Home Permission Under the Yamantau mountain to the underground complex. Mount Yamantau: underground city

Under the Yamantau mountain to the underground complex. Mount Yamantau: underground city

Route: Bridge over the river Narka - Yamantau - Bridge over the river Narka

Participants: Andrey REW

The idea to visit B. Yamantau appeared almost two years ago, and only recently did it come true. I studied maps, routes and reviews of those who visited in advance, prepared points for GPS ... As a result, when there were several days of my two-week vacation left, I quickly got together within half a day and ...

1. The main goal is to visit B. Yamantau.

2. The composition of the group - I'm alone :-)

3. Equipment - a light tent, maps (kilometers), GPS with the main points laid down, a headlamp, an Ermak backpack with a machine tool, and of course, food, clothes, matches, a first-aid kit ...

4. Difficulties - do not get caught by two-legged animals :-), the cellular does not catch there (at least MTS and BASHCEL).

05/31/2007 by bus at 9:00 from the southern bus station of Ufa I go to the turn to Mezhgorye, where I get off at about 14:00. Then I go straight along the highway, stop a passing nine, a friendly driver willingly drove me to the bridge over the river (before reaching the mountain 1171.9 m "Karatash" or "Medvezhka" as the driver called it). This is about 3 km before the checkpoint, then there is a risk of getting caught by the military.

From the highway to the east, bypassing the mountain, first along the country road, then on the map and navigator about 1 km north of the Satra tract (mowing). Then to the northeast to the pass between the "bear" (1171.9 m) and the peak of 1052 m, I cross the power transmission line - high voltage. Further, almost straight in the direction of the saddle between Bol. And Mal. Yamantau along the northwestern slope of the massif on which the "Bykovskiye glades" (mowing) are located. Along the way, I climb one of the peaks - a rock a little more than 1000m high (out of sporting interest :-)). As a result, on May 31, at about 22:00, I was in one of the clearings about 2.5 km from the summit of B. Yamantau and about the same distance from the pass between the peaks, the height was a little over 900m.

I don’t have the strength to go further, I put up a tent, I lie down a bit, I have dinner with dry rations (it’s not safe to make a fire and I don’t have the strength already). It was very hot during the day! Fortunately, there were constantly streams, springs, rivers with the purest cold water, the quality of which was beyond doubt :-). It was cold at night, I had to put on everything and additionally cover myself with a film :-) - it turned out to be bearable.

In the morning I woke up at 6:00, had breakfast (dry ration), once again I checked the map and decided to go light, I left the tent and the “excess”. Almost immediately, stone screes (kurums) begin and we had to make our way along the stones almost all the way. There was still snow on the slopes in many places. I reached the top around 9:00. It is cold, the wind is almost blowing away, the peak is in clouds - visibility is no more than 20 ... 30 meters.

I stayed for about half an hour, looked at the inscriptions on the stone of past visitors, examined the remains of the helipad and the waste of the military, a couple of craters from explosions with small lakes of clean water, took a picture, put the camera on a tripod, took it off myself (for history :-)) and got ready to go back .

At about 11:00 I was near the tent, lunch (also dry rations) for half an hour of rest and going back. I decide to go back south through the Bykovskiye Polyany by a country road - it turned out to be much easier to go. In the middle of the meadows, I found an empty hut with and other summer buildings with remnants of military activities (abandoned boots, 2-tier bunks, inscriptions in the spirit of DMB ...). After the clearing, the country road “went” in an unnecessary direction and before the “bear” I again follow the navigator and the map, checking with the memorized points and the track.

By evening, the weather changed dramatically, first a thunderstorm and a downpour, then just continuous rain. By 21:00 on June 1, 2007, I went back to the highway (the bridge is the beginning of the route), completely wet, changed into relatively dry clothes, went out onto the road and went back to the Beloretskaya highway. Almost immediately, the Muscovite slowed down and at 22:00 was already at the bus stop at the turn to Mezhgorye (lucky again, friendly driver :-)). After about 40 minutes (lucky again) the Kamaz stopped, and drove to Ufa, then by taxi and on June 2, 2007, at about 3:00 am, I was at home!

