Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation How to fly away if you lost your passport in Russia. You can fly without a passport from abroad Lost your passport but you have to fly

How to fly away if you lost your passport in Russia. You can fly without a passport from abroad Lost your passport but you have to fly

Passing customs control before boarding an aircraft is an important and responsible procedure that requires a passport to confirm your identity.

Sometimes in life there are force majeure right on the eve of departure.

For example, a passport was stolen. What to do in such a situation, if the tickets for the flight are already on hand and the flight departs any minute?

Can you fly on a plane without a passport? Let's consider this question in more detail.

The first step is to understand all aspects of your problem. If the flight takes place within the country, then for landing you will need to present a temporary certificate of loss of your passport and a similar document from the police, which explains all the circumstances of the incident. If the ticket has already been purchased, then your passport data is in the database and after checking you should be allowed on board.

If we are talking about a trip to other countries without a foreign passport, then here the answer is categorical - without an international document confirming your identity, you will not be allowed on board the aircraft under any circumstances.

Each airline has some exceptions to the general rules, so if you lose your passport, it is better to immediately call the hotline and find out if you can fly without documents.

Imagine that on a trip or on vacation you have stole a bag with documents. We understand that when you go on vacation, you don’t want to think about the bad, but it would be nice to be prepared for this. It turns out that loss of passport not so terrible, you can only get rid of additional cash costs, loss of time and further problems in restoring documents. But leave without a passport Maybe!!!

So what do you do if you lost your passport, But fly need home.

1) Go to the police. They will try, like ours, to brush you off. The police will give you phone numbers of the Russian consulate or embassies.

(We were on the island of Tenerife. To our arguments that we are on the island and it is difficult to get to Barcelona and Madrid without a passport, they remained deaf: “You are citizens of Russia, the Russian consulate solves your problems.” Thanks for the phone numbers. And personal thanks to the telephone operator Anna , who gave us all the advice by phone (although not on the first try, we got through to the embassy in Madrid, meeting exactly the amount that was on the phone).

After a telephone conversation with Russian embassy back to the police. You need a piece of paper with their seal with which they will sell ticket without a passport.

Next you need get in person in self The Russian Embassy in the country where you lost your passport!!! There they will send a request to your hometown, receive confirmation of your existence and give you a document, according to which you will be allowed into Russia. (Ignoring the visa you received or did not receive earlier) With it you can move around Russia if you need to fly with transfers to your home.

(The policeman assured that this was not the basis for selling us a ticket and tried in every possible way to evade. After our remark that, although we are Russian citizens, we robbed us in their Spanish Tenerife, and we want to write a statement to the police about the theft, and he, as a guardian of the Spanish law, he cannot interfere with this, the policeman contacted someone by phone. Paper applications are not accepted by them. On the other end of the line are specially trained people who speak different languages. But not in Russian. Therefore, further explanation again had to in English. Having answered all the questions (What was stolen? Where was it stolen? When?), We received printed 5 copies of our statement in two languages ​​- Spanish and English. We read, signed, received a seal. Just in case, photographed)

2) With the document with a seal received from the police, calmly go to the ticket offices of airlines and buy a ticket without a passport. You still need to have money or a card with money with you. (If you have already been to the embassy or consulate in person - buy a ticket to Russia, if not yet, then to the city in which you are located embassy or consulate Russia in the country where you lost your passport. The opening hours and address of the embassy have already been told to you by phone)

(The two companies we contacted, Air Europe and Span Air, agreed to sell the ticket. The rest of the companies did not check, they chose a flight that was more suitable in terms of time and cost.)

3) With a ticket and a document from the police, you go to check-in and board the plane and calmly fly in Russia without a passport.

We hope you enjoy this experience. But in fact, everything turned out to be not so terrible. The main thing is to write a statement to the local police.

If you lose your passport on a long journey, for example, first of all contact the organizers, they have practical experience in traveling with the loss of a passport and extensive experience in crossing from. But it’s better not to lose it, but to have a photocopy of your passport with you just in case. 🙂

Consulates or embassies of Russia, as well as a certificate with a seal, according to which they will sell you without a passport. Next, you must, without fail, personally apply to the Russian consulate with a statement. The consular staff will send a request to your place of residence to confirm your personal data. After that, you will be able to receive a document - a certificate of return, with which you will pass customs control when entering Russia, regardless of the presence or absence of a visa.

