Home Questions The most visited places in Crimea. Travel route around Crimea by car

The most visited places in Crimea. Travel route around Crimea by car

Really, a paradise? This is the territory of the Karalar Steppe Nature Reserve, and here is the steppe itself, which looks the same as it did thousands of years ago, when the Taurians, Antes and God knows what nomads lived here:

Here, by the way, live such unique animals as yellowbellies - legless meter-long lizards, and giant poisonous centipedes.

The multi-kilometer Asandrov Val, which crosses across the entire Kerch Peninsula, also reminds us of the former inhabitants of these places. Of course, not the Chinese wall, but the scale (the length of the structure is 42 km, a ditch 20-25 wide and 6-8 m deep, and next to it a shaft of similar dimensions) is impressive:

It’s worth going to Crimea to visit the most ancient city in Russia. People have lived here continuously for 26 centuries. In Kerch, be sure to go down to the deeply stunning museum that tells about the heroism of our people. It is also worth seeing another historical attraction of this part of Crimea - take a walk around the center, climb the famous:

Admire the city and the new bridge across the strait from above, then go down another slope to the ruins of the capital of the Bosporan kingdom. By the way, there are remains of ancient settlements of varying state of preservation in other parts of Eastern Crimea - Tiritaka, Akra, Kitey. The Sublime Porte also left its mark on this land, and this is not only the aforementioned Arabat fortress, but also:

which was supposed to protect Turkish Crimea from Russia, but did not fulfill its task - Crimea!

Why is it worth going to Crimea?

And these are the beaches of the Black Sea and Mount Opuk in the distance:

There is the famous Opuksky Nature Reserve, especially popular in the spring, when the colorful Schrenk tulips bloom - the ancestors of the first cultivated varieties of tulips. Behind it are salt lakes of a wonderful lilac color:

Another interesting object of the steppe Crimea:

This is not a hill, but a mud volcano. He is not the only one, Kerch also has active mud volcanoes.

Just to lie on such a beach is worth going to Crimea! In this photo, she is:

Beautiful villas line the city's wide embankment, and the Aivazovsky Gallery houses the world's largest collection of his paintings.

This is a real Western European fortress, in the towers of which slabs with coats of arms and inscriptions are mounted - noble gentleman such and such ordered the construction of this structure in such and such a year. In the summer, a chic festival “Genoese Helmet” is held there, for which role-players and history buffs come to Crimea year after year.

What to see in Southern Crimea

It is surrounded by the most beautiful park on the south coast - Alupkinsky:

The photo was taken in December – sunny and green. The park has a huge collection of plants, including Araucaria - a dragon tree from South America, and is beautifully laid out - multi-level, excellent lawns highlighting the beauty of evergreens, cascading ponds, winding paths and chaos - piles of huge stones.

You need to visit Crimea to see it, it is also beautiful all year round and every month another unique collection of flowers blooms there: lilacs, irises, daylilies, roses, clematis, cannes and chrysanthemums. The Crimeans themselves come to see the flowering of the latter “” from year to year.

The parks are beautiful at any time of the year.

and admire the surroundings from the caves:

and at its foot you will be surprised by the funny orchids and monkey orchis:

see the largest grotto in Europe in Kyz-Kermen:

And watch the sunset at the 200-year-old lighthouse from the westernmost point of the peninsula:

Then enter inside this hollow mountain through this “portal”:

And there you can swim in the blue transparent lakes formed on the site of the quarries where white Inkeraman stone was mined for the construction of Sevastopol.

Why go to Western Crimea, what attractions await tourists?

You need to visit here to smear yourself with healing mud and feed the wild swans on the lake, under:

Visit Evpatoria itself, sunbathe on its sandy and small pebble beaches:

take a walk along its embankment, wander through the winding streets, where a mosque, an Orthodox church, a synagogue, and Karaite churches stand side by side:

Try Karaite cuisine in local restaurants, and rush to, for example, the village:

Why not Aivazovsky?

Just a couple of kilometers away they are excavating

The Crimean peninsula has a rich history: Greeks, Crimean Tatars, Italians, Turks, Russians and Ukrainians lived here in different eras. They fought for their native lands in bloody wars, built cities and castles, wrote poetry and erected monuments. The interweaving of traces of ancient, medieval and modern cultures creates a unique image of the Black Sea pearl, and hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to the peninsula to appreciate the sights of Crimea with their own eyes.

