Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation The most important factors in the development of cultural and educational tourism. Formation of organizational and economic conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism Prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism

The most important factors in the development of cultural and educational tourism. Formation of organizational and economic conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism Prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism


Excursion tourism is today an important object of study, since it is an essential object of the world economy. Over the last decades of the twentieth century, international tourist relations have become an integral part of the socio-economic relations of the world community. In this regard, the process of studying tourism as a science is of great importance. A region interested in attracting tourists should plan and develop special programs and events that promote interest in its culture to attract potential tourists. The historical heritage of the region needs to be promoted to the tourist market. Therefore, local tourism organizations should disseminate information about their region.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that using the data obtained and analyzed in this work it will be possible to determine the compliance of excursion tours in Krasnoyarsk with GOSTs.

The main goal of the work is to check Krasnoyarsk excursion tours for compliance with GOSTs.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated:

  • 1. Understand what excursion tourism is
  • 2. Make a list of main criteria based on GOSTs
  • 3. Check the compliance of excursion tours of Krasnoyarsk tour operators with the compiled criteria

The object of the study is excursion tourism.

The subject of the study is excursion tour programs.


Concepts of cultural and educational tourism

The cultural self-expression of a people is always of interest. The natural curiosity of a tourist regarding various parts of the world and the peoples inhabiting them form one of the most powerful motivating tourist motives.

Tourism is the best way to get to know another culture. The humanitarian significance of tourism lies in the use of its opportunities for the development of personality, its creative potential, and expanding the horizon of knowledge. The desire for knowledge has always been an integral feature of man. Combining recreation with knowledge of the life, history and culture of another people is one of the tasks that tourism is fully capable of solving. Seeing the world with your own eyes, hearing, feeling are important parts of the restorative function of tourism; they carry great humanitarian potential. Getting to know the culture and customs of another country enriches a person’s spiritual world.

Culture is the fundamental basis of the process of development, preservation, strengthening of independence, sovereignty and identity of the people. The identity of the paths of historical evolution of culture and tourism predetermined the commonality of new methods of approach to their further development. In most countries of the world, there is a process of democratization of culture and tourism, which form an integral part of social life. Self-awareness and knowledge of the surrounding world, personal development and achievement of set goals are unthinkable without acquiring knowledge in the field of culture.

At a conference in Mexico City (1981), two definitions of culture were proclaimed. The first definition is of a general nature, based on cultural anthropology and includes everything that man has created in addition to nature: social thought, economic activity, production, consumption, literature and art, lifestyle and human dignity.

The second definition is of a specialized nature, built on the “culture of culture”, i.e. on the moral, spiritual, intellectual and artistic aspects of human life.

The cultural heritage of any nation consists not only of the works of artists, architects, musicians, writers, works of scientists, etc., but also of intangible assets, including folklore, folk crafts, festivals, religious rituals, etc.

This type of tourism, such as cultural or educational, has long emerged and become independent. Its basis is the historical and cultural potential of the country, which includes the entire sociocultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday and economic activities. Any locality can provide a minimum set of resources for educational tourism, but its mass development requires a certain concentration of cultural heritage sites, among which are:

archaeological monuments;

religious and civil architecture;

monuments of landscape architecture;

small and large historical cities;

rural settlements;

museums, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.;

sociocultural infrastructure;

objects of ethnography, folk arts and crafts, centers of applied art;

technical complexes and structures.

When visiting another country, tourists generally perceive cultural complexes, of which nature is an integral part. The attractiveness of cultural complexes is determined by their artistic and historical value, fashion and accessibility in relation to places of demand.

The cultural characteristics of different regions of the world are increasingly encouraging people to spend their holidays traveling. Objects visited by tourists contribute to their spiritual enrichment and broadening their horizons. Culture is one of the main elements of tourist interest.

The level of cultural development can be used to create a favorable image of a particular region in the tourism market. Elements and factors of culture can be channels for distributing information about the tourism opportunities of an area. The success of tourism development depends not only on the material and technical base that meets generally accepted standards and requirements, but also on the uniqueness of the national cultural heritage.

National cultural heritage sites must be presented intelligently and creatively. Scientific and technological progress has done its job: the products of one country are practically no different from similar products of another country. Uniformity is unacceptable in culture. A region that wants to become a popular tourist destination must have unique cultural complexes and offer them to the tourist market.

