teach the maid to make as few trips as possible to the work cart for the things needed for cleaning.

Consistency in the room cleaning process

The maid must know a clear schedule for moving while cleaning the room; must be concentrated, extremely attentive, collected and observant so as not to waste precious working time. For example, while already taking out the trash from the room, the maid must determine what printing products are missing in the room, so that the next time she approaches the cart she does not forget to grab it. Cleaning is carried out in strict accordance with the cleaning flow chart for each type of room.

In a simplified form, the process of cleaning a room consists of a sequence of works:

  • ventilation of the room;
  • cleaning and washing dishes;
  • bed cleaning;
  • removing dust and dirt from furniture;
  • cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • cleaning the sanitary facility.

Each stage of cleaning has its own nuances and subtleties. When cleaning a room, you should adhere to the classic principle “from clean to dirty; top to bottom.” Room cleaning must be done in strict accordance with sanitary standards. The cleanliness of rooms in upscale hotels should be almost like in operating rooms. Gauze bandages, gloves, rubber aprons, special disinfectant solutions used by maids in their work indicate sterility and a high level of hygiene when cleaning premises.

At the beginning of cleaning, the maid should turn on all the lamps, thereby checking the operation of the lamps; open curtains and windows (weather conditions permitting). While the room is being ventilated, it is advisable to wet the plumbing equipment in the bathroom and apply detergents and cleaning products to it, thereby making your work easier in the future.

As you know, one of the most popular services in a hotel is the ordering of food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, etc.) by clients to the room. The guest can call the restaurant service and ask for dirty dishes to be removed from the room, they can take the tray out into the hallway, or they can leave the dishes on a tray or cart in the room. The maid's task is to sort the restaurant dishes from the dishes that are provided in the room. Most often this concerns glasses, ashtrays, and vases. You should take trays with dirty dishes to the service elevator as quickly as possible and leave them on special racks, which are then regularly picked up by restaurant service employees. In good hotels there is a clear schedule for walking around the floors and collecting dishes - up to four times a day. There is perhaps nothing more unaesthetic in a hotel than the sight of guests walking around dirty trays or staff stepping over trays. Therefore, it is advisable that any employee passing through the hallway, if possible, remove trays that cause inconvenience to guests and hotel staff.

The maid thoroughly washes the dishes belonging to the room (glass tray, glasses; possibly a vase or decanter; cleans the ice bucket, etc.) and temporarily covers the clean dishes with a napkin until the room is finished, so that dust does not settle on the dishes.

Next, the maid throws out the contents of all trash baskets (urns, buckets, containers) and ashtrays into a garbage bag located on the work cart; places empty containers in the bathroom. When cleaning the ashtray, the maid should carefully look at its contents, since the guest could accidentally leave valuables in it (jewelry, coins, etc.). Before throwing ashes and cigarette butts from the ashtray into a garbage bag, you should fill the ashtray with water to prevent possible fires in the trash. There may be dangerous objects in the trash can (shards of glass, blades, needles, pins, etc.), so it is very dangerous to remove trash from the trash bins by hand. Garbage baskets are emptied, washed, and a napkin or plastic bag is placed at the bottom of the basket. Trash cans must be dry, free of stains and odors. Ashtrays, after removing debris from them, are washed and wiped dry. Ashtrays are placed only in rooms for smoking guests, most often on the table, on the chest of drawers and on the dressing table in the bathroom. When cleaning a residential room, only the contents of trash cans and empty bottles can be thrown away.

The next step in routine room cleaning is making the beds. In foreign hotels of category 4-5 stars, bed linen is changed daily, regardless of the status of the guest, room category, length of stay, etc. The sequence, frequency, and frequency of linen changes (frequency of change of linen) in foreign hotels of other categories varies greatly (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2

Bed linen change schedule in Russian hotels

When starting to work with dirty laundry, personnel are required to wear special gloves, gauze bandages and rubber aprons. Used linen should be removed from the bed and dirty towels should be removed from the bathroom, while checking to make sure nothing is missing. If you discover spoiled, damaged linen due to the fault of the guest or its partial absence, it is necessary to take measures in accordance with the procedure established in the hotel for such a case. First of all, the maid should urgently report this fact to the supervisor so that measures can be taken to compensate for the damage caused. You can make a tactful appeal to the guest with this content (Fig. 3.7).

Rice. 3.7.

Such reminders may apply to any other item or accessory located in the room. Sometimes, in a hurry, unintentionally, guests can put hotel items together with their belongings (most often this concerns towels and napkins). If the guest does not respond, does not respond to this request and this message does not bring results, then the head or supervisor of the AHS has the right to draw up a report of damage to the hotel.

In case of damage to property, an evidence base is drawn up and the guest is introduced to it (the damaged item is photographed at the place where it was found). Until the guest familiarizes himself with the evidence base, the damaged item in the residential room will not be replaced or restored. The cost of damage caused to hotel property is paid by the guest on the basis of an act of damage to hotel property. The act is drawn up in triplicate; given to the client for signature; signed by the maid who discovered the damage, the supervisor or the head of the AHS and transferred to the reception service for subsequent payment.

It is also necessary to check whether the guest’s belongings are among the bed linen.

The maid places used bed linen and towels in a special bag for dirty linen, located on the work trolley. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the bag is not overfilled with dirty laundry. This is monitored not only by the maids, but also by the housemen (bellhop attendants), who, as necessary, pick up dirty linen from the maids' carts and transport it to the laundry room on special carts for dirty linen. Trolleys for dirty linen must be able to be closed (lid or special awning on top).

Housemen (bellhop attendants) are also responsible for replenishing the residential floors with clean linen; for timely delivery of linen to maids during work; for issuing and replacing bedspreads, blankets, curtains, pillows. They fulfill the requests of guests if additional sleeping accessories are needed, and also monitor and record the use of linen.

Maids report daily to housemen on the amount of linen used. This is necessary in order to eliminate possible abuses by maids. It is not uncommon for maids to not completely change the bed linen, but only carefully straighten and tighten the bedding after the guest sleeps, creating the appearance of a remade bed. Such actions by maids are severely punished, including dismissal. The maid's report on each set of linen to the houseman makes it possible to stop the dishonest attitude of individual maids to their duties. If, for example, a maid of a 4-5 star hotel is supposed to clean 15 single residential rooms, she is obliged to hand over 15 used sets of linen, unless the guest did not spend the night in the room (Sleep Out), which is noted in the working documentation floor staff.

The maid needs to be especially careful when detecting traces or stains of biological origin on the linen. Such laundry should be placed in a separate bag. Subsequently, in the laundry, such linen will be put in order in a special way, in a separate hygienic washing machine in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards. Torn or damaged linen received from the laundry should be removed from circulation. Do not mix it with dirty laundry that has already been used and put it in the wash again. This leads to even more wear and tear on the laundry and unjustifiably increases washing costs.

Currently, hotels pay great attention to environmental issues: entire programs are being developed to significantly reduce energy and water consumption and reduce the amount of waste. In this regard, it is necessary to develop rules that will ensure that hotel staff comply with all environmental requirements. It is also necessary to conduct explanatory work on environmental issues among hotel clients. For example, many hotels post notices in their bathrooms asking guests to throw the towels they want to replace on the floor or put them in the bottom of the bathtub itself, which allows housekeeping to avoid removing all the towels indiscriminately and replacing only used ones. Research has shown that if at least half of hotel clients understand the problem, the number of towels washed daily will be reduced by a third, which will ultimately save not only water and energy, but also extend the life of textiles.

