Home Residence permit in the Russian Federation How to make a good offer for tourists. How can we attract a new generation of tourists? Agritourism in Russia

How to make a good offer for tourists. How can we attract a new generation of tourists? Agritourism in Russia

From Rostourism. In 2014, which is associated with the beginning of the crisis, 42,921 tourist trips abroad were registered among Russian citizens. In 2017 - 39,629.

Yes, there is definitely a downward trend. But 7 or even 8 percent is not a figure that can “kill” the market. People travel, and the TOP 20 for 2017 includes Germany, Israel, Italy - countries with far from the lowest prices.

If so, where are the clients?

Many travel companies emerged in the first decade after the collapse of the USSR. At that time, people who were just facing the collapse of the Iron Curtain simply had to be given a plane ticket and a hotel reservation, and that was it. The man is happy. He got away to see the world and can tell his friends what it’s like abroad.

Time has passed, and now the bulk of potential clients for the tourism business are children of the 80s and 90s. With a different worldview, more free and independent.

They don't want to lie belly up on the beaches of Antalya. Maybe once a year, when you need to take your parents and small child for a walk. And they don’t want to crowd together with dozens of complete strangers around yet another cathedral or monument. They can organize their own vacation via the Internet, without intermediaries.

What do they want? Bright, rich impressions that are difficult to get on your own. Hot air balloon flight over Cappadocia. A walk through the “secret” courtyards of Istanbul. A trip to the “hobbit village” in New Zealand. Participation in a national holiday. They want to realize their dreams and sparkle with beautiful photos on social networks.

Conclusion: the market is changing, and you need to change with it.

Promising niches for the next few years

Now we come to the main thing. You can talk as much as you like about how the world is changing, but where to run? What can be done to attract the current generation of tourists hungry for variety and experiences?

First of all, move from standard solutions to unique ones. Develop your own routes, establish relationships with new format tour operators, collaborate with private guides.

And most importantly, treat the tourism business as creativity, and not as a craft. Creativity is in fashion today - in the broadest sense of the word.

Here are some examples of fertile niches:

  • Organization of individual tours. People who have money don’t want to travel “like everyone else.” Give them the opportunity to book a tour with you with the most flexible conditions, without standard solutions. Large tour operators such as TUI and PAC are already starting to explore this niche. They organize trips according to individual requests to almost any country in the world, without being tied to ready-made “packages”. There are also small private companies like White Label Travel, which specializes in the premium segment. But this part of the tourism market can still accommodate many companies.
  • Organization of thematic tours. Bicycle trips, diving tours, cooking classes - find those areas that interest you and in which you can offer something unusual. It is with this approach that Velovuyki, which organizes cycling trips around Europe, or Safari Tour, which specialize in diving tours and dive safaris, have become popular in their niches. Large tour operators, by the way, also often make such programs - designed not for a wide audience, but for individual thematic segments. This means that the market exists.
  • Organization of author's tours. Bloggers have huge readerships, and many of them specialize in the topic of travel. In partnership with them, you can develop unusual programs. For example, one of my favorite projects, Travel Inside, grew out of a purely “blogger” format. They do not have a special thematic niche, they use a different approach - they gather their own warm audience that travels only with them. You can do the same or enter into partnership agreements with popular bloggers and organize tours together.
  • Organization of tourist groups in a club format. Accommodation, transportation, entertainment and attractions are the minimum for organized groups. But you can go further and organize parties, communication and other team building elements during your trips. Prominent representatives of this format can be One Life and Mikhail Kozhukhov’s Travel Club. Their clients are not just groups that meet every few days and say goodbye forever. No, they travel with them and with each other for many years.
  • Organization of tours around Russia for foreigners. All the same approaches can be used within your own country (unusual, original, thematic tours). Examples include Express to Russia or ExploRussia, as well as foreign companies like Responsibletravel, which organize tours to Russia for foreigners. They focus not only on history and typical walks in the center of Moscow or St. Petersburg, but also on natural attractions, holidays, and national cuisine. The market exists, but is not yet filled with competition, and there is huge scope for new business.

