Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation Mineral waters are interesting for tourists. Resort town of Mineralnye Vody (34 photos)

Mineral waters are interesting for tourists. Resort town of Mineralnye Vody (34 photos)

Economic problems dictate their conditions. When the euro has approached 80 rubles, planning winter holidays in Europe or abroad in general becomes very, very problematic. Therefore, we open a map of Russia and a guide to prices for flights... This is how the idea of ​​going to the Caucasus was prosaically born. Here the weather in January seems to be not bad, the nature is wonderful and the prices are reasonable. They decided to develop the southern borders of the Motherland from, perhaps, the most “promoted” places - the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW).

The place for spending the winter holidays seemed very promising. There are springs and mountains and nature. At this point it is appropriate to give a little information regarding geographical data and terms used. Well, so that there is no confusion. There is a city of Mineralnye Vody. It is the administrative center of the Mineralovodsk urban district of the Stavropol Territory. There is an airport of the same name and a railway station. Important: there is no mineral water here (otherwise you will come to Mineralnye Vody to drink mineral water). That is, there are no sources, despite the name (why - I will tell below). We look at the map again and see that there are still Caucasian mineral waters. This is not a city, not a village, and not a settlement at all. This is the name for a group of resorts, a specially protected ecological resort region-agglomeration of Russia, which has a coordinating administration (eco wrapped). To put it simply: this is the name of the cities that are resorts. Direct state administration of this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the governor of the Stavropol Territory. That is, we are talking about a special region within a region (I don’t know why you need these details, but you need to know).

History of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Tsarist times

For the first time, healing springs in this region were discovered under Peter I, who sent scientists to study the properties of “acidic waters,” but this place officially became a resort under Alexander I, when the Emperor signed the Rescript of 1803 “On recognition of the national significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the need for their devices." Before this, the medicinal properties of mineral waters were studied for a long time by a special commission, which ultimately came to the conclusion that they were exceptionally beneficial for the body. Somewhat later, Tambukan mud, mined in the lake of the same name, was recognized as medicinal. However, at first the resort was not particularly popular. In the first years after the signing of the already mentioned Rescript, the resort was visited by as many as several dozen people. There was also no real plan for the construction and development of the KMS. From 1844 to 1857, KavMinVody was managed exclusively by military people, and since 1862, management was transferred to private hands to tenants. But this event did not bring much success (the military, it must be admitted, also failed) and in 1879 the “Administrative Project for the Construction of Waters” was approved, approved by the State Council in 1883 and adopted under the title “On the temporary order of management of the Caucasian mineral waters” (PSZ- 3, vol. 3, no. 1896), according to which they were transferred from a private tenant to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Property. In general, the history of the resort is not simple and its development was hampered by the distance from Moscow and St. Petersburg (the journey took one and a half to two months by horse-drawn carriages) and the turbulent situation in the Caucasus. After such a long and unsafe journey, the entire effect of the treatment could have come to naught, or there was simply no one to treat.

In 1875, the Vladikavkaz Railway passed near the region, and the Sultanovskaya station was built, almost immediately renamed Mineralnye Vody: the road to the resorts began from it, and in 1893 the railway went to Kislovodsk. This circumstance has definitely breathed life into the region. The village at the Mineralnye Vody station began to grow and received the name Illarionovsky, and in 1922 the village became the city of Mineralnye Vody.

The CMS was also popular among the “stars” of the Soviet period. Chaliapin, Gorky, and Bulgakov rested and worked here.

The Soviet (especially the post-war period) greatly changed the appearance of resort towns. To replace or in addition to low-rise buildings of various architectural styles came standard multi-storey boxes, which were used to build all the resorts of the USSR - from Druskininkai to the Urals.

And this, in general, is not at all a reproach to the architects of that time. The large working class needed places to rest. A trip to a sanatorium was an incentive from an enterprise that was valued more than a monetary reward.

Only very wealthy people and celebrities (for example, Pushkin and Lermontov) could afford to visit the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The commoners simply did not have enough funds for such a long journey. True, during the First World War, hospitals were often used for the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers, sailors and officers.

During the years of Soviet power, the region acquired the significance of an all-Union health resort, but not everyone could get here for treatment. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment was supposed only by referral. CMS cities abounded in departmental sanatoriums, boarding houses and health resorts for workers from a certain industrial enterprise, department or ministry.

By the way, you can relax and heal in the “Krugozor” even today:

Consequently, the buildings of boarding houses, sanatoriums and related infrastructure had to be erected quickly, inexpensively, and be spacious. Aesthetics - for later. The architectural appearance of each city was invariably complemented by a monument to the leader of the world proletariat (where would we be without him).

Our times

As is customary to say in such cases, today the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort is modern... Perhaps we will formulate it differently: today the KMS is gaining popularity again - people come here not only “by referral” or “from the department” or for medical reasons, but also for tourism purposes: "savages" and just curious and disorganized travelers. Although there is something, but there are ... a lot of departments here. Some have a sanatorium in every city. You walk down the street in Essentuki, and the signs seem to be in the center of Moscow: ministries, offices, services, offices, etc. Everything is like in the capital, only with the prefix “Sanatorium”. You involuntarily sympathize with the poor health of our officials. The work is hard and wears out. So you have to restore nerves in narzan baths. In the Soviet period, in Kislovodsk, for example, there was a sanatorium “Kolkhoznik” (now the name has been encrypted and called “Golden Ear”), but a sanatorium for a “farmer” or, say, a “tired entrepreneur” cannot be found. They do not get sick now, unlike the employees of ministries. But the present day of the CMS and each city separately will be discussed in the following articles.

How to get to Caucasian Mineral Waters

By plane

Now everything is simpler and faster than in Lermontov’s time, two months of travel are not required, just a couple of hours by plane, a little less than a day by bus or your car, or 33 hours by train. Everyone makes their own choice.

The price of the flight is quite humane even in the season. Conclusions can be drawn from the table:

By clicking on the inverted triangle in the upper right corner, you can find out the cost of a flight from your city.

By train

If for some reason the plane is not suitable (aerophobia, for example) or you just want to take a nap while listening to the sound of the wheels, you can also get there by train. The advantage is that trains go to both Essentuki and Kislovodsk, that is, the savings on taxis from Mineralnye Vody are quite obvious. You can check ticket prices and timetables here:

By bus

Buses run from Moscow to all cities of the resort. Travel time: 27-29 hours, ticket prices from 2,300 rubles per passenger one way.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody airport to Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk

Minibuses run from the airport to each of the cities of the KMS. You can also take a minibus or taxi to the Mineralnye Vody train station and then take a train to the desired location. But these options can take a lot of time. We used a taxi, having ordered it in advance. Economy class car Ordering a transfer from the airport is actually easier and ultimately cheaper than looking for a taxi on the spot. You can see prices for transfers from Mineralnye Vody to Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk. It is also more convenient to travel within cities by taxi; the prices are quite reasonable - the average cost of a trip is 100 rubles. (we only got more than once).

There is an electric train running between the cities, it is quite comfortable, the fare is 50-70 rubles one way, tickets can be bought either at the ticket office or from the conductor on the train, there are also vending machines, but they were not working when we arrived. The schedule can be viewed on the Yandex service, Schedule.

Where to stay in KMV

This question is not as easy to answer as it seems, because this answer directly depends on the main purpose of the trip - to receive treatment or have fun (the resort is therapeutic). If you are going for treatment, then before choosing a city, decide what you are going to treat or what to be treated for. You can’t make a mistake here, as a famous character used to say. It is appropriate, of course, to send the reader to a doctor, as required by law - “to consult with a specialist,” but I think I still have the right to give some direction. In general, if your stomach is acting up and your intestines don’t give you peace, Essentuki is for you. Irrigate with healing water from all points of view. If your nerves are acting up and your heart is beating too fast (we brush aside the symptoms of falling in love - they don’t treat it here) - come to Kislovodsk, if your kidneys are falling off - welcome to Zheleznovodsk. Everyone is welcome here! Of course, treatment should be approached wisely: the ulcer will not be cured over the weekend even if you do not move away from the source; renal colic will not go away with a couple of procedures. And mud therapy with a health path is useless if your stay is less than 21 days. If the length of stay is less than 10 days, then you should forget about treatment in principle. You are just a tourist and you should choose a destination city not on the basis of “what hurts”, but based on their comfort, cost of living and other things that accompanies a regular vacation. This does not mean at all that your health will not get better - walks in the freshest and most healing air have never harmed anyone, sound sleep in silence, Caucasian cuisine, wine and good mood will heal your nerves in a couple of days. So in CMV treatment is included in any case. So, what does the resort offer in terms of accommodation? We return again to the goal: if everything is for real: procedures, diet, recovery, lights out, then you are in a sanatorium. There are many of them here. There are modern and expensive ones, there are pre-revolutionary ones, there are ministerial ones (in the latter, the tariff is double: accommodation + taxes you have already paid). But the sanatorium is not suitable for everyone: breakfast until 9 am, lights out at 11. In general, a hospital with a light regimen. Such a vacation or really for honey. indications or for the very disciplined. For everyone else, there is a rather large selection of hotels and a rapidly growing private sector. If you choose a city for spending weekends, holidays, vacations (without fanatical treatment), then the best option is Kislovodsk. Why? On average, the number of clear days per year in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. Argument? Another one. The largest resort park is 950 hectares. For comparison, in Zheleznovodsk - 203, in Essentuki - 51. This is also a reason, since walking in the KMV is something that can be consumed with guaranteed health benefits, in any quantity and without a doctor’s prescription. But if you couldn’t find a suitable option in Kislovodsk, feel free to look in Essentuki. It’s 20 minutes by train to Kislovodsk, the same to Pyatigorsk and the most unpalatable mineral water. My favorite is #17. There is nothing special to say about Zheleznovodsk (we simply haven’t been here) except that it is the most difficult to reach city in terms of public transport. There is no station here and you need to take a taxi or minibus (albeit a very short distance - about 5 km) to the city from the Beshtau platform (this is between Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody).

