Home international passport Our programs. The most unusual trips in the world Touch the eternity on the majestic ice of Antarctica

Our programs. The most unusual trips in the world Touch the eternity on the majestic ice of Antarctica

Our world can be infinitely amazing and beautiful. And in order to be convinced of this, sometimes it is enough to take only one single step. Truly magical and bewitching beauty can be found in almost every corner of our planet. After all, most of them hide away from well-trodden tourist trails.

In our article today, we decided to bring to your attention a selection of the most beautiful and which, for one reason or another, usually fall out of sight of modern Belarusian tour operators. Their names are rarely aspirated, as, for example, the names of Paris or Barcelona, ​​and the existence of most of them can only be known by chance, as if there is something reserved and mysterious in these routes. But it is precisely from this that such unexplored directions only become more valuable and attractive. After all, such unusual travel and allow you to fully understand how multifaceted and amazing our planet can be.

  1. Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is a huge prehistoric lake located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. However, this place resembles a real lake (in the traditional sense of the word) only from November to March, when, due to rains, the salt honeycombs are covered with a thin layer of water, constantly shining in the sun. At such hours, the Salar de Uyuni becomes like a giant mirror, reflecting the boundless heavens in itself. And from this, the border between the two worlds becomes almost indistinguishable. Thick Bolivian clouds suddenly appear right under your feet. And the surrounding landscapes lose all connection with reality. That is why Salar de Uyuni is often called a place frozen between heaven and earth. After all, there are not enough words in any language of the world to convey all the enchanting beauty of this place.

In the absence of rain, the salt marsh turns into a huge desert covered with white salt instead of yellow sand. And in places where drying water still manages to break through a thin salt crust, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed, similar to playing pieces, arranged in the correct order on a huge chessboard.

Another attraction of the salt marsh is the famous cemetery of steam locomotives, located in the vicinity of Uyuni. Once all the trains assembled here were part of a large project for the extraction of minerals and valuable minerals in the desert. For industrial work, a railway was laid from Chile to Bolivia. However, the economic value of the project turned out to be insignificant. And the Indian tribes began to attack the railroad and the trains following it often. As a result, already in the fifties of the 20th century, the road was closed, and suddenly the trains that turned out to be unnecessary were left to rust in the middle of the desert.

It was only in 2006 that the Bolivian government suddenly remembered the old cemetery of steam locomotives again, deciding to turn it into a kind of open-air museum. Now such unusual travel the famous salt marsh and the old locomotives resting in its vicinity attract thousands of people to Bolivia. I wonder what the Bolivian Indians think about this?

  1. Lake Bled (Slovenia)

Despite the fact that Slovenia is relatively close to our Motherland, the resorts of this tiny country remain a real "terra incognita" for Belarusian tourists (especially compared to the cities of nearby Croatia, Italy and Montenegro). The magical Lake Bled is no exception, surrounded by the Julian Alps and covered with hundreds of legends related to the ancient history of the local castles. In this place you will not meet the usual crowds of tourists. And the local air, saturated with the magical smell of the mountains, is still filled with ringing silence. And it is this amazing atmosphere of solitude, coupled with the magical beauty of the local landscapes, that makes these lands truly magical and unusual travel destination.

However, Lake Bled is a place that cannot be called boring. In addition to many first-class hotels in these parts, there are dozens of sports centers offering tourists a wide range of all kinds of entertainment (from kayaking to hang-gliding over the enchanting mountain slopes).

In winter, several ski resorts operate in the vicinity of the lake. In addition, the convenient location of the city of Bled makes it a convenient starting point for subsequent trips around Slovenia. Just a few tens of kilometers from the lake is the capital of the country - Ljubljana, as well as the famous Triglav National Park, the mystical Skocjan Caves and another picturesque reservoir - Lake Bohinj.

  1. Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

When you talk about Kyrgyzstan, even some fairly experienced travelers begin to wrinkle their noses contemptuously: “What can be interesting in this country?”. However, in fact, far and near Kyrgyzstan is a country that can bring many pleasant surprises to tourists. What is the majestic and enchanting mountain region of Tien Shan worth, striking with the cold beauty of crystal lakes, snow-covered slopes and endless fields overgrown with unusual grass and outlandish flowers? Everything in this place is imbued with an exciting spirit of adventure and a fabulous atmosphere of romance. After all, it is not in vain that the legendary “seven thousandth” mountain Pobeda Peak was once considered one of the most impregnable mountains throughout the former Soviet Union.

Besides, unusual journey to the Tien Shan is also a great opportunity to go chasing the fabulous Santa Claus. It would seem, and here he is? I answer: the thing is that a few years ago, Swedish scientists from the Sveko company, having calculated the speed of rotation of the earth, the distance to the largest cities and comparing other geographical and demographic factors, found out that it was on the territory of Kyrgyzstan that the optimal “take-off and landing » the base of the legendary fairy tale character. Otherwise, he simply will not succeed in flying around the entire globe in one night.

