Home international passport Where the fish is found. Syrt

Where the fish is found. Syrt

Raw (podust). Syrt, otherwise fish, is very important for the inhabitants of western, southwestern and partly southern Russia; but in the north, as well as in the river basin. Volga, it never occurs, and Pallas probably mixed it with roach (see "Roach"). Of the subsequent researchers of the Volga, no one mentions the fish, although the possibility of its passage to the Volga through the channels cannot be denied. It is not found in Siberia either, although Valenciennes claims that he got this fish from the Ob. He probably mixed it with cheese.
In general, the homeland of the fish is Central Europe. It is not at all in France and, apparently, in Spain and Italy; but it is rather common throughout Germany and Austria, even England and Sweden. In Russia, the syrt reaches the northern border at the source of the Svir and is no longer found in Lake Onega; at the top of the Gulf of Finland, in the southern part of Lake Ladoga, also in the Neva, Narova, and especially in the Volkhov, it belongs to rather ordinary fish and comes from here into the Meta, and perhaps into the upper Volga. In Lake Ladoga, however, it does not reach Kexholm, and in the Gulf of Bothnia, Biorneborg serves as the most extreme limit of its distribution. In the Baltic provinces, in the northwestern region, Poland and southwestern Russia, syrt is already very numerous, especially in the Dniester and the Bug; in the Dnieper, it comes across less often and above the rapids it is already in small quantities, although it reaches Smolensk. Even more rarely, the fish enters the Don, but, despite this, it is caught in very large numbers in the Kuban. In addition, syrt is found in some large lakes in northwestern Russia, for example. in the lake Ilmen, mainly in its northern part, where it enters in a small amount from Volkhov.
By its elongated, protruding nose, which completely covers the mouth, syrt is easily distinguished from all other fish, and can only be mixed with podust, which really bears some resemblance to it. But the podust is much narrower than a fish, has a completely different color and a narrow anal fin (with 15 rays, 21–25 in the syrty); moreover, the mouth of the podust, being open, is not round, but quadrangular in shape, the peritoneum is blackish and the scales are larger. The color of the syrty varies considerably with the seasons. In the spring, before spawning, she is one of our most beautiful fish: her entire back becomes black, the middle of her belly and lower fins are red, and in males at this time small grain-like warts develop on the head, gill covers and along the edges of the scales. In autumn and winter, the back of the fish is bluish-gray, the belly is silvery-white and the lower fins are pale yellowish. In all likelihood, the so-called. black-eyed bream (Abramis melanops), discovered by Nordman in the Crimean rivers (Salgir), does not constitute a special species, but only a modification of an ordinary fish. It is distinguished by a shorter and less protruding nose, a narrower body, a blackish head and the fact that a more or less clear dark stripe stretches on its back, and the fins, except for the anal and pectoral (white), have a black rim. He is rarely more than a foot tall. According to some, there is also a mixture of syrti with bream. Quite often, the fish shows more or less significant deviations in color, shape of the fins, etc. Thus, for example, in the northern syrt, the anal fin is noticeably more concave than it is shown in the figure.
Syrt, although noticeably larger than all the following types of bream, still rarely exceeds 7–9 inches. and 2–3 lb, weight; however, according to the testimony of Pskov fishermen, they come across syrti and 5 pounds, but these are already a rarity. This fish is very agile and lively: in the rivers it always adheres to fast water and willingly keeps on rifts; in general, she loves fresh, cold and clean water, which partly explains her absence in the rivers of the Volga basin. She is not afraid, however, of brackish water and very willingly lives in the mouths of rivers and in large estuaries, especially in autumn. The food of the fish consists exclusively of various insects, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, less often it feeds on aquatic plants.
Syrti spawn relatively late - in the south in May, and in the northwestern provinces - at the end of this month or at the beginning of June. Before that, in early spring, they gather in numerous and very dense flocks and from lakes, river mouths sometimes go very far up the rivers, so that they can be classified as anadromous fish. They always spawn in the very channel in deep places with a rocky bottom, on fairly fast flowing water; spawning usually lasts two weeks and, apparently, takes place only at night. Fish caviar is quite small (the size of a poppy seed) and quite numerous: in a one and a half-pound female, there are up to 30 thousand testicles. Fish eggs are always attached to the stones against which they rub, and through this, of course, they are subjected to much less accidents and attacks by other fish, also water birds, than those of fish tossing in the grass and in shallow places.
The most detailed information about the way of life of the fisherman, although rather scattered, we meet with Terletsky, who observed the fisherman in the West. Dvina and Neman. Judging by his description, the syrgy of these rivers differs in many respects from that of southern Russia and even other areas of northwestern Russia. “Syrt,” says Terletsky, “is a river fish, at least in the Western Dvina and Neman basins; it does not occur in lakes. Both for parking and passages in the summer, he chooses very whimsical, special places, which can be very difficult to determine. Mainly kept on the water running, with a bottom lined with large zhvir or small stone, with different depths. With a high rise in water, however, it keeps to the shore and enters the backwaters. She, both at home and on trips, which she makes more often than other river fish, constantly adheres to the herd. The herds of syrti are quite strictly grouped according to the same age, and young individuals are rarely found in schools of old or middle-aged ones and vice versa. Small syrtinki, up to two years old, having retired to deep rapids, constantly dig in the sand and between stones, looking for eggs and larvae of aquatic insects, which they feed on. Therefore, it is rarely possible not only to catch, but also to meet young syrty fish.
Syrt spawns at the end of June or at the beginning of July. Not a single fish of fresh waters is prepared for this celebration in the same way as pike or podust (raw). Another two weeks before estrus, the podust begins to color and becomes more colorful, shiny and more beautiful. The usually white-silver color of its scales takes on a shade of pale fawn and pale pink with golden tints near the edges of the gills and at the connection of the fins.
