Home Questions Pedestrian tourism in the Urals. Hiking: how to prepare for the trip All about hiking

Pedestrian tourism in the Urals. Hiking: how to prepare for the trip All about hiking

Hiking, or trekking (from the English trekking - to cross, move, make a big transition) is a popular type of sports tourism, the main advantages of which are:

  • mass character;
  • in most cases, there is no need for special sports training (it is enough to simply be in good physical shape and have the endurance required for the level of difficulty of the route);
  • availability.

Millions of fans of active tourism make hiking trips every year across all continents of the planet, reaching even its most remote corners. Despite the fact that the classic option for hiking is to cover a route through slightly rough terrain, many hiking trips are accompanied by hiking in the mountains. require more serious preparation from participants, the level of which is determined by the complexity of the route.

Hiking: tourism from “A” to “Z”

What a hiker needs to know:

  • Each hike has its own level of difficulty. In sports tourism, trekking is classified into 9 levels of difficulty. The assignment of a route to one or another category of difficulty depends on the presence of local obstacles, geographical features, intensity of the route, its length and time duration;
  • Hiking in the mountains requires special physical preparation, since an unprepared body may inadequately respond to high-altitude conditions, which require adaptation even for experienced tourists;
  • Hiking requires special hiking clothing, shoes and equipment. All of the above is selected based on the climatic conditions of the active tour and the characteristics of the area;
  • any indisposition should be the reason for the refusal of the trip, since in the conditions of a hiking trip the indisposition may intensify. In field conditions, your illness can become an obstacle not only in your path, but also disrupt the plans of the group members;
  • if you go on a hiking trip, forget or put aside the habits associated with it for a while - we are talking about the use of alcoholic beverages. , involving complex hiking trips, including tours to the mountains , completely exclude alcohol consumption, the rest significantly limit;
  • Going on hiking trips, carefully study the safety rules and strictly adhere to them in the field conditions.

Hiking trips from the club "Direction": the exotic of distant wanderings and the unexplored hinterlands of Russia.

Hiking trips are good because they practically do not limit participants in the choice of travel directions. In almost any country, on any continent, you will find active tours that include the walking part of the route.

What to choose? Close, but not always well-studied Russia (the proximity of some of its regions traditional for sports tourism is also very relative) or distant exotic countries? Each hiking trip has its own charm, and our planet is so large and many-sided that you can study it all your life.

The “Destination” tourism club offers you original tours to the most interesting places on earth, including Russia, countries far and near abroad, quite “civilized” Europe and unexplored Africa. .

Trekking trips are included in the program of most of our tours, including short and long routes.

Hiking in Russia and CIS countries

Russia is a country of endless opportunities for active tourism. Plains, lakes, mountains, volcanoes, hills - you will find all this on the map of our country, and any exotic state will envy such natural beauties that nature has so generously endowed us with. Having not had the opportunity to travel abroad for a long time, when it appeared, we rushed together to explore distant shores, forgetting about the tourism opportunities of our country.

Fortunately, in recent years the situation has been improving, and such “pearls” of our nature as Baikal, the Khibiny Mountains, the Chuya Alps, the Kamchatka volcanoes (it’s impossible to list them all) have become places of pilgrimage not only for Russian but also for foreign tourists.

Active tours, the routes of which are offered by the Direction club, include hiking in Kamchatka, Altai, Baikal, Transbaikalia, the Kola Peninsula and many others. Some of them can be mastered by beginners who have the appropriate physical condition, others are intended for travelers with experience in hiking and mountain climbing. When studying the routes of our author's tours, pay attention to the information about the required level of preparation of their participants.

Our neighbors also have something to see - in Armenia, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan and Crimea.

Each active tour is worked out by the instructor for the optimal choice of route, timing, overnight stays, etc.

European hiking trails

Europe is a continent of many faces, with a variety of landscapes, climatic zones and natural conditions. Despite its high population density, Europe has a huge number of protected areas that amaze with their untouched beauty (the main thing is to know where to look).

Ecotourism, which is gaining increasing popularity in Europe, is attracting new supporters of active walking tours or trekking, opening up new routes and countries. Some of the most popular hiking destinations include:

  • travel through the Alpine mountains and foothills, far from traditional ski trails;
  • ecotours to Montenegro, Greece, Romania, Spain;
  • the most interesting hiking trips in Scandinavia, Cyprus, Crete, Tenerife, etc.

Unusual tours for exotic lovers

For those for whom the concept of active tourism is inextricably linked with the exoticism of distant travels, we offer to test their strength in difficult but interesting routes across Africa (with the conquest of the Marumukutru volcano), exciting mountain hikes to the peaks of the Elbrus region and the Legendary Mount Ararat and much more.

When choosing hiking along difficult routes, always realistically assess your strengths and follow the advice of our instructors, and then all your goals will be successfully achieved and the roads will be conquered.

Despite the ever-increasing number of cars on the roads, flights, and sea cruises, hiking remains popular among travelers. This is one of the types of sports tourism and an excellent opportunity to travel around the world.

