Home Questions Accommodation and catering services in tourism conclusion. Alexandrova A.Yu

Accommodation and catering services in tourism conclusion. Alexandrova A.Yu

Such an important segment of the tourism industry as catering also has its pros and cons. The development of domestic entrepreneurship has had a positive impact in the catering sector. In recent years, many small enterprises of various levels have been opened to satisfy the demand for food services, as well as catering services. Western restaurant chains began to play a significant role, introducing modern technologies that were replicated through the franchising system. Speaking about companies specializing in public catering, it should be noted that an indicator of the success of distributing standard services of the McDonald's company can be the opening of more than 100 branded restaurants in Russia by the beginning of 2005. The total investment is about 300 million dollars, and tax contributions to the federal and local budgets exceed 350 billion rubles. The restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow is recognized as the most visited in the world: on average, it serves about 40 thousand visitors daily.28 In addition, the McDonald's restaurant chain is more adapted to local conditions, primarily in its pricing policy, which takes into account effective demand not only Western, but also domestic consumers, which has a beneficial effect on local restaurant chains such as the franchise “Rosinter Restaurant” with the chain “Patio Pizza”, “Rostiks”, “Fridays”, etc. This significantly contributes to the equalization of prices in domestic local networks such as “Russian Bistro”, etc. Russian restaurants in the traditional tourist centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg are not inferior to the leading gastronomic capitals of the world in terms of the level of service, quality and variety of cuisine. However, the overwhelming majority of public catering enterprises are not able to serve customers with credit cards, which negatively affects the level of tax base generation. Close to the food industry is an element of the tourism industry called attractions. Apart from gambling enterprises, as well as individual sports grounds for elite sports (tennis, golf, horse riding), large mass facilities of the modern entertainment industry (water parks, theme parks and others) - almost nothing has been created in Russia, and there are no prerequisites for their creation no, mainly due to lack of investment. The recreational parks industry has been destroyed and is in poor condition. In the system of tourism education (or culture) there are still no professions of animators (tourist entertainment managers).

Food is a combination of production, sales and service processes for guests in a hotel catering establishment.


Snack bar

Dining room

Power types:

B/b bed and breakfast - breakfast

H/b half-board - half board

F/b full board – full board

AI all inclusive – all inclusive (without drinks)

UAI ultra all inclusive – all inclusive with local drinks

Excellent all inclusive – all inclusive with all drinks

All inclusive types do not operate 24 hours a day

Along with accommodation, food services are the backbone of tourism, with the help of which the physiological need of tourists for food is satisfied. The tourism industry is characterized by such types of food establishments as restaurants, cafes, and bars.

A restaurant is a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, and confectionery, including specialty and complex preparations. A high level of service in restaurants is provided by qualified chefs, waiters, head waiters and is combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment. The structure of hotel complexes may have several restaurants, or there may not be any. In large hotels that are part of well-known hotel chains, there are usually two restaurants - a fashionable branded one and a small one with low prices for food and drinks. Most restaurants provide a musical program and concerts.

A cafe is a catering establishment that provides guests, in combination with relaxation and entertainment, with a limited assortment of dishes and drinks, baked goods, and fermented milk products. Most hotel complexes prefer to have a small cafe in their structure.

A bar is a specialized catering establishment that provides guests with a variety of drinks, desserts, sweet dishes and snacks. The bar provides an opportunity to relax in a cozy atmosphere, listen to music and have fun.

The buffet sells and consumes on site a limited assortment of cold appetizers, sandwiches, drinks, bakery and confectionery products, and simple sweet dishes. The hotels have buffets equipped with electric stoves, refrigerators, cooling counters, coffee makers and other modern equipment.

The snack bar produces, sells and organizes on-site consumption of various dishes and snacks of simple preparation, broths, cold and hot drinks, and flour confectionery products.

A dining room as a catering establishment is often found in the structure of resort hotels and is intended for the production, sale and organization of on-site consumption by various segments of the population of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and their delivery to their homes.

When organizing meals for foreign tourists, one should, if possible, take into account their historically established dietary habits and gastronomic preferences, determined by the geographical location, history of the country, economy, folk traditions and religion. Catering establishments offer tourists a variety of additional services: organization of celebrations, meals in the room, service on the floor, minibars in the room.

least, etc. Tourists are provided with food not only at their destinations, but also during travel by air, water, rail, and buses.

3.5. The role of transport in the development of the tourism industry

Tourism involves the movement of people from one place to another, both within a country and abroad. The legislation of a number of European countries (for example, France and Italy) classifies transport services as the main services provided to a traveler, along with accommodation services. Within tourism statistics, transportation refers to the means a visitor uses to travel from his or her permanent residence to the destination being visited. However, many transport enterprises and companies not only transport tourists, but also provide transportation of ordinary passengers, mail and cargo not related to tourism. Therefore, the seasonal nature of tourism creates serious problems for transport companies.

