Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation Prospects for the development of medium and small hotels. The main problems of the development of small hotels using the example of the hotel enterprise OJSC "Uyut"

Prospects for the development of medium and small hotels. The main problems of the development of small hotels using the example of the hotel enterprise OJSC "Uyut"

Modern tourism, and it is unthinkable without a developed hotel industry, is a highly profitable industry, comparable in terms of investment efficiency to the oil production and processing industries of the economic complex. In the field of tourism, the interests of culture and transport, security and international relations, ecology and employment, the hotel business and the resort complex are closely intertwined. Thus, betting on the development of tourism, and with it the hotel industry, is beneficial to any region of the country.

A hotel is an enterprise created to provide basic, additional paid and free services to the general public in accordance with current legislation. Thus, a hotel enterprise is an independent economic entity that supplies its product to the service market on the basis of freely developing demand for these services from their consumers.

The basic service, or accommodation service, is considered as a specific hotel product that is purchased by the hotel clientele through exchange transactions that do not imply ownership, but only access to it and its use at a certain time and place.

Each hotel contains a complex, a system of premises and services that provide reception and accommodation for clients, their meals, leisure activities and personal services. Therefore, when speaking about a hotel, hotel industry, we most often mean that we are talking about a hotel complex, which includes residential and office premises, utility systems, as well as the territory adjacent to hotel buildings and structures. All buildings of the hotel complex are organized in such a way as to make it easier to serve the clientele and provide them with a variety of high-quality services. This cannot be achieved without trained and comprehensively trained service personnel, selected in accordance with the standards developed by the hotels.

According to the current civil legislation, a hotel enterprise is recognized as a legal entity only after state registration in the prescribed manner and must have certain inherent characteristics, without which it cannot not only be recognized as a legal entity, but also engage in production activities, namely:

  • - have separate property in their ownership, economic management or operational management;
  • - be liable with your property for the obligations that the enterprise has in relations with creditors, including in the event of failure to fulfill obligations to the budget;
  • - act in production and economic activities in the process of providing hotel services on its own behalf, i.e. conclude all types of civil contracts with business partners, consumers of hotel products, suppliers of all factors of production, with citizens and other legal entities and individuals;
  • - be a plaintiff, bring claims against the guilty party, and also be a defendant in court if obligations are not fulfilled in accordance with current legislation and contracts;
  • - have an independent balance sheet or estimate, correctly keep records of costs for the production and sale of services, and provide timely reports to government agencies;
  • - have its own name containing an indication of its organizational and legal form.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, from January 1, 1995, legal entities as commercial organizations can be created only in the following organizational and legal forms:

  • - state enterprises;
  • - municipal unitary enterprises;
  • - individual private enterprises;
  • - production cooperatives;
  • - general partnerships;
  • - mixed partnerships;
  • - limited liability partnerships;
  • - open joint stock companies.

The quantitative growth of hotel chains, their mergers and consolidations create the erroneous opinion of a decrease in the variety of offers and recreation. However, in practice, the opposite trend is observed: the spread of chains cannot satisfy all the varied requirements of tourists, which sets the stage for the development of small independent hotels that rely on uniqueness and originality. Experts considered these hotels to be the prototypes of hotels of the 21st century: comfortable, built in a rural style and offering services at a reasonable price, having everything necessary for work and leisure, without a restaurant, where clients can receive exquisite personalized service. It is the uniqueness of a small hotel that is the main instrument of market policy.

As practice shows, most small hotels are independent hotels that are in the free possession, disposal and use of the owner, who receives profit from such property. The presence of contractual obligations with other companies in matters of management and use of someone else's service mark does not entail a change in the status of the enterprise as independent in relation to other subjects of market relations.

Over the past few years, small hotels have become a leader in specialized programs and market research. What is this category of hotels and what is the reason for their popularity? To date, there are no strictly defined international or national standards classifying accommodation facilities by their volume. In practice, hotels are divided into four large categories: small hotels, medium-sized hotels, large hotels and giant hotels. It should be noted that depending on the country, the numbers in brackets may vary significantly. Europe, with its tight borders and modest size, is a stark contrast to the megalomania of the United States, where no one will be surprised by the hotels with several thousand rooms crowded on the coast of Miami, Florida or Las Vegas.

A European small hotel, as a rule, has no more than 50 rooms, while its American counterpart with 150 rooms is also considered a very small establishment. In this regard, Russia is closer to Europe, although our country has also suffered from gigantomania in a pronounced form. According to the most general definition, a small hotel in Russia is an enterprise of a hotel complex where from one to fifty rooms are provided to the consumer.

But, although small hotels are the subject of numerous studies, their status still remains uncertain. Firstly, there is no consensus on what a small hotel is, and secondly, in terms of logistics, range of services and quality of service, a small hotel very often does not “fit” into the classification of hotels. For example, a small hotel with 15 rooms in a separate small building, even if it fully satisfies all the requirements for a four-star hotel in terms of technical equipment and comfort, will never be officially classified as four stars if it does not have a hairdresser, a business center and a meeting room. cultural events. And hotels located on one floor in a multi-story building are not at all provided for by the State Standard, since one of the mandatory requirements for the technical equipment of a hotel is the presence of a guest elevator.

Interest in small forms of hotel business organization is manifested not only in Russia. It is determined by changes in the behavior of the main consumers of hotel services, which, as we know, are tourists. Small hotels are easier to adapt to each client, creating an atmosphere of “home away from home”, which does not exclude the introduction of national flavor into the life of guests. This allows these forms of hotel business to take a strong position in the market of different countries, including Russia. Thus, the emergence of small hotels is a response to the demand that has arisen among tourists for small forms and home comfort.

A distinctive feature and competitive advantage of any small hotel is an individual attitude towards each client. In huge hotels, customer service is streamlined. But not everyone likes it. Many people want to stay in a place where they can feel at home.

The main clients of small hotels are middle-class businessmen, whose stay in the city does not require the ambiance of prestigious international chains. Typically, these clients want moderate comfort, good food, cleanliness and safety, all of which they find in small hotels. Added to this are reasonable prices and a special atmosphere of comfort, which is difficult to create in hotel giants. Small hotels have one more advantage over large hotels: tourists and businessmen really appreciate it when hotels are located not on the outskirts of the city, but closer to architectural monuments, administrative and business centers. It is easiest to build small hotels in such places - they can be built “spot” on small plots of land, or old mansions can be converted into them.