The assessment of cultural complexes for tourism purposes can be carried out using two main methods:

ranking cultural complexes according to their place in world and domestic culture;

necessary and sufficient time for sightseeing, which allows you to compare different territories according to the prospects of their historical and cultural potential for tourism.

These methods are largely subjective: cultural complexes, highly valued by experts, do not always evoke an adequate reaction from tourists. The necessary and sufficient time to inspect objects is to a certain extent determined by their accessibility and the construction of excursion routes. Finally, the idea of ​​the value of cultural complexes depends on the level of education and the national characteristics of tourists. In most cases, interest in cultural objects is determined by fashion.

An important characteristic of a cultural complex is the stability of its compliance with the value criteria formed among the population. This factor is associated with the long-term interest of tourists in a particular cultural site. Tourists' interest in such objects of world cultural heritage as the Egyptian pyramids, ancient architecture, etc. remains stable. At the same time, a number of objects, for example Lenin's places, most visited in Russia during the Soviet period, have lost their attractiveness with changes in ideological attitudes in society. Therefore, one of the main tasks of tourism organizers is not only the creation of a cultural complex for tourism, but also its preservation for a sufficiently long historical period.

Despite the fact that almost any information can be obtained from printed periodicals, fiction and other sources, the old truth never gets old: “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” Therefore, a region interested in attracting tourists must wisely plan and develop special programs and events that will increase interest in its culture, disseminate information about its cultural potential in order to attract potential tourists.

In practice, there are seven types of cultural tourism, each of which is aimed at visiting certain cultural and historical places. Main types of cultural tourism:

Architectural tourism - visiting architectural forms of cultural significance;

Historical is a special type of tourism, the main direction is visiting sites of historical battles, museums, ruins and other types of historical and military architecture;

Literary and arts tourism - theaters, galleries, houses and museums of artists and writers;

Musical tourism - concerts, festivals, carnivals;

Tourism of cultural parks - study of landscapes;

Excursion tourism - architecture and city panoramas;

Rural - countryside, clean air, culture and folklore.

Cultural and educational tourism is aimed at broadening the tourist’s horizons. Tours must include a program with specific objects according to the theme. This distinguishes it from other types of tourism.


Cultural and educational tourism is the most popular and promising of all types of tourism of the 21st century, since, using the achievements of past years, it helps to establish mutual understanding between people, fosters respect for the diversity of cultures and increases the intellectual and spiritual level of the population. The article analyzes the problems of tourism in modern Russia and outlines ways to improve domestic tourism through the creation of new cultural centers with exhibition halls and a developed sphere of recreation and entertainment, comprehensive open-air museums, training of well-trained specialists in the field of tourism, and the introduction of new forms of management. The characteristic features of cultural and educational tourism and the main factors of its development are considered. In conclusion, recommendations are given for the successful development of cultural and educational tourism in Russia. To do this, it is necessary to improve the infrastructure of tourist sites, wisely use hidden tourism resources in the province, apply accumulated experience and find more effective methods of work.

cultural tourism


cultural centers


archaeological sites

tourism resources

1. Gorbunova M.Yu. Organizational foundations of cultural tourism // Problems and prospects for the development of cultural tourism in the Saratov region. – Saratov, 2006.

2. Izotova M.A., Matyukhina Yu.A. Innovations in sociocultural services and tourism // htpp: // tjurlib /net.

3. Kovalev G.D. Fundamentals of innovation management. – M., 2009.

4. Likhachev D.S. Thoughts about Russia. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

5. Likhachev D.S. Russian culture. – M.: Art, 2000.

6. Otnyukova M.S. Cultural tourism and social construction of attractions // Problems and prospects for the development of cultural tourism in the Saratov region. – Saratov, 2004.

Cultural tourism became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, when many developed countries moved from industrial to post-industrial society, one of the features of which is a significant expansion of access to cultural goods. Cultural and educational tourism is currently the most popular. In the 80s, academician D.S. Likhachev emphasized that for the preservation of human life, no less important than the natural biological environment is the environment created by the culture of his ancestors and himself. Culture is the soul of a nation. At the moment, the main problem in tourism in Russia is the development of domestic and inbound tourism. Also, at present, the problem of finding a national idea is extremely acute. Studying our own past and using the experience and achievements of many hundreds of generations who lived before us will contribute in the best possible way to solving it.