Air transport includes: air flights carried out according to the schedule of air passenger transportation along established routes; unscheduled flights (mainly charter and others not subject to the schedule of air passenger transportation), as well as rental of aircraft with a crew. In this case, charter means any passenger vehicle (aircraft, sea, river, automobile), completely rented from the carrier by a travel agency for the transportation of tourists.

Water transport includes sea and coastal transport, as well as inland water transport.

In maritime transport, cruise ships are of particular interest. The main emphasis when organizing cruises is on obtaining positive emotions from tourists' stay on board the ship, and not on the speed of the tourist's arrival at the destination. In some cases, to attract tourists, ferry ships are also used, carrying not only the tourists themselves, but also their personal cars (vehicles). Land transport is divided into rail, bus and road (accommodating up to 8 people). The movement of land transport must comply with the schedule of regular transportation, but transportation can also be carried out outside the schedule (special tourist trips, long-distance charter or excursion bus trips). There is also specialized road transport that carries tourists along the routes airport - city, station - city (transfer). Renting vehicles is widespread in the host country.

The main functions of the government body in the field of tourism include:

· formation and ensuring the implementation of state tourism policy and targeted tourism development programs;

· intersectoral coordination of the functioning of tourism systems;

· development of regulatory legal acts and financial and economic parameters for tourism development;

· licensing, certification and standardization in the tourism industry

· marketing of national tourism product;

· creating and ensuring the effective functioning of representative offices of the state tourism management body abroad;

· organization of international cooperation in the field of tourism;

· promoting the participation of tourists, tour operators and travel agents and their associations in international tourism programs;

· development of practical measures to attract domestic and foreign investment in the tourism industry;

· development of a mechanism for investments made by the state

V development of priority areas of tourism infrastructure;

· organization of interaction and business partnerships with the tourism business, associations of tour operators, travel agents and tourists;

· development of practical measures to support domestic producers of tourism products;

· promoting the introduction of advanced tourism technologies- about services;

· providing consulting assistance to business entities engaged in tourism activities;

· development of measures to protect and maintain integrity

And ensuring the protection of tourism resources;

· promoting the revival and development of traditional tourism centers, the development of new tourist areas with extensive natural and historical co-cultural potential;

· formation of an information support system for the tourism industry;

· creating and ensuring the functioning of a unified system of training, retraining and advanced training of tourism personnel;

· regulation of professional activities in tourism;

· resolving issues related to scientific support for the development of tu-

The listed functions are the main areas in which an independent government body in the field of tourism must demonstrate its competence and bear the responsibility assigned to it for the state and development of tourism.

those involved in tourism and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and guide-translator services.

Thus, legislative acts emphasize the need for an integrated approach to all elements of the tourism industry when implementing state planning for its development and ensuring relationships between enterprises, organizations and institutions that make up it.

The tourism industry is characterized by processes of specialization, cooperation and concentration of production.

Specialization finds expression in the development of accommodation facilities (hotels, motels, boats, floats), various forms of service, changes in the nature of the activities of food and entertainment enterprises, an increase in the number of new tourist services, a variety of types of tours, etc. An increasing number of industries, firms and organizations are engaged in the provision of tourism services, each of which specializes in performing certain functions of tourism services. Specialization processes cause the complication of economic relations between enterprises in the tourism industry.

Cooperation is a form of organization of permanent economic relations between specialized but independent enterprises for the production and organization of tourism services and goods.

In tourism practice, it manifests itself in the form of long-term contractual cooperation on a substantive, functional, intersectoral, regional, national and international basis.

Cooperation processes are initiated by tourism enterprises (tour operators), the formation, promotion and sale of tourism products. At the same time, cooperation does not act as an end in itself, but as a means of improving the quality of tourist services, saving time, effort and money.

Cooperation in tourism can be production-based

The massive development of tourism has led to the development of processes of concentration of production. They are based on the same reasons as in other sectors of the economy (primarily, the effect of scale of production).

Production concentration in the tourism industry occurs through both the strengthening of individual production units (for example, in France, the five leading tour operators control about 50% of package tour sales) and the concentration within the framework of a wide range of enterprises (“hotel chains”). Tourism is also characterized by the formation of tourism corporations - large tourism business enterprises that arise as a result of the merger, acquisition or consolidation of several

some tour operator companies. Thus, through the absorption of a number of companies, the tourism giant TUI (TUI - Touristic Union International) was formed, which is the largest tour operator in Germany. In France, as a result of the merger of the largest hotel company Jacques Borel International with another equally large company Novotel, the Accor tourism corporation was formed, which subsequently absorbed another 15 travel companies. In Holland, as a result of the merger of eight travel companies, the largest tourism corporation, Holland International Travel, emerged, concentrating in its hands a significant part of the country's tourism market. Travel corporations usually have a wide foreign travel agency network through which they sell tours and certain types of tourism services.