  1. Rhine river valley (Germany)

The Rhine Valley is probably one of the most famous and popular routes on our list. unusual places to travel. Every year it is followed by thousands of European tourists. However, despite this, among Belarusians and travelers from other CIS countries, this region of Germany is still quite little known.

And this fact seems like a completely egregious misunderstanding. After all, it is here, in the valley of the Rhine River, that you can feel the spirit of real Germany. In these parts, tiny villages, dotted with half-timbered houses, side by side with proud castles, looking at the world from the height of the coastal slopes. High mountains covered with green forests give way to picturesque valleys and famous vineyards...

That is why the Rhine Valley is considered one of the most amazing places in all of Germany. After all, even the most beautiful cities of this country can hardly be compared with the quiet charm of the local nature.

  1. Cappadocia (Türkiye)

Speaking of trips to, we, as a rule, mean a fun and noisy vacation in one of the southern resorts of the Turkish seaside. However, far from major tourist centers, this country is changing in the most amazing way. Proof of this is the Turkish Cappadocia - a unique natural region, known for its unusual natural landscape and a huge number of cave cells, crypts, monasteries and temples, whose history dates back to the time of the birth of Christianity.

In addition, it is in this place that the world's oldest (!) underground cities are located. The most famous among them are the settlements of Kaimakli and Derinkuyu, which stretch for many kilometers deep into the rock. These cave cities were found by archaeologists in the sixties of the last century. And since then, these places have been the object of constant study for dozens of scientists.

Among other things, Turkish Cappadocia is also one of the most popular ballooning centers in the world.

In a word, going to these places, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey in life.

  1. Troy (Türkiye)

The semi-legendary ancient Greek "polis" is another reason to go to Turkey from now on. For many years in a row, the city of Achilles and other ancient heroes, sung in legends, was considered only a figment of the imagination of the great Homer. However, about 140 years ago, a self-taught German archaeologist named Heinrich Schliemann proved in a practical way that some legends have a very real historical justification. Since then, the legendary Troy, the remains of which are now located in the Hisarlik hill region, seven kilometers from the Dardanelles, has become one of the main historical treasures of modern Turkey. And Heinrich Schliemann himself, who, among other things, also found the legendary “Priam's treasure”, went down in history as one of the most successful adventurers in the world, as well as the founding father of the so-called “field (practical) archeology”.

  1. Kamchatka (Russia)

Wild, majestic, recalcitrant Kamchatka is the land where the heart of real Russia beats. Here, among dormant volcanoes, bubbling geysers and crystal lakes, you can feel like a real traveler who finds himself somewhere on the very edge of the world. This place is home to a mind-boggling number of national parks, biosphere reserves and unique protected areas, many of which are included in the UNESCO list of natural and cultural heritage. Is this not enough to call Kamchatka one of the most fascinating and unusual places to travel throughout our vast planet?

In addition, Kamchatka is a habitat for many rare animals, including brown Kamchatka bears, which have long become a symbol not only of this peninsula, but of Russia as a whole.

In addition to getting to know wildlife and inanimate nature, a trip to Kamchatka can be interesting due to the numerous centers for active recreation. Alpine skiing (including extreme helly-skiing), snowmobiling and dog sledding, swimming in thermal springs, as well as rafting, diving, kayaking and much more - all this makes the Kamchatka Territory a very interesting place to relax. It is not for nothing that these places are so often called Russian Iceland.

  1. Ksamil Beach and Vlore (Albania).

The sea coast of Albania is probably one of the most underestimated tourist regions in Europe. In these parts, the Adriatic Sea shimmers with turquoise, and the majestic mountains, frozen at the very horizon, remain surprisingly beautiful and picturesque. The best examples of this are resorts such as Ksamil Beach and Vlora. The first is a very small, but very colorful town, perched on the southern coast of Albania. The second is a larger city, however, even here, due to the relatively small number of tourists, the beaches remain surprisingly clean and picturesque.

The mild Mediterranean climate, low prices, an abundance of fruits, as well as the amazing beauty of the local nature - all this makes the Adriatic coast of Albania a place really worthy of the attention of tourists.

In addition, Albania is a country with a rich history and culture. Here, on a relatively small piece of land (comparable in size to the Mogilev region), there is a huge number of ancient monasteries, fortress bastions and ancient buildings inherited by this country from the Greek and Roman conquerors.

Mosque in the city of Korca

A vivid example of this is the ancient city of Durres, located just a two-hour drive from Vlora. During its long history, this region has become a stumbling block for many European nations. Just think: for 2500 years this town managed to be part of the Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish, Byzantine, Italian, Corinthian, Corinthian and, of course, the Albanian state.