The “sports” name for hiking is trekking. It allows you to visit the most unexplored and inaccessible corners of the globe.

If we talk about the sports component of hiking trips, then, by analogy with, they have 6 levels of difficulty. Thus, categories 1–3 are weekend hikes, and the highest category 6 implies the presence of serious obstacles on the route - mountain passes or gorges, deep rivers, rocks, etc. It is noteworthy that by doing hiking professionally, you can receive the title of master of sports.

Currently, hiking tourism is developed throughout the continental part of the Earth, and even in Antarctica. But it is most popular in Europe, the Himalayas and North America. And if people travel around Europe and America, first of all, to see new places, then climbing Chomolungma (the peak of the Himalayas) is far from an easy walk. Hiking in the Himalayas allows one to challenge oneself, overcome difficult climbs and enjoy stunning views.

Slovenia is ideal for hiking trips. This small country has everything: the beautiful Alps, amazing nature, cities with interesting architecture, and the stunning mountain Lake Bled with a small church on an island...

In order to cross the dwarf country of Liechtenstein, you will need no more than 1 day. After all, the area of ​​this state is only 100 square kilometers of the most picturesque mountainous area between Austria and Switzerland. And one of the hiking routes in Liechtenstein from the Swiss to the Austrian border is only 12 kilometers.

Traveling through Northern England along Alfred Wainwright's route is a walking classic. You will cross the UK from west to east, much of the route passing through countryside and moorland.

The Dublin-Dingle walking route will allow you to get acquainted with the beauties of Ireland. For about 10 days you will travel through green valleys, coasts, and mountainous areas.

Some of the best hiking trails are located in France. There are about two hundred thousand kilometers of trails and routes throughout the country. You will be able to walk the paths of Brittany, wander along the rivers, visit the peaks of the Cevennes, etc. Traveling around the country, you will constantly encounter white and red GR signs on your way - roads for long hiking trips are marked there, as well as yellow PR signs – they mark roads for walking and hiking.

Benefits of Hiking

Affordable price. By traveling on foot, you save impressive amounts on travel. In addition, you can sleep in an open-air tent, eat in non-tourist places - a great opportunity to see the world literally for a penny.

  • Do not miss:

Cognitiveness. To get to know the spirit of a city or country, it is not enough to see their main sights. After all, the main color is in residential areas, in bazaars, in cafes and restaurants where local residents eat. You can go off hiking trails and admire the area in its true form, observe nature, relax your soul.

freedom of choice. Hiking does not tie you to the schedule of planes, trains or trains. You can change your route at any time, linger in places you like, visit sights that were not included in the original plan.

Simplicity. Hiking is simpler than other types of travel in many ways. So, crossing the border on foot is much faster than by car. And, living in a tent, you do not have to leave it at 12 noon, like a hotel room.

  • Read also:

Disadvantages of Hiking

Lack of comfort. Of course, it is more comfortable to travel in an airplane or car seat than on foot. And a hotel room, whatever one may say, is more comfortable than a tent. But if you are not picky in terms of amenities, this is not a problem at all.

Physical training. Hiking requires a certain level of physical fitness. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, move little and practically do not run, will get tired on the first day.

Link to weather conditions. Every tourist wants it to be warm and sunny during his trip. But, if rain is even more or less acceptable for car and bus tours, then a few hours on foot in the cold and in heavy rain is a very doubtful pleasure.

  • This is interesting:

Despite the shortcomings, hiking is a healthy lifestyle and a unique opportunity to see the most interesting places on our planet, while spending very little money.


Hiking is walking. Hikes are carried out almost throughout the entire territory of the former USSR, in all climatic zones and geo-regions - from the arctic tundra to deserts and mountains. Walking tourism is the most popular form of tourism, T.

Its appeal and main difference lies in the fact that it is available and useful for almost every healthy person and provides more freedom to choose a path in accordance with aesthetics, regardless of age and physical development.

and cultural needs of travelers. PT is characterized by the simplicity of preparation and hiking, refers to the simplicity of organizing a good rest at the bivouac.

In terms of complexity, tourist tours can vary from excursions and weekend trips to hikes of a complex category (see the section “Difficulty of the route”).

Non-categorical hiking trails are usually selected in such a way that there are no natural obstacles on the way, the passage of rooftops requires special training and knowledge of special techniques. Basic character.

Obstacles and difficulties that complicate the route are water hazards (flat and mountain rivers, swamps), forest debris, storms, dense thickets, deep gorges, steep grassy slopes, cliffs, embankments, cliffs, rains, deserts with loose sand in the heat (characteristic of April - September), richness of the nose (especially in the C) and SE. dew.) If there are such obstacles on the route, it is necessary (for their own safety) that the participants are familiar with the simplest ways to overcome them (for example, fording or forced crossing, rock climbing, removing debris, destroying a bivouac with reliable protection from rain and mosquitoes ) and could apply their knowledge under certain conditions (if the obstacle cannot be bypassed for any reason). If there are many different natural obstacles on the route, hiking can become a combined activity, for example, hiking, mountain hiking. Further complication of the route with a predominance of the type of obstacle or driving style (with the exception of a pedestrian) turns the combination into a specialized one, for example, mountain or water T.

caving tourism

One of the most dangerous forms of tourism is speleotourism - the study of caves, deep faults, abysses and mines.

