Home Visa Can you take an umbrella as hand luggage on a plane? Beach umbrella on the plane

Can you take an umbrella as hand luggage on a plane? Beach umbrella on the plane

A passenger who is going to fly by plane must understand the difference between checked-in baggage and classic carry-on baggage. These are completely different concepts - by distinguishing them, you can save a lot. Baggage is a large suitcase that you check in when boarding, it goes through check-in and checks. Hand luggage on an airplane is a backpack or travel bag carried by a passenger on board. It should be of such weight and dimensions that you can lay it on top yourself.

If you have taken an economy class ticket, you have the right to carry a bag for one piece of luggage with you on board the aircraft. In business class, you are usually allowed to occupy two seats.

One place means a bag with the sum of the sides up to 115 centimeters (height, length, width add up). The standard "flight" bag has dimensions 55*40*20. The weight of the bag for different carriers is “floating”: it can vary depending on the route or type of aircraft. For example, Aeroflot allows the carriage of 10 kilograms of hand luggage, Lufthansa - 8 kg., KLM - almost 12 kg.

You must carry your carry-on baggage yourself

Most carriers of the CIS countries and Europe practice a lot of luggage in the range of 8-10 kilograms. Before departure, be sure to check this information on the company's website so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation: some air carriers turn a blind eye to overload, others force you to pay the cost of second place even with an overload of 300-500 grams.

Note: some US and Canadian carriers provide 2 pieces of hand luggage even in economy class. This is a good way to save money, because if your bag is heavier, then it counts as second place and is paid separately.

Carefully study the information when buying tickets for low-cost airlines. They very often limit the size and weight of luggage.

What is allowed in hand luggage?

Very often, novice travelers do not know what to take in hand luggage. This is a really interesting and important question.


Almost all carriers strictly limit the volume of transported liquids to a volume of 100 ml. The following rules must be observed:

  1. All tubes are packed in one package. Dividing them into several is prohibited. One passenger has one package.
  2. Any liquids must be carried in containers and tubes, and their volume should not exceed 100 ml. This applies to everything: gels, creams, water, alcohol, juices, etc.
  3. Containers with liquids must be in a plastic bag with zippers. At the same time, most airlines allow the use of standard size bags (20 by 20 cm).
  4. The total volume of liquid funds in your suitcase should not exceed one liter.
  5. Be sure to present the packaging when passing the counter for control by the relevant specialists.

Note: not a single vial should exceed the norm of 100 ml. You will not be able to hold 50 ml. shampoo in 250 pack. If the volume is indicated on the package, then the customs officers will not have any questions.

All liquids must be packed in a ziplock bag.

If you are carrying baby food, then it does not need to be packed in a bag. But be sure to present it at the counter. Keep in mind that the security service may ask you to open absolutely any tube for verification. When transporting medicines with narcotic substances, you will need a prescription signed and stamped by a doctor.

You can not carry any aerosols in your baggage, only if they are not medicines. In this case, you will have to present a certificate of diagnosis or a prescription with a seal from the doctor.

What can I take on a plane with drinks? Absolutely everything, but only in containers with a volume of not more than one hundred ml. It can be juice, mineral water, ordinary water, alcohol (strength not more than 70%). However, some carriers prohibit any consumption of alcohol on board.

Hygiene products

You can bring a safety razor, hard deodorants, wipes, soaps, shampoos, masks, etc. with you. But remember that most cosmetics fall under the concept of “liquid” and have the above limitations.

Note: Do not drag mountains of creams and varnishes with you on the plane. It is easier to buy them on the spot or use the free ones in hotels.


Various electronic gadgets have already become commonplace - it is difficult to meet a tourist traveling without a laptop, smartphone, tablet or player. All this can be freely carried in luggage, however, you will most likely be asked to put large items for additional inspection (usually laptops are checked). Never check fragile electronics in luggage - they will most likely be broken or broken. Remember that a laptop and a camera are not hand luggage, but personal items. That is, if according to the rules you can take 10 kg on a plane, then a laptop does not fall into these 10 kilograms. This allows you to save a lot, but just find out the policy of the air carrier in advance.

For a laptop, you can take a separate bag that will fit other useful things.

The rest of the electronics, up to hygiene products (electric shavers, hair dryers, hair straighteners, etc.) will not cause any questions from the security service.


Air carriers have no special requirements for food, but customs officers may have complaints. You can take any dry and solid foods with you on the plane:

  • cookies, chips, waffles, snacks;
  • various nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pistachios);
  • vegetables and fruits (in a reasonable amount);
  • pastries, cakes, sweets;
  • sausage, sausages, sandwiches, meatballs.

Note: honey, yoghurts, various canned foods and soups are considered liquid. Accordingly, they can be transported in containers with the same volume of 100 ml.

What about Duty Free?

If you buy goods in the duty-free zone, then the restrictions on 100 ml. do not work. But at the same time, you must not violate the packaging of the goods. Remember that if you are flying with transfers, then you need to keep purchased liquids sealed until the end of the trip. If the packaging is broken, they will most likely be confiscated.

Note: Goods bought in duty-free are not considered personal items, but are packed in a backpack. Accordingly, the weight of hand luggage will increase and you may be fined.

What else can you take into the salon?