Wouldn't you be interested to see the ancient city that so many ancient peoples fought for? Than not a route for unusual trip?

  1. Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonia, which is also often referred to as the more famous Tierra del Fuego archipelago, is an absolutely unique place. Wild mountain landscapes, crystal glaciers, picturesque fjords and endless plains of frozen land that have not changed their shape since the birth of the first people - all this natural diversity cannot be compared with anything else. Once in these parts, you seem to find yourself in a parallel reality. Here, right on the beaches, you can find colonies of penguins and elephant seals, and on the slopes of the high Andean mountains you can see thousands of bonfires that are burned at night by local tribes of Indians.

In addition, it is in these parts that the famous Cave of Hands is located, which is already 90 centuries old! Add to this the unique nature reserves, national parks and uninhabited islands that still retain their primitive prehistoric charm - and you will understand why this region can be safely called one of the most amazing and interesting places on our planet.

Yes, of course, to get to Patagonia you will need a lot of effort and financial resources. However, once in these parts, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey In my life. After all, how could it be otherwise, if we are talking about the real edge of the Earth!

  1. Curonian Spit (Lithuania/Russia)

The Curonian Spit is a thin strip of land that stretches for a hundred kilometers along the Lithuanian coast and separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic basin. In fact, this place is a long series of sand dunes and pine forests growing right in the middle of the endless sea. There is no usual fuss here, and surprisingly clean air is filled with the smell of pine needles, salty waves and amazing crystal silence, which seems almost endless in this place.

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. And nine years later, the International Foundation for Environmental Education included the local beaches in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable coastal areas on the planet. Specialists of the popular guide Lonely Planet also contributed to the popularization of this place, calling the pine forests and sandy beaches of the Curonian Spit one of the most beautiful places in the Baltics. Since then, thousands of tourists have visited these parts. However, even despite this, the Curonian Spit has not lost even a tiny part of its natural charm.

Despite the fact that the population of the spit is only a few thousand inhabitants, these parts have not only their own coastal villages with all the necessary infrastructure, but also their own unique sights. The mystical Hill of Witches, dotted with dozens of wooden idols, the unique "Dancing Forest", the remains of the Kopgalis fortress with the Maritime Museum located here, as well as the Klaipeda Dolphinarium and the museum of fishing boats, located right under the open sky. In a word, the Curonian Spit is a place that clearly proves that interesting and unusual places to travel can be found just a few hundred kilometers from your home. After all, every corner of our planet is able to present a lot of pleasant surprises to those travelers who truly know how to appreciate true beauty.

TRAVELERS' CHOICE AWARD is the most important travel rating of the year, compiled by TripAdvisor.com, the largest travel service in the world. The winners were selected using an algorithm that takes into account millions of online user reviews and ratings of thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know which cities won? See the top 25 best travel destinations in the world.


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1. Marrakesh in Morocco was ranked #1 on TripAdvisor.com's Best Travel Destinations. “Amazing bustling old market in the city center” is the most attractive place in the city, according to portal users. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Reap in Cambodia is number 2 in the ranking of the best travel destinations. The sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple causes a special delight among tourists, because it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic journey through different eras, styles, religions, tastes and aromas. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call it a lively, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" Czech Prague. Here on every corner you can stumble upon "strange shops" that will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. "Eclectic" London is a mixture of lifestyles, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy "Such a huge piece of history in one city." (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina “Cool, trendy, absolutely delightful city.” (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France Nowhere else in the world will you find such an amazing atmosphere as in Montmartre, a beautiful and colorful area with its small shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, about which users write only admiring reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to TripAdvisor.com users, the city's top must-see attraction is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland “Once you get to the top of the Matterhorn Glacier, you will feel like you are standing on the roof of the world.” (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, ​​Spain. “In some corners of this city, you will feel like you have traveled back in time… 500 years into the past!” (Photo: CNN).
14. Gorem, Türkiye. "This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!" (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. This is the best place for those who love spa: massage, acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru "It's a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very hospitable people and good restaurants." (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of its main attractions is St. Isaac's Cathedral, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire city. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral makes tourists "goosebumps!". In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street is "the heart and soul of Bangkok, the best place for all travelers, with its lively streets and bars at every turn." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is primarily a city of Buddhist temples, unique monuments worth visiting. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The hallmark of this city is the "exciting" Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, has been dubbed the "Queen of the Danube" by internet users. (Photo: CNN).
22. Queenstown (New Zealand) is the best place for lovers of sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is the only city of its kind that features floating restaurants serving delicious dim sum (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) - A cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic cityscapes that rises above the Arabian Desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will appeal to both lovers of history and modernity. The landmark of the city is the Sydney Opera House, which looks like a sailboat floating peacefully in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).

Unusual trips around the world will give you a taste of real adventure, they can give you unforgettable impressions - experience real fear, see incredible spectacles, get double portions of pleasure from travel.