According to the complexity and orientation, speleotourism is divided into excursions and cognitive, sports and scientific research. The easiest and safest is to visit specially equipped caves for excursion shows, which are held for all visitors without training by qualified guides.

Specialized athletes prefer mostly unequipped caves, but more or less explored ones. Such caves are relatively safe and are mostly visited by groups of well-trained people under the guidance of professional instructors.

Finding and exploring new caves and cave complexes is truly extreme cave tourism. This requires special equipment, training and skills. Such trips are usually conducted by professional cave explorers for research purposes.

Huge risks, unforeseen dangers, physical difficulties do not interfere with those who want to discover new underground palaces with strange natural creations or monuments of archaeology, history and culture, as well as amazing impressions and emotions.

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Regions such as the Caucasus and the Urals are rich in caves, mines and abysses. Arkhyz Cave, Kungur Ice Karst Cave, Kapova, “Flying Bird” on Mount Fisht and many others are known all over the world.

For lovers of underground tourism, cave tours were organized. The Sikiyaz-Taman cave complex, consisting of 42 underground rooms, was recently (1995) discovered on the Ai River.

The largest caves in the Russian Federation are Gorlo Barloga, Rostovskaya, Rucheynaya-Zabludshikh, Vorontsovskaya, Nazarovskaya (autumn, Primusnaya), Oktyabrskaya (TEP), school, Geographical, Mayskaya, Mishka, Absolut in Karachay-Cherkessia.

Fishberg in Adygea is rich in caves: In addition to the “Flying Bird”, there is also a system of “Cross-tourist”, “Olga”, “English-Russian”

There are very large caves in Altai - “Kek-Tash”, “Ecological”, “Altai”, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - “Big Oreshnaya”, “Bacheshskaya”, “Partisan”, “Geneva”, “Pandora’s Box”, Arkhangelsk region - “Constitution”, “Kumichevskaya”, in the Urals - “Sumgan-Kutuk”, “Kinderlinskaya”, “Kizelovskaya” (Vyaserovskaya).

This is a list of only the largest or most famous caves, and it is not possible to calculate the total number of underground complexes discovered in Russia.

One of the types of speleotourism that has appeared recently is the study of underground communications carried out by excavators.

Possible risk factors on the route

The provision of tourism services must ensure an acceptable level of risk to the life and health of tourists both under normal conditions and in emergency situations.

The risk to human life and health during tourist and sightseeing trips arises under the following conditions:

– presence of risk factors;

– manifestation of this source at a level dangerous to humans;

– Danger to people from sources of danger.

Harmful factors (risk factors) in active tourism can be classified as follows:

– Risk of injury;

– Impact on the environment;

– Fire hazard;

– biological effects;

– psychophysiological stressors;

– danger of radiation;

- specific risk factors.

Injuries can be caused by moving objects, bodies, difficult terrain, moving rocks (avalanches, mudflows, rockfalls), unfavorable ergonomic characteristics of the tourist equipment and tools used (inconvenient shoes - skin abrasions by tourists, etc.), dangerous atmospheric phenomena (antispheric current , lightning, etc.).

Guaranteed to reduce the risk of injury:

– Use personal protective equipment (life jackets) on the track;

– Compliance with ergonomic requirements for tourist equipment;

– Compliance with the rules of operation of the concern’s material and technical means (alloys, equipment for extinguishing fires, etc.);

– inform tourists in advance about risk factors and measures to prevent injuries (before the start of the hike, the leader of the tourist team informs them about safety rules and urgent measures in case of injury).

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION is caused by high and low ambient temperatures, humidity and air mobility, and strong changes in air pressure.

Prevention of the harmful effects of this risk factor is ensured:

– Choosing the appropriate season, day and night for the tourist event;

– rational design of the hiking trail;

– taking into account the weather conditions in the area;

– Availability of tourist equipment in each tourist group for protection from bad weather;

– Provide tourists with the necessary equipment, including personal protective equipment;

– promptly inform tourists about actual and predicted conditions on the route

FIRST HAZARD. This risk factor is almost always related to human actions. The elimination of this risk factor is achieved through strict adherence to fire safety rules.

BIOLOGICAL FACTORS - pathogenic microorganisms and their products, toxic plants and reptiles, insects and animals that carry infectious diseases and cause burns, allergic and other toxic reactions.

The influence of these factors on tourists is warned:

– Compliance with established sanitary and hygienic food preparation standards;

– boiling water used for drinking and cooking;

– First aid training for venomous snake bites and tick bite prevention, encephalitis, and tick bites.

PSICHOFIOLOGICAL Risk factors: Physical and psychological stress.

Elimination or reduction of these risk factors is achieved:

– Rational route planning, planning days in places where bad weather may make it difficult to adhere to the schedule;

– Use of a high-quality bivouac and special equipment that facilitates travel along the route and ensures complete rest.