With the same certificate, you will be able to move around the territory of Russia, if you need to go home through several settlements. The consulate may require any other documents that allow you to accurately establish your identity and place of residence in the Russian Federation. Also, duly certified statements of at least two Russian citizens confirming your identity will help you - this will speed up the process.

According to the certificate received from the police, you will not only be sold a ticket, in which the consulate or embassy of Russia is located, but later, after receiving the documents at the consulate, a ticket to Russia. Of course, all this will come with costs. In addition, it is not necessary that the police will know Russian - get ready to explain yourself in the language of the host country, in extreme cases - in English. You will also need to draw up an application in the language of the country in which everything happened.

After visiting the police and the embassy and buying a ticket with all the certificates received, you can safely fly home. You are unlikely to be able to continue your journey anywhere else without a passport - it is better to return to your place of permanent residence.

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For people who are used to traveling by rail, buying air tickets is sometimes difficult and involves several questions: is it possible to buy tickets with a Russian passport and is it necessary to immediately provide a visa, for example, when booking tickets to Europe?

You will need

  • - general passport;
  • - international passport.


To purchase an air ticket, you may need only two documents - this is a general civil and foreign one. The type of document that is required when issuing a ticket depends on the country that the traveler intends to visit. If all movements are exclusively within the territory of the Russian Federation, then it will be enough to buy a ticket - it will also have to be presented at the airport at. However, it is also possible to enter the territory of some CIS countries under an internal Russian document. Such agreements are in force with the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. It is also possible to enter Abkhazia by Russian.

To buy tickets to all other countries, a passport is required. At the same time, countries are conditionally divided into three categories: those for which a visa is required in advance; countries where a visa can be obtained on the spot, and countries for which no visa is required. The list of the latter is updated every year. Israel, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Montenegro and some other countries remain unchanged in this list. In addition, the number of countries with which Russia bilaterally simplifies the visa regime is increasing every year.

Another important nuance that must be taken into account when booking a ticket is the validity of the passport. There is a whole list of countries that you can visit only with a passport with a sufficient validity period. For some countries, this period should not be less than 6 months at the time of entry, for others - at least 6 months at the time of departure. In some countries, you can enter with a passport, which will be valid for another three months. Therefore, it is impossible to issue tickets for one international passport, and then, having realized it, it is impossible to change it to another: registration is carried out precisely according to the document for which the ticket was issued.

In addition to countries where entry is not burdened with special formalities, there are those in which this process is taken very seriously. Pre-registration of a visa to visit Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a number of other countries is mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the decision to issue a visa is positive, but the percentage of refusals still exists. Therefore, when purchasing tickets for these destinations, you need to be aware of the current fare. If the fare is standard, then you can return the money for the ticket. But if the fare turns out to be non-refundable (most often tickets for some promotions and sales), it will turn out doubly unpleasant: both the visa was refused and the money for the ticket was not returned. So it’s better to find out such details all the same on the shore.


Pay attention to the validity of the passport.

When you travel often, a trip to the airport, customs and passport control become a routine. Let's just say, relax. You can lose sight of something, forget, lose, be late. Of course, such force majeure happens not only to experienced travelers. This can happen to anyone. But, today we want to give 8 useful tips on the topic "what to do if ...".

All force majeure circumstances may at first glance seem like a disaster and a complete destruction of travel plans. But, there is a way out of any situation. You need to know some of the rules by which airlines and tour companies work. Then you can easily solve any problem. We share the secrets of successful overcoming difficulties before the trip.

What to do if you arrive at the airport and forgot your documents at home?

You have an internal flight, then everything is quite simple. More precisely, you have more options even when your passport is forgotten at home. So, what documents allow you to board a plane in Russia?

  • your civil passport;
  • international passport;
  • children under 14 fly with a birth certificate;
  • military ID (if serving);
  • certificate that you receive when the passport is being exchanged;
  • sailor's passport

Suppose we issued a ticket with passport data. But, they forgot it at home. Therefore, you need to check your pockets, wallet and your papers. We are looking for something else from the list. Now, let's turn to the representative of the airline. There are ticket offices of large companies at the airport, they are almost always open. Or call the hotline. Please urgently reissue the ticket for another document.

If you cross the border, everything is more complicated. You need a passport. This is where a military ID or internal passport will hardly help you. It is better to check 10 times whether you have taken your passport with you.