In the Western Dvina, a special course of pollust is remarkable during the color of bird cherry, during the heading of rye and raspberry. Whether the water is large or small, the dust rises at this time into the large tributaries of the Western Dvina. It should be noted that these rises are made at first by young podusta, then, during the heading of rye, medium and raspberry colors are the largest. They say: "there is a sub-cheremkhovka, a robin or a traveler." It is believed that the podust, preparing for future spawning, finds a place that is more convenient for this in advance and, as if familiarizing himself with it, leaves immediately back, so that the course itself lasts only a few days.
Podust for spawning does not gather in herds, but, remaining in those very large or smaller villages in which the caviar itself found it (?), At first it wanders, looking for spawning places, and then, embarrassed behind a large stone, through which, waddling, the current forms a falling cascade, one by one, the podust constantly jumps out onto the very stone, as if wanting to jump over it. Their iridescent metal backs glisten in the sun, now advancing, now disappearing in the falling water, and quick waving of the tail shoots up incessantly light swirling streams. Usually the podust throws caviar and milk in a fast, cascading current, which immediately carries them downstream. Looking for convenient places for spawning, podust often enters large tributaries of rivers in significant villages, where it is caught by zhaks (zhoks, snouts) set in a fast place. In order for the jacques not to be so noticeable and in order to form at least a small cascade around it, which at this time so attracts the podust, it is usually set off quite densely with needles (?) from branches covered with leaves or needles.
We still know very little about fish fishing, although in some places, for example. near Kovno, it is almost the main object of fishing with a fishing rod, as it is valued fresh for about 20 k. piece. We have only fragmentary and vague information about syrt in the northwestern region and in Smolensk province, but so far not a single Kiev fisher-hunter has reported how this fish is caught on the lower Dnieper.
Fish are caught in spring and summer, less often in autumn, when it takes better in lakes, where it probably goes to spend the winter, than in the river. In the Western Dvina (Terletsky), he begins to take from spring (before spawning) on ​​sandy places, on a bottom line; in summer - in deeper, standing or running places that need to be found, which requires great skill and experience; in such places, ties are arranged that delay the current and allow fishing with a float. In the upper Dnieper (Korda) syrt is caught more from boats or rafts in fast, but not particularly deep places (about 2 arsh.) on a float. The best time of the day for fishing is early morning and late afternoon. They fish on the bottom with a rather heavy sinker, according to the current (Neman, Western Dvina), especially in spring; also (in Smolensk province) on light, rather long fishing rods with a small float, sinker, thin and, moreover, short (?) fishing line, so that the distance from the end of the rod to the float does not exceed a arshin; a small hook with a nozzle should float an inch from the bottom. In the Western Dvina, during the fall of the broom, which happens at the end of July and at the beginning of August, the syrt goes on top and it is caught on the broom, probably without a sinker and a float, casting a fishing rod near the call. The nozzle is most often a worm; in Kovno, they usually put a bunch of dung worms on the hook, and it seems that they also catch the larva of midges (Phiyganea) - the whistle. The best bait is considered to be a crayfish neck, but in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, raw material is caught mainly on ant eggs, planted 3-4 per hook (probably no larger than 10 No.). In Germany (Rii-hlich), fish also take well on the liver, cut in the form of worms 8 centimeters long, but this attachment is unlikely to sit firmly on the hook, especially on the rapid; for bait, the liver is very useful, especially in the absence of worms. This fish does not bite at all, although on the Dnieper (Korda) it is necessary to use bait from hemp pomace, which are placed in a rare bag or a frequent net and lowered on a pole into the water (from a raft or boat) with a string so that the bag does not reach to the bottom to the top. Possibly, fish attracts here mainly by the smell of bait. On a fishing rod, a syrt walks incomparably more briskly than a bream of the same weight (and even stronger than a bream) and does not get tired so soon, but out of the water it sleeps sooner than the latter.
From the foregoing, we can conclude that the fishing of a fish has quite a lot in common with the fishing of podusts, and therefore one should try to catch it “in the wiring” and “on the cork” (see “Ide”) or, even better, in the Notingham way (see ““ Barbel"). It is also undoubted that it will be much more convenient to catch this fish on bloodworms, which are found in almost all rivers and ponds, although they do not know it everywhere and know how to get it (wash it out of silt), and for bait use clay with bloodworms or ants mixed in it. eggs.
According to the taste of meat, syrt belongs to the best and most valuable carp fish. Its meat is very white, tender, juicy and, smoked, is not much inferior in dignity and price to shemay; in the Dnieper, it is usually valued almost on a par with carp, and on the Neman, as they say, fresh fish (about a pound per circle) is sold locally for 20 k. apiece.
During spawning, the main catching of syrts is carried out - partly with seines, partly with smooth nets. In the rest of the year, they are extremely cautious and rarely fall into nets (exceptionally smooth), and then only in lakes and estuaries, where they return after spawning, moreover, almost always at night. In the Dnieper, also near the Tauride coast, fish often arrange artificial spawning grounds, the so-called. rowing, i.e., artificial stone ridges. Heaps of stones in the form of a small cape, protruding a sazhen or one and a half into the depths of the river, pile up at a steep bank, where the depth reaches three sazhens and where the current beats. To prevent this pile from being washed away, several thin piles are driven in at the ends and intertwined with brushwood. During spawning, they spread a net, the so-called. grip. Sometimes from four to five thousand fish are caught on one rowing, and, despite the fact, this fishing must be recognized as one of the most harmless, since some of the fish always have time to spawn in the artificial spawning ground described.
The most significant catch of syrt is carried out in the Sea of ​​Azov and the mouths of the Kuban, from where, under the name of fish, it is transported in dried or smoked form (and sometimes spread in half) throughout southern Russia. It may very well be that the very name of raw, damp comes from the fact that the meat of this fish is very juicy - damp.