Many airlines allow you to carry personal items in addition to luggage. Their list includes:

  • folding umbrellas;
  • shawls, blankets, pillows;
  • laptop bags, women's handbags;
  • laptops, tablets, cameras (a tripod must be packed in luggage);
  • books, newspapers, magazines;
  • cradles for children and folding strollers;
  • crutches for personal use.

This list may not apply to low-cost airlines: they usually force you to put all your things in one bag. But it all depends on the policy of the company - be sure to find out this question. Taking extra weight in low-cost airlines is not recommended, as you will be forced to pay for an “extra seat”, and its price can be equal to half the ticket.

What can't be taken?

You have already learned what you can carry in hand luggage on an airplane, now we will talk about what is forbidden to take on board.

  1. Any liquids with a volume of more than one hundred ml.
  2. Any products of animal origin (lard, meat, milk). But if the products are part of a sandwich, then you can carry them.
  3. Any dangerous items (knives, retractable razors, ski poles, baseball bats, etc.).
  4. Explosive objects and weapons.
  5. Hazardous substances (acids, alkalis, flammable and toxic agents, gas cartridges).

Some of these items can only be carried in baggage, some are generally prohibited for transportation by air. The rules of some EU countries prohibit taking on board goods purchased in a duty-free zone outside the EU when transferring to a flight. Be sure to clarify this question so as not to lose money.

In contact with

We take with us to Turkey a prefabricated beach umbrella - unassembled 90 cm high. It will not fit in a suitcase, and sending one in luggage is the same as throwing it out right away. Will they let him on the plane? (Charter flight, Russian airline). And yet - did anyone fly with Kaliningrad Avia

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Today I tried to find out by official phones, but they could not answer anything intelligibly, and at the central office the "specialist left" for two hours already. Questions: 1. What is the weight limit for hand luggage. If 3 people are flying (2 adults, a child with a seat) does this mean

Is a regular folding umbrella hand luggage?

Hi all! Can you tell me if they will let you take an ordinary folding umbrella on the plane, or maybe a cane will also give you a ride? We fly airberlin and ryanair. Thank you all for your help)


1) Is it possible to wear three light jackets at once on an airplane? (looked in the mirror - the design looks like an average down jacket) 2) How firmly should a guitar be packed in cardboard without a hard case so that it is not damaged? 3) Can I take as manual

alcohol on the plane

I have a question about how to take alcohol out of the country - not from ours, dear, but let's say from abroad. Well, I decided to bring something from the local as a gift to my friends .. can I take everything with me on board? otherwise I heard that we now have some kind of cruel rules - nothing

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane came out. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not if you are going on an air trip. Ignorance of such subtleties, alas, can overshadow your vacation.


You can carry any food on board the aircraft, except for liquid and jelly-like food. You can take with you: nuts; cookie; fruits; sandwiches; chips, etc. For a child, you can take baby food. But refrain from yoghurts, juices, jellies and similar products, otherwise they will be confiscated from you. They will also take canned food and food in jars. All permitted products should be packaged in transparent bags. This will greatly speed up the inspection.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the carrier and the airport. So, at the Paris airport. Charles de Gaulle is not allowed to carry cheese in hand luggage. Products from Duty Free can also be taken with you. The main thing is that the store packaging remains undamaged (the seller must pack the goods in a special bag with a capacity of 2 liters). in addition, keep the receipt - it may be required when passing control.


You can carry the following medications on board the aircraft: tablets; various drops; dressing materials; hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if the medicines are in undamaged original packaging, with instructions for use. Otherwise, when landing, customs officers may suspect that you are carrying prohibited substances under the guise of analgin.

If you have an injury, you can add crutches or other orthopedic aids to your hand luggage. According to the rules, the volume of liquid in hand luggage should not exceed 100 ml. Therefore, if the medicine is liquid or in the form of a spray, make sure that the volume does not exceed what is allowed. Syringes cannot be taken on board.

Digital technology

What technical devices you can take on board are determined by the security regulations of the country you are traveling to. Usually in hand luggage it is allowed to take: a laptop; tablet; mobile phone; Mp3 player; camera; electric razor and toothbrush; charging for devices; voluminous electrical appliances (for example, a hair dryer).

You can (and should) take headphones on board. If you are going to listen to music or watch a movie on a laptop, other passengers are unlikely to be happy to share this pleasure with you. Although it is not forbidden to take a mobile phone with you, you may not need it during the flight. Often, before takeoff, phones are asked to be turned off altogether, because they can interfere with the operation of the electronic systems of the aircraft.

If you are going to take bulky equipment with you, remember the rules. Usually, the length of things in hand luggage should be no more than 56 cm, height - 45 cm, width - 25 cm. The maximum weight varies between 3-15 kilograms. The exact figure depends on the airport.

Documents, valuables and jewelry

In addition, it is worth taking in hand luggage: expensive jewelry; documentation; valuables; Wallet with money.

It is better to take your passport and other important papers with you - it’s calmer, you won’t worry about their safety all the way. In addition, if your luggage is suddenly lost, you will not be left in a foreign country without documents.

Cosmetical tools

You can carry any dry cosmetics on board: shadows; ink; pencils for eyes and lips; blush; powder, etc.

