Home Schengen Where you can relax mineral waters. Mineral waters in winter

Where you can relax mineral waters. Mineral waters in winter

Mineralnye Vody is a small resort town in the Stavropol Territory, which is located near the Kuma River, at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It is through this area that the route passes, leading all tourists to the healing sources of the North Caucasus.

There are over 100 healing water springs in the region. The dry climate of the area is influenced by the foothill location and the nearby steppes. In mid-May, summer begins and lasts 120 days. Driest months: July, August. Autumn comes in October. During this period, the sun often shines, and precipitation is rare. Winters are frosty in January. February is characterized by strong winds and rains. By the end of this month comes spring. Most tourists go to Mineralnye Vody to improve their health, actively relax in the mountains and visit local attractions.

Tourists can get to anywhere in the city by taxi. This is the most convenient mode of transport, as services operate around the clock. Most vacationers prefer to travel by regular buses, which have a specific schedule and route. Electric trains that depart from the railway station are transported to nearby settlements.

The famous place was founded in 1889 by a young naturalist S.A. Stroganov. He brought Arabian horses from the Middle East to Russia, where he could not find a place for stables for a long time. After a long search, Stroganov placed his horses in the vicinity of the city of Mineralnye Vody, since the climate is ideal for the existence of horses.

In the 20th century, Stroganov left Russia forever and went to permanent residence in France. His place was taken by S.M. Budyonny, who organized auctions for the sale of horses. Now on the territory of the Tersk stud farm, excursions and events are held for guests. Vacationers can rent horses and, accompanied by an instructor, go for a walk.

Location: Novotersky village, Shkolnaya street - 2.

This architectural structure is the most visited place in the Stavropol Territory. The temple began to be built in 1992. For 5 years, the church was built by architects, builders and craftsmen.

The cathedral is built of brick and figured masonry. The architectural complex is equipped with several steel domes. On the territory of the cathedral there are cells for pilgrims, service rooms, and an administrative building. Flower beds are planted in the courtyard, which are especially beautiful in early spring. The attraction is a monument of Orthodox culture.

Location: Pyatigorskaya street.

It is located in the south of the city of Lermontov, not far from Mineralnye Vody and has a height of 874 meters. The mountain got its unique name because of its appearance: the slopes are covered with rock formations and boulders. Indigenous people say that once in ancient times the mountain had the shape of a pyramid.

Now the slope of the mountain is cut off, because in 1970 stones were mined for construction work. Rising to the hill, vacationers will have the opportunity to admire the stunning panorama of the resort towns of Pyatigorsk and Lermontov. And also tourists can see butterflies, ladybugs that live on the slopes of the mountain.

The cultural institution has existed since 1998. The museum fund contains more than 20 thousand objects of painting, archeology, numismatics, ethnography, geology.

The building stores materials, documentation, reflecting the development of culture and education in the city. Visitors will be offered to get acquainted with the personal belongings of the writer and leader A.P. Bibika: notebooks for notes; books published in different years; family photos; handmade furniture; ink devices; painted pictures.

Location: Proletarskaya street - 137.

The memorial was erected in 2008 in honor of the 130th anniversary of Mineralnye Vody. The statue, cast in bronze, is located in the square of the city. General Ermolov was the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian troops, was the chief of staff, served as division commander. The monument stands on a stone pedestal. The author of the erection of the sculpture is G. P. Myasnikov.

Location: Square of Hope.

The mountain is considered one of the most majestic sights in the village. The peak is recognized as a national natural monument and is under state protection. The flora is represented by rare species of trees and shrubs: oriental beech, Caucasian ash, Georgian lily. Of the animal species, roe deer, frogs, lizards, and snakes live.

On the branches of trees you can see a formidable hawk, and on the ground - traces of hooves of wild boars. Vacationers often visit the sights located on the territory of Mount Zmeyka (Dam, Devil's Finger, Holy Spring).

It is located in the city center. On the territory of the museum there is a collection of air transport: the Po-2 biplane, the Mi-1 and Mi-2 helicopters, the Li-2, An-2, Yak-40, Tu-154 aircraft. A stand has been installed not far from the equipment, on which photos of the first flights and important documentation of the airport and air terminal are fixed.

Location: Zavodskaya street - 73.

The international airport is the largest in the south of Russia. Every day it receives a huge number of flights. The number of passengers per year is about 900 thousand people. In 2011, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out.

Currently, the building has domestic and international departments. The waiting room is large and very spacious. It contains shops, cafes, kiosks. Passengers can relax on comfortable, soft seats.

The temple is located near the park of culture. The construction of the church complex was completed in 1950 and was first consecrated in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. A few years later, at the insistence of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, the church was renamed in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The main rarity of the temple is the ancient Athos icon. The holy place is distinguished by its simplified architecture. In addition to the main building, in the vicinity of the church there is a separate building - a bell tower. The territory of the temple is fenced with a red brick wall.

Location: Freedom Street.

The statue is one of the main decorations of the village. It was installed on the forecourt in the 20th century. It was at this place that the mountain eagle was bitten by a poisonous snake. The bird drank mineral water and did not die. Bronze sculpture is considered the hallmark of the Caucasus. The eagle represents power, strength, spirit. Silhouette means victory over diseases.

The monument to the dead tankers who fought on the territory of the city in 1943 was erected 22 years after the battle on the stone foot. The names of the people who fought are indicated on a plaque hanging on one side of the monument. Locals often visit this place and lay flowers.

The place is located 100 km from Mineralnye Vody on the mountain river Chegem. This area is full of various waterfalls. In some, the water flows down in small drops, in others it falls in a wide jet at maximum speed. The most powerful waterfall is the Maiden's Spit.

In winter, ice pillars, similar to stalactites, line up in the gorge. This is a mesmerizing sight that is worth a look. And in summer, tourists like to visit the open-air museum in the village of Verkhny Chegem. Walking along the gorge, you should not forget about wild animals that you may meet on the way. Among them: lynxes, foxes, wolves. Wildlife also lives in the forests: roe deer, deer, martens, hares. It is much more convenient to travel here by car.

In 1976, the opening of the memorial complex "Fire of Eternal Glory" took place. Rallies, processions, solemn events are held annually in this place. The monument is presented in the form of a composition of figures protruding above the surface and stone columns.

The memorial consists of pylons, at the foot of which there is a marble recess with stones and a star. From the star comes the Fire of Eternal Glory. On the territory of the complex there is a beautiful square, on both sides of which flowers and trees are planted. Commemorative stands are installed nearby.

The building of the railway station has the status of an architectural monument and is a station of the Caucasian railway. The grand opening of the station took place in 1955, it was timed to coincide with the October Revolution. Inside the premises are several waiting rooms, a first-aid post, kiosks, pharmacies, cafes and eateries. The station can accommodate more than 1500 people. Comfortable benches for rest are equipped on the territory of the station.

Location: Lenin street - 42a.

Rest abroad has been trending lately. The all-inclusive system, hot beaches - perhaps this is tempting. But even within Russia there are a lot of places for recreation - both for passive lying on the beach and for active pastime, and there are those that successfully combine several types of recreation at once. For example, the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In addition to the fact that you do not need a passport and a visa to travel there, there are still good reasons to go to the Caucasus. We tell:

1. Climate

Why are we so torn to the south? That's right, because it's always warm there. The Caucasus in this regard is not inferior to other resorts. The climate here is mild, continental. You will feel the purity of the mountain air as soon as you find yourself in this area. It is sunny and warm here almost all year round, cloudy days occur only in the autumn-winter period, and even then not often. The average winter temperature is 3 degrees below zero (snow in Mineralnye Vody lasts a maximum of 40 days), summer temperature is 19-20 degrees Celsius. The weather is clear and almost windless.