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20 colored laminated key tables, including: aquatic invertebrates, diurnal butterflies, fish, amphibians and reptiles, wintering birds, migratory birds, mammals and their tracks,
4 pocket field determinant, including: inhabitants of water bodies, birds of the middle zone and animals and their traces, as well as
65 methodical benefits And 40 educational and methodological films By methodologies conducting research work in nature (in the field).

Rybets - Vimba vimba(Linnaeus, 1758)
(synonyms, obsolete names, subspecies, forms: raw raw material - Cyprinus Vimba, Cyprinus persa, Cyprinus Wimba, Cyprinus carinatus, Abramis tenellus, Abramis elongatus, Abramis vimba, Abramis melanops, Abramis persa, Leucabramis vimba persa, Vimba vimba tenella, Vimba vimba vimba natio carinata, Vimba vimba persa)

Appearance and morphology. Body moderately high, slightly laterally compressed. Unlike bream, the fish has a shorter anal fin and on the back between the dorsal and caudal fins there is a clearly visible keel, covered with scales. Mouth lower, crescent-shaped; can strongly protrude forward and downward when feeding on benthos. On the back behind the head to the dorsal fin free furrow from the scales. On the belly, a keel, not covered with scales, between the pelvic fins and the anal.

General coloring the body is silvery, the back darkens before spawning, and the belly and lower fins turn red, males have white tubercles on their heads (see figure).

Reaches a length of 50 cm and a mass of 3 kg, maximum age- 17 years. Ordinary dimensions in catches - 24-26 cm and weight 250-350 g.

Fin formula: D III 7-9, A III-IV 15-22. There are 48-64 scales in the lateral line. Gill rakers are short, usually 12-20. Pharyngeal teeth single row, usually 5-5, or 4-5, or 5-4. Vertebrae 42-45.

Systematics. According to the latest reports, the view includes three subspecies:

  • Vimba vimba vimba (Linnaeus, 1758) - common fish, or damp;
  • Vimba vimba persa (Pallas, 1814) - Caspian fish;
  • Vimba vimba tenella (Nordman, 1840) - small fish.

Karyotype: 2n = 50 and 52, NF = 78 and 80.

Lifestyle. Common vimba forms anadromous, semi-anadromous and freshwater forms. Keeps in the bottom layer of water. In the Caspian Sea lives in its southern part, in the Azov region it lives in brackish estuaries and pre-estuary sections of rivers

Nutrition. All fish feed on crustaceans, mollusks, benthic insect larvae, and sometimes small fish.

Reproduction. Rybets from the Don and Kuban becomes sexually mature at 4-5 years of age. Spawning portioned on stony soils, in May-June, at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. The fecundity of fish is from 34 to 128 thousand eggs, the diameter of mature eggs is 1.3 mm, after swelling it increases to 1.6-2.1 mm. The incubation period lasts 4-5 days at a water temperature of 14-16°C and 2-3 days at 20-23°C. larvae when hatching about 6 mm, at the age of 12 days with a length of 8.5 mm, they begin to feed actively.

