Home Visa Which Mediterranean country? Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? Where is the mediterranean climate found

Which Mediterranean country? Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? Where is the mediterranean climate found

- (Mediterranean), (Capital), Mediterranean, pl. no, cf. Territories surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Early Mediterranean culture. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

MEDITERRANEAN- a natural country, including the islands and peninsulas of the Mediterranean m. and the territories of Eurasia and the North adjacent to it. Africa. In a broad sense, it includes most of the bass. Mediterranean m. and belt of the Near Asian highlands. The relief is dominated by mountains… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

mediterranean- A natural area that includes the Mediterranean Sea basin with its islands and the adjacent territories of Europe, Asia and Africa, together with the belt of the Near Asian highlands, dominated by evergreen dry forests and shrubs on brown and brown forest ... ... Geography Dictionary

mediterranean- Middle-earth, a natural country, including the Mediterranean basin with its islands and adjacent territories of Europe, Asia and Africa; in a broad sense, it also includes the belt of the Near Asian highlands. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bS. is about 4 million km2 (with ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

mediterranean- a region that includes the Mediterranean Sea with its islands and the adjacent parts of the continents of Eurasia and Africa. Pl. OK. 4 million km². It has a rich history since ancient civilization. Already in the XII-XI centuries. BC. colonies of Phoenician merchants flourished, in ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

mediterranean- rya; cf. [capitalized] The area around the Mediterranean Sea. Northern, southern S. Mediterranean climate. ◁ Mediterranean, oh, oh. C. cruise. Wow exotic. From other countries. * * * The Mediterranean is a natural country, including islands and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

mediterranean- The Mediterranean, I ... Russian spelling dictionary

mediterranean- Mediterranean/Rye, I... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

mediterranean- rya; cf. see also mediterranean The area around the Mediterranean Sea. Northern, southern mediterranean / rye. Mediterranean climate... Dictionary of many expressions


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Perhaps the most amazing and unusual sea on the planet is the Mediterranean. It separates three different but at the same time serves as a meeting place for the most diverse cultures, nations and religions. Which countries are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and which of them do tourists like to come to most of all? You will learn about this from our most interesting article.

Mediterranean: history and geography of the region

Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? What famous cities are located on its banks? Before answering these questions, it is necessary to study in detail the geography and history of the region.

Mediterranea is the name of the Mediterranean in English. This historical region occupies the entire basin of the sea of ​​the same name - the cradle of European and Arab navigation. The most ancient civilizations and powers arose on its shores - Phenicia, Ancient Hellas, the Roman Empire. The latter once controlled the entire region. Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea today?

The total area of ​​the region, according to various scientists, ranges from 4 to 5 million square kilometers. On its territory, the states of two continents and three parts of the world are located at once.

Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? Largest cities

Geographically, culturally and mentally, the Mediterranean is divided into three zones (parts): European, Asian and African.

So, which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea with its waters? These include 21 independent states. These are Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, Malta (an island republic, located directly in the water area), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

The unrecognized countries of Palestine and Northern Cyprus, as well as two overseas territories of Great Britain (Gibraltar, Akrotiri and Dhekelia) also have access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Which cities are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? Thousands of settlements are located on the shores of its water area. Among the largest and most famous cities in the Mediterranean are the following: Barcelona, ​​Marseille, Cannes, Genoa, Napoli, Dubrovnik, Athens, Istanbul, Antalya, Alexandria, Tripoli.

Structure of the Mediterranean: islands, archipelagos, seas

Scientists say that the Mediterranean Sea is nothing more than a relic of an ancient reservoir of a planetary scale - the Tethys Ocean. The Black, Caspian and Aral Seas are also its remnants.

The modern Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow one. It passes between two high rocks, named in ancient times. An interesting fact: in the Mediterranean Sea, hydrographers distinguish a number of smaller seas. For example, on the maps of this part of the planet you can find the Adriatic, Aegean, Ionian, Cypriot and others.

What is the Mediterranean Sea? Several large Apennine, Pyrenean, deeply protrude into its water area. In the waters of the Mediterranean there are also a large number of islands, different in area. And almost every one of them is very attractive for tourists. It is worth mentioning some of the most famous islands in the Mediterranean: Crete, Malta, Sicily, Rhodes, Ibiza and Mallorca.

Synthesis of cultures and peoples

"The sea in the middle of the Earth" - so they called it in antiquity. This geographical toponym, having slightly transformed, has survived to this day. Indeed, it was here that various peoples, cultures, religions and civilizations met over the centuries. As a result, a unique ethno-cultural situation has formed in the Mediterranean.

Already in the third millennium BC, the so-called Aegean civilization arose here, which consisted of several cultures and was complicated by Sumerian influences. Mixed ethnic groups could also be observed within the state of Carthage. Even later, the synthesis of European and Eastern traditions formed here a powerful state - Byzantium.

Thus, cultural syncretism is more than characteristic of the Mediterranean region. It is this fact that makes it extremely popular among tourists from all over the world.

