Home Permission Medieval Gothic Czech castle Frydlant. Friedland Castle - guardian of the northern borders of the Czech Republic Friedland Castle Czech Republic

Medieval Gothic Czech castle Frydlant. Friedland Castle - guardian of the northern borders of the Czech Republic Friedland Castle Czech Republic

About the castle

In May 2011, Frydlant Castle celebrated its 210th anniversary. For exactly the same number of years, he has been inviting Czechs and foreign guests to plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Frydlant is one of the largest and most important ancient complexes in the north of the Czech Republic, and is also considered one of the most ancient castle museums in Central Europe. Construction of the fortress began in the mid-13th century, and now the castle complex includes two main buildings: a medieval castle and a Renaissance castle.

About the city Fridlant

The castle is located in the vicinity of the city of the same name Frydlant, which is located on the banks of the Smeda River, so visitors to the castle will not have a problem finding a place where they can have a snack or spend the night. The city is filled with historical monuments and simply beautiful places for tourists. A must-see here is the dean of the castle church Search St. Cross, located on the right bank, which was completed in 1551 and then rebuilt several times. The city presents: the works of the sculptor Heinrich Christoph - tombs with statues of the apostles; the town hall in the neo-Renaissance style, built in 1893-1896 by the Viennese architect Franz Neumann, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene and many others. On weekends, festive performances with historical reconstructions are often held on the castle grounds, when city residents in ancient folk costumes reenact the arrival of Duke Wallenstein.

The history of the creation of Frydlant Castle

It was only in 1278 that information about the owners of the castle appeared in the chronicles. At this time, it passed into the hands of the ancient Biberstein family, and this is how the final version of the fortress complex was formed. Around 1558-1621, Friedlant took possession of the Redern family to continue the construction and development of the castle territory. Representatives of this ancient Czech family, being brave warriors and skilled farmers, turned out to be excellent builders and connoisseurs of art. As a result of their joint work, a new chapel and a castle building in the Renaissance style appeared.

In 1622-1634, Friedlant Castle was ruled by the famous commander of the Thirty Years' War, Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland and Mecklenburg, Generalissimo. He bought the castle for 150,000 gold after the Battle of White Mountain.

After the murder of Albrecht von Wallenstein in 1634, the castle was donated by the emperor to Gallas, and from 1757 it belonged to Klam-Gallas, a hereditary nobleman who served in diplomatic and military service at the imperial court - his descendants became the last owners of the castle until 1945, when Friedlant came to state property.

The current state of Frydlant Castle

Now the castle complex consists of a massive two-story building in the medieval style, a chapel and a younger brother of the “castle”, made in the Renaissance style in the 16th and 17th centuries. The castle courtyard is surrounded by high brick walls, with large cylindrical towers located here and there. The last grandiose reconstruction of the castle, carried out in the 60s of the 19th century, affected the wing of the Castellan castle. Recently, the castle has been undergoing ongoing renovations: in winter, the wooden floors, doors and trims were impregnated with wax; the roof of the chapel was restored; Some guns from the exhibitions have been restored. The castle's stone steps and terraces will soon be completely restored.

In 1801, the castle turned into a museum with a unique collection and became open to the public thanks to the owner of the castle, Clam-Gallas.

During the tour of the castle, guests will be taken through the female and male halves of the castle, where they can get acquainted with all the halls and state rooms, find the treasures of the Gallas and Clam-Gallas galleries, and get to the habitat of the most famous owner of the castle, Albrecht von Wallenstein. The tour will end with a visit to the kitchen, which is amazing in size. The Armory houses a large collection of weapons, in which you can find examples made from the mid-12th century to the present day. It also presents not only military small arms, but also hunting ones, which were used by the castle owners during the hunt.

Information for tourists

Frydlant Castle is open to the public every day from the beginning of April to the end of October except Mondays. Unless a public holiday falls on a Monday, the castle is open to everyone on that day.

Hyše Castle is located in the village of the same name in the Czech Republic. The first mention of its existence dates back to 1169, but it is quite possible that the castle was built much earlier than this year. Over time, the castle was turned into a fortress, but Hische has survived to this day in a modified form.

The current appearance of the castle was acquired by him in the second half of the 19th century. The author of perestroika was Ignatius Ullman. The establishment moved from the Renaissance to the neo-Gothic style. In 1917, the famous Czech writer Karel Capek worked as a teacher in this building. Later, a description of the castle is found in one of his works - “Krakatit”.