The text of such an appeal to clients should be correctly formulated. It should influence people's consciousness, induce a desire to cooperate and participate in the common great cause of protecting the environment, and not create a feeling of reduced quality of service. As an example of such an appeal to hotel clients, the following text can be given (Fig. 3.8).

Rice. 3.8.

End of Fig. 3.8.

Similar calls can be used not only for individual towels, but for all bed linen in general. For example, many hotels have developed special bright and original signs, which, not by chance, depict the inhabitants of water spaces (fish or waterfowl). The text of such plates has approximately the following content (Fig. 3.9).

Alternatively, the reminder could be an object, such as a green plastic frog. Then the text may read: “If you left the frog on the bed, today we will not, with your consent, change your linen.

Rice. 3.9.

A little less washing means less harm to the environment. Our ponds will never run out of useful and cute little frogs."

Pillows, a blanket, a blanket should be temporarily placed on an armchair, sofa or chair and in no case on the floor. Before making the bed with clean linen, the maid must remove her apron, gauze bandage, gloves and put them in a special bag, and then thoroughly disinfect her hands with a special antibacterial composition.

When making the bed with clean linen, you need to check the cleanliness of the mattress pad. Standards for making beds may vary from hotel to hotel, but, of course, linen should be spotlessly clean, fresh, and well ironed. The presence of hair on bed linen is strictly unacceptable. To completely eliminate particles of hair, small fluff, and fluff from laundry, you should use a special brush with a roller treated with a special adhesive, which very effectively solves this problem.

Bedding (pillows, blankets, bedspreads) must be of very good quality. For example, in the presidential suites of some hotels, the beds are equipped with weightless blankets made of Thinsulate, a material developed by NASA for use in astronautics.

Many upscale hotels have introduced a service called a “pillow menu.” (Pillow Menu). We are accustomed to the word menu when it comes to food, service in a restaurant, cafe or bar. In our case, the “pillow menu” means the opportunity for guests to choose upon arrival at the hotel for a comfortable stay, pillows to their taste and their different quantities. Sometimes there are up to 11 pillow options to choose from (various shapes, sizes and configurations, various fillers, including scented, hypoallergenic, etc.). Currently, medical scientists have developed and recommend special pillows for use that improve the condition of patients with certain types of diseases. Such therapeutic pillows must be available in hotels (elderly people often request them). Clients receive information from the hotel in several languages ​​with approximately the following content (Fig. 3.10).

As for the number of pillows, upscale hotels never limit this to their guests. If a guest asks for, say, five or even ten extra pillows, they will accommodate him. This will be done for three very simple reasons: firstly, such guests are extremely rare - this is an atypical case; secondly, the hotel always has a large supply of additional bedding, and this request does not cause any material or moral harm to the enterprise; thirdly (most importantly) “the guest’s request is the law for the hotel.” This type of service takes into account the individual characteristics and habits of clients; personalized service is provided. And what is also very important: if the client is a regular guest and it is known in advance that he will definitely ask for a certain service, you need to get ahead of him, i.e. provide him with what he needs in advance, without reminders. A good hotel not only knows the needs of its guests, but also anticipates them. It is very important to be able to exceed the guest's expectations.

As a rule, in hotels with high cleanliness standards, two pillowcases are put on the pillow: one thick with a zipper, then a regular one.

The work of covering a bed with a bedspread requires great skill. It is especially difficult in this regard to put in order non-standard beds: King Size (king size 2x2 m), a four-poster bed in an oriental style, or a luxurious bed with a water mattress. Experienced

Rice. 3.10.Sample form "Pillow Menu"

mentors must teach new maids all the nuances in this matter. Considering that the bed is the center of the room, which is usually the first thing guests pay attention to, it should have an impeccable appearance. Bedspreads must always be absolutely clean and perfectly ironed. Beds must be made in accordance with sanitary rules and hotel standards.

The hotel room should also come with an extra blanket and pillow. All this is on the mezzanine in the closet. For the convenience of guests, the extra pillow already has a pillowcase. Extra blankets are usually very useful for guests from hot climates.

To summarize the description of this stage in the room cleaning process, it should be noted that, according to research, a person under normal conditions falls asleep within 15 minutes, but in a hotel it takes him 10 minutes more to do so. Based on this, the quality of the bed is one of the important criteria for assessing the level of hotel service.

After making the bed, the maid carefully arranges the guests' clothes; arranges the furniture as it originally stood. Personal items must remain where guests left them. It is allowed to take shoes out of the room and carefully place them in the hallway, at the entrance to the room, next to the closet. There should be no clothes scattered on the floor. It should be carefully folded on a chair or hung in a closet, strictly one item per hanger. The maid is strictly prohibited from unpacking the suitcases of guests, and, conversely, putting away things that the guests have put out of them.

There is a lot of debate among hoteliers these days about where pajamas and nightgowns should be placed: under the pillow, on the pillow, or even on top of the bedspread? The problem is that guests often forget such items in the bed when leaving the hotel. The most correct option seems to be that during your stay, pajamas or a nightgown will be at the head of the room, under the pillow, and at the end of your stay, it is more advisable to lay them out on top of the bedspread so that guests do not forget things when leaving.

Then the maid begins to remove dust and dirt from the furniture. While carrying out such work, the maid should not miss a single item. To do this, it is better to clean in a circle. At the same time, it does not matter in which direction it will move - clockwise or counterclockwise. Dust is removed first with a damp suede or leather cloth, then with a dry cloth one. In this case, a special product is used to remove dust from wooden furniture and wooden coverings. Leather wipes also clean glass and mirror surfaces very well, but you need to use the appropriate product.

Dust is removed daily from all horizontal and vertical surfaces of furniture, as well as from all objects and room equipment. When starting to clean a one-room suite, say, from right to left, the maid wipes one by one: the panel of the temperature controller and air conditioner; bedside table; Night light; telephone; back, legs, bed frame; coffee table; wooden legs of a sofa, armchairs and chairs; work (writing) desk; table lamp; sconce; chest of drawers outside and inside; TV; mini bar; stand for suitcases; wardrobe outside and inside; the door frame and the door itself. When cleaning from left to right, the order in cleaning furniture and room equipment will be, accordingly, reversed. As for multi-room rooms, cleaning at this stage begins with the furthest rooms. As a rule, they first clean the bedroom, then move to the living room, then to the study and finish cleaning in the hallway if we are talking about a three-room suite.

Polished wood furniture should be wiped down and polished to a shine. The maid should not forget to remove dust and dirt in hard-to-reach places, such as the top shelves of the closet, ventilation grilles, heating radiators, curtain rods, etc. Often when cleaning a room, a maid needs a chair. She stands on it only after she first places a napkin on the seat. Empty drawers of chests of drawers, cabinets, desks, unoccupied by guests' belongings, are wiped down daily. The maid is obliged to check whether there is any garbage under the beds, chairs, sofas, behind the chest of drawers, behind the curtains. During cleaning, the maid must pay attention to the condition of the furniture and, in case of breakage or damage, report it to the supervisor.

As for the personal belongings of residents, they must be handled with extreme care and precision.

You cannot shift documents or important papers; close and fold books, magazines, newspapers, guest records; touch laptops, cameras, jewelry, money - in other words, disrupt the order on the guest’s table.

Before the guest leaves, nothing should be thrown out of the room. Garbage is only what is thrown by the guest into the trash can or basket. But even when throwing garbage out of the baskets, the maid needs to be careful, since they may contain valuable things that could have been accidentally thrown out by guests. The maid is to some extent responsible for this too. What the maid subjectively perceives as garbage is not always so. There were cases when maids, due to inexperience, threw away papers scattered on the floor throughout the room, mistaking it for garbage, and guests then made very serious claims about the loss of important documents and bills. In such matters, it is better to play it safe and not give guests a reason to accuse hotel employees of unprofessionalism and misappropriation of the client’s belongings. If there is even the slightest doubt or question about the need or lack of need for a guest of any thing or object, it is better not to throw it away, but to store it temporarily in the maids’ room until clarification.