Historical sights of Crimea

An ancient city founded by the ancient Greeks in the 5th century BC. e., for a long time it was a rich center of culture, crafts and trade. In the 1st century BC. e. The first followers of Christ settled here, and Prince Vladimir was baptized in the 10th century. Today Tauride Chersonesos amazes with its primeval beauty and the breath of past eras. Archaeological excavations began in 1827, and, remarkably, they are still ongoing.

The ancient monastery in Bakhchisarai, founded by fugitive Byzantine monks more than a thousand years ago, is located in the steep wall of a wild gorge. The mountain monastery was closed by the Soviet authorities and then destroyed by the 1927 earthquake.

During the Great Patriotic War, a military hospital was located on its territory, and after that a psychoneurological dispensary, and only in 1993 the Holy Dormition Monastery was restored and transferred to the Orthodox Church.

In the Middle Ages, the Crimean peninsula was occupied by the rich colony of Genoa, and in order to protect their lands from invasions of nomadic tribes, the Genoese built fortresses in Sudak, Feodosia and Balaklava. According to statistics, today these fortress sights of Crimea are the most popular among tourists. This is partly why further archaeological excavations are planned on the territory of the citadels, designed to continue the exciting journey into the past.

4. Monument to sunken ships in Sevastopol

During the Crimean War in 1854-1855, orders were given to scuttle Russian ships in the Sevastopol Bay in order to prevent the enemy fleet from reaching the shores. At the beginning of the 20th century, a monument to sunken ships was opened, now depicted on the city’s coat of arms. A triumphal column with a double-headed eagle looking towards the sea rises on an artificial granite rock protruding from the water. The monument, more than 16 meters high, represents the eternal memory of the war heroes.

The military-historical memorial is located on a strategically important hill on the Korabelnaya side of Sevastopol. This height, from which a bewitching panorama of the city opens, became famous in two wars: the Crimean and the Great Patriotic War. The defensive tower, preserved from the time of the First Defense of Sevastopol, the museum, the Eternal Flame and more than twenty memorial architectural monuments can tell about the battles and exploits of Russian soldiers and commanders.

The snow-white and blue palace in the Moorish style was built near Yalta at the end of the 19th century for Prince Romanov according to his own sketch. Arched windows, crenellated walls, silver domes - the luxurious building fully lives up to its name, which translates from Arabic as “magnificent”.

With the advent of Soviet power, the palace functioned as a sanatorium, but today it is closed to visitors, but tourists can explore this landmark of Crimea from the outside and walk through the picturesque grounds of the palace.

In 1942, the Nazis occupied Kerch. Soviet troops, who did not have time to evacuate, and the local population went into the dungeons of the village of Adzhimushkay. The defense of the quarries lasted almost six months, and after the capture of the catacombs, forty-eight out of thirteen thousand people remained alive.

The excursion to the Adzhimushkai quarries is designed to acquaint people with the conditions of survival of the defenders and tell about the feats and tragedies of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.

On the Red Rock, at an altitude of more than 400 meters above sea level, at the end of the 19th century, a church was erected in honor of the miraculous rescue of Alexander III and his family during the crash of the imperial train in 1888. During the occupation by the German invaders, the building was used as stables; after the war, a restaurant was opened here, and then a warehouse. In the early nineties, plundered, without windows and domes, the temple began to be gradually restored. Today, the beautiful Byzantine-style church is open to the public.

One of the most famous sights of Crimea is the palace of a German baron, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the spirit of medieval knightly castles on a steep cliff on the southern coast of the peninsula. At the beginning of the First World War, a restaurant was opened in the building, and during the Soviet years, a reading room was opened. For a long time the castle was in disrepair. Today, the restored masterpiece of Gothic architecture is open to the public.

In the Bakhchisarai region, on a mountain plateau, there is an ancient cave fortress. According to scientists, it was created in the 5th century, later it was developed by the Polovtsy, then by the Karaites. More than one hundred and fifty caves are former residential and utility rooms, carved into the rocks, like a honeycomb. Only two Karaite temples, one residential estate and the mausoleum of the daughter of Khan Tokhtamysh have been well preserved to this day. The rest of the city is reduced to ruins.

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    the very best

    Great Mithridatic Staircase

    Kerch, st. Mitridatskaya, 12

    Every city has a landmark that is considered its calling card, where all tourists first flock, and which is present on all postcards. In Kerch this is the Great Mithridates Staircase. The staircase got its name from Mount Mithridates.

    the very best

    Vorontsov Palace

    The Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve, also known as the Vorontsov Palace, was created in the first half of the 19th century in Alupka, at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri. The first owner of the magnificent palace was Count Mikhail Vorontsov. Construction of the building began in 1830 and was completed 18 years later.

    the very best

    Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

    The original building in the Moorish style, which became one of the symbols of Yalta, was built in 1903 especially for the Emir of Bukhara according to the design of the architect N. G. Tarasov. It is known about the friendship of Seyid Abdul Ahan Khan with Nicholas II: the emir specially acquired a plot of land above the Primorsky Park in order to be closer to the imperial family.