By the way, as the inhabitants of Mineralnye Vody themselves say, they have the most favorable climate in October. It becomes fresh, while the heat does not go anywhere, like the sun.

The climate of Mineralnye Vody is pleasant not only for the soul, but also for health. It perfectly helps with diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological systems. According to studies, Caucasian climatotherapy can delay the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

2. Nature

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is one of those places in the vastness of our vast country that cannot be missed. If only because not to see the natural beauties that are there is a real crime.

Of course, the first thing that strikes upon arrival is the mountains. Tall and very tall, cone-shaped, incredibly impressive, covered with dense grass and forests. Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Byk and many others - they rise above the endless plains and hills. Well, the main star of this mountain "constellation" is, of course, Elbrus - the highest mountain in Europe (height - more than 5.5 thousand meters). Its two-headed peak, covered with a snow cap, is clearly visible almost throughout the entire territory of Mineralnye Vody.

In the mountains you can find high waterfalls, turbulent rivers and underground springs of mineral water.

3. Resort towns

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is 4 cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

The spirit of Lermontov's times reigns in Pyatigorsk. No wonder, because it was here that the famous poet spent his childhood and youth. Here the last days of his life passed. The site of the duel between Lermontov and Martynov on Mount Mashuk is one of the main attractions of the city. Pyatigorsk is also the place of adventures of Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov. Monuments to beloved heroes are literally worn out by tourists to a shine.

Kislovodsk is the most famous city among tourists.

Kislovodsk is the most famous city among tourists. Stepping onto Kurortny Boulevard (the main pedestrian street of the city), you will immediately feel like you are on vacation. A relaxed atmosphere obliges this - no one is in a hurry, you can safely walk along the pavement lined with stones, look at beautiful buildings, admire the flower beds and fountains. It seems that the rest of life has stopped and there is only rest.

The same rest continues in the largest park of the resort, founded in 1823 by order of General Yermolov. The park is the second largest in all of Europe. Alleys, monuments, fountains, ponds, the Narzan Gallery - all this and more can be seen in the park.

There is a similar place in Essentuki - the central city park. It is not as big as Kislovodsk, but it is very cozy and also conducive to a relaxed rest.

The youngest and still actively developing of all cities, Zheleznovodsk is also full of comfort and tranquility. By the way, in 2003 it was awarded the title of "The Best City in Russia" among small towns.

4. Mineral water

Still, the resort is not in vain called Mineralnye Vody. There is a lot of water here. The unique medical base of the resort is created by more than 130 springs of 30 types. The total operational stock of finished water is 16.4 thousand cubic meters per day. In each of the cities of Mineralnye Vody, pump rooms are constantly working, where you can try water from different sources - for medicinal purposes or just out of curiosity.

5. Treatment

The government of the Russian Federation assigned the status of resort cities of federal significance to the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the region is included in the list of unique places in Russia. No wonder, because people come here not just to look at the sights, but also to improve their health thoroughly. Every year the resort welcomes more than 700,000 Russians, 20 percent of whom are children and the disabled.

Each of the cities that are part of Mineralnye Vody, due to its individual climatic and geographical features, is engaged in the treatment of certain diseases.

So, the main profile of Essentukov is diseases of the digestive organs: stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, diseases of the operated stomach, esophagus, functional disorders, colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, obesity, sugar diabetes.

The Pyatigorsk resort is responsible for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, mono- and polyneuritis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, arthritis, skin diseases, vascular diseases, women's diseases.

In Kislovodsk, circulatory diseases (heart disease, ischemic disease, hypertension), diseases of the nervous system will be cured.

And the Zheleznovodsk resort will help get rid of diseases of the digestive system and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Where to stay

Of course, for a good holiday it is important to choose a good hotel. And in the resort area, this is not a hotel, but a sanatorium. Agree, the impression of rest and treatment will be incomplete if the place of your residence does not particularly impress you.

The complex is located in the park area of ​​Essentuki, a 30-minute drive from the Mineralnye Vody airport. It includes several buildings, romantically named after the main mountains of the resort - Elbrus, Mashuk and the Beshtau Gallery. A total of 418 rooms - from standard to suites. Everything is spacious and comfortable, the view from the windows of the upper floors overlooks Elbrus and other mountain peaks, the lower ones - to the well-groomed territory in front of the hotel, fountains, flower beds, tennis courts.

Of course, this is not only a hotel to stay. In the buildings of the complex there is a 5-storey medical center, which treats literally everything: diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders (including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs, cardio -vascular system, nervous system, problems in gynecology and urology, skin diseases. The center has its own diagnostic base, which allows specialists to collect all the information about your problems on the spot and draw up a personal treatment program. By the way, the treatment itself takes place on devices of only modern standards. At your service are all types of massage, therapeutic baths, mud therapy, speleotherapy and much, much more.

Well, for those who dream of relaxing after medical procedures or after tourist trips, there is the ElMont Active Longevity Center, which includes a spa, fitness and aquathermal complex with various types of baths (Finnish, Turkish, herbal, Russian ) and with a huge luxurious pool.

Among other things, an ENT clinic has recently opened on the territory of the complex. It is intended both for examination and consultations with a doctor, and for inpatient treatment. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology - diagnostic and surgical equipment. By the way, about surgery - the clinic's specialists use sparing methods - so that the recovery after the operation takes place as quickly as possible. The clinic will help you recover from nasal breathing disorders, diseases of the pharynx, tonsils, larynx, get rid of snoring, hearing loss and many other problems.

Vouchers to "Rus" include both accommodation and treatment (according to one of the selected programs), and three meals a day. Treatment, excellent rest and exceptionally positive impressions from the resort are guaranteed to you.

Even under Peter the Great, the healing properties of the mineral waters of the Stavropol Territory were highly appreciated. The nobility of Moscow, tired of the gray Petersburg, also went there for treatment and rest.

Pushkin and Lermontov chose the Caucasian Mineral Waters as a platform for their immortal stories, and the latter, often visiting the Caucasus, left us a unique "Lermontov" tourist route.

This is not the only attraction of Mineralnye Vody. Their location between the two seas, surrounded by the slopes of the Greater Caucasus on the one hand and the forest-steppe on the other, allowed them to acquire unique objects of ecological and cultural tourism.

Big Honey Falls.

These are famous:

  • Elbrus region;
  • The tract "Drip" and Batalinsky cave;
  • Tambukan lake;
  • Laccolith mountains (17 dormant volcanoes over 10 million years old);
  • Mount Ring;
  • Pyatigorsk failure (known to us from the work of Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs"), etc.

The mild climate and salubrious mountain air of Mineralnye Vody will decorate any vacation. In summer it is about 25-30 degrees of heat, winter is mild - from -4 to -6 degrees. Autumn is usually dry and golden, fruitful - many healthy and tasty fruits ripen. This allows you to visit the Mineralnye Vody of the Caucasus all year round.

Fresh air in summer is filled with the aroma of many steppe and mountain flowers, which give a taste to unusually sweet and delicate Caucasian honey. An ordinary walk through the woods is already an adventure; hornbeams and oaks create especially picturesque and dense thickets; golden cherry plums and juicy pears ripen for gourmets.

Elbrus is in the top. From the article you will find out what other cheapest ski resorts are in Eastern Europe and in Russia. The article provides an overview of the most budgetary places for a ski holiday, where prices are 2-3 times cheaper than in the west.

Healing at Mineralnye Vody

The main reason why people go to the resorts of Mineralnye Vody is the long-standing (since the 18th century), confident practice of curing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs (including asthma), and the musculoskeletal system.