Our body must be well hydrated to function properly, and in addition, the body needs to be saturated with microelements. From this it is easy to conclude that drinking natural mineral waters is a very smart way to stay healthy. According to a gastroenterologist, a doctor of the highest category at the Medical Center of the North-Western State Medical University named after. Mechnikova T.Pikina, mineral water, depending on its composition, helps strengthen the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems, lower cholesterol in the blood, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, improve the appearance of the skin, strengthen hair and nails. Mineral water cannot be treated like ordinary drinking water. Consuming it in large quantities over a long period of time can be harmful. Therefore, to drink highly mineralized waters, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


Chemical composition of waters, issued by sources is varied and can satisfy the needs of any organism to replenish missing minerals and trace elements.

  • Waters with low mineralization from 1.5-3.5 g per liter and medium from 3.5 to 5.5 g per liter of mineralization are well absorbed by the body and can be consumed independently.
  • High mineralization waters from 5.5 to 40 g per liter have a serious therapeutic effect when consumed correctly, and before you start drinking highly mineralized water, you should consult a specialist.

Narzan gallery. Kislovodsk

Mineral waters are conventionally divided into three main groups based on taste perception.

  • With a high percentage of the total composition of trace elements of sodium chloride (NaCl) and have a salty taste, it helps stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improves the performance of the stomach and intestines.
  • With a high percentage of the total composition of microelements, magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and has a bitter taste, restores the function of the gallbladder and liver, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps alleviate conditions with hepatitis and diabetes.
  • With a high percentage of the total composition of trace elements of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) and acids, they have a sour taste, recommended for heartburn, cystitis and urolithiasis.

Another property that should be taken into account when choosing mineral water is - alkaline or acid level. Also mineral waters have radioactivity level, but this mainly applies to waters that are used for hydrotherapy. Mineral water springs provide water of different temperatures, and accordingly, water can be cold, subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal. All this applies to waters that were obtained from natural sources.


Can independently take a preventive course of drinking water of low and medium mineralization. The cost of a bottle of high-quality mineral water is comparable to the cost of a cup of coffee. The benefits of drinking a glass of natural mineral water are much greater than from a cup of tea or coffee.

It is more advisable to drink mineral water in courses of 30-40 days, two to three times a year, no more than three glasses per day. First, release carbon dioxide from the bottle so as not to irritate the stomach and intestines.


In an ideal situation a trip to one of the water resorts once a year will help solve many problems, go through a detox program, nourish yourself inside and outside with minerals and trace elements, relax physically and mentally. The choice here is quite wide and it all depends on the budget and desire to visit Russian or European resorts. The resort will offer a program based on the condition of the body. Three times a day, drinking mineral water, walking, inhalation, baths, diet, massages and much more that is absolutely necessary to achieve maximum results.

Russian water resorts

1. Essentuki

Essentuki Resort Park

Essentuki Resort– balneological drinking resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters. Essentuki is a producer of such waters as "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17", these waters are moderately mineralized, with natural carbonation, sodium chloride-bicarbonate and hydrogen sulfide-carbon dioxide sodium chloride-bicarbonate waters. At the resort itself you can undergo treatment with drinking and external procedures (baths, irrigations).

Essentuki Resort Park

Taking these waters shows positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract,
  • duodenum,
  • biliary tract,
  • liver,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • metabolic disorders.

2. Kislovodsk

(Caucasian Mineral Waters region, Stavropol Territory)

Resort Park of Kislovodsk

Resort Kislovodsk- the largest resort. Located above other resorts in the region, there is practically no cloudy weather here. The Kislovodsk field is the Kislovodsk Narzans, waters of low mineralization, with natural carbonation, the composition is sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium. The waters of “Narzan” with bubbling carbon dioxide boiling water are useful in the form of baths and drinking. In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun in Kislovodsk in the summer can slow down the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Resort Park of Kislovodsk

Kislovodsk waters are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • digestive organs,
  • urogenital system,
  • musculoskeletal system.
  • circulatory system.
  • respiratory organs.
  • nervous system.
  • ENT diseases.
  • Organs of vision.

3. Zheleznovodsk

(Caucasian Mineral Waters region, Stavropol Territory)


Resort Zheleznovodsk– the most intimate resort in the region. Zheleznovodsk offers water "Smirnovskaya" And "Slavyanovskaya". These are waters of low mineralization, natural carbonation, sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium. At the resort they are used for drinking and external balneological procedures.

  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • kidney diseases,
  • urinary tract diseases,
  • andrological diseases,
  • gynecological diseases.

4. Pyatigorsk

(Caucasian Mineral Waters region, Stavropol Territory)

Pyatigorsk, Eolian Harp

The Pyatigorsk mineral water deposit is located on the slopes of Mount Mashuk. The peculiarity of the resort is that there are waters of different compositions, as well as sulfide mud of Lake Tambukan, which has a strong bactericidal effect and contains a large number of organic compounds, methane and hydrogen sulfide. In addition to balneotherapy, climatotherapy, aerotherapy and radon therapy are widely developed here. The types of mineral waters known at the Pyatigorsk deposit are combined into five groups:

  • carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide of complex ionic composition;
  • carbon dioxide of complex ionic composition;
  • sodium carbonate chloride-hydrocarbonate (salt-alkaline);
  • radon low-carbon dioxide compounds of complex ionic composition;
  • low carbon dioxide of complex ionic composition (nitrogen-carbon dioxide).

Big Failure in Pyatigorsk

Here mineral waters called "Mashuk", “Mashuk-19”, “Goryachevodskaya”, “Pyatigorsk canteen”.


Indications for visiting the health resort:

  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • skin diseases,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • female inflammatory processes.

5. Marzaal waters

(Republic of Karelia)

Marzaal waters, Karelia

Separately, I would like to draw attention to Marzalnye Vody - one of the northernmost resorts. The deposit is located in the Kondopoga region of the Republic of Karelia. It was here that in 1719 Emperor Peter I founded the First Russian resort “Marcial Waters”. The waters emitted by the springs contain high concentrations of divalent iron, the level of which is significantly higher than in other known springs. These waters are not bottled.

Marzaal waters, Karelia
  • genitourinary system,
  • digestive organs,
  • respiratory organs,
  • blood (anemia),
  • joints
  • nervous system
  • circulatory system,
  • cardiovascular systems.

6. Staraya Russa

(Novgorod region)

Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa is another unique mineral water deposit located in the Novgorod region. The composition of the water here is calcium-magnesium chloride with medium mineralization and magnesium-sodium chloride with high mineralization.

Sanatorium “Staraya Russa”

The waters of Staraya Russa help cope with diseases:

  • female genital organs,
  • skin,
  • musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system,
  • ENT organs,
  • nervous system,
  • respiratory organs,
  • digestive organs,
  • endocrine system and metabolic disorders.

7. Anapa

(Krasnodar region)


The uniqueness of the resort lies in a rare combination of favorable natural factors: a moderately humid and warm coastal-steppe climate, a multi-kilometer sandy sea beach with a well-heated bath, the presence of medium-mineralized, medium-sulphide “gentle” therapeutic mud and a variety of mineral waters. All this predetermined the specifics of this place as a children's resort.