Personal experience

I started working in the tourism business in 2015, in the midst of another crisis. The bulk of clients are from countries of the former Union. At that moment, my husband and I managed to intuitively find the right direction and we founded Time 2 Travel club - a company for organizing individual travel.

What worked well:

  • Experience and own example. We travel a lot in Europe and Asia, we constantly write about it on our social networks, and clients trust our advice on choosing attractions and hotels. Moreover, they want us, as people who have seen everything with our own eyes, to advise them on the best options.
  • Individual approach. We do not offer ready-made tours, but rather ask what the client would like. Yes, often the choice comes down to one of a dozen popular countries for which we already have preparations. But this is how the client gets involved in the process, begins to plan the trip even before payment, feels that this is his trip, his dream is coming true. And, as a result, he goes with us until the very end, and does not look at how the competitors are doing.
  • Honesty. We play openly and tell clients: here is the cost of travel, here is our commission. Oddly enough, they bargain extremely rarely - apparently, they understand that earnings on one trip are not that great, and do not fantasize about huge hidden commissions. We also always tell people honestly what they are paying for, why one option is more or less expensive than another, and what to expect on the spot. This is highly valued and pays off handsomely in the form of positive reviews.

Organizing individual tours was a good decision and we decided to go further. Now we are expanding our business and will soon launch an online project under the same name Time 2 Travel - a search engine that will unite organizers of excursions, tours and tourist entertainment, as well as travelers who are looking for unusual experiences.

This new project grew out of our pain as travel organizers: it is difficult to find quality excursions and entertainment. When clients ask to organize a walk around Istanbul or Paris, the last thing they want is to get a standard “historical information” lasting several hours. I would like to find a person who loves this city, lives it and not only tells and shows, but gives travelers impressions.

Here we can return again to the issue of free niches in the tourism business. Agree, a tour guide is not the rarest profession. But if you don’t work like everyone else, but do something unusual, of truly high quality and from the heart, and not according to standard templates, it will be much easier for you to find your audience and sell them your services at good prices.

A few key words

Free niches are constantly appearing on the market and finding them is not so difficult. What is needed is to monitor how people's preferences change. Yesterday they simply wanted an organization within the framework of “visa, ticket, hotel” - they needed to meet these needs. Today they want entertainment, impressions and beautiful photographs - these new desires need to be satisfied. Tomorrow this will also change and other tourism destinations will begin to gain popularity.

To keep your finger on the pulse, it is useful to regularly read social networks and forums, listen to feedback, and most importantly, ask your audience directly. This should all be part of an ongoing and regular workflow.

Don't be afraid of negative reviews. When a client says something was missing, they are giving you the most valuable free consultation and actually pointing out where they can improve. In the same way, you can monitor your competitors’ reviews and get ideas: what their customers like and what they don’t like.

With this approach, you are unlikely to run out of ideas. Of course, then there will be a lot of work to implement the plan, but this is a topic for another story.

What to offer to tourists who want to bask in the sun and swim in the sea on the May holidays, without bothering themselves with a long flight? There are undoubtedly many options, but we will try to talk about the most attractive and affordable of them.

Resort No. 1 in popularity, both in summer and in May! After all, in the resorts of Turkey, in the month of May, it is already quite warm and there is an opportunity to swim and sunbathe. It’s already warm, but not too hot yet, so there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying the sun and sea to the fullest, or going on an exciting excursion or shopping.
The cost of a holiday in Turkey in May compares favorably with prices in the summer. During this period, some hotels offer good discounts to attract tourists.

An ideal place to spend the May holidays, because at the beginning of May, the weather in Egypt is simply fabulous. If not for one BUT! Our holidays coincide with the Arab holidays. Due to high demand, there are problems with hotel rooms and, as a result, almost the highest prices of the year, sometimes even higher than for the New Year. And of course, there is no question of any last-minute tours; all hotels must be booked in advance.

