Home Where to relax Tourist's memo (information leaflet for the tourist voucher). Information leaflet for a tourist trip along the route “mountains-sea” Information leaflet for a tour of Belarus

Tourist's memo (information leaflet for the tourist voucher). Information leaflet for a tourist trip along the route “mountains-sea” Information leaflet for a tour of Belarus

Present and analyze the information leaflet for the tourist trip package.

When analyzing the information sheet for a tourist travel package, it is necessary to take into account the relevance and completeness of the information.

It is important to take into account that the information sheet must contain the following data:
indication of the type and type of tourist travel, the main content of the travel service program, the length and duration of the entire route, its hiking part, the category of hikes and other specifics;
description of the travel route - points of stay, duration of stay and conditions of accommodation at each service point (type of building, number of seats in the room, its sanitary equipment);
a brief description of the travel area (sights, terrain features, etc.), service programs at each point of the tour;
list of services provided for an additional fee;
the presence and brief description of sports facilities and playgrounds, parking lots, passenger cable cars, ponds, attractions, children's playgrounds (rooms), libraries, cinema halls, etc.;
the address of the tourist enterprise where the tourist trip begins, and the route to it.

The list of additional information includes information depending on the specifics of the tour:
information about age restrictions, admission of parents with children, married couples;
special information for tourist trips with a hike;
other information and recommendations arising from the features and specifics of a particular tour or destination.

4. Agreement with clients - travel agents (in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”).

Present and analyze contracts with clients.

The results of the contract analysis must be presented in the form of a table.

Table 4.

Contract analysis parameters Comments Characteristics of the contract by parameter
Information about the tour operator (seller). Availability in the contract of data on the license for the right to carry out tourism activities, the legal address of the enterprise and bank details;
Information about the tourist (buyer) Are these data provided in sufficient quantities necessary for the sale of the tourism product?
Information about the tour operator at the reception (seller's partner). Availability of reliable information about the tour operator with whom the travel agency has entered into an agreement to provide specific services to tourists at the holiday destination. Does the information include information about license, legal address, bank details and contact numbers;
Information about the consumer properties of a tourist product. Availability and reliability of information about: - program of stay and travel route; - start and end times of the trip and its duration. (As a rule, only the dates of the tour are indicated. At the same time, in most, for example, European hotels, the check-out time is 12 o'clock local time. And although the client pays for the tour for the whole day, due to the unspecified conditions of the tourist's stay, after the check-out time, departure, if it takes place after 12 o’clock, the tourist will have to wait outside the hotel); - actions of the travel agency in the event of a prolonged delay of the tourist to the place of his paid vacation due to delays in vehicles. - tourist safety conditions (on the availability of licenses and certificates for services subject to mandatory certification).
The procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists. - Availability of information on the procedure for meeting, seeing off and accompanying tourists (explanation of the term “transfer” - when, at what time and who should accompany a tourist to and from the airport in Russia and whether there should be such escort at all, what measures a travel agency takes in the event of a flight delay from Russia, who and how accompanies them at a holiday destination abroad - Availability of information about the work schedule, responsibilities and nature of the activities of the guide-interpreter, the time he spends daily accompanying tourists, etc.
Retail price of a tourist product and the procedure for its payment. Reflection in the contract of the retail price of the tourist product and the procedure for its payment (Prices are often quoted in so-called conventional units, foreign currency. However, actual payments are made in rubles at unspecified rates that significantly exceed those established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the currency exchange).
Minimum number of tourists in a group. Availability of this information
Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. - Clarity of regulation of responsibilities to clients. (The rights and obligations of the parties established by contracts are so incomparable that the inequality of rights between the tourist and the company in favor of the company and the obvious infringement of consumer rights can be very noticeable. By establishing a strict regime of penalties only for tourists, travel agencies often provide themselves with fairly free conditions in relations with clients on case of failure to fulfill one’s own obligations stipulated by the contract and Russian legislation) - Accuracy of the interpretation of so-called force majeure circumstances in the contract. (In fact, contrary to paragraph 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, firms include cancellation, change or non-compliance with the schedule of aircraft and other types of transport. This is a gross violation of consumer sovereignty and unfair use by the company of its rights, since, as a rule, in the exception performers are more interested in their responsibility than customers)
The deadline for informing the tourist that the trip will not take place due to a shortage of the group. Availability of information
The procedure and deadlines for submitting claims by tourists. The accuracy of the wording in contracts of the terms and procedure for filing claims and resolving arising disputes. -Does the contract provide for other conditions for the fulfillment of obligations (by agreement of the parties). This may especially apply to the regulation of the relationship between the parties in cases of obtaining visas, purchasing air or train tickets and transporting tourists, as well as other issues that seem unclear to the tourist during negotiations.