Between 1839 and 1841 a brewery was built in Hysch, but it practically did not function. In 2007, the production of high-quality beer was restored, and now all tourists who come on an excursion to the castle are offered a tasting.

Liberec Castle

Liberec Castle is a vast neoclassical palace located near the historic city center at Castle Square. The first buildings were erected in the 16th century, but in 1615 the castle burned down, only the tower with the bell tower survived, which has survived to this day. The castle, during its existence, changed several aristocratic owners, who expanded, repaired and completed it.

In the post-war period, the castle was purchased by the StekloExport company, which invested a lot of money to restore it. In recent years, valuable exhibits from the Czech and Slovak glass industry have been exhibited in the castle. In addition, the castle began to be used as a concert and cultural venue for the city, as well as for special occasions.

Grabštejn Castle

Grabštejn Castle is located in the Czech town of Grabštejn and was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style. Over the centuries, the architecture of the castle has undergone changes, and now we see a 16th-century building in the Renaissance style.

The main building of the castle, made of white stone in the shape of a diamond, is a round tower with an original top in the shape of a helmet, from which a beautiful view of the surrounding area opens. A landmark of the castle complex is the 16th-century Chapel of St. Barbara, which has preserved original frescoes and heraldic motifs. The park around the castle was created in the Gothic and Renaissance style, and was restored at the beginning of the 19th century.

Grabštejn Castle passed from one owner to another until 1945, when it was confiscated by the state. Now in the restored castle, which was opened in 1993 to tourists, you can see interesting interiors dedicated to different historical figures and periods of history. In the basement of the castle there are exhibitions introducing visitors to local crafts and an ancient forge. Grabštejn Castle is included in the list of national monuments of the country.

Bezdez Castle

Bezdez Castle, with a Great Tower, about 40 meters high, has a distinct Gothic style. This architectural monument is located 20 kilometers southeast of the Czech city of Ceska Lipa.

The castle was erected by order of the Czech king Přemysl II Otakar, its construction lasted from 1264 to 1278. However, the king never lived to see the completion of the work - he died during the battle on the Moravian field. Built according to all the canons of fortifications of that time, Bezdez Castle successfully protected the lands of the Czech kings from the invasion of enemies, both internal, during the Hussite wars, and external, until the middle of the 17th century; it was not captured and partially destroyed by the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War.

In 1621, the castle was donated to the Benedictines by Albrecht von Wallenstein, and in 1666, the monks of the order transferred here from the Prague residence a copy of the Black Madonna from Spanish Montserrat, consecrated in Rome. Bezdez Castle becomes a place of pilgrimage; up to 40,000 believers visit it annually. In 1785, Prussian troops captured the castle, and the further abolition of the monastery became the main reason for the desolation and further destruction of the walls and main buildings of the castle.

Only in 1932, a descendant of the former owners of the castle, Karl Wallenstein, together with the Wartenberg tourist club, bought the ruins of the family estate for a symbolic sum of 2,000 crowns. Currently, the top of the mountain is crowned by the surviving parts of the castle, two towers 30 and 45 meters high and a Gothic chapel. Work to restore this architectural monument of the Czech Republic is ongoing to this day.

Rogozec Castle

Rogozec Castle is located in the district of the same name in the city of Turnov. The castle was founded in 1280 by the Marquartitz family and was originally a fortress.

From the second half of the 14th century, the fortress began to belong to Markwart of Wartemberk, who quite often conflicted with his neighbors. Each time it ended with Marquart attacking the offenders, starting futile wars. King Wenceslas IV did not like this, and he - through a siege - took the castle from Markwart. Until 1422, Rogozec belonged to the king. Afterwards the castle changed several more owners.

The castle acquired its current appearance in the 19th century during a major restoration. Now Rogozec is open to tourists.

Friedland Castle

Friedland Castle skillfully combines two architectural styles - Gothic and Renaissance. The castle was built in the thirteenth century at an important strategic position - the intersection of two trade routes. Accordingly, the main function of the castle was to protect this route from bandits and robbers.

In 1622, the famous commander Albrecht Waldstein took possession of Friedlan Castle. During the Thirty Years' War, the castle had to engage in battles more than once - Swedish troops repeatedly tried to capture the powerful fortification.