EXPOSURE HAZARD is an increased amount of ultraviolet radiation.

Provides prevention of the risk of ultraviolet radiation on tourist routes:

– Informing tourists about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation overdose;

– Use of personal protective equipment (clothing covering the tourist’s arms and legs, hat).

RISK SPECIFIC FACTORS in tourism are determined by:

– the possibility of natural and man-made disasters along the route and other emergency situations (including those related to ensuring public order in the field of tourism services);

– the complexity of obstacles along the route and their significance for the group’s preparation.

Source: http://MirZnanii.com/a/299408/peshekhodnyy-turizm


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Crimean Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov Crimean Federal University named after.


Field: Tourism technologies

The topic is “Hiking”.

I managed:

2nd year student

Groups #21-T

Popova Anna Zhurevna

I checked:

Senior Lecturer

Soloviev Alexey Alexandrovich


Grand opening

Hiking concept

Hiking Characteristics

Grand Canyon

total amount

list of links

Grand opening

Hiking tourism, as one of the modern types of sports tourism, has gained great popularity and development both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Hiking harmoniously combines physical and psycho-emotional activity, health components, both physical culture and long-term informal communication, which is typical for hiking as a sport, develops endurance, individual qualities, discipline, and the ability to work in a team.

During the campaign, the instructor teaches the skills of using tourism technologies, the rules of coexistence with the environment and caring for the environment, the ability to survive in extreme situations and provide first aid to victims at the reception desk at

Objectives: To get acquainted with the classification and features of hikes; prepare for the hike. Consider several interesting places for hiking in the Crimea.

Tasks: 1) To develop the idea of ​​hiking among tourists;

) Familiarize yourself with the possibilities of hiking in the Crimea.

Hiking concept

Hiking is one of the types of sports tourism. The main goal is to lead a group of people along a route over slightly rough terrain.

Hiking is cheaper than other types of tourism. Due to less comfortable accommodation, this type of tourism can be offered by citizens with relatively low incomes.

The organization of hiking trips during hiking trips is relatively simple. Regarding the difficulty of the routes, there are many different possibilities: Excursions and weekend hikes, as well as more difficult category hikes.

The route complexity category is determined by the presence of local obstacles, geographic location, route autonomy, route intensity, etc. The route complexity category is determined by the presence of local obstacles, geographic location, route autonomy, route intensity, etc. The difficulty category of the route is determined by the presence of local obstacles. Depending on this, the walks are divided into the following:

Weekend hikes;

Hiking from 1-3 levels of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism;

Visits by categories from 1 to 6 categories of difficulty (see page). The first category is the simplest, not requiring special knowledge; The sixth category is the most difficult and requires special and physical training and appropriate equipment.

Figure 1 Classification of walking routes

If you're new to hiking, it's best to start with a weekend camping trip, which is one of the most accessible and financially self-sustaining forms of training and recreation. Here you can gain experience.

Under no circumstances should you rush to overcome long routes and difficult mountain passes. This start may be torture for you, not a break. This is why it is important to gain experience on easier hikes.

Try short routes first and over time you can add variety and difficulty to your routes. For people with chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is required.

Categories of complexity of tourist routes are determined depending on the presence of local obstacles, the intensity of the route, indicators of the geography of the area, the autonomy of the route and other factors.

In order to master any of the following difficulty levels, tourists must have experience participating in the previous category of the hike.

Hiking Characteristics

Since a large group of tourists is quite difficult to manage, the number of tourist groups does not exceed 12 people (at least 6 people).

Preferred training sessions, weekend hikes and travel competitions are often held.

These events are aimed at getting to know each other better, which will undoubtedly contribute to the formation of a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Particular attention should be paid to tourism equipment, medical equipment and care. Don't forget about the weight of the backpack. It is advisable to keep the backpack as simple as possible, but not at the expense of important items in the campaign.

On the eve of each major campaign, it is necessary to create all route documents, determine the control conditions and transit points of the route to be registered with the Control and Rescue Service in the area of ​​the future campaign.

The Qualification and Tourist Commission of the tourist club can help organize these moments

Maps with detailed diagrams and detailed descriptions of the most difficult and important sections of the route are also required.

The success of the trip largely depends on the organizer; the team leader must be a demanding, authoritarian person with experience in this category and experience in leading previous categories of trips.

When planning your route, you must take into account rest days and rest periods in bad weather. In the first days of the hike, it is not recommended to plan long routes and overcome difficult, physically strenuous areas (for example, mountain passes).

At the same time, you should not leave them behind at the end of the hike, as this is when fatigue sets in and attention and responsiveness decreases. Morning hours are the best and safest time for walking, especially in mountainous areas. In forests it is advisable to use paths, even if the travel time is longer.

It is also better to cross the river in the morning with “low water”, where it stretches into several branches and flows more calmly.

In general, if the hike is properly organized and all participants follow safety precautions while walking the route, the trip will be truly interesting and safe.