5. Reminder for tourists.

Provide the text of a guide for tourists on the analyzed tourism product.

Conduct an analysis of the memo, present the results of the analysis in the form of a table.

Table 5.

Results of the analysis of the tourist guide

It is also necessary to give recommendations for changing the structure of the memo (supplement the memo with sections that are missing, in the student’s opinion, and provide the text of the improved memo). If the enterprise for the analyzed tour does not have a tourist guide, it is necessary to develop one.

Requirements for the content of the “Conclusions” section

This section provides conclusions about the results of the internship:

· what tasks were implemented and what goals were achieved as a result;

· what advantages and disadvantages in the organization of the enterprise’s activities were identified and what was proposed to eliminate them;

· what development prospects does the analyzed enterprise have?

The volume of this section is 2 pages.

Requirements for the content of the “Bibliography” section

The bibliography should contain 3-5 textbooks or teaching aids, 3-5 specialized professional publications (magazines, including electronic ones), electronic resources, including the website of the analyzed enterprise.

Draft program for an excursion and educational one-day tour

"Green farms - Tavria's workshop"

Route: g. Kherson - Golaya Pristan - Kherson

Duration 1 day

Group 20 +1

9.00. Departure of the group from Kherson. Travel excursion.

10.00. Excursion “Green Farms”.

14:30 Lunch in national style.

16:00 Transfer to a unique geyser spring

16:30 Visit to the geyser spring.

18.30. Departure to Kherson

Service providers involved in the tour

Motor transport - "Volkov" bus - 24-seat Mercedes bus, Ford Transit

Tour guide – own full-time employee

Excursion program to Green Farms - Tourism Center of the Holopristansky District.

Walk around the town of Golaya Pristan – IP “Snezhana”

Example: Technological map of the tour

LLC "Tour"

(name of the tourist enterprise serving the route)


Tourist travel route:

Kherson – Golaya Pristan – Kherson for 2013

Key route indicators

Route type excursion and educational.

Route length (km) ______ 70 km _______________________

Including on foot (on skis) _________ walk 1.5 km _______________

Travel duration (days) ______ 1 day _________________

Number of tourist groups ________________ 1 ______________________

Number of tourists in the group ____________ 20 _ ________________

Total tourists along the route ____________ 140 __________________

Total man-days of service _______ 140 ___________________________

Start of service on the route of the first group _ 06/07/2013

Start of service on the route of the last group _ 30.09.2013 __________

End of last group service 09/30/2013 ________________

Cost of the trip 130 hryvnia ______________________________________

Address of the tourist enterprise from which the trip begins: Kherson, Berislavskoe highway, 24, office 320.

Example of a tour information sheet

"Green farms - Tavria's workshop"

Information leaflet

9.00 Departure from Kherson on a comfortable bus.

10.10 Arrival at the recreation center “Green Farms of Tavria” (30 km from Kherson).

Meeting guests with bread and salt, viewing the exhibitions (area 100 hectares).

Visit to: thematic farms: “Island of Love”, “Blacksmith’s Estate”, “Beekeeper’s Estate”, etc.; thematic workshops: shooting crafts, potter, carpenter, fisherman, etc.; Extreme – traveling on a “peat boat”, visiting “Torfoland”.