Today Friedland Castle is a museum and is open to everyone. During the excursions, visitors will be invited to familiarize themselves with collections of antique furniture, weapons, paintings and books from the 16th and 17th centuries.

Lemberk Castle

Lemberk Castle is located in the town of Jablone in Podještedy, in the northern part of the Czech Republic. The architecture of the castle, which was rebuilt several times, contains elements of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism.

The castle dates back to 1241, when the influential feudal lord Havel Markwartits built the Levenberk fortress; the name was later shortened to Lemberk. The castle was also the family home of several generations of Marquartians, until in 1401 the castle was captured by their distant relative, Jan Wertenberk. In 1427, the castle was sacked during the Hussite uprising. In the 16th century, the castle changed owners several times, introducing new elements into its appearance. Originally built in the Gothic style, the fortress gradually acquired the features of a Renaissance castle.

During the Seven Years' War, the castle housed a military hospital, and after its completion the estate was empty for some time.

From 1726 until the end of World War II, the castle belonged to the Clam-Gallas family. After the war, the castle was nationalized and turned into a museum. Today, a full-scale reconstruction of the castle, which began in 1979, continues. There are exhibitions and regular excursions on the castle grounds.

Sights of Liberec

Decoration of the Liberec Region

When going on a tour of the Czech Republic, tourists always include a visit to Liberec. They stay at the hotel for a couple of days, and while walking along the narrow medieval streets, they get acquainted with numerous historical and architectural monuments. Of particular interest is the Frydlant Castle, located 25 kilometers from Liberec. It is not only an architectural monument of Liberec, but also of the entire Czech Republic.

Frydlant Castle has existed for more than seven centuries and is the most famous ancient castle in Central Europe. It gives every visitor an incredible opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and get acquainted with the life and culture of the nobility.

The location of Friedlant Castle on a steep sixty-meter cliff above the river creates the impression of inaccessibility and fascinates everyone who saw this spectacle for the first time. The name of the castle comes from an old German word and means “keep the earth.” According to the legend that lives in these places, a father lived on the banks of the river a long time ago, and he bequeathed the land to his sons. It was they who built the first castle on this land.

History of the castle

The old castle fortress was built at the beginning of the 13th century, on the site of an old tower built in the 11th century that served as a lighthouse. Frydlant Castle was built by a representative of the famous Rogovtsev family, and was a magnificent example of the Gothic style of architecture of the early Renaissance.

Chronicles have been preserved that speak of the first owners of the castle, who sold it to the royal family of Rudolf Bieberstein in 1278. This event was preceded by the completion of the main complex of castle structures.

A few centuries later, Frýdlant Castle became the property of the Redern dynasty, who enlarged the territory of the castle and erected new buildings on it. During their administration of the castle, a renaissance palace and a small chapel were built.

From 1622 to 1634 the castle was owned by Albrecht Wallenstein, who was granted the title of Generalissimo and the title of Duke of Friedland by Emperor Ferdinand II. However, the new owner, being passionate about military affairs, rarely visited the castle, and then completely turned it into a warehouse for storing ammunition.

After the death of von Wallenstein in 1634, the castle passed into the possession of Gallas. And since the beginning of 1757, the castle has been managed by a hereditary nobleman, diplomat Klam-Gallas, whose descendants were the owners of the castle until the end of the Second World War.

Museum exhibits

In 1801, Clam-Gallas declared Frýdlant Castle a museum and opened the doors to visitors, which is still open today. Guests of the museum complex of Friedlant Castle can personally visit the state rooms of the Renaissance palace, see the chambers of Albrecht von Wallenstein, and also view the treasury of the Gallas collections.

The castle's armory is interesting, where eerie examples of military weapons from the 12th century are displayed. It is educational to explore the male and female halves of the castle. Their interiors are strikingly different from each other. The men's room is more austere and laconic, while the women's room is replete with cozy carpets and upholstered furniture.

The castle kitchen is striking in its size and antique utensils. Of interest is the children's room at Frydlant Castle, which gives an idea of ​​the toys that the children of European aristocrats played with in the 19th century.

Castle architecture

The architecture of the castle is admired by modern builders and architects. She has retained her attractiveness to this day. The walls of Fridlant Castle represent a separate unique architectural feature. Such incredibly beautiful stone painting, called “sgraffito,” can be seen on a few medieval facades.