Liquids, jelly-like substances in jars and bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are strictly forbidden to be transported on board the aircraft in hand luggage. Pack them in a luggage suitcase, otherwise you risk being left without your expensive jars. With cans under pressure on the plane is also impossible. Therefore, you will have to get rid of shaving foam and deodorants.

Remember that usually the total volume of liquids should not exceed 1 liter. therefore, if you take water with you in addition to lotion and shampoo, and their total volume exceeds the allowable one, think about what will be more important for you on board.

Personal hygiene items

From personal hygiene items you can take in hand luggage:

a toothbrush and paste (although you need to clarify about the latter - at some airports it is forbidden to take pasta with you); wet wipes; Shaver; a comb without a sharp handle (sometimes it is forbidden to carry metal combs); nail polish remover without acetone with a volume of not more than 100 ml.


You can take with you to the salon: jacket or sweater; coat; plaid; shawl.

In addition, you can carry a handbag, an umbrella and a walking stick.


If you are traveling with children, in addition to hand luggage, you can take a portable cradle or stroller on board. It is not forbidden to take newspapers, magazines and other printed publications with you (without fanaticism, of course).

It is strictly forbidden to take with you in hand luggage: weapons, and everything that looks like it (if you have a fashion accessory in the form of a grenade or a pistol, they can take it away);
piercing and cutting objects (this includes everything, even something that you would not even think of using as a tool to hurt another person, for example, knitting needles); animals; gas cartridges; toxic substances.

A full list of prohibited items is often indicated directly on the ticket. If this list is not there, ask about this issue right at the airport.

Check the rules for dimensions, they differ for each airline. Low-cost airlines take this issue especially seriously. Low-cost airlines have a strict rule: one person - one piece of hand luggage. Therefore, everything will have to be folded into one bag or package. An exception is allowed only for folding baby carriages, crutches and outerwear.

Guide: baggage allowance and carry-on baggage of 10 popular airlines

Air carriers, in particular, low-cost airlines now and then tighten the requirements for hand luggage and luggage, forcing passengers to pay more. So that you do not get lost in the stream of constant updates of the rules, we have collected in one material the rules of ten popular airlines, the knowledge of which will allow you to save tens or even hundreds of euros.

Important nuances

  1. Check the rules of all airlines you will be using during your trip and make sure that your hand luggage and luggage comply with the more restrictive rules.
  2. Please note that you can buy tickets from and fly from. This happens when a code-sharing agreement is signed between companies. In this case, the rules of the airline whose code is indicated on the ticket apply. It is useless to prove at the airport that you did not know - you will have to pay for an excess or additional baggage.
  3. Many airlines check the dimensions of hand luggage using special devices at the airport. Everything that does not fit in the frame will have to be checked in as luggage (especially zealous ones take into account even handles that look out half a centimeter). We recommend that you check your hand luggage in advance - at the check-in desk, luggage is cheaper than at the gate, it's even better to foresee this situation when buying tickets online.
  4. Important! Low-cost airlines do not have flights with transfers. Each segment of the route is a separate flight, so every time you need to pick up your luggage and check it in again, therefore, you also need to pay extra for it on each segment.

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Liquids in hand luggage. Is it possible or not?

In total, you are allowed to carry 1 liter of liquids in containers with a maximum of 100 milliliters each. The volume of the container matters: a two-liter bottle, in which two sips of juice are left, will not be missed. All liquids must be placed in a zippered transparent bag (such as a ziplock bag to freeze fruit or a cosmetic bag) and presented to security screening if asked.

Liquids include:

  • roller deodorants;
  • shaving foam, shampoo, shower gel;
  • toothpaste;
  • perfumes and toilet water;
  • tonic, makeup remover, cream, mascara;
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • medicines: eye, nasal and ear drops, oral solutions and tinctures, topical products, gels;
  • some foodstuffs: soft cheese, yogurt, pate, jam, honey, etc.
  • Travelers with children under two years of age. Food for the child (mashed potatoes, milk, juices, formula, etc.) can be in packages of any volume in the amount necessary for the duration of the flight.
  • Those who need to take medication regularly. In this case, you can take with you drugs in packages that exceed 100 milliliters, but do not forget to grab a certificate from your doctor.

What about duty free shopping?

Perfume, eau de toilette, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks from duty-free shops can be taken on board if they are packed with a receipt and sealed (do not try to drink whiskey down your throat on the plane).

Difficulties may arise if you are flying with a transfer. So, in the EU it is forbidden to import liquids in containers whose volume exceeds 100 milliliters if they are purchased outside the EU. That is, if you fly from Kharkov to Prague via Warsaw, at the transfer point, a bottle of wine from Ukrainian duty free is most likely to be confiscated. For those who travel within the EU, it is enough not to open the package and carry a receipt confirming that the purchase was made no more than a day ago. The last word in any case remains with the airport employee.

Can I carry food in hand luggage?

Yes, but if they are liquid, they will need to be packaged in 100 milliliters and packaged in accordance with the rules. Feel free to bring cookies, chocolate, apples, nuts or sandwiches with you on board, but make sure that your food does not emit pungent odors.

Can I take electronic devices on a plane?

Need to! You've seen how suitcases are handled at airports, right?