Long-term remissions occur in allergy sufferers, it has a beneficial effect on the ability to bear children in women and, in general, improves women's health.

There is a long-term practice and experience in therapeutic balneology, combined with the latest knowledge in medicine and the introduction of modern current practices.

For example, about terrenkur - unhurried walks along special routes after drinking mineral water - Lermontov wrote in the novel A Hero of Our Time, and spa treatments using local mud are a novelty of our time.

The sculpture "Eagle" is the official symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is the common name of a small conglomerate of resort towns, in which we will talk about economical vacations in the article.

These are the cities:

  • Essentuki;
  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk;
  • Kislovodsk.

Recommendation: the resort cities of Mineralnye Vody have their own health resort code - it is forbidden to smoke on the streets and drink alcohol. This can result in serious fines. Save on them - give up bad habits in the oldest hospital in Russia!


Mineralnye Vody can be reached by plane or by train, then to the resort towns by electric train, bus or taxi.

By plane:

  • Moscow - Mineralnye vody from 7000 rubles. roundtrip. In the summer more expensive by about 3000 rubles. On the way 2 hours;
  • St. Petersburg - Mineral waters from 12,000 rubles. On the way 3 hours.

By train to Mineralnye Vody:

  • from Moscow from the Kursk railway station. An ordinary train is on the way for 30 hours, the cost of a reserved seat is from 1700 rubles, fast - 24.5 hours on the way, the cost of a reserved seat is from 2500 rubles;
  • from St. Petersburg train 44 hours on the way. Ticket price - 2300 rubles.


This is a resort that gave a series of healing mineral waters of the same name. The climate here is drier than in other cities of Mineralnye Vody: summers are hot (up to 30 degrees), and winters thaw to above zero temperatures.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Essentuki:

  • by electric train from the railway station in Mineralnye Vody, 1 hour on the way, 105 rubles;
  • by bus No. 133 from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody, the cost is more than 100 rubles, or by bus from the bus station;

Essentuki medicinal

The main tools in the fight against various diseases are healing mud and more than ten mineralogical springs.

Medical sanatoriums of Essentukov economy class (the cost is indicated per day) and in the profile direction:

  • "Healing key" (from 1200 rubles per person. Specialization: digestive organs and metabolism);
  • Centrosoyuz (from 1500 rubles per person. Specialization: diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, urology);
  • "Victoria" (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: digestive organs, gynecology, respiratory organs);
  • "Voronezh" (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: gynecology, infertility treatment);
  • Shakhtar (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: diabetes mellitus, gastroenterology).

Essentuki cultural

If you go to Essentuki not for treatment, but for sights, magnificent nature and enjoyment of the local low-mountain climate, then it is recommended to visit:

  • Weeping grottoes;
  • Drinking "Five-thousander";
  • Essen-Tuk Upland;
  • Resort Park and Victory Park.

Essentuki mud bath named after Semashko.

There are many old, large-scale and attractive buildings of mud baths, mineral baths and galleries in Essentuki. Some of them are reminiscent of Greek baths, some are smaller copies of Victorian palaces.

The beauty of the buildings is interspersed with the beauty of mountains, waterfalls and caves, which attracted fans of eco-tourism.
You can cheaply stay in mini-hotels, hostels and in the private sector, at a price of 800 rubles. per day:

  • Hotel "Avantage";
  • Hotel "Essentuki";
  • Mini-hotel "House in the South";
  • Gostiny Dvor "Edem";
  • Hotel "Cascade".

Recommendation: since inexpensive mini-hotels and guest yards have a small number of rooms, it is advisable to book budget accommodation in them in advance (at least a month before the intended trip), otherwise there is a risk of being left without inexpensive accommodation.


This is a famous place, thanks to Lermontov and Ilf and Petrov, where people are happy to recognize familiar places described in books. Fans of the "Hero of Our Time" will recognize Mount Koltso, lovers of Ostap Bender - the very Failure that the great strategist cared about: "so as not to fail too much."

The climate in Pyatigorsk is cooler than in other resorts: up to 25 degrees in summer, about -5, -8 degrees in winter. Many sunny days adorn Pyatigorsk both in summer and in winter: a versatile resort with an abundance of attractions is available for tourism all year round.

Lermontov Gallery of the State Philharmonic of the CMS.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk:

by electric train from the railway station in Mineralnye Vody, 40 minutes on the way, 70 rubles;

by bus from the railway or bus station of Mineralnye Vody, the cost is about 50 rubles;

taxi from the station, it is better not to contact private traders and find fellow travelers.

Pyatigorsk medical

Fifty sources of Pyatigorsk are at our service: these are thermal, subthermal waters, bitter laxative springs - Batalinsky waters, warm and cold narzan. It is after drinking it inside that health path is supposed to be taken - a walk along any of the six scenic routes, allowing you to properly assimilate healthy drinks and admire the views.

Inexpensive sanatoriums located in Pyatigorsk are listed below with prices for accommodation (per day) and a description of the profile direction:

  • "Pyatigorye" (from 1300 rubles per person. Specialization: endocrine system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system);
  • "them. Lermontov” (from 1200 rubles per person. Specialization: thyroid diseases, rehabilitation after injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
  • "Forest Glade" (from 1650 rubles per person. Specialization: rehabilitation therapy).

Pyatigorsk cultural

A visit to the city, where several centuries ago cutesy ladies sheltered from the sun with lace umbrellas while walking their dogs, leaves a feeling of touching the fragile flow of times. In Pyatigorsk, everything is mixed up: here is the place of Lermontov's last duel at the foot of Mashuk, and here is Diana's mysterious grotto; here is an elegant pastry shop from the early 19th century, and here is an amusement park with attractions.

There are more than fifty significant and diverse sights in Pyatigorsk, but the most famous of them are:

  • Place of Lermontov's duel;
  • Pyatigorsk Proval;
  • Lake Tambukan;
  • Mashuk observation deck.

You can stay in Pyatigorsk inexpensively and without a goal to undergo treatment from 800 rubles. per day in hotels:

  • "Mask";
  • "South";
  • "Nautilus".

Recommendation: remember that the price of accommodation in sanatoriums includes good nutrition and many medical procedures. Eating on your own at Mineralnye Vody is an abundance of Caucasian cuisine at a price of 500-700 rubles. per day per person.


This is the northernmost resort of Mineralnye Vody, where beech, hornbeam, coniferous forests create a unique air that is useful for vacationers with respiratory diseases. The climate here is a little fresher than anywhere else: in summer up to 22 degrees, in winter up to -10 degrees. Sunny days are punctuated by foggy evenings.

Among the mountains surrounding Zheleznovodsk, Mount Zheleznaya stands out, which gave the city its name. This is the most beautiful laccolith mountain, that is, a mountain that was going to become a volcano and did not become one. At its foot there are springs of warm and cold mineral water, which has a rusty color.

Among them there are those that have completed their existence - only closed pump rooms remain.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Zheleznovodsk:

by electric train from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody to the Beshtau stop, cost 40 rubles, 25 minutes on the way. Further from the station by minibus to Zheleznovodsk (10 minutes);

by bus number 107 from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody. Price 40 rubles.

Medical Zheleznovodsk

The main specialization of the resort is the treatment of respiratory diseases, gynecological problems and diseases of the digestive tract.

Mud therapy is widespread, successfully relieving allergy sufferers from skin problems that torment them. Girls and women with the help of mud wraps and baths restore and preserve the beauty of the skin.

Sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk, where you can inexpensively and effectively put your health in order:

  • "Elbrus" (from 1500 rubles per person per day. Specialization: gynecology, genitourinary system, respiratory organs);
  • Sanatorium of the 30th anniversary of the Victory (from 2000 rubles per day. Specialization: urology and digestive system);
  • "Plaza" from 3000 rubles. for 2 people per day. Specialization: cardiovascular system, nervous system).

Zheleznovodsk cultural

In addition to the search for Pushkin's flavor, here you can plunge into the distant history of mankind: there is an excellent museum of local lore, a cave of a primitive man and a grotto of permafrost are demonstrated.

For lovers of views, a beautiful Resort Lake and a trip through the mountains surrounding Zheleznovodsk will be a pleasant find.

The main attraction is called the fabulously luxurious palace of the Emir of Bukhara. Stunning artsy and graceful oriental style.

Lake Tambukan.

In addition to these places, in Zheleznovodsk tourists go to:

  • Cascading staircase;
  • Pushkin gallery;
  • Lermontov source.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to stay close to attractions. Economically (from 500 rubles per day per person) you can stay in mini-hotels and hotels:

  • "Pearl of the Caucasus";
  • Hotel "Sport MUP";
  • "City of Sun".

Recommendation: if the task of saving on housing is serious, then stay at the Allianz boarding house (rooms cost from 450 rubles per day). A clean, but very limited boarding house will cost even less if you buy a course of treatment.


The building of the main narzan baths on Kurortny Boulevard.

A low-mountain resort with a pleasant climate, protecting from extreme heat in summer and frost in winter. There is almost no fog here, strong wind too - the city is protected by mountains.

Dry fresh air intoxicates residents of large cities accustomed to smog, and the beauties of nature can also turn their heads!

The abundance of parks, lush flowering, fountains, wonderful alleys and romantic corners makes staying in Kislovodsk a fantastic experience for many years to come.

There is a train from Moscow to Kislovodsk - the journey takes 25 and 31 hours, the cost is 2500 and 1700 rubles, respectively, also from St. Petersburg - the journey takes 45 hours. The cost is from 2400 rubles.

How to get to Kislovodsk from Mineralnye Vody:

  • by electric train from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody, 1.5 hours on the way. The cost is 160 rubles;
  • by bus from the bus station of Mineralnye Vody. The cost is about 130 rubles;
  • taxi from the station, it is better not to contact private traders and find fellow travelers.

Kislovodsk medical

Seven mineral springs in Kislovodsk successfully fight against heart diseases, eye diseases, asthma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

By the way, in order to cure diseases in Kislovodsk, many routes for medical-resort walking have been opened. People are healed not through suffering and tension, but through pleasant and memorable walks along the decorated paths.

Inexpensive sanatoriums with rich treatment experience:

  • Sanatorium Dimitrova (from 1000 rubles per person. Specialization: respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system);
  • "Moscow" (from 1300 rubles per person. Specialization: the same);
  • "Jinal" (from 1400 rubles per day. Specialization: digestive organs).

Kislovodsk cultural

Resort park "Valley of Roses".

A green and spacious resort park, a resort boulevard reminiscent of blooming Italy, the Valley of Roses is the largest rose garden in the Caucasus.

Beautiful landscapes, lots of greenery, bright colors, intoxicating aromas - walks in Kislovodsk are limited to more than just that.

Places that a tourist seeks to get to in Kislovodsk:

  • Ring-mountain;
  • Colonnade;
  • Bridge "Lady's whim";
  • Demon statue.

Settle in an inexpensive hotel or hotel from 800 rubles. per day and immerse yourself in the seemingly magical world of a flourishing city:

  • "Krasnaya Polyana";
  • "Live simply";
  • "Olympus".

Recommendation: use public transport services. Taxi drivers raise prices up to 1,000 rubles for a five-kilometer trip. Distances in Kislovodsk are modest, a bus ride will not bring any inconvenience.

Have a healing holiday!

Caucasus. How much of this word! Majestic mountains, healing waters, colorful nature and such friendly people.

Having visited the Caucasus once, you forever leave a piece of your soul there.

My love for the Caucasus began as a light holiday romance, but grew into a real quivering feeling.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (or KMV for short) is the name of an area in the Stavropol Territory, which includes cities such as Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk.


The nearest airport to KMV is located in Mineralnye Vody.

Despite its name, Mineralnye Vody does not have its own sources of mineral water, so vacationers do not stay long in the city.

There are several ways to get to the Resort Towns from the airport. But first you need to take a taxi or a fixed-route taxi No. 10 or No. 11 to get to the railway station of Mineralnye Vody.

THE CITIES OF ESSENTUKI, PYATIGORSK, KISLOVODSK can be reached by train. This is a very convenient mode of transport for KMS, because. the route is laid through large resort towns. There are enough seats in the carriages, the fare is not expensive, and the trains run frequently.

The city of ZHELEZNOVODSK train passes by. Can be reached by train to Beshtau station and then by taxi (about 100 rubles) to get to Zheleznovodsk. Or take a train to Pyatigorsk and then transfer to a fixed-route taxi No. 213.

You can use the services of fixed-route taxis.

From the Aeroport stop, route No. 11 to the Oktyabr Cinema stop (Mineralnye Vody), where you need to transfer to minibus No. 107 (to the stop of the Zheleznovodsk railway station)

From the railway station, go to the stop House of Trade, take route No. 133, get to the stop 11 km, where transfer to minibus No. 107 (to the stop Zheleznovodsk railway station)

From the Airport, get to the railway station of Mineralnye Vody (buses No. 10,11), take the train to the station of Pyatigorsk and then take the minibus No. 213 to the railway station of Zheleznovodsk.

The most convenient way to get to Zheleznovodsk is by taxi. For example, in the airport building there is a reception of several taxi companies that will deliver you directly to the doors of the sanatorium for 200-300 rubles. At the same time, you will be given a business card with an individual number, which will give you a discount on the return trip.


Each city of the Caucasian mineral waters is unique, has its own spirit, atmosphere, climate. Yes, yes, the climate in the cities is completely different.

I propose to make a mini-tour of each of the cities.

************************* ZHELEZNOVODSK ************************** *

The city, which is called Caucasian Switzerland. And this name is quite justified. Zheleznovodsk has a unique nature: mountains immersed in the greenery of trees, the scents of herbs and flowers hover in the air, the songs of birds are heard.

The city is divided into two parts: a residential town and a resort part. The residential town is located on a flatter area, consists of multi-storey buildings and the private sector. There are shops, a city park (though abandoned), a market, a mineral pump-room "Western" (near the sanatorium "Dubrava").

The resort part is located in a mountainous and mountainous area. Some of the sanatoriums are located directly on Mount Zheleznaya.

In the Kurortny part of Zheleznovodsk there are three open sources of mineral water, which are available to every vacationer who wants to drink water.

Sources Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky and Lermontovsky.

In the Kurortnaya part there is a medical park located on the Zheleznaya mountain (853 m above sea level) and several health paths (along the Zheleznaya mountain, near the Razvalka mountain).

Zheleznovodsk, despite the fact that it is the smallest resort city of the KMV, is rich in sanatoriums (of various comfort and sizes).

Sanatoriums are multidisciplinary, but the main profile is diseases of the digestive tract and the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for treatment in Zheleznovodsk:

diseases of the digestive system:
Reflux esophagitis. Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestine in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric ulcer and 12-humus intestine). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Cholelithiasis without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs

Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and insulin-independent), its complications are polyneuropathy and angiopathy. Alimentary obesity

Chronic pyelonephritis in remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after the acute process was stopped). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (nontuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic orepididemitis (nontuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during remission, not earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpation-determined signs of infiltration, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, and the number of leukocytes. Pelvic peritoxic adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction, as a result of the transferred inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes, due to an inflammatory process with depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or insufficiency of both phases of the cycle.