Semi-anadromous Caspian fish matures at the age of 3, has a portioned spawning in May-June in the lower reaches of rivers and lakes. Caviar lays on the rhizomes of the reed. The fecundity of the fish is 22-28 thousand eggs

Spreading. The species is distributed in the Ponto-Caspian basin and the rivers of the Baltic Sea.

common fish(Vimba. vimba vimba) is widespread in the Baltic Sea basin (where it is called raw material) and the rivers of the northern part of the Black Sea basin (from the Danube to the Kuban) (where it is called fisherman). Inhabits both river channels and lakes, reservoirs and desalinated areas of the sea. Originally a semi-anadromous fish (there were winter and spring forms), the fish also forms residential populations under the influence of environmental changes. In Russia, this subspecies is found in the northern part of Lake Ladoga (including the Volkhov and Svir rivers, etc.), the Neva, Luga, Gulf of Finland, Lake Peipus, Don and Kuban rivers with reservoirs (Tsimlyanskoye, Krasnodarskoye, Tshchikskoye, Shapsugskoye).

area small fish(Vimba vimba tenella) in Russia includes small rivers of Western Transcaucasia (Sochi, Khosta, Gumista); outside Russia, it is found in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.

Caspian fish(Vimba vimba persa) is confined mainly to the southern part of the Caspian Sea basin and enters the Volga in small numbers; in the last century, the fish entered the Volga from mid-May to mid-June, but did not rise above 80 km from Astrakhan. More common in Terek, small rivers of Dagestan and further south to Sefidrud and Iran.

Economic value. Valuable commercial fish. In the recent past, it was a commercial species in all major rivers of the range.

security status. In recent years, the population has declined sharply everywhere.

Description of the fish from the book by L.P. Sabaneev "Fish of Russia. Life and fishing of our freshwater fish" (1875)

Syrt, otherwise fish, is very important for the inhabitants of western, southwestern and partly southern Russia; but in the north, as well as in the river basin. Volga, it never occurs, and Pallas probably mixed it with roach. Of the subsequent researchers of the Volga, no one mentions the fish, although the possibility of its passage to the Volga through the channels cannot be denied. It is not found in Siberia either, although Valenciennes claims that he got this fish from the Ob. He probably mixed it with cheese.

In general, the homeland of the fish is Central Europe. It is not at all in France and, apparently, in Spain and Italy; but it is rather common throughout Germany and Austria, even England and Sweden. In Russia, the syrt reaches the northern border at the source of the Svir and is no longer found in Lake Onega; at the top of the Gulf of Finland, in the southern part of Lake Ladoga, also in the Neva, Narva, and especially in the Volkhov, it belongs to fairly common fish and comes from here into the Meta, and perhaps into the upper Volga. In Lake Ladoga, however, it reaches Kexholm, and in the Gulf of Bothnia, Biorneborg serves as the most extreme limit of its distribution. In the Baltic provinces, in the northwestern region, Poland and southwestern Russia, syrt is already very numerous, especially in the Dniester and the Bug; in the Dnieper, it comes across less often and above the rapids it is already in small quantities, although it reaches Smolensk. Even more rarely, the fish enters the Don, but, despite this, it is caught in very large numbers in the Kuban. In addition, syrt is found in some large lakes in northwestern Russia, for example. in the lake Ilmen, mainly in its northern part, where it enters in a small amount from Volkhov.

By its elongated, protruding nose, which completely covers the mouth, syrt is easily distinguished from all other fish, and can only be mixed with podust, which really bears some resemblance to it. But the podust is much narrower than the fish, it has a completely different color and a narrow anal fin (with 15 rays, in the syrty 21-25); moreover, the mouth of the podust, being open, is not round, but quadrangular in shape, the peritoneum is blackish and the scales are larger. The color of the syrty varies considerably with the seasons. In the spring, before spawning, she is one of our most beautiful fish: her entire back becomes black, the middle of her belly and lower fins are red, and in males at this time small grain-like warts develop on the head, gill covers and along the edges of the scales. In autumn and winter, the back of the fish is bluish-gray, the belly is silvery-white and the lower fins are pale yellowish. In all likelihood, the so-called. black-eyed bream (Abramis melanops), discovered by Nordman in the Crimean rivers (Salgir), does not constitute a special species, but only a modification of an ordinary fish. It is distinguished by a shorter and less protruding nose, a narrower body, a blackish head and the fact that a more or less clear dark stripe stretches on its back, and the fins, except for the anal and pectoral (white), have a black rim. It is rarely more than 30 cm tall.

Syrt, although noticeably larger than all the following types of bream, is still rarely more than 30-40 cm and 1-1.2 kg of weight; however, according to Pskov fishermen, there are syrts even in 2 kg, but these are already a rarity. This fish is very agile and lively: in the rivers it always adheres to fast water and willingly keeps on rifts; in general, she loves fresh, cold and clean water, which partly explains her absence in the rivers of the Volga basin. She is not afraid, however, of brackish water and very willingly lives in the mouths of rivers and in large estuaries, especially in autumn. The food of the fish consists exclusively of various insects, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, less often it feeds on aquatic plants.