The charm of Ukrainian antiquity and the beauty of southern nature are combined in this unique place - on the basis of green and rural tourism “Green Farms of Tavria”. On a vast territory on the banks of the Dnieper, the life and appearance of ancient Ukrainian farms with their everyday worries and vibrant entertainment are recreated.

After exploring the farms, it’s time to taste a delicious Ukrainian home-style lunch, cooked right here on the fire, and after lunch, relax as you please. You can ride horses and on various swings, play volleyball or football in nature and, of course, just take a walk, take pictures of the surrounding beauty and yourself in national Ukrainian costumes.

14.30-15.30 Lunch.

16.00 Visit to the geyser spring.

Bathing in a geyser spring with hot bromine-iodide medicinal water.

Even in ancient times, scientists assessed the healing properties of geysers. Here you will find salty healing water, hydromassage, and a sauna. Air massage gently affects the whole body, relieving tension accumulated in the body, wet steam removes harmful substances from the body, stimulates blood circulation, the composition of the water contributes to the overall health of the body.

In the Kherson region, the geyser was opened to the public in the summer of 2005. Now there are three baths at the source - two with hot water and one with healing mud. The water in the source is brownish-brown in color from dissolved iodine and is very salty. The temperature of the geyser is about 65 degrees, in the pool - 45-50 degrees.

TIP: it is better to take swimsuits that are not new, because... they may be brown after bathing.

19.00 Return to Kherson.

Example of a tourist service program


Settlements, the distance between them, methods of transportation, time spent in and out of the point Name of tourist enterprises and accommodation conditions Scheduled travel services. Name of excursions (with the intersection of the main objects of display), hiking trips and walks Intra-route transportation Costs per person
9.00 Kherson – Green Farms, Golaya Pristan, departure from Berislavskoye Highway, bus 24. distance 30 km. 1 hour. Arrival at Green Farms at 10.10 Bus PE "Volkov" Route excursion along the route of the bus Kherson – Green Farms – Golaya Pristan No Bus – 400 UAH. per group Guide tour guide 100 UAH. for a group
10.10-14.00 excursion to Green Farms Tourism center of the Holopristan region. 72450. Naked pier, st. Green, 0552(48546) Sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the local history museum, thematic farms: “Island of Love”, “Blacksmith’s Estate”, “Beekeeper’s Estate”. thematic workshops: shooting crafts, potter, carpenter, fisherman. local history museum – 15 UAH. per person, workshops – 15 UAH/person
14.30-15.30 lunch in the cafe of Khutorok LLC LLC "Green Farms" 40 UAH/person Group 800 UAH.
16.00 Departure from Green Farms to Kherson Along the way visit a geyser spring 20 UAH/person
19.00 arrival in Kherson. Berislavskoe highway. Bus – 400 UAH.

Total __4 enterprises are involved in the program ________________

Incl. 1. _ Private enterprise "Volkov" _____________ transport rental

Incl. 2_ LLC "Green Farms" company_ food order

Incl. 3 Tourism center of the Holopristansky district.

Incl. 3_ LLC "Reso-garantiya"_ company __tourist insurance ____

Signatures of the heads of enterprises serving the route.

Signatures of heads of financial services (chief accountants) of enterprises.

"_____" ___________________ year 2013.

Information leaflet for the tourist trip “Medieval Bohemia”

The Czech Republic is a state in Central Europe, occupying the historical regions of Bohemia and Moravia, as well as part of Silesia. In the north, the Czech Republic borders on Poland, in the east on Slovakia, on the south on Austria, and on the west and north on Germany. The country's area is 78.8 thousand square kilometers. The natural conditions of the Czech Republic are very diverse. The country occupies the main part of the Czech Crystalline Massif. On all sides it is surrounded by chains of relatively low but picturesque mountains (Sudetes, Ore Mountains, Bohemian Forest and Šumava), most of which are suitable for skiing. The main rivers of the country: Vltava, Morava, Elbe (Laba), Oder.