You are allowed to carry in hand luggage:

  • laptops;
  • Cell phones;
  • tablets and e-books;
  • e-Sigs;
  • cameras;
  • hair dryers, curling irons, hair straighteners;
  • electric shavers;
  • electric toothbrushes;
  • power banks.

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What is prohibited in hand luggage?

In short, everything that is potentially dangerous for passengers and crew members due to its toxicity or can be used to attack.

  • liquids in containers with a volume of more than 100 milliliters (except those bought in duty free and properly packaged);
  • aerosols (hairspray, deodorant, mosquito repellent, etc.);
  • piercing and cutting objects: screwdrivers, drills, nails, corkscrew, sewing needles, blades, all kinds of knives, scissors, nail files, tweezers with sharp ends, knitting needles, etc. There are exceptions: sometimes it is allowed to carry a knife with a blade shorter than 6 centimeters or tweezers with rounded edges, if you have a certificate from a doctor, you can take injection syringes with you. But you need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario: if the thing is dear to you, put it in your luggage or leave it at home.
  • firearms and any of its imitations (lighters, children's toys);
  • adhesive tape, electrical tape;
  • explosive and flammable substances: gunpowder, firecrackers, fireworks, lighter fluid, etc.;
  • mercury thermometers (in some countries this restriction does not apply, but it is better to buy an electronic one and not worry);
  • skates, ski and trekking poles;
  • stun guns;
  • caustic and toxic substances: acids, alkalis, poisons;
  • bats, clubs, clubs, nunchucks, oars, skateboards, fishing rods;
  • gas and petrol lighters.

Can animals be brought on board?

Each airline has its own rules, so it's best to ask them in advance. For example, UIA allows only dogs and cats weighing up to 8 kilograms to be transported in the cabin together with the container. Larger animals are transported in the luggage compartment. Service animals fly free of charge (for example, guide dogs), for other pets you will have to pay at a special rate. The owner must have a medical certificate, documents confirming vaccination and an export permit.

How to transport musical instruments and sports equipment?

Sports equipment is usually transported in checked baggage or as oversized cargo, at a special rate (if we are talking about skis or snowboards, for example). Even a skateboard or tennis rackets will not be allowed on board, as theoretically they can be used as weapons.

Small musical instruments that do not exceed the allowable dimensions of hand luggage (flute, violin), some airlines allow you to take with you into the cabin. Everything else will have to be checked in.

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How to properly pack hand luggage and what to do in case of overweight?

  • Put things that you will most likely have to get at security control (a laptop and other powerful equipment, a bag of liquids) on top, so that you can quickly remove them later. Neighbors in turn and airport staff will thank you.
  • Liquids must be packaged in containers with a maximum of 100 milliliters, remember? If what you want to take with you is not sold in mini-packages, pour over - the bubbles do not have to be “native”.
  • If you are taking medicines with you, it is better that they are in their original packaging with instructions inside. If you have sleeping pills, strong painkillers, psychotropic and injectable drugs, do not forget to take a prescription from your doctor with you.
  • Put everything of value in your hand luggage: documents, money, jewelry, equipment. And don't forget to keep an eye on your backpack at the airport, of course.
  • You should always take with you a power bank, warm clothes, medicines that you constantly take and a light snack in case of a flight delay.
  • Make sure you don't accidentally put anything on the prohibited items list. The author of these lines, for example, somehow threw scotch tape into her backpack, and then blushed and justified herself in front of the vigilant employees of the Kutaisi airport.
  • If you are flying with a low-cost airline, do not stuff your backpack to the limit. Leaving an empty space inside, you can tamp it down a bit and fit it into a frame with which to check the dimensions.
  • Weigh the assembled backpack or suitcase at home and make sure it passes the airline's regulations. If the excess was found already at the airport, you can put on something from the clothes packed in your hand luggage, put heavy small items in your pockets or pick up a camera, e-book, etc., if the carrier allows it.


hand luggage

From November 1, 2018, each passenger can take on board only one handbag, laptop bag or small backpack measuring 40x25x20 cm free of charge. 55x40x20 cm, weight up to 10 kg. The rest can hand over large hand luggage in luggage. When applying online, it costs €10-12, at the check-in desk - €20, at the gate - €25.

A child under 2 years of age is not allowed to hand luggage, but an accompanying adult can take on board a bag weighing up to 5 kg free of charge with hygiene items, food and toys. The rest of the children are subject to "adult" norms.

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Each passenger can check in a maximum of 3 pieces of baggage weighing up to 20 kg each. At the time of ticketing you will pay €25, later (by phone or at the airport) €40 for a one-way seat.

Permissible size of one piece of luggage -119x119x81 cm, weight - 32 kg. For each kilogram over 20, you will have to pay €11, because such baggage is considered excess baggage.

Baby carriage

For each child, a collapsible stroller + car seat / booster / cradle can be transported free of charge.

Sport equipment

Each set is considered a separate piece of baggage and must be packed in a protective bag, maximum weight - 20 kg (for bicycles - 30 kg).

Transportation of a bicycle will cost you €60-75, ski equipment - €45-50, other sports equipment - €35-65 one way. A lower cost is valid when purchasing a service at the time of booking a ticket, a larger one - when paying later or at the airport.