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The Crimean Peninsula, with its wonderful nature and sandy beaches, is the proud owner of a whole series of excellent Black Sea resorts: Yalta, Evpatoria, Alushta, Alupka, Balaklava, Gurzuf, Foros and others. In addition to excellent beach holidays, Crimea offers treatment in numerous sanatoriums and health resorts, opportunities for outdoor activities and a rich excursion program. The latter is worth talking about in more detail.

Cities of Crimea

The former capital of the Crimean Khanate - the charming town of Bakhchisaray, will tell with its fate the history of the Crimean Tatars. The main local attraction is the Khan's Palace, which was the only residence of the Crimean Khan for several centuries. The inspection begins with an ancient gate, inviting you to take a closer look at the life of those years - here is the harem, where men were forbidden to enter, here is the “divan” - the hall in which the court was held, and in the center of the cozy courtyard stands the Khan-Jami minaret.

Not far from Bakhchisarai you can visit some of the cave cities of Crimea: Chufut-Kale, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, Kyz-Kule, Bakla, and religious tourists will enjoy the atmosphere in the cave Holy Assumption Monastery.

The city of military glory - Sevastopol, west of Bakhchisarai - is a living embodiment of tragic pages in the history of Crimea. Being an important strategic site, Sevastopol was subjected to brutal attacks during two wars: the Crimean and World War II, which practically wiped the city off the face of the earth. But both times the city was quickly restored from ruins. And today, guests of Sevastopol admire the magnificent Grafskaya Marina, stroll along Primorsky Boulevard, take photographs against the backdrop of numerous monuments and study exhibits of the Black Sea Fleet Museum.

Those tourists who deep down dream of the glory of archaeologists will appreciate the ruins of the Greek city of Chersonesus on the outskirts of Sevastopol, revealed to the world through the efforts of the latter. On the vast territory you can see the ruins of an ancient temple, stones left over from the mint and the Greek theater, and the remains of residential buildings. The first Orthodox churches in Crimea were erected here, and in the Cathedral of St. Vladimir, the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich married the Byzantine princess Anna.

The pilgrimage route in Crimea necessarily includes two active monasteries in the vicinity of Sevastopol - St. George's on the Heracles Peninsula and the Inkerman cave monastery of St. Clement.

From Sevastopol it’s a stone’s throw to Balaklava, a small town known, first of all, for its long beaches, and secondly, for its secrecy during the years of Soviet power. A large-scale monument from the Cold War era, a submarine repair base hidden from prying eyes, can now be visited on a guided tour.

Fortresses of Crimea

Medieval Genoese fortresses built along the coast are another interesting attraction of Crimea. Many of them, like, for example, Chembalo in Balaklava, were poorly preserved, but there are also those that have come down to us in good condition. One of these is located in Sudak - with powerful walls and high observation towers. And in the neighboring New World, we recommend not to ignore the Golitsyn house-museum, founded in honor of the 100th anniversary of the New World House of Champagne Wines. During the excursion you will learn the history of the champagne wine factory, get an idea of ​​the character of Prince Golitsyn, and you won’t be able to do without tasting.

Palaces of Crimea

Along the southern coast of Crimea there is a necklace of magnificent palaces, each of which is a real pearl: Massandrovsky, Vorontsovsky in Alupka, the Yusupov Palace in the village of Koreiz, the Dulber Palace in Miskhor, the Kichkine Palace in Gaspra... The Livadia palace and park ensemble in Yalta deserves special mention , captivating with its elegant solemnity. Within the walls of the palace in February 1945, the Crimean Conference of the Heads of State of the Anti-Hitler Coalition took place, at which the most important documents for the course of history of the 20th century were signed.

Crimean nature

Many amazing discoveries await you in Crimea. Words cannot describe the beauty of the local waterfalls, karst caves, menhirs and dolmens, forests and mountains. One of the most picturesque in the chain of the Crimean mountains is the peak of Mount Ai-Petri, which can be climbed by cable car from Miskhor or reached from Yalta. From the observation deck at an altitude of 1182 m there is an amazing view of the coast from Ayu-Dag to Mount Koshka.