Syrti spawn relatively late - in the south in May, and in the northwestern provinces - at the end of this month or at the beginning of June. Before this, in early spring, they gather in numerous and very dense flocks and from lakes, river mouths sometimes go very far up the rivers, so that they can be classified as anadromous fish. They always spawn in the channel itself, in deep places with a rocky bottom, on fairly fast-flowing water; spawning usually lasts two weeks and, apparently, takes place only at night. Fish caviar is quite small (the size of a poppy seed) and quite numerous: in a 600-gram female, there are up to 30 thousand testicles. Fish eggs are always attached to the stones against which they rub, and through this, of course, they are subjected to much less accidents and attacks by other fish, also water birds, than those of fish tossing in the grass and in shallow places.

The most detailed information about the way of life of the fisherman, although rather scattered, we meet with Terletsky, who observed the fisherman in the West. Dvina and Neman. Judging by his description, the syrgy of these rivers differs in many respects from that of southern Russia and even other areas of northwestern Russia. “Syrt,” says Terletsky, “river fish, at least in the Western Dvina and Neman basins; it does not occur in lakes. Both for parking and passages in the summer, it chooses very whimsical, special places that can be very difficult to determine. Mostly keeps in the water running, with a bottom covered with large zhvir or small stone, with different depths.When the water rises high, however, it keeps to the shore and enters the backwaters.She, both at home and on campaigns, which she makes more often than other river fish, constantly The most syrty herds are quite strictly grouped according to the same age, and young individuals are rarely found in schools of old or middle-aged and vice versa. insects that they feed on. Therefore, not only to catch, but also to meet young syrty fish is rarely possible. "

“Syrt spawns at the end of June or at the beginning of July. Not a single fish of fresh waters is prepared for this celebration like pike or podust (raw). Another two weeks before estrus, podust begins to color and becomes more colorful, shiny and more beautiful. The normally white-silvery color of its scales takes on a shade of pale fawn and pale pink with golden tints near the edges of the gills and at the connection of the fins.

"In the Western Dvina, a special course of the podust is remarkable during the color of bird cherry, during the earing of rye and the color of raspberries. Whether the water is large or small, the podust rises at this time into the large tributaries of the Western Dvina. , then, during the earing of rye, the medium and raspberry colors are the largest. They say: "there is a podust - a wild cherry, a robin or a beetle." having familiarized himself with it, he leaves immediately back, so that the course itself lasts only a few days.

"Podust for spawning does not gather in herds, but, remaining in those very large or smaller villages in which the caviar itself found him (?), First he wanders, looking for spawning places, and then, shying behind a large stone, through which, waddling, the current forms a falling cascade, one after another, the podust constantly jumps out onto the very stone, as if wishing to jump over it. Their iridescent metal backs glisten in the sun, now advancing, now disappearing in the falling water, and quick waves of the tail shoot up incessantly bright swirling streams Usually, podust throws eggs and milk in a fast, cascading current, which immediately carries it downstream.Looking for convenient places for spawning, podust often enters large tributaries of rivers in significant villages, where it is caught by zhaks (jokhs, muzzles), placed in a fast place.

To prevent the jacques from being so noticeable and to form at least a small cascade around it, which at this time so attracts the podust, it is usually set off quite densely with needles (?) from branches covered with leaves or needles.

We still know very little about fish fishing, although in some places, for example. near Kovno, it is almost the main object of fishing with a fishing rod, as it is valued fresh. We have only fragmentary and vague information about syrt in the northwestern region and in Smolensk province, but so far not a single Kiev fisher-hunter has reported how this fish is caught on the lower Dnieper.

Fish are caught in spring and summer, less often in autumn, when it takes better in lakes, where it probably goes to spend the winter, than in the river. In the Western Dvina (Terletsky), he begins to take from spring (before spawning) on ​​sandy places, on a bottom line; in summer - in deeper, standing or running places that need to be found, which requires great skill and experience; in such places, ties are arranged that delay the current and allow fishing with a float. In the upper Dnieper (Korda) syrt is caught more from boats or rafts in fast, but not particularly deep places (about 1.5 m) on a float. The best time of the day for fishing is early morning and late afternoon. They fish on the bottom with a rather heavy sinker, according to the current (Neman, Western Dvina), especially in spring, also (in Smolensk province.) On light, rather long fishing rods with a small float, sinker, thin and, moreover, short (?) fishing line, so, so that the distance from the end of the rod to the float does not exceed 70 cm; a small hook with a nozzle should float 4 cm from the bottom. In the Western Dvina, during the fall of the broom, which happens at the end of July and at the beginning of August, the syrt goes on top and it is caught on the broom, probably without a sinker and a float, casting a fishing rod near the call. The nozzle is most often a worm; in Kovno they usually put a bunch of dung worms on a hook, and also, it seems, they catch a fly on the larva of midges (Phryganea) as well. The best bait is considered to be the crayfish neck, but in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, raw material is caught mainly on ant eggs, planted 3-4 per hook (probably no larger than 10 No.). In Germany (Ruhlich), fish also take well on the liver, cut into worms 8 cm long, but this attachment is unlikely to sit firmly on the hook, especially on the rapid; for bait, the liver is very useful, especially in the absence of worms. This fish does not bite at all, although on the Dnieper (Korda) it is obligatory to use bait from hemp pomace, which are placed in a rare bag or a clean net and lowered on a pole into the water (of a raft or boat) with a string so that the bag does not reach the bottom by 4 cm. Possibly, fish are attracted here mainly by the smell of bait. On a fishing rod, a syrt walks incomparably more briskly than a bream of the same weight (and even stronger than a bream) and does not get tired so soon, but out of the water it sleeps sooner than the latter.

