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Sights of Seattle: photos and descriptions. The main attractions of Seattle: list, photos and descriptions Discounts on visiting the main attractions

Pioneer Square is the birthplace of Seattle, the largest city in the northwestern United States. Here you can see magnificent old red brick houses, cozy pavements typical of the northern United States, as well as totems in the form of various signs.

Travelers will find it very interesting to walk around this historical part of the city, looking at ancient buildings decorated with totem signs.

In the evening, a lot of young people gather on the square, confused by the wide variety of restaurants, bars and pubs.

Mirror Lakes

The Mirror Lakes are a group of lakes located in the valley of the Cascade Mountains. These lakes are a nature reserve, so fishing is strictly prohibited here. Also, according to local rules, you cannot enter the water or swim here, and access to many shores is limited to restore the local ecosystem.

Hiking trails are laid throughout the reserve, along which you can travel independently or accompanied by a ranger. You need to be very careful, as not all trails are equally well marked, and each guidebook describes their length and features differently. Also, in addition to hiking, the reserve offers rental of boats and equipment.

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Seattle Chinese Garden

Traditional landscape design of Chinese gardens appeared back in 607, when the Chinese themselves began to imitate the imperial gardens. Over time, the unusual vision spread throughout the world, but only real masters of garden art can create symbolic images from an ordinary small pebble or a small pond. In order to see a real Chinese garden, you don’t have to go to the Middle Kingdom. You can visit a small copy of it in Seattle.

The Seattle Chinese Garden was created according to special rules that were thought out to the smallest detail. Traditional materials were used for it - natural stones, bamboo, trees, gravel and water. Elegant lanterns located along the banks of the reservoir were used as decoration. The garden is designed in Sichuan style. There are few plants here and they all fit organically into the surrounding landscape without disturbing the natural harmony. A separate non-profit organization, the Seattle Chinese Garden Society, was created to care for and maintain the garden.

There is a fee to visit the Chinese Garden in Seattle: $6 adults and $5 children.

The oldest market in the United States is located in Seattle on the Pacific Gulf coast and is called Pike Place Market in honor of the street on which it is located, it is also known as Pike Market. It is a six-story building. Here you can buy antiques and old books, as well as works of American artisans, but the real asset of this market is its delicious products. Fresh seafood, meat, vegetables and fruits are bought here, which is why Pike Place Market is so famous among farmers and fishermen, because this is where they bring their best goods.

And to entertain customers and earn a little money, street actors and musicians stage all kinds of performances and small concerts. Maybe it’s the diligent artists, or maybe it’s the quality of the products presented, but the Pike Market is famous not only among city residents, but also among many of its guests.

"Space Needle"

The Space Needle is a famous tower that has become perhaps the main attraction of Seattle, a real symbol of the city. The 184-meter-tall monument was a gift to the city from the 1962 Seattle World's Fair.

With its outlines, the Space Needle somewhat resembles a huge tower with a landing pad for a flying saucer. From here you can enjoy stunning views of the picturesque surroundings of Seattle - the Cascade Mountains, the Olympic Range, and the Pacific coast are clearly visible. The restaurant "Heavenly City" is also located here. This is an unusual restaurant, it rotates and one rotation takes exactly 47 minutes, so you can admire the panorama of the city and enjoy your meal at the same time. "Heavenly City" is considered the largest restaurant on the coast, and its menu is the most exquisite. You can buy something as a souvenir in the souvenir shop, which is also located on the upper platform.

The most popular attractions in Seattle with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Seattle on our website.

What did I know about Seattle before I went there? A little. I heard that grunge was born here (this is where Kurt Cobain is buried), that this city is rich in IT specialists (the head office of Microsoft, Amazon and other large companies is located there) and is the birthplace of Bill Gates, that Canada is within easy reach, and, yes, perhaps everything. After living there for more than two months, I realized that my knowledge was very poor.

The “Emerald City”, as Seattle is informally called because of the large amount of greenery, turned out to be much more interesting than I thought.

Seattle settled in the northwest, in the state of Washington. Despite the fact that the city is considered by no means large by American standards (the population of Seattle is about 650 thousand people), its significance for the country is great. Located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Seattle is a major seaport in the United States. In addition, Seattle is an industrial city (the Boeing company was founded here at the beginning of the last century, and now all computer geniuses live and work here). And, by the way, among other things, it was in Seattle that the world's first Starbucks appeared - perhaps the most popular coffee shop in the world. But first things first.