The Republic of Crimea is deservedly the true pearl of the Black Sea. This is one of the most beautiful corners of modern Russia. Thanks to its diversity of natural beauty, distinctive history and mild climate, the peninsula has attracted millions of tourists for decades. There is everything here that even the most sophisticated vacationer, curiosity seeker and incorrigible romantic dreams of. The enchanting landscapes are created by majestic mountains, picturesque bays, beautiful beaches, cliffs, caves, forest reserves and an abundance of vegetation.

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The territory of the peninsula is penetrated by an extensive network of roads. Routes to the famous resorts of Crimea run through steppe regions and steep mountain serpentines. When in cities and towns, you can leave your car in the parking lot and go on an exciting walk. Most of the attractions of Crimea are located along the vast coastline of the peninsula.


On the eastern tip of the peninsula is the hero city of Kerch, the historical chronicle of which dates back to the 6th century BC. This small port place has been of great strategic importance from time immemorial. The city stands on the strait of the same name, connecting the waters of the Black and Azov seas. There were fierce battles for the possession of this piece of land, as evidenced by the walls of the Yeni-Kale and Kerch fortresses. The citadels are masterpieces of fortification art of the 18th-19th centuries.

Kerch is famous for its abundance of historical attractions. On one of the well-groomed seaside streets stands the Church of John the Baptist. The Byzantine style church was built in the 8th century. In the center of the city rises Mount Mithridates, the top of which is definitely worth climbing. It is actually a 92 meter high hill. To get to the highest point of the mountain, you need to climb 436 steps of a staircase decorated with sculptures of griffins (mythical winged predators) and vases. From the slope, tourists can see an amazing view of the city, surrounded by greenery, the obelisk of glory to Soviet troops, the “eternal flame,” as well as unique ancient ruins.


The eastern resort of Crimea - Feodosia - hospitably welcomes its guests. The city, located at the junction of mountains and steppes, attracts tourists with beautiful landscaped streets with picturesque parks, magnificent sandy beaches and cultural and historical museums.

The visiting card of Feodosia is the embankment with its characteristic architectural flavor. The appearance of the main street of the resort is determined by 19th century villas. The facades of the buildings are decorated with columns, arches, towers and terraces with balustrades. Shrubs and flower beds are planted along the alleys. Near the embankment there are picturesque parks where you can relax in the shade of trees. Walking around the city, you can see many monuments, ancient churches, fountains and playgrounds.

A visit to the National Art Gallery named after I.K. will leave an unforgettable impression on tourists. Aivazovsky. The richest collection of seascapes is located in the personal home of the world famous artist, who was born in Feodosia. You can also visit the museum of another talented master - writer A.S. Greena. This is a literary and memorial institution that shows visitors the environment in which the famous romantic writer lived and worked.

Sunny Valley

Tourists who prefer solitude with the surrounding nature without noise and fuss will really like the village of Solnechnaya Dolina. This place, located 12 kilometers from Sudak and 3 kilometers from the sea, is considered one of the least crowded in Crimea, even at the height of the summer season. Severe huge rocks, forming a group of picturesque cliffs, tightly surround the settlement and protect the area from cold winds. Forest plantations and grape fields set a special tone for the local landscape.

The best grape varieties are grown in the Sun Valley, which is facilitated by a special microclimate. It is warm and sunny more than 300 days a year, and there is little rainfall. The heart of the village is the winery named after Prince L.S. Golitsyn, founded by him in 1880. Hidden among the abundance of exotic plants and flower beds are long tunnels of cellars with barrels and bottles of the noble drink. In the tasting room, tourists are offered to experience the unique flavors of several varieties of wine.

The nearest pebble-sand beach is in the village of Pribrezhnoye. Along the coastline you can find guest houses for vacationers and a green alley with shopping tents and small cafes.

New World

Among the juniper groves and pine forests, framed by majestic rocks, lies the small town of Novy Svet. The coastline is indented with cozy windless bays, where Ottoman pirates have long hidden their ships. A winding serpentine of roads penetrates the hilly terrain that surrounds the village. The resort was born thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Prince Lev Golitsyn, who founded a winery here in 1878. Barrels of wine were stored in caves in rock formations.

The amazingly beautiful landscapes of the New World make a memorable impression on travelers. Tourists are recommended to walk along the Golitsyn trail to see the breathtaking Crimean nature. The road consists of stone steps carved into the mountainside, fenced with a curb. The 3-kilometer-long trail runs along a cliff above the edge of the sea coast and under high rock overhangs. Along the way, you can visit a grotto carved out of the rock by the waves. Its height is 30 meters. The cave cavity is occupied by stone arches.