Most guests come to hotels with an “open heart”; they are deeply decent, conscientious, friendly and pleasant people. Nevertheless, among the clients there are people, fortunately a minimal percentage, who are just waiting for the staff to make a mistake, and even provoke the staff to do so. At the same time, they pursue a selfish goal - to benefit themselves. Based on this fact, a new concept has been established in tourism and the hotel business - “tourist racket”.

Let's consider the following non-standard, ambiguous situation.

While cleaning the room, the maid sees that all the glasses are filled with some kind of unidentified liquid, maybe some kind of drink. On the one hand, it is clear that before the guest leaves, nothing belonging to the guests can be taken or taken out of the room. On the other hand, during cleaning the maid is obliged to rinse and wipe the dishes dry. What to do in this atypical case? How can you be sure that this number is not occupied by the very client who arrived with bad intentions, “with a stone in his bosom”? In the event that the maid clears the dishes of liquid and washes the glasses, such a client will benefit from filing a claim with the hotel that, say, an expensive, collectible French cognac has disappeared. Leaving the glasses untouched will give the client a reason to complain about poor cleaning. Both are very bad. With these and similar complaints, clients of this type usually turn to the manager and demand various types of compensation and dividends for the inconvenience caused to them. Hotels often suffer from such treacherous customers and lose real money. Based on the above, the management and staff of the hotel need to be an order of magnitude wiser than the clients and not allow offensive mistakes and oversights.

In our particular case, the maid is recommended to put an additional number of empty glasses in the room, and if the liquid continues to be in the glasses for a long time, then it is necessary to contact the guest through Reception and find out from him what he thinks about this, and get his personal instructions on this check.

Returning to the question about the sequence of cleaning the room: the next thing that needs to be done in the room is to remove dust and dirt from carpeted surfaces and upholstered furniture. The central dust removal system, which some hotels are equipped with, is currently recognized as not entirely perfect. Its main drawback is the creation of strong noise during operation. In modern hotels, housekeepers more often use individual vacuum cleaners of various brands and models, including those that allow wet cleaning of carpets.

All carpeted surfaces in residential rooms must be vacuumed daily. The maid begins vacuuming from the corner farthest from the entrance and gradually moves towards the entrance. For health and safety reasons, do not step on the electrical cord of the vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to ensure that there are no exposed wires. If the vacuum cleaner does not work well or is completely out of order, you need to make a request for repairs to the hotel’s engineering and technical service. When working with a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable not to touch the furniture with it, so as not to spoil its veneer. The maid is required to vacuum carpeted surfaces under all furniture. The maid moves furniture that is not very heavy on her own. To vacuum under heavy furniture, the maid resorts to the help of housemen or utility workers. The maid must be very careful not to allow small valuables of clients, such as jewelry, coins, to get into the vacuum cleaner.

Some models of vacuum cleaners require replacement of dust bags; a certain number of such bags are allocated for replacement. The maid must ensure that the bags are not filled to capacity with dust while working, as this reduces the quality of cleaning. The other extreme is when the maid changes the dust bag every time after cleaning the next room. It is necessary to explain to the staff that they need to work economically and rationally.

To maintain high standards of cleanliness, hotel vacuum cleaners must be very powerful. At the same time, they must be durable and reliable, so that the cost of repairs and spare parts is as low as possible. The housekeeping service should be equipped with models of vacuum cleaners for dry cleaning of carpet surfaces; apparatus for dry cleaning of textile coverings; powerful fan heaters that allow you to dry carpets in a matter of minutes.

Next, upholstered furniture must be cleaned. The surfaces of sofas, armchairs, and chair seats must be cleaned daily. If these pieces of furniture have removable cushions, then dust, dirt, crumbs, etc. should be removed under them. Decorative pillows should be fluffed and carefully placed in their places. Stains, tears, etc. are strictly unacceptable on upholstered furniture.

If there is a vase of flowers in the room, you should change the water in it and remove, if any, fallen petals or leaves from the bouquet.

The telephone must always be perfectly clean. The telephone handset is treated daily with a disinfectant. The telephone cord should not be twisted or have any knots. Wires from the telephone must be skillfully hidden. During cleaning, the maid must make sure that the phone is not damaged and works well. Near the telephone there should be information about tariffs for telephone calls and instructions for connecting to the Internet.

The TV and VCR are also wiped down daily. According to safety regulations, the TV and other electrical appliances are wiped off when turned off. The TV should be tuned to the internal channel, which, when turned on, shows a commercial about the hotel and the services it provides. The television remote control must be undamaged and always clean. The TV remote control should always be in a strictly defined place, in accordance with the hotel standard (usually on the bedside table).

The maid makes sure that the television clock shows the correct time. Correctly setting the time on the television clock is very important because it is associated with the “alarm clock” function, which allows you to wake up the guest at the time necessary for him. Information with a list of channels available for viewing, including the pay television program, must be in a strictly designated place.

In hotels where the rooms are equipped with a radio, the maid is recommended to tune it to a classical music channel.

During cleaning, the maid checks the operation of all lighting fixtures. Electric lamps must provide optimal lighting and have a long service life. Burnt-out lamps must be promptly replaced by engineering and technical service employees.

The interiors of some hotels contain antiques (paintings by famous artists, unique antique furniture, valuable vases, rare crystal chandeliers and mirrors). About some unique hotels in the world, we can safely say that these are museums in which you can live. In order to preserve the furnishings in such hotels, actually museum exhibits, it is necessary to treat them very carefully when cleaning.

Works of art and other decorations of hotel premises must be put in order with extreme caution, keeping in mind their great value.

During cleaning, the maid pays attention to the cleanliness of the windows. Windows must be spotlessly clean both inside and outside. Cleanliness on balconies is also important. During the daytime, thick curtains should be drawn apart to the sides of the window. The tulle curtains are drawn back, elegantly draping the window. If there are blinds, dust and dirt are removed from them with a special brush. This brush captures two sections, top and bottom, and is very effective in operation.

When cleaning a room, heating radiators should not be missed. A special household brush removes dust and dirt from the surface and internal cavities of the battery. This brush is also suitable for wet cleaning of radiators.

You can move on to the next very important object in cleaning your room - the bathroom.

When starting to clean the bathroom, the maid again puts on rubber gloves, a rubberized apron and a protective gauze bandage. Following the classic cleaning rule, the following are sequentially put in order: a wall shelf or dressing table (table) with a mirror, a sink, tiles on the walls, a bathtub, a bidet, a toilet, and a floor. The surface of the dressing table is wiped daily. It is necessary to very carefully handle guest cosmetics and perfumes, arrange and put them back in their original places after cleaning. Do not touch or move jewelry.

The sink is washed with a special agent containing a disinfectant component, then wiped dry. The maid’s duty is to clean taps, mixers and other metal (chrome or nickel) parts of plumbing equipment to a shine. The plumbing fixtures should be free of dirt, fingerprints, traces of dried water, etc.

The mirror must be absolutely clean. To do this, the maid first uses a damp and then a dry lint-free cloth. Where there is a magnifying mirror, it is necessary to check whether the lighting above it is functioning. After cleaning, such a two-way mirror should be turned with the non-magnifying (neutral) side in relation to the guests staying. To combat mirror fogging, hotels use napkins treated with a special compound.

