Home Permission Palace of the Prince of Monaco. Prince's Palace in Monaco: description, photos, excursions

Palace of the Prince of Monaco. Prince's Palace in Monaco: description, photos, excursions

The Princely Palace of Monaco has been the official residence of the Grimaldi family since 1297, who, unlike the flighty and fickle European monarchs, never changed their residence - for more than 700 years, this palace has been and remains home to the royal family.

The princely palace is located on the flat top of a rocky cliff, which rises 60 meters above sea level.

It is believed that the history of the palace begins in 1191, when the Genoese built a medieval fortress on this site, which by the 17th century had turned into one of the most luxurious European palaces.

Unfortunately, during the French Revolution, the palace was almost completely looted, so the earlier period can only be judged by the architecture, which reflected the political and financial power of the Grimaldi family.

In 1997, the Grimaldi family celebrated the seven hundredth anniversary of their reign in Monaco at the palace.

Part of the palace is open for official events, while the other, the southwestern part, is residential and members of the princely family live there.

Unique features of the palace

The princely palace is divided into four parts - residential, official, formal dining room and guest quarters, as well as a church.

When the Prince of Monaco is in the palace, the princely standard flies above the tower of St. Mary.

In the summer, the Prince of Monaco's palace partially opens its apartments for inspection by tourists, and the rest of the time the premises are used for their intended purpose - government affairs are taking place here.

The outside of the palace has snow-white columns and mosaic facades, and in the courtyard you can see frescoes depicting various heroes of myths and legends.

To recreate its former beauty, experts from the Louvre itself worked on the decoration in the middle of the last century.

On the plan, the palace is an irregular rectangle with a courtyard. Facing the sea, the central facade of the palace overlooks the square where there are guard boxes and cannons.

At the corners of the palace rise four square watchtowers with jagged edges, which remain from the Genoese fortress.

Above the white stone portal is the coat of arms of Monaco in the form of a bas-relief.

Snow-white marble staircases, polished stone floors with patterns, a wide and bright courtyard leave at the same time a feeling of restraint and splendor.

In the depths of the courtyard is the palace chapel of St. John the Baptist, built in the 17th century. On its façade you can see frescoes with scenes from the life of Saint Devota.

Since 1959, musical concerts have been held in the courtyard in the summer.

The initiator of their holding was Prince Rainier III, a connoisseur and lover of music.

Adjacent to the south wing is a staircase made of Carrara marble (17th century), made in the likeness of the famous staircase of the Palace of Fontainebleau, leading to the Gallery of Hercules, where you can admire 17th-century frescoes depicting the exploits of Hercules and other mythological figures.

Claude Vignon and the Genoese master Orazio de Ferrari worked on the creation of the frescoes.

In the same wing there is a Mirror Gallery, followed by a suite of state apartments intended for ceremonial receptions of foreign rulers.

The blue salon (Salon Bleu) with a stacked marble floor is used for official receptions: its walls are covered with blue silk damask wallpaper.

Italian furniture with gilding dates back to the 19th century. In the throne room, the ceremony of taking the oath of allegiance to the prince by the highest officials of Monaco, as well as official events concerning the princely family, take place.

Above the Empire style throne stands the coat of arms of the House of Grimaldi, whose motto, translated from Latin, reads “With God's help” (Deo Juvante).

One of the halls is named after Cardinal Mazarin in memory of the fact that in 1777 Prince Honoré IV married Louise d'Aumont-Mazarin, who was descended from the cardinal's niece Hortense Mancini.

In the palace you can also see several museum collections, for example, the Napoleon Museum (Mus?e des Souvenirs napol?oniens) displays more than 1,000 objects and documents preserving the memory of the French emperor, including clothes and personal belongings of Napoleon.

The fact is that Grimaldi and Buonoparte are relatives.

The museum contains many archival documents, there are various medals of the Napoleonic era, flags.

Some items that belonged to Napoleon personally are also exhibited here - a snuff box, a tricolor scarf, and a lorgnette.

