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Swan Lake. Buy tickets to Swan Lake Ramth Swan Lake

July 1 – August 28
on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater
(Teatralnaya Square, 2)

July 1 XVIII " Summer ballet seasons » – ballet classics non-stop in the very center of Moscow.

According to tradition, the first performance of the “Summer Ballet Seasons” will be the main Russian ballet – “ Swan Lake"in the most classic edition by Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa. Then for two months every evening on the stage of RAMT " Nutcracker», « Cinderella», « Don Quixote», « sleeping Beauty», « Giselle», « Romeo and Juliet», "La Bayadère"– productions by legendary choreographers Asaf Messerer, Vasily Vainonen, Alexander Gorsky.

All performances are accompanied by an orchestra.

Summer Ballet Seasons 2018
July 1 – August 28

RAMT (Russian Academic Youth Theater)
(2 Teatralnaya Square)

July 1 – August 28, MOSCOW – Russian Academic Youth Theater is about to host the 18th annual fixture of Summer Ballet Seasons 2018. When repertory theaters go off-season, a unique ballet marathon starts on Moscow’s cultural map. Every day over two months, the RAMT stage will be home to masterpieces of global ballet art. This includes three ballets by Pyotr Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake (traditionally opening and completing the Seasons), The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker, as well as Giselle by Adolphe Adam, Don Quixote by Ludwig Minkus, Romeo and Juliet and Cinderella by Sergei Prokofiev, etc . These will be shown in classical versions by Russia’s top choreographers – Marius Petipa, Vasili Vainonen, as well as in modern choreography reserving the classical basis. This concentration of the world’s best masterpieces is the crown jewel of this city’s summer cultural life! Summer Ballet Seasons feature leading choreographic troupes with repertory based on ballet classics.

A choreographic and plastic ballet appeared at RAMT, staged by director-choreographer Smirnov-Golovanov. This is a classic interpretation of the version by Ivanov and Petipa, subject to editorial changes to the plot by the production director in collaboration with librettist Ryzhenko. The choreographic director's introvariation turned out to be soft-watercolor, flying-airy, showing the best sides of the choreographic skills of the “Ramtovo” team.

Ballet " Swan Lake"will help you find yourself in an amazingly mysterious choreographic fairy tale, with an emphatically airy composition and a beautiful dance of swans. The production clearly and realistically recreates the atmosphere of the mystical lake (sketches by Smirnov-Golovanov), and the shining, marvelous costumes of the ballerinas (designer Dvorkina) emphasize the beauty and chiseled waists of the swan girls. Celebrating his birthday, the handsome Prince Siegfried notices a school of swans flying past . He carries him away with his flight and grace, and the prince rushes deep into the forest, to the lake.

Here he discovers the beauty and charm of the swan queen, Odette, and Siegfried immediately falls in love with the beautiful swan. The girl told the prince that she was bewitched by the black sorcerer-fatum, and she was forced to hide on the lake. The prince promises to be with Odette and protect her from the sorcerer’s magical spell. But in the palace, Siegfried's mother arranges a bridesmaid ceremony - the prince must choose a bride. Siegfried desperately opposes the ceremony until Odile, the sorcerer's messenger who looks incredibly similar to Odette, comes to the palace.

The ballet “Swan Lake” by P. I. Tchaikovsky is one of the most striking phenomena in musical culture, a world symbol of Russian ballet. The masterpiece, created by the great composer at the end of the 19th century, continues its triumphal march throughout the world in the 21st century and, as before, captivates everyone with its lyrical beauty, the triumph of the ideas of goodness and humanism. The plot is based on an ancient German legend about the beautiful princess Odette, who was transformed into the swan by the curse of the evil sorcerer Rothbart. The premiere of “Swan Lake” took place at the Bolshoi Theater in 1877, and 18 years later, choreographers Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa created a new version of the production, which became a classic. It was then that the world-famous “dance of the little swans”, the quivering snow-white tutus of the second “white act” and the devilish 32 fouettés of the Black Swan first appeared. This phenomenal number of fouettés - quick kicks and turns on one leg - was first performed by Pierina Legnani on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, and since then they have become a mandatory skill for any contender for the main role. At different times, the role of the swan queen Odette was performed by ballet legends Galina Ulanova, Marina Semenova, Maya Plisetskaya, Raisa Struchkova, Natalia Bessmertnova.