Cons of Zheleznovodsk:

Transport remoteness from other CMS cities. The easiest way is to take a minibus to Pyatigorsk, and then to other cities.

It is extremely difficult to take a minibus to Essentuki (rarely runs, seats are allocated even before the minibus arrives at the stop).

Poor street lighting.

A small number of entertainment places, catering establishments, shops.

Mountainous terrain is not for everyone. Lots of climbs, lots of steps.

Humidity is high in Zheleznovodsk in summer, which causes a lot of mosquitoes and midges.

The climate in the city is unpredictable. For example, in the spring, after the heat, snow may fall, and the next morning it will melt and the twenty-degree heat will come again.

Zheleznovodsk captivated me with its nature, being there, it seems that you got into the illustrations of some good old fairy tale. The resort town is very cozy, but not suitable for people with mobility problems.

The next city is Pyatigorsk, you can get to it from Zheleznovodsk by minibus No. 113 (to the final stop "Upper Market", Pyatigorsk).

From the Upper Market in just 7-10 minutes of a leisurely walk along Krainy Street to the main pedestrian street of Pyatigorsk - Kirov Avenue.

Or at the stop "Railway Station" in Zheleznovodsk, you can take a fixed-route taxi No. 213 and get to the Railway Station in Pyatigorsk, where in 5 minutes you can be at the end Kirov Avenue.

********************* PYATIGORSK ************************** *

The largest city of the Caucasian mineral waters. The resort area is located on the slope of Mount Mashuk, near the well-known, thanks to the movie "12 chairs", Proval.

The waters of Pyatigorsk are quite peculiar and require getting used to.

There are several types of mineral water: Hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric-alkaline waters.

There are 2 drinking galleries, and about a dozen pump rooms.

In the Academic Gallery carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 16 is released.

In the Central Drinking Gallery, in 3 of its pavilions, carbonic water of the Krasnoarmeisky new spring, carbonic acid-hydrogen sulfide water of the Lermontov spring No. 2 and mineral water of the Yessentuki type of springs No. 17 and 30 were removed.

In addition to 2 drinking galleries, the resort has pump rooms:

Lermontovsky- near the sanatorium "Lenin rocks", where carbonic waters are released - well No. 19 (hot narzan) and well No. 35 (Essentuki type No. 4);

pump room source number 7 them. Pavlova And pump room No. 4- warm narzan;

pump-room of spring No. 24- on the territory of the sanatorium "Pyatigorye";

pump room of the Lermontov spring No. 2(Park "Flower Garden");

pump-room of spring No. 20 named after Volodkevich And source number 1(near the sanatorium "Tarkhany");

pump room of the source No. 14 at the Pushkin baths.

Also at the Pyatigorsk resort are used water type Essentuki No. 17 (wells No. 14, 17, 30), Essentuki No. 4 (well No. 35) and carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 20 (source named after Volodkevich).

Indications for treatment in Pyatigorsk:

peripheral vascular disease:
Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, gangrene, including after reconstructive operations on peripheral vessels (6-8 weeks after the operation). Obliterating endarteritis with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities I and II st. during a period of persistent remission. Chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins. Residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months).

diseases of the nervous system:
Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex and radicular syndromes, conditions after removal of a herniated disc, plexitis, polyneuritis, neuritis of the facial, trigeminal nerves, lesions of individual nerves of the extremities, neurofibromyositis without an exacerbation phase. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: autonomic polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoganglionitis at the end of the acute period. Nerve injuries - injuries of roots, plexuses, nerve trunks that do not require surgical intervention. Diseases and consequences of trauma of the central nervous system: residual effects after suffering encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis at the end of the acute period (not earlier than 3 months after the disease). Cerebrovascular diseases: a consequence of cerebrovascular accident in the recovery period after 4-6 months

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, osphoritis 2 months after exacerbation. Chronic metritis, endometritis 4 weeks after exacerbation. Chronic parametritis 4-6 weeks after the end of the acute period. Pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Infiltrate after surgical interventions for diseases of the uterus, tubes, ovaries at the end of the acute period 6-8 weeks after the operation. Incorrect position of the uterus: fixed or subfixed retroflexion, retroversion after an inflammatory process of the female genital organs or due to pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Ovarian dysfunction infantilism or uterine hypoplasia, including in combination with a chronic inflammatory process of the female genital organs. Infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, climacteric syndrome.

diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
Arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin: rheumatoid arthritis in the inactive phase with minimal and moderate activity of the process, infectious polyarthritis of a certain etiology with activity of the process not higher than II degree, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis with activity of the process not higher than II degree without visceritis . Consequences of fractures of the bones of the trunk and limbs with delayed consolidation; chronic synovitis, bursitis of various localizations, tendovaginitis, myositis, fibromyositis, myalgia, epicondylitis, styloiditis; hematogenous osteomyelitis (except for tuberculosis), which does not require surgical intervention. The direction of patients with the listed diseases is possible on condition of independent movement and service.
skin diseases:
Psoriasis in a stationary regressive form. Neurodermatitis - limited and diffuse, chronic stage. Eczema, true and seborrheic in the chronic stage. Scleroderma: plaque limited and widespread, inactive stage, systemic with damage to the musculoskeletal system of the inactive stage in the period between courses of drug therapy. Lichen planus is a limited and common form of the chronic stage.

diseases of the ear, throat, nose:
Chronic pharyngitis (subatrophic, atrophic, hypertrophic without exacerbation (during the summer months). Chronic tonsillitis, uncomplicated, compensated, often aggravated. Chronic laryngitis - subatrophic, atrophic. Chronic hypertrophic, atrophic, subatrophic rhinitis. Chronic sinusitis and condition after surgery of the paranasal sinuses in the absence of complications (not earlier than after 2 months) Chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear and auditory tube in remission stages Otosclerosis, condition after surgery.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis (nontuberculous) in remission with no urethral structure and no residual urine. Chronic non-tuberculous cystitis. Urolithiasis, including complicated by pyelonephritis and cystitis. Chronic pyelonephritis in remission, latent form of pyelonephritis. Secondary pyelonephritis without impaired nitrogen excretion of the kidneys and without severe hypertension. Residual effects of acute pyelonephritis not earlier than 3 months after the relief of the acute process.

other diseases:
Obesity primary, alimentary-constitutional, 1 - III Art. without signs of circulatory decompensation. diathesis; phosphaturic, uraturia, oxaluria with various clinical manifestations. Thyrotoxicosis of primary and secondary origin, mild. Mild hypothyroidism with obesity, dystrophic changes in the joints and spine.

Pyatigorsk has a large number of shops, shopping centers, cinemas, the famous operetta theater, the Lira clothing market (where you can buy high-quality knitwear, shoes, bed linen, curtains, etc.) and a fur market.

Life is in full swing in the city center, there is a pedestrian street where you can enjoy delicious Pyatigorsk ice cream. This is a gathering place for young people. There is always music and often live performance.

It should be noted that there are many educational institutions in Pyatigorsk, a whole student campus, so the city gives the impression of a city of youth.

There are many sights in Pyatigorsk: Lake Proval, the city of Mashuk, where a duel took place in which the poet M.Yu. was killed. Lermontov, there are many Lermontov places here: a house-museum, the Lermontov Gallery, a monument "place of a duel" and many others.

Architecture lovers will find something to do while walking around the central part of Pyatigorsk.