A characteristic feature of the current stage of development of the tourism industry is the penetration into the tourism business of both companies that have direct production ties with it (airlines are showing increased activity) and enterprises from other sectors of the economy (banks, industrial, trading, insurance companies).

The following circumstances contribute to the active introduction of capital from other industries into the tourism business:

· low barriers to entry into the market;

· availability of excess financial resources;

· high rates of tourism development;

· the (often erroneous) perception of tourism as a pleasant and easy activity.

Transport companies provide both individual types of services and independently developed tours based on their own hotel base. National companies stand out in this regard. Thus, the American airline TVA acquired foreign hotels of the Hilton corporation and formed a new company, Hilton International. The French airline Air France, by merging its two branches, created a new hotel chain, Meridian, with more than 50 hotels in different countries.

The creation by airlines of subsidiaries of air charter and tour operator companies, specializing in the formation and sale of tours, an integral element of which is transportation on the aircraft of their aviation company, is becoming increasingly widespread. Such companies are no longer content with the hotel base of their airline, but organize services for tourists on the basis of business relationships with hotel and other enterprises on the usual terms of a tour operator. For example, Air France founded the travel company SOTER, which ranks second among French tour operators. UTA and Air France airlines jointly participate in the capital of the travel company SFTA, one of the five largest tour operators in France.

The reverse process is also typical - the acquisition of airlines by travel companies. For example, in England the largest tour operator

Accommodation facilities play a decisive role in the development of tourism and the formation of a competitive tourism product. The specificity of their activities is that they provide tourists with a range of various services to meet the needs of tourists for accommodation, food, rest, leisure, etc. The main (complex) services are accommodation (provision for use of special premises - rooms and related services ) and food (as a combination of production, trade and service processes).

An accommodation facility, as defined by the WTO, is any facility (building, premises, etc.) that regularly or occasionally provides tourists with a place to stay overnight.

According to the standard international classification, all accommodation facilities are divided into two categories: collective and individual.

TO collective accommodation facilities include hotels, hotel-like establishments, specialized establishments and other accommodation facilities. In each of them, the number of places must exceed the established minimum (for example, in the Russian Federation - at least 5 rooms, in Italy - 7 rooms). In addition, the accommodation facility must have a single management, and its management must be based on a commercial basis (fees for the provision of accommodation services and additional services provided).

The classic type of collective accommodation facilities is hotel - an enterprise that provides people outside the home with a range of services, the most important of which are equally accommodation and food services. Hotels are characterized by the following specific features:

Have a unified leadership;

Consist of numbers whose number exceeds a certain minimum;

In addition to accommodation and room cleaning, they provide related and additional services;

All rooms are grouped into classes or categories depending on the available material and technical base and services provided;

Accommodation facilities similar to hotels(boarding houses, furnished rooms), consist of rooms and provide tourists with a limited list of mandatory services.

Specialized establishments They provide places to stay overnight, but the function of accommodating tourists is not the main one for them (health institutions, holiday camps, public means of transport equipped with sleeping quarters (trains, ships), congress centers).

Other collective accommodation facilities include primarily recreational dwellings - apartment-type hotels, house complexes or bungalows. They are under a single management and provide a limited range of services (for example, such accommodation facilities are cleaned and prepared for each new guest, but routine cleaning services are usually not provided to the client). Other collective accommodation facilities include facilities at camping sites, small craft bays, tourist and youth hostels, holiday homes for the elderly and similar facilities of social significance.

To individual accommodation facilities include citizens’ own dwellings (private apartments, villas, mansions, cottages) used by resident visitors; rooms rented by tourists from private individuals or agencies, as well as rooms provided free of charge to relatives or friends.

In the variety of possible accommodation facilities for tourists, a special place belongs to hotels.

Hotels are classified according to various criteria. The most significant for the organization of tourism activities are the following:

By location should be distinguished:

a) city hotels;

b) hotels in climatic centers (on the sea coast, in the mountains, etc.).

c) hotels on communication routes, near airports and airfields; as well as hotels remote from cities.

But the operating mode There are year-round, seasonal and mixed hotels.