Fairies are wiped daily to dry hair. Hotel bathrooms are usually equipped with hairdryers in a classic white design made of impact-resistant plastic. Models of hair dryers with automatic control (automatic switching on when removing the nozzle and automatic switching off after hanging the nozzle) are considered more advanced compared to models with push-button control. It is advisable that hair dryers have an automatic shut-off function after half an hour of operation. The housings of some hair dryer models are additionally equipped with a socket for connecting electrical appliances, such as an electric razor.

Each time when cleaning, the maid is required to wipe the tiled walls of the bathroom. There should be no traces of soap yen, traces of dried water, etc. on the tiles. A special mop with a telescopic handle, which extends to a length of 80 to 140 cm, is very convenient when performing such work, which allows you to reach the most difficult to reach places.

A bathtub is labor-intensive and very inconvenient to clean. For thorough cleaning of the bathroom and for the convenience of the maid, you should rinse the bathtub on your knees, after placing a soft rug on the floor for your feet. First of all, contaminants are removed from the drain. Next, the bathtub is washed with a special detergent, starting from the bottom and going up. The sides of the bathtub should be washed especially carefully, since dirt mainly accumulates in these places. The surface of the bathroom is wiped dry, the drain is left open.

If the bathtub is equipped with a faucet that has two positions: "shower" and "faucet", the maid moves the faucet to the "faucet" position. The shower head should be facing the wall. This is done for the safety of customers, to prevent the possibility of hot water suddenly entering the resident’s face when they open the tap. It is interesting that until recently the know-how in some hotels was a “pillow menu”, but now the “menu of shower heads” with different water pressures, including hydromassage, is very relevant.

The curtains in the bathroom require close attention. They are washed, naturally, with every current cleaning. There should be no dirt, holes, cuts, etc. on them. They must be wiped dry. If the curtains are heavily soiled, they are sent to the laundry or replaced with new ones. The seams on the curtains should face the bathroom wall. The curtains are neatly distributed with folds on the side of the shower. They should be closed so that towels and the shower head are visible. The maid ensures that all rings or hooks are in place. Curtains should hang over the top of the bathtub.

It is estimated that replacing bathtubs with showers significantly reduces hotel water consumption. It is not possible to completely abandon bathtubs in a high-class hotel, since in the absence of bathtubs the level of service and class of the hotel will drop. In prestigious hotels where they think about environmental issues, sanitary facilities are equipped with both bathtubs and showers. Guests have a choice. The most environmentally conscious guests will likely prefer a walk-in shower. In hot countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia, in hotels, in order to save water, a sign is posted in the bathroom - a call to guests with approximately the following content: "You are in Africa, and water is of great value here. Leaving, close, Please, taps". For clarity and greater persuasiveness, such a sign can be made in the form of a drop of blue water.

The shower cabin is cleaned daily. The walls and door of the shower stall must be impeccably clean; shower head and hose; soap dish; taps and other fixtures; rug, floor, etc. No running taps or clogged drains are allowed in the bathroom, sink, or bidet. These plumbing fixtures require lifting the plug daily to clear the drains of accumulated dirt. The maids' duty is to check daily for blockages. If a guest calls and complains about, say, bad water flow in the bathroom, it means the maid didn't do her job properly. For dishonest work, maids in upscale hotels are usually deprived of their bonus or part of it.

The toilet is the last plumbing fixture to be cleaned in the bathroom. The maid cleans the inner walls of the toilet with a special cleaning composition, using a separate brush (not the one that is provided in the room’s bathroom). After cleaning several rooms, such a brush is disinfected with special care. The external surfaces of the toilet (seat, lid, fastenings, earthenware base of the toilet) must also be treated with a special disinfectant. The presence of rusty stains in the toilet bowl is excluded. This indicates a defect in the operation of the tank, which must be reported to the supervisor. You should flush the tank several times to ensure that the toilet is free of debris, hair, foam, cloudy water, etc. It is the maid's responsibility to ensure that the toilet works well. After cleaning, the toilet lid must be closed. The work in the bathroom is completed by washing the floor.

Now it is necessary to provide guests with clean towels, robes and other hospitality items. Guests of domestic hotels are provided with such items in accordance with the minimum requirements for rooms of various categories of the state classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities. In rooms of the highest category ("suite", "apartment", "deluxe", "studio") and in rooms of the 1st category (for 4-5 star hotels), towels, including bath towels, are laid out at a rate of at least four per guest. Guests occupying rooms of these categories are also entitled to bathrobes, slippers, terry napkins, etc. Of course, different hotel enterprises both here and abroad have different standards and assortments for personal use products for their guests.

Terry towels in a hotel must meet a number of requirements. Firstly, they must be sufficiently dense, wear-resistant and durable. At the same time, they should not be too heavy, as this complicates the work of the hotel's housekeeping service. It is also important that they are made of a material that allows the hotel logo (brand) to be applied to them. And not the last question is the ratio of price and quality. Most often in hotels you can see terry products in white or pastel colors. They are more convenient to use, allow washing at a temperature of 90°C and even boiling, which makes it possible to achieve the highest standards of hygiene. The most common European sizes of towels in hotels are: 50 × 70, 50 × 100 and 70 × 140 cm. Terry products should look very attractive. Towels should lie or hang with the front side facing the guest. The edges of the towels should be facing the wall.

The maid lays out and hangs towels in such a way that the logo (emblem, brand) of the hotel is visible. The housekeeping service should have samples (photos) according to which towels should be laid out.

For coziness and comfort, guests are provided with Bathrobes and Slippers. Most often, dressing gowns have universal sizes: L, XL, XXL. For upscale hotels, it is advisable to have children's bathrobes (usually a hooded model).

It is considered good practice for a hotel to provide its regular guests with personalized bathrobes. A personal robe will be distinguished from a regular robe by the additional (in addition to the hotel logo) embroidery of the guest's name on the top pocket of the robe, for example: Mr. Brown or Mr. Green. This robe is used only by regular hotel guests. This reception demonstrates the hotel's personalized approach to serving its customers. The main styles of bathrobes in hotels are:

  • kimono (length 130 cm; sleeve length – 3/4; belt);
  • with a shawl collar (length 130 cm; elongated sleeves, making it possible to tuck them in with a cuff).

The kimono model is considered more preferable for the warm summer season.

Robes are neatly hung on hangers (hangers), elegantly forming a belt around the waist, gracefully straightening the sleeves. Under no circumstances should the collar cover the hotel logo.

It is no secret that some guests mistakenly classify bathrobes, towels, and textile napkins as disposable items and take them as souvenirs. In hotels, it is not uncommon to see “collectors” who take away bathrobes and towels. It is clear that there are hotels in the world that will be very happy if guests take away their branded robes or towels. This is an effective hotel advertisement. But this applies only to the most expensive hotels in the world, such as: Geneva President Wilson Hotel, Grand Resort Lagossi hotel in Athens, Bridge Suit at the Atlantis hotel in the Bahamas, as well as The Palace in South Africa , Excelsior Hotel in Rome, Burj Al Arab in the UAE, etc. As for domestic hotels, even the most upscale ones, we do not yet have the opportunity to distribute textile products as souvenirs in memory of the hotel.

TOP 10 most expensive hotels in the world

Number name

The name of the hotel

Country city


Royal villa

Grand Resort Lagonissi

Greece, Athens

Hugh Hefner Sky Villa

Palms Casino Resort

USA, Las Vegas

Tu Warner Penthouse

USA, New York

Royal Penthouse Suite

President Wilson Hotel

Switzerland, Geneva

Ritz-Carlton suite

The Ritz-Carlton

Russia Moscow

Royal Suite

UAE, Dubai

Royal Suite

Switzerland, Geneva

Royal Suite

Four Seasons George V

France Paris

Imperial Suite

Park Hyatt-Vcndome

France Paris

Source: zabygrom.com/turisticheskiy-top/top-10-samyih-dorogih-oteley-mira.html

Hotel guests are informed that textiles are the property of the hotel (Fig. 3.11).