Traditionally in July and August the Russian Youth Academic Theater ( RAMT) invites you to "Summer ballet seasons" ! And, indeed, the right time was chosen, it is especially pleasant in the summer, when everything blooms and smells, when the heat of the evening is cooled by the murmuring fountains on Theater Square, in a beautiful dress, without wasting time in line at the wardrobe, come to the theater and enjoy the magical and incomprehensible a form of performing art - ballet!
At RAMT, as part of the “Summer Ballet Seasons”, Muscovites and guests of the capital have a rare opportunity to see real pearls - performances choreographed by Marius Petipa, Sergei Lifar, Jules Perrot, Jean Coralli, Lev Ivanov - "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty" And "The Nutcracker"(music by Tchaikovsky), "Giselle"(music by Adana), "Cinderella" And "Romeo and Juliet"(music by Prokofiev), "La Bayadère"(music by Minkus).

Ballet "Swan Lake" with the enchanting music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, familiar to every note - how many times can you watch this beautiful lyrical and tragic fairy tale about love and obsession, about the handsome Prince and the enchanted Swan girl, about the evil sorcerer Rothbart and seductive temptation in the form of the Black Swan? Again and again we look raptly at the meeting of Siegfried and the Swan Queen in the forest, at how, surrounded by enchanted swan girls, Siegfried searches among them for the only one who has won his heart. Again and again we witness how a beautiful flower of love blooms before our eyes, how a real, sincere feeling flares up.

Famous White adagio Siegfried and Odette - tender, exquisitely sensual. Extraordinary expressiveness of support in cross splits. The snow-white tutus of the ballerinas of the swan corps de ballet, framing the dance duet of the premiere and prima ballerina, seem to glow in the darkness of the night. Exceptionally romantic Siegfried in this dance - Ivan Negrobov, good and Odette - Yulia Nepomnyashchaya.

The luminaries in the dance of the little swans are very touching - Tatyana Goloveiko, Daria Abrosimova, Ksenia Blazhchuk, Vera Tkachenko. Pas de quatre in their performance it really looked charmingly diligent, like those of real chicks. Clasped crossed arms, chains entrechat-six And sissonne simple, smooth emboiter le pas, synchronous profile turns of the head, second freezing in arabesque
In some kind of intellectual game, some expert once could not answer the question of how many little swans perform this dance. - Four! Padekatre!

Characteristic divertissements are good - Spanish dance, Russian dance, Polish dance, Neapolitan dance. Tender and airy Dance of the Brides.

In black pas de dois Yulia Nepomnyashchaya demonstrates a more convincing power of movements, her Odile is filled with offensive, confident victory. Again a series of brilliant and very beautiful duet supports, strokes and rotations in the adagio, beautiful solo variations of the Prince and the Black Swan, and here, in this dance, all balletomanes are looking forward to the 32 climactic winning fouettes of the triumphant Odile, a heartless coquette aware of the power of her beauty. The prince is blinded by the external resemblance, and being under the power of darkness, he calls the sorcerer’s daughter his bride. At the moment when he gives her a bouquet, a suffering Odette appears in the background, wringing her hands in despair, and the spell instantly dissipates.

Brilliant music of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky!

The choreographic design of the dance in this ballet was created by Marius Petipa, an outstanding choreographer, the founder of Russian classical ballet, and Lev Ivanov, a famous Russian ballet dancer and choreographer.

“Summer Ballet Seasons” at RAMT are presented by the National Classical Ballet troupe under the direction of Anna Nekhlyudova.

Tchaikovsky wrote music for three ballets, among which Swan Lake is perhaps the most beloved and most famous. It always seemed to me that “Swan Lake” is a rather long statue ballet, but here all four acts flew by in one breath. Although, perhaps the reason for this was the Russia-Spain match, which could not help but distract the attention of spectators by furtively viewing the score on their mobile phones.

Every time you watch “Swan Lake” you discover new meanings in this wonderful love story.
What is a real feeling and a false passion. How difficult it is to find love and how easy it is to lose it.
How difficult it is to correct a mistake, but what happiness comes from finding true feelings.
What is our life? - Love!

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