Places for hiking in Crimea

Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a large canyon on the Crimean peninsula. It was formed in the Upper Jura under the influence of water erosion about 1.5 - 2 million years ago at the site of a tectonic rift.

Located in the Crimean Mountains, 5 km southeast of the village of Sokolina, Bakhchisaray district of the Republic of Crimea. This is the northeastern border of the Ai-Petrinsky massif, the Boykinsky massif.

The depth of the canyon is 320 m, the length is 3.5 km, and the width in some places is not 3 m. The absolute height of the canyon bed is about 500-600 m.

As a result of water erosion, a canyon bed was formed, which is a cavity with smooth walls on the sides, with piles of boulders and boulders on the ground, with rapids (see.

(for example, outcrops of harder rocks), waterfalls up to 3-4 meters high and with erosion cauldrons (so-called baths) up to 2.5 meters deep, wide on both sides and up to 10 meters long.

On the Canyon website.

there are more than 150 such boilers.

The canyon is irrigated by numerous mountain streams, streams and springs (the largest of which are springs in Ponia with an average annual water flow of 350 liters per second), which merge with the Auzun-Uzen River at the exit of the canyon.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea has a special microclimate formed by geomorphological characteristics and location.

A feature of the microclimate of the canyon is higher humidity and lower temperature levels compared to the environment.

Vegetation here develops 3-4 weeks later than in the surrounding forests. But during the Ice Age, the well-insulated canyon became a refuge for many thermophilic plants.

On the way to the Grand Canyon you will see the Venus shoe orchid, listed in the Red Book, rare species of ferns and the only remaining yew farm in Crimea.

For those who want to admire the view, the best time to visit is in the spring or fall. And if you are an extreme vacationer, then welcome to May or June.

You can enjoy hiking at the base of the canyon. At this time, the river that flows at the foot of the canyon, Auzun-Uzen, becomes a full river. In some places the depth reaches the height of an adult.

Therefore, your journey will not seem too easy or boring to you.

Aya? – The cape on the southern coast of Crimea, southeast of Balaklava, 13 km long, is subordinate to the Balaklava district of Sevastopol. Cape Aya borders the southern coast of Crimea from the west. The name of the cloak comes from the Greek word “ayos” (???????????????!).

The cape is the steep foot of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains; the cape continues to remain at the foot of Mount Kush-Kaya. The highest peak of Cape Aya is the 558.5-meter Kokiya-Kiya (“blue rock”).

To the east of the cape there is Laspinskaya Bay, behind it is Cape Laspi, in the west there is a small bay at the foot of the Asceti Mountains and the fortress, then Cape George. The rocks included in Cape Aya are composed of Upper Jurassic marbled limestone.

The mountain slopes are covered with untouched Mediterranean forests.

At the top of the cape there is a huge funnel, and inside there is a picturesque cover of huge stones. Stones of different colors and shades: blue, green, red, light striped and dark colored.

There are grottoes at the base of the cloak. Part of the cape was used by sailors of the Imperial Russian Black Sea Fleet for firing the ship's guns. There are still traces of cannonball impacts on the stones.

There are only a few beaches in Ayia, difficult to access, but still very popular among holidaymakers. They are loved for their clean, clear sea, charming landscape and colorful underwater world.

From Balaklava, a passenger boat departs in the summer to the two closest and largest beaches - Golden and Silver. The rest can be reached on foot into the mountains and through the forest, or rent a boat - a local sea taxi.

And the legendary beach of the Lost World is inaccessible from the country.

One of the parts of Ayazma, called by engineers, is characterized by beautiful beaches and cozy bays.

The old-timers explain the interesting name of this place by the fact that one of the numerous rocks of the engineering field is very similar in shape to this exotic plant.

Here tourists can climb from Cape Aya in Crimea to the top of Mount Ilyas-Kala and admire the ruins of the monastery of the same name, which has survived to this day.

Cape Aya is part of the Cape Aya National Landscape Reserve.

Kara Doug.

Kara? -Yes, sir, a volcanic mountain range in the territory of the city of Feodosia in Crimea, on the Black Sea coast. Maximum height 577 m (Mount Holy). The name Kara-Dag is translated from Turkish and Crimean Tatar into Russian as “Black Mountain”.

Kara-Dag is the remains of a volcano that was active about 150 million years ago as a manifestation of the Middle Jurassic volcano. Kara-Dag is a separate mountain range between the Otuzka River valley and the Koktebel basin, stretching along the Black Sea coast.

The main parts of the Kara-Dag massif are the coastal ridge, which stretches along the coast, and the dome of the Sacred Mountain, located inland. The coastal range consists of the Karagach, Khoba-Tepe, Magnitny and Kokkay ranges. On the northwestern slope of the Holy Mountain there is another peak - Small Karadag.

Of great interest are the picturesque coastal rock formations, including the Shaitan-kapu (Devil's Gate), Devil's Palace, Ivan the Robber, Lion and others.

Interesting Facts:

In former times, the Golden Gate was called Sheitan-Kapu (Crimean catatonics. Devil's Gate - Kapu). It was believed that somewhere there, between the rocks, there was an entrance to hell.

