Home Visa Amateur tourism. Amateur tourism - easier, cheaper, more interesting! Amateur travel

Amateur tourism. Amateur tourism - easier, cheaper, more interesting! Amateur travel

Planned tourism is any type of tourism on an organized basis, developed and implemented by tourism organizers, that is, tourism enterprises. Planned tourism is regulated by the state by legislative and regulatory acts. It forms the basis of the global mass tourism industry.

Based on a long study of needs, a set of tourist services that is quite clear in its content has been formed, included in almost any tour package - booking, transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment. These are the main components of any tour. Depending on the type and variety of tourism, the share and cost of each component may be different or even not exist at all. Planned tourism provides that all these elements of the tour will meet a single goal, harmoniously complement each other and be precisely coordinated in time, that is, follow one after another through the stages of the program. Soviet apologists for tourism science even invented so-called program tours. The tour must be strictly ideological. If a mausoleum (house-museum, house-barn, house-hut, name-rek) is visited, then the tour is programmatic and has proper priority, if not visited, then something else. The loyalty of tourism organizers to the ideas of the political system was assessed by the number of program tours.

The tour program is its essence. How good and thought out the program is to the minutes of stay in a particular place, including free time used by the tourist at his personal discretion, so good and popular is the tour. The program should take into account the physical capabilities of tourists by age categories and other characteristics, changes in time zones, the body’s adaptability to climate change, saturation and the ability to perceive information, etc. Drawing up a tour program is an interesting and important part of the work of a tour operator. However, it is not uncommon for a tour operator to plan only the program in its most general form, allowing (leaving the opportunity) the tourist to slightly change individual components. Thus, a tourist can fly not in economy class, but in business class, take accommodation not in a double, but in a single room, in a hotel of a better or lesser class, he is given the opportunity to choose one or another excursion or attraction. So, when visiting Paris, you can go to the Louvre, but if you really want to, a tourist can choose the EuroDisney amusement park. The depth of the program and its quality depend on the experience of the organizer. All activities, including free time, must be counted by the minute. The tourist should not wait, and it is useless to waste the travel time he paid for. Such important little things as time reserve and the possibility of visiting the toilet and others are also taken into account.

Planned tourism includes group and individual tourism.

If tourists manage to organize their trip without the participation of tourism organizers, in this case it is tourism (and all its varieties) - amateur.

Amateur tourism is a specific type of tourist public (amateur) activity, carried out on a voluntary, amateur basis without the participation (or without participation in the main part of the travel organization) of tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies).

Amateur tourism is based on the activities of individuals, small tourist groups, voluntary tourist associations, unions and tourist clubs, which on a voluntary basis participate in the organization and implementation of tourism, issue their own regulations governing tourist activities, conduct hikes, tourist rallies and competitions, publish their own tourist methodological literature and periodicals. There is a judging corps that assigns titles to participants in categorical types of active tourism: mountaineering, cycling, water tourism on kayaks, boats, rafts, etc.

In 1962 On the basis of the Tourist and Excursion Management, a system of tourism councils was created, the leadership of which was carried out by the Central Council of Tourism of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.

In the early 60s, there was a clear increase in tourism activity in the USSR. By 1965, tourism councils were organized in all union republics and in most autonomous republics, territories and regions, which developed and developed tourist routes.

Tourist travel has become one of the most popular forms of recreation for Soviet citizens.

Involved in the development of planned tourist trips Central Council for Tourism and Excursionsyam. He issued vouchers for routes that had All-Union status. All other routes administered by the republican, regional and regional councils for tourism and excursions were classified as local.

In the 60s, tourism and excursion organizations of trade unions developed over 13 thousand routes - linear, circular, radial.

All-Union and local routes covered the entire country and provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the most interesting cities and sights of the Soviet Union, with such unique, hard-to-reach places as Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Franz Josef Land, etc.

The most important excursion areas The USSR was central, which included the regions around Moscow, and northwestern, which included the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions.

More than 50% of all-Union planned tourist routes were laid in five regions of the Soviet Union: the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Almost half of the country’s tourist centers, campsites, and tourist hotels were concentrated in these regions.

Among the all-Union routes, 55 belonged to routes with active modes of transportation: walking, skiing, water (kayak, boat, inflatable raft), cycling, horseback riding. Participation in most of them gave the right to receive a badge " Tourist USSR".