5. Results - the main goal was achieved + a lot of impressions that will last for a long time, the total path from the track to the track on foot was about 60 km, the duration was within 34 hours (not counting the time on the bus and rides).

6. Shortcomings - now I know how to get through easier and easier (not much, but still).

7. Negative consequences - I found out at home that I came with a tick (I drink Jodantipyrin, while everything is OK), and powerful calluses on my feet (shoes turned out to be not the best for this.

P.S. I'm already thinking where else to go :-) ? and one more thing - I didn’t see bears, although everyone I talked to about this topic scared them!

Track overlaid on the map:

North of the Bashkir city ​​of Beloretsk there is a mountain shrouded in secrets, intrigues and conspiracies - Mount Yamantau. It with amaya high mountain Southern Urals, 1640 meters, closed to the public. At one time, many fascinating, but not always believable stories were told about her. But first things first.

Perhaps it is worth starting with a story about the origin of the name of the mountain. Why? It is this information that gives the most vivid idea of ​​the elevation.

So, from the Bashkir language "Yaman" is translated as "bad" / "bad", "Tau" - mountain. There are a lot of explanations for this name - choose any. The first version says that the surroundings of the mountain are teeming with bears, which have delivered and continue to cause a lot of trouble for local residents and casual tourists. The next assumption is that the steep and difficult-to-pass slopes covered with kurumnik rivers did not allow safe grazing of cattle. An equally plausible version is severe weather factors, including thick fogs in which you can wander for hours; snow caps that do not disappear until August; difficult to pass taiga and swampy terrain, sudden changes in weather.

It is reasonable to assume that the mountain received such a name for the combination of all these factors. Dangerous wild animals, taiga, swampy terrain, inconstancy of climate, placers of sharp boulders, in a word, - Yamantau.

Author of the photo: Oleg Chegodaev

The mountain is located on the territory South Ural Nature Reserve Beloretsk region. The mountain, as if having foreseen its history, tried to isolate itself from the outside world as much as possible - it protects it from the west, from the north - ridge Mashak, on the east side - , and the south is under supervision Ridges Belyatur And Yusha. For greater reliability Yamantau surround small river And Big Inzer, originating on the western and eastern side (respectively) from the slopes of the highest point.

Author of the photo: Oleg Chegodaev

Not far from the mountain, on the south side is a closed city ​​of Mezhhirya. The city received the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity during the secret construction that began here in the 1980s. The population of the city is not much more than 15,800 people.

Photo by: trip_maria

Having collected all the facts in one heap, it becomes clear that the campaign Mount Yamantau- it's not a simple matter. However, the law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" (which is Yamantau) makes it almost impossible, especially for the average tourist. Practically - because they are still on Ural craftsmen who manage to slip into the territory of the reserve, bypassing the rangers and the military. However, not everyone manages to go back unnoticed.

Myths and legends of Yamantau

Secret base

For a long time now Mount Yamantau draws the attention of all Russia and abroad. Everyone - from a blogger to a journalist, from a schoolboy to a local historian - is trying to come up with the most plausible theory about a "secret construction" on Mount Yamantau.

In the 1960s, professionals from various fields began to flock to this area - geologists, designers, builders. Then, Yamantau and gained fame as a mountain on which a super-secret military facility is being built.

