Home Visa Holidays on the Shatsk Lakes: plunge into the coolness. The pearl of Volyn - Shatsky lakes or a journey through the lost paradise Where are the Shatsky lakes on the map

Holidays on the Shatsk Lakes: plunge into the coolness. The pearl of Volyn - Shatsky lakes or a journey through the lost paradise Where are the Shatsky lakes on the map

Shatsk lakes are a group of more than 30 lakes in the Lyuboml and Shatsk districts of the Volyn region, between the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers. The Shatsk lakes are located among forests in which a large number of sanatoriums and holiday camps have been built. To protect rare natural complexes in the Shatsk Lakes region, the Shatsk Natural National Park with an area of ​​32,500 hectares was created in 1983.


The territory where the lakes are located is called the Shatsk Lake District. The largest of the Shatsk lakes are Svityaz (27.5 km², the second largest natural reservoir in Ukraine after Lake Yalpug), Pulemetskoye Lake (16.3 km²), Luki (6.8 km²), Lyutsimir (4.3 km²), Ostrovyanskoe lake (2.5 km²), Crimean (1.44 km²), Sand Lake (1.86 km²).

Shatsk Lake District is a plain within the Polesie Lowland. Its central part is characterized by the distribution of lacustrine karst basins, which were formed in Cretaceous deposits. The lakes, lying in the middle of swampy landscapes, arose as a result of the accumulation of alluvium and rising groundwater levels, provided that the territory was slightly sloping and there was no constant flow.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are low, flat, composed of sand, pebbles and biogenic material; There are wetlands. The lakes are fed by precipitation and groundwater, as well as by water exchange through canals that connect some lakes.

In summer, the water in the lakes warms up well; in winter, the lakes freeze. Water mineralization is moderate or reduced, its value ranges from 75-125 to 200-250 mg/l. The color of the water varies from yellowish-green in shallow lakes to emerald green in deep lakes. The bottom is covered primarily with sandy-silt deposits, peat and sapropelic silts.

natural world

In the Shatsk lakes there are perch, roach, pike, bream, crucian carp, korob, catfish, loach, eel, there are acclimatized species (for example, in lakes Svityaz, Pulemetsky and Crimean - Canadian catfish, in Pesochny - trout perch, in Pulemetsky - Chud whitefish, in Lucimir and Black Big Lake - pike perch and Amur carp). Crayfish live in a number of lakes. Near the lakes, fish farms have been created, for example, a pond-fish farm with a breeding farm “Ladynka”.

The fish in the lakes are mercilessly destroyed by the local population. Nets are located almost everywhere, especially in the spawning area. Poaching is rampant.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are nesting places for waterfowl (wild ducks and geese, swans, etc.). Most of the Shatsk lakes are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park; they are also the base for scientific research at Lviv University and the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute.

Shatsk Lakes are an ecologically clean and ideal place for a family holiday, especially with children.
It is incredibly beautiful and cozy here.
The popular and main attraction of the Volyn region is located in the Lyuboml and Shatsky districts.

The Shatsk Lakes represent a group of more than 30 lakes, which are an integral part of the Shatsk Natural National Park. The total territory of the reserve is 32,500 hectares.
The magnificent Lake Svityaz is rightfully considered the pearl of the national natural park.
The depth of the reservoir reaches more than 58 meters and is considered the largest lake in Ukraine; even the Sea of ​​Azov is only 14 meters deep.
The water there is so clean that you can easily see the sandy bottom.

There are four recreation areas on the territory of the park - “Gryada”, “Svityaz”, “Gushove” and “Pesochnoye” tracts, where you can have a great time with friends and family.
You can stay in a boarding house, sanatorium, recreation center, private cottage or in a tent camp.

You and your children will not be bored; there is something to do on the Shatsk Lakes.
For lovers of active recreation, there are a lot of exciting excursions on kayaks, off-road vehicles, bicycles, yachts, diving and much more.
Those who prefer a quiet, relaxing holiday can take a walk through the pine forest to pick berries and mushrooms, walk along ecological and educational routes, or simply sunbathe on a snow-white beach.
And what kind of fishing is there!
The clear waters of the Shatsk lakes are home to over 31 species of fish (catfish, perch, carp, pike, crucian carp, loach, eel). Some lakes even contain crayfish, so avid fishermen will have something to do in their spare time.

The main vacation spots on the Shatsk Lakes:
Lake Svityaz – Shatsk village, Svityaz village, Pulmo village.
Pesochnoye Lake – Melniki and Gaivka villages.
Lake Pulemetskoye – village Pulemets.