Cons of Pyatigorsk:

  • Big city. Of course, this fact can be perceived as both a positive and a negative aspect for the rest. I, as a resident of a metropolis, still want to be outdoors during recreation, so for me a big city is a minus.
  • The resort area is located on a hill and you have to go down to the city to the mineral pump rooms.
  • A kind of traffic that needs getting used to. For example, in the center a car can be parked right on the roadway, and cars can drive right along the tram lines.
  • It is very hot in Pyatigorsk in summer, but comfortable in spring and winter.

Pyatigorsk is a city of contradictions. Busy and trendy in the center, but the further you go from the central streets, the more you realize that the main part of the city is completely different. In fact, this is a village in the city, because. most of the city consists of private houses with land plots.

The city of youth, students who, having received a diploma, tend to leave their native places due to lack of work. All this leaves an imprint on the city.

I like to come to Pyatigorsk for a day to walk along its streets, enjoy ice cream and plunge into the hustle and bustle.

********************* ESSENTUKI ************************** *

Perhaps this is the most famous resort city of the Caucasian mineral waters, which has found fame for itself thanks to its waters.

It is unlikely that there is at least one resident of the former USSR who has not heard about the "Essentuki four".

The city, thanks to the private sector, looks big enough. For vacationers there is a resort park, near which sanatoriums are located.

But you need to know that there are two resort areas in Essentuki: one is near the resort park itself, ancient mineral water sources and Theater Square.

The other is located behind the Pobeda park and is simply called Victoria by the locals (after the name of the sanatorium of the same name).

The sights of Essentuki include a mud bath, ancient pump rooms of mineral water, churches and monasteries located near the city.

There are shopping centers, boutiques, a concert hall, various cafes and restaurants. Vacationers like to go to the local market to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Essentuki is perhaps the flattest city of the CMS, so it is ideal for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or problems with movement.

Rest in Essentuki is unhurried, vacationers make matsion in the resort park, sit on benches in shady alleys.

The city itself plunges into an atmosphere of relaxation and peace.

But the main advantage of the resort are mineral waters. The city has both old pump rooms and modern ones. For example, near the sanatorium "Victoria" there is a drinking gallery, which is striking in its scope.

Indications for treatment in Essentuki:

Diseases of the digestive system:
Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestine in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric ulcer and 12-humus intestine). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Cholelithiasis without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs.

Alimentary obesity. Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and insulin-independent), its complications are polyneuropathy and angiopathy.

Chronic pyelonephritis in remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after the acute process was stopped). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (nontuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic orepididemitis (nontuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during remission, not earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpation-determined signs of infiltrate, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, and the number of leukocytes. Pelvic peritoxic adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction, as a result of the transferred inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes, due to an inflammatory process with depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or insufficiency of both phases of the cycle.

Chronic nonspecific bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis of toxic and dust etiology in remission, with pulmonary heart failure not more than stage 1-B. Chronic pneumonia in remission without attacks of bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, accompanied by copious sputum, without hemoptysis, with cardiopulmonary insufficiency not higher than stage 1-11. Residual effects after acute pleuropneumonia, dry and exudative pleurisy. Bronchial asthma is atopic and infectious-allergic mild to moderate with rare attacks, without hormone dependence. Chronic asthmatoid bronchitis without pronounced symptoms of pulmonary heart failure, i.e. no more than 1-B stage. Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, initrosis, biryliosis, etc.) with a generally satisfactory condition and pulmonary heart failure of no more than stage 1-B. Bronchiectasis in the stage of persistent remission without abundant purulent sputum, with pulmonary heart failure of not more than stage 1-B, in the absence of amyloidosis of organs and hemoptysis

Diseases of the ENT organs:
Chronic rhinitis (vasomotor). Chronic adenoiditis. Chronic sinusitis. Chronic pharyngitis. Chronic tonsillitis. Chronic laryngitis hypertrophic and atrophic. Chronic catarrhal and purulent otitis media. Chronic eustachitis. Chronic labyrinthitis. Acoustic neuritis

Red acne. Acne vulgaris (spherical, conglobate, necrotic, drug-induced) acne. Psoriasis. Eczema (acute, chronic). Neurodermatitis. Atonic dermatitis in children. Hives. Dermatitis. Mycosis. Lipoid necrobiosis. Erythematosis. Scleroderma focal. Acne-Keloid. Acrodermatitis sclerosus. Anetodermia erythematous Jadasson. Hyperkeratosis. Darya disease. Demodicosis. Duhring's dermatitis. Zayed. Itching. Ichthyosis. Skin candidiasis. Keratoderma of the palms and milking. Red granulation, nose. Paronychia. Perioral dermatitis. Pyoderma. Seborrhea. Sjogrena syndrome. Nodularity is periarticular. Folliculitis (atrophic, occipital region). Varicose leg ulcer

Nervous diseases:
Spondylosis and related conditions. Neurological manifestations and syndromes of osteochondrosis of the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, facial nerve and diseases of the nerve roots and lesions of the vascular system. Diseases of the central nervous system at the end of the acute period (meningo-encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis, diencephalitis). Consequences of transferred neuroinfections in the form of asthenoneurotic and moderate hypertensive syndromes. Consequences of a traumatic brain injury, including traumatic encephalopathy (non-convulsive form). Consequences of an acute cerebrovascular accident. Vascular diseases of the nervous system, including various forms of migraine, Raynaud's disease, endarteritis obliterans, atherosclerotic plexuses (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy), including trigeminal neuralgia, neuritis. Neuroses, neurosis-like states, various neurological syndromes; character accentuations, pathocharacterological personality changes. Psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma), diseases of the digestive tract, obesity, sexual disorders

Cons Essentukov:

  • Limited space for the movement of vacationers. Most of the city is a private sector. For vacationers, a resort area has been allocated, for which, in general, there is no point in going out.
  • There are no mountains in the city, which distinguishes it from other resort towns. But a gorgeous view of Elbrus and from some points of the city on Beshtau opens up.

For me, there is no better water than Essentuki-4. Because of the water, you can close your eyes to the shortcomings of the city, due to the lack of a large number of attractions or space for long walks.

Essentuki have an excellent location relative to their fellow resort towns, stretching between Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk along an iron line.

And finally, from Essentuki we go to the sunniest city of the CMV - Kislovodsk.

We will go on an already proven train. Travel time is about 30 minutes.

********************* KISLOVODSK ************************** *

I repeat that this is the sunniest and most mountainous city of the Caucasian mineral waters.

stands at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters above sea level

The city is surrounded by mountains, so it has a special microclimate. There are a lot of sunny, clear days, while in the city there is no suffocating heat and such humidity as in Zheleznovodsk.

In Kislovodsk, a large man-made park has been laid, they say that even the largest in Europe.

Each tree was planted by hand. But walking through the park, it's hard to believe, because it's even scary to imagine how much time and effort it took to plant such a vast territory.

But we must pay tribute to those who worked on landscaping, the park turned out great.

It is so pleasant to walk along shady thuja alleys, to sit under a majestic pine tree. Admire the Valley of Roses or count the steps from the bridge "Lady's Caprice" to the top of the mountain.

In Kislovodsk there is a huge number of sanatoriums and boarding houses, perhaps a great merit in this, that the city is the birthplace of the water of the narts (heroes) - narzan.

Like Essentuki, Narzans are known to many. In every supermarket you can see a green bottle with this name.

But I think that few people know that there are several types of narzans. They are even divided into groups.

1 group. General narzan.

2 group. Dolmit Narzan.

3rd group. Sulfate narzan

In Kislovodsk, the Narzan Gallery operates, where everyone can taste several types of narzan. Moreover, each narzan has its own healing properties.

