Home Permission Interesting and entertaining facts about Disney Park in Paris, a wonderful world for children and adults. Disneyland Paris Disneyland Paris interesting facts

Interesting and entertaining facts about Disney Park in Paris, a wonderful world for children and adults. Disneyland Paris Disneyland Paris interesting facts

Disneyland is a magical fairy tale world where every child dreams of visiting. What about the child, and most adults. We decided to tell you about the most interesting facts related to the park that you probably didn’t know about.

There are five Disneylands in total: in California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong. All these parks are united by a common theme and are decorated with the main logo - Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is everywhere here: in fence bars, on sidewalks and even small pictures on the walls.

There are very strict rules for Disneyland employees: there are no gloomy workers here, even the territory cleaners must be joyful and happy. Beards are also prohibited, except for actors who play characters with beards. In this case, they are obliged to take care of their beard. Also prohibited are unkempt haircuts, long hair for men, or bald heads.

Actors should not go out of character: they always smile and are ready for dialogue. True, conversations are always limited only to Disney fairy tales; there is no other world for them: neither Harry Potter, nor Narnia. However, like the outside world: actors are prohibited from talking about politics, wars and events taking place in the country and abroad.

Actors are prohibited from drinking in public, talking on the phone, or even stopping smiling. Everything is so strict that not everyone can withstand such a load, and the employees even nicknamed the first Disneyland “Mausventsum”.

Each character has his own autograph. To do this, actors go through a special school to learn how to write the same way. So no matter how many Snow Whites there are, all their signatures are the same, whether it was made in 1987 or 2017.

All employees are required to maintain cleanliness in the park. That's why you can often see Mickey Mouse playfully jumping up and picking up the wrapper and throwing it into the trash can.

By the way, in the park there are trash bins almost every thirty steps, but there are still those who do not bring trash to them.

Sometimes visitors bring urns containing the ashes of relatives to Disneyland because they asked them to be scattered over the park. The park administration is actively fighting such incidents: closing the attractions, cleaning them, writing bans, but still there is no decrease in the number of people interested. The Haunted House attraction is especially popular for this.

At Disneyland, cats also guard the grounds. There are about two hundred of them, but they usually go out hunting at night. This is how the park fights rodents.

On the Cups ride, the purple cup spins the fastest.

The Splash Mountain attraction is famous for the fact that at the moment when the platform with visitors hovers before descending into the water, everyone is automatically photographed. Visitors at this moment lift their clothes, exposing their chests. At one time, many similar photos leaked onto the Internet, so the administration began to strictly monitor this. And if a person came and confessed to this incriminating footage, then he will be allowed to ride the slide again out of turn.

The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction is famous for the fact that real human bones are used in its decorations.

In the park, the air is specially scented with vanilla, mint, and citrus fruits. There is even a special Christmas smell).

There are outlets on the wall of Sleeping Beauty Castle so visitors can charge their phones.

Disneyland is full of secret places hidden from visitors, including underground ones: these are secret paths for employees, a secret club where only selected visitors gather, and, of course, administrative buildings hidden from guests.

When the park opened, tickets cost $1. Now the ticket price is $99.

Since the park opened, more than 84 million Mickey Mouse ears have been sold, making them the most popular Disneyland souvenir.

Walt Disney has a secret apartment at Disneyland. There is still a light in the window there today, symbolizing Walt's presence.

In 1995, a time capsule was buried in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. It will be opened in 50 years, in 2045, and a new one will be buried.

When Disneyland opened, 18 attractions were installed. 14 of them are still in operation today.

Mickey Mouse has 290 costumes. Minnie has 200 different outfits.

There are colored paths throughout the park. But they're not just decoration: they reflect light, making your photos brighter.

At the entrance to Disneyland you can buy one of the bricks that line the park's roads. Therefore, for $150 you can become the owner of a small piece of a fairy-tale world.

Disneyland has a No Sad Kids rule. This means that any crying child can be given a small gift or, for example, a fallen ice cream can be replaced with a new one.

