Home Permission Presentation on the topic of attractions of Great Britain. Sights of Great Britain

Presentation on the topic of attractions of Great Britain. Sights of Great Britain

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The Palace of Westminster The Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace, is the meeting place of the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom-the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, close to the historic Westminster Abbey. The Palace is one of the centers of political life in the United Kingdom.

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St Mary Ax was a medieval parish in London whose name survives on the street it formerly occupied. (Mary Ax Tower, 30 or St. Mary Ax 30, Mary Ax Skyscraper)

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Piccadilly Circus Piccadilly Circus is a famous road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster, built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with the major shopping street of Piccadilly. In this context, a circus, from the The Circus is particularly known for its video display and neon signs mounted on the corner building on the northern side, as well as the Shaftesbury memorial fountain and statue of an archer popularly known as Eros. It is surrounded by several noted buildings.

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Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is a public space and tourist attraction in central London, England. At its center is Nelson's Column. There are a number of statues and sculptures in the square. The square is also used for political demonstrations and community gatherings, such as the celebration of New Year's Eve .

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Hyde Park Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal Parks of London

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The London Zoo London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. Today it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 16,802 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.

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The Regent's Park The Regent's Park is the largest grass area for sports in Central London and offers a wide variety of activities, as well as an Open Air Theatre, the London Zoo and many cafes and restaurants.

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St. James's Park St. James St James's Park is probably the most beautiful of the capital's central parks. Now the most ornamental park in London with good views of Whitehall rooftops, St James's Park a popular place to stroll, feed the ducks or watch the pelicans. Popular in the summer with sunbathing office workers, a band plays throughout the summer. There are a lot of ducks, geese, pelicans and black swans on the lake. The bridge over it gives a view of Buckingham Palace.

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Whitehall Whitehall is a road in Westminster, in London, England The name is taken from the vast Palace of Whitehall that used to occupy the area but which was largely destroyed by fire in 1698. Whitehall was originally a wide road that ran up to the front of the palace. Trafalgar Square was built at its northern extremity in the early 19th century. The streets cover a total distance of about 1 kilometer.

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4th year student group 409
Bezyazykova S.P. general information
Palace of Westminster
Big Ben
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Trafalgar Square
Buckingham Palace
Hyde Park
albert hall
Globus theatre
British Museum in
The Wax Museum
Madame Tussauds
Sherlock Holmes Museum
Beatles Museum
National Zoo in
Millennium Bridge
York Minster
Canterbury Cathedral
Leeds Castle
Rochester Castle
Caernarfon Castle
national park
Spece Hall in
Sherwood Forest

general information
UK territory
includes such countries
like England, Wales, Scotland
and Ireland. In each of these
territories available
many historical and
beautiful places that are very
popular with travelers and
local residents.
Let's take a closer look
UK and interesting
places in England.

It is a unique attraction in the UK. Castle
has more than 1000 rooms and about 100 stairs. Building interior
majestic and luxurious. In 1834 there was a fire and almost all
the palace was destroyed, but the oldest part was protected from fire
buildings - Westminster Hall, which amazes with its splendor to this day
since. After the fire, it was decided to urgently restore the palace,
which now houses parliament.

Big Ben
The clock tower is integral
part of the court of Westminster and
is the calling card of the country.
Many people call it Big Ben, but
in fact this name is inherent
one of the five bells. Structure
was erected in 1859. Height
the towers are about 100 meters high. Raise
only caretakers can look at it
spiral staircase. The chimes can strike
hear at a distance of eight
kilometers. The tower is especially beautiful
at night, when the clocks located on
four sides are illuminated.

Tower of London
Erected in the second half of XI
centuries, Tower today
is symbolic
landmark of England.
The history of this beautiful fortress is very
rich and varied. Tower was
prison, arsenal, mint
and even a zoo. Enumeration
"roles" of this ancient fortress can be
continue for a long time. Nowadays
The Tower has become one of the most
visited attractions in

Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge, one of
the most famous
th London was opened
in 1894 prince
Welsh, which became
later king
Edward VII. Now
the bridge is important
transport hub,
connecting the banks
Thames in the center
capital Cities.

Trafalgar Square
Quite important
landmark for London
is Trafalgar Square.
Its importance is related to the historical
victory of the English fleet at
Trafalgar in 1805. Exactly this
battle and immortalized in the title
attractions. Here in 1945
Churchill informed London about
ending the Second World War.
Today Trafalgar Square is a permanent venue for rallies,
folk festivals and other
public events.

Buckingham Palace
This is now a working residence
Queen of England. Territory
is 20 hectares and includes
yourself a police station, a hospital,
swimming pool, post offices.
Has 700 employees,
serving the queen. In August
and September the palace is visited a lot
number of tourists. Here you can
see masterpieces of painting, rare
porcelain and fine things,
belonging to the queen.