By capacity hotels can be small, medium and large. In this case, the capacity of a hotel enterprise is determined by the number of beds or rooms that can be offered to customers at the same time. Bed space- an area with a bed intended for use by one person. Number- one or more rooms with furniture, equipment and supplies necessary for the temporary residence of tourists.

The rooms are divided by the number of beds (single, double, triple, etc.), number of rooms (one-room, two-room, three-room, etc.), purpose (business class, economy class, apartments, etc. .).

In the practice of international tourism, the division of rooms depending on the type of beds, layout and other specific differences has also become widespread.

There is no generally accepted approach to determining the capacity of small, medium and large hotels. In each country, taking into account the socio-economic and historical characteristics of development, this issue is resolved differently. Nevertheless, the approach to classification by capacity is quite common, in which small hotels are considered to have a number of beds up to 150 (no more than 100 rooms), medium - from 150 to 400 beds (no more than 300 rooms), large - over 400 beds (more than 300 numbers). In some cases, mega-hotels with more than 600 rooms are also distinguished.

By management principle hotels are divided into independent (independent, not part of a hotel chain) and dependent (belonging to a hotel chain).

A hotel chain is an association of several hotel enterprises carrying out collective business under unified management and control, within the framework of a common concept and under a common brand. The association of hotels in a chain can occur through new construction and the purchase of existing enterprises by a hotel company, concluding a franchising agreement, or signing a management contract. The intensive development of international hotel chains is a modern trend in the development of the tourism industry. The largest international hotel chains are InterContinental Hotels Grp, Marriott International, Accor SA, Hilton Hotels Corp., Best Western, Carlson Hospitality Worldwide.

In order to successfully resist hotel chains and compete in the market, independent hotels also unite (form unions, associations), but at the same time retain their main feature - independent status and specificity.

By providing food, the cost of which is included in the hotel tariff, there are hotels that use:

European plan - a hotel tariff that only includes the cost of accommodation (NB/ No Board);

Continental plan - hotel rate that includes room and breakfast (BB/Ved and Breakfast);

Modified American Plan - a hotel rate that includes accommodation and two meals a day: breakfast plus lunch or breakfast plus dinner (HB/Half Board);

American Plan - a hotel rate that includes the cost of accommodation and three meals a day (FB/Full Board);

All inclusive (All incl./All Inclusive), involving the provision to the client of accommodation, three or more meals a day, snacks and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) of local production during the day (usually from 8:00 to 00:00), as well as other services, the list of which is established by the administration of each specific hotel.

Hotel classification by type, which has become widespread in the global practice of the tourism industry, includes a number of enterprises:

1. Hotel - a hotel characterized by a high level of service and comfort, provision of a wide range of services, expensive decoration of premises and interiors, high-quality technology and equipment, and a large shift of qualified personnel.

2. Boutique hotel- a small accommodation facility (up to 150 rooms), creating

chamber, intimate atmosphere. The interiors of such hotels are distinguished by their original style and decoration; they are often decorated with furniture and handmade antiques. But it is not only the unique artistic appearance and furnishings that distinguish boutique hotels from the range of hotel enterprises. Another distinctive feature is their good cuisine.

3. Hotel-resort - a hotel enterprise with significant differences in capacity, offering a full range of hospitality services. The commercial success of such hotels is largely due to the use of the all-inclusive hotel rate.

4. Casino hotel- hotels with a large capacity of rooms, the structure of which is dominated by multi-room suites with expensive interiors, mini-pools, jacuzzi, several bathrooms and bedrooms. The main function of such enterprises is to create favorable conditions for gambling. One of the features of a casino hotel is that its main income comes not from the provision of accommodation and food services, but from the casino. Therefore, significant discounts on accommodation rates, free drinks (and sometimes food) are widely practiced.

5. Business hotel– a hotel specializing in serving businessmen. Accommodation facilities of this type are usually located near administrative and public centers. A business hotel must have a business center, special premises for business events, and financial support services.

6. Aparthotel – a small and medium-sized hotel with apartment-type rooms equipped with a small separate or built-in kitchen. Such rooms are usually used as temporary housing, most often on the basis of a fairly high degree of self-catering.

7. Suite hotel to a certain extent can be considered as a type of apart-hotel. The difference between the two is that apartments usually have kitchen equipment in the room that allows clients to prepare their own food, while suite hotels usually do not.

Accommodation occupies a central place in the range of services provided to tourists during travel and is an integral part of every tour.

Accommodation facilities, which mean any facility that regularly or occasionally provides places to stay overnight, form the basis of the tourism industry. The construction of new accommodation facilities significantly increases the attractiveness of a tourist destination and increases the flow of tourists. High service in the provision of accommodation services also determines the psychological aspects of tourism, such as travel satisfaction and a high assessment of the organization of tourists’ stay in a particular country.