Author of the photo: Oleg Chegodaev

“The hype around the mountain was raised by the Americans in 1996, as they were indignant at the conduct of large-scale military construction there. Let me remind you that at that time Russia, like Ukraine now, was eating up one IMF loan after another, having no money to pay salaries to doctors and teachers. The explanation for this paradox is simple - it is very expensive to maintain mothballed underground construction sites in a non-emergency state. It is necessary to constantly spend money on drainage, ventilation, and monitoring of workings. For example, two hundred million rubles annually are required to maintain a mothballed underground automobile tunnel in neighboring Ufa, which is only 300 meters long. By the way, the construction of the tunnel was carried out by the same Construction Department No. 30 from Mezhgorye. The country could not afford either to abandon the huge project in which the Soviet Union had invested hundreds of millions of people's rubles, or to continue to waste them, having no return in terms of strategic security. (Vadim Kharichkov, local historian, video blogger)

After the collapse Soviet Union, the building was mothballed. However, by the end of the 1990s. here work began to boil again, the result of which was a concrete plant and a mining and processing plant. It is assumed that these objects are not the only ones and not even paramount - supposedly, these structures are interconnected by passages, equipped with autonomous water and power supply systems, communication lines, metro.

Against this background, the most popular legend is that there is a secret bunker inside the mountain. V.V. Putin, where in the case of some catastrophes The president can hide and live for a while. This theory was initiated by journalists who reported that in the early 2000s V.V. Putin loved to come ski resort hinting at the immediate proximity of the resort and Yamantau mountains.

Photo by: trip_maria

Close to this theory, the second legend, which says that this is not a bunker V.V. Putin, and the future residence for the country's leadership and a command post in case of a nuclear war. It is also believed that all the country's minerals, money supply, etc. will be transported here.

There are more diverse options: for example, that state reserves are stored in the mines, and maybe rocket launchers. There is also an assumption that uranium ore is being mined in the depths of the mountain. Another version says that under the Yamantau mountain there is a military warehouse.

Be that as it may, it is not possible to confirm any of these versions at the moment. And to believe in them or not is a personal matter for everyone.

"Mountain of the Lord of the Underworld"

The Bashkir people have a legend that tells about brothers-heroes. Shulgan takes the position of a negative hero - the ruler of the underworld. According to legend, the ruler of the world of the dead Shulgan became when he entered the cave of the mountain Yamantau is a portal to another world. Having moved to the other world, the hero survived, and later became the lord of the underworld.

Also, the legend says that having settled in his kingdom, Shulgan returned to his native settlement and took all its inhabitants to the world of the dead.

How to get there?

ATTENTION! Mount Yamantau is the center of the Yuzhnouralsky State Reserve, and climbing it is prohibited.

And the Republic of Bashkortostan in particular, its height is a little more than 1640 m.

View of the western slope of Yamantau from the Nara ridge

origin of name

In a literal translation from the Bashkir "Yaman" - bad (evil / bad), "Tau" - mountain. There are quite a few options for why the mountain is called that. According to one version, a large number of bears live around the mountain, which, in turn, caused a lot of problems for the locals. This is true: the area is littered with footprints, droppings, and the mountain clearings are pretty trampled. According to another version, because of the steep slopes of the mountain with a lot of kurumnik and swamps, which did not allow cattle to graze, which led to the appearance of such a name.

But in my opinion, the mountain got its name because of a combination of factors. This is a large number of wild animals, and a complex slope, and a rather closed location of the mountain - it is like a traitor in the center of a round dance, and it is difficult to pass taiga around, and snow that does not melt until August on the northern side of the mountain, and rapidly changing weather ...

Description of the location of Mount Yamantau

Yamantau is located on the territory of the South Ural Reserve in the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Entering its territory is officially quite problematic. But even if everything goes well, then there are very few options for routes - like types of sausage during perestroika, that is, there are very few, and you will not find Yamantau on that list.

To the west of the mountain is the Nara ridge, from the north - the Mashak ridge, in the east - the Kumardak ridge and from the south side the Belyatur and Yusha ridges. Mount Yamantau itself is comfortably located in the center between these ridges, for reliability it is also protected from the outside world by the Bolshoi and Maly Inzer rivers, originating on the eastern and western sides, respectively, from the slopes of the highest point of the Southern Urals.

To the south of the mountain is the city - ZATO Mezhgorye, which is a closed city. This city became closed due to a large secret construction that began in the 80s of the XX century.