On the same floor as the Napoleonic Museum, you can see a variety of documents related to the history of the Principality of Monaco, medals, maps, ancient engravings and drawings depicting the Principality, and it is here that the Charter of Independence of Monaco, signed by Louis XII, is kept.

In addition, in one of the display cases there is a piece of stone brought from the Moon by American astronauts.

It is also interesting to see the museum of antique cars, which is based on the collection collected by Prince Rainier III. It is located nearby at the foot of the cliff.

The oldest exhibit in the museum is De Dion-Bouton from 1903. In addition, you can see cars from the 20s and 30s and American luxury cars produced after World War II.

Every day at 11:55 in front of the entrance to the palace, on the palace square, surrounded by a battery of cannons from the times of Louis XIV, the ceremony of changing the guard begins.

Princely Palace - La Palais Princier. Built on the top of a cliff in 1215 on the site of a former Genoese fortress, it is now the residence of the ruling family Grimaldi. this is where it is located Historical archive And Napoleon Museum. The changing of the guards can be seen on Palace Square .

IN Monaco There is no conscription, and the prince usually asks the French government to allow him to take French citizens into the service of protecting the state. 82 French guards - the entire army of the prince. They guard the palace. The changing of the guards can be seen on Palace Square . Monaco is the only country in the world in which the military band is larger than the armed forces: it has 85 musicians. Despite the fact that it has been constantly reconstructed since the 18th century, its architecture still retains the ancient square crenellated towers. When Prince located in the palace, the princely standard flutters above the tower of St. Mary. Prince Honore II, who died in 1661, made an enormous contribution to cultural heritage. The prince spent his whole life arranging the princely palace; it was he who built the southern wing, where the Large Apartments are now located, they are so readily shown to the public. He also laid the foundation for a vibrant collection of art objects - more than 700 canvases, tapestries, furniture and silverware. The palace can be called a real museum: more than 700 paintings by the greatest painters, unique frescoes and tapestries, the halls are decorated with Italian marble, silver and gilding, ebony, silks and velvet. The most beautiful premises - Italian gallery, salon Louis XV, the Blue Salon, the Mazarin Salon, the Throne Room, the Chapel of the Palantine, built in the 17th century, and the Tower of St. Mary, as well as the courtyard of the palace. The Court of Honor is considered to be the former central part of the 13th-century fortress. He took on his present appearance in architectural terms during his reign. Honore II. His successor is Prince Louis planned to “cut” a door in the front façade of the building facing Palace Square and the old city. Then, during the restoration work carried out by the prince Rainier III, Court of Honor was paved with three million white and colored stones, forming giant geometric shapes. In 1960, the sovereign prince gives the opportunity to the prestigious National Opera Orchestra (which since 1980 has been called Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo), which has earned international recognition, organize concerts on the territory Court of Honor. Since then it has become a tradition that in the summer Court of Honor becomes an open-air stage for classical music concerts of the highest level, where great soloists and orchestra conductors perform. The maintenance of the 180-room palace costs $4 million annually. This is also where Historical archive And Napoleon Museum. (Souvenirs Napoleoniens Et Des Archives Du Palais Princier). Located in the southern wing of the palace, the first floor of the museum houses more than a thousand objects and documents relating to the First Empire, as well as personal belongings Napoleon I.Among them there are personal items Napoleon, some of which were brought from St. Helena. The second floor is dedicated to history Monaco. Prince Louis II began collecting this collection in 1919. The Decree of Independence is displayed here Monaco, signed by the King France by Louis XII, letter L Judiciary XIV to Prince Antoine I, state awards of the Principality (Ordre des Grimaldi and Ordre de Saint-Charles) and awards of other countries that were awarded to the Princes Monaco. Historical archive Princely Palace contains many documents, including those belonging to the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Open from 10:00 to 18:15, but closed annually from January to 1 April and from November to 31 December. Ticket price - 8 Euro, including visit Napoleon Museum- 9 Euro.

