Home Where to relax Residents of Russian cities, names. Cities of Russia

Residents of Russian cities, names. Cities of Russia

A city that was “lucky” to change its names. The first name by which he was known was the name Khlynov. There are several versions of the origin of the name Khlynov. The first is based on the cry of the khly-khly birds that lived in the area where the city was formed: ... A kite flies by and shouts: “Kylno-kylno.” So the Lord himself indicated how to name the city: Kylnov...According to the second, the city was given the name of the Khlynovitsa river, which flows nearby into Vyatka, which, in turn, was so named after a breakthrough at a small dam: ...water poured through it , and the river was given the name Khlynovitsa... The third theory connects the name with the word khyn (ushkuynik, river robber), although most experts attribute a later appearance to this word.
The second name of the city was the name Vyatka. Some researchers are inclined to believe that it came from the name of the territorial group of Udmurts Vatka, who lived in these territories, which was traced back to the Udmurt word vad “otter, beaver.” However, such an etymology is completely unrealistic from a linguistic point of view. The name Vatka itself was formed from the hydronym Vyatka. According to another version, it is associated with the Vyada people, who had close relationships with the Udmurts. Some sources mistakenly associate the word Vyatka with the Vyatichi tribes who lived on the banks of the Oka. However, the word Vyatchans is recognized as the correct self-name; it has established itself as an ethno-funeral for the inhabitants of the Vyatka region. Moreover, historically such a correlation is completely unjustified: the Vyatichi did not go so far to the east. Nowadays, the most relevant version is L. N. Makarova - she considers the original toponym to be the name of the river (Old Russian in origin) with the meaning “larger” (cf. . other Russian vyache “more”).
The city received the name Kirov after the murder in 1934 of a native of the city of Urzhum, Vyatka Territory, Sergei Mironovich Kostrikov (Kirov).
The chronology of the renaming of the city is extremely complex and ambiguous, since few historical documents have been preserved confirming the very fact of the renaming. Usually, when talking about the old names of Kirov, they use a simplified chain of transformations Khlynov - Vyatka - Kirov, and indeed, when founded in 1181, the city was named Khlynov. Starting from 1374 (the first mention of Vyatka), the word Khlynov does not appear in any official document or chronicle; on the contrary, Vyatka was found on maps of that time, and was even included in the “List of all Russian cities near and far,” where it was included section of the so-called “Zalessky” cities after Nizhny Novgorod and Kurmysh. In 1455, a wooden Kremlin with an earthen rampart was built in Vyatka for defensive purposes, which was given the name of the Khlynovitsa river flowing nearby. Subsequently, the name Khlynov spread to the township part of the city, and from 1457 the whole city began to be called Khlynov. In 1780, by the highest decree of the Empress of All-Russia Catherine II, the name Vyatka was returned to the city, and the Vyatka province was transformed into the Vyatka governorate and transferred from the Siberian province part of Kazan. On December 5, 1934, by decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Vyatka was named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov.
The city is located in a region with a large representation of national minorities, so names in other languages ​​have historically been assigned to it. In Mari it is called “Ilna” or “Ilna-Ola” (“ola” means “city” in Mari). In the Udmurt language it is called “Vatka” and “Kylno”. In Tatar, the name of Kirov sounds like “Kolyn”. All these names are outdated and are not used in modern speech.

Russia has a great variety of different cities. Some are well known to everyone, but not everyone knows about the existence of some. But here we will not discuss those cities that no one knows about. Here we will try to talk about the origin of the names of some cities in Russia.

1. Moscow- The capital of our Motherland. The name of the capital comes from the Moscow River, and not vice versa, as many people think. But why the river was named Moscow is still under debate. The most common opinion is that the word comes from the ancient Slavic root “mosk” - a wet or marshy place.

2. St. Petersburg — The city was named by Peter I in honor of the Holy Apostle Peter, and not in honor of himself, as many people think.

3. Yaroslavl— The city was named after its founder Yaroslav the Wise.

4. Khabarovsk— The city is named after Yerovei Khabarov, an explorer.

5. Ufa— translated from Bashkir means “Dark Water”.

6. Ekaterinburg — The city is named after Empress Catherine I.

7. Smolensk— there are several versions of the origin of this city. The most common one is from the name of the river Smolnya (Chernozem). The second version comes from the ethnic group - Smolyan.

