Home international passport What castles are there in Belarus? Medieval castles, fortresses and estates of Belarus

What castles are there in Belarus? Medieval castles, fortresses and estates of Belarus

Mistakenly, under the influence of books and films, many of us think that ancient castles can only be seen in Western Europe, but ancient castle buildings with a fascinating history can also be found in such a Slavic country as Belarus. And although many of them were destroyed over the past centuries, those that have survived are undoubtedly of considerable interest to both tourists and historians. After all, they reveal many secrets in the history of Belarus.

Today, on its territory there are more than a dozen ancient castle complexes.

Mir Castle

Thus, the most famous castle in Belarus is the medieval monument Mir Castle. It is located in the village of the Grodno region - Miru. Built in the 16th century as a defensive fortress, the Mir castle complex had four towers 25 meters high, two rows of loopholes that provided all-round fire and a defensive ditch, over which a suspension bridge was thrown, connecting it with the rest of the territory. There were rumors that it was connected by an underground passage to Nesvizh, but they were not confirmed. Although the underground of this structure is really huge - significantly larger in area than its above-ground part.

Today this ancient castle complex of Belarus is under state protection.

Nesvizh Castle

The Nesvizh castle complex, which is located in the Minsk region, in the city of Nesvizh, is also very popular among tourists. It was built by the Radziwill princes in the 16th century and for a long time was both the residence of the Radziwills and their fortress.

The Nesvizh castle complex withstood the siege of Russian troops, but could not resist the onslaught of the Swedes and was captured during the Northern War in the 18th century. The Swedes turned it into their military bastion, but the structure was badly damaged. In 1792, the castle in Nesvizh was captured by a Russian detachment, and in 1860 it was again returned to the Radziwills. In 1993, the Belarusian Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve was created on its territory, and in 2011 its large-scale restoration was completed.

Today the Nesvizh palace and castle complex, surrounded by beautiful gardens - English, Japanese and Castle, is included in the UNESCO List.

Grodno Castle

This ancient Belarusian castle complex was built back in the 11th century as the first defensive structure of Belarus. True, in the Middle Ages it was almost completely destroyed by the crusaders. But in the middle of the 18th century, a new castle building appeared on it, which became the royal barracks in the 19th century. Today, the Old Grodno Castle houses the main exhibition of the local historical and archaeological museum, and the New Castle houses part of the museum’s exhibition and the regional library named after E. Karsky. A major reconstruction of the complex is planned.

Lida Castle

Located in the Grodno region of Belarus, another ancient castle, which became a unique monument of defensive architecture of the 14th century, is Lida. It is located in the city of Lida, which is one hundred kilometers from the regional center.

Its construction was started on a sandy hill, rising between the banks of the Lideya and Kamenka rivers, by the Lithuanian prince Gedemin in 1323.

Over its centuries-old history, it withstood many battles and sieges, but in the 18th century it lost its strategic purpose and began to collapse. Moreover, in 1891, when the central part of the city was badly damaged by fire, the stones of the castle buildings were used to restore the city buildings of Lida. The conservation of the castle complex lasted for more than 60 years, and its restoration took place over the last 20 years. Today it is the venue for theatrical performances, knightly tournaments and festivals. Is under state protection.

Golshansky Castle

Golshansky Castle, which belonged to the princely family of Sapieha, was also erected as a powerful defensive structure in the 17th century. At the same time, it served as the residence of eminent representatives of the family. Unfortunately, it did not stand the test of time, and only a third of the castle buildings have survived to this day. Interestingly, local residents call this place “black” and claim that the ghost of a black monk wanders in the surviving ruins. According to another legend, the ghost of a young beauty, walled up in the castle walls, lives here.

Undoubtedly, this place is the most mysterious castle building in Belarus.

Krevsky Castle

Thanks to many legends, the Krevo Castle in the village of Krevo is also attractive to tourists. Unfortunately, today only ruins remain of this oldest Belarusian castle structure, created at the beginning of the 14th century. Although at the time of construction it was the first castle in the country built entirely of stone. The thickness of its powerful walls was 2.5 meters, and the height was from 12 to 13 meters. It had two high watchtowers.