Yesterday, July 28, 2017, Disneyland co-founder Marty Sklar died at his home in the Hollywood Hills at the age of 83. He was well acquainted with the legendary Walt Disney, had long collaborated with him in the development and expansion of the amusement park network and was personally present at the opening of each of them, including the latest one in Shanghai, built just last year. Marty Sklar retired eight years ago, and his name was immortalized on the window of the administration building of the very first Disneyland. He was called a "Disney legend."

In honor of the memory of the deceased creator of Disneyland, we invite you to remember only interesting facts about the world's largest and most famous amusement park:

1.The first Disneyland in Anaheim was built very quickly - exactly a year passed from the moment of laying the foundation to the opening, or more precisely, 365 days. At the same time, Walt Disney's total investments at that time (1955) amounted to $17 million, which even by today's standards ($140 million) looks like a rather modest amount.

2. The progress of construction was personally supervised by Walt Disney himself, observing the process from the window of the top floor of the fire station on the “Main Road USA”, settling in one of the rooms. It is said that after the opening of Disneyland, he continued to spend the night in that favorite room of his, notifying visitors and employees of his presence with a light on in the window.

3. Disneyland did not have an automatically assigned address, so Walt Disney himself could come up with whatever he wanted. As a result, Disneyland is located at 1313 Harbor Boulevard. The creator of the world's largest amusement park did not even think about the fact that a damn dozen could bring misfortune. The fact is that the address numbers contain the name of Disney’s favorite cartoon character, Mickey Mouse (M is the thirteenth letter in the alphabet).

4.The opening day of Anaheim Disneyland turned out to be hot in every sense of the word. Firstly, the air temperature reached 37 degrees Celsius, and secondly, this solemn event coincided with a plumbers' strike, so Disney had to rack his brains about how to manage the meager supplies of water in order to simultaneously quench the thirst of visitors and ensure that the flush tanks were filled with contents.

5. Already a month after opening, a million people visited Disneyland. This California amusement park became an instant sensation. Before the start of the millennium, Disneyland was visited by about six hundred million guests, including seven US presidents and almost all the world's celebrities.

6.There are 34 restaurants on the Disneyland property so that visitors can quench their hunger, thirst and replenish their strength after hours of fun with their children.

7. You can’t buy chewing gum anywhere in Disneyland; any kind of gum is simply not sold there. The initiator of the ban was Walt Disney himself, who was always a stickler for cleanliness and did not want guests to stick to chairs.

8.Today the park has more than 20 thousand employees in more than 500 professions. All of them - from electricians to animators - are called
"cast members" of Disneyland.

9. It is interesting that for a long time actor Steve Martin, known for the films “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and “The Pink Panther,” was a member of the Disneyland troupe. He worked for the benefit of the park for eight whole years - from ten to eighteen. He went to work every day after school and during the summer holidays. At first he stood at the entrance and offered guides to visitors, then he began offering souvenir lasso at the Western Land attraction. Here, for the first time, Martin managed to truly reveal his acting talent, when after some time he was promoted to the seller of kits for young magicians, which had to be clearly demonstrated to customers.

10.One of the features of Anaheim Disneyland is its walking band. Initially, according to the plan, it was supposed to exist after opening for a couple of weeks, but it remained here forever. According to rough estimates, since 1955, the musicians have walked about thirty-five thousand miles, playing more than ninety thousand performances.

11.The plants in Tomorrowland and their fruits are edible. The fabulous landscapes of the themed island are considered here as a kind of farm where humanity can produce the necessary resources.

12. Despite the fact that it is illegal, every year several thousand people try to scatter the ashes of deceased people on attractions.

13. Right behind the Haunted Mansion is a pet cemetery. Among the other graves there is even Mr. Toad's tombstone.

14. When Disneyland opened in Anaheim, there were only 18 attractions. By the way, 14 of them are still functioning.

15.The trash cans in the amusement park are located no more than thirty steps apart from each other. We remember that Walt Disney is a confident fighter for purity. Before opening his own park, he visited other similar establishments and observed how long people carried garbage with them before throwing it directly on the ground. It turned out that the average distance was exactly thirty steps.