In the 80s they developed routes forparents with children.

The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions organized all-Union routes for carstourists. A voucher for them gave the right to stay in a tourist campsite or hotel, use of free parking, meals and excursion services.

A much denser network than the all-Union ones covered the territory of the Soviet Union of local planned tourist routes, organized by republican, regional and regional councils for tourism and excursions.

Republican, regional and regional councils actively developed types of travel that were non-traditional for planned tourism. The country's first caving route was created in Ukraine" Through caves and riversKam Ternopolytsyn", which included a six-day income with a visit to the caves.

Horse, ship, and rail travel. In 1986, there were 2,600 tourist and excursion trains.

Along with planned tourism, amateur tourism also developed, which was organized by a tourist group along routes developed by the participants themselves, ranging from simple weekend hikes to numerous sports hikes of the highest categories of difficulty. According to statistics, over 20 million Soviet citizens took part in weekend hikes, multi-day non-category and sports trips in the 80s.

Thus, in the 60s - 80s, various tourist organizations developed thousands of routes (linear, circular, radial), which were used by millions of Soviet tourists.

To resolve issues of international youth exchange, it was created in June 1958 Bureau of International Youth Tourism "Sputnik"", which was engaged not only in receiving groups of foreign youth and organizing Soviet tourism abroad, but also in the intra-Union travel of boys and girls, organizing their recreation in youth camps.

Tourism was declared an important means of communist education of workers, as well as one of the most important means of promoting the Soviet way of life in conditions of intensifying ideological struggle. The ideologization of tourism, as well as a number of political and economic factors (in particular the lack of freedom of movement and currency restrictions) have led to almost complete state control over international tourism.

In general, until the end of the 1980s. In the Soviet Union there was a distribution system for trips abroad. For the absolute majority of the population of the USSR, the possibility of a tourist trip abroad depended not on desire, and not even on material wealth, but on access to the travel distribution system. With such a system it was very difficult to talk about free choice. More precisely, the choice of one or another route (primarily in the case of a trip to the West) was determined not by the internal needs and interests of the tourist, but by the availability of tour packages for one or another route, free places in one or another tour group, or simply luck.

Travel plays a huge role in the life of a modern person. This is a pursuit of new impressions, knowledge, fresh emotions and just a great vacation. Travel companies offer a variety of destinations, trips to every corner of the globe. Extreme, comfortable - choose what you like.

But you don’t have to contact the tour operator. There is such a wonderful direction as amateur tourism. He was already quite popular among Russians. Many went to the sea as what is called “savages”. We bought tickets or got into a car, upon arrival we rented rooms or houses from local residents, and organized our own entertainment and excursion program.

And in general, we are somehow accustomed to traveling around our country without guides or tour guides. As well as in countries that were once Soviet republics. It's cheaper, easier.

Now amateur tourism has spread beyond the borders of the Motherland. Many people travel independently to Europe and America. Such travel has many advantages. You don't have to depend on the group. You can choose excursions to your liking and see more, since you don’t have to wait for everyone to arrive. You won't have to in the morning.

Independent tourism is cheaper. You do not need to pay for the provision of services to a travel company or guide. The main expenses are travel, accommodation, food, excursions. You can find discounted air tickets. Nice, small hotels, where accommodation will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than in famous hotels. Eat not in the hotel restaurant, but in city cafes.

In addition, experienced travelers who prefer amateur tourism to organized tourism argue that to travel it is not necessary to perfectly know the language of the country you are going to. It is enough to learn a few of the most important phrases in English. How to check into a hotel, how to ask for directions. For everything else it's usually enough

In addition, by communicating with the residents of the country directly, and not through a guide, you will be able to penetrate deeper into their cultural characteristics, traditions, and understand their life. Large groups usually do not have time for this; everything is scheduled with visits to standard attractions.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. You will have to spend much more time organizing the trip. You yourself will obtain a visa, plan your route, book hotels, worry about food, and book excursions.

If unforeseen circumstances arise, you will also have to rely only on yourself. And not all countries allow independent tourists. To obtain a visa for some countries, you must present one provided by the tour operator.

On the Internet you can now find many sites promoting amateur tourism. Wedding tourism is also gaining momentum in the Russian services market. It’s so great to have an unusual, memorable ceremony in some exotic place. Beautiful rituals of different cultures, the fabulous setting of medieval castles in Europe or the sand of tropical islands.