Below is a list of the most unusual tours and itineraries for travelers that you can organize even on your own.

Unusual travel around the world: where to taste adventure

1. Skiing on the most dangerous ski slopes

To smell the most real fear, you need to get up on skis in the Austrian ski resort of Kitzbühel (Kitzbuhel), Tyrol. This southern alpine resort, reputedly by skiers who have experienced many snow-covered slopes, has in its arsenal one of the most terrible ski slopes in the world - Streif (German: Streif).

The Streif Speedway is the most spectacular skiing in the world. To see it, you need to come in January. At this time, every year the best skiers in the world arrange competitions on this track. During the rest of the year, the Streif slope is open to everyone who wants to try their hand and curb fear!

Kitzuuel made our list of unusual trips because it is one of the disappearing attractions - low-lying alpine ski resorts. As the world's temperature rises all the time, the time is not far off when, instead of snow, heavy rains will pour over the slopes ...

In the meantime, use the undoubted merits of Kitzbühel - double portions of natural snow, perfectly groomed ski slopes, a wonderful après-ski vacation and the opportunity to see with your own eyes a huge number of star guests - celebrities skiing just nearby .... More details - on our page "Resorts of Tyrol" .

2. Antarctica is the last desert in the world

Many travelers who have visited Antarctica describe their feelings as something extraordinary, something that can only be compared with a trip to the moon ... I must say that Antarctica has been very actively visited in recent decades, there are both tourists and sailors, both fishermen and hunters.

Since man shows more and more attention to the desert continent, he also leaves more and more traces, very disappointing for nature. So, under the influence of a merciless human hand, the last snowy desert on the planet is dying: the soil is polluted, garbage accumulates, living species disappear and the mainland ecosystem suffers.

If you want to remember Antarctica as it was in the last century, you must also include it in your unusual travels, and at the same time you must hurry. Book your cruise with one of the IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) member cruise operators. Such agencies strictly adhere to the principles of safe and environmentally responsible tourism.

3. Tigers in the wild

Tigers are huge predators from the cat family, which have long been included in the list of endangered species on the planet. They suffer mainly due to the fact that a person is destroying their habitat, mastering more and more new territories.

As biologists testify, in the last century we managed to destroy more than ninety percent of the habitat of this graceful animal. As a result, there are only about 3,000 tigers left in the wild on the planet today. To have time to see huge cats in their usual habitat, visit the Kanha Tiger Nature Reserve (India, Madhya Pradesh).

4. Great Barrier Reef and its underwater world

Unusual travel around the world can not do without the Great Barrier Reef (Australia), which is the largest living world in the entire ocean. It serves as a huge extraordinary refuge for marine life. Today, the Great Barrier Reef has also become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For greater significance of understanding, we note that the natural underwater miracle stretches for more than 1400 miles, originates off the northeast coast of Australia, and is included in the list of Australia's biggest tourist attractions. However, he disappears...

Studies by ocean scientists show that the reef's coral stock has declined by about 50 percent over the past three decades, largely due to a severe decline in starfish populations. In addition, the Great Barrier Reef is suffering due to significant climate change on the planet, which, in turn, generates the accumulation of polluted runoff in ocean waters and increased storms.

The threat of extinction, which is stated in one of the decisions of UNESCO, is a good reason to visit the north-east of Australia in the very near future and see the Great Barrier Reef with your own eyes, with your own eyes.

Date of:

February 2020

November 2020

In the South Pacific Ocean, in perhaps the most secluded place on the globe, New Zealand is located. This is an island state, which has no equal on our planet in terms of the number of miracles and mysteries of nature, unique phenomena, endemic plants and animals. An unusual tour of New Zealand will allow you to feel the hot breath of the seething land, touch the culture of the local Maori tribe, visit the country of the fjords Fiordland and, of course, witness an unforgettable spectacle - diving whales into the abyss of the sea kingdom ...

Date of:

October 2020

This Ethiopia tour is the richest and most comprehensive exotic tour in existence. The Danakil Basin or the Afar Triangle is only the very beginning of an amazing route. Dalol volcano, Acid and lava lakes, Erta Ale volcano, unfriendly Afar tribe, Assal salt lake and, of course, endless caravans with salt - all this is the top of the tour to Ethiopia, rightly called the "cradle of mankind". The fact that this is really a cradle is once again convinced by spending a week studying the real, primitive world of Africa - the OMO River Valley. Dorze, Chencha, Mursi, Hamer, Tsamai, Erborough: the life of these tribes from ancient times to the present day has not known development.