The end point of the Golitsyn trail is Cape Kapchik. The rocky ledge resembles the outline of a lizard quenching its thirst with the waters of the Black Sea. This is a natural boundary between two bays with steep mountains. Here the sea waters are striking in their transparency and the cleanliness of the pebble beaches is pleasantly surprising. Nearby rises the highest coral reef in Europe - Mount Sokol (472 meters).


The sunny city of Sudak is located on the coastal mountainous area of ​​​​the southeast of the peninsula. The resort is great for families with children. There are many sandy beaches, as well as a gentle and safe entrance to the sea. A narrow alley of cypress trees leads to a lively and well-maintained embankment, replete with entertainment venues. There are pleasant places where you can spend leisurely time surrounded by lush subtropical vegetation.

The main symbol of Sudak is the legendary Genoese fortress. This is a unique architectural monument of medieval Crimea, erected at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries by colonialists from the Genoese Republic. The citadel stretches along a steep cliff, offering a picturesque view of the surrounding city, and occupies 30 hectares of territory. The fortress structure consists of powerful battlements and quadrangular towers, the height of which reaches 15 meters. The historical building fits harmoniously into the sea and mountain landscape.


You can take a walk through the historical and memorable places where the legendary “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was filmed in one of the best resorts on the southern coast of Crimea - Alushta. The city is framed by a chain of majestic mountain ranges, which contributes to the constant circulation of air flows. The long and wide central embankment is dotted with fluffy crowns of evergreen coniferous trees, under which there are rows of benches. In addition to a separate alley with restaurants, iconic symbols of the city are located on the embankment. This is a rotunda with six columns, a monument to the Olympic Bear, a Boy with a Fish fountain and a large park with an abundance of plantings and flower beds.

The surroundings of Alushta deserve attention. You should definitely visit the Valley of Ghosts on the slopes of Mount Demerdzhi. This is literally an open-air natural museum, where, as a result of weathering, huge stone pillars have taken on bizarre shapes. The thick fog settling over the valley gives a special mystery to the figures. Walking through these places, you can see the famous tree from where Yuri Nikulin’s hero threw nuts. The rock formations of the valley, which have their own names, are fascinating. For example, you can see the “Head of Catherine” rock, as it resembles the profile of the Empress.

30 kilometers from Alushta there is an amazingly beautiful temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The church, built in the shape of a lighthouse, is dedicated to the travelers who died at sea. The temple, instead of a dome, is crowned with a golden cross. In the basement of the shrine there is a unique museum of maritime disasters, in which the walls and ceilings are decorated with shipwrecks.


The most famous and popular resort of the Republic of Crimea is the unsurpassed Yalta, which is definitely worth a visit. This is the calling card of the southern coast of the peninsula. Mountain ranges, landscaped parks and squares, palm and cypress groves, the azure Black Sea and many interesting places replete with attractions give a special ambiance to this city.

The long sea embankment of Yalta is a favorite street of tourists and local residents, where you can take a pleasant walk, admiring the natural beauty. Here you can admire alleys of palm and coniferous trees, sculptural compositions, marinas with yachts and plenty of entertainment for every taste. Along the promenade there are a long row of ancient buildings of the 19th century, the facades of which are decorated with columns and roofing balustrades. The embankment is popular with street musicians and artists.

While in Yalta, you have the opportunity to go on an air trip by cable car, which passes over the ancient streets of the city. Tiny two-seater cabins make the climb up to Darsan Hill. During the trip, you can see the gilded domes of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and historical buildings. From a height of 138 meters there is an amazing panoramic view of the city.

The park and palace complex in the village of Massandra, 5 kilometers from the center of Yalta, will leave a pleasant impression. On a mountain slope, surrounded by forests and well-groomed alleys, stands a castle built for Emperor Alexander III. The beautiful architecture of the three-story palace evokes admiration. The façade is decorated with galleries, balconies, and towers with spiers. The terraces are framed by balustrades with flowerpots. In front of the building there is a small artificial pond with goldfish and a fountain. Those interested can examine the interior decoration of the premises and get acquainted with the conditions of royal life of those times.


The famous symbol of Crimea “Swallow’s Nest” is located in the cozy resort village of Gaspra, 12 kilometers from Yalta. This place attracts vacationers with its picturesque landscapes and beneficial marine climate. The village is literally covered by mountain ranges, so cold winds do not reach here. The town is dotted with garden and park complexes containing palaces, fortresses and estates.

The famous structure “Swallow’s Nest” was erected on a steep forty-meter cliff of Cape Ai-Todor in 1912. The Gothic architectural style of the castle with its characteristic battlements and lancet windows is reminiscent of the times of the valiant knights of the Middle Ages. The palace is crowned by a round tower with spiers.