The flora and fauna of our globe is striking in its beauty and uniqueness. A large number of fish live in reservoirs, the existence of which many did not even know. All of them have their own characteristics and features. Fish rybets are quite rare. Not everyone has seen her at least once in their life. What does it look like and how is it different? You can find out this and much more in our article.

General information about the species

Rybets fish has another name - syrt. It belongs to the carp family. Usually its length reaches 50 centimeters, and its weight is 3 kilograms. This fish is quite rare. She has a peculiar appearance. Her nose is elongated and overlaps her mouth. The vimba fish has a body covered with scales and an elongated head. It can change its color depending on the season.

Syrt lives in all major rivers of the Russian Federation. In terms of taste, it is the most popular among carps. Fish rybets has white meat, which is distinguished by tenderness and juiciness. However, in some countries it is included in the Red Book.

Fish habitat

Fish fish has a peculiar appearance. Where the damp is found, you can find out in our article.

It can be found in the basin of the Baltic, North, Black and Caspian Seas. Such fish lives in the following rivers:

  • Elbe;
  • Vistula;
  • Meadows;
  • Neva and others.

In the warm season, the fish lives in the area of ​​rocky rifts. Comfortable water temperature for her life is 17-19 degrees Celsius. Syrt is widespread in the reservoirs of Central Europe. It can be easily found in Germany, Sweden, England and the Czech Republic. But, for example, in France and Italy, such fish is not found.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, fish can be found in the Gulf of Finland, Neva, Volga, Narva and Meta. Syrt is often found in Ukraine. Most often it can be found in the Dnieper, Dniester and Bug. Fish is found in the Sea of ​​Azov and it is best to catch it in the autumn season. Rybets ordinary during this period is distinguished by a large number.

Rybets in the Red Book

As we said earlier, in some countries, syrt does not live or lives in small numbers. That is why sometimes it is forbidden to catch fish such as fish. The Red Book of Belarus includes this species for a reason.

Previously, the fish lived in the reservoirs of Belarus in large numbers. However, its number decreased significantly after the construction of the Dnieper hydroelectric power station. In 1981, this species was included in the Red Book and is under protection. To increase the population, ecologists of Belarus create artificial spawning. They pour gravel and stones into ponds. The main factor in the threat of extinction can be attributed to a significant deterioration in conditions. Active pollution of rivers slows down the process of reproduction of the population.

In Belarus, fishing for fish is punishable by a fine. Its amount is 900 thousand rubles. Rybets is also listed in the Red Book of Poland and Ukraine. If you like to go fishing, then study the species prohibited for catching in advance. Thanks to this, you will not need to pay a fine due to your own ignorance.

Description of the fish

It is important to know what a fish fish looks like. The description of this species, first of all, should be known to fishermen. As we said earlier, the color of syrti changes depending on the time of year. In the spring, her belly and some fins have a red tint. During this period, its upper part darkens and acquires a black color. With the onset of cold weather, the belly of the fish acquires a silver hue. Its upper part becomes blue-gray, and the fins become yellowish.

The main features of such a fish include a slightly open mouth. The fish feeds on insects, mollusks and plants. Sexual maturity in syrti occurs in the fourth year of life. in May. On average, a fisherman lays 50,000 eggs. They are quite small in size. By its appearance, fish caviar resembles poppy seeds. The females lay it on the rocks.

Black-eyed bream is a type of fish. It has a shorter nose and a narrower torso. Its head is black in color, and a dark stripe runs along its body. The length of such a fish does not exceed 30 centimeters. Syrt living in different water bodies can differ significantly in appearance. It is known that there are also crossbreeds of fish with other fish.

The value of meat

Fish meat is incredibly useful. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, and also includes a huge amount of amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of any living organism.

Vitamin PP, which is found in syrty meat, contributes to the normalization of the brain and nervous system. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels. includes many useful components, including a large number of minerals. They contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel, and also have a beneficial effect on hair growth. Useful trace elements prevent the development of anemia and normalize blood sugar levels. It is for this reason that fish meat is especially useful for people with diabetes. It is also recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as rickets, osteoporosis, hypertension or atherosclerosis.


Despite the useful qualities, fish meat has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for those people who have an individual intolerance to this product. In moderation, the meat of this fish can be consumed by pregnant women, people with diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as those who are overweight.

Rybets does not lose its taste in any form. It is used in fried, boiled and stewed form. The most delicious and healthy fish baked on an open fire. There are 88 kilocalories in 100 grams of fish meat. It is for this reason that it is considered dietary.