Of course, it cannot be said that amateur tourism is suitable for absolutely everyone. For people who prefer a calm, measured holiday without unnecessary worries, it is easier to purchase a ready-made tour. But if you are easy going, love adventure and are used to being in control of your trips, this is for you. Happy travels everyone!

And related other official documents use the following key terms and definitions:

- tourist (traveler)- a person who travels across Ukraine or to another country for a different purpose, not prohibited by the law of the country of residence, for a period of 24 hours to six months without carrying out any paid activity and with the obligation to leave the country or place of stay within the specified period;
- excursionist- a person visiting the country for any purpose without an overnight stay for less than 24 hours (working in the border zone, transit passengers, diplomats, military personnel, refugees, persons without permanent residence are excluded);
- tourism- temporary departure of a person from his place of permanent residence for health, educational or professional business purposes without engaging in paid activities;
- domestic tourism- travel within the borders of Ukraine by persons permanently residing in Ukraine;
- outbound tourism- travel of persons permanently residing in Ukraine to another country;
- inbound tourism- travel within the borders of Ukraine by persons not permanently residing in Ukraine;
- amateur tourism- travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently;
- tourism social- travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs;
- tourism resources- a set of natural, climatic, health, historical, cultural, educational and social resources of the relevant territory that satisfy the diverse needs of tourists;
- tourism industry- a set of different subjects of tourism activity (hotels, tourist complexes, campsites, motels, boarding houses, catering establishments, transport, cultural institutions, sports, etc.) that provide reception, service and transportation of tourists;
- tourism activities- activities related to the provision of various tourist services in accordance with the requirements of this Law and other acts of legislation of Ukraine;
- excursion activities- activities for organizing trips that do not exceed 24 hours, accompanied by a specialist guide, following pre-designed routes in order to get acquainted with the sights of history, culture, nature, museums, outstanding places, etc.;
- subjects of tourism activities- enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, individuals who are registered in the manner established by the current legislation of Ukraine and have a license to carry out activities related to the provision of tourist services;
- tourist services- services of subjects of tourism activities regarding accommodation, food, transport, information and advertising services, as well as services of cultural, sports, everyday life, entertainment, etc., aimed at meeting the needs of tourists;
- tourism product- a range of tourist services necessary to meet the needs of a tourist during his trip;
- tourist voucher (trip)- a document that confirms the status of a person or group of persons as tourists, payment for services or its guarantee, and is the basis for the tourist or group of tourists to receive tourist services;
- tour- a tourist trip (trip) along a specific route at a specific time, provided with a range of tourist services (booking, accommodation, meals, transport, recreation, excursions, etc.);
- leader of the tourist group- a person who is a representative of the subject of tourism activity and acts on his behalf, accompanies tourists, ensures compliance with the terms of the contract for the provision of tourist services, has professional knowledge about the country (locality) of the stay and, as a rule, the language of the host country or a language generally understood there;
- guide (tour guide)- a person who has professional information about the country (locality) of stay, outstanding places, objects of display, as well as the language of this country or the language of foreign tourists who are received, or a language commonly understood by them, provides excursion, information, organizational services and qualified assistance to participants tour within the framework of the contract for the provision of tourist services. An individual guide performs his functions only on the basis of a license;
- license to carry out activities related to the provision of tourism services,- a special permit that confirms the right of its owner to carry out the corresponding type or set of activities defined by this Law and other acts of legislation of Ukraine;
- certificate of conformity- a document that confirms the quality of tourist services and their compliance with a specific standard or other regulatory document.

1.2. Tourism business

According to the law of Ukraine, in the case of the provision of paid tourist services, tourism activities go beyond the scope of amateur activities and become commercial. Such activities related to the provision of paid tourist services are carried out by individuals, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, only if they have a license.

The following types of tourism activities are subject to licensing:

Organization of reception and service for foreign tourists in Ukraine (foreign tourism);
- organization of reception and service for domestic tourists in Ukraine (domestic tourism);
- organization of tourist trips outside Ukraine (foreign tourism);
- excursion activities; organization of mass and health and sports tourism.

Tourist agencies, travel agencies, excursion bureaus, excursion bureaus, tourist reception bureaus, tour operators, hotels, motels, campsites, tourist complexes and bases, other legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership, and individuals who carry out tourist activities are subject to licensing to carry out tourism activities. tourism activities provided for by their charters or regulations.