Useful information and tips for tourists:

If you plan to spend your free time on the Shatsk Lakes in a tent, like we did, I recommend going to Lake Svityaz to the Forget-Me-Not tent camp
It is very cozy, quiet and clean, an ideal place to relax with children.
The territory is guarded, there is lighting, toilets, cozy gazebos, and small cafes.
You can enter the campground by car and choose any convenient place, lay out a tent and a fire.
Every evening, tent city employees walk around the territory and collect payments for places,
we paid 20 UAH for a car and 20 UAH for a tent.

Every day enterprising locals come here, selling donuts with different fillings, straws, fish, crayfish, milk, and pies.
When planning your vacation in the Forget-Me-Not tent camp, be sure to take several bottles of drinking water with you; there is water on the territory of the complex, but it is technical.
We took mosquito repellent, but we didn’t need it; there were no bloodsuckers here.
It is advisable to stock up on food in advance, especially meat.
In the village of Svityaz, opposite the beach, there is a market every day where you can buy anything.
I would like to note that the prices here are very different, this applies to both products and souvenirs.
Don’t hesitate to buy the product right away, walk around and ask the price.
The pricing policy here is not respected; whoever wants to sell it for whatever they want.
Let me give you an example: my husband wanted to buy smoked fish for beer, he looked at catfish, one seller’s price was 60 UAH and another 150 UAH.
There is absolutely no difference in the catfish, the same sizes, the same type of smoking, only the price is different.
And this is the situation with absolutely all products.

The whole family spent a week relaxing by the lake, and the impressions were wonderful, especially for the kids.
We rented bicycles, price 30 UAH/hour.
We overcame suspended obstacles, the price was 50 and 75 UAH.
We rented kayaks, price 60 UAH/1 hour, catamaran 100 UAH/1 hour.
If you wish, you can go kayaking to the island, which is located in the middle of the lake.
Two hours is enough for a leisurely walk around the island and on the way there and back.
There is nothing special on the island, deserted and many birds, but very beautiful.

Here you can try your hand at diving; you simply cannot find a better place for this extreme activity.
The water is so clean that the bottom of the lake is perfectly visible from 8 meters, even without any equipment.
In the sun, the sandy bottom literally shines, and schools of small fish swim at your feet.
With such crystal clear water, you don’t want to go ashore at all.
Here you can spend hours admiring the snow-white sandy serpentine bottom while watching the underwater inhabitants of the lake.

Anyone can rent a cozy yacht from which you will have a magnificent panorama of the surroundings of Lake Svityaz.

Our route:
We went on our summer vacation from the wonderful and cozy city of Volochisk (Khmelnitsky region). Having covered a huge mileage, I would like to note the quality of the road along our entire route in both directions.
If you rate the road on a 10-point scale, then I, as a driver, rate the Ukrainian road at 9 points. The road is super, a new road surface has been laid along most of our route, along such roads
Great fun to ride.

Shatsk Lakes (Ukraine) is one of the best places to relax. They are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park. This group includes more than thirty reservoirs located in the Volyn region on the border with Belarus between the rivers and Pripyat.

Shatsk Lake District is crystal clear air, saturated with the aroma of pine, unique climatic conditions, a diverse world of flora and fauna, and beautiful nature. All of the above made this place the most beautiful area for spending summer holidays.

Shatsk Lakes

It cannot be said that there is only one Lake Shatsk. There are many reservoirs here, but their entire group was conventionally called Shatskaya. Which lakes are included here? Naturally, Svityaz, Ostrovyanskoye, Pesochnoye, Pulemetskoye, Krymnoye and Luki. This also includes Lucimir and some other lakes. In the summer, the water in them warms up perfectly, and with the onset of winter, the reservoirs turn into an ice skating rink. Liquid mineralization can be designated as moderate or reduced. The color of the water changes depending on the depth of the lake itself. When shallow, its color is yellowish-green, while deep lakes boast an emerald green hue. And the bottom of each of the thirty formations is covered with sandy-silty sediments, sapropelic and peat silts.

The Shatsk lakes are a storehouse of fish, of which more than thirty species are found here. Pike, trout perch, crucian carp, pike perch, perch, Canadian catfish, as well as bream and Chud whitefish live there. And eel is a local highlight and the most delicacy. But fishing here is allowed only at the time of year specified by law and exclusively in the specified way.