Currently, the stone is perceived only positively, which is reflected in the modern name of the Golden Gate. When the sun goes down and you get a good angle they are like gold…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A trip on a small boat through the bow of the Golden Gate promises the fulfillment of your deepest desire. The ground is littered with coins that tourists love to throw around.

At the foot of the massif in the sea lives the legend of the “Karadag monster”.

Scientists have been trying for a long time to find the volcano's outlet, not realizing that it is not there, or rather, there are many of them. This is a group volcano.

total amount

Considering the natural resources of Crimea, I came to the conclusion that the natural potential for the development of tourism in our country is very high due to its uniqueness and originality. Mountains, gorges, lost worlds with their unique microclimate, fauna and flora - all this contributes to the development of hiking tourism.

But during the hike, the tourist must think through his route and the necessary equipment, understand the technique of overcoming obstacles and give an objective assessment of his strength.

Walking tourism is a great way to travel at minimal cost, which brings a lot of positive emotions and impressions and brings people together.

list of links

Popchikovsky V.Yu. Organization and conduct of tourism campaigns - M.: Profizdat, 1987.

Grand Canyon of Crimea [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org /wiki/Big_canyon_(ARK) . (Title: 10/12/2014)

Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mys_Aya. (Title: 10/12/2014)

Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Kara-Dag. (Date of complaint: 10/12/2014)

Characteristics of hiking tourism [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.technostartravel.com/o-peshehodnom-turizme/osobennosti-peshexodnogo.html. (Date of application: 10/12/2014)

Hiking Abstract tourism Abstract tourism Abstract tourism
Wikipedia articles can be found with the phrase: “Hiking”.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Crimean Federal University named after. V.I.Vernadsky

Discipline: Technology of tourism activities

Topic: “Walking tourism”


2nd year student

Groups No. 21-T

Popova Anna Yurievna


Senior Lecturer

Soloviev Alexey Alexandrovich



Hiking concept

Features of walking tourism

Places in Crimea for hiking

Grand Canyon




Pedestrian tourism, as one of the modern types of sports tourism, has gained great popularity and development in our time both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Walking tourism harmoniously combines physical and psycho-emotional stress, health components, both physical culture and long-term informal communication characteristic of walking tourism as a sport, develops endurance, strong-willed qualities, discipline, and the ability to work in a team. During the hike, the instructor teaches the skills of tourism techniques, the rules of coexistence with the environment and respect for it, methods of survival in extreme situations and providing first aid to victims upon receipt.

Objectives: to become familiar with the classification and features of hiking; preparation for hiking. Consider several interesting places for hiking in Crimea.

Objectives: 1) to form an idea among tourists about hiking tourism;

) introduce places for hiking tourism in Crimea.

Hiking concept

Hiking is a type of sports tourism. The main goal is for the group to cover the route on foot through slightly rough terrain.

Walking tourism is less expensive than other types. Since in this case less comfortable places for accommodation are used, this type of tourism can be afforded by citizens with a relatively low level of income. Organizing hiking trips is relatively simple. As for the complexity of the routes, the options here can be very different: excursions and weekend hikes, and more difficult category hikes.

Types and categories of hiking tours

The category of difficulty of the route is determined by the presence of local obstacles, the geographical indicator of the area, the autonomy of the route, the intensity of the route, etc. Depending on this, hikes are divided into:

weekend hikes;

hikes of 1-3 degrees of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism;

categorical hikes from 1st to 6th category of difficulty (c.s.). The first category is the simplest, not requiring special knowledge; The sixth category is the most difficult and requires special and physical training and appropriate equipment.

Fig. 1 Classification of pedestrian routes

If you're new to hiking, it's best to start with weekend hikes. This is one of the most accessible and financially self-regulating forms of training and active recreation. Here you can gain experience.

Under no circumstances should you rush to immediately overcome long routes and conquer difficult mountain passes. Such a start for you can turn into torment, not relaxation. This is why it is so important to gain experience in simpler hikes.

To begin with, try your strengths and capabilities over short distances; over time, you will have the opportunity to diversify and complicate the routes. For people suffering from any chronic diseases, consultation with the attending physician is mandatory.

To master a hiking trip of each next category of difficulty, tourists must have experience participating in hikes of the previous category

Features of walking tourism

Since a large group of tourists is quite difficult to manage, tourist groups do not exceed 12 people (minimum 6 people). Pre-trip training is often carried out, weekend hikes are organized, as well as tourist competitions. These events are aimed at ensuring that hiking participants get to know each other better, which will certainly contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the group.

Particular attention should be paid to tourists’ equipment, first aid kits, and provisions. At the same time, do not forget about the weight of the backpack. It is advisable that the backpack be as light as possible, but not at the expense of important things during the trip.

On the eve of each major hike, it is necessary to draw up all route documents, determine control dates and points along the route, and register with the control and rescue service in the area of ​​the future hike. The route and qualification commission of the tourist club can help in organizing these moments. It is also necessary to have maps with detailed diagrams and detailed descriptions of the most complex and important route sections.