The history of this place is also interesting, because it was here, in 1385, that the famous Union of Krevo was signed here between Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Today, only fragments of walls and towers have survived from the former power of the structure, which withstood sieges by Tatar and Moscow troops.

Pishchalovsky Castle

However, Belarusian castle structures often served not only a defensive function. Thus, Pishchalovsky Castle, in the center of the capital of Belarus, is also called the “Belarusian Bastille”, because this ancient building, erected in 1825, was used as a prison throughout its history. And today there is a pre-trial detention center here.

The castles of Belarus, which are visited by tourists, are very easy to find on the map so that, for example, you can go there on a self-guided tour. Personally, it was more convenient for me to do this in a rented car in Minsk. Therefore, having drawn up a rough route, I set off on an exciting trip into the historical past.

Belarus is an amazing country with ancient castles towering on its land, striking with their exclusive architectural beauty.

Numerous wars, which at different times took place on the territory of modern Belarus, had a very serious and significant impact on urban planning. To protect residents and their homes, special defensive structures were required: towers, fortresses, castles.

The predecessors of the first castles were fortifications: Slavic defensive fortifications.

The first stone fortifications began to appear in the 13th century. Medieval castles were built in places convenient for defense: “mountain” in the hills and “valley” in the lowlands.

It has been standing in the west of Belarus for more than 700 years - one of the very first representatives of such massive structures.

Such stone giants became widespread in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Then the construction of castles and fortified temples-fortresses began, such as, for example, the church of the revered St. Archangel Michael in Synkovichi.

According to one of the existing legends, it was founded by the Lithuanian prince Vytautas, who in these places managed to successfully hide from the persecution of his brother and enemy Jagiello.

Today this active church is widely known to everyone, thanks to the miraculous icon stored in it, dedicated to the Mother of God “The Tsarina of All”. This face was painted on the holy Greek Mount Athos and has amazing healing powers. This is evidenced by the gold and silver jewelry that people praying for health left here in gratitude for their healing. Read all the details in.

Lev Sapega - founder of the Ruzhany Palace

Ruins in Ruzhany

At the very end of the 16th century, in the small Belarusian town of Ruzhany, the famous Lithuanian figure Lev Sapieha began large-scale construction of his castle, in which he skillfully combined the features of a defensive structure and the splendor of the palace. In this estate he received important guests: the King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the King of Poland...

In the huge halls of the palace they not only drank, ate and danced, but also provided food for the mind. The magnificent, versatile palace library consisted of 3 thousand volumes, which for that time was unusual and very large.

But the main pride of Ruzhany was the court theater of 60 artists and 40 musicians. The theater building itself, the only one in Europe, had an original plan, which made it possible to change the stage scenery several times during one performance.

Unfortunately, over the years, as a result of all the wars, the luxurious palace was destroyed and only now work has begun to restore this castle in Belarus. But part of the complex is already ready and welcoming guests. See all details.

Ruins in Golshany

There are many ancient castles in Belarus. Some are partially preserved, while others are only ruins. There is, for example, the Golshansky Sapega Castle. According to legend, the owner of the castle decided to build a monastery on the territory of his property and hired builders for this. Three walls of the building were built, but the fourth was constantly being destroyed.

And then the builders swore that they would wall up the very first woman who appeared near the construction site into this unruly wall. The young mason's wife came first - she brought her husband lunch. Local residents still say that they see the ghost of a girl near the castle walls.

Kings without a crown - the life of the Radziwill Family

Mir Castle - a “modest dacha” that evokes the admiration of kings

The exact date of the start of construction of another monument of our architecture is unknown: Mir Castle. Yuri Ilyinich laid the foundation for the construction, and the Radziwills continued it.

According to legend, two castles - Nesvizh and Mir - are connected by a wide underground road, along which you can get from one castle to another in an hour by horse-drawn carriage.