During the May holidays, you can safely invite tourists to go to Cyprus. Nightclubs and discos, an abundance of fruits, mild, warm weather will bring pleasure to everyone. There are not as many vacationers at this time as in the season and, of course, the resorts are not as lively and cheerful as in the summer, but the air is fresh, everything is blooming and fragrant. For example, the air temperature in Limassol and Larnaca is from 23°C, and the water temperature is about 20°C.
Prices during this period are quite low, and the choice of hotels is quite wide.


In May, the Mediterranean coast of Spain is ready to give suffering tourists generous sunshine and an excellent tan. The best beaches at the very beginning of the season will delight you with cleanliness and tranquility, and the weather in Spain in May will give you a cozy +25°C and cloudless skies. An ideal option for those who like warmth, but not heat. The water in the sea warms up to 20°C.
The islands are just as excellent as the Mediterranean coast for a holiday in early May. The ideal option is the island of Tenerife. The air temperature is more than comfortable, the Atlantic Ocean has already warmed up by this time, and another compelling argument for choosing this destination will be the lush vegetation growing throughout the island, as well as many exquisite hotels with excellent service.

In May, the weather in Greece is excellent. The beach season in Greek resorts opens at the beginning of May. The average daytime temperature is +27°C. And sea water warms up to +19°C. At the same time, there is no scorching heat yet, which will allow tourists to relax more actively. During the May holidays, a beach holiday in Greek resorts can be very well combined with an active excursion program, sightseeing and monuments of ancient Greece.
On the Greek islands, the season opens even earlier - in April. And, if tourists want to go somewhere warmer, then we can offer to go to the islands that are located in the south of the country. The most popular holidays are on the following Greek islands: Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Kos, as well as on the peninsulas of Chalkidiki and the Peloponnese.
However, one should take into account the fact that since the May holidays coincide with the opening of the tourist season in Greece, tours to Greece in early May are in great demand, and their cost can rise significantly.

The United Arab Emirates in May means the beautiful blue waters of the Persian Gulf, luxury VIP hotels, colorful flowering gardens in the desert, as well as an abundance of goods in boutiques and shops. It should be noted that the United Arab Emirates is famous for its bright sun throughout the year, however, the best months for a holiday in the UAE are considered to be the period from October to May. It is in the month of May that the air temperature becomes the most favorable, which allows every tourist to comfortably enjoy their vacation. The average air temperature in May in the UAE is +35°C, and at night it can drop to + 24°C. This month the water warms up to +27°C, which creates ideal conditions for swimming and water sports.
Speaking about the cost of a holiday in the UAE in May, do not forget that the peak of tourist activity falls from October to May. Consequently, prices may increase in May, but only slightly.


Mid-May is one of the best times of the year in Israel. There is no such sweltering heat yet, but the beach season is already open. In Israel, travelers have a unique chance to visit three seas in one trip - the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. At the beginning of May, the sea water is already quite warm, and therapeutic procedures at the Dead Sea have a noticeable effect even in a short time. Excellent service and hotels, pilgrimage to the Western Wall, numerous ancient churches and places associated with the events described in the Bible, the shining dome of the Omar Mosque - all this is Israel!
April and May are the most popular times to travel to this country. And although our tourists do not require visas to travel to Israel, May tours to Israel should be booked in advance.

For many, tourism is a hobby. And it’s very good when a hobby becomes your favorite job. This is why there is so much competition among travel agencies. But a good selling text for a travel agency will help show your advertisement for a seaside holiday from an advantageous perspective and firmly occupy your niche in the tourism market.

Text for a travel agency: structure

Lead. Another name for the introduction. The task of the text of advertising for recreation and tourism is to reveal the “pain”. In this case, it is fatigue from the drab everyday life and diversity, the desire for new acquaintances and experiences, the opportunity to update your profile on social networks and raise your social status.

Offer. You state exactly what you can offer your client. Specific and concise, in 1-2 sentences. Eat ? Feel free to put your trump card in the text of the tour operator’s advertisement.

Objection processing. Not all buyers are ready to book a trip right away. They still have many questions and objections:

  • How much does it cost and why is it so expensive?
  • Is it safe there?
  • What documents are needed?
  • What living conditions await me?
  • What can I do there? What types of entertainment are available?
  • What are the local attractions?
  • What will be the additional costs on site?
  • Do you need knowledge of the language?
  • How strict are local laws there?
  • What should I definitely take there and what unusual things can I buy there?
  • Who can I count on in case of misunderstandings?