And if we add up all the above facts, putting the latter at the head, we conclude that Mount Yamantau is closed for visiting ordinary tourists-Uralologists.

Mount Yamantau

Mount Yamantau is a mountain with two peaks - Big Yamantau (1640.4 m) and Small Yamantau (1512.7 m). Both peaks are plateaus, each of which has a significant area and flat relief.

Up to a mark of 1000 - 1100 m from sea level, the slopes of the mountain are covered with mixed forest, places with windbreak, places with alpine meadows and rocky outcrops. Above 1100 m, the slopes consist of various-sized kurumnik, diluted with grass with flowers and moss, trees and bushes in any of their manifestations are absent.

Yamantau city. Hillside.

At the top you can find several springs with small lakes around them, but these are not all the finds and interesting things that you can contemplate on the top of the mountain. A lot of human waste products are scattered on the upper plateau - scrap metal, scaffolding, remnants of a water pipe, a couple of small concrete foundations, a concrete helipad, wires and other construction rubbish, which on the one hand add charm to this place, and on the other hand leave light contemplation of the beautiful. bitter residue.

Yamantau city. Peak.

Where did the rubbish come from on the top of Yamantau and what is so secret going on at this point in the Urals?

There are a lot of versions on the Internet about this. Personally, I counted a dozen versions of what is in / under this mountain, and each next version is even more amazing than the previous one: from a large military warehouse to a government bunker with a nuclear missile control center. Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question in our article, but there is no doubt that in the 1990s and 2000s serious construction activities were carried out in / on / near / near Yamantau.

How to get and visit Mount Yamantau?

Yamantau is located 230 km in a straight line southeast of the city of Ufa and 50 km northwest of Beloretsk. You can get there by road to ZATO Mezhhirya, but you need to have a special permit - a pass. And even if you get into the city, it will be possible to leave its territory only along the road along which you arrived. The other way is out of the question, because the area is patrolled by both local rangers and the military, who are well trained to catch those who should not be there in the local forests.

Yamantau city. Peak.

But do not be upset! There are several wonderful and beautiful places from which you can contemplate Yamantau, for example, the Karatash ridge (better known as the town of Aigir, after the name of the railway station in the Beloretsky district, near the village of Inzer), which can be reached by a regular train from Beloretsk or from Ufa.

GPS coordinates of the summit of Mount Yamantau: 54.254478 N 58.104016 E.

For 30 years, under the highest mountain range of the Southern Urals in Mount Yamantau, a grandiose construction of an underground city has been going on and to this day remains classified as “top secret”.

Work on the construction of a secret facility was started even under the USSR. According to one of the many versions, a headquarters was built at ZATO Mezhgorye, primarily to shelter the highest ranks of the CPSU Central Committee and scientists in the event of a nuclear war.

But soon the "cold war" with the United States ended, the nuclear arms race was stopped. Most ZATOs (closed administrative-territorial entities) are gone. Many scientists hastily left for the West, and those who remained began to eke out a miserable existence. The construction of a secret facility was mothballed.
However, with the coming to power of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the construction of the underground city resumed and the cutting of the rock began with renewed vigor. In the very first year (2000 AD) of Putin's presidency, only official injections into the budget of ZATO Mezhgorye increased significantly.

According to people who were involved in the construction and were directly at the site, it was found that the underground city under construction can be compared with a beehive, which is a system of mines with a diameter of up to 30 meters and a total length of up to 500 kilometers. The mines are divided into so-called "houses", which have all the usual infrastructure, communications, and life support systems. The grandiose scale of the underground city is illustrated by the fact that a crushing and screening plant was specially erected here to utilize the gigantic amount of stone extracted when cutting down the rock.

Analysts have calculated that currently 40-60 thousand people can live underground (with the official population of the city of Mezhgorye - 16.6 thousand), but if necessary, the underground city can simultaneously accommodate up to 300 thousand people.