In the 21st century, tourism business specialists recognize cultural and educational tourism as the most promising direction in tourism as the only one capable of revealing to the traveler something new, interesting and unknown. It must be emphasized that it is cultural tourism that develops different forms of human communication, establishing and consolidating mutual understanding between people, respect for the diversity of cultures and customs. Culture is the fundamental basis of the process of development, preservation and strengthening of the independence and identity of peoples. Cultural and educational tourism currently represents a completely new field of cultural recreation and spiritual education. The expansion of cultural tourism in our time is facilitated by the development of all types of transport, interregional and international cultural contacts, the formation and improvement of the tourism industry in our country and in the world.

Only a few foreign tourists and a few of our compatriots imagine that in the territory of most regions and regions of Russia there are unique archaeological, ethnographic, historical, architectural and natural monuments. In recent decades, the most interesting monuments of the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Middle Ages have been discovered in our country, containing cultural and artistic values ​​that, in terms of aesthetic performance and historical significance, are comparable to the well-known treasures of world civilizations. These monuments, according to experts, represent enormous cultural potential for the development of tourism in the province. It should be noted that the introduction of local attractions into tourism will give impetus to the development of cultural and educational tourism, which is becoming popular and in demand all over the world.

There is another very important side to this issue - this is the problem of education and upbringing. The development of cultural tourism, which promotes the harmonization of man and society, man and nature, in all developed countries is in the field of vision of the state. The main objects of such tourism are monuments of history, nature and culture, archeology. These same monuments are permanent significant sources of income, solve the problem of creating jobs, and contribute to the knowledge of their small homeland.

There are three main differences between modern cultural and educational tourism:

1) the active role and position of the tourist are of paramount importance, the possibility of choosing routes and forms of their passage is very high;

2) the attractive role not of individual monuments, as before, but of the entire cultural environment;

3) the cultural resources of a particular region of Russia act as cultural capital capable of reproduction, including through income from modern forms of tourism.

The main factors of cultural tourism, according to researcher M.Yu. Gorbunova, are, firstly, clients as consumers of these services; secondly, enterprises providing access to these services. Like other directions, cultural and educational tourism is organized around attractions, which can be divided into several types: historical, archaeological, natural, architectural, geological, sports, political, religious and complex. Educational tourism, varied in subject matter, is divided into two main types: stationary tours (include city excursions) and route tours (most of the proposed complex tourism projects and trips). In any case, educational tourism is a concentration of cultural heritage sites, such as:

1) archaeological monuments;

2) religious and civil architecture;

3) small and large historical cities;

4) rural settlements;

5) museums, theaters, exhibitions;

6) social infrastructure;

7) objects of ethnography, centers of applied creativity;

8) technical complexes and structures.

Recently, entertainment tourism has become a popular form of cultural and educational tourism. It should be remembered that the basis of cultural tourism is the need for intellectual, spiritual and communicative development of a person. Therefore, a huge number of completely new tourist destinations are currently appearing: ethnographic, archaeological, floristic; Offers of photo tours, military tours, wine, religious and wedding tours are being introduced to the tourist market. Event, educational, ecological and other types of cultural and educational tourism are developing, new museums are appearing, including private ones, for example in Serednikovo near Moscow, with the possibility of introducing individual programs. And first of all, it is necessary to note the emotional impact of such forms of cultural tourism as interactivity, role-playing games and theatricalization. In practice, these are products of entertainment tourism, but they have deep moral and cultural roots. Such projects can be periodic, one-time, or they can become permanent.

In traditional Russian culture, travel symbolizes the expectation of an unusual and emotionally rich cultural experience, primarily associated with the experience of historical and natural-aesthetic reality. Russia has powerful tourism resources, but currently it accounts for only 1% of the world's tourism product. This means that the point is in the development of tourism, the insufficient appearance on the market of a new tourist product and a new, qualitatively different from the previous, modern tourist infrastructure. Thus, increasing the level of local tourism will not only significantly increase the budget, but will also play a role in instilling patriotism among young people and will draw attention to the cultural heritage of the regions of our country. To develop domestic tourism, it is necessary to develop and implement new, modern forms of work.

The state of tourism in Russia cannot be considered satisfactory. Difficult socio-economic situation, low level of income of the population, low level of management structure of Russian tourism - the list of reasons can be continued for a long time. But the main ones are inertia, as well as the reluctance or inability of government agencies and organizations involved in the field of tourism to use the experience accumulated in our country during the years of Soviet power, as well as the experience of the countries most advanced in this direction.