There are several mineral deposits in the Anapa resort area :

1.water Anapa field are low-mineralized sodium chloride-sulfate without specific microcomponents;

2.water Semigorsky Place of Birth characterized by a very high content of orthoboric acid and a high content of iodine. In composition they are sodium chloride-hydrocarbonate with a mineralization of 10.3 g/dm3;

3.water Raevsky Place of Birth also contain boron and iodine, but in much smaller quantities.

Anapa. embankment

Natural healing factors of the Anapa resort are indicated for treating children from diseases:

  • movement organs,
  • nervous system;

for the treatment of diseases in adults:

  • respiratory organs of a non-tuberculous nature,
  • blood circulation,
  • movement organs,
  • nervous system,
  • female genital organs.

8. Sestroretsk

(Saint Petersburg)

Sestroretsk resort

The uniqueness of the resort is due to the presence of one-of-a-kind mud here - buried sapropels of the Littorina Sea, called “gytti clays”. In addition, the resort is famous for its pine park, sand dunes, many kilometers of sandy beach, as well as the presence of low-radon mineral waters. Mineral water is sodium chloride in composition with a mineralization of 1.12 g/dm3 and a radon content of up to 7-10 nCi/dm3. Used for drinking cures and baths.

Sestroretsk resort

Natural healing factors of the resort are indicated for the treatment of diseases:

  • circulatory organs,
  • digestive organs,
  • movement organs,
  • nervous system.

9. Undors

(Ulyanovsk region)


The resort is located on the banks of the Volga Reservoir, the width of which reaches 40 km. The particular value of this resort is its low-mineralized waters with a high content of organic substances. On the territory of Russia, this is the only deposit with a natural outlet of this water.


This type of water is especially effective in treating:

  • genitourinary system,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • eating disorders
  • metabolic disorders.

In addition to unique water, the resort uses sodium chloride brines for external procedures (diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the circulatory system).

10. Ust-Kachka

(Perm region)


This is the largest hydrotherapy resort in Europe. In 1935, an oil exploration well drilled near Ust-Kachka produced not oil, but hydrogen sulfide mineral water. A sanatorium was founded on the site of the well. The Ust-Kachka resort is unique - there are three types of mineral waters here. Hydrogen sulfide water treats joint diseases, nervous, gynecological and skin diseases. Iodine-bromine water calms the nervous system and treats insomnia.


Drinking medicinal table water "Ust-Kachkinskaya" is used for treatment

  • digestive system,
  • endocrine system,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

11. Belokurikha

(Altai region)

View of Belokurikha

The resort is located on the northern outskirts of the Altai Mountains. The hydromineral base of the resort is thermal radon waters, low-mineralized, with a high content of silicic acid. The sanatorium uses medicinal table mineral waters “Belokurikhinskaya-Vostochnaya” (sulfate-chloride, sodium-magnesium-calcium with a mineralization of 2.87-3.5 g/l, slightly alkaline reaction) and “Zavyalovskaya” (chloride-sulfate calcium- magnesium-sodium, mineralization 4.5-6.5 g/l).

nature Belokurikha

The main profile of the resort is the treatment of diseases:

  • circulatory system,
  • nervous system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • digestive organs,
  • endocrine,
  • genitourinary system,
  • skin.

12. Lake Shira

(The Republic of Khakassia)

Lake Shira (photo: V. Maslov)

The balneological mud resort is located in the forest-steppe zone on the shore of the salt lake Shira. The main therapeutic factors are the highly mineralized water of the lake (M 20-22 g/dm3), which has been used for external balneological procedures since the middle of the last century as an analogue of sea bathing, and the sulfide-silt mud of the lake. Utichye-3. In combination with the steppe climate and the presence of drinking mineral waters of medium mineralization (HCO3-CL-SO4-Mg type), this resort is a unique complex for Southern Siberia.

Lake Shira

The main profiles of the resort are the treatment of blemishes:

  • digestive organs,
  • endocrine system,
  • respiratory organs,
  • genitourinary area,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system.

13. Shmakovka

(Primorsky Krai)

Shmakovka. Primorsky Krai

The resort is located in the river valley. Ussuri and is based on the unique hydromineral field of the Shmakovsky deposit of carbon dioxide, highly gas-saturated mineral waters of the Kislovodsk Narzan type: low-mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium and magnesium-calcium, siliceous waters, which are used both for drinking treatment and for external procedures.

Shmakovka. Primorsky Krai (Photo: Alexander Khitrov)

Drinking treatment with local waters is indicated for diseases:

  • digestive organs,
  • endocrine system,
  • metabolism,
  • genitourinary system.

Balneotherapy is indicated for diseases of the circulatory, nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems.

14. Sinegorsk

(Sakhalin region)

Sinegorsk resort

The natural sources of this deposit were used by the Japanese in the last century. This is the only occurrence in Russia of carbonated waters with the maximum arsenic content for this balneological group. In terms of total mineralization, the waters are classified as highly mineralized with a sodium bicarbonate-chloride composition. In addition to arsenic, Sinegorsk mineral waters contain a high content of orthoboric acid and silicic acid. The presence of a set of biologically active elements allows the use of Sinegorsk mineral waters for dosed drinking treatment:

  • anemia of various origins,
  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • endocrine system disorders,

Balneological procedures are indicated for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and skin diseases.

15. Melt

(Magadan Region)

Talaya, Magadan region

The resort is the only one in Russia located beyond the Arctic Circle (north of 60° N), in the permafrost zone. The therapeutic base of the resort is nitrogen thermal (T 91°C) siliceous alkaline waters. Water from this source is bottled and carbonated without losing its medicinal qualities.

The main directions of the resort are the treatment of diseases:

  • circulatory system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system,
  • genitourinary area,
  • skin.

Basic moments

It is curious that within the city limits with the eloquent name “Mineralnye Vody” there is in fact not a single source of mineral water. But it is here that there is a busy transport hub, including the Lermontov International Airport, a railway station and an intercity bus station, where holidaymakers heading to the health resorts of the North Caucasus arrive. Large health complexes are located in the nearby cities of Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, where many sources have been identified that bring deep waters to the surface, saturated with a variety of minerals and metals, with a wide range of dissolved chemicals and compounds. There are about 120 sanatoriums in the region, which annually receive up to 700 thousand vacationers.

In Mineralnye Vody, a city through which the skating rink of war passed, few ancient buildings or monuments remain. And the architects here have not particularly made a mark with modern, noticeable structures; original architectural projects are being implemented in neighboring resorts. However, Minvody has several impressive objects and interesting museums. Local guides organize trips to the surrounding natural attractions, to the famous Terek stud farm, and sightseeing tours of the region.

The city has hospitably open doors to nice restaurants and cafes with Caucasian, Russian and European cuisine; some establishments are open almost until dawn and offer entertainment programs. Small local hotels and guest houses cannot be called fashionable, but most of them are quite comfortable and guarantee decent service.

History of Mineralnye Vody

In the 70s of the 19th century, the large southern cities of the Russian Empire - Rostov-on-Don and Vladikavkaz - were connected by a new railway line. One of the stops in 1878 was named “Sultanovsky” - it was located on lands that belonged to the noble Tatar family of Gireyev, whose representatives once held Sultanic titles and were the rulers of the Crimea and Nogai lands in the North Caucasus. At first, no more than 500 people lived at the stop, but Sultanovsky quickly grew into settlements of artisans, and trading shops, taverns, inns, car repair shops and other small enterprises appeared here. The influx of workers from the southern regions of the empire was ensured by a glass factory built here in 1898, where dishes and other household utensils were produced. In 1906, the spontaneous settlement of factory workers, track workers and railway workers, which grew up around the plant, railway station and locomotive depot, was renamed “Illarionovsky” - in honor of the emperor’s governor in the Caucasus, Count Illarion Vorontsov-Dontsov.

The village acquired city status already under Soviet rule, in 1921, at which time it was named Mineralnye Vody. The administration of the newly created Mineralovodsky district is located here. By that time, the population of Minvod was about 14 thousand people, many of the townspeople worked at local stone processing and ore enterprises. By 1925, an airfield was built in the suburbs, and Mineralnye Vody appeared on the map of the first air routes of the Soviet Union. In a region with a favorable climate and a mass of healing springs, the All-Union health resort grew, and recreation centers, sanatoriums, and tourist centers were built with funds from trade unions and large enterprises. Well-established transport links made it possible to conveniently get to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters from any corner of the country.

During the Great Patriotic War, the German command considered the city as a strategic object on the way to the oil resources of the Caucasus. In August 1942, the resistance of the defending units of the Red Army was broken, and the city was occupied by Wehrmacht troops. During fierce battles, the entire transport and urban infrastructure of the Ministry of Water Resources turned into ruins.