Requirements for the comfort and attractiveness of a small hotel:

  • ? The hotel building must fit organically into the environment, without disturbing the features of the urban, rural or natural landscape.
  • ? The design of the building must take into account natural and climatic factors: air temperature and humidity, proximity to the sea and other bodies of water, wind speed and direction and other factors.
  • ? The layout of the hotel building should ensure economical operation with a rational combination of current and one-time costs.
  • ? The facade of the hotel for advertising purposes must emphasize the prestige and brand of the hotel, and the building itself must comply with aesthetic, environmental, technical and sanitary standards.
  • ? The capacity and number of floors of a hotel building should depend on the purpose and mode of operation - year-round or seasonal.
  • ? The hotel interior should be comfortable and have aesthetic expressiveness.
  • ? The layout of hotels must take into account the needs of people with disabilities, provide for them specially equipped rooms, stairs, toilets, and bathrooms.
  • ? Hotel services must be equipped with automated booking and ticket reservation systems, and computer management systems. Customer safety must be ensured through various surveillance systems, in-room electronic safes, electronic locks and other security measures.

Small hotels operate in the same price range as medium and large hotels. Prices are dictated by the market, which is the same for both kids and giants. Prices depend only on the class of mini-hotels. However, a small number of rooms encourages small hotel owners to maximize the average sales price. However, this does not always contribute to business development. Indeed, in the hotel business it is very important to maintain the balance between cost and quality of service.

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1 151 UDC DOI: /19729 SMALL HOTELS OF MOSCOW: PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS Liliya Leonidovna Dukhovnaya, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Technologies in Tourism and Hospitality, Olga Viktorovna Kobeleva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support of Tourism and service, Shpagina Irina Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support of Tourism and Service, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service", Moscow, Russian Federation Today in the Russian Federation, hotel business enterprises are still at the stage of formation, in terms of development, it lags behind large hotel chains by an average of years. However, the gradual process of increasing the hotel stock, the active introduction of new technologies and methods of serving guests in the hotel market is gradually allowing Russian accommodation facilities to form a competitive, profitable sector of service and economy. The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the fact that against the background of these trends, the process of formation and development of such a segment of accommodation facilities as small hotels, which are very popular among tourists abroad, plays an important role. The article provides a detailed analysis of the state of the small hotel segment, determines their share in the overall structure of the city’s accommodation facilities, and analyzes in detail the current situation with the classification of hotel enterprises in Moscow, including small hotels, which, in accordance with Federal Law 108-FZ “On preparation and holding of the FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" is mandatory for all hotel enterprises in Moscow and other cities participating in this large-scale event. Of significant interest is the comparative characteristics of the share of small hotels in the composition of accommodation facilities in Moscow and in large European cities. The problems of imperfection of the regulatory framework regulating the activities of these accommodation facilities are especially noted, and the most promising directions for the development of small hotels in the structure of hotel enterprises in Moscow are highlighted. Key words: accommodation facilities, small hotels, small hotel segment, hotel business, hotel market Today, the modern hotel business is characterized by quite fierce competition, therefore, in order to maintain certain leading positions in

2 152 hotel companies need to continuously improve and develop in the market. For the hotel business of the Russian Federation, the last twenty years have been a stage of radical formation and change. In the hotel business market today, leaders such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi clearly stand out. Significant rates of development of hotel enterprises are typical for regional markets. It is worth noting the success of such cities as Tyumen, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Samara and Krasnoyarsk. The dynamic pace of development of the hotel business was predetermined by the system of effectively building relationships between the professional hotel community and government agencies that actively attract investors to implement profitable projects for the development of the hotel business in the regions. Today, due to a significant increase in domestic tourist flows, there is still high demand for both hotels in the upper price segment and hotels that provide economical accommodation options. However, despite this, the majority of large Russian cities are largely characterized by the trend of the most active development of the segment of medium and large hotels of the 4-5 star category and the economical segment of small hotels of the 2-3 star category is developing to a lesser extent. A characteristic feature of any small hotel is the ability to create a comfortable atmosphere for the guest, as well as maximum personalization of individual hotel services. The capabilities of small accommodation facilities make it possible to maximize the volume and quality of services provided, while achieving an effective ratio between the number of staff and the number of guests. Today there are no specific standards at the international and national level that would classify accommodation facilities according to the size of their number of rooms. In the practice of the hotel business, a classification has been adopted that divides hotels into four categories according to the size of the room stock: small (up to 50 rooms); average (rooms); large (rooms); giants (mega-hotels) (over 600 rooms). It is worth noting that depending on the country of location of the hotel enterprise, these classification criteria may vary significantly.

3 153 A small hotel in Europe is, as a rule, a hotel with no more than 50 rooms, and in this regard, the Russian Federation is closer to European standards, since in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated “On approval of the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry , including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches, carried out by accredited organizations” 4 small hotels include hotels with a room capacity from 16 to 50 rooms. A certain difficulty in the development of this segment is created by the lack of a legislative framework in the Russian Federation that would clearly define the concept of “small hotel”, which often leads to the fact that the concepts of “small hotel” and “mini-hotel” are identically equal. The only document highlighting this segment of accommodation is the “Classification System for Tourism Industry Facilities, Including Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities, Beaches and Ski Slopes,” which defines a small hotel as an accommodation facility with a room capacity of up to 50 units. What are the undeniable advantages of the small hotel segment? These accommodation facilities are distinguished by an individual, personalized approach to each of their guests, stand out for their non-standard, often innovative interior solutions (for example, the concept of “boutique hotels”, popular all over the world), and use a more flexible pricing policy, attracting a significant number of guests. Studying the experience of the hotel business in a number of European countries, it is worth noting that in the overall structure of hotel enterprises the share of small hotels is very significant; this segment of accommodation facilities is no less significant element of the hotel industry than large hotels. In the Russian Federation, small hotels appeared relatively recently, and their role in the hotel services market was initially very insignificant. The first small hotels began to operate in the Krasnodar region, replacing the customary and popular individual accommodation facilities among tourists. Such hotels with rooms from 6 to 25 units, equipped in accordance with the requirements for hotel enterprises, quickly gained popularity. Currently, there are 800 small hotels operating in the Lazarevsky district alone. It is worth noting that at the beginning of 2015, according to Rosstat of the Russian Federation, 4 Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated “On approval of the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches, carried out by accredited organizations.” URL:

4,154 there are 1,138 hotels in the Krasnodar region and this subject of the Russian Federation ranks first in our country in terms of the number of accommodation facilities. One of the recognized leaders in the small hotel market is St. Petersburg, where, according to JLL experts, about 40% of tourists choose small hotels as accommodation. Such successful experience in the development of the segment of small accommodation facilities in St. Petersburg is, of course, due to the fact that the city’s significant communal housing stock made it possible to create and successfully develop such accommodation facilities as hostels, mini-hotels and small hotels. The positive development of the small hotel segment in the north-west of Russia and the Leningrad region was also influenced by a number of features of the geographical location of this region. Large and deep rivers and lakes in the north-west of our country, which are the most attractive places for the development of extreme types of tourism, have made it possible to form a segment of accommodation facilities in this region, consisting mainly of small country hotels. The first experience of creating small hotels in Moscow dates back to the early 90s of the last century. It was then that two hotels “Veshnyaki” and “Pallada” were opened in the capital. The number of rooms in these hotels was 19 and 24 rooms, respectively. However, the most dynamic development of this segment was noted only in the early 2000s. According to the press service of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism for the period. occupancy of the economy segment of Moscow accommodation facilities increased by an average of 17.5%. Over the same period, the number of people accommodated in hotels and similar accommodation facilities in the city increased by more than 1.6 million people, and the income of the capital’s hotel complex increased by 17.9 billion rubles. . The active growth of domestic and incoming tourist flows to Moscow stimulates the opening of new hotels. According to JLL, a company that provides financial and comprehensive professional services in the field of real estate, in 2014 the new Intourist Kolomenskoye hotel (259 rooms), the Mercure Baumanskaya hotel (44 rooms), and an apart-hotel managed by Marriott (80 rooms), Radisson Sheremetyevo (391 rooms), Doubletree by Hilton Marina (270 rooms), Four Seasons (180 rooms). In 2015, several very large facilities were opened in Moscow with a total room capacity of over 1.3 thousand rooms, such as Marriott Novy Arbat (234 rooms),

5 155 Ibis Dynamo (310 rooms), Doubletree by Hilton Vnukovo (430 rooms), Hampton by Hilton Strogino (214 rooms). However, none of the listed properties belongs to the small hotel segment. The increase in the pace of construction of accommodation facilities in the capital is due to the active growth of tourist flows, as well as the capital’s preparation to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018. In the central administrative district of Moscow, it is planned to open hotels located in former residential buildings that have undergone significant and large-scale reconstruction, as well as in restored architectural monuments. The opening of new hotels is planned as part of modern multifunctional complexes under construction. One of the characteristic trends of recent times is that a significant number of hotels in the capital are located in close proximity to sports and cultural facilities, exhibition centers, which are centers of attraction for a large number of tourists. Construction is carried out in two stages. From 2012 to 2016, it is planned to build 154 hotels with 58.4 thousand beds. Moreover, 41 of these hotel facilities are already under construction, and a construction permit has been received for another 57 facilities. In order to further develop inbound and domestic tourism, from 2017 to 2025, it is planned to build 210 hotels with 109.5 thousand beds in the capital. At the same time, in New Moscow there will be 7 thousand hotel rooms with 14.1 thousand beds. However, now, in light of recent political and economic events, there are some concerns that the situation in the hotel business market may develop according to a different, not so optimistic scenario, as evidenced by the process of decline in such indicators of hotel activity as the average occupancy level (%) , average hotel room rate (ADR), profit received per room (RevPAR). In the first half of 2015, these showed a significant decrease in all segments of accommodation facilities. Today, according to the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism, there are 495 hotels operating in the capital’s hotel market with a room capacity of more than 100 thousand beds. Of the 495 hotels, 75 are small with less than 50 rooms. The total capacity of small hotels in Moscow is about 2 thousand beds. In quantitative terms, small hotels make up 1/6 of the capital's hotel stock, 15% (Fig. 1).

6 156 Figure 1 Structure of the Moscow hotel stock in 2014 Taking into account the limited capacity of small hotels (on average, this is usually rooms), a share of 15% should be assessed as low. The share of small hotels in the capital's room stock is even lower (Fig. 2). Figure 2 Structure of the number of rooms in Moscow in 2014 (% of the total number of rooms) As can be seen from Figure 2, the number of rooms in small hotels in the city is insignificant and amounts to about 3% of the total number of rooms in the capital. This reason can be identified as one of the main reasons why Moscow lags behind world tourist centers in terms of the number of hotel rooms per 1000 inhabitants. Thus, in the capital of Russia there are 3.6 3.8 rooms per resident in small accommodation facilities, while in a number of European capitals this figure is as follows: Amsterdam 35; Rome 19.5; Paris 18.6; London 15.3; Prague 13; Berlin 11.4; Madrid 11.2.