In the variety of available accommodation facilities, a special place belongs to the hotel industry.

The hotel industry as a type of economic activity includes the provision of hotel services and the organization of short-term accommodation in hotels, campsites, motels, school and student dormitories, guest houses, etc. This activity also includes restaurant services.

Hotels are characterized by the following features:

  • 1. the presence of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum (in Russia - 10), united by a single management;
  • 2. provision of mandatory (cleaning of rooms, bathrooms, daily making of beds) and additional (laundry, dry cleaning, hairdressing, car rental, etc.) services;
  • 3. grouping in accordance with the requirements of national standards into classes and categories depending on the services provided, available equipment, etc.

The concept of “hotel” is also defined by relevant regulatory documents. In GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" A hotel is understood as an enterprise intended for temporary residence.

The classification of tourist accommodation facilities is also given in GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements.". In accordance with this document, all accommodation facilities are divided into collective and individual.

In the second half of the 20th century, tourism began to rapidly transform into the largest sector of the world economy. By the end of the century, in terms of its turnover and profitability, it was already competing with oil production and refining, and with the automobile industry.
The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work lies in the fact that in the conditions of a modern market economy, a century of fierce competition in the tourism sector, hotels are becoming increasingly important as an important and popular means of accommodation in the tourism business.

Today, the accommodation industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy. The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation: hotels, inns, motels, youth hostels and dormitories, apartments, tourist farms, as well as the private sector involved in the accommodation of tourists.
In keeping with the pace of development of the tourism industry, the accommodation market is also developing. Since the level of income of tourists is different, the question arises of the need to provide accommodation facilities at different price levels, but at the same time tourists need good service, coziness and comfort.
Accordingly, the level of competition between accommodation facilities is increasing. Hotels must constantly pay great attention to promoting their services. If this is not done, then the most comfortable and at the same time expensive hotel will never be in demand among visitors. Currently, a well-structured advertising strategy plays a role in the successful operation of an accommodation facility.
The purpose of this course work is to analyze and evaluate the role of accommodation facilities in the tourism business.
In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to resolve problems such as:
      Study the history of the development of accommodation in Russia and abroad;
      Describe tourism accommodation enterprises;
      Consider the essence and specifics of hotel services;
      Highlight the prospects for the development of accommodation facilities in the tourism business;
      Identify the problems of the Russian hotel business and consider ways to solve them;
      Assess the role of accommodation facilities in the tourism business.
    CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects of the development of accommodation enterprises and their general characteristics
1.1 History of the development of tourism accommodation enterprises
Since man began to travel, the need arose for an overnight stay outside his home and a place where he could quench his hunger and thirst. Every demand creates supply, therefore, in response to the demand from travelers for accommodation and food services, corresponding enterprises have appeared that provide these services. Some researchers attribute the appearance of such enterprises to the time of the invention of the wheel by the ancient Sumerians. However, the information that has reached us about ancient Greek and Roman taverns should be considered more reliable. Mention of the presence of ancient hotels can be found even in the Gospel: Jesus Christ was born in a cave, because there was no room for his parents in the hotels, which were overcrowded on the occasion of the population census.
In the early Middle Ages, travel became dangerous and, naturally, the “hotel business” was curtailed. During this period, the bulk of travelers are in the direction that is now called religious tourism. The pilgrims received accommodation and food at the monastery. In modern parlance, medieval monasteries constituted the first “hotel chain.”
The next notable period in the development of the hotel industry is associated with the establishment in Europe of a regular postal and horse-drawn transport network (stagecoaches in Western Europe, Yamsk stations in Russia). Along the postal routes there were businesses that were similar to modern motels.
The word “hotel,” which is used all over the world to describe what Russians stubbornly continue to call a hotel, originated in the 18th century. almost simultaneously with the word “restaurant”. The word "hotel" also comes from the Latin root of the ancient Roman hospitaeum. Initially, a hotel was an apartment building in which apartments were rented out for a month, a week, or even a day.
At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. In the major cities of Europe and America, luxury (five-star in modern terminology) hotels appeared, designed to satisfy the demand of new millionaires and old nobility, for whom travel had become a fashionable pastime. Several such hotels were built in Russia, for example, “Metropol” and “National” - in Moscow. Until the end of the 18th century. The role of hotels in Russia was played by monastery farmsteads and taverns.
At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the capitals, and then in the provinces and district towns, mass construction of hotels began, usually two-story with a courtyard, where horses and carriages were supposed to be accommodated.
Among the achievements of the Soviet hotel industry, one can note the record for the number of rooms (3182) and beds (5890), which the Rossiya Hotel has held since 1967. In the 20s. XX century One of the major innovations in the hotel business is the emergence of the motel as a fundamentally new type of hospitality enterprise, designed to provide overnight accommodation not only for the guest, but also for his car.
Currently, there are more than 300 thousand hotels in the world. Their diversity cannot be described: there are one-story and 88-story hotels, floating and underwater, small (several rooms) and large (several thousand rooms), cheap and expensive, noisy casino hotels and quiet secluded holiday hotels, etc. d.
In the post-war period, international hotel chains became widespread. The first international hotel chain owed its creation to the American air transport company Dan American. Currently, there are dozens of international hotel chains operating in the world.