The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague. In Prague, which is called "Golden Prague" or "City of a Hundred Spires" - the famous Old Town of the 13th century, the New Town of the 14th century, Charles Bridge with figures of saints (XIV century), Hradcany Castle, St. Vitta in the Gothic style (it contains the tombs of many kings of Bohemia), several Baroque palaces, and a 14th-century town hall. In the vicinity of Prague are the karst Koneprus caves. The most famous of the attractions - the historical center of Prague Kutná Hora, Cesky Krumlov, Telc, the temple of the pilgrims of St. John of Nepomuk on Zelena Gora, located near Zdar nad Sazavou, the Lednice-Valtice complex, Kromeriz and Holasovice in Southern Bohemia - were rightfully included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Karlovy Vary is the largest and most popular resort in the Czech Republic. It was founded around 1350 by the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV. The city is located in the west of the Czech Republic, in a deep valley on the banks of the Tepla River, at an altitude of 380 to 644 meters above sea level. Karlovy Vary has 1 cold and 12 hot mineral springs, the healing properties of which are known throughout the world. The world-famous resort city has its own international airport and a developed network of comfortable hotels.

Kutná Hora is a colorful medieval town located in Central Bohemia, 60 km from Prague. Many kings of the Czech Republic fell in love with this city so much that they chose it as their favorite residence. This city became a source of magnificent silver, which was mined here right up to the 18th century. The pride of Kutno Hora is the Church of St. Barbara, the interior of which is painted with medieval frescoes depicting the social life of the medieval mining town of Kutno Hora. Another attraction of the city is the Hradek Mining Museum, which is dedicated to the history of silver mining. The museum is especially attractive for the opportunity to visit medieval mines. Another interesting place is the Italian Court, which was once the royal mint. In addition to these attractions, Kutno Hora offers its guests the historical atmosphere of a medieval town thanks to aristocratic houses, narrow alleys and magnificent squares. The Stone Fountain, the Church of St. James and the beautiful Stone House, all built in the Gothic style, are the pearls of the city. A lot of interesting things are hidden underground in the city. In addition to the aforementioned medieval silver mines, the city has a number of aristocratic houses with basements of several floors, where you can spend a pleasant time in the restaurants and wine cellars located here. In the part of the city called Sedlec, the history of the city of Kutno Hora began. There is a Cistercian Monastery and a cemetery with a famous crypt, the interior of which is richly decorated with human bones.

Charles Bridge is one of the main attractions of Prague. Its construction began in 1375 under the patronage of King Charles IV and was completed at the beginning of the 15th century. The bridge was originally known as the "Stone Bridge" or "Prague Bridge" and became known as the "Charles Bridge" only in 1870. The bridge, 516 meters long and almost 10 meters wide, rests on 16 arches and is strengthened by three towers. Two of them are located in the Lesser Town part of the city and one in the Old Town part of Prague. The Old Town Bridge Tower is one of the most amazing Gothic-style structures in the world. The bridge is decorated with an amazing 30 sculptures and sculptural groups of saints, most of which were built in the Baroque style.

Old Town Square is a journey back in time. Dating from the 12th century, the square originally served as the city's central market. Over the centuries, many buildings in the Baroque, Romanesque and Gothic styles were built around the market. The square, surrounded by a labyrinth of magnificent alleys, contains the most famous historical and architectural monuments in Prague, including the Old Town Hall with its astronomical clock and the beautiful Church of St. Michael. In the center of the square stands the monument to Jan Hus, built on July 6, 1915 in honor of the 500th anniversary of the death of the great reformer.