7,157 Overall, the European average for the number of rooms per inhabitant is 14 rooms. In the last few years, along with the construction and commissioning of large hotel enterprises in Moscow, the indicator characterizing the appearance of a significant number of hostels and mini-hotels on the market can also be considered very significant. Back in 2012, there were only 77 hostels operating in the city, but in 2015 their number reached 265, and this figure continues to grow steadily. It can be noted that the emergence of such a significant number of economical accommodation means nothing more than the market’s reaction to a significant shortage of economy class rooms and budget places for tourists. A remarkable fact is that today the activities of such accommodation facilities as hostels are regulated by the new national standard GOST R “Accommodation Services. General requirements for hostels." The first hostel to receive a new type of certificate was the Hollywood Hostel in the area of ​​the Kuskovo Estate Museum in Moscow. The certificate was solemnly presented to representatives of the hostel within the framework of the session of the Russian Hotel Association by Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism Vladislav Sinyukov and President of the Russian State Administration Gennady Lamshin. As of September 1, 2015, three hostels in the capital have already been issued a certificate of assignment to the “no stars” category. A characteristic trend of the last few years in Moscow is the actively developing segment of such accommodation facilities as apartments. Today, these accommodation facilities are widely represented on many online booking services, for example, in Renting residential apartments today is a fairly popular type of accommodation, common in most tourist destinations in the world. It is worth noting that in Moscow the current stock of serviced apartments is 80% occupied. Agencies engaged in such business, as a rule, when renting an apartment from Muscovites, first make repairs there, often bringing the entrance into an appropriate appearance. Regular cleaning and linen change are provided. There is a support service, similar to a hotel reception. Guests are met at the airport and transferred. Not all types of apartments are currently available in the capital; in particular, there are no condominium hotels or timeshare complexes. But there are already apartment hotels designed for both long-term and short-term stays. Economy class is represented by the Orekhovo and Tsaritsyno apart-hotels and business class, which opened in 2006

8 158 “MaMaison Pokrovka”, which in fact operates as a hotel. In 2014, the apart-hotel “Adagio” was put into operation as part of the hotel complex on Bakhrushina Street. This is the first complex that includes 3 different hotels, in addition to the mentioned apart-hotel, Mercure and Ibis. A characteristic feature of the apart-hotel is the availability of room service, which consists of changing bed linen and daily cleaning of the room. Moreover, the cost of these services is included in the cost of accommodation. Apartment houses, which are one of the types of apartments, are aimed at guests who need long-term rentals. In this case, this type of accommodation facility is characterized by services related mainly to technical support for the functioning of the complex; other hotel services can be provided in a very limited range and at the request of the guest. Such accommodation facilities are presented in limited quantities in the capital, mainly the facilities of the Office for the Services of the Diplomatic Corps. In the process of developing the segment of small accommodation facilities, a number of limiting factors can be identified: the imperfection of Russian legislation, associated with the currently uncertain position regarding the possibility of placing hotel enterprises with up to 50 rooms in the residential sector; insufficient investment attractiveness of this segment of accommodation facilities due to the presence of serious financial and administrative risks, lack of objective analytical and statistical data; lack of the necessary personnel reserve of highly professional management personnel and hotel business specialists; lack of desire from the management of small hotels to develop chains, which would have a positive impact on the further development of this segment and would allow for more effective protection of the interests of small hotels; high level of costs associated with high prices for basic services and, as a consequence, a fairly low level of profitability of these accommodation facilities; complex administrative barriers to entry into this market segment. In accordance with Federal Law 108-FZ “On the preparation and holding of the 2017 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian

9 159 of the Federation" 5 and according to Art. 36 of this legislative act, from July 1, 2016, the provision of services by hotel enterprises in Moscow is possible only if they have a certificate of assignment to the hotel and other accommodation facility of the category provided for by the classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities. The classification procedure is carried out on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia (Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation) dated July 11, 2014. According to the Russian Hotel Association, the process of hotels in Moscow going through this procedure is proceeding at a fairly steady pace and today 197 hotels in the city have already received this certificate. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism Sergei Shpilko, an important point is that the hotel enterprises of the city have a serious motivation to get involved in this process, despite the fact that passing the classification requires significant expenses from hotels to improve the level and quality of services provided services up to the level of the declared star rating. The new classification system, which has sufficient flexibility in a number of evaluation criteria, as well as the national standard regulating the activities of hostels in the Russian Federation, certainly creates a maximum favorable regime for classification not only by large hotels, but also by small accommodation facilities. In order to further develop the segment of small hotels in Moscow, it is worth noting as promising directions the process of joining small hotels to international and national hotel chains, as well as the creation of an industry association of small hotels in the form of the Moscow Association of Small Hotels. Joining international and national hotel chains will allow: to reduce the costs of production and sale of hotel services; increase management efficiency and quality of services provided; will provide conditions for the creation of unified reservation systems for small hotels; will increase the image of this segment of accommodation facilities and strengthen consumer confidence; will create conditions for attracting larger consumer segments. 5 Federal Law 108-FZ “On the preparation and holding of the 2017 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” URL:

10 160 The creation of an industry association of small hotels in the form of the Moscow Association of Small Hotels will allow: to ensure the consolidation of efforts to lobby their professional interests; develop and implement joint marketing strategies; to form and implement information systems for small accommodation facilities in the form of creating a Unified City Information Portal for small hotels; optimize the process of interaction with legislative and executive authorities in terms of improving the regulatory framework governing the activities of small accommodation facilities; take an active part in the process of implementing city target programs for the development of inbound and domestic tourism; promote the development of a system for promoting the services of small hotels in the form of further intensification of advertising campaigns and exhibition activities. In conclusion, it is worth noting that, despite significant successes in the development of the hotel business in Moscow, the small hotel segment still occupies a small market share. The implementation of the above measures will contribute to strengthening and expanding the network of small hotels in the city, increasing their competitiveness and attractiveness for a significant number of Russian and foreign guests of the capital. References 1. Lee, G., A.A. Morrison, X.Y. Lheto, J. Webb and J. Reid, 2005, VFR: Is it really marginal? A financial consideration of French overseas travelers. Journal of Vacation Marketing 11: Stabler M.A. and P. T. Sinclair, The Economics of Tourism 2nd Edition, London: Routledge, pp: Small hotels: expected expansion // RgoHotel C COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF THE HOTEL MARKET IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND ABROAD. Dukhovnaya L.L., Kholodtsova I.I., Polyakov V.V. Life Science Journal T s. S Dukhovnaya L.L., Kholodtsova I.I. Innovative technologies in the hotel business // Service in Russia and abroad T.8, 7(54). [Electronic resource]:

11 161 URL: (access date:). 6. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ART AND EXHIBITION ACTIVITY AT THE ENTERPRISES OF HOTEL SERVICES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Dukhovnaya L.L., Kholodtsova I.I., Polyakov V.V., Andreeva A.I., Seredina M.I. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences T S2. S Dukhovnaya L.L. The role and importance of hostels in the process of increasing the attractiveness of a tourist destination using the example of Moscow // Service in Russia and abroad T. 8, 2 (49). [Electronic resource]: URL: (access date:). 8. Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow. [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of access). 9. URL: CLASSIFIED%20HOTELS(6).docx (date of access). 10. Federal State Statistics Service for Moscow. [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of access). 11. URL: (date of access). SMALL HOTELS OF MOSCOW: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Liliya Dukhovnaya, PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, Olga Kobeleva, PhD in Psychological sciences Associate Professor, Irina Shpagina, PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State University of Tourism and Service Moscow, Russian Federation Today the hotel business enterprises in the Russian Federation are still in their infancy, lagging behind from major hotel chains by the level of development in average of years. However, a gradual process of increasing of hotel room stock, the active implementation of new technologies and methods of guest services in the hotel market gradually allows Russian means of accommodation to form a competitive, profitable sector of service and economy. Against the background of these trends the process of formation and development of small hotels that are

12 162 very popular among tourists abroad plays an important role. It determines the relevance of the article. The article gives a detailed analysis of small hotels segment and determines their share in the overall structure of the city's accommodation. In accordance with the Federal Law 108- FZ "On the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation in the FIFA World Cup and Confederations FIFA Cup 2017 and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" classification of hotel enterprises is mandatory for all hotel businesses, including small hotels in Moscow and other cities involved in this large-scale event. Therefore, the article analyzes in detail the current situation with the classification of hotels in Moscow. The comparative characteristic of the share of small hotels in total accommodation facilities in Moscow and in major European cities is of significant interest. The authors especially point out the problems of imperfection of legal and regulatory framework governing the activities of given means of accommodation, as well as distinguish the most promising directions of small hotels development in the structure of hotel enterprises of Moscow. Keywords: means of accommodation, small hotels, hotels small segment, hospitality industry, hotel market References: 1. Lee, G., A.A. Morrison, X.Y. Lheto, J. Webb and J. Reid, 2005, VFR: Is it really marginal? A financial consideration of French overseas travelers. Journal of Vacation Marketing 11: Stabler M.A. and P. T. Sinclair, The Economics of Tourism 2nd Edition, London: Routledge, 180 p. 3. Malye gostinicy: ozhidaemaja ekspansija // ProHotel Pp COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF THE HOTEL MARKET IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND ABROAD. Dukhovnaya L.L., Kholodtsova I.I., Polyakov V.V. Life Science Journal T s. Pp Duhovnaja L.L., Holodcova I.I. Innovacionnye tehnologii v gostinichnom biznese // Servis v Rosii i za rubezhom Vol.8, 7(54). URL: (Accessed on:). 6. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ART AND EXHIBITION ACTIVITY AT THE ENTERPRISES OF HOTEL SERVICES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Dukhovnaya L.L., Kholodtsova I.I., Polyakov V.V., Andreeva A.I., Seredina M.I. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences T S2. With Duhovnaja L.L. Rol" i znachenie hostelov v processe povyshenija privlekatel"nosti turistskoj destinacii na primere g. Moskva ]// Servis v Rosii i za rubezhom Vol. 8, 2 (49). URL: (Accessed on:). 8. Department nacional"noj politiki, mezhregional"nyh svjazej i turizma goroda Moskvy URL: (Accessed on:). 9. URL: CLASSIFIED%20HOTELS(6).docx (Accessed on:). 10. Federal"naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki po Moskve. URL: (Accessed on:). 11. URL: (Accessed on:).

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2.1. Brief description of the Chinara Hotel
Hotel "Chinara" is located in the Karachay-Circassian Republic in Dombay.Dombay is a mountainous area located in Karachay-Cherkessia, at an altitude of 1620-1650 meters above sea level, at the foot of the Main Caucasus Range, in three rivers - Amanauz, Alibek and Dombay-Ulgen. The village of Dombay itself is located at the crossroads of these three valleys. The hotel has been operating here since 1926.

Dombay is an all-Russian center for skiing, tourism, mountaineering and extreme sports, for which competitions at various levels, including international ones, are held here annually. Dombay is the venue for annual film festivals, all-Russian competitions and art song festivals, socio-political and scientific forums at the international level, and plein airs.

Malaya - Hotel "Chinara" is located in the ski resort area in the center of Dombay, all of its 3 buildings are located on Mount Alibek.

Financial and economic activities are fully regulated by the Charter. The authorized capital of the Company is 3,000,000 (Three million) rubles. The authorized capital of the Company determines the minimum amount of property guaranteeing the interests of its creditors. The authorized capital of the Company is made up of the nominal value of the shares of its participants.

The authorized capital is paid entirely in cash.

The main activity of the hotel is providing places for temporary accommodation.

The Chinara Hotel consists of 3 buildings. The hotel has 26 rooms. All rooms have showers and have all the conditions for a comfortable stay.
Table 2.1.

Characteristics of the room capacity of the small hotel "Chinara"

room category

Room description

Room rate per night per guest Low/high season


Standard room with two beds. Each room has air conditioning, satellite TV, telephone, refrigerator, minibar, Wi-Fi. The room rate includes breakfast.

3200 - 4900 rub.

Junior Suite Twin

Junior Suite with two beds. Each room has air conditioning, satellite TV, DVD, telephone, refrigerator, minibar, Wi-Fi. The room rate includes breakfast.

3600-5300 rub.


Luxury Differs from the junior suite in area. The room has a balcony and also a fireplace. Additionally, upholstered furniture is installed. Each room has air conditioning, satellite TV, DVD, telephone, refrigerator, minibar, Wi-Fi. The room rate includes breakfast.

4000 - 5700 rub.

The room rate includes breakfast: cereal, milk, juices, cheese, yogurt, jam, muffins, bread. Breakfast is served in the hotel cafe from 8 to 10 am; guests have free tea and coffee at any time of the day. For car owners - free parking in front of the hotel.

The guest can use the service of early check-in or late check-out, the cost of the service is 1/2 nights of stay and is subject to availability.

On the territory of the mini-hotel there is: a parking lot, there is its own boiler room and a power plant running on diesel fuel, there is an observation deck with views of the mountains, as well as barbecue and barbecue areas made of century-old oak in the style of Soviet times, not far from these areas there is a mountain waterfall.