What to do if you find a mistake in the Surname or Name on the ticket?

Carefully read everything written on your booking sheet. You buy a ticket via the Internet or in the airline's sales lounge. It is important. A “mistake” in the last name will cost you a trip, and no one will return the money. Of course, there is always a small chance that a small error will not be noticed during reconciliation. But, do we want to take such risks when a flight is at stake?

The sooner you find a mistake, the easier it is to fix it. If the time to cancel the itinerary receipt (ticket) has expired, then check what options are available. To do this, go or call the airline.

Sometimes it is not possible to correct the data. Then the ticket will have to be returned, and when buying a new one, carefully check everything. Chances are you won't get the full price of the ticket. But, get on your flight.

Other carriers have clear tariffs for making changes. The closer the flight, the more expensive. Someone makes changes for free. It is worth asking about this before buying a ticket.

By the way, if you managed to go one way, there is no guarantee that you will return back without problems. The front desk clerk may or may not go to the meeting. Many airlines will not let a passenger with errors or misspellings on the ticket.

What to do if you miss your flight?

Options can be 1000 or more. Traffic jams, an accident on the road, a delay in the Aeroexpress (yes, this also happens), a taxi being late. You can even mix up the airport. But, before you start to worry, let's understand the rules for crossing the border.

If you did not check in for a flight 40 minutes before departure, then this is a no-show situation (“no-show”). This can happen even if you are already at the airport, in line. Here they do not work in such a way as to register everyone. This is a clear rule, latecomers are not expected.

Sometimes the airport has a counter for late passengers. Here, for a fee, you can go even after the end of the main registration. Especially if you are only 5-10 minutes late.

Perhaps your flight is registered jointly with 1-2 others. Ask other passengers to let you through. Perhaps they are not in such a hurry, but for you even a couple of minutes is of great importance.

You can try calling the airline to re-check in for another flight. Otherwise, your round-trip tickets will be “burned out” due to no-show for the flight.

What to do if you were denied check-in for a flight?

Sometimes they refuse to register. For example, if you bought a one-way ticket only. Very often a return ticket is required as a guarantee of your return to your home country. You can be deployed, considering a potential migrant. Even if this is your goal, buy a return ticket. You can always refuse it already in the country of destination, but you will pass the registration without any problems. By the way, we didn’t tell you anything and didn’t advise you, if anything.

Other factors for deregistration:

  • no visa;
  • expired visa;
  • problems with documents (a customs officer doubts that this is your document, for example);
  • the passport has expired;
  • you have overdue loans, unpaid fines.

Read the rules for crossing the border. Especially the point about what might prevent you from crossing it.

What to do with overbooking

Sold out more seats than there are on the plane? This is the standard situation. After all, there is always a chance that someone does not have time or does not come to registration at all. And everyone came. Of course, here whoever registered faster - he sat down. What should the rest do?

You can be upgraded to business class as an option. But, it is also not rubber. Usually, due to the mistake of the carrier itself, they can offer another flight or another date for the flight. Bonuses or cash compensation are rarely given. However, they can fully refund the cost of the ticket.

It is best to register through the airline's website, then you will definitely get there without any problems. Even in an overbooking situation. Be careful, companies sell more tickets during the holidays, holidays, vacations. Just arrive early, get in line.

What to do if the flight is cancelled?

Of course this happens. You should always be prepared for a flight cancellation, but you should not panic. Passengers are notified, especially if something very serious has happened. Think for yourself, flying away at any cost is not the best option. There is a snowstorm outside, a terrible thunderstorm, or something happened to the plane, the navigation system. These are force majeure circumstances. About what compensation awaits the passenger, it is necessarily written in the rules of the company. There is always such a clause in any contract.

You may be offered to change the flight, reschedule to another day, fly with a transfer. That's why we leave our contact information when buying a ticket. So, a phone number or email is not a whim of the seller, but a chance to really help you in case of something.

If the proposed options do not suit you, then, as a rule, it is possible to return the money.

But what if you are already at the airport, and the flight was postponed for 6-8 hours or indefinitely? If customs is cleared, there are not many options. Be sure to ask for food stamps - this is one of the few pleasant bonuses of the situation. But, only if your flight was delayed longer than 4 hours. Take a walk around the airport, many of them offer very interesting entertainment for tourists, so passing the time will not be difficult.