The astronomical clock is called “Orloy” and is located on the south side of the tower. The outer dial shows the time of day, and the smaller inner disc shows the position of the Zodiac constellations. In the center of the dial is the Earth, around which the Sun revolves, which is a reflection of the revolutionary perception of the world with the central position of the Earth. Every hour, under the ringing of the bell of the old woman-death, an amazing performance takes place in the window openings above the clock. The figures, which are the embodiments of human vices and such dominants of human life as death or retribution for sins, begin to move: the skeleton pulls the bell rope, the angel raises and lowers the punishing sword. In the clock windows the faces of the apostles replace each other, and in the end a rooster crows. The figure of the Turk recalls the danger that the Ottoman Empire posed to the Habsburgs for centuries.

Vyšehrad Fortress is the cradle of the Czech state. According to legend, it was from this place that Princess Libusha, looking at the view of the Vltava valley and the place where Prague Castle is now located, predicted the formation of a great kingdom and its capital. The residence of the first Czech kings of the Przemysl dynasty was located in Vyšehrad. The first Royal Route also passed here. Before the kings took their place in the more modern Prague Castle, they had to first pay homage to their predecessors in Visegrad, and then they followed this road to Hradcany for the coronation. There are still fortifications on the rocky cliffs, holding back the ever-increasing noise and bustle below. The Vyšehrad area contains many lush lawns and gardens with paths leading to historical buildings and cemeteries. Visegrad is still somewhat of a hidden secret spot for picnics and romantic walks, and also offers one of the best panoramic views of the city.

Prague Castle is the largest medieval castle complex in Europe. This place of residence of Czech kings for several eras, housed on its territory the Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus, several palaces, a monastery, observation towers, the Basilica of St. George and the charming Golden Lane. St. Vitus Cathedral is undoubtedly the center of attention for tourists. This 14th century Gothic structure, decorated with breathtaking gargoyles, is easily visible from the ground floor. Inside the cathedral there are several finely crafted graves and many objects reflecting Czech history. It is worth climbing to the belfry, the highest point within the castle, from which you can see stunning views of the castle and old Prague. The castle is surrounded by Zlata Street, where there is a whole series of colorful shops that once served as housing for the palace guards, the throne room of the kings of Bohemia and the Museum of Czech Art. The history of Prague Castle began at the end of the 9th century, when the first buildings were erected. In the 12th century, the palace was built in the Romanesque style, later, during the reign of Charles IV (14th century), rebuilt in the Gothic style. Further reconstruction of the Royal Palace took place at the end of the 15th century, under the Jagiellons. The now famous Vladislav Hall was added to the design of the architect Benedikt Reith.

Jemniště Castle - a typical palace of the Czech nobility was built at the beginning of the 18th century. designed by the famous Czech Baroque architect František Maximilian Kanka, it was subsequently completely rebuilt after a devastating fire. The castle is an elegant building consisting of a main building, an outbuilding and stables. In the interior there is a rich exhibition of family furniture, paintings, porcelain, and engravings. You will see the dance and knight's halls, salons, the Baroque chapel of St. Joseph. The castle is currently used for various events and ceremonies.

Nelagozovets Castle is a pearl of the Renaissance, containing untold riches - a unique collection of paintings “The Art of Six Centuries”, collections of Asian and European porcelain, earthenware, historical furniture, valuable musical instruments.

Melnik Castle - located at the confluence of the Czech rivers Vltava and Labe. The castle was for a long time the residence of the wives of Czech princes and kings. Melnik is one of the largest winemaking centers in Central Bohemia, with the best varieties of Czech wines stored in its wine cellars.

In the picturesque corner of northern Bohemia “Czech Paradise” you will get acquainted with the pearl of “historical romanticism” - Sychrov Castle. The second name of this castle is the “carved miracle” of the Czech Republic. The romantic style of this era finds its origins in the medieval era, called "petrifying" Gothic. Sychrov Castle is shrouded in secrets and legends about ghosts. The decoration of the castle is the magnificent chambers, on which Czech craftsmen worked for more than 30 years, creating a unique fairy-tale atmosphere of that time. The castle houses a portrait gallery of the Roan family, numbering about 240 portraits from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The colorful antique furniture and rich interior of the castle will leave few people indifferent.