The hotel is aimed at wealthy guests. Reservations are made by prepayment. Payment must be made within 3 days from the date of invoice. Otherwise, the application will be cancelled. The reservation is held until 12:00 on the day following the day of arrival.

Guests at the mini-hotel " Chinara"

  • fax, internet, photocopier

  • Wake-up service at the appointed time

  • 24/7 security

  • Convenient parking in front of the entrance or in the courtyard.
- Definition of roles and relationships

Currently, the company employs 21 people: 5 people are administration, 16 people are staff.

In the Chinara hotel company, the management structure is linear-functional. The organizational structure is clearly shown in Figure 2.1.

Director of the Chinara Hotel

Number service


Administrative and economic service

Reception service

Rice. 2.1 Organizational structure of the hotel enterprise “Chinara”
Analyzing the current organizational structure of “Chinara”, it should be noted: at the head of its organizational structure, a separate link is allocated to the manager - the director, who connects and controls all the functional activities of the hotel. He coordinates the work of all departments, carries out general management of the hotel, determines the financial and marketing policies of the enterprise, and deals with supply issues. The executive director manages the company's personnel, hires and fires. He also represents the hotel in various authorities.

Head of the administrative and economic department - day-to-day control and management of the work of the department (cleaners, maids, technicians); technical support for the functioning of the hotel (security agreements, repairs, maintenance); supplying the hotel with economic measures, monitoring compliance with hygiene and occupational safety of all personnel.

The core of the administrative service is the reception desk. This is the first service a guest encounters.

Check-in at the hotel is carried out around the clock - upon presentation of any identification document, regardless of place of registration.

When organizing a hotel business, special attention should be paid to the selection of qualified personnel. After all, the staff meets, serves, and interacts with guests.

Let's consider the functions of the main hotel services.

The reception service is the first service that works with the guest. Its main tasks: registration of guests and allocation of rooms; maintaining the state of the room stock, storing keys, processing check-outs, maintaining guest accounts. The service coordinates the work of maids and provides guests with various information, including on the operation of the hotel. Reservations can be made either by telephone or by fax.

The first impression a guest receives from the hotel complex depends on the reception and accommodation service. The task of the head of the accommodation service is to control the entire process of receiving and placing guests, professionally resolving conflicts that may affect the prestige of the hotel.

The entire success of a hotel depends entirely on how profitable and successful the room sales sector is.

The reception and accommodation service is called the “heart” of the hotel. This is the service where the guest and employee have the most contact, the service where they most often turn to for the necessary information and services during their stay at the hotel. The guest's first impression of the service provided to him means what reputation the hotel will have in the future. All this is due to the fact that this service, which is the “face” of the hotel, most often informs guests. The important functions of the reception service include: welcoming the guest, performing the necessary formalities when placing him, assigning rooms and keeping track of available places in the hotel, issuing invoices and making settlements with clients (preliminary and final), maintaining a guest card.

The work of the services is distributed over three shifts. The morning shift works from 6.45 to 15.15, the day shift starts work at 14.45 and finishes at 23.15, the night auditor starts work at 22.45 and finishes work at 7.15.

The accounting service documents the business transactions carried out at the enterprise, calculates wages and taxes, and maintains the company's records.

The room service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, maintaining a file on the occupancy of rooms and the availability of free places, and performs the functions of an information center. The main tasks of room service are:

  • preparing hotel rooms for occupancy by guests in accordance with the established cleaning standard;

  • cleaning of all rooms;

  • cleaning corridors, halls, utility rooms;

  • control over the presence of all necessary sanitary and hygienic accessories in the bathroom of each room in accordance with the established standard;

  • preparing occupied hotel rooms for overnight guests;

  • providing the hotel with fresh cut flowers and floral artistic compositions from fresh flowers;

  • provision of minibar services in hotel rooms, including control of their actual filling, in accordance with the accepted standard.
Administrative and economic service maintains the premises, carries out minor repairs, and maintains the hotel grounds in order. The service includes a human resources manager who is also involved in document management of the hotel. The administrative and economic service is also responsible for the supply of all necessary goods for the normal functioning of the hotel. As part of the administrative and economic service, there is a personnel manager who, in addition to personnel work, deals with office work and contract work. The administrative and economic service also includes a catering specialist, whose main job is to offer food and drinks to guests. Hotel room rates include breakfast. Breakfast is served from 7 am in a specially designated room (1 room per building). Tables are set depending on the availability of products; most often breakfast includes: portioned cheese, butter, jam, pastries in disposable packaging, boiled eggs, juice, tea, coffee.

Room service consists of refilling and stocking minibars in rooms and organizing breakfasts for guests. In addition, during the entire stay, the guest can independently use the coffee machine or drink tea, for which electric kettles and a coffee machine are located in the cafe. Guests are offered a wide variety of tea bags and cookies. This service for guests is included in the room price.

The main contingent of guests are vacationers from the Dombay resort.
2.2. Analysis of the activities of the hotel LLC "Chinara" village. Dombay
Let's consider the efficiency of the hotel based on the economic indicators of its activities.

The staff of the Chinara Hotel strives to provide guests with the most comfortable conditions. Hotel services include:

    • registration of hotel guests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    • 24-hour reception service;

    • breakfast and 24-hour self-preparation of tea and coffee;

    • Access Control System;

    • modern fire alarm, smoke removal and warning system;

    • intercity - international telephone;

    • provision of a first aid kit;

    • wake-up call at a certain time

    • rent of an additional safe at the reception.
Analysis of economic activity is an important element in the enterprise management system, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for the development of scientifically based plans, forecasts and management decisions and monitoring their implementation in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Performance indicators of the Chinara Hotel for 2012-2013.


Based on the results for


year 2012

year 2013



Total number of guests, people.





Number of rooms actually sold





Number of rooms offered for sale (26 rooms * 365 days)





Total income from the number of rooms, rub.

26 355 825

26 434 892



Using the indicators in Table 2.2, you can calculate the coefficients characterizing the efficiency of the Chinara Hotel (Table 2.3).