8. Penza- just like Moscow was named after the river, respectively Penza. The word itself is translated as “Fire water”.

9. Omsk- the same. The name comes from the river Om.

10. Perm- comes from the Vespian word “Pera Maa”, which translates as “Far Land”.

11. Murmansk- a city on Murman. Initially, the Norwegians were called Murmans, and later they began to call the coast of the Barents Sea.

12. Kolomna— there are several versions of the origin of the names of this city. The first version is that the name comes from the Kolomenka River. This river was located near the market (at that time it was called menok), that is, it turned out to be “a river near menok.” The second version says that there was a quarry nearby, after which the city was named. From the Latin "columna", which means "Column", which is depicted on the city's coat of arms.

13. Yoshkar-Ola - Red City (from Mari).

14. Gelendzhik — translated from Arabic (Helenj) means “Polar”.

15. Vorkuta- translated from German as “Bear Country”.

16. Vologda- “river with white (clean) water” translated into Old Vespic.

17. Vladimir- everything is clear here. The city is named after the ruler Vladimir Monomakh.

18. Barnaul— There are two versions of the origin. According to the first version, the name came from a camp called “Aul Barna” (Barn is one of the nomads of the Khanate of Siberia). The second version says that the name comes from the “Barnaulka” river, which means “Wolf River” or “Muddy River”.

19. Arkhangelsk — the name of the city was given in honor of Archangel Michael.

20. Chelyabinsk - comes from the name of the fortress “Chelyaba”, which translates as “Depression” or “Deep Pit”.

21. Bryansk— the name of the city comes from the word D’bryansk, which in turn comes from the word D’br, which means cliff, ditch, slope.

22. Irkutsk— translated from Buryat means “Capricious”.

23. Kaliningrad - as you already understood, in honor of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

24. Kemerovo- from the Turkic “Kemer” - slope, cliff. (Essentially the same as Bryansk).

25. Kursk- the name comes from the popular term “Kurya”, which means “river bay” or “backwater”.

26. Lipetsk— like many old cities, this city was named after the river. In this case it was the Lipovka River.

27. Ryazan- here again there is no general and unified opinion. One opinion says that the name of the city is derived from the word “Ryasa” - swamp, or from the word “Duckweed” - river algae. Another opinion says that the name is derived from the word “Erzya” - the name of the Mordovian ethnic group.

28. Ulyanovsk - the city is named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov).

29. Krasnoyarsk — the city is named from the phrase “Red Yar”. Yar in the Kachin language meant a high bank or hill. That is, Krasnoyarsk can be translated as “Red Coast” or “Red Coast”.

30. Stavropol - the name is formed by the merger of two words - “Stavros”, which is translated as “Cross”, and “Polis”, which is translated as a city, that is, “City of the Cross”.

For today, this is all that concerns the origin of the names of Russian cities. In future posts we will look at the names of other cities.

On May 19, 2016, it became known about the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Independent Ukraine to rename the city of Dnepropetrovsk to Dnepr. The renaming was initiated by the city council at the end of 2015 as part of the decommunization of the names of Ukrainian cities. The fact is that the city was renamed in honor of the Soviet party and statesman Grigory Petrovsky (1878 - 1958), and not in honor of the Apostle Peter, as might have been expected. And now the capital of the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine is the city of Dnieper.

A similar situation in Russia is associated with Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg, which, having returned to their former names, remained the centers of the Sverdlovsk and Leningrad regions, respectively. But that's not even what we're talking about. Today I just wanted to remember and find out the former names of Russian cities. Because many former names are not only unheard of, but may even seem paradoxical. For example, what is the name of Stavropol-on-Volga today? Don't remember? Because how else would you know the old name of Togliatti, if you were either not born and lived there, or had relatives there, or were a Wasserman from Russian geography. For everyone else - this article.

Cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people

To determine the order of indicating cities whose names have changed during Russian history, the principle of population decrease was chosen - from the largest to the smallest. To do this, it turned out to be sufficient to use a list of Russian cities with the corresponding rank, for example, in the Wikipedia table. It seems enough to limit ourselves to cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people, and say a few words about the rest separately. So.