Soviet troops expelled the occupiers in January 1943. The tankers from Captain Petrov's battalion were the first to break into Minvody. In memory of the liberators, a T-34 tank was installed in the city. In the post-war years, the city developed as one of the recreation centers in the south of the country and a major transport hub in the North Caucasus direction. Since the beginning of the 21st century, local authorities have been actively developing tourism infrastructure, which is facilitated by the mild climate and close proximity to popular resorts.

Geography and climate

The city of Mineralnye Vody is located on the banks of the Kuma River, 170 kilometers southeast of Stavropol. Mineral Waters are considered the gateway to the vast North Caucasus region, rich in healing springs, which gave the region its own geographical name - Caucasian Mineral Waters. Resorts belonging to it occupy part of the Stavropol region, some of them are located within Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The famous resort towns of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Lermontov, and Kislovodsk are compactly located in the region. Only 12 km separates Minvody from the nearest large health center in Zheleznovodsk.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is surrounded by hilly steppe landscapes, with the foothills of the Caucasus visible on the horizon to the southwest. The peak closest to the city is called Zmeyka; it is covered with deciduous forest and rises almost a kilometer. The part of the mountain facing the city is devoid of vegetation, the slope is indented with terraces and quarries. Until recently, building stone and road crushed stone were mined here, but now the production is closed. A little lower than Zmeyka is Mount Sheludivaya (874 m), so mockingly nicknamed because of the numerous screes of flaking igneous rock formations. Volcanic rocks in the bowels of the earth have not yet completely cooled down. A sign of this activity are hot springs rising to the surface throughout the region.

The climate in the city is continental, summers are dry and hot, winters are mild. In January-February the air temperature is –5...–3 °C. Spring comes early, at the end of February - beginning of March, and in May it is already warm like summer: +15...+18 °C. But from this time, until about mid-June, it rains frequently in Minvody. The best time to come here on vacation is in the second half of summer. In July and August it is dry, sunny, the air temperature fluctuates between +25...+30 °C. In September, the weather is still comfortable for holidaymakers, the air warms up to +18...+22 °C. Cool but sunny autumn comes into its own by the beginning of October.

It should be noted that climatic conditions at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters vary. For example, a special microclimate reigns in Kislovodsk, surrounded by high mountains, located just 50 kilometers from Mineralnye Vody.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody

Travelers arriving in Mineralnye Vody by train are greeted by the main man-made attraction of the city - the beautiful railway station building, erected in 1955 in the Stalinist Baroque style. This monumental building with snow-white colonnades and arcades is topped with a clock tower. The walls of the building are decorated with decorative moldings and frescoes depicting the sights of the resort region. At the facade facing the platforms there is a semicircular colonnade, in its center there is a fountain with an iconic sculpture of a mountain eagle grasping a snake in its claws. Local legend says that the eagle was cured of a poisonous bite by drinking water from a healing spring. This bronze sculptural composition is a recognizable “business card” of the Ministry of Water Resources. Nearby, at the locomotive depot, there is an old steam locomotive that came out of the gates of the Kolomna Machine-Building Plant in 1897.

Another architectural landmark of Mineralnye Vody is the beautiful cathedral in the name of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built of red brick in 1992-1997. In its style one can discern the motifs of ancient Russian churches. This temple is widely known among believers in the Stavropol region. The relics of the locally revered Saint Theodosius of the Caucasus, the venerable patron of this region, are kept here. Many pilgrims come to admire the rich decoration of the cathedral and pray under its arches. Next to the cathedral there is a monument to Russian soldiers who died in modern military conflicts.

Another mournful monument stands at the intersection of Karl Marx Avenue and Stavropol Street, on the site of a brutal terrorist attack committed in March 2001. Then, from the explosion of a bomb planted in a car, 24 passers-by were killed and more than a hundred people were injured. A marble column with black birds of trouble on top reminds us of this senseless tragedy.

In 2008, a monument to Tsarist General Alexei Ermolov, commander of Russian troops in the first decades of the Caucasian War, was erected in Nadezhda Square. This commander left a bright mark on the history of the conquest and development of the region. He conquered Chechnya and Dagestan, subordinating them to the Russian crown, built the Georgian Military Road, and erected a whole chain of fortresses and Cossack villages. At the foot of the bronze monument lie piles of cannonballs and cast iron cannons from the early 19th century.

Several pre-revolutionary buildings have been preserved in Mineralnye Vody. On Lenin Street, 41, stands the house of Sultan Dzhanbek-Girey, the former owner of these fertile lands. The building was built at the beginning of the last century. On the same street at number 27-A there is a real school building, built with funds from the Vladikavkaz Railway in 1913.

The city museum of local history is located on Proletarskaya Street, 137. The exhibition presents the history of the development of the region, it contains works of local painters, archaeological artifacts, paleontological and geological collections. The exhibition of weapons from the 19th century attracts attention. In a spacious house with a cozy veranda, where the museum is located today, the proletarian writer Alexei Bibik (1878-1976), who began his career in the railway workshops of Kharkov at the end of the nineteenth century, spent the last years of his life. In his youth, he joined the ranks of revolutionaries and was arrested and exiled to Perm for promoting socialist ideas. Bibik published his first stories about workers’ struggle for their rights in 1901; his last publications in literary magazines were published in the 60s. The writer, who took part in the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, lived for 98 years and left interesting memories of that turbulent era. The museum has a memorial room with personal belongings and a library of the writer, and one of the streets in Mineralnye Vody bears his name.

The local history museum is open from 09:00 to 18:00, lunch break – 13:00-14:00. Weekends – Saturday, Sunday. The entrance ticket costs 25 rubles. You can get here by minibuses No. 2, 3-A, 6, 16, 17. You need to get off at the “Dentist Clinic” stop.

Not far from the airport, on the territory of the aircraft repair plant (Knyshevsky Street, 9), you can see the exhibition-museum of restored domestic and foreign aviation equipment. On neatly trimmed lawns, airplanes and rotary-wing machines of different years of production are demonstrated. The Po-2 biplane, designed at the Polikarpov design bureau in 1927, has the most respectable age. Such "heavenly slug" with a simple and reliable design was used during the Great Patriotic War as night bombers. Standing nearby is another war veteran, a twin-engine Li-2. The production of these aircraft was launched in 1942 in Tashkent, the base model of the project was the American Douglas DC-3 transport aircraft, the Allies supplied these aircraft to the USSR under Lend-Lease. After the war, unpretentious and trouble-free Li-2 served for a long time in the Soviet polar aviation in the Far North.

"Kukuruznik" An-2, created in the Kiev Antonov Design Bureau, takes pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records. It took off in 1947 and has been in production for over 70 years. We have not produced it for a long time, but such aircraft are still being built under license in China.

The exhibition is gradually expanding. Behind the hangars stands the Tu-154 medium-haul airliner, decommissioned from the air fleet, nicknamed the “Big Carcass” by the pilots. After the restoration work is completed, the aircraft will join the open-air exhibition.

The museum has a selection of rare photographs and documents illustrating the history of the development of aviation in our country. The entrance fee to this museum is symbolic - 35 rubles. The guides conduct fascinating excursions, because each flying car presented here has its own interesting history.


Karl Marx Avenue will lead you to the city park. Here you can relax in the shade of the trees with a cup of coffee, and have fun in the amusement town, looking at Mineralnye Vody from the height of the Ferris wheel. The cost of using the attractions is 50-100 rubles.

Take your playful kids to the Wake Up trampoline park, located in the Vershina shopping center on XXII Party Congress Avenue, 102, where your energetic kids will jump to their heart's content and have fun in a huge pile of multi-colored plastic balls and cubes. The park is open from 10:00 to 22:00.

For adult tourists, the hookah lounge bar “5"nizza” on Sovetskaya Street, 51 offers some fun after midnight. Parties with DJs are held here. The bar is open from 12:00 to 02:00. The average bill per person is 1,000 rubles. Another attractive place Minvod is a beer restaurant-bar "Kardan", located on the 2nd floor of the Nebo shopping center, on Internatsionalnaya Street, 37. There is a spacious dance floor, a summer terrace. A glass of beer here costs 200 rubles, cocktails - 500 rubles. The establishment is open daily from 12:00 to 01:00, on Fridays and Saturdays – an hour longer.

To visit the Soprano night karaoke club (Lenina Street, 26), you need an appropriate evening dress code. There is face control here, the age of visitors is 18+. The club is open seven days a week from 10:00 to 03:00.

Country excursions

For tourists who have not decided on the choice of resort or want to explore the surrounding attractions, one-day sightseeing group bus excursions to the cities of the region are organized from Mineralnye Vody. Private guides also specialize in individual study tours in cars for families or groups of 3-4 people.