Rice. 3.11

It is advisable to place such a sign in the bathroom in a visible place.

If the hotel has a sufficient amount of textile products, you can offer guests to buy it (Fig. 3.12).

Rice. 3.12.

A reminder about the procedure for purchasing a robe can be placed in the left pocket of the robe or hang next to the robe on a hanger. The content of such a message to clients may be as follows (Fig. 3.13).

There are other recommendations for minimizing damage to hotel property. So, for example, in hotels the following technique is often used, which is designed to act on the consciousness and conscience of the residents: small cards with approximately the following text are laid out in the rooms (Fig. 3.14).

Such memos must be absolutely clean, without stains or foreign marks. Information for guests must be written in a correct form that is understandable for representatives of different countries.

Hotels must have on hand a number of bathrobes that is 1.5–2 times the number of rooms available. Towels are purchased in quantities 2–3 times greater than the number of guest rooms.

Slippers are an important element in the bathroom accessories set of an upscale hotel. Terry slippers are more suitable as a set for a terry robe. Slippers made of waffle fabric - appropriately for a waffle robe. It is very important that the slippers have grooved soles and do not slip on wet

Rice. 3.13.

Rice. 3.14.

and soapy tiles in the bathroom and protected guests from falling. There is a variant of the so-called Asian slippers, in which there is no difference between the right and left slippers, they are absolutely the same. In the “European” model, the right slipper strictly corresponds to the right foot, the left slipper to the left foot. As with all hospitality items, it is also recommended to print the company logo on slippers. There is pad printing and silk-screen printing technology. These are relatively inexpensive methods. A more expensive method is to embroider a logo, which is used when ordering slippers for hotels of the highest categories. The hotel should also take care of little guests - buy children's slippers.

In this section it is impossible not to mention such a delicate detail of the arrangement of a sanitary facility as toilet paper. Indeed, according to surveys of guests assessing the quality of equipment, equipment, convenience and comfort of hotel bathrooms, first of all they pay attention to the presence of soap and other hygiene items. Research has shown that for half of the guests surveyed this is a very significant point. In addition, a third of the guests were far from indifferent to the availability of toilet paper and its quality. Guests should never be short of toilet paper, as is often the case in low-end hotels when housekeeping manages to split one roll of toilet paper between several rooms. Every upscale hotel room should have at least two rolls of toilet paper. One roll, as a rule, is located on a special paper holder. The second (spare) roll can be located on a special toilet paper rod. Paper holders in the bathroom should be rationally located in relation to the plumbing equipment and convenient to use. It is not necessary to mount the paper holders to the wall. It is better to place the paper on special racks that can be moved around the bathroom if necessary. This mobile WC set has, in addition to a toilet paper holder, a toilet brush with a stand and a holder for an additional roll of paper.

Toilet paper is positioned so that it unwinds towards the client. The end of the toilet paper is folded into a V (corner). In a residential room, the toilet paper roll must be at least 1/4 full, i.e. The paper should be replaced if its thickness is less than 1.2 cm. The spare (optional) roll of paper should be sealed.

The room is also equipped with paper napkins. Napkins can be placed in special dispensers, which ensure their economical consumption. The top napkin is formed with the letter V (corner). The appearance of a colored napkin indicates that the napkins have come to an end and need to be replenished.

The room includes paper or plastic bags for used feminine sanitary pads (disposable sanitary bags, bag for sanitary pads), which are placed in a secluded place in the bathroom or in a dresser drawer.

It has become not uncommon recently to have bathroom scales in the bathrooms of good hotels. The presence of scales is regarded by guests as a sign of concern for their health and significantly increases the level of hotel service.

Flowers are widely used to create more coziness and attractiveness in the bathroom. Both decorative potted and cut flowers can decorate the bathroom interior. Tropical plant species are considered most suitable for the warm and humid microclimate of the bathroom. One flower (rose, carnation, etc.) or a small bouquet in a vase on the dressing table gives the bathroom an unforgettable charm.

The bathroom door is left slightly open (approximately 15 cm) to allow air circulation.

Modern hotels are equipped with individually controlled heating and air conditioning systems. The optimal temperature in hotel rooms is considered to be 20–22°C. During cleaning, the maid controls the temperature of the thermostat during the heating season, and also sets the air conditioner regulator to the desired position to maintain the set temperature in the room during the summer.

When leaving the room, the maid draws attention to the presence of matches (they are placed in ashtrays with the hotel logo facing up); information folder for guests; bottle openers (corkscrews); brushes for clothes, laundry bags (Laundry bags) and order forms for laundry/dry cleaning services (Laundry Form, Laundry List); sewing kit; printed information products, as well as a rescue breathing apparatus for an emergency situation, an electric flashlight, a branded package or bag with the hotel logo and other necessary items to ensure a comfortable and safe stay for guests at the hotel.

At the end of the cleaning, the maid freshens the air in the room, using a deodorant with a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma. Next, she turns off the light (if the room is not equipped with an energy-saving controller that allows you to automatically turn off the light as soon as the guest or maid leaves the room). All cleaning items must be taken away.

Then the sign is removed from the door handle "Maid in the room", the door is closed and a note is made in the personal assignment about the cleaning done and the room being ready. If the maid cleaned the room in the presence of the guest, then, when leaving, she should wish the guest a pleasant stay at the hotel and ask whether to hang a sign on the door handle "Please do not disturb".

When cleaning rooms, maids should not forget the basic rules of behavior.

  • 1. Never allow strangers into your room during cleaning (including hotel staff).
  • 2. Never call from your room.
  • 3. Do not answer calls in the room while cleaning. Very important and confidential information may be communicated to guests that the service staff should not know about.
  • 4. Under no circumstances should you watch TV while cleaning your room.
  • 5. Do not touch guests' personal belongings. Residential rooms usually contain a lot of interesting and attractive things: hats, jewelry, bottles of perfume, hygiene items, luxury magazines, photo albums, etc. Some maids are tempted to try on something, use something, leaf through a magazine, etc. This is strictly prohibited. If a signal is received from a guest or the manager catches a maid engaged in such an unseemly activity, this may be followed by serious punishment, including dismissal.
  • 6. Do not use the room as a place to relax (do not sit on the bed or chair). It is strictly forbidden to use the guest toilet. Sometimes in hotels with a low level of service there are facts when maids, having completed their assigned work ahead of schedule, allow themselves to get together in one of the rooms, sit comfortably on upholstered furniture, turn on the TV and smoke. This is a blatant violation of the hotel's internal regulations.

Room cleaning technology distinguishes between daily cleaning, after departure of guests, and general cleaning. Every day the maid carries out routine and intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence: first, booked rooms are cleaned, then vacated rooms are cleaned, and occupied rooms are cleaned last. Maintenance must be carried out during times when guests are not in the room; for this, it is necessary to first agree with the clients on the cleaning time. If guests are in the room, a cleaning permit must be obtained.

Routine cleaning includes airing the premises, cleaning and washing dishes, making beds, cleaning the table, bedside tables, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, caring for flowerpots. The maid's responsibility also concerns checking the condition of the furniture and equipment of the rooms. If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process must first begin in the bedroom, then in the living room, other rooms, and finish with the bathroom.