Unlike its counterparts, Kislovodsk is famous for treating people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

And thanks to its climate, athletes from all over the country undergo rehabilitation and train here.

Indications for treatment in Kislovodsk:

diseases of the cardiovascular system:
Coronary heart disease, stage I-II hypertension, cardiopathy, rheumatism, inactive phase, condition after prosthetic heart valves (after 3-4 months), condition after aorto-coronary bypass surgery, myocarditis, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, obliterating with impaired circulation, chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins, residual effects due to varicose veins, residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months), post-thrombectomy syndrome.

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, sophoritis, endometritis, parametritis, pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum, ovarian dysfunction, infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, nontuberculous nature, impotence.

respiratory diseases:
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases, bronchial asthma.

diseases of the nervous system:
Cerebrovascular diseases: consequences of cerebrovascular accident (after 4-6). Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: osteochondrosis of the spine with radicular syndrome, condition after removal of a herniated disc, polyneuritis, neuritis. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoganglionitis after the acute period

diseases of the digestive system:
Chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis without an exacerbation phase, duodenal ulcer in remission or fading exacerbation without a tendency to bleeding and penetration, chronic colitis, enterocolitis, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, of various etiologies without a tendency to frequent exacerbations in the remission phase.
diseases of the ear, throat, nose: Chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis

Cons of Kislovodsk:

  • Kislovodsk is a big city, and therefore, the rest is accompanied by noise, car exhausts, crowds of people.
  • Kislovodsk is the most "remote" city of the CMS. The journey to Pyatigorsk takes about an hour by train.

  • Not everyone will like the steep climbs to the Upper Medical Park.

A pleasant resort atmosphere reigns in Kislovodsk. The city is conducive to unhurried walks along the Olkhovka River, with visits to shops and cafes where you can taste the legendary local pastries.

It will also satisfy those who love outdoor activities - there are excellent running tracks in the Upper Park. In addition to running, you can rent a bike or just take a walk to the tops of the mountains.


I advise you to first decide on the profile of treatment. It is from this that the choice of the resort city will largely depend.

I also recommend getting acquainted with the relief of the city. So, for example, Zheleznovodsk is beautiful in its nature, but having difficulties with movement, rest will not bring joy. Once, while relaxing in Zheleznovodsk, I managed to twist my leg and everything became a torment for me: to get to the water in the park (4 km), to get to the medical building in the sanatorium (it’s a few hundred steps), even the distance to the dining room seemed like an endless route. Fortunately, my leg healed quickly and I started running again, but this experience was enough to understand that only physically strong people can rest in Zheleznovodsk.

****************Tricks, INSTRUCTIONS, WISHES***************

Having chosen any of the cities of the Caucasian mineral waters for recreation, do not be lazy and go to the rest. To do this, it is not necessary to buy excursions, it is enough to buy a ticket for an electric train or minibus. The trip will cost 300-400 rubles round trip, but you will definitely know which city is closer to you in spirit, waters, natural conditions.

Download the 2GIS map and walks around the cities will become easier.

Always carry a couple of plastic cups with you so you can taste the waters of the places you visit. It should be remembered that water is a medicine and you need to drink it carefully. If you are concerned, it is best to consult your doctor.

Be sure to bring comfortable shoes. Even if you choose passive rest, you still have to walk to the pump rooms.

Mineral water has side effects. So, Essentuki cause swelling and many in the morning cannot fit into shoes. And the waters of Zheleznovodsk have a diuretic effect.


To visit the Lira market, you need to allocate half a day, and preferably the first half of the day.

Market hours:

May - September: 5:00 - 17:00

October - April: 6:00 - 16:00

3rd Wednesday - sanitary day!

Be sure to take a notepad to the market or take notes on your phone. In which row and what did you see, because it is very easy to get confused in the rows.

The market has its own website where you can download the map of the market.

You can get to the market by public transport:

From Zheleznovodsk there are direct fixed-route taxis No. 134, 115

From Pyatigorsk from the Upper Market by shuttle bus No. 21A and No. 11

*************************WHAT TO BRING WITH CMS?*************************

Traditionally, gifts are brought from the Caucasus spices, herbal teas.

But it is better to bring teas from excursions (Dombay, Elbrus).

They are brought from the Caucasus and knitted things.

There are two good departments in Zheleznovodsk: near the mud bath at the entrance to the Medical Park, and on Lermontov Street (near the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara).

In Essentuki near the new pump room.

In Kislovodsk, near Prospekt Mira, a spontaneous market is being organized.

In the market "Lira" you can buy high-quality knitwear.

You can also bring a good fur coat from your vacation, which will be two to three times cheaper than in stores in Russia. To do this, you can go to the fur (fur coat) market or go shopping or go to the factories, where free tours are organized.

You can also bring wine, knives, honey, paintings and traditional magnets.


Friends often ask me, knowing my love for CMS: what city is the best?

And I usually answer:

“Now, if there was an electric train in Zheleznovodsk, and the city was located on the site of Kislovodsk, with the same number of sunny days, while the Essentuki Four flowed in it, and there was a broadway, like in Pyatigorsk, where you can listen to local musicians and enjoy ice cream .This city would be the very best city of the CMS."

Each resort city is unique, we will not repeat. Has its advantages and disadvantages.

All the disadvantages described by me, of course, are subjective. Whatever city you find yourself in, it deserves to be called a mineral resort.

Economic problems dictate their terms. When the euro got close to 80 rubles, planning a winter vacation in Europe or abroad in general becomes very, very problematic. Therefore, we open a map of Russia and a guide to flight prices ... That's how prosaically the idea to go to the Caucasus was born. Here the weather seems to be not bad in January, and the nature is wonderful and the prices are reasonable. It was decided to develop the southern borders of the Motherland from the most, perhaps, “promoted” places - the Caucasian Mineral Waters (KMV).

The place for spending the winter holidays seemed very promising. There are springs and mountains and nature. At this point, it is appropriate to give a little background on the geographical data and terms used. Well, so there is no confusion. There is a city of Mineralnye Vody. It is the administrative center of the Mineralovodsky urban district of the Stavropol Territory. There is an airport of the same name and a railway station. Important: there is no mineral water here (otherwise you will come to Mineralnye Vody to drink mineral water). That is, there are no sources, despite the name (why - I will tell below). We look at the map again and see that there are still Caucasian mineral waters. This is not a city, not a village, and not a settlement at all. This is the name of a group of resorts, a specially protected eco-resort region-agglomeration of Russia, which has a coordinating administration (eco wrapped). To put it simply: this is the name of the cities that are resorts. The direct state administration of this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the governor of the Stavropol Territory. That is, we are talking about a special region in the region (I don’t know why you need these details, but you need to know).

History of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Tsarist times

For the first time, healing springs in this region were discovered under Peter I, who sent scientists to study the properties of “acidic waters”, but this place officially became a resort under Alexander I, when the Emperor signed the Rescript of 1803 “On the recognition of the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the need their devices. Prior to this, the healing properties of mineral waters were studied for a long time by a special commission, which eventually came to the conclusion that they were exceptionally useful for the body. Somewhat later, Tambukan mud, mined in the lake of the same name, was recognized as curative. However, at first the resort was not very popular. In the first years after the signing of the already mentioned Rescript, the resort was visited by as many as several dozen people. The plan for the development and development of the CMW also did not really exist. From 1844 to 1857, the KavMinVody was managed exclusively by military people, and since 1862, management was transferred to private tenants. But this event did not bring much success (the military also, admittedly, failed to cope) and in 1879 the “Administrative project for the organization of the Waters” was approved, approved by the State Council in 1883 and adopted under the title “On the temporary procedure for managing Caucasian mineral waters” (PSZ- 3, vol. 3, No. 1896), according to which they were transferred from a private tenant to the Ministry of State Property. In general, the history of the resort is not simple, and its development was hampered by remoteness from Moscow and St. Petersburg (the road took one and a half to two months on horse-drawn carriages) and the turbulent situation in the Caucasus. After such a long and unsafe journey, the entire effect of the treatment could come to naught or there was simply no one to treat.