Hyde Park
One of the most popular parks
London is considered Hyde Park. This
very picturesque place with
captivating atmosphere: in summer
the park is decorated with many
flowering plants. Here
art exhibitions are held,
there is a lake where it is allowed
bathe. Those wishing to speak
about painful issues or announce your
thoughts invite you to the stage
Speakers' Corner. In Hyde Park
allowed to walk barefoot and
lying on the lawns is
great place in a noisy
the capital of England for relaxation of the soul
and bodies.

albert hall
Located opposite Hyde Park, concert and exhibition complex
The Albert Hall is a symbol of Queen Victoria of England's great love for
to her late husband Albert. She decided to finish the construction
complex, because her husband considered it a very important project. Exhibitions in
The Albert Hall is held quite rarely, but concerts are the opposite: almost
every day. If you plan to attend one of the performances, tickets are better
purchase in advance.

Globus theatre
Famous landmark
London, Globe Theater - already the third
construction. The first two were
destroyed: one by fire, the second
- Puritans. Modern theater
as close as possible to the original
building erected in 1599.
Completely absent here
artificial lighting, why
performances are only held in
daylight hours. Performances in
Globus Theater takes place from the end of April
to mid-autumn.

British Museum in London
The British Museum in London is one of
largest museums in the world. He also
one of the most visited
cultural attractions
Great Britain and is considered the main
historical museum of the country. Huge
the exposition of the structure will be
for lovers of history and archeology.
The special feature of this museum is its
versatility: located here
cultural values ​​of many countries
world, for each of which are allocated
their halls. And what’s especially pleasing is
it is free entry for visitors.

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
London is the largest city in England.
Its main asset is the museum of figures from
Madame Tussaud's wax. Even at the age of 16 she
created her first sculpture -
Voltaire. Long time Maria
traveled around countries with her
work, and only in 1835 she moved
in London. At the beginning of the 20th century the museum
suffered a major fire, part
sculptures was lost, but
over time it was possible to recreate the lost
sculptures. Greater fame for him
brought a cabinet of horrors. Still
the museum is functioning and in use
new manufacturing technologies.

Sherlock Holmes Museum
It has been open since 1990 and has become one of the
main attractions
England. Represents
four-story building. On the first floor
there is a store where you can
buy souvenirs and the ticket office where they sell
tickets for the excursion. Near the entrance
a policeman is on duty, dressed in clothes
19th century. On the second floor there is
bedroom and living room, as well as room
Dr. Watson. Fourth floor
represented by wax figures from
works of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Absolutely identical interior and
the atmosphere of the house amazes and delights
museum visitors.

Beatles Museum
The world famous group The Beatles,
already immortalized in history,
dedicated to the museum of the same name in
Liverpool. This is exceptional
destination in England for
fans of this musical
groups! The ticket is valid for
within two days, thus
you can take your time to learn everything
exposure. The museum is also designed
and for people with disabilities
opportunities, and, at a minimum,
half the staff is available
proper preparation. When visiting
The Beatles Museum can be used
audio guide services, including
Russian language.

National Zoo in London
Considered one of the most
largest in the world. Was founded in 19
century and is architectural
monument to England. Here
rare species of animals are presented,
reptiles and insects. There now
inhabited by about 17,000 individuals.
The huge zoo has a rich
history and is a scientific center,
which everyone can visit
those who wish. It exists due to
donations from organizations and simply
individuals. The government is not
participates in its financing.

Millennium Bridge
England complements very
famous bridge
Millennium. From him
extraordinary view of
Saint Paul's Cathedral,
Shakespeare theater, museum
Tate, you can also
see Tower Bridge.

York Minster
Available in England and beautiful
religious sites.
One of them is the second largest in
northern europe yorkie
Cathedral. Also this temple
famous for its huge stained glass windows. Catholic services,
those passing in the cathedral will give
an incredible experience for visitors.
Construction of the temple began in the first
half of the 13th century and lasted two years
small centuries. In the first half
XV century construction of the cathedral was
over, but over many centuries he more than once
suffered from fires. Almost ten years
ago its restoration was completed, and
The doors of the beautiful cathedral are open again
for visitors.

Canterbury Cathedral
The leading role among
Anglican shrines in England
takes beautiful
Canterbury Cathedral. This
the ancient temple was built in
603 in original Gothic
style. But it is worth noting that
the modern facade of the temple is already
unlike the original one -
after the fire of 1174 the shrine
was restored, but
in a different guise.
Canterbury Cathedral became
world heritage site

Leeds Castle
Built in the 11th century, Leeds Castle became a very popular English
attraction among tourists. The castle is located very close to
London. Visitors will not only enjoy a tour of the property, but also many
interesting activities, including playing golf, performance of trained
birds of prey, called falconry, a walk through a living maze, and for children
There is a medieval-style children's playground here.