Prince's Palace in Monaco (Palais de Monaco)- the current residence of the princes of Monaco, the ruling Grimaldi dynasty.

general information

The Prince's Palace is only open to the public during the summer months. There is also a museum dedicated to Monaco.

Every day at 12 noon, a changing of the guard ceremony is played near the palace to the accompaniment of drums.

Historical information about the attraction

The lands of today's Monaco were under the rule of the Genoese until the 13th century.

1215 - Fulco De Casello lays the foundation of a new fortress on the top of a cliff. Since then, the fortress has been rebuilt more than once and has now turned into a palace.

1297 - Francesco Grimaldi, expelled from the Italian city of Genoa, disguised as a monk, asks for an overnight stay and enters the fortress. At night, opening its gates, he lets his army in. Having killed all its owners, he declares himself the new ruler. Thus begins the reign of the oldest dynasty in Europe.

1454 - power from the Genoese, who once founded their colony on the territory of Monaco, finally passes to Grimaldi.

The Grimaldi dynasty still rules the kingdom of Monaco.


Climb up the mountain to the palace and the upper city - the administrative territory of Monaco-Ville.

Monaco is a small European state that attracts tourists with its favorable climate and abundance of entertainment. Many people come here to watch car racing and play in the casino. If you decide to spend your holidays in this country, be sure to take the time to visit a unique attraction - the Prince's Palace in Monaco.

History of the state and the princely residence

In 1215, Fulco de Cassello began construction. It is on the site of this historical defensive structure that the palace of the princely dynasty in Monaco stands today. The miniature state begins its history in 1297. It was then that Francesco Grimaldi was expelled from Genoa and, wearing clothes, managed to get inside the fortified citadel and then capture it. At first, Monaco was officially considered a fief. And only since the 17th century, at the world level, the Grimaldi dynasty was recognized as sovereign rulers, and the principality began to be considered a full-fledged and autonomous state. Interestingly, the descendants of the princely family still manage their domains today. The main palace was rebuilt and restored several times. Today the residence not only looks great, but is also used for its original purpose. Today the princely family permanently resides in the palace and all important state affairs are decided.

Prince's Palace in Monaco: photo and description

Throughout its history, the Principality of Monaco has fought for its own independence. While the French kings built luxurious residences in the Baroque style, the Grimaldi chose a more practical Renaissance for their palace, without forgetting to think about its security and inaccessibility. The external façade of the building is decorated with mosaics and white columns. From the side of the courtyard you can see frescoes restored in the mid-20th century. The Prince's Palace in Monaco boasts a rich interior decoration. The styles that came into fashion under Louis XIV predominate here, being examples of pomp and luxury. The palace houses an impressive collection of art objects dating from various periods belonging to the ruling dynasty.

Life of the princely residence today

The Prince's Palace in Monaco is located in the most prestigious area of ​​the resort of Monaco-Ville. Today the residence is divided into four zones. The Napoleon Museum is open in the palace, there is also a historical archive of the family, some rooms are used for official events and ceremonies. The residence also has a residential part, in which members of the princely family permanently reside. Good news for those who want to explore the princely palace in Monaco in person - excursions are offered here in the summer. Usually the residence is opened to free visits as soon as the prince's family moves to a less hot region.

How do members of the princely family live?

The princely palace employs 112 people, and all of them, of course, are. In front of the main entrance to the residence there is a square surrounded by a battery of military cannons cast under Louis XIV. There is a luxurious garden around the palace, allowing members of the princely family not only to admire the plants, but also to hide their private lives from admirers and journalists. Today, 11 gardeners take care of the green area. In order to understand whether the ruler is at home, just look at the princely palace in Monaco. Monte Carlo is a relatively small resort, all the residents of which know that every time the prince arrives, the state flag is raised above the residence. The security of the palace is provided by the Carabinieri. For more than a century now, they have been guarding the residence in full dress around the clock, the changing of the guard takes place at 11.55, this is a breathtaking sight. The Carabinieri organize an honorary escort for His Highness, and also maintain order in the state.