The success of the trip largely depends on the organizer. The group leader must be a demanding, authoritative person who has experience participating in a hike of this category and has experience leading hikes of previous categories.

When scheduling a hiking trip, days for rest and reserve time in case of bad weather should be taken into account. In the first days of the hike, it is not recommended to plan long treks and overcome difficult areas where significant physical exertion is required (for example, mountain passes). At the same time, it is also not worth leaving them until the end of the hiking trip, because at this time fatigue begins to appear, and the level of attention and reaction decreases. The most optimal and safest time for crossing is the morning, especially in mountainous areas. In forests it is advisable to use paths, even if the travel time increases. It is also better to cross the river in the morning at low water, in the place where it branches into several branches and flows more calmly.

In general, if a hiking trip is organized properly, and when exploring the route, all participants adhere to safety precautions, then the trip will turn out to be really interesting and safe.

Places in Crimea for hiking

Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a large canyon on the Crimean peninsula. It was formed in Upper Jurassic massive (non-layered) limestones under the influence of water erosion about 1.5 - 2 million years ago at the site of a tectonic fracture. Located in the Crimean Mountains, 5 km southeast of the village. Sokoliny Bakhchisarai district of the Republic of Crimea. It is the northeastern border of the Ai-Petrinsky massif, the Boyka massif. The depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, the length is 3.5 km, the width in some places does not exceed 3 m. The absolute height of the canyon bed is about 500-600 m.

As a result of water erosion, a canyon bed was formed, which is a depression with smooth walls along the sides, with piles of blocks and boulders at the bottom, with rapids (i.e. outcrops of harder rocks), waterfalls up to 3-4 meters high and with erosion cauldrons (so-called baths) up to 2.5 meters deep, wide on both sides and up to 10 m long. In total, there are more than 150 such boilers in the canyon.

The canyon is irrigated by numerous mountain streams, streams and springs (the largest of them, Pania, has an average annual water flow of 350 liters per second), which at the exit from the gorge merge into the Auzun-Uzen River.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea has a special microclimate, formed due to its geomorphological features and location. A distinctive feature of the microclimate of the canyon is a higher level of humidity and lower temperature levels compared to the surrounding area. The vegetation here develops with a delay of 3-4 weeks, in comparison with the surrounding forests. But during the Ice Age, the well-insulated canyon became a refuge for many heat-loving plants.

While traveling through the Grand Canyon you can see the Lady's slipper orchid, which is listed in the Red Book, rare species of fern and the only area of ​​relict yew in Crimea.

For those who want to admire a beautiful view, it is best to visit this place in spring or autumn. Well, if you are a fan of extreme recreation, then welcome to May or June. You can enjoy walking along the bottom of the canyon. At this time, the river that flows along the bottom of the gorge, Auzun-Uzen, becomes full-flowing. In some places the depth reaches the height of an adult. Therefore, your hike will not seem too easy or boring to you.

Aya ́ - a cape on the southern coast of Crimea, southeast of Balaklava, a coastal protrusion 13 kilometers long. The territory is subordinate to the Balaklava district of Sevastopol. Cape Aya borders the southern coast of Crimea from the west. The name of the cape comes from the Greek word "ayos" ( Άγιος - saint, Άγια - holy).

The cape is a steep spur of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains; The cape continues to the base of Mount Kush-Kaya. The highest peak on Cape Aya is the Kokia-Kia (“blue rock”) rock with a height of 558.5 meters. To the east of the cape is Laspinskaya Bay, and beyond it is Cape Laspi; to the west there is a small bay at the foot of the Asceti and Fortress mountains, then Cape George. The rocks that make up Cape Aya are composed of Upper Jurassic marble-like limestones. The mountain slopes are covered with relict Mediterranean woodlands.

At the top of the cape there is a giant funnel, and in it there is a picturesque covering of huge stones. Stones of various colors and shades: blue, green, red, light striped and dark speckled.

The beaches of Ayia are few and difficult to access, but, nevertheless, they are very popular among vacationers. They are loved for their clean, transparent sea, amazing landscape and colorful underwater world. A passenger boat runs from Balaklava to the two closest and largest beaches - Golden and Silver - in the summer. The rest need to be reached on foot for several hours through the mountains and through the forest, or you can hire a skiff - a local sea taxi. And the legendary beach of the Lost World tract is completely unattainable from land.

One of the parts of Ayazma, popularly nicknamed Fig, is distinguished by its beautiful beaches and cozy sea bays. The old-timers explain the interesting name of this area by the fact that one of the many rocks on the territory of Fig is very similar in shape to this exotic plant. Here, vacationers at Cape Aya in Crimea can climb to the top of a mountain called Ilyas-Kala and admire the ruins of the monastery of the same name that has survived to this day. Hiking Crimea

Cape Aya is part of the State Landscape Reserve "Cape Aya"

Kara ́- Yes ́ g - mountain-volcanic massif on the territory of the Feodosia City Council of Crimea, on the shores of the Black Sea. Maximum height - 577 m (Mount Holy). The name Kara-Dag is translated from Turkish and Crimean Tatar into Russian as “black mountain”.