Part of the building was reconstructed in the second half of the 19th century. Today, renovation of the castle continues. The chapel roof and waxed wood floors were restored. The restoration of the terraces and castle steps made of stone continues.

Castles and fortresses of the Czech Republic

Castles of Northern Bohemia

Medieval gothic Czech castle Frydlant

25 kilometers from Liberec, in the very north of the Czech Republic, there is a unique medieval castle-museum of the Czech Republic, which opened its doors to visitors for the first time in Europe more than 200 years ago, in 1801 - Czech Republic Frydlant Castle, a castle complex consisting of an ancient Gothic castle and a Renaissance castle.


Medieval castle Frydlant in the Czech Republic was founded in the 13th century by the Rogovtsev family. True, by the end of this century it was in royal ownership and was sold by the Czech king Přemysl II for 800 hryvnias of silver to Rudolf Bieberstein in 1278. The Bieberstein family, immigrants from Saxony, fell in love with the medieval castle of the Czech Republic Fridlant so much that they made it the center of their vast possessions in Northern Bohemia.

The Czech medieval castle of Frydlant was owned by this family for almost three centuries, during which time it survived several sieges by various armies. The Hussites especially distinguished themselves here - since the Biebersteins sided with the Catholics in the 15th century, the Hussite armies stormed the medieval Frydlant castle four times - in 1427, 1428, 1430 and 1432. And finally, in 1558, due to the lack of heirs from the Friedland branch of the Biebersteins, the castle of the Czech Republic Friedland was sold to Bedřich Redern. The Redern family flourished at that time, and at the end of the 16th century, Melchior Redern and his wife Katerina began a complete reconstruction of the medieval Frydlant castle. Between 1582 and 1602, the old Gothic castle was completely restored, and a new luxurious Renaissance palace was built next to it. True, the Rederns did not have a chance to enjoy their new luxurious residence for a long time - the son of Melchior and Catherine Krysztof joined the uprising of the classes and, after defeat in the famous battle of the White Mountain, was executed in 1621, and the Czech medieval castle of Frydlant was confiscated and transferred to the ownership of the famous Generalissimo Albrecht von Waldstein. In 1624, Friedland became the center of the Grand Duchy of Friedland, and in 1634, after the villainous murder of Wallenstein in Cheb (more about this on the website page dedicated to Cheb Castle), the medieval castle of the Czech Republic Friedland became the property of Count Matthias Gallas.

In the ownership of this family, and since 1759 of a side branch, Clam-Gallasov, the Czech medieval castle of Frýdlant was until nationalization in 1945. During this time, he survived several assaults by the Swedish army during the Thirty Years' War (and from 1645 to 1649, the Swedes remained in the castle at all, although they restored and significantly strengthened its walls), fires in 1676 and 1684. But in the second half of the 18th century, all the destruction was completely eliminated, and in 1801, the first castle museum in Europe was opened within the walls of the medieval castle of Frýdlant in North Bohemia. In it, the Clam-Gallas demonstrated an extensive collection of weapons and antiquities related to the history of the medieval castle of the Czech Republic Frýdlant.


Legend about the name of the castle

Once upon a time, in ancient times, on the site where the medieval Czech castle Frydlant is located today, there were dense forests. And then there lived a man named Zagvozd here in a hut. He had seven sons.

When the children grew up, their father allocated them seven plots of land along the banks of the Smeda River. This is how a small settlement arose, which Zagvozd, who wished peace and tranquility for his children, called in German " Friederland" ("vriderland" - “keep the earth" from German). The sons built a tower almost 50 meters high, on the roof of which they lit a fire every night, which served as a beacon for travelers and traders who often passed by the village. It is reliably known that the lighthouse tower existed already in the 11th century century This tower stands, although it has been rebuilt more than once, to this day, in the Gothic part of the Czech Friedland Castle.

Lighthouse tower at Friedland Castle (foreground)


The medieval Frydlant Castle in Northern Bohemia is a unique historical site, a castle complex, the architecture of which surprisingly harmoniously combines the Gothic power of the walls and towers of the ancient city and the Renaissance lightness and pretentiousness of the ceremonial palace. The walls of the Renaissance castle are decorated with numerous sgraffito-style paintings typical of the Czech Renaissance (pictured).