In 1997, the Grimaldi dynasty celebrated its 700th anniversary of rule. Throughout this time, the palace in Monaco has been the only residence of the princely family. In the local archive you can see exhibits telling about the reign of Grimaldi from the founding of the principality. Many personal items that once belonged to members of the princely family and various historical documents are kept here. In 2008, a monument to Francois Grimaldi was erected on the square in front of the palace. The statue depicts the founder of the family in monastic robes - this is how he once entered the Genoese castle. In the middle of the last century, Prince Rainier III introduced an interesting tradition: from time to time, musical concerts are held in the courtyard of the residence. Those who have attended such an event at least once claim that the acoustics here are unusually good.

How to get on the excursion?

The Mediterranean climate is characterized by fairly hot summers. At the height of the tourist season, members of the princely family leave their residence and relax in a cooler region. It is during the absence of its inhabitants that the princely palace in Monaco opens its doors to visitors. Excursions here are held from April 2 to October 31, daily from 10.00 to 18.00. Tourists are advised to check the opening hours of the exhibitions a few days before their planned visit - from time to time the residence is closed for official events. A visit to the palace is paid, an adult entrance ticket costs 8 euros, and a child (8-14 years old) and student ticket costs 4 euros. Discounts are available for mini groups. Of course, tourists are not taken to the private chambers of the princely family. But you can visit the museum and archive, as well as explore the main premises during the excursion. Tourists can also see members of the princely family. Representatives of the Grimaldi dynasty are depicted not only in family portraits, but also in

Exact address of the attraction

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Monte Carlo is the Prince's Palace of Monaco. How to get to the princely residence? Any local resident will tell you the way. Many public transport routes go directly to it, for example, buses No. 1 and 2. From the train station you can walk along picturesque streets in about 30 minutes. Many travel agencies in Monaco offer tourists excursions with transfers from other localities in the state. The exact address of the palace: Place du Palais, Monaco-Ville, Palais Princier de Monaco. If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit the Prince's Palace in Monaco. The description of this attraction cannot be compared with the impressions you will receive from a personal inspection of the residence.

The history of Monaco began in the 13th century, when Fulco de Cassello in 1215 laid the foundation of the fortress, the predecessor of the modern Princely Palace. Even Virgil in his poems mentioned this land as “an impregnable fortress, a quiet port, sheltered from all winds.” Julius Caesar assembled his fleet here in preparation for war with Pompey. In the 13th century, when these lands were under the rule of the Genoese, Francesco Grimaldi, expelled from Genoa, managed to capture the impregnable fortress of Monaco in 1297. Disguised as a monk, he entered the fortress, managed to lull the vigilance of the Genoese guards and open the gates of the fortress, already besieged by his army.

So who was this Francesco Grimaldi? The Grimaldi are one of the four families that ruled the Genoese Republic for more than five centuries, until it was captured by Napoleon. The Grimaldis were perhaps the most influential and powerful family of the four. At least they are the only ones who have still retained power (the princes of Monaco are the successors of the Grimaldi family) and for seven centuries the Monegasque throne has invariably been passed on to the descendants of this family. This is an indispensable condition for the very existence of the principality: according to the treaty of 1815, the end of the dynasty means the immediate entry of France into possession of the territory of the principality. And the other three families - Fieschi, Doria and Spinola - if they have not disappeared completely, then they have nothing to do with power, but even with any major government posts.
Since then, for seven centuries, the throne of Monaco has been invariably passed on to the descendants of the Grimaldi family. This is an indispensable condition for the very existence of the principality: according to the treaty of 1815, the end of the dynasty means the immediate entry of France into possession of the territory of the principality.
While all European monarchs built luxurious palaces for themselves, the Monegasque rulers were forced to create an impregnable fortress - a “stone nest,” as it was called in the Middle Ages. The palace of the Grimaldi dynasty, which has ruled the oldest state in Europe for more than eight centuries, is nestled on wild rocks washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. And the Alps, bordering the country with a picturesque amphitheater, have protected Monaco for many centuries not only from the fierce northern winds, but also from conquerors.