The city of Alupka, located between the magnificent Ai-Petri Mountain and the sparkling Black Sea, seems to have frozen in silence and tranquility. Here, the enchanting landscapes are filled with lush vegetation, and the combination of pine and sea air creates a healing charge of energy.

Alupka owes its popularity to the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory M.S. Vorontsov. In the first half of the 19th century, on the initiative of the count, a luxurious castle was erected, which is framed by a fragrant subtropical park with exotic plants and ornate paths. The Vorontsov Palace is a majestic and austere monumental complex that combines several architectural styles.

The southern facade includes elements of oriental architecture. These are arches covered with stucco ornaments, thin columns, low minarets and open terraces with sculptures. The northern façade of the palace is designed in the medieval Gothic style, which is characterized by crenellated walls, round and quadrangular towers, pinnacles and protruding polyhedral columns.

The program for a walk around Alupka is unthinkable without climbing to the top of Mount Ai-Petri. Its mighty stone walls rise 1234 meters to the sky. You can go up by cable car or by car, overcoming the winding mountain serpentine. During a self-guided trip along the scenic road, you will encounter famous mountain sites: the Wuchang-Su waterfall, Turtle Lake and the Silver Gazebo. Once on a plateau shrouded in trees, a breathtaking panorama opens up before tourists.


The legendary naval port of Sevastopol is located on the western coast of Crimea along several bays. Covered in the spirit of historical glory and great achievements, the hero city abounds with numerous attractions that will not leave anyone indifferent. The architectural ensembles of the city reflect the greatness, valor and honor of the Russian people.

You should start your walk from the central Nakhimov Square. Here, the monument to Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, the memorial defense wall with a relief image of a warrior, the Walk of Fame and the “Eternal Flame” attract attention.

Next to the square is the Count's Pier, the main entrance of which is a snow-white colonnade with a massive attic, built in 1846. Going down to the sea along a wide staircase, you can see a monument to sunken ships 20 meters from the shore. The monument is presented in the form of a seven-meter column installed on a granite rock and topped with a bronze eagle.

The Count's pier smoothly turns into an embankment, from where a panorama of the Sevastopol Bay opens up. Particularly noteworthy are the powerful Mikhailovskaya and Konstantinovskaya batteries, which provide protection against the entry of an enemy fleet into the city’s sea area. Primorsky Boulevard, adjoined by a picturesque alley with lawns, trees, fountains and numerous architectural structures, leaves a pleasant impression. There is a theater, a palace of culture, an oceanarium and a dolphinarium here.

The museum complex "35th Coastal Battery" should be a must-visit point of the hero city. During the defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942, the fortress with artillery pieces in Cossack Bay resisted the fascist occupiers to the last. On the territory of the complex there are two battery towers, a pantheon in memory of defense heroes, gun exhibits and military equipment.

In the surrounding area there are the largest ancient Greek ruins of cultural value to humanity. This is the national archaeological reserve of Chersonesos-Tavrichesky. Tourists have a unique opportunity to walk around the city, founded in 420 BC. On a vast territory of more than 500 hectares of land there are ancient ruins, columns, fragments of buildings and structures. A significant place in Chersonesus is the Cathedral of St. Vladimir. According to legend, Prince Vladimir converted to Christianity here in 988.


In a mountain gorge among dense vegetation and far from the coast, there was once the capital of the Crimean Khanate, which existed under the patronage of the Ottoman Empire until 1783. This is the colorful city of Bakhchisarai. Narrow streets with small old houses immerse you in the atmosphere of antiquity.

The main pearl of the city is the vast quarter of the residence of the Crimean Khanate. This is a palace complex of buildings that forms a labyrinth of unique oriental buildings. The two-story buildings are decorated with openwork window bars, tall minarets, galleries and paintings reflecting the traditions of Tatar culture. On the territory of the complex there are gardens, fountains, gazebos, utility buildings, a harem, a stable, baths, a falcon tower and a mosque.

Walking through the small rooms of the Khan's residence, you can notice the oriental luxury. The halls of the palace are decorated with bright floral patterns, decorative patterns, and carpets. In addition, there is a museum of culture, art, and history of the Crimean Tatars.

After getting acquainted with the traditions and way of life of the Crimean Khan, it is recommended to go to Chufut-Kale. This is one of the masterpieces of cave cities, located on a rocky plateau of a sheer cliff 600 meters high. In the Middle Ages, this area was inhabited primarily by Karaites, who professed a religious doctrine similar to Judaism. Utility and living quarters were skillfully carved into the stone formations. During the time of the Crimean Khanate, a mint was located in the cave fortress.