How to get there

Probably one of the main reasons why travelers do not include Seattle among the cities to visit is that it is quite inconvenient to get to it from Russia. There are no direct flights to Seattle, so, whatever one may say, you have to fly with a transfer. And this, as a rule, is always expensive and takes a long time.

By plane

If you buy tickets in advance, you can always find an affordable option. You can see the cost of flights for your dates. On average, tickets will cost 45-50 thousand round trip per person. Travel time will be 17-18 hours with a change.

In a flight with a transfer, by the way, there are some advantages. Firstly, flights that are too long are always tiring, and if there is a chance to stretch your legs a little, why not take advantage of it. Secondly, a transfer is not always one or two hours between flights with the only opportunity to run from one gate to another and rush into the plane with sweat on your forehead. You can choose a flight option that will allow you to stay at the place of your temporary stop for the amount of time that you see fit.


Seattle trams have a whole history, fortunately, it has a happy ending. This type of transport appeared in the emerald city at the end of the 19th century, however, as soon as cars began to appear on the roads, the need for it disappeared, and in 1941 trams ceased to exist. Nevertheless, in 1982 they reappeared, and now Microsoft itself has a hand in their development. They look very modern and advanced. The fare is the same as the bus. The interval of their movement is 10-15 minutes.


Subway in Seattle is not at all what we are used to. There are not trains, but duobuses. They drive through the tunnel like trolleybuses, and along the road like buses. This is a very convenient mode of transport, since duobuses are much faster than their younger brothers, and their waiting time does not exceed 1-2 minutes. The metro starts at 5 am on weekdays and 6 am on weekends, and ends at 1 am and 12 am, respectively. The cost depends on the length of your route: the cheapest ticket costs 2.25 USD, the most expensive ticket costs a dollar more.


The bus is the most common mode of transport in Seattle. In the city, by the way, in some sections there are dedicated lanes, which makes buses an even more attractive mode of transport. In general, you can get to any part of the city by bus (albeit with transfers). All stops have a timetable or an electronic scoreboard. As a rule, buses adhere to it very strictly and are not late. Rapid Ride buses are like express trains. They do not stop at all stops and go very quickly.

Transport rental

Renting a car in Seattle makes sense if you plan to travel around the area or, for example, rush to Canada. I don’t advise you to drive around the city by car - you will stand in traffic jams and suffer from parking lots.

However, if you still decide to rent a car, it is better to do it in advance via the Internet. If you take care of this ahead of time, you will book a car at a very favorable price (the most economical option can be found for 1500-2000 rubles per day, compare prices from different car rental companies). You can pick up the car in the place that you choose. Our rights (necessarily with a Latin script) suit the Americans quite well, although in various forums they scare that international ones are needed.

A gallon of gasoline (approximately 4.5 liters) in Seattle costs 3-3.50 USD.

Car rental companies in Seattle trust their cars to drivers over 21 years old. True, if you have not yet reached the age of 25, you will have to pay an additional 5-10 dollars per day from the declared cost for the opportunity to travel by car. Driving experience must be at least 1 year.

Lifehack: do not take a car with a built-in navigator (as a rule, this is an additional option that you have to pay for). I will tell you how to save money and not get lost at the same time. Go to Walmart, buy any navigator you like, and then, at the end of your trip, come to any network store and turn in the gadget you no longer need (save its presentation, box and receipts). Within a few days you will receive on the card all the money spent on it. The whole process is extremely simple and fast, as no one looks at you when you hand over the goods. As a reason for the return (if asked at all), you can simply say that the navigator seemed inconvenient to use.

Seattle - holidays with children

If you go to Seattle with children, you don’t need to puzzle over how to entertain them.

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Anything to add?

Seattle is made up of many neighborhoods. In addition, some of its suburbs are also considered part of the city. I will tell you about the most, in my opinion, interesting and worthy of attention. You can book through Booking - here, but here you can check if there are better prices somewhere.

Downtown (1)

Like, perhaps, all American cities, there is a downtown (the central part of the city, where not only skyscrapers, office buildings and banks are located, but also various entertainment venues, restaurants and bars).

In principle, if you look for housing in advance, you can relatively inexpensively rent a room in a 3 or even 4-star hotel. A day will cost 100-150 USD. The proximity to the center and the presence of bars will certainly attract the attention of wealthy young people.

Belltown (2)

Part of downtown, here, as they say, is expensive and rich. Perhaps this is where the picky tourist should stop. However, as you might guess, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a budget accommodation option. Basically all 4 and 5 star hotels like Sheraton, Hyatt and Hilton are located here. A night there will cost 150-200 USD.