Usually, the next flights are already sold out, so there are no ticket exchange options. Try it, maybe you're lucky! In general, you will have to wait for your flight here, although it can drag on for a long time.

By the way, if your flight was delayed for more than 8 hours, the carrier is obliged to provide all passengers with hotel rooms.

What to do if the flight is delayed, and then the connection is lost during the transfer?

There are two options. The first is simple: your carrier operates both flights, you only have one ticket with one number. You will be transferred free of charge to another flight to your destination. This is a carrier's mistake, it is free of charge for him to correct it.

You have two tickets, two carriers. You are late for the connection, even if it is not your fault. Well, you have to buy a ticket. But, first call both airlines, explain the situation. You may be able to agree on something or partially compensate for the price of a new ticket. But, it is not certain that this will be the case.

What to do if you miss a flight due to illness?

Some companies accept certificates from a hospital or doctor. This is a forced refund for medical reasons. This works even if the ticket itself is non-refundable. But, it all depends on the policy of the company. You can also read about this in the rules on the carrier's website.

Don't be upset if this happens. Very often, the money for the ticket can actually be returned. Or move the dates without loss. But, you will need an official certificate from a doctor or an extract from a medical institution.

In this case, the air carrier also charges an additional commission. As a rule, this amount is insignificant. To return your boarding pass, you must notify the airline in advance.

This must be done no later than one day before the departure of the aircraft. This gives a guarantee that the carrier will remove only 25% of the commission. Otherwise, the passenger may be refused, and no one will return the money. Tickets purchased at a reduced price are considered non-refundable. They are sold by both Russian and foreign companies. They allow you to save money on flights. Although these boarding passes are considered non-refundable, they can still be returned. To do this, you need to notify the air carrier in advance. He will refund a certain fee for the air ticket: booking commission, airport taxes. The base cost of the boarding pass will be debited. The refund will be small.

Air tickets without registration is it possible to fly in the absence of registration

One of the main issues that needs to be resolved as early as possible is the purchase of an air ticket to the country or city that you wish to visit. As you know, they sell out quickly, so you need to take care of the purchase in advance.

Some do not know that it does not matter at all to purchase a plane ticket whether you have a residence permit or not. All you need to buy is the following:

  • original or photocopy of the passport, where the number, series, date and full name are visible;
  • cash.

No other documents are needed to purchase an air ticket. No one looks at these places of residence, since during the purchase, the identity of the buyer is important, and not the place where he lives.

Other relevant documents

Can I buy a plane ticket with a Russian passport?

When buying a ticket for domestic flights can be used:

  1. Passport of the Russian Federation.
  2. Birth certificate. It is necessary when booking a flight for a child.
  3. Temporary ID. It is issued in exchange for a passport for up to 2 months.

If you purchase a ticket for a flight to a foreign country, then at the ticket office you can provide:

  1. International passport.
  2. Passport issued to persons with diplomatic immunity - the President of the Russian Federation, diplomatic personnel, employees of the Russian Embassy.
  3. A passport issued to government officials.
  4. Identity card of a citizen of a foreign state. When boarding a plane, a mandatory confirmation of the status of a residence permit in the Russian Federation will be required.
  1. Soldier's ID.
  2. Military ID (if the person is in the service).
  3. Seaman's certificate.
  4. national passport.
  5. Residence permit of the Russian Federation or temporary residence permit (for stateless persons of the Russian Federation).
  6. Certificate issued to persons released from imprisonment.
  7. A special certificate issued to a convict who has received permission to temporarily leave the place of deprivation of liberty.
  8. Travel card for a stateless person, a refugee. Issued for possible movement within the country.
  9. Certificate of return to the CIS countries - issued to CIS citizens who have lost the relevant documents.
  10. Other ID.

Possible Complications

Is it possible to buy an air ticket with a passport for a domestic flight? After all, it may happen that the document for which the ticket was issued has been lost or its expiration date has expired.

In such a situation, it is necessary to write a request to the airline with a request to change the passenger's data.

This procedure is not considered a change to the contract., so it is usually free or very inexpensive. The main thing is to re-register the data before boarding the plane.

When changing the surname after buying a ticket you must also contact the airline to re-register personal data in the air transportation agreement.

You can buy a ticket with an expired passport, but they will not put him on a flight. Therefore, you need to find out in advance the requirements of the country to which you plan to fly.