The Koněpru Caves are the largest cave system found in Bohemia. Human bones, the remains of a furry rhinoceros and counterfeit 15th-century coins are among the finds found in these impressive, deep labyrinthine limestone caves. The Koněpru Caves are located 30 km southwest of Prague in the Bohemian Karst conservation area, next to Karlstein Castle. They were formed in Devonian limestones about 400 million years ago. These caves were first discovered in 1950. The caves have three levels with a depth of more than 70 meters, and a length of about 2 km. The temperature there is almost always constant - 10C. The approximately 600 meter long route is open to the public. These caves have bizarre shapes formed by the growth of stalactites and stalagmites associated with the limestone formations of the Bohemian Karst and are the largest in the country. A 15th-century coin forgery workshop was found on the top floor of the caves, which has now been restored and can be visited. The caves are open: July-August from 8:00 to 17:00, April-June and September from 8:00 to 16:00, October from 8:00 to 15:00.

Currency - Czech crown (Kc), 1 crown = 100 hellers. Currently in circulation are coins in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 geler and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 crowns, as well as banknotes in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 crowns. .

Features of customs control. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of smoking tobacco is allowed; 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine. The import and export of foreign and national currency is not limited, but it must be declared.

Grocery stores are open from 6.00. Department stores are open from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekdays, and on Saturdays until 13.00.

In hotels, restaurants and taxis, it is customary to leave a tip of 5-10% on top of the bill.

In the Czech Republic there are many Czech and international companies that rent cars. The price ranges from $25 to $200 per day depending on the brand of car. The driving rules and road signs in the Czech Republic are almost identical to those in most European countries. In the Czech Republic, traffic is on the right. Recently, the Czech Republic has introduced tolls for the use of motorways and motorway-type roads. You need to buy a coupon ($14), with which you can travel around the Czech Republic for a whole year.

In the Czech Republic, tickets are of the same type for all types of public transport. The validity period depends on the ticket price. All transport runs strictly on schedule. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines at metro stations, hotels, newspaper and tobacco kiosks, and supermarkets.

Before traveling, you should purchase health insurance. Any medical assistance is provided at the nearest medical center. The price of treatment is negotiable, patients are given a receipt for insurance companies. Medical institutions are usually open from 7.15 to 18.00, except Saturday and Sunday. There is a notice on the front door of every pharmacy with the addresses of the pharmacies on duty.

Restaurant reservations should be made in advance, especially in the evening. Please also keep in mind that outdoor prices are often higher than indoor prices.

Mobile connection. In the Czech Republic you can use a GSM mobile phone. You can activate roaming for free by contacting one of your operator’s offices in Ukraine. In the Czech Republic, you just need to turn on the phone, it will register itself in the local network. Your cell number is retained.

Tah-free. If you buy any goods in the Czech Republic for an amount exceeding 2500 Ks, you can count on a refund of up to 22% VAT. To do this, the purchase must be made in the “Tax-free Shopping” Global Refund stores, the windows of which display the company’s logo. You must ask the seller for a receipt and a Tax-free envelope. When leaving the Czech Republic at customs (before registration), this check must be stamped. Without a customs stamp, it will not be paid.

Important addresses and telephone numbers

Main contents of the service program:

1 day

7.00-10.00 Arrival in Ulan-Ude. Meeting the tourist group at the airport or railway station. Transfer to the Sagaan Morin Hotel. Accommodation in rooms.