City Former names Notes
Saint Petersburg Petrograd (1914 – 1924)

Leningrad (1924 – 1991)

Yes, Peter’s child was imprinted in the history of the Great Patriotic War with the sad phrase “siege of Leningrad.” The former capital of the Russian Empire, Petrograd was renamed in honor of the pseudonym of the leader of the world revolution.
Ekaterinburg Sverdlovsk (1924 – 1991) Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov, together with Lenin, sanctioned the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg...
Nizhny Novgorod Gorky (1932 – 1990) Yes, if not for another pseudonym, this time of the writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, the cars of the local plant would be called not GAZ, but NNAZ...
Samara Kuibyshev (1935 – 1991) Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev is another associate of Lenin in the cause of the revolution. Born in Omsk, died in Moscow, but in 1917 he established Soviet power in Samara.
Permian Molotov (1940 – 1957) Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov is an ardent revolutionary and Soviet politician. The city of Perm was renamed Molotov in honor of the 50th anniversary of the then chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. It is interesting that until 1957, two more cities bore his name in the version “Molotovsk” - Severodvinsk and Nolinsk.
Volgograd Tsaritsyn (1589 – 1925)

Stalingrad (1925 – 1961)

The title of Hero City was awarded to Stalingrad in 1965, when the city lost the name of Stalin after the leader’s cult of personality was debunked. But the Battle of Stalingrad played a decisive role in the Great Victory.
Krasnodar Ekaterinodar (1793 – 1920) Catherine's gift to the Black Sea Cossack army.
Tolyatti Stavropol / Stavropol-on-Volga (1737 – 1964) Everything is simple: on the Volga - so as not to be confused with the Azov Stavropol, and Togliatti - in honor of the leader of the Italian Communist Party Palmiro Togliatti, who died in 1964.
Ulyanovsk Sinbirsk (1648 – 1780) Simbirsk (1780 – 1924) Named in honor of the real name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who was born here and died in 1924.
Makhachkala Petrovskoye (1844 – 1857)

Petrovsk (1857 – 1921)

During the Persian campaign of 1722, the camp of Peter I’s troops was located here. It was renamed in honor of the Avar revolutionary, Bolshevik and Dagestan political figure Makhach Dakhadayev. Makhach, by the way, is his pseudonym.
Ryazan Pereyaslavl-Ryazan (1095 – 1778) Yes, Ryazan has been called Ryazan for three times less time compared to its former name.
Naberezhnye Chelny Brezhnev (1982 – 1988) Yes, the Brezhnev era was short and stagnant.

Cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people

Yes, it would be completely wrong to focus only on large cities. After all, population is one thing, and proud names are another. It is difficult to imagine the current article without recalling Grebenshchikov’s line “This train flies like an apostolic rank on the way from Kalinin to Tver” and without indicating that from 1931 to 1990 Tver bore the name of the “All-Russian elder” Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

However, we can limit ourselves to simple mentions of how certain Russian cities were previously called. So:

Kirov – Vyatka – Khlynov

Kaliningrad – Twangste – Königsberg

Stavropol – Stavropol-Caucasian – Voroshilovsk

Sevastopol – Akhtiar

Ivanovo – Ivanovo-Voznesensk

Kurgan – Tsarevo Settlement – ​​Kurganskaya Sloboda

Vladikavkaz - Ordzhonikidze (yes, if the city had been left named in honor of Grigory Nikolaevich Ordzhonikidze, it would not have been Vlaikavkaz, Ordzhonikidze’s “Alania” that would have been the Russian football champion in 1995)

Murmansk – Romanov-on-Murman

Yoshkar-Ola – Tsarevokokshaysk – Krasnokokshaysk

Syktyvkar – Ust-Sysolsk

Dzerzhinsk – Rastyapino

Veliky Novgorod – Novgorod

Engels – Pokrovskaya Sloboda – Pokrovsk

Yes, not only cities, but also entire countries and empires are insured against large-scale renaming. It is only important that the new names are chosen to suit your taste. Here is Tula, for example. As it was founded in 1146, it remains Tula today. Maybe it’s true what they say: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. This is especially true for such huge ships as cities.


Personally, I have always dreamed of traveling to different countries and exploring more and more new places. But how to choose where to go, because the world is so huge? Maybe the names of cities will tell your heart? I decided to make a short review and selected the most beautiful of them!