First of all, this applies to foreign countries, many of which do not allow persons whose passport expires less than 90-180 days at the time of departure to fly.

Often there are difficulties when flying with a child. Regardless of whether he occupies a separate seat or will fly in the arms of an adult, it is necessary to issue an air transportation document for a child.

If the baby is less than 2 years old at the time of departure, and more than 2 years old at the time of arrival, then two tickets should be issued, indicating different age categories - from 0 to 2 years and from 2 to 12 years, respectively. The same applies to the age limit of 12 years.

If there is an error on the ticket

The situation when the entries in the travel document and the personal certificate differ is quite trivial. A mistake can be made by the passenger himself when booking online or by the tour operator when filling out the documents. If the passport is replaced, and you book a ticket according to the old model, a discrepancy in spelling is also possible. For example, in the passport office they assure that new rules have been introduced, and in the surname, instead of the combination of the letters YA ... now it is written IA ... They did not provide confirmation of the officiality of this spelling, and it is too late to insist on one's own and demand a replacement of the document. How to be? Each passenger should be aware that in some situations a typo is allowed on the ticket, in others it is a reason for an unconditional refusal of travel.

Some airlines do not take into account the error at all, others will offer to reissue the ticket for an additional fee (the amount can be up to 20 euros), but in any case it is worth informing about this in advance and discussing the conditions. Everyone's approach is different

For example, on Asian (especially Chinese and Vietnamese) airlines, changing even one letter changes the meaning and sound of the word. An error in the name may result in a denial of entry to the aircraft.

In many airlines, the ticket or reservation number, the receipt for the route remain unchanged. Amendments are made only to the data of the passport, for which it is enough to make a reservation with an internal note.

In addition, with the help of tear-off coupons of the boarding pass, the carrier's internal accounting and its mutual settlements with air ticket sales agencies are carried out. That is, air tickets are documents of strict accountability, making any changes and corrections to which are not allowed by the rules for issuing such documents. In the event that you purchased a ticket in your name and cannot use the services of the airline yourself, but want another person to do it, you need to return the ticket and issue a new one to another person. To do this, you must personally contact the place of purchase of the ticket and provide an unused ticket and an identity card. After returning the ticket purchased in your name, you will be able to issue a new ticket for another name.

You have the opportunity to cancel the issued ticket (within about 30 minutes from the moment of purchase, but before the end of the current day) or to exchange or refund the ticket according to the airline's fare rules. We provide the following paid additional services: changing passport details, making remarks with any information, making additional baggage, choosing a seat, meals, adding babies to a booking, changing a name.

Fees for additional services:

  • Payment for changing passport data - 1,000 rubles.
  • Entering remarks with any information - 450 rubles.
  • Making additional baggage - 900 rubles.
  • Choice of seat, meals (if the airline provides the opportunity) - 800 rubles. per flight segment
  • Adding infants to the booking - 1 500 rubles.
  • Name change in case of error (in case of technical possibility from the airline) - 1,500 rubles.

Is it possible to buy a ticket without a passport?

If you have found a cheap ticket to your favorite country, but do not know if it is possible to make a purchase without a foreign passport, you need to find out which airline organizes this or that flight. It is impossible to answer unambiguously here, since the decision remains with the carrier.

Many European companies allow the purchase of a ticket without providing documents. However, Russian firms always ask for this information, so if your flight is served by a domestic carrier, you will have to worry about a foreign passport.

There is a tricky solution to this problem, which lies in buying an air ticket using any other data that is not related to your document. But then you need to make a passport as soon as possible in order to call the airline before departure and inform about the change in passport data. They usually change within the booking system. At the same time, the booking number and other information in the receipt remain unchanged.

Travel by rail

In the Russian Federation, the law requires the renewal of a passport at 20 and 45 years of age. If the passport is replaced, how can I buy a ticket? In this case, it is easier to travel not by air, but by train. You are required to issue a temporary certificate in the same institution where the old document was submitted. You can use it to buy a ticket at the railway ticket office (purchase via the Internet is not suitable). What to do if you have lost your passport? Travelers who prefer to travel by rail should be aware that any form of identification is sufficient to purchase a boarding document:

  1. international passport;
  2. military ID;
  3. birth certificate.