Such tours include walks through arboretums, familiarization with the medical profiles of sanatoriums, and swimming in thermal springs. Guides will take tourists to memorable locations where celebrities have been. Among them are the site of Mikhail Lermontov’s duel, a walk along the picturesque slopes of Mount Mashuk, Pushkin Baths, Chaliapin’s dacha, and memorial house museums. Along the way, tourists explore the iconic Proval, where the bronze Ostap Bender stands, grottoes, caves, waterfalls, lakes and other attractions created by nature in the foothills of the Caucasus.

One-day trip to Essentuki with a visit to the balneological sanatorium named after. Semashko will cost 3,000 rubles. The cost of an introductory visit to the health resorts of Zheleznovodsk is approximately the same. The approximate price of tours to Pyatigorsk is 3500 rubles, this resort town is located only 22 km from the Mineralnye Vody, the bus goes there for half an hour. For excursions to Kislovodsk, travel agents ask about 7,000 rubles. A trip to the foot of Elbrus - the highest mountain in Europe - will cost about 10 thousand rubles. The top of Elbrus (5642 m) is visible from any point of the Mineralnye Vody, it is 91 kilometers from here in a straight line, but you will have to drive about 250 km along the serpentines of mountain roads to the foot of the peak.

Very close to Mineralnye Vody, in the village of Novotersky, at the foot of Mount Zmeika, is the famous Tersky stud farm. This enterprise was founded by Count Stroganov in 1889. Purebred Arabian horses were brought here, and over time a special breed of Terek horses was developed. They were highly valued both in the cavalry of the tsarist army and in Budyonny’s cavalry. Riding a white Terek stallion named Idol, Marshal Georgy Zhukov took part in the Victory Parade in 1945.

Today the Terek breeding plant is known all over the world; abroad its pets are called “Russian Arabs”. International exhibitions, competitions, and auctions take place here. The record amount paid for the Terek stallion exceeded $2 million.

Equestrian shows are held in extensive riding arenas for tourists, and exciting races are held at the hippodrome. You can take pictures with the handsome horses. Popular selfie partners include the graceful ash-pearl stallion, given to Vladimir Putin in the United Arab Emirates, and the world racing champion bay stallion Nobby. Tourists ride horses on horseback or in light carts. The cost of this pleasure is 100 rubles per lap around the arena. Horses are allowed to be fed. Their favorite treats are apples, carrots, and bread.

The entrance ticket to the territory of the breeding plant costs 200 rubles. For the right to take photos and videos, you need to pay an additional 100 rubles. Minibus No. 101 goes here from Mineralnye Vody. A bus tour to the stud farm as part of a group will cost 500-600 rubles per person.

Active recreation in Minvody

On a fine summer morning, have breakfast at your hotel, grab sandwiches, drinks, and go for a walk along the slopes of Mount Snake. The mountain is within easy reach from the city center, you can walk in 30-40 minutes, you can ride a bike in a quarter of an hour, and a taxi will take you to the foot of the Snake in less than 10 minutes, you will spend no more than 100 rubles on the trip. Here is the Beshtaugor forest, spread over an area of ​​6,000 hectares. This nature reserve is a wonderful place for family walks and picnics. In winter, you can go skiing and snowboarding on the slopes of the surrounding hills. But such winter fun is enjoyed only by local residents. Tourists arriving at this time in Mineralnye Vody usually go from here to the ski resorts of the Caucasus.

In the vicinity of Minvod there are several lakes where you can swim in the summer heat. Two reservoirs are located on the territory of the sanatorium "Mineralnye Vody" in the village of Novotersky. At the foot of the mountain there is Zmeyskoye Lake, but the swimming places here are “wild”. You will find the nearest well-equipped beaches to the southeast of neighboring Pyatigorsk, on the shores of Lake Tambukan, filled with brackish mineral water. You can get to Pyatigorsk from the Mineralnye Vody in half an hour by minibuses No. 223, they depart at intervals of 15 minutes from the Station Square, a ticket costs 58 rubles. Both cities are connected by rail. The train to Pyatigorsk takes 40 minutes, the ticket costs 70 rubles.

12 km from Mineralnye Vody, in the village of Inozemtsevo, a huge water park "City of the Sun" was recently built with nine pools, twelve slides and other attractions. The length of the descent along the spiral slide "Toboggan" is 78 meters, there are two super-descents 100 meters long and small slides for kids. The park has cafes and restaurants, Roman baths with a jacuzzi, a spa complex, a bowling club, and has its own 4 * hotel. Minibus No. 107 goes here, buses No. 133 stop in Inozemtsevo, heading from the Minvod bus station to Essentuki. The water park is open daily from 09:00 to 20:00, an adult ticket costs 1200 rubles, for a child under 12 years old you need to pay 800 rubles.

Souvenirs and shopping

A popular souvenir from Mineralnye Vody is a desktop copy of an eagle sculpture that welcomes guests at the railway station. A beautiful mug with a logo for drinking healing water and a branded bottle of Narzan or Essentuki will remind you of your stay at the resort. The local market sells homemade adjika, spicy Svan salt, sets of fragrant Caucasian spices. You can't go wrong with the use of spices: the inscriptions on the packages indicate which dishes they are intended for.

Gourmets buy Praskoveysky cognac in a gift box, produced in the region. 11 names of this fragrant amber drink are produced: from the standard "three stars" to the delicious collection cognac, aged in oak barrels for over 20 years. Accordingly, its cost also varies - from 550 to 6000 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle. Five-year-old Dombay cognac can be bought for 800-1000 rubles. In the middle price category of 2500-4500 rubles vintage Praskoveya cognacs - KV "Stavropol", KS "Kislovodsk".

The healing Tambukan mud is in demand. They are used to treat skin diseases and are used in cosmetology. Packages of mud are sold in Minvod pharmacies; pharmacists will also recommend cosmetics based on them. Tambukan Lake is not so far away, just 30 kilometers from Mineralnye Vody, minibuses go there. So, if you wish, you can go to the reservoir and stock up on mud for free, and at the same time take a swim in the healing water.

Several shopping centers with a good selection of clothing and other goods are open in Minvody, but shopping lovers are better off going to Pyatigorsk. There are large shopping centers and fashion boutiques there. In the southern suburbs of Pyatigorsk there is a specialized market for leather and fur products, where clothing and accessories are offered inexpensively. The market is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 06:30 to 13:00.

Cafes and restaurants

Tourists who come to Minvody are usually in the mood for tasting Caucasian dishes and drinks. This understandable desire is fully realized by the chefs of the Caucasian Kitchen restaurant, located on Sovetskaya Street, 112, at the entrance to the city. The portions here are generous; we recommend ordering one hefty lamb shish kebab and quite large salads for two. The meat is served with Ossetian pies, Armenian lavash, fresh vegetables, and bunches of aromatic herbs. You will find many other tempting dishes on the menu. For starters, for example, order the famous Georgian kharcho soup, thickened with crushed walnuts, and for dessert - churchkhela, gozinaki, pelamushi. In season, there are fresh fruits, grapes, and nuts on the table. A full meal without alcohol will cost about 1200-1400 rubles here. The establishment is open from 08:00 to 22:00.

Not far from the station, on XXII Party Congress Avenue, 32, the iron body of a tram, which appeared here from God knows where, is built right into a residential building. This bistro is called “Old Tram”. At the counter, visitors are offered shawarma, Caucasian pies, sauces, soft drinks, tea, coffee. The hostess shows imagination in preparing desserts. Here you can have a hearty meal for about 200-250 rubles.

Nearby, on Pushkin Street, 33, there is one of the best restaurants in Mineralnye Vody - “Firebird”. According to reviews from travelers, there is excellent cuisine, a beautiful interior, and always friendly waiters and administrators. Tables are located in the hall and on the covered summer area. Customers are served here from 11:00 to 23:00. The cost of main courses is from 250 rubles.

Two blocks west of the railway station building, on XXII Party Congress Street, 8-A, a two-story Gothic manor with turrets, pointed arches of windows and a stone plinth attracts attention. The chic German restaurant Holburg is located here. The menu includes hearty German dishes and 6-8 types of imported beer. The signature hot dish is meat solyanka with olives, delicious pork ribs baked in dark beer, with a side dish of boiled potatoes and sauerkraut. You can dine here for two for 2400-2600 rubles. The restaurant is open from 11:00 to 23:45.