Shatskoye deserves the greatest attention. After all, this is the pride of Ukraine, and it belongs to the seven wonders of this country. The reservoir is unique, and its waters have healing properties. This is the deepest, largest and Ukraine. Svityaz is such a deep body of water that neither the Sea of ​​Azov nor Synevyr can hold a candle to it. Its area reaches two thousand seven hundred and fifty hectares, the greatest depth is 58.4 m, and the average is 6.9 m. When the wind breaks, you can go surfing here, because the waves rise up to one and a half meters. The lake owes its fullness to underground springs.

Shatsk Lake Svityaz is known among the local population and tourists for having its own island, which bears the romantic name - Island of Lovers. This place simply fascinates with its mystery. There is a certain legend, according to which, on the island, young lovers - a boy and a girl - turned into two trees - linden and sycamore.

Let's go on vacation

These places will not leave you indifferent) every year they welcome a huge number of guests to their open spaces. Here you will have the opportunity to swim in the clean coastal waters and soak up the gentle sun on the sandy shore. Going to Shatsk Lake Pesochnoe, you can ride catamarans and water slides. And if you want to enjoy diving, we recommend conquering Svityaz. Shatsky National Natural Park offers several recreation areas, namely: “Svityaz”, “Pesochnoye” tract, “Gryada”.

Also on the territory of the Shatsk Lakes there are many tourist centers and holiday homes. But if you want to retire and take a break from the tiresome bustle, you can rent a room or even a whole house, or put up a tent.

Those who should give preference to a holiday on the Shatsk Lakes

People who want to improve their health, take a break from the noise of big cities, smog and dust, simply must go to the Shatsk Lakes, where a vacation will be simply unforgettable. All those who bask in the love of forests, lakes, fresh air, and tranquility will receive tremendous pleasure from staying in this part of Volyn. Yes, here there are not all those delights of civilization that take place at sea or at foreign resorts. But here there is wonderful nature and tranquility, for which vacationers go to the Shatsk Lakes. For tourists they have extraordinary value, as they are a clean and unclogged place. And until they start washing cars and driving scooters in these reservoirs, they will remain crystal clear and will benefit humanity.


The Shatsk Lakes (where they are located are described above) are a place where you can spend a vacation without the usual activities for vacationers, such as banana riding or visiting a dolphinarium. Here it’s nice to just admire nature, pick mushrooms and berries, breathe the air, which at first can even make you feel dizzy, or walk barefoot on the warm and soft sand. This is where the realest and truest pleasure lies. Choose Shatsk Lakes for your vacation, and you will be provided with all the pleasure that a person can get while on vacation!

Today I would like to talk about the Volyn region and its main calling card - the Shatsk Lakes, which attract more and more tourists every year. And it’s not surprising, because Lake Svityaz, which is the largest and deepest lake in Ukraine, among other things, is also on the list of 7 wonders of Ukraine. And Svityazsky Island, or as it is also called “Love Island” or “Cosmonaut Island”, takes pride of place in the list of the Top 5 islands of Ukraine. Shatsk lakes, and there are more than 30 of them, are located in close proximity to the border of Poland and Belarus.

Many families with small children choose Svityaz rather than the sea for their vacation. The water is very clean and you can walk on the water for a long time from the shore, but it will still be shallow.

Also here you can take mud baths absolutely free, because the waters of Svityaz are rich in blue clay! Yes, yes, exactly the one that has such a beneficial effect on skin and hair.

Where to stay

In Svityaz you can choose accommodation to suit every taste. Someone chooses the Shatskie Lakes boarding house, which is located right on the shore of Svityaz and next to the bus stop, and nearby there is a small market where you can buy souvenirs. In the evenings, a disco is held near the boarding house, and there are attractions for children from morning to evening; there is also a whole abundance of entertainment for children located in the coastal strip of the village of Svityaz.

You can stay in a hotel or cottage, rent a room in a house or in a tent camp. There are a lot of offers, for every taste and budget.

What to see

As for food, you can order it from local residents and come eat 3 times a day. Moreover, the dishes will always be prepared according to all your wishes. If you take a bus to Shatsk (5 minutes away), you can go to a pizzeria (on the second floor of which there is a hotel), bars, cafes, and a large supermarket. Afterwards, take a walk through the arboretum on the territory of the Forestry College and sit in the classroom on wooden benches just outside. And if you walk a little, you can come to the shore of Black Lake. By the way, the Shatsk Lakes have very beautiful sunsets, be sure to admire them!