Features of fishing

Among fishermen, the fish is a particularly desirable catch. You have already studied the description, development and habitats of such a subspecies of the carp family in our article.
It is important to know a few features in order for raw material to become part of the catch. The catch is most often made in the summer or spring season. In this case, it is worth giving preference to the boat. It is impossible to catch such fish from the shore. The best time for fishing is early morning or evening.

For bait, worms, maggots or fry are used. As a rule, only a few fish can be caught during the entire fishing period. This is due to the small number of representatives of this subspecies. It is worth noting that dampness quite often breaks off the nozzle. This can be avoided by purchasing quality hooks. They must have a proven sharpening. The bait must be cast upstream as far as possible. A small hook should be at a distance of 4 centimeters from the bottom.

Summing up

Rybets is a fish that has recently become quite rare. Its meat is distinguished by a large number of useful properties and a unique taste. If you like to please your family and friends with a fresh catch, then be careful! In some countries, the fish is included in the Red Book and is under protection. If you caught raw, then it is recommended to release it, if required by law. Otherwise, you may be fined for poaching!

One of the rare representatives of freshwater ichthyofauna is a fish called vimba. Most often, it comes across to anglers on a hook as by-catch when hunting for bream. But with a high population of this species in a reservoir, targeted fishing for fish can be successful. To do this, you need to find out some of the characteristic features of the fish, find its habitat and choose the appropriate method of fishing.

Freshwater fish with the characteristic name rybets belongs to anadromous species from the carp family. Depending on the habitat, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • the small Black Sea subspecies is distributed in the basins of the rivers of the Azov and Black Seas;
  • the Caspian fish is an inhabitant of the rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea;
  • fish with the name syrt lives in the basins of the Baltic and North Seas;
  • a small fisherman is a river.

This representative of the carp family has an elongated, but rather wide body. The fish has a triangular elongated head with a slanted retractable mouth.

Special difference! Syrt can be identified by a large fleshy nose that hides the mouth. On this basis, the fish can be easily distinguished from the podust or shemai.

The fins of a fish have the following characteristics:

  • dorsal - high shortened;
  • abdominal - small, slightly pointed;
  • tail - large V-shaped;
  • anal - wide, the height gradually decreases towards the tail.

Small fish weighing up to 0.5 kg and about 30 cm long are usually caught on the angler's hook. Trophy individuals are up to 0.5 m long and weigh 2 kg. Long-livers reach the age of 16-17 years.


Although the reservoirs of Central Europe are considered to be the birthplace of syrty, in some countries (Spain, France, Italy) this fish is not found at all today. But in our country, fish can be caught in many regions of the southwestern and southern parts of Russia.

A large population of Syrti lives in the Gulf of Finland, as well as in Ladoga and Ilmen, Neva and Narva. Small fish is found in the Dnieper and Dniester. The Caspian subspecies is found in the Volga, and the small Black Sea fish lives in the Kuban.

Photo 1. In the vastness of a small river.


In the diet of the fish there is a large set of animal and vegetable dishes. Like many other peaceful fish species, food is closely related to the season of the year.

  • In winter, fish feed on insect larvae and small bottom dwellers.
  • In the spring in the diet, plankton, small crustaceans.
  • In summer, the fish absorbs various plant foods, from young shoots of algae to seeds.
  • In autumn, the fish feeds on fat, absorbing insects, their larvae, crustaceans, shells, etc. in large numbers.

Seasonal Behavior

The fish, like every species with an anadromous or semi-anadromous lifestyle, has its own periods of migration.

  • In many rivers it begins in early spring. Large flocks go to the headwaters of the fastest mountain rivers. But in the Kuban, the fish begins to move from the coastal waters in late autumn, although the eggs of the fish at this time are not ready for fertilization.
  • Completion of spawning occurs by the middle of summer, after which there is a massive rolling of flocks to coastal areas. Summer feeding fish carries out at medium depths. During this period, she prefers the sandy bottom.
  • As the autumn cold approaches, most of the subspecies, except for the Kuban, roll into deep waters. In large pits and depressions with a quiet current, the fish lives all winter.


The mating season for different subspecies can vary significantly in time. It all depends on the degree of water heating in the areas where spawning occurs. In the southern regions, sexually mature age (3 years) also occurs earlier, while fish from cold waters are capable of reproducing for 5-7 years of life.

Rising to the upper reaches of the rivers, the vimba looks for rocky rifts for the mating season, where the depth does not exceed 1 m. Syrt enters such areas in small groups. Spawning occurs only during the daytime.

Female individuals become against the current and slowly lay eggs, which are highly sticky. Eggs stick to gravel and stones, their incubation period lasts from 3 to 7 days. During spawning, the female can lay eggs 2-3 times.

In one nest, there can be 30-120 thousand eggs. 12 days after birth, juveniles begin to feed on their own. After 30 days, the fry reach a size of 2-3 cm, they gather in small flocks and begin to move to the lower reaches of the rivers.