Daily intermediate cleaning of rooms is often carried out in the afternoon at the request of guests for a fee or if this is a cleaning specified in the work schedule. A housekeeper's duties include removing trash from a room, cleaning and washing dishes, wiping down the dining table, changing bed linens, changing bed linens, cleaning bathrooms, preparing baths, changing towels, mopping or mechanically mopping floors.

All types of cleaning carried out in hotel rooms are carried out with the mandatory use of cleaning equipment and the necessary consumables. It is technologically feasible to use cleaning equipment and products, preserve and maintain them in proper condition - important measures in compliance with the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

If the guest left laundry for washing, the maid hands the linen in a special bag to the senior maid, who passes it to the laundry. The head maid draws up a receipt with a list of linen and notes the cost of washing, then places a blank laundry order form on the table and hangs a new laundry bag in the bathroom. If malfunctions of plumbing equipment, electrical equipment, water supply, or household appliances are found in the room, you must submit a request to the control center of the engineering and maintenance service, make an entry in the log and monitor the implementation of the request.

When guests check out, the maid must check whether the guests have forgotten to check the condition of the equipment in the room, replace bed linen and towels, replace information material, after which the room is cleaned.

General cleaning of the entire living area is carried out at least once every 10 days. General cleaning is carried out during the absence of guests in the room and involves wet cleaning, wiping furniture, removing stains on the floor, carpeting, upholstered furniture, and washing bathrooms with a special solution.

According to generally accepted standards in the hotel industry, the room cleaning scheme includes the following stages:

  • Ventilation and air conditioning of premises. Ventilation is provided naturally by opening windows for 20-30 minutes. or using air conditioning systems. Comfortable aerodynamic characteristics of the premises must be ensured half a day before guests arrive in the room;
  • Cleaning up large debris;
  • Removing dirty linen from bedding;
  • Clean linen must be placed next to the bed, the bed with bedding is left for a certain period of time for ventilation;
  • Used towels, bathrobes, etc. are removed from the bathroom;
  • Sinks and glasses are washed;
  • The bathtub and toilet are washed;
  • While the bathtub and sinks are drying, the bed is made;
  • The balcony is being prepared if it is provided in the room;
  • In the living room, dust is wiped off from all objects;
  • The floor is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • The floor in the bathroom is being washed;
  • Used equipment is updated and replaced (soap, matches, toilet paper, etc.);
  • In the bathroom, towels, bathrobes, etc. are replaced.

Room cleaning must be done with the permission of the guests. Typically, rooms should have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob, warning the maid not to enter the room. If there is no sign on the doorknob, the maid will enter the room and must ask permission to clean. Having received permission, she begins to clean the bathroom, then the maid continues cleaning the living room in the presence of the guest (if he does not object) or may ask the guest to leave.

After cleaning the maids' rooms, their work is checked by the duty officer on the floor. During a work shift, the person on duty on the floor during a quick check, according to the norm, must inspect 100 rooms; with a more thorough check, the norm is 35 rooms. During a quick check, which lasts 3-5 minutes. the person on duty on the floor must find out whether ventilation was carried out in the room (special attention must be paid to the presence of foreign odors in the sanitary and hygienic areas of the room), the quality of cleaning in the living area and bathrooms - plaque was removed, stains on the sink, toilet, shower, bathtub, tiles, made bed. A more thorough check lasts 7-10 minutes. and concerns a detailed study by the duty officer on the floor of the quality of cleaning, replacement of linen, towels in the bathroom, replenishment of used related materials, removal of stains on the carpet, upholstered furniture, replacement of information material, technical condition of household appliances. Any comments regarding the quality of maid service must be taken into account in perspective.

In the structure of the hotel's office premises, the room service service must have premises for production use, characterized by sufficient dimensions for the organization and conduct by the head of the service of coordination work, training, training, celebration of corporate events, etc.. In the general office space, maids receive tasks and report on the completion of work , tasks for performing work in the hotel sectors are discussed, conversations are held with staff, information is provided on preparing rooms for receiving guests, orders for the issuance of funds and equipment, keys for official use are stored and controlled.

In addition to the general office space, on each floor in hotels there should be technological premises for service personnel. These small office spaces are used for storing equipment, cleaning supplies, changing clothes and storing personal belongings, and rest.

In the functional structure of the service, there are separate divisions that carry out repairs and wash the uniforms of hotel employees. In especially large hotels, a separate structural nanny is organized to care for children, who works sporadically; her work involves personnel from other services, who in their free time have the opportunity to earn additional income. Guests in such situations pay the services directly to the staff.

The amount of work and distribution of responsibilities among the housekeeping staff significantly depends on the size of the hotel, location, and the presence of adjacent territory located in the structure of the hotel complex. In particular, if the hotel owns an adjacent green area, the functions of this service may include maintaining order and cleanliness of its territory.

To account for the equipment in each room, a special description is provided in the form of a separate card, which indicates data on the condition of the room - the structure of the inventory, malfunctions, missing items, etc. In European hotels, it is common practice to conduct an inventory twice a year - in the middle and at the end of the year. During the inventory process, an account is taken of linen, blankets, towels, dressing gowns and other fabric products, linen used in the restaurant, in the keeping of the wardrobe maid, in the laundry. Similar accounting is carried out in relation to dishes, interior items, etc. The purpose of the inventory concerns the clarification of the supply of inventory, the need for its replacement, and the cost of replacement in the budget. According to the experience of operating room service in hotels, up to 10% of all inventory needs to be replaced or restored annually.

Material resources and standards of room service.

The material base of the rooms must meet the needs of clients and the category of the hotel in which it is positioned.

In European hotels, a standard set of equipment in a living room should include: a bed, a table, 2 armchairs, a sofa, a coffee table, a floor lamp, 2 bedside tables, 2 lamps near the bed (table or wall), TV, telephone (fax), wardrobe (chest of drawers), minibar with drinks and light snacks. The bathroom should have: a bathtub (jacuzzi bath - in luxury rooms of hotels of the highest category) and / or shower, bidet and toilet, lamp, mirror.
Additionally, the room may offer related materials: matches (one box in the living room and one in the bathroom, 15 valves (6 regular, 6 for skirts, 3 with a trouser clip), a plastic bag for dirty linen or clothes with an information sheet included in it and prices for laundry and dry cleaning, shopping bags with the hotel logo imprinted on them, bags made of fabric with lavender against moths and for scenting clothes in the closet, a safe if the hotel does not have special rooms for storing valuables, writing set, envelopes, fax paper messages, pen, pencil, binder and other office supplies, postcards with photographs of the hotel, city or country, telephone directory of the main hotel services, telephone directory of additional hotel services, a notebook with a pen at the telephone.
In the bathroom for one person there should be: 2 bath towels, 2 face towels, 2 small body towels, mat, bathrobe, slippers, shampoo for body and hair, soap for body and hands, lotion for rubbing the body after taking a bath , hair conditioner, bath cap, ear cleaning sticks, makeup remover swabs, sewing kit, shoe polish, toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, shaving machine, aftershave eau de toilette.

The listed list of equipment in the main functional areas of the room is an arbitrary minimum, which is adjusted by the hotel establishment. A hotel establishment can increase the number of related services that generate additional costs, while at the same time attracting more guests and encouraging the use of more services. For example, some hotels and rooms offer a coffee maker, free coffee and tea, while others offer ironing boards and irons. The latter service is widely offered in the US, but is offered with caution in Europe due to fire hazards.

The service in VIP rooms deserves special attention. Guests of this category prefer especially comfortable luxury rooms (“presidential suite”). In addition to a safe in the room, a minibar with a wide selection of alcoholic drinks and snacks, a refrigerator, etc., service is provided by several people, often a maid under the supervision of an attendant on the floor.