For those who don’t like to walk a lot, you can sign up for a car excursion, and in literally 3 hours, in addition to the above-mentioned lakes, you can also visit lakes - Lucimer, Peremut and Pesochnoe, the latter, by the way, has the cleanest and crystal water! I can’t help but note that the Shatsk forests are rich in blueberries, so don’t miss the opportunity to replenish your body with vitamin reserves! And if you want to visit Svityazky Island in person, it’s easy to get there by kayak. While there, be sure to hug the tree of Love and make a wish! They say it’s coming true! You can also go on a cycling excursion, but this is only if you are able to overcome 22 kilometers or just ride a boat admiring the local landscapes!

Anyone traveling to Svityaz should definitely try the local eel soup. Believe me, it's divine! And if you want, you can go fishing yourself, and then it will be cooked over a fire in a real cauldron. While relaxing on the beach, local residents will offer to try delicious donuts with different fillings; they are not expensive, but I can’t describe how delicious they are!

Also on the territory of the village of Svityaz is the Peter and Paul Monastery, and next to it is the church of the same name, next to which you can see the figures of Peter and Paul, angels, bunnies and a lot of different flowers.

This is a place where it is very quiet and calm, where you really relax your soul and body. Everything around is reminiscent of a real botanical garden.

How to get to Shatsk Lakes?

If you do not have your own car, then the most convenient way to get from Kyiv to Kovel is by train. There is a bus station next to the railway station, but on the way to it, you will come across many offers from private owners whose fares are twice as expensive. About 1.5 hours of travel and the goal is achieved.

Whatever lake you choose for relaxation, it will be equally good everywhere! But for a holiday with children, it is best to choose Lake Svityaz (village of Svityaz) or Lake Pesochnoye (village of Melniki) - where the boarding house “Lesnaya Pesnya” is located and there are also many other holiday offers!

In any case, this vacation will be remembered for a long time, and you will remember with great warmth the time spent on the Shatsk Lakes, and to make it as eventful and interesting as possible, I recommend contacting a local travel company “

The Shatsk lakes are located among forests in which a large number of bases and recreation camps have been built. To protect rare natural complexes in the Shatsk Lakes region, the Shatsk Natural National Park with an area of ​​32,500 hectares was created in 1983.


The territory where the lakes are located is called the Shatsk Lake District. The largest of the Shatsk lakes are Svityaz (27.5 km², the second largest natural reservoir in Ukraine after Lake Yalpug), Pulemetskoye Lake (16.3 km²), Luki (6.8 km²), Lyutsimir (4.3 km²), Ostrovyanskoe lake (2.5 km²), Crimean (1.44 km²), Sand Lake (1.86 km²).

Shatsk Lake District is a plain within the Polesie Lowland. Its central part is characterized by the distribution of lacustrine karst basins, which were formed in Cretaceous deposits. The lakes, lying in the middle of swampy landscapes, arose as a result of the accumulation of alluvium and rising groundwater levels, provided that the territory was slightly inclined and there was no constant flow.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are low, flat, composed of sand, pebbles and biogenic material; There are wetlands. The lakes are fed by precipitation and groundwater, as well as by water exchange through canals that connect some lakes.

In summer, the water in the lakes warms up well; in winter, the lakes freeze. Water mineralization is moderate or reduced, its value ranges from 75-125 to 200-250 mg/dm³. The color of the water varies from yellowish-green in shallow lakes to emerald green in deep lakes. The bottom is covered predominantly with sandy-silty sediments, peat and sapropelic silts.

natural world


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  • Peleshenko V.I., Zakrevsky D.V., Khilchevsky V.K. On the influence of drainage reclamation on the chemical composition of natural waters of the Shatsk natural subarea // Bulletin of the Kyiv University. Series: Geography. - 1978. - Vol. 20. - pp. 56-60.
  • Surface water resources of the USSR. Description of rivers and lakes and calculations of the main characteristics of their regime. - T. 6. Ukraine and Moldova. Vol. 1. Western Ukraine and Moldova (without the Dniester River basin). - L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1978. - 476–485 p. (Pulemetskoe (Pulmo), Luki (Luka), Ostrovskoe (Ostrovenskoe), Svityazskoe (Svityaz), Lucimer (Lutsimerzh))
  • Zabokritskaya M. R., Khilchevsky V. K., Manchenko A. P. Hydroecological state of the Western Bug basin on the territory of Ukraine. - K.: Nika-Center, 2006. - 184 p. (Ukrainian) - ISBN 966-521-397-0


  • Pazinich V.G. Origin of Polesie lakes and parabolic dunes (Pazynych V. rigin of Polesie lakes and parabolic dunes)www.academia.edu/3535261Origin_of_Polesie_lakes_and_parabolic_dunes