At the invitation of one of the Radziwills, Pane Kohanka, about whose eccentricities there are many rumors, the King of Poland Stanislav Augustus visited the Mir Castle. Arriving at the castle, he looked with delight and admiration at the rich decoration of the numerous palace halls.

After the Radziwills, the castle was owned by Prince Nikolai Svyatopolk-Mirsky. He decided to completely change the appearance of his new possessions. On the site of a blooming garden, he ordered a pond to be dug, for which, according to legend, he was cursed by a local witch.

Read a detailed story about the Mir Castle in Belarus and its fortress labyrinths in.

Kossovo - the castle of dreams and dreams

Another Belarusian pearl is located in. “Knightly Dreams” - this is how the palace of the Puslovsky counts was called for its fantastic beauty and incomparable luxury.

The architecture of the palace estate is unique. Its 12 towers tell the story of the 12 months of the year, the castle has many delightful halls, and each has a unique purpose and its own name.

So, in the Pink Hall, the owner’s family and his guests listened to music; only men were allowed into the Black Hall, because cards were played there. And they danced in the White Hall. It was noisy, fun, the air was filled with flirtation and love.

And in the Main Hall, under the transparent glass floor, important and eminent guests were surprised by live swimming fish. According to legend, a lion lived in the castle. The owners let him out of his cage at night so that he could take a quiet walk, stretch his paws and, if something happened, protect the house from thieves.

There was a “musical wall” in the palace; if you touched it, you could hear a response sound in all rooms. Now the castle is being restored, its reconstruction is being carried out by professionals. But even the already restored part and ruins attract attention with their grandeur.

By 2018, the castle will be restored to its former, breathtaking beauty, and it will solemnly and hospitably open its artfully decorated, beautiful doors to you.

Fortress in Brest

Of course, it is impossible to bypass another fortification of Belarus, which became more famous in history already in the 20th century. We are talking about the legendary Brest Fortress.

The beginning of its creation dates back to the first half of the 19th century. It was then that the small city of Brest-Litovsk became part of the Russian state, and like any border point it needed a protective structure.

Perhaps the fortress in Brest would not have become so famous today. But the Second World War glorified this place with the feat of Soviet soldiers who steadfastly and courageously held the defense, not giving up until their death.

Read a detailed story about the Brest Fortress in.

Tourist Belarus is waiting for you to visit

Visit the castles of Belarus. Here, with the help of knowledgeable and loving guides or more versatile audio guides, you can touch the past, imagine what people did then, what they dreamed about. Imagine how ladies in luxurious dresses danced the Allemande or Minuet at luxurious balls. And elegant gentlemen gave them flowers and declared their love.

And after a year or two, one of them became your great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother. And you are now touching objects that they touched. All this is quite possible. Take the same exciting journey as I did through the wonderful places of the country of Belarus, covered in the secrets of the past! You won't regret it - I promise!

And in order to make it easier for you to navigate the space, I have collected all these castles of Belarus on the map. Next to each of them there is a name and photo, and a detailed description can be found by following the link provided there.

In Belarus, in any city, there is a huge number of different housing options. It’s very easy to rent an apartment or room on the service, or book a hotel through the service.

The map below shows other sights of Belarus that I was able to visit. You can see more about this.

The treasures of the powerful Radziwill magnates, which are still kept in northern Paris to this day, the village of Golshany, along with the Bermuda Triangle, included in the encyclopedia of mysterious places on the planet, a huge number of secrets and legends - you can learn about all this by going on an exciting journey through Belarus.

Castle Country

The Belarusian lands, through which the largest trade routes passed, were often attacked, since there were many who wanted to take possession of this territory. This was the reason for the appearance of a large number of defensive structures here. That is why in the Middle Ages Belarus was called the country of castles.

The predecessors of castles were fortifications. The appearance of isolated stone fortifications in the 13th century turned into the massive construction of stone castles along the border by the 14th-15th centuries.