On the menu of the Munich restaurant on Stavropolskaya Street, 51, you will find an interesting combination of German and Caucasian dishes. Here they brew their own beer, bake buns that melt in your mouth, and bring pastries piping hot. Spicy Bavarian sausages and garlic croutons, juicy lamb or mutton kebabs are served with beer. Visitors praise German desserts, especially cherry strudels. Georgian sweets from the confectioner are also good. While waiting for lunch, you can play table tennis here and watch sports matches on a large plasma screen. The establishment is open from 16:00 to 01:00. The average bill per person at Munich will be approximately 1,200 rubles (including drinks).

Russian and Caucasian cuisine is presented in the atmospheric restaurant “Stanitsa” (Moskovskaya street, 19/2). Here guests are received in cozy log houses, there are gazebos in the courtyard, and the wheel of a water mill creaks. Try spicy homemade sausages, rich Kuban borscht, stuffed pike with vegetables. Appetizers include smoked lard, pickled mushrooms, barrel cucumbers and tomatoes, and sauerkraut. Ice-cold vodka infused with pepper and horseradish is served in steamed damasks. The check for lunch with drinks will be up to 1,750 rubles. The doors of “Stanitsa” are open from 10:00 to 02:00.

You can get a quick, tasty and inexpensive snack for 150-200 rubles at the Pizza Land pizzeria. They also serve excellent coffee and freshly squeezed juices. The establishment is located 100 meters from the station; it’s worth stopping by while waiting for the train. Here you can order packaged food for the road. For example, a box with a large pizza stuffed with chicken fillet, shallots, cheese and tomatoes with white sauce will cost 370 rubles. The menu also includes signature hot dishes for a complete lunch. The chefs cook excellent lamb in wine and berry sauce. The cost of a generous portion is 600 rubles. A decent vegetarian menu is also offered, which is very rare in Mineralnye Vody.

Where to stay

More than three dozen hotels, guest houses and hostels are open in Mineralnye Vody. Local hotels are not endowed with special luxury; the best hotels await travelers in resort centers.

Near the station, on Karl Marx Avenue, 53, there is the 3* Kavkaz Hotel. The cost of living is from 1980 rubles per day. A stone's throw from the railway station, on XXII Party Congress Street, there is a good 3* City and Business hotel. Guests can enjoy tastefully decorated rooms with plasma TVs and minibars, and lunches are served in the cozy restaurant. The minimum room rate is 1600 rubles. On the same street, on the third floor in building No. 22, apartments with an equipped kitchen are available for rent for 2,000 rubles per day. The apartment is equipped with new furniture and fixtures, a standard set of consumer electronics, the bedroom has a balcony overlooking the city. Nearby are the Razgulay restaurant, the Veranda cafe-bar, the Magnit supermarket.

In the center of Mineralnye Vody, near the city recreation park, there is a guest house "Gostiny Dvor" (Stavropolskaya street, 19-A). A light breakfast is served in your room each morning. The café-bar offers full lunches. The cost of daily accommodation in a double room is from 1800 rubles.

Even cheaper you can stay at the mini-hotel "Kristina", which is on Moskovskaya Street, 110. Here a room will cost 1,500 rubles. True, it is not close to the city center. On the outskirts of Minvod there is the Teply Stan hotel (Engelsa Street, 115). There is a restaurant, a bar, and a Russian bathhouse. Rooms are rented for 1200 rubles per day. In local hostels the average price per night is 500 rubles. One of them operates at the railway station.

Not far from the city, in the village of Novotersky, there is the nearest sanatorium "Mineralnye Vody", its buildings were erected in the park area of ​​the Beshtaugorsky reserve. Doctors specialize in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, digestive and respiratory organs, gynecological ailments. The pump-rooms of the health resort are supplied with water from spring No. 72, known under the brand name Novoterskaya Healing. The source originates in the depths of Mount Snake. At the service of spa guests there is a sauna, a gym, a solarium, a swimming pool, a winter garden. In the dormitory there is a cinema hall, an Internet cafe, a transport service and booking tickets for trains and planes. On the territory there is a grocery store, sports equipment rental. A three-kilometer terrenkurnaya path leads to the resorts of the city of Zheleznovodsk.

To stay in a health resort, you need a sanatorium-resort card, which should be obtained from your local doctor at your place of residence. However, the card can be issued for an additional fee at the sanatorium. The procedure for examinations by specialists and tests takes two days. A health insurance policy and passport are also required.

Accommodation in a single room will cost 2,500 rubles, in a double room – 4,400 rubles per day. For wealthy patients, there are two-room suites, their cost is 6,000 rubles; for the installation of an additional bed you need to pay an additional 3,000 rubles daily. The price includes three meals a day and treatment as prescribed by doctors.

Minibus No. 101 goes to the Mineralnye Vody sanatorium from the railway station, travel time is 20 minutes.

The minimum cost of a holiday in the sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort region is 1,300 rubles per day.


Passenger transportation in Minvody is carried out by buses and minibuses. Ticket price is 16 rubles. Local residents and tourists are served by minibuses of private carriers, connecting the city with surrounding resorts in three dozen destinations. Electric trains depart from the railway station platforms to the resorts. Minibuses No. 11 run between the railway station and the airport from 06:00 to 19:30 at intervals of about 40 minutes. Travel time is a quarter of an hour.

After 20:00, public transport in Mineralnye Vody disappears from the streets, but taxis are available around the clock. Traveling around the city costs 100 rubles, a taxi will take you to the airport for 200 rubles, and to neighboring Pyatigorsk for 400 rubles. By the way, taxi drivers on duty at the airport charge up to 300 rubles for travel to Mineralnye Vody, and up to 700 rubles during the holiday season. It is better to order a transfer at the taxi dispatcher counter in the arrivals area. Many sanatoriums from neighboring cities and towns send their own buses to the airport and train station.

The cost of car rental in Minvody starts from 1,500 rubles per day. You can rent a car at the airport and return it in another resort town of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. This service is available to clients of Urentcar and Autorent-KMV. The roads here are good and the traffic is calm.

How to get there

Mineralnye Vody has an international airport, one of the largest in southern Russia. It is located just 4 km west of the city and receives more than two million passengers annually. In May 2019, this air harbor was named after Mikhail Lermontov. Several flights depart daily from Moscow to Minvody. The flight lasts 2 hours 15 minutes. Airliners from St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Surgut, Yekaterinburg and other cities also fly to Minvody.

Mineralnye Vody can be reached from the capital of the country by trains of several routes. Fast train No. 004M “Moscow.

In the summer season, buses to Mineralnye Vody depart daily from the largest Moscow bus station "Central" at Shchelkovskoye Highway 75. Buses wait for passengers at the transport overpass near the intersection of Uralskaya and 9th Parkovaya streets. It is convenient to get here by metro, you need to get off at the Shchelkovskaya station.

You will also find bus services from Moscow to Minvody in the schedule of the Krasnogvardeiskaya bus station, located a two-minute walk from the metro station of the same name, and Novoyasenevskaya, which is near the metro station of the same name. Buses reach Mineralnye Vody in 19-20 hours.

A car trip from Moscow to Minvody will take about a day, including rest. You need to leave on the M4 highway leading south. The path lies through Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Armavir. The distance along the highway is 1550 km. The federal highway "Caucasus" (P217) is laid through the city of Mineralnye Vody. In the airport area, it is crossed by the A157 highway leading to Kislovodsk. It is more convenient to get from St. Petersburg to Mineralnye Vody by car through Moscow. The total distance will be 2275 km.

Mineralnye Vody is a small resort town in the Stavropol Territory, which is located near the Kuma River, at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It is through this area that the route passes, leading all tourists to the healing sources of the North Caucasus.

There are over 100 healing water springs in the region. The dry climate of the area is influenced by the foothill location and the nearby steppes. Summer begins in mid-May and lasts 120 days. The driest months: July, August. Autumn begins in October. During this period the sun shines often and precipitation rarely falls. Winters are frosty in January. February is characterized by strong winds and rains. By the end of this month spring comes. Most tourists go to Mineralnye Vody to improve their health, actively relax in the mountains and visit local attractions.

Tourists can get to anywhere in the city by taxi. This is the most convenient mode of transport, as services operate around the clock. Most vacationers prefer to travel by regular buses, which have a specific schedule and route. Transportation to nearby settlements is carried out by electric trains that depart from the railway station.

The famous place was founded in 1889 by a young naturalist S.A. Stroganov. He brought Arabian horses from the Middle East to Russia, where for a long time he could not find a place for stables. After a long search, Stroganov placed his horses in the vicinity of the city of Mineralnye Vody, since the climate is ideal for the existence of horses.

In the 20th century, Stroganov left Russia forever and went to France for permanent residence. His place was taken by S.M. Budyonny, who organized auctions for the sale of horses. Nowadays excursions and events are held for guests on the territory of the Tersky Stud Farm. Vacationers can rent horses and, accompanied by an instructor, go for a walk.