South Lake Union (3)

Another part of downtown. This is where the offices of large companies and business centers are concentrated (for example, Amazon is based here). Despite the fact that this area is replete with office buildings and is rapidly developing (there are construction sites everywhere you look), you can find old buildings from the beginning of the last century here, so if time permits, you can safely go for a walk around this part of the city. There are quite decent hotels here at a reasonable price (100-120 USD per night). Finding something cheaper is difficult, more expensive - please.

China Town (4)

An atmospheric place where you can eat inexpensively and deliciously. This is a very colorful part of Seattle with its own special spirit, which will be interesting to any inexperienced tourist (there are quite a lot of shops with various Asian goods and products), however, if you, for example, have been to China Town in New York, this area of ​​Seattle will attract you unlikely to impress. In addition, here, to put it mildly, it is not very clean and therefore not very pleasant, and in addition, it is unsafe: a large number of tramps, drunks and homeless people increases the chances of getting into trouble (at least losing your wallet). 2 and 3 star hotels here cost around 90-130 USD per night.

Pioneer Square (5)

This is the historical center of the city, where its most important attractions are concentrated. Definitely the most interesting area for tourists. The houses that appeared here in the 19th century were wooden, but, alas, the fire of 1889 destroyed them and the buildings did not survive to this day. Now Pioner Square, among other things, attracts tourists, and local residents too, with a large number of cafes, art galleries, bars and nightclubs. This is where I would advise stopping. Of course, accommodation in this area will cost a pretty penny - it’s extremely difficult to find accommodation for less than 100 USD per night.

Capitol Hill (6)

Another interesting part of the city. This is a very pretentious and probably the richest area of ​​Seattle. It’s just interesting to walk around and look at the expensive mansions. Cafes, bars, parks - there is plenty of it all here. Don't be surprised if you meet a large number of gay and informal people. By the way, grunge originated on Capitol Hill. It’s definitely worth coming here for a walk, but I don’t recommend staying here: it’s expensive and it’s a bit far from the center (25-30 minutes by bus). On average, hotel prices start from 170-180 USD per night.


This is a prestigious area of ​​the city with a large number of private expensive houses. There is incredibly clean air, magical nature and a famous park - Discovery Park (I'll tell you about it later). This is where I was lucky enough to live. However, the downside is that it takes about 45 minutes to get to the city center by bus. There are no hotels directly in the area. You can rent a house for 180-200 USD per day. If you go with a group, it will be very profitable.


Above all else, Seattle is a student city. There are several fairly prestigious colleges located here (the most famous is the University of Washington). Therefore, it is no wonder that there is a whole area U-district(university) where they are concentrated. By the way, you can also go here for a cultural program - most of the city's theaters are located in this area. There is not such a large selection of hotels here as in the city center, but you can find inexpensive motels and hotels for 80-90 USD per night.

The city of Seattle is perhaps the largest in the northwestern part of the United States. Together with the suburbs, it forms one of the largest urban agglomerations - 3.4 million inhabitants. It's a business city, just like Dallas. One way or another, this city is associated with large companies and famous people. It was in Seattle that the giant Boeing, the online store Amazon.com and the world-famous coffee chain Starbucks were founded. There are also divisions of Nintendo, T-Mobile, and Valve here. The city also gave the world Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Jimi Hendrix. What makes the city attractive to tourists? I will tell you more about this.

Geography and climate of the city

If you look at a map of the United States, you can see Seattle on the border with Canada, on the western side. The city is located in Washington state, on the isthmus between the Puget Sound and Lake Washington. By the way, in the harbor of the bay there are many picturesque islands. A wide strait connects Puget Sound with the Pacific Ocean.

Seattle is surrounded to the east by the Cascade Mountains, and to the west by the Olympic Peninsula, which protects the city from Pacific winds. Because of this location, the city boasts picturesque nature and a mild climate. When you arrive in Seattle, take the time to visit Niagara Falls.

The climate in Seattle is mild, close to the Mediterranean. This gives city residents warm, wet winters and dry summers. The best time to travel to Seattle is in the summer - in July and August, due to its close location to the ocean, temperatures at this time of year average 25 degrees. In addition, at this time there is minimal rainfall.

What to see in Seattle

The city can boast not only that it is a business capital, the complete opposite of the city of Detroit. There are festivals, beautiful architecture, parks, museums and restaurants. I'll tell you more about the most interesting things.