Licenses are issued by the State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism, which establishes the procedure for their issuance, conditions, and rules for carrying out tourism activities and monitoring their compliance. The State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism may delegate the right to issue licenses to local state executive authorities in the tourism industry.

In order to record subjects of tourism activities, the State Register is maintained. The State Register of Tourism Activities is maintained by the State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism.

Income from tourism activities is generated from revenues from: core activities; accommodation of tourists in hotels, motels, campsites, etc.; catering services; transport services; additional services, other activities. Profit (income) of tourism entities is subject to taxation

Hotel and catering services provided by tourism entities are subject to mandatory certification confirming the level of quality of services.

During a group trip, the tourist activity entity is obliged to provide the group of tourists with a qualified leader, and, if necessary, with the consent of the group, with a guide.

Tourist insurance (medical and accident) is mandatory and is carried out by subjects of tourism activities on the basis of agreements with insurance companies that have the right to carry out such activities. Compensation for harm caused to the life or health of a tourist or his property is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Ukraine.

1.3. Types, types and forms of tourism

Types of tourism are distinguished according to the purpose, motives and results of tourism:

Sports (sports improvement in overcoming natural obstacles, participation in sports events);
- recreational (restoration of a person’s physical and mental strength through tourism);
- rehabilitation (treatment of certain diseases using tourism);
- professionally applied (improving professional knowledge, skills, and abilities through tourism);
- educational (travels to study at short-term courses, lectures, seminars, etc.);
- religious (pilgrimage, familiarization with religious sights, history of religion and religious culture);
- cultural and educational (ethnographic, geographical, local history, rural, etc.);
- cultural and entertainment (trips to art festivals, exhibitions, holidays, sports competitions, etc.);
- excursion (visiting and getting to know memorable places and attractions of culture, history, nature);
- local history (study of the natural, cultural and historical heritage of one’s region);
- adventure (hunting, fishing, etc.);
- expeditionary (carrying out tasks of tourist, scientific and other organizations);
- business (visiting sites with professional interest);
- commercial (shop tours, visits to exhibitions, fairs, wholesale markets, sales, etc.);
- program (travel according to special programs for disabled people, people with disabilities, etc.);
- combined.

Types of tourism are determined by the nature of the tourist route:

A. Included in the sports classification:

- ski;
- mountain;
- water (rafts, rowing ships);
- bicycle;
- automobile;
- speleological;
- sailing (collapsible ships);
- horseback;
- combined.

B. Selected as independent sports:

- rock climbing;
- orienteering;
- water slalom, etc.

B. Not included in the sports classification:

- water-motor;
- underwater, etc.

Forms of tourism are distinguished according to characteristic distinctive features:

Organizational bases of tourism (organized and unorganized, planned (travel) and amateur);
- composition of participants (individual and group, school, youth, family, etc.).
- physical activity on the tourist route: active (hiking, traveling, etc.) and passive (transport, stationary, etc.);
- place of tourism (international and domestic, long-distance and local);
- level of accessibility and social significance of tourism (social, mass, elite);
- tourist program (traditional, exotic and ecological);
- seasonality of tourist routes (summer, winter and off-season);

According to the nature of the organization, tourism is divided into planned (organized) and amateur (unorganized).

Planned tourism- this is a trip along routes developed and organized by relevant tourist organizations, providing tourists with a certain range of services (excursion services, transportation, provision of habitats, food, etc.).

Short-term tourism (weekend tourism) provides for the stay of people on a tourist trip for no more than three days. It is a mass form; wide sections of the population are drawn into it.

A trip is considered a group trip if the number of participants is at least 10 tourists.

1.4. Amateur tourism

Amateur (unorganized) tourism- a specific type of public tourism activity carried out on a voluntary, amateur (amateur) basis. Tourists choose and develop their travel routes themselves. Amateur performance is the highest form of social activity, it is “internal self-expression of an individual or group.”

Amateur tourism unites on a voluntary basis lovers of hiking, speleological, cycling, automobile, mountain and other hikes of various qualifications.

Amateur tourism is based on the activities of voluntary tourist associations, unions and tourist clubs, which create their own regulations governing tourist activities, conduct hikes, tourist rallies and competitions, and publish their own tourist methodological literature and periodicals.