When boarding the train, it will be necessary to present it to the conductor along with the ticket. However, it should be noted that the document must be original, and not a notarized copy, and necessarily the one on which the boarding pass was purchased. If this is a military or student ID, then it should be the document confirming your identity. By the way, this method can also be used when you change your passport. But this option is possible only within Russia. You need a passport to travel abroad!

If the passport is expired or the data in it is outdated

According to generally accepted rules, citizens of the Russian Federation must change their passport at the age of 20 and 45

It is important for those planning a trip to know that within 30 days from the date of birth, you can use your old passport to buy a train ticket and go through control at the station. If the 30-day period has already expired, this becomes impossible.

If the reason for obtaining a new passport was a change of surname as a result of marriage, the algorithm of action will be different. To successfully board the train, you need to take with you:

  • travel document,
  • passport for a new surname,
  • marriage certificate.

The presentation of these documents will be enough to pass the control. The certificate will act as confirmation of the change of surname, and the new passport contains the data of the old one.

If you change your last name, first name, patronymic or place of registration, but have not yet received a new document, be sure to take a temporary certificate for identification at the Federal Migration Service, the Department of Internal Affairs or another place where you applied for a data change. With its help you can:

  • purchase a travel document at the ticket office of the station in person,
  • board the carriage using a previously purchased e-ticket.

Important: it is impossible to buy a train ticket online when replacing a passport with a temporary certificate. Sale is carried out only on valid passports. It is impossible to cross the border with such an identity card: a certificate is issued for use within Russia.

Pardon our interruption

Details on the official website of UTair *** Ural Airlines non-refundable tickets

  • R,O,U,W,A - PROMO tariffs in Russia
  • R,O,U,A - PROMO tariffs for the CIS
  • X,E,W,A - international PROMO rates

Voluntary refund of cheap Ural Airlines tickets involves withholding the cost of the fare and the booking fee (YR). In this case, the fuel surcharge (YQ), airport and other fees can be refunded.

Thus, the cheapest flights of Ural Airlines can be considered partially non-refundable. Are changes possible? Yes, when flying within Russia and the CIS, it is possible to upgrade a ticket (purchase an air ticket at a higher fare, except for J, C, D, I) 24 hours or more before departure and pay the difference in cost.

For international flights, making changes to the ticket will cost 30EUR.

Can I get on a plane with an expired passport?

Definitely not! To enter any country you must present current document, proving the identity. An expired passport is no longer a valid document.

Before planning a vacation or any other trip abroad - check your passport!

You can slip through only where there is no passport control, for example, between the Russian Federation and Belarus.

Another thing is if your passport expired during the trip. In this case, it is safer to take a certificate of return from the consulate of the Russian Federation if you are abroad. The airline has the right not to allow passengers on board without valid documents, there will definitely be no problems with the certificate.

But remember that the laws of many foreign countries provide that the passport must expire not earlier than 6 months after entry to country.

What to do if the passport is expired

As often happens according to Murphy's law, life presents unexpected bonuses at the most inopportune moment. Did you get on the action of an airline that sells tickets at a very favorable price in six months, but you understand that your document is expiring? Are you wondering what to do? The answer is obvious: buy! You can easily buy a ticket if your passport is expired. But there is definitely no escape. You will have to take care of obtaining a new identity card for you. Once you have been issued a valid document, please contact the airline and request that your booking be updated to reflect the changes. It should be noted here that some foreign air carriers do not indicate the passenger's passport number on the tickets. In this case, you don't even have to correct anything. The main thing is the full correspondence of the spelling of the surname and name.

It should be noted that many foreign countries impose a condition on citizens entering their country: a passport must be valid for at least six months after crossing the border.

It may happen that the validity of the document expired during your stay abroad. Let's say you bought a ticket in advance. How to proceed in such a case? It is better to play it safe and issue a certificate of return at the consulate of the Russian Federation. With an expired document, they will definitely not let you on board, and the certificate guarantees your flight home.

Flight with a certificate of replacement of a passport

It is possible to buy a plane ticket if the passport is replaced. We will tell you whether it is possible to get on board the aircraft if the passport is replaced, which is also of interest to potential passengers. The situation is quite the place to be if you are flying on a domestic flight. Within the Russian Federation, it is enough for a citizen to show a document confirming the replacement of a passport, and he will calmly check in for a flight and fly to another city.