The castle is considered a heritage of England and was built in the 11th century. The building was
designed to protect the city from conquerors and enemies. Outside he
is a square whose side is 21 meters. On the side there is
additional extension. The entrance to the castle is on the second floor level,
there are additional stairs. On the third floor there is a large
central hall The fourth floor is occupied by a huge gallery.

Caernarfon Castle
The castle has polygonal columns,
and one of the largest in the western
parts of the building. Building design
carries a centuries-old history.
He is the main and significant
Great Britain. The building has two
entrance (north and southwest). IN
its upper part should have been
located in the king's domain, in the lower
– utility rooms and kitchen.
The walls of the building consist of
multi-colored stripes that distinguish it
from other castles. There were also
gates were built through which
visitors could get inside,
moving along the Sainte River.

Snowdonia National Park
Located in Wales and
is the most famous
Great Britain.
Located in the north
countries. His name is
named after the mountain
Snowdon, which
towers over Wales.
Here is the most
high mountain, big lake
and several picturesque

It is a striking landmark of antiquity. Territory diameter
is about 100 meters. The building is surrounded by a moat. In the center
there is an altar, surrounded by five pairs of stones. At the exit from the territory
there is a "Heel Stone" and a path leading to the River Avon. Scientists still
the purpose of such a structure, as well as the methods, have not yet been clarified
transporting stones to their destination.

Speke Hall in Liverpool
One of the oldest buildings in Liverpool is Speke Hall. feature
this landmark became his, preserved to this day,
pristineness. The house was built in the middle of the 16th century, within another fifty years
it was completed, and after that Speke Hall remained unchanged for 400 years. All this time in it
where noble families of England lived, now it receives many tourists.
Speke Hall is now exactly as it was in the 16th century.

Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest is a great place
to visit among natural
attractions in England.
Although it doesn't look much like a shelter
Robin Hood, but still a lot
tourists come here
walk along the famous
reserve. Park area,
which is the current one
Sherwood, popular among both
foreign tourists and
the English themselves. important
A centuries-old man became a “resident” of the forest
oak, considered a miracle.
Visitors can purchase
tree seedlings grown in
Sherwood forest.

Buckingham Palace is located opposite Pall Mall and the white, marble and gilded monument to Queen Victoria. Despite the luxury of the palace apartments, where many family treasures are kept, not everyone who lived there was happy. During the summer, the palace is visited by a number of guests who take part in receptions in the royal garden, where there is a lake and waterfalls. The picture of natural nature is complemented by flamingo birds, whose peace is not disturbed even by royal helicopters circling over the garden. Many royal ceremonies begin from here. The royal stables with horses, blankets, a magnificent state carriage painted by the Italian artist Cipriani, and more modern carriages and cars are also open to the public.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most remarkable examples of early English Gothic architecture. The abbey was founded by Edward the Confessor in 1605, on the very spot where the temple stood 500 years ago. The Abbey - as it is popularly called in England, although officially it is called the "Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Westminster" - was built almost entirely in the 13th century, during the reign of King Henry III. English kings were crowned here for over 600 years, and most of them are buried here. The founder of Westminster Abbey is buried in the Chapel of Edward the Confessor, and his grave, which bears the marks of centuries, was, for hundreds of years, a place of pilgrimage.

At first, the royal family lived in the well-protected White Tower, whose walls are up to 15 feet thick. The so-called "traitor's gate" leading to the river is reminiscent of the past, when famous prisoners sentenced to death passed in front of them. With the return of the monarchy, the Stuart dynasty revived the original idea of ​​a museum to commemorate the military achievements of the King and country. Today, the Tower, which is no longer a palace or a prison, has retained traditional features, from the clothes of beefeaters (soldiers of the guard) to the ceremonies of the Tower.

The National Gallery was founded thanks to King George IV, who demanded that the government purchase a collection of 38 paintings, among which were six works by Hogarth. Today it is the center of world fine art. The museum houses ancient works of art, from newly discovered treasures from the ancient Roman period to replicas of the Magna Carta, sculptures of the Pantheon and ancient Egyptian mummies.