Kara-Dag is the remains of a volcano that was active about 150 million years ago as a manifestation of Middle Jurassic volcanism. Kara-Dag is an isolated mountain range between the valley of the Otuzka River and the Koktebel Basin, located on the shores of the Black Sea. The main parts of the Kara-Dag mountain range: the Coastal Range, stretching along the coast and the dome-shaped massif of the Holy Mountain, located inland. The coastal ridge consists in turn of the Karagach, Khoba-Tepe, Magnitny and Kok-Kaya ridges. On the northwestern slope of the Holy Mountain there is another peak - Small Karadag. Of great interest are the bizarre coastal rock formations, including the rocks of Shaitan-kapu (Devil's, or Golden Gate), Devil's Finger, Ivan the Robber, Lion, etc.

Interesting Facts:

Previously, the Golden Gate was called Sheitan-Kapu (Crimean Catholicate. şeytan qapu - damn gate). It was believed that somewhere there, among the rocks, there was an entrance to the underworld. Currently, the rock is perceived only positively, which is reflected in the modern name Golden Gate. When the sun sets and you get a good angle, they look just like gold... Passing through the arch of the Golden Gate on a small boat promises the fulfillment of your deepest desire. The bottom is strewn with coins - which tourists willingly throw.

There is a legend about a certain “Karadag monster” living in the sea at the foot of the massif

Scientists tried for a very long time to find the crater of the volcano, but without finding it, they came to the conclusion that it does not exist, or rather there are many of them. This is a group volcano.


Considering the natural resources of Crimea, I came to the conclusion that, due to its uniqueness and uniqueness, the natural potential for the development of tourism in our lands is very high. Mountains, canyons, lost worlds with their unique microclimate, fauna and flora - all this contributes to the development of hiking tourism.

But when going on a hike, a tourist must carefully think through his route, the necessary equipment, understand the technique of overcoming obstacles and sensibly assess his strength.

Walking tourism is an excellent way to travel at minimal cost, which brings a lot of positive emotions and impressions, and also brings people together.


Popchikovsky V. Yu. Organization and conduct of tourist trips - M: Profizdat, 1987.

Grand Canyon of Crimea [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org /wiki/Grand_Canyon_(Crimea). (Access date: 10/12/2014)

Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Aya. (Access date: 10/12/2014)

Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara-Dag. (Access date: 10/12/2014)

Features of pedestrian tourism [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.technostartravel.com/o-peshehodnom-turizme/osobennosti-peshexodnogo.html. (Access date: 10/12/2014)

Walking tourism is a type of sports tourism. Trekking (that’s what this type of tourism is called in English) is a hiking trip over rough terrain, and its participants are untrained people (tourists). Pedestrian tourism is preferred by lovers of active recreation, as it can bring a lot of vivid impressions to their tourist life.

In addition, hiking tourism has significant freedom in choosing routes, which, undoubtedly, can be attributed to its advantages. And if the route you have chosen also contains many different natural obstacles, then hiking can become combined and turn into, for example, pedestrian-water or mountain-pedestrian.

Walking tourism is less expensive than other types. Since in this case less comfortable places for accommodation are used, this type of tourism can be afforded by citizens with a relatively low level of income. Organizing hiking trips is relatively simple. As for the complexity of the routes, the options here can be very different: excursions and weekend hikes, and more difficult definitive hikes.

Since a large group of tourists is quite difficult to manage, tourist groups do not exceed 12 people (minimum 6 people). Pre-trip training is often carried out, weekend hikes are organized, as well as tourist competitions. These events are aimed at ensuring that hiking participants get to know each other better, which will certainly contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the group.

Particular attention should be paid to tourists’ equipment, first aid kits, and provisions. At the same time, do not forget about the weight of the backpack, because you will have to carry it over your shoulders. It is advisable that the backpack be as light as possible, but not at the expense of important things during the trip.

On the eve of each major hike, it is necessary to draw up all route documents, determine control dates and points along the route, and register with the control and rescue service in the area of ​​the future hike. The route and qualification commission of the tourist club can help in organizing these moments. It is also necessary to have maps with detailed diagrams and detailed descriptions of the most complex and important route sections.

It is no secret that the success of a trip largely depends on the organizer. The role of the organizer, of course, should be an authoritative, demanding person who has experience in participating in more complex tourist trips.

When scheduling a hiking trip, days for rest and reserve time in case of bad weather should be taken into account. In the first days of the hike, it is not recommended to plan long treks and overcome difficult areas where significant physical exertion is required (for example, mountain passes). At the same time, it is also not worth leaving them until the end of the hiking trip, because at this time fatigue begins to appear, and the level of attention and reaction decreases. The most optimal and safest time for crossing is the morning, especially in mountainous areas. In forests it is advisable to use paths, even if the travel time increases. It is also better to cross the river in the morning at low water, in the place where it branches into several branches and flows more calmly.

In general, if a hiking trip is organized properly, and when exploring the route, all participants adhere to safety precautions, then the trip will turn out to be really interesting and safe.

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