In the case when the plane ticket was booked in advance, and the passport was received for replacement later, you can safely fly away if you have a paper indicating the replacement of the passport. If a citizen has lost his passport, then you should inform the air carrier in advance, each airline has its own rules of action.

When replacing a passport due to a change of surname on the occasion of marriage registration, the passenger must provide an official certificate of marriage registration, which will contain information about the desire to change the surname. In other moments, upon presentation of a certificate of replacement of a passport, a citizen can safely travel on the territory of Russia.

How to buy a plane ticket if you don't have a passport

Flight within Russia without a residence permit is possible or not

Those who wish to spend their holidays in any city within their country should be aware that in this case, the data on the place of residence does not matter. The main thing is to have a passport or a copy of it with you, where the photo, full name, series and number of the document are clearly visible. Of course, you must have funds with you that will satisfy the purchase. As for those who do not have a Russian residence permit, they have the right to freely travel around the country as tourists

It is only important to have an identity passport with you, which contains all the information that may be required during the check, although this is extremely rare.

How to change passenger details on a ticket

The tariff does not mean just the price of air transportation, since in the economy class alone there can be several of these tariffs at once. It is easy to guess that if you bought a ticket at the most favorable rate, then you are unlikely to be able to exchange it for the same

Therefore, in addition to the 30 euro fine, you will also pay the missing part at the new rate. Re-issuance is advisable if its price is much higher than the fine, in other cases it is better to hand it over and purchase a new one.


How to change plane tickets for another date (another date, time)? If you still need to urgently change the date of departure, then you can do this in several ways. Through the airline's website

Aeroflot is the leader among Russian air carriers.

Is it possible to buy a ticket without a passport?

If you find a ticket at a great price, you need to book it as soon as possible, but can you do it without a passport? Yes, sometimes you can.

It depends solely on the airline and the site on which you book the ticket. Many European carriers do not require passport data when buying a ticket.

As we wrote above, Russian airlines and air ticket booking services are required to request data from passengers' passports. But if you can’t wait and you urgently need to buy a ticket, you can enter any data, and as soon as you have your passport, call the airline or agency and ask to change your passport data.

According to the rules of most airlines, passport data is changed by an internal note through the booking system. The itinerary receipt, booking or air ticket number is not changed.

The main thing to pay attention to is the spelling of the first and last name. It is undesirable to make mistakes here, but

What passport details are needed to buy a ticket?

What specific data will be needed depends on where you buy the ticket and for the flight of which airline. If this is a Russian translator or you buy a ticket on one of the booking sites, for example, on kupibilet.ru, then you will need the series and number of the passport, the expiration date, as well as the last name and first name of the passenger in Latin letters (exactly as written in the passport) .

If you buy a ticket on the website of a foreign airline, then in most cases you do not need to indicate any passport data, except for the last name and first name.

Important details to consider

If you plan to travel outside the Russian Federation and have purchased an international train ticket using your old passport, you will not need to buy a new boarding pass. To get into the car, you need to demonstrate to the conductor:

  • ticket,
  • old passport - confirmation of the purchase of a boarding pass,
  • a new passport is the basis for a permitted border crossing.

When planning a trip, it is important to keep the following in mind.

  • Only the original passport is required to board the train. A copy certified by a notary is not suitable for these purposes.
  • It is necessary to provide for control exactly the document for which the ticket was purchased. If the purchase was issued on a passport, you cannot present a driver's license or military ID.

Non-refundable air tickets in Russia

You can only change for a ticket at the same fare that was or more expensive. If you choose the same tariff "T", you will pay only $20 fine.
If you choose a more expensive fare or tickets at the “T” fare are not available, then $20 (fine) + $20 (the difference in the cost of the “U” and “T” fares is $120-$100) = $40. What types of exchange can be done? The full list is specified in your fare rules. For example: REBOOKING/REISSUE IS A ROUTING/DATE/FARE BASIS/ FLIGHT MODIFICATION. You can change the date and time of departure or arrival, as well as the type of fare. Some fares also allow changing the route (ROUTING) and in the rarest cases - the name of the passenger (NAME CHANGE PERMITTED FOR A FEE AND UPGRADE). But when buying a cheap air ticket, you will often come across the phrase: REROUTING IS NOT PERMITTED - rerouting is prohibited.
When can I change my air ticket? The answer to this question also depends on the fare rules.

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