1.2 General characteristics of accommodation enterprises in the tourism business
An accommodation facility, according to the terminology of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), is any accommodation facility that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation to tourists. In practice, accommodation facilities represent a wide range - from expensive 5-star hotels to tourist shelters.
Hotel enterprises are classified depending on their location, the range of services provided and the level of service offered.
Based on location, the following categories of hotels can be distinguished:

    hotels in the city center;
    roadside hotels;
    hotels in the vicinity of cities and at airports;
    floating hotels;
    resort hotels .
    According to the level, range and cost of services, hotel enterprises are divided into several types:
    cheap hotels or hotels with limited services offer a minimum of services and an average level of service;
    luxury hotels - have fashionable decor and high-class furniture. In hotel enterprises of this level there is a high percentage of personnel in relation to the number of rooms.
Hotels can be classified according to other parameters: location, type of services provided, capacity, number of floors, purpose, opening hours throughout the year, location, prices and types of services.
There are two groups of hotels when classified, but by type of ownership or affiliation: independent hotels, as well as hotel associations and subsidiaries.
CHAPTER 2. Specifics, sales promotion and promotion of hotel services
2.1 Essence and specificity of hotel services
An important component of tourism activity is the hotel industry. The development of domestic and international tourism is largely related to the level of material and technical base, the branching and diversity of the network, and the quality of service in the hotel industry. It is hotel companies that perform one of the main functions in the sphere of serving tourists: providing them with modern housing and personal services. This implies the importance of the stage of studying the content of the concept of “hotel services”.
At first, “hotel services” were understood as such economic activities that developed and provided paid services from accommodation to hotel reservations. Over time, with the growing demands of tourists and the desire of hotels to expand the complexity of services, accommodation services began to be supplemented by those related to food and the sale of drinks.
This gives reason today to consider the hotel industry in two areas of activity, namely in its broad and narrow understandings. In the first case, the hotel industry includes two main groups of services - accommodation and food, and in the second - only accommodation.
There are also other accommodation establishments that are not part of the hotel industry. These are holiday homes, sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's camps. They are not included in the hotel industry because accommodation is not their main activity, thuja prices are low and, as a rule, are close to cost.
The hotel service consists of:
1) services for providing special premises that can be used to meet your needs:
2) services provided by hotel staff (room cleaning, client registration, meals).
The main element of the accommodation service is, of course, a hotel room (a room equipped for rest, sleep, and work of the client). The main function of the room is the ability to sleep. Depending on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests, features such as the ability to work in the room may be no less significant.
Regardless of the category, area, equipment, each room must have a bed, a table or bedside table for each bed, a chair or armchair according to the number of guests, lighting in all rooms of the room, and a waste basket.
In order to feed guests, it is necessary to prepare dishes in the kitchen, sell prepared foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and serve hotel guests in a restaurant, bar, cafe, and hotel rooms.
There are additional services in the form of a swimming pool, gym, conference rooms, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing services, massage room.
Nowadays, accommodation services are taken for granted, and in order to attract customers it is necessary to develop additional services that will help to stand out from hotels of the same category.
Let's consider the features of hotel services. The process of production and consumption occurs in one time period. To receive a hotel service, it is necessary to involve both the consumer and the performer in the consumption process. To provide a service, hotel staff have to come into direct contact with the consumer. For the client, this contact is an integral part of the service itself.
A hotel service cannot be touched or seen, as it is intangible. In order to evaluate a service, it must first be consumed. A service is a promise to perform certain actions to satisfy the customer's needs.
Hotel services cannot be prepared in advance, since they are not expressed in material form. The hotel product is produced to satisfy the real needs of customers, and they need to be satisfied within a certain time frame.
Variability of quality. The quality of the services provided depends on the provider and the environment in which they are performed. Qualification, mood and other factors can have a great influence on the quality of the service. After all, the same performer can serve a client in completely different ways. Service variability very often provokes dissatisfaction on the part of consumers.
Hotel services are used by a variety of consumer groups, with their own individual preferences and wishes, and different income levels.
The demand for hotel services is uneven and seasonal, so hotels, motels, and campsites must have a sufficient reserve of rooms, as well as material and labor resources.
The constant readiness of hotel enterprises to meet and serve tourists necessitates the simultaneous presence of an administrator, a receptionist, porters, maids, a hotel reservation service, etc.