Hotel occupancy factor is the most important indicator of hotel performance, determining its profitability.

Table 2.3

Coefficients characterizing work efficiency

Hotel "Chinara" for 2011-2012


Calculation method

Based on the results for





Multiple loading factor, %

M =



G - number of guests;

N f - actual number

rooms sold.

An indicator that determines the proportion of rooms occupied by more than one person

Load level, %

3= N f / N p x



N n - number of rooms offered for sale.

Hotel room sales rate

Average price of a hotel room, rub.

P = D/N f



D – total income from the number of rooms.

Hotel commercial efficiency indicator

Number of guests per room sold, persons.

G av = G/N f,



G - number of guests;

N f - actual number

rooms sold.

Hotel room occupancy quality indicator

As follows from the calculated data in Table 2.3, all activity coefficients have not increased significantly, but have a positive trend, which is a good indicator of activity.

Let's analyze revenue and cost (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4

Performance indicators of the Chinara Hotel in 2012-2013


Absolute values, thousand rubles.

Deviation, %




Revenue from sales of services

26 355 825

26 434 892



Cost of services

24 296 539

24 781 187

+485 333


Gross profit

4 059 286

4 198 120

+138 834


Net profit

3 247 428

3 363 124

+115 695






Rice. 2.2 main performance indicators of the Chinara Hotel
From the data in Table 2.4 it follows that revenue from sales of services in 2013 increased by 2%, which indicates an increase in the business activity of the enterprise. In 2013, there was an increase in net profit both in absolute and relative terms.

As can be seen from the presented data, the hotel’s financial indicators have positive dynamics.

The target segment for which the Chinara hotel operates are tourists who come to Dombay for the purpose of relaxation. Among the guests there are many who have stayed at the hotel more than once (Fig. 2.3).
Rice. 2.3 Number of regular hotel guests 31
The research also revealed the following: the contingent of those who regularly visit the Chinara Hotel is 33%; 67% of guests used the services only once.

In the hotel business, price discounts are an important marketing tool. The price that the hotel indicates in its advertising is in practice applied to those who come “from the street”; all other clients enjoy discounts.

The Chinara Hotel uses reward programs for its regular customers, which are based on the accumulation of the number of visits to the hotel as a guest. To attract customers, the Chinara Hotel has a system of discounts: on the second visit, the guest receives a 5% discount, on the third and subsequent visits, 10%.

More than half of all hotel clients pre-book rooms before arriving. Reservations are only possible by telephone and fax.

As a positive fact of the marketing policy of the Chinara Hotel, it should be noted that computer records of guests are maintained in order to ensure repeat visits, and clients’ birthdays are tracked. The computer database helps not only to track the frequency of visits, but can also be analyzed according to various parameters, for example, information about age or professional interests allows you to offer new services.

The services offered to hotel guests are standard and correspond to the services of small hotels.

“Chinara”, in addition to the main services, offers its guests other, additional services, these include: household services, transport services, as well as business services: photocopier, fax, ordering air and railway tickets, as well as food services, and leisure services: excursion service.

The Chinara hotel enterprise creates conditions not only for a carefree holiday, but also for productive work. For businessmen who are accustomed to comfort, but also come with business intentions, this is important. Guests, at their request, are offered a package of business services, such as: provision of a laptop equipped with all necessary software and the Internet, processing and transmission of information (photocopying, faxing).

The guest service process can be represented in several stages.

  • pre-ordering places in a hotel company (reservation);

  • reception, registration, accommodation of guests;

  • provision of accommodation and food services;

  • provision of additional services to residents: parking. billiards, sauna;

  • final payment and check-out.
In the hotel business, special attention is paid to the ability to communicate with customers. All personnel working in direct contact with clients undergo mandatory training on how to properly treat different clients, how to speak on the phone, how to behave in conflict situations, etc. Separately for each hotel service, detailed instructions are developed with a step-by-step description of their sequence of work.

Of the general rules of Chinar for personnel, we will highlight the most important: 32

  • a Chinara employee must always be ready to provide a service to a client whenever the client needs it, and not when it is convenient for the employee;

  • a Chinara employee must show a positive attitude towards the client: politely conduct a conversation in a friendly tone, under no circumstances raising his voice, do not express displeasure, be extremely restrained when dealing with quarrelsome, aggressive, stupid, drunk clients, show concern for the client and try solve his problem;

  • A Chinara employee must serve the client with a smile and maintain positive eye contact. When talking with guests, use phrases that prove a desire to help: “I will be happy to do this,” etc.);

  • Chinar employees are prohibited from arguing with guests for any reason; It is necessary by all possible methods to express the desire to understand the client, to approve his words and actions, nodding his head, inserting the words “understandable”, “good”. If it is difficult to understand what the client wants, then when asking questions, try to clarify the expected action “if I understood you correctly, ....”.
Guest problems at Chinara must be resolved as quickly and promptly as possible.

If a Chinara employee is unable to solve a guest’s problem, he must accompany the guest to a manager who can resolve the issue. After 20 minutes, you should find out whether the problem is resolved and whether the guest is satisfied with everything. Everything possible must be done to avoid losing the guest as a client in the future.

Each Chinar employee is obliged to: 33

  • Be confident and competent to meet client expectations;

  • meet the standards of the position he occupies;

  • be able to provide guests with the services they expect;

  • use a special notepad to record specific guest requests;

  • try to notice shortcomings in the work of hotel employees and take measures to eliminate them;

  • ensure maximum cleanliness of the workplace.

The hotel building is reliably protected: the hotel is guarded 24 hours a day and has video surveillance. Fire fighting equipment and air conditioning system are available. The hotel's engineering and technical equipment allows for a comfortable stay for the guest, regardless of the time of year.

One of the tasks of hotel enterprises, the importance of which is constantly increasing, is to ensure the safety of guests and their property (property). This factor is increasingly taken into account by clients when choosing a hotel.

To analyze guests' opinions about the hotel, questionnaires are distributed among guests. The questionnaires are usually located in the rooms, the completed questionnaires are collected by the maids and then processed by the management.