The most beautiful names of cities in the world

  • Pattaya - “the wind that comes before the rainy season”, southeast Thailand;
  • Antananarivo - “the city of a thousand warriors”, the capital of Madagascar;
  • Gargagliani is a city in Greece;
  • Tegucigalpa - the “silver hills” of extraordinary beauty, the capital of Honduras;
  • Clermont-Ferrand - City of extinct volcanoes" in the south of France;
  • Koenigsberg - “royal coast” or “coast of kings”, the former name of Kaliningrad;
  • Wolverhampton is a city in the south of the West Midlands;
  • Aguascalientes is the fiery name of the city in Mexico “hot waters”;
  • Reykjavik - "smoking bay", the capital of Iceland;
  • Southampton - the south coast of beautiful Great Britain;
  • Knokke-Heist is a city in the far north of Belgium.

The most beautiful names of Russian cities

  • Pereslavl-Zalessky is a very sonorous name;
  • Veliky Novgorod - I have never been to this Great City;
  • Zvenigorod - it’s worth a trip if only to understand what exactly is ringing there;
  • Peterhof - this place simply cannot be ordinary;
  • Bodaibo - it’s even hard to believe that this is in Russia;
  • Insar - there is something oriental in this;
  • Shlisselburg - there is something German about it;
  • Kargopol is unusual to say the least;
  • Svetlogorsk is a bright name for the city;
  • Kolomna is very beautiful there;
  • Oranienbaum - although it’s not exactly a city, it sounds beautiful.

What beautiful names of cities in Russia and the world do you know?

People's opinions

I recently visited a country where I liked the name of the city Gura-Gumorului. In this city I visited a monastery, which was built in the 15th century, and then a hydropark with swimming pools. I remembered the name for 3 whole days, it’s even hard to pronounce. And not far from this city there is a town where I have friends, which also has the wonderful name Vatra-Dornei.

I really like the names of foreign cities: Valletta is the capital of the Mediterranean state of Malta, the name of the Italian city of Verona, but in this case also because the events of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” took place there.

Anthracite, what is it anyway??? But the name of the city is funny.

I’ve been dreaming of visiting the city of Sortavala, there was even an opportunity, but it fell through. Even from the name it seems to me that there are deer walking there and everything around is just meadows of berries!

Los Angeles
Bender Sarah Bejevan
Saint Petersburg

I dream of visiting Paris. My God this is an amazing city!

I only know one city, which in my opinion is the best and the most, and it has a very beautiful name, this is, of course, the city of Odessa, but do you know what the second name is for this pearl by the sea? “Southern Palmyra” doesn’t it sound good?.)

Montreal (“Royal Mountain”) is, in my opinion, the most beautiful name
Monte Carlo
can be listed and listed

But the funniest names of Fleas are Pskov region. Bezhanitsky district
Blyava - Orenburg region. Kuvandyk district
Bukhalovo - Tver region. Bologovsky district
Durakovo - Kaluga region. Zhukovsky district
Kozly - Tver region. Udomelsky district
Vagina - Tyumen region. Aromashevsky district
Tumors - Pskov region. Nevelsky district
Swimming trunks - Novgorod region. Pestovsky district
Popki - Volgograd region. Kotovsky district
Khrenovoe - Voronezh region. Novousmansky district
Kaka - rep. Dagestan Akhtynsky district
Pysi - Pskov region. Usvyatsky district
Sovlokh - Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. env. Berezovsky district
Lopuhi - Ryazan region. Ryazan district
Mochily - Moscow region. Serebryanoprudsky district
Scrotums - Kaluga region. Meshchovsky district
Bruises - Smolensk region. Krasninsky district
Siskovsky - Volgograd region. Podtelkovsky district
Soskovo - Moscow region. Taldomsky district
Latrine - Tambov region. Rzhaksinsky district

Rostov Veliky
Velikiy Novgorod

And from the world
Rio de Janeiro
San Francisco

I like the names of cities in Italy: Palermo, Milan, Florence, Venice, Naples, Vicenza...there are many names that I think are very beautiful. From Russian cities - St. Petersburg, Tolyatti.

redactorolga, the last name, by the way, is also essentially Italian.
By the way, yes. The city was named after the Italian communist leader Tolyatti.

Pattaya is a gorgeous city, I will definitely return there more than once.

List of top cities in the world:

Hong Kong
Saint Petersburg
At this point, I have all this elite top.

Can you praise your swamp? Ahaha

I think that the coolest name is the city of Saint-Petersburg!

It’s somehow difficult for me to list the names of cities just because of the sound, if I’ve never been to them.
And of the places I visited, Venice, Paris, Odessa, Luxembourg, Brussels, Sevastopol, Riga remain in my memory and heart.
There are many more, but the most beloved city and beautiful for my soul is St. Petersburg. If you are destined to live a second life, then only in it, in this mysterious and beautiful, mystical and poetic city.