Date: April 2020

The inhabitants of the largest island off the coast of Africa are sure that there is no better place in the world. Madagascar, in their opinion, is the Garden of Eden, which can give everything you need for life. And these statements are true. The flora and fauna of the island have developed in isolation over millions of years: the fourth largest island on Earth is one of the ten rarest places on the planet. And the crowning achievement of our grandiose exotic tour to Madagascar will be the exploration of the area inhabited by the Zafimaniri people, whose traditional craft has been proclaimed by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity…

Date of:

January 2020

August 2020

Namibia is diverse like no other country on the African continent. A tour to an unusual place will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the stunning landscapes of the Sossusvlei plateau and the ominous Skeleton Coast; visit the Bushmen tribe and feel the original culture of the majestic Himba people; see the world's largest fur seal colony and the African Big Five; feed straight from the hands of a cheetah and spend the day in a ghost town. And perhaps, having gone on a dizzying tour to Namibia, you do not want to miss the chance to see the oldest desert of the planet Namib from the balloon gondola ...

Date of:

February 2020

November 2020

“Patagonia is a peculiar, unlike anything else in the world, and striking in its wild and harsh beauty, a land in the very south of South America. During our exotic tour, we will visit not just world-famous geographical objects - we will become part of another world, the world of colossal glaciers and majestic peaks; picturesque waterfalls and crystal clear lakes. A world where colonies of penguins and heat-loving flamingos, colonial cities of many millions and small reservations of Indian peoples coexist together ... "

Date: all year round

This route passes through two countries of East Africa at once - Kenya and Uganda. It is here that you can get close to predators during a night safari. See the majestic and impregnable Kilimanjaro. Visit the village of the semi-nomadic Masai tribe. Dissolve under a fantastically beautiful starry sky. And as a result - to get sick of Africa forever ...

Date: August 2020

Iceland is a harsh land of ice and fire. And it was the confrontation of these two natural elements that gave rise to such an uplifting beauty. Picturesque fjords and snow-capped mountains, high-water waterfalls and endless lava fields, national parks and geothermal areas, gushing geysers and smoking volcanoes - here in every region of the island you will be accompanied by the delight of discoveries and genuine admiration for what you see. Tours to Iceland are included in the 10 most unusual tours in the world, they will give you the opportunity to become both a witness to the rare and unique volcanic activity of the planet, and an active researcher of the life of numerous species of whales - the largest and most majestic representatives of the fauna of this distant land ...

Date: November 2016

West Africa cannot boast of an abundance of wildlife. On a tour of unusual places, you will not be able to see a hippo that entered the murmuring water at dawn, the silhouettes of giraffes in the shadow of a baobab and not hear the baboons squabble. People go to West Africa to see people. Their way of life has not changed for centuries. They don't know what seasons and birthdays are; they perform sacrificial rites and worship Voodoo. There is something eternal in their way of life that retains its originality. Time has stopped here. This was the Earth long before man ennobled it.

Date: July 2020

The Dolomites Tour, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a classic Alpine route that is one of the most magnificent mountain routes of all time. In addition, the Dolomites, the beauty of the peaks and the alpine meadows sparkling with bright colors. On an exotic tour you will be captivated - not only by the wild nature, but also, of course, by the charm of tiny settlements and the hospitality of mountain shelters ...


Full immersion in the Himalayas, overcoming the famous Thorong La pass, visiting the Muktinath temple, as well as the settlements of various communities such as Brahmins, Chetris, Tibetan Sherpas - all this awaits you on one of the most popular ring tracks around Annapurna. Traveling to an unusual place became popular only in 1980, when travelers were given permission to visit the area. And another important fact is that the track around Annapurna is one of the so-called "tee-house" tracks, that is, tracks that can be overcome without spending the night in tents.

Date of:

March 2020

October 2020

The history of Australia is full of adventures and mysteries. The unknown land began to excite the minds of Europeans long before its discovery. This is a continent of amazing wildlife, unique nature, gold and hopes. An exotic tour of Australia is a tour of endless roads and thousands of miles of ocean beaches, sometimes gentle, sometimes harsh, almost always deserted, filled only with the roar of the ocean. A country of hot stone spaces and violent colors of the coral reefs of the Great Barrier, a country of wild mustangs, the last real cowboys and gold diggers. It is also the land of unique people, natives, who have been preserving their culture for more than forty thousand years.

Date of:

June 2020

Unusual tours of the world - mountainous lands, overgrown with impenetrable jungle, were inhabited only by the Incas, who built pyramids that were severe in their beauty; all this can be seen on a tour of Peru and Bolivia. Their ancient art of processing fabrics, stone, silver and gold is still amazing. Later, Spanish conquistadors sailed here on their galleys, bringing with them a thirst for adventure and conquest. All this is most clearly reflected in the character of the modern descendants of the disappeared Indian tribes, who honor national art, adventure and independence ...