Location: Novotersky village, Shkolnaya street - 2.

This architectural structure is the most visited place in the Stavropol Territory. Construction of the temple began in 1992. Over the course of 5 years, the church was erected by architects, builders and skilled craftsmen.

The cathedral is made of brick and figured masonry. The architectural complex is equipped with several steel domes. On the territory of the cathedral there are cells for pilgrims, service rooms, and an administrative building. There are flower beds planted in the yard, which are especially beautiful in early spring. The attraction is a monument of Orthodox culture.

Location: Pyatigorskaya street.

It is located in the south of the city of Lermontov, not far from Mineralnye Vody and has a height of 874 meters. The mountain received its unique name because of its appearance: the slopes are covered with rock formations and boulders. Indigenous people say that once in ancient times the mountain had the shape of a pyramid.

Now the mountainside has been cut away since stones were quarried for construction work in 1970. Having climbed to the top, vacationers will have the opportunity to admire the stunning panorama of the resort towns of Pyatigorsk and Lermontov. Tourists can also see butterflies and ladybugs that live on the slopes of the mountain.

The cultural institution has existed since 1998. The museum collection contains more than 20 thousand objects of painting, archeology, numismatics, ethnography, and geology.

The building stores materials and documentation reflecting the development of culture and education in the city. Visitors will be invited to view the personal belongings of the writer and leader A.P. Bibika: notebooks for notes; books published in different years; family photographs; furniture made with your own hands; ink devices; painted pictures.

Location: Proletarskaya street - 137.

The memorial was erected in 2008 in honor of the 130th anniversary of Mineralnye Vody. The statue, cast from bronze, is located in the city park. General Ermolov was the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian troops, was the chief of staff, and served as division commander. The monument stands on a stone pedestal. The author of the construction of the sculpture is G. P. Myasnikov.

Location: Nadezhda Square.

The mountain is considered one of the most majestic attractions in the village. The peak is recognized as a national natural monument and is under state protection. The flora is represented by rare species of trees and shrubs: oriental beech, Caucasian ash, Georgian lily. Animal species include roe deer, frogs, lizards, and snakes.

On the branches of trees you can see a formidable hawk, and on the ground - traces of wild boars' hooves. Vacationers often visit attractions located on the territory of Mount Snake (Dam, Devil's Finger, Holy Spring).

It is located in the city center. On the territory of the museum there is a collection of air transport: a Po-2 biplane, Mi-1 and Mi-2 helicopters, a Li-2 aircraft, An-2, Yak-40, Tu-154. Not far from the equipment there is a stand on which photos of the first flights and important documentation of the airport and air terminal are mounted.

Location: Zavodskaya street - 73.

The international airport is the largest in the south of Russia. Every day it receives a huge number of flights. The number of passengers per year is about 900 thousand people. In 2011, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out.

Currently, the building has domestic and international departments. The waiting room is large and very spacious. It contains shops, cafes, kiosks. Passengers can relax on comfortable, soft seats.

The temple is located near the park of culture. The construction of the church complex was completed in 1950 and was consecrated for the first time in the name of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A few years later, at the insistence of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, the church was renamed in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The main rarity of the temple is the ancient Athos icon. The holy place has a simplified architecture. In addition to the main building, in the vicinity of the church there is a separate structure - a bell tower. The temple area is enclosed by a red brick wall.

Location: Svobody Street.

The statue is one of the main decorations of the village. It was installed on the station square in the 20th century. It was at this place that the mountain eagle was bitten by a poisonous snake. The bird drank mineral water and did not die. Bronze sculpture is considered the hallmark of the Caucasus. The eagle represents power, strength, and spirit. The silhouette means victory over disease.

The monument to the fallen tankers who fought in the city in 1943 was erected 22 years after the battle on a stone base. The names of the people who fought are indicated on a plaque hanging on one side of the monument. Local residents often visit this place and lay flowers.

The place is located 100 km from Mineralnye Vody on the Chegem mountain river. These areas are full of various waterfalls. For some, water flows down in small drops, for others, it falls in a wide stream with maximum speed. The most powerful waterfall is considered to be the Maiden's Spit.

In winter, ice pillars similar to stalactites line up in the gorge. This is a mesmerizing sight that is worth a look. And in the summer, tourists love to visit the open-air museum in the village of Verkhny Chegem. While walking along the gorge, you should not forget about the wild animals that you may encounter along the way. Among them: lynxes, foxes, wolves. The forests are also home to wildlife: roe deer, deer, martens, hares. It is much more convenient to travel here by car.

In 1976, the opening of the memorial complex “Fire of Eternal Glory” took place. Rallies, processions, and special events are held annually in this place. The monument is presented in the form of a composition of figures protruding above the surface and stone columns.

The memorial consists of pylons, at the foot of which there is a marble depression with stones and a star. From the star comes the Fire of Eternal Glory. On the territory of the complex there is a beautiful square, on both sides of which flowers and trees are planted. Commemorative stands have been installed nearby.

The railway station building has the status of an architectural monument and is a station of the Caucasian Railway. The grand opening of the station took place in 1955, it was timed to coincide with the October Revolution. Inside the premises there are several waiting rooms, a first-aid post, kiosks, pharmacies, cafes and snack bars. The station can accommodate more than 1,500 people. The station area is equipped with cozy benches for relaxation.

Location: Lenin street - 42a.

Tatiana Solomatina

Hello, dear readers! It is with pleasure that I continue the topic of recreation and treatment in Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMV).

This information will be of interest to everyone who is going on vacation and treatment in KMS for the first time. I will tell you how you can get here, I will advise you at what time of year it is more comfortable to relax, and when it is better to come for treatment, I will write what criteria you should use to choose a resort and accommodation, and I will give some practical advice on all these issues.

I have collected everything about CMS in one place. Here is the information that I myself once searched on the Internet; perhaps it will help to create an approximate picture of recreation and treatment in this place. Interested? Then let's study the material in order.

KMV is located in the Stavropol Territory, so getting here for rest and treatment is not difficult at all. There is an airport and railway stations here. For those who live nearby or simply prefer to travel by personal transport, there are no problems either, the roads are good, and at every sanatorium or hotel there is almost always a parking lot.

By plane

The KMV international airport is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody (http://mvairport.ru/), it is small, but quite comfortable and receives many flights from different regions of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Kursk, Nizhnevartovsk, etc.). d.).

Distance from the airport to the KMV resorts: Kislovodsk – 55 km, Essentuki – 40 km, Pyatigorsk – 25 km, Zheleznovodsk – 20 km.

You can take a taxi from the airport, or order a transfer from a sanatorium or hotel; in some places this service is provided free of charge.

Unfortunately, getting to the place by public transport is not very convenient; there are no direct connections with the cities from the airport. But there is a route taxi No. 11 to the railway station, travel time is 20-25 minutes, interval is 20 minutes (passes the bus station). Further, to any resort can be reached by train. Electric trains, at the time of writing, follow with an average interval of 1 hour.

Also, from the railway station there is bus No. 223 to Pyatigorsk and No. 107 to Zheleznovodsk (stop on the station square). There are also buses to Essentuki and Kislovodsk, but they depart from the bus station.

By train

The resort can be reached by train. Moreover, there are railway stations in almost all cities in the region. Mineral water - http://mineralnyievodyi.dzvr.ru/ http://pjatigorsk.dzvr.ru/ http://essentuki.dzvr.ru/ http://kislovodsk.dzvr.ru/ . As a rule, there is a lot of public transport in the station area, which will not be difficult to get to the place you need.

If public transport does not suit you, then you can take a taxi or order a transfer in advance, I wrote about this just above. The only difference is the cost, the price in the city is, of course, cheaper than what you will pay when traveling from the airport.

The only resort of the above where long-distance trains do not go is Zheleznovodsk. Guests who travel to this city for recreation and treatment buy train tickets to Mineralnye Vody; this is the most convenient option if they choose this type of travel. Next by bus or taxi.

By car

If you are going to travel by car, then it is difficult for me to give you a route, because everyone’s starting point is different. I will only say that the roads in the KMV are excellent, with the exception of mountain trails and some streets in the resorts themselves, signs hang on every corner, the locals are good-natured and will be happy to give you directions if you suddenly get lost. Although with the current technology (navigator) and decent roads, it is quite difficult to get lost.