Tourism in the Mediterranean

The countries of the Mediterranean Sea are annually visited by tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of our planet. The attractiveness of this region is enhanced by the fact that it is located entirely within the mild subtropical climate.

Of course, the best way to experience the Mediterranean is on a cruise. It allows you to visit several countries and dozens of interesting cities at once. During such a cruise, the tourist can see firsthand how the monuments are combined with the creations of our time.

In the Mediterranean, tourists most often visit Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia and Croatia.

Holidays in Turkey

Each of the Mediterranean countries can boast of its first-class resorts. And the most famous resort country in this region is, of course, Turkey!

This state today is very successful in the development of its tourism infrastructure. Resting here is both interesting and very comfortable. Moreover, Türkiye is ready to offer holidays for every taste and wallet size.

Excellent hotels, wonderful beaches, delicious cuisine and acquaintance with the vibrant local culture - this is what awaits every tourist who decides to visit Turkey. In addition, in a very short time you can see many interesting sights here.

Which cities in Turkey are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? This is the largest metropolis of Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya and Mersin.

Spain and Italy

Spain is located in the western part of the region. Tourists appreciate this Mediterranean country for its picturesque landscapes, beautiful nature, sunny first-class resorts and ancient architectural monuments. No cruise, as a rule, bypasses Mallorca and Ibiza. But true connoisseurs of architecture should definitely visit the city of Barcelona.

Another European Mediterranean state is Italy. The country of sun, pizza and spaghetti attracts a huge number of foreign tourists. Lovers of unity with virgin nature go to Sicily, but connoisseurs of cultural and historical monuments go to Rome. Here is also the world-renowned center of haute couture - the city of Milan.

Balkan Mediterranean countries

Five have access to the Mediterranean Sea at once. And all of them have a huge tourist potential.

Croatia is the most attractive of the Balkan countries for tourists. Even 20 years ago it fought for its independence, and today it receives thousands of tourists every year. Vacationers are amazed by the unique purity of sea water in Croatia and the huge number of coastal islands.

Montenegro is also famous for its excellent resorts. In particular, the Ada Bojana beach, 3.8 kilometers long, boasts the cleanest sand in the entire Adriatic.

Gradually gaining popularity among tourists and Albania. This country wins due to its beautiful landscapes and extraordinary coloring. Only in Albania you can taste the chic local cuisine in an abandoned concrete bunker of the last century!

African Mediterranean countries

Of course, tourists do not bypass the African states of this region. Egypt has long gained fame as a resort and tourist country. But even countries such as Libya and Algeria are actively equipping their resorts and cities for potential vacationers.

Increasingly, cruise ships sail to the ports of Morocco. This state, located right at the junction of East and West, Islamic and European cultures, a priori arouses interest among tourists.

Tunisia is another state of the Mediterranean, on the territory of which a large number of historical and architectural monuments, museums with ancient artifacts have been preserved. And after a rich cultural program, the tourist here will also be able to fully relax on one of the beautiful beaches. Another feature of Tunisia is its colorful and colorful markets.


Now you know how many countries the Mediterranean Sea washes. There are 21 in total. The Mediterranean is a unique and very attractive region for tourists. First of all, they seek to get to Turkey, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Croatia. Indeed, in these countries there are a lot of attractions, and the infrastructure is in perfect order.

The area of ​​the Mediterranean region is over 4 million square meters. km, with the Near Asian highlands - over 5 million square meters. km.

The Mediterranean unites the countries of two continents - Africa and Eurasia, as well as numerous islands and archipelagos: Sicily, Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus, the Balearic Islands and many others.

The countries of the Mediterranean are united by similar natural conditions. This is, first of all, a Mediterranean subtropical climate with hot, dry summers and warm, rainy winters. The second common feature for the region is a fragmented, mainly mountainous terrain with a predominance of low mountain ranges. Plains occupy relatively small areas, mainly along the coasts. In the structure of the surface, a large role belongs to volcanic rocks, as well as limestones with their inherent karst relief.

The Mediterranean climate is very favorable for human health. Velvet season lasts from August to October. In most Mediterranean countries, life expectancy is much higher than the average for the planet (about 83 years for men, about 85 years for women), despite the rather low standard of living and education of the population of most Mediterranean countries. Many scientists are looking for the secret of longevity in the special diet of the inhabitants of the region, which traditionally includes olive oil, other olive products, red wine (except in Islamic countries), fresh herbs and (, mulberry), seafood, goat's milk.

The Mediterranean area has been inhabited for thousands of years. The long-term settlement and development of these lands are associated both with the presence of a warm sea - a source of food, a means of communication, and with favorable climatic conditions for human life.