I was thinking that there is no complete list of ethno-horonyms in Russia anywhere, and I decided to create it. Basically, residents of regional capitals are taken into account + residents of cities, which are often talked about, another hundred cities by population. Residents of Belarus and Ukraine are also registered. Kazakhstan is also not on the sidelines, because Kazakhstan is still a country close to Russia. The most official and frequently used options have been selected.

Sometimes they even have very funny names! :) But if you don’t want to call them that, it’s also customary for us to call them something like a resident of such and such a city, for example, a resident of Vladivostok, a resident of Penza, etc. The names of residents for each city were carefully checked with Wikipedia, and there are only official names, so there should be no mistakes.

P.S. Russians or Russians? That's a moot point. Some people don’t like being called “Russian,” while others are not honored to call themselves a Russian. But I will say one thing! Russian is citizenship, that is, anyone living in Russia can be a Russian, whether Russian, German or Ukrainian, it doesn’t matter. And a Russian is a native inhabitant of Russia. He can live in any country, but will always remain Russian.

P.P.S. In connection with frequent requests about what a resident of any country or any city is called, I answer: a resident of a country - citizen, and a city resident – city ​​dweller.

Russia – Russians (Russian, Russian woman)

Abakan– Abakan people (Abakanets, Abakanka).
Azov - Azov residents (Azov citizen, Azov woman).
Anadyr– Anadyrs (Anadyrets, w – no).
Anapa - Anapchane (Anapchanin, Anapchanka).
Angarsk - Angarsk residents (Angarsk resident, Angarsk woman).
Armavir - Armavir people (Armavirian, Armavirka).
Arkhangelsk– residents of Arkhangelsk (Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk).
Astrakhan– Astrakhanians (Astrakhanets, Astrakhan).
Achinsk - Achintsy (Achinets, Achinka).
Balakovo - Balakovites (Balakovets, Balakovka).
Balashikha - Balashikha people (Balashikhinets, Balashikha).
Barnaul- Barnaul residents (barnaulets, barnaulka).
Belgorod- Belgorodians (Belgorodets, Belgorodka).
Belozersk - Belozersk (Belozerets, w - no).
Biysk - Biychane (Biychanin, Biychanka).
Birobidzhan- Birobidzhanians (Birobidzhanets, Birobidzhanka).
Blagoveshchensk- Blagoveshchentsy (Blagoveshchenets, Blagoveshchenka).
Bratsk - bratchane (bratchanin, bratchanka).
Bryansk- Bryantsy (Bryanets, Bryanka).
Valdai - Valdai people (Valdaiets, Valdaika).
Velikiy Novgorod- Novgorodians (Novgorodets, Novgorodka).
Veliky Ustyug - Ustyuzhane (Ustyuzhanin, Ustyuzhanka).
Vladivostok- Vladivostok residents (Vladivostok resident, Vladivostok resident).
Vladikavkaz– Vladikavkazians (Vladikavkaz, w – no).
Vladimir- Vladimir residents (Vladimirets, Vladimirka).
Volgograd- Volgograd residents (Volgogradets, Volgogradka).
Volgodonsk - Volgodonsk people (Volgodonets, Volgodonsk).
Volzhsk - Volzhans (Volzhanin, Volzhanka).
Vologda- Vologda residents (Vologda resident, Vologda resident).
Vorkuta - Vorkuta residents (Vorkutinets, Vorkuta).
Voronezh– Voronezh residents (Voronezhets, w – no).
Vyborg - Vyborg residents (Vyborzhanin, Vyborzhanka).
Vyazma - vyazmichi (vyazmich, vyazmichka).
Vyatka (Kirov) - Vyatchans (Vyatchanin, Vyatchanka).
Gatchina - Gatchina people (Gatchinets, Gatchina).
Gorno-Altaisk– Gorno-Altaians (Gorno-Altayets, Gorno-Altayka).