Fishing methods

To get raw cheese and taste its delicious meat, the fisherman will have to make a lot of effort. Fishing is done in a variety of ways. The best option is selected taking into account the time of the year.

Applied tackle and bait

Fish are hunted using two main types of gear. Bait for fish can be made with your own hands or you can purchase a ready-made composition in a store. It is important to add a few of those lures to the bait, which will be used to catch syrty.

Rybets is an interesting prey, given the special taste of dried and smoked meat. It will be possible to catch this fish with the right choice of place and gear, taking into account the season of the year.

During the mating season, the vimba fish turns from an inconspicuous silver fish into a real beauty - the back becomes black, and the middle of the belly and lower fins become bright red.

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

calories from fat

% Daily Value *

Total Fat

2 g


0 mg


0 mg


0 mg

Total Carbs

0 g

Alimentary fiber

0 g


17.5 g

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: depositphotos.com

How to burn 88 kcal?

Description of the fish

Syrt (or fish) is a fish from the Karpov family. The fish comes from Central Europe. It lives in large numbers in the reservoirs of Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Sweden and England, but you will not meet this lake and river inhabitant in France, Italy and Spain at all.

In Russia, the fish is found in the southern and southwestern regions, where it is better known as "raw". It can be found in lakes Ladoga, Ilmen, in the Gulf of Finland, as well as in the rivers Narva, Neva, Meta, Volga and Volkhva. Rybets also lives in Ukrainian reservoirs, especially common in the Dniester, Bug and Volga. In Europe, the fish is most common in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kuban River.

A distinctive feature of the syrty is an elongated nose that completely covers the mouth of the fish. Due to this, it is difficult to confuse the fish with other types of fish. The body of the syrty is quite high, covered with tightly fitting large scales. The mouth is retractable, and the head has an elongated shape. The dorsal fin is high and short. The color of the fish changes depending on the season. So, in the spring, before spawning, the syrt turns into a very noticeable fish: the back is covered with a black tint, and the middle of the belly and lower fins turn red. During the spawning period, the so-called “nuptial attire” is formed on the head, gill covers and along the edge of the scales in the male fish in the form of small grain-like warts. Closer to winter, the back of the fish becomes a bluish-gray hue, the lower fins become pale yellow, and the belly becomes silvery white.

Rybets - the fish is not too large. On average, its length reaches 50 centimeters, and body weight does not exceed 1.5-3 kilograms. It is caught mainly in summer or spring, sometimes in autumn. In the warm season, the fish prefers to live in rivers, but in winter it goes to lakes. Rybets is known for his agile and lively nature. In rivers, it follows the fast current and keeps well on the rifts. Rybets leads a predominantly flocking lifestyle. Numerous flocks are formed, as a rule, from individuals of the same size and age. Syrt prefers to live in clear waters and places with a sandy or rocky bottom, and at great depths. Fish feed on various insects, mollusks, worms, crayfish. Sometimes, in the absence of better food, it feeds on aquatic plants.

Fish spawning occurs quite late - in May-June. Before this, in early spring, the fish gather in large flocks and from lakes and river mouths pass up the rivers. The fish spawns directly in the channel with fast-flowing water, at depths with a rocky bottom. Spawning continues for about two weeks, and spawning, presumably, occurs only at night. The caviar of the fish is small and numerous, the size of the caviar is approximately the size of a poppy seed. A female weighing 600 grams lays about 30 thousand eggs.

The palatability of syrt is considered one of the best and most valuable among carp species. The meat of the fish is very juicy, white. From it you can cook a lot of very tasty and delicious dishes. Fish is good in any form - fried, baked, stewed. From it you can cook delicious meatballs or egg and fish dishes. But dried or smoked fish is considered the most delicious fish. The only drawback is that cheese is one of the perishable products, so you should not put off cooking it indefinitely.

Useful properties and composition of fish

Fish meat contains a lot of protein, which in terms of its nutritional value can be compared with meat protein and even more - fish protein does not contain harmful saturated fats, it consists of essential amino acids, without which the full functioning of the human body is impossible. These amino acids include lysine, methionine, taurine, and tryptophan. Taurine is the most useful amino acid, which, like air, is necessary for people suffering from atherosclerosis, edema, arterial hypertension and other problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, cheese is extremely useful for people with the above problems. In addition, the protein contained in fish is highly digestible and easily digestible.

Like other inhabitants of the water depths, the fish contains some vitamins, macro- and microelements, among which fluorine predominates. As you know, it is necessary for the body for the strength of bone tissue and tooth enamel, as well as for the health of brain and blood cells. Fluorine prevents the development of dental caries, rickets and osteoporosis. There is a lot of chromium in fish, which promotes the absorption of carbohydrates by the body, improves myocardial metabolism and regulates glucose levels, as well as molybdenum, which helps prevent anemia.

Of the vitamins in the fish, only vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, is present. Vitamin PP takes an active part in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, promotes brain function, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.


Due to the rather high calorie content of fish, it is not recommended to use it for overweight people. Also, do not abuse fish meat in diseases of the liver and pancreas.

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