The implementation of new tourism goals makes necessary not only a structural restructuring of a socio-political and economic nature, but also the introduction of the latest information technologies into the tourism business.

One of the most promising directions in the development of tourism seems to be the creation of centers of cultural, scientific, educational activities on the basis of archaeological, ethnographic, historical, architectural, natural landscape monuments, and, optimally, complex open-air museums. A wealth of experience in creating such facilities has been accumulated in foreign countries, for example Flevo in Holland, Leir in Denmark, Butser Hill in England, Düppel in Germany. In recent years, museum-based complexes have begun to be created in Russia, such as Ethnomir in Kaluga, Kostenki in Voronezh, Arkaim in Chelyabinsk regions, etc. Such centers, in fact, represent a new model for the activities of cultural institutions with practically unlimited resources and capabilities. On their basis, a fundamentally new sphere of recreation and entertainment for many regions can be created.

Particularly interesting in this regard are museumized monuments located in natural national parks, nature reserves and reserves. However, the activities of such centers are not limited only to human history and culture. Communication with nature, its study, as well as solving problems of the relationship between nature and man, fostering a caring attitude towards the environment can and should also be included in the scope of activity of such a center. In general, we can say that one of the goals of such institutions should be the greening of human life in the broad sense of the word.

In addition, at the present stage of development of domestic tourism, it is absolutely necessary to return to old, long ago and unfairly forgotten, but most interesting routes developed back in Soviet times. Until the 1990s. in Russia, not counting local history and literary ones, there were almost exclusively traditional architectural, for example Kizhi, or literary, for example Tarkhany or Yasnaya Polyana, memorial museums.

In recent years, the museumification of specific monuments known to a narrow circle of specialists - archaeological objects - has developed. Museumification of archaeological objects allows not only to solve the problem of preserving this unique heritage, dating back many centuries and millennia, but also contributes to the emergence of fundamentally new forms of storage and display of these unique exhibits and complexes. In many regions of Russia, specialized archaeological museums are being created, as well as open-air museum-reserves. Such institutions contribute to improving the promotion and popularization of the archaeological heritage. The archaeological collections, which make up the lion's share of the available exhibits, are among the most interesting from the point of view of visitors. But in most cases they have very modest storage space and exhibition space. The lack of specialists, including archaeologists and professional museum workers, leads to the fact that the exhibition areas are very boring and uninformative.

Very interesting exhibitions are in archaeological museums or archaeological departments in local history museums in Moscow, Samara, Volgograd, as well as museum-bound archaeological sites such as Tanais, Chersonesus, Arkaim and others. However, in such open-air museums, as a rule, there is no developed service sector for visitors and vacationers (there are no hotels, cafes, rental points for sports and other equipment and vehicles, boat and yacht stations, beaches, parking lots, shops, etc.). As a rule, visits to such museums are limited to acquaintance with the exhibition, since such museums were created, as a rule, for research purposes, and one of the last places was given to serving excursionists and tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure of these tourist sites.

The creation of centers of a new type presupposes not only the presence of exhibition halls and complexes, but also a developed sphere of recreation and entertainment. The work of the center should be aimed at ensuring that the visitor not only gets acquainted with the existing attractions and exhibitions, but also receives the most positive emotional charge. As you know, the best indicator of the effectiveness of any institution engaged in the field of socio-cultural business and tourism is the degree of “return” of the visitor. Accordingly, the better and more varied the pastime of tourists and excursionists during a visit to the center is organized, the greater the likelihood of an increase in this indicator.

It should be noted that a major role in the development of modern cultural and educational tourism belongs to competent, professionally trained managers, in addition, tourism specialists must be good psychologists. Well-trained specialists can understand various innovations and innovations in the tourism business.

In a market economy, tourism organizations are increasingly aware of the need to develop new products and services and the associated benefits. Forecasting the profit of a new tourism product is the task of innovation management, as a type of cultural, economic and entrepreneurial activity of tourism firms for the effective organization of innovation processes. In addition, innovative management presupposes the real and competent use of all available resources and the mandatory introduction of new forms of work.

The topic of tourism, obviously, is acquiring a new meaning and can become one of the most important dominant features of human development in the third millennium. More and more people are overcoming spatial barriers in the hope of joining a different culture and gaining new knowledge and impressions. Thus, tourism becomes a sustainable element of a person’s leisure activity and contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage and the exchange of cultural information, but its development raises many questions and problems, some of which are outlined in this article.