Castles in Belarus are shrouded in mystery and have enormous historical and architectural significance, along with many other European historical monuments.

Mir Castle

One of such monuments is the Mir Castle (Mir) in Belarus. It is located in The earliest buildings of this masterpiece of defensive architecture date back to the 16th century. The castle was founded by Prince Illinich, and in 1568, by coincidence, passed to Nicholas Radziwill, who completed it in the Renaissance style. This wealthy Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian family owned the Mir Castle until 1891.

Despite its monumentality and power, the castle does not look intimidating, although it was built as a defensive structure, like all castles in Belarus. The structure was a square, one side of which was 75 meters, and the width of the walls reached three meters at the base. The height of the walls was 10 meters, and the towers with loopholes reached 25 meters.

The castle, striking in its elegance, is surrounded by a nine-meter-high earthen rampart. A ditch was dug around the shaft, filled with water thanks to the Miranka River and a new pond.

The princely chambers were located on the third floor of the castle, built in the courtyard. The second floor was reserved for footmen and administration, while the first floor was used as a food warehouse and armory.

Today Mir Castle, where restoration is actively taking place, is a museum. It is called the “Mir Castle Complex” and is open to visitors.

in Belarus

Another possession of the Radziwill princes was Nesvizh Castle. According to one of the legends, a tunnel was built between it and the Mir Castle, about 30 kilometers long and such that a carriage drawn by three could easily pass through it. But to date there is no confirmation of this.

The foundation of Nesvizh Castle was laid in 1583. Due to numerous reconstructions, the palace combines many architectural styles: neo-Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, Rococo, Classicism.

Due to the anti-Russian position of the owner of the castle in 1764 -1768, Nesvizh was occupied by Russian troops. The library, archive and all valuables were confiscated and taken to St. Petersburg.

The Radziwills finally left the castle in 1939, when the Red Army entered Nesvizh. After World War II, the park and palace complex fell into disrepair.

Restoration work that began in 2004 brought this magnificent castle back to life. Nesvizh in Belarus was recognized as the cultural capital, and the palace and park complex was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The largest landscape park in Europe, founded in the 19th century, decorative lakes, shady alleys and the palace ensemble made this place very popular among tourists.

Brest Castle

Belarus became famous throughout the world for the staunchness of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, located in the south, near the border with Poland. Brest itself has a history of almost a thousand years. The geographical location became the reason for numerous wars that took place on this land. Brest Castle survived many sieges and was eventually almost completely destroyed. Some of its bastions were used in the construction of the fortress of the same name.

The photo above shows the Kholm Gate of the Brest Fortress.

Historians and archaeological groups are working to find the remains of the castle itself. As a result of excavations at the Volyn fortification, a supporting wall of a bastion built in the 16th or 17th centuries was found. Archaeologists still hope to discover the very residence of the rulers of those times.

Legends of Golshansky Castle

In the small town of Golshany there are the ruins of a once majestic palace that belonged to the noble Sapega family. Its outlines are similar to Mir Castle. The architectural complex, which is a striking representative of the work of Dutch architects, was built by Pavel Sapieha in 1610. Today, only ruins remain of its former grandeur. Severe destruction occurred during the last two wars.

Nevertheless, it is very popular among tourists. Many are attracted by the aura of mystery and numerous legends that have survived to this day.

According to one of them, in the ruins of a mill located at the very beginning of the town, at night you can hear the creaking of millstones, the neighing of horses and the voice of the main miller. How true this is, you can check for yourself by visiting Holstan Castle.

Bykhov Fortress

In the city of Bykhov there is the only fortress in Belarus that has survived to this day. The first mentions of it date back to the 14th century. It was then that the first fortifications appeared. Bykhov, surrounded by a rampart with bastions and a deep ditch, was famous for its inaccessibility. The castle itself was built in the 17th century under Jan Karol Hadkiewicz, who used it as a country residence on the right bank of the Dnieper River. In 1619, the construction of the castle was completely completed.