When servicing VIP rooms, it is important to timely replenish and replace related materials (stationery, personal hygiene products, care products for shoes, clothing, etc.). In the use of accompanying products in hotels, generally accepted approaches, for example, one soap weighing 80 grams is allocated per person for washing the body, and 20 grams for hands. All soaps must be renewed before the client arrives. It is important to replace funds in a timely manner if the client lives in the room for a long time and uses them often.

In the event of a power outage, there should be a candle with a candlestick in the bathroom. The structure of the inventory must include a fire evacuation plan; it is important that it is in several languages ​​and located in an accessible place for review. In luxury hotels, high-end rooms use audio equipment. Its use emphasizes the luxurious living conditions and at the same time requires compliance with the comfort conditions defined by the hotel. Sometimes the overall inventory structure includes spare pillows and one spare blanket. Pillows in hotels are made from feathers; in case of allergies, a guest should have foam pillows in reserve.

Minibars in rooms must be closed before guests can use the room. When checking into a room, the client receives, along with the keys to the room, a key to the minibar. The minibar should have a price list for products. Today, the service of providing bar use and billing for the use of a minibar is mainly computerized. In some hotels, control over the range of drinks in the bar in the rooms is carried out by a separate responsible employee, who simultaneously determines the bill.

Use of detergents and cleaning products.
In the operation of room service today, a significant range of detergents and cleaning products is used; the list of their types should be sufficient for various types of cleaning work. The following types of detergents are distinguished:

  • Universal;
  • For cleaning the floor (separately for cleaning marble, concrete, ceramic tiles);
  • Air fresheners;
  • Disinfectants;
  • For cleaning metal surfaces;
  • Alcohol (white (medicinal) for rubbing metal surfaces, adding shine; blue (technical) for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, including floors);
  • Polish for furniture, floors, for rubbing copper surfaces;
  • Shampoos for cleaning carpets;
  • For cleaning refrigerators;
  • For cleaning ceramic tiles;
  • For cleaning polyethylene products.

On the floors with rooms there are special linen rooms in which all consumables, household appliances, auxiliary equipment, etc. are stored.

The maid's trolley is an important element in the cleaning process; it has a special design adapted for movement in small rooms and for transporting the necessary tools for the maid's work. The trolley consists of two tiers - on the top one, clean linen and equipment that needs to be replaced or restored in the rooms are transported, on the bottom - products and equipment that the maid uses in the process of work.

Use of electronic locking systems in hotels

High-end hotels today often use electronic locking systems. The use of this system is associated with a set of security measures in the hotel, ensuring high efficiency of the technological process (primarily the reception and accommodation service), and ease of use of the hotel premises by its clients and staff.

An electronic lock consists of two parts - mechanical and electronic. The mechanical part is represented by a mechanism similar to a standard mortise lock with external and internal linings, which have, in addition to functional and decorative significance. The electronic component communicates with a built-in microcomputer and a time correction mechanism with an electronic card. Another electronic component—an electronic plastic magnetic card with an individual code—functions as a key. The electronic key card is manufactured using special technology, which guarantees absolute accuracy and compatibility with the information identification device for each lock. The substance from which electronic keys are made does not accumulate static electricity, is not exposed to moisture, dust, and is resistant to mechanical stress. The use of the electronic card is controlled from the central console located in the reception.

The so-called “time window” is recorded on the client’s electronic card - the time of his stay and use of hotel services. After the end of the stay or in case of non-payment of services, the client is not able to get into the room without the intervention of hotel staff. Together with an electronic card, hotels today use locks that simultaneously open doors with a mechanical key.

Each electronic lock stores information about all door openings using a card or mechanical key; most electronic lock systems store information about all unsuccessful attempts to use the lock. Locks from modern manufacturers store information on an average of 250-5900 uses of the lock (5900 - the latest version of Saflok locks).

Locks can operate in autonomous mode (off-line), or be integrated into a public power supply network (online). In any case, when the power supply is turned off, they work in autonomous mode, receiving a charge from AA batteries.

In addition to the electronic lock function, the electronic card is used in non-cash payments within the hotel. At all points of sale (POS - Point of Sale) special devices are installed to identify information on the card. In particular, such devices are used in the sales areas of a restaurant, bar, fitness center, etc. The information entered on the card is protected by non-standard recording methods that are not available for other systems, in particular cash registers and POS terminals.

Meanwhile, hotel lock systems today use smart cards. Smart cards can store an order of magnitude larger amount of information and provide a high degree of security. The main disadvantage of smart cards is their significantly higher cost, which reduces their use in hotels. New models of electronic locks from leading manufacturers allow you to use magnetic and smart cards together. In this option, magnetic cards are used by clients, while smart cards are used by hotel staff or VIP guests. To apply information to magnetic smart cards, a special device is used - an encoder.

The electronic lock system is controlled at the reception. For this, special equipment is used such as:

  • Mini-terminal - ensures the prompt production of electronic key cards of any level of protection with a personal code;
  • Electronic key encoding device - writes the newly created code to a new electronic key;
  • Information transfer device - used as an interface between the encoding device and the door lock if the codes match;
  • Electronic Key Verification System - used to verify the authenticity of keys.

A new electronic card produced at the reception will automatically change the code of the previous card the first time it is used in a certain lock. Thus, stolen or lost keys cannot be used if the client promptly reported the incident.

Electronic keys can be used in various operating modes: client, maid, comprehensive service, minibar, engineering service, administration, emergency, spare key, one-time key.

The client receives a key in the “client” mode, the code of which is compatible only with the lock of his number. Maids and minibar room service personnel have key cards coded for access only to those areas assigned to those personnel. For engineering and technical service employees, the key of this number for which the application was received is specially encoded. The director and other representatives of the administration use a key with a code that provides access to any room of the hotel. In emergency situations, the “emergency” operating mode is used, in which the locks are blocked within a floor, building, or the entire hotel.

In an emergency situation related to power outages to the hotel, preventive maintenance of the technical condition of the computer network, etc., pre-made key cards are used for guests arriving at the hotel. These keys are kept in the hotel's safe. For one-time access to the room, one-time use key cards are issued.

The information system of electronic locks is controlled using special software. The software in the reception computer provides for various levels of access, personal password and other security systems. According to the level of access and job responsibilities, the receptionist only issues guest electronic cards, the HR manager produces cards, etc. Together, all operator actions are entered into the protocol in order to obtain data about the electronic lock card, number, and operator at any time.

Typical in hotels is the use of locking systems in common areas - conference room, swimming pool, fitness center, parking lots, etc. Access parameters are set by software that allows you to set a list of access points for a specific user, and also records the time during which which can be accessed.

Most hotels adhere to the following sequence for cleaning rooms:

  • - first of all, rooms are cleaned with a sign posted on the door “Please make up my room”;
  • - then cleaning in vacant, reserved rooms, as well as in rooms that are temporarily not in use for any reason (under renovation);
  • -rooms are then cleaned after clients check out;
  • -after this, the rooms occupied by guests are cleaned.

This order in cleaning rooms is not accidental and was adopted for a number of reasons.

It is clear that in the first case, the client’s desire is the law for the hotel employees, so it is logical that the maids first of all clean the rooms with the sign “Please clean my room.” It is advisable to clean such a room as soon as possible (no more than 20 minutes), since guests often post such a sign when leaving the room for a short time (for example, going to breakfast) and returning, they want to see their room already tidied. It is rational to entrust the cleaning of such a room to two maids in order to speed up the work and not create inconvenience to the residents. Guests at this time are just waking up, getting themselves in order, having breakfast, preparing to leave for work, etc. and they should not be disturbed. It is better to devote this time to monitoring the condition of the rooms awaiting guests, especially since guests can check in at any moment. In vacant rooms, the maid must daily: ventilate, wipe dust, check the serviceability of all appliances. In addition, the maid’s duties include flushing all plumbing fixtures and then wiping them dry.