Rest during amateur hikes is not limited to recovery and rejuvenation, but is also aimed at active knowledge of the environment, nature conservation, studying the sights of history and culture, getting acquainted with the past and modern places of travel.

Amateur tourism combines forms of local history and excursion activities, socially useful work on behalf of research, environmental and other organizations, as well as organizing and holding tourist meetings and competitions, amateur and technical creativity, and training of tourist personnel.

Amateur tourism has a programmatic and regulatory framework that determines the directions, nature, content of tourist social practice, requirements for mastering tourism skills (“Traveller’s Code”, “Rules for organizing amateur tourist travel”, etc.). All amateur hikes take place in accordance with the rules for conducting tourist sports hikes. Limitations by rules and regulations are necessary to create a managed system of amateur tourism.

Test questions and assignments

1. Define the main terms: tourist, excursionist, tour, voucher, guide, license, certificate.
2. What types of tourism activities are subject to licensing?
3. Which tourism enterprises are subject to licensing?
4. On what basis are the types, types and forms of tourism distinguished?
5. What types of tourism are there?
6. What types of tourism are there?
7. What forms of tourism are there?
8. What is the difference between amateur tourism and sports tourism?
9. Group tourism criterion.

The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” interprets amateur tourism as “travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently,” and proclaims the support and development of social and amateur tourism as priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities, along with domestic and outbound tourism.

Until 1990 amateur tourism existed as a social movement and was implemented through a diverse system of tourist clubs of the Councils for Tourism and Excursions of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, within the structure of which there was the Department of Amateur Tourism, as well as through tourist clubs and tourist sections that existed in large enterprises and institutions and educational institutions.

In 1989 the number of clubs in the RSFSR reached more than 700. More than 80 regional federations of sports tourism functioned under the clubs. More than 30 thousand tourist sections and commissions worked on a voluntary basis at enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. About 7 million people were involved in amateur tourism, including all participants in tourist trips: recreational, weekend, sports, etc., as well as organized trips, rallies and competitions for approximately 15 million people.

At the same time, the number of participants in sports category trips, which give the right to be awarded sports categories and tourism titles, amounted to about 140 thousand people. All amateur tourism events were financed from the funds of trade union councils.

In 1989 About 6 million rubles were allocated for the needs of amateur tourism.

Hikes and routes for amateur tourism are developed by tourists themselves or recommended by tourist clubs.

As a rule, this tourism is characterized by active modes of transportation. In this case, the route, the composition of the tourist group, equipment, provision of food, methods of transportation and financing are organized independently or with the support of tourist clubs, sections, and public organizations.

Amateur tourism is divided into:

  • 1. According to the form of the event: walks, hikes, trips, rallies, expeditions, competitions.
  • 2. By type of routes: hiking, skiing, mountain, water, speleo, mountaineering, cycling, motorcycle, air, combined.
  • 3. By difficulty: categorical and non-categorical routes.
  • 4. By organizational affiliation: tourist clubs, stations for young tourists, tourist sections, sports organizations.

One of the important features of amateur hikes is clear organization and systematic implementation. Depending on the possibilities, these can be weekend hikes, multi-day non-category and category hikes. The organization and conduct of a hike, regardless of its complexity, is regulated by the “Rules for conducting tourist and sports hikes”, “Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist hikes and trips”, as well as departmental instructions of the Ministry of Education, etc. These documents determine which organizations can conduct hikes and travel, how tourist groups are assembled depending on the complexity of the chosen route and type of tourism, establish the procedure for preparing itinerary documents; they clearly formulate the requirements for participants and leaders of trips, as well as the responsibilities and rights of the leader and participants of the group.

Each tourist club should have a card index that can be used when choosing a route. At the same time, members of the tourist section must themselves develop and implement new routes.

The most common form of amateur tourism is a weekend hike. Such hikes are accessible to people of all ages and attract the largest number of participants.

The simplest form of hiking is a country walk. Everyone is invited to take part in such walks. A short walk does not require preliminary training or special equipment from participants; it is accessible to everyone.

The optimal composition of a tourist group for a weekend trip is from 4 to 15 people. If necessary, during preparation for the hike, the tourist section should take care of providing tourists with group equipment: tents, sleeping bags, cooking pots, backpacks, etc.

Tourist rallies and competitions are very popular among teams of various enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions. These events help attract a wide range of tourists. The successful conduct of mass tourism events depends entirely on the quality of preparation for them.