Chepik V.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Service and Tourism, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Gzhel State Art and Industrial Institute", Moscow region, pos. Electrical insulator;

Loginova L.F., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Pragmatics of Culture, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Humanitarian and Social Institute", Moscow region, pos. Kraskovo.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=37904 (access date: 10/11/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

cultural heritage tourism educational

For the successful development of cultural and educational tourism, many conditions are necessary.

The first most important condition is the availability of appropriate tourism resources. Without these objects of a historical and cultural nature, any attempts to develop the type of tourism that interests us are doomed to failure.

Tourist resources necessary for designing cultural and educational tours and excursion programs can be divided into two groups.

The first group should include objective forms of cultural heritage, the second - non-objective forms of cultural heritage.

The first group includes numerous historical and cultural monuments.

This is, firstly, archaeological monuments: mounds, sites of ancient people, remains of ancient architectural structures. Due to a number of objective reasons, these objects require complex preliminary preparation before becoming objects of tourist and excursion display. Ideally, as a result of such preparation, another archaeological museum or museum-reserve is born. However, in the entire history of museums in the Russian Federation, only a few archaeological museum-reserves have been created. This circumstance greatly reduces the role of archaeological sites in the field of cultural and educational tourism.

It should be emphasized that acquaintance with archaeological monuments requires a certain general cultural and historical preparation, which is not always present among the general public.

This is, secondly, historical monuments: houses and buildings associated with outstanding historical events or famous personalities.

This type of monument is widespread in Russia. It can be argued that objects of this kind exist in every region, every region, every republic.

Historical monuments also require appropriate preparation before becoming objects of tourist display. Such preparation is not as complicated as in relation to archaeological sites, but in some cases it requires repair and restoration work, landscaping of the territory, etc. In the most favorable case, the historical monument serves as the core of a new historical museum or museum-reserve.

A historical monument, as a rule, is not as expressive in appearance as, for example, an architectural monument. Therefore, its inclusion in the tourism product requires special skills from the tour operator and special training from the guide.

This is thirdly architectural monuments: various kinds of buildings that have certain architectural merits, reflecting the characteristics of certain architectural styles (classicism, modernism, constructivism, etc.).

Architectural monuments are quite often included in cultural and educational routes. In many cases, they are the tourist brands of a particular region or locality (city, village, village).

Architectural monuments also require preliminary work before becoming objects of tourist display (conservation, restoration, preparation for full or partial museum display, etc.).

It is no secret that many architectural monuments in Russia, especially church buildings and rural noble estates, are in poor technical condition and require significant funds for their resuscitation.

The latter circumstance prevents the use of a significant number of architectural objects in the field of cultural and educational tourism.

This is fourthly urban planning monuments- urban landscapes with high aesthetic value.

Preserving urban monuments requires significant effort, since it is associated with an attempt to preserve large “living” urban spaces. The needs for the reconstruction of the old housing stock and the construction of various kinds of new construction projects make the preservation of urban planning monuments a complex organizational and economic problem.

The problems of preserving monuments of urban planning art are especially difficult to solve in large historical cities, where it is impossible to prohibit new construction.

It is somewhat easier to preserve and use urban ensembles of small historical cities that are not subject to aggressive restructuring. However, in these cities there is often an acute lack of funds to maintain tourism facilities in proper condition, and there is not enough money to carry out the restoration of monuments and basic landscaping.

Fifthly, this monuments of monumental art- sculptural works on streets, squares and gardens, elements of the interior decoration of some buildings (for example, iconostases in Orthodox churches).

There are quite a lot of monuments of this kind, especially those built during Soviet times. Therefore, their careful study and meticulous selection for inclusion in tours and excursion programs is required.

This is, sixthly, folk arts and crafts centers. There is quite a lot of interest in visiting these centers. Arriving at such a center, tourists can study traditional technologies, explore museums created at folk craft enterprises, and purchase souvenirs literally from the hands of craftsmen.

A number of folk art centers are currently conducting master classes.

Ancient historical cities are important resources for cultural and educational tourism. They are literally saturated with objects attractive to tourists. However, many, many of these objects have not yet been identified or studied and, thus, remain outside the scope of intensive tourist activity for decades.

Small towns in Russia have enormous potential for the development of cultural and educational tourism. These are genuine “reserves of antiquity”, since over the past two or three centuries many of them have not undergone the slightest change in their appearance.