Grozny- Grozny residents (Groznyets, Grozny).
Gus-Khrustalny - Gusevchane (Gusevchanin, Gusevchanka).
Derbent - Derbentians (Derbentets, Derbentka).
Dzerzhinsk - Dzerzhintsy (Dzerzhinets, Dzerzhinka).
Dmitrov - Dmitrov residents (Dmitrov resident, Dmitrov resident).
Donetsk – cm. list of cities in Ukraine.
Dudinka - Dudinchane (Dudinchanin, Dudinchanka).
Evpatoria - Evpatorians (Evpatorian, w - no).
Ekaterinburg- Ekaterinburg residents (Ekaterinburg resident, Ekaterinburg woman).
Yelets - Yelets residents (Yelchanin, Elchanka).
Essentuki - Essentuchan (Essentukan, Essentuchanka).
Zlatoust - Zlatoust people (Zlatoust, w - no).
Ivanovo– Ivanovtsy (Ivanovets, Ivanovka).
Izhevsk- Izhevsk residents (Izhevsk resident, Izhevsk resident).
Irkutsk– Irkutsk residents (Irkutsk resident, Irkutsk woman).
Yoshkar-Ola– Yoshkarolinians (Yoshkarolinets, Yoshkarolinka).
Kazan– Kazanians (Kazanets, w – no).
Kaliningrad- Kaliningraders (Kaliningrader, Kaliningradka).
Kaluga- Kaluga residents (Kaluzhanin, Kaluzhanka).
Kemerovo- Kemerovo residents (Kemerovo resident, Kemerovo resident).
Kerch - Kerchan (Kerchanin, Kerchanka).
Kineshma - Kineshemians (Kineshemets, Kineshemka).
Kirov- Kirov residents (Kirov resident, Kirov resident).
Kislovodsk - Kislovodsk residents (Kislovodsk resident, Kislovodsk resident).
Kolomna - Kolomchane (Kolomchanin, Kolomchanka).
Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Komsomol members (Komsomol member, Komsomol member).
Korolev - Korolyovtsy (Korolyovets, w - no).
Kostroma– Kostromichi (Kostromich, Kostromichka).
Krasnodar- Krasnodar residents (Krasnodar, Krasnodarka).
Krasnoyarsk– Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk).
Kudymkar - Kudymkars (Kudymkars, w - no).
Mound– Kurgan people (Kurganets, Kurganchanka).
Kursk- Kuryans (Kuryanin, Kuryanka).
Kyzyl– Kyzylchane (Kyzylchanin, Kyzylchanka).
Leningrad (St. Petersburg) - Leningraders (Leningrader, Leningrader).
Lipetsk– Lipchans (Lipchanin, Lipchanka).
Lugansk – cm. list of cities in Ukraine.
Lyubertsy - Lyubertsy (Lyuberchanin, Lyubertsy).
Magadan– Magadanians (Magadanets, Magadanka).
Magas– Magasians (Magasets, w – no).
Magnitogorsk - Magnitogorsk (Magnitogorsk, Magnitogorochka).
Maykop– Maikopchane (Maykopchanin, Maikopchanka).
Makhachkala– Makhachkala residents (Makhachkala residents, Makhachkala residents).
Mineralnye Vody – mineral water workers (mineralovodets, w – no).
Moscow- Muscovites (Muscovite, Muscovite).
Murmansk– Murmansk (Murmanchanin, Murmanchanka).
Murom - Muromlyans (Muromlyanin, Muromlyanka).
Naberezhnye Chelny - Chelny residents (Chelnyets, Chelninka).
Nazran - Nazran people (Nazran, Nazran).
Nalchik– nalchane (nalchanin, nalchanka).
Naryan-Mar- Naryanmarians (Naryanmarets, w - no).
Nakhodka - Nakhodka residents (Nakhodkinets, Nakhodchanka).
Nizhnevartovsk – Vartovchane (Vartovchanin, Vartovchanka).
Nizhnekamsk - Nizhnekamsk (Nizhnekamets, Nizhnekamka).
Nizhny Novgorod- Nizhny Novgorod residents (Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod).
Nizhny Tagil - Tagil residents (Tagil resident, Tagil resident).
Novgorod – cm. Velikiy Novgorod.
Novokuznetsk - Novokuznetsk residents (Novokuznechanin, Novokuznetsk).
Novorossiysk - Novorossiytsy (Novorossiysk, Novorossiysk).
Novosibirsk– Novosibirsk residents (Novosibirets, w – no).
Novocherkassk - Novocherkasians (Novocherkasian, Novocherkasinka).
Norilsk - Norilsk residents (Norilsk citizen, Norilsk woman).
Omsk- Omich (Omich, Omichka).