Since then, he has survived many military battles. Peter the Great besieged the Bykhov fortress twice. At the beginning of the 18th century, the castle fell under the onslaught of the Russian Tsar. Having become part of the Russian Empire, Bykhov lost its strategic purpose, turning, like many castles in Belarus, into a historical architectural monument.

Today, only minor fragments remain of its former grandeur. The regional leadership has developed a plan for the restoration of a unique architectural structure; the costs of restoration will be borne not only by the local, but also by the republican budgets. For now, only the ruins of the great Sapega Castle are visible to travelers.

Castles in Belarus reveal to tourists the eventful historical past of the people of this country, whose spirit was not broken by numerous wars and troubles. The preservation and restoration of the castles of Belarus is evidence that the peaceful and freedom-loving Belarusian people remember the history of their ancestors.

Belarus is a country close to Russia: both geographically and culturally. Recently, Russians have shown great interest in the historical heritage of the neighboring state and are increasingly choosing Belarus for vacation. In some cases, it can even become an alternative to European destinations. For example, when it comes to castles - with majestic towers, legends and original architecture.

Films and books have created a persistent stereotype: castles can only be seen in Western Europe. But very close, in Belarus, there are a lot of similar buildings, and many castles are under UNESCO protection.

Belarusian castles were actively erected in the XIII-XVII centuries in the lowlands and on the hills, as fortresses and as palaces. There were a great many of them - more than a hundred. Some survived and came to us in good condition, others left behind ruins, and others were completely lost. Castles of Belarus are located in different parts of the country, but their best preservation is in Gomel, Grodno, Nesvizh.

Such a rich heritage came to Belarus mainly from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and is concentrated on the western borders - where the battles for Slavic territories took place. The former possessions of the magnates of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Principality of Lithuania began to be restored only a few years ago.

Nesvizh Castle

The most famous palace and castle complex in Belarus is located in Nesvizh, 112 kilometers from Minsk, in the northeast of the city of Nesvizh. It has been preserved in excellent condition, thanks in part to careful restoration. In addition, the castle was almost not damaged during the war.

The history of Nesvizh Castle dates back to the 16th century, when it was rebuilt from a wooden structure into a monumental stone one. The founding date is considered to be 1583. Nesvizh Castle figured in many historical events: it withstood sieges by Russian troops, was captured by the Swedes during the events of the Northern War and served as the residence of the Radziwills.

Nesvizh Castle.

Today, the main object to be visited in the castle is the Golden Hall with 6-meter-high ceilings, marble fireplaces and parquet floors made of rare trees. The interior is well preserved: family coats of arms, Empire style furniture, luxurious chandeliers. You can also admire the chambers of the former owners. In addition to the palace, the arsenal and galleries are open to the public, in which Belarusian museums organize exhibitions.

Nesvizh Castle offers a rare opportunity to stay overnight on the territory of the palace complex. It offers tourists comfortable rooms and beautiful views from the windows of the castle courtyard or park.

More details:

Mir Castle

In the town of Mir (Korelichsky district, Grodno region), 90 kilometers southwest of Minsk, is the pearl of Belarus - Mir Castle. Its construction began in the 16th century, and the history of the structure can undoubtedly be called eventful. The castle passed from one family to another, participated in all the wars that ever affected the Belarusian lands, fell into decline and was reborn.

Mir Castle is not only a rare example of Belarusian Gothic, but also the most eastern building designed in this architectural style. In addition to its external beauty, the complex has become famous for its mystical legends that attract tourists.

Mir Castle.

In Mir you can see the castle itself, a landscape park, a church tomb, and service premises. The museum's exposition is a rich collection of tapestries, weapons and furniture. It should be noted that the Mir Castle serves as a branch of the Art Museum of Belarus, so the collection has an extensive museum exhibition. It is divided thematically and is dedicated to the Jewish genocide, the square of the city of Mira and artifacts found in local churches.

In the Mir Castle, as in Nesvizh, there is a hotel with rooms of the “Lux” and “Comfort” categories.