I'll start with the most unusual thing - the wall of chewing gum. It is located in one of the alleys of Seattle and is completely covered with chewing gum. It is believed that initially bored students glued coins onto chewing gum here, and then they began to sculpt everything. City officials initially struggled with this, but in 1999 it was recognized as a landmark. In Seattle, this is now one of the popular places for tourists and wedding photo shoots.

A monument to Lenin that is banal for Russia and unexpected for America. He came here with English teacher Lewis Carpenter from Czechoslovakia after the Velvet Revolution. After this, the statue was divided into three parts and transported to the United States. Naturally, upon arrival, there was a scandal with the local American authorities. But after the death of the teacher in 1994, the monument was erected in the Fremont area. At the moment, the statue of the leader often becomes the object of various art projects in Seattle. In addition, it is decorated for Christmas.

A trip to Seattle isn't complete without visiting the glass garden created by artist Daley Chihuly. In the center of the city, on the grass, among the trees, there are glass sculptures: geometric shapes, flowers, trees. Shimmering with all sorts of colors, they simply amaze the imagination. Looks incredible. Such emotions can only be obtained in Atlantic City.

Seattle Museum of Pop Culture. Founded by Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) in 2000, the exhibition will appeal to film and music lovers. It includes several thematic sections: costume, music and fantasy. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to play the guitar themselves or create a musical arrangement. There are exhibits dedicated to the films “Star Wars”, “The Fifth Element”, “Alien”, “Terminator”, “Star Trek”, as well as video games and various science fiction literature. In addition, the museum often organizes film festivals, with which they tour throughout the United States and the world. The museum also has a very beautiful, unusually shaped building.

Oceanarium. At the same time being a research center, the aquarium opened in 1977. Here you will see various types of marine flora and fauna and even birds living in coastal areas. You can even pet some. After visiting the aquarium, you should go to a souvenir shop or cafe.

Definitely, these are not all the city’s attractions. I advise you to add the following interesting places to your list of places to visit:

  • the Space Needle;
  • Fremont Troll;
  • public library building;
  • aviation museum;
  • Museum of History and Industry;
  • Art Museum;
  • Benaroya Hall (concert hall, considered one of the best in the world);
  • Ferris wheel;
  • zoo;
  • observation deck in Kerry Park (this place allows you to take stunning photos of the city);
  • boat trip on the ferry.

And for lovers of shopping and souvenirs, I advise you to go to Pike Place Market or Downtown. Pak-Play is the oldest market in the United States. Here you can buy seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as antiques and local handicrafts. In addition, street musicians, clowns or actors often perform here.

By the way, on the territory of this market you can visit the first establishment of a series of Starbucks coffee shops. And most of the boutiques of famous brands are located in Downtown.

Another top tip: If you're looking to save money, head to the new Seattle Premium Outlets, an hour outside of Seattle, for big-name brands at better prices.


It must be admitted that Seattle is rightfully considered one of the best cities in the USA. A trip to Seattle will give you many pleasant emotions and impressions. From admiring the picturesque landscapes to shopping and pop culture. A wonderful city with great opportunities.

Seattle sights. The most important and interesting sights of Seattle - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    Music History Project and Science Fiction Museum

    Seattle, 325 5th Ave N

  • Seattle is undoubtedly considered one of the most important cities in America, because it is not only a major seaport, but also one of the cultural centers of the United States. Every year, millions of tourists come to the so-called “Emerald City” to enjoy its world-famous attractions.

    Reaching for the sky, or Seattle skyscrapers

    Like many American cities, Seattle is famous for its skyscrapers, which are the main architectural decoration of the city.

    Columbia Center is one of the tallest buildings in the United States. And it’s not surprising, because it has as many as 76 floors. This skyscraper is famous for its observation deck, located on the 73rd level, which offers stunning panoramic views of the city.

    The second tallest skyscraper in Seattle is the famous Space Needle, which is considered a symbol of the city. It attracts tourists with its unique Sky City restaurant, which rotates slowly at a speed of one revolution every 42 minutes.

    We recommend visiting the “Heavenly City” at night. In addition to a luxurious dinner, you will enjoy breathtaking views of Seattle at night, which will sparkle with millions of lights just for you and your companion.

    Smith Tower is inferior in height to the Columbia Center and the Space Needle: this 42-story building ranks only third on the list of Seattle skyscrapers. However, this is not what makes Smith Tower remarkable. The fact is that Smith Tower is the oldest high-rise building in the city, built back in 1914. On the 35th floor of the building there is a traditional observation deck for skyscrapers, although it is unlikely to surprise those who have already visited the 73rd level of the Columbia Center.