Date of:

April 2020

September 2020

This route passes through the mountains and deserts of the United States of America - territories once called the Wild West. On an exotic tour, we will pass through the Rocky Mountains and the Martian landscapes of Utah, the geyser fields and the scenic landscapes of Yellowstone Park, the canyons of the Colorado River and the rock formations of Arizona, through the dream city of Las Vegas and the abandoned towns of prospectors, through Death Valley and the ancestral lands of the Navajo Indians, and, finally, through a park of giant redwoods to the very edge of the Pacific Ocean, where only about one hundred and fifty years ago the first American settlers came in pursuit of the American dream.

Date: all year round

Tanzania is not without reason called the best place for a safari. After all, it is here that parks, where all kinds of representatives of the African fauna roam free, occupy a quarter of the country's territory. A tour to an unusual place is a unique opportunity to see wildlife as close as possible. No cells. Traps. Kapkanov. And completely safe for humans.

Date: all year round

If you are tired of template travel packages, and the wind of wandering and the spirit of adventure are calling you to new experiences, then go with us on an unusual tour of the world - to the very heart of Africa. It is here that Kilimanjaro is located: a mighty stone giant with a cap of glaciers sparkling in the hot sun. Climbing Kilimanjaro with our travel club is an unforgettable adventure that will allow you to fully appreciate the magnificence of the centuries-old volcano and the unstoppable beauty of African nature.

Date of:

January 2020

December 2020

We will visit a unique region of South America that is unlike anything else in the world and strikes with its wild and harsh beauty. During our journey, we will explore not just world-famous geographical objects: we will become part of another world, a world of colossal glaciers and majestic pointed peaks; picturesque waterfalls and crystal clear lakes. A world where colonies of penguins and heat-loving flamingos, colonial cities of many millions and small reservations of Indian peoples coexist together...

Date: February-March 2020

You all know that each of our journeys is an experiment. And you know that we love to experiment. We love looking for new places. Directions. Rich and memorable. You know that a journey without an experiment is a dead journey. And our every new journey is a symbiosis of our knowledge and experience and your best human traits - integrity, self-sufficiency and thirst for search. It is they who help to give birth in co-creation with you non-standard and unusual tours. And it was your thirst for discovery that helped create this journey through a vast, distant region that still excites the minds of seekers of the unknown all over the world. Be the creator of your journey.

Date: July 2020 In 1867, US Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for 2 cents an acre. And the public called these remote and completely uninhabited lands “Seward's recklessness” ... Today, with the mere mention of Alaska, huge brown bears emerge in the minds of every experienced traveler, catching salmon going to spawn; coastlines cut by fjords, where icebergs of impressive size break off from glaciers; Mount McKinley - the highest peak in North America; caribou reindeer herds migrating across the tundra; wide rivers that you can raft down without encountering any signs of civilization for several days in a row, and even, which is hard to believe at first, entire fields of sand dunes north of the Arctic Circle.

Date: September 2020

Soaring pointed peaks crowned with caps of mother-of-pearl glaciers, high-altitude meadows striking with a riot of colors of wild flowers, smooth surfaces of lakes the color of a summer sky - all these images personify the pristine nature of the Rocky Mountains of North America. You will see her name as she appeared before the eyes of the first explorers of the western part of modern Canada. And we will try to make you love Canada as much as we do.

Date: April 2020

Friends, we bring to your attention our updated program for New Zealand. This country in itself is a unique phenomenon of our planet. This time we are doing, perhaps, the best trip to New Zealand, as ten days of immersion in the autumn nature of the most photogenic South Island are waiting for you: the ocean coast, mountain peaks, glaciers, waterfalls and, of course, lakes, lakes and lakes again ! The amazing fauna of the island, we hope, does not need a separate mention :)

Date: July 2020

Almost everyone has heard about the famous Iguazu Falls, but few people know about other amazing places on the South American continent: the authentic north of Argentina and the Brazilian Pantanal reserve. But it is the northern Argentinean provinces of Salta and Jujuy, like no other, rich in Indian culture and so unlike the rest of the continent with their red-brown color of landscapes. And it is the Pantanal that is the largest ecosystem on the entire American continent with the greatest biodiversity and the highest concentration of flora and fauna. It is extremely easy to observe wildlife here, especially during the dry season, when animals concentrate around water bodies. And it is at this time that hungry jaguars come to the banks of the rivers in search of water and food.

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August 2020

Greenland is a mysterious land that has preserved the most breathtaking natural phenomena. It is home to the most incredible icebergs in the world, wildlife and colorful and friendly local villages... However, it remains out of reach for most travelers. And to visit this unique land is absolutely necessary, at least once in a lifetime! If you ask us what time is better, we will definitely answer: the second half of July. At this time of the year, the sun barely touches the horizon, providing an incredible opportunity to photograph all night long: just imagine an endless sunset slowly turning into sunrise throughout the polar day!