However, small towns have their own problems: lack of tourist infrastructure, broken roads, and not always hospitable local residents.

Cultural heritage sites in small Russian cities, as a rule, have long been in need of repair and restoration work.

Thus, the situation in the resource base of cultural and educational tourism is by no means as prosperous as we would like today.

For years, the problem of transport accessibility of objects of tourist interest has been an acute problem in Russian tourism. According to some estimates, up to 25% of Russian cultural heritage is not included in tourist routes precisely for this reason.

The next important factor in the development of cultural tourism is the presence of tour operator companies specializing in designing tours to explore cultural heritage. There are many such companies, but, nevertheless, a huge number of cultural heritage sites have not been included in tourist routes and programs for years and decades. The reasons for this lie in the inability and unwillingness of tour operators to work with “new” objects. There is an inertia that is very difficult to overcome.

The problem of the quality of excursion services is also relevant for our time. It is twofold. On the one hand, there are not always enough qualifications to prepare an excursion text that is sufficiently deep in content and attractive in form. On the other hand, it is not always possible to organize a competent and exciting excursion for any segment of the tourism market.

A whole range of problems in the development of cultural and educational tourism is associated with its information support.

Information support for cultural and educational tourism includes the activities of tourist information centers, the publication of popular reference literature, the publication of relevant articles in mass periodicals, the preparation of cycles of radio and television programs, and the widespread use of computer technologies.

Another set of problems is related to improving the advertising of tourist products of a cultural and educational nature. These are various kinds of creative types of advertising, public relations, organization and holding of specialized tourism exhibitions.

Another important condition for the development of cultural and educational tourism is the formation of a sustainable interest in learning about various forms of cultural heritage in different strata of modern society. First of all, this is true for children, schoolchildren, students, and youth.

In this regard, I would like to note a certain underestimation of the educational and educational role of tourism in secondary and higher educational institutions in Russia.

Finally, one cannot help but say that the forward movement of Russian tourism in general, and cultural and educational tourism in particular, is hampered by the extremely low level of material support for Russian citizens. This is especially noticeable during periods of economic crises. It has been noticed that a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation, first of all, refuses proper rest and the opportunity to go on some kind of trip.

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    Currently, the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the international economy.

    Over the past twenty years, the average annual growth rate in the number of tourist arrivals in the world was 5.1 percent, and the growth rate of foreign exchange earnings from tourism was 14 percent. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) forecast shows that by 2020 there will be 1.56 billion international tourist arrivals. The WTO also shows that 1.18 billion people will travel within their own regions, and only 377 million will travel to other regions of the world. At the same time, the following distribution of tourists by region is expected: the leading place will remain with Europe - 717 million tourists, the second place will be taken by East Asia/Pacific region with 397 million tourists, the third America - 282 million tourists, followed by Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Russia, according to the WTO, is one of the countries in which high rates of tourism development are predicted, subject to government support for this industry. According to these forecasts, by 2020 Russia will be among the top ten countries both in terms of receiving tourists (47.1 million people per year) and in terms of outbound tourists (30.5 million people).

    At the same time, domestic tourism in Russia should exceed inbound and outbound turnover. The potential for the development of domestic and international tourism in the Russian Federation is enormous; the resources of our country allow us to develop almost all types of tourism, including the most popular among consumers, including cultural and educational tourism.

    The tourist complex of our country consists of more than 144 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 477 historical cities, 108 museums, nature reserves and 142 national parks.

    The historical and cultural heritage of Russia is the most important competitive advantage of the tourism industry. On the territory of the Russian Federation, both traditional tourist centers with a specialization in a certain, most often excursion and educational, type of tourism have developed (Moscow, St. Petersburg), as well as interregional tourism products and routes (Golden Ring, cruises on the Volga).

    Today, the main problems hindering the development of inbound tourism are:

    The high cost of tours, which consists of the high cost of transport and hotel services; In most regions of the country there is a small number of tourist class accommodation facilities - 3* and 4* hotels, modern comfortable tourist buses, cruise ships and other vehicles;

    Infrastructure (low quality of roads and railways and level of roadside services);

    The need to obtain tourist entry into the Russian Federation for citizens of most countries;

    Unfavorable image of Russia abroad, which is largely formed under the influence of Western media;

    Unfavorable economic conditions for attracting investment in tourism infrastructure, lack of ready-made investment sites, and the presence of administrative barriers.