Sources of information about customer satisfaction include such types of information as observation. Hotel workers are required to constantly look for signs of dissatisfaction with service. These include queues. Waiting time for clients to receive the necessary information (directly at the counter or by phone), staff ignoring clients, failure to fulfill promises made to the client, dirt, untidiness of staff.

Outdoor advertising is carried out by installing billboards and placing information in telephone directories. Information about Chinara is available in all regional telephone directories and in the Internet directory.

"Chinara" produces operational advertising - flyers , on a separate sheet or part thereof. Leaflets are distributed among vacationers. In relation to retail travel companies, Chinar's incentive objectives include creating a commitment to cooperation among travel agencies.

Practiced means of stimulating Chinara travel agents:

  • providing discounts from the announced prices for group trips in the event of an increase in sales, especially during the off-season period;

  • presentation of representative gifts and souvenirs to representatives of retail travel agencies;

  • distribution of catalogs among potential partners.
In the hotel business, discounting is one of the main tools of marketing strategy. The price that the hotel announces in its advertising brochures is, in practice, applied only to a small number of clients, that is, to those who come “from the street”; all other clients enjoy discounts.

2.3. Analysis of the personnel management system

The personnel management system of the Chinara Hotel includes personnel formation, incentives, and development.

Participants in the procedure for selecting candidates for an existing vacant position are: director, head of the department where there is a vacancy. To attract personnel, advertisements in newspapers and recruitment through hotel employees, their friends and relatives are used. Often a recommendation from a hotel employee is enough for the employee to be hired at the hotel.

In most cases, the person best qualified to perform the actual work of the position is selected. An objective decision on selection, depending on the circumstances, is usually based on the candidate’s education, level of professional skills, previous work experience, and personal qualities. For management positions, relationship building skills are of primary importance, as is the candidate's compatibility with superiors and with his subordinates.

Interview is a selection method if there is more than one candidate. The positive side of the interview is personal communication, as a result of which a fairly accurate idea of ​​the candidate can be formed. The disadvantage is the possibility that an applicant for a vacant position may provide incorrect information about himself.

During interviews with candidates, special attention is paid to the analysis of the candidate's previous activities, since a person's past behavior and achievements are an accurate indicator of his future actions. Main objectives of the interview:

                • identify the degree of suitability for the position: expand and confirm the primary information, pay attention to the professional successes and achievements of the applicant, the effectiveness of his work. It is important to determine not only what functions he performed, but also how successfully he did it;

                • make sure that the candidate is willing to perform the proposed job;

                • make sure that the applicant has sufficient abilities and potential for professional growth and successful activities.
All hired employees undergo a probationary period of 3 months, which coincides with the adaptation period.

During the adaptation period, each new employee is assigned an experienced mentor who constantly monitors activities during the adaptation period. At the end of the probationary period, the mentor issues a review of the new employee’s performance, which ends with a recommendation to conclude a permanent contract or refuse to conclude a contract.

During the adaptation period, carries out initial training of a new employee.

Mentoring allows you to transfer skills and knowledge to others. As part of the personnel adaptation process, “orientation” of the personnel occurs, when a new employee becomes practically acquainted with his responsibilities and the requirements that are imposed on him by the Chinara Hotel. At this stage, the employee is introduced to documents such as “employee job description” and “internal labor regulations”.

All employees who are hired for permanent or temporary work undergo training in the form of briefings on labor protection issues, providing first aid to victims of accidents, as well as rules of behavior in the event of emergencies, fires and natural disasters.

The method of training is also the execution of instructions from a superior manager, when in the process of work an employee receives work instructions from his immediate superior. Of course, their “value” depends on both the personal characteristics of the leader and the mood of the leader. The advantage of this method is undoubted, since the student employee in the vast majority of cases performs the work necessary for the enterprise. Difficulties may arise due to insufficient teaching qualifications of some leaders.

Professional education plays a big role, as it is the basis for effective work in a hotel.

Most often, the direction of training our own personnel is to train existing employees - middle and senior management in order to improve their professional level.

In reality, in fact, although the Chinara Hotel needs qualified personnel, systematic training of personnel is not carried out. All employee development occurs at their request in their personal time free from work. Which is primarily due to the lack of personnel and the impossibility of their frequent replacement in the case of training.

External training is most often implemented through participation in special thematic seminars, when staff take part in the seminars. Most often, management personnel participate in seminars.

The main methods for assessing the level of employee training are: assessment of employee performance by immediate supervisors and group assessment. The assessment procedure is not regulated or formalized in any way.

To remunerate employees of the Chinara Hotel, a time-based system is used, including payment at approved monthly salaries. The list of categories of employees and the amount of monthly salaries are established by the staffing table for all structural divisions and approved by the director of the hotel at the beginning of the calendar year.

In addition to official salaries, employees of the Chinara Hotel receive bonuses based on their work results. The salary level is influenced by: duties and degree of responsibility; level of knowledge, qualifications and work experience required for a specific position.

Personal allowances may be applied to official salaries. The amount of the bonus ranges from 10 to 50% depending on the volume and complexity of the work performed. The amount of payment is established by the decision of the immediate supervisor and director, approved by order for the Chinara Hotel.

A study of the hotel personnel management system allows us to highlight positive management factors:

During the adaptation period, the hotel uses a mentoring system;

Using differentiated payments in addition to official salaries as material motivation;

Principles for communication between staff and guests have been developed.

A study of the personnel management system revealed a shortcoming in the absence of personnel training programs.

2.4. Problems of hotel development
The hotel services market gives guests a huge choice of hotel enterprises and guests can always choose an acceptable accommodation option for themselves. Compared to other hotel enterprises in the city, the Chinara Hotel has one serious advantage - it corresponds to the declared level and is conveniently located. But the hotel will not be able to retain guests by this alone, much less force them to return to the Chinara Hotel. To increase the load percentage, quality of service and a set of additional modern services are also required.

Two mini-hotels have been chosen as competitors to “Chinara” – “Russia” and “Orion”. Both hotels actively work with the same market segment as Chinara, i.e. with vacationers. At the same time, both mini-hotels offer quite competitive prices for accommodation and are located in close proximity to the Chinara Hotel.

To assess the competitiveness of mini-hotel services, we will use a point system (Table 2.5).

Scale of ratings and weights Table 2.5

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