Date of:

Whitish salt marsh foothills, rocky mountains, the Grand Canyon, reddish-red deserts, karst Carsbad caves, Havasu waterfalls lost in canyons - you will see all this on our next tour of the southwestern United States. And although most of this territory is occupied by mountains and deserts, among the sandy expanses and bizarre rocks, like amazing oases, there are stunningly beautiful green valleys. Wild untouched by civilization nature, the integrity of which is protected by many national parks, the likes of which cannot be found in the whole world, mountain rivers and lakes - this is exactly what attracts the most sophisticated travelers from all over the world.

Date: June 2020

This is one of the most versatile routes in the United States of America. It is here that you will have the opportunity to bask in the tropical sun and conquer snow-capped peaks, watch the change of vegetation from tropical to alpine along just one road, meet endemic animals and admire the most beautiful lakes of the continent. And also - to feel the hot breath of the earth and become direct witnesses of how our planet is changing under the influence of internal processes.

Date: December 2020 .

If people go to the well-known Bali for the sea, endless rice terraces and diverse wildlife, then they go to the island of Java for volcanoes and a rich history. Indeed, in this relatively small area there are more than 120 volcanoes, of which almost 30 are active. And it was Java that was the most important cultural, political, religious and commercial center of medieval Indonesia. The route along which we will go will pass through the three most famous volcanoes - Merapi, Bromo and Ijen. We are also waiting for such ancient Buddhist temple complexes as Borobudur and Prambanan, created by unknown skilled builders in the heyday of the medieval state of Mataram. And we will finish our trip on the islands of the Komodo National Park, created to preserve a unique species of lizard - the Komodo monitor lizard.

Date: April 2018

Upper Mustang, or the Kingdom of Lo, is one of the most closed and mysterious places on Earth, located between Tibet and the Nepalese provinces of Dolpo and Manang. For many centuries, foreigners were not favored here, the kingdom was opened for tourists only in the 90s of the last century. The walk to the capital Lo Manang takes five days, following the same trails that trade caravans used five centuries ago. The main heights of the kingdom at 3000-3800 meters above sea level, together with the dry and cold climate, turn the hike into a place where antiquity has not yet been destroyed by globalization, into a real adventure.

Winter Iceland: a journey into an ice fairy tale

Date: January 2020

Iceland, under the cover of the winter night and the shimmering blanket of the northern lights, is as beautiful as in the blooming summer months! We suggest that you go to this distant island during the quiet season, so that you can admire the beauties of Iceland without numerous groups of tourists and feel all the splendor of this island.

Date: all year round

Have you ever stood face to face with a six-foot-tall male mountain gorilla? Or look into the mouth of a volcano with a boiling lava lake? Perhaps visit the village of the semi-nomadic Masai tribe? All this you will discover for yourself in the ‘pearls’ of Africa - Kenya and Congo. It is here that you can get close to predators during a night safari. See the majestic and impregnable Kilimanjaro. Dissolve under a fantastically beautiful starry sky... This journey will be one of the most epic adventures you have ever had to participate in!

Date: January 2020 May 2020 August 2020

South Africa and Namibia are as diverse as any other African country. A tour to this unusual place will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the stunning landscapes of the Sossuflei plateau and the sinister Skeleton Coast, visit the nomadic Himba tribe and feel their original and majestic culture, see the world's largest colony of fur seals and the African Big Five, feed directly from the hands of a cheetah and spend a day in a ghost town. And you will also be waiting for blue whales, the oldest desert of the Namib planet and the colorful streets of cosmopolitan cities.

Date: December 2020

Thanks to the cleanest air, untouched nature and stunning landscapes, the Lake District of Argentina, as well as the region of the same name in Chile, is often compared to the Swiss Alps. The main wealth of the region is not only stunningly beautiful national parks, but also thousand-year-old forests, crystal clear lakes, rivers and waterfalls. And yet - this is a region with the famous road "Caretera Austral", laid inside the Andean mountain range during the time of the infamous Pinochet. And the peculiarity of this road, isolated from the fjords, glaciers and dense forests filled with the bustle of civilization, is that its starting and ending points are not connected to anything - it seems to go from nowhere to nowhere ...

Date: February 2019

Many travelers who once visited Costa Rica call it the most beautiful country in the world. And I must say - not without reason. This country has endless mountain ranges covered with virgin "cloud" and "rain" forests, numerous national parks that have preserved their natural diversity to this day, exotic black sand beaches, along which some of the largest populations migrate for several months of the year. whales. But, only by visiting Costa Rica, you can see for yourself that this is a true paradise, hiding in the narrowest place in Central America.

Date: June 2020

Right now, having found yourself in the impenetrable jungle of the Amazon in search of a jaguar, or in the magical Mindo reserve surrounded by inimitable hummingbirds, or, perhaps, having become a witness of the mating ceremony of albatrosses in the Galapagos Islands, you will think that perhaps you have seen too little before and in the end you will understand how beautiful and inimitable our planet is, and how much the creator of all this magnificence has tried, conceiving every part of it. Fragile. Majestic. And unique.