Call to action. A text without a call to action is like a marathon runner who stopped 2 meters before the finish line. Say directly, clearly and clearly what you want from the client. Call? Office visit? Or his contact details?

Examples of advertising texts for a travel agency

Audio and videos are a fairly popular tool for attracting customers. The main task of the video is to firmly stick in the client’s head. Everything should be remembered - motive, name, contacts, rhyme or beat. There is no need to chase creativity. Efficiency is the main trump card of the text for tourists from a travel agency! Let's take a look at examples of tourism advertising:

Example text of a travel agency advertisement on the radio, duration 15 seconds

Summer is in full swing, it's time to relax

To go somewhere, to fly somewhere,

A trip to the sea to another country,


Selling text of an advertisement for a tour operator, example on the radio, duration 30 seconds

AND: Even warmer...

M: Bulgaria?

AND: We need it even hotter!

M: Tunisia? Cyprus?

AND: Hot!

M: Oh, so you’re interested in last-minute tours! At least tomorrow!

(Speaker) Travel company "Azimut" - we know very well where you can relax this summer if you like it hot! Azimuth – direction for vacation. Shopping center "RIO" 2nd floor. Tel: 555-779.

Example text for advertising a travel agency on the radio (20 seconds)

Last minute tours(echo) last minute tours... The best last minute tours every day. Stop dreaming - it's time to rest. Call 45-57-57. Travel agency "Lexikon". Trading house Petrovsky, office. 206.

Text of a travel agency advertisement on the radio sample (10 seconds)

Choose last-minute tours with ColorTravel" Popular resorts: Turkey, Montenegro and Egypt are waiting for you. Call 712-35-30. "ColorTravel"-closer to the sun!

Example of advertising for recreation and tourism on radio (10 seconds)

Is Cyprus burning?! Yes, not Cyprus, but departure from Warsaw from 2,000,000 rubles, Egypt and Tunisia - from 3,000,000. Parking in Warsaw is free. Latest tours on 24travel.by, tel MTS 3-075-075.

An example of a selling text for a travel agency advertisement on the radio (20 seconds)

- You will not believe! Do you know where I am? By the sea, walking along a gorgeous beach! The hotel is a fairy tale! I'm happy!!!

- But how?

- Easily! Go to the website turon.rf and choose a last-minute tour online.

- But you know. I can't afford a vacation right now...

– Darling, arrange a tour on credit or in installments. In the center of Lysva on Mira, 10th brand store of last-minute tours turon.rf - they will help you choose a tour, the hotel will also give you a discount! Write number 33-063. All. I'm waiting for you on the Cote d'Azur, and I'm sunbathing...

Sample advertising text for a travel agency on the radio (25 seconds)

(Motif Fly Project - La Musica Suena)

The whole world is in my hands

Ask me how.

I know how to choose last minute deals.

I'm going to rest,

Dream and sunbathe

Last minute tours will help you choose.

Relaxation will be available

If you know where to find it.

Buy last minute tickets

And bon voyage.

(Speaker) Tour operator "Kometa-Tour" tel. – – –

Text of a travel agency advertisement on the radio 30 seconds

Turkey, Greece, Maldives, Spain, Italy, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt, Bali, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Seychelles and Mauritius - all tours on skidki-online.ru, a week of rest from 7,000 rubles! Order in offices, on the skidki website-online.ruand by phone 495-740-55. Hypermarket tours skidki-online.ru– simple, profitable and convenient!

Order text for a travel agency from a copywriter


The easiest way to attract customers is word of mouth. When you open it, tell your friends about it. Some of those who come will use your services. If the clients are satisfied, they will recommend them to friends, since people have been using the services of the same travel companies for years. In a few years you will form a group of regular customers.