Simferopol is the capital of the Republic of Crimea and the gateway to the peninsula that greets tourists arriving at the international airport. This is where the exciting journey by car begins. A highly developed transport network of roads leads to absolutely any resort areas in Crimea. Most travelers are often carried away by a trip to the coast, so Simferopol remains without due attention. However, there is plenty to see and walk in the city.

The central street is Lenin Square, on which there is a monument to the leader of the proletariat, the building of the government of the republic and the academic theater. You should walk along the pedestrian street Pushkin. Ancient buildings from the 19th century are lined up along the boulevard. The Gagarin Park is replete with plantings, manicured lawns, fountains, monuments, memorials, benches and entertainment areas with attractions. The central part of the vast territory of the park is occupied by a lake with a small island in the middle, which can be reached by catamaran.

Worthy of attention is the landscaped Vorontsovsky Park with a botanical garden, full of flowers and rare plants. More than 200 types of roses of all colors of the rainbow are grown here. In the garden you can retire to the gazebos, stroll along narrow forest paths or along wide alleys under the canopies of tall trees. On the territory of the park there is a small estate of Count Vorontsov with classical columns. The hallmark of Simferopol is the railway station, built in 1951. The majestic building is decorated with a clock tower and an elegant arcade gallery. The architectural ensemble forms a courtyard with a laid out square and a fountain.


The amazing resort of Evpatoria is one of the few Crimean cities that combines comfort, entertainment and cultural monuments. Beautiful sandy beaches, marvelous beautiful parks, a landscaped embankment with endless entertainment venues and various historical buildings evoke enthusiastic feelings among tourists.

Evpatoria is famous for its religious architectural buildings. You can see the multi-domed Juma-Jami mosque, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the temple complex of the ancient Karaites, the Armenian church, and the synagogue. The shrines, reflecting the cultural heritage of different peoples, amaze with their beautifully designed facades. The city is full of sculptures and monuments dedicated to the historical past, famous figures, and fairy-tale characters. For lovers of active and cultural recreation there is a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, a theater and a museum.

Cape Tarkhankut

The pearl of the western part of the peninsula is Cape Tarkhankut. This place attracts tourists with its pristine nature, untouched by civilization. The lack of vegetation is compensated by numerous coastal cliffs rising vertically from the sea. Over a thousand years, waves and wind have carved caves, arches and strangely shaped blocks of stone along the shore.

Among the enchanting landscape, the natural aquarium “Cup of Love” deserves attention. This picturesque place is a heart-shaped pool surrounded by boulders. The bowl is filled with water thanks to an underwater tunnel made by waves in the coastal rocks.

The coast fascinates with the incredible beauty of its bays, wild beaches and emerald waters of the Black Sea. On the sun-scorched steppe terrain of Cape Tarkhankut there are no buildings or signs of settlements, which creates a special flavor. Arriving by car, you can pitch a tent on a steep rock or on a sandy beach and enjoy a vacation away from the bustle of the city, noisy crowds of tourists and festive Crimean embankments.

The Crimean peninsula is an ideal place for the most demanding tourist. There is sea, sun, mountains and many amazing and picturesque places. Among them are both man-made attractions and natural beauty. Today I will tell you about the places that locals recommend visiting. There will probably be several corners on the list that will open up the Black Sea Peninsula for you from a new side.


The Crimean city of Balaklava was first mentioned by Homer. He calls it a quiet bay, hidden behind the rocky mountains, thanks to which there are no big waves. Since even the ancient Greek poet was in this city, when the journey to Crimea took several years, residents of the 21st century should definitely visit here.

Among the main attractions of the city is the Chembalo fortress. Its history begins in the 14th century, when colonialists came to Crimea. The view that opens near the main tower explains why the territory of Balaklava has always been a tasty morsel for all conquerors.

Also in Balaklava you should visit the Naval Museum. A place for it was cut into the rock to repair submarines. For a long time, the object was classified, and the city was not on the map at all. The building is believed to be impregnable even if bombed. But now anyone can visit the city and admire the impregnable fortresses.

Lost World Beach

Near Balaklava there is a picturesque kilometer-long piece of land. On three sides this part of the Black Sea coast is surrounded by inaccessible cliffs, and on the fourth it is washed by the waves of the Black Sea. Because of this isolation, it is not crowded and quiet. Once on this beach, everyone can feel as if they are on a desert island and completely relax from the bustle of the city.

You can get to the Lost World from Balaklava by speedboat, boat, or even an inflatable mattress. Some people get to the beach on their own - to do this they need to swim a hundred meters around the ledge of Cape Aya. Rock climbing enthusiasts can visit this place by rappelling down the cliffs. But be careful - sharp protrusions cut the ropes.