The condition of the room prepared for check-in must be monitored by a supervisor. Control, control and more control! - the motto under which the Housekeeping service of a good hotel operates. It's better to check again than to make a big mistake. A guest's check-in into an uncleaned room is considered a very serious mistake, in fact an emergency, which is fraught with serious consequences for those who made such a mistake when checking into the reception service. Booked rooms must be cleaned before 12.00.

Then the maids begin cleaning the rooms vacated at night, early morning and currently. It is advisable that rooms are cleaned as soon as they are vacated. Information about the readiness of rooms for occupancy must be promptly received by the reception service. This allows you to avoid idle numbers and gives a large field of activity for the administrator when choosing the required number, which ultimately significantly increases sales.

When the guests have gone on business and left the rooms, the maids begin cleaning the residential rooms. Residential rooms must be cleaned by 16.00.

The sequence of room cleaning depends on the nature of the occupancy of the room stock, the specifics of a particular working day, unforeseen situations, etc. and may change due to various circumstances.

Types of room cleaning:

  • · Routine cleaning of residential rooms.
  • · Cleaning rooms after guests check out.
  • · Intermediate cleaning of rooms (evening service; cleaning in rooms occupied by VIPs; additional cleaning at the request of clients).

Room cleaning technology includes daily, after guests' departure, and general cleaning. Every day the maid performs routine and intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence: first, booked rooms are cleaned, then rooms that are vacant are cleaned, and occupied rooms are cleaned last. Maintenance must be carried out during times when guests are not in the room; for this, it is necessary to first agree with the clients on the cleaning time. If guests are in the room, a cleaning permit must be obtained.

Routine cleaning includes: airing the premises, cleaning and washing dishes, making beds, cleaning tables, bedside tables, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, caring for flowerpots. The maid's responsibility also concerns checking the condition of the furniture and equipment of the rooms. If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process must first begin in the bedroom, then in the living room, other rooms, and finish with the bathroom.

Daily intermediate cleaning of rooms is often carried out in the afternoon at the request of guests for a fee or if this cleaning is specified in the work schedule. Housekeeping responsibilities include removing trash from the room, cleaning and washing dishes, wiping the dining table, re-making bed linens, changing bed linens, cleaning the bathroom, preparing the bath, changing towels, mopping or mechanically cleaning the floor.

All types of cleaning carried out in hotel rooms are carried out with the mandatory use of cleaning equipment and the necessary consumables. It is technologically feasible to use cleaning equipment and products, preserve and maintain them in proper condition - important measures in compliance with the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

If the guest left laundry for washing, the maid hands the linen in a special bag to the senior maid, who passes it to the laundry. The head maid draws up a receipt with a list of linen and notes the cost of washing, then places a blank laundry order form on the table and hangs a new laundry bag in the bathroom. If malfunctions of plumbing equipment, electrical equipment, water supply, or household appliances are detected in the room, you must submit a request to the control center of the engineering and maintenance service, make an entry in the log and monitor the implementation of the request.

When guests leave, the maid must check the condition of the equipment in the room, replace bed linen and towels, replace information material, and then clean the room.

General cleaning of the entire living area is carried out at least once every 10 days. General cleaning is carried out during the absence of guests in the room and involves wet cleaning, wiping furniture, removing stains on the floor, carpeting, upholstered furniture, and washing bathrooms with a special solution.

According to generally accepted standards in the hotel industry, the room cleaning scheme includes the following stages:

1. Ventilation and air conditioning of premises. Ventilation is provided naturally by opening windows for 20-30 minutes. or using air conditioning systems. Comfortable aerodynamic characteristics of the premises must be ensured half a day before guests arrive in the room;

2. Cleaning up large debris;

3. Removing dirty linen from bedding;

4. Clean linen must be placed next to the bed, the bed with bedding is left for a certain period of time for ventilation;

5. The bathroom is cleaned using towels, bathrobes, etc.;

6. Washable sinks and glasses;

7. Washable bathtub and toilet;

8. While the bathtub and sinks are drying, the bed is made;

9. The balcony, if provided in the room, is being prepared;

10. All items in the living room are dusted;

11. The floor is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;

12. The floor in the bathroom is washed;

13. Updated and replaced, used equipment (soap, matches, toilet paper, etc.);

14. Towels, bathrobes, etc. are being replaced in the bathroom.

Room cleaning must be done with the permission of the guests. Typically, rooms should have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob, warning the maid not to enter the room. If there is no sign on the doorknob, the maid will enter the room and must ask permission to clean. Having received permission, he begins to clean the bathroom, then the maid continues cleaning the living room in the presence of the guest (if he does not object) or may ask the guest to leave.

In the general service area, the maid receives tasks and reports on the completion of work, discusses tasks for performing work in the hotel sectors, conducts telephone conversations with staff, information on preparing rooms for receiving guests, all orders for the issuance of funds and equipment, keys for official use are stored and controlled.

When servicing rooms, it is important to timely replenish and replace related materials (stationery, personal hygiene products, care products for shoes, clothes, etc.). In the use of related products in hotels, generally accepted approaches, for example, one soap weighing 80 grams is allocated per person for washing the body, and 20 grams for hands. Before the client arrives, everything cute must be updated. Together, it is important to promptly replace products if the client lives in the room for a long time and uses them often.

Use of detergents and cleaning products. In the operation of room service today, a significant range of detergents and cleaning products is used; the list of their types should be sufficient for various types of cleaning work. The following types of detergents are distinguished:

1. Universal;

2. For cleaning the floor (separate ones for cleaning marble, concrete, ceramic tiles);

3. Air fresheners;

4. Disinfectants;

5. For cleaning metal surfaces;

6. Alcohol (white (medicinal) for rubbing metal surfaces, adding shine; blue (technical) for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, including floors);

7. Polish for furniture, floors, for rubbing copper surfaces;

8. Shampoos for cleaning carpets;

9. For cleaning refrigerators.


During the internship, I learned a lot about the hotel industry and got acquainted with the workplace as an administrator. She approached the work of all administrative and hotel services with interest and responsibility. Participated in the social life of the enterprise.

At the end of my work, I came to the following conclusions. The hotel complex is an important element of the social sphere, playing a large role in increasing the efficiency of social production and, accordingly, increasing the living standards of the population.

Hotels have the following features:

Consist of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum, have a single management;

They provide a variety of hotel services, the list of which is not limited to daily making of beds, cleaning of rooms and bathrooms;

Grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided, available equipment and country standards;

Focused on your segment of travelers;

They can be independent or part of specialized associations (chains).

And as a backup administrator, I acquired practical skills:

Mastered the functional responsibilities of a reservation manager (administrator);

I studied the organization of the reception manager's workplace: counter, fax machine, etc.

Carried out the process of receiving and accommodating guests;

Completed the relevant documentation (registry of citizens, register of foreign citizens in the rooms);

I responded with a confirmation letter, a refusal to book a reservation from a client of the organization;

Issued an invoice for accommodation;

I applied the professional etiquette of the reservation service manager (administrator).

The employees of the Aphrodite Hotel do everything to ensure that clients who visit them return and become regular customers.

Industrial practice at the Aphrodite Hotel allowed not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge of reception, accommodation and check-out of guests.


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