Address: France, the city of Marne-la-Vallee 32 km from Paris
Park opening: April 12, 1992
Working mode: All year round
Attractions: 55 pcs.
Square: 1943 ha
Coordinates: 48°52′29″N 2°46′35″E


Short description

What could be better for children, and for their parents, than to get into a real fairy tale, especially if we are talking about a Parisian fairy tale called Disneyland Paris?

To be extremely precise, a huge entertainment complex, which includes parks, hotels, residential complexes, and entire fabulous “republics,” is located not in Paris itself, but 35 kilometers from it, in the small town of Marne-la-Vallée. For those who do not know, it should be clarified that in France it is customary to calculate the distance from the capital of the country to any city from the heart of Paris to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Disneyland in Paris is considered one of the most visited places in the entire Old World. The average number of tourists coming to France for a fairy tale trip is more than 12.5 million people per year. Only the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris can compete with Disneyland in Paris in popularity.

Sleeping Beauty Castle

The world's first Disneyland was, naturally, built in the homeland of its founder in the USA. However, Disneyland in Paris, which opened its doors to visitors in the spring of 1992, has become much more popular than its “ancestor”. There are many Disneylands in the world, but the most famous are located in the USA and Paris. It is not surprising that every year such a huge number of travelers flock to the capital of France to explore its Disneyland. Magnificent attractions, fabulous, luxurious parks - unique in their kind. They stand out among other entertainment establishments only because here dreams really come true and this is where real miracles happen.

The area of ​​Disneyland Paris is huge and covers almost 2 thousand hectares. In this area you can always meet numerous groups of tourists, most of whom come here with children. A visit to Disneyland in Paris, according to almost all travelers surveyed, remains a memory for a lifetime.

Captain Hook's pirate ship

“Having come here only once, you leave your heart in this fabulous place forever. A sea of ​​impressions and overflowing emotions make you come back here again and again if possible. Even in two or three visits to Disneyland Paris, it is impossible to completely get around all of its fabulous parks, ride all the attractions and stay in unique hotel rooms,” this is approximately how guests of Paris who visited its “American” fairy tale share their impressions. There is, of course, a huge amount of truth in these words. It’s worth imagining how much time it will take to go around just one “Fantasy Land”, with its numerous attractions, for which there are seemingly endless queues.

Walk through Disneyland Paris

As mentioned above, the grand opening of the Parisian fairy-tale city, where dreams come true, took place on April 12, 1992. Then Disneyland Park was opened. Ten years later, work on the construction of Walt Disney Studios Park was completed.

Attraction "Big Thunder Mountain"

In addition, an amusement park called “Disney Village”, a huge golf course, and even an entire residential area, which includes luxury hotels and a business center, were open to visitors. The area of ​​Disney Village alone, which houses a huge number of restaurants, cinemas, a state-of-the-art discotheque, bowling centers, and shops selling unique souvenirs, exceeds the area of ​​20 football fields.

Before you start your walk through the huge Disneyland Paris, you should definitely purchase a special map and guide. You can get lost in the big fairy-tale city in literally five minutes, because its total area is 1/5 of the total area of ​​the capital of France! For the convenience of its visitors, the creators of Disneyland Paris divided the magical land into five “republics.” It would be more correct to say into five countries: the land of discovery, the land of fantasy, the wild west, the land of adventure and the Main Road USA.

Attraction "Space Mountain: Mission 2"

Upon entering Disneyland Paris, the traveler immediately finds himself on the “Main Road USA”. For the most part, it contains only shops and restaurants. There is also a hair salon where guests can get a modern hairstyle. The style of this street makes a person imagine that he miraculously found himself in the middle of the 19th century, and even in the United States of America. More precisely, in the state of Missouri, in the small town of Marceline. For those who don’t know, let’s clarify that Disney himself was born in this city. On the main street you can also see the railway station, from which real steam locomotives depart; on them you can take a fascinating ride around the fairy-tale park. By the way, the “Main Road USA” at Disneyland Paris will lead its guest to Sleeping Beauty Castle. In addition, you can watch a real, enchanting Disney parade and a fantastic night light show. By the way, on the main road you can also witness a shortened version of the most expensive and most famous fireworks display in the world, called Wishes.