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Wizz Air

hand luggage

From November 1, 2018, each passenger can take into the cabin one bag no larger than 40x30x20 cm in size, outerwear and duty-free shopping bags free of charge.

Passengers with WIZZ Priority are also allowed to bring a suitcase or backpack measuring 55x40x23 cm into the cabin. The maximum allowable weight of hand luggage of any type is 10 kg per piece. Passengers with children under 2 years old are also entitled to an additional 40x30x20 cm bag with food, hygiene items and toys.

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Permissible dimensions of one piece of baggage - 149x119x171 cm, weight - 32 kg. A passenger can check in a maximum of 6 bags: 3 online or through a call center, the rest at the airport.

When checking out on the website or through a call center, luggage weighing up to 10 kg will cost you €9-27, 10-20 kg - €15-50, 20-32 kg - €23-72 one way (the price depends on the season). At the airport, for luggage weighing up to 20 kg, you will have to pay from €55, up to 32 kg - from €120. If you paid for your luggage in advance, but an overweight was found at the counter, you will be charged € 10 for each additional kilogram.

Baby carriage

One stroller or car seat can be transported free of charge per small child. If you plan to drop off your stroller at the gangway, be sure to get a luggage sticker at the counter.

Sport equipment

Transportation of sports equipment is allowed subject to the following general rules:

  • all components of the kit are packed in one case;
  • there is one set of equipment for each passenger;
  • the set weighs no more than 32 kg.

There is an additional charge of €30 (online or via call center) or €60 (at the airport) per seat per one way.

SkyUp Airlines

hand luggage

Each passenger can take on board one piece of hand luggage weighing up to 7 kg and no more than 115 cm in size (the sum of three dimensions), as well as bags with purchases from duty free, a handbag, a folder for papers, outerwear, an umbrella, a book or a magazine. Passengers with children are also allowed to bring into the cabin a cradle or a collapsible stroller and food for the duration of the flight.

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Starting from the Standard fare, each passenger can carry one piece of checked baggage free of charge. Maximum weight - 23 kg, for children under two years old - 10 kg.

An additional piece of baggage weighing up to 23 kg will cost you €25, up to 32 kg - €40. Maximum number of pieces of luggage per passenger: 4 x 23 kg, 2 x 32 kg.

Baby carriage

A stroller or cradle for a child under 2 years old is transported free of charge, after that it is taken into account in the baggage allowance.

Sport equipment

It is allowed to transport one set weighing up to 23 kg and up to 300 cm (the sum of three dimensions) per passenger. The cost is €25 per set one way.


hand luggage

On short-haul and medium-haul flights, economy class passengers who have purchased tickets without luggage can carry on board only one piece of hand luggage up to 55x40x20 cm in size and up to 7 kg in weight.

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Passengers who have bought tickets with baggage can carry two pieces of hand luggage on board: one weighing up to 7 kg (see dimensions above), the second weighing up to 5 kg and measuring up to 40x30x10 cm. For business class passengers, the conditions are similar (2 pieces of hand luggage put), but the first can weigh not 7, but 12 kg.

On long-haul flights, economy and premium economy class passengers are entitled to 2 pieces of hand luggage: one weighing up to 5 kg, the second up to 7 kg. Business class passengers can carry 2 pieces with a total weight of up to 15 kg and a third with a total weight of up to 5 kg.

Hand luggage allowance on Embraer-145 aircraft: 1 piece up to 5 kg / 55x35x15 cm.

All personal belongings, including purchases from duty free, must be packed in hand luggage. Exceptions:

  • outerwear and umbrella;
  • for travelers with children under 2 years old: 1 extra bag (55x40x20 cm, up to 5 kg) with food, toys and hygiene items;
  • a cane, a pair of crutches or a walker, as well as other auxiliary equipment needed during the flight, medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Excess hand luggage

In addition to hand luggage, which is included in the free baggage allowance, each passenger can take into the cabin 1 additional piece weighing up to 5 kg (maximum size: 40x30x10 cm) for €15 and 1 additional piece weighing up to 12 kg (maximum size: 70x40x20 cm ) for €80 one way.

If you didn’t meet the free norm and don’t want to pay extra for the transportation of a suitcase on board, you will have to check it in as luggage.


An economy class passenger who bought a ticket with luggage can check in one piece of luggage, passengers in premium economy and business class can check in two. For Panorama Club Premium and Panorama Club Elite cardholders, the number of baggage pieces is increased by 1 and 2, respectively.

Maximum baggage size - 158 cm (sum of three dimensions), weight - up to 23 kg in economy and premium economy class, 32 kg in business class.

A child under 2 years of age traveling without a separate seat is entitled to 1 piece of baggage weighing up to 10 kg, provided that the accompanying adult has chosen a fare with baggage included.

You can check in an extra piece of baggage or hand luggage online no later than 6 hours before departure, with a discount - no later than 24 hours.

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Baby carriage

1 collapsible stroller, bassinet or car seat per child under two years of age is transported free of charge, regardless of travel class and fare chosen. If the child is older, the stroller is considered a piece of baggage and is charged at a set rate depending on the travel itinerary.