The most unusual travels in the world are considered to be space flight and the conquest of the North Pole. How else to creatively relax within our three-dimensional dimension? Learn All About Unusual Journeys on Earth and Beyond.

Journeys to the North Pole

The Russian climate is not particularly warm, but many romantics dream of visiting the "refrigerator of the planet", the North Pole. You can get to the Pole from the Russian Murmansk.

The icebreaker-legend with the most severe crew, under the gusts of heavy winds, will drive to the Top of the World, 90 ° north latitude. You can enjoy a barbecue right on the century-old ice. For the bravest, they organize a swim in the coldest ocean on Earth. On the way back, you can visit the islands of the archipelago, admire the bizarre forms of majestic ice floes and get acquainted with arctic birds, walruses and mighty polar bears.

Such a journey will not be comfortable, even a little dangerous, but the impressions and emotions from the cold pole will never cool down.

Modern Russian travelers

The most unique person in the list of outstanding Russian travelers is Fedor Konyukhov - writer, artist and priest. He was at the North Pole three times and conquered four more extreme points of the planet:
- Southern geographic;
- Pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean.
- Cape Horn.

Konyukhov is the first Russian to complete the Grand Slam program (South and North Poles, Jamalungma, aka Mount Everest). He made five round-the-world voyages, and in 2014 the wanderer completed a swim across the Pacific Ocean in a light rowing boat.

Another non-standard personality is Vitaly Sundakov. This researcher looks for unsolved problems in a variety of scientific fields and finds non-standard solutions. Author of several books, photographer and journalist. Vitaly calls ufological expeditions to underwater caves his most unusual adventure. Now Sundakov is studying the fauna of the Galapagos Islands and is making a film about the problems of Darwinist views.

Cyclist Vladislav Ketov left St. Petersburg in May 1991 and rode around the perimeter of all continents. The pilgrim earned money by painting portraits in the squares of large cities. His expedition is dedicated to solving the environmental problems of the planet.

space tourism

Getting to know the Earth and conquering the poles and peaks is very exciting, but seeing infinity with your own eyes is fantastic. The conquest of space began in the middle of the 20th century. But the first space tourist went into flight already in 2001. The flight took place from the legendary Baikonur site and cost $20 million. Over the years, the level of security has increased and spacewalks have become possible. And the price of such an excursion is now 10 million higher.

An obstacle for such an expedition can be not only a huge amount. Preparing space tourists takes a lot of time. But the flight may not take place, it all depends on the health of the traveler.

The dream of infinity and the stars will cost a lot, but according to people who have been in space, it's worth it.

Journey to the most interesting place on the planet

There are many beautiful and interesting places. Even in your own town you can find an unknown corner. Here are ten of the most interesting places on the planet Earth.

Papua New Guinea is an island of virgin nature. But you should go there for the sake of the most incredible cave in the world, Esa'ala. The locals call it the "Swallow Cave", the depth is about 376 meters. They say that the Gods speak from the bottom of this cave and reveal the secrets of life.

Turkmenistan can surprise with an incredible crater of seething flames. Otherwise, this miracle of nature is called the "Gates of Hell." A deep hole, for 40 years now, tirelessly, breathes fire. This is burning gas, which they tried to extract in this area back in the 70s.

In Mexico, on the Techulo River, there is an "island of creepy dolls." It is all "decorated" with old toys. Such an idea came to the mind of an old man who settled on an island after a divorce. The spirit of the drowned girl began to come to him, and it was for her that the elder collected creepy dolls. This expedition is definitely not for the faint of heart.

The Galapagos Islands can definitely be called the most interesting place on the planet. After all, the most unique representatives of flora and fauna live here, which you will not find anywhere else on Earth.

Participation in an expedition to the sunken Titanic is an incredibly exciting journey. The legendary ship has been lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for the second hundred years. Hoaxes and mysteries cover the history of this ship.

An interesting place on Earth can definitely be called its top, Everest. The mountain is beautiful and mysterious, but it is not easy to conquer it. After all, the height of 8848 meters will create many obstacles.

Ice Cave Skaftafel in Iceland is a fabulous place. Sapphire walls, labyrinths of passages create a wonderful atmosphere.

Kamchatka is a place of Mother Nature's triumph. There, more than 300 volcanoes, 12 rivers, 14 large lakes, herbs and wild animals will plunge every person into the primitive world.

North America is endowed with many natural wonders. But Thor's Well, in Oregon, according to National Geographic magazine, is the most incredible place. A stone funnel, several meters deep, during storms turns into a natural fountain of incredible beauty.

New interesting places on Earth will be constantly discovered, so there is an opportunity to learn and study. You can, for example, visit the volcano Mauna Loa. .
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