Cartoon characters

Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios

Experienced tourists who have visited Disneyland in Paris more than once are advised to turn off the Main Road of the USA to a park called Walt Disney Studios, which, as mentioned above, was opened in 2002. In this park, attractions, various premises, shops and hotels are inextricably linked with the cinema. By the way, this park is home to the most popular attraction today called “Rock 'n' Roller Coaster”. It is a legendary roller coaster on which park visitors ride to the music of the famous band Aerosmith. In addition to these mega-popular roller coasters, new attractions were later added, which are also related to the work of the Walt Disney film studio: “Cars”, “Finding Nemo” and others. Three times a day, Walt Disney Studio Park hosts a one-of-a-kind stunt car show. What professional drivers do with their cars: after the end of the show, most cars almost completely crash. They are immediately repaired by highly qualified specialists. By the way, you can see their filigree work through a glass partition.

Attraction "Haunted House"

Naturally, this spectacle is quite boring, but during it you can have time to take seats on a special platform before the next show. It is worth noting that even out of season, seats on this stand have to be taken in advance, since the auto stunt show at Disneyland Paris is always popular.

Disneyland Paris - "Adventureland"

“Adventureland” at Disneyland Paris attracts the attention of most boys, young men and even their fathers. The beautifully crafted pirate ship, on which time passes unnoticed, deserves special attention. Of great interest will be the attraction called "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Danger", as well as a large house, which is located... on the branches of a giant tree. This house is called Robinson's Refuge. If you have free time, you should definitely visit the new Adventureland attraction, named after the film Pirates of the Caribbean. You will have to spend a really long time on this attraction. This is due to the long queues for it.

Attraction "Buzz's Laser Battle"

True, you will have to stand in line not on the street in the open air, but in a dark and scary cave. As soon as the boat is free, the visitor will take it on an exciting journey through the pirate grotto. This attraction will appeal to those who like to “tickle” their nerves: ghosts, skeletons, and dead pirates constantly jumping out from behind the rocks will make you scream in horror more than once. A tired guest of Disneyland Paris can take a break right in this cave and have a delicious lunch at the Blue Lagoon restaurant.

Disneyland Paris - "Land of Discovery"

Visitors to the Land of Discovery can experience an amazing journey into the future. To be fair, it’s worth noting that you won’t find cyborgs or aliens there. Pictures of the future in “Land of Discovery” are reproduced for the most part as they were seen by science fiction writers who lived back in the 19th century. Naturally, in this country you can also find a lot of attractions: roller coasters, which were updated in 2005 and are called “Mission 2”.

Attraction "Circus Engine Casey Junior"

This attraction is also wildly popular due to the thrill experienced by a person who sits in a seemingly unreliable cart and falls down at a speed of 14 meters per second. In this case, the body of the “trolley passenger” experiences almost the same overload as an astronaut during the launch of a spacecraft. It is worth noting right away that this test is not for the faint of heart or for physically developed people who do not have health problems. In addition, in the “Land of Discovery” you can see a laser show, test your skills on a flight simulator and ride along a rather large go-kart track.

Disneyland Paris - "Fantasyland"

"Fantasyland" at Disneyland Paris will be of interest mainly to preschool children and children attending primary school. First of all, in this country you should pay attention to the Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Attraction "Mad Hatter's Tea Party"

It is located in the very center of the park and is where the Main Road of the USA leads. In Fantasyland, you can learn the story of Snow White, take a ride on a horror road designed for kids, and also “fly” on a funicular called “Peter Pan's Flight over London.” In addition to the above attractions, children can get acquainted with the culture of almost all the peoples of our vast planet in a fun way in “Fantasy Land”. All tourists arriving at Disneyland with small children are immediately sent to this park. This suggests that the queues for the attractions here are simply huge. However there is a special offer from the creators of Disneyland Paris, it’s called fastpass. Thanks to it, you don’t have to stand in line, but come up at the specified time and ride the attraction. However, you should not think that the number of fastpasses is unlimited; you will still have to stand in line for many attractions.