Grodno Castle

In Grodno (270 kilometers from Minsk) stands the Grodno Castle - a majestic structure on the banks of the Neman River, which has reached us in excellent condition. Since the 11th century, it has experienced destruction and restoration, so the architecture has mixed styles from different eras. It passed from the princes of Kievan Rus to the Lithuanian princes, and then suffered from the raids of the Mongols and fell into the hands of the Poles. By the middle of the 18th century, another castle was built nearby, calling it New.

The old castle includes an exhibition of the Historical and Archaeological Museum. Here you can see a collection of archaeological finds, and on Castle Hill there are archaeological excavations with the ruins of a church. The New Castle has a weapons exhibition and a collection dedicated to the history of the castle.

Lida Castle

In the city of Lida, 170 kilometers from Minsk, the Lida Castle is located. In history, it performed a special function, being located on the border with Lithuania. Construction of the castle began in the 14th century by order of Prince Gediminas. In subsequent years, it repeatedly suffered from raids by the Crimean Tatars and the armies of neighboring principalities, and was destroyed by Swedish troops during the Northern War.

Since the 80s, restoration of the premises has been carried out, some parts of the fortress walls are being rebuilt. Although many tourists and experts are not delighted with the results (they believe that the castle is becoming like a remake), they promise to correct the shortcomings over time. Today, the castle hosts knightly tournaments, photo exhibitions and thematic excursions to the exhibitions “Weapons and Armor of the Principality of Lithuania” and “Medieval European Instruments of Torture.”

Kamenets Castle

Now it’s hard to believe that there was a castle in the city of Kamenets (Brest region, 167 km from Minsk), but this is true. True, the wooden structure disappeared during restoration in 1903. Only the Kamenets Tower remained - in the past it withstood the assaults of the Poles and the raids of the Lithuanians. Today, a branch of the Brest Regional Museum operates inside the tower. It stores artifacts found at the site of the Kamenets Castle and during excavations in different parts of the city.

Novogrudok Castle

In the city of Novogrudok (Grodno region, 149 km from Minsk), only ruins remained of the castle - fragments of walls and a foundation. The medieval monument existed from the 11th to the 17th centuries, consisted of several towers and successfully resisted enemy attacks. Only in 1706 was it blown up by the Swedes. Annual knightly festivals are held on the territory of the former castle.

Kossovo Castle

In Kossovo (227 km from Minsk, Brest region) one of the youngest castles in the country stands in good condition. It was founded only in 1838 and consisted of 132 rooms. Interestingly, all 12 towers of the castle symbolized each month of the year, and the owners kept a lion inside - another common legend about the castle. Now a long-term restoration of the castle’s structures is underway: the layout will be restored, a museum, a restaurant and a hotel will be opened.

Lyubcha Castle

In the city of Lyubcha (Grodno region, 149 km from Minsk), the castle has been partially preserved. The date of its foundation is 1581. Over its long history, the castle belonged to the nobleman Jan Kiszka, the Radziwills and many other owners. And at the end of the 17th century it lost its significance, having suffered from the troops of Hetman Zolotenko. Today, volunteers are restoring the ancient towers and turning the castle into a monument of world significance. There are no organized excursions yet - you will have to explore the territory on your own.


Ruins also remain of the castle in Ruzhany (140 km from Brest, 230 km from Minsk). The former residence of the Sapieha family was rebuilt several times, eventually turning into a fortress with the features of a palace. Huge cellars served to store the state treasury of the Principality of Lithuania, and the beauty of the palace could compete with Versailles. Due to the Northern War and civil strife, it was half destroyed and plundered.

Today Ruzhany Castle is partially open to the public and partially closed for restoration. There is a museum inside with authentic interior items. Of the already restored parts, the wings and gates deserve attention.

Ruins of the castle in Ruzhany.

Hospitable Belarus is ready to offer tourists various recreational opportunities. And visiting castles will give unforgettable emotions to anyone interested in history. For its part, Belarus is taking confident steps towards restoring its attractions and improving infrastructure.