About 20 peoples with a high culture lived here several thousand years ago. Widely known civilizations, Aegean culture, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Crete, later - Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire. Along the Mediterranean Sea, the cradle of navigation, close interaction was carried out, the exchange of cultural achievements and trade between the most ancient civilizations that arose on its shores

Since ancient times, people have been much less afraid of water than of insurmountable mountains, dead deserts and impenetrable thickets of forests teeming with predators. Therefore, paradoxically, when it came to long distances, waterways, despite storms and shipwrecks, from ancient times functioned more regularly than land routes. Thanks to this, the Mediterranean became the only area in the world where each ethnic group and each culture could communicate not with one or two or three neighbors, but immediately with dozens of other ethnic groups and cultures. This communication, of course, was by no means always peaceful and often ended in extermination wars. Nevertheless, it greatly contributed to the interpenetration of languages ​​and customs, the all-round progress of the peoples of the region, the development of competition between them, the exchange of economic, political and cultural experience.

Thus, the civilization of Ancient Egypt intensively interacted with neighboring regions. The regions of Libya, Nubia, Syria, Palestine were constantly either under the rule of Egypt, or the objects of its expansion. The Egyptians taught much to others and learned much themselves. Their culture, like the culture of other peoples of the Mediterranean, was created and developed under conditions of foreign influences.

And the influence of the cultures of Ancient Egypt, the Aegeans, Achaeans, Phoenicia, Syria, Asia Minor and ancient Persia on archaic Greece of the 11th-6th centuries BC. e.? In the same way, Ancient Rome adopted the achievements of the Carthaginians, Greeks, Hellenistic states of the East, and even earlier - the Samnites, Etruscans, Gauls and other Mediterranean peoples. These borrowings only strengthened the civilization of Ancient Rome, brought it to perfection, at the same time adding an element of pluralism to its local variants. Without such processes, it would be impossible to create a gigantic empire that achieved for the first time (and, as it turned out, only once in history) the political unity of the entire Mediterranean.

The migrations of ethnic groups and confessions, which began from the era of the “peoples of the sea” (perhaps much earlier), continue here and now, leaving an imprint on the composition and character of the population, appearance and lifestyle, names and dialects, views and ideas.

List of Mediterranean countries

Northern Cyprus

Countries and resorts of the Mediterranean Sea: maps, photos and videos. Holidays in the Mediterranean, hotels, beaches, water temperature off the coast of resorts.

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The cradle of civilizations, the apple of discord and the oldest trade routes - all this is the "sea in the middle of the earth", whose waves wash the shores of 22 states, most of which have managed to derive direct tourist benefits from this remarkable neighborhood. It is on the numerous coasts of the Mediterranean Sea that the most famous world resorts are located, which are stormed every year by millions of vacationers from all over the world. The countries of two continents - Africa and Eurasia, as well as numerous islands and archipelagos provide all the conditions for a full-fledged beach holiday: although not always warm, but quite clear waters, sandy or pebbly coastlines with a remarkably wide coastline, violent fruitful nature and a lot of historical ruins around. What is especially pleasant - rest in the Mediterranean bushes can be classified as a budget one: a little more expensive than domestic "souths" and at the same time a whole range of entertainment and so far, alas, a service level that is mostly unattainable at home.

Mediterranean countries

Let's not cheat by saying that the Mediterranean is one of those successful tourism destinations in all respects that can offer almost everything to a demanding tourist, immediately and at affordable prices. What is there on the hospitable shores of the "Middle Sea": and vegetable rest in slippers and a swimsuit, and interesting excursions to the sights of almost any period known to historical science, and authentic items of souvenir interest, and rich opportunities for learning foreign languages ​​"with immersion", and terribly tasty, and most importantly, healthy Mediterranean cuisine, on whose dishes more than one generation of centenarians has been brought up.

Another characteristic feature of the Mediterranean, a balm for the heart of an attentive tourist, is the exceptional diversity of nationalities, languages, and cultures.

Everyone will find something to their liking: praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem or burning through what they have acquired by “overwork” at golden parties in Monaco, inhaling the smell of eternity in the Giza Valley or listening to the chirping of cicadas on emerald Corfu, following the footsteps of the Grand Duchesses on the streets of Istanbul or looking at drowning in the red midday haze Fez.

Among the other pleasant bonuses of the direction are a short flight (you can fly to most resorts in no more than 4 hours), a combined visa regime (we are talking about Schengen), which allows you to wave to your neighbors along the coastline without hassle, in some cases - even lack of visa formalities - as in Tunisia or Turkey. Among other things, the Mediterranean - the most financially accessible of the resort foreign seas - you can find a vacation here, starting from 200 EUR “from the nose”. Finally, the climate here is closest to the "universal" one - the swimming season is from May to October, the absence of exhausting heat in summer and mild, moderately sunny winters. Of the minuses, perhaps the extraordinary popularity of the Mediterranean beaches, which, in terms of the number of bodies per square meter of area, easily outdo the Klondike of the times of the "gold rush". However, for fans of secluded relaxation, the Mediterranean Sea has in store a few secret corners, such as small Greek islands, where nothing prevents everyday life from being forgotten.

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