Sport equipment

A set of equipment is considered a separate piece of baggage, its weight must not exceed 23 kg for any class of service. If a bag with equipment does not fit into the free baggage allowance, it is paid at the established rate, depending on the route of travel.

Easy Jet

hand luggage

Each passenger can take on board one piece of hand luggage up to 56x45x25 cm. There is no weight limit, but you must be able to lift the suitcase yourself and place it on the shelf above your seat. Not everyone will be lucky - there are about 70 pieces of luggage on board, the rest of the things fly in the luggage compartment (no surcharge).

Some categories of passengers (for example, easyJet Plus card holders) can take an additional piece of hand luggage up to 45x36x20 cm in size and place it under the front seat.

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Infants traveling in a separate seat, as well as all children over 2 years old, are subject to the same hand luggage allowance as for adult passengers. Passengers with infants can take on board a 45x36x20 cm bag with essentials in addition to their standard carry-on baggage.


Each passenger, including children and infants, can arrange transportation of 3 pieces of baggage. Maximum weight - up to 23 kg (for an extra charge you can increase it to 32 kg), size - 275 cm (the sum of three dimensions).

One piece of baggage weighing up to 15 kg will cost you £6.99-34.99 (€8-40) and can only be paid for online. Baggage up to 23 kg - £9.49-37.49 (€11-43) when checking in online, £40 (€45) at the counter, £50 (€57) at the gate. If your luggage exceeds the planned weight, you can increase it online: from 15 kg to 27, from 23 to 32. For each additional 3 kg you will pay £12 (€14). If the excess is found at the airport, the same amount will have to be paid for each kilogram in excess of the previously paid weight.

Baby carriage

For each child, you can take 2 items from the list for free: a cradle, a folding stroller (including a double one), a booster, a car seat, a collapsible or non-collapsible stroller. The age of the child is not limited, an excerpt from the rules can be literally translated as follows: "if you are traveling with a child who needs it."

Sport equipment

Each passenger can carry one set of sports equipment. You can register a maximum of 6 sets per booking online, if you need more, you will have to contact the support service.

One way transportation for a set of equipment up to 20 kg costs £37 (€42) when ordered online or £47 (€53) at the airport. A kit weighing from 20 to 32 kg will cost £45 (€51) or £55 (€63) respectively.

Air Astana

hand luggage

Economy class passengers can take on board one bag no larger than 56x45x25 cm and weighing up to 8 kg, business class passengers - two bags of the same weight and size. Additionally, you are allowed to carry:

  • outerwear or blanket;
  • one cane/pair of crutches or leg braces (for medical reasons);
  • one women's handbag or briefcase/bag for a computer;
  • one small camera or binoculars;
  • a book or press to read during the flight;
  • one portable baby cot;
  • baby carriage;
  • baby food;
  • medicines, without which the passenger cannot do;
  • small bouquet of flowers.

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Each passenger, except for children under two years of age who travel without seats, can carry baggage weighing up to 20 kg (economy class) or 30 kg (sleeping economy and business class) free of charge. Baggage size must not exceed 158 cm (the sum of three dimensions).

Baggage exceeding the norm in terms of weight or dimensions is transported only by prior agreement with the airline and is paid according to the actual weight.

Baby carriage

One collapsible baby stroller, the dimensions of which when folded do not exceed 34x32x14 cm, can be transported free of charge in the luggage compartment.

Sport equipment

If you are transporting skis or snowboards, equipment for tennis, squash, badminton, fishing, horseback riding, roller skates, bow and arrows, kayak or regular oars, just pack them in cases and put them in your luggage. The weight must not exceed the allowable weight for the selected class of service, otherwise you will have to pay an additional fee, the amount of which depends on the route.

If tickets are purchased at the Basic fare, sports equipment is treated as excess baggage and is paid extra.

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Surfboards and kiteboards are carried free of charge and are not included in the free baggage allowance, provided that their length does not exceed 140 cm and their weight is 5 kg.

In the case of transporting longer and heavier boards, passengers will be charged:

  • on domestic flights - 5,000 tenge (€12);
  • on international flights departing from Kazakhstan - 9,000 tenge (€21);
  • on international flights departing from other countries - €25.

Bicycle transportation cost:

  • on domestic flights - 7,000 tenge (€16);
  • on international flights departing from Kazakhstan - 15,000 tenge (€35);
  • on international flights departing from other countries - €50.


hand luggage

Each passenger (except infants) can take on board:

  • 1 hand luggage (55x40x23 cm) + 1 personal item (30x40x10 cm) with a Basic or Premium ticket;
  • 2 hand luggage (55x40x23 cm each) + 1 personal item (30x40x10 cm) with a Business ticket or PINS VIP card.

The combined weight of carry-on baggage and personal items must not exceed 8 kg for travelers with a Basic and Premium ticket. Personal items include handbags, laptops, duty-free purchases, umbrellas.

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If hand luggage exceeds the established norms in terms of dimensions or weight, it can be checked in as baggage at the check-in counter for €50 or at the gate (subject to availability) for €60.


The maximum allowable weight of a piece of baggage is 20 kg, the size is 100x50x80 cm.