  • If you are from Moscow and are not afraid to fly, then it is easier, and most importantly cheaper, to travel by plane. No matter how much I tried to compare the prices of travel in a compartment and a flight, the second option cost less or came out to the same amount as traveling in a reserved seat, even taking into account the transfer. Therefore, the statement: “It’s more economical by train!” - delusion.
  • For those who plan to get to the place from the airport by taxi, it is better to take care of the car from home. It is not difficult to find several carriers on the Internet; their websites have all the cost information. The fact is that at the airport you will pay 30% more, and it is impossible to catch a sane (for the price) driver there (its own mafia). You won't be able to get onto the highway either; it's quite far from the terminal.
  • If you already know where you are staying, ask about the transfer. Sometimes it's free. If not, compare with the cost of a taxi. Most often, a pre-booked taxi is cheaper.
  • You can save money by ordering a taxi in both directions at once. Usually, all carriers offer this service and the trip is 10% cheaper. However, this option is only suitable for those who know the exact departure date.
  • If you decide to travel by public transport, then look at the train schedule for your dates at home (winter is different from summer). I usually look at this site - https://rasp.yandex.ru/, there is always reliable information here. With buses it’s a little more complicated, read the forums and the latest reviews.

When and for how long to go?

The answer to this question largely depends on the purpose of the trip. As a rule, all resort guests are divided into two main groups. Some come here to relax, go around all the interesting places, and at the same time get a little healthier. Others come first of all to undergo treatment, and at the same time to explore the surroundings, if there is time left and there is a desire.

You may ask me: "What's the difference?" The answer is – huge. Of course, you can come at any time of the year, for any period, and for any purpose, however, in order for your trip to be as comfortable as possible and your goal to be achieved, I advise you to listen to my recommendations. Let's look at both options separately.

For treatment

It is better to come to the resort for treatment from November to April, and it is advisable not to fall on holidays.

The thing is that in the summer months there are a priori a lot of people, sanatoriums and hotels are packed to capacity.
Accordingly, during queuing procedures, the staff is stressed out due to the influx of people, and minor hiccups often occur that spoil the mood. Some narrow specialists go on vacation - they are also people and do not want to relax in the winter. There are many families with children, there is no silence, which many people really count on when they come for treatment.

This list can be continued, but I think you yourself understand that treatment in the “off season” is much easier and more fruitful.

Another important plus is the cost. In winter, the price of tours is much lower, plus promotions are regularly held to attract guests. The money saved will always be useful for purchasing medical services that you need, but are not included in the cost of the voucher or course.

I think we have sorted out the first question, now I want to talk a little about how many days you need to come for treatment.

Remember, back in the USSR, resort packages were almost always for 21 days. Previously, I didn’t understand why there were so many, if the voucher for this period included procedures, only 10 each. It seemed that two weeks were already in sight.

However, not all so simple. The fact is that for complete treatment, both water procedures (baths, pools, etc.) and mud or physiotherapy are usually prescribed. And you can’t combine them, so they are done every other day, one day water therapy, the other electrotherapy or mud therapy.

Accordingly, it takes 20 days if you want to take 10 pieces of each. This is not counting the missed first day, on which you need to visit the doctor to get appointments and schedule them by time and day.

And do not forget that on Sunday the treatment is not carried out, or is carried out partially.
Of course, it is not necessary to do 10 procedures; you can take fewer, then the number of days required will be reduced. However, here we are considering people who travel for the purpose of treatment, so for a good effect you need to come for at least 21 days, and preferably in the winter, when there are few people.

To rest

For those people who come to the region on vacation, it is much easier. To have a good rest and visit all the interesting places, two weeks is enough. Even this period can be reduced, but then you will have to sacrifice days for a relaxing holiday, or you will not see everything.

As for the time of year, the period from May to October is more suitable for holidays in the KMS. The weather is almost always comfortable, warm, rains are usually rare and short-lived, there is almost no wind, and nature reveals all its beauty.

Which resort should you choose?

Each city of the CMS is beautiful and significant in its own way. However, if your goal is relaxation, then I recommend choosing Kislovodsk. In my opinion, it is most conveniently located relative to all interesting places. Moreover, it seems to me that there is more entertainment and a better developed tourist infrastructure; the Resort Park alone costs more than all other objects.

However, this is my personal opinion, and you have the right to disagree with me.

Attention! Those who travel to this region for treatment should choose a resort based on the disease that brought them here.

– diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, digestive organs, metabolic disorders, andrological diseases. Additional information on the resort can be seen.
Concomitant treatment: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, gynecological diseases.

- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels of the lower extremities, digestion, skin diseases, gynecological and andrological diseases, metabolic disorders. Read about the resort.

- diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.
Related profiles: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, consequences of injuries, gynecological and andrological diseases. I wrote about the Essentuki resort.

– diseases of the circulatory system, chronic respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature, bronchial asthma without frequent and severe attacks, glaucoma.
Related profiles: neurological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and musculoskeletal system, gynecological. Read more about the Kislovodsk resort in the article.

Mineral springs, which resorts are rich in, play a major role in the specialization of a particular place. Therefore, when choosing a place of treatment, always pay attention to the water that is suitable for treating your specific disease.

For example, although urology is treated in almost every resort in the region, people with diseases of the genitourinary system are better off going to Zheleznovodsk. Because only there there is a source of Smirnovskaya water, which is most suitable for the treatment of urological diseases.

The name of the Essentuki resort speaks for itself. The famous water perfectly treats diseases of the digestive tract. "Narzan", which is available in Kislovodsk, is also recommended for the treatment of certain diseases.

I won’t list all the diseases (I’m not a doctor), I think the meaning of the above is clear. Only a doctor can determine which source is best for you, so my conclusions are for informational purposes only.

Where to stay?

Where to stay also depends on many factors: financial situation, physical condition, purpose of the trip, etc. Let's try to consider some of the possible options.

Basic moments

It’s easier and cheaper for those guests who come by car on vacation, and consider treatment as an addition to their vacation. In this case, having a car allows you to rent housing a little further from the main resort areas, which significantly saves your budget.

For those who do not have a means of transportation, it is better to choose housing within walking distance to the sources, so as not to waste money and time moving around the city. But as you yourself understand, such rent will be more expensive.

Attention! The issue of the distance of housing to healing springs is especially relevant for people who come to the resort for treatment. They simply need walking distance and this is the primary issue when looking for housing, regardless of whether you choose the private sector or choose treatment in a sanatorium.


The most convenient way to relax and receive treatment is to buy a ticket to a sanatorium. The advantages here are obvious. Everything is in one place, the price includes meals, some kind of evening entertainment program, treatment is scheduled by the hour, there is always medical staff, you don’t need to go anywhere, etc.

The disadvantages are not so serious: adherence to the regime (smoking, drinking alcohol, eating by the hour and what they give), the choice of procedures depends on the doctor (although you can change it). In my opinion, the only worthy disadvantage is the cost. But, dear readers, you always have to pay for comfort and convenience.

I can only give you some advice:

  • If you are specifically going to a sanatorium, then when choosing, focus primarily on the distance from the pump room, or the presence of one in the sanatorium itself, which also occurs, although very rarely.
  • It is not always reasonable to pay for specialized treatment programs. If necessary, pay extra on the spot. I had a case where certain expensive procedures could not be performed due to a concomitant disease. True, I was lucky, they were replaced with cosmetic procedures and the money was not lost. However, not everyone meets halfway; this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Do not neglect the “our doctors” section on the website of the selected sanatorium. From the description and schedule, you can usually understand how well the staff is staffed with specialists, whether this or that doctor is permanent or visiting. I think you don’t need to explain why this is needed.
  • Buy a ticket directly on the sanatorium website; if problems arise with check-in, issues are resolved faster than through intermediaries.
  • Be sure to read the latest reviews before choosing. There is usually a lot of information on the Internet, but it may be out of date.

I wrote in more detail about rest and treatment in sanatoriums, about who this type of holiday is not suitable for, in another article. I will separately write reviews of the sanatoriums in which I was able to receive treatment. Read one review about the Kislovodsk sanatorium. Subscribe to my newsletter and you will be the first to receive new publications!

Hotels and private sector

In any city you can stay in a hotel; it’s not difficult to rent an apartment or house. I have never gone on vacation and treatment to the KMS in this way, but there are enough services where such options are presented, and they are not difficult to find on the Internet.

This is a good choice for those who want to save money, especially if the train is large and you are traveling for a long time.
The main recommendations here are simple - try to choose accommodation closer to the pump rooms and read reviews. However, you must understand that private housing is always a lottery and a lot depends on the integrity of the owners.

Do not forget that if your goal is treatment, then you need to decide in advance which medical institution you are going to purchase the course from and choose housing nearby. Because there are usually a lot of procedures, walking long distances every day is of course useful, but quite difficult. You need to carefully calculate your physical capabilities, otherwise the treatment will not work for future use.

For now, this is all I planned to tell you today. You can read general information on the CMS region.

Now I'll say goodbye for a while.
Tatiana Solomatina

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