7.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the PANORAMA restaurant (Sagan Morin Hotel). Free time

11.00-12.10 Sightseeing tour by tram

12.20 Transfer to the village. Verkhnyaya Ivolga

13.00-13.30 Lunch at the Yurta cafe

13.40-15:40 Walking tour “The spiritual capital of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia - Ivolginsky datsan” (accompanied by a huvarak)

15:40-16:00 Rituals of goroo, worship, purification and blessing by fire

15:40-16:20 * Visit to lamas-healers and lamas-astrologers (* services are marked for an additional fee)

16:20-17:00 * Visit to the Ivolginskaya Valley

17:00-17:40 Transfer to Ulan-Ude

18.00-19.00 Dinner at the Tengis restaurant

19.00-19.30 Free time

20.00-21.30 * Sightseeing night tour of Ulan-Ude “Lights of the night city”

Day 2

10.00-11.00 Transfer to the village. Arbizhil (Buryat yurt). Travel information “Traditions of agriculture and cattle breeding of Buryatia”

11.00-12.00 Reception in a traditional Buryat yurt. Getting to know the interior of the yurt

12.00-12.30 Lecture-presentation “Buryatia: entrance through the kitchen”

12.30-13.30 Master class on cooking Buryat cuisine (buuzy, salamat). 13.30-14.30 Lunch in a yurt

14.30-17.30 Folklore program “Visiting the Buryats”

14.30-17.30 * Ram slaughter (preparing dishes from sheep entrails)

19.00-20.00 Dinner at the “Genghis Khan” restaurant (* Performance by a Buryat folk group (throat singing, Buryat national musical instruments)

20.00-21.00 Free time

Day 3

07.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the restaurant "PANORAMA" (hotel "Sagan Morin")

10.00-11.00 Transfer to the village. Tarbagatai (“Sleeping Lion”, “Scallop” rock; historical monument - cross at the site of Archpriest Avvakum)

*(only in summer) Excursion “The Magic of a Silver Spring or How to Find Liquid Gold” in the village. Upper Zhirim

12.00-12.30 Excursion “Keepers of the Old Faith” (Museum of History and Culture of the Old Believers)

12.30-13.00 Visit to the Ancient Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. Conversation about the peculiarities of food during fasting days

13.00-14.00 Master class on preparing Old Believers cuisine

14.00-15.00 Lunch

15.00-15.30 Interactive lecture “Features of dishes of Old Russian cuisine”

15.30-17.30 Folklore program “Visiting the Semeiskies”. Participation in rituals (national costume), games

17.00-17.30 * Exhibition and sale of folk art crafts

17.30-18.30 Transfer to Ulan-Ude

19.00-20.00 Dinner at the Semeyskaya Gornitsa restaurant

20.00-21.00 Free time

4 day

07.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the restaurant "PANORAMA" (hotel "Sagan Morin")

10.00-13.00 Transfer to the village of Sukhaya (TC “Sagaan Morin”) (Pass in the area “Proval”, historical and cultural complex “Usan-Lopson”, ritual of “appeasing the spirits of the road”). Accommodation in the village of Sukhaya TC "Sagaan Morin"

13.00-13.30 Lunch at Sagaan Morin shopping center

13.30-14.30 Walk along the shore of the lake. Baikal. Participation in the ritual “Worship of Sacred Baikal”

14.30-16.00 * Boat excursion to the White Stone cliff

14.30-16.00 * Visit to the Omule Baikal Museum

16.00-17.00 Visit to a thermal spring in the area “Urochishche Zagza”

17.00-18.00 Master class on preparing fish dishes

18.00-18.40 Dinner (by the fire in nature)

19.00-22.00 Transfer to Ulan-Ude

5 day

07.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the restaurant "PANORAMA" (hotel "Sagan Morin")

10.00-12.00 Field trip to the Selenga factory - “Wealth of the native land”

12.30-13.30 Lunch ethno-restaurant “Orda”

14.00-18.00 Culinary school “The First Guild of Chefs of the Republic of Buryatia”. Competition among tourists “Classics of the national dish of the Republic of Buryatia” for the preparation of a national dish (awarding certificates).