Attraction “Land of Fairy Tales and Fairies”

Disneyland Paris - "Wild West"

The country called “Wild West” or, as they also like to call it, “Border Country”, is one of the smallest “countries” of Disneyland in terms of its area. There you can feel the atmosphere that reigned in North America during the confrontation between cowboys and Indians. At various Borderland attractions, you can shoot at your opponents and stroll through the children's playground, which regularly hosts Tarzan and Mickey Mouse shows. In the “Wild West” there is a small but extremely interesting zoo, where there is a unique opportunity to come into contact with nature.

Infrastructure of Disneyland Paris

You can stay at Disneyland Paris for several days: tourists have four hotels of varying levels of service. In addition, a wealthy family is provided with a luxurious bungalow with a kitchen, a jacuzzi bath and a comfortable bedroom. Disneyland Paris has a huge golf course. Not only professionals, but also beginners can play it.

Attraction "Autopia"

For guests arriving at Disneyland with their own or rented car, multi-space indoor parking is available. It is worth noting that you can only come to Disneyland by train departing from the station in Paris, or by car. Due to the congestion of the A4 motorway, buses do not go to Disneyland.

Disneyland in Paris - a reminder for tourists

Before visiting Disneyland Paris, be sure to plan your free time. As already mentioned above in the material, numerous queues line up every day for almost all the attractions of the magical land. In addition, you should take care of purchasing a ticket to Disneyland in advance. There are three options for its visitors: a one-day ticket, a two-day ticket and a three-day ticket.

A one-day ticket for an adult costs 40 euros, the same for a child - 30 euros. A two-day visit to Disneyland Paris will cost 89 euros for an adult and 69 euros for a child. The maximum ticket price for a three-day stay at Disneyland Paris is 109 euros for an adult and 80 euros for a child.

Attraction "It's a small world"

It should be remembered that an adult ticket must be purchased by a teenager who is already 12 years old. Children under 3 years old can enter Disneyland absolutely free. The ticket price includes admission to any attraction located at Disneyland Paris. True, you will still have to pay for hotel accommodation, shopping in stores and dinners in restaurants.

You can buy a ticket to Disneyland right at the entrance, but to do this, you will again have to stand in a huge line for at least an hour. The best solution would be to purchase a ticket directly in Paris, in one of the specialized stores. Before traveling to Disneyland, you should also know that the longest queues for the attractions line up during the “season” - in the summer. In winter, there are significantly fewer tourists, however, during the cold season, not all attractions are available for visiting.

Attraction "Pinocchio's Journey"

Russian-speaking tourists who do not speak French or English may have certain difficulties with the card purchased at Disneyland. Therefore, before traveling to Paris, you can find and download a map and guide in Russian on the World Wide Web.

Since childhood, everyone has dreamed of spending at least one day in an amazing place called Disneyland. This park is a real fairy tale and dream. Disney has made many interesting cartoons and films. All of them are reflected in this park. Here it really gives way to fantasy. The park has a huge number of attractions that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. There are several interesting facts about the park that you might not even know.

But if you and your child do not have the opportunity to visit Disneyland for one reason or another, you can create a small holiday for your child with costumes, animators and a fabulous performance - the studio https://sunny-animators.ru will help you with this.

1) When Disneyland opened, there were only 18 attractions. 14 are still preserved and ready to delight visitors. Without a doubt, the King Arthur Carousel is the oldest attraction in the park. The carousel is older than the park itself, by as much as 80 years!

2) If you visit the fire station in the park, you can see Walt Disney's room on the second floor. There were times when visitors to the park recognized by the light on that the great storyteller was in his apartment. Unfortunately, this person passed away, so the lights in the apartment are no longer on. Millions of people remember Walt Disney thanks to his good fairy tales.

3) A capsule is buried near Sleeping Beauty's castle. Inside it lies a mysterious note. It will be possible to read the message only after many years. When the park turns 80, in 2035, the capsule will finally be opened.