    Seattle Museums

    In addition to skyscrapers, Seattle is famous for its many museums, some of which are considered the best in the country. Seattle's most famous museum is the Museum of Flight, located at the Boeing plant. Here you will discover a stunning collection of aircraft and spacecraft, as well as thousands of photographs and articles covering space and astronautics.

    If you are interested in history, then you need to visit The Museum of History & Industry. It is famous for its many exhibition halls, the exhibitions of which are dedicated to the main events that have taken place in Seattle since its founding. In addition to this museum, pay attention to the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, which will tell you about the life of Asian immigrants who once desperately fought against racial discrimination.

    Seattle also has many art galleries. One of the most popular is the Seattle Art Museum. You will certainly appreciate the museum's luxurious collection, consisting of 30,000 exhibits. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the works of artists from different eras and study objects of applied art from peoples of the world. By the way, the Seattle Art Museum often hosts temporary thematic exhibitions dedicated to the creativity of a particular country.

    In addition to these delightful attractions, the city also has many interesting museums. For example, the Police Museum, the Children's Museum, the Museum of the History of Music and Science Fiction and other equally amazing places.

    Where to go, what to see and what to enjoy in Seattle

    One of the most crowded and noisy places in the city is the famous Pike Place Market, located in Downtown. This is a huge multi-story market that sells everything you can imagine: fresh fish, homemade cheeses, fragrant flowers, unfiltered beer, souvenirs, clothes, films, books and much more. It's always fun here - everyone jokes, laughs, sings and plays. On the territory of Pike Place Market there is a real cheese factory, a magician's shop, a magician's shop, a restaurant-brewery and other equally interesting establishments that you will definitely want to check out.

    If you want to truly relax, go to one of the most beautiful parks in Seattle - Kerry Park. This is an urban oasis with stunning flora; the landscapes of the park can be enjoyed endlessly.

    By the way, Seattle is one of the greenest American cities, with more than 400 parks and squares located on its territory.

    Seattle is a stunning city that harmoniously combines the echoes of the past, the rhythmic present and the breath of the future. There is never a dull moment here; there is always something to admire. That is why tourists, fascinated by Seattle, come to this city again and again.

In 1852, on the shores of Elliot Bay, in the Puget Sound, 182 kilometers from the border of America with Canada, a city was founded, called Elkie Point. Some time later, it was renamed in honor of the leader of the Indians - Seattle. In 1869 it received official city status.

Seattle is surrounded by mountains and water bodies, its surroundings throughout the year are ideal landscapes for photography and wonderful outdoor recreation. The sights of Seattle and its environs attract thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. In this article, we will introduce you to some of them.

Seattle Landmarks: Space Needle Tower

If you happen to visit this American city, then for sure the locals will recommend that you see the unique Space Needle tower first of all. Many attractions in Seattle are very original, but this one is a recognized leader among them.

It owes its appearance to the International Exhibition, which was held in the city in 1962. The "Space Needle" (as its name is translated) is part of the architectural complex of the Seattle Center, which was built specifically for this event. She gained immense popularity immediately after the completion of construction. During the exhibition, it was visited by more than two million tourists.

The author of the idea was Edward Carlson, who at that time was the chairman of the exhibition. But this man was very far from architecture, so his sketch was significantly modified. The futuristic appearance of the tower was quite consistent with the theme of the exhibition - the 21st century.

More than five hundred truckloads of cement were used for the foundation of this structure. The tower has a large margin of safety. It is able to withstand both a 9-magnitude earthquake and the strongest hurricane. The TV tower weighs ninety tons and is 184 meters high. The building is crowned with a narrow spire, which gave the name to the object. Initially, construction cost the city treasury four and a half million dollars, and 20 million were spent on the reconstruction in 2000.

Today, everyone who wants to see Seattle (attractions) comes here. A photo (the tower is included in all excursion programs) against the backdrop of this magnificent structure is taken by many in order to preserve good memories of the trip. On the first floor of the building there is a shop "Space Base", where original souvenirs are sold. On the observation deck (159 m) guests rise by high-speed elevators. Due to the fact that they have restrictions on the number of visitors, sometimes there are small queues.