Passengers with Business tickets can carry no more than two pieces of baggage with a total weight of up to 40 kg free of charge. The Premium fare allows transportation of one piece of baggage weighing up to 20 kg, Basic ticket holders must pay from €19.99 for one-way baggage (when buying the service at the same time as air tickets). When paying after buying a ticket or during online check-in, it will cost from €35, at the check-in desk - €50.

PINS VIP members can carry for free:

  • with a Business ticket - 4 pieces of baggage (up to 80 kg);
  • with a Premium ticket - 3 pieces of baggage (up to 60 kg);

Executive PINS members can carry for free:

  • with a Business ticket - 3 pieces of baggage (up to 60 kg);
  • with a Premium ticket - 2 pieces of baggage (up to 40 kg);
  • with a Basic ticket - baggage transportation is not included in the price.

One piece of baggage weighing up to 10 kg is checked out free of charge for the Infanta.


If the luggage weight exceeds 20 kg, a surcharge of €50 one way will be charged. The maximum weight of one piece of checked baggage is 32 kg.

Oversized baggage

If the luggage dimensions exceed 100x50x80 cm, a surcharge of €60 one way will be charged. The weight must not exceed 20 kg.

If both dimensions and weight are exceeded, the amounts of surcharges are summed up. In this case, you will have to pay €110 per piece of luggage one way.

Baby carriage

If an infant or a child is specified in the booking, a fully collapsible stroller, a portable baby cot or a child car seat can be transported free of charge.

Sport equipment

Passengers with Business tickets and PINS VIP members (except passengers with Basic tickets) can carry one set of sports equipment free of charge.

Passengers with Basic and Premium tickets will have to pay for each set:

  • €34.99 one-way when purchasing the service at the same time as air tickets on the airline's website;
  • €39.99 one way when paying with the online form;
  • €40 one-way when purchased by other means (for example, through a cashier or a travel agency);
  • €60 one way when paying at the airport.

Permissible weight of a set of sports equipment - 20 kg. If you exceed the limit, you will pay a fee of €50 at the airport.

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Passengers who make regular flights sometimes quite often ask themselves the question of What can you take on a plane with you? Indeed, despite the fact that you can’t place a lot of things in hand luggage, there are a number of restrictions on their transportation, and therefore you should not be surprised if, without familiarizing yourself with these rules, you will be temporarily delayed during further boarding.

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Naturally, it will not be possible to enumerate all things, but, nevertheless, perhaps, one should start with that, what can you take on a plane.

  1. Of course, no one forbids you to take with you as hand luggage money and documents, moreover, this is due to a fairly simple explanation - luggage can be lost, as a result of which the passenger will not be able to enter the territory of another country (if we are talking about international air travel) or return back.
  2. It is not forbidden to take with you on a plane portable electronics, in particular mobile phone, laptop, tablet, media player etc. However, there is one very important caveat here - taking them with you as hand luggage, you will have to follow certain rules, for example, when asked to turn off your device, you must do this in order to ensure general safety.
  3. In order to feel more comfortable, you can take with you extra clothes, e.g. jacket, light shoes, etc.
  4. If necessary, the passenger can also safely carry along with hand luggage and printed editions: newspapers, magazines, books, etc., however, there is a caveat here too - all these things should not have state material and moral value, that is, you cannot take a rare book on board without registering it first.
  5. If you are traveling by air with a child, you are allowed to carry on board baby food, as well as hygiene items.

However, in addition to what you can take on a plane, there are a number of things that you cannot take as hand luggage.

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  1. Aircraft are not allowed to carry any flammable substances, including those that are part of the constituent of any other items, for example lighters.
  2. Not allowed to be transported liquids under high pressure this applies in particular to deodorants, shaving foam etc.
  3. It is also prohibited to carry in hand luggage any animals including cats, dogs, etc. In the event that for a number of reasons you cannot leave your pet, then you need to notify the air carrier in advance, and your pet will be placed in the luggage compartment.
  4. It is prohibited to transport on board the aircraft as hand luggage food, and canned food in sealed and vacuum packaging.
  5. It is forbidden to transport liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml., however, this ban does not apply at all airports, and therefore, check in advance if you can carry water, etc. The main question in this regard is how much can you take on a plane liquids, and what exactly you will be transporting, the airport service is of little concern, except for the case that it is forbidden to take from liquids.
  6. Of course, transportation on board an airliner is prohibited. any piercing and cutting objects, in particular, this applies to knives, scissors (including manicure), etc.


Now, thanks to the information provided, you know exactly what you can take with you on the plane and what is better to leave with your main luggage so that you don’t look ridiculous with a puzzled face in front of the airport service.

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1. Can I take cosmetics in hand luggage?


Yes, you can, there are no restrictions on the volume or number of shadows, blush, powder, including loose powder. But keep in mind that creamy shadows, mascara, foundation, face and hand cream, and nail polish are all liquid! And there are restrictions on the transport of liquids:

  • The volume of containers containing liquids must not exceed 100 ml. Those. even if the liquid itself is only 50 ml, the container in which it is located should hold no more than 100 ml. To prevent disputes with the security service, it is recommended to use liquid containers (tubes, jars, etc.) with an indication of their volume.
  • All containers should be stored in one resealable transparent plastic container. The total capacity should not exceed 1 liter. (i.e. you can take 10 bottles with a maximum of 100 ml each)
  • Each passenger is entitled to carry only one such package.
  • Packaging with containers containing liquids must be presented separately at the security control desk.