4) Everyone knows Mickey Mouse. He is one of the storyteller's most recognizable characters. A person who puts on a mouse suit has 290 suits at his disposal. His girlfriend Minnie Mouse only has 200 costumes.

5) There is Indiana Jones World in the park. In it you can find the real props that were used in the film. If you visit Pirates of the Caribbean, you can find a real human skull there.

6) If you visit the Mad Tea Party and look closely, you will notice that the circles are spinning at different speeds. It was noticed that the purple mug rotates much faster than the others. If you use the steering wheel, you can reduce the speed.

7) “Small World” uses real gold. To decorate the world, we used 917 sample.

8) If you visit The Haunted Mansion attraction, you can find 999 ghosts there that constantly frighten visitors. If you manage to remain fearless and not get scared, you will receive a gift certificate that will say that you successfully completed this mansion. By the way, ghosts also find it very difficult to scare people, so they too are rewarded with gift certificates upon completion.

9) There is a bigfoot named Harold in the Matterhorn Bobsleds. By visiting this hill, you can see it. Few people know that deep inside the mountain is a basketball court. Employees working in the park rest on it. The court is half the size of a real basketball court.

10) Visitors most often buy a Mickey Mouse hat or headband. In addition, if you are careful, you can find a large number of images with it. He is the one most often depicted at Disneyland. Even in the World of Indiana Jones, the most inquisitive will be able to find an image of a mouse.

11) If you have been to Disneyland, you have seen colored paths everywhere. They are not mere decoration. It is thanks to the paths that the photos turn out colorful and bright.

12) If you are a fan of chewing gum, you will be disappointed to learn that they don’t sell it in the park. The fact is that it constantly sticks to everyone, and then people have to tear it off their soles. There are also no peanuts sold in the park. This is due to the large number of people who are allergic to this nut.

13) If you dream of owning a piece of the park, you can buy a real brick from Disneyland for just $150.

14) Everyone knows the tradition of leaving a coin in the fountain at last in order to return to the desired place again. There is such a fountain in "Small World". All coins that are collected are donated to charitable organizations.

15) All the attractions are so realistic that sometimes it seems as if it smells like the ocean or pies. Let's tell you a little secret. Flavoring agents were specially installed on the territory of Disneyland. They spray pleasant smells. The most pleasant thing is to inhale the smell of burning wood.

16) There are 200 cats in the park. They serve faithfully, protecting Disneyland from rodents. They protect this place at night, and during the daytime they sleep in cozy houses.

17) If you hear “Dear guests,” then you shouldn’t be happy about it. This is what employees say to each other to point out rude visitors. There is even a prison on the territory of the park, where people who cannot control themselves are kept.

18) There is a whole dungeon under the park. Visitors are not able to see this part. But employees can easily move between all parts of the park without interference.

19) Disneyland has one interesting rule: No Sad Kids. If a park employee sees that a child is crying, he can give him a new ice cream to replace the one that fell, or give him a pleasant surprise.

20) You can constantly see the sun above the park territory. This happens due to the time zone.

Collected 65 facts about Walt Disney's "magical parks" in the USA - Disneyland on the west coast and Disney World on the east coast. We've translated the most interesting ones - the ones you'll want to know before you go there with your kids. For what? So that you have something to tell your children about and not get into trouble when they start asking their tricky questions.

1. Walt Disney decided to build Disneyland after he and his daughter rode the carousel at Griffin Park in Los Angeles.

2. The bench that Disney was sitting on when he came up with the idea to build Disneyland is located at the entrance to Great Moments.

3. On opening day, Disneyland only had 18 attractions.

4. The King Arthur Carousel is older than the park - it was built in 1922.

5. The only really working drawbridge in Disneyland is at Sleeping Beauty Castle. And they used it for its intended purpose only twice - on the day the castle opened and after the opening of the converted Fantasyland park.

6. Contrary to popular belief, the golden spike embedded in the road at the entrance to Sleeping Beauty Castle is not the center of Disneyland. It was used to “center” the castle in relation to Main Street.