Create groups on social networks and blogs where interesting and profitable offers will be posted. Attract users who are interested in . This can be seen in their interest lists. It is important that someone constantly, almost 24 hours a day, looks at these groups and blogs, responds to comments, gives advice, invites new clients. Analyze their requests, because this can provide food for thought on new ways to attract clients. Some travel agencies offer big discounts. Is it worth becoming one of these companies? Take a different route: inform that you have new interesting routes for sightseeing tours. Clients think that the offers of travel agencies differ mainly in price, and not in content. Prove that this is not so.

Work on the name of the travel agency. Not everyone attaches great importance to naming, but the name works on your image around the clock. Some travel agencies are named too banally. As a rule, this is something with the prefix -tour. If you create a bright, memorable name, this will already give you an advantage.

The attractiveness of a travel agency to clients sometimes depends on its location. It should be convenient to access - both by personal and public transport. If the tour company is located in courtyards, draw arrows on the asphalt or hang signs on nearby houses so that you can be easily seen. This also applies to companies that open in residential areas. Don’t be afraid to locate a travel agency where it has competitors: the specifics of people’s choice of tours are such that they usually visit at least 2-3 companies to decide on the choice of trip. It’s good if your company is surrounded by its own kind.


Actively interact with the media: act as an expert or submit your own releases regarding development trends for publication. The published materials will definitely contain a link to your company.

Video on the topic


  • target audience of the travel agency

The number of travel agencies today is so large that a reasonable question arises: do such companies find a sufficient number of clients? Unfortunately, a large number of travel companies close within the first year of operation. After all, attracting customers is becoming increasingly difficult.

You will need

  • - Internet.


Create a unique offer that will distinguish you from your competitors. Despite the oversaturation of the tourism services market, you can always find a narrow niche that has not yet been occupied. Event tourism, eco-tourism, trips to championships and superstar concerts - there are a lot of options to attract attention to your services. Of course, it is extremely difficult to invent something fundamentally new in this area. In this case, try to do what everyone else does, but a little differently.

Develop a corporate culture of communication with clients. In this case, we are not talking about basic politeness and impeccable service, which are undoubtedly also important. Consider the technical organization of work with potential consumers of services. This includes promptness of calls, high-quality telephone consultations, speed of selection of tours. Very often, clients are eliminated at the initial stage only because managers make them wait on the line for a long time or do not call back on time. Eliminate such shortcomings.

Increase trust in your company. As a rule, a potential tourist chooses a company that has been operating on the market for a long time. Of course, a newly created travel agency may look suspicious due to the increasing frequency of scandals with numerous fly-by-night companies. If your company has been around for a short time, actively build a positive reputation for it. Use public relations, charity events, topical online forums and blogs.

Develop a customer loyalty program. Every traveler should be 100% satisfied with your service. Try to anticipate all the client’s needs, warn about possible difficulties, remind about the departure date, and upon return, be sure to ask about their impressions. It is in this case that he will tell his friends about you and recommend you as a reliable company.

Helpful advice

Develop a discount program for regular customers. This is especially true for package tours, in which the price is the same in different agencies.

Beginners and professionals in the travel business are constantly looking for new ways to promote their business. They tend to use the Internet, their contacts, and other creative methods. So, what do you need to do to successfully promote a travel agency?

Be clear about your target audience. Have a clear idea of ​​what class of people your travel agency is targeting. Your success will fundamentally depend on this. If, for example, your company is located in a residential area, then your target audience will be families who want to relax on. Use mainly local marketing mechanism, i.e. work with those people who are nearby.

Study thoroughly the work of your closest competitors. Be sure to scout out the work of companies that are located near your office or in the same area. Ask third parties why clients go to this particular agency, what is their advantage over you. After that, work on the shortcomings in your organization and offer better deals to your customers. Be different from others, bring something new.


Communication with tourists using knowledge of sales psychology should serve the main goal: business above all else. Once the client has come to your office, you need to use this in such a way that he does not leave you without purchasing.

The first stage of communication should serve the purpose of successful acquaintance. Introduce yourself and find out the name of your potential client. Make the tourist feel good about you. While the tourist is getting comfortable in a new, unusual environment, offer him tea or coffee. Ask him how he found you and whether you have communicated before. Try to find out as tactfully as possible the family status, education and social status of the client, perhaps this will be useful to you. Have a pen and a piece of paper ready and write down what you need so you don’t have to ask again.