During a tour of the medieval castle of the Czech Republic Frydlant, you can examine the female and male halves, get acquainted with all the halls and state rooms, the chambers of the famous Generalissimo von Waldstein. A separate excursion is dedicated to the Armory Chamber with its more than 1,700 examples of hunting and military weapons made from the 12th century to the present day.


In order to get to Frydlant Castle in Northern Bohemia by car, we leave Liberec in a northerly direction along the highway 35(E442), after 3 kilometers we use the exit to the road 13 in the direction of Liberec-Makhnin, Frydlant, Straz nad Nisou ( Liberec-Machnin, Frydlant, Straz nad Nisou). We drive about 20 kilometers along this road and arrive in Frydlant, the parking lot is 100 meters from the castle gate.

It is also easy to reach the Gothic Frydlant Castle from Liberec by bus or train. Trains depart every hour from 7.30 , and with 12.30 before 16.30 and every half hour. Travel time is 35 minutes, ticket price is 42 CZK. In Frydlant, from the railway station to the castle it is about a kilometer along the green or yellow hiking trail.

Buses from Liberec go to 7.40, 9.12, 11.08, 13.10, 14.04, 14.35, 15.02, 16.02, 16.25, 17.04. Travel time is about an hour, the ticket costs 37 CZK. In Frydlant, from the bus station to the castle there is a tourist route marked with red signs.

Frydlant Castle in Northern Bohemia is open, like most Czech castles, from April to September according to the following schedule:

Day off - Monday. For visitors to Frydlant Castle, a main excursion route lasting one and a half to two hours is offered with a ticket price of - 150 CZK from an adult, 100 CZK for the child and 400 CZK- family ticket. There is also a separate excursion to the armory lasting one hour with the ticket price 130 CZK (370 CZK- family ticket).

For more complete practical information, you can visit the website of the Czech Frydlant Castle "www.zamek-frydlant.cz"

Friedland Castle opened its doors to visitors back in 1801. Its exhibition tells about medieval life and the life of aristocrats of the 18th-19th centuries. In the museum you will see how the Czech noble family lived.

Frydlant Castle (Hrad a zámek Frýdlant) is located in the Liberec region, about 145 km from Prague. It rises on a massive basalt rock above the Smneda River in the Jizera Mountains. Friedland is a whole architectural complex, its buildings and adjacent buildings are made in different architectural styles. It consists of a medieval fortress of the XIII century and a Renaissance castle built on the border of the XVI-XVII centuries.

The oldest castle museum

The castle was first mentioned in a document from 1278, which states that King Přemysl Otakar II transferred it into the possession of Pan Biberstein. From 1558 to 1620 the castle was owned by the Redern family. The residence was expanded into a Renaissance representative palace. An octagonal staircase tower appeared. The facades of the new buildings were painted with sgraffito. Redern took part in the uprising of the Czech estates. For this, Emperor Ferdinand II confiscated the castle and sold it in 1622 to Albrecht Waldstein. In 1634, after the assassination of the Generalissimo, Friedlant was presented to Gallas, and from 1757 belonged to the hereditary nobleman Klam-Gallas, who served in the diplomatic and military service of the emperor. His descendants were the last owners. In 1945, the castle became the property of the state.

Rising on a 60-meter cliff, the castle makes a strong impression. Friedland’s majestic appearance so impressed Franz Kafka that he wrote an entire novel about him, called “The Castle.”

Friedland is the first castle museum in Europe to open its doors to visitors. It became possible to get inside and see how the owners lived in 1801.

Museum exposition

Today, the castle exhibition introduces medieval life and the life of nobles of the 17th-19th centuries. These are men's and women's quarters, different in their decoration; front rooms and utility rooms. The exhibition dedicated to Albrecht Wallenstein and the arsenal, including 1000 different types of weapons from the 12th century to the First World War, are impressive. In addition to the exhibition of antique furniture and castle equipment, there are collections of paintings, porcelain, glass, smoking pipes and children's toys.

There are 6 tours of the castle for visitors.

I. Frydlant Fortress and Castle (main tour)
(fortress, chapel, Renaissance castle, private chambers, representative premises)
Tour duration is 90 minutes.

A full ticket costs 180 Kč;
preferential – 130 Kč;
family – 490 CZK;
children under 6 years old – free.

II. Arsenal
III. Fridlant Fortress
IV. Friedlant Castle
V. Children's excursion
VI. Fridlant treasure

Before visiting the castle, check the opening hours and ticket prices on the official website.

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