Despite the economic crises, billions of dollars were allocated (and continue to be allocated) for the construction of an underground city, while the military, teachers, doctors, miners, workers, students, pensioners, large and low-income families for months did not receive their meager salaries, scholarships, pensions, not to mention about social subsidies.

Military units were disbanded, ships and submarines were sold, military bases abroad were closed, and so on. and so on.

But with all this, Vladimir Putin has always been sophisticated, is located next to a secret facility under construction and, with enviable regularity, not far from Yamantau, visited the Abzakovo ski base, which is unremarkable for a presidential level. In addition, later, in the same place at the confluence of the Katun and Ursul rivers, he “managed” to build another palace for himself, to which a guarded road of 20 kilometers was built, strengthened, which has the official name as an adjoining to the M-52 highway. The real road is a serpentine, literally cut through the rocks. The cost of building this road with a length, as mentioned above, of 20 kilometers, according to unofficial data, amounted to 4 billion rubles. By the way, this palace-residence is not included in the official network of residences of top officials of the Russian Federation. All these circumstances can only point to the fact of the true stay of our President Vladimir Putin and his personal control over the progress of construction, probably the most dear to his heart, with whom he obviously shares hopes for saving his life and the lives of his owners. In this case, I dare to responsibly assert that V.V. Putin and his inner circle, as well as others standing above him, are deeply mistaken and, as you know, hope dies last!

On the instructions of Vladimir Putin, Infrastructure CJSC controlled by Roman Abromovich and the German company Herrenkneeht AG signed a contract in March 2008 for the construction of the world's largest mining shield capable of digging tunnels with a diameter of 19 meters, which will be able to lay 250-300 meters in a month a two-tier tunnel containing a six-lane highway, or four lanes of a highway and a metro line. The cost of such equipment is 100 million euros.

The former first secretary of the Bashkir regional committee of the CPSU, Midkhat Zakirovich Shakirov, was the first to open the veil of secrecy about the facility under construction in ZATO Mezhgorye, he said that a shelter was being built in the mountains in case of a nuclear war. But his words were immediately refuted: "The object is being built for other purposes and has nothing to do with military needs."

New York Times April 16, 2004.
“In a secret project reminiscent of the horrific Cold War periods, Russia is building a giant military complex underground in the Ural Mountains, according to Western officials and witnesses in Russia. Hidden inside Mount Yamantau in the Beloretsk region in the Southern Urals, a huge complex is connected by a railway and a highway. Thousands of workers are involved in the work."

From a speech by US Congressman Roscoe Barlett:
“... In recent years, the Russians have been increasing their activity there (at the facility in Mezhgorye) ... This is more important for them than giving 200 million US dollars for the service module of the International Space Station. This is more important for them than the payment of salaries to military personnel. This is such a large underground facility, like the inner territory, which is surrounded by the ring road of our capital. And the only reasonable use of such an object is during or after a nuclear war. There is no other reason for a country as financially constrained as Russia to continue pumping vast resources into an enterprise like Mount Yamantau…”

Many people believe that the territory of the Altai Republic is the center of the Earth. From generation to generation, local residents tell their children from mouth to mouth the same legend about their special and magical land. Mount Yamantau, according to the beliefs of the ancestors, is the heart of the Earth, which supplies blood (life energy) to all blood vessels (life system) of the planet Earth. Now we all began to understand that Our Earth is not only a house in which we live and spiritually abide, but also a living organism endowed with consciousness and the ability to feel. From Us, and believe me, only from Us depends the favorable condition of the Earth and its lawful existence in the Universe.

There are many conflicting facts about the city under construction inside Mount Yamantau, but I am inclined to believe all of the above, and I know that this place is the “cradle of doomsday”.

Svyatoslav the Righteous
Moscow November 19, 2012

The public learned about Mount Yamantau in 1996, after the publication of an article in The New York Times about a secret military base located inside one of the largest Ural mountains. According to rumors, there is a giant bunker in the rock mass, which, after the start of a nuclear war, will house the Government and the President of the Russian Federation ...