After completing the first stage, you can begin to survey what the client is looking for and what requests he has as a tourist. During communication, touch upon the tourist’s feelings aimed at his self-love:

“We don’t get to rest very often, do we? You can allow yourself to relax and have a rest at least once a year... You shouldn’t deny yourself anything... Pamper yourself... You deserve it...”

Choose colorful words and expressions, use memorable epithets, draw vivid pictures and images.

For example, you can describe a visit to Prague like this: “You just have to see its ancient architecture, tiled roofs, flaming Gothic cathedrals, hear soft melodious speech, sit in a cellar with a glass of beer, and you are captivated. Ancient castles, famous resorts, flowering parks and musical fountains - all this is also the Czech Republic...”

Or, for example, talking about the Maldives: “This is truly a paradise for relaxation in the lap of tropical nature. There is everything for a calm, relaxing holiday; the very atmosphere of the resort is conducive to love. Here you can snorkel, admire the truly amazing underwater world, go diving, water skiing, fishing, take a yacht ride to uninhabited islands and have a picnic there...”

Share interesting stories from your own travels or those of your clients.
You must awaken in the tourist the desire to possess and enjoy all this.
Play on the difference in prices for the same offers, interest the tourist at an attractive price.
Appeal to the tourist's positive emotions.

How to choose a tour for a client

So, you have demonstrated to the tourist your capabilities and your advantages, you have interested him, turned on his imagination, immersed him in the atmosphere of travel and relaxation, and ignited his desire. Now he's ready to go. All you have to do is select a tour and make a purchase. We provide further recommendations for the search engine TURY.ru. It can be any search engine, the principle is the same.

From the many tours presented in the TURY.ru system, you need to choose the only one that will completely suit the tourist. So that after the trip the client is satisfied and begins to use your services in the future.

You must give the tourist what he wants, but guide his choice in the right direction. Your goal is for the traveler to purchase a tour from you, be satisfied with his trip and become your regular customer

When selecting a tour, you use the following sections of the TOURS.ru system: “Tour Search”, “Last Minutes”, “Last Minutes”, “Guaranteed Tours and Hotels”, “Minimum Prices”, “Urgent”, “On Sale Today”. Depending on the needs of the tourist, you are looking for a tour in one of these categories or in several at the same time.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a tour?

Selecting a tour program. If we are talking about an excursion trip, then when choosing a tour, you and the client must choose the program that will be most interesting to him. All excursion and bus tours posted in the TURY.ru system have a detailed description of the programs, often with photographs of the cities and attractions visited.

Choosing a hotel. If we are talking about a vacation tour, you must be very careful when choosing a hotel, since the client will have to spend almost all of his time there and the overall impression of the vacation will depend on the quality of the hotel’s service. You must choose a hotel with a decent level of service, for which you will not be ashamed later.

In addition to photo galleries of hotels, the TURY.ru system also contains descriptions of their services taken from official sources. For several years now, there has been an opportunity for tourists and professionals to leave their reviews, for example reviews of hotels in Egypt. Together with the client, review the description of services and reviews of the selected hotel and decide whether it is worth going to it. If a tourist insists on vacationing in a hotel with not very good reviews, but a very low price, then in this case he takes all the risks for a failed vacation and will not have the right to make any claims against you. But if, due to your ignorance or oversight, you did not warn the tourist about the quality of the holiday in the hotel that you recommended, then all the problems will fall on you. The tourist will regard this as your unprofessionalism and, at best, will no longer contact you to select a tour, and at worst, he will sue you for ruining his vacation. Pay attention to this and try to choose a hotel for the tourist in which his stay will be pleasant and unforgettable, and you will gain him as a permanent, grateful client.

Choice of price. As a rule, you can see different prices for each hotel presented in the TURY.ru system. First of all, this applies to mass holiday destinations, where different tour operators work with the same hotels. For example, the difference in the cost of a week-long tour to Egypt with accommodation in a specific 5* hotel can be $600 per person or even more. All other things being equal, it depends only on the tour operator.