2.2 Sales promotion and promotion of hotel services
Modern hotel marketing means more than developing competitive hotel services and setting attractive prices for them.
Hotels must have a well-thought-out communication strategy and be able to maintain connections with clientele groups, contact audiences and the general public. Communication processes must be continuous and effective. A modern hotel enterprise manages a complex system of communication links, so the marketing communications program is actually a system of promotion and sales stimulation and an important element of the marketing mix. The main components of the promotion marketing mix are:

    advertising - dissemination of information about goods and services using paid channels;
    propaganda - the use of free channels for distributing information about goods and services in the form of public relations to gain favorable publicity and create an attractive image;
    sales promotion - the formation of a system of incentive measures and techniques to encourage sales of goods and services.
The marketing communications system operates with a variety of tools: fairs, exhibitions, commercial presentations, advertising publications, demonstrations, competitions, special advertising tools, etc. The process of marketing communications involves: communicators (senders of information), addressees (recipients of information), information itself, communication system.
Advertising plays a special role in the system of marketing communications. Advertising includes a whole range of means, techniques and methods aimed at achieving the ultimate goal - the sale of goods and services. The arsenal of advertising media is extremely wide and varied - these include advertising publications, periodicals, outdoor advertising, television, film, radio advertising, exhibitions, conferences, fairs, tastings, direct mail advertising and much more. However, it is quite obvious that the main purpose of advertising is commerce, that is, effective sales.
Advertising of hotel services designed for a narrower circle of consumers is carried out through special publications, by mail and through targeted publications. Considering the methods of influence, rational and emotional advertising are distinguished.
Advertising activities in the hospitality industry are becoming increasingly complex and multifunctional. At the same time, in the practice of advertising activities there is no single view on the classification of types and means of advertising, which complicates their selection and justification when forming a marketing communications system.
The general plan of the advertising campaign is thought out in detail and includes: choosing a marketing strategy; choosing the target audience for which advertising is intended; choosing the direction and theme of the advertising campaign; selection of media and specific advertising media; choosing methods for conducting an advertising campaign and means of monitoring advertising effectiveness.
The advertising goals of a hospitality industry enterprise can be formulated as follows:
    create an image for a new product, service or brand;
    improve the image of a service or brand;
    increase the brand awareness of the hotel company among the business people audience (for example, from 20 to 40%);
    position or force the use of hotel and resort products during the off-season;
    to interest consumers belonging to a new market segment.

CHAPTER 3. Role, development prospects and problems of the Russian hotel business
3.1 The role of accommodation facilities in the tourism business
The role of accommodation facilities in tourism is undoubtedly great.
In the conditions of a modern market economy, centuries of fierce competition in the tourism sector, hotels are becoming increasingly important as an important and popular means of accommodation in the tourism business.
The services provided to tourists by accommodation facilities are the main services in tourism activities, both when organizing individual and group travel.
Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy. The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation: hotels, inns, motels, youth hostels and dormitories, apartments, tourist farms, as well as the private sector involved in the accommodation of tourists.
In keeping with the pace of development of the tourism industry, the accommodation market is also developing. Various accommodation facilities are needed for any tourists (with average income, below and above average), with a set of everything necessary for the client and the provision of various services at the place of stay. Since the level of income of tourists is different, the question arises of the need to provide accommodation facilities at different price levels, but at the same time tourists need good service, coziness and comfort.
Accordingly, the level of competition between accommodation facilities is increasing. Hotels must constantly pay great attention to promoting their services. If this is not done, then the most comfortable and at the same time expensive hotel will never be in demand among visitors. Currently, a well-structured advertising strategy plays a role in the successful operation of an accommodation facility. The effectiveness of the hotel’s operations depends on how well the marketing analysis is carried out, how the accommodation facility is positioned, and what promotion tools are used.
We can formulate the following conclusions: one of the main factors for the success of the tourism industry of a particular region is the availability of accommodation facilities in this territory. Accommodation facilities determine how many and what level of tourists will come to the region. Even if there are unique and spectacular tourism facilities, tourists will not go to the region without appropriate accommodation conditions.