Preparations for a rally or competition should begin several months before it takes place. A commission for gatherings and competitions is formed. It develops a draft Regulation on the rally or competition, a program, and selects candidates for the organizing committee. The activities of the organizing committee are very diverse. The main issues that the organizing committee must resolve in the process of preparing and holding the event are as follows:

  • 1. Development of Regulations for the rally or competition.
  • 2. Organization of propaganda.
  • 3. Selecting a competition location and coordinating it with the forestry department.
  • 4. Equipment and design of the clearing and common areas.
  • 5. Organization of the buffet.
  • 6. Organization of radio and information in the clearing.
  • 7. Preparation of competition venues.
  • 8. Organization of medical care for participants.
  • 9. Development of opening and closing scenarios.
  • 10. Development of competition programs, competitions and their implementation
  • 11. Participation in staffing the panel of judges and competition commissions.
  • 12. Organization of leisure activities.
  • 13. Preparation of awards.
  • 14. Summing up.

From the above it follows that independent tourism is a specific type of tourist public (amateur) activity, carried out on a voluntary, amateur basis without the participation of tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies) in the main part of organizing the trip. Therefore, the success of mass tourism events - rallies, competitions, competitions, tourist evenings - largely depends on the quality of their preparation and the competence of the organizers.

A textbook for students majoring in tourism. – Kharkov: Ekograf, 2008. - 164 p.

The manual, in accordance with the program of the discipline “Activities of an amateur tourism organization,” covers the basics of organizing amateur tourism, including an approach to psychological work with a group.


1. Basic concepts
1.1. Terms
1.2. Tourism business
1.3. Types, types and forms of tourism
1.4. Amateur tourism

2. Organizational structure of amateur tourism
2.1. Forms of tourist associations
2.2. Federation of Sports Tourism of Ukraine
2.3. Ukrainian State Center for Tourism and Local History for Students
2.4. Local stations for young tourists
2.5. Tourist route and qualification commissions of educational institutions of Ukraine
2.6. Territorial sports tourist clubs
2.7. Tourist and local history clubs and sections

3. Registration of a tourist organization
3.1. Documentation of the tourist organization
3.2. Legalization of a tourist organization
3.3. Participants of amateur tourism
3.4. Distribution of responsibilities in the group

4. Regulatory and legal framework for the formation of a tourist organization
4.1. Basic legal and regulatory documents on amateur tourism
4.2. Rights and responsibilities of tourists
4.3. Powers of the administration of educational institutions engaged in tourist travel
4.4. Requirements for the formation of tourist groups and participants in tourist and sports trips
4.5. Requirements for the leader of a tourist group
4.6. Responsibilities and rights of tour group leaders
4.7. Responsibilities and rights of a tourist travel participant

5. Types and forms of activity of a tourist organization
5.1. Forms of tourist travel
5.2. Organizational forms of tourism and local history activities

6. Sports direction of activity of the tourist organization
6.1. Categorization of tourist routes
6.2. Hiking
6.3. Water tourism
6.4. Mountain tourism
6.5. Horse tourism
6.6. Tourist preparation
6.7. Organization and planning of trainings

7. Preparation and conduct of a tourist trip
7.1. Hiking difficulty categories
7.2. Forming a group and preparing for the trip
7.3. Travel route development
7.4. Scheduling your trip
7.5. Registration and registration of travel
7.6. Trip report

8. Tourist all-around competition
8.1. Types of tourist competitions
8.2. Preparation of competitions
8.3. Orienteering competition
8.4. Climbing competition
8.5. Cycling competitions
8.6. Autotourism competitions
8.7. Children's tourism competitions

9. Organizational mass direction of activity of a tourist organization
9.1. Tourist and local history evenings
9.2. Exhibitions, fairs and tourist salons
9.3. Tourist camps and expeditions
9.4. School tourism and local history events
9.5. Meetings of autotourists

10. Excursion and mass activities of a tourist organization
10.1. Types and types of geographical excursions
10.2. Excursion preparation
10.3. Technological map of the excursion
10.4. Study tours to production

11. Educational and methodological direction of activity of a tourist organization
11.1. Training of personnel for organizing and conducting tourist sporting events
11.2. Organization and planning of tourism and local history work in schools
11.3. Design of school local history museums
11.4. Participation in all-Ukrainian mass tourism and local history events

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