7. In front of the Sleeping Beauty castle there is a capsule with a message embedded, this was done on July 17, 1995, on the 40th anniversary of Disneyland. It will open on July 17, 2035, the park’s 80th anniversary.

8. Matterhorn - the world's first iron roller coaster in a pipe.

9. Yes, it's true - there really is a basketball court hidden inside the Matterhorn.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean was the last attraction whose construction was personally supervised by Walt Disney.

11. The skull that is located above the bed in the treasure room in this attraction is a real human one.

12. Both Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion were originally attractions that required visitors to move from room to room on their own.

14. Club 33 restaurant in New Orleans Square, the only place in all of Disneyland where you can buy alcohol. Unfortunately, entry there is open only to club members.

15. The telegraph on the same square constantly “sends” the first two sentences from Walt Disney’s speech at the opening of Disneyland.

16. In the "waiting room" of the Indiana Jones Adventure attraction, Temple of the Forbidden Eye, you can find a hidden "parking sign" for Eeyore - in the projectionist's booth.

17. The props in the Indiana Jones office are the same ones that were used in the films of the same name.

18. The Enchanted Tiki Room was originally intended to be a restaurant where animated birds, flowers and Tikis would perform on stage for dining patrons.

19. Walt Disney originally wanted real animals to live on The Jungle Cruise. Zoologists managed to convince him, proving that most of the animals he had chosen were nocturnal and would sleep and/or hide from visitors during park opening hours.

20. Main Street is illuminated by 100 thousand light bulbs.

21. The Walt Disney Apartments are located directly above the fire station on Main Street. The light of the lamp in his window was supposed to indicate that Disney himself was now in the park.

21. The Disneyland monorail was the first operating monorail in the Western Hemisphere.

22. As of 2012, three children were born at Disneyland.

23. About 2.8 million donuts are sold at Disneyland every year.

24. The area of ​​Disneyland is 344 thousand square meters. meters, the area of ​​Magic Kingdom is 433 thousand square meters. meters. The Walt Disney World Resort is the size of one San Francisco or two Manhattans.

25. It took 18 months to build Cinderella’s castle; it was made entirely of fiberglass, without a single brick.

26. Under the Magic Kingdom there is an extensive network of tunnels that allows staff and actors to move between objects without being noticed by visitors.

27. Mickey Mouse has 290 costumes, Minnie has about 200 (and which of them is the bigger fashionista?!).

28. Big Thunder Mountain took 10 years to design and 18 months to build. It cost $17 million, exactly the same as what it cost Walt Disney to create the original Disneyland in 1955.

29. Tickets to Magic Kingdom originally cost $3.50. Now - 99 dollars.

30. On the day of Steve Jobs' death, the flags at Magic Kingdom were flown at half-mast (Jobs owned the Pixar animation studio, which collaborated with Disney for almost 15 years and was then sold to it - Note DELFI).

31. Every day there are an average of 210 pairs of sunglasses in the park. Since 1971, 1.65 million pairs have been lost this way.

32. Any visitor anywhere at any Disneyland is a maximum of 30 steps from a trash can.

33. The parking lots at Magic Kingdom were originally named after six of the seven dwarves ("Dock" wasn't used because the designers thought everyone would confuse it with a sea dock). Now they have been renamed after more modern heroes.

34. There is a secret luxury room in Cinderella Castle that cannot be booked or obtained at any cost. It is reserved for special guests and major promotions. It was originally planned as Walt Disney's personal apartment.

35. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the FAA banned all flights over Florida's Disney World and Disneyland in California. The no-fly zone is located at an altitude of less than a kilometer and within a radius of five kilometers from the park boundaries.

36. Guests sometimes throw coins into the fountain near It's a Small World - all the money is donated to charitable organizations working for the benefit of children.

37. Given that Disneylands are on the West and East Coasts of the United States, as well as Europe and Asia, the sun never sets on Disneylands - literally (a reference to 19th century Britain, "The Empire Where the Sun Never Sets" " - Note DELFI).

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