In addition to the observation deck, there is a restaurant on the top floor. At first there were two. After the reconstruction, it was decided to leave one, which was named "Heavenly City". Today it is the most popular and stylish restaurant in the city. From a bird's eye view, there is an amazing view of the whole of Seattle, the port in Eliot Bay, Mount Rainier volcano, mountains and numerous islands.

Museum of Science Fiction and Music History

Not all Seattle attractions (photos and descriptions of the most interesting are presented in the article) can be found in travel agency brochures. And this museum is in all advertising publications and guides. The "metal" brainchild of the architect is located in the city center. Someone considers this unusual building, whose area is no less than 42 thousand square meters, ugly, and someone admires its originality.

This building houses one of the most interesting ones. It opened in 2000 and is called the Music History Project. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Paul Allen, a fan of J. Hendrix's work, the co-founder of the Museum's Gallery. In the museum, each guest is given the opportunity to record their song, learn how to play the guitar and even perform in front of the public.

Fantasy Museum

In 2004, the Science Fiction Museum was opened here, which will tell fans of this genre about starships, inhabitants of other civilizations, etc. In the Hall of Fame, you can learn details from the life and work of great science fiction writers and directors who made films in this genre. The museum has about 80 thousand rare exhibits.

Log House Museum

If the previous sights of Seattle amaze with their huge size, then this museum, located next to the famous Elki Beach, seems very small. The treasures that are collected here tell the story of the history and identity of the region.

It is probably no coincidence that its main exposition is called "Motherland - Seattle". In this small but very educational establishment, visitors are invited to get acquainted with ancient artifacts and attend multimedia presentations of exhibitions that tell the story of local settlers and indigenous people of Shuquamish and Duwamish.

Every month there are events for young visitors and various groups of adults (by interest). You can visit a small gift shop.

Kubota Garden

Attractions are very diverse. It is unlikely that even the most sophisticated traveler expects to see waterfalls and neat bridges, sakura and other elements typical of the Land of the Rising Sun among the numerous skyscrapers and amazing "space" structures. We are talking about the Kubota Garden, which is undoubtedly one of the main and most interesting sights of the city, as well as a favorite vacation spot for citizens.

It was created by an immigrant from Japan, Fujitaro Kubota. He is the author of many of the most interesting landscape art projects in the United States. The talented master arrived in America in 1907, and set up his magnificent garden in Seattle in 1927. Of course, creating this beauty, the master remembered his native land.

The Kubota Garden occupies a fairly large area, so before starting the tour, visitors are given a map on which the most interesting places are marked.

Cathedral of Saint James

Describing the sights of Seattle (you see the photo in this article), one cannot fail to mention the majestic, monumental St. James Cathedral. This Catholic church is located in the expensive area of ​​First Hill. It can be called a pearl of cult architecture. Such a cathedral would be quite appropriate in the main square of Paris or Florence. Nevertheless, the temple was built in cheerful and hospitable Seattle. The locals treat him very reverently.

It should be noted that US churches do not have such a rich history as similar buildings in Europe. However, St. James has already celebrated its first centenary. It was built in 1907 specifically for the Diocese of Washington, which was moved to Seattle from Vancouver. At that time, it had been in existence for more than half a century. The diocese gradually expanded, and a worthy cathedral became necessary for it.

Unfortunately, negligent builders were caught, or maybe the architect made a mistake in the project, but after 9 years (1916) due to heavy snowfall, the dome of the temple failed. Restoration work began immediately, but it was decided to change the original plan of the temple a little. This was followed by a major overhaul in the 50s of the last century, in the 80s the rector's house and utility rooms were completed. Thus, the cathedral today differs significantly from the original project. However, the city government has included it on the official "Seattle Landmarks" list.

Smith Tower

"Smith Tower" is inferior in height to the Space Needle. This building with a height of 42 floors ranks third among the skyscrapers of the city. But that's not what makes her remarkable. Smith Tower is the city's oldest high-rise building, built in 1914. On the thirty-fifth floor there is a large observation deck traditional for all skyscrapers.

Kerry Park

If you want to relax in nature while in Seattle, head to one of the most beautiful parks in the city - Kerry Park. This is a real urban oasis, characterized by stunning flora and magnificent landscapes that you can admire endlessly.

Fun fact: Seattle is one of the greenest cities in America. There are more than 400 squares and parks on its territory.

We have listed only some of the attractions of Seattle. This is a stunning city that harmoniously combines the echoes of the past and the present and feels the breath of the future. It is never boring here and there is always something to see. Perhaps that is why tourists who have been here once return to the city again and again.

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