The gigantic structure of Stonehenge is a stone mystery in the very center of Europe, as one of the researchers Dr. Umlmore Trever called this amazing monument. This is an ancient structure located in England. Archaeologists now agree that this architectural monument was erected in three stages between 3500 and 1100 years. BC. In general, Stonehenge is a structure of 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks, weighing 25 tons each, and 5 huge so-called triliths, stones weighing up to 50 tons. Stacked stone blocks form arches that once served as an impeccable indicator of the cardinal points. Stonehenge England, Stonehenge

The contribution of Queen Victoria is the construction of the famous British Library, the reading room of the British Museum - a huge cylindrical room with overhead light, the walls of which are lined with books. The most famous British architect, Sir Norman Foster, cleared the museum courtyard and covered it with a glass roof, creating an atrium of unprecedented size and beauty. And in the center of this light aquarium flaunts a round building of the reading room.

The cast iron bridge over the River Severn at Colebrookdale in England is the first structure of its kind in the world. Its graceful proportions are typical of the architectural styles of the 18th century. The bridge itself, however, became a symbol of new, coming times. At that time it was an unheard of bold project, the implementation of which required great ingenuity from its authors. St. Paul's Cathedral in England is a masterpiece created by Sir Christopher Wren. It stands on the same site where other temples previously stood, the last temple being destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666. Construction of the present Cathedral building began in 1675, and its last stone was laid in 1710. According to many experts, this is one of the most amazing Renaissance buildings in the world. It should be noted here that in terms of the size of the dome, St. Paul's Cathedral is surpassed only by the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The interior dome of the cathedral is decorated with paintings by Sir James Thornhill. The Cathedral's stunning interior features famous paintings, sculptures and artistic works.

Student 6 "A" class

MBU secondary school No. 74

Togliatti urban district


Garifulova Gelfida Mansurovna


From the modern London Eye to the historic Tower of London, below are London's most visited tourist attractions.

The London Eye

You can see up to 25 miles in each direction with views over some of the world's most famous sights, including St Paul's, the Palace of Westminster and Windsor Castle.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837. Today it is The Queen's official residence.

The name "Big Ben" is generally known to describe the clock tower as a whole. However, "Big Ben" is actually the principal bell within the tower.

Big Ben & Houses of Parliament

The site of the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster, a royal palace and former residence of kings.

The House of Commons and the House of Lords conduct their sittings here.

Westminster Abbey

The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, which is almost always referred to as Westminster Abbey, is a mainly Gothic church, on the scale of a cathedral. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs.

Whitehall runs from Trafalgar Square in the north to Westminster Square in the south.

Cenotaph, is a Memorial for both the World Wars.

No 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the Prime Minister and No 11 the official residence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Whitehall (10 Downing Street & Cenotaph)

The Cenotaph

Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894. At the Tower Bridge Exhibition you can enjoy views from the high-level Walkways and learn about the history of the Bridge and how it was built.

Tower Bridge & Tower of London

Tower of London, was founded by King William the Conqueror in the 11th Century, and has served as a royal palace and fortress, prison and place of execution, an arsenal, royal mint, menagerie and jewel house.

St Paul's Cathedral

The current Cathedral was designed by the court architect Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710.

The funerals of Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill have taken place here and the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, to Lady Diana Spencer.

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

Trafalgar Square & Nelson's Column

Trafalgar Square was built to commemorate Admiral Nelson on his victory in the Battle of Trafalgar.

The square is the site of Nelson's Column, which has four giant lions at its base.

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The Tower, throughout its nine-hundred-year history, was a fortress that was the residence of kings, an armory and treasury, as well as a prison and place of execution.

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Big Ben is a bell tower in London, part of the architectural complex of the Palace of Westminster. The official name is “Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster”, it is also called “St. Stephen’s Tower”. Actually, “Big Ben” is the building itself and the clock along with the bell.

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The Palace of Westminster is a building on the banks of the Thames in the London district of Westminster, where meetings of the British Parliament are held. It is connected to Trafalgar Square by Whitehall Street.

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BUCKINGHAM PALACE, London residence of British monarchs (since 1837). Located on the west side of St James's Park. Built by Sir George Goring (later Duke of Norwich) under James I, rebuilt in 1674 and 1703 by John Sheffield, Marquis of Normandy, later created Duke of Buckingham.

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Standing 135 meters tall and weighing more than 250 double-decker buses, the London Eye is the most spectacular attraction to come to the city in recent memory. From the top there are stunning views of the main significant places in London.

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The British Museum is one of the largest and most important museums of human history and culture in the world. The museum was founded in 1753 on the basis of the collection of physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 at Montagu's house in Bloomsbury, where the modern museum is now located.

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The magnificent dome of St. Paul's Cathedral has been a prominent and significant feature in the London skyline for centuries. Built in 1673 by Sir Christopher Wren after the original cathedral burned down in the Great Fire of London, it is the most famous of all the churches dedicated to St Paul.

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