3.2 Prospects for the development of accommodation facilities in the tourism business
The transition to a market economy is objectively accompanied by the gradual creation of a competitive environment in all sectors of the economy. This circumstance, in turn, necessitates the need to make adequate changes to the system and methods of managing companies, regardless of their size and activity profile.
The hotel industry today is an industry with an increasing level of competition in the hotel services market. Despite the difficult development of market relations, many hotels have opened in Russia in recent years. New enterprises are created, but after a while some of them cannot withstand the competition and go out of business. Competition is a strong incentive to improve hotel performance.
Until now, in the domestic economic literature, the hospitality industry has not been considered as one of the effective areas of economic development. Hospitality is used to be considered as a form of leisure, and not at all as a profitable budget item. The most important areas of the hotel industry (management, financing, design) are reserves for increasing its competitiveness. But the problem of improving the management of the potential of hotel enterprises has not been sufficiently studied and covered in the literature; to date, there are no systematic scientific developments in this area.
The hotel business is promising for at least four reasons. Firstly, in our country there is an increase in business activity, which, as a rule, inevitably causes an increase in the volume of so-called “business tourism”, not only domestic, but also inbound. Secondly, as world practice shows, an increase in the income of the population (and, whatever you say, it is already happening in the country) leads to the fact that people travel more and more (including within their native country), and therefore stay in hotels . Thirdly, a country that has declared its integration into European structures is gradually becoming clearer to Europeans (in this case, European tourists) and, therefore, more attractive. Finally, fourthly, if the proposed reduction and unification of the hotel fee occurs, mandatory payments for hotels will decrease.
Globalization and concentration of the hotel business are manifested in the creation of large corporations and hotel chains. This approach allows hotel companies to regroup and attract additional resources to develop their business. Hotel enterprises are concentrated through the creation of unions or associations that do not violate their legal and economic independence, but allow them to carry out joint marketing programs, conduct research activities, and form a unified system of training and retraining of personnel.
World practice convincingly proves that investments in the hospitality industry are comparable in return to investments in oil production. Economic analysis of the hotel sector indicates the effectiveness of investments in hotel chains, and not in individual hotel businesses.
3.3 Problems of the Russian hotel business and ways to solve them
The main problem of the Russian hotel business is uneven demand. This is due not only to seasonality, but also to the unstable political situation. Russian politics remains unpredictable, although it has become friendlier in recent years. Political events have a strong impact on sales levels. For example, the consequence of the tragedy in the United States was a reduction in the number of air tickets sold, which naturally affected all hotels.
At the same time, probably the most important mechanism for attracting clients by public relations and marketing departments is holding exhibitions, conferences and seminars, and as practice shows at the moment, this is the most effective way to make themselves known.
Speaking about the holding of various events by hotels, it is worth highlighting a number of actions carried out by Russian hotels. In addition to business projects, such techniques as holding holidays and sponsoring events that have a public resonance are very popular. In this regard, it is appropriate to point out the action of the Ukraina Hotel to welcome its 10 millionth guest. The hotel administration presented the winner with a voucher for hotel accommodation on the eve of any New Year, and also provided free accommodation. The Beaujolais wine festival at the Golden Ring Hotel not only received wide publicity, but also turned into an annual social event.
Almost all global hotel chains are represented in Russia. Many of them are already opening their hotels (or intend to do so in the near future) not only in the capital, but also in other large cities. However, not a single national company has yet appeared that would manage several hotels, and not a single full-fledged national hotel chain. The main problem with this is the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian owner, who is not ready to give his property to another person for management. In addition, we do not yet have owners who have quite a lot of hotel properties. After all, the network involves at least 10 objects in order to create economies of scale in production. There are enough people willing to take over the management of several hotels in Russia, and there are also enough investors who are ready to build their own chains. But this cannot be done right away. It takes time to reach a certain critical mass.

Mini-hotels are one of the alternatives to the development trend of the hotel business in Russia. They can bring tourists closer to the display objects. In addition, today customers all over the world strive for individualized services. And in a small hotel with 20 rooms, they will call you by name and know your habits if you are a regular customer. In addition, finding a site or a dilapidated mansion for such a hotel is much easier. And over the past 10 years, the hotel business in Russia has developed exclusively due to mini-hotels. They will continue to develop, because business can come not only from above, but also from below.

Thus, the most dynamically developing industry in the service sector, generating multimillion-dollar profits across the national economies of many countries, is the hotel business. As part of the tourism business, the hotel business carries enormous development potential for the Russian market. It is a system-forming industry that creates a complex set of financial and economic relations between economic entities of various directions. The reason for the lack of queues in Russian hotels is not a sufficient number of them, but the high price of service. However, the price of hotel services cannot be lower than the sum of the objective cost components if the establishment claims to have a solid status. Therefore, technologies of information influence on consumers are beginning to act as methods for maintaining business stability.

*Note. The uniqueness of the work is indicated on the date of publication; the current value may differ from the indicated value.

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