The author of the article argued that the construction was of a very large-scale and extremely secret nature, moreover, it was partially financed from subsidized funds allocated to the Russian government in the early 90s, as they say, to “support pants”. The American journalist was surprised by the fact that the construction was launched at the time of the most severe economic crisis that hit the Russian economy: there was not enough money for elementary social obligations, but despite all the difficulties, funds for the construction of a secret facility were allocated in the required amount!

According to published information, the secret complex was located in the depths of Mount Yamantau, located in the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and was of an exclusively military nature. In a short time, military builders cut through inside the mountain, as well as in the adjacent underground space, a real "hive", which included several underground floors, a narrow-gauge railway line and even its own highway!

Having compared all the facts and conjectures, the American journalist summed up the essence of his publication to the fact that the Russians are again preparing for the "cold war", which they plan to unleash in the very near future, and the object in Mount Yamantau will be used by the first persons of the state if the degree of tension warms up the conflict to exchange of nuclear strikes.

Later, on the basis of this article, several myths associated with Yamantau were developed. For example, the most popular were rumors that there was a certain “ark for the golden billion” inside the mountain, where the powers that be would hide with the onset of major cataclysms, and with the coming to power of V.V. Putin began to call the object his personal bunker. The mystery of this whole story is added by the fact that none of the mere mortals knows the true purpose of the object, since access to the mountain is blocked by security units, and next to the mountain is the ZATO "Mezhgorye" (closed city).

The territory outside the ZATO perimeter belongs to the South Ural Reserve, the entrance to which is strictly prohibited under the pretext of conservation and recreation of rare species of plants and animals, although this circumstance is quite a typical task of such institutions. However, individual citizens manage to make their way to the mountain and even climb to its top.

However, having assessed the conditions of the location of Mount Yamantau and the logistics infrastructure in its vicinity, the myth that in the event of martial law, Government facility No. 1 will be located here seems rather strange.

First you need to decide that it is unlikely that the construction of any object, and, no matter whether it is a shelter or some kind of command center, can take place directly in the mountain itself, that is, in a rock mass. It would be logical to assume that, by analogy with similar, but more popular mega-fortifications, the mountain functions as a kind of screen, while the building itself is located under the mountain. In this connection, the calculations of the dimensions of the hidden habitable chamber are in no way connected with the total volume of Yamantau, while in some sources a direct parallel is drawn between the volume of the rock mass and the estimated dimensions of the bunker.

According to the myth of the government bunker, during the period when the country will be engulfed in the chaos of war or even worse, it will be covered with nuclear ash, from somewhere in the depths of Yamantau the Government of the Russian Federation will communicate with the remaining defense forces, as well as civilian enterprises. However, this version, taking into account several circumstances, can hardly be considered objective.

Firstly, in the conditions of a modern military conflict, the forces of our "overseas partners", which are still considered a strategic enemy, are capable of destroying a bunker hidden even by such a massive mountain as Yamantau. According to some estimates, several pinpoint strikes with warheads with a force of a hundred kilotons will be enough to pierce the rock mass and bring down the internal tunnel network, which will make it impossible to operate such an object, and absolutely endanger the lives of the first persons of the state. If we consider the actions of the Western coalition on the example of Afghanistan, where the followers of terrorist organizations take refuge in complex, but less technologically advanced bunkers located in the depths of mountains, it becomes obvious that a bunker in a rock mass does not guarantee the safety of its inhabitants.

For example, last year, the US Air Force, during an operation against terrorists from the ISIS organization banned in Russia, which took place in Afghanistan near the province of Nangarhar, used the most powerful non-nuclear bomb that is in service with the American army - GBU-43. The result of the operation was the complete destruction of the developed network of underground communications in one of the mountains. After being hit by a 9.5 ton projectile, the explosion from which is estimated at 11 tons of TNT equivalent, the object was destroyed.