Orenburg- Orenburg residents (Orenburger, Orenburg woman).
Eagle– Orlovchane (Orlovchanin, Orlovchanka).
Orsk - Orchans (Orchanin, Orchanka).
Penza- Penza residents (Penzenets, Penzenka).
Permian– Permyaks (Permyak, Permyachka).
Petersburg – cm. Saint Petersburg.
Petrozavodsk– Petrozavodsk residents (Petrozavodsk resident, Petrozavodsk resident).
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky- Petropavlovtsy (Petropavlovets, Petropavlovsk resident).
Peter - cm. Saint Petersburg.
Podolsk - Podolsk residents (Podolchanin, Podolchanka).
Prokopyevsk - prokopchane (prokopchanin, prokopchanka).
Pskov- Pskovians (Pskovich, Pskovichka).
Pyatigorsk - Pyatigorsk residents (Pyatigorsk resident, Pyatigorsk resident).
Rostov - Rostovites (Rostovets, Rostovite).
Rostov-on-Don- Rostovites (Rostovite, Rostovite).
Rybinsk - Rybinsk (Rybinets, Rybinka).
Ryazan– Ryazanians (Ryazan, Ryazanka).
Salekhard- Salekhardians (Salekhardets, w - no).
Samara– Samarans (Samarets, Samara woman).
Saint Petersburg- St. Petersburgers (Petersburger, St. Petersburg woman).
Saransk- locusts (locust, locust).
Saratov– Saratovites (Saratovets, Saratovite).
Sevastopol - Sevastopol residents (Sevastopolets, w - no).
Severodvinsk - Severodvintsy (Severodvinets, Severodvinka).
Simferopol- Simferopol residents (Simferopol resident, Simferopol resident).
Smolensk– Smolyans (Smolyanin, Smolyanka).
Sochi - Sochi residents (Sochinets, Sochinka).
Stavropol– Stavropol residents (Stavropol resident, Stavropol resident).
Stary Oskol - Stary Oskol residents (Stary Oskolets, Stary Oskolchanka).
Sterlitamak - Sterlitamakovites (Sterlitamakovets, Sterlitamakovka).
Suzdal - Suzdalians (Suzdalets, Suzdalyanka).
Surgut - Surgutians (Surgutian, Surgut woman).
Syktyvkar- Syktyvkarians (syktyvkarets, syktyvkarka).
Taganrog - Taganrozhtsy (Taganrozhets, Taganrozhenka).
Tambov- Tambov residents (Tambov resident, Tambov resident).
Tver- tveryaks (tverak, Tverian).
Tobolsk - tobolyaki (tobolyak, tobolyachka).
Togliatti - Togliatti (Togliatti, Togliatti).
Tommot - Tommots (Tommots, w - no).
Tomsk- Tomichi (Tomish, Tomishka).
Torzhok – novotory (novotor, novotorka).
Tuapse - Tuapse people (Tuapse, Tuapse).
Tula- Tula (Tula, Tula).
Tyumen- Tyumen residents (Tyumenets, Tyumenka).
Uglich - Uglich residents (Uglich citizen, f - Uglich woman).
Ulan-Ude- Ulan-Ude people (Ulan-Udenets, Ulan-Udenka).
Ulyanovsk- Ulyanovsk residents (Ulyanovets, Ulyanovsk).
Ussuriysk - Ussuriytsy (Ussuriyets, w - no).
Ufa- Ufa people (Ufimets, Ufimka).
Ukhta - Ukhta people (Ukhtinets, Ukhtinka).
Feodosia - Feodosians (Feodosian, Feodosian).
Khabarovsk- Khabarovsk residents (Khabarovsk resident, Khabarovsk resident).
Khimki – Khimki residents (Khimki resident, Khimki resident).
Cheboksary- Cheboksary (Cheboksary, Cheboksary).
Chelyabinsk- Chelyabinsk residents (Chelyabinets, Chelyabinsk).
Cherepovets - Cherepovchane (Cherepovchanin, Cherepovchanka).
Cherkessk– Circassians (Circassian, w – no).
Chita- Chitins (Chitinets, Chitinka).
Shakhty - Shakhty residents (Shakhtynets, Shakhtynka).
Elista- Elistinians (Elistinets, Elistinka).
Engels - engelsites (engelsite, w - no).
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk- Yuzhno-Sakhalinets (Yuzhnosakhalinets, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk).
Yakutsk- Yakutians (Yakutian, Yakutian).
Yalta - Yalta people (Yalta, Yalta).
Yaroslavl- Yaroslavl residents (Yaroslavets, Yaroslavna).
Yaya – yaychane (yaychanin, yaychanka).