Waterfall "Jur-Jur"

The deepest waterfall in Crimea is especially popular among guests of the peninsula. The peculiarity of Jur-Dzhur is that, unlike other waterfalls in Crimea, which are fed by rainwater, it does not dry out even in the driest times. It originates from the Ulu-Uzen River, which falls along the rapids of the Khapkhal Gorge.

You can get to this picturesque place from the village of Generalskoye, which is located near Alushta. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to climb the mountains on your own two feet, then you will have to walk about 12 kilometers in one direction. If this climb is not for you, contact the locals. They will be happy to take you to the very pit of the waterfall.

Safari Park "Taigan"

In the Crimean Safari Park Taigan you can watch the lives of 60 lions, 40 tigers and hundreds of other animals, including giraffes, crocodiles, monkeys, roe deer, camels. This live 3D tour will leave an unforgettable experience for you and your children.

Since the park’s territory is quite vast, more than 30 hectares, there is a hotel complex where you can stay overnight to continue your excursion in the morning. After the walk, it is worth refreshing yourself in local cafes. You will surely remember such a meal surrounded by wild animals for a long time. Don't forget to take a ride on the Ferris wheel - it can see the entire territory of the park and offers a picturesque view of the White Mountain and the local reservoir.

The road to Taigan Park is only 40 km from Simferopol to Belogorsk. You can get there either by your own car or using the services of local entrepreneurs and tour operators.


The ancient ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesus are located just 3 kilometers from Sevastopol. The surviving columns will make everyone think about the power of history and those periods when they truly built to last and worked conscientiously.

Once upon a time, Prince Vladimir of Kiev was baptized here. Therefore, in addition to the ruins, in Chersonesos you can visit the beautiful Vladimir Cathedral, decorated in the Byzantine style.

Don't forget to throw a pebble at the Kherson bell, which is considered a symbol for all Sevastopol sailors. In the old days, its sound served as a signal in bad weather. During the tour, you will definitely be told the romantic story associated with it.

On the territory of Chersonesos there is also a preserved ancient theater. In summer you can watch interesting open-air performances, performances and festivals here.

In addition to its historical value, Chersonesos is attractive because it offers a picturesque panorama of the city of Sevastopol. Also here you can swim in the sea and feel like a real archaeologist by taking part in an expedition.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol"

It’s worth coming to Sevastopol not only for Chersonese. This seaside city leaves no one indifferent. After viewing the ships in Sevastopol Bay, be sure to visit Panorama. This is the name of the museum dedicated to the defenders of the city from the French and British in the 19th century. This is a huge picture that surrounds you on all sides. By climbing the spiral staircase to the observation deck, you will be able to examine it in more detail. The subject foreground will create the effect of presence at the battle for Sevastopol.

Interestingly, during World War II the museum was attacked, but the city residents managed to save and remove fragments of the exhibition. After the end of the war, the Panorama was restored and a new, no less impressive canvas was opened. Any local resident will be happy to tell you how to get to the museum.

Vorontsov Palace

The majestic building for Count Vorontsov was built in the first half of the 19th century according to the drawings of Edward Blore. This architect also designed Westminster Abbey and part of Buckingham Palace in London. For many years the palace was the family nest of the Vorontsov family. After nationalization, the Bolsheviks made a museum of Russian creativity here, to which they brought the most famous paintings, expensive dishes and furniture from all over the union.

Near the palace is another man-made creation, which is called a local landmark - Vorontsov Park. A variety of plants are collected here to create picturesque flower beds and flower beds. Fountains, grottoes, waterfalls, sunny meadows, spread over an area of ​​40 hectares, will surprise you with their luxury and grandeur.

The Vorontsov Palace and the park of the same name are located in the resort town of Alupka on the southern coast of Crimea.

bird home

The Swallow's Nest is the name given to the castle located on the very edge of the Aurora rock. In appearance, the building resembles a medieval castle in the Gothic style and it seems as if this most recognizable symbol of the southern coast of Crimea is about to fall into the sea. There is no need to be afraid! The foundation of the palace is securely reinforced with concrete slabs. However, not a single tourist leaves the feeling of height inside the building.

The history of the castle has many exciting stories, which the museum guides will tell you with great pleasure. According to one of them, the building was called the “castle of love” and was built for the beloved of a German oil baron. Visit the Swallow's Nest and learn more about this amazing story!

The castle is located 20 kilometers from Yalta. You can get to it either by your own or by public transport.

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