    From the point of view of the ratio of price and international offers. The price of a standard week-long tour for foreigners with a visit to Moscow, the Golden Ring or St. Petersburg exceeds the acceptable level for most European tourists of 1.5 thousand euros.

    Rail transport is expensive. This is mainly explained by rising fuel prices. However, in Europe this trend is being reduced by low-cost air travel and high-speed rail services. In Russia all this is developing slowly. In addition, the shortage of three-star hotels, the increase in operating costs for their maintenance, utility bills and taxes lead to an annual increase in prices for hotel services by 15% or more. Hotel construction has intensified somewhat in recent years, mainly in relation to business class hotels and small hotels. But for now, this competitive hospitality industry in Russia is only possible with the participation of the state and improvement of the investment climate in general and in the tourism sector in particular.

    In most developed countries, the bulk of tour operators are engaged in domestic and inbound tourism. In Russia there are about 5 thousand tour operators, only about 1.5 thousand are included in the federal register and registered as tour operators for domestic tourism. And of those registered as international tour operators, less than a percent are actually engaged in inbound tourism. That is, the bulk of the Russian tourism industry is engaged in outbound tourism, since it is easier to work in this area than in the domestic Russian market, or to receive foreign tourists.

    One of the main stages of the transition to a modern socially oriented type of economic development of the country is ensuring the quality and availability of services. And as a result, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian tourism industry. This is facilitated by the improvement and diversification of the existing tourism product, the development of new promising types of tourism, and the quantitative and qualitative development of tourism clusters.

    The main areas that increase the profitability of the tourism industry:

    Increasing the length of stay of guests in the country;

    Increasing the number of repeat visits to the country;

    Uniform distribution of tourist flows in terms of geography of visits;

    Reduction of pronounced seasonality;

    Promotion of the country's tourism offer in domestic and international markets.

    Today, a necessary factor for the competitiveness of tourism is its wide presence on the Internet. An international network is needed not so much for marketing purposes, but for actually doing business in an online environment. In the area of ​​promotion of Russian tourism products in international markets, a qualitative leap has been made in previous years, however, the intensity of promotion of national tourism products remains low in comparison with European analogues.

    Promising directions for the development of excursion and educational tourism in Russia:

    Development of the tourist and recreational complex;

    Promotion of tourism products in the domestic market;

    Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of our country, as well as the appearance of historical settlements;

    Support and development of traditional folk arts and crafts;

    Supporting innovations and priority areas in the field of tourism;

    Development of information and service infrastructure in historical and cultural zones of cities and settlements;

    Creation of tourist and recreational complexes in relatively undeveloped regions (republics of the South of Russia, regions of Siberia, the Far East and Transbaikalia);

    Formation of museum and tourist complexes as an effective form of interaction between museums and tourism;

    Introducing young people to history and culture by organizing excursion trips for students in institutions of general education, secondary and higher vocational education;

    Creation of a system of tourist and recreational clusters;

    Increasing the role of the cultural component in the development of tourism and information clusters;

    Unification of legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism, taking into account regional characteristics of tourism development;

    Development and implementation of regional tourism development programs;

    Involving small towns of Russia in the tourism sector;

    Promotion of a tourism product on the domestic market in order to increase the internal flow of tourists;

    Conducting information campaigns in foreign markets in order to popularize and develop incoming tourism;

    Development of strategies for the development of national brands;

    Assisting in the promotion of tourism brands of cities and regions of the Russian Federation;

    Improving information support for domestic and foreign participants in the tourism market and consumers of tourism services;

    Development of a unified tourism information product based on museum and tourism information systems;

    Promotion of historical cities celebrating their anniversaries in domestic and foreign markets as international centers of cultural and educational tourism;

    Promoting the popularization of Russia's tourism opportunities among children and youth and the development of children's and youth cultural, educational and educational tourism;

    Creation of a unified system for training and certification of tour guides and guide-translators provided in hotels and other accommodation facilities;

    Improving professional standards for tourism industry workers;

    Carrying out constant monitoring of the global and domestic tourism market, preparing an annual analytical report on its condition, problems and prospects for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation;

    Creation of a unified tourist navigation system: road and street signs, signs of tourist attractions, orientation systems in public transport, etc.;

    Creation of an all-Russian unified event calendar;

    Support for the implementation of new developments for the tourism sector (audio guide, applications for mobile devices, electronic Guest Card);

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