In 1875, the Vladikavkaz railway passed near the region, and the Sultanovskaya station was built, almost immediately renamed Mineralnye Vody: the road to the resorts began from it, and in 1893 the railway went to Kislovodsk. This circumstance definitely breathed life into the region. The settlement at the Mineralnye Vody station began to grow and was named Illarionovsky, and in 1922 the settlement became the city of Mineralnye Vody.

Among the “stars” of the already Soviet period, CMS were also popular. Chaliapin, Gorky, Bulgakov rested and worked here.

The Soviet (especially the post-war period) greatly changed the appearance of resort towns. In place of or in addition to low-rise buildings of various architectural styles, standard multi-storey boxes came, which were built up in all the resorts of the USSR - from Druskininkai to the Urals.

And this, in general, is not at all a reproach to the then architects. Numerous working class needed places to rest. A voucher to a sanatorium was an encouragement from an enterprise that was valued more than a monetary reward.

Only very wealthy people and celebrities (for example, Pushkin and Lermontov) could afford to visit the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in the 19th - early 20th centuries. The commoners simply did not have enough funds for such a long journey. True, during the First World War, hospitals were often used for the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers, sailors and officers.

During the years of Soviet power, the region acquired the significance of an all-Union health resort, but not everyone could get here for treatment. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment was supposed only by referral. CMS cities abounded with departmental sanatoriums, boarding houses and health resorts for workers from a particular industrial enterprise, department or ministry.

By the way, you can relax and heal in the “Krugozor” even today:

Consequently, the buildings of boarding houses, sanatoriums and related infrastructure had to be built quickly, inexpensively, and be spacious. Aesthetics - for later. The architectural appearance of each city was invariably supplemented by a monument to the leader of the world proletariat (where would it be without him).

Our times

As it is customary to say in such cases, today the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort is modern ... Perhaps we will formulate it differently: today CMS is gaining popularity again - people come here not only “by direction” or “from the department” or for medical reasons, but also for tourist purposes: "savages" and just curious and disorganized travelers. Although there is something, but there are ... a lot of departments here. Some have a sanatorium in every city. You walk down the street in Essentuki, and the signs seem to be in the center of Moscow: ministries, apparatuses, services, offices, etc. Everything is like in the capital, only with the prefix “Sanatorium”. You involuntarily sympathize with the poor health of our officials. The work is hard, wear and tear. So you have to restore nerves in narzan baths. In the Soviet period, in Kislovodsk, for example, there was a sanatorium "Kolkhoznik" (now the name was encrypted and called "Golden Ear"), but the sanatorium "farmer" or, say, "tired entrepreneur" cannot be found. They do not get sick now, unlike the employees of ministries. But today's CMS and each city separately will be discussed in the following articles.

How to get to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

By plane

Now everything is easier and faster than in the time of Lermontov, two months on the road is not required, a couple of hours by plane is enough, a little less than a day by bus or car, or 33 hours by train. Everyone makes a choice.

The price of the flight is quite humane even in the season. Conclusions can be drawn from the table:

By clicking on the inverted triangle in the upper right corner, you can find out the cost of a flight from your city.

By train

If for some reason the plane does not fit (aerophobia, for example) or you just want to take a nap under the sound of wheels, you can also get there by train. The advantage is that trains run to Essentuki and Kislovodsk, that is, the savings on taxis from Mineralnye Vody are quite obvious. You can check ticket prices and timetables here:

By bus

Buses run from Moscow to all cities of the resort. Travel time: 27-29 hours, ticket prices from 2,300 rubles per passenger one way.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody airport to Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk

Minibuses run from the airport to each of the cities of KMV. You can also get by minibus or taxi to the Mineralnye Vody railway station and then by train to the desired location. But these options can take a long time. We used a taxi, having booked it in advance. Economy class car Ordering an airport transfer is actually easier and, in the end, cheaper than looking for a taxi on the spot. You can see the prices for a transfer from the Mineralnye Vody to Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk. It is also more convenient to travel within cities by taxi, the prices are quite reasonable - the average price of a trip is 100 rubles. (we only got more once).

An electric train runs between cities, it is quite comfortable, the fare is 50-70 rubles one way, tickets can be bought either at the box office or from the conductor on the train, there are also vending machines, but they did not work on our arrival. The schedule can be viewed on the Yandex service, Schedule.

Where to stay in KMV

It’s not as easy to answer this question as it seems, because this answer directly depends on the main purpose of the trip - to be treated or entertained (it’s a medical resort). If you are going to be treated, then before choosing a city, decide what you are going to treat or what to be treated for. You can't go wrong here, as a famous character used to say. It is appropriate, of course, to send the reader to the doctor, as required by law - “consult with a specialist”, but I think I still have the right to ask a certain direction. In general, if your stomach and intestines are haunted, you are in Essentuki. Sprinkled with healing water from all points of view. If your nerves are naughty and your heart is beating too fast (we dismiss the symptoms of falling in love - they don’t treat it here) - welcome to Kislovodsk, the kidneys fall off - welcome to Zheleznovodsk. Everyone is welcome here! Of course, treatment should be approached wisely: over the weekend, the ulcer will not heal even if you do not move away from the source, renal colic will not go away from a couple of procedures. And mud therapy with a health path is useless if your stay is less than 21 days. If the period of stay is less than 10 days, then you should forget about treatment in principle. You are just a tourist and you should choose a destination city not on the basis of “what hurts”, but based on their comfort, cost of living and other things that accompanies a regular vacation. This does not mean at all that your health will not get better - walks in the freshest and most healing air have never harmed anyone, sound sleep in silence, Caucasian cuisine, wine and good mood will heal your nerves in a couple of days. So in CMS, treatment is attached in any case. So, what does the resort offer in terms of accommodation. We return again to the goal: if everything is for real: procedures, diet, recovery, lights out, then you are in a sanatorium. There are many of them. There are modern and expensive ones, there are pre-revolutionary ones, there are ministerial ones (in the latter, the tariff is double: accommodation + taxes you have already paid). But the sanatorium is not suitable for everyone: breakfast until 9 am, lights out at 11. In general, a hospital with a light regimen. Such a rest or really honey. indications or for the very disciplined. For everyone else, there is a rather large selection of hotels and a rapidly growing private sector. If you choose a city for spending weekends, holidays, vacations (without fanatical treatment), then the best option is Kislovodsk. Why? On average, the number of clear days per year in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. Argument? What more. The largest resort park - 950 hectares. For comparison, in Zheleznovodsk - 203, in Essentuki - 51. This is also a reason, since walking in the KMV is something that can be consumed with guaranteed health benefits, in any quantity and without a doctor's prescription. But if you could not find a suitable option in Kislovodsk, feel free to look in Essentuki. To Kislovodsk 20 minutes by train, the same to Pyatigorsk and the most consistent mineral water. My favorite is #17. There is nothing special to say about Zheleznovodsk (we simply were not here) except that it is the most difficult city to reach in terms of public transport. There is no station here and you need to take a taxi or minibus (although quite a bit - about 5 km) to the city from the Beshtau platform (this is between Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody).

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