The princely palace stands on an inaccessible sheer cliff, and its high fortress wall, like a crown, crowns the top of the rock. Four crenellated towers, reminiscent of chess rooks, look out over both sea and land. There is only one entrance to the fortress, and even that one looks more like a tunnel, which is guarded on both sides by guards in booths.

One may ask the question, why create such fortifications? The answer is simple. In the Middle Ages they said: “He who owns a fortress owns the keys to the Mediterranean.” The principality's advantageous position at the crossroads of trade routes allowed it to control the mountain roads and sea routes along which caravans carrying goods passed. And the Grimaldi did not at all disdain open robberies, and then, deciding to legitimize them, they completely introduced tolls for travel through their territory.
In the 15th century, the building was expanded to accommodate a military garrison of 400 soldiers.

The coat of arms of the House of Grimaldi is two Franciscan monks with swords.
And yet, the castle slowly but surely began to turn into a well-fortified palace. First, Lamberto Grimaldi, and then, in 1458-1494, and his son John II erected new buildings and expanded the eastern part of the fortress. During this period, the main building of three floors appeared, reliably protected by the high walls of the tower of St. Mary, built of white La Turbie stone.
In the first half of the 17th century. Honoré II significantly expanded the fortress, turning it into a Renaissance palace and building, among other things, the southern wing with the Grand Apartments. Honore collected various rarities, from furniture and paintings to silver. By the end of his life, his collection numbered about 700 items.
The courtyard of the palace, surrounded by arcades with frescoes of the 16th-17th centuries, and paved with multi-colored pebbles laid out in geometric shapes, is capable of striking the imagination. From here, along a double external staircase with bizarre bends of marches, visitors enter the Gallery of Hercules.

The southwestern wing now houses the princely archives and the Napoleon Museum. The exhibition is dedicated to the emperor and his family.
The museum houses more than a thousand objects and documents relating to the First Empire, as well as the personal belongings of Napoleon I. Sculptural and painted portraits, weapons, awards, personal belongings and documents tell about the coronation ceremony, the emperor’s military campaigns, and his personal life. Prince Louis II began collecting this collection in 1919. The museum also displays items belonging to the Russian Emperor Alexander II.
But we didn’t get into it, since it only works in the first half of the day.
The most beautiful rooms of the Palace:
An Italian gallery running along the southern façade with frescoes of mythological subjects by Genoese masters of the 16th century.
Salon of Louis XV in yellow and gold tones.
Blue interior, which wonderfully combines blue and gold.
Mazarin salon, decorated with multi-colored wood in the Moorish style.
The throne room with a large fireplace has been used for official ceremonies since the 16th century.

photo from the Internet
Palantine Chapel, built in the 17th century.
The courtyard of the palace is paved with multi-colored pebbles arranged in geometric shapes. Famous summer open-air concerts are held here.

The Palace Square is located around the palace; it amazes with many cannons cast in the era of Louis XIV and pyramids made of cannonballs.

There is no conscription in Monaco, and the prince usually asks the French government to allow him to recruit French citizens to protect the state. 82 French guards - the entire army of the prince. They guard the palace. Only once was the army alerted. This happened in 1962. The fate of Monaco hangs in the balance. French President General de Gaulle threatened to cut off electricity and water supplies to the principality if it did not stop luring bankers to itself and did not introduce an income tax. 80 Royal Palace guards and 207 Monaco police were alerted. Fortunately, the war did not happen. The prince made concessions...

The changing of the guards can be observed on Palace Square at noon.

Monaco is the only country in the world with a military band larger than its armed forces, with 85 musicians.
On Palace Square there is a monument to Grimaldi

and the beloved wife of one of his descendants.

And also a magnificent observation deck

from which amazingly beautiful views open up.

The princely palace, rebuilt and expanded several times, is surrounded by wealth, sunshine and paradise gardens. Time destroyed the Roman Empire, the empires of Alexander the Great and Napoleon, but spared this small principality. Apparently, even Time did not have the courage to destroy this Beauty.

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