2. Can I take hair styling products in hand luggage?


Almost all hair styling products - gels, foam, wax, etc. - these are liquids (read the requirements for them above). The volume of these funds should not exceed 100 ml.


In addition, many airlines prohibit carrying aerosols on board, which is hairspray, therefore, it is better to check it in your luggage, regardless of the volume.

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3. Can I take a hair dryer, styling iron or curling iron in hand luggage?


Yes, you can take a hair dryer and other hair styling products in your hand luggage.

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4. Can I take perfume or eau de toilette in hand luggage?


It is possible, but since it is a liquid, then only in containers up to 100 ml. Otherwise, you will have to part with your favorite perfume.


Note also that eau de toilette is usually in the form of an aerosol (a bottle of pressurized liquid), and these are not allowed on some airlines.

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5. Can I take a knife in hand luggage?


It is definitely impossible to take a knife in hand luggage, only in the luggage that you check in at check-in for the flight.


The only exception is a plastic knife. During the inspection it is difficult to detect a ceramic knife, but if they notice (as a rule, this happens during a manual search), they will definitely take it away. You will also lose such a gadget as a CardSharp card knife, etc.

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6. Can I take pills and other medicines in hand luggage?


Yes, you can. But if medicines are in the form of a liquid, such as cream, ampoules or nasal drops, etc., then remember that the volume of the container in which they are contained should not exceed 100 ml. There is only one exception here, if you need medication during the flight, then you can take more than 100 ml on board without any problems if you provide a certificate from a doctor.


Aerosol medicines, such as panthenol spray, etc. must be checked in as baggage.


There is another restriction on medicines, if you regularly need to take medicines and therefore you carry a lot of them with you or the tablets contain narcotic substances, then take a certificate from your doctor. This will avoid problems, both with the security service and with customs.

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7. Is it possible to take a thermometer in hand luggage depends on the airline. Some prohibit, others allow one mercury thermometer per person. For travel, it is better to buy an electronic thermometer, it is not included in the list of prohibited items from any airline.

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8. Can I take a razor in hand luggage?


Most airlines allow you to take Shaver, including disposable, the blades of which are inserted into interchangeable blocks. A straight razor is not allowed in carry-on baggage.


Shaver You can also take it in hand luggage.

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9. Can I take tools in hand luggage?


The answer to this question depends on the specific tools. Most of them are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. For example, drills and their components, all types of saws, screwdrivers, crowbars, hammers, pliers, wrenches and wrenches, soldering equipment - all this will have to be checked in.

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10. Can I take a camera in hand luggage?


Yes, you can take photographic equipment, a camera, lenses and even a small tripod. As a rule, you can easily transport a tripod up to 60 cm long when folded, if it is larger, then it is better to check it in your luggage.


If the tripod does not fit in the suitcase, then carefully tape it to the suitcase and wrap the whole structure with film, so it will fly safe and sound.

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11. Is it possible to take a baby stroller into the aircraft cabin?


It depends on the airline, some allow you to take it with you, others ask you to check it in (but there are a minority of them). As a rule, you can take a folding stroller-cane. It will be picked up at the gangway of the plane and given to you upon arrival.

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12. Can I knit or embroider on the plane?


You can use plastic and wooden knitting needles or crochet. Metal knitting needles will have to be left in the luggage. With embroidery, as a rule, there are no problems.

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13. Can I carry dishes in hand luggage?


Yes, you can easily take plates, cups, service or glass glasses, but cutlery (knives and forks) will have to be left in your luggage.

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14. Can I take an umbrella in hand luggage?


Umbrellas are different for umbrellas :) The usual folding one, in order to hide from the rain, of course you can. But with a cane umbrella and a beach umbrella from the sun, problems can arise, as a rule, they are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage.

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15. Can I take a lighter on board the plane?


It depends on the airline and airport security. Some allow you to bring one lighter per person into the cabin, others do not. If your lighter is dear to you, then it is better to check it in your luggage.

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16. Can I take a manicure set in hand luggage?


Most of the components of any manicure set are sharp and cutting objects and they are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. These are scissors, wire cutters, tweezers and even a metal nail file with a sharp tip. You can only take a glass, ceramic or soft-based emery file with you on board.

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17. Can I take duct tape (adhesive tape) in hand luggage?


Airports are all different and so are the security services. Most of them forbid scotch tape on board.

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18. Can I carry household appliances in hand luggage?


Yes, you can, if it does not exceed the allowed sizes. For example, you can easily carry a multicooker on an airplane.

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19. Can I carry a painting in my hand luggage?


It depends on its dimensions and the airline. Even if it exceeds the maximum dimensions set by the airline, it may still be allowed to be taken on board.



What should be done in this situation?

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Firstly, if you are flying abroad, then you must have a document in your hands allowing the export of the painting, or confirming that it is not of artistic value.


Secondly, 72 hours before departure, contact the airline or agency where you purchased your ticket and let them know that you plan to carry oversized hand luggage. That's all - it remains to wait for the decision of the airline. If the painting is not allowed to be carried in hand luggage, then you will have to check it in your luggage and pay extra for the transportation of fragile items.


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