How do tours from different tour operators differ?

The hotel and its services will be absolutely identical, regardless of which tour operator organizes the program. But different operators serve tourists with different host companies, so the quality of meeting and seeing off, transfers and work may vary. Although on vacation tours this is often not so significant. It is much more important if the tour operator from whom you booked the tour does not confirm hotels well or, even worse, has the habit of changing them upon the tourist’s arrival on vacation.

To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, when choosing a company, use your personal experience and the “Reviews of tour operators” section, where agencies share the nuances of working with each of the travel agencies, evaluating their activities, describing their advantages and disadvantages. Try to purchase tours only from tour operators who are responsible for their actions and guarantee quality holidays and accommodation in the chosen hotel. This way you will save yourself and the client from unnecessary problems and will not become a hostage to the situation.

Take this into account when choosing a tour and recommend to your tourist only programs of reliable tour operators, even if their cost is slightly higher. If a tourist insists on a tour with the lowest price, but from a not very reliable tour operator, explain everything to him and ask him to write a receipt stating that in case of any problems he takes full responsibility. Usually, after such offers, the tourist prefers to choose what you advise him.

When choosing a tour, learn to take into account all the components of the trip and find their optimal combination.

Your task is to select a tour for your client with the optimal combination of the following components: program, hotel, tour operator, cost.

How to sell a tour. Leading a tourist to purchase

The success of the sale will depend on how skillfully you can prepare the tourist and push him to make the final decision - booking a tour.

You have already done a lot, and now you need to put the finishing touches on it - sell the selected tour to the client. A tourist should not leave without purchasing something. It’s not enough for him to show everything, he needs to be beautifully led to the purchase, otherwise he will leave to think and, perhaps, forever. It will turn out like this: you have prepared it, and the manager of a neighboring agency will complete the work for you - register your tourist, and all your work will be in vain. The tourist needs to be pushed to make a decision, brought out of a state of indecision and uncertainty, and created a mindset for immediate action. You can do this in the following ways:

Buy setting. You give the tourist instructions to buy a tour by composing your phrase in two parts. The first contains a call to action (pronounced confidently), and the second is addressed to emotions and is pronounced slowly and measuredly, involving and captivating.

"Take this tour and you will truly enjoy your stay at this wonderful resort."
“We’ll complete the paperwork, and you can calmly pack your bags and get ready for this exciting trip.”

A trap for consciousness. A kind of trap is created for consciousness, linking the reality of the present with one of the events of the future, which contains the desired action.

“Once I show you, you can choose what suits you best.”
“As soon as I confirm the availability of the tour, we can immediately complete all the documents.”

The need to make an urgent decision. Point out to the tourist the consequences of possible inaction and lead him to the need to make an urgent decision.

It's high season now and tours sell out almost instantly...
- More than 2 thousand agencies throughout Russia are connected to this database, and each of them books tours for their clients... If someone has chosen the same tour, then you and I need to book earlier...
- Look, this morning there was a tour for $340, but now it has already been sold. While we're talking, this one may also be gone...
- This hotel is in high demand, and the price is attractive. Such good tours are the first to go...
- If we don’t book this tour for you now, then tomorrow it may no longer be available and we will have to start all the searches all over again.

As a continuation, you ask the tourist a clarifying question, with which you check whether he is ready to buy:

If you are ready to book, I will now check the availability...
- Do you have your passports with you?..

The illusion of choice

The tourist is given a choice of two options, both of which suit you. You speak as if the tourist has already agreed to buy a tour.

“So which hotel will we book - this one or that one?”
“So what kind of food will we take - half board or all inclusive?”
“Which type of room will we choose - standard or sea view?”
“Will you pay in full or pay in advance?”

Attention! All recommendations and texts given above are indicative. They should be applied and used depending on the situation. You need to adjust them to suit yourself, learn how to use it so that everything looks organic and feels natural. Master, acquire the necessary skills, experiment and build effective models of behavior. If this behavior brings results, then you are doing everything right!

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