18.00-19.00 Dinner (cooked dishes)

19.00-20.00 Free time

Day 6

07.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the restaurant "PANORAMA" (hotel "Sagan Morin")

10.00-12.00 Center for Tibetan Medicine (lecture-conversation “Nutritional treatment in Tibetan medicine”)

12.20-13.00 Master class “Tea drinking traditions of the peoples of Buryatia” (Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia)

13.00-13.30 Lunch at the Nyutag cafe

13.30-16.30 Visit to the open-air museum complex “Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia” - ethno-excursion “Travel with us”

16.30-17.00 * Buying souvenirs

17.00-17.30 Free time

18.00-20.00 Festive dinner at the cafe of Buryat cuisine “Bataray Urgoo” (*folklore program - Buryat national instruments, throat singing, dancing)

Day 7

07.00-10.00 Breakfast - buffet (Buryat hall of the restaurant "PANORAMA" (hotel "Sagan Morin")

10.00 Transfer to the station/airport

Route length: 717 km

Route duration: 7 days/6 nights

Places of stay: Sagaan Morin Hotel. The hotel's room capacity is represented by 93 rooms of various categories (standard single – 38, standard double – 34, standard triple – 3, luxury – 16, apartments – 2). On each floor there is a hall with a seating area. Each hotel room offers: satellite and cable TV with news and entertainment channels; telephone with access to long-distance and international networks; bathroom with bathtub, bath and hygiene items; hair dryer; kettle; tea pair; mini bar; individual safe for storing valuables; Internet access. All rooms are for non-smoking guests and 10 rooms are for people with disabilities.

Brief description of the travel area. The route of the gastronomic tour “Classics of National Dish” passes through the territories of 4 districts (Ivolginsky, Tarbagataisky, Zaigraevsky, Kabansky) and directly to the capital of the Republic of Buryatia - Ulan-Ude. The climate is sharply continental. The average annual air temperature is 0.1 C. The hottest month is July (+35.8 C), the coldest is January (−35.4 C). The maximum air humidity (76-79%) occurs in November-January, the minimum (49%) in May. The number of days with precipitation is 155 days a year. During the year, an average of 265 mm of precipitation falls in the travel area, the bulk of which falls in the summer. Maximum precipitation is observed in August (68 mm); minimum (3 mm) – in February-March.

An essential feature of the climate of Buryatia is the number of sunny days and the duration of hours of sunshine in the regions of South-Eastern Buryatia, which exceeds, for example, Odessa or Crimea.

The cultural and historical resources of the gastronomic tour are represented by museums, theaters, archaeological, historical and architectural monuments, ethnographic features, and folklore of the travel area.

Services provided at additional cost: visiting lamas-healers and lamas-astrologers; sightseeing night tour of Ulan-Ude “Lights of the Night City”; visit to the Ivolginskaya Valley (Hun settlement, Bain Tugad hill, sacred stupa “Badma Seseg”, panoramic platform “Stop of Geser”); ram slaughter; performance by a Buryat folk group (throat singing, Buryat national musical instruments); boat excursion to the White Stone cliff; visit to the Omulev Baikal Museum; folklore program - Buryat national instruments, throat singing, dancing; exhibition and sale of folk arts and crafts; buying souvenirs; (only in summer) excursion “The magic of a silver source or how to find liquid gold” in the village. Upper Zhirim (meeting the beekeeper, tasting honey, excursion to a spring with silver water).

Brief information about the infrastructure. The travel area is quite well provided with external transport communications, which in modern conditions significantly influence the development of agricultural sectors and meet the needs of the area for freight and passenger transportation. In addition, the transport network is closely related to the formation of the architectural and planning appearance of settlements, the improvement of sanitary, hygienic, cultural, living and aesthetic living conditions of the population. In the travel area there are rail and road transport.

Existing sections of roads in the travel area are partially equipped with gas stations, food outlets, retail outlets and bus stops. Roadside service facilities are mainly located along the road – near and in populated areas.

On the territory of the route, communication services are provided by cellular operators: Rostelecom (BVK brand 2G, 3G), MegaFon (2G, 3.5G, 4G), MTS (2G, 3G) and Beeline (3G only). Fixed-line communication services are provided by the Buryat branch of OJSC Rostelecom.

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