Secondly, the removal of the center from Yamantau will not allow the first person of the state to urgently get inside the shelter. At a minimum, it will take two hours to fly from Moscow to the South Urals, in addition, the nearest airport in Magnitogorsk, from which you will need to fly by helicopter for another 20-30 minutes, will be able to take the presidential board. In conditions when it becomes known about a sudden (!) nuclear strike in a maximum of half an hour to evacuate the President across half the country, it seems not a very rational idea. Even Stalin's headquarters, in case the Germans occupied Moscow, was located in Samara, which is much closer to the center than Yamantau. In addition, you need to understand that the asylum of the first persons of the state should be secret, and not so popular that even an American newspaper publishes an article about a "secret" asylum. After all, what is the point in such a bunker if, in the event of a conflict, this object will become one of the first and most important goals of our “overseas partners”.

Thirdly, the location of the mountain can hardly be called successful in terms of organizing mass evacuation. Since in the event of the start of the introduction of emergency measures, in addition to the President, many other specialists, along with their loved ones, should enter the bunker. Delivery by air is unlikely to be massive, so most will have to proceed to the shelter by land.

Section of the route "Teschin language"

And again we meet insoluble difficulties. The territory of Yamantau can only be reached by a single two-lane road, periodically turning into a serpentine. I think that there is no need to explain once again that in the event of a sharp increase in traffic, this section of the route will simply be blocked by cars due to a traffic jam and the organization of the delivery of valuable specialists will be in jeopardy. As for the railway line, at present the line is not functioning and it will be quite problematic to launch it urgently, since some of its sections are tritely missing rails: it is not clear whether this state of the line is another "strategic trick" or someone then one of the local residents fussed corny by handing over a section of the railway track to a ferrous metal collection point.

The railway junction to Yamantau can hardly be called "inhabited"

Of course, there may be some alternative railway line to a secret facility, but since nothing is known about such elements of the transport infrastructure, this option should not be referred to as a way to solve the transport issue.

So what is the true purpose and purpose of the object under Yamantau? Of course, we will not know the exact answer, but it is obvious that the President of Russia should hardly hide here. However, there are also enough alternative versions, for example, there is an assumption that this facility is used as one of the operational control centers for the automatic launch of nuclear missiles, as part of a retaliatory strike project - "Perimeter" ("Dead Hand"). The fact that this object could be part of a secret program is evidenced by the fact that until 1994 there was a military unit located near the mountain, apparently belonging to the Strategic Missile Forces, since curious tourists were able to find several flooded missile silos on its territory! Now only a few buildings remain from the military unit. In addition to messages from tourists on the Internet, on various forums and in groups of social networks, messages sometimes slip through on behalf of soldiers who once served near the secret mountain. In their messages, former servicemen share information about their participation in the construction of certain objects, which, in their opinion, looked like launch mines.

According to another version, under the mountain there is a secret research institute or a site for long-term storage of something explosive. At the same time, the mountain in this case is a kind of protective screen, and in the event of an emergency, the massive Yamantau will extinguish the shock wave.

Answering the question indicated in the title of this material, it can be assumed that all the stories about the "Putin's bunker" inside Mount Yamantau are nothing more than a myth. The mountain itself, most likely, is part of the defense complex, and since this territory is still burdened with the status of a sensitive object, we are unlikely to find out about the exact purpose of the most "mysterious mountain" of the Southern Urals in the near future.

There are many similar objects on the territory of our Motherland, most of which we, the inhabitants, simply do not know anything about. With the help of secret enterprises and elements of the country's defense system, the state ensures our security. So the control over such objects is very serious, and any attempt to penetrate the existing secret and sensitive enterprises for the sake of curiosity can entail not only administrative responsibility, but also cause the tragic death of a curious stalker, because, as you know, the charter of the guard service allows the use firearms in relation to violators of the regime of admission to a protected facility.

LYUBUSHKIN Andrey || "Mysterious Ural"
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