For a long time, the Belarusian palace and castle complexes were in decline, and only recently local authorities are trying to restore them to their former greatness, but they are being restored by volunteers, without government assistance.

Below you can see a short overview of the most beautiful castles and palaces in Belarus.

The most beautiful castles of Belarus in a 2-minute video

Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh Castle. Photo from Fotobel.by

The Nesvizh palace and castle complex, built back in the 16th century by the Radziwills, has a long history of wars and destruction. It burned and was restored several times, and recently appeared before tourists finally restored in all its glory.

The castle is UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also worth a visit because it is only two hours away from.

Various music evenings are actively held on the territory of the Radziwill Castle at different times of the year. You can have a picnic in nature, swim, ride a bicycle or ride a carriage through its parks: Japanese, English, Mary's and others.

You can stroll through its gardens in winter, or sit on a bench on sultry summer evenings, admire the picturesque views of the river and pond with swans, and swim on a real boat.

Mir Castle

In the town of Mir, Grodno region, there is a castle of the same name. It can be seen from a distance by turning and driving a few kilometers from the M1 Moscow-Brest highway.

But even if you come for a short time, a few hours is enough to stroll through the ancient park and take a boat to the island in the middle of a picturesque pond.

Official website of Mir Castle: mirzamak.by

Book a tour of the castles of Belarus:

Krevsky Castle

The history of Krevsky Castle is no less rich. This is where it was signed the legendary Union of Krevo, which united the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Poland. There are many legends around this castle, which tell about a beautiful girl imprisoned within the walls of the castle, and about a secret tunnel leading to the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius.

Also, various events are constantly held on its territory, mainly on folklore themes. The Krevsky Castle itself was built by Prince Gediminas from red brick and stone. Unfortunately, to this day, only a few sections of the walls and part of the Prince’s Tower have survived from the former palace. But you can come here in the summer with a tent and have a wonderful rest, enjoying the beauty of this place.

Official website of the Krevo Castle and the city of Krevo: krevo.by

Palace in Ruzhany

Another intriguing corner of Belarus is the palace complex in the town of Ruzhany (Belarusians often call it their Versailles), which once belonged to the Sapieha dynasty.

To this day, the main and eastern buildings, as well as the gates and side wings, have been preserved. The annual festival “Ruzhanskaya Brama” takes place on the territory of the palace complex, attracting thousands of guests not only from Belarus, but also from all over Europe.

Official website of the palace in Ruzhany: ruzhany.museum.by

Lyubcha Castle

In the outback of Belarus, on the banks of the Neman, 150 km from Minsk is located. This place is worth visiting for an inquisitive tourist who is interested in the history of Belarus and loves picturesque landscapes: near the village of Lyubcha they are really worthwhile. Here you can fish and swim, enjoy sunsets on the banks of the Neman.

The castle itself was built in the second half of the 16th century, but was repeatedly destroyed and changed its owners. In 1964, a local history museum was organized at the school that occupied the palace building. At the moment, only two towers of the Lyubcha Castle have been preserved; they are being reconstructed by volunteers.

Official website of Lubcha Castle: lubcza.by

Lida Castle

Very interesting in architectural terms is (aka Kossovo Castle), which was built at his own expense in 1838 by voivode Kazimir Puslovsky, but later his grandson lost the palace at cards.

Initially the palace had 132 rooms: Every year for two and a half days the sun illuminates one room completely. And each of the 12 towers of the castle symbolizes a month of the year.

There are many legends associated with Kossovo Castle. The most common is the presence of an underground wide tunnel between the palace and the Sapieha residence in Ruzhany.

From 2008 to 2017, restoration of the castle was carried out. All rooms and gardens nearby have been restored. Note to tourists: next to the Kossovo Castle, on the shore of a picturesque lake, you can visit the house-museum of Tadeusz Kościuszko, a famous figure of his time.

Other castles in Belarus

There are many other castles in the country. The Old and New Castles in the city deserve special mention.

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