An excerpt characterizing the Shatsk Lakes

Napoleon, having cut the armies, moves inland and misses several cases of battle. In the month of August he is in Smolensk and thinks only about how he can go further, although, as we now see, this movement forward is obviously fatal for him.
The facts clearly show that neither Napoleon foresaw the danger in moving towards Moscow, nor did Alexander and the Russian military leaders then think about luring Napoleon, but thought about the opposite. The lure of Napoleon into the interior of the country did not happen according to anyone's plan (no one believed in the possibility of this), but came from a complex game of intrigues, goals, desires of people - participants in the war, who did not guess what should be, and what was the only salvation of Russia. Everything happens by accident. The armies are cut at the start of the campaign. We try to combine them with the obvious goal of giving battle and holding the enemy's advance, but even in this desire to unite, avoiding battles with the strongest enemy and involuntarily retreating at an acute angle, we lead the French to Smolensk. But it’s not enough to say that we are withdrawing at an acute angle because the French are moving between both armies - this angle is becoming even sharper, and we are moving even further because Barclay de Tolly, an unpopular German, is hated by Bagration (who has to become under his command ), and Bagration, commanding the 2nd Army, tries not to join Barclay for as long as possible, so as not to become under his command. Bagration does not join for a long time (although this is the main goal of all commanding persons) because it seems to him that on this march he puts his army in danger and that it is most advantageous for him to retreat to the left and south, harassing the enemy from the flank and rear and completing his army in Ukraine. And it seems that he invented it because he does not want to obey the hated and junior rank German Barclay.
The emperor is with the army to inspire it, and his presence and ignorance of what to decide on, and a huge number of advisers and plans destroy the energy of the actions of the 1st army, and the army retreats.
It is supposed to stop in the Dris camp; but unexpectedly Pauluchi, aiming for the commander-in-chief, with his energy acts on Alexander, and the whole plan of Pfuel is abandoned, and the whole thing is entrusted to Barclay. But since Barclay does not inspire confidence, his power is limited.
The armies are fragmented, there is no unity of the authorities, Barclay is not popular; but from this confusion, fragmentation and unpopularity of the German commander-in-chief, on the one hand, indecisiveness and avoidance of battle (which could not be resisted if the armies were together and Barclay were not the head), on the other hand, more and more resentment against the Germans and arousal of the patriotic spirit.
Finally, the sovereign leaves the army, and as the only and most convenient pretext for his departure, the idea is chosen that he needs to inspire the people in the capitals to initiate a people's war. And this trip of the sovereign and Moscow triples the strength of the Russian army.
The sovereign leaves the army in order not to hamper the unity of power of the commander in chief, and hopes that more decisive measures will be taken; but the position of the commanders of the armies is still more confused and weakened. Bennigsen, the Grand Duke and a swarm of adjutant generals remain with the army in order to monitor the actions of the commander in chief and excite him to energy, and Barclay, feeling even less free under the eyes of all these sovereign eyes, becomes even more cautious for decisive action and avoids battles.
Barclay stands for caution. The Tsarevich hints at treason and demands a general battle. Lubomirsky, Branitsky, Vlotsky and the like stir up all this noise so much that Barclay, under the pretext of delivering papers to the sovereign, sends the Poles to the adjutant generals in Petersburg and enters into an open struggle with Bennigsen and the Grand Duke.
In Smolensk, finally, no matter how Bagration did not want it, the armies unite.
Bagration in a carriage drives up to the house occupied by Barclay. Barclay puts on a scarf, goes out to meet v reports to the senior rank of Bagration. Bagration, in the struggle of generosity, despite the seniority of the rank, submits to Barclay; but, having obeyed, agrees with him even less. Bagration personally, by order of the sovereign, informs him. He writes to Arakcheev: “The will of my sovereign, I can’t do it together with the minister (Barclay). For God's sake, send me somewhere to command a regiment, but I can't be here; and the whole main apartment is filled with Germans, so that it is impossible for a Russian to live, and there is no sense. I thought I truly served the sovereign and the fatherland, but in reality it turns out that I serve Barclay. I confess I don't want to." A swarm of Branicki, Winzingerode and the like poisons the relations of the commanders-in-chief even more, and even less unity comes out. They are going to attack the French in front of Smolensk. A general is sent to inspect the position. This general, hating Barclay, goes to his friend, the corps commander, and after spending a day with him, returns to Barclay and condemns on all counts the future battlefield, which he has not seen.

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