Belarus - Belarusians (Belarusian, Belarusian)

Baranovichi - Baranovichi (Baranovichi, Baranovichi).
Bobruisk - Bobruisk (Bobruisk, Bobruisk).
Borisov - Borisov residents (Borisov resident, Borisov resident).
Brest- Brest residents (Brest resident, Brest resident).
Vitebsk– Viteblyan (Viteblyanin, Viteblanka).
Gomel- Gomel residents (Gomel resident, Gomel resident).
Grodno- Grodno residents (Grodno, Grodno).
Zhlobin - Zhlobin residents (Zhlobin resident, Zhlobin resident).
Minsk– Minsk residents (Minsk resident, Minsk resident).
Mogilev– Mogilev residents (Mogilev resident, Mogilev resident).
Pinsk - Pinsk residents (Pinsk resident, Pinsk resident).

Kazakhstan - Kazakhstanis (Kazakhstani, Kazakh woman)

Aktau - Aktau residents (Aktau resident, resident of Aktau).
Aktyubinsk - Aktobe residents (Aktyubinets, Aktobe).
Almaty - Almaty residents (Almaty, Almaty).
Astana - Astana residents (Astana resident, Astana resident).
Atyrau - Atyrau people (Atyrau citizen, resident of Atyrau).
Karaganda - Karaganda people (Karagandinets, Karaganda).
Kokshetau - Kokshetau people (Kokshetau resident, resident of Kokshetau).
Kostanay - Kostanay people (Kostanayets, Kostanayka).
Kyzylorda - Kyzylorda (Kyzylorda, Kyzylorda).
Pavlodar - Pavlodar people (Pavlodar, Pavlodar).
Petropavlovsk - Petropavlovtsy (Petropavlovets, Petropavlovsk resident).
Taraz - Tarazians (Tarazian, resident of Taraz).
Uralsk - Uralians (Uralets, Uralka).
Ust-Kamenogorsk - Ust-Kamenogorsk (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ust-Kamenogorka).
Shymkent - Shymkent people (Shymkent, Shymkent).

Ukraine – Ukrainians (Ukrainian, Ukrainian)

Vinnytsia – Vinnytsia residents (Vinnytsia resident, Vinnytsia resident).
Dnepropetrovsk - Dnepropetrovsk residents (Dnepropetrovsk resident, Dnepropetrovsk resident).
Donetsk - Donetsk residents (Donetsk citizen, Donetsk woman).
Zhytomyr - Zhytomyr residents (Zhytomyryanin, Zhytomyr woman).
Zaporozhye - Cossacks (Zaporozhets, Zaporozhanka).
Ivano-Frankivsk - Ivano-Frankovtsy (Ivano-Frankovets, w - no).
Kyiv - Kyivians (Kievite, Kievite).
Kirovograd - Kirovograd residents (Kirovogradets, w - no).
Krivoy Rog – Krivoy Rog residents (Krivoy Rog resident, Krivoy Rog woman).
Lugansk - Lugansk residents (Lugansk, Luhansk woman).
Lutsk – Lutsk (luchanin, luchanka).
Lviv - Lviv residents (Lviv resident, Lviv woman).
Mariupol - Mariupol residents (Mariupolets, Mariupol woman).
Nikolaev - Nikolaevites (Nikolayevets, w - no).
Odessa - Odessans (Odessa, Odessa).
Poltava – Poltava residents (Poltava resident, Poltava resident).
Pripyat - Pripyat residents (Pripyat resident, Pripyat woman).
Rivne - Rivne residents (Rivne resident, Rivne resident).
Sumy - Sumy residents (Sumy resident, Sumy resident).
Ternopil - Ternopil residents (Ternopil resident, Ternopil resident).
Uzhgorod - Uzhgorod residents (Uzhgorod, w - no).
Kharkov - Kharkov residents (Kharkov resident, Kharkov resident).
Kherson - Kherson people (Khersonets, Kherson).
Khmelnitsky - Khmelnytsky residents (Khmelnytsky resident, Khmelnytsky resident).
Cherkassy - Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Cherkaska).
Chernigov - Chernigovtsy (Chernigovets, Chernigovchanka).
Chernobyl - Chernobyl victims (Chernobyl, Chernobyl).
Chernivtsi - Chernivtsi (Chernivchanin, Chernivtsi).

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